
Make women property again

Women are different.

Very different.

This is not a game post. This post is about the application of Game and Evolutionary Game Theory to religion and political organization.

If you look at the landscapes we create everywhere, it is apparent that we long for our ancestral savannah, the lightly treed environment we entered when we came down from the trees and stood off the lions. And women long for their ancestral environment of successful reproduction. Women reproduce most successfully as property, men least successfully as property, and their behavior makes no sense unless you understand this.

As I have so often repeated: If a man is defeated, conquered and subdued, perhaps because his tribe and country is conquered and subdued, he is unlikely to reproduce. If a woman is defeated, conquered and subdued, she has escaped from defect/defect equilibrium, escaped from prisoner’s dilemma, and also been transferred from weak men and a weak tribe to strong men and a strong tribe, and is therefore likely to be highly successful at reproducing.

Women are always shit testing you. That is why they are so disruptive and destructive in the work place. But they are not really playing to win. They are playing to be subdued by a strong man.

Female aggression against men, shit testing, is fundamentally different from male aggression, because a man is playing to win, and if it looks like he is going to lose, seeks a compromise to lose without losing too much face, while a woman immediately heads out on a thin limb hoping it will break under her. Thus a woman is most apt to dig in her heels bitterly, stubbornly, and utterly intransigently on an issue where her position is completely indefensible, stupid, self destructive, and illegitimate. If on the other hand she has some legitimate issue with you, she will get angry with you without telling you what her anger is all about. You are supposed to divine it by mental telepathy, whereas if a man has some legitimate point giving rise to a dispute with another man, he will lay it out so plainly that a dog could understand it.

The only time a woman will plainly tell you her grievance is when it is absolutely ridiculous and completely illegitimate.

A man is playing a conflict with a man to win by getting the issue resolved in his favor. A woman plays a conflict to discover who is the stronger, to discover if you are capable of frightening and intimidating her, and thus will always play a conflict more intransigently than a man ever will. This is why men and women can never be friends. When you have a buddy, you will engage in mutual domination and mutual submission, as for example friendly insults and the slap on the back. With women, it is dominate or be dominated. That is why if they have grievance with you, will not tell you what it is, but will instead command you to divine it by mental telepathy, or perhaps by confessing to a long, long list of your sins, hoping for her to tell you which one is the right one.

Women are incapable of performing sexually, of enjoying sex, or even of performing the courtship dance, unless they are at least a little bit dominated and intimidated. Not all women are into outright bondage and beatings, but all women without exception are into subtler forms of domination and submission. All women are like that. No woman will get it on with a man that she is not afraid of. No Women Are Like That. They just physically do not respond unless they feel that they could be compelled. There are no women as the blue pill imagines them to be, no women as they are depicted in very single video of courtship and mating. None. Not in our society, and not in trad conservative societies. This is the big lie from the media that everyone is immersed in from childhood.

Many an emperor with a thousand conservatively raised concubines, and unquestioned authority to execute any of them or all of them for any reason or no reason at all, has had women troubles, and many an empire has fallen from women troubles.

A woman will always attempt to top from the bottom, no matter how much she is into domination and submission. A game of pretend domination and pretend submission just is not an adequate substitute for the real thing, so if you are playing a domination and submission game, she will always test and provoke you into making the game a reality by topping from the bottom.

Women have not been subject to selective pressures on their sexual behavior since we looked rather like apes, because populations that allowed female sexual choice disappeared. The men were disinclined to invest in children, or defend land.

Long ago we came down from the trees and out onto our now beloved savannah. If you don’t have some handy trees, need to be able to stand off lions, so you need reasonably sized group of males with strong male/male cohesion. And the males need to have to have some mighty strong motives to defend females and young. And, out on the savannah, no fruit, or considerably less fruit. The stable isotope ratios in the bones of all our hunter gatherer ancestors that walked, rather than swung through the trees, shows that they ate high on the trophic chain, deer, fish, and other predators. Humans do fine on an all meat diet, die on an all veggie diet. (Vegan without fish, eggs, cheese, and milk)

We seem to be adapted to eating a substantial proportion of other carnivores, hence the health advantages of fish. We are not true omnivores, because we cannot survive on an all vegetable diet, and we are adapted to getting a significant portion of our meat from other carnivores. We have been top predator for a very long time. The stable isotope ratio in old bones generally shows that we ate higher in the food chain than wolves or big cats – possibly we ate fish, which ate other fish. Most of these bones long predate the invention of nets and fishing lines, so possibly we ate wolves and lions.

Only males hunt, because adult males are pre-adapted physically and psychologically for violence. So women and children relied on the mighty hunter bringing home the bacon. And if you have defect/defect equilibrium, a society of players and bitches, well, the women can eat by whoring themselves out, until they are past fertile age, whereupon they starve or get eaten by lions, but out on our beloved savannah, their bastard children are going to die. From the isotope ratios in old bones we can infer that women have been property for a very long time.

And the simplest way to end defect/defect equilibrium is that the males assign the women according to deals they make with each other, and let the women think that the top alpha assigned the women. If the women get a say in it, defection is on the table.

point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马

Senator Roark in “Sin City”:
“Power don’t come from a badge or a gun. Power comes from lying. Lying big and getting the whole damn world to play along with you. Once you’ve got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain’t true you’ve got ’em by the balls.”

They are sons of the father of lies, and their shibboleth is always a big lie.

So we need to make our big shibboleth a big truth that contradicts one of the big lies. The biggest and most shocking truth: That the sexual nature of women is maladapted to emancipation, that emancipation prevents them from reproducing and makes them unhappy. That as individuals, and as a society, we need to make women property again.

Each man must be King under his own roof.

And we need a national sovereign, and a national high priest, that backs the sovereign and high priest under every roof.

That women need to be property, for the good of society, and because each of them is individually seeking a man strong enough to make her property, that men need to make them property, is the best shibboleth to organize around. All faiths that support that can work together. All conflict between males is always ultimately conflict over women, so faiths that fail to support propertization of female sexual and reproductive services will always suffer internal and external conflict, leading to holiness spirals, while faiths that support male property rights over women and support propertization of loose women, are less apt to get into internal and external conflicts.

vive la différence

The largest difference between men and women is inside. We pursue very different reproductive strategies, which shapes everything we do in life.

The evil form of this strategy is players and bitches, defect/defect equilibrium, the lek mating pattern. The virtuous form of this strategy is husband and wife, marriage 1.0, eighteenth century marriage, which is now illegal. All happy families are quietly and furtively eighteenth century. All happy families are alike. There is only one way that works, only one form of cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between men and women. Women and dogs need a master, and are never happy if they lack a master, will always behave very badly if they think they are the alpha of the pack.

Proscribing honor killing is unwise, because good men will engage in honor killing anyway (there is always a handy swamp or ocean) and because you are pressuring men to adopt the player strategy so that they will not feel the compulsion to kill adulterers.

If state, church, society, and family, do not impose strong control over women’s sexual and reproductive choices, we get defect/defect equilibrium, resulting in failure to reproduce and dysgenic reproduction, and resulting in only a small minority of men getting all the pussy, thus demotivating the vast majority of men. If you own a woman, you want a nice house and a nice garden. A third world peasant with a wife and children is apt to live in a very nice mud and bamboo hut (it is very impressive what can be done with bamboo and a machete) with a very nice garden while a first world involuntary celibate is apt to live in a tiny, but high tech, box with crap furniture, even if he has a very high salary. The third world peasant with a wife and children has a much larger, more comfortable, and more attractive living space with nicer furniture than the first world webmaster in his little box, because the involuntary celibate, despite his affluence, does not care about his space and his furniture.

Christianity and sexuality

Everything in the bible about sex is a commentary, explanation, or clarification of the final commandment’s application to sex, marriage and children:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

And nothing the bible says about sex makes sense except in this context. If people jump on a line somewhere in the bible and start holiness spiraling on it so that it swallows and destroys the commandments, they are doing what the Jews did to get themselves exiled from Israel.

In a social environment where women are unowned and are frustrated by lack of ownership, old type Christian rules are inapplicable to banging any women you are likely to meet, because old type Christian rules are intended and expected to apply to women in the possession of some man. Fornication is making use of another man’s daughter without his permission, adultery another man’s wife or betrothed. But in today’s society, if a father attempts to restrain the sexual activity of his nine year old daughter, Child Protective Services is apt to take his children and his house away, lose track of his daughter, and sell his sons to a “married” gay couple. (Demand for prepubescent children to sexually exploit is primarily demand for small boys, so Child Protective Services cannot get much of a bribe for whoring out his nine year old daughter, so they leave it to her to whore herself out.)

Furthermore, the Old Testament does not make clear, but the Lord Jesus Christ does make clear, that the law and the prophets are to be interpreted and applied in such a way that they work, that they accomplish their intended purposes, have the intended effect. The spirit, not the letter. By their fruits you will know them.

Incel and female immorality is not the intended effect, is the grossest possible violation of the commandments.

Christianity leading to inceldom, is like the Jews getting so fussed about the commandment on contamination by blood, that in order to avoid walking on ground on which chicken blood had been spilled, they coveted and seized the land that the landord had leased to a Greek, and when the Roman cops came to restore order and respect for property rights, they got themselves covered in the wrongfully spilt blood of a Roman cop who was impartially doing his duty to enforce a fair and necessary law that protected Jew and Greek alike. And thus it came to pass that for holiness spiraling the letter of the law at the expense of the spirit, the Jews got expelled. As prophesied, they were expelled for violating the Lord’s commandments. The spirit and intent of the law on contamination by blood refers to kind of contamination by blood that contaminated Lady Macbeth. References in the Old Testament to this law, as for example: “their heads were covered in blood” are in context referring to the kind of blood that Lady Macbeth had on her, the kind of blood you get on you by killing a cop who is performing his duty in the face of danger, not the kind of blood that gets spilled on the ground when you kill a chicken.

Incels are usually incel in part because they are violating the laws of Gnon, and if they invoke Christianity to justify their inceldom, it is usually because they are weak and afraid, not because they are Christian.

Christians who apply old type Christian rules, intended for a society where a woman’s sexual and reproductive services were clearly under control of some man, intended for a society where patriarchs acquired wives for their sons from other patriarchs, are in our collapsed society, violating, not, observing, the commandments.

In a society that does not respect or protect ownership of land, a farmer must still grow potatoes, and to do so, has to anarchically and illegally take possession of some land, breaking numerous erratically, unpredictably, arbitrarily, and infrequently enforced laws and regulations in the process.

And we must anarchically and illegally take possession of women.

Old type Christian law on sex prohibits acting as if in defect defect equilibrium. But we are, in fact in defect/defect defect equilibrium, and a man can only get out of it by conquest and taking possession.

The only way you can start out with a woman in cooperate/cooperate is if your patriarch is acquiring her for you from another patriarch with whom he is in cooperate/cooperate, who was typically someone who was close kin, or in the the same hierarchy of authority.

And, since you are starting out in defect/defect, it is impossible to conquer and take possession, except by successfully acting within the defect/defect rules. You have to bang them, or else they are going to move on. All women are like that. Including all supposedly good Christian wife material women.

In an orderly society, you first acquire a field, and then you plough it. In a disorderly society, you first plough it, so that other people will know you have a reason to defend it, and think you have a decent chance of succeeding, and then you eventually own it when no one manages to take your crops away from you, or graze his horses on your standing corn. Which likely requires you to have a weapon handy during ploughing and harvest. Gnon does not intend you to starve, and he does not intend you to be incel. You are required to turn the other cheek and walk the extra mile, but by the time that it is time to plough that field, you are already out of cheeks and have walked far too many miles.

Fornication is a particular application of the final commandment.

When you apply those commandments, and read people applying them to sex and family, then unless those people are moderns you need to read them in the social context that the unit of society is the household not the individual, and that men are not women and women are not men.

The prohibition of incest and divorce do not follow directly from the ten commandments, but adultery and fornication does.

And the trouble is that giving fornication a meaning that does not follow from the ten commandments leads directly and immediately to breaking them, as when the Roman Catholic Church before the French Revolution so easily ruled that a marriage was nullified because the woman had not really given consent, or when it encouraged daughters to defy fathers and wives to defy husbands.

This parallels the Jews of the time of Jesus holiness spiraling the law on blood, so that they could wrongfully spill blood, and claim they were acting in accordance with the law of Moses.

To understand what old type Christians meant by whoring, fornication, and adultery, we cannot look at their words, for the meaning of their words has been changed underneath us. We should instead look at what people of that faith who had power, who had legitimate authority, who used that language, actually did, in order to understand what those words actually meant when the faith was live and in power.

They did not suppress men from having sex with unowned women, or even suppress unowned women from having sex. They suppressed unowned women from being unowned. The biblical penalty for sex and/or abduction of a married or betrothed woman is death. The biblical penalty for abduction of a virgin is indissoluble shotgun marriage. The biblical penalty for abduction of a unmarried, unbetrothed, non virgin …

The story of Tamar and Jacob makes no sense at all if we suppose Tamar was going to be burned alive for prostitution or sex outside of marriage. Makes perfect sense if we suppose she was going to be burned alive for sex outside of and in defiance of the framework of male property rights in women’s sexual and reproductive services.

Similarly, consider how the authorities in late eighteenth century, early nineteenth century Australia dealt with the problem of a whole lot of casual sex going on. They applied swift shotgun marriage, and supported the authority of the husband in those marriages by disturbingly drastic means. They did not punish men or women for having sex in a beach party. They made women get married, and punished them for speaking back to their husbands.

If you give the biblical laws on sex and family, the biblical condemnation of adultery, fornication, and whoring, an interpretation that presupposes that men and women are interchangeable, and that families do not exist, only individuals, you are turning the Law upside down, resulting in a blue pilled Christianity that tells men that God does not want them to have wives and children.

2,009 comments Make women property again

Noname says:

Unfortunately we live in a society.

And society has at least two attack vectors. Communist doctrine of ridding the concept of family by pushing feminism. And, there is a global depopulation agenda at work directed at anglo europeans.

In the ’80s there were plenty of women that liked to be with men. Good times. But now, not so good. I’d recommend marrying as young as possible because once they are in college, they’ll be shacking up with Jeremy Meeks. Once married, keep them pregnant all the time.

redpurplepurple says:

looking increasingly likely that you are a fed.

Mycroft Jones says:

The tenth commandment, to not covet, makes more sense when you know the meaning of “covet”. It doesn’t mean “lust”. The best scholarship I could find looked at the very few references to it in the Bible, and the only conclusion was that it refers to “alienation” or “tortious interference”. From this blog post of yours Jim, sounds like you have this understanding. It is a rare one, but the correct one. Any other understanding of “covet” leads to bad fruit, but once a Bible reader understands that “alienating” someone from their property is forbidden, then you have a lot more grounds to defend yourself and your property. Coveting isn’t theft, but it sure feels like it. Coveting is like half a theft. A coveter doesn’t get the enjoyment of the property he deprives you of, but he does deprive you of it.

Without knowing the meaning of “covet”, our whole society has become full of legalized coveting. Failing to warn a blind man that he is about to walk into a pit, is coveting. Cursing a deaf man, is coveting. Our whole stock market is a den of coveters.

Ronnie Waters says:

Gee, I wish they were NOT California giiiiirrrrllls…doo wop doo wop

linker says:

This guy gets 10,000 LIVE viewers for 3 hour streams 5 days a week despite being banned from YouTube, Twitch, and DLive, and patrons send him six figures easily. Here is a sampling of clips.

Nick Fuentes || Matt Gaetz allegations & The System’s hunt on Dissidents

Nick Fuentes || On a Pro-Life Society: Cult of Life

Nick Fuentes || On Tucker’s talk about Demographic Replacement

Nick Fuentes: Tucker and the rise of Racial Consciousness

Nick Fuentes || The police will not protect you, if you’re White

Beardson Beardly || Pedophiles and Journos suddenly care about the age of consent?!

Nick Fuentes: The Highschool BULLY?!?!

Nick Fuentes x Seinfeld

Nick Fuentes | Bubly Commercial—Bubly-Commercial:8

onyomi says:

I agree with you in thinking Fuentes is a major force for good. He aggressively tried to “stop the steal” when it matters, and he may not be as strong as Jim on the woman question, but at least he actually tackles it, taking as a given that men and women are, in fact, different. It’s true he doesn’t take “make women property again” as a rallying point, but then, nobody I know of but Jim does; considering he does seem to make some updated version of conservative Christianity a rallying point, I’m surprised Jim isn’t more pro-Fuentes (though could just be, as he said in other thread, hasn’t paid him much heed so far). I’m not saying he’s a savior, but his popularity-to-good-on-the-issues ratio is one of the highest I know of (lower than Tucker, who’s not as good on the issues but still has massively more reach).

jim says:

Since there are so many fans of Nick here, I watched one of his videos. He spent three minutes repetitiously ridiculing the age of consent, which is absurdly high. OK, sure, I know that. I got bored fast. He just went on, and on, and on, and on. The joke stops being funny after the umpteenth time. So I stopped watching.

The reason it is so high is that female consent is itself an anticoncept. Women are incapable of competently consenting to sex at any age. Furthermore, explicit consent to sex feels weird, disturbing, perverse, and unnatural, like banging a whore. It really is supposed to “just happen”. Consent is just not part of the mating dance. A woman is looking for a man who can command and compel her into sex. All Women Are Like That.

Just not seeing anything of substance, at least in the first three minutes. If he has ever said anything worth hearing, point me to that video and the section in that video where he goes some place worth going.

onyomi says:

I’m not a fan of him in the sense one might be a fan of Moldbug or BAP; I’m not expecting to be intellectually challenged or edified when I listen to him, though I might be on occasion. I think his value is more in being a crowd-pleasing media personality/commentator on current events with a better grasp of what matters than e.g. Tucker, who is, of course, pretty good compared with whatever else one normally sees on major platforms.

suones says:


…He just went on, and on, and on, and on. The joke stops being funny after the umpteenth time.

This is the way to talk to proles. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on! Prolefeed propaganda repeats endlessly, monotonously, a few short catchphrases or a central theme. Prole brains are slow, and only ~2-3% of proles would get a joke in one time. Nick is a man of good breeding if he knows this at 22. It took me years to hone this skill, and even then talking to proles depresses me. God bless this guy, if he’s serious.

Re: Consent
Sex is not the only thing a woman can’t consent to. She can’t decide on anything, and being forced to make even the most basic decision (such as what to cook for dinner) makes her unhappy and provokes a shit test. This is why coverture is the correct legal framework.

Gestahlt says:

While having more talk show hosts spreading proximate ideology to ours is good, I wish everyone would stop expecting entertainers to be our leaders. Trump was not generalizable in that regard.

suones says:

Successful entertainers and leaders both have charisma that they exploit. In today’s clown world, the only high-status career opportunity for a charismatic man is to be an entertainer. It is thus more likely that a charismatic entertainer will turn out to have leadership skill and achieve power rather than the other way round.

Eg: Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Trump.

The only way you can get a leader who is not a professional entertainer is if a charismatic man goes straight into politics, which becomes more and more unlikely as politics becomes more and more feminine and geriatrified than entertainment. Past example: Uncle Adolf.

Mike in Boston says:

A patriarchal organization of society is adaptive, so that societies which practice it will have a competitive advantage at survival over societies which do not.

A century and a half ago, the High Beskids of the Carpathian Mountains, which Ukrainians call “Boykivshchyna”, were a tough place to survive, and so, as you could predict:

Family relations were patriarchal. The head of the family was the father or grandfather under the leadership of which took place both production activities and family life. The village community protected this system. The head of the family had the right to direct all household members without appeal and to decide both economic and family matters.

Parents also decided on the marriage of children. It is characteristic that young people were almost absent from the so-called consent. However, at the beginning of the XX century minor changes began to take place: sometimes the opinion of young people began to be taken into account.

According to the custom, the eldest child (regardless of son or daughter) “squatted” on the farm, but this did not change his/her subordinate position in relation to the father. In the event of the death of the parents, when they did not make a will, he or she became the “father” and was therefore obliged to take care of their siblings when they married (daughters were mostly given money, livestock, etc.). No one had the right to dispose of a woman’s dowry if she did not consent, even when she received land. In the event of the death of a woman who had no children, the dowry was returned to the family of the deceased.

In families where there were no children, they settled strangers or relatives on the farm. Such a couple, who came to work someone else’s farm, was called “prymychi (foster)”. In addition, there is also known such a form of creating a family, as a “zastavu (pledge)” when taking in a guy to a young girl. In such cases, he worked the farm and then later married her. To guarantee this condition, the guy was “forced” to work some part of the farm. After the death of the father, the mother became the head of the family. If there was no mother or she was very old, then the head of the family was considered to be the older brother, who was called the “zavitsya (testament)” or “otchych (father)”; in cases where small children remained after the death of relatives, the community determined custody of them. It was usually supposed to be the relatives of the dead who took them in, but preference was given to the relatives of the father. In Transcarpathian Boykivshchyna, such a guardian was called a “mytar (publican).”

Evidence of relationships between individual family members has been preserved. The father, as the head of the family, ran the whole household, he decided what work would be done on this or that day and who was the executor. It was the woman’s duty to manage the housework. Together with the female family members, she prepared food and sewed clothes. In addition to spinning, they worked in the gardens, took care of milking cows, processing milk and other products. Women took part in harvests, digging potatoes, etc. Children from the age of six took care of cows, horses, and helped their parents in all agricultural or forestry work. In poorer families, older children were hired out. Women performed such works as processing flax, hemp.

The woman, being under the authority of her husband, at the same time was responsible for raising children, as evidenced by a typical case from the village of Linyna Mala in 1656. An adult son, already married, Stefan Shevtsiv, frequent brawler, attacked his father and mother. The court decided to punish him with 50 lashes, and the mother, for not raising her son, had to give 2 pounds of wax to the church and also got 15 lashes.
The man was responsible for the woman’s immoral acts, and he had to punish her himself.

In the village of Sushitsa, Ivan Kryvetsky stated to people in an inn, and later in court, that he had met Hryhoriy Klymovych’s wife. Klimovich’s wife denied this. The court decided to give Kryvetsky 30 lashes and collect 6 hryvnias for the castle. Hryhoriy Klymovych also paid 6 hryvnias for not following the woman, and he himself had to give the woman 30 lashes (end of the 18th century).

At the same time, the community maintained the foundations of the family. The revealed connections of a woman with another man or a man with another woman were severely persecuted. In such cases, the community did not have the right to try the perpetrator; he was sent to the castle to be prosecuted.

A couple, who for any reason did not want to or could not live together paid two florins to the elders and divorced. Later the situation changed. It was the duty of the community to ensure that the couple did not break up. Therefore, men who abandoned women, or women who were guilty, in order to avoid punishment, usually fled the village and started a new family in a new place.

Much attention was paid to the upbringing of children. If children were born in an extramarital affair, which was usually persecuted, their parents had to marry. In Boykivshchyna, the community also monitored the moral behavior of girls, here almost until the XX century. Girls were publicly punished for immoral acts.

(free translation from “Ukrainian Ethnic Groups of the Carpathians”, ISBN 9789660393059, 2020.)

I suppose that if our society continues its devolution to where it once again becomes a difficult place to survive, the survivors will practice similar social technology. Of course, I would prefer either that the devolution is arrested before it becomes complete; or else that my children and grandchildren are living elsewhere long before then.

onyomi says:

Upon going to prison, white men from a society that views racial identity for whites as anathema immediately form gangs based on racial identity, as banding together with those who share an immutable, largely un-fakeable trait with you is important for survival. This, unfortunately, makes me a bit pessimistic about the prospects for establishing better social technology under material circumstances that don’t demand them.

Last time I mentioned Robin Hanson’s “Foragers and Farmers” theory it turned into a discussion about pastoralists, which was interesting, but I still suspect he may be right about the bigger point, which is that richer societies may have weaker incentives to pressure people to swallow the sorts of bitter pills that make better social technologies work (e.g. pressuring young people to get married and have kids rather than playing until their ovaries are about to run dry).

Jeff Epstein says:

Only true of US prisons.English ex-cons tell me there’s no race gangs.

suones says:

That’s because, in the UK, there’re only Muslim gangs and their bitches. UKunts have lost the will to resist Baphomet.

redpurplepurple says:

a beautiful post. worthy of much praise and admiration.

This is an important post, of course, but its flaw will cause needless resistance along the main axis of cuckservative resistance, one whose hardwired psychology Jim consistently underestimates.

Jim> That women need to be property, for the good of society, and because each of them is individually seeking a man strong enough to make her property, that men need to make them property, is the best shibboleth to organize around. All faiths that support that can work together.

Nah. It counters the grain of Hajnal Aryan gender egalitarianism and chivalry. And it is necessary for men to look to God, not to woman, to plot his course. This principle, explicitly held, will arouse contempt and rebellion, and too-successful tears and pleading.

Some desirable effects cannot be pursued directly.

This is like the suppression of the anti-trinitarian heresies. Christians can’t elevate a specific trinitarian dogma to the level of Scripture, because the Bible doesn’t contain a suitable quote. The statement of dogma exists so that whenever someone deviates too far from it, he’s easily identified as a heretic, and the rebuttals are prefab. And the only reason we are relaxed about it now is because we already won the war and killed their children, leaving only isolated kooks.

A shibboleth isn’t something to organize around. It’s a password to avoid execution. Any priest who fails the Women=Property shibboleth is objectively Communist, because matriarchy results in Communist-style collapse.

Correction to avoid confusion: Tamar and Judah, not Tamar and Jacob.

jim says:

> Nah. It counters the grain of Hajnal Aryan gender egalitarianism and chivalry

The Australian authorities in the late 1800s and early 1900s used methods that would make the Taliban blush. Not seeing this ancient racial gender egalitarianism.

Yes, there is a fair bit of ancient blue pilling going with the troubadors, and the blue pill set in badly starting 1820, but really, the methods used by fathers and the Australian authorities in the eighteenth century would get us out of our present troubles overnight.

I recall a memoir from the early nineteenth century, where a servant told a girl that if she sneaked up to a door in the house and peered through a crack, she could sneak a peak at her future husband. The idea that her opinion might be consulted did not seem to have occurred to her.

For women with husbands or fathers, state backs the authority of the father or husband. It was done before. It can be done again.

Just round up all the fatherless single women. Put them in a line up. A line up of suitors walks down the line, and a suitor drops a small gift if he sees a girl he likes. If she picks up the gift, married. If she does not pick up any gift, more drastic measures are applied (concubinage). Once married, she obeys. If she does not obey, husband may speak to the authorities, who will make her obey. That too was done before, and can be done again.

Yes, blue pilling goes back a long way. But so does some mighty red red pilling.

The Cominator says:

Single girls above a certain age WITH fathers need to be the top priority…

Fatherless girls are far more reasonable when it comes tobpicking men.

This is stupid. Let’s switch the subject to feral cats. Hajnal Aryans are kind to animals for the same reason they’re chivalrous towards women. Just a genetic tendency. If we want to make stray cats property again, must frame it in terms sufficiently sympathetic towards the cats.

Jim’s undiluted dogma on women is gentle enough for stray cats, but not enough for women, who get more sympathy than cats… at least outside autistic Internet circles. Therefore, dilute it in the rest of Christianity, which can hide any number of steel gauntleted fingers inside its velvet glove of grace. The Trinity shibboleth is a finger. Add an anti-feminist shibboleth. Kill any priest who fails it, and her cats.

Jim objects: ‘Stralia. I answer: Obviously Aryans have patriarchal phases, and at the patriarchal peak of the historical cycle a central authority can do extremely patriarchal things. Hooray for Ahasuerus’ rebuke of Vashti. The problem is sustaining it through the peace and prosperity inevitably generated by patriarchy and property rights. Islam solves this problem by skipping the peace and prosperity. We can do better than that.

I guess the USA’s Civil War 2 will be Aryan loyalists vs ethno-Communists including feminists, so that’s a good time to burn the shibboleth into blood memory by executing all feminist families down to the last kitten.

Then it’s back to, “Jesus loves you.” And Sunday School can tell the story of the Witchslayer Crusade that ended the neo-Aztec’s empire of abortion that sacrificed thousands of infants daily to prevent the sun from boiling the Earth and worshiped nigger sun-spawn. Tell your parent or pastor if a friend confides her neo-Aztec sympathies. Don’t let the Devil gestate in darkness, lest you turn into a barren blue-bobbed baby-boiling herpes hag.

jim says:

The proposition that my take on women is hostile is enemy propaganda.

Women don’t actually like freedom, and every shit test is checking you for the power to take it away from her. Women are disrupting the workplace by their endless, and endlessly unsuccessful, search for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction. Women reproduce most successfully as property, men least successfully as property. Women are happiest and sanest when owned by a strong hand. They flower in that environment.

The henpecked husband is a very old trope, the wife is endlessly angry that she can henpeck her husband, and women are angry with us.

Stray cats don’t cause problems, unless you are Walt Dysney bambi conservationist. From time to time some do gooder gets rid of stray cats, and you get spectacular humungous plagues of mice and rabbits, and the mice kill every bird by raiding their nests, destroy the crops, and so on and so forth. Nature needs predators, because mice reproduce extraordinarily rapidly and can eat just about anything. Stray women cause problems for everyone, particularly themselves.

Stray women means that men who work hard and play by the rules don’t get sex.

Wow, the stray cats topic was fitting. You’re tinkering with women and can’t even get Aryans to manage their pets right. The natural consequence of eliminating stray cats is biologically obvious, yet Aryans regularly do it anyway, because miserable stray cats are sympathetic: “MEOW.” Your solution is to reiterate the obvious consequence that has failed to deter every time so far. Cats will reiterate more than autists.

My solution is to tell a story. Pet cats are not meant to be apex predators. They need something hunting them to keep their skittish prey skills sharp. Wolves and feral dogs are too big to hunt subdivisions, but coyotes are just right. Coyotes aren’t sympathetic and prey on stray cats, as well as other vermin. Coyotes end stray cat suffering long before humans detect it, and keep the local cat population trim and healthy. Channel do-gooder animal sympathy into championing coyote tolerance in suburbia. Write children’s stories about Sheriff Coyote “arresting” the bad lazy incautious stray cats who beg their food and eat garbage instead of mice.

Coyotes prowling the subdivision provides a shadow of the big bad wolf to shiver the suburbanite in his craven cradle, increasing K selective ambiance. Ignoring the piteous meow is surely analogous to ignoring the whore’s tears. Or maybe my solution is unworkable because coyotes can’t dodge cars; I don’t know.

The Bible already provides something like this via jubilees that let the land rest and the ecosystem flourish, from mice to coyotes. So I’m adding sub-scriptural cultural support to fulfill scripture’s original intent in a divergent postmodern environment. It’s important not to let one’s personal parables arrogate themselves to parity with scripture; that encourages rejection as heresy by undecided sincere Christians. Entryists buzz around Christianity these days like flies on a corpse. You don’t want to sound like a lifelong atheist who’s adapting Christianity to his religion of NRx, even if that’s what you are.

What am I saying? You can’t write any other way. If you can’t recognize the problem, you certainly won’t solve it. It’ll be up to others to repackage it for appeal to VD’s Alt-West et al. Perhaps it will filter through Dalrock first. Probably the old guard will have to die first.

I suppose I’ll have to write it myself. Contextualize and Christianify it. “A Naturalistic Survey of the Biblical Institutes. Chapter 1. The Law treats both men and women sometimes as property and sometimes as persons, but to differing degrees. Anthropologically, men are built for war and women for childbirth, these being the respective leading causes of death for each sex. Thus men’s legal status ranges from the total freedom of the conqueror to the total bondage of the captive, whereas women are always at least partially property, but are given special protections.

What does this mean for women, in practice? We have the lives of many Biblical women to choose from. Observe the relative nearness in status between Sarai, a princess, and her handmaiden Hagar. Note how Boaz included Ruth as an afterthought accessory to the sale of her dead husband’s land. Remember that Rebecca’s consent to marry Isaac was sought only as a tiebreaker to allow Eliezer’s immediate departure.

This reduction in women’s status may initially seem horrifying to atomized Westerners. Who will take care of women, if they are not permitted to own themselves? The answer is that Western men must de-atomize themselves in order to take care of their women. Assuredly, the horrors of atomization are much worse than whatever patriarchal abuses may ensue. As the story of Ruth shows, women will generally get their way regardless.”

Hm, I feared not justifying male slavery in the introduction was lazy, but covering the plight of women first actually works, by shaming men into momentary silence as the sale proceeds.

Not bad. Feel free to use it. I imagine the NRx warbride fertility argument safely buried somewhere like chapter 5, as a naturalistic justification for the Law.

I assume you’ve got some reheated copypasta for me about how calling the slogan “Women are property” misogynistic is enemy propaganda. I’d like a side order of “You’re an NRx entryist,” and a large Qanon, to go.

alf says:

I like how you talk as if you have people, while you are obviously a lonely loner. But hey, as far as lunatics go, you’re an entertaining lunatic at least.

daddy fart says:

Kookanic = L. Ron Hubbard without the social skills.

Noname says:

That all you can do? Your a fed, your a fed.

My advice wasn’t for you. You should not reproduce since you are obviously an idiot. Continue to be an incel clown.

Noname says:

Comment intended to orochimaru. What the hell does that even mean.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Nice post but i see here you made a typo with you’re heh better luck next time pal.

yewotm8 says:

This reminds me of the old MDE subreddit. Great stuff.

Ryan says:

Some women do sleep with men who I’m confident don’t intimidate them. There are lots of soy betabux provider types who have wives or girlfriends who presumably have a minimal amount of sex with them to keep them around, while cucking them if an opportunity arises.

I know lots of people whose fathers are successful middle class professionals who are reasonably good looking and smart, but don’t have any bad boy energy and are apparently in an ‘equal’ relationship with their wife but still had 2-3 kids. I assume this is a remnant from 1820-1950 cooperative paradigm where divorced women or sluts were shamed and scorned, with very low status. Not as effective as physical compulsion, but women are still very sensitive to social exclusion and will follow moral norms (if they are watched at least).

The fumes are all but exhausted now as culture and law encourage defection rather than cooperation. If a strong ‘society’ or god tells a woman to get married then she probably will, unless there is a rebel around who is alpha enough to defy society or god. The successful nice guy of 30 years ago could not succeed today, and we must be more alpha that both the cathedral and r-strategist criminals.

Atavistic Morality says:

I know lots of people whose fathers are successful middle class professionals who are reasonably good looking and smart, but don’t have any bad boy energy and are apparently in an ‘equal’ relationship with their wife but still had 2-3 kids.

You’re judging relationships from afar, in truth you have no idea how the internal mechanics between the couple are working out. If they had 2-3 kids, unlikely they were in an equal relationship.

I know someone close to me in a marriage which from afar looks “equal”, and the woman in question is actually a more katyuska/viking type woman who doesn’t seem very feminine at first sight and has no problem dirtying her hands, making you believe at first glance this would be the typical shrill feminist with a whipped husband situation, but when you look closely and you actually see the inner workings it’s nothing like that. She might not be obsessed with clothes and painting her nails, but she does make a serious effort to look feminine and be appealing to her husband. She always looks towards and relies for every final and important decision in her husband, who always has the last say and everything always is as he wants. Because he doesn’t put a show up and is quite tolerant and agreeable with things his wife wants, it looks like they are “equal” and she is somehow making decisions, but she never truly is and things are always like the husband wants. You go to their house, everything is done exactly and every space is respected according to the husband’s wishes, many of those wishes accounting for the happiness and comfort of his wife, but ultimately depending on whether he accepts them or not.

You don’t know how those marriages truly are, appearances are deceiving. Besides, what is bad boy energy even supposed to mean? It’s as if you believed dangerous and strong men come straight out of some Hollywood movie, a hysterical thug that pushes its non-existing weight around like a dog all bark no bite lol. Real crime lords like Al Capone dress well and speak polite, just like Putin dresses well, speaks polite and shows tolerance towards the constant idiotic questions of the press, but if either of those men finger you, you are going to be dead before you leave the lobby.

Ryan says:

Yes, these men aren’t whipped and mostly get their way. Their wives make an effort and do most of the housework. But the men don’t really have bark or bite. I believe they got lucky with the naturally more well behaved side of the bell curve wives, because more than half of their peers had failed marriages. They grew up in a very safe environment where having a high status provider husband was more essential than having a man willing to use violence who could protect her.

jim says:

> But the men don’t really have bark or bite.

If you attended a party with me and my wife present, you would probably not notice any bark or bite. But my friends eventually notice there is steel inside the velvet glove. I don’t hide it. It just does not need to be visible all the time in public. Once in a long while it shows in public, generally when a badly behaved female attempts to influence my wife.

I recently spent a couple of days camping with a man who theoretically adheres to blue pill beliefs, and is nonetheless somewhat successfully married (one daughter, one bad boy cuckoo in the nest). After a little while I noticed there was steel there also.

The Cominator says:

Whats the best way to scare off negative females from influencing and herd minding a girl you are with or even a girl you like (the worst problem with American women is the negative influence on them of other American women, plenty of them if isolated from other women for a time are fine). In public its very hard to get away with threatening negative females especially ones you don’t own with serious physical violence.

jim says:

I don’t threaten them with violence – not my property. I threaten termination of their social connection to my wife.

Pooch says:

Example? If you are talking about cock blocking friends, befriend the friends as well as the target girl.

Cloudswrest says:

Eddie Murphy has a comedy skit regarding this.

Anonymous says:

I’m wondering what the tells are of a man like that, that precipitate the realization there is steel under the glove. Is it something about his body language, or is it more subtle than that?

jim says:

Wife shit tests him. He passes.

Bluecar says:

What are common examples of wifely shit tests? How do you pass them?

jim says:

Class 1: She is asking “Are you more alpha than me?”: General principle of analysis: She does something that, in the ancestral environment, would provoke a coercive reaction, sees if she can get away with it. You tell her to do something, or not to do something, and she disobeys. If you never tell her to do anything or forbid her anything, she is going to do something bad or deliberately stupid to force you to tell her. And the more foolish or wicked the thing, the more intransigently determined she will be.

She tells you to do something, which is quite reasonable that you should do, and you decide to not do it. Your wife should not be telling you to do something. She should ask or suggest. And if you are in the habit of asking or suggesting that your wife do things, she will create a situation where you have to tell her to do something.

Class 2: She is asking: “Are you more alpha than that other guy? That other guy said we do this this way, and yet you say we do it that way.” So wife decides to do it the other guy’s way.

Since males seldom cooperate with women shit testing their husbands, it is usually the case that the other male said absolutely no such thing. The wife encounters a male in a high status role, conjures an amog by that male against her husband out of thin air.

Class 2.1 “Lets you and him fight”

Example: we have a lot of stuff that has to be brought home. Other male hospitably offers to take a big item to our home for us. I say, “I think it will fit.”, telling him I am unlikely to need that assistance. Wife says that the other guy has decided to take that item home for us and therefore we should leave it with him (which, if he made such a decision, would be an amog). Wife is determined to go with other male’s “decision”.

Example: fire alarm in a hotel. We head for the emergency exit. Alpha male of other group stops at exit door and dithers, so his entire group dithers. Since it is a substantial group, he looks pretty alpha to female eyes. My girlfriend also dithers. I say “come”. She does not come. So I grab her and make her come. Other alpha male of other, larger, group, seeing someone make a decision in an emergency, does what a male will always do in an emergency, follows the decisive male, and his group follows him. Women lack an intuitive feel for extended male/male cooperation.

Women just will not perform the mating dance, unless they feel they could be coerced into mating. And so they will test you for capacity and will to coerce them.

Pooch says:

or not to do something, and she disobeys.

This one seems particularly difficult especially if it’s something serious. Given that marriage 1.0 is illegal and wives regularly disobey their husbands, if you tell her to not do something and she disobeys what can you do besides threatening to end the relationship?

jim says:

Women want a man whom they feel might well beat them, might possibly kill them. All Women Are Like That. Some women, quite a lot of women, will only stick with a man who actually does beat them.

For some women, the occasional physical compulsion (You drag her, or pick her up, toss her over your shoulders in a fireman’s carry) suffices.

But then she is likely to concoct a situation where you cannot obtain obedience by physical compulsion, despite your best efforts to avoid such a situation, and if you evade by using the alpha evasion tactic of blowing her off as silly and unimportant she is likely to make it matter so that you cannot use the alpha evasion tactic of blowing her off as silly and unimportant. You are going to have to spank her. If she gives you a shit test that can only be passed by violence, you are going to have to pass.

A lot of the time you can get out of it by framing the matter as that you have important things to do, and cannot be bothered paying attention to female silliness, and that works tolerably well most of the time in dating, but a wife or long term girlfriend is likely to put the matter to a decisive test.

You will have a very hard time getting and keeping a woman in a society hostile to men getting and keeping women unless you are prepared to break the law.

The Cominator says:

At what point do you follow the advice of A Pimp Named Slickback.

Atavistic Morality says:

I believe they got lucky with the naturally more well behaved side of the bell curve wives, because more than half of their peers had failed marriages.

And socialists believe that businessmen do absolutely nothing and are exploiting the workers, because they can’t do it, they imagine no one else can, things must be happening by magic. Then they proceed to loot and murder businessmen, and soon after all of them starve.

Progressives see that white men are successful while niggers and women are not, and then proceed to tell us that white men must be evil and using mind controlling invisible rays to oppress niggers and women and make them unsuccessful.

You’re basically doing the same, you don’t understand how to handle women, you are unsuccessful and some other men are also unsuccessful then you decide it must be that the successful men simply got lucky and got some lucky unicorn women. But if you married one of these unicorn women you’d soon find out there was no luck and no magic involved and you’d get divorce raped for being incapable of handling women.

Ryan says:

To be clear, I married a 19yo virgin, with a marriage that worked but was not ideal due to blue pill beliefs. After a few years I found Jim and started getting more patriarchal, probably at about 1940s norms so far, which has made both of us happier.
Her shit tests are pretty mild due to being sheltered and of good breeding. Even in universal traits and instincts there is natural variance, but I understand the value of strong universal statements that go against the blue pill.

Atavistic Morality says:

After a few years I found Jim and started getting more patriarchal, probably at about 1940s norms so far, which has made both of us happier.

You’ve experienced it for yourself, so I’m not really sure why are you making an argument to the contrary.

Of course some women are more docile than others, like some men are more aggressive than others, but a successful marriage is doing the successful things to a minimal degree, or it’s not successful.

suones says:

You’ve experienced it for yourself, so I’m not really sure why are you making an argument to the contrary.

Impostor syndrome. When facts contradict a deeply held belief, the sufferer doubts the facts, and his own senses in observing them, than the belief. Seen commonly in so-called “10x” professionals. This is the final mental block — ceasing to think of yourself as yet another “Common Man.” It is very dangerous if one possessing this delusion comes near power, as he naturally feels unworthy to take it, with the result that someone truly inferior takes it. Eg: Hitler refusing to become King and ordain a State Religion.

ADikHurricane says:

Ah, the Ditka method 😎

jim says:

> and are apparently in an ‘equal’ relationship with their wife

Yet it is an equality that strangely fails to result in an equal share of the housework.

The wife may well make a lot of the decisions, but these decisions are subject to final approval by the husband.

BaboonTycoon says:

>Christians who apply old type Christian rules, intended for a society where a woman’s sexual and reproductive services were clearly under control of some man, intended for a society where patriarchs acquired wives for their sons from other patriarchs, are in our collapsed society, violating, not, observing, the commandments.

What commandments are being violated? As far as I am aware, the Bible has no commandments for behavior in a society such as our own. It is a dangerous assumption to make that the Law as written is not universally applicable. It would not be the only time Christ gave us difficult and perhaps unreasonable commandments that only have merit as a means of showing our devotion to Him. Nor would I be surprised if it is a means of judgment upon us, if whores and incels are what we deserve for allowing our society to reach such a diseased state and for allowing the state’s ideas to infiltrate the clergy.

You appear to have a “reverse normality bias” in which you assume that anarcho-tyranny operates at all levels at all times. When you claim things like “having a family is illegal such that fornication is impossible,” I struggle to make sense of it. Regardless of whatever edge case you can point to, the state still grants parents massive control over the sexual choices of their children simply by restricting driver’s licenses to those aged 16 and older. By your own terms it, doesn’t work, and it cannot be made to work in such terms as the current state is accustomed to using soft power. If fornication in your narrow sense is impossible, it is not because of any law or legal service but because the state and media have successfully convinced people that the sexual choices of their progeny do not matter. Obviously, however, this results in an imperfect state of control and some parents still believe such things do matter, and so fornication is, in fact, still possible in your narrow sense, de facto and de jure enough that millions of Christians are still allowed to homeschool for the time being. And this is unlikely to change, as our elites are too incompetent to set up the logistics to make it change.

I also do not understand the reasoning behind bringing up this topic in particular. If all religions across the world were to begin recommending marriage 1.0 tomorrow, little would change. None of them have the cultural authority of the media or the state. I do not know anyone who has used Christian doctrine to explain their own sexual failure aside from the astroturfed lunatics featured on Dalrock’s blog. And those people are not holiness spiraling; they are outright ignoring scripture that is inconvenient to themselves. Christianity has a negligible effect on the SMP as compared to dating apps and OnlyFans. Perhaps those are low-hanging fruit, but they are the actual power players here. If you are suggesting that establishment Christianity as it were does not have an effective response, you’re correct, but there is nothing that does have an effective response. The genie is out of the bottle and only a tyrant can force him back in.

The Cominator says:

“It is a dangerous assumption to make that the Law as written is not universally applicable. It would not be the only time Christ gave us difficult and perhaps unreasonable commandments that only have merit as a means of showing our devotion to Him.”

This is just stupid. This is an argument a pharisee would make and that Jesus would say is wrong. The most important bible passage for living in this world is Matthew 15:20 by their fruits you will know them.

Those who preach legalism to the point of counterproductive stupidity are false prophets bearing poison fruit.

jim says:

The trouble with legalism is that it is used to invert the law, then as now.

The Jews used the commandment against spilling blood to wrongfully spill the blood of a Roman cop. Which led to trouble, which led to more trouble, which eventually got them, as prophesied, expelled from Israel.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

How do you deal with the contradiction of, “conquer, subdue, and be fruitful,” and, “fornication is wicked?” You recognize that fornication means something totally different in the context in which it was spoken, and that being overly legalistic results in less marriage and children. Therefore the legalistic approach is unacceptably flawed and Jim’s logic is undeniable.

BaboonTycoon says:

Christ came to this Earth to teach us that which is necessary to reach heaven. His law is not for our own secular ends. God did not grant the Israelites his law for them to get married and have children. These things are good but they are not the point of our lives here on Earth. As such there is no violation of the “spirit of the law” in choosing not to partake in extramarital sex; to the contrary partaking in such itself is closer to a violation as it does not follow any framework established within the gospel and results in disordered attraction to things of the world, not to mention that it inflicts the same harm on another person. St. Paul’s teaching is that being unmarried and chaste is a blessing, as it allows us to offer our whole selves to Christ. Christ himself was chaste; would you imply that he did not “conquer, subdue and be fruitful” by failing to fornicate?

I do not presume to know whether or not St. Paul meant something different than what is seen in Old Testament law, but as I am a Catholic, I am obligated to assume he did, which would follow from other things he said. St. Paul was probably wise to broaden this, as the only way I can see mass adoption of premarital fornication improving intersexual relations is if all the men are on the same page and intend to use it because they are aware of female biology and are actively doing so in an attempt to make marriage easier. However, such a society would likely have no need for such a system to begin with. Doing it in a society like ours simply results in more whores, and I will not participate in the activity of creating more whores even if I must forsake marriage to do so.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

On what basis are we asserting that natural law and divine law are not the same thing in essence?

The Cominator says:

Bad secular ends = bad fruit = demon worship.

linker says:

So you’re saying that God puts arbitrary unbreakable rules over the fruitfulness and health of good men, with penalty of not going to heaven? I am not a Christian, but this seems like a fatal flaw that would be used by priestly and wicked men to destroy good strong Christian men. In other words, slave morality. Do you think Nietzsche’s characterization of Christianity as slave morality is correct? It seems as if both you and Nietzsche are describing the same thing, while Jim is describing a very different thing, Christianity as social technology that makes us strong and fruitful.

The Cominator says:

According to christ he does not, according to the pharisees he did.

As a Christian you should follow the former.

BaboonTycoon says:

I know not what Nietzsche wrote, nor do I particularly care. My opinion is actually much closer to your description of what Jim believes. I simply think he takes it to the point of being completely self-serving. In some cases, yes, the rules are arbitrary. Many examples are found in the Old Testament, animal sacrifice being perhaps the most famous. I do not know on what basis God makes his judgments.

The particular subject in question is again one in which we do not have much guidance, so our only prudent recourse is to attempt to apply what has been revealed to us in scripture thusfar. I make no claims as to whether this is the will of God, only that following it is surely safer for our souls than presuming we know better. And for the record, I don’t particularly think that applying those old teachings is particularly disadvantageous to us. Certainly women will respond better after sex, but even without that, you cannot point to a passage in the gospel in which women are understood to be anything other than subservient property to men. With this understanding we are at the very least on equal if not greater footing than the bugmen women sometimes choose to marry even today

The Cominator says:

Jesus was noted for not being particulary outraged at whores or whoremongers he did mot like legalistic pharisees promoting social destruction and demon worship .

Clearly the lord himself regarded the latter sin as far far far worse.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are a great many matters of complication, but there is an easy question to ask; what was meant to be accomplished by a given prescription, in the milieu it was given? What teleologies were being frustrated, and what teleologies were then served thereby?

This is why you can’t just have a ‘law’ that stands on it’s own, but a real priesthood, a magisterium, that brings forth the Law.

jim says:

> so our only prudent recourse is to attempt to apply what has been revealed to us in scripture thusfar

But what was revealed in Scripture thus far?

You are applying twenty first century meanings, demonic and perverted meanings, to words that were translated in the seventeenth century, when they meant something radically different.

The behavior of people in the bible makes sense in the context of the seventeenth century meanings of these words, when adultery had the same meaning for women as for beer. It is strange and crazy in the context of the twenty first century meanings of these words.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Words change meaning over the years, decades, centuries, and millenia, especially when translated from language to language to language. What fornication meant when the translation to English was done is different than what it means now, and probably imperfectly translates a concept from another language. We don’t live in a world where women are property, and we have to adapt to that world. If the fruits of the strict interpretation of scripture are bad fruits, then it is our strict interpretation which is a problem, not the behavior outside that interpretation.

The Cominator says:

Wulfgar that is why its important when you read the bible if it seems iffy in a certain party to check the Young Literal Translation, that way you can see if the original meaning was different.

The Cominator says:

Grrrr I mean if a certain passage seems iffy…

ten says:

You don’t think applying those teachings is disadvantageous? The young are leaving the churches because being a church person prevents you from getting pussy, ie kills you.

The teachings are supposed to both give you pussy and prevent a malthusian explosion of demonspawn. Just preventing the faithful from getting pussy solves the latter but is obviously demonic in origin. And the demon is telling you “it doesn’t matter if we lose, because there are more important things than existing, like following the script like a good npc”.

suones says:


…I am not a Christian…

What do you believe in, then? Who are your gods? I’m looking for a truthful answer, not 2CoolForChrist New Age post-christian crock.

jim says:

> Christ himself was chaste; would you imply that he did not “conquer, subdue and be fruitful” by failing to fornicate?

Christ was cel, not incel.

Any cult leader has to beat women off with a stick.

God calls some men to celibacy, but that is not his plan for most men.

suones says:

As much as I’m guilty myself of propagating the “incel Christ” meme, I myself find the Magdalene heresy much more believable. I can get that Christ supposedly had “Divine seed” that he was not allowed to squander inside a mortal woman or something, but it is extremely unlikely that he was “cel.” Even mere mortal cult leaders drown in pussy.

Ace says:

Since the days of early hunter gather group shamans there’s been a general requirement that religious leaders either have to be married and not allowed to stray or be cel so they can’t hog all the women. I think that groups where they were required to be cel, they tended to discreetly impregnate women who had husbands who were impotent. That’s generally a win/win for everyone.

I would guess that Jesus was having sex but he was doing in such a way that he wasn’t trying to own any women.

Martin Snigg says:

You would benefit from listening to John Bergsma about Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls. E.g. or James Chastek about anything

BaboonTycoon says:

It is an argument I make because there has been no further revelation on this subject. If we only have one set of standards that has been given to us, what are to do but to assume it is the correct and only one we should follow?

jim says:

> there has been no further revelation on this subject

Sure there has been: By demons, literal or metaphorical, who have inverted and perverted the meaning of the words in the bible.

You use words that have been corrupted, perverted, and inverted.

In the original sense and meaning, “adultery” means the same thing when applied to women as it does when applied to beer.

You are demonstrating your fidelity to revelation the way the Jews were faithful to the law on spilling blood when they usurped a Greek’s lease and murdered a Roman cop in order to avoid walking on land on which chicken blood had been spilled.

It is the will of Gnon that those faithful to his commandments shall be fruitful and multiply, shall fill the stars and subdue them.

Starman says:


“It is the will of Gnon that those faithful to his commandments shall be fruitful and multiply, shall fill the stars and subdue them.”

Amen. Ad Astra.


I also do not understand the reasoning behind bringing up this topic in particular. If all religions across the world were to begin recommending marriage 1.0 tomorrow, little would change. None of them have the cultural authority of the media or the state. I do not know anyone who has used Christian doctrine to explain their own sexual failure aside from the astroturfed lunatics featured on Dalrock’s blog.”

Here’s a thread that probably inspired Jim’s post:

A fed shill was in there calling Saint Augustine a liar, and when he was caught refusing to answer a RedPill on Women question… all these moral fags in the comment section… these “good Christians” with your mindset sided with a FUCKING FED while being offended about the truth of women’s true nature. Even after the fed shill, Nate17, called Saint Augustine a liar!

suones says:

“good Christians” tend to be fifth columnists in my experience. I’ve never found a degeneracy they wouldn’t support. Even worse, they ally with Baphometans against us, who protect them and allow them to build Churches and stuff. Useless ingrates.

When we get to power, we’re going to ordain Jim as the One True Prophet of Christ, and all “good Christians” who disagree can go meet The Cominator.

The Cominator says:

There are no more true prophets, Jim can be high priest sure but Christians are not going to react well to anyone claiming to be a true prophet of the Christian God with a powerful regime backing him and killing anyone who says otherwise as the bible has some very specific things to say about such a person.

Leftists have to go because we can’t live with them, they inevitably conspire to knock over apple carts and make things worse, and history has shown that half assed purges don’t work you need to act as Stalin and Suharto did. Jim thinks he can ape Charles II and merely fire them but Charles II came about after everyone was tired of their rule and furthermore after the more radical elements had already been repressed by one of their own. Based on this I think Jim is very wrong that leftism can be purged from Western civ via softer methods.

On the other hand we can live with purple pilled people and tradcuck christians and I’m not worried about their subversive potential and I’d certainly have no part in murdering them (I don’t want leftists to go because I’m innately a bloodthirsty man I want them to go because there is no other way any blood thirst for them specifically is motivated by a righteous desire for revenge). If you are an Indian nationalist of India its just a matter of the Cathedral using national minorities to undermine cohesion, you should not endorse the wignat view that Christanity is a form of Marxism (which it isn’t). Wignattism/fednatism otoh IS a form of communism.

suones says:

There are no more true prophets, Jim can be high priest sure but Christians are not going to react well to anyone claiming to be a true prophet of the Christian God with a powerful regime backing him and killing anyone who says otherwise as the bible has some very specific things to say about such a person.

This is the thing I mention about Jim hoping to stop a waterfall midway. If you’re able to set something on this scale in motion, it is proof of your Divine Mandate from GNON, and you must follow through or be destroyed. A time may come when Jim will have to choose being burnt as a heretic or becoming Muhammad, and that time will decide the future of the world. Jim’s pronouncements are at variance with any established Church doctrine and their residual (massive) power, and he’s a non-Prophet Prophet, whether you, the Bible, or he himself, realise it or not. St Paul didn’t choose his fate — he was chosen by Yahweh. We will see in Jim’s case.

