The party of God and Christ

The Republican party is walking dead, in the same way the lamestream media are walking dead.

If you look at measures of engagement, the lamestream media have absolutely insignificant engagement compared to the major media figures of the alt right, and major alt media figures who frequently interview major media figures of the alt right.

And now the lamestream Republican party is showing similar symptoms.

Of course, reactionaries and the Dark Enlightenment also have very low engagement levels, compared to major media figures of the alt right, but direct mass engagement was never one of our goals. We aim to influence the influencers, and in this we are succeeding.

Trump united the alt right with lamestream right when he was running for power in 2016, but as soon as he achieved power, cut the alt right out, as dangerously radioactive. He was probably right to think our dangerous radioactivity would have caused him problems, but cutting us out was a huge mistake, for it meant his apparatus was full of enemies and traitors, which bit him hard.

And now the lamestream right, like the lamestream media, is quietly fading out of existence, but, like the lamestream media, has not realized it yet.

Doug Mastriano is running in the Republican primary for governor of Pennsylvania. He will probably win, and if he wins the Republican nomination for governor, he would surely win the governorship in the unlikely event that a free and fair election were to take place.

Trump has not yet endorsed Doug, and were he to endorse him, I am sure all his lamestream political consultants would wet their pants in fear and horror. If Trump endorses Doug, Trump will be decisively breaking with the grave strategic error he made in 2016.

The interesting and important thing about Doug’s website is that the word “Republican” nowhere appears on the landing page. The word “God” does however appear near the top.

On his landing page he presents the identity that he expects to get people to vote for him. And “Republican” is not part of that identity. People just do not care about the Republican party any more. They are not running for the Republican party. They are running for God, Country, and Freedom.

When I see people striving for office against lamestream Republicans, their identity as individuals and as an organized movement is not “Republican” but Christian.

These people are not the Republican party. They are the party of God and Christ. And they are not the God and Judeo Christ party either.

Are they alt right? Well the alt right is so radioactive that they maintain a studied ambiguity on the issue, but Democrats think that they are, and I think that most of them are. Are they reactionary and/or Dark Enlightenment? They are not, but we have their ear.

Will they win power? Chances are that all they will achieve is to demonstrate that the only path forward is through Caesar (the Republic died in the early hours of 2020 November the fourth) but if that is the case, and I have some bets riding that it is the case, needs demonstration. I had expected that the Democrats would have demonstrated that for us by now, but I was wrong. Election time will likely clarify.

638 Responses to “The party of God and Christ”

  1. The Word Was Sent For Man says:

    [*deleted on suspicion of heresy*]

    • jim says:

      I affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

      Can you affirm that in those words, or your own words of similar meaning?

    • Beginners Guide To Eternity says:

      [*deleted for strange inability to say the words of the faith*]

    • Beginners Guide To Eternity says:

      [*deleted for strange inability to say the words of the faith*]

      • Jehu says:

        Here’s an old one for you, the Apostles Creed

        I believe in God, the Father almighty,
        creator of heaven and earth.

        I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
        who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
        and born of the virgin Mary.
        He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
        was crucified, died, and was buried;
        he descended to hell.
        The third day he rose again from the dead.
        He ascended to heaven
        and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
        From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

        I believe in the Holy Spirit,
        the holy catholic* church,
        the communion of saints,
        the forgiveness of sins,
        the resurrection of the body,
        and the life everlasting. Amen.

        *that is, the true Christian church of all times and all places

        • NotJehu says:

          [*deleted for strange inability to say the words of the faith*]

          • jim says:

            Christianity has had a hostile entryism problem from the beginning:

            Gospel according to John, Chapter 4:

            1. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

            2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

            3. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world

            And you cannot confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.

            You are of the spirit of the antichrist, not necessarily in the sense of being directly puppeted by demons, though you might be, but probably in the sense that your supervisor and your human resources department running the shilling operation that pays you answer to men who worship demons, though they may call those demons with the names of material things, like Global Warming or Covid. But their attitude and behavior towards these things is not the attitude or behavior one displays towards an material thing that is incapable of consciousness and intent. Those running your shilling operation are not acting, speaking, or feeling, as though these things were material things incapable of consciousness and intent, but as though these things were demons, were the old Gods of Mexico, under new names.

            I don’t know if demons are real, but demon worshippers are definitely real, and, as I have said before so many times, I am heartily sick of hearing Christianity explained to Christians by gays, Jews, demon worshippers, and gay Jewish demon worshippers.

            It looks like the Old Gods of Mexico are walking in America again, and if they are not, their worshippers definitely are.

            • Pax Imperialis says:

              I remember sperging out on your blog about Mexican gods to several dismissive commentators, or maybe just one. Memory is a bit foggy.

              It’s really apparent to anyone living in south western America that it’s being overrun by demon worshipers from the south who are in an unholy matrimony with Harvard. The thing is, I don’t think Harvard realizes those Mexican gods want to eat them alive.

              • jim says:

                Harvard thinks itself in alliance with the Old Gods. Their cartel allies know better.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  I had a conversation with several military men where I broached the idea of military confrontation with the cartels, or at the very least the necessity of enforcing the border with military force. This was with supposedly badass motha’ fuckin’ mahreen Officers… I thought they were White. One of them was blond haired and blue eyed, the other had light brown hair and green eyed. I thought they were Christian. Both attended Sunday prayer.

                  Their reaction was less than desirable. Turns out they speak perfect Spanish. They professed loyalty to and love of Mexico. They have not only practiced entryism into Christianity, they have also have also practiced entryism into “White” America.

                  Thankfully they wrote off my “tirade against Mexicans” as my heart being broken by a big booty latina, tales of my degeneracy saving me, but sooner or later my mouth is gonna get me in trouble. I can’t fucking shut it.

                  America probably won’t even be able to effectively conduct war against the cartels, let alone Russia and or China. There’s too much sympathy in the leadership not to mention the enlisted side of things. We’re (or likely just me, you seemed to have escaped GAE) are fucked. I know I should be running the fuck away from the military, but I can’t help but go down with the ship.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  ahh, I regret getting in long tirades with Red over stupid shit. I’m not a good man like some might claim. Wish he was still here posting.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  stupid shit I brought up most of the time

                • Hesiod says:

                  And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. -Mark 10:18

        • Leroy says:

          > “he descended to hell.”

          Where does sinless Jesus go to hell?

  2. Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:


    Do you know what this means boys? >:)

    Post-Script: The NRx meme-to-mainstream cycle is getting observably shorter — from a few weeks down to a few hours. (See the relevant comments below.)

    • Adam says:

      I have recently been catching up on the last years worth of podcasts by Jordan Peterson. Jim says he is a dangerous enemy and maybe he is but him and his guests have gotten much more aggressively anti-left as of late.

      Of note he had a guest on that went over Marxism as a gnostic heresy which was very much in line with our views, as well as calling Marxism a religion of envy, which I had not heard anywhere but here before.

      Him and his guests included Vivek still crimestop hard on the woman problem though, as if fertility is an impossible problem to solve and has never been solved before.

      But it is obvious especially that him and his guests are influenced by reactionary memes if not Jim’s blog itself.

      • jim says:

        One can safely dissent from Marxism, and suffer only the kind of costs that Jordan Peterson has suffered.

        The problem with Jordan Peterson is that he offers crimestop vision of masculinity – Cathedral holiness lite. It is another enemy faith, for those who are finding the increasingly evil and insane full version hard to swallow.

  3. Kunning Drueger says:

    Neurotoxin writes: “The worship of Moldbug is so out of proportion to his actual insights that it makes me feel like I’m living in some sort of weird sociological experiment on the Emperor’s New Clothes effect.”

    The comment is way down the chain. I stated that a lot of Yarvin critique feels like needlessly personal antipathy. But, I also stated that there’s very good critique out there as well, particularly from the esteemed Neuro himself.

    Here’s my midwit case for Moldbug Yarvin, the little brahmin that can’t even:

    1) his original works at UR brought a measure of light to my blinkered understanding. UR and Future Primeval absolutely rocked my world. I don’t think I’m alone in that regard. As Yarvin’s notoriety increases, more “open-minded progressives” will be forced to confront the cracks in their narrative. Net gain.

    2) as Yarvin moves closer toward widespread familiarity, or even just admission to the larger discourse, other works and thinkers will be dragged towards the Overton window in tow. Some of the 2nd (3rd? 4th?) wave Neoreactionary writers are quite good. This piece is a particular favorite of mine: (Charlemagne’s The Neoreactionary Trichotomy). Should these other writers, particularly Spandrell and MacIntyre, get wider exposure, more and more valuable men will be brought into contact with NRx doctrine. Net gain.

    3) Yarvin appearing on TV and in magazines is powerful and dangerous joo joo. It will mean more journalist priests digging into The Canon looking for grist for the mill. Not all of the attention will be positive, but more attention is, I believe, a net gain.

    4) the most important thing that could result from Yarvin’s star rising is Christian men gaining access to the Jimian works. There are a lot of potential allies out there with neither the time or inclination or predilection for Jim Blog, but that’s a good problem to have. Yarvin and NRx doctrine needs to trickle down and filter through. MacIntyre stated that NRx isn’t so much an ideology as it is a lens, or rhetorical framework, for interpreting causal relationships.

    Look, I am not economically inclined. Yarvin’s positions on the financial system could be hogwash. Neurotoxin and Jim and others seem to think so, and I am willing to trust my betters on things above my head. Nonetheless, I still think Yarvin getting closer to a tributary of the mainstream is a net gain. I think his new stuff has some value, but a lot of it is just rehashing old work or pointless poetry shit. All things considered, I think it’s a good sign that he’s infiltrating the discourse.

    • jim says:

      > as Yarvin moves closer toward widespread familiarity, or even just admission to the larger discourse, other works and thinkers will be dragged towards the Overton window in tow.

      The “larger discourse” is getting smaller. The real discourse is happening in the alt media, which is getting bigger. And if the price of admission to the “larger discourse” is the price that Namefag Yarvin is paying, that price is far too high.

      I am very happy with the amount of influence and power we are achieving.

      Normies are tuning out the mainstream media, tuning in to the alt media, and our memes are penetrating the alt media. For example Timcast and Torba recently came out against free speech. Can rejection of the republic be far behind?

      • Karl says:

        I doubt he paid that price merely for admission to “larger media”. For the price he paid, he was also not beaten up, nobody torched his home or his car (as far as I know).

        Real discourse is happening either anonymously or in secret because for a reason.

      • The Cominator says:

        Link to Tim rejecting free speech (for right wing reasons I hope… Tim was not all that long ago a Bernie bro).

        • jim says:

          Cannot give you a link, but it was in his talk on Netflix. Netflix recently announced a free speech policy, to resist efforts to deplatorm anyone who makes sufficient concessions to what the viewer wants to prevent Netflix from going down the tubes as so other many converged media companies are doing Convergence has been costing Netflix serious numbers of viewers. Tim praised them for doing this, but simultaneous criticized the policy, because Netscape applies it to stuff like Cuties, which he did not think should be permitted. He gave some politically correct reasons for making the distinction, but also some politically incorrect reasons for making the distinction. Not the full bore reactionary position on speech, but definitely in the same room. Bottom line: We should be allowed to speak, but some of their stuff is unacceptable.

          Tim is, of course, a namefag. His position on the steal is that it has not been proven. And to make sure it has not been proven, he claims to have not watched “2000”: mules – because he knew full well that if he had watched two thousand mules, he would have to lie about what is in it, or risk get beaten up, arrested, or killed. So he is not going to flat out echo our memes. But I am pretty sure, watching him explain his netfix position, that we are in his ear.

    • alf says:

      Perhaps Neurotoxin’s red pill journey did not involve Moldbug. It did for me, heavily so. I feel it’s good to respect your intellectual godfathers.

      But yeah, I’ve given my opinion on current year Yarvin. He’s doing his thing being non-controversial in which I wish him the best. I don’t think we’re getting much cross-over from his exposure — I’ve never caught him namedropping NRx figures like Spandrell, let alone Jim. But again, at this point I don’t expect him to.

      If Pooch sees value in what Yarvin says, good on him, if Neuro doesn’t, good on him.

    • Skippy says:

      1. Even in his prime and under a pseudonym Yarvin never touched biology.

      2. Yarvin remains in the SF/ultra-prog social sphere.

      3. Yarvin isn’t a Christian (this is incidental because it’s not an essential part of right-oppositionism but since you use the word).

      Yarvin is too close to the state. If he had moved to Vietnam, OK. When he turns up in Colorado dating a feminist BDSM advocate and shilling COVID and the silver squeeze that never was and going on TV and suddenly wealthy somehow I start to wonder what is up.

      • Skippy says:

        Yarvin’s stance fundamentally isn’t the stance of this blog.

        The stance of this blog is throne and altar, to which societies are pushed by the necessities of the physical laws and human nature.

        The stance of Yarvin was for throne alone, sustained by pure force enabled by technology. An outcome for which he makes some good arguments, but which is so far a utopian vision with no precedent in history. The closest to a precedent would be communist societies that revert to functionality after devastating power changes.

        • Aidan says:

          You know, it is possible to make a leftist reading of UR, in which the leftist would say “yes, the left is completely in charge, we are ruled by Harvard, but because leftism is good and true, all of its failings are due to its not having formal power. Therefore, we need to inculcate the permanent and formal reign of the left…”

          In other words, it is not hard to throw out Yarvin’s leanings toward austrian economics and mild racism as personal quirks, and repurpose his beliefs for a leftist technocracy. What Yarvin functionally did is give the Cathedral a framework for solidifying their own power.

          • alf says:

            One thing in UR that always stuck with me was his style of argumentation in ‘Introduction to UR’. Essentially, the way he tied together different groups in the Cathedral was by saying: ‘they are bad people, and they argue in bad faith. Look at how this [historic figure] talks. He is scamming you.”

            To this day that is still my go-to argument for the DE: some people are just up to no good. It ‘s also pretty much how Jim deals with entryists on this blog.

            The thing with entryists is that you have to keep defending against them, otherwise they’ll ignore huge portions of your work and twist specific sections to their agenda. Yarvin is not defending against entryists, so yes, they’ll reinterpret his entire work. I felt like Nick Land’s accelerationism was co-opted in the same way.

            • A2 says:

              Conquest’s second law, if you will.

            • Neurotoxin says:

              Alf: “Perhaps Neurotoxin’s red pill journey did not involve Moldbug.”

              Right; I only became aware of Moldbug after finding Jim’s blog.


              it is possible to make a leftist reading of UR, in which the leftist would say “yes, the left is completely in charge, we are ruled by Harvard, but because leftism is good and true, all of its failings are due to its not having formal power…” [In that case,] What Yarvin functionally did is give the Cathedral a framework for solidifying their own power.


              • jim says:

                Moldbug’s arguments support a Caesar or a Stalin. But I want a Constantine or a Charles the Second, and his arguments do not get us there.

                Moldbug’s arguments cheerfully noticed that there was something horribly wrong with nigger worship and second class citizenship for whites. Failed to notice gynocracy, trannie worship, and abortion as a holy sacrifice to the Gaea demon. Failed to notice tech lead Shaniqua. How come you can see crime in the streets and not see tech lead Shaniqua?

                Namefag Yarvin’s arguments do not even notice nigger worship and second class citizenship for whites. What then is wrong with our officially unofficial state religion? Seemingly nothing that could not be solved by having Stalin at its head.

                Lenin backed off from full socialism when the crisis of socialism hit. Trotsky, like Pol Pot, declared straight ahead to true and full socialism immediately. Stalin zigzagged as the winds blew. In the end implemented officially full socialism with private plots for unofficial small scale market production, and an unofficially tolerated but officially repressed pile of mafia groups to unofficially provide the necessary market coordination for large scale production. The Brezhnevites failed to get the joke.

                Namefag Yarvin’s arguments argue for a Stalin, without noticing that even a Stalin has to quietly back away from some elements of our state religion. If Stalin’s state wants rockets and starlink, has to do something about tech lead Shaniqua. If it goes right ahead and returns the science and technology looted from the brave warrior women of Africa, and waits for rockets to sprout again from the fertile African soil, will have a long wait.

                Just as there were elements of the faith that Stalin theoretically believed which were absolutely suicidal for a state to implement, there are elements of the faith of Harvard that are absolutely suicidal for a state to implement.

                If Shaniqa, no rockets, and your drones are going to be no good. Cathedral computer networks used to be impenetrable, while it had immensely good penetration of every other computer network on the planet. It still good, but rapidly deteriorating, still better than everyone else, but rapidly deteriorating. More stuff is leaking.

          • The Cominator says:

            Yarvin actually goes into that saying the left in formal power would cease to be the left…

            While i agree they could do enormous damage in the transition…

            • Aidan says:

              I know, and agree; attempting to turn the loose and informal theocracy into a formal power structure would necessarily result in Caesarism; “this left and no further”. That, or the holiness spiral would instantly descend into Cambodia-style autogenocide, as happens when leftists formalize their power and there are not enough seats at the table.

              • Kunning Druegger says:

                I think there are other relevant variables for auto-genocide. The region needs to be isolated and uninteresting to external powers. I also disagree about the seats at the table factor, but this could be ignorance on my part… how many of the Inner Circle were murdered?

          • jim says:

            Moldbug was a bit wobbly. Anticipating Caesar and Stalin, and realizing that that would be a considerable improvement, he was reluctant to commit too great a heresy against their Gods. Namefag Yarvin is severely constrained by being unable to commit heresy at all, which makes him boring and frequently untruthful.

            I was hoping for Pinochet and Sulla, possibly Constantine, though there is no precedent for going directly from a left singularity to a Constantine, and I therefore cheerfully committed unthinkable heresies against the demons of the left. Looks increasingly likely we will get Stalin. But a Stalin followed a Beria, or a Cromwell followed by a Monck, is plausible.

            On the other hand, may well have to hunker down for centuries of darkness, in which case we have to follow the strategy of the early Christians and the Amish, and maintain patriarchy and patriarchal marriage, in which the father completely loses authority over his daughter, and the husband gains complete authority, even by abduction or elopement, in the face of a hostile society, for centuries.

            Still hoping for relatively direct path from the end of the left singularity to a Constantine and a Charles the Second. I have a good feeling. The pieces for that falling into place, as if with supernatural guidance. But it is unlikely to be completely direct. Harvard will be knackered by one of its faithful quite some time before our guys march into it with the banner of Christ on their military insignia.

            The left is canceling, deplatforming, and demonetizing the left. The demons Harvard has unbound are likely to march into Harvard before we do.

            Trump backing Doctor Oz was an alarming step in the wrong direction. The Republican party has lost cohesion and Republican support due to every single elected Republican and every single Republican appointed authority in law enforcement, prosecution, and the judiciary, quietly signing up with the steal. Need a new Republican coalition on the basis that the Republican party is the party of God and Christ. But that is a bridge too far as yet. Oz may well be loyal to Trump, but he is not loyal to the Republican base and the Republican base can smell it.

      • Frank Matters says:

        I may write in more depth on this later, but the most damning of all points is Yarvin’s lack of any faith at all. He is half a step removed from de Sade, and in different times may have ended up as such. You cannot trust the writing of a man who rejects the divine nature of Being, who considers it irrelevant to such lofty ideas as human politics. Nothing good could come of an attempt to build political philosophy without acknowledging the Mystery, just as nothing good could come of a house built on no foundation in marshy soil.

        • Frank Matters says:

          I think this passage from *The Brother’s Karamazov* will do much more than my own writing to characterize moldbug and where his ideas come from and may lead. Apologies, it’s a long one. I will attempt to shorten with the littlest possible mutilation.

          Jumping in media res, this is a conversation between a returned Christ and an Inquisitioner.


          “ ‘The wise and dread spirit, the spirit of self‐destruction and non‐ existence,’ the old man goes on, ‘the great spirit talked with Thee in the wilderness, and we are told in the books that he “tempted” Thee. Is that so? And could anything truer be said than what he revealed to Thee in three questions and what Thou didst reject, and what in the books is called “the temptation”? And yet if there has ever been on earth a real stupendous miracle, it took place on that day, on the day of the three temptations. The statement of those three questions was itself the miracle. If it were possible to imagine simply for the sake of argument that those three questions of the dread spirit had perished utterly from the books, and that we had to restore them and to invent them anew, and to do so had gathered together all the wise men of the earth—rulers, chief priests, learned men, philosophers, poets—and had set them the task to invent three questions, such as would not only fit the occasion, but express in three words, three human phrases, the whole future history of the world and of humanity—dost Thou believe that all the wisdom of the earth united could have invented anything in depth and force equal to the three questions which were actually put to Thee then by the wise and mighty spirit in the wilderness? From those questions alone, from the miracle of their statement, we can see that we have here to do not with the fleeting human intelligence, but with the absolute and eternal. For in those three questions the whole subsequent history of mankind is, as it were, brought together into one whole, and foretold, and in them are united all the unsolved historical contradictions of human nature. At the time it could not be so clear, since the future was unknown; but now that fifteen hundred years have passed, we see that everything in those three questions was so justly divined and foretold, and has been so truly fulfilled, that nothing can be added to them or taken from them.

          “ ‘Judge Thyself who was right—Thou or he who questioned Thee then? Remember the first question; its meaning, in other words, was this: “Thou wouldst go into the world, and art going with empty hands, with some promise of freedom which men in their simplicity and their natural unruliness cannot even understand, which they fear and dread—for nothing has ever been more insupportable for a man and a human society than freedom. But seest Thou these stones in this parched and barren wilderness? Turn them into bread, and mankind will run after Thee like a flock of sheep, grateful and obedient, though for ever trembling, lest Thou withdraw Thy hand and deny them Thy bread.” But Thou wouldst not deprive man of freedom and didst reject the offer, thinking, what is that freedom worth, if obedience is bought with bread? Thou didst reply that man lives not by bread alone. But dost Thou know that for the sake of that earthly bread the spirit of the earth will rise up against Thee and will strive with Thee and overcome Thee, and all will follow him, crying, “Who can compare with this beast? He has given us fire from heaven!” Dost Thou know that the ages will pass, and humanity will proclaim by the lips of their sages that there is no crime, and therefore no sin; there is only hunger? “Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!” that’s what they’ll write on the banner, which they will raise against Thee, and with which they will destroy Thy temple. Where Thy temple stood will rise a new building; the terrible tower of Babel will be built again, and though, like the one of old, it will not be finished, yet Thou mightest have prevented that new tower and have cut short the sufferings of men for a thousand years; for they will come back to us after a thousand years of agony with their tower. They will seek us again, hidden underground in the catacombs, for we shall be again persecuted and tortured. They will find us and cry to us, “Feed us, for those who have promised us fire from heaven haven’t given it!” And then we shall finish building their tower, for he finishes the building who feeds them. And we alone shall feed them in Thy name, declaring falsely that it is in Thy name. Oh, never, never can they feed themselves without us! No science will give them bread so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, “Make us your slaves, but feed us.” ***They will understand themselves, at last, that freedom and bread enough for all are inconceivable together, for never, never will they be able to share between them! They will be convinced, too, that they can never be free, for they are weak, vicious, worthless and rebellious.***


          And men rejoiced that they were again led like sheep, and that the terrible gift that had brought them such suffering was, at last, lifted from their hearts. Were we right teaching them this? Speak! Did we not love mankind, so meekly acknowledging their feebleness, lovingly lightening their burden, and permitting their weak nature even sin with our sanction? Why hast Thou come now to hinder us? And why dost Thou look silently and searchingly at me with Thy mild eyes? Be angry. I don’t want Thy love, for I love Thee not. And what use is it for me to hide anything from Thee? Don’t I know to Whom I am speaking? All that I can say is known to Thee already. And is it for me to conceal from Thee our mystery? Perhaps it is Thy will to hear it from my lips. Listen, then. We are not working with Thee, but with him—that is our mystery. It’s long—eight centuries—since we have been on his side and not on Thine. Just eight centuries ago, we took from him what Thou didst reject with scorn, that last gift he offered Thee, showing Thee all the kingdoms of the earth. We took from him Rome and the sword of Cæsar, and proclaimed ourselves sole rulers of the earth, though hitherto we have not been able to complete our work. But whose fault is that? Oh, the work is only beginning, but it has begun. It has long to await completion and the earth has yet much to suffer, but we shall triumph and shall be Cæsars, and then we shall plan the universal happiness of man. But Thou mightest have taken even then the sword of Cæsar. Why didst Thou reject that last gift? Hadst Thou accepted that last counsel of the mighty spirit, Thou wouldst have accomplished all that man seeks on earth—that is, some one to worship, some one to keep his conscience, and some means of uniting all in one unanimous and harmonious ant‐heap, for the craving for universal unity is the third and last anguish of men.


          “ ‘Receiving bread from us, they will see clearly that we take the bread made by their hands from them, to give it to them, without any miracle. They will see that we do not change the stones to bread, but in truth they will be more thankful for taking it from our hands than for the bread itself! For they will remember only too well that in old days, without our help, even the bread they made turned to stones in their hands, while since they have come back to us, the very stones have turned to bread in their hands. Too, too well will they know the value of complete submission! And until men know that, they will be unhappy. Who is most to blame for their not knowing it?—speak! Who scattered the flock and sent it astray on unknown paths? But the flock will come together again and will submit once more, and then it will be once for all. Then we shall give them the quiet humble happiness of weak creatures such as they are by nature. Oh, we shall persuade them at last not to be proud, for Thou didst lift them up and thereby taught them to be proud. We shall show them that they are weak, that they are only pitiful children, but that childlike happiness is the sweetest of all.


          ***We shall allow or forbid them to live with their wives and mistresses, to have or not to have children—according to whether they have been obedient or disobedient—and they will submit to us gladly and cheerfully. The most painful secrets of their conscience, all, all they will bring to us, and we shall have an answer for all. And they will be glad to believe our answer, for it will save them from the great anxiety and terrible agony they endure at present in making a free decision for themselves.*** And all will be happy, all the millions of creatures except the hundred thousand who rule over them. For only we, we who guard the mystery, shall be unhappy. There will be thousands of millions of happy babes, and a hundred thousand sufferers who have taken upon themselves the curse of the knowledge of good and evil. Peacefully they will die, peacefully they will expire in Thy name, and beyond the grave they will find nothing but death. But we shall keep the secret, and for their happiness we shall allure them with the reward of heaven and eternity. Though if there were anything in the other world, it certainly would not be for such as they. It is prophesied that Thou wilt come again in victory, Thou wilt come with Thy chosen, the proud and strong, but we will say that they have only saved themselves, but we have saved all. We are told that the harlot who sits upon the beast, and holds in her hands the mystery, shall be put to shame, that the weak will rise up again, and will rend her royal purple and will strip naked her loathsome body. But then I will stand up and point out to Thee the thousand millions of happy children who have known no sin. And we who have taken their sins upon us for their happiness will stand up before Thee and say: “Judge us if Thou canst and darest.” Know that I fear Thee not. Know that I too have been in the wilderness, I too have lived on roots and locusts, I too prized the freedom with which Thou hast blessed men, and I too was striving to stand among Thy elect, among the strong and powerful, thirsting “to make up the number.” But I awakened and would not serve madness. I turned back and joined the ranks of those who have corrected Thy work. I left the proud and went back to the humble, for the happiness of the humble. What I say to Thee will come to pass, and our dominion will be built up.

          Book II, Chapter V, the Inquisitor

          Moldbug himself does not go so far, but his direction is one and the same. I can quote select passages from his work to justify the parallels if it is not so obvious. His own philosophy is leftism, a leftism that has yet to reach true fruition as shown here, in a complete submission to a material cult, man as domesticated animal. An ant heap. The state of China, where millions are locked in their concrete boxes, wailing for the release of their souls. Man's freedom is found justified in the freedom of God and Nature, and not in the supposed well being of the physical body. To favor the latter only results in death of the soul, immiseration and decrepit life of the insect.

          • Kunning Druegger says:

            I appreciate the effort you took to type that. I’m not trying to be crass or shallow, but I don’t really get what’s being said, what the message is. The inquisitor is railing against God for not ameliorating the suffering of Man? Isn’t that like the tired old argument of “if God were real and perfect there’d be no suffering?” If so, that’s the same Fedora Atheism I found so compelling as a young man. But I don’t see the relation to Yarvin… is it his “salus populi suprema lex” concept?

            • Frank Matters says:

              The Inquisitor is railing against God for choosing to uphold the free will of man. He sees the sins of man, and the pain of free will itself, and decides these are not worth it. Decides to end man’s free will, so he might sin no more. It’s not the exact message of moldbug, because it subsumes him. Moldbug is describing a technical reality that is parallel to this metaphysical assertion. True atheism requires the denial of free will, because free will is not a material phenomenon, it is found only in the spirit. I can provide plenty of examples where this atheism to denial of free will manifests, if it seems necessary to support my case here, and they do much better than I would in underpinning the philosophical foundations for absolving the will.

      • The Cominator says:

        Yarvin did touch biology at least in that he very openly talked about NAM crime.

        His problem was being doxxed and staying in San Francisco.

        • alf says:

          He linked to a video of a bunch of negroes blocking and doing wheelies on the highway, adding that the Romans would’ve been appalled.

        • Pooch says:

          I always remember UR being incredibly based on the RQ. It’s one of the foundational themes of his work and what got him in the most trouble after he got doxed.

          • jim says:

            The race question matters, it matters a great deal. But the woman question matters more, and there is no way to fix the race problem unless we fix the woman problem.

      • jim says:

        > 2. Yarvin remains in the SF/ultra-prog social sphere.

        I was somewhat active in that sphere, though I have not used that identity in a long time and no longer have control of that IP address. It was full of smart interesting people, until they discovered that smart can get you into trouble.

        Science fiction for the masses died when it got converged, replicating in a thousand books, comic books, and movies, the death of the Star Wars Franchise, and the Futurist/SF smarty sphere died similarly when it became converged. Namefag Yarvin is hanging out in the abandoned ruins in which ghosts walk.

        • The Cominator says:

          What about Musk?

          • jim says:

            Laser space based communications, and the capability to lift stuff to orbit, is where power will reside in the future. Musk has farsightedly targeted the two capabilities that are rapidly becoming absolutely critical to empire. And he is also the richest man in the world.

            This makes him a world power.

            He is a techie, a rocket scientist, a tech priest, and a tech prophet. And our officially unofficial state religion has it in for the tech priesthood.

            This makes him, like Putin, an enemy of our enemies. Which does not necessarily make him an ally, though he may well be an ally under the covers.

            The Church of England, from 1660 until 1820, successfully cooperated with and coopted the science priesthood under the doctrine that science was the study of the logos, the will of god manifest in his creation. Obviously if your state wants to conquer and to avoid being conquered, its state religion and official priesthood has to give the tech priesthood a fair go. They buried Newton in Westminster Abbey.

            Our officially unofficial state religion has been crushing science since 1944, and technology since 1972, because it sees techies as status competition. No one should have any status except for knowing there are fifty two different genders, all of them equal except that some of them are more equal than others.

    • Neurotoxin says:

      Kunning: “Yarvin appearing on TV and in magazines is powerful and dangerous joo joo. It will mean more journalist priests digging into The Canon looking for grist for the mill. Not all of the attention will be positive, but more attention is, I believe, a net gain.”

      Maybe. Are there case in which this has happened, via the mainstream media? My impression is that the media, morons though they are, do have some sort of dim, amoeba-like awareness of the Streisand Effect.

      • Kunning Druegger says:

        I genuinely wonder. MSM has this blindness to memes that is comical. Remember the reporter standing in front of a blazing small business with the banner reading “Fiery but mostly peaceful protests?” How the hell did that happen? Starman may be a pig ignorant curmudgeon in some respects, but he was absolutely correct in one regard: the Cathedral is a disparate group of self-interested factions, all warring for status and power. When they have a Trumpian Ideal to attack, they do so in some sense of concert, but even TDS was expressed in a factional way. A big part of Cathedral dominance is the disarray of their opposition. They don’t do nearly as well when they go up against China, and I think they would go weak horse very quickly if their was a unified opposition to them in CONUS. This is why the FBI’s single, most important mission is funding, subverting, and obliterating any group of white Christian males that have influence and funding.

        • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

          I think it was one of two things. First, as you say, blindness to memes. The protests are peaceful, and so it would be crime think to notice the rioting. Second, it could have been a naked exercise of raw power. The Emperor has clothes, and do not dare to say otherwise or we will burn your business down.

        • Neurotoxin says:

          “Remember the reporter standing in front of a blazing small business with the banner reading “Fiery but mostly peaceful protests?” How the hell did that happen?”

          I still laugh when I think of it. Another possibility is some subversive who works at CNN (or wherever) with an impish sense of humor.

          “This is why the FBI’s single, most important mission is funding, subverting, and obliterating any group of white Christian males that have influence and funding.”

          This. It’s so fucking frustrating because if we could just bootstrap our way past that to a coordinated group, we’d be on our way. Until that’s solved we’re just a bunch of parlor radicals siting around whacking off while fantasizing how awesome it would be if the left could somehow be kicked out of power. Of course, they’ll eat each other eventually, but it would be nice to be in control of the situation.

  4. Kunning Druegger says:

    Movie Title: Netflix Announces Anti-Censorship Policy, Tells Woke Staff TO QUIT In MAJOR Culture War Victory

    I can’t sit through Tim Pool’s babbling, so I don’t know how much the title correlates with the facts. But there does appear to be a growing backlash to the Deep Blue movement.

    • someDude says:

      Maybe they are about to do a massive recruitment drive to enlist the Sons of the soil Americans (What ZMan calls the Dirt people) to go die in Ukraine.

      I don’t think of this as a victory, not yet. Need to see more.

    • Red says:

      Netflix is trying to make money again with the stock price crashing. Happening in lots of places as the economy heads towards collapse.

  5. restitutor_orbis says:

    This thread discusses how Ukraine is using information era warfare tactics with the help of Elon’s Starlink.

    The most interesting part is the conclusion at the end about the power that Elon Musk holds because of SpaceX.

    • Pooch says:

      Fascinating. Seems the prove Starman’s hypothesis correct: Elon Musk is essential for the continued military superiority of the Pentagon.

      • Starman says:


        “Fascinating. Seems the prove Starman’s hypothesis correct: Elon Musk is essential for the continued military superiority of the Pentagon.”

        From that thread restitutor_orbis posted, it appears that the Pentagon is even more dependent on Elon Musk than I previously thought. 30 seconds command decision to battery trigger pull vs the old USM 30 minute to 1 hour (with PC JAG officer interference) command to trigger pull.

        And that’s only with the 70% reusable Falcon 9 and beginner Starlink constellation (used for information networks only, no Brilliant Pebbles SDI usage).

        Imagine the fully reusable Starship that can establish the full Starlink constellation that’s beyond what any Star Wars SDI concept of Brilliant Pebbles can bring. Imagine the launching of thousands of cheaply mass-produced SpaceX-versions of the Soviet Polyus battle satellite (70mT each).

        Russia has none of this capability and China is only beginning to copy the Falcon 9. The Chinese have hinted at building a zhing zhong version of Starship, but are probably waiting for Elon Musk’s SpaceX to do an orbital launch and landing first.

        • Kunning Druegger says:

          When Starlink gen 1.5 and 2.0 laser link comes online, the attempts on Musk’s life begin in earnest. Starlink is an end run around GAE intel dominance.

          Ukraine’s ‘GIS Art for Artillery’ app combined with Starlink actually gives the Ukrainian military measurably better than US Military standard artillery command and control.

          The Ukraine War is the first Starlink War & the side with Starlink is beating the side without.
          There are a lot of implications in that thought.

          Now comes the kicker. When the lasercom equipped SpaceX Gen 1.5 & 2.0 satellites come on-line.
          The ability to move huge amounts of bandwidth with zero ground based infrastructure will utterly subvert the ability of national governments & corporations to block or surveil Starlink communications.

          The only way the US Government will be able to monitor Starlink communications is with @elonmusk active cooperation.

          The power shift involved in that fact is…profound…and something for another thread”

          • Starman says:

            @Kunning Druegger

            “When Starlink gen 1.5 and 2.0 laser link comes online, the attempts on Musk’s life begin in earnest. Starlink is an end run around GAE intel dominance.”

            If Musk goes down, the rest of the American empire goes down too.

            • Kunning Druegger says:

              If I had blue hair and a gash where once stood my cock, that would sound like a twofer to me.

              • Starman says:

                @Kunning Druegger

                “If I had blue hair and a gash where once stood my cock, that would sound like a twofer to me.”

                It would be the permanent end to the blue hairs. For thousands of years.

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  I don’t think that they consider consequences that far out. Their concern appears to be temporal gains and hedonic fulfillment in the moment. The overwhelming state of GAE affairs today was built on the back of the efforts of the octogenarian leftists dying out as we speak.

                  They hate whites, they hate the military, they hate America, and they hate private property.