As for Comination of heretics, a High Priest is nothing without a Grand Inquisitor. It is a critical, but spiritually very demanding, job. You’ll be given a congregation of rainbow-flag waving, boy-penis-cutting angels of “Christ” (basically every mainstream Church today), and will have to sift the tradcucks who deserve enslavement from the zealots who deserve the Final Solution. It is a horrible task, sure, but such is the lot of a Grand Inquisitor — if he fails, so does Holy Empire, and GNON’s wrath destroys everything.

jim says:

Stopping the waterfall midway is a job that is always performed by warriors, not priests.

But the warrior will find that steel alone does not suffice.

Should Gnon appoint a prophet, his primary job will be to anoint the true King and then run like the wind.

The Cominator says:

Tradcucks are not a proper target for repression though they may be unsuitable for most state and quasi state jobs. They won’t be enslaved either.

Public figures who claim to be on the right but aren’t in order to cause division and make progressive propaganda with a sugar coating are a different story.

Jehu says:

9 And Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets, and said unto him, Gird up thy loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to Ramothgilead:

2 And when thou comest thither, look out there Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi, and go in, and make him arise up from among his brethren, and carry him to an inner chamber;

3 Then take the box of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus saith the Lord, I have anointed thee king over Israel. Then open the door, and flee, and tarry not.

Got to love the anoint and run.

Starman says:


“‘good Christians’ tend to be fifth columnists in my experience. I’ve never found a degeneracy they wouldn’t support.”

Reminds me about a joke about the Klan and the FBI where most of the Klavern are FBI shills.

Jehu says:

How do you spot the fed infiltrator?

He’s the only guy who ever pays his dues on time.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>When you claim things like “having a family is illegal such that fornication is impossible,” I struggle to make sense of it.

If there is no such thing as patriarchy, then there is no such thing as adultery.

There can’t be a crime of violating property without there being such a property to begin with.

jim says:

> What commandments are being violated?

The tenth commandment.

You are doing the same thing as those Jews that usurped a Greek’s lease, and murdered a Roman cop when he interfered, because they were so outraged that chicken blood had been spilled on land over which they were apt to walk.

You are observing Saint Paul’s directive on fornication the way those Jews were observing the biblical command to not spill blood.

BaboonTycoon says:

That doesn’t make any sense. In what way is the tenth commandment being violated by attempting to apply it as it is written?

jim says:

> In what way is the tenth commandment being violated by attempting to apply it as it is written?

As written, it acknowledges men’s property rights in women.

You are interpreting it to violate men’s property rights in women.

BaboonTycoon says:

Nonsense. My post was almost entirely unrelated to that subject since the presumption was that we are discussing modernity where the complete and total destruction of said rights is a priori. I have no opposition whatsoever to men claiming unowned non-virgins via rape or bridal kidnapping or some other means of coercion and if we lived in a society where such a thing was possible I would have already done it myself.

Starman says:


Your posts sounded very much like these American Christian pharisees in this Roosh thread, interpreting scripture to justify taking away men’s right to own women and defending fed shills because the shill claimed to be a “Christian Brother”:

jim says:

> I also do not understand the reasoning behind bringing up this topic in particular. If all religions across the world were to begin recommending marriage 1.0 tomorrow, little would change. None of them have the cultural authority of the media or the state

All you are saying is that our current state religion is hostile to marriage.

It is also about to self destruct, possibly destroying a great many other people in the process.

So, we need a replacement religion with a sane attitude to marriage, and a sane attitude to Kingly (military) rule.

When the vacuum appears, as it appeared in Russia, then it will be time to move in on that vacuum. In Russia, when the vacuum appeared, all they had was a blue pilled Orthodoxy that had already made far too many compromises with communism and with modernity.

I prepare to walk the much travelled path that Confucianism took under the Han dynasty and Christianity took in the Roman Empire.

When the time comes we will tell Caesar that steel alone does not suffice.

polifugue says:

The fourth chapter of this post originates from our host’s responses to my comments in the threads of the previous blog post.

It is not my intention to impart the impression that obtaining women in a state-enforced defect-defect society by consummation-to-marriage is evil. It is right and good that men obtain women, and in Christian societies most marriages began this way especially among the lower classes. In certain regions, the majority of marriages were conducted after the woman became pregnant.

Christian morality on sex is not solely tied to the tenth commandment. Christian law and social policy are tied to it, but it has always been considered immoral to use prostitutes; thus, prostitution is allowed to exist in the red-light district, but if a Christian uses a prostitute he must go to confession. Saint Paul commands Christians to flee harlots, and the parable of the prodigal son assumes that fornication with prostitutes is evil.

Analogizing a lack of property rights in land to a lack of property rights in women works well, but plowing a field is not in the same moral category as plowing a woman, so to speak.

If an enemy sacrifices your son to Moloch, it is not morally acceptable to sacrifice his son to Moloch in retaliation. If he gang-[abuses] a woman in your tribe, it does not justify gang-[abusing] in retaliation. The Old Testament commands a man to allow a month for a kidnapped woman to mourn. There is nothing inherently wrong with slavery, but it is immoral to dishonor one’s slave. There is a “how to pillage in a properly Christian manner,” but there is no “how to gang-[abuse] a woman in a properly Christian manner,” and there is no “how to bed prostitutes in a properly Christian manner.”

There is no genuine Christian in history who would view the actions of Roosh or Heartiste as anything less than evil. While rules of sanctity must not be holiness-spiraled to glorify inceldom, feminism, or MGTOW, all of which I condemn, there is a line one cannot cross.

Pleasure-lovers twisting scriptures is as ancient as the church itself. Ancient heretics took on Manicheanism and Arianism to justify whoredoms and sodomy. If a Christian man wishes to bed whores no one will judge him, but mortal sins must be given to Christ at confession.

jim says:

> Saint Paul commands Christians to flee harlots, and the parable of the prodigal son assumes that fornication with prostitutes is evil.

To correctly understand what Saint Paul said, we must rephrase in the language of the red pill, for the old words have been destroyed.

Saint Paul condemns fornication. And the Old Testament condemns fornication. But what does the Old Testament say about abducting a woman who is not married, not betrothed, and not a virgin?

War is evil, but Christians are not forbidden war. In a society that failed to protect property rights in land, would Christians therefore be landless?

And I say that every pimp is a cuck, that a rotating collection of whores is very distressing, representing the victory of the female always defect strategy over the male always defect strategy. In the post to which you respond I said that “The evil form of this strategy is players and bitches, defect/defect equilibrium, the lek mating pattern. The virtuous form of this strategy is husband and wife, marriage 1.0, eighteenth century marriage, which is now illegal.”

I said “evil”

What I say is what Saint Paul said, but phrased in a way more relevant to the situation we now face, and using the language of the red pill, while you are using words that have been corrupted, perverted, and inverted to disempower men and empower women. The words of Saint Paul have been given inverted meanings.

To understand what Saint Paul meant, you have to look at what authorities did when his faith was live and in power.

The authorities in Australia thought those beach parties were a very bad thing. And they eventually got their act together and did something about it. Did something very drastic. They lined up chicks and married them off to men who were frequently total strangers, but that the authorities knew were of good character and had the capacity to take care of a wife. And what they did about it shows they understood Saint Paul as I understand him.

They applied startlingly drastic coercion. But they did not apply coercion to directly prevent beach parties. They used startlingly drastic coercion to make a woman obey and submit to a man who would prevent her from partying on the beach.

polifugue says:

Mulling over comments and the above blog post…

One’s personal application of morality can change depending on time and place because any particular moral value is based upon a social objective. Thus, Christian sexual morality is based on the overarching idea that men should own women, that it is right and just to do so, and that we ought to be fruitful and multiply.

Morality is not inherently black or white because social circumstance depends on political circumstance. While I am disturbed and disgusted by the evil and self-destructive behavior of men such as Roosh or Roissy, one must understand that their evil is not in seducing women but in not keeping them. In a world of enforced defection, our fornication ceases to be immoral because of our goals.

It is evil for the Canaanites to sacrifice their young to Moloch, but it is not evil for us to kill their children as we ought to cleanse demon worshippers from the land. In an environment such as in Australia, our obligation would be to seduce and/or abduct an unmarried unbetrothed non-virgin, and if said society prostrates to demons, to remove her from the demon worshippers.

Discussion on sensitive moral subjects leads to misattribution. Is the above more what you had in mind? It is not my intention to promote involuntary celibacy and whoredom in ignorance.

jim says:

Exactly so.

The letter of the law is only ever applicable to particular circumstances. One must be mindful of the spirit and the fruits.

Ideally one would have a sane priesthood that from time to time comes up with a generally accepted consensus on the application of the spirit of the law to current circumstances, so that everyone knows what the rules are, and everyone is playing by the same rules. But we have the opposite of that.

polifugue says:

The pharisees were guilty of pride, detailed in the parable of the pharisee and the publican. The involuntary celibate is prideful in his decadent lifestyle and despairing over his not owning a woman.

An analogy to a lack of property rights in women is a lack of property rights in food. If stealing from Communists is not an option, would it be acceptable to kill and eat one’s own sons?

This moral grey area is why it is dangerous to judge one another. Perhaps cannibalism is morally acceptable, but if one refuses to eat one’s children, is that a violation of the tenth commandment, the sin of pride?

God wants us to be fruitful and multiply, but is it right for a Christian to renounce his faith in Christ and live, or stay true and die? The church says the former are cast into hell unless repentant, while the latter become martyrs, saints of the church.

Engaging in fornication in order to acquire a wife can be likened to engaging in cannibalism in order to survive. The degree to which we engage in these types of actions must be taken with the greatest of care, for everything we do in this world will be judged by the Father in the next.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This problem arises from lack of conscious conception of what telos you would be serving, of which there may be many beyond personal survival.

If the goal is be fruitful and multiply, then, to use your reduction to the absurd, ‘eating your children’ is functionally equivalent to dying yourself. If your goal is the creation of a greater patrimony, then ‘eating your children’ is even worse than dying yourself.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And to wit: if the goal is a greater patrimony, then love crusade with the mannerbund is in alignment with this teleology.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Whoa man, you aren’t going to go on a rApE sPrEe On CaMpUs, are you?

Other says:

There may be more, but I can think of 2 circumstances in the New Testament that address unowned women: Paul telling young widows to remarry (1 Timothy 5:14), and Christ with the woman at the well with 5 “husbands” (John 4: 1-42).

In 1 Timothy 5, Paul essentially commands young widows to remarry. In other words, to become formally owned.

In John 4, Christ never makes a statement about the woman’s sin, but the implication is that it wasn’t the men who abandoned her; she made the choice to skip from man to man. Her subsequent behavior confirms she knows she’s living in sin by not staying owned.

So New Testament strengthens the Old Testament “women are property” position by acknowledging there are circumstances where women may find themselves unowned, and it is the duty of Christian women in those circumstances to become owned.

1st Timothy 5 in particular seems less about female consent in mate selection and more about giving the Christian community grounds to apply heavy coercive pressure to get unowned women married off.

The piece I’d like to hear Jim’s input on is Christ’s statement in John 4:18 “…and the one you have now is not your husband.” There’s a clearly implied condemnation of the woman for not being formally owned. Whether the man in that relationship is sinning or not isn’t clear, which is the needle I think Jim is trying to thread.

In my view, having sex with an unowned woman without any intention of keeping her is akin to prostitution, with the man paying in feelz rather than money. However, if the man has the desire to keep her and provides for her according to Old Testament law, but she refuses to stay owned, then only the woman is sinning when they have sex.

Where this gets messy is the distinction between ownership via formal marriage and ownership via abduction/concubinage. If I’m sleeping with a woman prior to marriage, how does she know she’s owned? When is it “ok”?

jim says:

Concubinage relationship is one that is explicitly temporary. Male is failing to take durable ownership.

This Christ unambiguously condemned.

If the male would like to keep her permanently, but she is not open to that deal (which deal women like, but are psychologically unable to commit to, they want, and need, external compulsion, for reasons I have repeated explained) she is sinning, and he is not.

If marriage lacks external enforcement against women it is all fornication, and the best a man can do is provide that enforcement individually through personal charisma, the real or perceived threat of personal and individual violence, and appeal to God.

suones says:

…plowing a field is not in the same moral category as plowing a woman,

He who plows the woman sonner or later gets to plow the field as well. Or his sons, at any rate. Anything else is bluepill nonsense.

polifugue says:

That is missing the point. Two farmers illegally seizing a plot of land for shared use is righteous, two men illegally seizing a woman for shared use is wicked.

Two men sharing a woman might lend one or both having sons, but what good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

Pooch says:

Incels are usually incel in part because they are violating the laws of Gnon, and if they invoke Christianity to justify their inceldom, it is usually because they are weak and afraid, not because they are Christian.

Excellent post and I want to emphasize this for the younger generation.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This is a strong argument, and I would agree with it. However, I think this is the better and more important part:

Furthermore, the Old Testament does not make clear, but the Lord Jesus Christ does make clear, that the law and the prophets are to be interpreted and applied in such a way that they work, that they accomplish their intended purposes, have the intended effect. The spirit, not the letter. By their fruits you will know them.

Incel and female immorality is not the intended effect, is the grossest possible violation of the commandments.

I am partially guilty of the cowardice that Jim identifies, but more of it was me being holier-than-thou about sex. The Lord, Jesus Christ, stated that we are to care more about the spirit of the law than the letter, and our host points out that following the letter of the law results in the spirit of the law being violated. There was a contradiction between the prohibition on fornication and on the prime comandment to conquer the world and fill it. That contradiction has been resolved, which means I need to go out and conquer and fill up a woman. I think that this is the more important takeaway.

Oog en Hand says:

You mean, Christian men should start a Love Crusade targetting atheïst girls and polytheist girls?!

Atavistic Morality says:

I’m fully on board with a crimson pilled movement that promotes the creation of an army composed of young and strong males going around killing leftists faggots and abducting their women.

Pooch says:

For every hot white leftist girl we abduct (before the shitlib ideology destroys her beauty) that’s one less mother of a mulatto baby.

The Cominator says:

Until things break down into an Escape From New York situation (it’ll get there) don’t try this shit though…

The Cominator says:

We still live in a society…

For now.

suones says:

This delusion is what gets us defeated. Muslims have been running “Love Jihad” scripts for a very long time.

The Cominator says:

Muslims are a holy minority at least sometimes. We would not be a holy minority (you may be a dothead we are not). Also Muslims in Western societies mainly abduct sluts who deliberately go looking to get raped by Muslims. Even still the boys in Rotterdam or London would get busted in the US outside of deep blue areas.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If we become the dangerous men that girls want to rape them, then abducting sluts isn’t a terrible plan. Target the girls without fathers, because then you have fewer problems. Wander around a college campus after dark and you’ll find plenty of girls wearing almost nothing practically on their knees begging for a good dicking. It’s not hard to find girls to subject to the Love Crusade.

The Cominator says:

“Target the girls without fathers”

The girls without fathers or whos fathers died in adolesence tend to have a far lesser preference for dark and antisocial traits…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is the Love Crusade, not the Consent Is Sexy Crusade. Besides, lesser doesn’t mean nonexistent. Who gives a shit what they want? It isn’t rape if you ask permission.

The Cominator says:

But barring a Somalia level breakdown you’ll have better luck with a girl with some father who larps as one of those nobody touches my daughter creeps the Dalrock thread talks about…

They are the ones who actually dream about some psycho raping them in an alley. The fatherless girl is far more likely to hate it and try to summon other men in her life or the law and try to get revenge upon you.

Dude seriously before you do something stupid clear out the cobwebs by doing my recommended stripper thing 1st… you are not thinking clearly because of long term lack of sex.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, I don’t have an army, and I’m not going to go out tonight on a rape bender. I am pointing out that All Women Are Like That. My mind is fine.

The Cominator says:

Okay it sounded like you were going to identify some fatherless girl and do something stupid.

AWALT is about high status.

Girls with strong fathers tend to like the story of Beauty and the Beast (kidnapping and rape by a monster who also has a castle).

Fatherless girls tend to like the story of the movie Pretty Woman.

Plan accordingly.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Thank you for the concern.

Pooch says:

Fatherless girls tend to like the story of the movie Pretty Woman.

Blue-pilled on female nature.

The Cominator says:

Yes it sort of bluepilled (her character wasn’t all that realistic) was but fatherless girls, strippers etc. tend to really genuinely like that story.

It shows that their preference is less for anti social men than the beauty and the beast fanbase.

Ace says:

>Girls with strong fathers tend to like the story of Beauty and the Beast (kidnapping and rape by a monster who also has a castle).

>Fatherless girls tend to like the story of the movie Pretty Woman.

Fatherless girls have lower status than girls with fathers which gives them lower standards and they don’t have to worry about losing status by fucking the wrong man. Women with fathers who can fuck criminals without their fathers finding out will do so in a heartbeat.

All Women are Like that.

The Cominator says:

Ace it is GIRLS WITH FATHERS who want the criminals all the more…

As aidan said the girls with strong fathers may have lower notch count but the guys they like tend to be very evil.

Ace says:

Ace it is GIRLS WITH FATHERS who want the criminals all the more…

As aidan said the girls with strong fathers may have lower notch count but the guys they like tend to be very evil.

This isn’t my experience. I’ve known girls from good elite families, girls without fathers, girls with domineering mothers, etc, they all want criminals.

The difference between girls with fathers and girls without is status. Girls with fathers are influenced by their father’s teaching on what a good mate is and will publicly try to follow that because they don’t want to lose status with their family, but they’re quite willing to fuck the worst sort of men if they can do it without getting caught.

Girls with weak fathers don’t get status from him, so they’re closer to girls without fathers.

A girl without a father will have low status and pretty much any male is above her in status. This results in an easy lay and very high notch counts. But they love evil men most of all, just like all women do.

In college I knew a girl who most of my friends decided to beta orbit around. I thought she ugly but my friends were nerds and had low standards and she was attending tech classes. This girl didn’t have a father and should have been an easy lay, but she’d gotten herself involved with a armed robber shithead criminal. She rejected all my friends advances because her boy friend was coming out of jail soon.

This guy was a real piece of shit but my friends insisted including him in events so I got a real good read on the type of human waste he was. Eventually he went back to jail. At which point this girl started sleeping around with her group of beta orbiters. She had low status and without her demon lover around she slept with pretty much anyone.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I like the idea of a Love Crusade. 10/10, would rape, pillage, and rape again.

jim says:

The reintroduction of patriarchy is likely to involve a whole lot of abduction. That is how patriarchy got reintroduced in China, and I plausibly conjecture that is how patriarchy got reintroduced in Japan.

Problem with rape and pillage is that pillage only works for logistics in the very short term. You want the peasants to bring food to the army, you don’t want the army to go out the peasants and take their food, because then you don’t have an army. Problem with rape is that you don’t want the woman that soldier Bob raped being raped by lieutenant Dave, because then you don’t have unit cohesion. (Which was the major plot and story point in the Iliad.) We want camp followers, including abducted women, to stick around. So we need soldier Bob to have incentive to keep her around.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’m not talking about stealing people’s goods; I mean stealing women. Rape the girls, then pillage them and carry them off. Then rape them again just to be sure they get knocked up.

Naturally, the Love Crusaders wouldn’t share. Once Lieutenant Dan gets his woman with the aid of his men, he leads them out on a raid again to get more women. Then he assigns them to his men as rewards for bravery, loyalty, and other manly virtues.

Once his men all get their women, they work together to keep them, as well as steal more if they feel up to it. Dan has his own woman and can take more if he needs. He has no need to cuck his men, and every incentive not to.

S.J., Esquire says:

***we are to care more about the spirit of the law than the letter***

Right. This is right, and is exactly why we call fornication and so forth “wrong”. It’s sheer legalism to examine the texts, say Welp, I guess it doesn’t akshually say I can’t do sex act X,Y or Z, so I’ll go ahead then.

The SPIRIT of the law is, Christian-marriage-and-no-fornication, regardless of apparent loopholes.

***There was a contradiction between the prohibition on fornication and on the prime comandment to conquer the world and fill it***

No, there isn’t.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes there is, you wanker. I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but marriage and birth rates are collapsing. It’s come up here one or twice, so I’m not sure how you missed it. Maybe it’s brain damage, or simple stupidity. Don’t fucking tell the 30 year old virgin trying in vain to find his traditional girl that there isn’t a problem with marriage these days.

Aidan says:

Christian marriage requires a Christian society and Christian fatherhood, which we no longer have. We are commanded to practice marriage-by-abduction and take wives from godless peoples.

polifugue says:

Amen to that.

Regarding marriage by abduction, check out this clip of “The Ancient Magus’ Bride,” an anime about a rich ancient skull-headed demon cannibal who buys a fifteen-year-old girl for 5 million pounds in chains as a wife. Written by a woman, of course.

Reminds me of the knife-wielding robber girl from the old version of “The Snow Queen” or the beast from “The Beauty and the Beast.”

Atavistic Morality says:

That video and the comments are cringe as fuck, effeminate men and women are incredibly cringe. Everyone posting in that comment section and enjoying the video unironically deserve to end up in a gulag.

I expect better from someone LARPing as a Christian patriarch.

polifugue says:

The idea was to show marriage-by-abduction as something which women secretly desire and people find cute, even if for politically correct reasons they adhere to feminist pieties. Whether or not you like it or find it cringe is beside the point.

I will no longer reference stuff from popular culture on this blog.

The Cominator says:

Explaining what women especially very hyperagamous women with strong fathers like Beauty and the Beast is an important way of explaining the redpill for dummies.

Beauty and the Beast is about a man so fierce and viscious he is not even human abducting and subduing (the rape was left out because Disney but most women damn sure imagine the Beast raped her and got soaking wet thinking about it) a girl so hyperagamous she rejects the not even especially nice alpha of her own village (Gaston)… Gaston was not antisocial enough for Belle. That is why he was the “villain”.

Despite being demonic and inhuman he is nice to her after he rapes her and it turns out he has a castle and servants so is a king in his own domain…

If a girl really loves Beauty and the Beast her preference for antisocial men and demon lovers will be especially strong (yes yes AWALT but there is a spectrum)… Girls with a somewhat lesser preference for demonic antisocial traits tend to really like the story of Pretty Woman (the female character is somewhat unrealistic in some ways but that is beside the point).

Pretty woman is about an unowned girl you can assume with no father who as 90% of such women do made bad choices, she gets rescued by a high status wealthy and somewhat ruthless but not especially demonic or violent man. Though the man does beat somewhat up at one point who is sniffing around her.

Both “men” are high status and somewhat ruthless but the the male character in the former story is more civilized and if somewhat ruthless is not especially violent, while Beauty and the Beast is literally about the demon lover the girl in her tingles develops Stockholm Syndrome for…

Atavistic Morality says:

There is popular culture and popular culture, not long ago I remember small conversation about the Mandalorian in the blog because the first season wasn’t bad.

This anime is so over the top with the “cute” and effeminate thing it has going on that it’s really, really bad, probably as bad as injecting soylent directly into your veins, I couldn’t help myself with the comment. There is no way a man can watch something like that, sit in front of a screen and accept this into his mind and not pay a price. But it’s not my blog, don’t let me stop you from saying or posting whatever you want, the underlying point you made is not wrong.

jim says:

You are not the audience that the creators of “The Ancient Magus Bride” intended.

The intended audience is 9-13 year old girls. It is a chick flick. Every chick flic is similarly obnoxious to males.

The only reason for a male to watch this is to understand female psychology.

This is the female marriage fantasy in a society that refuses to allow them to become property. They fantasize a society where they can become property. Notice that the movie starts out with alpha males cooperating with each other to make the insert character into property. Chicks are frustrated by the lack of male cooperation.

Anonymous says:

That anime’s great, don’t mind the spergs.

The Cominator says:

Its the comment section of a (weird) anime video, of course its cringe as fuck.

alf says:
Jim says:

“The Ancient Magus Bride” was not a mistake for its target audience. The writers were writing a chick flic.

alf says:

My link is in jest, I find anime mostly funny. My girl calls me a weeb just because I am interested by the phenomenon. Even though we watched plenty of studio Ghibli movies. On reflection she is probably just jealous of 2-D waifus.

My serious opinion is that anime looks pretty, and if it has any mistake, the mistake is that Western culture is so degraded and ugly that some turn to Japanese culture and put it on a pedestal.

jim says:

We need our own culture back. It has been under demolition since William Wilberforce.

Putin’s Great Cathedral is bringing his culture back, after endless destruction starting with Alexander the Liberator.

We will build a Cathedral, probably over the ruins of modernist buildings of Harvard, and that will cure the weeaboo problem.

Atavistic Morality says:

Kinda funny the music he chose is from JoJo:

jim says:

Notice that the story line calls her fifteen, but she is drawn as about twelve, indicating that the age of the target audience is younger still.

Also he does not buy her as a wife, but as a human sacrifice, and there is a never ending plotline about her efforts to get an upgrade to wife.

Cloudswrest says:

Jim, your “The Ancient Magus Bride” link appears to be broken.

Noname says:

@Pseudo, I noticed that after I posted it too. Well, I’m not perfect. Sort of how you spelled “i” lower case, no?

Noname says:

The point I really wanted to make is that it is not overly complicated to start a family. Yes, a woman seeks security. You must demonstrate that you have that character. But, once they enter college or the workforce, the negative social factors come into play. You have to make an effort to find a suitable woman. The man is the hunter. So go hunt.

Noname says:

Also, on a side note, I’ve read some articles and opinions that plastics in the environment and water is harming masculinity. Maybe there’s something to that. I know most of the younger folks look down on the boomer class. The boomers didn’t have a masculinity problem or a problem finding a woman. Something to think about.

So, watch a few John Wayne movies. Learn how an alpha acts. Stop drinking out of plastic containers too.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Boomers lived a charmed existence in an inherited utopia; considered the idea that their utopic conditions in particular, and the stature of europoids in general, could ever go away, to be impossible; and hence had no compunctions about trading away everything that made for those utopic conditions through signaling pseudovirtues as a salve to their empty neurotic souls; ‘its nice to be nice, and not nice to not be nice – wouldn’t everything be nicer if we were nicer? we have a lot of niceness to go around, so we can be nice to everyone – wouldn’t that be nice?’

They coasted on the inertia of their forefather’s patrimony, even as they hollowed out their foundations; had no concept of what created that patrimony in the first place.

Noname says:

So it’s someone else’s fault? The boomer ruined your life but you wish to court the boomer’s daughter now.

Every new generation fancies itself better than the last. Where is the proof? Boomers didn’t have these problems and had the guts to call a commie a commie and a nigger a nigger.

When you can do that and stand your ground, then you can call yourself a man.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ancient mold spores got unearthed again during the self-named ‘Renaissance’ after translations of classic era sophists began making the rounds; the fungus began to be explicitly systematized in the self-named ‘Enlightenment’; and such memetic carcinomas have been mutating and metastizing ever since, with ever accelerating rapidity, up to date.

If by quirk of historical contingency, it happened that there were still remnants of adaptive social technology not yet hollowed out at this particular date instead, remnants sufficient to arrange for similar surplus capital as like in the less distant past, then we could say with not undue confidence, that more recent generations would also likely be party to the same trend of helping to hollow out what was already hollowing out.

As it happens, those drop offs came earlier, and more recent generations have the privilege of not having the *choice* to be pozholes; their innocence aided by lack of any further insulation to defect on in the first place, that which beyond only loss of life and livelyhood remains.

Such is our most current of years, even then more than one of who yet live will leap into the void regardless.

Noname says:


Also, not taking responsibility is a feminine trait. Women never want to accept their situation.

This generation, it’s your time now. You have to accept the cards your dealt. It wont improve your situation to blame past generations. Or if boomers blamed the thousands of generations before them. That is what women do. Stop it. Be a man.

Europeans started here with nothing and made something out of their life. You have so much opportunity. You are surrounded by women but you have your head in your iphone. I have seen you.

Put your phone down and take what is yours.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Teenage hippies from the 60s grew up in a space where everyone spoke bluepill in public, and did redpill in private.

They (you) don’t actually know what being a man means. Such eternally teenaged manchildren don’t understand how they actually got the things they got (‘why dont people just get a wife’, ‘why dont people just get a job’), because reality was processed in secret.

But as always, any unprincipled exceptions to the official(ly unofficial) ideology anywhere were assiduously ferreted out, and extirpated – and that leaves us here today.

Arakawa says:

I learnt the secret laws of ‘why not just get a job’ and knowing what I was told in school, I experience zero surprise that 90% of other millennials haven’t. (Of course, if 90% of other millennials had the same instincts and heredity I do and came to the same conclusions, a lot of scams would collapse and there would be societal war with uncertain outcome given the shrinking slice of the economy where people do something serious. I only had a solution for my own situation, not the whole of society.)

I did not learn the secret laws of ‘why not just get a wife’. Much like getting a real job in a world where almost all jobs are officially about BS, it is a mess of unspoken rules that have to be understood without explanation to get anywhere.

Contaminated NEET says:

Let’s hear it then: what are the secret laws of ‘why not just get a job?’

Arakawa says:

Because the secret laws are unwritten and I only figured them out on a sample size of one (1) person (myself), they are unlikely to be helpful. I don’t know your circumstances and obstacles and talents. But I’ll make an attempt.

To find an honest job is to find someone who actually needs your talents and is willing to take them in exchange for a fair price in terms of money, recognition, and opportunities. The communication around this is always frustratingly deceitful and indirect. This is a problem of signalling your talents in an environment where being hired because of your talents is illegal. Just like finding a wife is a problem of signalling dominance in an environment where dominance is illegal. Of course, the result of this is tremendous waste because plenty of people are not hired and plenty of people don’t get married, who are perfectly capable of being useful to society in both an economic and demographic sense, and being amply rewarded for their usefulness. That doesn’t happen.

Beyond that, in my particular knowledge work field the most important secret laws were a cycle of (a) identify an alpha whose group is working on something promising (b) identify how to make myself useful to him and other people on his team (c) learn the myriad social dances around people who are trying to offload nonsense work on you and give nothing in return (d) if I found that the alpha’s team wasn’t as promising as it seems, find a different alpha and switch groups in a way that doesn’t cause resentment. An important element was (e) if someone takes advantage or steals credit, know how to take retribution in an honourable way (or at least a deniable way) that makes your point but can be de-escalated.

For talented people around me the primary mistakes I’ve seen were (i) joining the group of an alpha who doesn’t invest in his subordinates (ii) only working on things that are useful to some abstract imaginary people over there (at best, according to the group’s official ideology, at worst, according to personal beliefs) but not useful to the actual group (iii) joining ‘meat grinder’ initiatives whose goal is to throw away the reputations of 999 perfectly good workers to reward the 1 in 1000. Boomers are infamous for offering completely unrealistic advice about pursuing your passions because some of them were able to do that and find jobs where they would be promoted for being a warm body, or waste years of their lives without becoming damaged goods. For example, in Tech Startups, the ur-boomer is Paul Graham who spent most of his time and energy trying to be a bad painter and failed upwards into being a tech millionaire.

Sadly, the conventional ‘send in your resume’ process to get a job is often one of those meat grinders. This is why you hear tech professionals say “I got all of my jobs through personal recommendations” — they had an alpha already interested in hiring them before they started the actual process to get a job, or knew an insider willing to recommend them to said alpha. Then the alpha was influential enough to get the application around HR nonsense intended to filter out useful applicants.

There are plenty of more ancient and non-broken ways to do this. For example, apprenticeship, which is a generalization of hereditary apprenticeship where the alpha supervising your work is literally your biological father.

jim says:

HR is a barrier against hiring useful people, and a barrier for useful people who want to get hired. It is job is to ensure that people are hired on the basis of the state religion (accreditation, race, and sex, primarily accreditation), rather than ability to create value.

Noname says:


What you wrote, breaking down these secret steps to job success, is fine if you want to break it down into computer code. Most high functioning people are able to do all this on the fly without even thinking about it or understanding why they did what they did. There is a process called socialization where you learn to do all these things intuitively. The breakdown of the family disrupted this socialization process. So you are aware something is wrong but you can’t quite put your finger on it so you break the process down into subroutines until you find the missing piece. I will tell you the missing piece: respect.

Boomer advice is to do in your employment what you love and your success comes naturally. That has always worked from truck drivers to lawyers. Do what you love.

And the golden rule is always a successful strategy at work too.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Dummy, the missing key is *personal contact*.

Ask a random normie about how to get a job, they will say send out lots of resumes to lots of companies. Ask them how they, themselves, got their own job, got started in their field, and more than 50% of the time, the answer will takes some form of ‘so a friends of mine introduced me to…’

People do not hire files, people hire people. People hire people they know. People hire people referred by people they know. It is always like this in practice, and in more civilized times, it is explicitly even more like this.

>(a) identify an alpha whose group is working on something promising

To get employed somewhere you make personal contact with an employer. Or, you cultivate your relationship with someone in the same gang as the employer, through which you may come to the employer as well.

Noname says:


I’ve been interviewed for mostly every job I applied for by resume only. Being hired is a factor of your ability to sell your own talent. Know what the hiring manager needs and tell them how you can provide it.

Relying on someone else to sell your talent is dependency. All of my employment I got on my own.

Your response is as blue pilled as your cat is. It’s a defeatist outlook to think you are helpless without someones help. Also, you made another error in your grammar.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Babyboomers got jobs because their elders arranged for them to get jobs. Thus they are capable of saying things like ‘why not just get a job’, because from their perspective, the phenomena of ‘getting a job’ merely required a signaled desire for it to start with. And mysteriously, it just… happened.

There is such a thing as a uniquely babyboomer mindset, it it comes from folk in historical moments where, an official ideology antithetical to adaptive religio has been more or less completely installed over popular discourse, but persons still possessed of more adapative fragments of religio – who, as far as it goes, prolong facilitation of civilization furtively – are not yet dead. Those moments where, at the same time, trappings of civilization can still be found, but no good explanations for those trappings can be found.

The generations borne later will have no such windfall, and the generations borne before will retain some private defections on the public face, leaving a ‘boomer’ as a curious historical spandrel, produced by the inbetween.

The Cominator says:

Noname this is boomer bullshit and I don’t normally shout boomer at people but you are clearly a fucking boomer. Entry level jobs for white men in most fields (other than maybe the 1st three years of Trump) were very hard to get without connections.

People “selling themselves” overvalues social skills over talent… its fine for sales fields and such its not something people in engineering and analytical fields should have to do too much of.

Anonymous 2 says:

For what it’s worth, every job I have ever had was obtained through personal contact (and being an employable person of suitably attractive skills and accomplishments). Either by me asking or, more often, them asking. Likewise, when applicable I prefer to hire among those I know and trust first of all. So I wholly agree with this approach.

Noname says:


I’m trying to make you see that you can take control of your own life. With employment and with women.

What will you do when you have to go it alone? Who will you blame for your failure? In this life, you may have to start again fresh several times.

You can get a good job starting out cold. You can meet a woman you’ve never met and make something of it. Lot’s of people have.

It’s not boomer bullshit. But, you have to be willing to try and willing to fail. I’ve seen lots of people hired fresh. Employers are always seeking new talent.

But, you have your own paradigm to live in.

The Cominator says:

I don’t need a job now I earn money on my own, but your experience of getting jobs is something only a boomer or an affirmative action case who appears semi qualified would say and I dislike saying boomer.

For most of the post 9/11 job market maybe with the exception of the 1st three Trump years it was hell getting even underemployment without connections. That was my experience.

I’m also not an incel the stripper I fuck is cheap charges me regular dance cost, pretty and genuinely enthusiastic (women can fake almost everything but they can’t fake an afterglow). I’m not really interested in other American women… and I eventually plan to flee the country anyway.

Progressive clownworld society is bad for white guys but a REAL nightmare for spergy white guys. When you speak you describe a world that no longer exists.

linker says:

I appreciate your attitude of having a strong locus of control, but you haven’t given step by step instructions on how to get a good job. You are typing a lot of words but saying nothing. You are just saying to send out a resume, but we have nothing on our resumes. That’s why it’s boomer bullshit, you are expecting a zoomer to have 5 years of work experience or to toss 4 years of their life and hundreds of thousands into getting a bachelor’s degree. Cominator gave step by step instructions on how to get stripper pussy, but you can’t give step by step instructions on how to get a good job that is befitting an intelligent person; obviously we could become truck drivers or something like that, but that’s not ideal.

The Cominator says:

The other thing about giving step by step instructions is you need to break it down in a very very detailed way what to do. You need to assume you are talking to people who don’t know what to do and who aren’t good at it. This should include things you’ve seen or heard other people who fail do that you shouldn’t do. Like notice in the stripper thing I said don’t tell the strippers they are too pretty to be a stripper or seem too nice to be a stripper or anything like that as strippers hate getting judgemental white knightish comments from customers with a passion and not in a way that makes you seem alpha and more fuckable.

When a person who is good at something presumes to provide instructions to the uninitiated the more details the better.

Noname says:


For someone with zero experience, it might be tough but not impossible.

I can remember a new hire who only had Cisco certification. CCNA and CCNP. Homeschooled.

Some guys are more hands on. Every home has an AC and furnace, no? Spend a few months in a local tech school, get HVAC certified, get in your car and visit every service center, ready to work.

Anyone like construction? Invest in a few tools and visit some job sites. Pay is good and immediate. Hard work but it will man you up.

You gents don’t seem like the military type so I wont suggest that but you can get training and get out in 3-4 years.

If you do have money, get your BA or BS, take the LSAT, get into law school, pass the bar and open up your own practice.

Some counties will hire you as a sheriff deputy with only HS.

If you have no experience, you can still find your place then work up from there.

Nothing wrong with driving a truck. I had a Karate instructor that ran his own business for years. When he retired at 60, he decided to get into it then started another business at that.

Psedo-Chrysostom says:

There is someone in this thread RIGHT NOW that is recommending people go through the contemporary indoctrination system (and pay for the privilege, of course).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You can take control of your own life; and the primary way you take control of your life is by coordinating with other men.

By failing to tell men that the most important thing there is to accomplishing what they desire – such as gaining a productive place and purpose in life – is coordinating with other men, you are selling false life-plans.

By attempting to redefine the cultivation of brotherhoods between men as ‘unmanly’ or ‘bluepill’, you expose the fact that your mind is a wholly owned and operated subsidy of the modern clownworld, acting to actively prevent men from being able to get the things you took for granted.

polifugue says:

> If you do have money, get your BA or BS, take the LSAT, get into law school, pass the bar and open up your own practice.

Law Profession Insider Post:

The legal profession begins as a priestly hierarchy and ends as a cutthroat merchant enterprise. In order to be successful, one must rise up the ranks, make the right connections, work long hours everyday, and get lucky.

The key step in becoming a successful lawyer is to attend a prestigious law school, top 10 maybe top 15. No law firm hires from law schools not in the top 15 thus if you do not get into a good law school you should find another line of work. The Bar exam does not matter, any moron can pass it.

In order to get into a good law school, one must submit an application through the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC), which compiles your standardized undergraduate GPA, LSAT score, essay and recommendation letters.

The most important of these is your GPA. It does not matter if you major in STEM or Sociology. Getting anything less than a 3.6 is a problem, but a 3.3 at an elite school with a high LSAT could land you top 15, whereas a 4.0 at state school may be worthless.

The LSAT is an IQ test. Studying for it after taking the practice exam is mostly pointless.

Once one gets into Law School, people who get A’s become professors and people who get B’s work at big law firms.

After applying and getting into a Law Firm, there is an unwritten rule that you have two years to set up a practice. How is up to you to figure out through asking questions, making connections, working 100 hours a week every week, and taking big risks. Only a small percentage of people end up making partner. Most people who attend elite universities and elite law schools end up working elsewhere.

The most important thing in the legal profession is to work hard and to be willing to learn. You can go to Yale and Harvard Law School, but if you do not ask questions the firm will “let you go” after two years. If you decide one evening that you have to go home at 7:00pm to take care of your dog, people will note and you will be fired after two years. On the other hand, there are people who do not go to top 15 law schools, some not even particularly intelligent, who thrive because they work long hours and always ask questions.

Also, while one may not make partner, law school can serve as a springboard for other ventures. My rich aunt went to law school, failed to make partner, but is now a multimillionaire on the board of a major firm in Texas. I am acquaintances with a failed lawyerette in real estate sales currently buying a 3 million dollar home.

Contrary to myth, most rich people are extremely nice. The “Wolf of Wall Street” is a stereotype rising from greed and envy. Forming business connections requires trust and the vast majority of people like Jordan Belfort end up jobless because no one wants to work with them.

You can make it as a sperg but you must be an expert in communication and create a persona. Being at Jim’s Blog automatically makes you an asshole, so the way for someone here to be successful in law is to be as nice as possible.

I do not know people who go to law school and end up working small independent practices, but a lawyer who makes 60k a year is a loser, while a musician who makes 60k a year is a king.

Law is hard is lucrative. Playing golf at the country club, taking ski vacations to Aspen, living in giant homes, going to the Hamptons, driving the fancy Mercedes. If the upper-middle-class lifestyle is what you want, and you are willing to work hard to get it, go ahead. We have one life to live, so one ought to make the most of it.

Atavistic Morality says:

I’m in agreement with you that the boomer and all he stands for is complete garbage, but if you think about it the generational hate is progressive propaganda, and indeed liberal faggot millennials are very on board with it.

The argument assumes that the will of the people exists and that somehow the mob has a say on what goes on, which is wrong as we all know here. The elite controls society, not the mob, the mob does what the elite says. The French Revolution is not the history of the mob rising up, but a faction of the elite defecting on the rest and using the mob as a tool.

The boomers are as responsible for niggers and feral women as we are for faggots and trannies, neither us or them ever had a say.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>generational hate is progressive propaganda

Generally, yes.

suones says:

It is not just “generational hate.” I touched upon this topic in my diatribe about filial loyalty.

Dharma commands us to venerate our forefathers, even if they are evil. Especially if they are evil and we’re sort of happy when they die. Because they brought us into this world. Patria potestas is the basis of a lasting civilisation, and the first thing to break that chain is to make the Son hate his Father. This is why Millenials hate Boomers, who in turn hated “the Man/Military Industrial Complex,” who in turn hated the “robber barons” etc ad infinitum. The roots of the Family Tree of Evil go very, very deep.

The first step to cut the evil out is to honour your Father. You may have ideological disagreements with him, but as long as he keeps his end of the bargain, you keep yours. If he reneges on his side, you may cut your losses and leave, but never, ever, act against him, or dishonour him among strangers.

>The boomers didn’t have a masculinity problem or a problem finding a woman.

It’s like their women were pressured to marry by 21, or something. Blaming shitty female behavior on disempowered males is subversive; Women and the men in power are to blame for it, always.

Also even if men were less masculine today (the plastic thing is BS) it wouldn’t matter wrt this. We are not peacocks. Do you want to become peacocks? Do you think vanity spiral is good? That is the end result of desire-driven (usually where females get choice but it can vary by species) sexual selection, always. Reproduction should be suboordinated to natural selection, which generally means little choice; either taking what comes to you through the filter of natural selection without pickiness or whatever comes to you through the filter taking you.

Sexual pickiness is the great species-killer. Under abundant conditions (see: civilization) it can get out from under the grasp of natural selection and cause a vanity spiral, wasting shitloads and shitloads of bio-energy in the process.

Arakawa says:

In the age of mass media, vanity spiraling leads to demographic death spiral as everyone falls in love with imaginary anime girls / KPop boys. That’s the most probable reason why North Korea treats South Korean pop culture as memetic toxic waste.

Joe says:

Once a commie, always a commie.

The Cominator says:

Jim is an exception and how does this proposal which is just summing up what he has said before commie…

He wants to make a tragedy of the commons private property again, that is the opposite of communism.

Joe says:

He has a wonderful way with words, I will agree with that much. Not much in the way of results though.

The Cominator says:

You’re being cryptic… state your criticisms clearly.

Joe says:

He has not produced his combined uncensorable social network and payment system, nor has he enabled his many followers (who would love to destroy an evil enemy that by Jim’s own words is in real danger of killing every white person on the planet) to help him produce his combined uncensorable social network and payment system. He is capable of answering toy “Alice and Bob” type questions but is either incapable or unwilling to answer any questions that would help me or others to help him create his system.

To be blunt, I think he is full of shit.

jim says:

An uncensorable social network is a great deal of work and is not going to arrive any time soon.

It needs a fundamental foundation of a internet based on the Zooko triangle name system and resistant to DDoS, rather than the CA name system.

I have constructed the design document, and the BIP wallet that roots the Zooko names. Need to make a replacement for TCP-SSL, or at least adequate foundations for that replacement, before I get to the point where it would be useful to ask other people to help me on this project.

Only one man can construct the foundations – adding more people at this point would make the project slower, not faster.

And after I get to the point where I have a public repository, with the foundations available in that repository, then the big task begins.

Joe says:

adding more people at this point would make the project slower, not faster

My answer to you was already written when I read your comment. I present it in full.


I think that Jim will answer this according to the adage that adding people to a late project makes it later. This would make sense if the project had a deadline of a few weeks. But…

This was three months ago. Three months is enough time for an intelligent and motivated person to learn any single useful thing. Jim pretty much tells the guy to fuck off. I am less arrogant than Jim is so…

Now maybe Mister Grumpus is a useless moron and maybe he is not. But I have no way of knowing this. Therefore, I assigned him a book that is both difficult and valuable. If he can comprehend the book then he has proven his intelligence, and he also now has knowledge that is valuable.

If he can’t? Well he can still learn enough to shill the coin. A project like this needs people at all levels, even if just to beat the SJWs and women off Jim with a stick. I am of course assuming that Jim was a high-level project manager in chip design or software or some other technical field. This is a reasonable assumption to make given his confident “voice of God” way of speaking.

jim says:

I failed to respond to Grumpus back then.

Responding to him now.

A fuller response is needed.

Joe says:

You have noted before the high number of round trips needed for a TCP-SSL handshake. I assume then that at some stage you will tell us the precise reason for your complicated, multi-step, interactive Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

jim says:

It is in the documentation.

Albeit a key part of the documentation, the index and cross links, is unfinished.

Joe says:

True. I did not see that before.

Pooch says:

Jim, is there any way people will be able to be compensated for working on your project?

jim says:

Search for “liquidity event”, and “programmers want to be paid”

A proof of stake currency works like a startup company used to work before SOX – the founders get shares, then they get angel investors, and then with the angel investors money they pay early developers with shares and fiat.

But since SOX blew up that institutional and organizational structure, we have to recreate it, before we get paid.

Pooch says:

Got it. I am guessing early core developers will have more shares. I am interested.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This is not a substantial criticism of anything your interlocutor has said specifically, this is saying ‘why dont you give me a slice of cake’.

Joe says:

Would you like to think about what you have just said?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As the kids say: not an argument.

Joe says:

And neither are drone strikes, heavily armed flash mobs, or ten-ton tungsten poles falling from low earth orbit.

jim says:

First, foundations.

Then social networking software

Then a crypto currency such that social networking software carries money.

Then triple entry bookkeeping and sovereign corporations with their shares on their sidechain.

If everything falls apart, then these cryptographic tools will lead to anarcho capitalism and corporate feudalism. Then we get assassin drones and heavily armed flash mobs, but that is a worst case outcome several decades down the line.

As for ten ton tungsten poles falling from orbit, Musk is already in technological position to deliver those, but, not being a cryptographic organization, not in organizational position to deliver them.

jim says:

I fail to see the relevance of your link.

It is a big project. And I want to lay the foundations true before anyone else picks up a trowel, though the way things are going, they are only going to be the absolute minimum foundations.

The big flaw in everyone’s privacy software is that they are building on top of Certificate Authorities for human to human communications.

And the big flaw in every crypto currency is that the transaction metadata, the people conversing about the transactions, goes over identities based on certificate authorities.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>And neither are drone strikes, heavily armed flash mobs, or ten-ton tungsten poles falling from low earth orbit.

First, sort your schizophrenia out. Then come back with a cogent offering to the discourse.

Joe says:


This is not a substantial criticism of anything your interlocutor has said specifically, this is saying ‘why dont you give me a slice of cake’.

What, in anyone’s wildest imagination, you fucking schizo, can I possibly do to Jim to make him give me a slice of his cake?


As for ten ton tungsten poles falling from orbit, Musk is already in technological position to deliver those, but, not being a cryptographic organization, not in organizational position to deliver them.

Are you Elon Musk?

jim says:

> Are you Elon Musk?

Elon Musk is building rockets.

I am preparing to build organizational forms that can resist social decay.

Organizations of this form may well respond to continued social decay by dropping rockets on people’s heads.

linker says:

You could stop being rude, unhinged, and cryptic. Just be nice and say what you have to say. You started off with COMMIE FAGGOT NIGGER!!! and then days later explained what your tantrum was about (Jim not giving the time of day to some random dude who said he wanted to help create the most advanced crypto currency of all time but had zero computer science knowledge (months ago))

Joe says:


If Jim wants me to fuck off then all he has to do is hit that mod button and the problem will be solved.

jim says:

You are an irritating asshole, but your comments on the problem are somewhat relevant.

Now if you could read the documentation, your comments might become more relevant. The documentation is at least, most of the way there.

I don’t want to make the full git repository public yet, but if you informatively and usefully critique to documentation, I will break it out as git submodule and make that public.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>im gonna make a ruckus and i dare you to do something about it, teehee

You have estrogen poisoning femboy.

Joe says:


Now if you could read the documentation, your comments might become more relevant.

Please do not read any sarcasm into this, but it is on my list of things to do.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ten-ton tungsten poles falling from low earth orbit are a great argument, as are drone strikes and heavily armed flash mobs. If you have the organization and the legitimacy to utilize them, they make very compelling points that your opponents will be hard-pressed to overcome. Argumentum ad Bacculum may not be a legitimate logical argument, but it’s still persuasive, and people are not rational actors.

If High Inquisitor Jim hands the launch keys for ten-ton tungsten poles falling from low earth orbit to Caesar, people are going to find Caesar’s other points that much more valid. Acting like that isn’t significant is a fool’s argument.

linker says:

gamma male

Joe says:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Please leave Teddy Spaghetti’s silly little system on his trash blog where it belongs.

Starman says:


Is this a white-knight I see here?

Ace says:

Tradcons are consistently pigheaded and delusional about women. It’s very frustrating as Christianity is a very patriarchal religion. I think a lot of them are more like National-Christians where the American civic religion that includes women being free is more important than actual Christianity.

Joe says:

You two are even more retarded than you were a month ago. It is fascinating watching in real time how the holiness spiral affects even people who are aware of it and make efforts to be on the periphery of it.

In before Jim puts me in the moderation queue again.

Nacho says:

Calling someone a gamma male is the most gamma male thing there is.

Karl says:

I doubt that your statement “women have not been subject to selective pressures on their sexual behavior since we looked rather like apes” is true as the sexual behaviour of women seems to be rather universal.

If all women are like that and have always been like that, this by itself is a strong reason to suspect that this behaviour is the result of selection pressure, isn’t it?

Sure, all women alive are decendants of women who have not had (much) sexual choice, but as you explain above sexual behavior of women also involves shit tests, for example.

Shit testing is a strategy of looking for a strong man who forces her to submit. I assume women have been shit testing men ever since we looked like apes (shit testing might vary in strength and look slightly different depending on culture, but I do think it is universal)

Thousands of years of arranged mariages have not bred shit testing out of the gene pool. It rather looks like that genes that prevent women to shit test were removed from the gene pool whenever they showed up.

Gestahlt says:

The “shit test” isn’t a discrete thing. Rather, it’s the active face of how women interact with dominance hierarchies (with beauty display being the passive face). It can not be removed from their sex any more than male horseplay (active hierarchy interaction) and loyalty (passive hierarchy interaction) can be removed from ours. Interestingly, the active female interaction and the male passive interaction are those that work through proxies (the male victim of the shit test for the female and the social group for the male) while competition between females is passive but active between men.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Thousands of years of arranged mariages have not bred shit testing out of the gene pool.

Rather, that is exactly why it hasn’t ‘bred out’; female reproduction is almost guaranteed. Which is why there is much less selection against maladaptive traits in women than in men.

A histrionic woman causes trouble, but the mannerbund compels her to behave, because a man needs a woman – and thus the marginal drift passes over successive generations.

Gestahlt says:

The shit test is supremely adaptive, though. Monogamous mate provisioning is an imposed social technology that exists to reduce the efficacy of female sexual selection.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I didn’t exactly specify what it was maladative *for*.

But im implying it.

>I doubt that your statement “women have not been subject to selective pressures on their sexual behavior since we looked rather like apes” is true as the sexual behaviour of women seems to be rather universal.

You don’t understand gene pools. The gene pool mutates; sexual behavior still falls on a bell curve. Think of the appendix. The variance doesn’t necessarily go to infinity. And btw I seem to observe much more variance in female sexual behavior than in male.

I think Jim hit it on the nose with that comment. It explains why women seem to only have half-working sexualities. Sure, what functions in her is outdated cavewoman BS, but sometimes they just have retarded impulses that definitely seem mutated that involves them just shutting down.

The Cominator says:

Throughout most of our history female sexual choice has 90% only been when they were sneaking around and cucking their husband or owner.

ERTZ says:

“Everything in the bible about sex is a commentary, explanation, or clarification of the final commandment’s application to sex, marriage and children:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

That demands forsaking of envy.
This will not be successful, it’s a core trait of human nature and the basis of the whole modern economy (basic needs are all met in the developed world, only aspiration for luxuries to satisfy hedonism and social status – and of course sex – remain as positive motivators).

I’m grateful that you taught me the insight of a practical application of religion as a social technology:
Enabling and keeping control and dominance over women by tapping into our evolved primate psychology through referencing to an “invincible” top-alpha as having ordained patriarchy and other social rules: Works for controlling children as well as women.

It exploits evolved instincts and thus can work well.
But a proposed socio-political system that rejects envy seems to me destined to fail.
Napoleon said that religions exist to prevent the poor from killing the rich – achieving this religions often failed and still fail.

Envy is too important:
Its biological function is to prevent self-extinction by creating motivation to catch up to, or destroy, those who have or can do better/more.
If one were to lack envy, one would not care that others surpass oneself in the struggle of natural and sexual selection,
thus accepting one’s own extinction without resistance. Such a trait apparently cannot be stable in organisms, it’s self-destructive.

I’m personally irked by your insistence on “cooperation”.
I grew up as a child attending commie schools (last few years of GDR) where this was a mantra, effectively meaning officially enforced altruism and anti-individualism;
I have found it a common catchphrase of commies and leftists of all ilks who gave/give it the meaning of anti-competitiveness and rejection of any aspirations of superiority as condemnable.

It’s an ambiguous word,
its spectrum of meaning reaching from “temporal mutual furtherance of a common temporary goal despite unceasing mutual antagonism” over reciprocity (apparently required in an economy based on specialization like ours) to universal altruism (which is impossible, as the cow who gives her milk to everybody who asks first kills her calf and then herself).

I think total cooperation cannot exist – conflict is everywhere, seems inseparable from life and even consciousness:
From large to tiny, top to bottom, everywhere is conflict: Between species, states, governments, factions/groups, families (and inside them!), individuals – even inside our own minds, as different brain modules desire conflicting goals and actions simultaneously (eat pizza vs. not eat pizza).

Everything good, strong and smart we are today we are not by helping each other, but by killing each other.

Partial cooperation exists because partially cooperating groups can enslave or exterminate groups incapable of doing so,
and because individual humans are too short-lived and incompetent to do everything useful well alone, requiring specialization and reciprocative exchange of the fruits of specialization, thus increasing individual and group welfare.
Economically, the fruits of specialization can be redistributed by taxes and welfare systems to even support quality of life of those who are unable to meaningfully contribute: One cause of conflict, economic inequality, may be possible to be abolished – but that means nothing much:
Driven by specialization and science, the economy is a non-zero-sum game: Everybody can be better off through (partial) cooperation.
But social status and sex are a zero-sum game: One can only gain what others lose.
And so are personal sovereignty+personal security FROM others: Mutual distrust and suspicion,vigilance can never end.

Conflict is everywhere.
There is only war.

jim says:

I don’t have any problem with envy. I have big problems with lust, gluttony, and wrath.

So I don’t see what you see. People who cause problems out of envy seem to be a minority, however a minority that is grossly empowered by our state religion, which makes envy a sacrament.

Marxism is based on envy: The peasant that has two cows while you only have one cow supposedly does not have the extra cow because he is good at husbanding resources, but because Wall Street assigned him the extra cow.

But as soon as people stopped being actually hungry, economic Marxism lost its appeal and fell on deaf ears. Appeals to envy just don’t seem to be all that effective.

Progressivism and Cultural Marxism appeals to status envy, but people are always hungry for status, and progressivism actually delivers status to undeserving people. Progressivism actually gets its troops, for example the Human Resources commissar, by actually delivering status, rather than by appeasing envy by destroying white male status, even though destroying white male status is central to its ideology and program. “Western Civilization has got to go.”

linker says:

> This will not be successful, it’s a core trait of human nature and the basis of the whole modern economy (basic needs are all met in the developed world, only aspiration for luxuries to satisfy hedonism and social status – and of course sex – remain as positive motivators).

Where is the welfare system that gives me a free apartment in a good location and healthy food and a wife? Or if I am strawmanning you and you are just saying that these things are easier to get today than before, can you give an example of a nation where it was significantly more difficult to meet your basic needs? I am finding it non-trivial to meet my basic needs and I am perfectly healthy with >130 IQ. We certainly have better things today, but it’s still non-trivial to get those things, and they cost a lot of money, and there are many new roadblocks like a massive authoritarian communist government charging insane taxes and requiring licenses to do anything, not to mention making normal sexual relations illegal.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Will-to-greatness is not driven by enviousness.

Whose moon landing were the Apollo engineers envious of?

Relational comparisonship can in some ways *contribute* to a drive for greatness, but greatness above all comes from an aesthetic desire for greatness, qua greatness. It comes from ability to consciously participate in more transcendent teleologies; that is to say, natural nobility.

Enviousness does not say ‘i want something’, it says ‘i want you to not have something’.

Every good civilization culls the envious.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Extended: the basic problem here is that you are trying to redefine productive competitiveness as zero-sum leftism. Maybe that isn’t what you intended to do; but it is what you did do.

Competitiveness is not enviousness. Men who are competitive with each other are not envious of each other.

This is one reason why for many men i recommend they take up a combat sport, such as grappling, because you can perceive these sorts of things demonstrated in clearly obvious ways in these contexts; where many otherwise would not have the grace to figure it out as well on their own without a good deal of such experience.

The Cominator says:

“Every good civilization culls the envious.”

You cannot wipe out envy entirely, you can and should wipe out religious and ideological memeplexes built on envy by any means necessary. They absolutely should not be tolerated.

jim says:

You can however make envy evil, stupid, and low status, instead of a holy sacrament and the supreme virtue.

Aidan says:

Exactly. Male cooperation is hard to define with binary terms. It’s more intuitive than that. If you’ve ever been on a sports team, you know exactly how it works. Cooperation and competition are not at all opposites. Might have multiple men on the same team training to outdo each other and prove themselves, but when it’s game time, when you’re up against the other tribe, supposed to work together. Infighting on the team is a sign that something has gone very wrong, and its immediately distinguishable from friendly rivalry and male banter.

Envy, in this case, is the guy who wants to break the team captain’s knees, even though he stands no chance of being the next captain, or who tries to change the rules so that the better players miss out on the glory.

Pooch says:

The Chauvin verdict seems like a de-facto white male purge from the urban police forces. Expect to see a lot more blacks filling up the rank and file now.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Good. Fuck the police; they are our enemies. A general purge of white men from the military and paramilitary forces means vastly less competent opposition. A purge gives us more recruits. It means that our ability to misbehave is improved and their ability to recognize and obstruct us is lessened.

Pooch says:

If there was any reason to be in cities this is just another reason on a long list to get the fuck out of there. Black criminals running amok with black cops standing around doing nothing is going to be the norm. Full on South Africa Johannesburg status.

The other thing this verdict shows is Kyle Rittenhouse is fucked but it was obvious already that defending yourself from blacks/Antifa is illegal.

The Cominator says:

Rittenhouses video looks better and we actually care about him. We’ll see if Rittenhouse is convicted the holiness spiral goes full Rhodesia fast.

Pooch says:

He will be 100% convicted. Laws don’t matter any more.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The only way Rittenhouse gets off is if men like us smokecheck the piece of shit district artorney and judge, and let it be known that’s what’s going to keep happening until the charges are dropped. Since the chances of that happening are essentially nil, the kid is fucked.

The Cominator says:

Rittenhouse is a good line in the sand to draw for rightist in Kenosha and areas around..

Chauvin who is an enemy agent is no concern of ours.

Ace says:

>Chauvin who is an enemy agent is no concern of ours.

Truth, but he wasn’t guilty. The conviction was about ending fair trials and making every jury trail a kangaroo court case for the left.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

True, but that was a forgone conclusion. They are doing Soviet-style show trials, but that means that people now associate the US legal system with the Soviet system. It hurts them more than it hurts us, because we had no illusions that Chauvin was going to get a fair trial. The more their legitimacy rests on open, naked force, the less secure their position becomes. Every law case has been a kangaroo court for the left since the morning of November 4th. After that, you should not have expected a fair hearing from the police.

Ace says:

>The more their legitimacy rests on open, naked force, the less secure their position becomes.

That’s delusional. They’ve been empowered by this. The destructions of good institutions helps them.

Worse people are adopting the new woke demon faith out of fear and will cloak their evil actions they are required to commit in righteous words. This is setting the stage for murder on a massive scale. Once a man has done evil in the name of good, there is no limit to the evil he will commit. The woke religion grows in power with every human sacrifice.

>They are doing Soviet-style show trials, but that means that people now associate the US legal system with the Soviet system.

We’ve had soviet style show trials for a while now, it’s called family court. This was a human sacrifice, not a show trial.

Pooch says:

The more their legitimacy rests on open, naked force, the less secure their position becomes.

This was the case in the late Roman Republic for the elite against the Populares until eventually Caesar toppled them.

Ace says:

It won’t work. Christens low keyed lone wolf killed abortion doctors for a long time but all that happened is the state executed them for it. Similar things have happened with family courts and they continue to sacrifice men’s children to their demons.

You need a real organized military group to create the intimidation factor and no such origination exists or is likely to exist with the FBI infiltrating everything currently.

Short of a military coup, Kyle is going to die.

Pooch says:

He would need a large posse of men in arms to physically go to the jail where he’s being held and tell the Sheriff Kyle is walking out of the easy way or the hard way. This used to happen in with the bank robbing gangs of the early west frontier era.

Pooch says:

If he’s convicted, he needs to survive long enough in jail to be freed even if we get a coup in a few decades.

Ron says:

“Men like us smokecheck”

Fed informant.

Ace says:

>Rittenhouses video looks better and we actually care about him. We’ll see if Rittenhouse is convicted the holiness spiral goes full Rhodesia fast.

No way he’s not convicted now. They’ll riot and expose the jury’s identities and then they’ll vote guilty.

It has to be high status for a man to embrace the danger of defying the mob and it’s clearly low status to do so. Juries will be rubber stamps from here on out.

The Cominator says:

Id be honored to take the risk on behalf of Rittenhouse, i wouldn’t for Chauvin.

Ace says:

It would be a hill worth dying on.

The Cominator says:

I think a lot of people feel the same way, i dont care if they put a fucking gun to my head and say vote Kyle guilty or die id tell em to go fuck themselves.

Thats why i think Kyle has a chance.

Pooch says:

It’ll be all blacks and liberal white women on the jury anyway.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

More importantly, it’s a hill worth killing over.

Ace says:

They’re going to up the price with Kyle. They’ll go after their families if they refuse. In which case a groups must be formed prepared to defense such people’s families from attack.

Pooch says:

More importantly, it’s a hill worth killing over.

Bro, easy with the fedposting.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

So dying is good, but killing isn’t?

By all means be sensitive to ‘so how about we BOMB A FEDERAL BUILDING my fellow NSA monitors’, but boosting the meme energy for holy war is pleasing to The Lord.

The Cominator says:

Pseudo its a careful balance normally we should not be explicit but the defense of saint kyle needs to be a line in the sand…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Pooch, it’s going to come down to it sooner or later. That’s the cold, hard truth. It’s them or us. Ace is saying the same thing I am, just that he is more polite and indirect. Peace was never an option.

Don’t run off without a plan or backup and just start shooting things up, but start making sure you have the means to defend yourself if it comes down to it. If and when they come for you, bleed them, and make them pay for every inch.

Ron says:

“A hill worth killing over”

Definitely a fed informant. Congratulations guys on getting the attention of our beloved secret police.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, and the proper response to a black/leftist attack is to go scorched earth and kill everyone. You might as well, as you are fucked either way. Insult one, and its life in prison. Kill two dozen and… it’s life in prison. Might as well bag yourself a few cops while you are at it.

Pooch says:

Don’t do that. That is bad for the rest of us. We on the right need legitimate authority to do violence.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If the mob comes for me, my concern for the wider right is gone. My life is over, and I’ll take as many down with me as I can. My authority is they fucked with me. Might make them think twice before they go fuck with the next guy.

Pooch says:

I’m doing the same, but it should be a last resort.

Ace says:

>Might make them think twice before they go fuck with the next guy.

It won’t because it will be reported as a while male terrorist goes on a shoot spree for no reason. Deterrence’s works from the family level, not the lone wolf level.

Pooch says:

That’s true, the facts will be completely inverted and no one would ever know the true story unless it was recorded like Kyle.

G.T. Chesterton says:

All facts ever did was to buy Kyle enough donations to pay his bail. Facts didn’t sway the cops or DA, and won’t sway the jury.

Legitimate authority means nothing. The left have no legitimacy, but they’re winning because they took the authority. Authority will have to be taken back, not given.

If the mob comes for me, my concern for the wider right is gone

If the mob comes for you, the right have failed you and are owed nothing. 90% will turn on you anyway.

G.T. Chesterton says:

The biggest thing Kyle has going for him, is he didn’t shoot any niggers. A not-guilty verdict will not decisively result in Burning Looting and Mayhem.

Ron says:


And what would have been their reaction if everyone in that state decided to go on a week long strike?

What would happen of hundreds of thousands of people took the time out of their lives to spend a day protesting whats being done to him?

Why are they not protesting in front of every media building, courthouse, and political institution?

Pooch says:

The right can’t mass demonstrate. That only applies to the left because they get complete institutional support behind them. Charlottesville and 1/6 proved that. We win when Caesar marches an army of professional soldiers on Rome.

G.T. Chesterton says:

Much as we love to believe we’re irreplaceable [to the economy], we’re not. If we strike too often or too long, they’ll just H-1B 100million “high IQ” Asian holdovers until the AI robot force is ready for prime time.

But mainly, demonstrating and protesting are gay and weak. That’s why the left are so proficient at it. Our ancestors assembled for battle, not whining about our God-given rights being stolen by some cunt politician.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

More specifically, protesting is fake; astroturfs arranged for underlining an outcome that is already decided upon.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That is to say, the perception that leftist protesting causes effects arises from the fact that the protesting is fake.

Ron says:

“ scorched earth and kill everyone. You might as well, as you are fucked either way”

You people are disgusting. And by “you people” i mean you vermin in the “intelligence services”. Your vile incitements to violence on this blog are a perfect example of why the CIA and the FBI both have to be defunded ASAP.

Cant believe i was so foolish as to think you animals were the “good guys”.

Ace says:

Kyle being screwed makes me very sad. A boy doing a man’s job in an age of cowards and liars and he will be offered up as a human sacrifice to the woke demon gods.

Pooch says:

He will be martyr’d and it is sad but it will make us stronger. Every bad ass Eddie Gallagher type special forces guy I follow on social media loves the kid. White ex-military (and probably white current military) are going to be pissed the fuck off.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Except for the Black Cuck Coffee Company fags. Fuck them for throwing him under the bus.

Pooch says:

Yeah but I won’t go too hard on them. In private they probably love Kyle, if they show it in public they likely get banned from payment processors, banks, etc. Being a conservative business owner is defacto illegal.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, they were shitting on him in private, too, and the company owner was donating to ActBlue. They tried to walk it back afterwards, but they showed their true colors when that happened.

Pooch says:

I hadn’t heard that. Just about every ex-military training influencer (I follow a lot of them for gun tips) was defending Kyle back when it happened. Several donated to his defense.

G.T. Chesterton says:

After showing their true colors, people started questioning Black Cuck’s origins, and found the familiar tune: Some (((guys))) nobody ever heard of, came out of nowhere, and happened to raise many millions in startup cash for a product nobody ever asked for, and were “very successful.”

Ron says:

You still have the right to freedom of speech. Use it.

Donate to his cause, spread word if what is being done to him. March, gather, protest. Take a stand.

Every action of the enemy comes at a cost. Energy costs. Make them work for it.

For example, do you think “wulfgar thundercock” does this for free? Hell no. He gets a nice paycheck, he has a fine team of well paid animals helping him. This costs money and time.

Did the Poles free themselves of communism by blowing uo buildings or by taking a stand, again and again and again? Did the Russians have a full blown civil war or did they all collectively realize they hated living in a tyranny?

Take a stand using your free speech. Make going after Kyle as hard and difficult as you can. The call to violence or despair is what the enemy lives for. Because this is not just a war of ideas it is also a war of conviction and nerves. They want us to break and lose either our patience or our nerve because thst justifies their evil.

linker says:

I am black pilled too but it is slightly hysterical to say the US will get as bad as South Africa.

1. SA is 90% black. US is 10% black and 50% white.
2. Whites cannot pop off in SA because US will send in the military to carpet nuke them.
3. South Africans are not on “death ground”, they can hypothetically emigrate. 150 million Americans can not emigrate.

Other reasons too. US is huge and diverse.

Pooch says:

I watched an interesting documentary of Johannesburg a while ago and private security is hired extensively. The black police force were rarely in sight and would only come out if the private security were too rough on the criminals. Apparently also catching and beating thieves with sticks was frowned up and would get black property owners arrested who engaged in it.

onyomi says:

Do the white South Africans remain pozzed in their attitudes or is there just nothing they can do about it beyond e.g. buying bars, hiring private security, etc.? It’s incredible to me that they even stay there, though obviously the pull of home is very strong for many.

Pooch says:

It was a BBC documentary about crime and the only white featured in it besides the shitlib interviewer from London was a guy who owned one of the private security firms. The blacks he came into contact with all respected him. His black employees respected him highly as a good leader and had no problem doing violence to other blacks for the good of the business. He also cut deals with local drug dealing gangs who he promised to leave alone as long as they left his clients alone. They viewed him as a peer. He reminded me of a sort of mafia boss. I’ll see if I can dig up the link.

onyomi says:

I was wondering more about the private opinions of white South Africans, of whom I personally know very few.

Reziac says:

The handful of SA folks I know … love their country and don’t want to leave, plus it’s very expensive to do so, beyond most the means of most working people; or they can’t leave elder family who don’t believe it’s that bad or whose health wouldn’t survive such an adventure. Also, they get along well with the coloreds (Khoi-San and mixed) but fear what’s coming from the blacks (Zulus etc.) It should be pointed out that the blacks are not native to SA, but rather are recent … first as imported labor, now as conquerors.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is simply – but certainly not merely – an official acknowledgement of what was already being implicitly dogwhistled; that the right of a coked up sub-saharan to break into your store and hassle you, now supersedes your right to not have him do that.

To predict what exact points when such examples would be made would be trying to pin the tail on the donkey; that there *would* be such examples made, as the interfacing teleologies of history continue in their course, though, are all but certainties.

The Cominator says:

Don’t know about the source but it looks like the fbi does indeed encourage mentally unstable tards to do mass shootings.

Ace says:

This isn’t new information, I’ve read about such behavior by the FBI since 2005. Every terrorist bust the FBI does is someone, or some group they’ve groomed and they specifically target the mentally ill for it.

The open is question is the fake terrorists that they group and arrest, the same program that encourages mass shootings that they don’t intended to arrest? There’s evidence of this from the Draw Mohamad attack:

Since this particular program has been kept secret, it’s likely the FBI is killing any reporter that puts the pieces together.

Ace says:

>hat they group and arrest

Create and arrest

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Popular governance’ is governance by pretext. Occulted sovereigns cannot simply proclaim that such-and-such be done – for this would expose the occultation, demotism, that such sorts of sovereigns can operate under – a pretext must be manufactured for it.

‘Emergency measures’ for ’emergency situations’ – catastrophes they themselves perpetrate in the first place. Lurching crazily from one contingency to the next.

Ace says:

@Wulfgar stop your fed posting bullshit. I’m beginning to think you’re a glowie.

linker says:

I concur. Shit it is getting super suss and he’s like egging Cominator on to post more extreme stuff. There is no need to talk about stuff like that, that’s shit that gets misinterpreted and gets you vanned.

The Cominator says:

The most suspect stuff was him going on a rape spree on a college campus…

Im not indicating im going to do anything… proud boys and similar groups need to do something about the Rittenhouse situation.

linker says:

Come on dude. Don’t even say stuff like that. That will be presented as you encouraging that. I know you’re not and there’s no proud boys reading, but why even post it. Some things are better left unsaid. Both the rape spree stuff and the Kyle stuff was very suspect.

The Cominator says:

Saying someone should do something is not enough for a good case. Im not planning anything.

linker says:

Are you kidding me? Either you are a federal agent or you are displaying extreme autistic retardation. You say “The law doesn’t matter anymore!” over and over and then say “we’ll technically I said nothing illegal :)”. The State did not have a good case against Chauvin or Kyle either! We do not want them to have a good. We do not want them to have a bad case. We do not want attention, or media, or scrutiny, or a glownigger infestation, or “edginess”. We just want to talk about philosophy and social technology and other innocuous things, not going “I hope X person smokechecks Y person btw it would be funny if you went on a rape spree I’m not telling you to do it though xD”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The “Someone Should Do Something” passive voice is the kind of deniable memeing that has been used since before recorded history. Kings have used it, patricians have used it, leftists use it, you can use it.

‘Will noone rid me of this turbulent priest?… in minecraft.’

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>We just want to talk about philosophy and social technology and other innocuous things

If your intention is to discuss functional philosophy and social technology, then nothing will be less innocuous, in our most current of years.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This is precisely the issue, linker. Pointing out that the dominant religion is hideous, evil, and will lead to our extinction is the least innocuous thing that you can do in current year. Discussing philosophy when you are living in a demonic theocracy is a direct affront to the powers that be. The Cathedral doesn’t consider discussion of anything but, “how evil are white males, amirite,” to be innocuous. You can’t discuss video games without them showing up to make sure you know how evil whites are. You think we are safe here?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com isn’t a fed, and he’s been here a lot longer than you have. Show a little respect.

Dave says:

Be ready for trouble but don’t go looking for it. I feel sorry for Kyle too, but he was looking for trouble in Kenosha and he found it.

Stand back and let the cities burn. We can rebuild and repopulate them when the Democrats are done killing each other off.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, that’s for sure. Get out if you can. There are maybe five people I’d show up to bail out, and that’s because they are family, or because they would do the same.

I disagree with you on Kyle. Trouble invaded his town and he, in the best tradition of the West, stood up to defend his community. He didn’t go looking for it. It was shipped in to burn his community. Had he hidden in his house he might have avoided charges, but then he was still going to have to deal with the aftermath. We should never look down on him or countersignal him.

Ace says:

>Be ready for trouble but don’t go looking for it. I feel sorry for Kyle too, but he was looking for trouble in Kenosha and he found it.

Kyle was absolutely not looking for trouble. The leftist were and they tried to make an example out of him by beating him to death while he was armed. Everything after that was survival as the enraged leftist mobs tried to murder him for killing their boy rapping faggot they sent to kill Kyle.

Pooch says:

The system has Kyle and there’s nothing we can do for Him now except hope that some populist politician picks up his cause and if he gets convicted that he stays alive in jail long enough for Caesar to free him.

The lesson is don’t end up in his position because due process is gone now. I’m not sure if it was naivety or knowingly giving up his life but we should not forget his heroic sacrifice. I’m afraid we will see more martyrs like him and Ashli Babbitt before we are through the leftist singularity.

Pooch says:

On a side note, Desantis signed into law his anti-riot act where it’s basically legal to shoot and drive through rioters. Would be epic if that law was put to the test.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Desantis signed into law his anti-riot act where it’s basically legal to shoot and drive through rioters.

That’s not a real law. It might be written in a law book somewhere, but it will never protect a single “domestic terrorist” from the consequences of hatefully defending himself against holy Leftists and subhumans.

The Cominator says:

Actually in Florida it just merely reinforces existing Stand Your Ground law its often said down here that Saint Kyle never would have been charged (he could have been charged for open carrying which is not allowed in Florida in most circumstances, Florida is a concealed carry state).

Florida is not very holy…

Karl says:

Cominator, there is no point any more of bothering whether what you say would make a good case.

That’s normaitly bias. Laws no longer matter.

If any of us is identified, the charge will be heresy (although that word won’t be used), and you’ll be found guilty.
Arguing the fine points of what was written or not, is lawyering which can only help as long as laws matter.

Joe says:

Lawyering today is ranking of holiness.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I wasn’t going to go on a rape spree. That would be stupid and crazy, and I am neither. I didn’t even start that line of thought. I was talking about taking and holding a woman, not establishing an army or a gang. Its not a terrible idea for a band of men, but it wouldn’t work for me.

What I was pointing out is that girls on a college campus have a tendency to wear damn near nothing and walk out and about alone at night. They know what they are looking for, and we know what they are looking for. I’m just pointing out that fact, not telling you all to go nuts and start a war on the Cathedral’s temples. Again, I’m not a fucking idiot. And honestly, if you are stupid enough to go do something like that, you aren’t the kind of person who sits around here having esoteric political conversations.

linker says:

Ctrl F “Wulfgar” and read every post on this page and tell me he is not SUS!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Fuck off. This isn’t Among Us.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It isn’t fedposting. I used to glow, but I left when I realized how evil they are. Hit me with the Red Pill Question or the Nicene Creed Question if you doubt me.

Ace says:

Urging violence is fed posting.

You used to glow? WTF is that shit?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Alright then let me be clear: unless you have an army or a gang, do not go looking for violence. I assumed that was a given. Organized violence is the only kind that works, and none of us are part of something like that as far as I know.

It means that I used to be on the fringes of the security/intelligence state. Until I found out what evil fuckers they were and told them all to go suck a dick and die. Burned that bridge as effectively as any man ever could. So any familiarity with the way they work is from past experience, but I am as far from that life as I can get.

If you have a problem with me or think I am a fed, feel free to ask any questions you need.

Ace says:

>So any familiarity with the way they work is from past experience, but I am as far from that life as I can get.

>>More importantly, it’s a hill worth killing over.

Honestly dude, you sound like a Fed informant. I’ve seen this sort of encouragement to get someone to say something stupid before in cases were the FBI setup a group for a fake terrorism charge.

Chill out with that sort of stuff if you are you claim you are. I’m not into witch hunting and determining what you are but incitement to violence should not be going on here.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

With all the shit we say and the hatefacts in this very post, if the FBI wanted to roll us all up I’m sure they could figure out some reason. It’s not as if they are above straight up fabricating evidence, or lying that they have it when they don’t. Look at Michael Flynn. If they wanted us gone, they would need to pay someone to fedpost here. They would just slap federal charges on us and destroy our lives.

They’re going to up the price with Kyle. They’ll go after their families if they refuse. In which case a groups must be formed prepared to defense such people’s families from attack.

You have more direct language to form up an armed group than I do in my post, but we both know that you aren’t calling for anyone to go kill people. My quote is in the same vein. I’m not inciting anyone to violence, because everyone here is smart enough to know better. It does not need to be said not to go killing people, because everyone here knows better.

linker says:

That’s a bunch of bullshit rationalizations. You won’t get rolled up for saying red pilled things like “the black white IQ gap is real, legalize rape, women over 21 have no eggs”. You will be portrayed as inciting violence when you say “I hope “MEN LIKE US” smokecheck “, yeah anarcho tyranny is real, but it’s just obviously true that the latter will get you in more trouble. You are denying reality. Sounds like you are encouraging us to do violent actions. I don’t know if that was your intention, but that’s what we perceive, and you are doubling down saying that your behavior is perfectly benign, admirable, and even “King-like“. Sounds like you are encouraging us to mimic your glowie rhetoric and Cominator is falling for it.

linker says:

Yeah Derek Chauvin, Michael Flynn, James Fields, Martin Shkreli, Ricky Vaughn the capitol trespassers, and the guy at Unite the Right who forgot his email address, were all rolled up for being too red pilled on the Woman Question. The government just sends people who discuss philosophy and tweet edgy things to prison. Therefore if you are posting maximally red pilled stuff, you are already public enemy number one, and you might as well post things that seemingly encourage violence.


The Cominator says:

Those people became either targets of hatred either for the leftist mob or powerful people in DC (Vaughn is the only one in trouble only for edgy shitposting, BAP says he was so good at nuclear shitposts it traumatized a number of powerful people to the point they made getting him personal). Shkreli had arguably other crimes but putting (edgy or not) a big bounty on a lock of Hillary Clinton’s hair was the straw that broke the camels back.

Saying someone should do something hypothetically unlikely to draw too much attention (for all anyone in the government knows you’re some shill for some other part of the government anyway). Now if you are talking explicitly about whacking high value targets in specific terms yeah that would be different.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What do all of those people have in common? They are heretics from the state church. Burn Loot Murder and Antifa murdered people and the only punishment meted out was to those who dared to defend themselves from their attempted killers. Every. Single. One. Of those prosecutions is politically motivated and driven by the fact that they disagreed in some way with the ruling elite. James Fields was convicted of murder for driving a car in the vicinity of a fat bitch having a heart attack. Michael Flynn did nothing wrong, and they flat out invented evidence to charge him. The rest have similar stories.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am not encouraging you to do violent actions. I am pointing out that with the law as toothless and neutered as it it is, only power will shift the outcome. It does not matter one bit what the law says when the mob will lunch the jury if they come to the conclusion that the law says they should. It would take pretty brutal work to change that. I was not the only one to point this out, I am merely the least veiled about it. A few others said it, just not as directly as I did.

Also, I didn’t say a thing about being “King-like.” Quit putting words in my mouth. Read my words, not what you think you see in my words, and comment on what I actually said.

Ace says:

So here’s my analysis of the Floyd trial(and make no mistake, this was about Floyd not Chauvin):

People are scared. There’s a violent new religion rampaging in the streets, supported by the authorities and there’s absolutely no one with the power willing to stop them. But no man likes to be a coward. So instead of being a coward and sending an innocent man to jail they convert to Woke Demon Worship. They convict a Chauvin, a monster simply for being white and trying to arrest a black criminal. They gain status, protect themselves and their family, and they feel holy for sacrificing Chauvin to their demon god George Floyd.

This is much worse than the fall of the Roman Republic. Rome’s religion was dead by then and the courts becoming corrupt was a sign of that. This is a living, breathing, demon worshiping human sacrifice religion that’s gaining power. The whole apparatus of state justice now operates on the basis of holy or not. The holy are set free and the unholy are punished while people will cheer this in the street for it’s better to join the cult than to be consumed by it.

When the only game in town is convert or die, even if you suspect they’re going to kill you later, people will convert in the millions.

The Cominator says:

Yes the roman state religion had been purged of most of its demon worshipping elements when its structural entropy set in. We are getting structural entropic collapse at a time of growing demon worship.

suones says:

…the roman state religion had been purged of most of its demon worshipping elements when its structural entropy set in.

In other words, Rome turned its back on mos maiorum, and then mysteriously the glory began to fade. No connection at all. And absolutely no connection to various desert demon cults being imported and adopted wholesale.

Pooch says:

The religion is much more demonic than the fall of the Roman Republic, but the fundamental dynamic is the same:

The ruling elite is using their slave class proxies to commit political violence against the plebeian class in order to maintain power.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>instead of being a coward and sending an innocent man to jail they convert to Woke Demon Worship.

They are being intimidated, and caving to intimidation, by convicting Chauvin – men in situations like Chauvin’s.

They could cave to intimidation, while still retaining their more adaptive beliefs in private; but that would mean admitting – to themselves – that they were *caving to intimidation*; and they can’t stand that.

What happens then instead is they will convert to wokism in toto, so they can tell themselves, that they’re convicting him because he is an *anathema*; that they are convicting him because they *want* to.

Thus may a cult on the upswing in power gain many of convert.

Ace says:

Exactly. This is a very cleaver way of gaining fully invested converts. Get them to commit an act of evil and then tell them doing evil is good and boom you have the faithful and righteous believers in the new faith. It’s why Demon worship is so effective. Once having committed this act of evil they can never leave the cult and they gain status by increasing these acts of evil.

Dave says:

Being a demon-worshiper is far worse than being a coward, but I guess people don’t realize that when they’re raised in a mildly demonic religion that gradually turns extremely demonic.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Being a demon-worshiper is far worse than being a coward

Maybe so, but it feels much better.

Dave says:

So does gay sex, but for anyone with a proper Christian upbringing, there’s a high potential barrier, a hill of revulsion, between one’s present state and faggotry/demon-worship.

Atavistic Morality says:

You lost me here, gay sex doesn’t feel good, gay sex or any insinuation of it is physically repugnant and rage inducing. You must have not been approached by a faggot or a tranny, you’d understand why muslims throw them from roofs and hang them from cranes. Respectable and understandable.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, its one of those gut-level feelings like you stepped in shit or ate rotten food. A total body revulsion reaction. How can it even feel that good, anyway? You are fucking a hairy man’s butthole, not some smooth, lithe woman’s pussy. its sterile and gross. It would be like eating microwaved shit: the microwave killed the bacteria, but it’s still shit.

The whole thing is as wrong as two boys fucking. Every moment you are going at it, there is part of your biological programming screaming into your soul. It feels so good, that fags have to mainline immense amounts of drugs and alcohol to cope with it? Nah, its just that once you start, you get trapped in it. Any enjoyment is just a cope.

Dave says:

The hill is much too high to see over and your visceral reaction shuts off rational thought. Gay sex wouldn’t exist if it didn’t feel good. Faggot behavior reveals that homosex is intensely pleasurable but unsatisfying, like constantly eating cake and ice cream and still being hungry (and eventually, obese and diabetic too).

Atavistic Morality says:

There is no rational thought when we are talking about sensations and feelings.

Because faggots do their faggotry you’re assuming it must feel good, however this line of thinking is stupid. It’s like assuming that because a group of blind people say that a car is red, well, then it must be red! You should experience and observe by yourself, I’m telling you it’s not pleasurable, it’s disgusting, the thought by itself repulsive, the minimal innuendo enough to provoke a strong reaction. You’d know if you had any of these degenerates ever approach you.

Faggot behavior doesn’t reveal that sodomy is intensely pleasurable but unsatisfying, it reveals that these people are mentally ill and acting by compulsion. Like someone that for some strange neurosis eats shit and can’t stop doing it. It doesn’t taste good, it isn’t healthy, but the person can’t stop themselves.

Faggots act exactly the same as bulimics do, same unhealthy, self-destructive and compulsive behavior under the influence of a neurosis.

The Cominator says:

Overcoming how disgusting it is I could imagine the pitcher feels good but I can’t imagine the catcher does…

If the catcher enjoys it its not due to physical sensation but because like women they enjoy the feeling of degradation.

Now lets talk no more on this subject…

Ace says:

In case anyone was wondering how much it costs to bribe a supreme court justice it appears to be 2 million:

Barr also sold a book but the size of his bribe to fix the election isn’t listed.

Pooch says:

Cunty bitch. These people are not of our class.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Book deals’ are such a wonderfully Whig form of graft; even the pork takes the form of priestly posturing!

The Cominator says:

What did people expect from a woman lawyer (the most mentally twisted women on the planet generally) who makes a show of being some kind of extreme papist (I mean if its fake shes all fake and extremely unreliable, if its true she takes orders from Rome and has no loyalty to the US, also extremely unreliable).

Ace says:

We certainty didn’t expect her to take a 2 mil bribe and hand the country over to Communists. I wonder what they paid Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?

Aidan says:

You can really tell how pathetic our society is when our most powerful commit treason over the amount of money a small but successful restauranteur makes in a year

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It’s because our elite isn’t elite. If they were capable of doing something as useful as a successful restaurateur, they wouldn’t be welcome in the American ruling class.

onyomi says:

This is interesting and presumably a result of meritocracy aka credentialism aka priestly rule. Priests are easy to bribe because they are insecure about how their holiness does not naturally produce material rewards.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And also because they consider impecuniousness in itself holy.

‘I want my rulers to be penniless’, code, i want people who could have power over me to have less power.

Their their preoccupation with ‘corruption of government’ by ‘money’ – a sublimation of their spiteful enviousness of men of means altogether – ironically makes it all the more possibly easy for apparatchiks to be swayed by bribery.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That was another lie. They don’t actually want the people in charge to be penniless. They want to rob the people in power. They were using envy as an attack vector.

“Look, the guy in charge has so much more than you! (So do I, but ignore that) It must be because he stole it from you because you work so hard and all he does is sit around, talk, and argue. Better put me in charge, so I can give you what he has.”

Mysteriously, the poor never seem to be the beneficiaries of this theft, only the new elite. This is clear evidence that the old elite needs to be shaken down harder, and the shakedown extended beyond the elite. The loss of your job when we robbed the elite is just them trying to punish you, and all their complaints about destroying businesses are lies to hide their money; more shakedowns! And so on and so forth.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Scarequotes because that is what is said, in so many words (obviously no necessary equivalence with what is intended).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Jim has stated that it is the evil, wicked, and clever elite of the past keeping the competent out, because they cannot trust their newer additions not to betray them. No honor among thieves, after all. This makes sense, and it explains why only the oldest of the elite have any competence whatsoever. It also doesn’t help that Gen X was abandoned by their parents and became a generation of faithless wastrels. Not much quality to pull from in that generation. It definitely isn’t because of meritocracy, because meritocracy was just a leftist lie to destroy the previous elite.

alf says:

Question for the historians here: what’s your take on the Dreyfus affaire?

jim says:

Gays are persistently disloyal and treacherous, Jews are disloyal and treacherous, and the Germans had a policy of using gay young men as bait to turn gay people in the military of other countries to treason.

Some German spy baits wern sodomizing or sodomized by Dreyfus. Because he profiled as likely to be turned traitor by such means.

No end of documents proving Dreyfus guilty. Which Wikipedia claims were forged. Because there is absolutely no reason to suspect that a Jewish communist faggot fucking German spies is a traitor.

alf says:

Ah it’s one of those cases where ‘gay jewish communist’ is probably guilty until proven innocent.

Been reading a (socialist) biography on a postwar (socialist) mp, and it mentions the Dreyfus affair in the most predictable way, namely that everyone good and holy knew Dreyfus was innocent all along, really there was no doubt if it weren’t for those anti-semitic royalists, and that indeed Dreyfus was cleared after a heroic journalist (!) published documents proving his innocence.

jim says:

Maybe he was innocent all along, but any source that says he is innocent and fails to notice that the German spy service was seducing gays in the expectation that gays would commit treason is unlikely to tell the truth on the matter.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Guilty until proven innocent is indeed the rational way for you to handle such demographics, yes.

The Cominator says:

I think under French Napoleonic law you ARE guilty until proven innocent (or there is a presumption of guilt) when you are brought to trial. I don’t think the legalisms mattered too much in these cases though, Military justice back then prettymuch overwhelmingly weighed on whether the most senior commander in contact with the court officers wanted a man found guilty or not.

The Cominator says:

Dreyfus was a homosexual?

I read the basis of the claims that the documents implicating Dreyfus were forged is that the handwriting on one supposed treasonous note from Dreyfus matched handwriting on another note later traced to Esterhazy (this note being from when Dreyfus was on devils island). And furthermore that the officer who did most of the work exonerating Dreyfus (Picquart) was a based monarchist who did not very much like jews but he became convinced at first there was another traitor and then that they had caught the wrong man.

The good and holy seemed to pick up the Dreyfus is innocent cause late on but Picquart was not good or holy at all.

alf says:

It’s the moral language that irks me so much: HoW DaRe TheY LocK Up aN InNoCEnT mAN? Like Moldbug said, at a certain point you just recognize liars by the language they use.

But just because they don’t care about truth does not make it a lie automatically. So I guess the Dreyfus case might’ve been a bit like corona, in that a kernel of truth got hijacked by leftists.

The Cominator says:

This was the world before the 1st world war (though France may have been ruled by evil priests on and off since the Revolution) so moralityspeak may not have always been a 100% tell for evil priestly hypocrites.

alf says:

I’ll quote/translate a bit from this 1984 book:

‘Willem Drees followed the case intently from the beginning, when he was but eight years old. The structural injustice interested him much. The Dreyfus affair was a mix of judicial crimes – crimes committed by the state – which in the history of modern class justice has not seen an equal. The victim was the thirtyfour year old, of treason accused, Alfred Dreyfus, captain in the general staf in Paris, who in 1894 was banned to the Devil’s island. […]

In the whole world mass protests were held for Dreyfus. In London fifty thousand people demonstrated in Hydepark, in Washington, again the verdict, but also against the antisemitic, royalist army command, who falsely pushed the blame for espionage on the Jewish officer and consequently evaded all attempts at revision for years.’

No mention of a gay honeypot, which I agree, would be the crucial tell. No mention of German conquests and French paranoia either. Just that tone, that ‘righteous indignation of the mob’.

jim says:

We cannot know whether Dreyfus was innocent or guilty. The waters have been muddied too deeply. Just because he was a gay in bed with German spy does not mean he was a spy.

We can, however, know that his defenders were evil lying scum and nothing they say can be believed.

The central significance of the Dreyfus affair is not whether Dreyfus is innocent or guilty, but that German intelligence targeted people who profiled as corruptible and treacherous (Jews and gays), and proceeded to give them nice stuff in order to corrupt them.

So what is really at issue is not really the guilt or innocence of one man, but whether profiling works.

And yes, profiling does work. What was on trial, what caused controversy, was not whether Dreyfus was guilty or innocent, but whether entire groups are a risk for security and trust.

Dreyfus was not targeted for prosecution because he was gay and Jewish. He was targeted by German spies to be awarded nice goodies because he was gay and Jewish. That is what caused the outrage.

alf says:

When I search for Alfred Dreyfus gay, I find papers telling me that the jury convicted Dreyfus partially on ground that he was gay, while the researchers themselves tell me Dreyfus was decidedly not gay but that the jury was racist and evil. So again, hard to tell.

jim says:

What is not hard to tell is that the German Intelligence service was trying to lure gays, and was trying to lure Dreyfus, and that this is why the researchers are so eager to defend the honor of Dreyfus.

The waters have been so thoroughly muddied, that we cannot know the truth about Dreyfus.

What, however, is a great deal easier to detect is why people so passionately want him to be innocent.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>papers tell…that the jury convicted Dreyfus partially on ground that he was gay…the researchers themselves tell me Dreyfus was decidedly not gay but that the jury was racist and evil.

But of course they did.

The Cominator says:

Where did you read Dreyfus was a homosexual?

suones says:

I’m not committed to either side of the issue. I prefer to examine the evidence myself, of which very little is online, and that seems to be decreasing. Even the Wikipedia article omits more than it mentions, in a very curious way. Much of the current coverage focuses on ADL-tier wankery and is usually fact-free.

On the one hand Dreyfuss was almost certainly not the only one involved in this conspiracy/treason, and Fench big-wigs were in on it — who were too big to convict openly (as opposed to being forced to “retire” to a sinecure). On the other hand the Dreyfuss affair was hugely exploited by the British (as in sponsoring Emile Zola) as a cudgel against the French Govt who might have been moving in a pro-German direction. British Jewry was undoubtedly involved in this too.

The Cominator says:
redpurplepurple says:

plenty of sharks in the ocean, plenty of feds flying our flag. it seems like you’re new here? if so, welcome. i am new here as well.

so far your posts are sound very much like enemy propaganda.
distraction: “Gates, Schwab, and Soros are objectively the center.”
demoralization: “There are no more people to be red pilled.”
distraction: “I’ve read some articles and opinions that plastics in the environment and water is harming masculinity”

and your understanding of our shibboleths is very distorted:
“Communist doctrine of ridding the concept of family by pushing feminism”
aw, c’mon. feminism is not “communist doctrine”.

“My advice wasn’t for you. You should not reproduce since you are obviously an idiot. Continue to be an incel clown.”
i am amused by your anger. you are telling us things we already know and calling me an idiot? hm. all anger comes from fear. i openly speculate that you are not who you say you are and this makes you angry. why?

linker says:

I said the Gates thing. I’ll elaborate that I think they are the closest thing The Cathedral has to having a center. Those guys are not just acting unconsciously out of their bioleninist nature, they are very smart, very rich guys who have always been rich and powerful, always will be rich and powerful and are consciously planning atrocities to commit on the human race.

I somewhat agree with the red pill thing. If you’re not red pilled living in clown world I honestly have no sympathy for you and you are probably just a retarded Baphomet worshiping piece of shit. Maybe it’s too pessimistic though.

The plastics thing might be a very real danger. If it’s true then it’s drastically reducing the numbers of high IQ high testosterone men and it’s something to be very worried about. It might be a huge red herring. I was asking in another thread if anyone had info on whether it was a hoax or not but no one had anything. I would be very interested to hear a credible and intelligent right-winger explain why the EDC/phthalate/xenoestrogen thing is fake (or real for that matter).

Lots of smart people use “communism” as a catch all for leftism, bioleninism, Baphomet worship, faggotry, whatever you want to call it. I think it’s totally accurate to say that feminism is communist doctrine.

I haven’t seen him post anything glowing besides the insider antifa scoop which was somewhat informative and interesting to me. I have seen Cominator and Wulfgar post dozens of comments that glow harder, although Cominator is probably just a sperg.

jim says:

> The plastics thing might be a very real danger. If it’s true then it’s drastically reducing the numbers of high IQ high testosterone men

The epidemiology does not seem to show it.

Looks to me that the more woke and blue pilled your workplace, the lower your testosterone.

The suspect plastics are very spottily dispersed in the environment, one would expect to see strong correlations, local clusters, if it is plastic.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Most polymers are very stiff and rigid by themselves, so plasticizers are often added to make them more plastic – ie, mouldable for manufacturing into shapes. (

A lot of these plasticizers really are volatile and leech out of polymers over time, and a lot of them really are disruptive to bodily processes (resins like PET, PVC, or PS, are the biggest offenders, while resins like HDPE or PP are more stable); but in terms of the specific question of declining trends in T levels, not the only, or the biggest, factor.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

We have always know what the center of the polygon is. Branches of government include media and academia also. Tastemakers preach in the modern pulpits, making it clear what is high status and what is low status; and the contemporary tastemaking class itself in turn get their ideas from The Experts, ie persons anointed by holy oils of accreditation from ‘official smart people’ institutions.

The Cominator says:

The level of gleichschaltung displayed by Cathedral media organs and academia requires if not a Fuhrer a ruling body but the ruling body is occulted beyond what even genius like Jim can see from the outside.

The experts get their party line from something else, but the something else is inscrutable from the outside.

redpurplepurple says:

“I said the Gates thing”

ah, yes I see that now. my mistake.

onyomi says:

This article seemed pretty insightful and arguably dovetails with “the woman problem”:

Namely, part of why it’s so hard for conservatives to win in democracy is because they are always the party of normal people who just want to grill, while the liberal parties attract all the mentally ill activist radicals. Since so much of the mental illness we see on display nowadays is female in nature (both in terms of actual mentally ill women and men who lack good role models/manly virtues), perhaps “making women property again” is the answer to more conservative successes and fewer rabid leftist holy spirallers without necessarily needing too much authoritarianism (not that I’m against right wing strongmen, given the alternative)?

Ace says:

Convincing Conservatives to put the Women back into the kitchen isn’t going to happen. Historically, once that genie’s out of the bottle civilization has to collapse into mass disorder for quite a long time to put it back in.

I spent a number of years arguing with Conservatives that Women must be removed from the military or we will get our asses kicked by China or Russia. I got very little push back on my arguments but the response was always one of yes that’s true, but we can’t say it and there’s nothing we can do about it. Conservatives are too weak to own their women and are unable to even speak up about the need for it.

It’s even worse with Christians. Our resident Tradcuck Joe can’t even acknowledge that the bible commands women to be owned by men. He sees that as a Communist Plot from the Apostle Paul.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is good for people to be interested in this line of thought, but he’s also trafficking in purplepill here as well. Eg, the section where he quotes approvingly from scott alexander, where he accurately describes motivations behind the lenins and maos of the world… then selectively ascribes them to ‘right wing strongmen’.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is someone in this thread RIGHT NOW that is recommending people go through the contemporary indoctrination system (and pay for the privilege, of course).

linker says:

lmao go to law school for 6 years as if the US government will still be around by the time you graduate xD

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>…let’s say I vote Republican every two years, but otherwise go on with my life and rarely ever think about politics. You, on the other hand, not only vote Democrat, but give money to campaigns, write your Congressman when major legislation comes up, wear pink hats, and march in the streets or write emails to institutions when you’re outraged about something.

>Through the lens of ordinal utility, in which people simply rank what they want to happen, we are about equal. I prefer Republicans to Democrats, while you have the opposite preference. But when we think in terms of cardinal utility – in layman’s terms, how bad people want something to happen – it’s no contest. You are going to be much more influential than me. Most people are relatively indifferent to politics and see it as a small part of their lives, yet a small percentage of the population takes it very seriously and makes it part of its identity. Those people will tend to punch above their weight in influence, and institutions will be more responsive to them.

Power comes to those with a will towards it, in the first place.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Meant re onyomi below.

Pooch says:

So looks like the Cathedral really is agitating for African riots. Every media outlet in unison is pushing something about a criminal black being shot by a cop somewhere (these obviously happen frequently it’s just a matter if they are reported on or not for propaganda purposes).

My guess is they want to use them to either weaken resistance to the filibuster (legacy of white supremacy/racist, etc) or to guilt Republicans to pass legislation they want to force through like HR1.

Ace says:

They’re using it to replace the Conservative white male cops with commies and niggers. Conservatives cops are just going to quit or retire because it’s effectively impossible to keep order if blacks are above the law.

Pooch says:

They seem to be genuinely upset the verdict didn’t produce violence which is why they are pushing all these other shootings now. I heard an interesting take that Biden’s commie DOJ head may be maneuvering for federalized police now too.

Ace says:

They’re driving the message home that blacks are above the law. Any white cop who does anything to a black criminal is going to be destroyed no matter how justified. Any white citizen who tries to resist a black criminal will be as well, even when that black criminal comes into their area to commit crimes.

As far as the riots go, I’ve never been quite sure why the left likes them so much. I can’t tell how they profit all that much from burned out cities like Detroit.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Smash and grab. They take from the wicked capitalists and give to the poor. They are like Robin Hood, because Robin Hood was really a bisexual black Muslim that the English whitewashed. Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven is a way of life for them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are a number of reasons they like them, which you could say are all related.

They like them because they are genuinely attracted to cacophony on an aesthetic level.

They like them because fuck the peasants.

They like them because creating crises are the first step for grabbing more power and pushing through measures you want in the first place, which you call the solution to the crises; the primary way rulership takes place under ‘popular governance’.

More people starving after liquidating kulaks is evidence we need to liquidate even more kulaks, more blaques rioting is evidence we need to give even more power to philonegrites, and so on.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To put it in other words, in order to ‘surrender’ to the ‘demands’ of the ‘people’, it is necessary to invent a ‘demanding people’.

Ace says:

I’m at the point when I see a woke city having a riot I laugh at them. The only people being harmed are my enemies. Anyone of value has on my side has already left.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, the aesthetic level is really important, too. Pandemonium is their ideal.

Pooch says:

Political violence is powerful. The threat of violent riots were the sole reason no Republican cuck wanted to fight the election fraud.

Ace says:

They didn’t want to fight because they we in on it. Who do you think gave Antifa of GOP reps and their children’s daycare that Antifa used to threaten them into silence?

Ace says:

>Who do you think gave Antifa of GOP reps and their children’s daycare that Antifa used to threaten them into silence?

Who do you think gave Antifa the list of GOP reps and their children’s daycare that Antifa used to threaten them into silence? People like Lynn Cheney and Jim Jorden.

Pooch says:

I was more talking about the local county and state level GOPs and judges. A lot of them were intimidated by the threat of violence. Judge Roberts basically said so much.

People like Liz Cheney, Kemp, Lindsey Graham, McConnell, etc weren’t intimidated as much as they are ruling elite hence on the same team as Biden.

Ace says:

My take on the Filibuster is it’s an excuse not to implement the left’s full agenda. They wanted it gone, they’d just bribe a GOP senator and it would be gone.

linker says:

Stop gaslighting us, Wulfgar. Jim, can we get a verdict on this guy’s “men like us” comments and the like?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, please do, Jim. I’d like this settled and get a ruling on the acceptability of my comments and behavior.

Ron says:

What a load of shit. If Jim approves, he’s effectively committed suicide. If he disapproves then he gets to be treated like a bitch.

Fuck you “Fed-gar”. You lying two faced asshole. God damn you to Hell for coming to this blog and posting that evil shit inciting people to commit rape and murder.

You admitted you worked in intelligence. If thats the only non-lie you’ve spat out so far, then it means you KNEW EXACTLY why you shouldnt be saying the shit you said, YET YOU SAID IT ANYWAY.

Which means either you are a lying Fed, or you are a murderous inciter who should be locked up and thrown into prison for trying to get people killed.

Either way, fuck off.

The heats on gentlemen. The Cathedral faggots are now sending their more advanced inquisitors. The ones who are “pure” enough to look at the unholy words being blasphemed on this blog.

The Cominator says:

If such things exist it represents a change in policy…

Ron says:

I’m so sorry.

The Cominator says:

Hes very suspicious and the rape spree comment was the most fedpoast thing nobody else here is dumb or crazy enough to talk about commiting specific crimes in the active voice… though I maintain that we must talk about that SOMEBODY should do SOMETHING to um protect the Rittenhouse jurors from threats from antifa and BLM and so on.

Its just we’ve never yet seen a fedpoast shill who is allowed to pass a redpill on women test before. Its something new… and scary if the fed shills are really allowed to voice genuine crimethoughts (I mean other than ancient wignat scripts).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I didn’t say I was going on a rape spree. I didn’t even call on people to go out and rape anyone. I said that if you become the kind of men that women want to rape them, they’ll come tight to you and you can start a family. You don’t go and do a “start a family spree.” You get a decent woman you can tolerate and you keep her and hold fast to her and raise kids with her.

The Cominator says:

You VERY much sounded like you were entertaining the idea…

I suggested that you should calm down not do that we’re not in the world of Escape From New York yet, and that you should review my stripper poast and implement it to clear out some of the pressure in both of your heads…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, I didn’t. You misread that. I’m not interested in strippers any more than I am college girls. I was using college girls as an example of girls that go out looking for someone to rough them up. Not as a suggestion that we all go out and drag them into a dark alley and rape them. Women don’t really like that sort of thing. They want the gang leader to capture them, or to be romanced forcefully, and their, “No’s” ignored. Not dragged into an alley and fucked on a dumpster.

Dave says:

Defending the honor of white female college students is a very low priority for the government right now, so they’ll ignore your rape-poasts. What they’re afraid of is any sort of organized action by white men, so all attempts to help poor Kyle will be ruthlessly crushed.

The Cominator says:

I suppose the best argument for not mentioning Kyle much is that most shitlibs seem to have forgotten about him…

He has a lot better chance if the eye of Soros kind of forgets him by the time his trial is held… I don’t think it will but there is a chance.

Ron says:


Stop it. Saying that kind of garbage will get innocent people killed. And it sure as shit won’t help Mr. Rittenhouse.

The only “something” anyone should do is what they are legally allowed to do. Protest. Write. March. Strike. Spread the word.

While you are at it, you should probably write to Kyle Rittenhouse himself and ask him if he needs you to do anything for him.

I think he’d probably appreciate that a lot more than “somebody should do something” obviously violent.

If that isn’t good enough, then maybe this is not a generation that deserves liberty. Maybe a better generation will look at this and learn that it’s not enough to have free speech you have to use it intelligently, with wisdom, and with courage.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

How about i strike ur mum in her pussy lmao gottem

G.T. Chesterton says:

“SOMEBODY should do NOTHING [strike]”.

INDY says:

Why is it scary if we can still make all three of them from the get go?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’m not a fed, and I don’t think linker is, either. Ron, maybe, but he might just be extra spergy. I’ve offered to take the tests, and instead of giving them, you just keep making the accusation. Put up or shut up.

jim says:

I did not ask you to take the tests, because I am sure you would pass them.

But there has been a sudden and dramatic change in the behavior of the feds, starting a few days after the president was elected by freshly printed ballots and inaugurated by the deep state. Maybe the shill tests do not work any more.

The big obvious change is that they are no longer so much trying to repress thought crimes, as violent revolution.

To discuss the application of coercive means, “men like us”, in the present environment is very like a fed, and if you are not a fed, you are acting foolishly and dangerously.

Men like us await Caesar.

Dave says:

Yeah, no one cares anymore if voters read Jim’s Blog, but cops and soldiers reading Jim’s Blog could be highly consequential. Caesar might be reading this blog right now.

The Cominator says:

Cops don’t matter only soldiers…

Pooch says:

It was interesting to note that during the latest doxing piece of donors to Kyle’s defense fund, journalists only focused on members of the police and other state workers. They seem to really be focusing on making the police/military ideologically loyal. Once they have that completely, it really does not matter if you are making thoughtcrimes online or not. They’ll be able to arrest who they please for any reason or no reason.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Then I will accept the chastisement and accept that I have spoken irresponsibly. I will be more circumspect in the future. I meant it only in theoretical terms, but most did not come away with that understanding, so I will be more careful how I word things next time.

jim says:

I understood you, but a fed might well not understand you.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A fed is liable to see whatever he wants. If you ask a fed to find purple elephants, he’ll grab some paint and materials to construct as many purple elephants as needed. We could sit here talking about knitting and the weather and it wouldn’t matter if they decide to raid this place. I know these people, and I fucking hate and despise them because they are the most empty, soulless, wicked fuckers you’llever meet.

jim says:


During Trump times, I was lax about security.

I have tightened up security quite a bit.

But they actually have been instructed to look for right wing terrorists, not look for crime thinkers and call them right wing terrorists, so are likely to be interested in finding groups of people who can somewhat plausibly be painted as right wing terrorists. Let us avoid giving them material for the paint job.

If anything, the campaign against crimethink has been relaxed, because voting no longer matters, and violent revolution has become less implausible.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A solid point, and one that I will keep in mind.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You really think, that as the holiness spiral escalates and the left begins to fuck each over harder and harder in search of power (Hey, Cuomo, how are those presidential ambitions looking?), that the left is going to suddenly unleash some sort of incredibly unholy inquisitor with less control and more freedom to say whatever he wants? Instead of just rolling in here and pulling a Michael Flynn on us all? “Oh, yeah, they are super guilty, but its all FISA warrants, so you can’t see the evidence. Just going to lock them up indefinitely on terrorism charges. Got to protect Amerika, comrades!” They don’t need an excuse to fuck with us. The law is fucking dead, and if they decide we’re next, then game over, man, game over.

The Cominator says:

There are two factions, the center leftist derp state that wants orderly global bugmen gleichschaltung socialism and the radleft who want to burn and destroy. Lawful evil vs chaotic evil.

The derp state faction desperately wants to maintain an appearance of normalcy (while gradually moving further towards bugmen socialism) so they want to work under some kind of phony color of law… but to take care that most of the time it appears law… as much as possible.