                • Starman says:

                  @Kunning Druegger

                  “I don’t think that they [blue hairs] consider consequences that far out. Their concern appears to be temporal gains and hedonic fulfillment in the moment. They hate whites, they hate the military, they hate America, and they hate private property.”

                  Without military superiority, nobody is going to give a fuck what the blue hairs think.

              • Starman says:

                @Kunning Druegger

                “If I had blue hair and a gash where once stood my cock, that would sound like a twofer to me.”

                If I were an FBI agent, when the American empire lost its military superiority, I would throw my FBI badge away and try to take my family to a safe bolt hole before masked strangers showed up at my suburban home to do things that would make the SAW movies look like old Mickey Mouse cartoons.

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  Indeed. If/when it actually becomes obvious, I imagine lots of fence sitters, normies, and basically good people will do just that. Ironically, lamestream conservatives (a significant proportion of the security apparatus) will probably delay the downfall of the GAE considerably, purely out of patriotism and obstinance to reality.

                • Starman says:

                  @Kunning Druegger

                  “Ironically, lamestream conservatives (a significant proportion of the security apparatus) will probably delay the downfall of the GAE considerably, purely out of patriotism and obstinance to reality.”

                  Without military superiority, the limp security apparatus won’t be in a position to delay anything.

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  I just don’t think things are so cut and dried. Not because they aren’t, but because of how delusional the human animal is. As a species, we’re so easily convinced of falsities.

                • Starman says:

                  @Kunning Druegger

                  “but because of how delusional the human animal is. As a species, we’re so easily convinced of falsities.”

                  None of that delusion is going to help the now limp security apparatus to delay anything. That’ll just get their families butchered in more colorful ways.

                  The Communist Romanian Securitate had all kinds of delusion, they were gone and scattered in 8 hours.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  Until I show up with a small army on motorcycles. Once the military cannot resist, the security apparatus is going to follow soon after. When the FBI has crippling losses from a few raids gone bad, that will let everyone else know that it is open season. Then I get to let my inner barbarian become my outer barbarian.

                  “Just walk away, fed. Just walk away. There can be an end to the horror, if you’ll just walk away.”

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  I admire the optimism. I will be happy as a clam if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the GAE, renown for its obstinate denial of obvious reality, will be able to read the writing on the wall.

                  I don’t disagree with the technical assessment, which should be obvious. I just think delusional thinking and a desperate clinging to patriotism is going to substantially increase the half-life of the GAE, particularly in the Core.

                • jim says:

                  When Starlink has lasers, Musk will be in a position to exercise huge leverage. But to actually use that leverage, needs a rocket launch facility in one of the buffer states on the periphery of empires. Outer Mongolia is a good place to launch dangerously experimental rockets from. A lightly populated island in the pacific would also be a good place. Followed by a rocket building facility in a buffer state on the periphery of empire.

                • Starman says:

                  @Kunning Druegger

                  “I just think delusional thinking and a desperate clinging to patriotism is going to substantially increase the half-life of the GAE, particularly in the Core.”

                  Delusional thinking isn’t going to magically restore US military superiority after it lost it. No more than Emperor Honorius could do so for the Western Roman Empire.

                  You are the one being delusional here.

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  You’re a broken record at this point, and I get the feeling you’re deliberately not reading what I’m writing. Time will tell if the foot soldiers of the security apparatus will respond logically if/when their authority edifice crumbles. Time will also tell if the virulently progressive will stop the Long March because it threatens American military existentially.

                  For the record, I think many soldiers, cops, and fedgoons will continue “serving their country” long past the point of both the country’s and their own reasonable expectation of survival ends. I also think big HR will destroy every company that it has infected, regardless of the consequences, until they are forcibly dethroned.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “Time will tell if the foot soldiers of the security apparatus will respond logically if/when their authority edifice crumbles. ”
                  Yes hard to say.

                  “Time will also tell if the virulently progressive will stop the Long March because it threatens American military existentially.”
                  This is easy to answer, they will not stop willingly merely because they are wrecking everything.

                • Starman says:

                  @Kunning Druegger

                  “Time will tell if the foot soldiers of the security apparatus will respond logically if/when their authority edifice crumbles.”

                  Without military superiority, dumbass, it will be irrelevant if the foot soldiers of the central security apparatus will respond logically or not. They’re dead or scattered anyway whether they like it or not.

                • Pooch says:

                  Without military superiority, dumbass, it will be irrelevant if the foot soldiers of the central security apparatus will respond logically or not. They’re dead or scattered anyway whether they like it or not.

                  Why does military superiority matter?

                • Starman says:


                  “Why does military superiority matter?”

                  This is why I don’t spend much time here anymore.

                  That, and BUY THE DIP… yeah, sure.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  KD, it will not matter if they move logically and rationally. They will be outclassed by anyone with halfway decent Information Epoch weapons. Maneuver warfare is to Information warfare as the Zulus were to the British at Rourke’s Drift.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  Starman, I think they are trying to point out that the Cathedral thinks that once they get rid of Musk, the brave warrior womyn of Africa will become Kangz once more, reclaim their magic from the ice wizards, and rebuild their magic pyramid spaceships to bomb the white oppressors and everyone will live peacefully and lovingly afterwards. They do not care if they lose military supremacy from Musk, because they will just get the Black womyn from that NASA movie to take them to space and get it right back. It is insane and so delusional that it is unintentionally hilarious, but it is what they think.

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “It is insane and so delusional that it is unintentionally hilarious, but it is what they think.”

                  Yes, the nigger/kike faction thinks this. And they will be quite unhappy when the real result happens and they’re being peeled like a banana and their pet nigger is nailed to a tree.

                  The Praetorian faction knows that they need to maintain military superiority, now that it’s painfully obvious that Russia and China are now constantly probing for weaknesses everywhere. And are beginning to suspect that US nukes might not work.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  The Praetorian faction has a problem. They have no sovereignty, because their religion is coming from the Cathedral. To the extent that it is not, it is nominally Christian, but even then that Christianity is influenced by Cathedral memes. They have Lloyd Austin in charge of the Department of Defense, and we all saw how pozzed Mattis was. Until they start dying, they are not going to be able to fight back, and by the time they are dying it will be too late.

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “Starman, I think they are trying to point out”

                  While there are a few high quality commentators in here (Example: Alf and Jim himself. I miss shaman). Most of the comments here are from unimaginative NPCs who just repeat a shallow pastiche of what Jim and the better commentators say over and over again in numerous junk comments.

                  “Why does military superiority matter?” is a profoundly stupid question to say, especially here by someone who hangs around here alot.
                  Constantine needed military superiority over Maxentius. The Royal Society needed the military superiority of King Charles II’s soldiers.

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “They have Lloyd Austin in charge of the Department of Defense, and we all saw how pozzed Mattis was.”

                  Lloyd Austin is a figurehead (did you think Jeff Sessions was really in charge of the DOJ?), and the Department of Defense has both a Praetorian faction and a nigger/kike faction. There are other factions probably. A bunch of hands grabbing loot.

                  This is the sort of shallow analysis that caused certain commentators here to promote Pissobiec and disquised Q posts.

                  “The Praetorian faction has a problem. They have no sovereignty, because their religion is coming from the Cathedral.”

                  Need to remind again that Elon Musk is a religious leader. Not everyone worships niggers and holocaustianity.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  It was a rhetorical question, designed to get you to think. You are suffering what I will dub sanity bias. You are not a lunatic and view the world as it really is. The answers to the question, “Why does military superiority matter?” are all going to be based around the fact that the Cathedral needs the military to maintain itself, which it does not like to admit to itself, and assumes that competence is not equally distributed. Thus, any answer is going to be incompatible with the Cathedral thought process. You are having a hard time understanding across a sanity gap, and so your sanity bias is going to lead you to misunderstand the moves the Cathedral will make. That was the point of the question, not to get you to answer it.

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “It was a rhetorical question, designed to get you to think. You are suffering what I will dub sanity bias. You are not a lunatic and view the world as it really is. The answers to the question, “Why does military superiority matter?” are all going to be based around the fact that the Cathedral needs the military to maintain itself, which it does not like to admit to itself, and assumes that competence is not equally distributed. Thus, any answer is going to be incompatible with the Cathedral thought process. You are having a hard time understanding across a sanity gap, and so your sanity bias is going to lead you to misunderstand the moves the Cathedral will make. That was the point of the question, not to get you to answer it.”

                  Useless word salad. Try to defend the stupid question “Why does military superiority matter?” in front of TrevorGoodchild on Gab. Sometimes I wonder if his contempt for wordsmiths is greater than mine.


                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  If there is no one running the Pentagon besides a figurehead and a cabal of pozzed generals, then they are fucked. The Star Prophet might speak to some of them, but the whole group is not likely to react until they are threatened, and that is too late. While I doubt Austin has complete control, the difference between him and Sessions is that Sessions was opposed to Cathedral bureaucracy, while Austin is not. He will necessarily be able to exert more control over it. That means Musk is going to face a lot of resistance. He might prevail, but it is by no means a sure thing.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  It is not useless word salad you imbecile. Do you understand a rhetorical question? To put it another way, are you a fucking idiot?

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “If there is no one running the Pentagon besides a figurehead and a cabal of pozzed generals, then they are fucked.”

                  Nobody is in charge of the United States government. There is no one that Tsar Putin can actually negotiate with.

                  Not Agreement Capable.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  If not agreement capable, then what makes you think they are capable of coming to an agreement with the Star Prophet?

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “It is not useless word salad you imbecile. Do you understand a rhetorical question? To put it another way, are you a fucking idiot?”

                  Putting out walls-of-text isn’t a display of intelligence, midwit. Especially when you’re trying to defend a mediocre commentator with a history of numerous mediocre comments, including Q posts and Pissobiec links.

                  “Why does military superiority matter?” was the question asked. Not “Does the Cathedral believe that military superiority matters?”

                  This is just more obfuscation.

                • Starman says:

                  @Wulfgar Thundercock III

                  “If not agreement capable, then what makes you think they are capable of coming to an agreement with the Star Prophet?”

                  Some factions will agree, others will not. Just like they did with Putin and Xi.

                  Nobody is really in charge of the USG, just conspiratorial factions against conspiratorial factions. Victoria Nuland’s faction being one of them. Robert Mueller’s boys being another. Something that the original commentators on this site understood in the past.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  That is not a wall of text. It was just a few sentences explaining what was being asked. If you cannot read and understand that, you do not even rise to the level of midwit. I wrote it to be simple and easy to understand. You have a serious problem if that is not making sense.

                • Pooch says:

                  My question was a statement of the obvious. Military superiority only matters to the warrior class, the uniformed military.

                  To think military superiority matters to the FBI or any other Washcorper is an exercise in delusion.

                • Red says:

                  Try to defend the stupid question “Why does military superiority matter?” in front of TrevorGoodchild on Gab.

                  Isn’t he the guy who defended the “patriot’s front” as real group and not just a FBI honeypot operation? I stopped reading him after that lunacy. He’s either a Fed or a dupe for the Feds.

                • Pooch says:


                  -1 point for promoting Fed shill accounts. An additional -1 point for acting like an emotional faggot.

                • Neofugue says:

                  > Why does military superiority matter?

                  Rhetorical questions without proper context are inappropriate for academic discussion.

                  The Polygon believes it should spread democracy through arms as an expression of the will of the people; for example, Roosevelt’s “arsenal of democracy.” The Polygon neither cares for nor recognizes its hypocrisy.

                  Violence is the truest measure of faith, for faith cannot be established or maintained without believers taking decisive action.

                • Aidan says:

                  Starman, I don’t think you understand people very well. We are talking about people being irrational and/or insane. For example, there may well be a faction in the military which sees that it needs Musk for military superiority. So they tell the other faction “you need to greenlight Starship or we’ll lose to Russia/China”. And the other faction tells them “we don’t need Musk in charge of it though, SpaceX would do even better with Shaniqua in charge”.

                  And the “Praetorian” faction as you dub them is so rotten with leftist memes, ancient and modern, they think “Well Musk isn’t personally responsible for the success of SpaceX after all, maybe it isn’t such a big deal if Elon is replaced with Shaniqua…”

                  I don’t have any hope for a Caesar until the noses of important men are forced onto the grindstone of reality. The elite is rotten head to toe. Saving Musk requires active rejection of Cathedral ideology on the part of the people saving him, so I predict Musk will be forced into the arms of another power.

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  >Military superiority

                  “In war, three-quarters turns on personal character and relations; the balance of manpower and materials counts only for the remaining quarter.”

                • Starman says:


                  No wonder the Qin Emperor buried intellectuals alive.

                • Starman says:

                  <"Violence is the truest measure of faith, for faith cannot be established or maintained without believers taking decisive action."


                  A state religion that has lost its military capacity is a state religion that gets ignored.

                • Starman says:


                  “-1 point for promoting Fed shill accounts. An additional -1 point for acting like an emotional faggot.”

                  TrevorGoodchild can pass Redpill on Women tests.

                  I really do miss the original commentators like shaman.

                  Now, when I want to see Jim’s or Alf’s posts here, I have to sift through this mediocrity’s and his imitators’ endless posts just to find good posts.

                • Pooch says:

                  I agree. I find myself sifting through uninsightful monotonous posts on “military superiority”.

                  Rome lost military superiority a few centuries before it fell.

                  After Alaric sacked Rome, people continued to go gladiator games at the Colosseum as if nothing had happened.

                • Starman says:


                  “I agree. I find myself sifting through uninsightful monotonous posts on “military superiority”.”

                  “Sifting through”

                  I used to post daily here all the time long ago. Not anymore.

                  You willfully ignore the importance of violence.

                  Fuck you for turning this blog’s comment section into Reddit.

                • Pooch says:

                  Cry more about it boomer pussy.

                • Starman says:


                  “Cry more about it boomer pussy.”

                  Nice imitation of lingo around here. Just like you imitate everything else.

                  Aren’t you glad that you turned this place into Reddit?

                • Pooch says:

                  Aren’t you glad that you turned this place into Reddit?

                  You’re right. I’ll take a nice long vacation from here. Show what it used to be.

                • Neofugue says:

                  > Rome lost military superiority a few centuries before it fell.

                  Julian’s campaigns against the Alemanni, Marcian’s campaigns against the Huns, Justinian and Belisarius’ bucellarii…

                  > After Alaric sacked Rome, people continued to go gladiator games at the Colosseum as if nothing had happened.

                  The city of Rome lost over half her population. At a more defensible location, Ravenna became the de facto capital of the Western Empire.

                  The American Empire and the Polygon are held up by US military superiority; without it, all of the FBI would be facing lingchi or worse.

                • Starman says:


                  “The American Empire and the Polygon are held up by US military superiority; without it, all of the FBI would be facing lingchi or worse.”

                  Exactly. If the nigger kike faction prevails against Elon Musk’s power, it’s going to be Super-Fun-Time™ for the bodies of the FBI SWAT members and their loved ones. It will all probably be livestreamed.

                • Pooch says:

                  The city of Rome lost over half her population.

                  Not after the first sack by Alaric. Some refugees fled, maybe 10-20% of the population.

                  Jordanes notes in his History of the Goths that most of the population was in shock and disbelief after it happened and basically just pretended it didn’t happen. Gladiator games continued at the Colosseum the next day after Alaric and his men left. I imagine this will be reaction the USG administrative state after the USM loses military superiority.

            • Starman says:


              “When SpaceX’s Starship is operational in 2023.

              It will deploy Starlink satellites faster than every nation on the face of the planet, combined, can shoot them down.”

              Just a taste of what sort of overwhelming space military superiority that Space Kaliph Elon’s Starship will bring for the American empire.

              No wonder the USG’s Praetorian faction forced the FWS to mark their environmental assessment as complete. Allowing the next step, Page 106 Review, to be completed next for Starship a week after.

              • Oog en Hand says:

                “Tesla, the electric vehicle company owned by billionaire and soon-to-be Twitter owner Elon Musk, is paying for employees to get out-of-state abortions.

                According to the company’s 2021 Impact Report, Tesla began providing an “expanded Safety Net program and health insurance offering” last year, which includes “travel and lodging support for those who may need to seek healthcare services that are unavailable in their home state.”

                That came after the company relocated to Texas, where abortion was outlawed after the six-week mark in August 2021.

                That policy places Tesla among a growing list of companies that are helping employees access abortion care in the wake of new restrictions passed at the state level, as well as fresh concerns that Roe v. Wade could be overturned next month following the unprecedented leak of a draft opinion doing just that.

                When things are handmade, it shows.
                Shop Now
                And it puts Musk — who’s otherwise become a hero among conservatives following his purchase of Twitter last month — at odds with some of his cheerleaders.

                Chief among them is Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who introduced a bill this week to prevent companies from making tax deductions for employees’ abortion-related travel costs or for gender-affirming care for minors.

                “Too often our corporations find loopholes to subsidize the murder of unborn babies or horrific ‘medical’ treatments on kids,” said Rubio in a statement touting the bill. “My bill would make sure this does not happen.”

                Though Tesla’s impact report makes no mention of minors, the company does tout the fact that it has provided “transgender benefits aligned with the clinical protocol set forth by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health” since 2018.”

                Rubio’s bill is part of a long-standing crusade by the one-time 2016 presidential candidate against what he sees as collusion between big business and “Marxism.”

                Video: Judge rules Musk’s tweets over taking Tesla private were false, investors say (Reuters)

                Play Video
                Judge rules Musk’s tweets over taking Tesla private were false, investors say
                “[Corporate leaders] are the product of decades of anti-American indoctrination at our elite universities and they feel no obligation to America or its national interest,” said Rubio during a speech last fall. “I’m not here to tell you big business is the enemy. But I’m here to tell you big business is not our ally in the fight against socialism.”

                But Rubio has also showed cautious optimism for Musk’s recent purchase of Twitter, which he said had caused a “meltdown” among the “far left” because they fear “losing the power to threaten, silence and destroy anyone who doesn’t agree with them.”

                Rubio’s office did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.

                Some of the Florida senator’s Republican colleagues were even more enthusiastic about Musk’s Twitter purchase.

                Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas called it the “most important development for free speech in decades,” while Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana lauded the purchase as a “clear win for free speech and America.”

                But while Musk’s self-avowed commitment to free speech and seeming disdain for the progressive left has given hope to some conservatives, the tech billionaires’ ideology may prove too libertarian for a party increasingly interested in using the power of the state to promote conservative values.

                “In general, I believe government should rarely impose its will upon the people,” wrote Musk in a tweet in September 2021. “That said, I would prefer to stay out of politics.”

                Read the original article on Business Insider”


                • jim says:

                  Musk is in enough trouble for being a tech priest, a tech prophet, and a rocket scientist, without coming out for the party of God and Christ, let alone neoreaction.

                  Pretty sure we have the ear of one the most powerful men in the world, but if we do, it would be foolish and dangerous for him to let it show, when all his launch facilities are subject to USG government power.

                • Starman says:


                  “Pretty sure we have the ear of one the most powerful men in the world, but if we do, it would be foolish and dangerous for him to let it show, when all his launch facilities are subject to USG government power.

                  And USG government power is subject to Elon’s military space capability provided to it so it can dominate Russia and China.

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      The use of general purpose smart devices with programmable applications for various use-cases that can interoperate with other platforms as a seamless ecosystem is a ‘killer app’ (if you’ll pardon the expression) that i’ve been anticipating in recent years.

      Something our future motorcycle barbarians would well profit from exploiting, as well.

  6. Starman says:

    Good thing I didn’t buy any crypto or NFTs.

    • The Ducking Man says:

      BUY THE DIP !!!!!

      I just don’t know if the current dip is for appetizer or main dish.

      • Starman says:

        @The Ducking Man

        “BUY THE DIP !!!!!”

        While Bitcoin itself is easily portable, an advantage it has over gold and silver, it’s biggest problem (the one I encountered when looking to buy Bitcoin) is the on ramp, off ramp and it’s lack of a physical backing (my investment instincts say, “if I can’t touch it, it is fake.”).
        Compare that with pet rocks and beanie babies… or even the USD itself (backed by physical oil being traded with it, even still today. And backed by the physical force of the US military).
        The LUNA investors would’ve been better off doing the “BUY THE DIP” with beanie babies and pet rocks. At least they would’ve had something on their hands.

        KYC crap on the on ramp, non-KYC not trustworthy. For the off ramp, can’t buy groceries with it. That really was the first red flag indication.
        NFTs were the final straw. A shitty pixellated picture of a cartoon ape is “worth” $300,000?

    • S.J., Esquire says:

      I’ll say. I was gonna, you know, in the wake of the trucker convoy.

  7. Cloudswrest says:

    Re. Technology

    There’s a news wire out yesterday allegedly claiming that scientists have pinpointed the cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

    This got me thinking, SIDS should be pretty much easily preventable today with a relatively cheap, wearable blood pulse oximeter with a loud alarm. So I looked it up and yes, there are such devices, marketed for this specific application. I further noticed that all the pediatric medical organizations *universally* FUD these devices saying, “They’re unreliable”, “They annoy the parents with false alarms”, “They’re not FDA approved”, and the list goes on.

    Some of this FUD is probably indeed true, but the basic concept seems rock solid and sound. So the basic goal should be to improve the implementations to make these products more reliable and sound, possibly with redundant sensors and AI, not to depreciate and FUD it.

    New tangent: The article claims it appears to be caused by a biological defect. Let’s say they prevent a person from dying of SIDS as an infant, does this then mean the person will now have this issue hanging over their head for the rest of their lives? Or will the person grow out of it? Assuming the cause is genetic and you prevent the negative consequences then it’s just more genetic load poisoning the population.

    • jim says:

      Genetic load. A lot of people have dangerously low BChE levels, but do not die of sids. It just puts you at risk of sids. Low levels of BChE put you at risk for a wide range of things, looks like sids has just been added to this long and growing list.

      BChE primary job is protection against paralyzing toxins and various drugs and anaesthetics, and controlling the self induced profound muscular inhibition during deep sleep is just one of its many essential roles. If someone with low BChE levels survive, he is likely to die during anaethesia and various addictive drugs are likely to have a prolonged effect – if he nods off from heroin, he is going to die.

      It is protective against cocaine addiction and nerve gas. Because people are not often exposed to cocaine and nerve gas in the ancestral environment, defects accumulate. Genetic load. SIDs does not adequately do the job of removing this defect.

      In the ancestral environment, its primary job was nightshade type poisons, which occur in many vegetables, potatoes among them. But these days all vegetables have been bred to reduce levels of nightshade type poisons.

      High levels of BChE, on the other hand, don’t seem to have any noticeable downside.

      BChE also turns off the inflammation signal, so low levels of BChE put you at risk for inflammation related ailments such as Parkinson’s disease.

      There is a lot of genetic load around, and it is rapidly increasing. The tools to fix genetic load are now on the horizon, but are far from safely usable yet. Technological decline and stagnation. If progress had continued, we would already have them.

      • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

        Looking at the faces of many men out on the streets today, and the faces of men no more than a few decades ago, it’s like you’re looking at practically different species.

        Endocrine disrupting contaminants, mutational load, sociological depression, any of these things or more besides, their scope is i fear if anything, seriously underestimated.

        • restitutor_orbis says:

          I agree. And it’s being purposefully left unaddressed. I think the effect is, if not deliberate, at least “a happy accident” for Cathedral types to whom vigorous masculinity is a threat.

    • yewotm8 says:

      Wait, isn’t SIDS just women smothering their newborns and acting like they didn’t know what happened? And everybody covers for it because it would be thoughtcrime to accuse hundreds of thousands of women of murder all at once?

      • Neofugue says:

        While Nikolaus Friedreich was able to detect and diagnose Frederich’s ataxia in the 1860s, all of the great scientists of Western medicine could only discover the vastly more common “sudden infant death syndrome” in the 1960s for some strange reason. Funny that. 🙃

      • Kunning Druegger says:

        I thought it was this (fat people smothering babies) as well as the well documented but never discussed fact that “modern medicine” is really just a bunch of self-righteous wagecucks demanding we venerate them.

        • Red says:

          Usually high and drunk mothers.

        • Anonymous Fake says:

          [*Stale endlessly repeated Marxist bullshit deleted*]

          • jim says:

            Comrade peasant, you have only one cow. The kulak with two cows is a servant of Wall Street, which is why he has two cows. Wall Street granted him that cow, and it actually belongs to Wall Street. You must strike a blow at your mighty enemy Wall Street, who is conveniently present in the form of your neighbor’s cows.

            • Anonymous Fake says:

              This is literally true with ESG, though! “Woke capital” means Larry Fink’s views matter more to the value of a company than how popular its products are. The Federal Reserve and the sort of demographics who control it determine value, not the consumer.

              And we have already seen what happens when the entrepreneur capitalist profit motive is introduced into medicine with vaccine fraud. But high employment profits are attractive to Christians who want a guaranteed income that can provide for a family, and corrupt speculators can find their grift elsewhere. They can go play with cryptocurrency.

              Increasing employment profits while decreasing entrepreneur profits is an anti-corruption strategy for key institutions that provide essential services. Ideally we want to maximize employment profits anyway, not because labor is the sole source of value (actual Marxism), but because workers are morally the most virtuous people.

              Anyone can have any number of cows. The problem is that some people have more cows than others only because Larry Fink likes that they have brown skin and mutilated genitals and the elite bankers back him up. They can all perish in the revolution when it’s their time!

              • jim says:

                Since you have chosen to support the Marxist “Hail fellow peasant. I am a fellow peasant, fellow peasant. Your enemy is is wall street, and the kulak with two cows is the servant of wall street, fellow peasant. Strike a blow at wall street’s cows, fellow peasant”
                narrative with relevant argument and evidence, rather than just presupposing it as shared consensus, allowing this through. Indeed, I am morally obligated to let it through, and it is tactically wise to do so. Unwise to always dismiss enemy arguments on the basis of their evil source, evil motives, and motivated reasoning. Plausibly valid reasoning needs to be addressed, even if actually motivated reasoning.

                > This is literally true with ESG, though! “Woke capital” means Larry Fink’s views matter more to the value of a company than how popular its products are. The Federal Reserve and the sort of demographics who control it determine value, not the consumer.

                Businesses that actually produce value, for example oil frackers and Musk’s starlink, are not funded by the fed. The only businesses that are funded by the fed are the businesses of the unproductive and parasitic blue megalopolis quasi statal fire economy.

                So the cultural and political views of the fed have absolutely zero influence on them.

                The views of bankers have very little influence on them. Productive businesses normally have insignificant bank funding and when they do have significant bank funding it is corrupt for the banker to interfere in the running of the business, and when the shareholders get wind that is happening, they jump ship, Are banks funding frackers and starlink?

                What does have influence is not banks, but HR, which is a tentacle of the state injected into every business, the equivalent of China’s party men that it is now industriously injecting into private businesses. We saw this in the internal Google memos that were leaked from Google in the firing of James Damor, fired for speaking truth.

                HR threatened the board with a hostile work environment lawsuit if they refused to fire James Damore. Bankers appear absolutely nowhere in the leaked discussion.

                And anyone can see for themselves the same thing happening in every workplace. It is not the bankers, it is HR, the Human Resources department.

                We are now seeing the same political interventions coming from SOX accounting, in the form of ESG. environmental and social governance, where accountants take it on themselves to treat holiness as an asset and unholiness as a cost, and if the CEO does not like it, he is going to be arrested. SOX accountancy, is, like HR, a tentacle of the state injected into every public corporation, which is why Musk correctly believes that to allow free speech on Twitter, has to be taken private, so that he will be allowed to legally count the creation of value as value, and not count the creation of holiness as value, without being arrested. ESG comes from accountants, primarily from SOX accountants, just as a hostile work environment lawsuit comes from HR. Banks have nothing to do with it.

                > And we have already seen what happens when the entrepreneur capitalist profit motive is introduced into medicine with vaccine fraud.

                The vaccine was created in the same labs as created the virus, and was ready to roll before the virus was deliberately or accidentally released. And those labs were funded by Fauci. The vaccine was laundered through quasi statal private businesses at the instigation of Fauci, who shut down testing that was giving bad results. These are state or quasi state actions, or the actions of a conspiracy within the state, and in so far as nominally private businesses are involved, they are quasi statal businesses that do not give a tinker’s damn about profit, and they have sox accounting, which fails to record profit as profit anyway.

                Ivermectin is produced by genuinely private businesses for profit. Which is why you have to buy it labelled as horse paste.

                I may be a golden pure blood. Following a social function after which a lot of those who attended tested positive for Covid, I got weepy eyes, a running and partially blocked nose, mild sneezing, and a slight sore throat. I immediately took a single dose of horse paste containing 20mg Ivermectin. In two hours my symptoms were largely gone, and when I woke up in the morning, completely gone. (You have to take it immediately, so don’t wait for testing. It will have little or no effect if taken three or four days after the onset of symptoms, because the virus will have already entered the nuclei of large numbers of your cells and large amounts of spike protein will have already entered your circulation. Don’t take a second dose until at least a couple of weeks have passed. A single dose has effect that lasts for quite a while.)

                I took no other medications, other than that I routinely take large amounts of vitamin D, vitamin K, and a balanced set of divalent salts, which may well have protective effect. Given the association between Covid and demon worship, the power of Christ may well also have protective effect. Though, of course, one of the mechanisms through which the power of Christ acts is that the power of Christ protects one from mind control, which results in one having horse paste in one’s fridge.

                The vaccine was produced by quasi state businesses at the instigation of Fauci, who is Harvard’s high priest for medicine and biology. Attacking the honest pursuit of medical profit will mean no ivermectin, but plenty of useless dangerous fake vaccines.

                In the entire world, Singapore had, or had when I was there, the most nearly private for profit medical system. It also has, or had when I was there, by far the best medical system, and vastly pays less for as fraction of GDP than any other advanced country. Hugely better, hugely cheaper (more expensive for the individual in an individual medical appointment of course, but he is just paying cash on the barrelhead, not paying it through through taxes on himself and his employer, and not facing ruinous and unpredictable medical bills after the event. Hotels frequently provide a doctor who makes room calls as part of their concierge service. You call room service, and a doctor comes to your room the way maids and food come to your room. The superior quality of surgeries and the like in Singapore are famous throughout the world. Singapore gets, or got when I was there, a whole lot of medical tourism, people coming to Singapore for elective or non urgent surgery.

                > Increasing employment profits while decreasing entrepreneur profits

                Has been tried ten thousand times in a hundred countries, with results that are invariably and uniformly hateful and destructive for the employees, and usually implemented by people who hate the employees. The effect is invariably similar to Marxist “support and love” for the peasants. As Marxist love for the peasantry murdered huge numbers of peasants, supposedly favoring the employee over the employer has invariably and uniformly damaged or destroyed the lives of employees.

                Like socialist housing, been tried over and over and over again, with the same results every single time. And it is always pushed by the “hail fellow peasant” brigade, people who have never worked a day in their lives at the sort of job the person they are supposedly helping works at. They hate and despise the people they are supposedly trying to help, and behind their back call them rednecks or lumpenproles – well they used to call them that, but these days probably call them racists, homophobes, and bitter clingers.

                “Land to the tiller” is always, in practice, land to the party. And the party invariably administers that land far less competently, and in a way that is in practice far more brutal, harsh, and hostile to the tiller, than the former landowner did. The landowner probably liked his tillers, and they would attend his parties and drink with him. “The hail fellow peasant” brigade would not give them the time of day. The man who wants to give land to the tiller is angry because the tiller’s dog smelled the evil on him.

                • Anonymous Fake says:

                  [*attempt to redefine our words deleted. Usury means what Christians and Mohammedans have always said it means, not what commies say it means*] but what do you think happened to white collar corporate employees that transformed them into liberal HR and SOX accounting commissars?

                  [*endlessly repeated lies deleted. Not going to rebut them yet again*]

                  The argument about the state being the primary actor in imposing HR and SOX on corporate enterprises looks wrong when you consider that conservatives in power don’t change anything

                  [*Completely ridiculous and wildly improbable official truths about medicine, that have become terribly and obviously very dangerous to believe, that we are endlessly told over and over, confidently asserted without explanation, evidence, or argument, deleted, yet again.*]

                • jim says:

                  > but what do you think happened to white collar corporate employees that transformed them into liberal HR and SOX accounting commissars?

                  Nothing whatsoever. A precondition for getting a job in HR is an accreditation from a university that you are a loyal adherent of the faith, and if a businessman was to try to hire HR people with inappropriate accreditation he would go to jail.

                  The amount of holy faith and holy zeal required to receive such accreditation has been steadily escalating, and these days likely requires eating the flesh of living babies and submitting to interracial sodomy in front of the university entrance committee. If it does not yet require that, it very soon will.

                  > The argument about the state being the primary actor in imposing HR and SOX on corporate enterprises looks wrong when you consider that conservatives in power don’t change anything

                  Conservatives are never in power. The Trump presidency demonstrated that. If a member of the government obeyed Trump, he got arrested, his property confiscated, and sent to prison where he was subjected to extraordinarily harsh treatment, like General Flynn, while Hunter Biden is free as a bird. We see democrats stuffing ballot boxes in public on video in broad daylight, and not only does no one make a fuss, most people are too scared to watch for fear that they might be arrested for seeing what may not be seen, even though Republicans are theoretically in charge.

                  If conservatives “in power” cannot stop teachers in government schools grooming small children for sodomy, and cannot stop Democrats from stuffing ballot boxes in broad daylight in public while being videoed, are they in power?

                  When they can purge gays from exercising power over other people’s children in public schools and grooming those children for sodomy, then after that they might be able to do something about Human Resources and accounting.

                  When you hear outrage from the homosexual community about not being allowed to be teachers, they way they were outraged about not be allowed to be scoutmasters, then you can ask why accounting is still enforcing Environmental, Social, and Governance.

                  The scouts, notoriously, became sodomy school. The schools have long been sodomy and whore school, and are now getting into the business of castrating small boys and masectomizing small girls. When that stops, then you can ask about EGS, and its not going to stop, no matter what Governor DeSantis says, until you hear screams of outrage about a morality test being applied to K5 teachers, or until we start throwing teachers who flaunt their sexual deviance to K5 schoolchildren from tall buildings.

    • Neofugue says:

      The time-tested proven cure for SIDS is to maintain a healthy and loving relationship with your wife.

      SIDS, like cutting, is a product of the sexual revolution.

      If “sudden infant death syndrome” were real, we would find extensive medical documentation of the condition prior to the 1960s like we do for cancer, tuberculosis, bubonic plague, et cetera.

      Looks like the Polygon is searching for a new means by which to cover for infanticide.

      • Red says:

        SIDs is mentioned in the bible. Remember the 2 hookers and the baby to be cut in half and King Solomon?

        SIDS was used by the Polygon to tell women not to sleep with their children has is nature to do. This messes up bonding with the kid.

      • Meat Guy says:

        Kirsch posted some insane data from Florida about child vaccinations being down and deaths also being down in relation. Something like 10 percent less infant mortality rate. I think shooting heavy metals into your infants body often maims and murders them.

  8. Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

    Looks like Finland is officially going to join up with the American Empire. What are the likely reactions from Russia?

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      Mearsheimer has some comments regarding this, I believe they were delivered years ago when he warned that the West’s machinations in UKR would result in Russian invasion. Over the past weeks, Putin’s regime has stated that, should FIN and/or SWE move to join the Organization, they would deploy nuclear weapons in the Baltic. Past that, I haven’t found anything in English regarding an RF response. I bet there’s Russian language articles on the topic.

      I’ll go on the record with some loose predictions. If the governing regimes of Finland and Sweden move to join the Organization, there will be a domestic backlash. I think Russia will begin moving troops to the Baltic borders and strengthening Kaliningrad. If they join, it will be the next falling domino leading to a conflict between GAE and Russia, possibly the Point Of No Return.

    • Red says:

      >Looks like Finland is officially going to join up with the American Empire. What are the likely reactions from Russia?

      Putin has no son to follow him to the throne and thus isn’t thinking about what his son will inherit. The Russian leaderships spends it’s time piously talking about the hypocrisy of the west as though they really think the Polygon can be shamed. This makes him too weak to respond to the stranglehold NATO is trying to place on Russia. When not war is met with mildness, the not war always intensifies.

  9. Fireball says:

    Any bets on how long it will take for human sacrifice being so blatantly committed this way?

    • Mayflower Sperg says:

      The CERN cult could cut its victims in half with a gigawatt particle beam, but would rather club them to death. What a lame religion.

    • Red says:

      They’ll probably round up some Russian Christians for human sacrifices when they kick off WW3.

  10. The Ducking Man says:

    Somewhat off-topic but I just want to get this thinking out of my system because it has been bothering for a while.

    So AFAIK people in this blog have wet dream about having children more than his finger can count. Nothing wrong about that, if you can afford it go for it. What’s bothering me is you guys are giving a person minus point because “he only has 3 kids”.

    If today is 1800s I might’ve agreed. But the days of “only half of children reach adulthood” is no more, even in backwater village I currently live in. And the days of using children as free child labor is also no more.

    “But having only 2 or 3 children is against GNON”, so now you tell me which mammal have children on 2 digits figure?. Even mammals are known to kill their own children to have fewer but stronger children.

    So, what’s the rush in pumping out kids?

    Or am I missing something here?, like child labor is actually preferable by people in this blog?

    • Pax Imperialis says:

      I prefer to live in civilization, as do nearly all people, and not a barren uninhabited wasteland. To that end, an average of 2.1 children is the bare minimum. 2.1 is the replacement fertility rate just to ensure the next generation maintains population yet it doesn’t even account for the fact that long term sustainability likely requires much higher than 2.1 because people often fail to reproduce at all. Thus those who do have children must do so at rates far higher than 2.1.

      This has nothing to do with child labor and everything to do with the continuation of humanity. Unless your goal is extinction, promoting at bare minimum 3 children is imperative.

      • The Ducking Man says:

        This is exactly what I’m talking about. In last thread talking about Rod Dreher, some guy names Frank Matters bash this Dresher fella because “he only has 3 kids”. Let me quote exactly what FM said.

        “Apparently as a Catholic and then Eastern Orthodox, and married for some 25 years, he only had 3 children. If not a fertility issue, he failed his mandate to “be fruitful and multiply.”

        I guess the point I’m trying to get across is why can’t we be satisfied with 2 or 3 children per family mandate?

        • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

          >why can’t we be satisfied with 2 or 3 children per family mandate?

          Those who can conquer the stars will have 5 to 7.

        • Andy says:

          As noted below, the commenters giving big family advice usually turn out not to have any children yet. Those raising actual children generally have more nuanced takes. It’s a tough gig. Even loading a car with multiple children and all the modern safety restraint requirements is a challenge. One of the most liberating days of parenthood for me was when all my kids could open the car doors themselves, strap themselves in and I could just drive off. Same for feeding & toileting.

          Do what you can in the kid department. It will get easier physically as they get older but there will always be the emotional component.

          • The Ducking Man says:

            >As noted below, the commenters giving big family advice usually turn out not to have any children yet

            Spot on. I don’t know how people experience parenthood, but as far as I concern it is very taxing emotionally and physically.

            And lest we forget children need to be shown attention and actual parenting (i.e. correcting their behavior) which takes our time and mental capacity.

            Even if money is no issue, dividing attention and time are very difficult.

            • Red says:

              Basic young child parenting, nutritious cooking and cleaning needs to be done by women. Women no long do their jobs, so men trying to pick up the slack is hugely time consuming because we’re not well suited for the job.

              You suck at parenting much like a woman engineer sucks at coding.

        • Frank Matters says:

          Did you completely forget the exposition?

          You are not in the same position as a western man.
          As far as I can tell your nation is not facing a massive crisis of disgenia and infertility; you likely come from a large family. Different people occupy different roles, have different spiritual struggles to contend with. Most people of higher breeding in my civilization are failing to successfully reproduce, therefore those that manage must both compensate and provide an example.

          • Kunning Druegger says:

            I think you may have touched a nerve on 2 points: apparently, Dreher has fans here? I’ve never heard of the guy, and I could care less.

            The second point is more interesting and more relevant to me: your critique of Dreher, his message v. his actions, implicitly impugns anyone with 3 children or less. You’ve cleared up the context in my opinion, but it doesn’t ameliorate my own sense of inadequacy, failure, rage, etc. at the unavoidable fact that, by my own stated reasoning and beliefs, I do not have enough children. I bet I’m not alone on this one either. Jealousy and inadequacy are the LSD of emotions for parents; a little dose, at the right time, can knock you loose from a rut or open your eyes to possibilities you never considered. It can also grab your perceptions and rub your face in regret. If you OD on these things, you begin to feel like you are at the bottom of a deep pit that gets deeper on its own if you do nothing, and gets deeper if you try to do anything.

            The best thing to do if you want a big, healthy family is to come from a big healthy family, marry a virgin young, by quite smart and capable, have loads of patience and forbearance, and be naturally pretty lucky. That list is a mighty intimidating challenge. If you come from a small family or a broken home, it is incredibly hard to “get started.” While the window for a man to start and cultivate a big family is much larger than a woman’s, it isn’t going to give you the feeling of being a healthy, successful 40something with with your first kid entering his 20s, able to assist you in your mission and give you grandkids that will see you as a literal god (as in, if you start having kids in your 40s, you’re going to be decrepit in the era of their virility).

            Parenting is the #01 target of the Cathedral because it is the easiest and most effective point of failure in the Occidental System. If you can keep men from fatherhood and prevent women from the tie down of motherhood, every other little scheme and chaos option is magnitudes easier. That’s why they work so hard at making parenting seem undesirable while also growing adults that feel or actually are incapable of it. Your comment touched that nerve (at least for me, but i kept reading, and to be fair, you didn’t expose the nerve or make my decisions for me, so it’d be pretty gay for me to get angry at you). Probably a teachable moment for a lot of us here.

            We have to make the best of a bad situation. It is better to have a kid than no kid. It is better to be married than be single. But it is better to have more than just one kid, and it is MASSIVELY better to have a happy, healthy marriage than just be married. And the ladder goes ever upward. So it’s probably best to just patiently encourage any man that’s on it and climbing, regardless of how far they are or get.

    • alf says:

      No I get your point.

      I think the argument is that, in a smooth functioning society, the kind we like, expansion is natural. To wit, happy fertile women are always thinking of new baby names. It is in our nature. Which is why in better times families were just bigger, because that”s just what happens in better times.

      Now of course we don’t live in better times — we live in pretty degenerate times. If you want a big family nowadays, not only must you make a very conscious effort, you are also swimming against societal current. These days, if you keep your marriage together and raise two kids, you’ve done just fine in my book.

      And hypothetically, if even in better times you would want two kids and no more, you’d get no minus points from me. Having children is a quite personal choice.

    • Meat Guy says:

      I don’t really have any feelings personally towards having lots of kids or not having lots of kids. I’m just a Catholic (no birth control) and I love to fuck. My wife is 21 and we’ve already got two. I do miss what life was like before them because having hobbies was cool, but I’ve got a White Race to save, so a life of sacrifice it is.

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      It’s simply more beneficial to have a larger family, and that includes personally. It’s basically DIY expansion of an economical, social, and theological network for yourself and your comrades.

    • Pooch says:

      What’s bothering me is you guys are giving a person minus point because “he only has 3 kids”.

      It was only one dumb ass pimple face kid who said this, who turns out has no kids of his own. Don’t take financial advice from people with less money than you, and don’t take child rearing advice from people with less children than you.

      Having said that, if you are Christian, I do believe you are commanded by God to be fruitful and multiply. This means having as many kids as you and your wife can support, but not having kids in order to fulfill your own hedonistic pleasure is the ultimate mark of a post-Christian pagan heathen.

      • The Ducking Man says:

        >but not having kids in order to fulfill your own hedonistic pleasure is the ultimate mark of a post-Christian pagan heathen.

        Just want to confess I’ve been battling this demon for past few months. The thoughts of how good my life and my hobby can be if I decided not having kid keep flashing my mind.

        I’m battling my frustration why I live like dirt poor peasant despite having middle class salary. The demon whisper to pint the blame on my kid’s monthly expenses (which is a lot btw, it’s like 1/3 of my salary).

        May my confession be a warning for young brother in this blog who decided to have kid. Lest we blame our life’s difficulty on our offspring.

        • Kunning Druegger says:

          Keep your demons out in front of you, brother. Nothing worth having is easy, and there’s no guarantee outside of fiction that doing the right thing is rewarding in any immediate sense. Just remember, you don’t have kids, you have the job of forging worthwhile adults.

        • Red says:

          Having only one kid results in the kid being spoiled. Bad for the kid and bad for the parents. I saw many such examples growing up. My own father admits that it wasn’t good for him to be a only child.

          My guess is your spending a ton on the kid at the insistence of your wife. If so, your problem is your wife not your child.

          Being given very little as a child isn’t a bad thing. My father made decent money but spent it poorly. I grew up poor. My only complaint was his refusal to live someplace that resembled the jungle all kids crave growing up, instead he moved us to places where he could maximize his income at the expense of his home environment. Led to an unhappy home that he avoided by never being home.

        • jim says:

          > Just want to confess I’ve been battling this demon for past few months. The thoughts of how good my life and my hobby can be if I decided not having kid keep flashing my mind.

          My kids were no burden at all. On the other hand, they seem to be a considerable burden to my sons because they permit the kids to interrupt and bother them, and because they fail to dump women’s work on women.

          Also my kids were close together, so they could keep each other entertained. One kid is inherently more work for dad.

        • St. JtMS says:

          I started having kids late, mostly because I was afraid of costs, responsibility, hassle, the unknown, etc. Two important things that many know but I learned along the way. First one is that each successive child is easier/less expensive/etc than the one before. First one is hardest as you adjust everything in your life to accommodate. For the second and additional, you’ve already made the big adjustments in your life and they’re much easier—much less impact on yourbudget and your new status quo.

          The other thing that I was aware of but couldn’t internalize until I was a father is that having kids can motivate you to demand more out of life and of yourself—specifically your vision of how much money you can make expands if you let it. For me, maybe it’s that my previous self-limitation on (low) income capability was forced to change because of inherent new family demands.

          I have five kids now—young adults. It’s been not without difficulties but also a lot more doable than I ever thought before I started. And of course far more rewarding than anything else. Hang in there—demand more of yourself in the market. Written goals were/are helpful for me. Whatever your station is at the moment, write a plan including small incremental goals to better yourself and your income. It’ll happen for you.

      • Frank Matters says:

        How about we add some context you blathering retard.

        Dreher the cretin pretends to represent and write on Christian virtue. Strong Catholic virtue, at least in the USofA, has a strong fertility bent, with many advocating zero use of any contraceptive technique at all. Not even coitus interruptus. Am I allowed to say this? Should I impregnate your whore mother before I can say this?

        I gave no advice on child rearing. I don’t pretend to know about child rearing. You have a terrible memory, terrible reading comprehension, or both.

        If you want to be civil, I will drop the acerbic tone, by the way. Flaming gets boring.

    • Oak says:

      You should be very happy with three children in these times (and congratulations). I think the argument for having more is

      1. reversion to the mean white fertility rate over the generations (which would put everyone’s direct bloodline at serious risk of ending if the WQ isn’t solved quickly). The more children you have, the more you mitigate that risk. You can raise your own children and grandchildren outside of the reach of the cathedral, but beyond that it’s not under your direct control. And, of course, they will need to find sane pro-natal people to have at least 2.1 children with.

      2. the eugenic effect of differential fertility. If you are reading this blog, you are probably in the upper thresholds of IQ and should have as many children as possible to spread those genes.

      3. possibility of social conflict killing off at least some of your descendents. Again, more children mitigates this risk.

    • Mayflower Sperg says:

      So AFAIK people in this blog have wet dream about having children more than his finger can count. Nothing wrong about that, if you can afford it go for it.

      Go for it even if you can’t afford it. Let feminists work 60-hour weeks paying taxes for all the welfare your kids will be consuming while you work off the books for cash and crypto.

      OK, maybe don’t do that in Indonesia because your children could actually starve if you have too many. The TFR there is 2.29, but was recently much higher, so the place still feels crowded, even in rural areas.

      Where I live in the Northeast USA, rural areas are a post-apocalyptic wasteland — vast, dense forests criss-crossed with stone walls, faint traces of old roads, and cellar-holes of long-abandoned farm-houses.

      • S.J., Esquire says:

        “Where I live in the Northeast USA”

        Is it not like that everywhere? I get a kick out of going up to my wife’s old hometown, you can see farm implements in the woods, left there after having been used one final time.

      • Kunning Drueger says:

        That piece was ugly and depressing. 20th and 21st century Europe is an absolute horror show, both in aesthetics and existence. So too is the liberal northeast of the US. I think there’s a groundswell of opposition to the dying of the light in some communities, though whether it’s too little, too late remains to be seen. As much as I love classical Evrope, the modern creature holds little to no appeal. Occasionally, I would interact with European scholars and professors during university, and I never came across one that wasn’t a State Department shill/priest. Distasteful in the extreme, and I genuinely hope there are Europeans out there having kids, building beautiful things, and working to restart a viable culture.

      • The Ducking Man says:

        Someone remember I’m indonesian, I’m having tears on my eyes.

        You are correct sir. Everywhere in this nation is crowded, I went to Nabire city in Papua even the interstate road is crowded (literally people are having night sleep in public road).

    • Neofugue says:

      Many of my ancestors had on average five or six children, each born three to four years apart. There are many forms of natural birth control, such as breastfeeding, which allowed families to space out kids such that by the time they had their fourth child their first was almost an adult. In other words, despite having five or six children, they would only be taking care of two or three at any given time.

      Do not get hung up by that “only three kids” person. Keep in mind your wife may need another c-section to have a second child given that she required one for your first, so you may not be able to afford another $2-3000 operation for quite a while.

      GNON says to have many children because he wants you to be successful. Traditional values are Darwinian values because peoples and nations which deviated from those values failed to reproduce, otherwise non-traditional values would be “traditional.” If you can only have one child, it is not up to me to judge, it is up to you to decide. Intellectuals operate in the world of theory; it is up to you whether or not to use their ideas.

    • Adam says:

      Well, what else are you going to do?

      Average male has about 50-60 years of adulthood. Raising children takes 20-25, or more depending on how many kids you have. If you have 3, and all within a 5 year window, piece of cake. Kids are easier to deal with than a wife, very little trouble. Hardest part of the whole thing, kids, wife, money etc. is you are swimming against the current. Especially if you have an old type Christian marriage. Progressive McChristians both men and women will empower your wife to rebel. Your kids may or may not rebel, mine never did. Our oldest is almost 21 and still asks permission to stay at a friends house (kind of funny).

      I strongly suggest that if you have a son, keep going until he has a sister. My son is infinitely better prepared for marriage and family than I was, as he grew up with sisters.

      Hardest part for myself was it was not all that challenging and I found a lot of the routine boring. I sought out too much adventure and eventually my negligence caught up with me.

      Kids are great though and I can’t wait to be a grandfather. Best thing I did with my life. My phones wallpaper is a picture of my son when he was 1 year old, with his blanket laying on me relaxing. Every man should know what that feels like. To go through life and look back at the end and not have kids to show for it, seems like a waste of time.

      • jim says:

        Right on, exactly so, my experience also.

        Having adventures with my kids, my negligence caught up with me, but I narrowly escaped disaster.

  11. Yul Bornhold says:

    Can bitcoin act as store of value even if POZGOV shackles it with crippling regulations? It’d be just the same as USD, except that the Cathedral can’t inflate it; a substantial advantage.

  12. Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

    The forever war faction’s next trick seems to be egging Finland and Sweeden on into abandoning their neutrality and joining the Imperial army.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      This was an obvious and reasonable red line for the RF. Coupled with the tacit admission of proxy war in UKR, I think it’s reasonable to assume that 1) we are fully into Inflection Point territory 2) the best predictive models are probably late cold war realism and early hard sci-fi exposition (this is not good) 3) the war faction is not influentially restricted to the US Cathedral apparatus.

      Do you think Russia and Putin learned the lesson, or will they continue to sodt-touch towards collapse?

      What’s the likelihood of the monarchist and/or martial remnant effecting regime change as a last resort?

      • Dr. Faust says:

        “late cold war realism and early hard sci-fi exposition”

        Can you explain what you mean by this any further?

        • Kunning Druegger says:

          Basically, the models, assertions, and predictions of the Realist School in the 1980s. At that time, there was a basic assumption in every school of thought that the USSR was going to last in perpetuity. Some folks predicted the collapse, but most just assumed the decline would be slow, and built predictive models based on the slow decline, or status quo maintaining. I am postulating that the models and predictive frameworks that were built on the RSSR continuing to exist and continuing to act as a global super power are possibly more useful than either the Fukuyama Post-History crowd, the Constructionist School, or even the neo-realist school that appears to be forming. Put another way, large institutions that cut across various social/ideological faults will begin to act more in line with explicit realism, a reintroduction of balance of power politics and policy.

          …and if you delve into hard sci-fi fiction, the more realistic stuff (instead of the brave, bright, Star Trek future OR the post-apocalyptic/dystopia fare), particularly the exposition that builds the world of the narrative, that would be a better primer for strategic forecasting than the stuff being generated by the mainstream in either the GAE or China.

          Another interesting “wobble” is the NRx/Jimian thesis of state religion politics. In summary, every state and state level actor is some type of theocracy; China has their Chinese Characteristic Communism, GAE has their Accelerated Cultural Marxism, and Russia has an uncomfortable alliance between Nationalism and Christianity. These State religions will be the impetus motivating the factions that seek to control or actually control policy. Under this framework, I posit that whichever faction A) institutes neo-Monarchy B) goes all in on whichever religion they select and C) fully adopts Info Epoch Warfare/Statecraft/Social Engineering will have a wide open path to dominance.

          As ever, because I love being wrong and contrarian, my money is on a neo-Horde rising out of the Steppe, taking down China and subsuming Russia before blitzing onto the Northern European Plain. Alphachads on motorcycles with drones and satellites.

          • jim says:

            > Basically, the models, assertions, and predictions of the Realist School in the 1980s. At that time, there was a basic assumption in every school of thought that the USSR was going to last in perpetuity.

            The “realist” school was the future history imagined by the show StarTrek before the Soviet Union fell.

            It was the left’s fantasy, like “the end of history”. Utterly unrealistic and entirely deluded.

            And now, the left is still clinging to “the end of history” delusion. They are entirely out of contact with reality.

            > I am postulating that the models and predictive frameworks that were built on the RSSR continuing to exist and continuing to act as a global super power are possibly more useful

            They were grade F idiocy then, and they are grade F idiocy now. The left was wanking then, and the left is wanking now.

            The correct model is the decline of empire. You have to look further back in history to see the correct model. The existing hegemon is challenged repeatedly, with increasing vigor. The challenges fail, until one of them succeeds. Then you sometimes get a new hegemon, and frequently get a prolonged period of violence and chaos. There is a significant likelihood of large well organized bandit groups with drones and nukes being the dominant forces.

            If we have to put a new model of governance together from the bottom up, it is likely to be bandits that put it together first.

          • Gedeon says:

            The closest thing to a neo-horde was either the Chechens or Taliban. The Chechens lost because they could not sustain the will of the people to resist in the face of their homes being turned into dust by russian artillery. The Taliban nominally won because they enjoy living in squalor and GAE has nothing to offer them in trade.

            It could have been argued that the IRGC under Soleimani was a candidate, but I think that organization has been decapitated and cannot recover to pre-Soleimani status and organization now.

            What the Mongols employed was a warfare asymmetry based upon swarms of horseback warriors with arrows against opponents stuck on the ground with similar or inferior weapons and associated limited tactics. As the Russians are experiencing in Ukraine, a conventional military operation is constrained by their logistical capacity and organization. Whereas the GAE had/has excellent logistics and could hold bases in far away hostile lands like Afghanistan and Iraq, to Guam and Japan, etc., the GAE had nothing to win the hearts and minds of locals with in Afghanistan and Iraq and could only throw good money after bad holding their bases.

            Motorcycles and drones are great tech, but there is the logistical problems of fuel and parts that go with them. So the US or a peer can supply drones to Ukraine or in the Nagorna-Karabakh war, but we aren’t see the components being produced within the borders of the conflict like we saw with IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan or even the Irish Civil war.

            My view is that STATEs will continue to try and maintain their relevance like we saw with COVID-19 scamdemic and the November 4+ 2020 election fraud, but that the systems supporting the STATEs will collapse. This can take the form of a container or breastmilk shortage or sanctions and the supplying of opponents as Russia is experiencing today. China is highly vulnerable to information operations and it’s important to remember what was going on in Hong Kong leading up to the pandemic unfolding.

            As such, I think we will see the STATES falling apart at the edges economically, in the beginning, and then in chunks as the corporate and political institutions holding it all together fail. So what we are looking at is a battle of attrition and resisting the particularities of local tyranny more than waging a direct war against STATES. As such, the war in Ukraine does more to bolster the STATE architecture than it does to undermine either the Ukrainian or Russian governments or NATO. NATO was all but dead prior to February 22, but is now likely to evolve into a hyper-NATO before it falls apart.

            • someDude says:

              Got to disagree violently.

              The Chechen population is 1 Million while Afghanistan population is 20 million.

              Chechnya is much closer to Russia than Afghanistan was to either Superpower.

              Chechnya has no borders with any Islamic/friendly power while the Afpak border leaked like a sieve in both conflicts.

              You can’t draw the conclusions the way you did without accounting for these massive difference in circumstances. Even among Afghans, the Chechens enjoy something of a legendary status as fighters. One-on-one, the chechens are superior to Afghans, but maybe not 20 times.

              • Oog en Hand says:

                Do you think their superiority is genetic, or cultural?

                • Kunning Drueger says:

                  False, and pointless, dichotomy. It’s like the Nature v. Nurture not-argument.

      • jim says:

        Russian Federation has nukes, and no alternative to doing what it needs to do survive.

        If all else fails, then their backs are against the wall. They will likely have to use nukes.

        What, however, it lacks, which may well have unfortunate consequences, is a leader who appreciates Information Epoch warfare, Information Epoch weapons like the Turks have learned to build, and a computer network that is resistant to NSA intrusion.

        Every time one of us penetrates the Polygon computer networks and steals some interesting emails, they blame insanely clever Russian hackers, but most of these hacks are very old hacks against very well known insecurities, and it is not the Russians. The infamous Hunter Biden emails just got lost due to Hunter Biden being high as a kite, no hacking required. Russia needs to make its networks secure, and take advantage of the declining computer competence of the Polygon to penetrate their networks to obtain targeting information for Information Epoch weapons to give it an alternative to nuclear war.

        • Severian says:

          Right, aren’t most of these network “hacks” in the US mostly social engineered?

          • Aidan says:

            Yes, one of the costs of hiring Shaniqua is that she is likely to click on the email link promising her a lifetime supply of grape soda and hair extensions, and that is just about the only tool hackers have against well-hardened networks. Though, Podesta himself fell for phishing, so it is all niggers top to bottom in the elite

            • jim says:

              Networks are frequently not well hardened, you go for the weakest link. It is not easy to secure a network. If the Russians cannot secure their state networks, how is Shaniqua going to do it?

              A combined attack works best – you get information about humans by hacking known or common network flaws, and then you spearphish the humans. Spearphishing is an important element, but most attacks employ both elements, as for example the leak of the climate conspiracy emails which used three elements: Insider entryist mole, hacking attack on an insecure network, and spearphishing.

            • Kunning Drueger says:

              You know better than anyone that I’m not partial to Shaneekwa or Drayvon, but phishing seems to be massively effective against anyone, so long as the targeting is appropriate. Everyone is susceptible to being offered their heart’s desire, but the Affirmative Action types are the definition of low hanging fruit. Someone I used to know at No Such Agency told me that the only truly safe network is the one made of airgapped boxen that humans aren’t allowed to use lol. Similar to the old (Soviet?) joke about the staff at an automated factory, which was a man and a dog: the man feeds the dog, and the dog guards the factory from the man.

  13. Ghost says:

    Here’s the video 2000 Mules showing antifa stuffing drop boxes:

    • The Cominator says:

      D’Souza is one of the very very rare good Indians. This is more watchable than I thought… but the thing that was different in the 2020 election…

      I believe that at least in Wisconsin and Georgia even using army of mules wasn’t enough they just dropped off mass printed ballots to the corrupt precinct voting centers.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        I always thought D’Souza to be just another RINO cuck. I’m pleasantly surprised to hear he might not be…

        What’s your reasoning for why he is good? I don’t watch him closely.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      Can you give a QRD? D’Souza is a shekel snatcher. This isn’t a sin, but I have a low tolerance for Q-style copium and he’s a repeat offender.

      • Ghost says:

        QRD: Video is about an hour and a half. It gets into the facts about half way. The producers used cell phone ping data to track antifa going between drop boxes and NGO Democrat sites numerous times all over several cities. These same antifa were pinged at their protests. This was happening in all the swing states. There is drop box video of fat antifa sluts pushing reams of ballots into drop boxes.

  14. Mike Thalassitis says:

    Theres talk of regulations on stable coins. Anyone have an idea of how this will work and if its likely to go ahead?

    • jim says:

      They have been trying to regulate stablecoins for many years. I suppose they will try harder. Might have some effect. But every previous time, the effect has been unimpressive.

      They probably will go ahead, for they have gone ahead many times already.

      • Aryaman says:

        In reading the literature they put out on regulating stablecoins, it’s quite obvious they don’t understand their use. They propose ever more onerous and expansive KYC/AML at the surface between crypto and the regulated banking system. That is, they propose making it very hard indeed for a terrorist to have his stablecoin redeemed for fiat dollar in a bank account he controls.

        So long as some 10 to 15 percent of the stablecoin velocity derives from otherwise innocuous transactions, however, this does not matter. The legitimate users are enough to support the arbitrage necessary to enable the stablecoin as a medium of exchange for the terrorist. They do not appear to understand this fact.

        That drug lords cannot open a bank account in which to deposit their $100 banknotes does not stop them from using said notes to pay for petty labor, which note finds itself inserted into a Coca Cola vending machine in quite short order.

        • suones says:

          That is, they propose making it very hard indeed for a terrorist to have his stablecoin redeemed for fiat dollar in a bank account he controls.

          The legitimate users are enough to support the arbitrage necessary to enable the stablecoin as a medium of exchange for the terrorist. They do not appear to understand this fact.

          You make a bold assumption that the terrorists/drug lords are the intended targets of BigGov. Which is wrong. The real targets are the legitimate kulaks. Consider India’s on-off FUD campaign against cryptocurrency. Who do you think it has deterred? Terrorists or savers?

          • Aryaman says:

            Of course but what is good and important for terrorists and drug lords is good and important for productive men, kulaks. As far as they are concerned the productive men, kulaks, are terrorists, in any case.

    • A2 says:

      Underlying it is the same problem as pegging your currency to that of another state, something which many states and central banks have tried and failed to implement over the years. As far as I know, only one has stood the tests of time and adversity: the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

    • BANE says:

      Apparently the stablecoin UST (supposed to be 1:1 with USD) has fallen to 0.4:1.


      Article claims its because of the large wave of crypto selloff.

      What should we make of this?

      • jim says:

        That Terra was always another crypto scam.

        Tether, USDT, which is by far the largest stablecoin, appears to be unaffected. It may well be a scam also, but if so it has been a long time, and they have not grabbed the money and run yet.

      • notglowing says:

        Terra (LUNA) and its corresponding UST stablecoin are a scam, always were.
        UST works in a fundamentally different way from the two main types of dollar-pegged stablecoins.

        These are dollar-backed, like USDC and USDT, or backed by crypto collateral, like DAI.

        UST is a so-called “algorithmic” stablecoin. It doesn’t really rely on specific collateral to give it value. The Foundation had some BTC and other cryptos as partial collateral, but that was not enough to cover UST’s full value nor was it meant to be. It was just a secondary thing they bought to add confidence.

        This is how UST works:

        – LUNA is the native token of the blockchain. Like ETH on Ethereum and BTC on Bitcoin. Its price is entirely determined by the free market, and constantly changes.

        – At any time, anyone who holds some LUNA might burn them. In exchange for burning your LUNA, you will receive UST equivalent to the current price of the LUNA you burned. These UST are freshly minted out of thin air.

        – If LUNA’s current market price is 100 USD, burning 1 LUNA will result in the minting of 100 UST which you receive.

        – The opposite process is how UST are “redeemed”. You can burn UST, and an amount of LUNA equivalent in value to your UST, at current prices, will be minted out of thin air, and given to you.

        It’s extremely obvious why this is 100% destined to collapse. If the price of LUNA goes down at any point after you mint UST, then you can redeem the UST for more LUNA than you originally used to make it. Meaning the total supply of LUNA increases, and the price goes down. So the next person to redeem his UST, is going to receive even more LUNA for each UST, and so on and so forth.
        It’s an exponential effect where the supply of LUNA explodes faster and faster in a bank run and there’s no way to stop it.
        This is how LUNA went from around 100$ to 0.05$

  15. Pooch says:

    Somewhat interesting response by Trump to Esper’s 60 minutes interview, in which Trump says “I had to run the military myself.”

    • Alfred says:

      Maybe even more interesting in that link is that he wanted to send 10,000 active duty troops to DC in the run-up to january 6 (or so he says, at least)…hmm…

  16. Mister Grumpus says:

    Check out this “Peter Zeihan” character and tell us what you make of him.

    He’s a former Stratfor guy who goes around speaking to government and big business people about The Big Stuff, but without ever saying “Shaniqua”, or that Covid and the vaxx were kinda fake, or that the election was stolen, or that female engineers impede innovation, or that the USD is in trouble.

    Like a Donor Class Boomerstradamus. just hop in anywhere.

    Topics, words, message, narrative, payload, rinse, repeat.

    Is he a chutzpah-strong fact-salad know-it-all, dancing as best he can around the needs to 1) make sense of real stuff, 2) in a way that gets him paid and invited back, but also 3) without thoughtcriming?

    Or rather is he running through my castle of ignorance with a flashlight?

    I suppose it can be some of both.

    He knows a lot, but by the simple fact that he’s a public figure, and being paid to publicly speak to executives, and not banned from anything, makes me suspicious about his advice and conclusions, even if every individual morsel of the “fact salad” makes some sense on its own.

    But in the end its his ability to confidently pontificate for an hour straight about the affairs of the world without ever saying “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure”, that gives me pause. High on his own supply. Warning warning. Proceed with caution.

    At the very least, here must be the publicly acceptable “hard nose contrarian” view of things.

    • clovis says:

      Well, he doesn’t even countenance the idea that someone might have reservations about globohomo hegemony. And he predicts the utter destruction of Russia and China. So if he knows what he’s talking about it’s very bad news.

    • Dr. Faust says:

      He doesn’t really clarify what he means by die except to say fall behind in technology and uses England as an example. He is kind of optimistic about the US because Boomers have children. And these children will be bad but not as bad as China who will have no children to make technology.

      The main flaw of his argument is the lack of citing the suicidal state religion of the US which has grown more insane by the month and at best can be said to have slowed down it’s descent. This is compared to China’s state religion which is not as insane and is certainly nowhere near terminal as the US.

      Also I agree with your statement. He makes too many statements and has too little doubt. I would guess most of what he says is based on numbers and little else. Not a useless metric but not sufficient either. The variables are vast and may be connected to one another in ways not easily seen which is why even the best traders have losing streaks.

      • A2 says:

        I was at an ACM conference in San Jose a few years ago. The professors were old and white, the grad students were chinese and indian. Somewhat disconcerting.

        • Varna says:

          “Just look at all those smart gooks and darkies listening to me and showing respect. The world is therefore working as it should be, all is fine.”

          • A2 says:

            Apres moi, le deluge.

          • Contaminated NEET says:

            So goddamned true. I see this with American small businessmen all the time: “My Mexican/Honduran/Somali/Liberian employees are so hardworking and respectful – much better than those lazy entitled American Whites.” The Whites aren’t actually any less productive than the dusky immigrants, though, just less interested in stroking your ego and playing into your fantasy of being the patrón.

            • Guy says:

              I have the misfortune of having several black women work for me. They are exceptional at sucking up to me, acting like Mammy in her rocking chair just trying to do what’s best and put a good day of work in. The second I am gone, they give their supervisors a hard time, roll their eyes, play on their phone, etc….

      • pyrrhus says:

        Does he explain how the US is going to dominate while depending on Russia, China and the ME for essential energy and raw materials, not to mention lacking a manufacturing base?

        • Kunning Drueger says:

          He maintains, and I agree, that the US has everything it needs to maintain energy independence, manufacturing, defense, and demographic continuity, except the political will. He’s strangely silent on the reasons for this. He touts the concept of the “fracklog,” a truly massive amount of petroleum products sitting in untapped wells, waiting for the market to hit a certain point. He also maintains that the US has a massive infrastructural, institutional, and skilled labor lead over every other player.

          I think he’s correct on a lot of this, but he’s blind to the Why of it all. He’s also apparently unaware of the Info Epoch, but that particular blindness is widespread. If Jim would actually put an effort into publishing a Gray Paper on that topic, I maintain he could, practically overnight, shift the paradigm in strategic forecasting and defense. It would require more than just assertions and confident statements, and it would inevitably raise questions of thoughtcrime, but it seems so eminently convincing that I think it would have massive impact. Info Epoch Paradigm has that stunning simplicity to be foundationally groundbreaking. Just my 0.02¢

          • Adam says:

            As far as skilled labor and manufacturing go, the only hope the west has is that everywhere else is worse. It is extremely difficult to find skilled labor right now. Normally I expect to have to teach new guys how to read a tape measure. I can imagine a time in the future I’m going to have to teach someone how to actually read.

            All the skilled guys like myself are in very short supply, which is great for me personally but I have no idea where the next generation is going to come from. We get guys that come in all the time, physically fit, smart enough to learn, but they just do not have it in them to do anything difficult. These are straight white males too.

            The guys that we have the best luck with are well older than me (early 40s).

            This doesn’t even touch on 40-60% price increases on everything plus major shortages and back orders of common building materials.

            Political willpower is not going to produce the manpower needed for growth. Or even sustain the status quo longer than 10-15 years. We need men, manly men. Everyone eligible is too busy smoking dope and playing Xbox.

            • Mayflower Sperg says:

              White men used to work hard, pay taxes, and think, “Come next election, we’ll sweep those dirty Democrats out of office — that’ll show ’em!” The 2020 election was a total and permanent victory for the party that hates white men, so what reason is there for white men to get out of bed? Niggers have a strong work ethic when it’s time to stuff ballot boxes; now the Dems can put them to work growing food, drilling oil, etc.

              You want to motivate white men, go to the country Jim lives in, which is protected from Harvard by Chinese nukes but not part of China proper. Open an IVF clinic and start planting white female embryos in surrogate mothers. In 15 years you’ll have a country where skilled tech nerds will gladly work for $30,000 a year because they can have a cute, young, obedient wife and raise a family there.

              • Adam says:

                A few months back my most reliable helper (27) came to me, could not get the cap off of the mineral spirits. Said he and the new guy (24) both couldn’t figure it out. Granted it was child-proof, but considering I cut off the childproof part when I first opened it this should not have been a struggle. I twisted it off easily. Not making this up.

                They are made of the flimsiest material these young men. No guts, no grit, nothing. City kids. Pampered and entitled. They spend their money on weed and Xbox and bang single mothers off Tinder. God forbid these guys actually get married and have a child.

                Unless you have a way of adulting millions of young men, we are screwed.

                • Contaminated NEET says:

                  What are you paying? How much contempt for these men do you allow yourself to display? If I were a skilled, industrious young man I’d have better things to do than be berated by you for peanuts.

                • S says:

                  As Jim is fond of saying, Australia turned whores in wives. Same applies here- if guts and grit are punished, no one will display them. If society start rewarding them, people will start applying themselves.

                • Adam says:

                  Pay starts 12-16$ for little/no experience. 4-5 years experience is around 25$ hour. I show them how to act (by how I act) and have nearly unlimited patience with them. It’s a lot like being a dad. The guys that stick around take after me, and end up productive and valuable (and get paid better). Most guys don’t make it long.

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  There’s no panacea, but I firmly believe that the best method for making men is adding pressure and forcing decisions. No simple fix is going to make up for years of bad parenting and societal pressure, but the urge to compete, breed, and dominate are instilled from millions of years of mate selection. No matter how bad it seems, that isn’t going to be extirpated by a few generations of progressive programming. We need pressure, and lots of it. And it has to be basically inescapable, sink or swim with no succor. This will help the winnowing down of all the useless dudes that would never have made it to adulthood in previous eras.

                  I know this kind of sucks, but more and more I have become convinced that we need an external calamity, a pressure cooker and wheat thresher kind of deal, like Boat People + Vesuvius. Call it natural accelerationism (as opposed to the synthetic accelerationism so loved by New Zealand mosque appreciators). I just don’t see any other way to knock loose the liberal democratic stranglehold, at least in the Occident.

                  Also, Adam, as one of those shitty, softhanded young guys, you need to be both harder and softer. they need the challenge and guidance, but you’ve gotta figure out the carrot part of the sticl/carrot methodology. I’m not saying it will work on every male, but for me, it took stakes and blessings to pull me out of the hedonics focused, drain circling trap.

                • jim says:

                  > I just don’t see any other way to knock loose the liberal democratic stranglehold

                  Holiness spirals always self destruct. The only open issue is whether we shall survive that self destruction.

                  In retrospect, it is apparent that technological singularity went off course in 1972. Holiness singularity is so far right on course, which course is for infinite leftism quite soon.

                  Holiness singularities are unpredictable for the same reason as women’s fashions are unpredictable, for if you knew what would be holy tomorrow, it would be holy today.