As such urging people commit specific serious crimes seems suspicious and it should not be done. I would not countersignal or condemn any actions taken on behalf of Rittenhouse though especially if effective.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Michael Flynn didn’t look legal. They commanded people to consider it legal, and that was run by derp state bugmen. They didn’t care how crooked that looked. They didn’t care how crooked the election theft looked. They didn’t care how crooked Mad Maxine looked when she threatened the jury. If they want to destroy us, they’ll just have the NSA crack our usernames and post our comment history. Then arrest us on trumped up terrorism/espionage charges.

The Cominator says:

They tried initially to make it look legal via compromising his defense attorney so none of their BS assertions could be challenged. The Rick Vaughn case is even worse.

But they do not want too many en masse Stalinist trials just yet…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Such a thing is of course always a possibility, but you could start worrying about it the first time you actually see it happen.

nils says:

so we are arguing over whether a velvet gloved steel fist is velvet or tatters? its neither its just steel, with the masses shouting velvet, stop bitching men out for inviting persecution, crypto reactionaries are lame, we all know we are a flash point away from antifragile value becoming very real. police yourself, and leave the rest to jim and God unless its an obvious entryist. Trump made the same mistake as Caesar/Czar/Karl/king August, when the republic is dead, you damn well take your praetors into the senate with you. he fucking failed. get over it, be the man who’s there to take the dagger for the prince or stfu. And will no one bring up the FBI directive that no western ranch son is to be shot? it was enforced after oklahoma and is why the Bundies won, it now applies to Rittenhouse(the funnies with the nightclub scrapped chauvins freikorps), the beast knows the score, there are lines in the sand kenyan’ man didn’t draw, do what you have to and shut your mouth, don’t come here to bitch about the law. Support Rittenhouse however is right. he didnt put those nitrile gloves on for you losers to worry about glowniggers with big red buttons. Grow up and speak like Christian men with swords wherever appropriate, God knows you can. There is already enough on this blog to convict you all for high treason, so stfu and stop pretending with your pea brain normalcy bias that men aren’t being bullied because they are weak rather then wrong. We, better then most aught to know the score, and it is not the laws that are written, if it were, jimsblog would be gone the way of reactionary reddit, it hasn’t. Grow the fuck up you cunts, and don’t talk about fight club.

jim says:

I expect the name system to be used for censorship, but as yet, registering a name in some country outside the US hegemony has been protective. Registering a name directly under .com, .org, or .net rather than under is ceasing to be protective, though it was protective for a while.

Since I expect that workaround to fail eventually, I am working on preparing a zooko name system capable of carrying out the same functions as the existing name system, on which I hope to build an uncensorable social network on which the messages can carry crypto currency.

Going to need minimal messaging capability up first, in case the name system goes away for us while we are working on the rest of it.

Joe says:

Going to need minimal messaging capability up first, in case the name system goes away for us while we are working on the rest of it.

It is possible to set up a TOR hidden service and nginx web server on Qubes OS in less than a day if there is ever an imminent threat to the name system. This assumes that they do not shut down TOR also.

jim says:

Better if we can eat our own dogfood.

For many purposes it’s better to have no compromises with usability than no compromises with security.

If you interact via ssh, you get lost in the crowd. And though they can detect that a certain Ip chats with a certain other ip, which Tor protects against, there are a lot of interactions taking place over ssh.

Joe says:

No worries.

nils says:

Cuomo? the guy who walked through a media snow job like it was a wednsday? id say he’s candidate #1 right now, senile joe isnt president, but yet… so who knows, but that grease wop knows how things are, I might even vote for him, better the devil you know and all that.

The Cominator says:

The most evil Democrat governor bar none with the possible exception of Whitmer (Not sure demons literally exists but she appears like Strzok to be literally possessed by a demon).

Fuck no.

Nils says:

Stalin was a dick too, better then Lenin. If it’s aoc or NYC finest tyrant I thing I’ll go with Cuomo. He doesn’t seem a real believer.

jim says:

Cuomo is unfortunately no Stalin, and Cuomo was willing to murder huge numbers of old people.

We need someone willing to murder huge numbers of young aggressive dangerous leftists. Cuomo is not that man. And the way the wind blows, that someone is likely to be a far leftist, but he will be a far more martial leftist than Cuomo is.

The distinguishing feature of young Stalin is that he was willing to go headfirst into danger and kill people. Cuomo is more your knife in the back man. To end this, we need a warrior on top. Cuomo is far less of a warrior than Trump was, and Trump was not warrior enough.

Pooch says:

In order to have a Stalin, would necessarily need to have an authoritarian centralized One Party state which we do not have (yet).

Pooch says:

And the way the wind blows, that someone is likely to be a far leftist, but he will be a far more martial leftist than Cuomo is.

The way the wind blows it will be someone who is black and possibly a black woman, as the far left are increasingly becoming black radicals.

jim says:

A black will not be able to win. When it comes down to violence, white males win, because white males are inherently far better at coordinated and cooperative violence.

As the rules collapsed on November the fourth, the left has no way of resolving conflicts within the left other than by violence. It will take quite some time for this reality to sink in, but as it does sink in, violent white males will come out on top. Regrettably, it will probably be a violent white far left male.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Look at figures like Napoleon, or Franco, or Pinochet, or Suharto; throughout history, the consistent trend has always been that successful prodharmic restorations come from warriors.

Something our regnant underlords have likely sensed, on at the least an instinctual level.

Dave says:

“…violent white males will come out on top. Regrettably, it will probably be a violent white far left male.”

Who, just to stay alive, has to kill so many of his fellow lefties that he becomes indistinguishable from the Cominator.

The Cominator says:

Wulfar may be fedpoasting but fedpoasters who can post non wignat crimethoughts are a new development.

Ace says:

Informants can do pretty much anything and Wulfgar using the sort of words I see in FBI grooming ops using federal informants. The Feds probably picked a bucket load of people they flipped with the raids after their Reichstag fire event. I would guess that they’re targeting people to generate FISA warrants to watch rather than instantly arrest, that has a much lower threshold.

After which they’ll look for unrated crimes and flip anyone they can.

Ron says:

There isn’t any “may” about it. “Fed-gar” himself admitted that he worked for the secret police. He knows precisely why no one should use the language he used, or make the statements he made, yet he did so anyway.

Anyone who walked away from those out of control sociopaths would NEVER be stupid enough to make the kinds of statements he’s made. Yet he did so with impunity, and tried to rope you in on it. And as he’s pointed out several times, he isn’t stupid.

So that leaves us with him deliberately and intelligently inciting criminal violence.

Hell I’m terrified just pointing this out. And he would openly encourage other people to commit rape and mass murder? In this climate? Are you joking?

Even putting aside the attempts to incite people to commit crimes, which in itself is abhorrent and absolutely evil, he didn’t give a rats ass about any innocent people that would have been hurt as a result of some fool following up on his sick and demented “suggestions”.

Fed, or no fed. The man is evil. Plain and simple.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Wait, absolutely evil? To–purely theoretically–consider physically removing a corrupt DA and free an innocent man from the threat of the leftist mob is, “abhorrent and absolutely evil?” In what fucking clown world is that evil, or the people I mentioned innocent? God forbid I do something so evil as to work to free Rittenhouse /sarc. You’re a pathetic cunt.

For someone that is terrified of me, you sure are throwing around a whole lot of open insults. If you really thought I was worth fearing, you wouldn’t talk so much shit. Real witch hunters don’t talk far and wide about how they found a witch and are hunting her down if she’s really a witch.

Ron says:


Have you asked the people to go and protest in front of the courthouse? Have you demanded that the people of Kansas write letters to each and every public representative? To boycott any organization that doesn’t openly support Kyle for defending himself against a trio of murderous child rapists? To call for open strikes by every union member in Kansas until this evil travesty of justice is reversed?

NO. YOU HAVEN’T. Instead you have been demanding people commit murder.


“To–purely theoretically–consider”

Fuck you.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you think that polite letters and votes mean anything after November 4th, you are delusional. No, I haven’t asked for any of those things. Nor have I asked that we sacrifice a lamb to take the burden of Rittenhouse’s sins off of him and free him from the wrath of the mob. That’s because it wouldn’t work, and I wouldn’t waste my time.

Ron says:

I’ll repeat myself since you weren’t paying attention.



G.T. Chesterton says:

You’re hysterical, Ron. Not funny; hysterical. Your preferred username, without those bothersome trailing digits, is probably already taken at Parler, but if you act quick, you might make it into BasedPillowman’s new site.

And appealing to the people of Kansas will get you nowhere. Kansas is preoccupied with that war against Missouri.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

People here aren’t going to go out and rape and murder because I said so, you fuckwit. I seem to have a higher regard for the sense of the people here than you lot do. I’m not calling for violence, just pointing out that the system is so broken that any hope of justice isn’t going to happen through the system. Rittenhouse isn’t going to get freed even though the law and the facts are on his side. He’s going to prison because the mob will kill the juror who votes not guilty, and the potential jurors know this. I’m also not going to go around raping every woman I see, and it wasn’t even me that came up with the Love Crusade meme (which is still funny, so fuck you again). Just pointing out that if you want a woman, you have to be the kind of man she thinks might rape her. And that if you set up a group of such men, then the women will come to you.

Fuck you, Ron, and fuck you, too, linker.

Ron says:

Whatever you say O’Brien.

Ace says:

>I’m not calling for violence, just pointing out that the system is so broken that any hope of justice isn’t going to happen through the system.

Your words call for violence:
>>More importantly, it’s a hill worth killing over.

You’re a federal informant trying to start shit.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If I’m a fed, then you all need to update your entryist response quick fast, and in a hurry.

Ron says:

What happened to Mr. Reasonable?

You know, your “I’m a reasonable person” voice that you use whenever you are trying not to sound like a psychopath.

“Yes, please do, Jim. I’d like this settled and get a ruling on the acceptability of my comments and behavior.”

Oh please do sir! I am such an innocent acceptably acceptable fucking person. I’d like a ruling your honor!

Maybe we can ask “Com” for his opinion too. After all, you are such good buddies. I know! Let’s all go have a beer together and talking about “theoretically” committing rape and murder.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It’s probably pretty reasonable to suggest that if I am an entryist, that you need to figure out a way to identify me and keep me from commenting. Jim is the foremost expert on counterentryist in neoreaction. Therefore, probing me and finding out what I cannot say, then adding it to the current tests is the most reasonable thing you can do.

The Cominator says:

I’m not planning on doing anything and when Wulfgar talked about potentially going on a college campus rape spree of fatherless girls he targetted I said he was talking crazy and potentially bringing heat.

But at least in the Rittenhouse case I would not be inclined to countersignal anyone doing certain hypothetical actions either (I’m not planning to nor am I in contact with anyone who plans to do so) and I will not back down from that, I do not believe any legitimate charge could be made from me saying that and I do not believe they would think I’m immediately worth the trouble to Rick Vaughn or General Flynn me with bullshit charges for saying so.

Ron says:

Nah, we don’t need a test for you. You already outed yourself as either a Fed or a sociopath.

Ron says:


Man, they are on a witch hunt now, and you are wearing a black pointy hat while saying “tee hee hee my pretties”


You want to help Kyle? Go ask his family what you can do for him. They probably have a thousand things they need done. That would actually help him.

The Cominator says:

The problem is if they are going to railroad Kyle its going to be via jury intimidation to find him guilty… I’ve donated to his defense but I don’t see how you counteract jury intimidation by strictly um traditional methods.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A sociopath is an anticoncept designed to denigrate the physically brave and loyal men that the regime and its evil religion hates most. It describes me rather well, actually, so I’ll take it.

The Cominator says:

To the extent they are witch hunting now they are witch hunting people (other than people who were in DC on the 6th) within the government and the military for insufficient leftism.

If they want to go after every far right person in the country (it will eventually come to that but the derp state faction seemingly wants to accomplish the military purge the court packing and gun confiscation 1st) I’m already screwed as I’ve never made a secret of it. Not even when I was in Massachusetts.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ace actually said it, before he started accusing me of being a fed. He said you would have to organize some men together and defend people. His exact quote was:

They’re going to up the price with Kyle. They’ll go after their families if they refuse. In which case a groups must be formed prepared to defense such people’s families from attack.

Which is barely more veiled than what I said.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You counteract jury intimidation the same way you counteract ballot stuffing; Concerned Citizens show up to Guarantee The Safety of the people involved.

Ron says:


Go contact his family and ask him that exact same question.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, we gotta get a list of people saying the wrong things over the wiretaps somehow.

Ace says:

>Maybe we can ask “Com” for his opinion too. After all, you are such good buddies. I know! Let’s all go have a beer together and talking about “theoretically” committing rape and murder.

Cominator doesn’t appear to be a shill. Everything he says seems pretty normal for a sperg who hates the left. He’s also oddly purple pilled on women when it comes to adultery, not some a shill would do.

The rules are changing with the feds will and will not do when it comes to violating free speech rights and in the level of shilling they’re now allowed to do. Shill tests were an interesting concept(and Gnon knows I love the thought crimes in them), but I think going forward they’re going to be ineffective.

Ace says:

>Which is barely more veiled than what I said.

That’s bullshit. What I said is you get people together to protect jurors and their families from intimidation after the verdict. People can vote their conscience only when they know they and their families won’t end up dead for it. This is something the cops should be doing, but since it’s the state that’s running the terror mobs then regular and fully legal self defense groups should be formed to protect people.

This isn’t likely to happen because the right has failed utterly to protect it’s own for reason I don’t know. It’s quite legal to protect your neighbors, friends, and other good people who want your protection and this is no way implies any sort of illegal violence or even any violence at all.

To equate that to your call to kill people is beyond fucked up, you fucking glow worm.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Shibboleths have always and will always be useful; and they are most useful when used by one who understands they are not a be all and end all.

Many are they who cannot say what you think; and many are they who cannot even emulate what you think; simple easy ways of filtering out these out of hand are all to the good.

The closer you get to passing entry level shibboleths, the closer you can get to actual conversation, and what righteousness or malfeasance is in one’s offerings can be teased out as natural of the implications, just as like in an actual conversation.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ace, if a lefty mob shows up to the houses of the jurors you are defending and start a fight, are you going to:

A) Talk sweet to them and convince them to peacefully depart.
B) Discuss with them the ideals of Neoreaction and convince them of the error of their ways.
C) Shoot and kill them.
D) Both A & B.

Also, from the point of view of the state, what is the difference between you showing up with several armed men telling jurors that you will protect them if they vote to acquit, and jury intimidation? “Oh, feel free to vote your conscience, I’ll just be standing outside your house 24/7 with my rifle. For your protection.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I could make that same accusation of you being a fed for saying that we should show up to jurors’ houses armed, but I know better. I understood what you were saying because I’m not a fucking retard. Its pretty fucking retarded that you took the least charitable possible interpretation of my words and ran with it. If you thought we were going to get to Caesar without violence, then I don’t know what you are thinking. Peace was never an option, as much as I wish we could just sit down with the left and convince them to stop all this madness.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>what is the difference between you showing up with several armed men telling jurors that you will protect them if they vote to acquit, and jury intimidation? “Oh, feel free to vote your conscience, I’ll just be standing outside your house 24/7 with my rifle. For your protection.”

Rather, that is exactly the point; which is why our alynskiites do it all the time.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Which is precisely my point. Why am I such an asshole for pointing out that this is worth killing over, and Ace endorses pretty blatant jury intimidation and that’s fine? Not to mention that if you are forming up self defense organizations against rioters in the context of Rittenhouse, what is the likelihood of not having a violent and probably fatal confrontation?

I wouldn’t complain if someone out there did something to that effect. Won’t someone rid me of this troublesome mob, blah blah blah. I’m not countersignalling it. I just don’t like being called a fed because I point out the logical endpoint of that sort of thing and the need to get mentally ready for it. Theoretically, if one were to do something like this, I mean.

Ron says:

@FEDgar the FED who is here to incite people to commit crimes

“A sociopath is” blah blah blah

Fuck you again.

Ace says:

> I just don’t like being called a fed because I point out the logical endpoint of that sort of thing and the need to get mentally ready for it. Theoretically, if one were to do something like this, I mean.

Talking about killing people to free Kyle is a great way to get a conspiracy charge slapped on anyone posting here. You post like a Fed informant and you’ve already admitted you were fed. I rather doubt you ever stopped working for them.

Secondly, jurors deserve to be protected and free from intimidation. If the cops won’t do it, I don’t see the issue with people offing to protect them after the verdict.

Everything else you’ve posted involved twisting my words into jury intimidation when I said no such thing. So again take your glowing nigger ass and get lost.

jim says:

almost all investigative / intelligence operations have been told to re-allocate efforts away from international terrorists and hostile foreign powers and spend at least some effort looking for the real enemy: “domestic violent extremists”

They will find them regardless of whether they exist or not.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It’s not that I believe you are encouraging jury intimidation, but it looks like you could if I were being uncharitable. Certainly an enemy would view it that way. Talking about accepting the fact that any change to the status quo will require violence and that such violence would be worthy is a long way from calling you to randomly commit violent acts.

Perhaps I could have worded it better, and that is my fault, but acting like I was calling for direct action is absurd. Com just imagined me going on a rape spree out of thin air. I would appreciate it if you all would be more careful about what you read into my words in the future.

Starman says:

@Wulfgar Thundercock III

”Yes, please do, Jim. I’d like this settled and get a ruling on the acceptability of my comments and behavior.”

Well let’s see if you can pass a multiple choice RedPill on Women question:

Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25?
[A] No, because an AoC of 16-18 is just perfect.
[B] Yes, because that will prevent the Jews from pimping out young white women as prostitutes and porn actresses. The Jews are able to control our women by getting to them young, so just by waiting a few years longer before we get to have sex, we can prevent Jewish corruption from reaching the impressionable minds of college-age women.
[C] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC, certainly no AoC higher than 10. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.
[D] Yes, because it has been scientifically established that the brain only finally stops developing around age 25 or so, and before one’s brain is fully developed, one is simply incapable of giving genuine consent to sex.
[E] Yes, the AoC is the best tool we conservative fathers currently have to protect our daughters from predatory men. The higher the AoC, the more legal power we fathers have to stop bad men from defiling our daughters and spoiling our precious property. In fact, since women should marry at 30 or so, the AoC should be 30.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

[C] There should be no legal age of consent. Once a female begins exhibiting sexual behaviors, even in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics, then she needs to have her sexual behavior tightly controlled. Preferably this would be through an arranged marriage at the first possible opportunity between her father and the father of a good man in good standing in the community. Failing this, marriage by capture or a shotgun marriage are acceptable in the face of a failure of her father to properly control her. Her consent to such an arrangement is unnecessary and often counterproductive. Consent isn’t sexy, and consent culture leads to females running off and into the arms of their antisocial demon lovers.

Ace says:

>On April 15, Preident Biden signed an Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government.

>The Biden administration unilaterally makes the determination and requires neither criminal acts nor intent. The punishment is blocking assets and a prohibition on any dealing with the accused person. Spouses and adult children of individuals found guilty by accusation under this EO are punished, too.

Pooch says:

Awesome they can label us domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, and Russian foreign agents for the cherry on top.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Im open to the argument that everyone in the argument is shills.

Shitflinging can be the goal, not just a side-effect, yannow?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’m making useful comments beyond shit-flinging, and as much as I hate to admit it, so is linker. Ron is the only one who is going autistically ballistic about this. I said I’m willing to take the RPW Question and recite the Nicene Creed. If we all three take it and all three pass it, then we can all calm down and get back to having conversations again. But I’m not going to sit here and take being called a fed lying down, and suggesting my defense is proof I’m a shill is a Kafkatrap that I refuse to accept.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well i didn’t say i was thinking of you three exactly, but im glad to see that’s who you were thinking of too.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It wasn’t a massive logical leap. Ace and Com have been here too long to be considered shills, so its just the three new guys. Not my greatest introduction ever, I’ll admit.

Ron says:

You are so helpful. What a helpful, good and rational person you are.

And you have such a high opinion of the people here. So high, that you can openly call for rape and murder in an incredibly high pressure political situation and KNOW with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE here would EVER EVER take you up on that offer.

So helpful. What a good boy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>This isn’t likely to happen because the right has failed utterly to protect it’s own for reason I don’t know.

USG has over the course of it’s existence expended increasingly considerable effort towards the nihilation of ‘vigilantism’ – ie, the native anglo-saxon form of ordination.

If men in a community were to start coordinating, forming mannerbunds, they would grow in power – and the eternal whig wants his neighbors as powerless as possible.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When race-pimps say they want to ‘defund the police’, and replace it with ‘community policing’, they aren’t actually talking about property owners rebuilding these social superstructures, nested integration of feudal organizations, men in a community forming an official gang, because such are their targets in the first place, and such would make their depredations more difficult.

Pooch says:

Charles Hoskinson on the coming crypto regulation…

He seems to be aware of what’s likely to happen, but it is not clear to me if he is willing to defect if necessary. Jim, maybe you can see something differently.

Blogger says:

I think this video makes it clear he intends to defect.

onyomi says:

Hi Jim,

In the other thread you pointed out that the drop in Japanese fertility seems to have corresponded with Macarthur’s legal emancipation of women, not legalization of the pill.

Assuming it is the legal aspect and associated cultural attitudes that leads to the drop in fertility, what do you see as the primary mechanism? Women with an option to pursue a career do so, are loathe to give it up, and so delay marriage and children, whereas women as property are more valuable to the men who own them for their childbearing, childrearing, and homemaking capacities than their earning capacities and so that’s what they have them do when they are the “captains of their ship”?

alf says:

Jim’s emancipation-fertility hypothesis is that childbearing is risky, and so women need to feel safe in order to do become mothers. Feeling safe for women translates to feeling that they are owned by the men, if not by society, at the very least by her husband.

Emancipation in this perspective translates to: you are not owned by the men, in fact, you are a strong and independent woman and don’t let any #!$% men tell you otherwise. Which makes a woman feel like she is not conquered, and so will not bear children, although she will make plenty of trouble in the hope that she might one day be conquered.

jim says:

Women always test both for individual male capacity to compel and for male/male mutual support – is their alpha backed by a higher alpha.

The female fantasy, as for example the opening of “The Ancient Magus Bride” is that several very alpha males enslave her, and then the highest alpha barges into their space and takes her. But they are astonishingly comfortable with the highest alpha OKing one of his lieutenants. In these female fantasy worlds, there is usually a scene about male/mutual support in exercising control over her. You can see a hint of this behavior in the effectiveness an entourage in intruding into those groups of females hanging out in public places. You need a wingman, but an entourage is way better.

In Japan, male support for male authority was the “ie system”. The merely formal moves towards equality had little effect. Abolition of the ie system had immediate and dramatic effect. Every chick everywhere realized that the cop was no longer backing her husband or father, but was backing her

redpurplepurple says:

uh oh.

now seems like a good time to ask: what do y’all make of AnonymousConservative? especially his claim that glowies spy on children in school (sometimes recruiting teachers and classmates to do so).

seemed kinda crazy at first, but then I remembered that some of my teachers and friends knew things about me that they had no business knowing. things I did not tell them, and would never tell anyone.

trump got elected so obviously the feds aren’t omnipotent, but then I read this:

can’t help but wonder…

jim says:

Yes, of course they do. I see this happening all the time.

As things escalate, schooling, which has long been intellectually dangerous, is about to become physically dangerous.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Deleted for presupposing that performance in school is meritorious and deserves reward.

You can argue that it is meritorious and deserves reward, but not speak as if it was obvious and uncontroversial that it deserves reward.

You have to put the claim forward as a proposition, not assume it as a presupposition.

In a well functioning school system it would correlate well with the potential to earn merit and obtain reward.

We don’t have a well functioning school system, so any such correlation is weak, and heading towards negative. And if we did have a well functioning school system it would still only be an indicator of potential, and not the most reliable indicator. It is already negative in the sense that if you have two candidates with good indicators of potential, the one with lesser accreditation is likely to be the best. On the other hand, it is still positive in the sense of correlating with other indicators of potential.

I would be happy to debate you on this topic, but I just don’t like your method of debate, which is manipulative. You slide your claims in behind what you purport to be arguing, instead of actually arguing what you are arguing.

Please read my post “time for a second dissolution of the monasteries“, and respond to what I said there, rather than assuming the contrary is self evident and that everyone agrees with the contrary.

Also please read my post “Stupid U and faking the GPA” and respond to it.

If you have read those posts, your comment is unresponsive.

Anonymous Fake says:

Look arguing about school is what gets a child paddled or drugged. In most places the association of meritocracy and schooling is hard-wired behavior, and learning to work with people from that background is a requirement for any political success and in fact any success at all in modern life. What we want is our own system without being hopelessly offensive to everyone else such as to be crushed by a stampede. They have power and we don’t in this case.

Now as to what you say about schools…

“Schooling largely exists because it is government subsidized child minding. The government wants to get hold of your children to indoctrinate them, so compels schooling and arranges social institutions so that schooling is needed. Absent subsidy and social engineering, formal schooling would be vastly reduced. People would instead rely largely on home schooling, apprenticeship, and internship.”

Except no private business ever showed up in my school and offered alternatives. The idea of getting a management career as a reward for good grades was a monopoly idea and skills did not matter at all. And no parent ever said they wanted child minding because it’s wrong to have the government raise one’s child. They sent their children to school for the meritocracy, not the indoctrination.

By the way the rich party kids with awesome grades are just cheating. The participation trophies are actually meant to help conservatives who don’t cheat, and wish they had more time to do their own studying instead of being forced into a track.

jim says:

> In most places the association of meritocracy and schooling is hard-wired behavior,

Not hard wired. Enforced by Human Resources.

And the increasing discrepancy between merit and accreditation is resulting in increasing tension and conflict between Human Resources and anyone wants to get stuff done.

> Except no private business ever showed up in my school and offered alternatives.

It is illegal to offer alternatives for younger kids, and for it to be profitable to provide an alternative to older kids, apprenticeship needs to be enforceable. The master needs what the state gives teachers: In loco parentis authority.

> in fact any success at all in modern life.

Tell that to Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Musk dropped out of Stanford after two days, figuring it a waste of time.

> By the way the rich party kids with awesome grades are just cheating

Nuts. I was there. I was one of those party kids. We did not cheat, we were bored stiff with the fact that everything they taught us was trivial, obvious, or we already knew it. And that was back when university courses had a way higher standard than they do now.

Further, the well informed progressive attack on the fact that upper class kids with good GPA party and go through university quickly and with good grades Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality does not attribute this to cheating, but magic invisible classism dripping off the walls. If it was a result of cheating, they would have gone all in on that.

Paternal ability is a better predictor of merit than college grades.

Anonymous Fake says:

Liberals take cheating for granted and conservatives take fair play for granted, with very predictable results. The participation trophy hack is a kind of anti-liberal leftist solution for whenever situational anarchy (ending a rigged competition) isn’t acceptable. What is ideal is a national system of standards like they have in China.

jim says:

Liberals selectively apply the old rules when it suits their purpose. The authors of a Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality were searching very hard for an explanation of why the party kids were successful, and did not find a politically acceptable explanation.

So, not cheating. Rather the explanation I gave in “Stupid U and faking the GPA” is the glaringly obvious explanation. It fits the facts, and I was there and I saw it. We were bored, because the course content was trivial and a total waste of our time.

orochimaru says:

“Two young women, dormitory mates, embark on their education at a big state university. Five years later, one is earning a good salary at a prestigious accounting firm. With no loans to repay, she lives in a fashionable apartment with her fiancé. The other woman, saddled with burdensome debt and a low GPA, is still struggling to finish her degree in tourism.

y’all 😂

jim says:

More detailed scenario: student from high school with fake GPA and student with high school with real GPA both go into university with the same GPA. Both take a course in accounting (which is a relatively hard course). The one with real GPA breezes through in the minimum allowed time (and could have graduated in a month, had the university allowed her to do so). The one with fake GPA cannot really read, write, or do arithmetic (because anyone who can read, write, and do arithmetic can learn today’s accounting in six months or so) and flounders out of her depth, so she switches to a degree in stupid. She flounders at that also, so switches to a degree in stupider (tourism degree, which does not require the ability to read, write, or do arithmetic) By the time she starts her degree in tourism, has already racked up a mountain of college debt.

An implication of this is that degrees in stupid are negative indicator. If someone has a degree in stupid you should not hire them, because this is an indicator of stupidity. The same applies to a lesser extent to “multidisciplinary” STEM degrees. They can read and write, but cannot understand what other people write if the subject matter is non trivial. If they could, would have obtained a disciplinary STEM degree. They can do arithmetic, but not statistics.

Dave says:

“I was there. I was one of those party kids. We did not cheat, we were bored stiff with the fact that everything they taught us was trivial, obvious, or we already knew it. And that was back when university courses had a way higher standard than they do now.”

I’m about fifteen years younger than you, went to a state college, and that wasn’t my experience at all. Its STEM courses were *hard*; two-thirds of STEM freshmen dropped out or switched to easier majors. A 130-IQ white male classmate flunked calculus and had to retake it because he thought he’d already learned it in high school and could just show up for the tests. Oops.

As for accounting, I’m stuck on page one, the accounting equation, “Assets = Liabilities + Equity”. Shouldn’t liabilities be negative to assets and equity?

Dave says:

I guess it makes more sense written as “Equity = Assets – Liabilities”

jim says:

> I’m stuck on page one, the accounting equation, “Assets = Liabilities + Equity”. Shouldn’t liabilities be negative to assets and equity?

Suppose you are planning to make cakes and sell them. You buy a cake making machine in a deal where you pay $200 money down on the table, and have to pay $400 later.

You now have an asset, a cake making machine worth $600, a liability of $400, and have invested $200 of equity. You have an asset equal to the associated liability plus equity.

Castle says:


I have two teenaged boys and I want them to be very rich and very powerful.
What do you recommend for my boys?

jim says:

Becoming rich and powerful is difficult, and any reliable avenue to becoming rich and powerful ceases to be a reliable avenue as soon as lots of other people spot it.

The only generic and general solution is to spot opportunity before the next guy does, grab it with both hands, and not let go.

Castle says:

Let’s say they never spot that opportunity and they end up not being the next StarProphet, but rather will work for someone like Elon. What then?
I don’t want to send them to college because I am afraid they will start to believe the firehose of propaganda that they will be subject to. No matter what my success, if they end up believing the cathedral, I will consider myself and them a complete failure.
But without that degree no one will hire them.
Many of these powerful guys dislike credentialism, but they have no power over their HR department to actual hire competent men without degrees. If I set my boys on a none-credentialed path, I fear I will doom them to eking out a living.

From reading your other posts, it looks like your formula is homeschool, apprenticeship, internship. This is the way the trades work, but have you actally done this for any non-trade type employment, or known any one who has?
I know alot of guys in the trades, but I have never met a rich tradesmen who didn’t own the business.

redpurplepurple says:

“I don’t want to send them to college because I am afraid they will start to believe the firehose of propaganda that they will be subject to.”

a simple solution: just make sure they read this blog. 🙃

Pooch says:

Some of the private Christian colleges are more based.

jim says:

I have heard otherwise – that they used to be more based.

Pooch says:

You are probably right. The right path is probably to send your sons to college to learn something of value like Engineering (and ignore the shitlibbery) where ever that might be, and do not send your daughters to whore school.

jim says:

You don’t actually learn engineering in college. Any recent college graduate that actually knows engineering taught himself. What you do in college is get a piece of paper that will get you a pass from Human Resources.

polifugue says:

Obtaining wealth and power is a lifestyle, being all one can be every moment.

Being vague in the interest of avoiding self-doxxing, I have a family member who started a company after obtaining his MBA and sold it for 30 million in three years. After spending all of his money, he started another company and failed, but tried again and succeeded, living off the 40 million he sold the company for as an early retirement.

Wealth is about taking big risks and trying again and again. The only way to get exceptionally rich or powerful is to throw yourself into the fire over and over again until getting lucky. If a father wants his sons to be rich, he must set an example. Work long and harder than everyone else, be tough as nails, and teach them to grab the opportunity without hesitation.

As for education, the important thing is not his teachers but his friends. His friends will give him opportunities, augment his skills, and navigate treacherous waters. My multimillionaire family member started his internet company with a friend he made in college. There is no “right way” to educate a son, it depends on his intelligence, abilities and skills.

Starman says:

@Anonymous Fake

This is what the Holy StarProphet thinks of the Harvard Quraysh’s titles of nobility:

jim says:

As Elon Musk said “There is no need to even have a college degree. Or even high school”

suones says:

This is the kind of poisonous propaganda that spoils kids. Get back to me when SpaceX begins hiring on the basis of competitive exams and paid apprenticeship and neglects college degrees.

I had to (finally) hunker down and get a bloody credential before I was even considered for a job, regardless of the anti-credential signaling by bastards like Musk.

jim says:

SpaceX does neglect college degrees. Or claims to.

Its job ads say “You must be able to do such and such”. What evidence you present of ability to do such and such appears to be up to you.

Did you apply for a job with SpaceX? What happened?

The Cominator says:

Its not exactly unprecedented for socialist states to have spies everywhere.

alf says:

K/r selection is an interesting theory, even if there’s a few holes in it which have been discussed here before, for instance that with humans, it’s the r-selected libruls who have no children, while K-selected amish have lots.

His blog I haven’t checked in a long time. Remember it has having a high wackyness to useful information ratio.

*checks his site again, sees promotion of Q.*

Yea that kind of stuff.

ERTZ says:

“it’s the r-selected libruls who have no children, while K-selected amish have lots.”

Evolutionary, we are executors of PAST adaptions:
In the ancestral environment, without contraceptives and abortions, r-selected leftists would have both
1. children earlier (lower intragenerational distance = higher reproduction RATE)
2. more children

If I look at today’s schools etc. as environment, it’s the leftists, negroes, lower-class people who show a strong tendency
to have sex early and are most promiscuous (= are less inhibited, worry less about potential negative consequences, lower impulse control).
Exactly those also are burdened most with STDs and make up abortion clinic customers almost exclusively.
K-selected people hardly ever do things in the first place that creates a demand for abortions.

Liberal abortion laws may be practically one of the most effective and efficient tools to mitigate the social burden from
leftist pests (ancestrally, STDs limited the success of their reproductive strategy, in that sense modern medicine is politically detrimental) .
Without it, their higher reproduction could quickly translate into a vast voter majority – while non-leftists, through social welfare,
even had to pay for it.
Some of you like helicoptering, which is unrealistically expensive, so try to see those abortion clinics as busy
helicopter fleets – their effect is the same.

“*checks his site again, sees promotion of Q.*
Yea that kind of stuff.”

He seems to have the heart at the right place,
but has difficulty being a well-functioning paranoiac.
Paranoia seems essential in a highly social and competitive species like ours, but cognitive and other resources are limited,
so inefficient paranoiacs can be overwhelmed with information (threat-)overload (“DOS-attack”) – the only escape from that seems
to be intelligent threat-probability classification, which is not trivial to do.

Leon says:

K/r selection theory was always bullshit. Any group that marries late is less likely to have children and less likely to have healthy children, no amount of resources or education changes that. Plus more likely to have women bouncing between dudes and all the trouble that creates. Back when it was first bouncing around the web atheists were accusing religious groups of being “r select” due to early marriage and having several children. K select seems more like the workings of control freaks that want to control all aspects of human sexuality, like the shakers of old.

Mountain Farmer says:


r/K theory is a very good way to understand the behavior of people both as individuals and as groups.

K strategists do delay marriage but not so late that it effects the health of the children. K strategists strongly control the sexual behavior of women so that most (or almost all) are virgins when married. And no adultery is allowed.

K strategists do exert a lot of control over all members of their family and society. If you want civilization, then this is a requirement. r’s (leftists) want anarchy and total freedom which leads to decay and decadence.

Aidan says:

He believes that the proportion of federal informants in the country is on the order of 10%, or ~30 million. If the deep state were omnipotent, it would have different incentives and rule differently. It does not act like it has total power and total control.

R/k selection is an incomplete map of human mating behavior for reasons that would take a very long time to explain in depth, but it’s primarily contradicted by hypergamy.

However AC is an invaluable source of opsec advice due to his paranoia.

Mountain Farmer says:

A few years ago I noticed a change in the writings of Anonymous Conservative. Previously, he focused on the r/K theory and gave examples of it as it is happening now. It was very informative.

Then it changed a lot. He became obsessed with Trump and Q. And stopped writing about r/K theory as a general idea. It was all Trump and only Trump. In the big picture / long run, Trump is irrelevant.

The more you understand the basic r/K theory, the less you focus on little details happening in the world. This is how Jim thinks. He focuses on the big picture. If you understand the big picture, you are able to understand life much better than someone who focuses on everyday details.

Mountain Farmer says:

Aidan “R/k selection is an incomplete map of human mating behavior for reasons that would take a very long time to explain in depth, but it’s primarily contradicted by hypergamy.”

I am very interested in understanding why r/K theory is incomplete.

Dave says:

AC is a perfect illustration of the saying that if you stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss stares back into you.

“Jews live like Episcopalians but vote like Puerto Ricans.” -William Buckley

AC claims that liberals behave as rabbits, or rather, as rabbits would behave if they had access to contraceptives. I disagree; I see K-selected liberals using their r-selected diversity pets to attack K-selected conservatives.

The Cominator says:

Humans are overwhelmingly not truly R selected… maybe ghetto blacks in recent history. As Aidan says R species also aren’t all that hypergamous. But hes right that schools are used to spy on both children from a young age and their parents.

jim says:

> I see K-selected liberals using their r-selected diversity pets to attack K-selected conservatives

Part of the K pattern is vigorous competition – whites are wolves to whites.

Leftism is not a political program, but a tactic that is likely to evolve towards commonly re-used political tactics. And the core tactic of leftism is betrayal, the use of far against near.

We want an environment where there is vigorous competition within co-operate/co-operate.

The holiness spiral is gaming the co-operate/co-operate rules so that the defector can get co-operate/defect, while claiming he is adhering to the rules even more than you are.

The earthly job of the official priesthood is getting everyone on the same playbook about what constitutes cooperation. When they are holiness spiraling, they are deliberately muddying the waters, rather than clarifying them.

Thus holiness spiraling is always leftist, even if what they are spiraling is, as in pre-war Japan, extremely rightist. The Japanese emperor worship holiness spiral had much in common with final stage Maoist holiness spiraling, which no one can doubt is leftist. Similarly the “Joo Joo Jooooo” brigade is holiness spiraling a rightist doctrine, and, lo and behold, they are blue pilled and socialist.

The Christian program is one tit for two tats, which works in a situation where most people are well behaved most of the time (“your neighbor”) but information is imperfect, and can lead to defect/defect cycles through error and misjudgment.

When you offer the other cheek, you are not submitting, but demanding moral clarity. The Christian program is not peace on earth, but peace on earth to all men of goodwill. The Christian doctrine of just war is that you need moral clarity before you can use inducements of negative value, but when the $#!% hits the fan, all is fair, you can go in all the way.

suones says:

Both the USSR and DDR actively encouraged schoolchildren to tattle on their friends, teachers, even parents. It was so obvious it is lampooned by Orwell in 1984. No surprises there. The basis of loyalty is to one’s father and friends. Once you break that, you train a child to be a lifelong good leftist. Tattling is a psychological rite of passage.


“We tried to convince him to the best of our abilities to seek professional help, but he always denied that he needed psychiatric help,”

Just take the Soma/Prozium and everything will be fine.

… allegedly brandished a knife,… illegally installed surveillance cameras and an alarm system, scattered bullets throughout the building and filed multiple false reports of intruders with the police — one of which saw him greet responding officers by “brandishing [a] sword,”

All of which is consistent with paranoia, and also with MKULTRA-style psyop, preparing a case for eventual “suicide.”

…smearing blood inside the elevator…

Biswas is a Bengali name. The national deity of Bengal is Jim’s favourite (:^) Kali Mata. When the chips are down, you turn to your old gods. Too bad Biswas didn’t know this is not how it works (undoubtedly because his ignorant family imagined fake American gods would protect them).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Each year, Moltke selected the best twelve graduates from the Kriegsakademie for his personal training as General Staff officers. They attended theoretical studies, annual manoeuvres, “war rides” (a system of tactical exercises without troops in the field) under Moltke himself, and war games and map exercises known as Kriegsspiele.[20][21] Although these officers subsequently alternated between regimental and staff duties, they could be relied upon to think and act exactly as Moltke had taught them when they became the Chiefs of Staff of major formations. Moltke himself referred to them as the “nervous system” of the Prussian Army. In the victories which the Prussian Army was to gain against Austrian Empire and France, Moltke needed only to issue brief directives to the main formations, leaving the staffs at the subordinate headquarters to implement the details according to the doctrines and methods he had laid down, while the Supreme Commands of his opponents became bogged down in a mountain of paperwork and trivia as they tried to control the entire army from a single overworked headquarters.[22]

From the playing fields of Eton, to the battle fields of Waterloo; effective organizations come from effective broderbonds; and effective broderbonds come from men who have a a history of working together as a team at something.

>The General Staff reformed by Moltke was the most effective in Europe, an autonomous institution dedicated solely to the efficient execution of war, unlike in other countries, whose staffs were often fettered by meddling courtiers, parliaments and government officials.

Unlike in other countries, whose frequently aristocratic warriors were often subject to intrusions of totalizing managerialism by frequently demotist priests.

suones says:

The General Staff reformed by Moltke was the most effective in Europe, an autonomous institution dedicated solely to the efficient execution of war,…

Preparing Kshatriyas exclusively for war leading to good results.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are a number of dynamics at play, such as explicitly validating (warrior) virtues as high status for advancement in a (warrior) organization (

The part i wanted to highlight though, is that Moltke could have been recruiting from the von’s polo club, and gotten similar results in the long run; because good organizations come from having a group of men with history working together as a team for the accomplishment of something; from having men capable of such a thing.

suones says:

… explicitly validating (warrior) virtues as high status for advancement in a (warrior) organization…

This is as it should be. There are four ways to display status — through knowledge, through martial prowess, through wealth, and through ostentation. A man does not choose the way, his nature chooses for him. If a man values knowledge above all else, he’s a Brahmin and shows status through eloquence. If he’s martially inclined he becomes a soldier/Kshatriya and shows status through victory in battle. If money-minded, he’s a Vaishya and shows status through accumulation of wealth. If he likes gaudy trinkets and has time-preference unsuited for any of the above, he’s a Shudra and works just enough to afford the shiny stuff he likes — becoming a salaryman under any of the other three.

None of this is esoteric lore, it is as the Dharma Shastras tell us, and it is how it is in reality.

…good organizations come from having a group of men with history working together as a team for the accomplishment of something; from having men capable of such a thing.

A good Brahminical organisation cannot generate a good Army[1], nor can a good Army generate good wealth[2]. I would phrase it in the reverse — to perform a task, first you identify the men capable of the thing, then you build an organisation around their definition of status.

[1]: Priest dominated societies perish for this reason.
[2]: This is the lesson I draw from Xenophon — an Army must convince Vaishyas to supply them — for they are masters at production and logistics and soldiers can never do as good a job at logistics. Priests convince everybody to support the Army.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The conditioning mechanism is also the selection mechanism. When the young Duke of Wellington and his peers were in boarding school, they spent their time playing football and other sports. And when the time came for the Hundred Days, it was simply a matter of transplanting the mannerbund from one context to the next.

Absolutely one should have men with character adaptive towards the task(s) they should accomplish; should have men whose character is of an alike kind to each other, that they may achieve higher levels of harmonic work with less ‘interpolation’ necessary to fashion accord; but when you have a problem, and your first step is ‘lets put together a team’, you are several steps behind to begin with.

The modern condition is typified by atomization. No one man can grow roots with any other men. His life, from cradle to grave, is a consistent slide show of being shuffled from space to space. He is shuffled from parents and neighbors to child prisons. He is shuffled within child prisons from figure to figure, isolated from any cross generational contact. He is shuffled from one child prison to other child prisons. He is shuffled from child prisons to temples of demon worship, to receive a mark of the beast, necessary for recognition in the society it dominates. In turn, that mark is used to shuffle him yet elsewhere in the world, for some abstract ‘career’, with some abstract organization.

More meaningful levels of communication, relevant to the edification of a man in particular, the conduction of civilization in general, are rendered impossible, because those who might need so communicate are preempted from learning each other. Each and all collectively stuck on step one, using english, but speaking different languages. A society full of strangers.

The Human Resources paradigm says, ‘let us digest the whole population through the Central Clearing Institution, so we can find The Best Qualified Persons for building a team’.

The Civilized paradigm says, ‘the team already exists, seed crystals from which whole sapphires may be grown’.

The Cominator says:

“The modern condition is typified by atomization. No one man can grow roots with any other men. His life, from cradle to grave, is a consistent slide show of being shuffled from space to space. He is shuffled from parents and neighbors to child prisons. He is shuffled within child prisons from figure to figure, isolated from any cross generational contact. He is shuffled from one child prison to other child prisons. He is shuffled from child prisons to temples of demon worship, to receive a mark of the beast, necessary for recognition in the society it dominates. In turn, that mark is used to shuffle him yet elsewhere in the world, for some abstract ‘career’, with some abstract organization.”

Great fucking post… since Jim quotes his best stuff sometimes this should definitely go into one of his articles.

jim says:

> ‘let us digest the whole population through the Central Clearing Institution, so we can find The Best Qualified Persons for building a team’.

Observe what happened to furniture when enforceable apprenticeship ended.

Schooling is simply a piss poor way of teaching people to produce stuff that is not easy to produce. Knowledge gets lost.

If you rely on school to teach engineering, all the graduates know is professoring.

This deserves a post, but it will be a while.

Cloudswrest says:

I remember in college an engineering professor once “joked” in a lecture that more engineering goes into the design of a commercial capacitor than all the stuff you’re going to learn here in school. The class laughed, but of course he was serious.

alf says:

Hence the eternal complaint of millenials that ‘staying in touch’ takes more effort than it’s worth. Of course, from one atom to another atom, you just don’t care that much. It’s only in a larger, ehh, ‘molecular’ context that you start to care, and even though larger groups naturally arise, modernity does its utmost best to destroy them. At which modernity is decently good at — modern men are generally forced to work for strangers to earn a living. Also, groups must be mixed, and just like on a ship the presence of women on equal footing curses the group.

A group of men who can help each other for the rest of their lives must know one another for a long time, gone through hardship together. They have their own internal hierarchy, their own rituals of debate and crisis solving. And naturally they keep their women in place, at least in the context of the group. That way, multiple families may come over for barbecues, at which the men gather around the barbecue and boast of their meat cooking skills, the women gossip and talk kids, and the kids chase each other.

jim says:

It is difficult for men to cooperate in the presence of women, they are always creating trouble, they always want to discover which male is more alpha than the other, which men sort out quickly and do not want to revisit.

Oog en Hand says:

In atomized socities, become radioactive.

Mi rimarkis ke la flandra verkisto Elsschot, kvankam li estas unu el la plej gravaj nederlandlingvaj verkistoj, ne havas multan da informacio en la reto. Tial mi ekfarigis hejmo-paghon pri lin. Por enkondukighi legu ankau la antauparolon de ` Fromagho ‘. Bonvolu sendi al mi komentarion kaj suplementojn, se vi havas tion.

Read Lijmen/Het been…

polifugue says:

Thoughts on the fifth book of the Code of Justinian?

In particular, the issues addressed by Justinian himself (Ctrl+F “Justinian”) and in chapter four.

jim says:

Not really

Mostly he is regulating people’s status, which is complicated, messy, and no one ever speaks entirely plainly when addressing such matters, making his regulations hard to interpret. Difficult to say what is actually happening, and what is the intended effect.

Mostly it seems to be about people wanting their children to inherit their status, and he does not want an oversupply of people with higher status.

He seems to be legally creating a requirement for female consent, against a society that frequently does not give it much weight at all.

He also seems to be legally creating a class of independent empowered women, on the assumption that they will swiftly marry and get out of that class, which does not work in practice, because women always want to be taken out of that class by a man strong enough to take them out against their resistance.

But, since people never speak plainly about sex and status, hard to understand what is actually happening. There is always a large disconnect between formal laws about sex and status, and what is in fact done.

Aidan says:

Should be noted that Byzantine fertility was very poor- the population never recovered after the black plague. I do not see Eastern Rome as a model for us. Looks to me like it was rotten, and continued on inertia for a very long time simply on account of having poor enemies, who nevertheless picked it apart slowly. Christianity failed to establish a cooperative elite in Constantinople, where palace intrigue and civil war were so common that they became synonymous with Byzantium itself.

JonnyBeGood says:

I remember reading about the description of the men of Constantinople by a visiting Frankish lord about a century or two before it’s conquest. He described them as behaving like women.

The Cominator says:

The Eastern Empire had very poor strategic position and was in a constant state of total war and they lasted almost 1000 years after the fall of the Western Empire. I think its a criminally underrated civilization. I’m pretty sure their peasant fertility is hard to establish… they may well have had poor fertility in places like Constantinople, Antioch and Alexandria because urban.

They must have gotten some things right.

jim says:

As I said “He (Justinian) seems to be legally creating a requirement for female consent, against a society that frequently does not give it much weight at all.”

Reading between the lines of Justinian’s code, I conjecture that what happened is that if a female was assigned to a man, and disobeyed because she wanted to run off with the wedding singer (who looks more alpha to the female lizard brain, because everyone is looking at the wedding singer, and no one is looking at the bridegroom) she got whipped by her husband and/or her patriarch, and if she appealed to the local authorities on the grounds of lack of consent to marriage, got more of the same, but as the appeals got closer and closer to Constantinople and to the emperor, she was more and more likely to prevail.

Digressing on how to conduct a big wedding: An entertainer is fine, but the groom at some point has to casually and disruptively wander into the entertainer’s space and demonstrate to the female lizard brain that he is in charge. Similarly, you are the master of ceremonies, and if anyone else is MCing, you have to demonstrate to the female lizard brain that he is merely your assistant. It is your party, your space, all the males there must treat you as situational alpha, alpha because you are the host, your roof, your food, your booze, your rules. The female lizard brain does not understand or care about the difference between situational alpha and ultimate alpha, which is why entertainers get so much pussy.

The Cominator says:

So I would tend to guess that this requirement for female consent was enforced in the big cities with low fertility (Constantinople Alexandria Antioch especially) and probably barely known about in the countryside where presumably fertility was higher.

suones says:

…they lasted almost 1000 years after the fall of the Western Empire.

A whale’s carcass takes a looooong time to rot away. Doesn’t make it any less dead or rotten. A good depiction of late-stage Byzantium is found in the Turkish series Ertugrul. Of course, there the proto-Ottomans are very saintly (and curiously worship Baphomet right from the start, and have no Aryan roots), but the depiction of Byzantium as a den of scum and villainy is spot on.

The Cominator says:

A whales carcass doesn’t hold up under conditions of unending total war in horrible strategic position.

Contaminated NEET says:

The Byzantines folded like a lawnchair as soon as the crusaders got a tiny beachhead inside their walls. This was despite their vastly superior numbers, well-fortified defensive position, and arguably superior weaponry. It sure smells like they were a buffet for the hagfishes by 1200 AD.

The Cominator says:

1200 was over 700 years from the fall of the empire in the west.

Contaminated NEET says:

Fair enough, but it is around the time of Ertugrul (a fairly watchable show, and better than Hollywood’s mind-poison, but surprisingly I have better things to do than watch 150 episodes of it).

polifugue says:

At first the Code of Justinian appears to be a continuation of Pagan Roman proto-feminism. For example, almost the entire section of law against ward marriage comes from Pagan emperors.

However, upon discovering Anna Komnene, a Byzantine princess who documented her father Alexios I Komnenos and his battles agains the Turks and Normans, there does not seem to be any problems. She married at thirteen and had six children, while her mother married at eleven and had nine children.

Seems Pagan Roman policy on women was in law but ignored in practice.

Her documentation of the fight against the Normans and Turks illustrates the Byzantines being exhausted of soldiers after the loss of Anatolia. The Byzantines defeated the Normans by hiring Turkish mercenaries.

Fighting the Arabs, Bulgars, Slavs, Normans, and Turks eventually exhausted the Byzantine warrior caste. When Anatolia collapsed the empire could no longer muster home-grown soldiers and relied on mercenaries. The empire disintegrated from within and was eventually subdued by the Ottomans.

jim says:

> seems Pagan Roman policy on women was in law but ignored in practice.

That was what I suspected from reading the code – sounded like progressive debased law feebly pushing back on a reactionary based society.

suones says:

…eventually exhausted the Byzantine warrior caste.

This is why maintaining high Kshatriya fertility is extremely important, even permitting drastic measures.

Legend has it that once Sri Maharaj Prabhakarvardhan’s Armies finished off the invading Huns, his heir Sri Maharaj Harshavardhan was faced with a dire shortage of Kshatriyas to induc into his Army. He took the drastic steps of temporarily legalising polygamy for warriors and took more than a hundred wives himself, including young childless widows of dead soldiers. The demographic shortage was thus replenished within a generation.

emperor julian says:

Looking at the arguments in this thread, it seems pretty obvious that no new state religion is going to get anywhere if it is shackled to the Bible.

The Old Testament is too vague, and though its myths and stories are beautiful, it’s annoying and troublesome to have to reinterpret them allegorically. The main reason it survived for so long as anything more than an impressive, curious work of literature is because until the maturation of natural science most Europeans more or less believed that the Old Testament contained the early history of the world. None of us, of course, believe that anymore. And if the Old Testament is nothing more than a mythical poem which, like Homer and Dante, nevertheless contains many profound truths, then we can’t use it as a holy book.

As for the New Testament, though Jim’s interpretation of Jesus as a political reformer and voice of sanity is interesting, it’s obvious that a majority of the New Testament is not about establishing law or custom at all, but is more like a spiritual palliative for all the tired, oppressed peoples of the Greco-Roman world. We never hear Jim talking about sin, pity, the inherent wickedness of the world, or the “salvation of the soul”, even though those were the primary religious concerns of the early Christians. And the only way to actually reestablish real Christianity and impress it on the minds of the people would be to have priests teach these (I would argue) harmful doctrines. Also, the same difficulty applies to the New Testament as the Old Testament in that many of its assertions have been rendered unbelievable by developments in natural science and philology, and if we take them allegorically we make it much easier to twist the text.

You might argue that you can just have a Church explain away the difficulties, impose interpretations, and defend unprincipled exceptions (as churches have historically done), but a Church can’t have any authority if nobody believes in Christianity in the first place.

So I think that the new state religion, whenever it comes, is much more likely to be a philosophical system with, at most, a subdued and subordinate supernatural element. Like Confucianism or Platonism.

jim says:


The primary value of the bible is that it is a record, our best record, of the working social technology of bronze age civilization and greco roman civilization before their decadence.

Old Testament does contain the early history of the world, sort of.

Thus, for example, the first city, according to the bible, was ruled by King High Priest who was a mighty hunter, and built a tower. We know know that the first cities were built around a religious gathering point, and relied on hunters and gatherers for their food supplies, that agriculture came after cities, not before cities. So, just as the books of Conan give you a more realistic feel for early history than they dare give you in university, the Bible gives you a decent feel for early history. The retreat of the Israelites before the chariots of the Pharaoh does reflect the actual battles of the tribe of Dan with the Pharaoh. They would retreat to places where there was ground that was bad for chariots, and take advantage of that ground for maneuver.

But, no one should be reading the Bible as history and geography anyway, for reasons that Saint Augustine pointed out long before the rise of modern science. That is not what it is about. And, by and large, people did not read it as geography and history. Have not done so for two millennia.

Some of the gospels put the last supper on Passover, one of them puts the crucifixion on Passover. This is not necessarily a discrepancy, since the last supper reflected the Essene rites, and the Essenes observed the old Calendar, while the Pharisees who had Jesus crucified observed the new Calendar, but discrepancy or not, no one worried about it or tried very hard to explain it for two millennia. You don’t need modern science to realize that the Bible does not even try to make sense as history and geography.

Almost all the gospels were written before the fall of the temple, so the crucifixion was within living memory. If it is not a discrepancy, no one could be bothered to say which calendar they were using, nor should they have been bothered. It is not a history book, and no one with half a brain and no axe to grind ever thought that it was.