                  The anti war anti imperialist left is getting purged, canceled, demonetized, and deplatformed. Which would suggest that war will be getting holier, then much holier, for a while, but here are likely some more zig zags coming up.

                  Lately Zelensky has been murdering old type Christians, and I have seen a distinct increase in propaganda against old type Christianity, but that may not indicate anything. Anti war leftist are getting far more vigorous treatment than old type Christians.

          • jim says:

            > He touts the concept of the “fracklog,” a truly massive amount of petroleum products sitting in untapped wells, waiting for the market to hit a certain point.

            Nah. The market has long since passed that point. What they are waiting for is the likelihood that they can tap those reserves without being regulated to death, sued to oblivion, cancelled, deplatformed, demonetized, and murdered by state sponsored goons from antifa on the Soros payroll, aka the State Department payroll, for Soros’s wealth is and always has been slightly laundered US taxpayer money, ever less carefully laundered.

            • Kunning Drueger says:

              I should have been clearer: Zeihan thinks they are waiting for the pot to sweeten, I think they are constrained by the political zeitgeist.

            • pyrrhus says:

              Fracking was invented in the ’50s, but not used because it’s super expensive..With investor/Fed money, however, a large amount of fracking was done in the last 15 years, peaking in 2018, which exploited all the prime prospects, but still lost enormous cash..What’s left is the marginal prospects, which generally produce for only 2-4 years..As an economic matter, it’s increasingly irrelevant until oil reaches $200/Bl, and not important then…The only potential big fields left are in ANWAR and offshore Alaska…Natural gas is also declining, and if I were President, I would ban the export of LNG…

              • jim says:

                > Fracking was invented in the ’50s, but not used because it’s super expensive

                Fracking was not used because the greenies, backed by the courts, regulators, and state sponsored police protected thugs, made it super expensive. There is enough oil left to last for at least a century or so. Official reserves rely on private oil companies making reports, and they lie in order to avoid confiscation. Hence the propensity of oil fields to go on producing ever increasing ever amounts of oil, long after they should have been officially exhausted. Official oil reserves are always wildly inaccurate for the same reason as efforts to tax the rich never work. You can make rich people flee, and make them stop producing wealth, a lot easier than you can tax them, because any tax collection apparatus that attempts to tax the rich is necessarily and unavoidably clumsy and tends to produce more threats and danger of completely arbitrary destructive decisions than it produces revenue. And the same goes for oil and oil producers. Even attempting to officially find out how much oil there is apt to make oil producers flee. The man who actually found the oil suspects that the powerful man who is asking too many questions about what he found intends to take what he found. And he is very often correct to fear that.

                • pyrrhus says:

                  Well, I worked with some of the top geologists in the country and they don’t agree with anything you’ve said…The key thing with fossil fuels is the ratio of energy used to get the energy, which is very high for fracking, and would be even higher for more dilute or remote sources…The ratio is above 1 for wind power, for example, so it’s useless..There is probably a lot of coal in Antarctica, but it’s useless..It’s generally thought that a ratio of 1-10 is minimum for our industrial civilization to continue…

                • jim says:

                  You are an ignorant idiot. This is greenie ;ies.

                  The energy payoff for fracking is pretty good. You get enormously more energy out than energy in.

                  We are extracting more and more oil that is harder to get at, that is true and so that ratio is getting worse.

                  But it still very good. And there is a lot oil that is hard to get at, vastly exceeding the oil that was easy to get at. and if businessmen are free to get at it, it is going to remain reasonable and the price of fuel will be roughly what it was under Trump for a century or so. Assuming no major technological improvements in extracting oil that is hard to get at, and I expect major technological improvements.

                  Eventually we will be fracking coal, by pumping liquid oxygen and water into coal that is deep underground and mixed with an unreasonably large amount of rock, and extracting out producer gas, syngas. Which we will then convert into liquid fuel, probably in the form of dimethyl ether. There is enough coal for that operation to run for a very long time indeed. That will push the price of gasoline up – but it still produces an enormous energy payoff, a vast large amount of energy pit for a small amount of energy in, and can produce liquid fuel at prices well below what we are now paying.

                  Fuel and energy is expensive now for the same reasons as iron and copper became expensive during the decline of the Roman empire, and bronze became mighty short during the collapse of bronze age civilization, not because we are running out.

                  It is short because oil producers lack security from extortion, confiscation, and violence.

                • Guy says:

                  “Fracking was invented in the ’50s, but not used because it’s super expensive..With investor/Fed money, however, a large amount of fracking was done”

                  I assume the implication is the investor money is funny/fed money? Otherwise it doesn’t really make sense to mention it as a cause of making it profitable, most large enterprises do require some investor money….

                  Did the Fed money given to the fracking industry outweigh the disadvantage the fracking industry was implicitly placed under by the regulations placed upon it and the subsidies given to its competitors? If there is a market where there are five competitors using different technologies, each of them receiving a subsidy, you don’t just attack one of them as illegitimate for getting a subsidy and claim their receiving one shows they would not be profitable otherwise, when you can only compare them to other subsidized competitors.

          • jim says:

            > He maintains, and I agree, that the US has everything it needs to maintain energy independence, manufacturing, defense, and demographic continuity, except the political will.

            The political will to do what?

            The political will required to unemancipate women and send most of HR to re-education camp in Alaska?

            It is meaningless and evasive to talk about political will, while sliding around what exercising that will would require.

            People who talk about “political will” tend to mean the political will required to raise interest rates by 0.25% and permit states to apply some minor and insignificant restraints on late term abortions. And if they don’t mean that, they maintain a careful ambiguity about what they do mean.

            And if they mean, or understood to mean, what a namefag can say without risk of lengthy imprisonment “awaiting trial”, under conditions far harsher than are applied to people who rape, murder, and eat children, and ruinous legal costs, then what they say is not true.

            • Kunning Drueger says:

              Again, Zeihan lines up all the facts, then comes to a startlingly daft and incorrect conclusion. He’s a progressive namefag. What I said about political will, I stand by, and I’m not talking about incremental changes and socially acceptable tweaks. De-emancipation of foreigners, females, and males with no property is a start. But you’d also have to de-program a bunch of baked in assumptions and expectations. As well, a massive reduction in surplus population would be unavoidable, starting with blanket, no exception repatriation of illegals, starting at least 2 generations back. And much, much more. But, I maintain that these are still questions of political will, not technical capacity. The 20th century taught us that political will is the key ingredient for taking sovereign nations of logical men and turning them into protectorates in a sodomite not-empire, and I believe that for the reverse to occur, it is a question of will. Thailand has limited options based on geography, the US is limited by the elites in charge and the population it cultivates. It is a question of will. It may seem unthinkable now, but imagine describing what Germany looks like now to a German politician in 1950.

            • pyrrhus says:

              “Energy independence”…a ridiculous statement..Fracking reduced the gap for a number of years, but the US has been a net importer of petroleum for decades…

              • jim says:

                You are ignorant, and relying on yesterday’s rewrite of history

                The US was a net exporter of oil during last two Trump years.


                A fact that Trump repeatedly told us. Did you have wax in your ears? Were you born in 2022?

                America was a net exporter of oil, and on course to rapidly become a major exporter of oil, but the moment the election was stolen, the frackers abandoned their posts, retreated into their shells, and started moving their money and assets to where regulators, random antifa thugs, banks, and courts could not take them away.switching focus abruptly from producing value from deep beneath the earth, to hiding value from enemies.

                • pyrrhus says:

                  [*deleted for misinformation*]

                • jim says:

                  I gave you the link to official government statistics on oil exports and imports.


                  The US was a net oil exporter during the last two years of Trump.

                  If you have contrary information, where is your information coming from. Give us your evidence.

                • Cloudswrest says:

                  It seems to me that every single measure, and every single policy option expounded by this administration appears to be aimed at harming America, or at least Americana. Whether it be

                  Cancelling natural resource leases,
                  Opening borders to hordes of third worlders,
                  Rapid inflation,
                  Political police in every corporation of import,
                  Looting the taxpayers to “harm” Russia, but having the opposite effect, destroying US world financial influence, and harming Europe to boot,
                  Anarcho tyranny.

                • jim says:

                  Our officially unofficial state religion simply hates America and Americans, as the Jews who ruled Russia from 1916 to about 1932 simply hated Russia and Russians.

                  And now they have a free hand.

                  The greenie lies that pyrrhus was confidently telling us from inside the bubble are part of the club of Rome rationale for causing all the disasters the club of Rome prophesied. “Energy is running out, therefore we need to destroy the lives of anyone so impious as to produce energy”.

                  I don’t think he is a shill, but he has been shilled. Needs to exercise better reality testing. When someone tells you something, need to think “Is this guy evil? Is he telling me lies to make me suffer harm?” It is entirely obvious that the club of Rome were evil demon worshipers who intended that everyone would die. So if someone tells you club of Rome stuff, should be suspicious.

                  He does not believe the cpi, probably because he has to fill his gas tank and buy groceries. If the cpi is untrue, what else is untrue?

                  Most people who believe in the web of life view abortion as a holy sacrament. They worship death, murder, degradation, human feces, and sodomy. They lie, they hate, they murder, they betray kin, friends, and allies.

    • Kunning Druegger says:

      I have been linking/discussing Zeihan here for a while. He has been doing his act for about 10 years now, so you can compare his predictions from 2014-2017 and what’s actually happening. Here’s what you have to remember:

      -he’s a gay. this means he has a vested interest and inherent biases that impact his positions

      -he’s all in on the vaxx

      -he is consistently correct in generalities and consistently incorrect on specifics.

      He has a number of books, with a new one coming out this June. A few years back, he predicted that Russia would start a war in EUR around 2021-2023, but he asserted that it would be in the Baltics. He maintains a position that demographics are the main motivation for state level decision making, but (as others have stated), he completely whiffs on race, culture, and religion. he is convinced that China is a Paper Dragon, and that it is not far from Balkanizing into 3 kingdoms again. he is convinced that the Bretton Woods paradigm is over, and that the US will inexorably withdraw from the World Police position (which has been somewhat accurate, but because he is blind to the Progressive Religion, he is blind to the existence of the GAE). His mailing list is free, but you need to have a high tolerance for some of the gayest Cathedral propaganda ever.

      He was one of the few “mainstream” voices that was looking at the Trump regime honestly (as honest as could be expected, anyway), but he completely shit the bed on Covid. So I think he is generally right, but for the wrong reasons. As such, take him with a huge grain of salt. He is the living embodiment of the axiom that no amount of honest, accurate data will make someone “see the light,” as he has all the pieces in front of him, literally puts them in his books and seminars, and still just misses the forest and the trees.

      • clovis says:

        “he’s a gay. this means he has a vested interest and inherent biases that impact his positions”

        And everything is illuminated.

      • Varna says:

        Some of this guy’s stuff is very “we still live in 1998”.
        Not least the “hihihi, Chinese clotshots don’t even work, whereas our clotshots are badass”. And “they all depend on us completely and if we ignore them for a few months they’ll collapse like a house of cards”.

        His approach to demography is purely mechanical “if we import enough Somalians our society is saved”.

        Also it appears Russia has already turned 6 million Ukrainians into lampshades according to his words. An all out war of destruction and genocide which was heroically thwarted by this and that.

        Which is interesting. Obviously an intelligent guy. When he runs into news such as conquered regions shifting to the use of rubles
        how does this mix with the genocidal invasion thing? The Russians destroyed the place, massacred the locals, and after this introduced the ruble there as currency? Come again?

        A solid thought though, that the overreaction to Russia is in fact a message to China, not unlike I tend to accept the cynical interpretation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki–that those were primarily messages for Stalin to not try and take all of Europe once Berlin falls. Could be globohomo is turning Ukrainians into corpses for reasons that very much include comrade Xi.

        Who we have yet to see this year either retire or go all in, once the politburo convenes. Which one would assume is another variable that Putin has to keep in mind all the time.

    • Albert says:

      Zeihan does a big picture analysis, like Stratfor did. Demographics and physical location are the big factors governing events. Ideology, religion, and genetics are ignored. That approach sees large trends, but isn’t much help with details. So he says, for instance, that China is going to break up, but no details of when and how it will happen. He says that whatever entity is governing North America will have great advantages in arable land, defensible borders, and cheap water transportation.

      His analysis of how the political and economic situation developed after World War II is accurate and useful.

      I read his books and listen to his talks because his analysis and predictions are interesting and sometimes useful. He doesn’t have the whole picture.

    • Mister Grumpus says:

      One thing Zeihan refers to over and over is demographics, and how both Russia and China have very bad/old demographics, which puts the brakes on military and innovative capability.

      The USA, meanwhile, has lots of younger people. What he can’t say is that they’re relatively dim-witted and/or brown young people who will never master Etherium smart contract programming, for example, but at least they’re there.

      Since he’s a paid public speaker, and also gay, what he can’t notice or say is that demographics is actually marriage.

      It breaks my heart. For higher-IQ civilization to survive and function, fucking anywhere, all of these societies are in death struggles with womens’ rights, and no one is allowed to even notice this out loud. You can get swamped with retards or keep the retards out but expire from inside the wall. It’s just so sad.

      So yes, Jim’s right. It will take a deep, powerful and sincere religious change to undo women’s rights, and holy crap what’s it gonna take to actually get that? Surely something extremely unpleasant.

      My layman’s understanding is that given how genes mutate, everyone on earth could be high IQ NASA geniuses by now. But obviously they’re not. What an evolutionary bottleneck. Cold and isolated old Europe (and China and Japan) just managed it, but none of these places are cold and isolated anymore. We’ve self-Africanized.

      Thus Mars and other planets. Millions and billions of miles, to hostile instant-death environments, just to get some bitches in line. Crazy.

      • Gedeon says:

        All good software is the consequence of one exceptional coder who is able to codify a logic architecture in clean code language. Everyone else works around the edges of the architect. Evan Weaver with Twitter, Diego Bosch with LinkedIn, Charlie Cheever at Facebook/Quora, Larry Page at Google, Woz at Apple, Gosling with Java, etc., etc. The H1B visas being brought in are good enough to appreciate what these other men have conceived of and codified in code language, but they are not brilliant creators. They are low cost maintenance staff and a controllable labor unit from top to bottom. A good friend of mine graduated batch topper from IIT, but he is not CEO of Alphabet, like his inferior classmate, because he is too much of a pain in the ass. Both are in the states and not in India.

        Demographics are dominant factors at the macro level, but for most of history we have only known population inflation. It is no secret I am a deflationary proponent, but I come to that conclusion and ongoing thesis because I recognize and read the architecture of our society, which is already global and has been since before sea trade emerged to escape the Silk Road tax collectors in Bursa and and Russian bandits in “the” Ukraine and Khazars before.

        Strong men will vie for power because the prevailing power architecture has many technical debts, compounded by idiot maintenance staff, and we will have the blue screen of death moment where the system just locks up. Unlike a Pentium processor, we can’t just reboot to a more stable initial operating state again. We have all of the accumulated social detritus, until we don’t. The specifics for how this kind of garbage collection process(es) unfolds is unknown even to the WEF architects, but we can look at history, apply scientific method to potential processes and come up with some high probability predictions: war, disease, famine.

        In any case, I expect the user base to collapse and this is the fundamental variable of the globohomo system. The system cannot be perpetuated by a massively negative EROI propaganda campaign to Mars, so free yourselves from that nonsense and embrace the strongman culture and hard work ahead of us. Peter Thiel is up Musk’s ass and placed his non-terra for a bet on sea steading, but that, too, is just a slightly less massively negative EROI that the wealthiest can hedge their terra firms bets with.

        I have nothing against Doug and we should watch for signal from the system as long as it is still cranking, but I don’t think anyone really knows who will be the winners/dominant/scariest/strongest men once the blue screen of death is upon us. The Blue Screen and reactions to it will define everyone and everything.

        • jim says:

          > The system cannot be perpetuated by a massively negative EROI propaganda campaign to Mars, so free yourselves from that nonsense

          Whites are wolf to whites. The fundamental factor driving white expansion has always been to put a long distance between themselves and other whites. What is the EROI of colonizing Mars compared to the EROI with keeping yourself and your assets where they are likely to be nuked?

          • Gedeon says:

            Khazars are wolves to everyone. I would support a one way ticket to Mars for them, but it’s easier to just address the problem on terra firma. Look at google ngram query of holocaust. It takes a lot of propaganda to suppress noticing and the corresponding conversation that flows out of it. You can still talk about it on the chans, so free speech is not dead it’s just not where the control freaks want all conversation to take place. In large part, I think the chans persist because they are too damn archaic in architecture for normies to taint it like the UIs and UX of big tech social media. The ugly is a feature not a flaw.

          • Kunning Drueger says:

            I thought the nukes didn’t work…

            • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

              American nukes have an uncertain operability, but a theoretical civilization that can launch a Martian colonization effort is probably going to have functional nukes as part of their capabilities. In addition to all sorts of other space-based weapons systems. Evading that is still valuable.

        • suones says:

          A good friend of mine graduated batch topper from IIT, but he is not CEO of Alphabet, like his inferior classmate, because he is too much of a pain in the ass.

          Inferior Indians suck cock, take affirmative action dole and are cucks. Thus they rise in USA.

          Both are in the states and not in India.

          Both suck cock. One better than the other. They should become an hero. Or read my blog and repent.

  17. simplyconnected says:

    Strong indication (possibly proof) of fraud in the Pfizer trials submitted to FDA.
    Someone went through the documents and posted some indications of fraud on twitter.

    Claim is that if fraud can be proven in court, Pfizer would loose immunity from liability. Also, it could wake up some normies, at least to the fact that there is something fishy going on with the injections (this may already be happening, judging from the lower booster uptake rates).

    Seems to me the question of whether (and how many) normies will wake up is important because 1) injections could finally stop and 2) it would hopefully make it harder for the ruling class to inject everyone the next time around.
    According to Edward Dowd, talking about normies not responding to argumentation:

    I ran into this during the Dot Com fraud & the Real estate fraud…it’s the same here. People are emotionally invested in the juice. There is always a tipping point…there will be one here as well. The arc cycle of fraud never changes because human nature never does.

    • Karl says:

      Anyone who thinks it matters whether fraud in connection with the clot shot can be proven in court, suffers from normality bias.

      • simplyconnected says:

        The question is not what would reach you or I, but what would eventually reach normies.
        If fraud is proven in court the news may eventually reach them. What are the things that could reach them? Pfizer stock plummeting, a judge ordering Pfizer to indemnify vax injured due to fraud? Perhaps seeing people around them sick and die will do it, but how many will have to drop for them to notice? I think much more than now, not even 40% excess deaths is doing it for them. So far when people are sick or die they don’t know what it is, but they sure know it’s not the vax. My question is not about us, but about normies possibly waking up to this, and if so what will make them wake up.

        Note that I’ve generally been very skeptical that normies would wake up on this topic, but Jim said some time ago he now expects normies to wake up to the vax problems. Well, having Pfizer’s clinical trial fraud proven in court could go a long way to waking people up (even if no one is arrested and nothing else changes). FDA wanted to release that data over 75 years, so they must know it’s not good for them to have it out there.

        • jim says:


          How is litigating the election steal going?

          Criminal misconduct by the elite class is absolutely routine and standard. Pfizer is as likely to get into trouble over this as Hunter Biden is.

          • simplyconnected says:

            How is litigating the election steal going?

            I’m not saying Fauci or Bourla will be arrested if only the court can prove fraud in the clinical trials.

            I’m just concerned with public opinion. I assume the more people see through the BS, the safer one is from government trying to forcibly vax (note how vax mandates proved mostly to be bluff: if enough people refused they would back off). This is why I think public opinion matters. Correct me if I’m wrong.

            I’m worried about the WHO meeting in late May in which a treaty may be signed to grant WHO capacity to unilaterally declare pandemics and control most countries’ emergency powers. Since we don’t have leadership, all I can see as protection is sufficient people refusing to comply, which requires quite a few normies waking up to some degree (perhaps that’s already the case in some parts). Not that I’m all that hopeful, but that’s the reason for closely following normies’ view of the vax.

            • Pooch says:

              I’m just concerned with public opinion. I assume the more people see through the BS, the safer one is from government trying to forcibly vax (note how vax mandates proved mostly to be bluff: if enough people refused they would back off). This is why I think public opinion matters. Correct me if I’m wrong.

              What do normies have to do with public opinion? Official “Public opinion” is simply the census of elite opinion which is forced onto the masses by Cathdral mouthpieces. Normies have nothing to do with this process.

              What you really should be concerned with is how to change elite opinion because this is the only opinion that matters, and I doubt it has anything to do with courts.

              • simplyconnected says:

                What you really should be concerned with is how to change elite opinion because this is the only opinion that matters

                Fair enough.

            • jim says:

              > I’m just concerned with public opinion

              If the public know what is good for them, they think what they are damned well told to think. This has always been true, but as our official religion gets further and further from reality, the amount of naked violence required escalates.

              • simplyconnected says:

                If the public know what is good for them, they think what they are damned well told to think.

                Certainly the alternative is a disaster:
                Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. – H. L. Mencken

        • Pooch says:

          Not sure about Europe but normie Trump supporters in the US see through the vax bullshit. Have seen through it for some time. The people worshipping the Covid demon in the US are the elite, the upper social classes, and their pets.

          The vax is wildly unpopular with the masses.

          • Whitey says:

            > Not sure about Europe but normie Trump supporters in the US see through the vax bullshit.

            Which is funny, since Trump is still out there pushing the clot shot and claiming the lockdowns saved lives.

            It’s too bad normie Trump supporters still don’t see through Trump.

            • Pooch says:

              He rarely mentions it and It’s completely and utterly obvious that to the extent he does mention it positively, it is to garner elite support.

              Politics as usual are over. Voting on the issues don’t matter. The only thing that matters now is which man will become Caesar and when.

              • Guy says:

                What elite support could he possibly be imagining he’ll gain by speaking positively about the vaccine? That’s quite a Venn diagram that allows for overlap between people who want Trump to destroy the establishment, but think that COVID vaccinations are a positive thing.

                When he speaks positively about the vaccine it’s because he was beaten by the enemy on COVID. He might have been able to counter by ignoring it, but I suspect they had enough senators in the bag if he went that route so he tried to say “I beat it with the vaccine program”.

                Besides the trap laid for him there if they ever want to blame him for the vaccine injuries, his supporters know COVID is fake and gay, and everytime Trump pretends it’s not it diminishes him. He dropped talking about the vaccines after getting awkward silences where there’s usually thunderous applause at rallies.

                • Pooch says:

                  What elite support could he possibly be imagining he’ll gain by speaking positively about the vaccine?

                  Conservative elite. Trump is not trying to run on a campaign of destroying the GOP establishment. He’s playing footsie with a faction of GOP elite in an attempt to gain their support.

                • Guy says:

                  I suppose, but then he’s learned even less than I thought. Any conservative elite he’d be sucking up to with vax endorsements is functionally the same as the elite who wants him dead. They exist only to allow for the illusion of a republic and aren’t coordinating against the actual elite in any meaningful way

                • Pooch says:

                  Perhaps. If I were him and I wanted to coup (and it’s far from certain Trump even has the slightest intention of couping), I would be doing what he’s doing, which is essentially pulling a FDR: run on a standard party campaign and then upon winning completely dishonestly pull a 180 and become Caesar by taking full control of the executive branch (in Trump’s case this likely means being backed by uniformed men with guns).

                  I think Trump has learned that antagonizing the Cathedral’s religious idols is just not productive at this point as long as he can still maintain his mass public support.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  Willingness to disrespect globohomo idols is how he got elected in the first place.

                  Basically every nominal republican ever has gone forwards with the same idea you have now here. “I will just fake it till i make it”. Turns out it makes them instead.

        • Karl says:

          Maybe I should have phrased this differently. I meant to say that regardless of the evidence, I expect the matter will be treated by the courts very much like Trump’s claim that the election was stolen.

          If a court would say, it was fraud that might actually convince normies, but normies won’t be convinced by photocopies of documents.

          • simplyconnected says:

            […] but normies won’t be convinced by photocopies of documents.

            Fair enough.

  18. Basil says:

    This is the real Holocaust!

    When the upheaval happens, we must not forget what these beings did with Europe and resolve this issue by the method of the Old Testament.

    • Anonymous Fake says:

      [*deleted for sounding like a fellow reactionary, without actually saying anything reactionary*]

      • jim says:

        If you want to pass as one of us, try saying things that would get antifa to murder you while cops piously look the other way.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      “Cease and desist or we will call you racist.” Hilarious and sad.

      • Varna says:

        There was also an implied boycott by US tourists thrown in as the final reason.

        These guys will always have a “nice place you got there, be a shame…” part of their “appeal to decency”.

  19. Pooch says:

    Moldbug predicts outright deflation could be on the way if the Fed keeps raising rates (which it seems determined to do)…

    • The Cominator says:

      The markets been acting like deflation while staple prices like inflation…

      But Moldbug is predicting STAGflation not deflation, Teddy Spaghetti has been the only one predicting deflation.

      • Pooch says:

        Did you read the piece? Moldbug is now predicting epic contraction of American markets albiet with perhaps still high inflation in oil and food given shortages in those specific resourses.

        At a certain point, crashing the American economy must result in demand destruction and hence price deflation. Right? Well, probably. With a strong enough oil and/or food shock, global resource-price inflation can happen without any “overheating” in the US. The Fed probably should just ignore exogenous inflation and let consumers eat the pain—but it has no doctrine sophisticated enough to explain why. So buckle up.

      • jim says:

        Last time around, the inflation that led to the election of Reagan, stagflation. Similarly every severe inflation. People act like it is a big surprise. Inflation is supposed to be fine, like the vax, and when people notice that it is in fact really bad for the economy after a little while they grasp for a new word to describe it.

        But this always happens with inflation. Printing new money is always followed by a hangover, and printing even more new money to fix the hangover leads to a worse hangover.

        Permanent mild deflation is good for the economy. Permanent mild inflation is bad for the economy. Permanent rapid inflation is really bad for the economy. This very obvious fact is obfuscated by the fact that each new injection of money makes lots of people feel prosperous, the people who get the money are better off, the people who don’t get the money fail to see that they are being robbed, and everything seems fine for long enough that things still seem fine by the time next election rolls around. But things are not fine. You have been robbed, and you are going to feel the pain soon enough.

        Inflation with fiat money is taxation, the seignorage tax. When Reagan was elected, the net effect of all taxes, seignorage among them, substantially exceeded the laffer limit, though any one tax, seignorage among them, was below its individual laffer limit. But each tax was being independent pushed towards its laffer limit, resulting in a combined tax way above the laffer limit.

        Taxation produces stagnation. Inflation is a tax.

        Hyperinflation is a seignorage tax that exceeds the seignorage tax laffer limit.

        That people use the word “stagflation” (bad) to distinguish it from “inflation”, (everything is coming up roses) is because everyone everywhere is continually subject to propaganda in favor of taxes.

        And when you have a heavy handed propaganda system, the government is apt to believe its own propaganda.

        • Karl says:

          People use the word stagflation to indicate that this inflation is combined with stagnation. Stagnation is implied because any claims of growth would be ridiculous, but in reality stagnation would be a huge improvement when almost everyone is getting poorer every year.

          The word “stagflation” is an attempt mask something disastrous as neutral or moderately bad.

          • jim says:

            > People use the word stagflation to indicate that this inflation is combined with stagnation

            Inflation always is combined with stagnation. It is just that because of the money illusion, it takes a while for people to see and feel the stagnation. Suddenly they have more money in their pockets. Surely that is prosperity?

            • Karl says:

              No, stagnation according to Webbster’s:

              “a state or condition marked by lack of flow, movement, or development”.

              So stagnation means that domestic product in real terms does not change. Don’t you agree with that definition of stagnation?

              You can have inflation where growth of the economy in real terms is zero. You can also have inflation that is much worse and there is negative “growth. Then domestic product in real terms is less and less with every year.

              Stagnation means the average man is not being able to improve his material lifesytle, but at least he is not impoverished. When he was well fed last year and starves in 5 years that is not stagnation.

              • jim says:

                Inflation always impacts real production harmfully. If it impacts it enough, it stops growing.

                If it impacts it rather more than that, less stuff is produced. It is completely obvious that less stuff is being produced, and measurements of GDP are fake. They undercount inflation, and measure money flows, which are inflated by printing more money. In addition, a large and increasing portion of what they count is flows in the FIRE economy, which is fake – they are counting the coercive power of the state as if those were voluntary interactions between producers and consumers.

                • pyrrhus says:

                  GDP is fake, period…Economists calculate it based on expenditures, so government spending, including pensions and fringe benefits, and a million other services of dubious value, are a huge part of GDP..If you look at what is actually produced in PPP terms, the story is drastically different than the standard narrative…

                • Pooch says:

                  The actual real economy of the US is something of an Argentina 2nd world agricultural economy and nothing else.

        • Frank Matters says:

          What is the argument that *permanent* mild deflation is the best state for “the economy”? I’ve seen spurious arguments that mild inflation good, and really they seem true enough in consideration if perhaps hard to wring out empirically. Roughly, mild inflation encourages people to not sit on their liquid capital and invest in productive enterprise. This makes sense to me, having the very rich safely sitting on a rent-giving source of unproductive capital seems like it would be a bad influence overall. I would be particularly amenable to an argument that, like all very large uncalculable systems prone to cycles, a seasonality is best. Mild inflation cycling into mild deflation cycling into mild inflation, driving investment cycles underneath.

          Backing out a bit further, I would like to discuss the nature of the economy and particularly the nature of the economy in relation to state and nation and peoples and classes and castes. What is the economy for, what levers should be pulled and when and why, what levers should be left untouched and why, and how much freedom should be allowed each class of participants and why.

          Does anyone ever go into such topics without a large analytical and, for lack of a better word, ‘materialistic’ bent? It seems like all you see if arguments for the economy to be treated as a luxury maximizing or materiel maximizing machine. But very little goes into details about using the economy to shape the participants and society itself towards some non-material ends, such as the higher development and function of the productive classes. The higher development and function of the aristocratic and priestly classes as well, through channels of specialized economic participation and non-participation. This seems much more important than mere resource procurement.

          • The Cominator says:

            Using the state to intervene in the economy for social engineering purposes is leftist and pozzed. Optimal policy is to be output maximizing.

            • Kunning Drueger says:

              The State always intervenes in the economy. Better to plan for it than to pretend it isn’t going to happen.

              • The Cominator says:

                Social democracies always massively intervene, monarchies traditionally intervene far less and when they do massively interfere (ala Louis XIV and his successors) it tends to go very badly because unlike social democracies its hard for the king to blame others for the exonomic problems forever.

                • jim says:

                  Optimal long term tax level is much lower than short term tax level.

                  Ghenghis Kahn had two levels of taxation.

                  1. Grab everything, burn everything and take the nails. Kill everyone who did not look like a useful slave.

                  2. Very low levels of taxation by modern standards, and low even by historical standards. Largest source of revenue was taxing the movement of goods over long distances in the course of protecting long distance movement of goods and enforcing long distance contracts.

                • Kunning Drueger says:

                  His biological strategy was excellent, and his gardening was a cosmic joke. He knew how to run an army, but couldn’t manage a society. Perpetuity, stability, longevity, and cosmic reach; these are the reasons I advocate for monarchy. It isn’t some infantile delusions about “if I where the king I would punish my enemies and expand my harem and make everything perfect forever.” The Horde has much to be emulated, but their state religion was a joke.

              • jim says:

                Extensive state intervention is a result of anarcho tyranny. If you have one King a thousand miles away, he will tax at the long term revenue maximizing level, while if you have a thousand kings three miles away, the net effect of all of them together will be far above the revenue maximizing level.

                Historically, the major form of intervention was shaking down people moving goods over distance, which often blurred into flat out piracy and banditry, but tended to transition into stationary banditry, where the merchant paid for protection at a reasonable rate. Better one big bandit than a hundred small bandits, for the one big bandit will take a moderate squeeze, while each of a hundred small bandits will each try to take it all.

                There was a fair bit of monopoly enforcement, which was a source of revenue for the enforcer, in effect tax farming taxes on goods.

                Other forms of intervention are new, except for collapsing civilizations which tended to intervene extensively. Hard to separate cause and effect. Moral decay of the elite leads to intervention, and intervention leads to moral decay. Moral decay leads socialism and elite incohesion, elite incohesion leads to moral decay and socialism, and socialism leads to moral decay and elite incohesion.

          • jim says:

            > What is the argument that *permanent* mild deflation is the best state for “the economy”?

            Technology improves in a well functioning society. Prices should go down proportional to improvement. Businesses then experience pressure to advance technology, people see the advancement, support businesses advancing technology, creates a climate of innovation and respect for productive innovation. If prices go down, capitalists feel they have to make capitalism work, and people can see them making it work. Fosters a “customer is always right” ethos.

            Rising prices, people blame the evil capitalist overlords, and demand that they government do something, which usually involves regulating business to death and printing more money.

            You don’t want deflation so severe that nominal wages fall, because you get bitter conflict. But you do want falling prices. Changing nominal wage levels in either direction leads to conflict. Optimal social harmony is stable nominal wage levels, which, with technological advance, means falling prices. Stable nominal wage levels create predictability, fostering durable relationships between employees and employers.

            > What is the economy for, what levers should be pulled and when and why,

            Bad question. It assumes the economy belongs to someone. It does not. It assumes that when Bob makes a deal with Carol, it is Ann’s business. Which is in practice envy and covetousness weaponized for political power and economic extortion, aka the FIRE economy, which is counted as adding to GDP though for the most part it exists thanks to state intervention in the actually productive economy, has swollen vastly beyond its natural and productive size, and is a parasite sucking value from those who actually create it.

            Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

            Once again I tell the story of the little girl and pringles:

            One child opened a container of pringles, and started to take out one pringle. The little girl screamed like it was the end of the world, like she was being eaten by tigers. She charged him with a full body tackle, even though he was bigger than her, and grabbed the container of pringles from him, resulting in pringles flying everywhere, screaming continuously.

            If she wanted a pringle, she could have waited a couple of seconds, held out her hand, and he would have given her a pringle. Or waited a couple of seconds more for him to put down the container of pringles, and then picked it up. She wanted him to not have a pringle because at that exact moment she did not have one.

            Some time later she complained that another child was being unfair and greedy because he was hogging the ball and not sharing. But by that time he had stopped playing with the ball, and it was just lying around on the floor. Nothing was stopping her from picking it up. She was unhappy because the other child had had fun with the ball. Which seemed to her terribly unfair and deserving of punishment, or at least reprimand.

            That little girl is who wants income tax. The point and purpose of Income Tax is not to obtain revenue, but to destroy it.

            • Frank Matters says:

              Both you and Com seem to be taking a free economy to be something that occurs without active input, and something that is natural law as opposed to an ideal man created to imitate what is found in an ecology. An attempt at natural law as opposed to natural law itself, and in fact pure anarchy metes out misery in economic matters, and always in every civilization grows into folkways and traditions and rights given to the different castes and social organizations that provide structure to an overall economic engine. Is this not its own Natural Law?

              Take for example landholding. If land is measured in gold, naturally land accumulates into fewer and fewer hands, until some dozen owns more than four fifths of all productive land, and employs the local populace at subsistence levels. Such an effect is not due to mere state intervention, but is effected through economies of scale. Large landholders are more likely to survive negative events fiscally, and more capable of expanding their lands than their neighbors, and more capable of destroying the profit of their smaller neighbors. This pattern has been borne out many times across vast distances in time and space, and always has meant less productivity overall, less prosperity overall, and more misery overall for the peasant caste.

              This pattern enmiserstes the human, domesticates him, turns him into a human farm animal incapable of much more than submission. No intentional influence in productive matters and caste lifestyle does not mean necessarily no transformative effect on the human castes, and picking ‘no choice/do nothing’ is in fact a policy like any other. Perhaps you disagree with my choice of historical example and think it is in fact good that this happens, this is yet another decision to be made, to leave this process alone, and it will absolutely change the character of the realm, of the people in the realm, and the civilization itself.

              The economy in micro *does* belong to someone, and the economy in macro is made up of individual owners. Humans are incaple of living without property. Extend this to such organizations as the aristocracy, as the kingship. A King has as property his realm, and deligates the administration of this property among his subjects. Perhaps his subjects have much power themselves, and hold their own small sovereignty, they still administer property, and such property can include human subjects. To say then, I will touch nothing, this is an administrative decision. You may hold land, and decide it is best left to the hands of nature, and cut not wood, dig not the earth, hunt not the animals, and build not on the space. Or you may thin the timber, build a manor, graze animals, and turn the lamd into something that is directed towards material a human may want instead of what a tree or deer may want. Well, same as for human territory, human social structures, the human as a biological and spiritual creature.

              And if we are optimizing output of material goods – and I disagree that this is anything more than marxism by other means, a degradationof the human – *which goods* are we optimizing for? Whatever happens to be produced? Or do we modify the social context in which production occurs, always, as a rule of human behavior, towards the good we wish to see? Take a popular subject of this blog, that of Patria potestas. The upholding of this *property right*, upheld by the soverign in many forms, effects the production of whores and housewives. In our time the state as USG acts to promote the production of the former at the expense of the latter. In other times, the state as local community and local lords acts to promote the production of the latter. There are always choices to be made, the action of hands off is a choice of the sovereign administrator, and may have as much consequence as deliberate engineering.

              Throne and altar is an economic policy in low resolution, I would like to see discussion at higher resolution. Much has been said on the effects of stationary bandits, as better and less destructive administrators of a realm. What can be said of how a king may develop the human capital through means of administration of his property? And what does a well developed human capital ecology look like?

              • The Cominator says:

                Sounds like you are basically asking how you can do planned economics and socialism right, the answer is you don’t it doesn’t work. The king should do almost nothing except infrastructure… infrastructure generally needs state power behind it… and also to prevent money being stolen.

                Re land ownership being in conflict with natural law, Henry George got the gist of the solution right, needs some tweaking.

                • Frank Matters says:

                  You are trying to put what I wrote into a box, either Capitalism or Socialism. This is boomer and cringe, completely lacks connection with how the real world has ever worked, and most importantly *does not address my point*.

                  Consider a garden. To manage a garden, you must treat the soil, plant seeds, remove weeds, shoo away and otherwise manage animal and insect pests. If you neglect any one of these tasks, the garden may grow, but may not grow as well as it could. It might also produce nothing but weeds.

                  Extending the metaphor, at no point in this process should you be trying to manually extend the roots of the mychorrizhae. Trying to run calculations on exactly how much carbon and nitrogen exchange should happen at the root, which way the leaves shall face, the number of chloroplasts per cell.

                  You apply effort and direction where it is needed, and do nothing where it is needed. In order to determine between the two, *you need to decide what your garden should produce*. If you decide to do nothing, you may end up with some dandelions and grasshoppers to eat. If you decide to do too much, you may have nothing but poisoned soil. If you cultivate the land just right, it will yield to you fruits and tubers and vegetables. If you continue this cycle of cultivation, the fruits and tubers and vegetables in fact become more nutritious, more flavorful. This happens because, as a goal of cultivation, you seek nutrition and flavor. Large industry has decided to seek plant mass per unit input, and robustness to travel distance. Now you buy woody flavorless tomatoes at the grocer. Which of the two economies is best? Which tomato do you want?

                • jim says:

                  You are trying to put what I wrote into a box, either Capitalism or Socialism.

                  What we now call capitalism is the natural, ancient, and divinely ordained order. Deviations are socialism, and saying “middle course” is just another way of saying “this time it will be different.

                  It is never different.

                  > *you need to decide what your garden should produce*.

                  I am not your garden, and if you try to garden me I will kill you if I can, evade you if I cannot, and just stop producing anything of value if either can neither kill nor evade.

                  Socialists will receive eternal damnation for the sins of envy, covetousness, and theft in the next world, and in this world they need and deserve death.

                • Frank Matters says:

                  I used a capital ‘C’ for a reason, because natural order has been ideologized. Just as science has become the Science, capitalism has become Capitalism, a point of worhsip rather than a sort of natural observation. Natural order is developed in a civilization alongside many heuristics; there are things that are out of bounds for property and how you might treat it, and whom is allowed to own what kind of property.

                  > I am not your garden, and if you try to garden me I will kill you if I can, evade you if I cannot, and just stop producing anything of value if either can neither kill nor evade.

                  I am deeply sympathetic to this, however it does not seem to be a universal preference or existence. You exist outside the servile castes, and as such cannot sustain external cultivation. Is this a universalism? Shall we kill and enslave all those outside the tribe? This is the natural order of the Saxons, freemen who cultivate enterprise and exist as a loose confederation. Shall all peoples be Saxon or slave?

                  These questions aside, we are at least beginning to get to the point I brought up. Freemen as a directive, as an ordering principal of civilization. This is a cultivation principal, but a delicate one, as it requires the jealous guarding of freeman rights and priviledges by the freemen themselves.

                • jim says:

                  > > I am not your garden, and if you try to garden me I will kill you if I can, evade you if I cannot, and just stop producing anything of value if either can neither kill nor evade.

                  > I am deeply sympathetic to this, however it does not seem to be a universal preference or existence.

                  Some people are natural slaves, but nothing gets produced except free men produce it. Slaves are not very useful if short of masters.

                  Efforts to enslave everyone wind up destroying everything, and those who seek to enslave everyone want to destroy everything. The Qin dynasty had a huge problem with iron not being made and land falling out of cultivation. After it conquered, it found that what it had conquered was disappearing from underneath it.

                  > Shall we kill and enslave all those outside the tribe? This is the natural order of the Saxons

                  Depends. You cannot go to war with everyone, especially not all of them simultaneously. The Saxons, however, on entering Britain, found a people detribalized by the Romans and incapable of governance, so they could, and did, kill or enslave everyone outside the tribe. Until they ran into other tribes.

                  Which rapidly leads to the situation that the only people outside the tribe are people organized in other tribes, with whom you need to be at peace.

                  But I think the Roman infamia category for detribalized outsiders is just peachy, and in fact the only sound and practical system for a people to survive. Two peoples cannot occupy the same land. One must rule, and one must be ruled. The people with greater social cohesion must rule, or they will lose cohesion, and wind up at best ruled, and at worst exterminated. Diversity plus proximity equals war. Hence our current predicament.

                  With modern computer and information technology we could implement the infamia system far more efficiently, and for enormously larger tribes. Give all fellow tribesmen an IFF in their smartphones that intentifies them to other members of their squad, identifies their squad to other members of regiment, and so forth all the way up to the entire tribe. And if someone is not part of a squad that is part of the tribe, and he is on tribal territory, he needs to be a guest of someone that is. Or a slave. We will give the blacks their own turfs, and if they wander outside their turf, may only do so by permission.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “Socialists will receive eternal damnation for the sins of envy, covetousness, and theft in the next world, and in this world they need and deserve death.”

                  Now we’re talking.

                • Kunning Drueger says:

                  I think the Garden Model is instructive, and Frank’s point, that the garden can be managed to increase output but micromanaging is a failure of management, feels correct. My garden is extremely managed, with scores of different plants on different water cycles, different needs for NPK, and dozens of other variables. We have staple crops as well as designer plants, like 5 different super hots (Carolina Reaper, etc ), a “volunteers” section that is little more than a wild thicket, a berry patch, determinate and indeterminate tomatoes, and infrastructure support like rain collection, bulk dirt & wood chips, designer fertilizer, and kitchen/garden waste processing. This requires a lot of time and attention. Other gardens nearby are the opposite; the cultivators throw seeds at the ground and wait for time to give them yield.

                  People see our garden and say they want to do the same, but they can’t stand the tedium, or pretend that using concentrated fertilizers or pesticides are undesirable, and their gardens fail. They want a productive garden but are uninterested or incapable of putting in the thought, time, and effort. So they decide that managing the fine details is unnatural or incorrect. I think this sentiment, a kind of willful laziness/ignorance/arrogance, is rife in political theory circles. It is the predominant view amongst libertarians and liberal democratists; somehow, discussing and analyzing the finer points of state management is unnatural or incorrect. They have grand designs about Caesar or equitable democracy or whatever, but they are completely unconcerned with converting theory into reality, policy into process.

                  There’s definitely too much management, as well as not enough management. Even a well planned garden has significant elements of chance, luck, and “life finding a way,” just as unplanned, barely managed gardens can still produce. So much comes down to geography and luck. Figuring out what kind of garden you have, then building a plan to make the garden you want, is like Yarvin’s Absolute Public Policy concept. While it may be incredibly worthwhile, it would appear not many people are interested in putting in the work.

                • jim says:

                  > My garden is extremely managed, with scores of different plants on different water cycles

                  I am not your garden. Those who want to garden people need killing.

                • Kunning Drueger says:


                • alf says:

                  KD, we are setting up such a garden, though we’re novices. You have any advice?

                • Kunning Drueger says:

                  Alf! I do! But this is a bad forum because we’ll need to discuss climate/temp bands and other “useful” data points. Can you send a response to those edits I emailed you a few weeks back? That way I can go on at painful length and send diagrams/pictures/etc.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  Capital is something that allows something to do something. Capital is something that does something. Capital is expansions in the envelopes of potentials. Capital is avatars through which forces of Being are instantiated. Capital is power.

                  In this sense, we are all capitalists; that in one angle those who specifically self-describe as ‘capitalist economies’ have no special provence over it; or on another angle, that ‘socialism’ is itself merely one form of capitalism amongst many others. That speaking of ‘capitalism’ and ‘communism’ as like equal poles of some binary relationships betrays a hopelessly provincial outlook on things, that might begin only approaching sensibility if we were to in turn equivocate the definition of ‘communism’ as nothing less than a gnostic revolt against natural law altogether – attending a fatality of weakness thereby.

                  One of the oldest conflicts in the history of humanoid civilizations, is the conflict between warrior types and priestly types over who gets the privilege of farming the merchant types (or goring them, as the case may be).

                  A warrior type, often enough, will straightforwardly demand tribute at some interval of time, and otherwise will not bother himself with the affairs of the business. Enough to satisfy himself and support his fighting men, which he in turn uses to keep the gravy train and his position over it unmolested. This is perhaps the oldest and most common ‘operational loop’ of governance throughout history.

                  A more priestly type on the other hand – more particularly in degenerate pharisaical types that self-indulgently pretend at priestly charism – often doesn’t just want tribute, he also wants to ‘go into business’ himself, in a manner of speaking. More broadly, he so oft wishes to arrogate particular management over any and all affairs, everywhere, at once.

                  In such more vulgar examples of the species, their instinctive desire is for no men to simply ‘do things’ on their own account; that for any thing, to be done by any man, it must be intermediated by his rubberstamp of approval first.

                  His feeling is like a child’s anxiety over the unknown chaos of the ‘out there’, and hence to salve this insecurity he pursues the creation of ritualistic forms to provide a feeling of safety and control (irrespective of any reality of such).

                  Thus the primal managerialist sentiment that any particular endeavor can be improved with the creation of daisy chains of additional superfluous bodies with veto power over any particular proceedings of such endeavors – because if people can do things, there’s the possibility of them doing bad things; and thus, in concluding his chain of solipsistic logic, the more people with the power to say ‘no’ over anything, the less chance of anything bad happening.

                  If one layer of checkreigning is good, then adding a second body to the fungal growth is even better; and a third, and a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh….

                  Whereas Karl Marx might have been born in the 19th century, the tendency for pharisaical intrusion into all spheres of all men in general is only slightly less old than the invention of civilization itself. As far back as any surviving recorded history at the very least, with the bronze age collapse, where command economies ran out of the palaces became the norm for a short few decades in most kingdoms around the levant, while they rapidly began collapsing over that same period, collapse in security over property leading to waves of banditry, collapse in security over property leading to collapse of value generation, leading to collapse of support for forces to deal with waves of banditry.


                  A businessman naturally expects to be able to do business with anyone. In the world of business, a man you are competing with over one thing one day, could be a partner in another venture the next. Therefore, it pays to not be antagonistic and go around burning bridges, to not take competition ‘personally’, since, after all, it is ‘only business’; a good thing even.

                  To a warrior or priest however, someone crossing them is not, taken as merely a matter of preference or material advantage, but as an *existential threat*. No negotiation is possible with a traitor or heretic, and none ought be given the privilege; if ever men constitutionally of the former clades stay their hands against one they’ve marked as an enemy, it would only be if lack of power to move so openly. They will, in any case, never lift a finger to support them, and likewise will gladly take any opportunity to snipe and undermine around the sidelines, until such a time change in stature allows them to finally move to eliminate them once and for all, no matter how long it takes, never forgetting who turned up and who turned down on their lists.

                  What should be understood is that the world of business, those nigh divine phenomena we call ‘markets’, are contingencies, dependent of certain states of affairs always and already being the case as a precondition of possibility. One can celebrate competitiveness in business, can be sporting with men in one context that you may compete with in another, because there is only a certain range of behaviors permissible in the first place; only a certain range of *people* that are permissible; only certain ways in which it is *valid* to compete; thus ensuring the result, whatever it may be – beyond the range of mortal prescience it may be – will be eudaimonic.

                  It just happens to be that one of the many ironies of modernity is that the liberal is kissing cousins with the communist; as many of the rationalizations he initially furnished for denying any leadership over himself in particular, prefigured rationalizations for denial of leadership over anything and everything in general.

                  The main implication of the labour theory of value is that organization and knowledge are irrelevant, and that only sweat creates capital; that leadership serves no purpose but to steal capital for no good reason.

                  And so, armed with such ideological weaponry as pretext, the communist pharisee replaces the old bosses with himself, and decrees that there be steel.

                  Yet, somehow, steel mysteriously fails to appear – and what steel that does appear has an all too frequent tendency to be mysteriously defective. Mysterious! He has no shortage of labour to throw at the problem, and he has no evil bosses stealing value for no good reason around either – and yet, capital is refusing to sprout from the ground of Being as ordained. Quite a mystery. All the starvation and famine might distract such bright minds from pondering these mysterious mysteries though. Alas!

                  The cultural marxist, of course, dispenses with the idea that anything at all creates value – that working rockets and chip foundries and organizations and societies and civilization in general are just pies in the sky that materialize out of the aether, and that it is only a question who who gets what slice of the pie, and thus that the labouring peasant too is an oppressor in need of liquidation, for stealing rockets and chip foundries and civilization from stunning and brave sub-saharan warrior womyn.


                  As cacocivil social trends circle the drain towards their logical conclusions, mere narrowly commercial goals of value creation become increasingly entangled with social factors that make such activity effectively possible to begin with.

                  It is instructive to note how most all of the most powerful commercial enterprises in history, the east india companies, the victorian captains of industry, the bell systems, et cetera, all met the denoument of their fortunes, not by failure against merchant attacks, nor even by failure against military attacks, but by failure against priestly attacks – sundry academoi, journalistic hacks, and political managerialists, all seeing opportunities for some easy pseudovirtue signaling, all seeing large juicy apple carts ripe for a knocking-over.

                  (Marxism was an implicitly pharisaical movement, so the vituperation they heaped on Orthodox Christianity in particular – a rival in their sphere – is naturally alloyed by vituperation they heap upon warrior and merchant classes in general.)

                  A would-be captain of industry in our most current of years, if he does so desire to create value on a large scale, needs not just to have merchant viruosity – though naturally he does need it – and not even just ability to provision security for property – though of course it does pay to be so able – but above all also an ideological underlining that ties together why what he does is good in the first place; and why those trying to attack such efforts are not merely ‘fellow citizens or competitors with different but valid interests’, but in fact evil and execrable and in need of physical removal.

                  Or in other words, if you want to so much as run a bakery today, you also need to be a Prophet with True Religion.

                • Adam says:

                  “His feeling is like a child’s anxiety over the unknown chaos of the ‘out there’, and hence to salve this insecurity he pursues the creation of ritualistic forms to provide a feeling of safety and control (irrespective of any reality of such).“

                  Jim once mentioned something along the lines that priests had always had misgivings about masculinity (this has been my observation personally as well). This is a good way to describe that. Not just men and masculinity, but competence itself, and the ability to navigate life successfully without first being granted permission.

              • jim says:

                > Take for example landholding. If land is measured in gold, naturally land accumulates into fewer and fewer hands


                That story is falsified by history. As is the story about monopoly capitalism. What we now call capitalism is the natural and divinely ordained order. Gnon commands that men uphold property rights and respect each other’s property rights, and forbids envy and covetousness.

                The envious do not want what is mine. They want me to not have what is mine. The first action of the socialist is not to seize the means of production, but to destroy them. He is angered not primarily by other people possessing value, but by other people creating value. The socialist talks about big landowners, but what really makes him angry is that the peasant’s dog looks at him and smells “bad man, danger”. What really pisses him off is the farmer’s dog.

                • Adam says:

                  Slightly off topic, in general would you say the natural order is divine order? Are those two one and the same?

                • jim says:

                  Absolutely on topic.

                  The natural order is the will of God manifest through the Logos in creation.. Those who violate it eventually perish, but are apt to take a whole lot of decent people out first.

                  Which brings me to another topic, on which I think I shall soon post.

                  I predicted that the left would turn on itself within months of unlawfully and criminally seizing the presidency. I was, as I frequently am, on Musk time.

                  But now it begins.

                  Left factions are now outraged that they too are now being cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized, The anti war anti imperialist left, it seems has existed all this time, though I did not notice them, since they were drowned out by the war drums, and it seemed that the left was, as it ever has been since the fall of communism, fully in support of war on the insufficiently left.

                  But now the antiwar left is getting the treatment that the right has long suffered. Next, they too will be getting midnight raids. Followed not long thereafter by some more left factions.

                • Frank Matters says:

                  It’s debatable, has been debated since the time of Pliny the Elder, and such debates appear in many realms and civilizations. My intention in mentioning such a story was to provide a coherent example of how free markets are subject to powerful players as a rule.

                  Now, is this statement disagreeable, free markets give rise to powerful persons that hold disproportionate sway on the whole?

                  If the above is true, as a corollary, do these powerful persons have a social duty to uphold the rights, privileges, and general welbeing of the smaller economic players? If not out of moral obligation, out of a sense of self preservation? A king might not take kindly to a landholder abusing his subjects, and in times of instability abused peasants are quite capable of killing merchant landholders.

                • jim says:

                  > It’s debatable, has been debated since the time of Pliny the Elder, and such debates appear in many realms and civilizations

                  Such debates appear a century or two before the civilization collapses.

                • jim says:

                  > do these powerful persons have a social duty to ..

                  The leftist talks about the Domino’s pizza franchise, but the man he is angry with and wants to destroy, is the individual franchise owner who runs the pizza shop down the street. He talks about Wall Street and great landowners, but goes after the kulaks.

                  Wall Street is far away, and the leftist does not really give a damn. He wants to destroy what the owner of the dog who barked at him has. He is angry at people who have houses, gardens, wives and children. Those are the people he goes after. Mao destroyed the steel mills, then told the peasants to make steel. Got no steel, but did get a whole lot of dead peasants. Similarly, Venezuela. Who is fleeing Venezuela?

                  When the leftist talks about the great and powerful, next thing he does is tell the peasant with one cow that the peasant with two cows an agent of the great and powerful, and got assigned an extra cow by the great and powerful, and therefore to strike a blow at the great and powerful …

                  Take a look at the conduct of the Russian communist part from 1916 to 1936. It was not only the rich and powerful that they hated.

                • S says:

                  If land and other capital naturally accumulated over time in the hands of fewer and fewer people, that would be great because it would mean that someone had overcome the problem of regression to the mean and economies of scale.

                  It might be possible for this to happen if people didn’t die, but that isn’t the world we live in.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Latifundia did not rise out of the free market and the right wing populists opponents of the latifundia such as Tiberius Gracchus and Julius Caesar did not think they came about as a result of the feee market.

                • Anon says:

                  At jim
                  What good intro economic reactionary book you recommend?

                • jim says:

                  Economics in One Lesson. Not that there is anything reactionary about it, except that sanity, like masculinity and physical fitness, is reactionary.

    • jim says:

      Moldbug is full of crap if that is what he is predicting. But I don’t think it is what he is predicting. Though he is so full of wordy fog he could be predicting lots of things.

      • Milosevic says:

        It hasn’t been wise to discount namefag yarvin’s predictions even recently. He still has it.

        • jim says:

          I am not discounting his predictions. The trouble with this prediction, as with so many of them, is that no matter what the economic outcome is, he can plausibly claim to have predicted it.

        • Whitey says:

          Namefag Yarvin spent over a year publicly shitting his pants over Covid.

          He’s a clown.

          • Milosevic says:

            While predicting the capitulation of Trump and the origins of the virus.

            • Whitey says:

              > While predicting the capitulation of Trump and the origins of the virus.

              That’s funny. Thousands of people “predicted” both of those.

              • Milosevic says:

                You should start your own blog then genius, you’re wasted here.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


                • Milosevic says:

                  I’m serious fuckhead, our host bought into Trump until the very end, so if this unknown genius makes all the right calls he should start a blog and he’ll have at least one reader (me).

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  So you’re seriously sarcastic or sarcastically serious?

                  Mainly i just don’t like ‘wow you are so awesome man’ type comebacks. Not really touching on the argument itself. Passive-aggression is kinda feminine.

                • Milosevic says:

                  I can see how my comment came across as if I was being a snarky faggot. It’s clear to me that YT is an anklebiting poofta, because if his knowledge and predictive ability is greater than that of our beloved host, as he is implying, he should start a blog, and I would unironically read it. But it’s clear it isn’t true. He is just a spiritual and probably literal faggot.

                • Kunning Druegger says:

                  My issue with all the Yarvin hate is that most of it seems like ankle biting, rancorous jealousy. Yarvin has never pretended to be a leader, or anything more than an enlightened brahmin, yet time and again, voices on our side chorus out the refrain of “why isn’t Moldbug the perfect reactionary messiah?” He’s a political philosopher that dabbles in poetry and punditry. Expecting anything more is pretty dumb.

                  There’s also really valuable, incisive critique, and the responsibility for those of us loyal, or just partial to, Yarvin, for whatever reason, need to take it in good faith and temper our support/accolades/megaphoning/whatever.

                  Our side needs a leader, but that’s a tall order, given that we have amassed an intimidating corpus on what makes for good leadership, so it’s virtually impossible for someone to check enough boxes without running afoul of some faction somewhere. Consider, objectively, both Musk and Desantis, in terms of their demonstrable qualities, efforts, and accomplishments. Stunning levels of aspiration and accomplishment. And yet, if anyone deigns to respond, they will have a litany of needling criticisms that somehow invalidate them. We have let the perfect become a filter for any Good, which means we have really interesting analysis and most likely no hope of actually being involved or available to a potential king or initiative. Dwarves at dinner.

                • jim says:

                  > My issue with all the Yarvin hate

                  Not seeing anyone hating on namefag Yarvin.

                  The problem is that the Moldbug material was enormously enlightening and important, while namefag Yarvin makes my eyes glaze over.

                  I don’t hate him. I just don’t read him, like I don’t read so many other people who write boring stuff that is frequently wrong.

                • alf says:

                  “why isn’t Moldbug the perfect reactionary messiah?”

                  Takes time for folk to place Moldbug/Yarvin in his proper context.

                  I agree with the way dividualist once put it: we’ve outgrown Moldbug.

                  NRx morality eventually became religious, concluding that our ruling class is evil and in order to combat it, need a good religion. Hence, Christianity. Moldbug, back at UR, was the first to accurately call out our ruling class as evil and listed all the reasons. Surprise surprise, the ruling class, insofar they could understand what he was saying, did not like that, and up to this day he is still trying to make amends and say that he really did not mean it that way and that they have like really good taste and stuff.

                  Nope, evil. Needs to go, needs a Christian inquisition.

                • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

                  I think that as far as anyone has an emotional response to Yarvin, it is pity. Moldbug did amazing research and had very penetrating insight into the Cathedral. To see what he has become is to look at potential not just squandered, but thrown away chasing a social high. He is like the smart kid in school who had a bright future but pissed it away becoming the “dude, weed” guy; burning through psychedelics and offering pseudo-profound spiritual nonsense. Wasted potential. Yarvin is too pathetic to hate.

                • Pooch says:

                  I don’t hate him. I just don’t read him, like I don’t read so many other people who write boring stuff that is frequently wrong.

                  Really? he’s wrong? Many months ago you predicted cataclysmic hyperinflation with the passage of Build Back Better. Moldbug predicted stagflation.

                  Right now I see stagflation and no cataclysmic hyperinflation.

                  Not taking namefag Yarvin’s predictions seriously, even recently, seems like a losing strategy. Bet against him at your own peril.

                • jim says:

                  Since 1940, there has been a two to four year lag between the increase in the volume of money, and the resulting inflation being acknowledged in the cpi, and a somewhat shorter, but still considerable, lag, between an increase in the money supply, and the public realizing that they have been robbed, though they do not understand how.

                  The public is starting to realize they have been robbed.

                  Supply chain chaos prefigures considerably increased inflation is still in the pipeline from quantitative easing. I count supply chain chaos as inflation: – money ceases to be reliably convertible into goods. Lots of contractors going broke because they cannot purchase one small part required to fulfill the contract.

                  An increase in the money supply reliable converts into inflation. By your perception, and official government figures, it has not converted yet.

                  It will.

                • Pooch says:

                  Nope, evil. Needs to go, needs a Christian inquisition.

                  We are in no position for an inquisition. We are too few in number. I think Yarvin has correctly identified our position is more similar to the early Christians. We must convert the Roman pagans to Christianity. Yarvin is trying to covert them to his atheist New Right Deep Right thing. Not going to work because not a religion. Need the real deal: Christ.

                • alf says:

                  We are in no position for an inquisition. We are too few in number.

                  Yes you phrase it more accurately.

                  And if Yarvin has said something similar, for which I take your word, all the better.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  Getting into position for inquisition means memeing about the desirability of inquisition.

                • Pooch says:

                  Getting into position for inquisition means memeing about the desirability of inquisition.

                  During the time of inquisition, Christianity was in power. Today, like the time of the early Christians, Christianity is far away from power.

                  The strategy of the early Christians was not to sell people on murdering the pagans. It was to sell the pagans on converting to Christ.

                • Pooch says:

                  An increase in the money supply reliable converts into inflation. By your perception, and official government figures, it has not converted yet.

                  It is converting, has been converting, and will continue to be converting until the market crash, which myself and Yarvin are prediction, after which it will stop converting because most people will be poor, out of work, and unable to afford anything besides food and even then it will be the cheapest food possible.

                  I am planning for another 50% loss of equities and 20% loss of real estate in 2022. Crypto likely to be continuing getting wiped out.

                  There is a reason the dollar, as compared to other fiats, is rising. Everyone is holding cash waiting for the crash.

                • The Cominator says:

                  The stock market already did crash, the indexes are misleading when small cap tech stocks (which I don’t understand why they would suffer from currency deval so much… as most of their revenues will be after the dollar adjust to 10% of its value or wherever its going) decline 80-90%.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “There is a reason the dollar, as compared to other fiats, is rising. Everyone is holding cash waiting for the crash.”

                  This was self fufilling group think hysteria ala covid… the markets did crash but this was group irrationality as the idea that the federal reserve can raise rates very high is irrationality ignorance and stupidity. My spergishness leaves me with a weakness in predicting groupthink stupidity so I did not see tech stocks crashing as they did but this should be the end…

                  What strange species of inflation makes people want to hold fiat, inflation makes prices go up not down. At the height of the Weimar inflation Weimar stock prices were billions of times there 1918 prices the same as gold and bread were.

                • Pooch says:

                  What strange species of inflation makes people want to hold fiat, inflation makes prices go up not down. At the height of the Weimar inflation Weimar stock prices were billions of times there 1918 prices the same as gold and bread were.

                  Because anyone smart realizes what will happen as they keep raising rates. We aren’t in 1918 Weimar. We are in 2008 America. Expect a 50% crash of all assets in Q3-Q4.

                • jim says:

                  > We are in 2008 America.

                  During the Minority Mortgage Boom there was an enormous increase in the money supply. despite a high and rapidly rising federal interest rate. Then, during the Minority Mortgage Meltdown, the money supply increased even further and faster, from late 2005 to late 2007.

                  Then they finally acknowledged reality late 2007, a lot of people go haircuts, and the fed unwound the enormous increase in the money supply, producing a similarly major and drastic reduction in the money supply by holding the interest rate on federal funds to substantially above inflation.

                  For your prediction to be true, the fed not only has to stop increasing the money supply, it has to radically reduce the money supply. Which will require raising the rate on federal funds to substantially above inflation.

                  It might do that. And it would work. But if it does that, people are going to start thinking about default on treasury bonds.

                  And it has not done it yet. If it had actually done, that then Namefag Yarvin’s warnings would be plausible, rather than idiotic and absurd.

                  If the federal funds rate was now in nominal terms eleven percent, then you could say it is 2008.

                  The cause of the rapid increase in the money supply during the great minority mortage meltdown was monetization of dud mortgages. The federal rating agencies would rate mortgage backed securities based on one two million dollar mortgages on a one million dollar house nominally owned by drunken no hablo-english wetbacks with no job, no assets, and no ID, as good as gold, and anyone who noticed that everyone involved from the federal regulators to the wetback was getting payoffs was racist.

                  The QE assets are also dud, but not nearly as dud as those mortgages.

                • Pooch says:

                  And that the dollar is strong against other currencies is all the more reason the elite want to crash everything. A too strong value is bad for the global elite. It means they convert foreign money into less dollars. They want the reverse. After the crash, they’ll flip on QE again to “recover”.

                • Anon says:

                  The problem with post-Moldbug Yarvin is that he has to lie, rather than saying what he really means. It’s a waste of time to read it: you are engaging with a ghost

                  “If the blue class is not the jewel in the crown of any new monarchy, it is being somehow mishandled.”

                  If you are able to read bilge like this without instinctively laughing and shutting your laptop screen I don’t know how to help you

                • The Cominator says:

                  “Because anyone smart realizes what will happen as they keep raising rates.”

                  What will happen is the government goes ah guys we have to pay interest on it on 30 trillion when you do that, so larp over and back to ZIRP and monetize the debt.

                  Buffett though old bought stock recently, clearly Buffett doesn’t think they can raise rates much.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  Terrified investors are piling into the one safe asset that’s sure to last until the end of the world. That asset is the US dollar, because when dollars become worthless, the world ends.

                  It’s hard to invest for an upcoming dark age, other than buying gold, weapons, hand tools, land, seeds, and other physical goods that you might have to leave behind as you flee hordes of starving cannibals.

                • Pooch says:

                  What will happen is the government goes ah guys we have to pay interest on it on 30 trillion when you do that

                  That only matters when they have to buy their own debt via QE. Plenty of foreign governments are buying US bonds, much more than China or Russia. They are doing QT and are having no problem selling bonds to foreign creditors.

                • Pooch says:

                  It’s hard to invest for an upcoming dark age, other than buying gold, weapons, hand tools, land, seeds, and other physical goods that you might have to leave behind as you flee hordes of starving cannibals.

                  Any talk of an eminent dark age is Black pilled doomsday porn. Doomsday will come eventually. May take centuries. It took Rome centuries to fall.

                • jim says:

                  Dark ages set in slowly, at about one percent a year. Rome was not burned in a day, and neither was Bronze age civilization.

                  Current events are consistent with on oncoming dark age, but we will not know until 2050 or 2100 or so.

                  When existing mechanisms of governance become so dysfunctional that we have a significant problem with bandits equipped with drones and nukes, then we will know a dark age is setting in.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “Terrified investors are piling into the one safe asset that’s sure to last until the end of the world. That asset is the US dollar, because when dollars become worthless, the world ends.”

                  I never thought this delusion could go so far.

                  The end of the dollar will end clownworld but the world will recover… while I do actually agree with Pooch our dollar devaluation won’t be quite Weimar the stocks on the German stock exchange generally survived the hyperinflation while their currency (till they reissued a whole new one) did not.

                • Pooch says:

                  Which will require raising the rate on federal funds to substantially above inflation.

                  Rates have no affect on the money supply, only on the demand for money. QT, reducing the Fed’s balance sheet, reduces the money supply, and the Fed is now doing just that.

                • jim says:

                  You are distracted by the plumbing, which is just a game of three card monte. You are distracted by the magician’s patter.

                  The money supply has stabilized for a month. It has not dropped, and selling enough interest bearing assets to substantially reduce it, or even keep it stable in the face of a big federal deficit, means that those assets have to be sold cheaper, which means and requires a substantial rise in the federal funds rate.

                  Which has risen, but to reduce the money supply substantially, has to rise one hell of a lot further.

                  The whole point of all that patter and sleight of hand is to distract the marks from the seignorage tax, which is now approaching its laffer limit. Don’t be distracted. If they were going to reduce the seignorage tax to sustainable levels, they would not bother will all that nonsense patter.

                  2008 was a massive reduction in the money supply, as the funny money assets were haircut or turned into federal debt. 1980 was stabilization of the money supply. They both required high real returns on federal money.

                • Mayflower Sperg says:

                  Any talk of an imminent dark age is Black pilled doomsday porn. Doomsday will come eventually. May take centuries. It took Rome centuries to fall.

                  That’s an even worse scenario, where Globohomo outlives all of us and our descendants, after brainwashing them into feminism and faggotry. It’s the optimists who think the whole rotten system will soon collapse into its own footprint at free-fall speed like Building 7, so we can clear away the wreckage and build something better.

                • Neurotoxin says:

                  Kunning: “My issue with all the Yarvin hate is that most of it seems like ankle biting, rancorous jealousy.”

                  Kunning, I’m begging you, consider that that’s not the reason. The worship of Moldbug is so out of proportion to his actual insights that it makes me feel like I’m living in some sort of weird sociological experiment on the Emperor’s New Clothes effect.

                  Jim: “For your prediction to be true, the fed not only has to stop increasing the money supply, it has to radically reduce the money supply. Which will require raising the rate on federal funds to substantially above inflation.”

                  Indeed. “Taylor Principle”: as common sense suggests, to fight inflation it’s not enough to raise nominal interest rates; you have to raise real interest rates.

                  Pooch: “[Interest] Rates have no affect on the money supply…”

                  The money supply affects interest rates. That is, indeed, why the Fed is able to affect interest rates: The Fed can change the money supply.

                • Mr.P says:

                  Comm says: “This was self fufilling group think hysteria ala covid.”


                  Called it back in Oct. 2019.


                  While hyperinflation may very well be in the near-term cards, I’m looking instead for dramatically higher federal taxes and a rip-roaring $USD rally higher.


                  Nevertheless, I knows me a cup & handle when I sees one. On Friday, $DXY closed at $93.25. $94 is a lock. I’ll sell three-quarters of my long $USD position, which is already green, if DXY gets to $96 and let the house’s money run if it wants to run higher.

                  On Friday, 05/13/2022, $DXY closed at $104.47.

                  $USD “knew” more than a year ago the Fed had inflated a horrible mess and would be forced to deal with it — or else turn out the lights in the Eccles Building on the way out.

                • The Cominator says:

                  There was still much to hope for in 2019 you cannot have predicted any of the economic events of the dementia faggot administration and from before the fake covid hysteria to now… in 2019 the dollar was the healthiest it had been for a long time.

                  Unless you’re a Jesuit and knew the plan in advance and even I’m not that paranoid to call you out as one.

                • Mr.P says:

                  > “There was still much to hope for in 2019….”

                  Apologies. Fat finger and seeing double this A.M.

                  Called in it in “2021-09,” not Oct 2019, per date stamp on linked comment.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


                  The main difficulty with making this analogy here, is that during the late empire, the big memetic advantage the early christians had is that they evinced virtues that the people valued – chief amongst these being functional family creation through house-father headship – but which the nominally incumbent religio had lost the ability to effectively support.

                  The difference with the present case to date is that the preexisting religio is not something that simply ignores virtues it should nominally support, but in fact is tuned to carry antibodies specifically antagonistic to those virtues, decrying them as in fact the ultimate evils folk should strive against. In such a case, passivism is not a sufficient condition for restoration.

                • Pooch says:

                  The difference with the present case to date is that the preexisting religio is not something that simply ignores virtues it should nominally support, but in fact is tuned to carry antibodies specifically antagonistic to those virtues, decrying them as in fact the ultimate evils folk should strive against. In such a case, passivism is not a sufficient condition for restoration.

                  This is insightful and I fear you’re right. This would be a case for why Christianity, at least as implemented historically, cannot win.

                • jim says:

                  Cannot win by old type tactics (withdraw from state participation, reproduce successfully. and wait it out) until our current state religion runs out of puff.

                  Which, however, it is going to do pretty soon. Risk is that there will not be many left alive by the time it does.

                • Neofugue says:


                  Wicked men create frameworks by which to justify or excuse evil behavior, not vice versa, because all men have the Law of God written on their hearts. The Leftist hates and envies others not because of his incorrect understanding of morality rather that their virtue stings his conscience. This is why even the most rabid feminist shrinks back at slut shaming and the soyboy recoils in horror at a masculine man with an obedient wife and children.

                  Contemporary post-Christian Leftists are evil because they hate God, kin and neighbor, not because they “believe.” Passivism, to the extent it can be done while avoiding state-sanctioned murder, kidnapping and violence, works because every man innately understands virtue, even the wicked man gnashing his teeth.

                  Universalists such as Origen presuppose Pagan anthropology in their soteriology because a man cannot enter Hell if acting only according to his subjective understanding of virtue.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


                  It cannot be argued, however, that the theocracies of here and there are substantially different, and that these differences are not trivial or inconsequential.