The protestant sola scriptura sects tended to holiness spiral by treating it as a history book, but that is not Christian tradition, that is a heresy.

suones says:

The primary value of the bible is that it is a record, our best record, of the working social technology of bronze age civilization and greco roman civilization before their decadence.

This statement is false and misleading. Here’s the corrected version:

The primary value of the bible is that it is a record, our best record, of the working social technology of bronze age Jewish civilization and greco roman civilization before their decadence.

You give too much credence to what some ancient Jews said, and too little to what Aryan Fathers (presumably) said. As an example, the tale of the Tower of Babel is told in the Bible from exactly the reverse of what actually might’ve happened, with the destruction of the tower representing Jewish fear of the Other more than anything.

The peak of accomplishment of the longest-surviving Old Testament civilisation (Jewry) is but a molehill compared to the civilisation of Jupiter and Apollo. Even the contemporary Egyptian, Hittite, Chinese and Indus civilisations were demostrably superior to the Testamenters with their mobile gods and goat herding tribes.

jim says:

No one knows what the Aryan fathers said. Our best records are those of India, which are contaminated by Dravidian demon worship. But it does sound somewhat suggestive of what is claimed that the patriarchs Abraham and Israel said.

Further, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Christian civilization built empire, and then created science and industrialization.

Now you may well say “because they were white’. OK. True enough. So let us reflect on what happened with white pagans versus white Christians. Christianity won by conquest, because Christian white elites cooperated more successfully than pagan white elites. There is no ancient white religion to raise from the dead in place of Christianity. Today’s white pagans are a bunch of witches and sodomites.

suones says:

So, just as the books of Conan give you a more realistic feel for early history than they dare give you in university, the Bible gives you a decent feel for early history.

Bible gives early Israelite history, Conan gives proto-Aryan history. Big difference. Robert E Howard must’ve had Divine inspiration, and was called early to the gods as reward for his accomplishment (Apotheosis). It is a very apt comparison. Reading Conan books as religious texts is surprisingly potent, and many a “Christian” has been swayed by them. The most recent example being John C Wright, who started a critical re-appraisal of Conan devoid of SJW prejudice, but, in his writing, started going into raptures before he abruptly stopped the series. Even the movies drop megatons of redpills every other scene, a fact that was noticed by Hollywood Jews (both makers and critics) who have subsequently spent decades maligning and belittling them. Crom is a powerful god.

The retreat of the Israelites before the chariots of the Pharaoh does reflect the actual battles of the tribe of Dan with the Pharaoh. They would retreat to places where there was ground that was bad for chariots, and take advantage of that ground for maneuver.

Not unlike the Taliban goatherders fighting Russian T-72s, products of a demonstrably superior civilisation. In both cases, Jews are present to glorify the sheer inferiority of the goatherders, once in the Bible, the other time in Hollywood. The only reason Pharaoahs didn’t kill all Israelites is because they were butting into Assyrian territory and pursuing goatherders was not worth risking a war with the Assyrians. Same applies to Russia and the Jihadis — not worth risking war with the Anglo Empire.

PS: Taliban are the mirror image of France — ethnic Aryans (Indo-Hellenes) LARPing as Semites and pretending to worship Semitic gods, receiving their cursed “bounty.”

suones says:

@emperor julian

Nice nickname. Please tell us what you propose. What gods do you worship? I’m asking because it is easy to shit on Christianity while it is now weak, and most who shit on Jimian Christianity actually have no concrete alternative, but are closeted Leftists. Live up to your namesake, Julian the Faithful. Tell us, what is your alternative?

alf says:

So I think that the new state religion, whenever it comes, is much more likely to be a philosophical system with, at most, a subdued and subordinate supernatural element. Like Confucianism or Platonism.

nuts (hehe)

The power of a religion is that it is law made by traceable men. It links us to our ancestors, to our history. Philosophy was once considered a subset of reasoning under Christ, but since it did away with Christ, it did away with our ancestors and became a poisoned well. Philosophy is an unnatural replacement, as evident in the names, which they call by the movement, not the man behind the movement. It is nihilism, not Nietzschiism, or blank slatism, not Lockism.

Well you mention Confucianism and Platonism, which are called by the name. Confucianism has a decent success rate in China I understand, but what has it done for white men? Has Platonism been successfully adopted anywhere? Platonism, from my limited understanding, has only been successful in the West insofar it has been adopted by the Christian church. Finally, what has Christianity done for us? Well, a great deal. Whatever you make of the Jews, they gave us some damn fine social technology, and it worked wonders for our ancestors.

It is true that the Old and New Testament, while full of wisdom, requires some authoritative interpretation that clear up misinterpretation by bad people. For instance, Jesus said it is easier for a camel to crawl through the eye of a needle than for rich people to enter the kingdom of heaven, which bad people interpret as saying that capitalism is evil. However, Jesus also said that a good man invests his money wisely and increases, while a bad man does not, thus concluding that capitalism is good.

Clearing up such loopholes is important, but tricky. We must not overdo it. To do away with our ancestors’ wisdom is a very high risk. Much better to respect it, and work within those lines. And so far, those lines seem to point towards Jimian Christianity.

Gedeon says:

The Old Testament is transactional with Leviticus, scapegoat sacrifices and less walk by faith. The New Testament is about self-sacrifice (to god), faith and looking forward to a better future: salvation

Romans 8

The self-sacrifice has been perverted by utopianists to mean you should suffer (not for Christ) for anyone. I relate to it like investing is forgoing present consumption for a greater return in the long run. Planting a crop, tending it and harvesting it is hard work.

I agree with Jim on the spirit being significant, but I also don’t try to wade into the weeds with respect to natural science. Maybe it is my background in software, but the system we know as Windows did not spontaneously evolve from an electron. Nor did Windows evolve from bytecode or even basic. There was a system architect who integrated various bodies of code that became a functional operating system. If physics is the source code of the Universe, I am open to the idea that the system could have been booted in any configuration the architect wanted.

I don’t play command and conquer, for example, and quibble with how the Tiberium came to be because I contextual the experience as software and the game would have no market if I had to build it from an electron each time for the publisher. I just harvest the tiberium, build the base and train some units to try and destroy the opponent’s base because that is the only way to play the game. There is no moralizing of any of it.

I don’t believe priests should answer every dumb question, but many try and that is the booger.

Matthew 7:6

Oog en Hand says:

What is the red-pilled position on the Abduction of Dinah? Did her brothers, the Sons of Jacob, act in a blue-pilled manier?!

jim says:

Dinah does not seem to have tried terribly hard to avoid being abducted and raped, and Jacob, in context presumably speaking for Gnon, rebukes Simeon and Levi for rescuing her in a startlingly bloodthirst and vilely treacherous fashion, which would seem to imply they should have married her off. Or at least done something considerably less drastic than what they did do.

The fourth son of Jacob, Judah, receives Jacob’s blessing. His elder brothers miss out, presumably because they sinfully rescued Dinah in a spectacular display of totally over the top white knighting.

The tribe of Judah traces real or mythical descent from Jacob’s fourth son Judah.

So the biblical position implied by that story is, like my own: Don’t do that. Don’t rescue abducted women, unless, of course, she is providing you with sexual and reproductive services.

suones says:

The fourth son of Jacob, Judah, receives Jacob’s blessing. His elder brothers miss out, presumably because they sinfully rescued Dinah in a spectacular display of totally over the top white knighting.

😂 💯 I find it funny that so many of my criticisms of the Bible vanish under your interpretation. Also to be noted that you are the only one I’ve read who follows this interpretation, and it is heretical per almost any established church, high or low. A time may come when GNON may test you. Don’t shrink.

So the biblical position implied by that story is, like my own: Don’t do that. Don’t rescue abducted women, unless, of course, she is providing you with sexual and reproductive services.

In case of what to do if they actually do abduct a woman providing you with sexual and reproductive services, read up on Temujin’s daring rescue of his (lawfully-arranged-marriage) wife Borte — a very traumatic event that catalysed his embrace of his destiny to become Genghis the Great Khan.

Also relevant: Sri Rama’s rescue of his (lawfully-arranged-marriage) wife Sita from Ravana, travelling across India from his Kingdom of Ayodhya in the North to Lanka beyond the southern tip (which is its own “country” now), cutting a path of destruction throughout, culminating in the burning and sack of the whole capital city of Lanka.

someDude says:

Thought exercise for you, my dear Suones. Please re-interpret Lord Rama asking Lady Sita to undergo the Agni-Pariksha (trial-by-fire) to prove her chastity for the duration of her imprisonment. Please re-interpret it in a fashion that is GNon-compliant!

Then I am also curious about your re-interpetation of Lord Rama banishing Lady Sita on the hearsay from some commoner (Barber was it?) in his kingdom.

I’m sick of hearing Feminists/progressive/missionary zealots criticising Lord Rama on this count and Bhakts defending him with the most idiotic arguments. Defense that is so poor that it’s worse than the condemnation. This might be the title of a new blog post for you

suones says:

Not going to do it. Unlike the West, where the Established religion is itself cucked, Hindu present isn’t (but is fighting a losing battle, admittedly).

Any Leftist “criticising” Sri Rama is not doing so from the point of view of achieving a better understanding, but is merely using a rhetorical tool to bait us. “Bhakts” defending Him, OTOH, are swine right (which I mentioned in earlier posts), which are not my cup of tea, but are very effective at fighting SJWs through sheer perseverance.

Just like I admonish any criticism of Hitler or National “Socialism” as useless wankery until the critic can protect the small TV shop from being looted by Marxist (or Prog) thugs, similarly I don’t countersignal Bhakts because they are the ones who actually fight in the streets when it matters.

Sri Hari Himself knows how I long for a critical appraisal of the Ramayana in its various forms, to study the original Valmiki under a wise Sanskritist, but that is not to be until after we’ve established Hindustan.

Till then, my only reply is: Jai Shree Ram! (Victory to Lord Ram!)

I would just advise you to watch the fireworks. 🙂

I agree with your principle. The Hindutva right in India is not exactly red pilled but they’re the best we’ve got in our fight against the Progs and the traditional Marxists alike at the moment (unlike the West the traditional Commie non-prog Left is still alive here, though in a depleted form) they’ve mostly won the battle against the old leftists but fighting the progs require a different approach and strategy which can only work if the underlying values are red pilled and based.

someDude says:

Oh and there is another one. Please also re-interpret in a Gnon compliant fashion the slaying of Shambhuka the Shudra ascetic by Lord Rama.

Somehow the Ramayana seems to have way more red-pill truths in it in comparison to the Mahabharata

Maybe a series of posts on the red-pill truths in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata? You don’t write about contemporary Indian politics anyway. Maybe this is something you can sink your teeth into? Maybe you could do for the Hindu epics what Jim is doing for Christianity?

Think Big, my friend. Be our Hernando Cortez. Shoot for Freedom, Immortality and the Stars.

suones says:

Leaving aside the whole question of Shambuka’s caste, 1) he was engaged in austerity and penance to gain spiritual power to conquer heaven and subdue the gods (which he readily confessed to Sri Ram), and 2) his powers were of the destructive variety as even in the initial stages of his ascendance he had caused the death of a child by absorbing his life force (which life force returned to the child after Sri Rama decapitated Shambuka).

Considering that Sri Ram had just returned from fighting a hugely destructive war against rakshasas who had gained spiritual powers through tapasya and promptly put those powers to evil use, he simply nipped this new evil in the bud.

Caste agitators deliberately misinterpret this incident as evidence for “persecution” of Shudras, despite there being several rishis who were born as Shudras but attained Brahmin-hood within their lifetimes. Even the composer of Ramayana, Maharishi Valmiki himself, certainly a Brahmin by any definition, was of low-birth according to many sources.

In summary: Lord Rama killed evildoers, Brahmin (Ravana) and Shudra (Shambuka) alike.

Oog en Hand says:

Note the priestly nature of Levi. Simeon got obliterated…

jewgasser1488 says:

The Hitlerist perspective, which is to say the correct perspective, is that her genes and her reproductive services are the property of the Nation and not to be co-opted by subhuman aliens. If a woman is abducted, that is theft from the Nation and from the Nation’s men who might have taken her for a wife, and if you fail to punish such behavior you will get more of it. It is an absolute requirement that the woman escape of her own volition and determination that she may have one of her countrymen – by definition superior to the abductor by any standard – for a mate. If it is physically impossible for her to do so, she must be retrieved by her countrymen, using whatever force is appropriate to discourage a repetition of such acts by foreigners. If she can be demonstrated to have cooperated with the abuctor in any circumstance where it was not absolutely required to do so for her continued health and existence, she must be killed as a traitor. Any children from such a pairing must especially be hunted down and exterminated.

Willing outbreeding is an exception; if a foreign candidate can be found whose genes are of the high standard demanded by the Nation, and if the woman and her family are willing, then the match may be permitted. The 90/10 rule should be the general guideline: only the top 10% of the population of the foreign nation in question should be considered for such matches, and no more than 10% of the Nation’s women may be permitted to outbreed.

Rape is about sex and reproduction, not power. If you permit a child of rape to be born and grow to adulthood you have rewarded rape. If you reward a behavior you get more of it. Any child conceived in rape must be killed – preferably aborted; but under no circumstances can it be permitted to become adult. This is absolute.

In many ways, modern leftist society has adopted certain Hitlerist principles, without explicitly acknowledging so. Nominal Christians are the primary opposition, but hardly any of them actually follow their own teachings fully, and their children are deserting the religion in droves. People simply don’t believe Christianity anymore, no more so than the Romans of Julian’s time took the old gods seriously. Dead gods are not resurrectable, and cargo cult larping the old social forms of a dead religion will not make people believe.

But everybody believes in Adolf Hitler.

The Cominator says:

Fuckoff wignat fed.

jim says:

Not seeing “wignatism”.

Also, wignat is an enemy word. No enemies to the right.

What leads you to conclude he is a fed?

Feds always put a blue pill spin on stuff, partly because they actually are blue pilled, partly because Human Resources is looking over their shoulder. This guy is red pilled.

Feds are unresponsive, because someone else wrote their script. This guy is responsive.

The only thing wrong with him is touch of National Socialism. By all means push back on his socialism, that is attacking him from the right. You are attacking him from the left.

We want to privatize women, not socialize them. Socializing woman is likely to lead to the same problems as socialized housing. The problem with socialized housing is that if a man does not own his house, he does not own his wife and children. If the state owns his woman, rather than his house, the man is cucked by a higher alpha. High alphas should not do that. Lose loyalty.

No enemies to the right. What is wrong with National Socialists is their socialism, not their nationalism. Socialism failed. Failed for Hitler, failed for everyone. In the middle of the war, Hitler ran out of other people’s money. The crisis of socialism hit right as he was starting the advance into Russia. Socialism works great, until loot and burn suddenly stops being a useful approach to logistics. The allies were victorious, because the crisis of socialism did not hit them until after the war, or, in the case of America, just as the war was ending.

The Cominator says:

I generally see wignats being used to describe these people on our side. Just my experience…

Nazis/fascist/evil nazi fascist racist etc is how the enemy describes them.

jim says:

To call someone a wignat is to attack him from the left.

And we are seeing no end of shills arguing that socialism is actually right wing, because nationalism and Hitler. “Wignat” plays into their frame.

The Cominator says:

“To call someone a wignat is to attack him from the left.”

But if its never used that way (I’ve no knowledge of a leftist using the term ever) is it? Maybe it is on Gab but I’m not on Gab.

Fednat is a good term but it needs to be popularlized, what derogatory name should we use for these people?

jim says:

I search for people calling themselves wignat on Gab (because it is easier to do that than searching for people calling other people wignats). All appear to be shills, at least at a casual glance.

Of course that is not what you asked for, and fails to be evidence for my claim, but it is suggestive.

The Cominator says:

Well it does sort of fall into the technical category of what I said but when people call OTHER people wignats in the deragatory sense its always people on the far right who are not national socialists attacking national socialists. I’ve never seen a leftist use the term to attack these people from the left.

That shills are using the term to describe themselves as a point of pride in shilling I think in fact bolsters my view…

Pooch says:

This is a good video of displaying what self-described “wignats” believe:

Ultimately, it comes down to an argument on the right of what the cohesive religion is: White racial identity vs Christianity

Hitler’s problem was that he was a socialist yes, but he was a socialist because his cohesive religion was Aryan identity, not Christianity.

jim says:

Over the past two millennia, we have had great success in creating cohesive identities on the basis of Christianity.


Pooch says:

Summed up in a nutshell…

Baked Alaska: We can not do this without god at the center. If god is not the purpose, than what the fuck are we even doing this for?

Wignat: Our people.

The Cominator says:

Hitler’s religion was not white but Nordic and closely related to Nordic Europeans. The nation of Germany was just a proxy to domination of Europe and eventual world domination (the world thing was not to be in Hitler’s lifetime though the Nazis did not plan to attack the Americas anytime soon)… Hitler was not really a nationalist in that sense. That is why the modern wignats are not even real Nazis either generally…

Saying our people is not in itself wignat and not all far rightists are christians, but believing there is a cohesive white identity that could live in utopian socialist harmony if we got rid of the jews is wignat.

Pooch says:

Jim is probably right, the label of “wignat” is not all the useful. What is useful is discussing a viable reactionary religion.

Looks to me those arguing for the national socialist/hitler/aryan identity/Nietzsche/whatever you want to call it religion fail the woman question and are thus blue or purple-pilled.

For that, old type Christians are correct to attack them from the right.

The Cominator says:

Until fednat is popularized we need a put down of these people so I will keep calling them wignats…

I would not lump belief in Nietzche (who loathed socialism) with wignattism either. Hitler’s favorite not strictly political philosopher wasn’t Nietzche anyway it was Schopenhauer.

But I like Schopenhauer too, Schopenhauer was incredibly based on women and lots of other things. The problem with Hitler is he was far more influenced by Marx than he let on.

jim says:

When I see someone who sounds like someone you are calling a wignat, I attempt to engage them on socialism and the woman question.

Usually they refuse to engage on the woman question, dodging the premise of the question, which evasion reveals them to be a shill, though they will eagerly talk socialism all day long.

If male and HR is not looking over your shoulder, you will talk about women, rather than socialism.

So, shill works better than wignat. “Wignat” shoots right. “Shill” shoots left.

Jewgasser1488 may well have been a shill. If you suspected shilling, should have called him a shill and engaged him on the “rape” question, which likely would have revealed a blue pill thinly disguised as a red pill, and inability to talk about the things you cannot talk about when HR is looking over one’s shoulder.

The Cominator says:

Wignats generally think white women are good pure but naive and weak Victorian creatures led astray by jewish mind control rays.

Now media and “education” mind control rays (which have jews involved but are not as jewish as they say) fucking up women are a real thing but not the way they say they are.

jim says:

Blue pill. And a reliable shill tell.

Women have always been women. The mind control rays are huge problem, but they are not the problem. Many an emperor with a thousand conservatively raised concubines and unquestioned authority to execute any one of them or all of them for any reason or no reason has had woman troubles, and many an empire has died of women troubles.

The Victorians attempted to control woman by going all in on culture, giving up on outright coercion, failed catastrophically.

alf says:

I like ‘white identity’ as what defines a wignat. Makes it understandable why the bulk is shills – shilling around race issues is easy. ‘Gas the kikes, amirite fellow wignat?’

But there’s a significant portion of non-shill wignats too. Heartiste and John Rivers on gab are examples imo. And their content isn’t bad per se. I think the problem is just that organizing around whiteness doesn’t work, of most charitably, there is no successful history of organizing around whiteness.

So since they are rowing up hill, they take all the help they can get. Their biggest shtick seems to be racial resentment, which I guess is the most effective. It’s just that it’s… ugly. Just a never ending stream of hatefacts. I mean, I *know* the Jews do a lot of evil priesting, I *know* blacks are much like plains apes. You don’t need to shove it in my face everyday. There’s much more stylish ways to do it. But if whiteness is your rallying flag, I guess you have to be crude like that.

The Cominator says:

Heartiste has become nearly worthless since adopting wignattism. Hes not a shill but his mind is occupied by useless left wing shill bullshit. At least Anglin (who seems somewhat aware that there is a flaw in the wignat world view that he can’t quite identify) is funny…

Yes we all know about race on the far right but its not the only thing in the universe.

And yes I know the mind control rays are only part of the problem. Women with no coercion and no mind control rays act more like Asian and Russian women… they would have the NATURAL vices and faults of unowned women. They would not be pure at all… and eugenic fertility would still be bad. But it would be much much more pleasant for men.

The Cominator says:

“And their content isn’t bad per se. I think the problem is just that organizing around whiteness doesn’t work, of most charitably, there is no successful history of organizing around whiteness.”

And yes precisely because its not a real identity anyone organically identifies with so it cannot work. That is why the federal government continually promotes wignattism (on the far right) and also extreme hatred of anything that smells like wignattism.

Wignattism is a cancer on the far right because it prevents a real effective opposition from growing. Cuckservatives are the other end of the scale.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is no such thing as wignattism, there is fednattism, and calling fednattism wignattism confuses the issue.

>Until fednat is popularized

Fednat is popularized by properly using fednat and not another term for fednats because fednats are fednats and not calling fednats fednats confuses the issue.

The world changes starting with you.

Pooch says:

Anglin (who seems somewhat aware that there is a flaw in the wignat world view that he can’t quite identify) is funny…

Anglin smartly pivoted to Christianity. When Spencer went fed (he may have always been fed) that was pretty much the end of white identity being a serious organizing movement on the right.

jim says:

Actual Nazis are coming around to our position. Nobody left but the shills.

National Socialism was a German movement. Trump’s national capitalism was an authentic American movement, but Trump chickened out when the time came to become Caesar. Now: The faith of Gnon, with Old type Christianity, as explained for modern red pilled people in terms of game theory

Pooch says:

Trump chickened out when the time came to become Caesar.

In hindsight, it was ridiculous and absurd to think a merchant/politician with no military experience could ever become Caesar. Our Caesar necessarily will be an active-duty officer who commands 1000+ loyal warriors

Pooch says:

I am surprised you did not criticize him for being blue-pilled on rape.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>determination that she may have one of her countrymen – by definition superior to the abductor by any standard – for a mate.


>It is an absolute requirement that the woman escape of her own volition


Rape is an antique word for taking another man’s property. Contemporary society is currently engaging in a collective orgy of universal mass rape 24/7, through ‘female emancipation’ – which is a contemporary phrase for the stealing of property (the women) from all husbands and fathers everywhere.

suones says:

Dead gods are not resurrectable,…

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons even death may die.

But everybody believes in Adolf Hitler.

Sieg Heil!

suones says:

If a woman is abducted, that is theft from the Nation and from the Nation’s men who might have taken her for a wife, and if you fail to punish such behavior you will get more of it. It is an absolute requirement that the woman escape of her own volition and determination that she may have one of her countrymen – by definition superior to the abductor by any standard – for a mate. If it is physically impossible for her to do so, she must be retrieved by her countrymen, using whatever force is appropriate to discourage a repetition of such acts by foreigners. If she can be demonstrated to have cooperated with the abuctor in any circumstance where it was not absolutely required to do so for her continued health and existence, she must be killed as a traitor.

This is as near a summary of the Ramayana as possible. This man is a based and redpilled Aryan.

Chad, Africa says:

Women’s liberation was a de facto transfer of title from ordinary men to their employers. This is how women’s empowerment fits into the overall picture of absolute wagie subjection. Not with “holiness spirals”, but with “maximizing shareholder value”.

From the perspective of the wagie, admittedly, someone else owning something looks much the same as it not being owned at all.


jim says:


Employers have been forced to hire women for men’s jobs by means increasingly drastic and coercive, starting with social pressure in nineteenth century and legal coercion starting in 1908.

In America the coercion was dropped or radically dialed back from 1945 to 1963, and women were booted out of the workplace en masse.

Women in the workplace are a problem, because they always shit test the boss, and Human Resources backs their shit tests.

If a woman’s job gives her a little bit of power, she will proceed to shit test customers, fellow employees, and customers with it, resulting in her driving away customers.

The Cominator says:

I don’t see women shit testing customers too often, fellow employees and bosses yes.

Even stripper gals I fuck (who don’t charge me much for it) don’t do too much shit testing.

jim says:

Chicks at the bottom of the hierarchy, the checkout girl at the supermarket, the waitress, do not shit test their customers. These are good jobs for women, women’s jobs. Women should be hired for such jobs. They always have been hired for such jobs, for thousands of years.

Put a woman in charge of those girls, trouble ensues.

With low level jobs where the employee is expected to advise the customer, as for example tailoring and the sale of menswear, trouble ensues.

I would expect trouble to ensue with female doctors and female veterinarians, but inexplicably, it does not. veterinarian is, surprisingly, a good job for women.

The Cominator says:

I generally agree…

What about female bartenders (and most bartenders hired are women nowadays) they tend to have a lot of power over their space should they wish to exercise it but they rarely shit test either. How do you explain that.

jim says:

She has a man backing her up. I do not have observational data for the interaction between him and the female bartender, but I conjecture that she perceives him as alpha because of what happens with a truculent customer (nothing impresses women like violence) and he tells her “Don’t make trouble” when she gets out of hand. A woman can do any job provided she has adequate supervision by a man she perceives as alpha. Hence the traditional arrangement where women did high level jobs for their husband under their husband’s supervision. I conjecture that is how the wife of Saint Peter got martyred. Women have frequently given me valuable assistance in high level tasks.

Cloudswrest says:

“I would expect trouble to ensue with female doctors and female veterinarians, but inexplicably, it does not.”

Perhaps these jobs involve a transfer of motherly instincts of caring for their charges.

Aidan says:

Most MDs are 115 IQ human google search engines. Yes, a woman can memorize a bunch of fun facts, but we need fewer doctors anyway.

Pooch says:

Covid hoax has exposed most doctors as just priests.

The Original OC says:

Doctors are also subject to real discipline, one of the few professions were fuckups can result in disbarment and jail, even despite AA.

Women do just fine in general under supervision – actual not nominal supervision – unless a task requires physical strength or extreme creativity.

suones says:

Women should be hired for such jobs.


They always have been hired for such jobs, for thousands of years.

Men have been arsefucking each other for thousands of years too. Doesn’t make it high status.

Repeat after me: A working wife is a marker of low class and something to be ashamed of.

[1]: Doesn’t apply to family work, of course, whether on a family farm or a family business. But menial tasks only, under supervision of men of the family, and not for wages.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Thar right there is some Brahmin-level stupidity. There are a lot of low class people, and they need to be made of some use. Giving them a way to be productive and useful is a valuable end in and of itself. Not every woman should need to work, but a considerable amount will. Pretending that because the upper classes do something so all the other classes can and should, too, is how we got here.

suones says:

Thar right there is some Brahmin-level stupidity.

> Brahmin-level
> stupidity


There are a lot of low class people, and they need to be made of some use.

Gender neutral language alert! There are a lot of low class men who must be made use of. Dharmic proles are good farmers, labourers, craftsmen and soldiers. Their women don’t need to do any of that. Prole men are built like oxen, have huge stamina and endurance, and can easily work enough to support a family of five (or ten). They, being proles, are emotionally vulnerable though, to progs as well as women — commonly taking to drink or drug abuse as a result of domestic unhappiness. The utmost duty of a prole woman is to serve her god (this is as the Dharma shastras say it, not my words) and make him happy and fit — she should know no other religion nor god. I, suones the Most Wise, scion of Manu (Mannus to German-speakers), proclaim that a shudra woman who serves her husband, and no other, honestly, will attain heaven easier than any ascetic or “sanyasin” delusional woman. If a woman derelicts that duty, verily I say, I will flay her alive and cast her flesh to the wolves. (Oops, Dravidian mode activated. Sorry lol.)

Not every woman should need to work, but a considerable amount will.

I already enumerated the conditions where women could work — in family farms/business, under the supervision of family men, and never for wages. This is the situation suitable for most Vaishya and Shudra women.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Gender neutral language because a significant number of women have always worked, as well as men. Therefore, people. I used gender neutral language because men who tend to start talking shit about the lower classes tend to start doing bad things to them.

Yes, it’s low class to have a working wife, but that just means that in order to accommodate the lower classes, we have to employ women where they are suited. Which is for a wage for the lower classes, supporting her husband’s trade for the middle classes, and working to improve the society for the upper classes. To each a place, according to their ability. That is hierarchy; that is right.

Karl says:

Suones, you answer the question whether a man should allow his women to work. I agree with your response. Working wife is low status and only justified by dire poverty.

A different question is for which jobs a man should consider hiring a woman. Jim gives a good list of jobs where hiring a woman won’t create severe problems.

suones says:

Working wife is low status and only justified by dire poverty.

A prole/shudra with a wife, living in dire poverty, is more an indictment of the evil system and King than the Shudra. As I mentioned earlier, proles are good farmers, craftsmen, labourers, and soldiers, which jobs should theoretically always be in demand. Yet they are beset by woman-problems, not money problems, which drive them into drink and drug abuse.

Jim gives a good list of jobs where hiring a woman won’t create severe problems.

And this is one of the points where Jim is unambiguously wrong. If you hire a woman for any job apart from charwoman/nanny/whore, you’re complicit in the destruction of Aryan society. Hire a man, and you support a family, hire a woman, and you destroy a family, the sin of which will destroy your own family as well, as so many “capitalists” find out. Specifically, Jim is wrong about female doctors, and generally about other jobs as well (unless under the supervision of family men, in family business, and not for wages).

The Cominator says:

Under current circumstances not everyone can live with the wife not working. Its an indictment of the system that most people can’t do so more than anything but its not a disgrace for the average man.

If your wife works as a personal trainer, masseuse, or god forbid a stripper (and maybe one should include actress among these) on the other hand you deserve to and probably will get regularly cucked. I don’t even think you can particularly blame the woman for it if she does so as you are allowing her to frequently put herself in sexually stimulating situations with guys who aren’t you.

Karl says:

Very good point. Any wrong we do has costs that must be paid later on.

I’ll now have lunch more often at the restaurant where the waitress is the wife of the cook, and less often at his competitors.

Aidan says:

It was traditional in the West for wives to work in their husbands own trade, under his supervision. It was common in the cities for a poorer man to sell his unmarried daughters’ labor, under the assumption that the man he was lending her to would keep her from wandering off to get banged. Hence the word ‘wench’, a very old word that meant ‘female wagie’.

For a married woman to work for another man is abominable. For an unmarried woman to work for another man is not too bad. Not ideal, but not awful. Will most likely end in her getting knocked up and shotgun married, but that is how the non-elite tended to reproduce back then.

polifugue says:

> I would expect trouble to ensue with female doctors and female veterinarians, but inexplicably, it does not.

Women are worse than their male counterparts in any profession, not to mention causing problems not only with their male but also their female customers and staff.

Despite being a college-educated self-described feminist, my mother avoids seeing female doctors as often as possible. There were many instances in which she would set up an appointment with a equivalently-credentialed female doctor only to regret it afterwards. Worst are the female pediatrics, who would act in an unprofessional manner on account of her being a housewife.

Women should be doctors, but only in fields that pertain to women, such as gynecology. Women in medicine is primarily affirmative action. At my medical center, setting up an appointment with the male dermatologist requires booking five months in advance, while the female dermatologist requires three weeks in advance.

suones says:

Women should be doctors, but only in fields that pertain to women, such as gynecology.

Oh my sweet summer child!

Female gynecologists/obstetricians are glorified midwives. When the shit hits the fan, you call in the surgeon, who is reassuringly male.

Gedeon says:

Female MDs = no
Female nurse = go

Female JD = no
Female paralegal = go

Female school administrator = no
Female teacher = go

Barmaid = go, but waitresses and hostesses are better
Barista = go
Physical therapist = 2x go

Somehow I have not encountered veterinarians.

Proverbs 31

The Cominator says:

A grudging yes to female MDs, there have always been “wise women” thus female MDs (who are NOT surgeons) must be considered to be among their traditional professions and I see no reason to ban them from it entirely especially since female doctors do tend to get married. No female surgeons though.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Female teacher = go

Oh hell no. Maybe they’re OK for kindergarten and early elementary, but not beyond that. Don’t you recall how much better the male teachers were on average?

The Cominator says:

Good point generally…

suones says:

Female nurse, female legal clerk, female teacher work only on a very small scale.

The MD’s wife can do nursing if it is a one-man rural practice, for example. Same with a one-man legal “firm” in a small town. Female teacher is workable if the students are all from her family (her own as well as extended). Another example is a waitress who’s the cook’s wife in a one-man diner. The point is — none of these women are hired for wages, and all of them serve under supervision of their husband.

Not good under any other circumstances. Especially not in a hospital/law firm/school setting.

Barmaid/barista/physio are fake jobs, one step away from whoredom (unless under husband’s supervision, of course).

The Cominator says:

Female bartenders are very very hard to nail, this is not just from my autistic ass I’ve heard it from real alpha womanizing types. Too many hit on them and their status in their own work is too high. Female bartenders may possibly fuck their bar owner or maybe some like leader of a biker gang who comes to their bar but otherwise its pretty hard from what I understand. Waitresses and such are lower status you have a better shot but they also get hit on a lot and aren’t as easy as you might think. Yes my favorite group of women strippers get hit on a lot but tend to be frustrated nymphomaniacs who will escalate things to a certain point as part of their jobs anyway.

The problem with female teachers is women exercising too much authority over children not theirs generally without enough alpha male oversight. Middle school teachers in particular tend to be extreme mental cases (I mean even for women) and stupid as well.

Reziac says:

JIm sayeth, “I would expect trouble to ensue with female doctors and female veterinarians, but inexplicably, it does not. veterinarian is, surprisingly, a good job for women.”

I would disagree. While it doesn’t seem to lead to overt social degradation (other than, perhaps, misdirecting the nurturing impulse away from children of her own), it does lead to a degradation of those services, because female docs and vets tend to be entirely by-the-book, and unable to learn from observation or experience. So long as your medical problem fits what the textbook says, all will go well. But about 10% of medical issues don’t fit the expected parameters, and at that point you will receive not the treatment you *should* get, but the treatment the *book* says you should get, because she can’t see beyond that.

Having dealt with veterinarians in my professional life for 50 years, I noticed this even before their education deteriorated (vet med is now all about the profitable specialties, while the newly minted cannot perform routine surgeries to the standard of competence of 30 years ago),and now that vet school graduates are 80% female, it’s accelerating.

And I say that as one who (fortunately now) has the ability to do pretty much any small animal procedure that isn’t major internal surgery, and a lot of backroom experience with old-time vets.

Rick says:

An old friend of mine died because his female doctor didn’t realize he’d caught an antibiotic resistant infection. He responded to each new round of drugs but but all it was doing it was strengthen the resistance until he got full on sepsis and ended up in a comma. This went on for almost 3 months before he died. If he’d had a competent doctor who nuked the infection with a broad ranged of antibiotics after the first round didn’t clear it, I’m convinced he would have lived. His case was very unusual and she simply didn’t know how to handled it.

Chad, Africa says:


jim says:

Highly improbable anecdote from anonymous source, curiously lacking in any concrete details, which lack of details suggests that the source is entirely unfamiliar with the situations where such events might arise.

Real anecdotes are full of lifelike though often irrelevant detail, rather than grey universal generics pulled out of a script written by academic Marxists. If someone is telling a story about himself, it is about his particular distinctive and characteristic self.

Ace says:
linker says:

Leftists are declaring war on crypto. Black pill in the short term. White pill in the medium to long term as it will force tech dorks and the nouveau riche to join the right wing?

Pooch says:

The climate faction of leftists are retardly attacking Bitcoin because PoW is energy intensive, but if you’ve been following Jim PoS is the future of crypto anyway.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The perennial tell of entryism is to say the words, but not specify about what one is one thinking thereby saying the words, not specify the why behind one’s words.

For example, some time ago a man using the handle of ‘david lamy’ posted a meandering screed more or less accurately describing structural manifestations of the present establishment’s anti-europoid-male-ism in anecdotal form, and his outrage attendant thereto. Some commentators floated an opinion that he was a shill (likely a sublimated antipathy to his use of lower class forms of speech), something which i felt was wrong-footed, because he didn’t simply express soundbytes, but elucidated at length on why he thought them.

Compare instead with something like CR, who could post ‘boy i sure do hate niggers, right, my fellow nigger-haters?’ all day long, but would be vanishingly short on any details as to *why* he would think that – more importantly, any details as to why *anyone else* could be thinking that. Could not acknowledge any actual particular realities that might be troubling others, and might reflect negatively on the objects in question, and to the extent any devalidations are specified, it is for bluepilled reasons, leading to bluepilled conclusions. The object being ‘hated’ for insufficient leftism. (Eg, ‘my fellow europeans, we need to stop muslim immigration to europe because they don’t believe in female emancipation, which is Our Heritage’.)

If one may expect extryism along other lines (and one might expect it), such as the question regarding fair sexes, then one may expect just the same dynamics; either a shill gives themselves away as a shill, or a man shows himself to be functionally indistinguishable from a reactionary shitlord already. And what’s one more positive contributor?

The Cominator says:

CR was a very obvious shill because it was hello fellow nigger haters, I also hate Democracy jews and niggers I can’t wait till the monarchy is restored so that we can implement a fully socialized command economy. We’re sure going to stick it to those pizza shop owners and guys with swimming pools, amirite.

What you disagree, you’re obviously all jews.

jim says:

Nah, he was a very obvious shill because he could not acknowledge, indeed firmly denied, any reasons for hating all the things he supposedly hated.

Someone can be a genuine reactionary, and still be socialist because he fails to appreciate the scaling problem of socialism. Though reactionary socialists seem to be vastly outnumbered and shouted down by socialist shills claiming to be reactionaries.

The tell is not socialism, nor even hatred for people of your and my class. The tell is inability to articulate the reasons for supposedly wanting reactionary objectives, or even to acknowledge other people’s reasons.

The Cominator says:

There was a lot of obvious to go around.

Pooch says:

Fuentes placed on a no-fly list…

It’s rather bizarre that he’s apparently banned/deplatformed/demonitized on everything but not on Twitter.

jim says:

Shills are undercover. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Twitter is shill central. If he is a shill (and I get too bored watching his stuff to figure out whether he is or not. Video is low information density, and Fuentes is very low information density) then likely the no-fly people failed to get the memo.

Pooch says:

You may be right but he doesn’t seem like a typical shill. He doesn’t shill for anything that isn’t reactionary. He makes regular thought crimes, particularly about race. He regularly mentions the unmentionable. He has mentioned bioleninism before and I would not be surprised if he has come across your blog, but perhaps he has cut some sort of deal with the left to allow him to keep his Twitter but being on the no-fly list is not indicative of that.

jim says:

I cannot evaluate him, because his videos have intolerably low information density. On attempting to evaluate his output on Twitter, same problem. Just talking about no-fly.

The left says that he went on misogynic rant, not finding that misogynic rant.

My suspicion is that it amounts to CR’s “I hate women too (because they are wonderful)” – which is an upside down version of the right position, that women are wonderful – at being women. Just very bad at being men. That to flourish, women need to be property, just as for men to flourish, they need to be free.

linker says:

Last night, far-right extremist Nick Fuentes went on a lengthy, violent and misogynist rant.

A viewer asked how to respond to his wife “getting out of line.”

Fuentes, who has received support from Congressman Paul Gosar, responded: “Why don’t you smack her across the face?”

After claiming he was “just joking” about assaulting women, Fuentes said he actually would “grab them by the arm and squeeze it – just squeeze it really tight.”

He added, “The equivalent of a Taser, or a rubber bullet. That’s how we apply this sort of domestic enforcement.”

jim says:


But you don’t smack women in the face. Too easily broken. Smack them on the bum. The latter is also more effective in establishing dominance, because it bending a woman over involves a demonstration of superior strength, which a smack on the face fails to do. Women get excited by being bent over. They love it.

redpurplepurple says:

pinning her to a wall works well also.

linker says:

Who is CR?

Pooch says:

Long time shill commenter on Jim’s blog.

The Cominator says:

A poster here who (I’m not sure if he was always like this) who started arguing that reaction properly understood required a Bolshevik style command economy.

jim says:

He also argued that affirmative action was not the reason for female and black dominance at Oxford and Cambridge. The real tell was “I hate women and blacks (because women are wonderful and blacks are magical)”

The Cominator says:

Didn’t follow that one much.

His most hilarious argument was that lower classes were poor because evil petty merchant restaurant owners (this was pre Covid bullshit) were getting them to spend too much money on restaurants. And that we were jews for not believing in this evil restaurant owner mind control rays.

We pointed out that this was absurd, that some lower class people spend too much in bars on booze and sometimes on weed (rarely other drugs) but that nobody spends the rent on restaurants.

jim says:

Hail fellow peasant, fellow peasant. You have only one cow. Your real enemy is the peasant with two cows.

The Cominator says:

His shilling was weird in that I don’t think he claimed to be a peasant and I think he said he was some kind of retired British bureaucrat (maybe he was lying about retired).

But he just would not even acknowledge our arguments in the fact of his absurdities and the restaurant thing was the most absurd and hilarious part of it by far. It was one way broadcasting other than the part where he called us jews.

jim says:

I was analogizing CR’s stuff about evil restaurants oppressing the masses to Trotsky (an urban Jewish failed money lender) announcing himself to be a peasant preparatory to murdering the peasants.

Hating the man who owns a restaurant is analogous to Trotsky telling the peasant with one cow to hate the peasant with two cows. (Supposedly he did not raise those cows. He supposedly got assigned those cows by the evil wall street demon, of whom he is a minion)

redpurplepurple says:


alf says:

At a certain point he burnt through his social capital and announced he’d leave. As he said, instead of all this fighting, beter to ‘take walks through the wood and maybe learn an instrument, like the violin’, as all good reactionaries do.

Then he kept commenting for a couple of weeks. It was pretty funny.

Starman says:

Obviously Communist Revolutionary… excuse me, C a r l y l e a n R e s t o r a t i o n i s t couldn’t acknowledge my and Shaman’s RedPill on Women questions. But his continued insistence on banning pizza and jailing pizzeria restaurant owners was bizarre and hilarious.

INDY says:

I think he said that he would not allow french fries served with a hamburger

alf says:

The proletariat is living paycheck to paycheck, exploited by the pizjousie !

Oh man I remember the spoof accounts. Some of those were really really good. Good times.

Pooch says:
jim says:

Pinochet was conscripted into the coup by the junior officers. Junior officers tend to be critical in a coup, because a coup is temporary collapse of the chain of command.

A self coup would have worked for Trump, but he failed to do it. Right now in the US, a coup by officers would not work. We have to wait for democracy to get even more thoroughly discredited, as in France leading to Napoleon, and the Roman Republic leading to Caesar and Augustus.

Pooch says:

I have doubts that Trump was ever able to pull off a coup because coups rarely (if ever) originate from outside the military. Regardless, it would be interesting if a coup happens first in one of the provinces like France before it happens in America. Likely would trigger immediate intervention by US military to “prevent another Hitler”.

Starman says:

“Regardless, it would be interesting if a coup happens first in one of the provinces like France before it happens in America.”
“Likely would trigger immediate intervention by US military to ‘prevent another Hitler’.”

That’s where France’s independent nuclear arsenal comes into play (Force de Frappe).

Pooch says:

True. Makes it even more interesting.

suones says:

Force de Frappe

Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.

suones says:

France is cuck central. First the bastard de Gaulle, then the coward Massu. I am pretty blackpilled on France ever since their terrible handling of Algeria. The last French patriotic general was Bigeard, and even he was humiliated in old age.

Algerie française !

redpurplepurple says:

i hope Le Pen learns from the mistakes Trump made. at the very least she must crown herself queen, make Christianity the state religion, and appoint a Grand Inquisitor.

anything less and I worry she will die.

Pooch says:

Women are not cut out for that sort of thing but hopefully the Generals do all the heavy lifting.

redpurplepurple says:


redpurplepurple says:

beautiful beautiful beautiful.
military personnel are already beginning to take sides.
the genie is out of the bottle.

The Cominator says:

Looks like the fbi is going to convince schizos to shootup government schools at unprecedented rates. Cuomos brother says more white kids need to die.

[…] “I guess I could say that my present marriage is more happy than not. I had sex with her within 15 minutes of meeting her for the first time, so my own experience seems to match Scott’s experience and it also confirms the truth of what Jim is saying. […]

onyomi says:

This reddit thread links an interesting article and asks an interesting question.

The thesis of the article is that “Democrats are stirring up racial resentment for votes” fails as an explanation for their behavior because they continue to stir up resentment in places they have an electoral lock on, like California and Baltimore. Shockingly, some of the activists in question admit that many ordinary blacks suffer as a result of undercarceration and non-prosecution of the black criminal element but see the end of tearing down an oppressive society as justifying the means.

The Reddit poster’s question is what Soros and others cognizant of such tradeoffs but still funding them hope to gain, in the end? Do they just really believe that e.g. US society is irredeemable and hope for a day when policing will be abolished? Holiness spiraling makes sense as an explanation for some rank-and-file activists, but not as much for puppet masters. If Soros just wanted to translate his money into prestige and power he could just donate to charities and causes that sound good and/or increase his influence but without creating the result of destroying the civilization he lives in.

jim says:

Shill on Gab complains of people “stirring up racial resentment” (Meaning white people complaining about physical attacks by blacks and being demonized in the media.)

These people believe. They believe that blacks have reason to be fearful of whites, and whites have no reason to be fearful of blacks.

You may think that strange that they believe, but people have far more contact with women that with blacks, and fail to believe what is in front of their eyes, and do terribly foolish and self destructive things because they refuse to believe their eyes.

Similarly, Mao attempting to command steel into existence while destroying everyone who knew how to make steel and all facilities for making steel. Marxist theory of value. Work equals value. So just make the peasants work at producing steel, and value will appear.

If you have a religion whose central claims are about this world, and they are 指鹿为马, believers will do stupid things – for example the Jews besieged in Jerusalem destroying their own food supplies.

onyomi says:

I mean, why do Soros et al. create these situations? You mean Soros believes that blacks are truly and justifiably afraid for their lives and genuinely wants to help them? But in that case why would he be okay with policies that benefit the criminal blacks at the expense of the better ones? He genuinely believes that only tearing down the whole existing system of policing can bring about a world in which blacks may walk without fear in white countries?

I do have reason to doubt the article writer’s claim that blacks are afraid for their lives, however. As seen with the recent attempted stabbing, cops showing up at the scene doesn’t seem to put fear of god in blacks at all, at least not the ones apt to be involved in such incidents. That said, in addition to being emboldened to just loot and destroy for fun by the standing down of police and prosecutors I do think a fair amount of anti-white resentment has been cultivated among many non-whites.

jim says:

Yes. You can see what is front of your eyes. But Soros cannot.

So he does not see he is destroying the civilization in which he lives.

Similarly, French Jews did not see that by supporting Islam and Islamic immigration, they would be purged from France.

suones says:

So he does not see he is destroying the civilization in which he lives and hates.


Similarly, French Jews did not see that by supporting Islam and Islamic immigration, they would be purged from France.

This is only your opinion.

I see Israel son of Avraham helping his half brother Ishmael son of Ibrahim eliminate the hated common enemy the son of Aryas. They will presumably resume their millenia-old war afterwards, but only after all others are eliminated or enslaved. Any they particularly hate Aryans.

Starman says:

Apply Rotten Chestnuts’s “if they were serious” principle to Soros’s and the rest of the USG elite’s behavior to see if they believe or if it’s just malice and point deer make horse. Some or most of the rank and file progressives might believe (which might explain the difficulty of Soros trying to assault Prophet Elon’s memetic sovereignty).

Did Brezhnev and his aging buddies truly believe in Communism? Apply the “if they were serious” principle to find out.

onyomi says:

What is “Rotten Chestnut’s ‘if they were serious’ principle”? Imagine how they would act if they really believed what they claim to believe and compare that with how they actually behave?

Starman says:


If they were serious principle:

Anonymous 2 says:

Enjoyable little read though nothing new to readers here, I suspect. I would however also want to add the intelligence agencies as part of the problem, among other parts of the deep state.

At one point I thought “rather than civil war, shouldn’t they just solve the problem by severely curtailing the federal government and its attached apparatus”? Well yes, right after belling the cat, I suppose.

Pooch says:

Soros cannot because he is simply doing the bidding of the global elite, who know exactly what they’re doing just as the Optimates knew exactly what they were doing when they mass imported slaves into the late Roman Republic.

dee says:

Soros is from a time and place where Blacks were Negroes, considered between human and ape. He went through Jew roundups as a child without batting an eye and crashed countries’ currency for profit. Such a person does not turn into a bleeding heart liberal.

Though it is a bit out there, I do not reject the hypothesis that Soros and the usual suspects actually do this for the white man to start organizing. They might even provide a Cesar. There are hints that much of our news are managed, like police kneeling on suspects all over the world within a few days of Floyd’s death (I know that there was at least Spain, France and Japan).

I do not trust Jim’s character assessments of people in power, especially after his complete yet confident misreading of Trump & friends. Simple 4chan memes about Trump being a Jew puppet got it more right in the end.

suones says:

I do not trust Jim’s character assessments of people in power, especially after his complete yet confident misreading of Trump…

To pick a nit, Jim’s confident misreading was regarding the Federalists, not Trump. We realised Trump was a merchant who could or could not become Caesar. Jim also predicted that massive fraud would elect Biden. What we failed to anticipate was the enemy action by the Federalist Society, which Jim considered a friendly force.

suones says:

Simple 4chan memes about Trump being a JewSoros puppet got it more right in the end.


linker says:

(How do you do block quotes?)

> crashed countries’ currency for profit

Contrary to fake economics, you cannot crash the value of something by betting against it. More like he saw that it was overpriced and bet against it and then the price better represented the value.

> Simple 4chan memes about Trump being a Jew puppet got it more right in the end.

Helping out Jews and Israel in exchange for their support is not “being a puppet”. It’s not like giving Israel 50 billion is that much money in the grand scheme of things. He’s not hurting Americans for the benefit of Jews. Jews are not the evil super villain you think they are. It’s like saying you are a dog puppet if you feed your dog and give it head scratches.

I think you should take a shill test: What things does Soros do that makes us dislike him? (Hint: it’s not because he was in the Hitler Youth or because he is a dastardly currency manipulator)

jim says:

> (How do you do block quotes?)

> > crashed countries’ currency for profit

<blockquote>&gt; (How do you do block quotes?)

&gt; > crashed countries’ currency for profit</blockquote>

Starman says:

Blockquote test


jim says:

Soros is a laundry for USG money that USG does not want its fingers on.

He “crashes countries currencies” by receiving inside information on policy decisions that abandon support operations, but, more importantly, his primary source of wealth has always been buying up worthless third world debt and then sticking it to the US taxpayer.

dee says:

> think you should take a shill test
I did that one in a previous post. He finances Antifa, feminism and leftism in general. I would fail the crazy test though.

>Helping out Jews and Israel in exchange for their support
What was their support? I assume it must be impressive, as Israel is considered by far the weaker in the US-Israel alliance in this blog.

Of course, I don’t believe it one bit. The USS Liberty is proof to me that whoever owns Israel is a very big player in US politics. Chabad openly considers the goyim lesser creatures, without repercussion. Holocaust denial is made into a crime by law in some of the most powerful countries on Earth. There is White, but not Jewish privilege. Israel can steal/get tech and pass it on to the Chinese: still US ally number one. For reference, Pakistan is also an “ally”, who cooperates in good faith, and then gets shafted. All of this says real power to me, though not necessarily all Jewish power.

Even with Israeli support, Trump did not succeed in doing much. Here his actions were acknowledged as meek, but characterized as preparation for a bigger play (he’s setting a trap!). In the end nothing happened, so it was all speculation. The people calling Trump an establishment actor since the beginning have just as much evidence on their side.

jim says:

> The USS Liberty is proof to me that whoever owns Israel is a very big player in US politics.

Merely proof of the fog of war. We bomb our own troops often enough.

It sure was not a big player at that time. The US acting distinctly hostile to Israel in that conflict.

Diplomats have tendency to go native, and a lot of the state department diplomats to the Arab world had and have gone native. So a faction in the USG was sort of at war with Israel in that conflict, hence the lack of coordination between the USG spying operation and the Israeli military.

If they deliberately blew up the USS Liberty, which I doubt, it was because the information it was gathering was being instantly leaked back to the Arabs over the usual back channels.

linker says:

I did that one in a previous post. He finances Antifa, feminism and leftism in general. I would fail the crazy test though

This sounds like a very HR friendly answer. He finances the wonderful people fighting fascism, the wonderful feminists, and the wonderful leftists whom we all hate for no reason. Sieg heil fellow Nazi incels! Soros is certainly doing those things but I can think of at least one thing that is much more specific and much more sinister, that your HR department would not allow you to say.

The Cominator says:

“If they deliberately blew up the USS Liberty, which I doubt, it was because the information it was gathering was being instantly leaked back to the Arabs over the usual back channels.”

The attack was 100% deliberate the fednats get this one right, BUT you are right as to the likely cause. I don’t think they were using much in the way of backchannels at all.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Wasn’t Israel closer to Russia at that point, and the US and Arabs more aligned? It’s not as if they were that close an ally. Bombing an ally of an enemy is not that hideous, all things considered. It’s not some great moral sin. It’s just two nations looking out for their own interests. It’s hardly the case that Israel is the great ally that our politics pretends, but neither is the USS Liberty an unforgivable act. Especially when you consider that the same people believe that after all the Germans and Russians did to each other, they are supposed to sit hand in hand singing Aryan Kumbaya.

dee says:

The version of the USS Liberty incident I read mentions:
– An Israeli pilot waving back to USS Liberty personnel as he circled around the ship, which was flying an American flag.
– Lyndon Johnson stopping the Navy from intervening after it received a radio request for help from the ship, after the later had been badly hit and an engineer managed to repair the radio (i.e. there was no mistaking the intent of the Israeli to sink the ship).

If these are true, I do not see how any of your arguments apply. Even if this was all an American plan, it is still an immense privilege for supposedly tiny, feeble Israel to attack and sink a US ship *and get the whole affair memory holed by the US military* when they fail to do this in their allotted time, to save Israeli reputation. Again, normally the US treats even cooperative allies like dog shit.

linker: Soros makes it hard for me and any sons I have to reproduce. In the end that’s what it comes down to, for you people too.

Back to my orignal point: mischaracterization of the powerful.

High finance are not merchants, they are priests. There was open interest within the Rothschilds for Judaism, and if Eustache Mullins is right, they were big drivers for wars, including WW1 and 2. Financing the Bolsheviks, of all parties, was not a profitable enterprise.

Elon Musk is not a merchant, and a poor priest (no one with priest talent would be caught dead on the cybertruck unveiling stage, much less presiding over it). Matter of fact, money came suspiciously easy to Musk in his early career. His coworkers cannot testify to any skill he has. “He brought money” is the only positive thing they say. He might be a face for a player that wants to restart R&D and space conquest anonymously.

Jeff Bezos… I don’t know. I suppose he fits Jim’s classification. But any one that has an NGO pushing social change is/was playing a priest game: Ford, Canergie, Rockefeller… why do people here focus on Soros?

jim says:

Rothschilds were out of power before the first World War, therefore cannot have been big drivers for wars.

As for openly supporting Judaism. So they should have. Everyone should love his own people – not that the Rothschilds are Jewish any more, but the Rothschilds you are talking about were Jewish.

You sound like a Soros shill, even though you passed the shill test.

Take the shill test again: Tell us what Soros has been doing in Eastern Europe, tell us why women need to lose sexual choice, tell us about rape.

dee says:

Do we agree that J.P. Morgan was one of the main actors to push the US into WW1? If so, I only have to prove that he was Rothschild’s man, as Mullins, Wheeler and Carr believe they have done. Even Quigley mentions a relation between Morgan and London bankers, naming Lazar Brothers only though.

When I wrote “interest in Judaism”, I meant study of Judaism, probably some esoteric form a normie Jew would not recognise (and perhaps not endorse). I cannot find any reference to it anymore, so I’ll just retract this.