                  If the Roman state religion was a zombie, the whig state religion is a skinwalker. In more Mytho-poetic terms, America is not a modern Rome, but a modern Carthage. That entails practical considerations which one would profit from not ignoring.

                • jim says:

                  I think you meant to say that it cannot be argued that the theocracies of then and now are substantially similar.

                  The primary difference is that their’s was long dead, and ours is alive.

                  There is substantial similarity in the level of demon worship, accurately depicted in the series “Rome”. See also season two episode eight, where they depict Ceasar Augustus’ efforts to restore Roman virtue very similarly to my depiction of them.

                  Demon worship and the destruction of marriage. Very similar, the difference being a shortage of zealot believers in the official faith.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  >The primary difference is that their’s was long dead, and ours is alive.

                  Yes, that is the crux of the issue.

                • Neofugue says:

                  > If the Roman state religion was a zombie, the whig state religion is a skinwalker. In more Mytho-poetic terms, America is not a modern Rome, but a modern Carthage. That entails practical considerations which one would profit from not ignoring.

                  Of course, which is why I added the clarification of “to the extent it can be done while avoiding state-sanctioned murder.” Passivism today would require operating underground, much more so than in late Rome.

                • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

                  To draw this back to the original comment, the particular point being circled around here is that, whereas principles by and large stay the same, the vectors for expression are always changing.

                  In 100 A.D., observers of the living Logos were, from the perspective of Roman society, new kids on the block.

                  In the 1400s, ancient mold-spores of sophistical modes of thought were being unearthed from disparate archives, and quickly began mutating; ideological weaponry tuned for undermining the existing orders of Europoid Christians in specific, an arms race that has progressed to this day.

                  We would venture to suggest, as we often have in the past, that the portentiousness of rhetorically transmitted mind-forms is not nothing; such forms that they validate, convenient for itself, in the environment it finds itself; such forms that they devalidate, inconvenient for itself, in the environment it finds itself. Memetic penetration in the ranks of thinking men is the high ground, and that is the battlespace you must learn to navigate.

                  An ideology is most dominant, when nobody thinks of it *as* an ideology; rather, as ‘just the way things are’, ‘basic principles of life’, et cetera et cetera.

                  Hence, a clear sign of mounting weakness of the whig theocracy, as a whig theocracy, can be seen in the mere fact that it is being increasingly recognized as such. Its power, and likewise its invisibility, in the 20th century was effectively supreme; whereas by the day it is losing its capability to keep minds enscorcelled in the walled-gardens of it’s weltanschauung, and must increasingly resort to increasingly naked coercion to keep its grip; which in large part, is itself on account of its inherent inability to ‘fixiate’ itself at any particular point – the dictats, and likewise the measures necessary to enforce them, becoming ever the more egregious. Such is the nature of the beast.

                  In short, gas the pharisees, holy war now.

                • jim says:

                  > An ideology is most dominant, when nobody thinks of it *as* an ideology; …
                  > Hence, a clear sign of mounting weakness of the whig theocracy, as a whig theocracy, can be seen in the mere fact that it is being increasingly recognized as such. … must increasingly resort to increasingly naked coercion to keep its grip;


                  Two memes are key:

                  1. The red pill, which implies an unthinkable political heresy, that one of the many important differences between men and women is that women are biologically maladapted to emancipation.

                  2. That we have a state religion, imposed in an ever more coercive manner.

                  The red pill has widely penetrated, though most people decline to mention the terrifying and dangerous political implication. That we have a state religion hostile to Christianity is now widely penetrating.

    • Skippy says:

      The rate of increase of the money supply didn’t even return to trend yet.

      • jim says:

        You will notice that it generally takes a bit over two years for an increase in the money supply to be acknowledged in the cpi. The inflation that led to the election of Ronald Reagan took four years to show up.

        So last years quantitative easing should start to bite some time in 2023, no matter what the fed does in the meantime.

    • Neurotoxin says:

      At that link Moldbug says,

      “The Fed is making a dangerous mistake by raising interest rates.”

      He also says, “The Fed does not have a direct mechanism for injecting money into the economy.”

      That’s it. If I ever meet any of you punks in person and you approvingly quote Moldbug, I am going to give you such a wedgie as will make the gods themselves weep. This will be beyond the infamous nuclear wedgie, in which the back of the underpants go over the top of the head. This will be the neutron star wedgie, in which the underpants are pulled so tight that they compact your nads into a superdense mass that can only be analyzed with non-standard physics.

      • jim says:

        > “The Fed is making a dangerous mistake by raising interest rates.”
        > He also says, “The Fed does not have a direct mechanism for injecting money into the economy.”
        > That’s it. If I ever meet any of you punks in person and you approvingly quote Moldbug, I am going to give you such a wedgie as will make the gods themselves weep.

        My eyes glazed over, and I said to myself “Namefag Yarvin” before I noticed those bits of idiocy. Or perhaps I did notice them, but my eyes were already glazing so I failed to register.

        Inflation is currently pushing hard on the laffer limit for the seigniorage tax. You have to back off when that happens, because the other end of that slippery slope is hyperinflation. Which means the feds have to borrow even more money at interest, which is to say, have to pay more interest, or have to balance their budget.

        The last time we had this crisis, Reagan and Volker fixed it by holding real interest rates at the rate of inflation. And it still took years to fix. It is going to take years of holding the real interest rate at the rate of inflation to fix this – assuming that you can do that without creating a suspicion that the federal government is going to default on treasury debt.

        Before 1940, the volume of money was immediately reflected in the rate of inflation. After 1940, there was a two to four year lag. Which might be real or might reflect a change in the way the cpi is measured. If you adequately weighted spot priced goods and real goods in the cpi, I suspect it would respond a whole lot faster. If the spot price of wheat goes up, but your statistics show the price of bread unchanged, there is something very wrong with your statistics.

        The two to four year lag is not entirely unreal. It really takes a few years for an increase in the money supply to permeate the entire economy, and for the entire economy to adjust to it. Some parts of the economy, spot prices and supply chain crises, get hit immediately, some parts, like the fire economy, really do take years, so how big a lag depends on how you measure and define inflation.

        Regardless of what the fed does, we now face a few years of the recent huge increase in money supply permeating the entire economy. And messing around with tiny little changes in the interest rate is not going to change anything. You need Volker level changes in the interest rate to have an impact.

        And if they implement Volker level interest rates tomorrow morning, it is still going to take a few years for that to be reflected in inflation as measured by the cpi, assuming the cpi is still measuring anything meaningful, which is increasingly doubtful. For the next year or two, the impact of quantitative easing will be the dominant factor in what the cpi reports, not what the fed did yesterday about interest rates. (Assuming there is some faint and slight connection between the cpi and reality at the gas pump and the grocery store.)

        • Pooch says:

          He’s 100% right. The Fed has no mechanism for directly injecting money. It can only create bank reserves. Ultimately, it’s up to the banks to decide if those bank reserves are to be injected into the supply of money chasing goods and services.

          • Aryaman says:

            I dunno man. It sure looks like the government spent and lent a bunch of money conjured out of thin air. I don’t know how “money printing” would look any different regardless of whatever rituals they follow to make it seem like it is something else. Put another way, if the central bank was owned and run by private men for a profit, who were responsible for putting up their own capital to shore up mark-to-market losses, then what you are saying might be true.

            But in practice the Fed bought a whole lot of stuff that is now worth a lot less and there would be a huge loss if it was marked-to-market, and could not continue to prop up the prices of assets it purchased to obfuscate this loss given that no one lends to a bankrupt. So the part where the Fed can fund itself with liabilities created out of thin air not subject to a market mechanism is how all the mumbo jumbo rituals they follow come to resemble what normal people correctly call “money printing”.

            So no — the nominal increase in money supply is not the amount of money printed. The amount of money printed is the mark-to-market loss the Fed would incur upon the liquidation of the assets for which it overpaid. Which assets do indeed have a fundamental value, though quite a bit less than what the Fed paid.

          • Neurotoxin says:

            “He’s 100% right. The Fed has no mechanism for directly injecting money. It can only create bank reserves.”

            Bank reserves are money. People use bank reserves to buy stuff all the time, whenever they write a check or swipe a card through a reader at a supermarket, etc. People can choose not to spend the money, but that doesn’t mean the Fed hasn’t injected it.

            The Fed also has been directly buying commercial paper (mortgage recession), the bonds of large employers (COVID recession), etc.

          • jim says:

            > The Fed has no mechanism for directly injecting money.


        • Pooch says:

          You need Volker level changes in the interest rate to have an impact.

          Wrong. There was high inflation in the late 1940s post-WWII, something like 20%. The rate was pegged at 2.5% resulting in -17.5% real rates.

          Once the price controls ended of the WWII command economy, supply rapidly increased causing prices to drop and inflation to stop and actually reverse into -3% deflation, all done from the supply side. No rate increases were needed from the Fed.

          • jim says:

            > all done from the supply side. No rate increases were needed from the Fed.

            Our supply side is currently broken, and will not be fixed until Shaniqua is relocated from the Department of Human Resources to a re-education camp in Alaska.

  20. Basil says:

    What do you think of this text? It looks like an attempt to justify the construction of a terrible dystopia.

    “Remembering the genocide of the Tutsi ethnic group in Rwanda, it may seem to us that almost the entire Hutu people, incited by supporters of the idea of ​​extermination of the Tutsis, simply turned into murderers. Or we can remember how terrible the Pol Pot regime was when up to a quarter of the population of Cambodia died. Doesn’t this, and other similar examples of mass genocides, show us that a person has no natural deterrents to kill other people, and with enough persuasion, almost anyone can easily commit it?

    In assessing such phenomena as war or genocide, one should definitely not rely on subjective feelings. Where it would be better to carry out detailed calculations. Based on the most widely accepted studies, between 500,000 and 662,000 Tutsis died as a result of the genocide in Rwanda, some estimates go up to 800,000 dead. But how many Hutu took part in the genocide? One study puts the number of murderers at 50,000 [1]. Another study estimates the number of participants in the genocide (those who committed murder attempts, murders themselves, rape, torture and other forms of serious violence) from 175 thousand to 210 thousand people [2]. At the time of the genocide, the population of Rwanda was over 7 million people.

    What does this mean? By most estimates, only 2.5-3% of the Rwandan population, or 3-3.5% of the Hutu population themselves, committed violence during the Tutsi genocide. At the lowest estimate, the killers made up less than 1% of the population. This is taking into account the fact that the movements advocating the extermination of the Tutsi, by all possible methods and through all information channels, called on the Hutus to commit murders. And the killings themselves were indeed massive.

    There is no doubt that such a percentage of people could arrange genocide. It is unlikely that a person who is called to kill, who does not feel any rejection to commit a murder, and whose potential victims do not have a serious opportunity to defend themselves, will dwell on only one or two episodes. Rather, it should be expected that he will kill everyone who gets in his way. Small groups of such killers could completely destroy thousands of people at once, especially when they were armed. The study, which puts the number of murderers in the Rwandan genocide at 50,000, argues that it is not impossible that even 25,000 people in 100 days could exterminate hundreds of thousands, if not a million people.

    Another well-known example of genocide is the extermination by the Khmer Rouge of 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians in 1975-1979 under the Pol Pot regime. The forces of the Khmer Rouge by 1975 can be estimated from 55 to 70 thousand people [3][4]. The population of Cambodia at the beginning of the genocide was about 7.8 million people. Based on these numbers, it is obvious that less than 1% of the population was to blame for the death of 20-25% of the population of Cambodia at that time.

    Genocides cannot tell us that the majority of people are ready to exterminate groups or even entire nations that do not share their views. The direct killers and other rapists in genocides are the overwhelming minority of people from the entire population. This means that they cannot serve as some kind of proof of the violence of a person, rather the opposite – they only confirm that for the most part a person is non-violent.”

    “Biotechnology is currently developing rapidly. This also applies to gene therapy. It consists in changing the human genome through the introduction of the necessary genetic material into the target cells of his body with the help of an artificial viral agent. Since the 1990s, gene therapy has been practiced in the treatment of congenital diseases, especially various forms of immunodeficiency. And recently, gene therapy has appeared that can edit the genome from within the body, for which only a single injection of the appropriate drug is sufficient. Prominent representatives of such gene therapy are Luxturna for the treatment of Leber’s amaurosis and Zolgensma for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy. Of course, the cost of one injection in their case is equal to millions of dollars, but this is only a matter of technology development and its industrial implementation. Modern vaccines against various infectious diseases are also based on the technology of delivering genetic material to target cells using an artificial viral agent. Nevertheless, due to their production on an industrial scale, the cost of one injection is rather miserable and usually does not exceed several tens of dollars.

    Gene therapy could also be applied in the treatment of violence, since this task is to enhance the genetically determined ML/VIM. We found out how low levels of empathy, impaired decision-making ability and resulting disorders arise at the neurophysiological level and which areas of the brain are involved in this. We also point out the feasibility of gene therapy targeting brain cells (Ananthaswamy, 2003). Of course, it remains unknown how exactly the inhibitor of violence is arranged at the genetic level. But the current neurophysiological and genetic evidence may be useful for future studies to determine the molecular genetic nature of ML/VIM that need to be done in order to proceed with the development of gene therapy for violence.

    It is worth noting two more facts. First, although changes in several parts of the brain lead to the emergence of the disorders of interest to us, these parts are interconnected and changes in one of them lead to changes in others. A genetic correlation has also been found between increased aggressiveness and impaired recognition of expressions of fear and sadness. Second, the violence inhibition mechanism is found among a wide variety of species: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and even humans. This may indicate the simplicity of the origin of this mechanism. There is a possibility that one specific allele of one specific gene may be responsible for a strong ML/VIM variant. If this assumption is confirmed by future research, then the development of a gene therapy for violence may turn out to be a rather trivial task. However, even if the violence inhibitor’s molecular genetic makeup is more complex and involves multiple genes, this still does not make a cure for violence impossible.”

    • jim says:

      A cure for preventing the birth of the small minority of pathologically violent people, who persistently repeat offend, and are repeatedly released or ignored by criminal justice system, until they get themselves killed, is entirely possible, but it is not going to cure genocide. Those who participate in genocide are a different minority, being the tendency to faith and support for the official state religion, which under normal circumstances is desirable for state and society, and makes life for the individual a whole lot easier, plus a tendency to volunteer for state sponsored war and conflict, which is highly desirable if you do not want your state and society to be on the wrong end of state sponsored war and conflict.

      A better, and much quicker, solution for getting rid of that criminally violent minority is to hang them. A similar solution applies to state sponsored demonic religions, but is apt to be considerably costlier, and to target a different group of people.

      The problem is that those meddling in other people’s genomes without their consent are likely to have vastly broader goals that curing pathological and stupid criminality. That he uses genocide as his example, rather than stupid repeat violence, indicates he has vastly broader goals.

      There is a science fiction series set in a future history where the program whose advocacy you quote was tried. Violence and conflict was eliminated for a little while, but then the wolves ate the sheep, and the story takes place among the wolves, the sheep being extinct. When the characters mention history, they tend to be vague about what happened to the sheep.

      • Neurotoxin says:

        “There is a science fiction series set in a future history where the program whose advocacy you quote was tried. Violence and conflict was eliminated for a little while, but then the wolves ate the sheep…”

        Sounds like Heinlein’s Beyond This Horizon.

    • Kunning Drueger says:

      Articles like this abound in Criminal Justice circles, but they miss the fundamental necessity of bystander/neighbor/denizen effect. The same distribution of 1% “bad actor” exists in the modern American urb, but without the cover provided by grandparents raising children, college age layabouts, and welfare class muddlers, the whole ecosystem doesn’t really work. Yes, the majority of the machete work in Rwanda was done by the military age males in feral packs, but the whole Hutu population was requisite. It’s the same deal with “moderate Muslims” and ANTIFA; there’s a core of direct action and a periphery of tacit support.

  21. Bronze age autist says:

    I watched the movie the Northman recently and (spoilers btw) I was pleasantly surprised. In the movie, the protagonist’s father (the king) is betrayed and killed by his uncle, and the protagonist is forced to flee his village. The movie fast forwards to years later and the protagonist, who is clearly an alpha male at this point, is part of a group of berserkers who attack and butcher most of the men in a Russian village and take the women as slaves. The protagonist ends up pretending to be a slave to catch the boat to Iceland to avenge his father, and on the trip, he catches the eye of a very attractive female captive who can clearly see that he is one of the people who butchered her friends and family and not a slave. Instead of seeking revenge, she becomes his very loyal wife, seeing that he is the most alpha out of everyone around him. After some more story, he ends up being caught and tortured by his uncle and saved by the girl (essentially carried away while no one is looking, no badass women stunts) and is on a ship and headed towards safety with her when he decides that he has to protect his new family and kill his uncle who he didn’t have a chance to yet. She gives him one last shit test and begs him not to go, which he goes anyway without even a second thought or any remorse and thus passes handily, accepting his fate which is to die honorably in battle and go to Valhalla. Overall it is a movie with no badass women, as all the women submit to the alpha males, and the only time a woman swings a sword at a man it barely hurts him and ends with her being easily put down, no stupid leftist tropes, as it is shown that dying in battle as a man is the greatest possible honor, and was overall just quite good. The movie was essentially hamlet, so it seems like they might have already had a good story and their only achievement was that they didn’t ruin it. The same stupid gloomy and dark scenes were still present, however, in places that should have been vibrant and beautiful, and all of the background noises were ridiculously loud, but that seems to just be the modern style (Power of the Dog which is a retarded and gay movie had the same sort of terrible cinematography, among other things) Did anyone else watch this movie, and what do you think, how did they make a movie that was allowed to be played in theaters that glorified alpha males and attractive women submitting to alpha males?

    • Adam says:

      The Last Samurai is a favorite of mine, the way it depicts the Samurai as a warrior culture, with the women and children living in submission and serving the needs of the Samurai. The Samurai are incredibly manly and virtuous, with a distinct hierarchy of authority.

  22. stop lying says:

    “If you look at measures of engagement, the lamestream media have absolutely insignificant engagement compared to the major media figures of the alt right, and major alt media figures who frequently interview major media figures of the alt right.”

    How about you provide some concrete specific evidence of whatever the hell it is you’re talking about rather than these unfounded blanket “trust me” assertions?

    It is absolutely clear that the alt right is completely marginalized and ineffective in the wake of Charlottesville, Trump, Q, and Jan 6, and nobody is paying any attention to it at all anymore except the same fringe disfunctionals who always jump on anything that might put some meaning into their lives.

    See, I can do it just as easily as you. And with exactly as much evidence.

    There ARE no major media figures of the alt right except maybe Ben Shapiro who is a grifter and just using that angle to lock down an audience segment. Joe Rogan is not alt right and Jordan Peterson is what the official media wants to call alt right except that he’s a reasonable centrist. But this is what happens when one starts drilling into specifics that you have carefully avoided: it becomes immediately clear that you are completely full of shit and that you are avoiding specifics precisely because you know any specifics would demonstrate the opposite of what you are trying to claim.

    Oh, and as for your “preen”: I first heard that statement on Harold Covington’s Radio Free Northwest podcast, about 15 years ago, and even then it was clearly an idea he’d been recycling for a while. But you’d take credit for the sun rising in the morning if you thought you could get away with it.

    You are one of the most spectacularly dishonest people I’ve ever observed.

    • The Cominator says:

      “Ben Shapiro” is not by any measure “alt-right”.

      • alf says:

        It’s impressive how serious the left takes Shapiro as a representation of the alt-right. Textbook case of controlled opposition.

    • jim says:

      > How about you provide some concrete specific evidence of whatever the hell it is you’re talking about rather than these unfounded blanket “trust me” assertions?

      Fair enough:

      Major lamestream media twitter accounts supposedly have umpteen zillion followers. But strangely they will post something engaging, and get only a handful of likes and replies. A major alt right or alt media personality posts something trivial and mundane, gets a huge number of likes and replies. Musk and a major alt media figure were cracking jokes about this on twitter. I don’t have, and cannot be bothered to find, the twitter link to that conversation.

      I have not investigated the matter and assembled evidence, because it is glaringly obvious when you skim twitter, which I seldom do and have not done for quite a while. But it is obvious enough for Musk to joke about it, and sometimes other people who follow Musk link to his little chats on twitter, and then I read them on alt media and click on a twitter link in alt media, which is how I read him cracking jokes about it. But to the extent that I do read twitter, which these days is invariably a result of clicking on twitter links in alt media, it was obvious to me, and it was obvious to Musk.

      I read twitter through alt media, and the pattern of likes and replies on twitter indicates that this is increasingly normal and mainstream. Big alt media people get lots of twitter likes and replies, big lamestream media twitter accounts do not. Musk is telling the banks and big twitter shareholders that people reading twitter though alt media is a problem and he is going to fix it.

      • yewotm8 says:

        Musk can’t possibly profit from the twitter purchase though, can he? I thought for sure this was just a power and influence thing.

        • Red says:

          As Twitter is the de facto town square, Musk can make a shitload of money with targeted advertisement. Twitter’s not currently trying to make money.

        • jim says:

          Musk has to tell the banks and major shareholders he is going to profit from Twitter.

          Since Twitter has been doing its best to commit suicide for some time, this is very likely true. On the other hand, Musk is a serial scammer and con artist, as well as being a true prophet, and he may well have other plans.

          But officially, his plan is to get rich – well, get richer, and he undoubtedly wants to get richer, among other far more important things, What makes him a better man than the other serial scammers is that other things, like fulfilling our Gnon ordained destiny among the stars, are far more important.

          Musk’s real objective in the Twitter purchase is to save our existing social order from self destruction by opening it up to external reality. I am not optimistic about this goal, and, of course, that is not what he is telling the banks and major shareholders.

          The fundamental danger of a vast and heavy handed propaganda apparatus that is SHOUTING at everyone all the time is that the people holding the microphone are apt to believe their own lies, so are flying blind, and apt to fly the plane into a mountain.

    • alf says:

      How about you provide some concrete specific evidence of whatever the hell it is you’re talking about rather than these unfounded blanket “trust me” assertions?

      CNN+, for example.

      It is absolutely clear that the alt right is completely marginalized and ineffective in the wake of Charlottesville, Trump, Q, and Jan 6, and nobody is paying any attention to it at all anymore except the same fringe disfunctionals who always jump on anything that might put some meaning into their lives.

      Civil unrest has only grown in the wake of covid. I’m sure there’s people who radicalize toward the left, but also those who come our way.

      There ARE no major media figures of the alt right except maybe Ben Shapiro

      Fair point. We have Curtis Yarvin but besides that, very little talking heads on tv. We do have meme penetration though.

      The thing about meme penetration is that it is very rough, like that game where everybody whispers in the ear of the next person. When Musk tweets the picture about his liberals going further left into ‘woke’ territory, that is unmistakably a Moldbug ‘ctulhu always swims left’ whisper. Does that mean Elon Musk is Darkly Enlightened? Probably not, at least, that should be our assumption. It just means that this one meme turned out to be effective enough to penetrate. And I think jim is mostly alluding to this effect — that some of our memes, in rough form, are penetrating.

      Since you refer to jim as a ‘most spectalularly dishonest man’ I doubt you’re interested in that angle, but I feel it’s a good nuance nonetheless.

      • jim says:

        If he thinks Ben Shapiro is alt right, he is in a bubble. And he thinks that if you are not inside the bubble, you are completely marginalized.

        With the lamestream media and now the Republican party fading out, it is the bubble that is being marginalized. The major alt media figures are still blue pilled and normality biased, but they are talking to us and hearing us, while the lamestream bubble is not talking to them and not hearing them.

        And he does not hear the alt media, so genuinely thinks we are completely marginalized.

        I only read the alt media, and sometimes the lamestream media because of links to it in alt media. That was not a conscious and intentional decision, it is just that lamestream media is non stop advertising for official reality, and when one hears incessant advertising, one changes channels.

        • alf says:

          If he thinks Ben Shapiro is alt right, he is in a bubble.

          To be fair, it is a rather large bubble. To the man living in Sodom, Lot is the one who is isolated.

          I only read the alt media, and sometimes the lamestream media because of links to it in alt media. That was not a conscious and intentional decision


          • jim says:

            If he thinks Ben Shapiro is alt right, he is in a bubble.

            >To be fair, it is a rather large bubble.

            Yes, indeed it is. But it is considerably smaller than it was, and still shrinking.

  23. BTChad says:

    Why is BTC and all of crypto dumping, despite relatively high official inflation? Seems to just be correlated with stocks nowadays, rather than being a hedge. Gold, despite our host disliking paper promises of gold, holds up better. Sure, delivery of physical gold probably could potentially fail now/in the next few years, and you are left holding an expensive piece of paper, but as long as you don’t have a position when the music stops, gold will perform much better.

    Crypto is heavily correlated with stocks for some reason, so bleeds out more as stagflation goes on. You may hope it eventually decouples as USD is more and more delegitimized, but for now it’s just hope. Gold is performing better, will perform better, has performed pretty good in the Great Mortgage Minirity Meltdown, while BTC is untested during a recession (and is currently dumping for months despite inflation). As long as this financial collapse isn’t the final financial collapse (if it is, err on the side of earlier physical delivery, or sell the gold paper IOUs sooner rather than later), gold will probably outperform BTC for the next few years.

    While Jim is a great predictor, his predictions tend to be biased towards events that will make the republic/normalcy collapse sooner. Sometimes, this makes him look quite genius, like predicting the 2020 steal before it happened (not that hard to predict in retrospect, but nothing ever is, so I still think it was a very smart call). But sometimes, such as predicting in Jan 2017 that it would take Trump something like 8 months to clean house and take control of the gov, or that Trump will meaningfully contest the steal, both fell flat on their face. Not holding these against him, that is the nature of prediction. Just pointing out the bias. With that being said, is it not possible that perhaps this coming recession is worse than the GFC, but not civilization ending?

    And if that is the case, then gold delivery may not necessarily be meaningfully affected, and BTC could stay correlated with the stock market down into the dumps, suggesting that gold is a much better hold than suggested here. Thoughts?

    Note: I’m a strong crypto believer, not a boomer goldfag. Just seems like time to admit crypto is not performing how I, and maybe we, thought it would in the middle of last year.

    • Pooch says:

      I made this same comment a few threads back. I dumped all my crypto for commodities because crypto is much much too correlated with the SP500. As we enter into stagflation, stocks and crypto will continue to fall together.

      When it decouples, if it decouples, I’ll rotate back into BTC.

      • The Cominator says:

        Dollar denominated assets should eventually rise in dollar terms if not real ones in any inflation.. its been incredibly shitty lately.

        • Pooch says:

          Not with rates rising. When rates top out and start falling, it will be time to rotate out of commodities and back into assets.

          • The Cominator says:

            Interest rates if they go up again will go down again immediately, Volcker solution not possible with 30T in gov debt.

          • The Cominator says:

            I guess what i dont understand is like much as i couldn’t understand how anyone on the right was fooled by covid… i can’t understand why markets are taking this volcker larp crap seriously. It just can’t be done…

            • jim says:

              I am not taking interest rates seriously. But I certainly am taking regulatory attacks on financial assets very seriously indeed. And I am a one hell of a lot more nervous about crypto currency on major KYC exchanges than I used to be.

              I assumed without thinking about it that all investors were acting as I am. But on reflection, most of them are normies, and they probably are taking this volker larp seriously.

              • The Cominator says:

                It very much appears they are… including many tute investors…

                Its crazy…

              • notglowing says:

                Looking at inflows and outflows from exchanges, people tend to take their crypto out of them overall. More crypto has been exiting than entering them for a long time now.

            • Pooch says:

              Won’t be Volker levels, but mortgage rates are already over 5 and the 10YR Treasury Yield just hit over 3 with only 2 Fed rate hikes of 75 bp total. Likely Going to be regular 50 bp hikes from here on out.

              • The Cominator says:

                One more rate hike than back to the ZIRP.

                • Red says:

                  Seems that way. My sister-in law in sell her house. She got one offer at asking price right after the rate hike. Buyer dropped out after he couldn’t get financing. She puts it back on the market and 2 weeks later and she’s getting offers for 20k over asking.

              • Pooch says:

                People are seeing mortgage rates going up so they are buying now before they go up higher. Eventually, when rates get high enough, demand will collapse. Housing is always a lagging indicator not a leading indicator of asset bubbles given the typical 30 days to close on deals.

                • jim says:

                  People are buying now because they expect to pay off the fixed interest mortage with a dozen eggs.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Government eminent domains their house for a dozen eggs…

          • jim says:

            Somewhat to my surprise, the rise in rates has had significant impact on the economy. But supply chain crises continue to escalate, which is an expected and predictable outcome so long as rates remain below inflation.

            And as long as the interest on federal debt remains below inflation, why not issue lots and lots of debt? The rest of the world is still importing American inflation by importing lots of US paper. But they are starting to get a little bit stroppy about it.

            Two very minor countries that have their paper money controlled by foreign banks have just made bitcoin legal tender, in part because they were getting pissed by importing other people’s inflation, in part because pissed by other people’s regulation.

            Countries that have their own paper money and banking system are adding rubles and renminbi to their foreign exchange systems, because pissed by other people’s regulation. I conjecture that they are going to get more relaxed about bitcoin.

            The capacity of the US to export inflation is not yet suffering a major hit, nor do I expect a major hit immediately. But it is taking a minor hit. I expected a bigger hit sooner, but things are happening pretty much in line with what I expected. Movement to reduce import of US inflation started last year, and continues.

        • jim says:

          This is completely normal, and happens in the lead up to every serious inflation. Always happens. Time to invest in physical things, and things resistant to government seizure and government intervention.

      • jim says:

        Still hodling. Attempting to time stuff gets you burned. Not attempting to time stuff also gets you burned, but you sleep better. I look at the crypto currency market, as I look at all markets, for buying opportunities, not to time it by zipping in and out.

        • Pooch says:

          The people who timed the great minority mortgage meltdown got rich, or at least saved their wealth from going down the drain.

          • jim says:

            I timed that one. But people who jumped too early got burned. In that one, I was correct in joining the stampede when the stampede was under way, but everyone was still in pious denial that the stampede was under way. I am eventually going to time this one, but I am going to deliberately time it late, and I am going to go right on hodling the whole way through.

            In the great Minority Mortgage Meltdown, people who attempted to join the stampede late got locked in by furtive regulatory action aimed at concealing the stampede. Something similar is likely to happen in this crisis. It is dangerous too jump too soon, and it also dangerous to jump too late. When the dollar crisis starts to bite, then there likely will be regulatory action that has the effect of freezing your assets. The dollar crisis begins to loom, but it is a still a long way from biting. Likely the time approaches when the KYC exchanges become intolerably dangerous.

            What I expect will require action is the stampede on the US$. No stampede yet, not expecting one imminently incoming, but one is likely by and by. Furtive, deniable, and denied regulatory action to deny people access to their money is likely to ensue.

    • jim says:

      > With that being said, is it not possible that perhaps this coming recession is worse than the GFC, but not civilization ending?

      This sort of crisis is not civilization ending. Any one crisis is never civilization ending. Civilizations do not end that way. Rather the underlying causes of this crisis (decline in elite competence and virtue) are apt to lead to a long chain of crises whose cumulative effect, over a very long time, are civilization ending.

      I don’t have any predictions for the coming recession, other than it is not actually going to be recession, since a normal recession is a deflationary crisis, and this is stagflation, a cascading chain of supply chain disruptions caused predominantly by the US$ becoming less useful as a measure of value and standard of deferred value, making it less useful as a medium of exchange, in part by a decline of competence by large corporations, in part because the state has enforced a rise in power of accountants, which makes business more dependent on having a stable measure of value – they are now a lot more sensitive to stagflationary effects than they used to be.

      There is also a certain amount of deliberate supply chain by hostile forces who just hate capitalism and the modern economy and just want to shut business down, but it does not appear to be the primary problem. Rather they smell blood in the water, and are jumping in to add to the mess. But they are not where the blood that they smell is coming from.

    • jim says:

      > Why is BTC and all of crypto dumping, despite relatively high official inflation? Seems to just be correlated with stocks nowadays, rather than being a hedge. Gold, despite our host disliking paper promises of gold, holds up better.

      Still hodling. I don’t pay attention to the ups and downs. I pay attention to the usefulness as a medium of exchange. Which continues to improve, while the US$ continues to become less useful. Downs are buying opportunities. Since I don’t pay attention to up to minute, or even up to the year, prices of crypto currency, I don’t think about the causes of the latest news.

      Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. But, since you asked the question, I started thinking about it. I just lost an enormous sum of money in the stock market, thanks to arbitrary regulatory intervention, and that has been the focus of my attention. People are fleeing complicated assets, due to crisis and fear of arbitrary wartime and crisis controls. I, on the spur of the moment, right now, conjecture that since bitcoin is a major and rapidly increasing way around controls on the movement of money, people who have KYC bitcoins on the major regulated exchanges are likely getting out in fear of regulatory intervention freezing their crypto currency forever, much as they are getting out of everything in fear of regulatory intervention freezing their money forever.

      • Pooch says:

        Massive amounts of speculators piled into crypto (along with stocks and real estate) the last 2 years with newly printed money, not caring or concerned with how crypto works or what it is used for. As rates go up, these people are now fleeing crypto and stocks. Will eventually start fleeing real estate.

      • The Cominator says:

        Jim how long before they revert to ZIRP?

        • jim says:

          I don’t attempt to predict the actions of individual stupid and insane people because unpredictable, though large aggregates of stupid and insane people are predictable. Evil people attempt to be unpredictable, and sometimes succeed, though less often than they think or expect.

          Assuming sanity and competence, never. Rather US interest rates are likely to become irrelevant and meaningless when people stop using the dollar as a standard of deferred payment.

          The competent course of action would be to steadily raise US interest rates till they match the rate of inflation, and then more or less follow the rate of inflation, enduring a long period when the national debt is is so expensive as to create expectations of default. And then, after inflation comes down, people might rationally argue for ZIRP when a recession looms.

          Under present circumstances, and for a long time to come, ZIRP is obviously insane, or a stealth default on the national debt. Insanity cannot be ruled out, and an entirely sane stealth default on the national debt is entirely possible.

          • The Cominator says:

            The sane thing would be to admit they need to monetize fedgov debt… they can’t raise rates given they need to pay interest on that.

            • Mayflower Sperg says:

              No, the sane thing would be to default the debt, print just enough money to pay soldiers and police, and tell everyone else to get a fucking job. Monetizing the debt with ZIRP leads to a hyperinflationary cannibal holocaust.

              • The Cominator says:

                The cuckstitution can be ignored when all powerful forces are for it but there are powerful debt holders, so its unlikely default is possible so the only way to default is via monetizing it so that through lack of any other good option is the sanest thing.

              • Pax Imperialis says:

                The easy thing to do is just continuing to kick the can down the road. Most people procrastinate. Politicians are no different.

                Hyperinflationary cannibal holocaust is likely baked into the human condition.

                • jim says:

                  Kicking the can down the road is likely to manifest as wobbling between slow interest rate rises that fail to keep up with accelerating inflation as the acceleration in inflation alarms them, and slower interest rate rises that make absolutely no attempt to keep up with inflation as stagnation alarms them. This is likely to be sufficiently effective that the crisis does not escalate to regime collapse levels for quite a while. (Regime collapse level being that soldiers and cops start noticing they are not being paid enough money to buy a candy bar, and if they were, there are no candy bars.)

    • Skippy says:

      BTC correlates with stocks while BTC is being bought by institutional speculators awash with Fed money.

      The question is what happens to BTC and what happens to stocks when Fed money ends and the institutions go bust.

      • Pooch says:

        They both will be dumped, are being dumped. Institutional investors have no idea how bitcoin works, what it used for, and why it exists.

    • Pyrrhus says:

      There’s a reason why physical gold and silver sells at a premium

  24. The Cominator says:

    They are bringing back covid…

    Burn the public health fags.

    • jim says:

      World War III did not sell at the pentagon.

      • Pax Imperialis says:

        World War III is selling to Biden and most congressmen… the people who actually do get to start a war.

        They are now openly boasting about killing Russians and being at either proxy war or actual war depending on who’s speaking.

        If anything it seems like the people who want to start another massive war want to do so wearing masks.

        Bring back covid is not mutually exclusive from starting a war

        • Skippy says:

          The war is too stagnant to sell escalation.

          Can sell escalation if Ukraine collapses or if Ukraine pushes Russia across its claimed borders (e.g. Crimea).

          • Skippy says:

            Russia should nuke Ukraine.

            The danger is frog boiling. If they raise 1000x in one move the West won’t follow.

            Also they need a win at any cost.

            • The Cominator says:

              Jim got it right they need to start blowing up leaders… the leaders of Ukraine and globohomo hate their own people so killing them by the millions or billions won’t motivate them. Have to strike them…

              • Skippy says:

                If they can sure. Likelihood is they just open the way for the West to start assassinating their guys at will, a conflict they’re likely to lose.

                Gotta use what they got – 20th century weapons – in ludicrous overkill that the propaganda machine can’t persuade the Western public to follow.

                Be the badass evil Russians everyone thought they were when they still respected Russia.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “If they can sure. Likelihood is they just open the way for the West to start assassinating their guys at will, a conflict they’re likely to lose.”

                  And you’re saying the West isn’t doing that… they are not yet killing Putin or his cabinet members but they are killing Russian generals this way.

              • A2 says:

                Once the consequences became clear to them, they backed off bragging about killing Russian generals, etc.

                I’d expect counter-assassinations to be directed at the other Nato members though.

            • Pooch says:

              They should nuke Kiev when Pelosi and company are there next.

    • simplyconnected says:

      They may be right. The multiple injected people are getting covid repeatedly without developing immunity. I guess they’ll use it to push harder for more injections.

  25. Anonymous Fake says:

    [*deleted again, for the same reason as before*]

    • jim says:

      All these posts are the same post. You complain that the state religion is not allocating accreditation fairly, and the evil capitalists are evil because not distributing value they create according to official accreditation.

      It is not the job of the state religion to distribute rewards fairly, because it should not be the job of the state religion to distribute value created by other people at all.

      Repeating yet again. Universities are religious seminaries for training priests in the state religion. Always have been, always will be, and we have no intention of changing this. We do however propose to do something about the grotesque oversupply of priests. Universities have swollen far beyond their natural role and competence, overflowing into every field. Priests and priestly training are not terribly useful in building rockets and making software work, and when the state religion is hostile to white males, actively and aggressively harmful in building rockets and making software work.

      That our current state religion is now vigorously acting to reduce the role of while males in its priesthood is a very good thing. We don’t want competent priests of a demon worshiping religion. And since our current state religion hates whites, hates males, and hates straights, it rightly suspects that straight white male priests are likely to be unreliable.

      When we are in power, we will recruit priests on the basis of virtue, competence, intelligence, and, of course, as always, fidelity to the state religion. And we will recruit far fewer of them. However the reason for taking virtue, competence, and intelligence into account will not be to reward virtue, competence, and intelligence. If most of the rewards of society go to priests, or even a significant proportion of those rewards go to priests, you have a big problem with an inflated and overly powerful priesthood. It will be because we want the state religion to be virtuous, competent, and intelligent.

      • Anonymous Fake says:

        At least keep the article I posted. The point that lawyers are seen more as priests now (and literally often were priests before professionalization), and less as engineers or scientists or doctors who do need specialist training, is what maters. And if you see far enough the “angry black man” MacGuffin is entirely truthful, and yes you are saying this.

        There’s still the issue of K-12 schools, though, for people who aren’t priests but who demand to be treated fairly for their school work.


        Why should Peter have to pay Paul for obeying Shaniqua, who hates Peter and seeks his destruction. Shaniqua should pay Paul for obeying her. Why does Peter have to give the value he created to subsidize the destruction committed by the priesthood, and the hatred and ignorance fostered by them. Why is Peter on the hook for lies Shaniqua told Paul? Why is Peter the big villain here?

        It is absolutely obvious from the behavior of the students that they do not expect to learn anything that would be of use to creating value for Peter, or anyone. Everyone knows it is a big lie. Why does Peter have to make the lies that Shaniqa told true?

        Shaniqua needs to be punished for scamming Paul. No one, except Shaniqua, has any responsibility for making Paul whole again.

        standard spiel demonizing those victims who were insufficiently injured by the priesthood deleted yet again.

        Apprenticeships are actually kind of common, by the way, in certain careers where being an employee is de facto just a step towards owning your own firm even if it’s a sole proprietorship. The problem with looking up to this is that it doesn’t lend itself towards corporate formation, massively sized firms that have political power

        • jim says:


          > At least keep the article I posted. The point that lawyers are seen more as priests now (and literally often were priests before professionalization),

          Judges, and to a lesser extent lawyers, always were seen as priests, or a priest type profession (clerics). Look at the formal robes that judges and lawyers used to wear. If you play a massively mutliplayer role playing game they usually have a cleric class.

          It is just from around 1855 to about 1985, they were making a vigorous effort to pretend we do not have a state religion. Which pretense is now wearing mighty thin.

          The underlying rationale, from King Alfred the Great to fairly recently, is that the King, ruling by divine right, has authority granted to him by God, and is supposed to interpret and apply the universal and unchanging law of God to the particular circumstances of time, people and place, creating the particular laws of that particular time and place. And since he his law is an interpretation of divine law, needs priests to apply it in the particular case. Which is apt to result in the usual power struggle between throne and altar. But it is Caesar who must make the final decision. Power grabs by the priesthood turn out horribly badly.

          > and less as engineers or scientists or doctors who do need specialist training,

          Engineers do not learn anything useful in academic classes and through academic coursework. I have interviewed quite a few of them. I was trained as a scientist in academia. This training has been utterly useless and irrelevant to creating value. I have never met an engineer who learned anything useful in academia. My academic training would have been quite useful and relevant to being a scientist, but by that time science had been utterly destroyed by peer review, which is academia, being a priestly institution, imposing the theological method on inquiries that need to be handled by the scientific method. To restore the scientific method, need to keep science far far away from academia. If you want the scientific method, science must be completely separated from academic accreditation. It has to have its own status system, in which priests have no role, and thus must have its own accreditation system, based on apprenticeship and demonstrated performance, not on academic degrees.

          > it doesn’t lend itself towards corporate formation, massively sized firms that have political power

          Did the Germans and then NASA kidnap Wernher von Braun because of his awesome academic degrees. Did Musk become head of space X through his mighty awesome academic qualifications? Did Steve Jobs become CEO of apple by impressive academic training?

          • Pax Imperialis says:

            >Engineers do not learn anything useful in academic classes and through academic coursework. I have interviewed quite a few of them. I was trained as a scientist in academia. This training has been utterly useless and irrelevant to creating value. I have never met an engineer who learned anything useful in academia.

            Having completed a masters in electrical engineering, I partially agree with this sentiment. Anything useful is either classified by the government, proprietary information kept under strict NDA, or not yet invented. All things that universities will not be teaching in the classroom. In that regard, academic work does not train future engineers in anything “useful.” Much if not most information learned never gets utilized for the specific job engineers eventually end up in. In that regard it’s useless.

            There is nuance though. By learning the basics like calculus (I never used outside of college) and advancing to more complex things like Fourier transforms (another thing I never used outside of college) you supposedly learn a mindset/culture that allows you to identify fellow engineers which ultimately means social networking; the most important part of university life. Rather useful when surrounded by other like mind engineering students.

            This is somewhat perverse when it’s really just paying large sums of money to learn the culture of a particular profession. In the past people would learn the culture as they learned on the job and were paid for it. On the other hand, college can give a good gut check to people on what the field is like without really committing. That mostly benefits companies though. Something like 2/3s of engineering students fail or change majors and end up in other lines of work. Imagine the R&D costs companies would pay if 2/3s of their workforce never finished on the job technical training.

            The other perverse aspect of the engineering academia is that engineers tend to have an engineering mindset/personality before “learning it” in academia. I can spot fellow/potential engineers even it they never had academic training. As such the value of the academia for training engineers is rather questionable.

            All this said, I want to also push back on the idea that “academia” doesn’t produce anything useful/of value anymore. Many of the more niche fields such as RF engineering are highly insulated from the goings on of priestly manias. The engineering department I went through mostly was staffed by people with massive amounts of industry experience. Much of their research can easily be classified as the useful but not invented yet category. The professors tends to utilize the better engineering student at the graduate level as unpaid/low paid lab technicians. Often professors and their “free” labor end up splintering off from the university system when something useful is developed and they form their own business… which ultimately goes back to networking being the most important skill to learn in college.

            TL;DR Most undergraduate engineers don’t learn useful technical skills in academic classes. They do learn the power of networking/nepotism (likely not worth the price tag of college). Most graduate level engineers do learn technical skills for R&D type work, but that is done in the labs outside of classes and coursework however those students get specifically picked by the professors. As such the classes and coursework are effectively the job interview.

            • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

              The basic problem with the incumbent system of academia is that the things one might find it can be good for are not the things they say it is for. They keep trying to live a lie, spend indefinite blood and treasure trying to live a lie, and it can not be good because of it.

              • Pax Imperialis says:

                The view that academia is for networking with fellow like minded people and/or academia being a lengthy job interview for research jobs are the historical norm. I’m not sure when it changed, but anyone in my father’s generation and back understood that reality.

                It’s only with modern marketing that the idea of academia as actual job training was created. It started to take root in gen x but really kicked off with the millennial generation who have hit the workforce and are screeching in pain.

              • The fundamental problem is that of course, trying to force-fit every varnashrama’s profession based on priestly qualification, under the name of “meritocracy”. The MBA from Harvard is a classic example of priestly accreditation for Vaisyas.

                This, taken to extreme, is my example of how positions for Government sweepers and sanitary workers are filled on the basis of written examinations.

                No matter how perfect the academic setting, priestly institutions are poor at everything other than priesting, and “accreditation” is a priestly thing.

              • Mayflower Sperg says:


                When I was little, child psychologists worried that TV was giving children a seven-minute attention span, the average time between commercial breaks. Videogames came later, and made it impossible to hold a child’s attention for more than seven seconds.

                Mom only let us watch PBS and said that our Pilgrim ancestors attended church every Sunday, three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, stopping in between for a cold lunch eaten out of a pail. Children were expected to sit still, face forward, eyes open, and later discuss what the minister had talked about.

                It seemed harsh to me then, but being able to sit and pay attention through a long lecture during which a great deal of information is conveyed just might be a useful life skill.

            • The Cominator says:

              “There is nuance though. By learning the basics like calculus (I never used outside of college) and advancing to more complex things like Fourier transforms”

              You went through that too… The most painful thing in all of mathematics…

              “TL;DR Most undergraduate engineers don’t learn useful technical skills in academic classes. They do learn the power of networking/nepotism”

              Yes it generally excludes white men nowadays.

              • Pax Imperialis says:

                > The most painful thing in all of mathematics…

                There are far worse things out there… the whole spectrum of mathematics involved with Electromagnetic Field Theory and Information theory are a few examples.

                Classes in those areas were among the few that did not curve the grades at the introductory undergraduate level, but grade distribution was still in a very neat bell curve. If I remember correctly in a class of ~40, 2 got As, ~10 got Bs, ~20 got Cs, the rest failed. It was after that introductory class I stopped seeing blacks or women in higher level courses.

                At the more advanced level classes exclusively made up of graduate students, grades were often curved because averages were in the 10%-30% on exams. Often the one outlier who scored in the 60%-80% was the PhD student who were directly working with the professor for their thesis.

                >Yes it generally excludes white men nowadays.

                Likely true outside of the harder engineering fields, but in niche engineering fields I did not see that happening. RF engineering or anything involving electromagnetism is still highly viable for whites if only because I can’t remember a single black person or woman in any of my classes. Maxwell equations and wave function are hard. The professors tended to be white with a strong minority being europeans like serbian (the serbain guy was based as hell).

                Classes tended to be entirely white or asian. Most of the asians were foreign and did not network with the professors (therefore not competition for white student) because most just wanted the degree from an American university. The few asians that did network well tended to be american and didn’t discriminate against the whites… or at least I didn’t.

                Funny enough, one of the asian professors actually did seem to discriminate did so against most of the other asian students because he clearly did not trust the chinese students and had an almost exclusively white group of lab assistants with the one asian being korean.

                Hope this was entertaining to read at the very least… I’m guessing you have an electrical engineering background? It’s mostly the electrical engineers that care about Fourier transforms.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  mild clarification, some of the phrasing was bad and could wrongly imply I was a professor. Much of the networking I did was not with the professors, but with fellow graduate students. I stopped at the masters level and had no intention of perusing PhD due to interest in a military career.

                • jim says:

                  > Likely true outside of the harder engineering fields, but in niche engineering fields I did not see that happening. RF engineering or anything involving electromagnetism is still highly viable for whites if only because I can’t remember a single black person or woman in any of my classes.

                  I expect if you attended today, you would see something different. Rapid change has long been under way, and has been changing faster and faster.

                  When I attended college I already knew the Maxwell equations and could derive them from the principles of special relativity. But I did learn something interesting and potentially useful about definite integrals in the complex plane. But I do not recall ever actually using my knowledge of definite integrals in the complex plane.

                  Information theory has been enormously useful, but I did not learn that at college, and by and large, it seems to me that one cannot. I gave my then very young sons information theory in outline, and they seemed to take to it like ducks to water.

                  I saw a few years ago I saw a bunch of highly cited general relativity papers on black holes for which information theory was highly relevant. On reading them, I rapidly came to suspect that the authors did not understand information theory to the extent that my very young sons had. The earlier papers linking black holes to information theory were great, but it seems that a bunch of postmoderns, seeing those papers highly cited, proceeded to eject squid ink into the waters.

                • Pax Imperialis says:

                  >Information theory has been enormously useful, but I did not learn that at college, and by and large, it seems to me that one cannot.

                  I know this is anecdotal evidence, and my experience is highly likely to be a massive statistical outlier. What I want to demonstrate with this information is that not all is lost and enough will be preserved to rebuild when the time comes. I also want to stress that it’s still very much possible for whites to find some areas in academia where they will succeed and thrive. It will become harder, and more scarce, but not impossible. For young white men who want to find such niche refugees, they need to look for a university where their perspective degree is almost entirely taught by faculty who all have 10+ years of industry experience or are coming from countries outside of US influence like Serbia, Russia, China, etc

                  One of the professors I had the pleasure of knowing was one of those old school guys from Bell labs. Some of the concepts he was teaching was highly esoteric and not easily found in books or the internet. I’m pretty sure a lot of the stuff simply isn’t publicly available. He’s still teaching, still publishing, and still getting patents. I learned a lot from him on information theory, specifically error correction algorithms and decoders which would have been massively useful had I gone into the right career.

                  It’s one of my major regrets that I didn’t really pay much attention in his classes due to dealing with several deaths in my family at the time.

                  Many of the professors at my alma mater had similar professional backgrounds to the professor researching information theory. Bell labs, DARPA, Raytheon, Sandia. Many of them are still teaching, still researching, and still getting patents that make money. Often when they retire they are replaced by their own PhD students who returned to the university after doing long stints at various labs.

                  Funny enough one of the engineering professors, who is only a professor in the loosest definitions, regularly teaches a class on patents and start up companies. He has had success creating and selling a number of his business. His class can be viewed at a recruitment ad as he regularly poaches graduate students and associate professors.

                  As you said, “Rapid change has long been under way, and has been changing faster and faster.”

                  This is highly true, massive dumbing down of the education system has been happening for a long time, but my experience gives hope that EM related fields will remain highly insulated much in the same way monastery life is highly insulated from the outside decay.

                  My father went to the same university, and many of his experiences as an electrical engineering student were almost the exact same as mine. Even though campus culture has changed dramatically, electrical engineering has remained nearly identical in culture. According to him, the material I studied was in some ways more esoteric and advanced than what he did and far more useful had I gone into the right career or tried to start a business.

                  The only significant change in the electrical engineering department is that in his time the department use to have a research nuclear reactor that you could look down into at the core. Unfortunately that was gone when I went.

                  Nearly all of the electrical engineering graduate students are aware of the decay going on with the university system. We talked about it in hushed voices deeply hidden away in dark corners of the campus. I’m still in contact with many of them. From what I hear if I attended today things wouldn’t be all that different.

                  Granted this is just one university, and it’s likely an outlier, but statistical outliers have always existed and will always exist.

                • The Cominator says:

                  “There are far worse things out there… the whole spectrum of mathematics involved with Electromagnetic Field Theory and Information theory are a few examples.”

                  Didn’t do information theory so I couldn’t comment but I did not recall anything in EM fields as being worst than signals… frequency domain mathematics and transforms.

                  Yes I had an EE background… but struggled greatly finding a job and found people were too stressed out to network much at least I was.

            • yewotm8 says:

              You do learn a lot of useful Natural Sciences stuff in the course of an engineering degree. However this transfer of knowledge is quite inefficient, unspecific, and costly compared to how it could be. I still think there is a lot of value in classroom learning for stuff like solid state physics and complex circuit analysis, but I don’t see why that wouldn’t be possible in the apprenticeship system that Jim has espoused, and there’s no need to keep it anywhere near priestly academia.

              The most valuable thing I gained from “studying engineering” was unironically the connections. I met other smart young men, bonded together with them through the struggles of dealing with the coursework, and together we used that to start a business that is doing quite well. We still had to learn how to actually design and build a product and make it manufacturable by working with more experienced engineers, people who had done this before and knew where we had to go and who we needed to talk to. I’m sure this function of matching entrepreneurs together could also have been done much more efficiently than through academia.

              • alf says:

                Interesting how the connections thing keeps coming up. Does the same go for meeting women? I feel like college is the premium place for meeting young and pretty women.

                • Pooch says:

                  Yes absolutely, but only if you are in a high status tribe.

                  Obviously, athletes are the top of the hierarchy and soak up the perfect 10s but there are plenty of high status frats that do quite well.

                  I was at a wedding where a seemingly short nerdy guy was getting married to a pretty young woman. I was curious how that happened, but then during the reception I saw his army of Fraternity brothers carrying him around like a superstar. Made perfect sense.

                • Karl says:

                  I know some men who married a young and pretty women they met at university, but in most cases those women were secretaries working in faculty administration.

          • simplyconnected says:

            Engineers do not learn anything useful in academic classes and through academic coursework.

            Very true. Anything they can learn in a classroom (where not much is learned because the “master class” method of learning has been repeatedly shown not to teach much at all), is in books which one can simply pick up and read. People who can’t teach themselves this stuff through reading and need a teacher to read it to them are either not sufficiently talented or not sufficiently motivated.

            But I presume you have a place in your plan for lets say theoretical physics research. Who funds this kind of research if Universities are reduced to training priests?. Research is already based on the apprenticeship model, but in areas with no direct practical application there is no market for it, so it wouldn’t survive without some kind of external funding source. Isn’t theory research a good fit for a University?

            • simplyconnected says:

              I guess theoretical research could rely on private funding like the Simons foundation funding math and CS theory research. That seems to work well because they are good at selecting people.

            • Skippy says:

              Golden age of theorists at universities was the 30s, 40s, and 50s in the US.

              Basically time when these universities – which had low prestige – needed to buy some, and Jews escaping Germany needed somewhere to get paid.

              Golden age end coincided remarkably well with these guys retiring and being replaced by profs who had spent their whole careers in the US university system.

              Some my point out that these theorists were employed by universities in Germany previously. Only partly true. They were given chairs at universities, but paid by and did their research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes.

              • jim says:

                Wernher von Braun believes he got some useful and important knowledge at university, but he was building rockets before he went to university, and he got his degree in rocketry, a subject non existent until he went to university and brought rocketry engineering with him. Which would suggest he got useful and important knowledge networking with people who were similarly bringing knowledge from outside university to the university.

                This pattern, of people going to university and, far more importantly, getting fellowships at university after they have demonstrated important knowledge and ability in the field, universities as the place where smart and accomplished people network, is what made universities useful and effective in science and engineering to the 1950s. They were recruiting people on the basis of their accomplishments outside university. But after they decided that every job needs a university education, they ceased to be useful and effective, because training everyone for everything presupposes the idea that university, which is to say the official faith, is the fount of all knowledge. Their rationale for enormous expansion made them really bad places for smart people to network.

                After they decided they should train everyone for everything, they stopped giving outsiders fellowships and professorial jobs.

                Giving themselves the job of exporting all knowledge to all social roles meant abandoning their role as a place where smart people networked. Which has in any case become irrelevant in the age of the internet. Peer review is the application of the theological process of consensus overruling the scientific method. Anointing themselves the fount of all knowledge meant closing off the official faith from outside knowledge and skills.

                Consensus tends to be appropriate to theology, because the earthly matter of theology is social rules, how we expect good people to conduct themselves, you want everyone on the same page, so you need consensus. But consensus has an inherent tendency to the madness of crowds. It is dangerous, and needs to be treated like a potential forest fire. And the larger the group involved in reaching consensus, the more dangerous it is. They need to form their opinions independently, and then it is discovered that they nearly all independently have much the same opinion on certain matters. If people are “trying to reach consensus” the madness of crowds sets in, and evil and crazy people dominate.

      • jim says:

        Everyone has long known that no one actually reads what the students write down during those three hour exams. They are just a test of whether the student can physically simulate sitting down at a desk and interacting with written material like a regular office worker for three hours straight.

        Seems that they find that a large proportion of the students that they want to graduate are incapable of doing that.

        The meaning of the piece of paper the student got used to be to tell the employer that this a credentialed member of the clerisy, and therefore human resources will make the employer hire him even if someone else is obviously more competent and qualified, and the meaning of the three hour exam was to test if he could physically simulate going through the motions of office work, and therefore not disrupt the lives and activities of actually useful employees doing actual office work. The employer could give him a desk and a pointless task requiring neither skill nor intelligence that did not matter if got screwed up or not done, and the employee would not disrupt the office, a vital concern when hiring the required number of blacks, and a not insignificant concern when hiring the required number of women. Now, however, the employer no longer gets an indication that the credentialed employee will not disrupt the office.

        • In India the post of a government sweeper and sanitation worker requires passing of a written examination, which is of course ridiculous.

          Using priestly tests to judge non-priestly professions is one of the most obvious failings of “meritocracy” among others of course. And obviously meritocracy being designed to fail is “improved” upon by affirmative action/quota system.

        • Anonymous Fake says:

          It reminded me of what you said about Cambodia, how the academics all seemed to change their minds simultaneously about Pol Pot’s leadership. Some secret power has issued a fatwa against standardized testing based meritocracy supposedly because black men are angry about it, even though it’s how the left consistently outperforms conservatives [*deleted. That is not how the left outperforms, and I have repeatedly responded to this claim and am not going to do it again unless you respond to my rebuttal*]

          So I wonder who that secret power is [*The entire neoreaction movement, starting with Moldbug, has answered that question repeatedly, and largely exists around the answer to that question, which answer you strangely fail to notice or even notice anyone else noticing*]

          you might keep an eye out for a sudden change in attitude about grading that I keep posting about recently. [*sudden my ass. Grading has been on the way out, and academic standards have been going downhill, since 1865. It is merely that this long established trend is now finally reaching its culmination.*]

  26. Anonymous Fake says:

    This might sound crazy, but what if the strongest move Russia can make is to let Ukraine win and let the world see how it treats the people of DPR and LPR afterwards? There’s a very high chance the Ukraine Nazis would commit a genocide and they would lose all of their credibility forever after that, and credibility is how the corporate world does business. The elites would be socially broken if they had to look at themselves soon after the hangover of a supposedly idealistic victory.

    • jim says:

      It is completely crazy.

      Cathedral backed forces have regularly committed genocide, and no one seems to notice. And, historically, no one does notice successful genocides, except they become politically convenient for a major and powerful opponent.

      Only if the genocide is successfully resisted, and they have to disown their guys, does anyone notice.

      All your posts come from a universe where the Cathedral conforms to its image of itself, and presuppose that we agree, that everyone agrees, that it conforms to its image of itself.

      • Thanks for allowing this comment through, Jim. This blog need some lighter moments like this now and then, as a comic relief from all the serious stuff.

      • Anonymous Fake says:

        I was just thinking that a potential war with Russia is something that would require true believers, not an African savage war or a Middle Eastern religious tribal war where grifters could mor easily work in the shadows. There is more at stake in Ukraine and it is officially a globohomo territory, not a third world proxy.

        Ukraine flags are right next to alphabat people flags on twitter accounts, and the social media hives do in fact produce international volunteers. If those idealistic types saw a genocide it would matter more than if it had happened in Rwanda or Syria.

        • jim says:

          That is not entirely silly. Lots of people believe it. Lots of people find it plausible, and has not been tested. And you are being responsive for a change, implicitly acknowledging what they were up to in Syria and Africa.

          But against this, the attack on Serbia by the west, which everyone felt mighty righteous about and that Ukraine has been engaging in not-war against Donbas for eight years, causing a great many civilian casualties, and no one pays attention. Serbians have twitter accounts also. People in Donbas and Serbia were kind of shocked by the world averting its eyes.

          People always have been, for millennia, unshocked by horrifying state violence, but in the lead up to world war I, lots of people thought the same thing, that we were too civilized now, that it is the current year, we are different now.

          We were not.

          Culture is downstream of power. People were unshocked by war on Serbia, unshocked by not-war on Donbas. If war is successful, everyone feels mighty righteous.

          Not-war on Donbas was working. If it worked again, would have the same results again.

          This is why Russia intervened in Syria and Ukraine. Because USG use of terrifying violence was getting results, and pushing ever closer to Russia’s borders. If regime change in Syria and Ukraine, why not Moscow?

          Universal theocratic empire is inherent in universalism. They have been working on this project ever since Charles the Second purged them out of the Church of England in the 1660s. They have been at this for three centuries and four score years. They are not going to stop until deadly force arrives in Harvard, as Rome did not stop until the sack of Rome.

          Islam is a similar problem. Islam was quelled from 1830 to 1960. For some considerable time, Islam had had an operation on the Barbary coast resembling the USG’s operation in Ukraine: extremely violent deniable proxy not-war. Supposedly piracy, hence deniable and supposedly not war. After centuries unsuccessful wars against Islam in general, unsuccessful in the sense the the Muslims would surrender, then promptly unsurrender, France went genocidal on the Barbary coast, and proceeded to settle the place with Frenchmen, in a policy that would have, if continued, resulted in total population replacement. This quieted Islam down. The colonial powers proceeded to adopt Christian populations within Muslim countries, with the result that those populations received official tolerance, and quiet defacto superiority. Christian culture and Christian ways ruled, for example in Alexandria, soft power dominated Islam culturally and economically because backed by the most terrible and terrifying hard power

          It was working. Christianity was going to win a conflict that had been running for one and half millenia. But from about 1945 to 1960, Harvard went from being officially Christian while quietly and unofficially post Christian, to openly post Christian, and changed its objective from making the Muslim world Christian through soft power backed by the most terrible of hard power, to making Mohammedanism post Mohammedan. Which did not work too well, and has been working worse and worse.

          At the same time, the Cathedral has been using increasingly terrible violence against states suspected of being insufficiently progressive, though it was hampered in so doing by its commitment to post Mohammedan Mohammedanism. Its post Mohammedan allies tended to be difficult, unpredictable, and unreliable.

          Under the impact of soft power backed by the most terrible of hard power, Christianity was dying, and largely dead, just has Mohammedanism was dying from 1830 to 1960. Christianity turned stupid, ignorant, and low status, accepting the role, and largely accepting the post Christian beliefs, assigned to it by Harvard. Since Putin got uppity and started violently resisting USG violence, it has started to awaken.

          Were Putin to stop violently resisting USG violence, Christianity would quietly slide back into its grave and pull the dirt in over itself.

      • pyrrhus says:

        Of course, the oh-so-virtuous Brits committed genocide all over the planet, India, South Africa, China. and so on…but they remain paragons…

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      Bro like have you ever like, like have you ever noticed how bad guys have never won a war? Pretty crazy haha.

    • Milosevic says:

      It’s easy to believe you are getting paid to write this.

    • Aidan says:

      Because the Cathedral has totally shown remorse for its innumerable and outrageous crimes until now.

      “The evil homophobic fascists in L/DPR aren’t being genocided and it’s a good thing that they are”.

      The corporate world works on credibility, but the world of states and armies works on power, and getting away with genocide is power. When dealing with a peer, agreement capability matters, but every nation that is a peer of the GAE is hiding behind nukes and does not trust it an inch. Everyone else is a subject.

    • Neofugue says:
  27. Redbible says:

    Because of the way my Friend’s younger sister has been recently acting, I’m seriously considering spanking/disciplining her. (I don’t want to go into details about what she’s been doing.) I’m aware that (to a certain degree) this is probably what she is wanting, and part of me feels that doing so is maybe allowing her to control me too much, but I’m not sure if there is a better way. (I’m also aware that doing so might lead to a point down the road where I have to fuck her, or things get much worse)

    My friend would probably be fine about it if he ever learned about me spanking her, but I don’t think the parents would be so keen.

    It going to be a least a few days before I see My friend again, so I at least have some time to think about this. Any advice on this would be appreciated.

    (Also, My friend and I have Business projects we do together, so still need to be able to visit him.)

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      There is inevitably a sexual undercurrent to spanking a girl – which is not necessarily a bad thing – but as long as you edge it just past the point of tears, she’ll remember it as a proper disciplining, too.

    • The Cominator says:

      Stealing, drugs, or flirting with niggers?

      • Adam says:

        Sounds like flirting with him.

      • Redbible says:

        None of those things.

        I don’t think you’re implying that those are the only reasons to discipline a girl, but I figure I’ll make it clear that I think there are more reasons out there that justify disciplining a girl.

        • The Cominator says:

          Very bad behaving teenage girls tend to always be doing at least one of those three things in addition to whatever else it is.

          • Kunning Drueger says:

            It’s fascinating how narrow your range of experiences is. Even when told explicitly, you carry on assuming you’ve got every angle covered. Of course, you’re not necessarily wrong, just inexperienced. There’s a lot of nuance to the experience of living as a man in a fallen world, and I think you owe it to yourself to forcibly broaden your horizons, for the simple expedient that you do have valuable insights, but no one’s going to benefit from them if they perceive the source as deranged.

            • The Cominator says:

              How many very badly behaving teenage girls have you encountered who weren’t stealing on drugs or showing an interest in men of lesser races… ive known none.

              I don’t think I’ve known any…

              • Neofugue says:

                Alcohol abuse, academic delinquency, abuse of social media, hanging out with bad company, abuse of cellphones, extreme mood swings, hostile behavior towards family and friends, aggression, compulsive lying, overeating, undereating, arguing with authority figures, stealing money, abusing her allowance, drastic change in her appearance, decreased communication, despondency…

                • The Cominator says:

                  Yes all bad behavior except I’ve never seen it without the big three being present… drunkeness in a young teenage girl is akin to drug use.

                • Neofugue says:

                  In my background stealing and drugs are almost nonexistent; teenage girls are too rich to steal and no one beyond a certain socioeconomic threshold does drugs.

                  Sluttery is common, the line between “normal” and “excessive” sluttery vague, but the vast majority of teenage white girls involved with sluttery are not interested in niggers. The vast majority of White women in general are not interested in niggers. I am not familiar with strippers, maybe strippers are into niggers, but in my experience I have met more White women with Asians than White women with niggers, and there are not that many of them in real life.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Most (i mean a vast majority) of strippers hate niggers and spics.

                • The Cominator says:

                  I grew up in a pretty good suburb and degenerate friends of my sister stole from me twice…

                • jim says:

                  The propensity of high IQ high socioeconomic status daughters to have degenerate low IQ socioeconomic status criminal circles is a startling and disturbing consequence of their propensity to have degenerate low IQ low socioeconomic status boyfriends.

                • The Cominator says:

                  These were fellow degenerates from her economic strata…

                  She never had anything to do with niggers, shes a lawyerette now…

                • jim says:

                  She is fucking those of her clients who are violent criminals. One may hope she is fucking wiggers, rather than niggers.

                  All lawyerettes do. They have a strange propensity to head off into legal activities where they get to meet vicious thugs, and make housecalls.

                • The Cominator says:

                  Possibly… but she doesn’t do criminal law.

                • jim says:

                  Well that is a good sign. No probono activities helping the romantically poor, oppressed, and dangerously violent?

                • Pooch says:

                  I concur with Com in my life experiences growing up in a middle class suburb in the NE. Teenage white girls flirting with niggers was a problem. Just nigger culture in general was a problem for kids of that age, being viewed as high status. Probably has something to do with the masculinity exception granted to blacks by the state religion.

                • Pooch says:

                  Plenty of wiggers too.

                • The Cominator says:

                  I don’t keep track and honestly don’t care very much but i know not criminal law.

              • jim says:

                My experience is that almost all of them behave badly.

                I think you are pedestalizing women from high IQ high socioeconomic status circles.

                • The Cominator says:

                  I’m not if you meant to reply to me…

                • Oog en Hand says:

                  A stupid slut has blonde hair and big breasts.
                  An intelligent slut has black hair and wide hips.

    • Contaminated NEET says:

      You don’t own this woman. Intervening as if you do will only alienate your friend and his family, or else create the expectation that you will take possession of her, followed by anger and resentment when you don’t. There’s no upside for you here. Let her drown.

      • Leon says:

        This. I have learned this lesson the hard way. Only intervene if you have to. Not your woman, not your problem. Shitty way to live life, but it is what it is.

      • Adam says:

        Yeah. Unless he plays an authoritative role in her life, or wants to (and wants to continue to) best to leave it to the father.

      • Neofugue says:

        Redbible has a decent opportunity to obtain a good woman with the support of her brother, a far superior position to plowing through a series of strangers. A NEET mindset leads to dying alone and childless.

        God says it is the responsibility of the father to keep his daughter moral. If her parents are not fulfilling their obligations, there is nothing wrong with intervening so long as his goal is to ultimately take possession of and marry her.

        • Contaminated NEET says:

          >there is nothing wrong with intervening so long as his goal is to ultimately take possession of and marry her.

          Sure. If he wants to make a play for her, fair enough. If not though, he should stay out of it.

          • jim says:

            One should deal with wayward women by speaking to the man in charge of her, or by excluding her from your women’s social circle, or both.

            • Andy says:


              Separately, it amazes me (although perhaps it shouldn’t) how many men are so deep in the longhouse that they’ve forgotten how to say no and mean it.

              Years ago, when my brother-in-law was getting married, he and his intended had a planning summit with both sets of parents at their home. He is a weak man and she was/is a princess, who had likely never heard a firm “no” before from her father.

              She had some goofy idea about excluding segments of (our side of) the family from parts of the wedding. My father-in-law wasn’t any sort of alpha chad but had a backbone. He told her no, absolutely not, unacceptable and held frame. The weak men looked at each other dumbfounded while princess ran off to her room crying. The matter was dropped and never spoken of again. Princess was much more careful – deferential if you will – towards my father-in-law after that.

    • Aidan says:

      Sounds like her parents and brother have fallen asleep on the job of keeping her in line. I assume based on your post that she is misbehaving in a way that gives you an opportunity to spank her, i.e. in private, so instead of spanking her, bang her. If you are not in a position to take ownership of her, then it is not your responsibility to discipline her. Not your circus, not your monkeys.

  28. The Cominator says:

    Maybe these triple vaxxed leftist girls should not worry so much about pregnancy as many are likely not capable of bringing a healthy baby to term.

    • The Ducking Man says:

      Complaints about extended menstrual period post clot shot are very common.

      Whoever decided to get the shot 100% deserved whatever befall to them.

    • Oog en Hand says:

      Predicted more than five years ago…

  29. Oog en Hand says:

    Look at this story:

    “September 2022. Your 14 year old daughter was walking home from school(you live a 10 minute walk away). A man showed up in a van, grabbed her, took her in, and started beating her. He speeds away, but someone sees it, calls the cops, and the cops find the van, the man, and your daughter, 4 hours later in a forest in the next town. She is badly bruised but no broken bones. You’re angry but your daughter who is just silent and wants to cry would literally be happier without you and is getting more support from her mom than you will ever give in her life, and the man is put on trial, likely facing a death sentence.

    She hasn’t smiled since. She can force one when you tell her to, but her happiness is visibly diminished and you don’t want the assault to define who she is, but you don’t know what to say – you’ve never supported women even once in your life.
    Two weeks later, your daughter attempts suicide.

    Today, you find out she’s pregnant. You live in texas.
    >sorry sweetie, that child growing inside you who will look and act exactly like that monster is actually a god-given blessing to this family. You’re going to be so happy!

    No, you’d drive her right to a planned parenthood clinic, get that THING out, and never talk to her or anyone else about it ever again, and you’ll tell yourself that she’s happy and ‘completely forgotten about it’, and that will be good enough.

    but what will you do when they tell you ‘there is a 24 hour consultation period mandated by state law’ and to ‘come back tomorrow’? you go home, then you cross the border with a young girl in the passenger seat AGAIN, so the texas authorities suspect you of trying to abort, stop your car, and arrest you.

    So maybe you really would try drugs or even possibly experimentation on your daughter instead. You Try ordering Plan B or mifepristone in the mail, but those are illegal in texas and the DEA intercepts them.

    So what do you do?
    Same thing women did since the beginning of time. Same thing feminists were carrying for decades leading up to Roe v Wade.
    You untangle a coat hanger, look up a medical reference of a uterus, stick the wire into your daughter’s vagina and spend maybe 20 minutes fumbling about, hurting her, causing tears in her insides, extreme amounts of blood, and a partial abortion requiring a hospital visit.

    If you take her to the hospital, you go to jail for 25 years for murdering a unborn child human with rights granted by god.
    If you don’t, she dies.