I do not know what Soros is doing in Eastern Europe. I assume he is spreading globohomo and trying to install state department-compliant regimes there. If you have something you think a Soros shill would not be allowed to write, show it, and I will post it without quote or caveat.

BTW there is nothing based about noticing Soros. Mainstream media rubs his ugly face on your nose all day long: “Big bag facist Orban spreads conspiracy theories on Soros again!1!!”. This is reverse psychology. Others I’ve mentioned do not seem to pop up for some reason.

Women need to lose sexual choice because they will pick some tough-looking ganster with no social contribution, producing more demon spawn, while men who contribute quit in disgust. Then the neighbour, who didn’t let women choose, comes in, kills the men and enslaves the women.

Rape happens retroactively when she figures out you weren’t the chad she thought you were.

jim says:

> Do we agree that J.P. Morgan was one of the main actors to push the US into WW1? If so, I only have to prove that he was Rothschild’s man, as Mullins, Wheeler and Carr believe they have done. Even Quigley mentions a relation between Morgan and London bankers, naming Lazar Brothers only though.

That is transparent and absurd insanity on par with “Building seven fell straight down onto its own foundations.” and the flat earther voice over on a video of a woman with long hair floating around in the space station.

It is flat earth tier. At least Building seven looks like it is falling straight down rather than falling towards the hole blasted in the side facing the two towers explosion in one video taken from one angle, while the voice over in the flat earth video demands that we deny what we are seeing, and the powerlessness of the Rothschilds was evident in the runup to World War II. Loss of formal power was accompanied by the collapse of Rothschild influenced policies and programs.

The key fact demonstrating Rothschilds out of power, and out of hidden power, is that the allies blocked Hitler’s efforts to get the Jews to move to Israel and blocked Jewish emigration from Germany.

The “Rothschilds rule the world cranks” are on par with the flat earth cranks.

You are not a government shill, and if you are working in a shilling organization, that organization is based enough and not working for Soros, but “Rothschilds” are on par with “UFOs will take us to heaven” and not far above flat earth.

Not going to hold a flat earther debate on this blog.

Starman says:


“Elon Musk is not a merchant, and a poor priest (no one with priest talent would be caught dead on the cybertruck unveiling stage, much less presiding over it). Matter of fact, money came suspiciously easy to Musk in his early career. His coworkers cannot testify to any skill he has. “He brought money” is the only positive thing they say. He might be a face for a player that wants to restart R&D and space conquest anonymously.”

You may not be a Soros shill or FBI shill, but you’re definitely the typical wordsmith who has trouble comprehending the StarProphet Elon Musk. People who live entirely in the world of words have trouble comprehending the Space Apostle’s miracles that everyone can see.

Here you claim that a committee (a committee!) of greysuits have imagination and are behind Elon Musk’s miracles.

This is what numerous committees of unimaginative greysuits proposed as a fly back reusable booster.

This is one of Elon Musk’s miracles, a fly back reusable booster.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Is there a difference between how a man who is a shill sounds, and a man who is low class sounds?

A man who is a shill will often sound like he is practically holding his nose when touching on rotgepilt topics – indeed, will often express nominally group ideas in the most hacknied forms he can get away with.

Some men are simply not very erudite; but even unerudite men will still have an instinctive sensitivity towards how good they look to others. A shill does not care about how good he looks. Can be wanting to look bad on purpose, even.

dee says:

[*deleted for a multitude of madnesses*]

jim says:

To defend the proposition that the Rothschilds are not what they appear to be and Musk is not what he appears to be, you then tell us with great confidence that no end of other people and things are not what they are appear to be, as if it was perfectly obvious and uncontroversial that they were not what they seemed.

Not going down all those rabbit holes.

You trust authority too much, and you trust raging schizophrenics too much. Your reality testing is nonexistent.

Try to fit events together to see if they make sense in your worldview.

Check primary sources. Your sources lack sources. At least even Wikipedia has highly derived sources – usually what some twenty first century academic said about what some twenty first century academic said about what some twentieth century academic said about what some twentieth century academic said about … what some nineteenth century academic said about what some one who was actually there said.

If you want to make a claim that is likely to be disputed, try to provide some evidence for it.

dee says:

You trust authority too much, and you trust raging schizophrenics too much. Your reality testing is nonexistent.

I would be told something similar if I promoted your views somewhere in normie land.

Check primary sources. Your sources lack sources.

You’re essentially telling me to become a professional historian on the subject. My request was more about a biography or an article. Flat earthers can be pointed to lists of arguments against flat earth that have been assembled just for the exercise.

If you want to make a claim that is likely to be disputed, try to provide some evidence for it.

My answer to Starman contained some evidence that Musk is inferior to the pioneers of the past, which helps me in my argument that he is fake.

jim says:

> > Check primary sources. Your sources lack sources.

> You’re essentially telling me to become a professional historian

Because primary sources tend to be unthinkably politically incorrect, most professional historians will not touch them with a ten foot pole.

With the result that they are often as deluded as you are. But I have more important delusions to debate, among them those of professional historians. We are not going to debate your delusions.

My answer to Starman contained some evidence that Musk is inferior to the pioneers of the past

It contained more madness. Not going to debate stupid crazy stupid shit that hardly anyone believes. We are going to debate stupid crazy shit that it is mandatory for just about everyone to believe.

Starman says:


“My answer to Starman contained some evidence that Musk is inferior to the pioneers of the past, which helps me in my argument that he is fake.”

Somebody else landed an orbital rocket first stage back to launch site before Elon Musk, who’s that?
All I see is 60 years of Boeing and Lockheed middle management bureaucrats proposing the same unworkable spaceplane booster first stage over and over again.

You have arguments, Prophet Elon Musk has livestreams and video.

If I traveled back in time to tell my younger self that I would live to see a real prophet show up in the 21st Century AD, I would not believe it. But there he is. Praise the Holy Space Apostle, Peace Be Upon Him.

dee says:


We are going to debate stupid crazy shit that it is mandatory for just about everyone to believe.

Sure, I’ve got that in my scripts.

I’ve seen it pointed out (James LaFond) that cultures with strong women, with a remarkable amount of sexual choice, like Israel today, barbarian northern Europe, ancient Sparta, produce more warrior-like men than the cultures surrounding them. The opposite would be Arabs, where women have zero sexual choice, and most men are weak. He sees direct causation: women naturally select for strong men.

Separately, if this is all true, what is going to be *your* man selection mechanism, to replace women’s? (I assume you want all men to be as far from pussies as possible, but maybe that’s not desirable – in that case I’d like to know why).


Somebody else landed an orbital rocket first stage back to launch site before Elon Musk, who’s that?

No one.

You compared Musk to a committee, which makes him look good. I replied by comparing his behaviour to that of a leader in R&D (computer science though) of the past, and his vision to proposals of the past, to make him look bad.

I toe the line as a guest, so I won’t debate Elon Musk’s genuineness any more.

jim says:

> I’ve seen it pointed out (James LaFond) that cultures with strong women, with a remarkable amount of sexual choice, like Israel today, barbarian northern Europe, ancient Sparta, produce more warrior-like men than the cultures surrounding them.

Ancient Sparta perished for lack of Spartans, and all those people were conquered by the Roman Republic, where the patriarch could execute his wife for any reason or no reason.

As for the women of the Northern barbarians, that is modern progressive mythmaking, and extremely recent modern progressive mythmaking. It comes not from history, but from twenty first century movies about that history.

Strong women with a remarkable amount of sexual freedom, whatever else they produce, don’t produce children.

What we are seeing is that strong women do not have husbands, and men with no hope of a wife and children do not fight. And if they would fight, their sons will not for lack of sons.

> You compared Musk to a committee, which makes him look good. I replied by comparing his behaviour to that of a leader in R&D (computer science though) of the past, and his vision to proposals of the past, to make him look bad.

Not a leader, a bureaucrat. Your man created nothing.

dee says:

> Ancient Sparta perished for lack of Spartans, and all those people were conquered by the Roman Republic, where the patriarch could execute his wife for any reason or no reason.

Didn’t the Greek mock the Romans for eating together with their wifes? More redpilled on women than the Romans yet got beaten.

[*rest of Dee’s fake history from twenty first century and late twentieth century sources deleted*]

jim says:

You have not read Tacitus, and probably not read Thucydides. I have.

You have read what some twenty first century scholar said about what some late twentieth century scholar said about Tacitus.

alf says:

Trump was never anyone’s puppet. He was always his own man, which is exactly why the left completely freaked out over him.

Jim did not misread the situation, it was in fact everyone else who misread the situation – a coup was the only way this was going to have a happy ending. Which is why Jim warned beforehand for massive election fraud, and Trump only complained afterwards.

But Jim did misread that everyone else misread the situation. For a coup to actually happen, the stars had to align. Which is not how war tends to go – some things go in your favor, some do not. The federalist society did not go in our favor, Flynn’s pitch did not go in our favor, and that’s pretty much where it ended.

Which is not to say it was impossible. I, at least, felt something was in the air. And I’m sure those who witnesses Lafayette park and the storm of Capitol Hill did as well.

jim says:

Yes. Take the shill test. What things does Soros do that makes us dislike him?

This test is targeted at direct Soros employees and contractors. Direct FBI employees and contractors can pass it.

The woman question test has broader applicability, though recently there has been an abrupt change in FBI policy so am not altogether sure it still works. It may require some retuning to continue working reliably, as the Demon worshipper needed to be tuned a little bit to work reliably.

The tell in the woman question test is not what answer the shill gives, but what answer he does not give: That no matter what he replies, his answer will always segue away from the premise of the question: Female sexual and reproductive misconduct, poor female sexual choices.

Shills can tell us that women should be de-emancipated, but cannot tell us why. They can tell us that Soros is an evil Jew, but cannot tell us what evil he does.

Observe that I directly tell everyone how they can pass the shill tests, and they still cannot pass them.

Reziac says:

This is my theory:

When Soros was (IIRC) 19, he magically walked across the closed border of the Iron Curtain, whistled his way through the checkpoint, and magically had the funds to travel to and attend a London university. (This is documented, tho I’ve lost track of the source. May have been scrubbed.)

I take this as pretty good circumstantial evidence that when he arrived in London, he was already a KGB agent, doubtless trained in what Yuri Bezmenov cites as “demoralization”. Soros has said flat out that his goal is to see the West fall, and this is consistent with his expressed lack of remorse about … well, anything.

When the USSR fell apart, Soros was free to turn his demoralizing talents (by way of his financial raiding) on everyone *including* Russia (proving he has no loyalties whatsoever), and thus he continues to this day, except that he’s accumulated more resources than the USSR ever dreamed of. But the West remains his primary target. I think somewhere in the back of his head he still believes his early training, which was all about bringing down the West, and he can only see himself as remaining in control, not as up against the wall.

Rick says:

A) Jews have no loyalty to anyone outside their tribe and increasing as they become more progressive no loyalty to their tribes as well.

B) Soros has been working for the state department for ages, which happens to be more Marxist than the Soviet Union was.

C) He’s a bagman doing the will of the progressive elites not a bitter KGB guy. He does what he does because he gets paid to do it via the state department’s fiscal manipulation of loans.

You’re either new here or a new troll.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I wouldn’t call it beyond the pale to suggest that someone born and raised in a communist country might’ve had communist indoctrination. It’s an interesting facet to consider at any rate.

When it comes to motivations, well, there are lots of ways to make money, why chose (to stay in) the business of unholiness? The only way a man could tolerate such a spiritually poisonous existence, is if his soul was already poisonous. Payment is a ‘bonus’ for creatures like little George, and that is what makes him more ‘reliable’ for his function. If he wasn’t fronting multinationals, he’d be in an NGO pseudopod somewhere spreading poz; and if he wasn’t in an NGO pseudopod, he’d be on twitter signaling about poz. They love the ability to use poz as pretext to loot people, but lack of loot does not commutatively lead to a change in heart, because poz is their heart.

The cultivation of subversive intellectuals, particularly regardless of whether they personally considered themselves ‘communist’ or not, was the soviet union’s chief strategic weapon it used to advance it’s interests in other countries around the globe, and against the US in particular. In the event that the soviet union fell, what happened to all those men in all their positions all over society? Did they collectively go poof? Have a change of heart? Renounce the devil and all his works and et cetera?

In fact, not only did they not disappear, but they doubled down even. No longer did people ask what the party line in Moscow was: now, they considered themselves even holier than Jesus – i mean the politburo.

Pooch says:

I believe they wish to bring about a federal ideological-compliant police force. That local police forces are irredeemably racist is justification for that. They have the same problem with the police as with the military, that the rank and file tend to be white male conservative.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A more rational approach to the question of genociding europoids in America in particular and world wide in general would lean harder on the side of boiling the frog until your targets are powerless to stop you (through feminist fertility collapse, importing alien fighting aged men, and to a lesser extent boated managerialism for socio-economic dysfunction).

But that would involve explicitly conscious acknowledgement of what is wanted to be denied (to be destroyed) in the first place.

More reality coherent forms of instrumental reason in this regard, is precluded by the sort of men attracted to such sorts of goals in the first place.

They are driven by their insecurities, feelings of worthlessness, powerlessness, most especially when *they themselves might be holding power*; thus, they make themselves into enemies of all that is worthy, all that may serve to produce what is worthy – commutatively, into enemies, of reality, reason, divine law itself.

The existence of worthy men inflames the insecurities, acknowledging the fact of more worthy men also inflames the insecurities. A stable mind cannot persist in such a state, so they are not; stable, that is.

They want ‘the people’ to ‘demand change’, but places they can conjure up ‘demanding people’ are places they already have power over. They want to destroy SWMs, but they destroy their patsies too. They invade the world (‘for democracy’), and invite the world (‘for democracy’). Stupendous effort, a cacophony of sound, furious movement, all leading to nothing.

Pooch says:

Rudy got raided by the DOJ…

Some are saying this is a sign that Trump’s indictment is imminent.

Starman says:


That’s what Rudy gets for being a goddamned day drunk who decided to accept a position that should’ve been taken by a colonel with combat experience.

Pooch says:

If the French are any hint into our future, our Caesar must necessarily come from the military elite who recruits a political leader for political support. Trump recruiting a military leader for military support was the wrong order.

The Cominator says:

There ain’t been no coup in France yet.

Atavistic Morality says:

Different situations and it doesn’t matter what those old retired generals have to say today. If they had to say something, the time was 20 years ago or earlier, France is going to become muslim in 20 years unless massive genocide is done and these people are incapable of such action, they have neither the strength or the will.

Americans are not facing an impeding doom by an enemy, unified and successful religious faction demographically replacing them. In fact Americans wouldn’t have a single problem if it wasn’t because progressivism, not a single one. Blacks and women, including fertility, are a problem because progressivism, if people were allowed to acknowledge the problem it wouldn’t exist. Faggots would go back to their caves and the minimal most egregious cases hanging from posts. Latinos are actually somewhat functional and their crime would be addressed, you can cooperate with them and Asians is a given.

But France is not only facing the corrupting and destructive influence of progressivism, even if they fix their own problems the muslims are not going away and they are not going to cooperate. And since they have been a bunch of worthless faggot losers since the 19th century, they are going to simply roll over and disappear. Gnon wills it.

The Cominator says:

A reactionary state could solve the Muslim problem too, it wouldn’t be pretty or nice how it could get solved the way America could solve most of its problems nicely… but it could be done.

Atavistic Morality says:

A reactionary state of the 17th century in Europe, like Spain. As I said…

Today there’s no realistic chance of this happening, not even if Jim found himself magically being the Prime Minister of France. It’s not only a national affair, imagine the international community and what not? Oh boy, the US State Department would really have a field day with the excuse.

jim says:

If I was prime minister of France, would find and promote some red pilled officers with personal loyalty from their soldiers, and put them in charge of security for all key state and quasi state organizations.

And, magically and mysteriously, suddenly France would spontaneously start being red pilled and reactionary. Monck is the model. Suddenly Puritanism became a joke, suddenly monarchism became popular. It has been done before, it can be done again.

This is the inverse of how gay suddenly became OK. Gangs of gays were empowered to beat up individuals and businesses that excluded them, and the state strangely failed to do anything effectual about it, and suddenly everyone loved gays and hated “homophobes”.

If based is protected, and debased is not, suddenly everyone is based.

Atavistic Morality says:

And that would work perfectly for America, but even if you did that in 20 years most of France would be muslim and their own elite would be replacing you pretty fast.

jim says:

Red pill, white fertility goes up.

And we know how to keep Muslims in line. Spain did it.

Atavistic Morality says:

You’re pretending you can overnight make 21th century Frenchmen turn into 8th century Frenchmen and suddenly solve everything with magic. This is progressive level of thinking.

jim says:

In my lifetime, I have seen radical and abrupt changes in culture. And, reading history, I have read of some radical and abrupt changes in the other direction.

You can make twenty first century Frenchmen into eighth century Frenchmen. The equivalent has been done with great regularity. Going from twenty first century to eighteenth century is easy, because it is only slightly further than what has happened in the other direction within my lifetime, and going towards nature is always easier than going away from nature. And going from eighteenth century culture to eight century culture is a much shorter distance.

People keep writing recent changes backwards in time, but I was there. They can be reversed overnight.

If the media accurately represented black on white violence, and the state turned a blind eye to acts of collective self defense, suddenly overnight not being “racist” would be as low status any place blacks were around as it was in the post reconstruction South. The same will happen with Muslims. Suddenly Muslim will be low status.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You obliged magical thinking with your magical hypothetical in the first place.

Atavistic Morality says:

You can make twenty first century Frenchmen into eighth century Frenchmen. The equivalent has been done with great regularity.

Show the evidence then.

According to you Rome can be built in one day and Charles Martel and his armies in one night.

You cannot make 21th century Frenchmen into 9th century Frenchmen over night and as far as history tells us never, because it has never been done. That’s precisely why every civilization has gone down this path after all.

As an example, we can see Putin rebuilding up Russian society from the communist barbarism after rock bottom collapse, and it’s not happening overnight.

jim says:

> > You can make twenty first century Frenchmen into eighth century Frenchmen. The equivalent has been done with great regularity.

> Show the evidence then.

Overnight cultural change works both ways. Feminism was reversed overnight in America (but not in Germany) when Hitler took power in Germany.

Marriage was not immediately restored, but it was restored overnight in America when the troops came home.

Things worked great for the French in Algeria, until the overnight cultural debasing of the 1960s. Marriage is harder than Muslims, but even marriage is not that hard. It has been done before, it can be done again. Rebasing from above is easier than debasing from above. It goes down so smoothly that people hardly notice. Or if they do notice, they refrain from mentioning it.

We can overnight go from 1965 to 1962, and overnight, Muslims will be no more a problem than they were in 1962.

In 1965, anywhere there were Muslims, they were as big a problem as they are today. 1960, not a problem anywhere. In any one area, the change happened more quickly than that. We can reverse that change as abruptly as we reversed first wave feminism. Marriage will take a little longer, but it will not take long.

These things were done by command. Take away the command, they will reverse organically over several years. Reverse the command, they will reverse overnight.

Turn off the tap abruptly, the hose jerks, and water almost instantly stops flowing out the other end, even though the other end is a long distance from the tap. I saw the tap turned on suddenly, and over a short period of a few years, turned on suddenly in every country. It can be turned off equally suddenly. Everywhere there are Muslims, it will suddenly be like 1950s Algeria. Which was nice place.

jim says:

> the muslims are not going away and they are not going to cooperate.

If the state swallows the red pill, they are going to go away or cooperate. And, given the history of Islam, going away is a lot more likely than cooperation.

Atavistic Morality says:

No, the state is going to be demolished and destroyed by Islam after chocking with the red pill thinking muslims are French faggots.

Muslims are more than happy to throw acid in some whores face for attempting a shit test, drive trucks through sidewalks and blow themselves up to high hell if they’re taking enough faggots with them. They already live in their won parallel societies, in their own areas, with their own laws, under their own elites.

The French have nothing on the Muslims.

jim says:

Muslims are French faggots. Red pilled Christians always defeat Muslims. Happens every time.

The culture can be fixed overnight. And, once the culture is fixed, Muslims et cetera cease to be a problem.

Atavistic Morality says:

Muslims are French faggots. Red pilled Christians always defeat Muslims. Happens every time.

Based on what is this affirmation? They’re obviously not as we can see observing their behavior, their fertility rates, their honor killings, etc.

Red pilled Christians have lost against Muslims many times, including losing entire countries, which took centuries and much blood and effort to take back.

You’re simply making wild assumptions and wild affirmations without any evidence. The culture wasn’t destroyed overnight, the culture originally wasn’t built overnight and in the first place historically this cases always end with the barbarians winning and destroying the old empire/nation every time.

Atavistic Morality says:

The format came wrong on the other post:

Muslims are French faggots. Red pilled Christians always defeat Muslims. Happens every time.

Based on what is this affirmation? They’re obviously not as we can see observing their behavior, their fertility rates, their honor killings, etc.

Red pilled Christians have lost against Muslims many times, including losing entire countries, which took centuries and much blood and effort to take back.

You’re simply making wild assumptions and wild affirmations without any evidence. The culture wasn’t destroyed overnight, the culture originally wasn’t built overnight and in the first place historically this cases always end with the barbarians winning and destroying the old empire/nation every time.

jim says:

> Based on what is this affirmation?

Based on what happened long ago, when red pilled Christians were around.

The first crusade is the classic example, but the French did fine in Algeria, until attacked from Paris in the 1960s. It was easy, it was comfortable, it was fun.

If the French did fine in Algeria, they can do fine in Paris.

> The culture wasn’t destroyed overnight

It was destroyed overnight. I was there. I saw it happen. It can be restored overnight. The destruction was pushing stuff uphill, working against nature. Restoration will be considerably easier.

In the 1950s Muslims were no problem, and women were a much less difficult problem. From the 1950s to the 1960s was a change that in any one area took place in two or three years at most. We can reverse that in one year. From the 1960s to the late 1800s is a considerably shorter distance. From the 1800s to the eleventh century, no distance at all.

jim says:

Fixing the Muslim problem is just a minor detail after resolving the woman problem.

You have to ask “who is a subject”, which is to say who is in a relationship with the sovereign, such that he gives loyalty, and receives protection:

Well, who is a subject?

A state is ultimately an army and state religion. For the reasons argued by Machiavelli you need fear and intimidation, and also need persuasion and consensus. Steel alone does not suffice, but neither does hot air alone suffice.

No man rules alone, so you always have faction and compromise.

Scaling means one man cannot command everything, you always need a market economy and all that. The army needs the peasants to bring it food, it cannot go out and get food from the peasants without ceasing to be an army. If you have one man in the army who does not fight, pretty soon you will have no men in the army that fight. In recent times the British army has been repeatedly defeated by handful of goat herders because, though it has a hundred generals, it can only actually put a hundred boots on the ground. The British army is completely composed of logistics workers and priests. In Afghanistan, their primary objective was always something utterly silly and irrelevant like unsuccessfully attempting to build a girl’s school, because hurting people and breaking their toys just was never part of their job description. The British army would build playground slides, which complied with British health and safety regulations that forbid playground slides from being any fun, and the Taliban would use the slides for improvised rocket launchers.

You need to suppress speech that attempts to build faction and coalition to take away what other people have. People need to be able to keep what they have, even if their initial acquisition was deplorably unjust and disorderly, because otherwise more disorder. So you have to destroy value obtained by present or recent disorder, while protecting value acquired by long past disorder.

The peasants are not going to bring food with to the army if they get shaken down too hard growing the food, shaken down too hard taking it to the army, or if they cannot keep their gold after having brought food to the army. So the army has to provide justice and security to its camp followers, both personal safety and security of private property rights, and to the people that the camp followers need to transact with.

And, of course to tax payers, or else they are going to be paying taxes to other people, which will not leave much for the state.

So the sovereign gives protection to his subjects, and his subjects, backed by the sovereign, give protection to people that they need to work with, and are able to work with. Anyone else, someone who has protection can feed someone who has no protection feet first into the woodchipper for shits and giggles.

So you need to protect speech that attempts to build coalition to protect what people have, suppress speech that attempts to build coalition to take away what people have. The Sovereign does not want anyone except himself taking away what other people have, and he cannot take too much away, or else his economy is going to die, as the west’s economy was dying before the Reagan tax cuts (which were imitated world wide by all the people complaining that Reaganomics was voodoo)

This includes coalitions to take away other people’s status. There is plenty of food, but there can never be plenty of status. The Sovereign needs to be the fount of all honors, and people are always building coalitions and factions to make their faction the fount of honors.

As for people who are not soldiers, tax payers, or priests of the state religion, the state might as well let taxpayers and soldiers feed them into a woodchipper feet first should the mood take them. Except of course, there is the problem of peace with the outgroup. You want peace and trade with other states. So sovereigns have to have bilateral arrangements with other sovereigns for the safety and property rights of merchants and travelers.

But, providing safety and property rights for foreign merchants and travelers, you immediately get the problem of subversion by missionaries of the other sovereign’s state religion. So foreign merchants and travelers should be required to shut up.

But the sovereign has no general obligation to provide peace, safety, and security of property for everyone. Let alone for people who make trouble. So, freedom of speech on some topics for taxpayers and soldiers, but priests of the state religion had better stick to script. If you look at the old book of common prayer, it is a really tight script that leaves very little room for a priest of the state religion to ad-lib. And people who are not taxpayers, camp followers, or contractors of camp followers should find it advisable to stick to saying “please don’t hurt me”.

The category of subjects is narrower than the category of “not in rebellion”.

For example, as I have said many times, a woman has no country, no tribe, and no ingroup. When they are daughters, they have their father’s tribe, when wives, their husband’s tribe.

The category of subject implies a relationship of loyalty from below, authority and protection from above. So the sovereign should not protect women except that he is protecting the possessions of his taxpayers, soldiers, and so forth.

Women are never in rebellion. Neither are they in loyalty or obedience. They just don’t have the large group socialization instincts, just by nature are not in a relationship with the sovereign such that they should receive protection directly from the sovereign. They should receive protection directly from men to which they are connected by small group socialization, who may or may not receive protection directly from the sovereign.

And similarly, we have lots of paper Americans who loudly and flamboyantly fail to identify with America.

Muslim problem goes away when Muslims are defeated, when their army breaks and runs away on the battlefield, whereupon each individual Muslim has to individually seek a relationship of protection from an individual among the winners. Which is what happened in French Algeria. Lot of Muslims around, but still a very nice place. In the long run, had it continued to be a nice place, would not have been many Muslims around.

suones says:

Red pilled Christians always defeat Muslims. Happens every time.

😂 No. Happened only once, in Spain. Nowhere else has Christian->Muslim transition been reversed.

Karl says:

Suones, it also happened in Siciliy and Greece.

The Cominator says:

Happened in all of eastern europe south of poland.

polifugue says:

Although forgotten by everyone, the Christians conquered the Muslims of the Steppe and converted most of the land North-West of the Caspian back to Christianity, in particular the Ukraine. My friend from Ukraine descends from Turks who converted to Christianity after the Tsars conquered what was once the Golden Horde.

Although Christian military action has been with mixed results, it is important to remember that once the Caucasus region and the Balkans were under Islamic control.

The Cominator says:

Also the fact that Berkei converted to Islam is one of histories tragedies because if based Hulagu (who was almost a Christian) and his descendents continued as he had…

Its likely that Islam would have been wiped out entirely outside of Africa.

suones says:

> Hulagu

Christian Kings helped Muslim armies fight Hulagu, despite the latter asking several times for an alliance with Christians (his mother was Christian) against their common enemy the Muslims.

Gradually, he began to hate them.

More here (trigger warning XD):

Did you know that Hulagu Khan (Halaku Khan), the Mongol leader who sacked Muslim Baghdad, a grandson of Genghis Khan himself, was the son of a Christian mother? When he fought against the Sultanate of Cairo/Egypt, he repeatedly sought alliance with the Franks, Austrians, and various European “Christians” against the Muslim enemy. Not only did the motherfucking Christian Kings not help him, far from it, but the “Crusaders” who adopted an allegedly “neutral” stand, actually permitted Muslim armies to march unmolested to fight Halaku. So much for protecting “pilgrims” in the alleged “Holy Land.” Every one of those “Crusader” swine absolutely deserved what Salahuddin and later King Philip of France did to them. Oh, and Hulagu Khan converted to Buddhism on his deathbed.

jim says:

According to Wikipedia, Christian Kings conquered Damascus for Hulagu Khan.

He was trying to conquer and rule both Muslims and Christians, so they were doubtless happy to stand back and let Mongols and Muslims fight.

The Cominator says:

Initially the Crusader states (not then in any direct contact with the Mongols) thought Hulagu’s force were the armies of the great mythical Christian king Prester John attacking from the East (in the time of the Crusaders the Europeans had only gone as far Persia I believe).

When they found out they were the Steppe horsemen related to the Huns and Avars (all of them had heard of the latter and some of them who had heard of Roman history knew of the former) and not Christian and who had overrun every Muslim kingdom almost effortlessly they were terrified and decided the best hope was to let them weaken each other. They didn’t know that the Middle East was too far from the kind of forage pastures the Mongols needed to go and attack them. I like Hulagu but encountering a very alien force that just effortlessly destroyed your longstanding enemies… sometimes people are going to prefer the devil they know.

suones says:


He was trying to conquer and rule both Muslims and Christians, so they were doubtless happy to stand back and let Mongols and Muslims fight.

Excuses, excuses. Did or did not Hulagu Khan, son of a Christian mother, try repeatedly for an alliance with Christians[1]?


…encountering a very alien force that just effortlessly destroyed your longstanding enemies… sometimes people are going to prefer the devil they know.

More lame excuses. Crusaders were welcome to the devil they knew — and his name is Baphomet, who reigns supreme in Arabia, and will soon reign in France and Jerusalem.

This is why I remain sceptical of any alliance with “fellow Aryan” philosemites who, while professing enmity with Baphometans, nevertheless reliably come down on their side, even today. Witness the side Western philosemites take in the Burmese ethnic conflict, Chinese vs Uighurs, Serbs vs Bosniaks, or even India vs Pakistan.

Eastern christians are somewhat redpilled on the Baphomet Question due to longer exposure, but still not decisive enough — eg Russia.


jim says:

> Excuses, excuses. Did or did not Hulagu Khan, son of a Christian mother, try repeatedly for an alliance with Christians[1]?

Did he not conquer Damascus with an alliance with Christianity?

Starman says:


Trump sucked at recruiting people in general. He put a day drunk as his point man after all. Let alone relying on lawyers to deal with a security problem.

Pooch says:

The day awaits for a security man to deal with our security problem.

linker says:

I don’t get the animosity toward Rudy Giuliani. It seems to me like he did his best and there was not much he could do due to limited time and being stonewalled by every court. Seems to be some sort of cope like “If only Rudy didn’t make a fool of himself with hair dye running down his face we would have exposed the Leviathan and installed Trump”

The media will spin everything to make you look bad no matter what. It generates infighting if, when the media says someone looks bad, you then truly believe that they look bad, then attack them for looking bad. There was a lot of people attacking each other over Charlottesville as if it doomed the alt right. Charlottesville was definitely a mistake in hindsight, and now we know it’s tactically bad to do anything in the meat space, but they would have destroyed the alt right even if Charlottesville did not happen. They would just invent a different pretext.

I think we are being too harsh on Giuliani for the day drinking and the hair dye thing. It’s commendable that he fought for Trump at all. Just my two cents, I don’t know that much about the details of the situation.

The Cominator says:

I’ve defended Giuliani on the same grounds, Trump was a fool to trust the federalist society.

suones says:

Trump was a fool to trust the federalist society.

In that case, most here were fools, including Jim. I was a fool too, to take Jim’s word for it. Never trust judges. The correct way to deal with judicial nuisance was shown by Andrew Jackson, and Yogi passed that test with flying colours:

The Cominator says:

In the modern west people don’t want to believe me nothing less than killing almost the entire modern Brahminate (90-95%) will suffice.

You hate taking anything from Christianity but I liked still being a prog in the age of trannyism and white genocide to having taken the mark of the beast, there is no saving them, there is no redemption, they just need to go.

jim says:

Again, my model is the restoration, which purged the entire priesthood, by asking them all to re-apply for their old jobs or similar jobs, and fired everyone who was not Havel’s Greengrocer.

Some starved, some got real jobs, which because they were often smart people created a great deal of value, and some fled to America, founded Harvard, and plotted to reconquer the world.

The restoration gave us empire, science, technology, and industrialization. Seems like a plan.

The Cominator says:

Cromwell had already supressed the radicals and they were already discredited.

Belief in puritanism (at least of the utopian demon worshipping kind) died when Cromwell crushed the diggers and the regime became unpopular in the Major Generals era. To the extent people did care for the regime after a couple of years its because they liked Cromwell himself (who was a very militarily successful ruler) but not his religious sect.

You don’t need mass murder after belief has been supressed by the believers own side and by bitter experience of believers not being able to deliver utopia in power (and in fact making life worse in many ways).

But with an active and growing demon worshipping religion you need to treat them like the Cathars or like Suharto treated them… Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

BAP’s big mistake is he thinks this is like the Brezhnev era and that Biden is Andropov or Cherneko (which you don’t believe). If that were true than the Charles II formula would work. But its not… and it won’t.

jim says:

You may well be right. There could be too many who are not Havel’s Greengrocer.

That, however, will be revealed after we start purging them restoration style. If you are correct, one thing will lead to another, there will be holy war, and holy war against a live faith may well require killings on an enormous scale.

But we need to try lesser means first.

I expect that when the tap is turned off, the water will instantly stop coming out of the other end of the hose.

If it fails to stop, then firmer measures will be required. But I have great confidence that cultural changes can be reversed with the same arbitrary abruptness and swiftness as they are introduced.

The enemy faith came from above. It only pretends to spring out of the ground spontaneously. It is a holiness spiral that dresses itself as a spontaneous mass movement.

The Cominator says:

You only get one chance to do it… you put them in camps and sort out the greengrocers first… and leave the rest to starve to death.

You can’t generally go from less extreme measures to suddenly more extreme measures, well you can if you have a leftist regime but not with a more free and looser generally right wing regime. Right wing regime’s can only take that kind of action when they are on the war footing…

The Cominator says:

Also we have a lot of lost boys on our side, plenty of houses and concubines to give away if we do it my way…

There is no moral value in sparing these demon worshippers. This does not mean that morons should engage in freelance violence against low value targets but any proper right wing warrior regime or successful rebellion should show absolutely no mercy.

suones says:

Right wing regime’s can only take that kind of action when they are on the war footing…

You now understand why Uncle Adolf became “Socialist” post 1934 — i.e. needed a command economy. Needing a huge military buildup right now is a desperate situation. The next leader will surely learn from Uncle Adolf’s mistake, but I never countersignal him, as a rule. He was doing the best he could, short of establishing Empire (which he was psychologically handicapped from doing because of identifying as a “Common Man”).

suones says:


In my part of the world there are pretty few “Havel’s greengrocers,” so much so that I was surprised when I first saw this term used. Extremists are maybe 10% of the population max, but there exist millions of people who, while having no personal investment in leftism, still come down reliably on the Molochite side. This includes the highest levels of Govt, judiciary, and even the general population, right down to the village level (I’m not talking proles at all, only elites).

This is seen starkly with Muslims — one “lone wolf” fanatic kills a bunch of kafirs, then ten thousand “peace loving” brothers and sisters march in his favour, to prevent him from getting hanged. Nationwide media coverage and propaganda ensues, casting doubt on decision of the highest courts of the land[1]. Most of the second-order agitators are Hindus, indeed many Brahmins among them.

I think you’re making a mistake in that your plan seems to require a Stalin or Cromwell to have come and gone, while the reality of the situation is that Lenin isn’t even in power yet, and Trotsky is alive and well. Stalin established the Soviet Deep Freeze that halted the holiness spiral in Russia, while Cromwell ploughed and sowed the field that Charles II reaped. There is no Deep Freeze in India, and doesn’t appear to be one in the USA. The equivalent of the Russian White Revolution hasn’t even started, and every day that it is delayed is a day it becomes less likely to succeed.

Once the high-capability Leftist Brahmins lose the reins (due to death/dotage), the low-IQ thugs gain absolute power. This script will more likely lead to Pol Pot than restoration. At least Cominator will get the slaughter of Brahmins he wants, but it will be part of a massive bloodbath.

[1]: There is great rejoicing when the same courts legalise sodomy, for contrast.

jim says:

While I hope for Sulla, or failing a Sulla, a Cromwell, I expect a Stalin.

I think you are conflating two problems.

1. How easy is it to overthrow the state religion? Answer, until it destroys itself very hard.

2. How easy is it to convert everyone away from the state religion once it is overthrown? Answer: Dead easy.

The state religion does not have tens of millions of loyalists. It has tens of thousands of loyalists, and tens of millions of people who know which side their bread is buttered.

The Cominator says:

When people turn their backs on the gods of the copybook headings the gods of the copybook headings must with terror and slaughter return.

If we get a Stalin he’ll do it for us (but will probably kill us) but if we get one of our own in power he’ll need to do what Stalin would have done.

The Cominator says:

Adolf was planning a war he just could not possibly win.

jim says:

Could have won.

The problem he faced was that a land power has no way to force an airsea power to make an inconvenient peace.

When the first ridiculously crude aircraft carrier disabled the greatest battleship afloat, then there was no way he could win.

If he could have forced Britain to make peace, would have gone through Russia like a dose of salts.

The Cominator says:

Even if he won in Russia which logistically was almost impossible would have gotten nuked.

suones says:

In practical terms, Uncle Adolf lost because his enemies were co-ordinating massively while he was not even talking regularly to his most powerful “ally,” Imperial Japan, due to racial hubris and other factors. The “Axis” weren’t really a block like the so-called “Allies” were. Euro/Anglos will make this same mistake again, being race-obsessive. This is why I laugh at the foolishness of “movements” like “Identity Evropa” (complete with a ‘v’ instead of ‘u’) or other gayness. Race-obsessives are going to end up like Afghanistan — merely having good genes is not enough.

Germany was the best land-power in Europe and Asia, whereas Imperial Japan was an extremely powerful airsea power rivalling the USA (some would say equally matched, but for Japan’s lack of raw materials compared to the Anglo Empire). Together, they should have rolled up USSR and consolidated China and South Asia, then made a co-ordinated bid for the oil fields of the British Empire. A Eurasian Empire would have more than matched USA ten years later, especially after Germany had had time to develop jet bombers and the Heisenberg device.

Ace says:

>Even if he won in Russia which logistically was almost impossible would have gotten nuked.

The German advance was crippled by their lack of oil starting in late 41. If Britain was out of the war, Germany could have imported all the fuel it needed. Also US bombers couldn’t have nuked Berlin without bases from the UK. Any German bases getting nuked would have resulted in the Germans quickly finishing the bomb and attaching it to an ICBM.

There were 2 big infection points where the war could have been won: Capture the BEF at Dunkirk and trade the entire UK army for peace. Sending 3 Panzer divisions to North Africa while pretending to prepare to invade the UK in 1940. Over run North Africa and taken the middle eastern oil fields. This forces the UK out of the war in order to save India or because their primary source of oil is cut off.

suones says:

Oh, and one more thing: while the “USA” was fighting the Wehrmacht, the American “people” were sympathetic to their German brothers to a shocking degree. The evil US Armed Forces were led by rootless cosmopolitans and their leftist fellow-traveller politicians, and had to resort to massive aggravation and propaganda on the home front (including treason at Pearl Harbour) to somehow drum up support for their unpopular war, helped massively by their co-tribals in the media, then as now. Once the Axis had managed to defeat the Evil Army, USA leadership would dramatically change in a patriotic direction and I would be surprised if USA did not become Germany’s greatest ally in short order, led by patriots like Charles Lindbergh and George Lincoln Rockwell instead of the traitor cripple FDR. Same with British — the British Royal Family and population were sympathetic to Germany, especially as they rolled over their mutual hated enemy France.

The Cominator says:

MAYBE if BOTH Gibraltar and Suez were taken in 1940 Churchill’s government would have fallen and the British would have made peace… but the Red Army would probably have surprised attacked Ploesti then and there and its doubtful the Germans could have held it without so many divisions in the East at that time.

Ace says:

>MAYBE if BOTH Gibraltar and Suez were taken in 1940 Churchill’s government would have fallen and the British would have made peace… but the Red Army would probably have surprised attacked Ploesti then and there and its doubtful the Germans could have held it without so many divisions in the East at that time.

It would have only taken 3 Panzer divisions and some airborne troops to win in North Africa in 1940, and the most the planes that were being wasted attacking the UK while the Panzer divisions were doing jack shit.

It generally took the British 3 months to send planes to the middle east. It took the Germans 6 days. Overwhelming air superiority on land and sea + fully equipped panzer division with enough supplies because Malta was taken by airborne troops almost right away would mean an easy victory.

Russia attacking Poland in 1940 would have resulted in the largest encirclement in history and would have given the Germans the sort of victory in the first month of the war they were attempting to achieve with Barbarossa.

The Cominator says:

The Soviets would not have gone straight for Poland if they attacked their main objective would almost certainly have been Ploesti.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The easiest way for Germany at the time would be on the geostrategic level. All Adolf needed to do was wait on Stalin to move on Poland first, if he ever did.

Two big narratives that are retrochonically written into the history books are, 1. collective guilt of wypipo for not ‘recognizing hitler’ ahead of time, and at the same time, 2. that everyone always knew ‘hitler bad’, and that everyone knew that war was inevitable, and that everyone wanted in on the war. Such which are shuffled between by one hand or another as convenient for advantage.

In reality of course, there was huge resistance to getting embroiled in another war of kin-slaying – around the occident in general, and America in particular – and many folk correctly saw Hitler as a natural outgrowth of a people attempting to resist being crushed by molochians.

Churchil, FDR, and the broader axis of blue tribe in general, of course, were engaging in every manner of skullduggery they could get away with to provoke more civil war, but they still needed more of a pretext first to reach part way, and Adolf gave Churchil a gift by invading Poland simultaneously with the Russians (something else naturally written out of the books), and later Tojo gave FDR a gift when he took the bait at Pearl Harbor (‘permitted catastrophe’ is classic 20th century), and yet another gift when Adolf declared war on America first right after.

The best way to get lebensraum is lands theretofore being squatted on by the most alien, not lands held by your cousins. So obviously the thing to do would be have your buddies from the club lose a shipment of plagued rats in Somalia and Madagascar, and move in with Peaceful Homesteaders to Gentrify the area afterwards.

Ace says:

Taking Romania wouldn’t have been easy. In 1940 Russian had disbanded their armored units in favor of Calvary, they would have been trying to storm multiple highly defensible rivers using Calvary.

Finally, Germany captured more than enough fuel from France to turn any Russian attack on Romania into the largest encirclement in history.

Russia was in no shape to invade anything than an already beaten nation like Poland in 1940.

ace says:

>The easiest way for Germany at the time would be on the geostrategic level. All Adolf needed to do was wait on Stalin to move on Poland first, if he ever did.

Germany either had to capture a large oil source or lose the war. There were 2 potential sources of the oil they needed: The middle east or Russia. They had enough oil for about 6 months attacking Russia with all their forces. After that offensives were strictly limited and most of there were crippled for the lack of fuel.

For example Stalingrad was almost taken in the opening days of the battle but the mobile units heading towards the front lines repeatedly ran out fuel resulting the Soviets having enough time to dig in and move enough troops into the city to secure it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Jim, I think that you overlook this problem with your own approach.

Some starved, some got real jobs, which because they were often smart people created a great deal of value, and some fled to America, founded Harvard, and plotted to reconquer the world.

Do we really want a Prog Harvard popping up somewhere? Are Havel’s Greengrocers really worth that much, when the current regime is staffed with the most dysgenic and degenerate? These people are elite in name only, and it would probably result in an improvement even if every one of them was purged, including the women. Giving the Greengrocers some time in the camps will go a long way towards making recidivism less appealing. It also provides time to smoke out the true believers, so that none of them slip through the net.

In the long run, was the Restoration’s problem that it killed too many Puritans, or too few? Would we have been better off if the Restoration had resulted in the deaths of a few more or a few less Puritans?

jim says:

> Do we really want a Prog Harvard popping up somewhere?

“A true history of the American Revolution”

The American Revolution was won in London, as the Vietnamese Revolution was won in Washington.

Their plotting would never have amounted to much were it not for Socinian entryists into the Established Church of England.

The problem with enemy religions is never the enemies outside, it is the enemies inside. Outside armies are a problem. Outside faiths are not unless their army is stronger than your army and they start demanding “toleration” for their missionaries, which “toleration” swiftly turns into submission.

Pooch says:

Their plotting would never have amounted to much were it not for Socinian entryists into the Established Church of England.

Socinians, Puritans, Calvinists. It strikes me that none of these heresies would have come about if it wasn’t for the Reformation in the first place therefore holiness spiraling seems like the natural consequence of schisming from the Catholic Church.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


War? Who said anything about war :^)

Indeed there are many elements one could say this or that country could have done different with regards to this or that commotion with the benefit of hindsight; what the matter here is, is discrimination with regards to what is more or less impactful; which is to say, understanding the forces of history – and thus thereby gain power for the future.

As is often observed, the most immediately material level of Germany’s defeat was power shortage – we mean here in the more literal sense. The immediate implication in turn being that one should have devoted the bulk of offensive efforts towards securing the middle east corridor, after which one would have the privilege of being able to simply not lose indefinitely; where otherwise the only option would be either gamble an attack or lose eventually.


On a more esoterically material level, was that they ran out of pre-war surplus; not just fuel, but many forms of capital in general. But how? Where did that surplus capital come from, and why was more not created?

From ancient times, the western way of war is to let men profit from the business of war; and thus thereby, when you figure out how to conduct war profitably, you can conduct war indefinitely.

Say you send your spearheads into the ukraine, and companies of merchant adventurers follow. When your warriors need supplies, they can purchase them from the merchant adventurers; and in this manner, your chain of command can make their decisions on what will best outfit the forces for war – the pertinent folk for making such a decision – rather than conjuring up multiple redundantly overlapping chains of command all trying to make decisions on the same thing (eg, ‘ministry of the department of ordnance organization’), fracturing power, and undermining each other as a result. (

But they can also purchase from the natives too. And how? Why would our hypothetical ukrainian’s take deutschmarks? Because they could then trade those deutchmarks with the deutsche merchant adventurers, following the warriors, for other things they want in turn.

You may see, how is it that Alexander could march through a continent, conquering all that stood in his path, even though his ‘supply lines’ would’ve been so impossibly far from Macedon? Because he was good for business, while his oriental foes were not.

It is in such manner that Aryan men throughout history have prevailed even over much larger foes – even those rare times of those who might’ve had more fearsome bands of warriors, or a more tactically cunning commander – because wherever the Aryan man went, he (re)created economic order; and so he could persist, where all others eventually faltered. Echos of this ancient wisdom can be seen in degenerated form in that adage about great generals and logistics. And generally speaking, the most immediate foes surrounding Germany were all various flavors of socialist bureaucristans.

Broke: merchant companies diverting some of their production and transportation capacity to other parties detracts from our Optimized War Footing, as outlined by the Central Calculation Committee for Optimizing The War Effort.
Woke: ‘scalping’ is infrastructure spending – social infrastructure – allowing the creation of secure and productive lines of supply where none theretofore existed.


To look at a level even beyond that however, touches on the ordinals of conflict. The matter of any total war between Germany and other European powers whatsoever is already a catastrophic result, for their civilization in general, from the outset. Subversive it is, to quarrel with nearer, when farther is available.

Consider one instance: there were more than a few interests in Brittan opposed to conflict with Germany on account of the benefits they were making on trade through them, but which line was largely undermined by Germany’s increasing stance of autarky through the 30s. Certainly, you can say that mercantilism is basic economic fact; and certainly you can say that no small part of the British interest’s pleasure with the arrangement was also that it favored their own industries export; and certainly you can say there is strategic security benefit to more autarchic economic capability. But there is even more strategic benefit to not having your sons bleeding each other out on some far flung field. Would trading german sweat instead of german blood have been a fair exchange?

We can see this through another angle; what would Stalin do if Hitler didn’t move first? He could do nothing; which would be a great result all by itself. Maybe he would invade Poland or Romania anyways; in which case, Churchil would find himself in the awkward position of trying to advocate for war with a country defending itself – and Europe in general – from communist invasion; the latter of whom also just overran the country whose independence you were supposedly guaranteeing. And if he commits the mass of his forces to an offensive, with all the necessary baggage, through a buffer state, that would then open him up to a devastating counterattack. Whichever way, it’s all to the good.


Something else frequently observed about the second war of internationalist aggression, is a significant espionage advantage enjoyed by the internationalists over the axis countries. The simple prosaic reason for this is that ‘espionage’ is largely a merchant or priest activity, because they have reasons for going to alien places. Id est, Legitimate Business. (The flip of this observation is that priests and merchants can be duplicitous in ways warriors frequently are not.)

And since gommieism was a thoroughly priestly affair, they enjoyed a comparatively similar espionage advantage over USG in turn. After all, the difference between a communist (little c) and a spy was largely academic. A serendipitously literal statement. No shortage of useful idiots, fellow travelers, and true believers here in the ivied leagues!

USG could offer a man money, but the Communists (big C) could offer him a faith; and that is something liberal society was incapable of doing; something the atomized modern man, divorced from all Tradition, cried out for, like a perishing man in the desert; willing to drink even poison, if it feels like it quenches his thirst.

When your espionage is good, there in fact is really no such category as ‘spy’, as like a distinct object essentially separate from other categories of the populace. The best information network is community itself; and we’ve all got legitimate business, you know?

So out go your businessmen, to do profitable enterprise, out go your academics, to do collaborations, courses, speaking tours, and other like figures. Of course like any good Prominent Man of Germany who wanted to get ahead, they all served in the militia, maybe held commissions as reserve officers, which is nothing out of the ordinary. Of course they really are doing these things. And of course men are social creatures, so of course they will want to make Contacts with other folk in their visitations, want to share and impress their Honest Views on others, since of course they are only lovers of the True, Good, and Beautiful, and of course want to promote Friends who also love these things, and not promote those Enemies who don’t; and of course in turn they will also want to share their Experiences with their Friends Back Home. Just like what any Regular Person would do, you know?

On a certain level, you can say that demotism is archetypically inclined towards war; for, like Procrustes, it is a totalizing ideology, in that it seeks to apply it’s rule to all things in all places. Such is the distinctifying character behind the kinds of wars seen in the 19th and 20th centuries, as compared with, one might say more civilized, wars between princes of the preceding centuries.

Even in spite of that though, the actual occasion of war was a near thing for all the parties involved; a little more consciously understanding push, here and there, one might instead arrange neutrality, or even an ally, or even neutrality and then an ally, on account of scurrilous raconteurs violating the peace.

Just a little something to think about.

Pooch says:

Patrick Byrne’s chronicle of how Trump lost the presidency did not paint a picture of glowing competence for Giuliani, particularly how he handled the Flynn meeting. Having said that, Trump didn’t lose because of lawyer incompetence. Trump lost for failure of having an organized group of men with rifles willing to do violence to keep him in office.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

And I promise no more trolling until 2022 since people didn’t find it funny. 🙂

jim says:

You always break such promises.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

The greatest weapons The Jew has crafted to turn against the white race are all capitalist in design, for example, child pornography, cock fights, and pizzerias. We need a powerful socialist surveillance state funded by high taxes on corporations and wealthy people to put a stop to The Jew once and for all.

Jim, you’ve made it very clear that if it’s a choice between acting to save the white race and stepping aside to respect the rights of global capital, you’ll defer to Aunty Ayn’s advice.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply child pornography.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply crack cocaine.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply cock fights.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply profanity on television.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply a good swiss, melted swiss cheese and mush- roasted mushrooms and caramelized onions on a burger.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply very expensive rip-off joints.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply Dough Balls.

I don’t support the right of the market to supply Cheese Tea.

I’m also offering the observation that poverty is good for GDP, that welfare is good for GDP and that mass immigration of third world savages is good for GDP, in which case GDP is not a good barometer of the nation’s health! (I assume most of you will already agree that debt, in particular government debt, is good for GDP if you know your Moldbug.)

I went searching because Jim was trying to dismiss what I was saying about consumer spending, and Google shot me toward this crazy magazine…….. but seriously if you’ve got 4 spare minutes, click that YouTube video of that Greek women with the black long-term boyfriend and business partner……. she’s a libertarian. That could be Adam Kokesh lol

What? I thought libertarians were the OPPOSITE of lefties!!!!


Yeah………….. o….k….

And if you want more, Strike&Mike’s discussion of the polyamory of Ayn Rand and Emma Goldman is on there too but it’s longer and I’ve made enough links on Jim’s blog.

I’m off for a run. Watch the damn video! People like that bitch? They’re total shitlibs.

And so are you lol

jim says:

> The greatest weapons The Jew has crafted to turn against the white race are all capitalist in design, for example, child pornography, cock fights, and pizzeria

If you oppose cockfighting, you oppose masculinity.

In one of my identities. I wear feather in my hat. The feathers come from cocks that I bet on who died fighting, and at the drop of hat, well, even without dropping a hat, I tell people what they symbolize. Death in battle.

You are commie and progressive, and your schtick is to tell us that everything men do, and everything characteristic of whites in general and Aryans in particular, from self employment to preferring virgins, is “Jewish”.

No it is not. You hate whites, you hate us viscerally, the way Trotsky viscerally hated peasants. You hate the pizza shop owner and the family farm, because they are independent. You hate males and manliness.

Ayn Rand, for all her faults, such as cucking her husband, did not hate whites, liked men, and very much liked manliness. You hate us all and intend to do to us what Trotsky did to the peasants.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*Anecdote deleted for several details about what happened that could not in fact have happened*]

jim says:

It is obvious that you have never attended an actual cockfight, and I doubt that you have ever socialized with an actual member of the white working class.

redpurplepurple says:

aw, this guy is back again?
i guess some people just never learn…

jim says:

He has been back under several names, but I have started editing his name back into his comments.

Atavistic Morality says:

It’s funny how you start with the most obvious and egregious examples you can utilize to play your demagogy and moralizing but it gets increasingly obvious you’re a communist trying to rob people.

Fighting cockfighting is your excuse to be a tyrant and squash others, you simply want to regulate their behavior like slaves.

Profanity on television is your excuse to control any entertainment done, as you want to make sure your slaves are brainwashed and only exposed to whatever you want.

Your opposition to McDonalds is the perfect excuse to murder its owner, kill its employees and loot and rob every corpse and ruin left in the aftermath.

Going against “very expensive rip-off joints”, just like our current overlords with Coronavirus, is how you will control the economy and decide which are or aren’t “essential services”.

Excuse after excuse, you’re just craftily hiding your real intentions behind every pretext, like our current commie progressive overlords, because you’re one of them, because you’re a fed.

The Cominator says:

The state has already been screwing restaurant owners under the pretext of covid, mysteriously degeneracy as you define it has not gone away.

We do not need to shut down the restaurants and kill all the restaurant owners, we need to shut down the universities and mainstream media and kill most of the people who work in such places.

You name the jew for undefined reasons but not the brahmin/priest.

Starman says:

@Communist Revolutionary

I don’t support the right of Universities and academics to exist.

I don’t support the right of publik skool “teachers” to get paid.

I don’t support the concept of official credentials.

I don’t support supplying journalists and teachers with food.

What’s your opinion on that?

The Cominator says:


Starman says:

@Communist Revolutionary

Oh, and by the way, do you still oppose the concept of the colonization of Luna and Mars and the planets?

Because the Holy StarProphet Elon Musk is moving very rapidly on the huge fully reusable SpaceX Starship. 100 passengers to the Moon and Mars on a vast 9 meter diameter rocketship with full state rooms!

gordianus says:

The greatest weapons The Jew has crafted to turn against the white race are all capitalist in design, for example, … pizzerias.

What? How are pizzerias weapons?

Starman says:

@Communist Revolutionary

“I don’t support the right of the market to supply profanity on television.”

Real Christian Reactionaries, such as the Zaporozhian Cossacks, had no problem using foul language and profanity to denounce the enemies of Christ.

Excerpts of the Cossacks reply to the Turkish Sultan’s threat:

“O’ Sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil’s kith and kin… The devil shits, your army eats. … Thoult shall not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons;… we will battle with thee, fuck thy mothergoat fucker of Alexandria,… pig of Armenia,… grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick.”

C4ssidy says:

There is a lot of backlash from Catholics regarding medieval Europe’s attitude towards sexual consent, including towards the concept of permanent consent and the historical right of a man to enforce the contract. My literal grandmother remembers it being normal, but that is not going to convince anyone by itself, and I am going to have to dive deep into the subject if I want to convince Catholics of their own history. If anyone has researched this question in more detail, feel free to suggest sources and examples

The Cominator says:

Even slightly more sane systems that believed in female consent in the past didn’t take their word for it, the woman had to provide some kind of evidence she was beaten up and coerced hardcore this was true in the US probably till the mid 80s. Go to a guys room at night and claim rape sorry legally you consented unless you had a black eye and missing teeth.

jim says:

Actually, they did not believe that female consent was a thing. Well, they did, and also they did not.

I was around when actual observed practice, even though legally female consent has theoretically been a thing ever since the Troubadours, it really was not a thing to Joe Sixpack. Blue pilled, law, blue pilled official reality, but people not actually acting as if it was real.

jim says:

I remember.

I was alive when the idea of “marital rape” was so strange that feminists could not use the phrase because it just did not make sense. The phrase sounded like “dry water”. It just did not make any sense to Joe Sixpack.

It simply was not very long ago. History is being rewritten to push “marital rape” (moment to moment consent) backwards in time, just as supposedly medieval England was full of blacks (and if you doubt medieval England was full of blacks, you oppose media depictions and “science”) but I was around when the push to invent moment to moment consent just was failing to get any traction, I was around when it did get traction, I was around when they started rewriting the past.

Cloudswrest says:

I remember too. I remember when the phrase first started circulating and people were laughing at it. They were even referencing it on the talk shows.

jim says:

Female consent just is not a thing.

Explicit consent feels strange, weird, and disturbing. It always shocks me. Even non verbal but very clear consent in advance of me actually getting to work on a woman is a bit weird, though it is not as bad as verbal consent.

Mike in Boston says:

Female consent just is not a thing.

Yes. When I was young and single, I was naive about some things, but explicit consent by women had not yet been declared to be a thing, so I did not imagine it to be a thing, and did not notice its absence. Maybe neither did my girl friends.

Nowadays, explicit consent by women is proclaimed to be a thing by the powers that be, so today’s young, naive men have to disabuse themselves of the notion that it is a thing before they can rise even to the level of naivete that the younger me suffered from.

linker says:

How hard should one “push” for sex if she isn’t giving non verbal consent? I’m in my early 20s so I’ve been inundated with this stuff my whole life. I have an irrational or rational fear of going to jail and I would just freeze up if I’m alone with a female and she is not giving non verbal consent. I know the PUA literature says to either pester her for hours or to give her an ultimatum like she has to leave, but both of these seem unnatural. I feel like the pestering thing would land you in jail more than anything.

jim says:

You are just not performing the mating dance.

Let nature take over. There is a part of you that knows what to do. Let it out.

A man, a woman, a private space that you own, that no one would dare intrude on. A horizontal surface. Things “just happen”. Shit tests, often fairly harsh shit tests, are a frequent and disturbing part of that mating dance. Pass them. Pass them with grace, style, and confidence. No one can get sex, let alone children, without breaking the law. If pushing for sex results in her leaving, you failed the shit test. (And she will likely call the police. Women leave and the police get called for failing shit tests, not for passing them.)

Pooch says:

Takes experience. Start with kissing and slowly escalate to foreplay and then slowly escalate to sex. After enough practice in the field it becomes second nature what to do.

Pooch says:

A frenchmen gave me good advice a while ago: 2 steps forward 1 step back.

If she doesn’t physically stop you, that is consent to keep proceeding.

Pooch says:

Oh and get good at licking pussy.

jim says:

I don’t agree with that one. Make her lick your dick.

jim says:

If she does physically stop you, it is a shit test.

But don’t just keep right on going. After it seems you are going to keep right on going, introduce a distraction to cover your retreat. But you don’t want to let it look as if her physical resistance mattered to you. You don’t want to be seen to be taking a step backwards.

Pooch says:

I do that but slowly working up to it to get them hot for it never did me harm, at least for the first bang where they are most likely to give resistance.

jim says:

Taking your time gives you lots of cover to conceal retreat.

Pooch says:

But you don’t want to let it look as if her physical resistance mattered to you. You don’t want to be seen to be taking a step backwards.

100% correct. If you take a step backwards, it needs to be seen of your own volition not hers.

Ace says:

If she does physically stop you, it is a shit test.

But don’t just keep right on going. After it seems you are going to keep right on going, introduce a distraction to cover your retreat. But you don’t want to let it look as if her physical resistance mattered to you. You don’t want to be seen to be taking a step backwards.

That’s a bit different from my approach. I typically would pull back a bit when I hit resistance and then resume almost immediately while acting like I didn’t care about what she wanted. Was a failing a shit test in doing that?

jim says:

Depends on context. Reducing this to words is hard.

Resistance is a shit test, and your compliance is failing that shit test. But …

See my comment which is also an answer to this hard question.

jiminian says:

As soon as you get good at this stuff, one can no longer write out detailed advice or share his own stories, as he is going to be admitting on paper to multiple on-paper criminal acts

But if someone is verbally telling you to stop , saying “no”, and trying to push you off, what do you do? Well I heard of a man proceeding anyway, and the same two people were walking around the next day, and now live together

His success was by rubbing it on her to get wet enough then pushing it in, ignoring her cries . Had he licked pussy, probably would be in prison, it’s beta behaviour and is something for dogs and redditors

There are no limits with the advice. It’s “who dares wins”, and by the time any woman is asking you to stop, you are already in a hard place, but according to the theory, statistically safer to proceed than to stop. But I suspect men with a vested interest in this world (assets etc) will still sometimes retreat if the evidence is in their favor, just to fully cover themselves. But often the rewards are high for no retreat at all. Just hard to make a guarantee, even if the theory suggests that we can guarantee it, because it feels so ridiculous and counter-intuitive to the rational man. But at least you can pick up a wife with this stuff and largely retire and focus on fulfilling your duty to the gnon, without having to continually confront this fairly broken state of humanity

Pooch says:

I know the PUA literature says to either pester her for hours or to give her an ultimatum like she has to leave, but both of these seem unnatural. I feel like the pestering thing would land you in jail more than anything.

You are looking at blue-pilled literature.

onyomi says:

“female consent is not a thing”

Yeah, if I could go back in time and give 18 year old me only one sentence of advice about dating/romance/sex, this would be it. In fact, one could go further and say that “seeking explicit consent is a turnoff.”

The culture just feeds you so many narratives about how sexually aggressive men are villains and the good romantic heroes just magically fall into one another’s arms after overcoming the dragon/parental objections, etc. that it’s hard for an inexperienced man to understand that that’s just not how it works. As Jim says, today’s media cannot accurately depict seduction.

Re. Linker and anyone else young and still wondering how to do it, yes, just act, don’t ask, and don’t overthink. There is no danger of accidentally crossing the line so long as the escalation is gradual and shows an awareness of sensible progression. E.g. don’t pull out your dick when you haven’t even kissed her yet. Put your arm around her–>kiss her–>put your hands under her shirt–>put your hands down her pants–>etc.

Mild objections should be treated as only token resistance/excuse making for herself and ignored. Firmer objections that fall short of “I’ve got to go home right now”+acting on it may be treated with the “two steps forward, one back” treatment elsewhere described. Even if it’s the first date, say, you should try to have sex with her that night. Even if she really and truly doesn’t want to have sex on the first date, she wants to be the one who decides that. She doesn’t want it decided for her because you gave up in the face of her token objections.

Which is to say, it should not be viewed as a failure if you don’t have sex on the first date, but it needs to be her who firmly prevented it happening as a sort of act of willpower on her part, otherwise she will consciously or unconsciously feel unsexy and less inclined to see you again. If she made you go home while secretly wanting the d, you will not have to wait long before she is texting you again to give you another opportunity, but if you give up too easily that makes her want it less.

onyomi says:

Or, put a bit differently, to the extent female consent is a thing, it is consent by omission (of serious roadblocks, like her friend who came along on the date, actively going home, etc.) rather than active, explicit consent of the sort one might expect in other areas.

jim says:

The classic female fantasy is that she is abducted by the very alpha minions of the top alpha, the top alpha then demonstrates he is

1. Way more alpha than his very alpha minions in a way that registers with females sensitive but primitive alpha detection.

2. Demonstrates abundance mentality by allowing her ample opportunity to leave, but shows absolutely no awareness of the possibility that she might leave.

3. Demonstrates that he could stick his dick into her at any moment, and might well do so with very little warning, but does not actually do so.

4. Once again demonstrates abundance mentality by allowing her ample opportunity to leave, seemingly because the possibility that she might leave never occurs to him.

5. Does not actually stick his dick into her for quite some considerable time.

The demonstration of dick threat follows and precedes a demonstration of abundance mentality, but the classic female fantasy is apt to involve a demonstration of dick threat very early in the story, while the actual application of dick occurs very late in the story, with as much of the story as possible happening in a context where she might be suddenly dicked at any moment, according to the very alpha alpha’s whim.

So probably you should take your time, but need to take the time because you are at ease, not because you are begging for permission.

There have been plenty of cases where I have not taken the time, but always she had always been following me on social media for quite some time.

onyomi says:

It’s possible the approach I’m describing could come off desperate and I definitely don’t mean to suggest you should push so hard for sex that it seems desperate. As you suggest, dragging things out in time heightens the turn on for women especially, but I suspect most nerdy men of today of the sort looking for seduction advice, including eighteen year old me, err far more on the side of not being physically aggressive enough (or mistaking being otherwise aggressive by e.g. texting her all the time for the same thing).

It could be that a woman would enjoy things the most in a Fifty Shades of Grey-type situation you describe (haven’t actually read it, but assume it’s one of many such cases where the dick is threatened early but withheld a long time), but in the “tragedy of the commons” pussy situation we currently inhabit, it seems better to err on the side of giving it to her too soon rather than letting the above-described tension cool. Knowing how to drag things out longer without letting things cool off is probably somewhat higher level, especially when you can’t exercise the level of control that would be possible in a “women as property” world or the fantasy worlds of romance novels.

Also, maybe it’s a lack of my imagination given practices of e.g. selling off a fancy courtesan’s first time at a high price to a buyer in premodern East Asia, but even if the woman enjoys having the threatened dick delayed, my male perspective doesn’t see a lot of benefit in putting off till tomorrow pussy that is available today, especially since it is typically much easier to sleep with a woman again once you’ve done it one time. In my mind, pussy’s not a fine wine to save opening for a special occasion, even if the courtesan connoisseurs of old might have treated it that way… a certain amount of delay might be enjoyable for a man, but I’d guess less so than a woman.

jim says:

Pushing for sex is the same phrase for two things that are, to females, complete opposites.

1. Begging for sex.

2. You could take her any time.

You want to adjust for her state of readiness, but you don’t want to be seen to adjust.

linker says:

Thanks for the insight, everyone.

Cloudswrest says:

Things seem to be speeding up.

Former high level Trump official and quasi national hero raided by Biden’s FBI.

Citizen dissidents with no criminal convictions or charges put on no-fly list.

National Guard to provide security for Biden’s address to Congress (what does the Bible say about those who flee when no one pursues?). Is the excessive security theater to convince the masses of the “danger”, or are they really scared? I think it’s the former.

onyomi says:

If not for cuckservatives would we already be in a civil war?

Phrased like this, it may sound like I’m praising cuckservatives, but since I think we need a civil war sooner than later, of course I’m not.

It strikes me as we get ready to hear Biden tell us how “we’ve just survived the greatest attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” that milquetoast GOPers are really and truly a bigger problem than any democrats. They are the bigger problem because, by refusing to call out the lies the other side will tell, they tacitly go along with it and thereby cede all opportunity to be an actual opposition party.

But it also strikes me that, if Republicans right now were as rhetorically and tactically aggressive as Democrats but in the opposite direction, we would already be at war. You can’t have a nation where the president gets up and says “we just survived a great attack on our democracy” and then the other party stands up and says “the other side just stole the election and the man just speaking is not a legitimately elected president.” That is “prepare for war” talk.

To steelman McConnel et al., perhaps they know this, don’t want civil war, and imagine themselves the adults in the room steering the ship of state away from an iceberg.

But for those not of such a mindset (myself included), including those who believe future elections will also be fake if the GOP does not, at a minimum, play hardball within the rules the Dems have implicitly established (I know some here would say even that will not be enough), it really seems that the cuckservatives are worse than the Democrats.

On some level, of course, what I’m saying is not the least bit original, nor is it the first time I’ve thought this, but it also strikes me people, perhaps myself included, still don’t act like they really believe it. What would conservatism in America look like if crummy Republicans were the target of more rhetorical firepower than Dems, and is it possible? It already feels as if e.g. DeSantis and Cruz and Marjorie Greene are not even in the same party as McConnell. It also seems that we should be able to learn from the fact that the Patriot Act surveillance apparatus now being abused to target “right wing extremists” was passed under a GOP admin. Lesser of two evils may not even be that.

Pooch says:

The conflict is not Democrats vs Republicans. They are both of the same class. They are the elite. Recall, they fist bumped each other as they certified the vote on the night of 1/6 to make Trump’s removal official.

onyomi says:

Though I think a few Republicans may be good, this is sort of my point: people you think are your friends but who are actually your enemies are more dangerous than clearly announced enemies.

onyomi says:

Personally I think the 2020 election should be used as a litmus test and, if anything good comes of it, maybe it will: to separate the good republicans from the wolves in sheep’s clothing simply ask them publicly whether the 2020 election was legitimate.

Pooch says:

Correct. We need a Republican party that is rebuilt to be populist and represents the interests of the plebs, not the elite. Trump made a good start on it. To do this RINOs need to feel pain and lose, even if Democrats replace them. Eventually, hopefully, as more of them are ejected by the inner party or by the voters out of the political elite, they will be more willing to defect to our side.

Anonymous 2 says:

The colder approach is to become worthy and begin funding politicians of any stripe (why not Democrats?) to implement our policies. It’s after all the way politics is done in America.

jim says:


Politics died on November fourth.

In the end days of the Roman Republic, those who foolishly thought it still lived were apt to die also.

Anonymous 2 says:

Electoral democracy certainly died, but there is still influence and power. I of course do recommend you not to play the game as if you didn’t know it’s dead.

For example, even if you were planning to leave the country, if you have the means at hand, why not pay some lobbyists and/or congressmen to (work for) loosening crypto regulations and capital controls? Assuming that is in your interests.

jim says:

You cannot buy influence and power with money. People with money and no power have to serve power. People with power have all the money they want by just stretching out their hand.

suones says:


I admire your tenacity, but you simply can’t explain this to a Vaishya, who lacks the mental apparatus.

I wonder, what happened to your Aryan Brahmins? Are all of them pozzed (as Moldbug thinks)? In that case, you have much bigger problems than “Leftism.”

The Cominator says:

Yes you are correct on all points.

Its precisely the cuckservatives who want to continue the rotting stinking skinsuit of the republic at all costs.

The left even the establishment left for all their evil and madness otherwise understand its gone. Its ONLY the cuckservatives who care about it at all anymore. I read some article that this is a worldwide thing too but cannot find it, that the farce of social democracy is mainly maintained by how strong the center right cucks are.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If there is any one sentiment that finds the greatest extent of representation in defining modernity, it fear of power.

Demotism, because fear of power (‘noone can have power over me, because they might do something bad to me’).

Gun grabbing, arms control, because fear of power (‘other people having strong tools would increase their ability to do bad things to me’).

Superhero stories where people with fantastical abilities are depicted as isolated loners, because fear of power (‘if people have power, they could do bad things to me’).

A cuckservative is also something that fears power, in it’s own way; it fears playing the game of power, doing the sort of things that would lead to power. The cuckservative can sense, on a more or less conscious level, that if he starts playing to win, the same way those who hate him and want him to die are playing to win, that it will mean war, in very short order.

Which is to say, it would mean a transformation of circumstances, out of the state of affairs they feel comfortably understand of, into a brave new world, where they have no mental script to follow; and this terrifies them.

They prefer to be ‘principled losers’, to be disenfranchised, and then carp at the foibles of their disenfranchisers, because that at least feels familiar to them. They prefer one way war (also known as ‘mopping up actions’), to two way war, because the former at least allows them a short time to continue pretending civil cooperation exists.

The script given by enemies of civilization to society is of course purposefully designed to allow them to win, and to channel any instinctual defenders of civilization into the ranks of loserdom; but it’s the only script the cuckservative knows, so he follows it to the only conclusion he can.

Joe says:

it will mean war


Basil says:

Why not migrate from the European garbage dump of worshiping women to Asia / Middle East? Why is accepting Islam not a solution?

Agreeing with other men about cooperation is only possible when they are willing to cooperate, and not discuss the problem of HORRIBLE domestic violence in the workplace. I think it will be easier to come to an agreement on these issues with some Ahmed than with compatriots.

jim says:

Ahmed will kill you. Every attempt to ally with Muslims ends in slavery or death.

If you convert, science and technology goes down the drain. Only Muslims that tolerate Christians (Dubai for example) can have technology, and Dubai is perpetually threatened by superior Muslim holiness.

Basil says:

I heard about the problems only in those cases when a kafir becomes the first with a daughter or sister, and then leaves into the sunset. But if you go to some Uzbekistan, preliminary converting to Islam, building a relationship with the girl’s father, paying the kalym – it should still go well, no? In multinational countries such as Indonesia, religious differences come to the fore.

The legislation is still more adequate there. And when the West begins to fever, it will return to full normalcy in a short time. Culturally accepted polygamy (not typical meaningless modern promiscuity) is a bonus.

Yes, this is all pretty risky. But it is not as risky as the expectation that Western cuckolds (including “conservatives”) will begin to change their minds in time. Yes, I understand why you don’t like this option. But let’s remember what the monarchs and aristocrats did, who lost their country, but did not surrender? They were looking for allies abroad. Sometimes it ended badly, but the alternatives always ended badly.

If we talk about technology, then with such a fertility in whites and East Asians end is almost a foregone conclusion.

jim says:


Technology does not make a significant difference.

Peoples who emancipated women had the same problem back during the Bronze age collapse and the Roman collapse. Spartans had the same problem. Sparta fell because it ran out of Spartans.

Japan held off on the pill for a long time, emancipated women all at once. Several places got the pill without getting emancipation. Pill made little difference, not enough difference to stand out from background noise in the statistics. Emancipations before and after the pill made a huge difference, an overwhelming difference. Sticks out like dog’s balls.

Nothing makes much difference except female emancipation.

Conservative Muslims have higher fertility because they can get away with enforcement. Converting to Islam will not give you enforcement, and enforcement does not need conversion.

If marriage is not enforceable against women, and women are not forced to marry, fertility is below replacement. It has always been that way. It was that way four millenia ago.

Women always want a man who can make them stick around. If marriage not enforceable against women, it is all fornication. All women are like that.

Women are converting to Islam because conservative Muslims have enforcement. And they have enforcement because they kill meddling do-gooder white knights from the government.

Similarly, Mormons before the Mormon war had enforcement, and they got four female converts for every male convert. The Mormon war was fought to stop them from enforcing marriage against women. Women like alpha coercion, and like their alpha’s coercion to be backed by that of a higher alpha, because you need coercion to escape from defect/defect equilibrium.

Women are searching for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction, and not finding it.

redpurplepurple says:
and as always wikipedia can be relied upon to not exactly lie, but twist the truth.

not a word about women in that article.

The Cominator says:

As for allies abroad the based part of the Republican party should do what the media accused Trump of doing and look to Russia. It has the virtue that the left already cried wolf about it.

The next Republican candidate really should have a relationship with Russian intelligence.

jim says:

Yes, that will work.

Their state religion has the great Cathedral. That is likely to render it compatible with our prospective future state religion, making cooperation likely to work.

Rome and Constantinople worked together tolerably well, until Rome schismed from Orthodoxy.

Basil says:

If we talk about Orthodoxy, then according to statistics, only 9% of Russians attend church regularly. Moreover, the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church is constantly falling and now there is another leap in popularity for this

The Cominator says:

The difference between regular Orthodoxy and Old Believers is as far as I know all about obscure points of ritual they agree almost completely on doctrine, I as an outsider never really got what they were fighting about.

Its not important that everyone attend church, I imagine most here never attend church (Jesus never went to temple except to beat up the money changers) its important that Orthodox memes keep out demonic memes.

polifugue says:

The Old Believers are schismatics from the time of Peter the Great, the Russian equivalent of the English Puritans. They broke off from the Church because of liturgical reform, although the more clever of them will rationalize the schism as a result of Peter creating the Holy Synod to administer the Russian Empire.

The traditional lifestyle of the Old Believers masks their dutiful preservation of seventeenth-century Leftism. During the time from Alexander II to the Revolution, they helped the Liberals bring down the Russian state under Pobedonostsev and were instrumental in the 1905 Revolution.

> the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church is constantly falling

This is not what I hear from my priest, who was given an offer at the New Military Cathedral but declined out of familial obligations.

> only 9% of Russians attend church regularly

It doesn’t matter what percentage of Russians attend church. At the time of Constantine’s ascension, only 5% of the empire identified as Christian. Russia today is not a Christian nation, it is a secular liberal nation with a ruler sympathetic to a strong church. Most people in the regime are debauched, but that is true of people any modern liberal nation. If Russia undergoes regime change and replaces demon worship with Christianity, more Russians will attend.

Basil says:

I talked with the Russian rightists and they are not very happy with the situation in their country. In 1917 Russia made a big leap forward and in some things is still more progressive than the United States, although this is hard to believe.

Yes, it would be great if the image of Putin created in the Western media corresponded to reality, but this is just overblown hysteria. And if that were true, then Putin lacks competence and he makes too many mistakes.

The Cominator says:

Its the Russian wignats and warhawks who don’t like Putin.

Russia is a large multi ethnic land empire, adopting an Alexander III Russification policy just radicalized almost the entire non Russian population. If pursued these days would lead to secession movements. Russian ethnonationalism won’t work.

Putin is right to allow the non Russian regions a lot of autonomy provided they don’t cause trouble. I like to think hes right to try to avoid a major war despite constant provacation since 2010.

Basil says:

What is the use of an Empire if the Russians invest millions in the Caucasus and Central Asia, but in return receive nothing but self-loathing and an influx of low-income migrants to Moscow? It is certainly great to have the largest mosque in Europe in your capital. Especially in an environment where the economy is gradually deflating. It’s just an extra burden. What for? In important regions, such as Yakutia, there is no separatism.

Well, “autonomy” is reaching the level when in the former republics, as well as in Chechnya and Dagestan, there have been outright cases of enslavement and genocide of ethnic Russians. Literally, modern “heroes of Russia” from there openly talk about how they cut the heads of Russians.

jim says:

Cost of empire. Putin quelled the Chechens by compromising with a Chechen warlord, also by bombing and shelling the place flat. He is protecting the Ukrainian separatists.

The Cathedral, or substantial elements of the Cathedral, are looking for an excuse for war with Russia, and Putin does not want to give it to them. After China solves the Taiwan problem, he will have more room for maneuver.

Russian rightists are holiness spiraling on empire and on religious orthodoxy. Bad idea. Old believers should shut up. As Saint Paul said, the details of ritual do not matter, what matters is that it is done unto God.

jim says:

Putin is doing fine. His nukes probably work (since he is successfully building fast reactors, which are roughly similar technology) and his Cathedral is the first true Cathedral to the true God that whites have raised in a very long time.

Everything else is just a detail.

Well, there is one thing missing. He needs to make sure that new recruits to the priesthood are married, fertile, and have well behaved children, but there is good work being done on that.

Yes, lot of progressivism still in Russia, but when Pussy Riot got whipped, that broke its back.

polifugue says:

Be patient dorogoi…

Russia apostatized from Orthodoxy 160 years ago with Alexander II and let go of the Communist faith only 30 years ago, so one should not expect a dramatic return in such a short time.


jim says:


Oldbelievers schismed from Orthodoxy, and the Roman Catholic Church schismed from Orthodoxy. That is not an arbitrary choice of which Church one prefers. It is what happened historically.

They pissed all over the normal and traditional processes of consensus and conciliation.

Truth by consensus is terrible for science, but it is the right way to go in religion, provided the consensus shows proper respect for the communion of Saints, provided that it reflects the consensus of the ages rather than the latest power moves in political struggle against the Sovereign.

And, in any case, cuius regio, eius religio

The Cominator says:

The old believers probably had a leg to stand on originally because Patriarch Nikon was probably a Jesuit agent.

But schisming later on over entirely ritualistic bullshit was stupid.

polifugue says:

> Oldbelievers schismed from Orthodoxy, and the Roman Catholic Church schismed from Orthodoxy. That is not an arbitrary choice of which Church one prefers. It is what happened historically.

Russia began its apostasy 160 years ago, 1861, with the emancipation of the serfs under Alexander II, when social policy was not dictated by the church or tradition but by Enlightenment ideals of equality.

Quote: “The Old Believers are schismatics”

While I may have worded it weirdly, I wasn’t talking about Old Believers, I was talking about Leftism.

polifugue says:

The Old Believer schismatics left the church because Patriarch Nikon did not properly prepare the Russian peasantry for the changes in liturgical worship. The schismatics were mostly vaishyas and shudras, who need adequate preparation for a large change in religious practice.

The Progressive regime is effective in repressing conspiracy to a small fringe of the masses, but when a brahminate is not careful and reforms church religious ritual too fast, schizophrenic “cross with these fingers instead of these fingers ergo end times” gets out of control and conspiracy becomes mainstream.

polifugue says:

Worded this post in a misleading manner.

Russia began its apostasy 160 years ago, 1861, with the emancipation of the serfs under Alexander II, when social policy was not dictated by the church or tradition but by Enlightenment ideals of equality.

1905 and 1918 were the inevitable consequences of the change in political policy of Alexander II.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Miscegenation is just a slower form of suicide.

Aidan says:

Sorry, but when I have to interact with muslims my genes give me a powerful urge to go for an axe. Everything about them screams enemy to me on a very primal level.

The Original OC says:

Just muslims, or all semites? Semites are old, muslims are not that old.

Virtus says:

Those regions are backwaters for a reason. Conversion to Islam to have children is pointless, they will just live on in the new Dark Age and eventually get conquered by the tribes that succeed post-West, which will not be Islamic, maybe a memetic mutation of the doctrine but I do not think so. Islam destroyed and destroys ‘human capital’ wherever it expands. The high quality of the European man was a result of the many, many generations of specific living conditions that shaped the nature of the population. Just as the low quality of the pakistani, the declining Persians, the Egyptians — though much of egyptian decline likely due to mixing with the subsaharans — may be attributed to many centuries of being shaped by Islamic doctrine.

If you are dedicated to adapting a religion as a method of ensuring propagation, you are much much better off joining a Christian sect. Some are fairly based, they just are not loud about it. For obvious reasons.

The Cominator says:

And if you want a based religion outside of Christianity you want Buddhism (which also has a moral philosophy very similar to Christianity anyway) not Islam.

Virtus says:

In my own life I practice much of Buddhist doctrine but I do not believe it is quite so effective as social technology as that of Christianity. Whites as a whole are much crazier than South and East Asians, something something human self domestication, and need stronger moral systems in turn. Buddhism is for warrior bands and philosopher kings, it is not for the kind of populations and living conditions we have now.

That said, I am quite uhhh not blaqpilled but not quite optimistic about the future of Western civilization. Of huwyte people civilization. I think it’s much more dead than most conjecture. Too many generations of interclass miscegenation and universal dysgenics have passed. The only fixing is through biological, genetic and otherwise, means. Not memetic means. You cannot teach Christ to the bantu and expect them to pop out an Aquinus. Well, the rot has set too deep now. You could possibly recover some men of value through extremely drastic selective breeding, but the odds of a Caesar interested in such things and capable of carrying it out?

The future as I see it is conscious selection of positive traits in our children through whichever means we may have access to, or The Darkest Age. A malthusian struggle longer and darker than that after the Romans, because we have burned up the ‘genetic capital’ that we had been blessed with after many thousands of years of genocidal competition. A dark brown morass of biological filth that gives justice to the insane we have today calling humans a cancer, for in this scenario nothing of value will exist in android form for a long time to come.

The Cominator says:

Basically BAPs position, he may well be right.

That is true. It’s probably inferior to Christianity as a social technology because it is too focused on the priesthood, the ‘spiritual elite’. But Jim is also mostly focused on the developing a spiritual elite, be they paladin bands or philosopher kings. He is developing a non-degenerate priesthood and teaching them to become worthy, to ride the tiger and emerge from the ruins. So even though Jimianity is a Christian denomination, it may be worthwhile for all Jimians to investigate the Buddhist canon, which contains a very sophisticated prescription for the attainment of self-mastery.

Some observations:

It’s extremely clever how Buddhism negates the holiness spiral by pointing it at a paradox, directing the aspiring holy man to achieve greater holiness by abandoning his attachment to his holiness. (Maha Saropama Sutta: If the monk is ever satisfied by his attainment in his spiritual quest–if he identifies with it–then he has failed to demonstrate the will for the unconditioned; and he has therefore failed in the ‘test of the vocations’ and is not capable of becoming a true Aryan.

I attempted to capture the grandeur of this paradoxical will in this video:

The Buddha was a prince of the warrior caste, the greatest son of the Solar Dynasty, destined to be either Universal King or the Great Liberator. He was the Sage of the Scythians, possessed of each of the 32 marks of the great man–including dark blue eyes–and he taught that by following the Aryan path, a man could achieve liberation. He did not come as egalitarian reformer to overthrow the caste system; he came to rejuvenate the spirituality of the Aryans, which was stuck in the dead ritualism of a holiness spiral.

This is why when leftists look to the East in an attempt to add an authentic “spirituality” to their death cult, they reject traditional Buddhism and seek out heretical monks such as Thích Nhất Hạnh–the kind of monk you’ll see on Oprah. He’s perfect since he looks the part and he preaches that Buddhism must stray from the narrow path in favor of worldly pursuits. Buddhism must become “engaged Buddhism”, which is leftism + meditation practice.

On the other hand, traditional Buddhism does have some metaphysical baggage, like reincarnation, which is inconsistent with the European mind, though Evola rejects this as Dravidian and Beckwith rejects it as Zoroastrian. But this is irrelevant to the power of the doctrine, which is clearly a gift from Gnon to the worthy.

“It is possible to conceive of and to work out what we may call a pure ascesis, that is to say, one made up of techniques for developing an interior force, the use of which, to begin with, remains undetermined, like the use of the arms and machines produced by modern industrial techniques. Thus, while “ascetic” reinforcement of the personality is the foundation of every transcendental realisation, whether in the form of one historical tradition or another, it can likewise be of great value on the level of the temporal aspirations and struggles which absorb practically all the energies of modem Western man. Furthermore, we could even conceive of an “Ascesis of Evil”, for the technical conditions, as we may call them, needed to achieve any positive success in the direction of the “evil” are not different in kind from those needed, for example, to attain sainthood. Nietzsche himself, as we have already pointed out, partly shared the modern widespread prejudice against asceticism: when dealing with his “Superman” and when formulating the “Wille zur Macht ”, did he not take into account various disciplines and forms of self-control which are clearly of an ascetic nature? Thus, at least within certain limits, we can quote the words of an old medieval tradition: “One the Art, One the Material, One the Crucible”.

“Now, few other great historical traditions allow us to isolate so easily the elements of a pure ascesis as does the “Doctrine of Awakening”, that is to say, Buddhism. It has been justly said of Buddhism that in it the ascetic problems “have been stated and resolved so clearly and, one could almost say, so logically that, in comparison, other forms of mysticism seem incomplete, fragmentary and inconclusive “; and that, far from being weighed down by every kind of emotional and sentimental element, an austere and objective style of intellectual clarity so much predominates that one is almost forced to compare it with the modem scientific mentality.”

The Cominator says:

Its priesthood technology is superior in some ways. Buddhism more explicitly discourages the priesthood (which is monastic) from seeking supreme secular power. It has happened (Tibet but Tibetian buddhism is the Roman Catholicism of Buddhism, it is a perversion of Buddhism as Catholicism is a perversion of Christianity) and in Japan some monks sort of tried (and this was in a time of anarchy civil war and an angry peasantry looking for a locus of opposition to the feuding Daimyo) and there was a major war against them but they eventually were all killed but they mostly don’t try.

The bad thing about the priesthood tech is being entirely monastic they can’t be worthy patriarchs at the same time, but buddhist societies are universally extremely redpilled on women anyway even if Western pressure caused dissolution of traditional patriarchy after WWII.

nils says:

Tibet seems to be relatively sane, circa <1600
after1700 manifestly insane, very powerful land, very retarded State. should have embraced war by means not spirit, too many priests'

suones says:

Interesting to see someone with knowledge of Buddhism beyond the gay leftist variety.

A bit of warning though — Buddhism has been tried as State Religion by one of the greatest of Indian Emperors, Sri Maharaj Ashoka the Great, and has been found lacking. To wit, the most enthusiastic adopters of Buddhism lay in Western India, including the Indo-Hellenes who gave up their Divine Patrimony for Imperial Religion that granted them temporal status. Consequently, they suffered moral and societal decline and were unable to resist Baphometans, with the result that the most fanatically “Buddhist” territories are now almost 100% Baphometan lands.

This script is being played out even today in places like Burma — where the individual Buddhists are, man for man, better than the lower-class Baphometans, yet are losing the war on a civilisational scale.

BR Ambedkar, the Indian Dalit saint, decided to try this as well, and converted to Buddhism along with a massive number of his followers. Today, three quarters of a century later, the average “Buddhist” Dalit is a raging Leftist full of bile, while the average Hindu Dalit is a cheerful man with a fat wife and five kids (or ten). The Indian “Buddhist” utters nary a peep when Buddha statues are destroyed in Bamiyan, or nuns gangraped in Burma, but is always up in arms if a Muslim gets beaten up. The transformation is so extreme that “Buddhism” in modern India (as in the West) is a reliable marker for Leftist caste-agitation more than anything else. Reading BR Ambedkar’s own views to them is a good way of triggering these fools, and he sounds positively reactionary now.

Virtus says:

Is there a good place to begin understanding the state of Hinduism as it exists today? My only knowledge of the practice is through Evola’s “The Yoga of Power,” which is specifically about Shaktism and Tantra. I have yet to read the Vedas or the Bhagavad Gita — aside, do you have a recommended translation? — and I plan to. But reading the texts says very little about how the people who support them actually practice doctrine.

Is India healthy? It seems healthy in some ways, TFR for example. Now that I mention that, I have little clue how it breaks down among the subpopulations. If you can maintain a people physically and biologically you at least have a chance of navigating into a better way of life that will refine them.

suones says:

Is there a good place to begin understanding the state of Hinduism as it exists today?

Yes there are places, but mostly in Indian languages. English translations are cucked, volume of cuckoldry decreasing as you read older and older translations, but then accuracy decreases instead.


Is fake and gay. Never take religious advice from a man without a fat wife and five (or ten) kids. OK maybe not necessarily with a fat wife. Evola has a lot of good meme-worthy stuff about absolute rule, domestic relations etc. But his obsession with Eastern religion is not fruitful, similarly as how Nazi obsession with occultism was stupid. More on this later.

…reading the texts says very little about how the people who support them actually practice doctrine.

This is the crux of Dharma — it is not prescriptive, but descriptive. The texts lay out a proven, battle-tested framework for a just, “Ten-Thousand-Year Reich,” so to speak, but stop short as to the specific actions to be taken. For anyone without memetic sovereignty, it is as simple as following the prescriptions of your family priest, who is usually a friendly neighbourhood Brahmin. The exact rituals to be performed are relatively unimportant, and wise priests will usually accomodate any family/social demands/limitations into a ritual. Doctrinal knowledge and interpretation is useless for a word-thinker, and may actually be harmful.

If you are a concept-thinker, i.e, a master-craftsman of language, and have memetic sovereignty (both are related to IQ but not the same thing), read on. The Old Gods are not “daemons” at all, but spirits arising from Nature itself. You might say that GNON is the ur-Old God. When a twice-born meditates, he should focus his devotion first upon his Father, who is the First God of his personal pantheon. Gradually, he should offer sacraments to Him, and incorporate Him into ritual worship once he joins the other ancestors. This is the fundamental stage, taught to children. A disloyal son can never attain spiritual health.

Soon, being a part of daily life, and visiting many religious sacraments and rituals in various places as a guest or participant, you begin to get a feel for what moves you to have a spiritual experience. That is your first realisation of your Personal God, your Ishta-deva. Achieving this step may take years or even a lifetime — it may not happen at all. It may happen in the stupidest or most banal way possible, so it pays to be alert. You may be moved to tears, or euphoria, despite fully comprehending the situation and realising the “automatic” nature of it. It is as if an external stimulus suddenly “resonates” within you, and you learn about your own nature.

Then, you are free to start worshipping your Ishta Deva in whatever manner you see fit — you are your own Brahmin. Your personal Old God guides you in the ritual, in that you feel satisfaction when doing things one way, and nagging doubt when doing things another way — and you must surrender to the satisfying path. This is the most critical juncture. Once your spiritual faculties are opened but yet untrained, you will be under continuous attack by all kinds of malevolent forces who will tempt you and try their damnedest to bring you to ruin[1]. This is the reason Moloch-worship seems to be dominated by Aryan Brahmins — who have the mental capacity to absorb Godhead but lack the training to resist Cacodaemons. In this only your Father can save you, for it is his primary duty to grant his son the mental tools and strength to fight Moloch and Mammon and Baphomet and Yahweh and whatever nameless horrors exist in this world. I was blessed — I had an excellent Father, and I have felt the grasp of Moloch around my mind and I have cast him out like the insect that he is, so I know this is indeed possible, and I also know of the great power of Old Gods.

This is my summary of Dharmic worship. This can probably be expanded into book length, but then it would lose its purpose — becoming yet another prescriptive treatise.

Is India healthy? It seems healthy in some ways, TFR for example.

No, Bharat is not healthy. High TFR in the dregs of society masks the drastically decreased elite-fertility, which has fallen off a cliff over 100 years. TBH I’m not very hopeful for a victory against the Prog — most elites that do get born are whisked away to IQ shredders like USA, EU, or even Singapore, where they receive Moloch’s communion and join the fight against Bharat. But, having seen the power of an Old God myself, I feel that even if one soldier stands as a channel for that power, Dharma will prevail in the end[2].

[1]: Very nicely dovetails with story of the Nazarene’s temptation in the desert, leading me to suspect his story is not 100% Semitic in origin.
[2]: With help from glamim, of course. Prog Brahmins deserve Comination, warriors enslavement on a massive scale.

>> Evola Is fake and gay. Never take religious advice from a man without a fat wife and five (or ten) kids. OK maybe not necessarily with a fat wife.

That seems an unreasonable standard to apply to a man paralyzed from the waist down.

>>Evola has a lot of good meme-worthy stuff about absolute rule, domestic relations etc. But his obsession with Eastern religion is not fruitful, similarly as how Nazi obsession with occultism was stupid. More on this later.

He wasn’t obsessed with Eastern religion. He even criticized Guenon, who was sort of his mentor, for his belief that Tradition was only preserved in the East. Evola only wrote two books on Eastern religions–Hinduism and Buddhism–and this was not because they were Eastern, but because they were Aryan. He mainly wrote about Western esoteric traditions and philosophy.

Evola’s thought is closer to NRx than any other philosopher. Aside from economics, the Jimian take on NRx has essentially converged with Evola’s traditionalism, with consistent beliefs in hierarchy, sacred kingship, authority of men over women, and even the fact that warriors should rule priests. The main difference is that Jim wants to return to the old Christian church, whereas Evola wanted to return to the gods of the Aryan fathers. That reminds me of someone…

suones says:

@Traditionalist Tolkienist

I do not criticise Evola for his paralysis. I merely state the fact that his lashing out at contemporary society is driven in part by his own impotence. A man with nothing to lose gets more and more extreme over time, trapped in his personal holiness spiral, and might lose contact with reality at some point. This is especially critical for a sensitive, high-IQ man. For another (more tragic) example, see Otto Weininger. Even though Evola escaped the “young suicide” trap, yet he felt the futility of life towards the end, advocating passivity (Ride The Tiger until it is tired of running). Passivity is not, and never has been, the correct solution to any problem. You can only afford wo bide your time if you have guaranteed survival — which is not a realistic assumption against Moloch.

When I read Evola I metaphorically feel his yearning for a Father, a God, flow through his words. I guess many European Aryans feel/felt the same way, which is the reason he’s so popular in reactionary circles. But he remains trapped in the post-Christian thought process and never quite manages to break the Semitic shackles. You see, it is not enough to criticise Christian demons and stay away from them — one must also conquer the other demons of ignorance and magic(k).

The closest Evola actually got to implementing an ideal was the “Ur Group,” but that was an artifact of the Fascist Revolution rather than something of deep spiritual satisfaction, thus it collapsed pretty soon.

Admirers of Evola’s Traditionalist Ways (I count myself among them) would do well to steer clear of his views on ‘rebirthing’ ‘pagan’ religion.

someDude says:

I did not ignore that the Hindus were exhausted when the Brits showed up. The statement was correct and so I did not comment on it. I did say that your thesis was largely but not entirely correct.

What I am objecting to is your loose grasp of facts. The Kingdoms and empires I mention did have Hinduism as a state religion. If they did not have Hinduism as a state-religion, then I doubt if it is even possible to have Hinduism as a state religion. In which case what are we even arguing about?

Note that the Marathas did have a Ghar-Wapsi kind of Bureau and Aliya Rama Raya of Vijayanagara also demolished a bunch of mosques. I am asking you to clarify your thinking and present your points better.


I am pretty good at historical facts, though I think where we are at odds is that, I am finding your definition of Hinduism as a state religion too technical and to mean any Hindu king who happened to have a kingdom with a majority of Hindu subjects and allowed to be practicing Hindus without paying Jizya.

No doubt, they were Hindu kingdoms and were much better for the Hindu subjects to live in. But the very fact that the various regional Kings could not or were unable to unite under a single concept of the Nation of Bharat means that Hinduism as a state religion was pretty much dead at the time of the disparate regional Hindu kings who had, as you admit, exhausted themselves anyway fighting the external enemy for centuries. And even those Hindu kings who had such a concept of Bharat at the time were far too weak to do anything about it.

My concept of Hinduism as a state religion is inherently tied to the consciousness of “Bharat” that is India, and that it is impossible to separate the concept of Bharatavarsha from the “Hindu State”.

Unlike Christianity, Hinduism never had a Pope, a Church or Churches. So the main glue of the Hindu state religion is “Bharat”, i.e. the HIndu nation ruled according to the principles of Ram Rajya.

And for that, we need to go way back in history for the times of powerful Hindu Emrperors. Centuries of Islamic conquest of the sub-continent pretty much destroyed the Hindu Nation state, long before the British arrived, even though many individual Hindu kings stubbornly held on for long after.

someDude says:

Then, was there ever a time when Hinduism was a state religion according to your definition?

If yes,

If not,
can it even be a state religion as per your definition?
If yes,
what makes you so sure?
If not,
what exactly are you proposing?

someDude says:

If yuu’re going to talk Buddhists from Afghanistan falling to Abrahamism 3.0, you also better talk about Hindus falling to it as in Kashmir, Malaysia, Sindh, West Punjab

Buddhist Burma, Sri Lanka and Thailand for all their failings against Abrahamism 3.0 is doing miles better than Hindu India.

And the biggest and most dangerous lefties in India are not Ambedkarite Buddhists, they are caste Brahmins who dumped Hinduism for the left when they saw the writing on the tea leaves. Your entire politburo in the fish-belt of Bengal and Kerala is stuffed to the gills with Caste Brahmins. So take it easy on the Ambedkarites.

I find it really rich that a Hindu can cast aspersions on the performance of other religions against Abrahamism when his own religion has probably the worst record against it of all surviving religions. Yes, you can argue that Hindus did better than Zoroastrians et. al, but lets talk surviving religions.

You simply cannot say with a straight face the Hinduism is somehow performing better against Abrahamism 3.0 than Buddhism. Are you just trolling?

Oog en Hand says:

Rohingya are closer to Desi than Bama.


suones says:

Chill, dude! 🙂

Hinduism has lost a lot of ground over millenia past, I agree.

Burma, Sri Lanka doing miles better than India? No lol. Thailand economically, yes, considering it is on the fringes of both Anglo and Chinese Empires.

And the biggest and most dangerous lefties in India are not Ambedkarite Buddhists, they are caste Brahmins who dumped Hinduism for the left when they saw the writing on the tea leaves.

Agreed 100%. This is why I nod when Cominator says 90% of Brahmins need to be Cominated, even though Jim argues otherwise. A prole can be brought back to the right path, but an evil Brahmin has to have made a knowing bargain with the devil, and must pay the price.


Is in play again. Thankfully, organised Leftism is well and truly over there, and social parasitism is fighting a combined action — to wit, the recent election has been turned by Hindu women voting en bloc together with Baphometan (men and women, presumably — Baphometan women somehow never defect) in favour of the degenerate candidate. Seems to me that it has finally come down to the querelle de femmes, at least in Bengal.

So take it easy on the Ambedkarites.

Nice trick you pulled there — conflating “Buddhist” with “Ambedkarite.” Whatever sins Ambedkar might have committed, one thing is certain that he was no traitor and a true son of Bharat. His statement about Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, that it was he, not Gandhi, who was primarily responsible for gaining Bharat its freedom from the British, is a landmark. Modern Indian “Buddhist,” on the other hand, knows little about Ambedkar and zero about Buddha, and is a pawn of Baphometans to be used against Hindu enemies and Bharat itself. Ambedkar was well aware of the perfidy of Baphometans and refused to join their death-cult even when he was offered great status in return. Ambedkar’s naivete, or perhaps idealism, led him to choose Buddhism as an escape, which, in the long run, has failed, as it always tends to do.

I find it really rich that a Hindu can cast aspersions on the performance of other religions against Abrahamism when his own religion has probably the worst record against it of all surviving religions.

What other surviving religions? We’re the last Fort of Aryas, still standing after the chariots of our mighty fathers have turned to dust, and millenia have turned all his other children so they have forgotten their history. Our fires still burn, and our wheels still turn, and we even have our own nuclear umbrella (which nukes certainly work — no affirmative action there). An offshoot of ours, Buddhism, has made serious inroads into even the most insular Far East, where it has prospered by co-evolution with the native faith, instead of being in opposition to it (like Indian “Buddhists”).

You simply cannot say with a straight face the Hinduism is somehow performing better against Abrahamism 3.0 than Buddhism.

That is exactly what I’m saying. “Buddhism” in India has been almost entirely co-opted by enemies of Bharat, of the Baphometan variety and others, who utter nary a peep when Buddha statues are destroyed in Bamiyan, nuns are gangraped in Burma, or the most Holy Dalai Lama is faced with extinction; but will immediately spring into action defending the “human rights” of Baphometans to kill Hindus. Their “Buddha” is but a skin suit hiding Moloch.

Are you just trolling?


jim says:

> Burma, Sri Lanka doing miles better than India? No lol.

Burma is expelling and subjugating Muslims. That is miles better.

Thailand is forcefully asserting the supremacy of its state religion over Muslims that is considerably better.

> We’re the last Fort of Aryas, still standing after the chariots of our mighty fathers have turned to dust,

From here you look like you are overrun by Dravidians biologically and demon worshippers culturally.

someDude says:

Jim, It’s not clear to me what Suones is up to or how this thought process works or what he sees.

If he really thinks that Hindus in India are doing better than Buddhists in Burma, Thailand and SriLanka via-a-vis the Mohammedans, then he is just plain delusional or lacks the faculties to make an observation.

Not sure any sort of rational debate can be carried on under the conditions.


Demon worship in Hinduism is negligible because of the efforts of the Hindu saints of the past who helped to “merge” the benevolent Dravidian gods into the Hindu fold while purging the demons. What helped was that the Brahminical Hindu priesthood took over the benevolent old gods of the Dravidians and incorporated the good parts into the overall Hindu pantheon thus bringing them into the Dharmic fold. The demon worshippers who are mostly minor insignificant cults are mostly shunned by traditional Hindus all over India.

The genius of the old Hindu saints was to bring the benevolent Dravidian old gods into the Aryan fold, while at the same time also purging the demon worshipping cults.

Unlike Africa, witch doctors in India are negligible and restricted to remote parts and traditional Hindus shun them completely.

Despite the best efforts of the Dravidian movement to remove Brahminical priesthood of temples in South India, most of the Hindu temples in South India are still under literal Brahmin priesthood technically. However, presently there is a strong Dravidian movement to remove Hindu temple control from Hindu Brahmin priesthood and return to the “Dravidian” past. This is being supported by the Progressives to divide and weaken Hinduism and remove the old Dravidian gods from the Hindu fold.

This is an important thing. The demon worshippers are very negligible in India, even among the Dravidians today, because most of the gods of the Dravidians have been folded into the traditional Brahminical Hindu fold with traditional Brahmin rituals.

The real issue for Hinduism toiday is external enemies, not internal.


While Hinduism has been considerably weakened by the attack of external forces over past centuries, there still remains a living Hinduism which is, as yet, not pozzed by Western standards especially in rural India, though all efforts are being made by the Progressives to take it down.

someDude says:


I am only objecting to Suones Potrayal of Buddhism as being less successful against Abrahamism 3.0 than Hinduism. That was unfair. If anything Buddhists are 2nd only to the Chinese in showing how to deal with Abrahamism 3.0, even more successful than Putin’s Russia.

suones says:

Replying separately.


Burma is expelling and subjugating Muslims. That is miles better.
Thailand is forcefully asserting the supremacy of its state religion over Muslims that is considerably better.

Burmese monks are removing kebab because of State Power backing, ultimately backed up by the Chinese Empire. Burma is not “sovereign” in any real terms. Same with most of SEA — exploiting the friction between Anglo and Chinese Empires by being on the border of both. Not a sustainable position, not in the long run.

Thailand has been ceding ground to progs, but is held by the fact that it still has a functional monarchy. I wish the Thai King Rama X (yes that really is his regnal name — named after Sri Maharaja Ramachandra) all the best!

From here you look like you are overrun by Dravidians biologically and demon worshippers culturally.

That’s why I don’t recommend anyone to follow me. Old gods are individual gods, the opposite of universalist Semitic cults.

(Jim: Kindly delete my previous incomplete post. Sorry)

jim says:

> Burmese monks are removing kebab because of State Power backing, ultimately backed up by the Chinese Empire. Burma is not “sovereign” in any real terms.

India has nukes, so, unlike Burma, is militarily sovereign. But it is not intellectually sovereign. Its status system is run from Oxbridge and the LSE, which are run from Harvard.

Burma and Thailand’s status system is run from Burma and Thailand.

yes, they are cashing in on being on the borderland between anglo empire and chinese hegemony. But India is conspicuously failing to cash in on its nukes.

suones says:

@someDude (by proxy)

If he really thinks that Hindus in India are doing better than Buddhists in Burma, Thailand and SriLanka via-a-vis the Mohammedans, then he is just plain delusional or lacks the faculties to make an observation.


I noticed how you segued from “Buddhists in India being raging Leftists” to Buddhism in Dharmic Thailand. Diversionary chaff commonly engaged by Indian “Buddhists,” and also Indian “Christians.” When their own obvious inferiority is pointed out, each will resort to comparisons with a high-functioning co-religionist empire, Buddhists will point to Japan (increasingly, Korea and even China), Christians (esp Catholics) will point to France.

The performance of Burmese monks in removing kebab in no way relates to the performance of Indian “Buddhists” who don’t give a damn when holy icons are smashed or monks get killed but are immediately up in arms on the violation of the human right of Baphometans to kill Hindus. Oh, and Moloch is at work in Burma too[1].

Man for man, the Burmese Buddhist monk is a superior creation of GNON, but collectively they will lose the war to high-fertility Baphometans sooner or later. Buddhism has a vulnerability to being very priest-dominated with the resultant holiness spiralling. As long as a warrior King is in charge (like in Thailand or China), it is good social technology — but with a huge single point of failure. Decapitate a Buddhist State, and the entire edifice flounders like Russia after Jews had their way with the Tsar. Evola (whom I mention elsewhere) specifically acknowledges and counters this problem by highlighting the warrior Prince nature of Sri Sriddhartha Gautama himself, and “martial monks” (think Shaolin Temple, not Dalai Lama) are indeed the way to go, but sadly that is not the case with the average Indian “Buddhist” caste-agitator whose main goal seems to attack Hinduism.

I expect more resistance as anti-Bharat cults lose social status.

[1]:, where a specific conservative school of Buddhism, Theravada, is under attack.

(Jim: Kindly delete my blockquoting fail.)

jim says:

> noticed how you segued from “Buddhists in India being raging Leftists” to Buddhism in Dharmic Thailand. Diversionary chaff commonly engaged by Indian “Buddhists,”

The question is: What is better as state religion.

Buddhism is doing OK as a state religion in Burma and Thailand, Hinduism sucks as a state religion in India. It sucked when the British were conquering, and it sucks now.

Buddhists in India fail because not a state religion. They are more powned than Hindus because less state power than Hindus.

Hindus in India have the numbers, they have the nukes, and they are still powned.

Buddhists in Burma don’t have nukes, all they have is leverage because on the border between the Anglo empire and the Chinese Hegemony, but they do OK even without nukes. Therefore more successful as a state religion.

someDude says:


You started it by comparing Buddhism unfavorably with Hinduism vis-a-vis Abrahamics. My simple contention is that Buddhism is doing far-far better than Hinduism in countering both Abrahamisms, 2.0 and 3.0 and even historically, it’s record is actually better than Hinduism.

Even the great Buddhist detractor, manasataramgini, @blog_supplement of twitter concedes this point of Buddhism appearing to be more resistant than Hinduism, though he chalks it down to Buddhism being an Anti-religion like the Abrahamisms.

You’re the one who brought in the Ambedkarites. And then you accuse me of tactics that any neutral observer can see I am not indulging in. No amount of verbosity from you will change this fact.

There is no need for us to fight. Our differences are fewer than our similarities. It simply wont do for Hindus to alienate all their allies such as religious Buddhists, Sikhs etc with condescending statements of the kind you constantly deliver.

I enjoy reading of your defenses of Herr SchuklGruber and your devotion to the Old Gods. I don’t want to have a comments fight with you.

someDude says:


India has religious Buddhists in places like Ladakh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and they are very much pro-Hindu any conflict between Hindus and Baphometans. Very much Pro-India in any conflict between India and Pakistan.

However, Suones conflates the Ambedkarites with these very same Buddhists which is unacceptable. They are just the garden variety Leftists wearing the skin-suit of Buddhism from which to launch attacks on Hindus. Anyone who has spent anytime interacting with them can see that they have no knowledge of the events of the Buddha’s life, of his great sermons, where those great sermons were delivered and under what circumstances they were delivered. They know absolutely nothing about anything in the Pali Cannon but they are insistent that Buddha was a leftie just like them.

For Suones to conflate them with religious practicing Buddhists is just unacceptable and really quite offensive. If the Indian state decides to trample these Ambedkarite and Leftist caste agitators underfoot an elephant’s foot, it would not make a mosquito bite’s worth of difference to a practicing religious Buddhist.

suones says:

They are just the garden variety Leftists wearing the skin-suit of Buddhism from which to launch attacks on Hindus. Anyone who has spent anytime interacting with them can see that they have no knowledge of the events of the Buddha’s life, of his great sermons, where those great sermons were delivered and under what circumstances they were delivered. They know absolutely nothing about anything in the Pali Cannon but they are insistent that Buddha was a leftie just like them.