    Men of 4chan, are you too coward to defend your women against an oppressive state? What is even the point of having guns to defend against the state if you cant even protect your own daughter?”


    You know the deal…

    • S says:

      So 4chan is infested with obvious bluepill nonsense?

      • Oog en Hand says:

        Apparently. But are the people who want a total ban on abortion blue-pilled? Are the people who fear their daughter will be raped by men of other religions/ethnicities blue-pilled? Probably both groups.

        Don’t be surprised if either group (or both) tries to increase the punishment for rape(blue-pilled definition) dramatically, or to shift the burden of proof to the male defendant to a dat greater degree. Even preemptive castration of threatening individuals or groups could be considered.

        • The Cominator says:

          There will be no effective ban on abortion. That would require a federal personhood law which the ruling making this a state issue actually makes impossible under the current system…

        • Pete says:

          Feminists assume all rapists are white (probably frat boys). To think otherwise would be heresy.

          In any case, you can’t allow a rape exception for abortions, because women are such assholes that they will just accuse a random beta of the rape so they can get an abortion.

          And if the falsely accused man goes to jail, or is murdered by her father…oh well.

      • Jehu says:

        Would be curious as to what fraction of abortions occur as the result of a bona-fide rape. I bet it’s low single digits as a percent. Maybe you’d get a few more percent if you construe rape really broadly, like the teenage girl who gets knocked up by her boyfriend while under the age of consent in a jurisdiction. But you’d get probably even less if you exclude cases where the alleged victim was clearly seeking to get fucked.

        The case we naturally think of, like some innocent girl raped where she had no part in setting up the conditions for—like perhaps in the course of a home invasion robbery—is really really rare.

        • Pooch says:

          Not sure where this data comes from but seems legit:

          • Jehu says:

            I’d be really curious to see what the frequency of ‘victim totally blameless’ rapes is that result in pregnancy. I bet the number is small enough you could easily enumerate every such instance in the US that occurs each year on a single page of standard notebook paper.

        • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

          If it was rape they’d keep the baby. Female brainstem says conquered by strong tribe.

          The rhetoric always focuses on notions like ‘rape, incest, medical emergencies’, when in reality of course these constitute only an infinitesimal fraction of edge cases. The point is getting the camel’s nose under the tent, the targets go back to sleep lulled by assurances of limitation, then next thing they know the whole camel is in there and they’ve been pushed out into the dark.

          • jim says:

            > next thing they know the whole camel is in there and they’ve been pushed out into the dark.

            And now young men with jobs who want wives and children are out of tent in the cold and dark.

          • Adam says:

            Real rape is high status to females. Not until the man is captured and made low status will she feel bad about it.

        • alf says:

          I grew up in an environment where pro-choice was unquestionably accepted as a moral obligation, and it is exactly what you say. The ‘really really rare’ unicorn case would always be presented as the standard.

          In reality the overwhelming majority of infanticide, which happens so often that the numbers never ceases to shock me, is women making horrible choices and covering those choices with even worse choices.

          Abortion is just one of those subjects that when you look into it, one side is clearly evil and the other is not.

          • jim says:

            The vast majority of abortions are “I am too young to settle down, and I don’t want to settle for this guy. The next time Jeremy Meeks gives me a booty call, I am going to impress him so much that he does not kick me out at one in the morning”

            And then one day she looks in the mirror, and realizes she is looking at a cat lady.

          • pyrrhus says:

            Amusingly, CNN poll on the effects of Roe being finally overturned finds disinterest on the Left, enthusiasm on the pro-life side…

            • Oog en Hand says:

              One of the replies:

              “a person we know from many years ago….his wife was raped, and got pregnant,,,,since they are followers of Jesus, they had the babies (twins!) and he raised them as his own blood, they are the apple of his eye, their mother dotes on them, they are grown, and have kids of their own,,,God can take a pile of manure and turn it to pure gold!”

            • Mayflower Sperg says:

              Feminism is a white thing, and white women are not that important to the Left anymore. Abortion was a tool to break the white patriarchy; now it only serves to slow the browning of America.

      • Contaminated NEET says:

        >So 4chan is infested with obvious bluepill nonsense?

        4chan is infested with trolls. The point of the story is to get you worked up enough to post an earnest, heated reply so that OP can laugh at you for caring about his ridiculous bait.

    • Ex says:

      1. Boo fuckin’ hoo, you salami slicer, you NAXALT. Fuck off and die with your thin end of the wedge.

      2. The Texas law bans abortion after six weeks, so for all the whine put into inventing a sympathetic situation that didn’t happen, it undermined itself at “two weeks later”.

    • jim says:

      This story has as much connection to reality as stories about how blacks live in fear of white violence.

      Given sexual choice, women make profoundly wicked unwise and self destructive choices, and given reproductive choice women make profoundly wicked unwise and self destructive choices.

      They are far more likely to abort the the children of young hard working men who want a wife and children, or the children of their husbands, than they are to abort the children of monsters.

      Hence I oppose abortion and support infanticide.

      Every child should be given a paternity test at birth, and if he fails the test, no one should be unduly curious about what happened to him.

      Abortion rights are primarily about a woman’s right to postpone marriage till she hits the wall and her eggs dry up, and to cheat on her husband.

      You all know from long, painful, and hard won experience that women are far more likely to sleep with you if you maintain a bad boy persona and frame than a good boy persona and frame. Well guess what, surprise, surprise, they are far more likely to abort your child if you are a good man than if you are a bad man. Oh what a big surprise.

      • The Cominator says:

        I had always guessed that women impregnated by actual rape or cheating wives with badboy lowlife lovers would mysteriously get prolife about it.

      • i says:

        “Hence I oppose abortion and support infanticide.”

        If God want to take a life he will do so of his own accord like with miscarriages in the case of gene problems.

        But otherwise its our duty as Christians not to commit sacrilege by making that happen ourselves but rather would give said children to infertile married couples if said child cannot be reared otherwise as said the early Church Fathers:

        THE DIDACHE​
        “The second commandment of the teaching: You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not seduce boys. You shall not commit fornication. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic. You shall not use potions. You shall not procure [an] abortion, nor destroy a newborn child” (Didache 2:1–2 [A.D. 70]).

        “The way of light, then, is as follows. If anyone desires to travel to the appointed place, he must be zealous in his works. The knowledge, therefore, which is given to us for the purpose of walking in this way, is the following. . . . Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born” (Letter of Barnabas 19 [A.D. 74]).

        “In our case, a murder being once for all forbidden, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb, while as yet the human being derives blood from the other parts of the body for its sustenance. To hinder a birth is merely a speedier man-killing; nor does it matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to birth. That is a man which is going to be one; you have the fruit already in its seed” (Apology 9:8 [A.D. 197]).
        “Among surgeons’ tools there is a certain instrument, which is formed with a nicely-adjusted flexible frame for opening the uterus first of all and keeping it open; it is further furnished with an annular blade, by means of which the limbs [of the child] within the womb are dissected with anxious but unfaltering care; its last appendage being a blunted or covered hook, wherewith the entire fetus is extracted by a violent delivery.

        “There is also [another instrument in the shape of] a copper needle or spike, by which the actual death is managed in this furtive robbery of life: They give it, from its infanticide function, the name of embruosphaktes, [meaning] “the slayer of the infant,” which of course was alive. . . .
        “[The doctors who performed abortions] all knew well enough that a living being had been conceived, and [they] pitied this most luckless infant state, which had first to be put to death, to escape being tortured alive” (The Soul 25 [A.D. 210]).

        “Now we allow that life begins with conception because we contend that the soul also begins from conception; life taking its commencement at the same moment and place that the soul does” (ibid., 27).

        “The law of Moses, indeed, punishes with due penalties the man who shall cause abortion [Ex. 21:22–24]” (ibid., 37).

    • Adam says:

      If this emotional drivel were to actually occur, which it has not and will not, it is a crime against the father.

      If a woman were to be severely beaten at random, a tenuous relationship with her father would not preclude her from seeking his strength. The girl in this story is not depicting real behavior, because it is not a real story.

      If a woman were to be abducted and raped as described in the story, likely not to be particularly traumatizing. The traumatizing comes after, when family, friends, law enforcement, and health workers insist she is traumatized.

      *please delete duplicate in moderation

  30. Speed says:

    Just as someone here predicted (sorry I forget which commenter), leftist orgs – Soros etc – write to Twitter advertisers demanding they pull their advertising from Twitter if Musk goes full free speech. Musk tweets in response, essentially facing off against Soros:

    • jim says:

      Conflict within the elites.

      But the out of power elites like Musk are not going to get anywhere unless they too are prepared to murder people who get in their way.

      Soros have been working hard for years to install prosecutors who will never prosecute a Soros instigated murder.

      • Speed says:

        Agreed, in general and especially in the long term.

        However sometimes I wonder if people like us underestimate the power of normalcy bias at least in the short-to-intermediate term. Because we see the overall pattern and we think “OK if I was the enemy I’d do X and do it fast” but our enemies don’t always think on that level, or they face practical difficulties that keep them from escalating as fast as we think they will.

        I’m interested to see exactly how far Musk will get with this. My impression is that our enemies are simply not accustomed to having anyone push back on them in any serious way. Because it has not happened at all in the past several decades. (Unless you count Reagan, which was very mild.) First was Trump, and they made a massive effort to color revolution him, succeeded but paid a big price – openly losing legitimacy in the eyes of huge swaths of the traditional conservative and independent population. Now Musk, and they are having to react. Also Desantis who seems to just do whatever he wants without much pushback so far other than the typical screeching.

        It seems to me our enemies are for the first time facing multiple somewhat-effective attacks and are kind of on the back foot in dealing with them. This is happening because some of the good guys are starting to figure out they have to simply use power and not pussyfoot around so much with being gentlemanly and trying to teach the Left and suchlike.

        They are also facing the problem all empires face, which is that it is hard to control everyone. How to keep not just fedgov but also every state governor and people like Musk fully under their thumb, while also trying to literally control the whole world starting with attempting to weaken and color revolution Russia etc. – not easy.

        Now in the big picture, yes, our enemies already understand what they must do to obtain and keep power, and they have already been doing it. I have my doubts that Musk and Desantis are prepared to go that far. We shall see. (Some possible evidence that Musk has basic understanding: if someone already posted this here, I forget where I first saw the link)

  31. Basil says:

    God inspired song.

    • Contaminated NEET says:

      A classic. Truly a 21st Century Yankee Doodle. The game wasn’t bad either, although Primal was way better.

      • Cataclysm Reawake says:

        >Primal was way better

        Big agree, though I’m curious to learn why you think so.

        • Contaminated NEET says:

          The caveman setting was fun and original, and the relative lack of ranged options made sneaking and melee more important, which I really enjoyed. It’s a shame it didn’t have co-op, though.

  32. TheShrike says:

    Antifa threatening the homes of supreme court justices homes now, Joe Biden announcing the US all but Sank a Russian warship. Jim’s 2026 prediction of civilwar, genocide and external war possibly all at the same time continues to look likely.

  33. Adam says:

    As far as predictions, many dissidents predicted a false flag shooting soon after Biden was inaugurated leading to more gun control legislation. I wonder if anyone here has an explanation as to why that didn’t happen, or if the predictions were baseless to start with.

    • Pooch says:

      Who said anything about gun control legislation?

      After J6, the ruling class were steaming mad at Trump supporters and were looking for reasons to shove them into jail cells and torture them indefinitely.

      • Adam says:

        Nobody said anything, I was just thinking about past predictions, and this was one that a lot of people (not necessarily here) predicted. And it never materialized. I am a little surprised the left has been quiet about gun control lately.

        • Pooch says:

          Because they have ad-hoc have it already.

          If you use a gun legally to defend yourself against a protected class, you’ll get the Kyle Rittenhouse treatment at best, the Travis McMichael at worst.

        • Aidan says:

          Outside of a few very faggy places, the left has been consistently getting defeated on the gun control issue. Putting the issue into the spotlight is advertising their weakness.

    • smeDude says:

      Jim didn’t

    • Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

      There were several shooting events that were illuminated with a suspicious glow, but in this case little came of it in the end.

  34. Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

    This is from the Lotus Eaters, Sargon of Akkad’s podcast. Callum is calling out the elite as the Cathedral, and used the phrase “they have names and addresses,” which is something that I have said here a few times. Our memes are leaking out, even to the classical liberal left, and getting in their heads. He might even be reading this blog. Resistance to the Cathedral is occurring from our ideas and perspectives, using our terminology.

    • Adam says:

      Josh Barnett (former MMA fighter) was on Rogans podcast not long ago taking about the cathedral in relation to the woman problem.

      • Leon says:

        What did he say on the woman problem? Was he red pilled?

        • Adam says:

          I just saw a brief clip of it but they were talking about the state of things for men and Barnett was going on about divorce rape, false rape claims, etc. and how the cathedral will ruin you if you upset a woman or say the wrong thing. I still need to listen to the episode.

    • Pooch says:

      The elite aren’t the Cathedral. The Cathedral is the priesthood of the state religion. Hence, we call it the Cathedral, being a religious institution.

      The R1 professors are the bishops of that priesthood and the journalists are the ministers, being the mouthpieces and amplifiers, of that priesthood.

      This is a very important concept that can be easily misunderstood.

      • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

        But they identified the attempt to sway public opinion and manufacturer consensus as the Cathedral. They might have fucked up the distinction between Cathedral and Cathedral operatives, but the idea that the enemy is a religion is getting out. Furthermore, that elite controls or is controlled by the Cathedral, depending on who we talk about. If you were fighting the Catholics during the Reformation, you were not fighting just the priests and bishops, you were also fighting the kings and princes and their armies, as well.

    • Cataclysm Reawake says:

      How long ago are you talking? I’ve lurked here since 2017 and to the best of my knowledge, the word-for-word “names and addresses” meme among the dissident right dates at least as far back as 2018, (possibly) attributable to He-Who-Gets-Away-With-It himself.

      • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

        I’ve been here for a while now; probably since 2014 or 2015 under another name. It could be some cross pollination, because I did not come up with it, I read the quote you posted. I liked it and repeated it here. The thing is, Cathedral is not an alt-right meme. It is NRx, and alt-right drifted off into controlled operatives like Richard Spencer and the endless hordes of government-paid Nazi posters. The place where those two places share space is this blog.

      • Meat Guy says:

        Contrary to my name now I spent a lot of time in the eco-terrorist/animal liberation front circles and we always used to use the names and addresses people we deemed earth killers and animal abusers. 2010ish.

    • ExileStyle says:

      How about this, from a recent VDare book review:

      “Once in place, the ruling elite, with its New Religion, will manage the masses, and manufacture their consent. But if their religion—always subject to purity spiralling and becoming ever more fanatical—ends up in excluding too many elite people, in being too blatant or in forcing even generally compliant, cowardly people to do something that they really object to (such as giving up meat or their cars), then popular discontent will grow. The excluded elites will be able to capitalize on this.”

      Might as well have been lifted verbatim from Jim. (Book sounds pretty good actually.) VDare’s still mainstream enough to read by Ann Coulter paleocon types. We’re definitely getting into some useful, influential heads.

      • Pooch says:

        I haven’t heard that before. Great point.

      • jim says:

        The radical left is transitioning the children of the elite into monsters, a large portion of whom will commit suicide. The big blue cities are becoming frighteningly dangerous, and old redistributionist left wants to install affordable housing, which is to say, ugly dangerous blocks of government housing that no one will want to live in, and from which criminals go forth to predate upon the neighbors.

        Musk, Trump and so on and so forth are part of the excluded elites, but, due to normality bias, are still farting around on free speech, free elections, and all that.

        The left uses state violence to impose its politics. There is no resolution to that except greater and more highly organized violence. Trump could have called out the militia, failed to do so. The military has to intervene, but the left has made sure that everyone above the rank of captain is a flaming faggot.

        Now that the left has started imprisoning and torturing people in increasing numbers for insufficient leftism, and turning a blind eye to state sanctioned and state approved murder, there is no way back except a considerably larger number of people being imprisoned and murdered for excessive leftism. They suppressed our speech, they shut down our attempts to organize. The only way back is to silence their speech and shut down their organizations.

        I don’t see any good path to achieving that. Needs Caesar, and we have no Caesar.

        • ExileStyle says:

          There might already be a Caesar in our midst, or two or three Caesars, or many Caesars. What we do not have at the moment is the acute, obvious state of emergency – like January of 2021 – that an American Caesar would require to become Caesar. One could imagine conditions in which Musk or DeSantis, or Obama for that matter, could become Caesar. We clearly don’t have those conditions at the moment.

          My theory of history includes a large role for personality, intellect and character: leaders emerge in the collision of a strong mind and strong personality with favorable historical circumstance. Minor Caesars fall into power through this fortuitous collision of character and event. Major Caesars, like Julius Caesar, of course create those conditions for themselves – that we lack, although Musk and DeSantis are doing things with remarkable ease that seemed impossible just two years ago.

        • Karl says:

          Caesar would be an easy solution as the military simply takes over and there is no organization better than the military at large scale organized violence. So a Caesar would not have to do all that much violence to take over and a avoid a bloody civil war.

          At present, the militray is not used inside the USA to impose policts. Hence, no military grade weapons would be needed to couter present state violence. Police force would be enough.

          If the police of a region would stop obeying federal courts, the military would be necessary to counter that. In way this would be seccession and it would be the start of bloody civil war. If any armed group starts fighting, others might follow.

        • pyrrhus says:

          And now the Executive branch of government is attacking the Judicial branch, as blue checks on Twitter get away with threatening to murder SCOTUS Justices…The Sotomayor leak now looks like the next stage of a communist takeover…

        • Anonymous Fake says:

          [*deleted for all the same reasons as before*] Affordable housing for civilized Christian white families, housing free of the chains of usury and capitalist speculation, is absolutely a part of our objectives.[*deleted for all the usual reasons*]

          • jim says:

            It is indeed, but your program for achieving this has been tried tens of thousands of times in hundreds of countries, with absolutely catastrophic results every single time, and in the American and British contexts, has a strange and striking resemblance to the Democratic party program for driving white people out of homes built by white people by arson and murder, and moving hordes of blacks and migrants brought in to live on crime, welfare, government and quasi government jobs, and voting Democrat, into homes built by white people for white people who work in productive jobs.

  35. Anonymous Fake says:


    • jim says:

      You presuppose and take for granted that claims by uniparty politicians to be Christian are taken seriously by the public. No one who actually cares whether they are Christian believes them. That story is deader than the credibility of the lamestream media.

  36. someDude says:

    I did a double take to see that the NYT reported this story,

    Is this an example of left-on-left conflict? The lefter faction has gotten hold of the NYT?

    • Pooch says:

      Exactly so. Changing of the guard.

      • Not a “lefter” faction. Didn’t watch the full video but It seems that an older economic left faction trying to stay relevant amidst the woke/ LGBTQ+ tranny worship cult. (Cues: economic equality and affordable housing)

        • jim says:

          Yes, this is the old 2016 left fighting back.

          • Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

            The socialist economic left sees the progressive left as being obsessed with their own personal issues instead of the class issues. The progressive left sees the socialist left as ignoring their personal identities and trying to homogenized them out of existence. Basically, the socialist left wants to soak the rich and the progressive left is fucking that up, and the progressive left wants their group to get the lion’s share and resents the socialist left for trying to cut back their reparations. Fighting over the spoils leading to intra-left conflict.

            • jim says:

              The video uses the euphemism “housing values”. Supposedly the residents of Palo Alto blocked affordable housing to preserve housing values.

              I was there. They were worried about being burned out of their homes and murdered, but the policeman inside would not let them say so.

      • Contaminated NEET` says:

        Vultures squabbling over the carcass of America… Forget Caesar; pray for Stalin.

  37. Aidan says:

    The right actually fighting the left via institutional or constitutional means, rather than the outer party simply rolling over, is a necessary precondition to caesarism. The left will probably win, but will need to vastly discredit their legitimacy and the pretense of democracy in order to do so, which gives Caesar, probably right now still believing in the republic, the resolve to do what must be done

    • Wasn’t democracy discredited after 2020 elections? And the so called civil liberties discredited after the January protests? Wasn’t the US constitution and legal process discredited after the SCOTUS refused to take the election case?

      If that didn’t work, nothing is going to discredit “democracy”.

      • Pooch says:

        Gracchus discredited democracy in 133 BC. Caesar did not become dictator for life until 44 BC. There tends to be a long lag time with these type of things.

        • jim says:

          And Caesar died of normality bias.

          When the Senate declared him a traitor etc, it revealed intent to kill him. Should have killed them first.

          • The Cominator says:

            Its more accurate to say Caesar died of mercy not normality bias…

            Octavian did not make that mistake.

      • Karl says:

        Electoral fraud didn’t discredit democracy. As far as I can see most people still think that democracy is a great idea, they simply admit that some reforms are needed to prevent fraud.

        Faith in democracy suffers much more by ever more stupid and evil candidates being elected and ever more evil policies implemented. Corona demon and war are examples for that.

        If a man does not want his children getting a mandated clot shot and sees that a majority of all voters truly wants a clot shot mandate, he’ll either have to give up his faith in democracy or sacrifice his children.

        • Jehu says:

          Indeed, I don’t accept the right of 50% + 1 to rule me in such matters, even if their vote and process is honest.

  38. Kunning Druegger says:

    Am I incorrect in surmising that the very existence of this post means that the election, in some way, does in fact matter? If the answer is yes, you might as well just pay off the debts and be done with it. That’s the honorable path. You made a pile of assertions and predictions predicated on the complete victory of the DNC/Cathedral over all opposition, declaring that elections no longer mattered. The DNC is on the verge of collapse, as is the RNC, which means the Uniparty is in a bad way, not ascending to the heights of power. This is precisely because there is no central decision making body calling the shots. It is a coalition of self-involved factions that temporarily united to remove Trump.

    • The Cominator says:

      I’m not betting shit but I bet the Dems hold the Senate and win 2024…

      I think they will lose the House though.

      “There is no central decision making body calling the shots.”

      Worldwide hysteria (with very rare exceptions mostly among exceptionally truthful societies) and economic and social suicide over Covid (which was obviously a fraud to anyone who bothered to look at South Korea’s data from February 2020) is very strong evidence of a real Alex Jones/David Icke kind of conspiracy. Lizard people or not… hard to believe that wasn’t centrally controlled.

      • Kunning Druegger says:

        Someone hollering “Fire!” in a theater forces a lot of collective action, too. It doesn’t mean there’s a coordinated response going on.

        • The Cominator says:

          A fire evacuation doesn’t last over a year… and its quickly apparent to everyone whether there was a fire or not.

          • Kunning Druegger says:

            You’re conflating the extremely non-representative sample of this blog with the real world.

        • jim says:

          The coordinated action that mattered was coordinated action to suppress effective treatment of Covid, and accurate and realistic information about Covid.

          That coordinated action clearly indicates a powerful world wide conspiracy with a leadership small enough to meet around a coffee table and feel each other’s warmth.

          • The Cominator says:

            And to promote ineffective totalitarian economy life and culture destroying lockdowns as the only solution and then poisonous clot shots.

        • Adam says:

          If it was uncoordinated like mob action, it would appear coordinated but only because the participants are all after the same thing. Uncoordinated actors would not have canceled/silenced dissenters. Nobody notices if you choose to stay put in the theater.

      • Javier says:

        Agreed, I am predicting the fraud in 2024 will make 2020 look mild, with absurd vote totals, Biden winning Reagan level landslide, massively egregious stuff.

        Meanwhile some people were thinking the scotus roe leak was an early October surprise but actually it seems they intend it as a pretense for court packing.

    • Pooch says:

      It is a coalition of self-involved factions that temporarily united to remove Trump.

      The GOP and Dems certainly united to remove Trump. The Dems did not do it without full cooperation from the GOP. Now Trump is trying to get his people, non-lamestream Republicans, into key positions for the midterms like Mastriano (although he has not been officially endorsed yet).

      If Mastriano wins Pennsylvania, exponentially harder for them to steal Pennsylvania in 2024. In that scenario, DeSantis may be the best opportunity for the elite to knock Trump out in the primaries. People should be preparing themselves for DeSantis to be the enemy.

      • The Cominator says:

        While I’m skeptical whether voting harder will work I prefer DeSantis to Trump at this point. Yes he doesn’t have Trump’s charisma stats… and he’ll have to go begging for money because not a wealthy man. But he has infinitely more potential to achieve real power via Stalin’s means of administrative consolidation (which Trump though he has many talents is lazy and incompetent at).

        • Pooch says:

          But he has infinitely more potential to achieve real power via Stalin’s means of administrative consolidation (which Trump though he has many talents is lazy and incompetent at).

          Not seeing this. DeSantis will not bring regime change, he will bring regime continuity.

          If Trump is the candidate, the Cathedral and the elite are likely to escalate the destruction of the premise of democracy to means higher than in 2020. It may necessarily be a regime change election because of this.

          • The Cominator says:

            The Democrat media has REEEE’d about how DeSantis has destroyed Democracy in Florida and in a way he has… if he weren’t term limited he could be the Huey Long of Florida.

            • Pooch says:

              I see 2 or 3 times as many Cathedral hit pieces of Trump than DeSantis in the media. The thing to watch is who’s money will back DeSantis. If DeSantis gets all the McConnell establishment PAC money, he has turned.

              • The Cominator says:

                Yeah… Koch Brothers money and other such dubious sources are bad sign.

                Adelson money is to be considered neutral (I’m not some wignat focused on the government doing some favors for Israel once in a while).

                Thiel, Mercer and/or Erik Prince backing him good signs.

                • Steve Corliss says:

                  >I’m not some wignat focused on the government doing some favors for Israel once in a while

                  “Once in a while.” Amusing. Yeah, every few summers they call up and ask for the keys to the beachhouse. “Hate to be a bother, but would you mind terribly if we…? “Not at all! We’re not some wignat focused on you!”

        • jim says:

          Does DeSantis have the will to achieve real power.

          Does he even have the will to ensure that his election is not stolen in 2024. Or is he rather hoping that the deep state weaponizes him against Trump, because it intends a continuation of the Recucklican party. Is he rather hoping for sixteen years of a mildly successful fight to hold leftism at 2019 leftism, a rerun of the failed Reagan Revolution, where Reagan won all sorts of very important matters, while yielding on what mattered most of all – the border, marriage, family, and the opportunity to reproduce.

          • The Cominator says:

            I think the whole Covid hoax (which he cucked initially on but according to say Scott Atlas he was well aware of every way they were lying certainly by about May) pissed him off enough to want to. I think DeSantis will try to negotiate with Trump some kind of deal where Don. Jr is his VP or something in exchange for Trump not running…

            My main issue is I have no idea how he deals with vote fraud… but I do think DeSantis could do great things about actually consolidating presidential power if he actually got in… in a quiet administrative Stalinesque way.

            • Pooch says:

              He’s Catholic Com, your favorite group….lmao.

              • The Cominator says:

                I checked his background, no Jesuit schools (I’d be a lot more leery if there were any). Though he did have Ivy League schools but at least seems a rogue… and Scott Atlas seemed to think he was a rather sincere enemy of Fauci once he thought the hysteria died down (there were a lot of very scared boomers in Florida).

                • Pooch says:

                  I know you love him since he’s your home state governor, and he’d probably do a great job at holding 2019 in place and conserving the Republic. He might even clean up voter fraud.

                  But that doesn’t work for me. I want the Republic completely and utterly destroyed. This is something like a Cicero/Old Republic vs Caesar/Octavian argument.

                  The time for Republicanism is over.

                • The Cominator says:

                  I’m saying that DeSantis could end up destroying the Republic if he does get in (thats the hardest part) but it would probably seem rather undramatic and boring…

                  Gradual administrive changes and hidden passages in appropriations bills arranged sue and settle agreeements with right wing groups… and you’d wake up one day and DeSantis would seem like FDR in his power. And suddenly then amendments are past abolishing term limits… and then instituting some intellectual and tax qualifications for voting…

            • jim says:

              > My main issue is I have no idea how he deals with vote fraud.

              DeSantis is currently up against a court ruling that honest elections are racist and vote fraud an inalienable human right. Which he is appealing. I don’t think he will have much luck. If he wants to win in 2024, is going to have to do a Sheriff Joe.

      • The Cominator says:

        And even if Trump has learned from his mistakes hes too old, we need a younger man…

        • Pooch says:

          The man is unimportant. The issues he runs on are unimportant. Politics are unimportant.

          We need regime change, Caesarism, and the termination of the Republic.

          • jim says:

            Our Caesar, (who is looking less and less likely, looking more and more like we will get the usual thing, their Caesar) will have the banner of Christ of his troops insignia and on his drones. I am now seeing the banner of Christ.

            That is what matters about Doug Mastriano. He is unlikely to win the governorship, though he will likely the votes. But he is running under a banner that can win the civil war.

            Also, he is a colonel. What I hope is that after the prospects for peaceful transition pf power are repeatedly dashed, he and people like him will prepare for the only possible way power transitions can take place in future.

            • Pooch says:

              I am expecting Caesar and then three centuries of persecution until Constantine. If we get Caesar and Constantine in one….miracle.

    • jim says:

      You are incorrect. Read the last paragraph of the post.

      If, as is likely, Doug Mastriano wins the election but is denied the governorship, we have our potential Taliban.

  39. i says:

    No matter how good things are looking and even if we carry forth the Restoration.

    One must never underestimate Satan the Supreme Commander of the enemy. The Powers of Darkness never sleeps or stops. They only change their Tactics and Strategy. No matter what the age. He and the mystery of Lawlessness works out their corruption.

    Until Our Lord Reigns in Jerusalem after his 2nd Coming. And Satan is deposed of into the Lake of Fire. And the Dead be Judged by Jesus Christ.

    Victory won’t have truly come for our side. Until that happens.

  40. i says:

    Jesus Christ is ever Victorious over Death and over the Powers of Darkness:

    Corinthians 2:13-15
    “13When you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our trespasses, 14having canceled the debt ascribed to us in the decrees that stood against us. He took it away, nailing it to the cross! 15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”

  41. The Cominator says:

    In other news this is kind of distressing, Alwaleed is a bad guy Bush family friend and was probably the chief financial backer of Al Qaeda way back until Mohammed Bin Salman arrested him (he unfortunately was not killed the way that other terrorist moon worshipper Khashoggi was)…

    Hopefully he has no influence over twatter.

    • jim says:

      Alwaleed is a non Polygon enemy. Musk is an insincere Polygon ally, and actually our man, in that he is the Star Prophet, and our meme magicians have his ear.

      This looks like opponents of the Polygon temporarily sidelining their differences, and cooperating against the most powerful enemy.

      There is a substantial Muslim presence on Gab. Old type Muslim. If Alwaleed has influence, which he probably will should Musk’s buyout be allowed to finalize, there will be a substantial old type Muslim presence on Twitter, which Musk has humorously proposed to rename Titter.

      If old type Muslims and old type Christians defeat the Polygon, then after that we will find ourselves in holy war with the likes of Alwaleed. One holy war at a time is more than sufficient.

      • The Cominator says:

        He was very close to the Bush family and the CIA Al Qaeda faction and for getting us into Syria…

        Don’t like him at all… and religious muslims always betray infidels at the 1st opportunity…

        • jim says:

          Of course Alwaleed will double cross Musk the moment that is to his advantage. But at the moment, it may not be to his advantage.

      • Guy says:

        ” Twitter, which Musk has humorously proposed to rename Titter.”

        It would be perhaps wasteful, and I can’t say it would be wise for him to give up a weapon, but it would be fantastic to see Musk make a spectacle out of dismantling Twitter, humiliating everyone who worked there, and salting the ground where it once stood. It would at least be a fantastic show of power to burn the money to make a point like that.

  42. Pooch says:

    Trump could be waiting to endorse him a week or 2 before the election like he did with Vance to put him over the top.

  43. Pooch says:

    Chances are that all they will achieve is to demonstrate that the only path forward is through Caesar.

    First secession, then Caesar, then holy war. This is the only path to Caesar we may be able to influence on the right.

    Military coup by a warrior in the current regime is something that is only in god’s hands.

  44. Karl says:

    How can they demonstrate that the only path forward is through Caesar? At best, they can demonstrate that election fraud prevents any honest election.

    That might be enough to give us a Sulla. If an ambitious general were to take power tomorrow, because he realised that wide-spread election fraud made elections meaningless, he might simply strive to fix this fraud problem, then hold an election and hand power to the winner. That is the problem if whoever grabs power believes in democracy, believes that if done correctly it will work this time. Very much like a comunist who believes that communism will work if done correctly.

    Caeser will be someone who does not believe in democracy.

    I know plenty of people who are willing to admit that there is election fraud and that elections are “stolen”, but by and large they still believe in democracy – it just needs some reforms and needs to be done “right”.

    That suggests that anyone from the right taking power will rather be a Sulla than a Caesar.

    • Pooch says:

      As long as the form of the regime remains a Republic nominally, secession is the only path to Caesar for the right.

      Military coup likely means a Napoleon, a leftist who turns toward stable structures.

    • Pooch says:

      How can they demonstrate that the only path forward is through Caesar? At best, they can demonstrate that election fraud prevents any honest election.

      Ment to put this in the previous comment. They can demonstrate there is no hope in federal elections anymore and secession becomes a viable alternative. Even Con Inc. Ted Cruz, shockingly, has floated this idea if things get hopeless for the right.

    • Speed says:

      Karl is spot on. The great majority of the grassroots Right, including most of the “God & Country” leaders and would-be leaders, still believes that full-franchise democracy will work fine if we can just have fair elections. They think if only the 2020 election was fair Trump would be in office and we’d be “winning”.

      Problem is even with Trump in office we weren’t winning (though certainly better than Hillary), and even if he did a better job we wouldn’t be winning. Even if Musk restores free speech to Twitter we won’t be winning. These kind of victories are not insignificant but they do not even come close to fixing the root causes of our problems.

      Most of the grassroots right masses and leaders still believe too many lies to be a winning force. They believe lies taught to them by our enemies: equality, full-franchise democracy is good, legal immigration is fine, try to win by playing by the rules, libertarian silliness, etc. As Karl points out, if they got undisputed power, we’d have the same exact problems all over again not long after. Because they have no understanding of the root causes and how to fix them.

      The only people with a clue are the dissident right. Any true victory must and will come from us. Because of humanity’s aversion to uncomfortable or “too different than what seems popular” truth, we’re too far outside the overton window so all we’ve been able to do so far is seed memes into the mainstream right. This has shown to be effective to some extent, but I believe we can do more.

      One solution is to purposefully train and raise up elites or would-be elites (young people who purposefully seek power in local/state/federal power and business success in U.S. and Eastern/Central Europe particularly) that are dissident right in knowledge. Like the neocons/Straussians did (sort of). A small group of people that would be unpopular with the public if the public heard them speak their minds ooenly, but yet attained great influence and power. We could raise up elites that don’t tell the public everything they know, rather just use power to push in the right direction. Which in turn shifts the overton window. This could work for us in similar fashion to how the neocons just assume the masses are dumb, don’t try to explain much to the public, just get power however/whenever they can, and act. This is kind of what Musk is doing (I suspect he knows much more than he says out loud, but we see how he acts using his power amd gradually helps push overton window with his tweets),.

      I believe we can utilize that model more and more effectively, and more purposefully. It’s a way of dealing with the ignorance of the masses that our enemies already use. That’s part of the reason they’re winning – their assessment of the masses (“not smart”) is accurate, so they just deal with the masses like children – don’t tell them everything, lead them where you want them to go. Of course they do it for evil purposes, but we can do it for good. Our people (grassroots right, basically sane, good people) are sheep without a shepherd. They need shepherds. They don’t have to mentally grok or accept everything we’re doing or the “why” behind it,, just enjoy the benefits when we give them what they want. We can teach them to abandon lies and failed strategies as much as possible along the way – but not rely on them learning everything we know, to achieve victories, especially at the beginning as we gain momemtum.

      As we train and produce elites or would-be elites or leaders-in-training (who don’t necessarily show their knowledge power level to the public), we increase the chances of good outcomes – e.g. our Ceasar rather than their Ceasar, or leaders of seceded states that won’t implement the same stupidity that got us in this mess in the first place

      I’m working on something, will keep you posted. Thank you Jim for what you do and to the commenters who add tremendous value as well.

  45. The Cominator says:

    Jim i don’t mean to nitpick but Doug Mastriano is running for governor of Pennsylvania… i would fix it and delete this comment.

  46. Pax Imperialis says:

    Doug Mastriano is not a Marine, but it’s also encouraging that he was never confirmed for General.

    God, Country, Corps

  47. Oog en Hand says:

    A different God, a different Christ.

    • i says:

      There is one God. Who is also the only Christ. There is no other.

      • Oog en Hand says:

        In so far the GOPniks are red-pilled about power, they are playing a different game. They push hard on Roe vs Wade because they want a lock on The Natural Conservative. They are smelling blood and it smells good.

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