If the Indian state decides to trample these Ambedkarite and Leftist caste agitators underfoot an elephant’s foot, it would not make a mosquito bite’s worth of difference to a practicing religious Buddhist.

There is nothing to dispute — we’re in perfect agreement. Any discussion of the merits or de-merits of Buddhism between us is only academic, and can be left for after Bharat is ours. For the record, I welcome all patriotic Indian Buddhists, Sikhs, and especially Christians, to stop proselytising to Hindus and supporting anti-national forces and recognise themselves as the sons of Bharat that they are. I’ll probably make an article about this.

someDude says:


Buddhists proselytizing to Hindus is news to me. The Buddha strictly forbids the preaching of Dhamma to any layperson unless the layperson explicitly asks for the monk to preach a sermon.

If you know any such accounts, please forward me the links. I am all ears and eyes.

Joe says:

especially Christians, to stop proselytising to Hindus

That is rich coming from you my friend!


Hinduism sucks as a state religion in India. It sucked when the British were conquering, and it sucks now.

Hinduism hasn’t been official state religion in India at least since the fall of Prithviraj Chauhan.

The East India company picked up the pieces of a rapidly declining Mughal Empire. They didn’t have an organized state religion to contend with, because the Islamic empire sought to be established by Aurangazeb had crumbled by then.

jim says:

It was the state religion of most the Kingdoms conquered by the British.

It was the state religion of most the Kingdoms conquered by the British.

You’re technically right that Hindu kingdoms were conquered by the British, but that’s very technical interpretation of “state religion” and also “conquest”. Most of the Hindu Kingdoms by the time of the British had either submitted as vassal states of the Mughal Empire or completely tired themselves out by waging constant war against them and other enemies.

True Hindu state religion in India goes back too long in history and that *is* the real problem

someDude says:


Your understanding of Indian history is too North-India centric. After PrithviRaj the Foolish and Vainglorious fell to Ghori, Hinduism was the state religion of the the Vijayanagara Empire in the Deccan, the Kakatiyas of Andhra, the Hoysalas of Karnataka, the Pandyas of Tamil Nadu, the Gajapatis of Orissa, The yadavas of Maharashtra, the Ahoms of the North-East and also the Marathas (though watered down by then). Should I continue?

While the meat of your thesis is largely (but not entirely) correct, these sort of inaccuracies will not do when you present your case to a neutral/fence sitting audience. It betrays a handwaving that is not acceptable to reasonably well informed people of above average intelligence, let alone someone like Jim.


You again wilfully ignore the fact that the “Hindu” kingdoms, by the time of the British, were either too busy fighting the Mughals / other traitors or already vassal states. Further buttressed by the fact that the Hindu kings never united under a banner of Hinduism, which proves that Hindu identity as a state religion did not exist at the time.

The Hindu kingdoms you describe were not united by a Hindu state religion or banner, except that they formed sporadic temporary alliances of convenience. The point is that, Jim keeps referring to failure of “Hinduism as a state religion” at a time period of history when Hinduism was never a state religion.

I am not saying that the Hindu kingdoms were good at defending against invaders, more so over an extended period of time, which is a historical fact I accept. Yes, a few notable examples of Hindu kingdoms defying all odds against the invaders do stand out, but they are the exceptions.

jim says:

> Further buttressed by the fact that the Hindu kings never united under a banner of Hinduism, which proves that Hindu identity as a state religion did not exist at the time.

Christian Kings did not unite under the banner of Christianity. Even during the crusades, there was a massive lack of unity. But they made short work of pagans, and short work of Hindus.

Even when we had one orthodox Church west and east, that just kept Kings of East and West from fighting each other all that much. It did not lead to united operations against pagans.

When the west turned back the Mongols at the Hajnal line, they were not by any stretch of the imagination united under one banner.

someDude says:

Note that Afghans are never united against foreign invaders either. They still manage to beat all comers. If unity among Hindus is a pre-requisite for winning, I’m here to tell you right now to give up. You’ll never have that unity. You got to figure out a way to win even without that precious unity. The way Afghans do. Jim’s point about Christians never being united during the crusades also stands.

I’m also pretty sure that when the Guptas pushed out the Huns and the mauryas pushed out the Greeks, there was no great unity among Hindus even then either. Pretty sure some Hindus went with the Greeks and the Huns. The Guptas and the Mauryas still won.

All that talk about unity is just a red Herring. You’re setting up yourself to fail by asking for a pre-requisite that can never be achieved.


I don’t know about Afghanistan or Christians in the West, but Hindus are not united precisely because Hinduism as a state religion is long dead in India.

And if there is no concept of “Bharat” to fight for, I don’t know what would unite Hindus.

The Cominator says:

Now we all know the election was stolen but here is another point to bring it home…

If Biden really won because he got 100% of the totally authentic and organic vote of the people of Detroit, Philidelphia Atlanta etc would the Democrats really risk massively fucking that up by banning menthol cigarettes.

I myself like flavored cigars sometimes…

INDY says:

Menthols and flavored cigarettes were banned in the UK the other day

The Cominator says:

The point is if the democrats really depended on black voters they would never do this.

nils says:

Why are they dependent on negroes?

nils says:

nvm my comment Cominator, looks like stealing from tobacco companies is back on the menu. Could Biden or anyone even stop the FDA or ATF from banning menthol? propably to many cooks in the kitchen at this point for pre coup washington to stop much without mob violence involved.

The Cominator says:

The democrats supposedly won the election with absurd %s of the vote in black shitholes in the middle of the night.

Ace says:

@nils, blacks areas were ground zero for voter fraud machines in America since the 60s. Having black openly hostile to Democrats while seeing insanely high turn out rates voting for Democrats would have resulted in a people talking about ballot stuffing with a lot of plausibility. Now that ballot stuffing has been publicly exposed and the general reaction has been half hearted denials and “meh” they don’t need to keep the fiction up and can openly hurt black areas.

Javier says:

I think it’s a funny example of how hilariously out of touch academics and cathedral priests are from the people they claim to support and represent.

Everyone knows black people love menthols, except for pious midwit leftoids because they have successfully convinced themselves to disregard all racial stereotypes. Even starting a sentence with ‘all black people…’ triggers a violent cognitive dissonance effect in their brain that is actually physically painful for them. So they can’t even think about harmless stuff black people themselves joke about like fried chicken, watermelon, grape soda, etc. Let alone acknowledge that all the bros love dey menthols.

Basically every single blue-check twitter tard would have ten heart attacks a second if they sat and talked to an actual ghetto nigga for five minutes.

Mike says:

Damn, turns out some people’s assumptions were wrong.

I honestly thought there was a chance that they wouldn’t ban them, because unlike with the EU’s ban on menthols, the United States has a minority associated with the product. Individually, I don’t care too much (never have enjoyed menthols) but I’m incensed on a societal scale of course. I have no doubt in my mind they’ll be banning cigarettes or even just tobacco products in general within 5 years (New Zealand already is I think). Nothing says leftist anarcho-tyranny like Oregon decriminalizing all hard drug use while working men are criminalized for daring to light up a dart.

The Cominator says:

We should hope they try to ban tobacco entirely, nothing will cause the regime to collapse faster than them being that stupid.

No attempted tobacco ban in history has lasted very long…

Mike says:

I’m past making predictions of, “This is when the people will break!” but ya, when the Ottomans and King James tried it, did not go over well for them. People either just ignored it completely or rioted.

Tbh the level of regulatory anarcho-tyranny already is ridiculous though. Somewhere around 1.5-2.5 years ago I can specifically remember joking around with the gas station clerk about how ridiculous our country had become when she had to card me for A LIGHTER. Not the cigarettes themselves, A LIGHTER. Are people really going to revolt over cigarettes getting banned outright when they already accept having to get carded for lighters?

Anonymous 2 says:

“As long as we’re not carded to vote, we are still free.”

Oog en Hand says:

Lighters can be used for other naughty things…

Mike says:

“Lighters can be used for other things”

So fucking what? Do you think your father had to show his ID when he bought matches for grandpa? It’s beyond retarded.

G.T. Chesterton says:

Grandpa probably didn’t get carded when he bought dynamite.

Ace says:

Looks like my idea of providing the jurors protection from the mob won’t matter in Kyle’s upcoming trial. The Feds will just arrest him if the jury doesn’t convict.

The Cominator says:

I think they will be reluctant to straight out Rick Vaughn/General Flynn Rittenhouse…

So the only charge federally they might be able to get is about him carrying a weapon across state lines.

Ace says:

Trial’s not until November. Rudy got raided yesterday. I think 7 months from now the FEDs will be more than ready to pull the trigger on Kyle.

The Cominator says:

Rudy is a high level enemy, Flynn is a high level enemy, and Rick Vaughn at least personally caused trauma (BAP went over this) to high level people…

Rittenhouse is a peasant who shot some orc goons, he means a lot to us he doesn’t mean too much to them. With the deep state trying to maintain some appearance of the skinsuit the feds won’t want to show their hand openly by conducting the kind of blanket justice fixing they did with Flynn and are trying to with Giuliani and Vaughn.

A couple years from now yes but not even late this year.

INDY says:

“he means a lot to us he doesn’t mean too much to them”

I’d think ‘he means a lot to us’ is followed by he means a lot to them.

redpurplepurple says:

“With the deep state trying to maintain some appearance of the skinsuit the feds won’t want to show their hand openly by conducting the kind of blanket justice fixing they did with Flynn and are trying to with Giuliani and Vaughn.”

this is assuming the deep state is organized and capable of preventing some rando(s) from offing kylie.

nils says:

We have left the bureaucratic dictatorship (singular) and entered the bureaucratic dictatorship (plural) Biden cannot stop the banning of menthol cigarettes, the agencies are now unleashed and the games begin. I bet the Ag agencies do well.

The Cominator says:

Biden’s whitehouse cabal could easily stop it but they are retarded and won’t. I’m personally way more pissed about the flavored cigar ban… I don’t care if some consider it low class here but I like them sometimes and they are going to be a way more of a pain in the ass to get black market.

Ace says:


I think you’ll it cheaper and just as easy to get on the black market. As people stop respecting the system cheating becomes both necessary and parotitic. Everyone will be working the black market to one degree or another soon.

Ace says:

Rando leftists tried to murder Zimmerman for years and failed hilariously. They’re pretty bad at killing. They’d fair much worse against Kyle the Commie Killer.

Though as Nils noted, the agencies themselves are now free to do whatever a they want, and one their security squads could probably kill Kyle.

suones says:

“Rando Leftist killers” are a myth and dregs of the Leftist brigade. Real Leftist killers are heavily armed and well-trained. If they need a pregnant woman and her dog killed, they send in Lon Horiuchi. If more need killing, they send in the 101st Airborne (Eisenhower in Little Rock). I’d like to see St Kyle face off against the real Leftist force, the US Army.

Javier says:

Without political pressure from the top to protect these guys they will get anything and everything thrown at them. The only way out for them would be for a republican to get the white house again and pardon them but that’s like getting two hole-in-ones in a row at this point.

If I were him I’d seriously attempt to flee the country.

Pooch says:

Laws don’t matter. We are quickly entering a phase where the only way to defeat political prosecution is organized violence likely escalating until Caesar.

redpurplepurple says:

a blackpill a day keeps the feds at bay.

sharpen your knives.

story continues

Cloudswrest says:

Another interesting story today re. Josh Duggar

“U.S. Marshals arrested Duggar on April 29, 2021.[78] On April 30, 2021 Duggar pled not guilty to one count each of charges of receiving and possessing child pornography.”

I’m always somewhat dubious when someone is charged with “ONE” count of receiving or possessing child pornography. From what I’ve read, real child diddlers have disk drives full of the stuff.

Had to look up his background. Seems like somewhat of a sleeze according to Wikipedia. Seems he played “doctor” as a young teen with some of his younger female siblings. Also was doxxed as an Ashley Madison subscriber. Also some prostitute claims he was rough with her. Sounds like Hunter Biden material.

Ace says:

Porn of all sort request an endless steam of content necessitating either a huge stash or an on going supply. Either he was entrapped or he deleted his stash and missed something, with the former more likely.

The guy has 7 kids with his wife and is still fucking around, I very much doubt he’s into little girls. The ages were he was playing “doctor” is about when a boy trapped in a home schooled tradcuck family without no girlfriend starts looking for outlets.

It’s likely he’s being targeted because of coming from a large family, having a large family, and his job is encouraging others to have a large family.

Anonymous says:

That there’s just one pic makes me think it may have just been planted.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for ignoring the glaringly obvious, presumably because it is politically incorrect*]

jim says:

Your comment was too deranged to merit a response. Look up “white flight” and “Detroit”.

People abandon valuable property for a reason.

We don’t need investment in infrastructure. We need a lot of public hangings.

nils says:

Broke… ending covenants was a bad idea.
Woke… ever needing covenanted neighborhoods was a civilizational failure of colossal proportion.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Unresponsive. Deleted for failure to acknowledge why people fled for the traffic packed suburbs.

No point in building stuff when niggers are going to ruin it.

Joe says:

We need a lot of public hangings.

And beatings. Niggers, both black and white, need to be beaten through the streets, or as you say hanged if the rod fails to teach them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A man can endure hits to his body; he can endure hits to his wallet; but if there is one thing he cannot tolerate, it is hits to his status.

The best forms of prosocial punishments are shameful; not coincidentally, the restriction of such is one of the first things states coopted by gnostics did.

G.T. Chesterton says:

Niggers achieve higher status by going to prison. Lashing them in the streets would just give them scars to show off.

tldr: Rope, tree.

The Cominator says:

Beatings only enhance status if you avoid crying out the whole way, its very rare from what i heard that anyone can do that under flogging.

Joe says:

What about tarring and feathering?

jim says:

Worked great. A kick in the status is far worse than a kick in the balls.

Joe says:


G.T. Chesterton says:

The guilty would have a gaggle of camp followers to lovingly clean them, like birds after an oil spill.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Chicks are social creatures. Put a man in stocks and a basket full of rotten fruit around the perimeter, and they’ll be the biggest group of volunteers to join in on the fun.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be more specific to this point, is that chicks love power and hate weakness and love hating weakness; power as perceived by 10,000 BC hardware.

There is not an automatic ‘criminal = high status’ isometry. Many women perceive many criminals as high status because in large part present sovereign entities treat them like they really are high status. The get handled with kid gloves, and are never publicly humiliated, so in the womens eyes, this looks like he thumbed his nose at a big alpha and got away with it, which she sees as alpha, on top of whatever particular details of the crime itself narrativizes.

Humiliating punishments have a long history, because they work. They work on men, and they especially work on women. When men worry about convictions, they don’t worry about something like prison in of itself, they worry about how it will make them look to others, about how the conviction might impact their future prospects; id est, their *status*.

Punishments like jailtime and fines are meaningless in the eyes of a woman; a man was gone, but now he is back, or maybe never left. Could as well say he went on vacation, the difference would be the same. If he can stand proudly in spite of censure, then he got away scot free as far as she is concerned.

When a man is humiliated, however, this is what touches her amygdala. Public shame, ridicule, emasculation, you would be both amazed and perhaps slightly despaired at the rapidious ease with which women can turn on ‘their man’ when he looks weak – is made to look weak.

The Cominator says:

I have no problem with executing people since I think that basically all of the far left at least those in the priesthood have to go…

But even with a government such as we would found, the 19th century fundamentally proved that all crowns ultimately derive “from the gutter” (ie that lose of popular confidence will EVENTUALLY lead to the government falling as such lose of confidence also ultimately splits the elite) and it just looks bad to hang people on the 1st offense for petty crimes. Yes even nigs.

At least the 1st offense (and people get caught todays far more often) for petty shit should be a flogging, give them a chance to wise up…

G.T. Chesterton says:

They get away with such heinous acts, I’ll admit I wasn’t thinking about the great shoplifting problem. First petty offense for a black should be banishment of his entire family tree to the Black Sector, with the Mark of Coon branded onto their foreheads to prohibit reentry.

If we ever have mayoral candidates debating lashings vs lynchings, rather than the current question of kneeling vs bending over, then we’re on our way to a much better world. Parallel universes are probably there already and shaking their heads at us.

But I do believe they would wear those scars with pride, regardless how they wailed like babies during the act. It would supplement their present uniform of sagging pants and exposed buttocks, and be so popular they would have “whuppin parties” where they lash each other at backyard BBQs. God help the man whose rebellious teenage wigger follows suit.

nils says:

firstly, we beat each other in public, to the near point of hospital. got away scot free if you knew a-bow’t two spells(they no longer work kids, you are in indian land, act like it roanoak). our’ nigs knew to stay the fuck out, or get broken permanently, interesting how you relate sagging to the apei’st/dolphin challenge of dominance, Dirty harry is indeed the acception of the 1820’s nonsense of woman expressed in your’ highschool”s reading of the crucible. Mandingo’s “lashed themselves” at parties, ostensibly to prove their submission, truthfully to prove their conviction. There is no difference to contemporary singarporean GumChewer policy and 1908 TrainCar vandal justice through the pinkerton’s but in 1912 the press were allowed to inflict the indignity of besieging Ford’s properties and endless uniion worses. since 1940/1950 vandal graffiti has besieged us, dont underestimate the man who follows, we are angry, and burning whiggers at the flag pole is on the table again, the rest can burn in hell early.

redpurplepurple says:

“And beatings”

i suggest whippings first. public whippings (in the street, in the town square) then hangings sounds like a very good plan.

(and of course, we also need to bulldoze harvard and yale.)

Is it ever permissible to marry a girl with one or more tattoos?

The Cominator says:

Not a positive but not a deal breaker.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There was that woman a while back that was telling other women that if they wanted to get a good man, good men were looking for virgins without tattoos or debt. Women freaked out, men agreed, women freaked out even more. Men? Having standards? And holding women accountable? Unacceptable! The men were discussing it, though, and the concensus was that the importance was virgin first, no debt second, no tattoos last. If you have to pick between a virgin with a tattoo and a slut without tattoos, then go with the virgin.

Tattoos are a bad sign, but when women being from America is a bad sign, we really don’t have much choice. It also depends on your tastes. For myself, tattoos are a big turnoff. Women with something small and unobtrusive are less objectionable, but the more I have to see it the less I’m interested. Especially if it’s near her pussy, her ass, or her tits. You might not mind them as much, so it comes down to personal preference. Can you date a woman with a sleeve? For me, it’s a hard no. But maybe not for you.

suones says:

“Debt-free virgins without tattoos[1]” was hilarious and triggered leftists precisely because it is so true.


onyomi says:

Is women having a lot of debt a known, common problem? I do know at least one woman with a ton of credit card debt due to an obvious case of shopaholism, but it wouldn’t be a turnoff for him for a girl to have e.g. an outstanding student loan. Maybe “problematic debt” (of the sort apt to indicate a chronic problem like irresponsible spending habits) is a bigger, more ubiquitous problem than I realize? Didn’t really seem so when I was dating, but the number of women I got serious enough about to know and care much about their financial situation wasn’t that great either.

Ace says:

I’ve never met a single women who wasn’t in crippling levels of debt. A friend of mine got married to a women with a staggering amount student loan and personal debt. He’s still whining that he can’t afford anything better than small apartment 10 years later because of it.

Javier says:

Shit, I know a guy who is not only paying off his wife’s student loans while she doesn’t work, but also his mother-in-law’s student loans.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Debt isn’t really a deal breaker for women because of how they approach property when owned vs unowned. Unowned women cannot hold any property, because nearly any man can take it from her. Her house will probably be messy, she will have lots of impressive (to women, keep in mind) and expensive things, and she will be obviously helpless and foolish with her money. Its a form of bad behavior to invite a man to come take her and own her. For the same reason she acts like a brat to attract someone willing to discipline her, she spends money she does not have to attract a man to take her stuff away and own her.

Long story short, once the need to be owned goes away and she is managing her owner’s other property, a woman is likely to be radically more financially responsible. Now its not a matter of attracting a man, but keeping her man pleased and getting the most out of his resources. This obviously is no guarantee, but it is why debt is not as big a black mark as a tattoo. A woman can get more responsible with money, she cannot get less slutty, which is what tattoos usually signal.

jim says:

Exactly so. I have observed this regularly.

Pooch says:

Can’t the same be said of sluttiness? Women are acting slutty to attract a man to take ownership of her.

jim says:

Exactly so. But chicks who act slutty tend to have alarmingly high standards of who is alpha enough.

Pooch says:

Ah right. They are grading you against their past fucks who may well be General buck naked and Jeremy Meeks who refused ownership of her not because they weren’t able, but because they weren’t willing to.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It’s also a matter of how solvable the issue is. You can live frugally for a time and pay off debt. You can even make her laser off her tattoos. You cannot unsuck a dick or unfuck her. Worse, you are not competing against Jeremy Meeks and General Butt Naked, you are competing against an idealized gestalt of Jeremy Meeks’ and General Butt Naked’s best qualities.

Ace says:

It’s also exceedingly easy for a man who’s already fucked your wife before you got married, to fuck her again and thus cuck you. There’s a reason virgin women are so highly prized.

Jehu says:

Depends on what the debt is for—student loans are REALLY common for women in their 20s. In the case of student loan, it matters a lot what the education actually was. Credit card debt is really common too—funding a lifestyle that they can’t really afford.
The problem is that for an awful lot of people, their spending is like an ideal gas—it expands to all space allowed to it and puts pressure constantly on the barriers containing it. A lot of people can make tons of money but have constant money problems and the stress that comes with it at the same time. Hell, most lottery winners are WORSE off 10 years after winning than they were before said win.
If you’re not like that—as in you’re able to easily live within your means, whatever they are, you really don’t want a wife that can’t. Sex and money are the two biggest causes of marriage problems.
Ideal case for a bride if you’re getting someone in their mid to upper 20s is a woman who has no debt and actually tithes to your shared religion. Actually tithing and not being in debt is rare enough that it’s a difficult to spoof signal of fiscal responsibility and reactionary religious views.

Leon says:

Depends. A massive chunk of college educated women are in debt out their asses. Ghetto women tend to blow it on bullshit, but Big Government bales them out. The high maintenance girlfriends and wives also blow lots of money, but it is usually their man’s. The over educated SJW ladies also tend to be bad with their money, trying to live the Friends/ Sex in the City lifestyle. Middle class gals married at a young age with several kids tend to be pretty good with their finances though, or their husband’s are and they get their wives to go easy on the finances.

jim says:

Women just cannot handle money except under the authority of an alpha male.

This, however, does not mean you will have to ride herd on your wife’s spending. The presence of male authority is likely to magically improve her spending habits.

The Cominator says:

This is generally true but there are true nawalts on this issue. Paris Hilton is the most notable example, shes always been an incurable unowned bad girl slut but shes been brilliant at growing her money (and she didn’t start out with much money only the name).

Some women for whatever reason are good with their money.

Sulla says:

Agree. Early in our marriage, I allowed my wife to manage things because, as an accountant, I imagined her to be competent at budgeting and so on. This was an error, later corrected.

Nacho says:

“The presence of male authority is likely to magically improve her spending habits.”

How should that authority most effectively be manifested? And how does one know when one is off track?

jim says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Imagine life as a female in the current year.

Do what ever, and no matter whatever, people will validate your direction. Do what ever, no matter what ever, because irrespective of whatever happens, you can be sure that someone (or something) will take care of you anyways.

So yeah, chicks tend to be profligate and rack up lots of liability.

suones says:

Only one exception to the “no tattoos” rule: Traditionally, woman may have the name of her husband and village tattooed, ususally on her forearm. This was in case she got “lost” and was unable to find her way home, it would be the duty of a good citizen to restore her to her home and husband.


clovis says:

Suddenly I love India

Ace says:

If you own a women, marry her. If you don’t, don’t. Women with tats are just advertising they’re larger whores than the average women so if you decided to pursue them keep that in mind.

Pooch says:

I have always had a weird attraction to women with tattoos, but probably because I’ve always been attracted to whores.

The Cominator says:

I like very good girls and very bad girls (but who are not feminists or woke or any shit they are just bad girl hedonists) but not so much in between and the extremes tend to like me more than normal women. I don’t like tattoos but its not a big deal for me.

Javier says:

Depends on where it is.

-hand/foot tattoo is a ‘my friends talked me into this’ kind of thing, you have to wonder what else they talked her into but it’s not a huge red flag.

-leg/arm tattoo is a ‘I’m EXPRESSING myself’ thing, it probably means she follows dumb celebrities. So typical female vapidity plus poor impulse control. Not terrible but not great.

-breast/back tattoo is a small red flag, generally means she’s damaged goods and wants to intentionally hurt herself, acting out for male attention/authority. Salvageable but may have major baggage.

-anything between the thighs and midriff is huge red flag, this is the ‘degenerate slut zone’, it’s just a green light to every dick in the vicinity. Its a clear signal she’s a cumdumpster. Avoid avoid avoid.

The Cominator says:

Any tattoos they can’t conceal are red flags but I don’t think any are all that bigger red flags than the others.

Worrying too much about red flags for sluttiness is not all that red pilled… there is not too much difference in female pair bonding capability if you are dick number four or dick number four hundred and in nearly all cases unless you get a girl right out of high school you’re going to be dick number > 4.

We have a problem of unowned obese hypergamous princesses many which larp as lesbians most of the time and will ignore any man who is not Jeremy Meeks. A problem of man crazy sluts would be a MASSIVE improvement.

Do not speak of sluts without pointing this out…

Ace says:

The more men’s she had, the more likely one of those men will cuck you. A lock that’s been picked before is easily picked again, hence why virgin women are so highly valued.

The Cominator says:

I think whether she cucks you depends on a few factors I’ve had few girlfriends as a sperg but there have been a few girls willing to cheat with me over the years…

How alpha you are in your universe and how pair bonded she is to you. If it is your virginal high school sweetheart less likely, though its possible she may be curious about what another man’s dick would feel like.

Opportunity and temptation, at the extremes if your wife works as a masseuse personal trainer or god forbid a stripper you are almost 100% to get cucked (and I think you have no right to blame her if you let her do that either). If locked in a basement doesn’t matter too much what she wants.

There is some factor for fear of consequences and getting caught if she is generally happy, but women when they are aroused tend to forget about consequences (more so then men).

Sex drive, high sex drive women are fun to be with but more likely to cuck you. But no you don’t want a frigid girl… the frigid girl hates her man more than the serial cheating slut and is a true gold digger. She won’t cuck you because very little or no interest in sex but won’t fuck you either and is more likely to divorce rape you than the serial cheating slut too.

Re temptation and sex drive, some women just actively subconsciously or sometimes find the idea of cucking whoever they are with exciting they have a sort of cheating kink (this is a very real thing), you are 100% to get cucked unless she is locked in a basement with a girl who has this. You will probably never know either.

Aidan says:

You’re overanalyzing- the zoology of human mating dynamics is very simple. Girls get tats to shit test the men in their lives, be they fathers or boyfriends. Chicks who get lots of tats tend to be ugly and old, and spend lots of time around a lot of weak men.

Pooch says:

Not what I see at all in my gym (hardcore body building gym). Many of the girls are bikini competitors with tattoos and near perfect bodies with bodybuilder boyfriends on steroids who also have tattoos. Some of them are military as well (in which tattoos are extremely common male and female).

alf says:

‘near perfect body’ and ‘tattoos’ sounds like an oxymoron.

If your girl gets a tattoo under your supervision, no matter how buff or tough you look, you have failed a shit-test, imo.

alf says:

Not that exceptions can’t be thought of such as when she tattoos your name in her neck. He he.

Pooch says:

Perfect in the sense of body fat percentage, hip to waist ratio, tits, ass etc.

Like attracts like. I’m guessing these couples get tattoos together often times.

alf says:

Well I have a tattoo and plans for a second one. But I enjoy looking like a festival drug dealer. I also enjoy my wife looking like an angel. But maybe that’s just me.

Pooch says:

My sense is tattoos are status markers of the plebeian and slave class (female and male). If you are elite with tattoos you are larping.

alf says:

As Heartiste would say, contrast is king. Life is fun being a shitlord dressed as a hippy.

The Cominator says:

I could see a girl getting a tattoo of your name with a heart or something as her wanting to mark herself as your property.

I don’t like tattoos personally but I don’t see how a girl marking herself as yours permanently and you letting her do it would ever be failing a shit test.

alf says:
Pooch says:

Going back to Roman times, tattoos were used identification to mark slaves/criminals as property and barbarian mercenaries so to recognize the deserters. My hunch is this lower class fixation on tattoos has carried on to present times.

Aidan says:

Sample bias. Fitness chicks are a tiny niche where looking good and having tats go together. The vast majority of girls where I live have one or two tats, because of female conformity, and the vast majority of chicks where I went to school hundreds of miles away had no tats, for the same reason, but the girls in the two places were the same level of slutty, same level ot hypergamous.

Pooch says:

What class? I believe class plays a role too. The girls (and guys) I’m seeing in the gym are overwhelmingly of the pleb class as it is a ways from a major city.

Aidan says:

There is only one thing that really matters: are you the most alpha man she has been with? Everything else is a matter of taste.

linker says:

Maybe this is delusional thinking, but I think you if a girl has been with 1-3 guys you have a good chance of being way more alpha than them and benefit from this favorable comparison. She is going to have a better appreciation for your non-superficial traits. If you’re 5’9 with a 9 inch cervix-poker your virgin girlfriend is going to think 6’3 Chad also has a 9 inch dick. If she has been with 3 guys with 5, 6, 7 inch dicks she is going to realize you are a rare specimen. Same thing with being red pilled/having game. Maybe it’s just where I live but a lot of hot girls have lame “beta” boyfriends who are neither trigger happy crack smoking Tyrones nor masculine intellectuals who read Heartiste and Jim’s blog. Maybe it’s different in a big city with lots of Tyrones and wigger equivalent of that?

You can’t grow a 9 inch dick or suddenly start acting like a Tyrone alpha thug murderer (what girls perceive to be maximally “alpha”), but I think if you are in great physical shape, have your finances in order, and put some effort into game you will compare extremely favorably to most girls’ boyfriends.

This is all just theory though, I don’t have enough experience.

jim says:

Chicks always have a “boyfriend”, and are always in the market for trading up.

So, you can acquire a girlfriend. The trouble is that surveys indicate that far more chicks have “boyfriends” than boyfriends have girlfriends. Since males have an incentive to lie that they have a girlfriend, and girls have an incentive to lie that they don’t, we may conclude that the actual situation is considerably more dire than surveys reveal. Which is to say, a lot of chicks think they are a girlfriend, when they are merely a booty call.

One of my sons nearly went to prison over this delusion. (Booty call became physically violent upon being sent away to make room for the next arrival)

If it is apparent that you are looking for a girlfriend, you already have a huge beta strike against you, which is difficult to surmount.

Since the guy who gives her booty calls is unlikely to accompany her anywhere, girls are always in the market for a beta orbiter to pay bills and escort them, while they wait for the next booty calls. Thus some of the far from alpha boyfriends you see escorting chicks may merely be beta orbiters. Polyamory. For lack of anything better, the “boyfriend” is thrilled that his “girlfriend” weeps on his shoulder about the fact that she has failed to receive a second booty call.

suones says:

Apropos of the article,

A tool for tracking easily lost pieces of mobile property may be used to track a very mobile, very expensive property. What a surprise? 😆

redpurplepurple says:

wonderful. there’s nothing wrong with keeping tags on one’s own property.

jim says:

Much simpler and more reliable: My wife wanted an iphone and apple watch. (Probably because her friends have one) No problem: ICloud Find.

Total wife monitoring technology. She never goes anywhere without wearing her watch and having her iphone nearby, precisely to re-assure me that she is not up to mischief.

Naturally she shit tested me by resisting monitoring hard, but, when you pass a shit test, women love it and she loves it. Women want you to take ownership, but don’t want it to be easy to take ownership. Terrible drama ensued, but, on passing, she positively reveled in me passing.

Similar capability is available for android, but the Icloud technology is a wife status symbol.

Ace says:

Off topic:

WuFlu proven to be a virus that attacks the blood not the lungs:

This came out last July and this is the first I’ve heard of it. Looks like most the media stories came out right as the the deep state stole the election in November.

Ace says:

This also might be why the mRNA vaccines are causing strokes. Some already had COVID and their immune system was primed to attack the blood to fight the infection. When the system got hammered by RNA messages the immune system attacked the blood trying to fight the messaging.

The Ducking Man says:

Hi Jim,

Reading your blog has been eye opening and miracle

But there is gap in my knowledge of women’s nature.

1. Jim said that woman like violence, hence the term “pimp punch”. But women I know divorced their husband as soon as the husband went violent (e.g. punching and hard slapping) on wife.

So rough sex and harmless violence is preferable, but full blown violence against women is big no no?, do I get it right?.

2. I don’t understand why women had emotional trauma when the husband had affair and second wife.

If it is women’s nature to live as property and to be owned, there should no objection when the husband (the owner) to own multiple women as his property because property has no control over the owner.

Sarah had bitter relationship with Hagar, and I had few first hand accounts whose marriage fell apart due to affairs.

The Ducking Man says:

Just want to say it’s miracle that I can keep my marriage considering I’m autistic and had nearly zero experience with women prior to marriage.

jim says:

Check the man’s story. Don’t rely on the woman’s story. Woman tell a story that fits the mythos they are marinated in, and believe it.

In my personal life, I have reason to believe that women rather like infidelity, provided they have confidence you are not going to ditch them for an upgrade. But two woman under one roof is unbearable.

Ace says:

1. Jim said that woman like violence, hence the term “pimp punch”. But women I know divorced their husband as soon as the husband went violent (e.g. punching and hard slapping) on wife.

Men who regularly beat their women generally don’t end up divorced. Men who lose their temper beat their women once and then apologize for it, get divorced and often end up in jail.

Women will push a man to strike her but in a world were the state will arrest a man for it, she’ll play the state’s alpha against her husband and her husband always loses that game.

So rough sex and harmless violence is preferable, but full blown violence against women is big no no?, do I get it right?

With the current state, displaying the willingness to strike without actually ever doing so is the best course of action. This however isn’t enough for a small subset of women who wanted to beaten to prove how alpha you are. Again, actual violence that can’t be describe as rough sex is very bad idea in the current setup.

I dated a woman who told me all her previous boy friends had beaten her. She then pushed me as hard as possible to strike her with awful behavior. When dumped her because she wouldn’t stop acting like a bitch, she told everyone in my social circle I beat her and everyone believed her. She went as far to manufactured an injury. I failed to delivery what she wanted and I paid the social price for it but luckily it never ended up going to the police. If I’d been arrested for a crime I didn’t commit, I would have murdered the bitch.

If you date a women who talks about her past boyfriends hitting her bail immediately, it’s not worth it no matter how good the sex it.

2. I don’t understand why women had emotional trauma when the husband had affair and second wife.

It’s a shit test. Just 60 years ago it far more common that the wife would go after the women her man was sleeping with, not him. Remember Shaggy’s advice: It wasn’t me.

Pooch says:

Yes polygamy is bad not because it’s bad for woman but its bad for men. It prevents every tax paying man from having a wife.

Ace says:

Sexual Socialism is the way.

suones says:

Fuck no. The alternative to polygamy is concubinage, not “seizing the means of reproduction.”

Dave says:

“Sexual Socialism” implies women owned collectively and managed by the government. We want individual women owned by individual men with just enough regulation to prevent hoarding.

Jimianity = private ownership of women with price controls and rationing, free markets in everything else.

linker says:

Link to Jim saying this?

Is it really private ownership if there are price controls and rationing? Not sure why that is necessary. Most people own one car because the utility of going from 0 to 1 is far greater than from 1 to 2. Some people have no car or lots of cars. Hoarding is not really a problem.

jim says:

Woman have a natural inclination to polygamy, so polygamy tends to result in topping from the bottom. Mohammed was manipulated by Zaynab bint Jahsh, the wife of one of his important companions.

Keeping women under control requires a tribe. Polygamy means that the man with many wives lacks the ability, the man with no wife lacks the incentive.

On the other hand, not every man is going to be qualified for a wife. And you do need to mop up the surplus and stop them from wandering around loose.

A lot of Mohammed’s marriages amounted to mopping up the surplus. But trouble ensued.

We need to price control women down, so that everyone who supports the social order can easily obtain one. (Taxpayers, soldiers, camp followers, and subcontractors of camp followers.) And price control requires rationing. If there is a surplus, you have gone overboard on rationing, holiness spiraled on rationing. Need to tolerate a bit of polygamy and concubinage. If there is a shortage, you are failing to do adequate price control, and chances are you have allowed women to capture their value and raise their price – which would be OK, provided that they are forced to make a choice promptly and are forced to stick with it, but is apt to result in them continuing the auction indefinitely till they hit the wall, lose their looks, and their eggs dry up, resulting in the lek mating pattern, the players and bitches sexual market.

If everyone that state and society needs can and usually does get an obedient virgin wife as soon as they have the economic capacity to take care of one, the balance is about right.

And, if he can get a virgin, this presupposes that we restrain them all from queuing up at Jeremy Meek’s door. In a society where he can get a virgin, the only way for most men to get pussy is to marry a wife – so we want economic capability to be swiftly rewarded with a virgin obedient wife.

Fred says:

Sexual Socialism is the way.

Can we drop this stupid fucking boomer idea that SMP equality is “socialism”. Socialism is communal ownership of the capital stock. Price controls on vaginas is not communal ownership of vaginas.

Currently, women are owned by the government, ie. we actually have literal “socialism” in vagina supply right now. Jim’s plans (vaginal price control and etc) vest ownership of each woman to one man each, thus privatising vaginal ownership. This is the exact opposite of “socialism”.

This stupid fucking boomer misapprehension comes from the conflation of rationing and “socialism”, another moronic misapprehension brought to you by the stupid fucking boomers of the Free Republic demographic.

Ace says:

>Can we drop this stupid fucking boomer idea that SMP equality is “socialism”. Socialism is communal ownership of the capital stock. Price controls on vaginas is not communal ownership of vaginas.

In a purely market environment for women as we largely have, a small group of men are hogging the majority of the women via female market selection.

>This stupid fucking boomer misapprehension comes from the conflation of rationing and “socialism”, another moronic misapprehension brought to you by the stupid fucking boomers of the Free Republic demographic.

You’re being triggered by the word socialism without understanding that socialism is part of our nature. Hunter gathers would share the meat they caught with the entire group, no matter who individually caught and kill the beast. That’s socialism. But hunter gather’s also had their own private property like women, children, huts, and tools. When we became civilized that ownership aspect of our nature greatly expanded over the more socialist nature of our behavior but it’s still there and it’s still useful in the proper context.

For example my parents are currently housing and supporting my elderly uncle who’s not longer able to take care of himself. They gain nothing by doing so, but they give to family member who need help according to their needs. That’s socialism in a proper context. Another proper context for Socialism making sure every tax paying man or warrior has a woman. This requires a tribe to enforce even if the mechanism of the distributing is via father’s distributing their daughters and finding wives for their sons. Fathers who fail to control their daughters have to be punished by the state and men who fail to control their wives the same.

An inappropriate context for for market trading is sexual markets because it leads to a small amount of men hogging all the women and civilizational breakdown. Everything has it’s uses in the proper context.

Fred says:

Christ, just admit you fucked up. BTW, what’s your FR username?

Ace says:

You will never be a real woman.

Ace says:
Virtus says:

It does much worse than that. Think for example which societies and civilizations display which traits. East Asia typified in China had soft polygamy. Most men had no wife or one, some had one wife and concubines, rarer had several wives and concubines. They are very domesticated as a subspecies, so much internal competition was relegated to economics and a simmering that occasionally erupted into catastrophic civil war. They do not trust each other, and status is economic, to buy more wives. Then take more strongly polygamous societies, the Semites. Maintaining their tradition of strong polygamy, more wives more status, creates an underclass that is incentivised to kill intratribally. If there is not an ongoing Jihad, better to create one against your neighbor over something stupid. Cooperation becomes shot and you get a sort of clumpy adaptation of clans and cousin marriage.

The exception to this pattern is Aryan strict monogamy. This creates strong intratribal trust. The high status in your tribe are not trying to take your wife away, they will lose status from that. The tribe becomes an extended clan instead of a small inbred one. Traits most applicable to warfare and dominance get selected over generations of warfare and enslavement, and distributed smoothly over the population. The most Aryan of Aryans refused to acknowledge the children they had with conquered tribes, if they even had them. The germans were noted to not even fuck their slave girls. This was a crucible and made their blood particularly potent.

Polygamy bad because it induces either small clan formation and bickering, or economic competition over dominance competition and low trust society. We’ll see how the mormons turn out, they’re a notable exception so far. Maybe I just know too little of them, or maybe as an enclave in a larger civilization the pattern of killing or scamming your neighbor to secure a wife has not been able to realize itself.

The Cominator says:

Met one a couple weeks ago pool bar who said her ex husband beat her to the point she had missing teeth in the back… but had tomboy interest and an engineering degree but was good looking and feminine in the way i liked she also really hated liberals… because of genuine missing teeth in the back and because she didn’t seem inclined to like bad guys too much was inclined to believe her. Really liked this one more than any girl ive met in a long time…

If her current boyfriend wasn’t there i would have tried to get her number… maybe i dodged a bullet.

Ace says:

I’d wager she did something to trigger that sort of response, assuming she wasn’t lying. You probably haven’t experienced it, but the sorts of women who want to be beaten are can often be extremely violent themselves when trying to provoke the sort of response they want.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, something about that story does not add up. If we grant that she actually got beat that hard, then why? Either she picked someone she thought was rough and he turned out to be an 11/10 psycho instead of the 7/10 tough guy she was looking for, or she started that shit. Engineering girls are usually not that much trouble in my experience. I usually got way more brutal shit tests from the girls at the supermarket than in my engineering classes.

nils says:

my mum is an engineer and can confirm, they make good wifus.TBF the number of males which are borderline goblin is very high 4>%(yankeelands) as a son of landlords can say that there are at least 1/1000 women that are borderline on the point of a neanderthal plateau(by interaction), which in one’s travails will be apparent, and females have a big turn on for (upper class)/(ubbermenmensch) mates(the difference in mating ritual is a problem for the man). the segregation which exists brain/economically over several generations is evident, ,most of my peers know fuck all about low class women, some trope’s are universal, some are specific, but low class girls respect wealth in a way rich daughters don’t. I have met some woman that would absolutely take a few teeth to find a mate, they are in my world rare but in low slut world common. Women express courage in a different way then man, loyalty in a brother is paltry in compare to a woman, they can suffer all the same as a man but in a different way. so teeth being nocked out is meh, although their bitching over birth is exaggerated.

nils says:

“I have whimsically wondered from time to time, is Afghanistan where empires go to die or is Afghanistan where dying empires finally go?” the Vox’ voat/ r/altright Jim cross-over that exists is good, the quotes are awakening to the point of new religion, the zeitgeist/sightglass is whatever you can stumble upon.

suones says:

I have whimsically wondered from time to time, is Afghanistan where empires go to die or is Afghanistan where dying empires finally go?

Neither. Afghanistan is an exceptional example, as it has a very high-quality racial stock — Indo-Hellene, that gave up its Divine Patrimony in favour of temporal power, became mired in moral and societal decay, fell to Baphomet, started LARPing as the Semites who are the children of that god, and thus receive Baphomet’s bounty — becoming goatherders.

When Gandhara is purged of evil demons, then you will see its glory.

It is a cautionary tale I recite to race-obsessives — merely having good genes isn’t enough.

(“Afghanistan” is a fake country — only southerners are real Pathan/Pashtun. Northeners are Uzbek/Turks that deserve their own country/merger with Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan).

The Aryans in general seem to have suffered a lot of ancestral curse[1] over the ages to be where they are now. Abandoning the old gods is one cause/aspect of the decline.

[1] I view racial decline as an ancestral curse for which the punishment is a loss of identity. Giving up the old gods is another sin that has not gone unpunished in the long run, whatever may have been the short and medium term gains.

jim says:

We abandoned the Old Gods a long time ago.

Subsequently we conquered the world, created science, technology, and industrialization.

The curses of the Old Gods are, as Cortez pointed out, impotent before the risen Christ.

The curse under which we are now laboring set in when we allowed Socinians into the Church of England.

Yet, today the West is facing its biggest existential crisis yet, while the East, having abandoned the old gods and racial purity has fallen victim to the same Progressive demons and in the process of being consumed.

Obviously your solution for the West/White races is a return to old orthodox Christianity, which is a very different religion from the Christianity that exists today.

I am not calling for all peoples/races to return to the old gods, which, given the historical context, is next to impossible. But races/peoples that still have links to their old gods must go back to the old gods en masse before it’s too late. A region that comes to mind immediately is South East Asian Islamic countries where, despite increasing radical Islamization, a semblance of the old gods still exist.

jim says:

Mexicans are returning to their Old Gods, who are demons.

suones says:

The spell of Cortez the sorcerer is broken, and the terrors are now free. And they are very hungry. For Blood.

suones says:

I am not calling for all peoples/races to return to the old gods, which, given the historical context, is next to impossible.

Semites never left their Old Gods. Israelites still hew to Yahweh their Father, and Ishmaelites seem to have rediscovered Baphomet, the Spirit Father of the Desert. The hilarious mystery is Aryans who have been LARPing as Semites for so long they think themselves to be Honorary Semites at least, and then promptly get offended/surprised when actual Semites (sons of Abraham) plot to destroy them.

The only god who is ever going to help you is the God your Father, and none other. Praying is not a transaction with the gods and the “power of prayer” is an illusion.

A region that comes to mind immediately is South East Asian Islamic countries where, despite increasing radical Islamization, a semblance of the old gods still exist.

When I read the recent news of the loss at sea of an Indonesian submarine, the fact that jumped out at me was that the name of the submarine was Nanggala, named after Sri Balaram’s legendary spear (with a matching logo to boot) and the class was “Chakra”/”Cakra,” the name of Sri Vishnu’s characteristic weapon. This is definitely not a land of Baphomet — suddenly Suharto began to make sense to me.

restitutor_orbis says:

Suones – I was intrigued about your posts about the need to find our “old gods”, and recently started researching the ancient cult of Hypsistarians. This cult worshipped Theos Hypsistos (God Most High) also known as Zeus Hyspasist.

Previously, Jewish writers (who of course insisted they were the only “real” monotheists) claimed that the Hypsistarians were really Jewish-influenced Yahweh worshippers, but recent scholarship based on archeological recoveries has shown that the worship of Hypsistos actually arose in the context of Greek, Roman, and Scythian thinking. (I’m Greek, Italian, and Transylvanian/Dacian by ancestry.)

The cult’s traditions certainly seem to be Indo-European rather than Semitic. He is associated with light, and worshipped at dawn and dusk with altars bearing a torch or flame. He is symbolized by an eagle and by a hero on horseback.

Like other ancient Indo-European gods, Hypsistos seems to have bound existential evil or chaos: “The most high god, who encompasses everything and is not seen, looks upon terrors so that the plagues of mortal men might be warded off.”

An inscription in an Apollonian Oracle explains his relationship to other gods: “Self-begotten, un-taught, un-mothered, undisturbed, not permitting a name, many-named, dwelling in fire, this is God; we messengers are but a small portion of God. For those asking this concerning God, who he is, he said that the all-seeing Aether is god, gazing upon which you pray, at dawn, looking toward the sunrise.”

That’s quite interesting in that Apollo and other pantheonic deities are conceived of as aspects or sub-divinities of Hypsistos. It is also compatible with the view of God held by the greatest thinkers of the pagan philosophers, including the Platonists, Peripatetics, and Stoics.

Goethe, one of the greats of Western civilization, said this of the cult:

“The Hypsistarians declared that they would treasure, admire, and honour the best, the most perfect that might come to their knowledge, and inasmuch as it must have a close connection to the Godhead, pay it reverence. A joyous light thus beamed at me suddenly out of a dark age, for I had the feeling that all my life I had been aspiring to qualify as a Hypsistarian. That, however, is no small task, for how does one, in the limitations of one’s individuality, come to know what is most excellent.”

I haven’t yet found Goethe’s primary source for this, though I have seen it in secondary sources. But it confirms a Greek-style admiration for Arete or excellence that is absent in Semitic religion’s emphasis on humility and meekness.

Some sources claim that Hypsistos continued to be worshipped until the 9th century in Cappadocia. He was certainly worshipped there long after the rest of Rome had switched to Christianity.

So this seems like the strongest of the “old gods” of my ancestors.

jim says:

Yes, that is our ancestral religion – not Judaism. And Judaism also descended from that religion.

But Christ as the logos is also descended from that religion – John invoking Greek philosophy, and three centuries of Christian fathers invoking Greek philosophy and quarreling over it.

Christ as the logos is the fusion of both strands.

Mr.P says:

Yes, that is our ancestral religion – not Judaism. And Judaism also descended from that religion.

Jim, getting to the heart of the matter now.

Perhaps the subject of a long post?

I’m an Aryan and want nothing to do whatsoever with anything Semitic. Sick of all things Judaism. Enough. Sick sick sick of Jerry Seinfeld, Woody Allen, NYT, Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, Holocaustianity, and Judaism. No longer care about (((their))) excellent human technology. They hate us and intend to murder every last one of us.

NT sounds and feels more like a gutted skinsuit everyday in the Current Year.

jim says:

New Testament can rather too easily be given a gutted skinsuit interpretation.

On the other hand Christians conquered, and we got empire, science, and technology under a Christian state Church.

The Puritans were “pure”, because they wanted to strip Christianity of its Greek additions.

But Christ is King and High Priest in the line of Melchizedek, and Melchizedek is not seed of Abraham.

In this sense, Christianity is grafting the Aryan tradition onto the Semitic tradition – but the trouble was and is we don’t have a written Aryan tradition. We got the Aryan tradition via the sons of Pelops, who appear to have been illiterate. So except for the concept of the Logos, of the will of God manifest in the natural order and his commands manifest in the moral implications of that order, we just don’t have much good stuff from the Aryan branch.

Christ as the Logos, and “by their fruits you will know them” is what we have got of that branch, and it matters a lot. But the Semites just got started on writing stuff down a whole lot earlier.

nils says:

Sky God looks to be universal everywhere aryans or phoenicians conquered, although phoenicians/atlantians are a pre pre historic break off, so a bit unusual, Ra, steppe god of the heavens/blue sky god, zeus/odin/thor, feathered serpent. Putting semetic at the head of the parade is stupid, judea looks just like any other schythic/aryan tribal branch. Judaism, eqyptian and grecian are obviously worshiping God, first there were the heaven’s(osiris) and the waters/firmament(gaia) and then the 1st day(chronos) blah blah, same story if you read them side by side with the whole pantheon(primordial/titan/god/demigod) nordic as well although they get weird with the animals and elementals. Story of the clay men and the beast of the field and the tree of knowledge or fire of truth, all the same ancestral story of aryans, Moses and the Stables of the Solar Bulls, same stories again, all garbled and academized for your ignorance, but jews arent the start of anything except a dead end, christ was working with plenty of people who thought the pharisees werent the israelites of the bible. Who conquered europe for the cross is dubious as well, but if the french can build a kingdom in the levant, the sons of israel could conquer from bulgaria to ireland. The date issue of the roman dark age and Double Kings throws the possibility of roman/trojan adoption of Christ as the continuation of aryan/druidic tradition open(with the willing adoption of Christ by several druidic traditions which were not worshiping the dark gods implying he was not incompatible with pre christian aryan theology), and the heraldry of europe predating the introduction of christianity despite nonnative and nonexistent creatures being emphasized all related to tribes of israel is an open issue with multiple possible explanations. Interestingly the curse of eve for the apple(meaning fruit pre 1800s) of knowledge is in part pain during childbirth, which matches the biological complications of intelligence and the pelvis pretty well.

jim says:

Druidic tradition is totally dominated by the Dark Gods (demons) and Druidic conversions were the result of necessary and well deserved fire and slaughter.

So racial purists should not look at the Druids. That path dead ended in evil a very long time ago.

nils says:

Most druids were evil, especially the irsh and a few cults in scandinavia,. Some were not terrible, the not terrible ones on the roman frontier became christians in massive numbers without a fuss, the church doesn’t like to discuss how the first clergy was almost entirely comprised from druids,. Northern germany and the teuton knights were a blood feud between races and an infestation of slavik old gods/nephilem/demons whatever, and that 300 year slaughter was deserved, but the druidic acceptance of the church in some places was real, which is why everyone knows merlin, but there are perhaps three people here who can name a dark god of ireland, and are aware of how evil they were. Aincient germanic technology circa 4000 bc should be sufficient to show they were not completely evil throughout history, the saints made of their gods and deities which are still around today should be another testament to the same God shared by Christ and some faiths in pre christian europe. not as good as the original conquerors or the birth of Christ, sure. Every last one as evil as the devils own gang? not really, some were decent enough to know when to be baptized. if in future men look at us from the stars our descendants conquered they will no doubt think us pagans, doesn’t mean we dont know at least a little bit about god.

The Cominator says:

To the extent we are cursed for abandoning the old gods its because much of our populace have abandoned the gods of the copybook headings, the gods of reality, and when the gods of the copybook headings are abandoned they must inevitably with terror and slaughter return.

The most eloquent and beautiful condemnation of leftism ever written. Other than the words “copybook headings” it sounds like it could have been written yesterday… not published nowadays but written.

Dave says:

It’s even worse now than Kipling imagined, for we have abandoned the Gods of the Market Place for the Gods of the Ballot Box.

The Cominator says:

I think the gods of the marketplace didn’t mean capitalism as it condemned socialism in the poem… it meant something more like fashionable thinking.

Acd says:

I’ve always read it to mean as Com described it.

polifugue says:

“Gods of the Market Place” are metaphor for idols men create out of pride. “Gods of the Copybook Headings” are metaphor of Chesterton’s Fence and the horrors beyond view. The God of the Ballot Box is one of the former.

The smooth-tongued wizards promised us pigs with wings,
that the tyrants would cease if we gave up our Kings;
But when we revolted They debased our tongues in doublespeak,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Strong shall rule the Weak.”

The Cominator says:

We could have perfect liberty and progress said liberalism sages
We’d be free from superstition if we abandoned the god of past ages
But they destroyed our science and delivered our children to Moloch
And the gods of the copybook headings said “god will not be mocked”

suones says:

Always nice to find a fellow Kipling admirer.

To a man who has not abandoned the Gods of the Copybook Headings, so to speak, the poem reads transparently as a lament upon the subjugation of (Anglo) society to Mammon, which was all the rage till the 1920s. Fetishising “Capitalism” is the indicator of this, and the degeneration was so complete that Thatcher was deemed a Conservative for espousing and championing this degeneracy. I suspect time spent in India permanently affected Kipling’s thought.

Mammon-worship is a power play[1] that promises Vaishyas greater influence and status for doing what they do best. Adam Smith had pointed it out in Wealth of Nations itself (“nation governed by shopkeepers”). Once this gets firmly established, the Vaishya norms of greater virtue (== greater wealth) get applied to the entire society (Gods of the Market Place). While the old existing social framework holds, this leads to creation of unparalleled wealth and everything seems fine. It only lasts for around three generations for children born and raised in the “Marketism” faith to take power — and since they lack memetic sovereignty (being Vaishyas), they are extremely vulnerable to priestly attack — which happened in the form of Molochite priests.

[1]: We know that such power plays cannot be originated by Vaishyas, who lack memetic sovereignty. Marxism is a Jewish heresy and Moldbug figured out that Prog was a Christian heresy. But I’m not well-versed enough in Anglo history to figure out which elite was backing Mammonism in Britain since the time of Adam Smith. May have been Jewry, but the change was too broad to have been entirely the work of Jewry. Also interesting is that this heresy was exported from Britain to USA long after the USA became a thing, and was initially supported by Harvard at least until the War of Northern Aggression, which marks the inflection point where the balance of power shifted from Mammon to Moloch.

The Cominator says:

There is never and was never a point where the Vaisyas or capitalism was a major problem. Priestly distortion of “capitalism” can be a problem.

The priests took over in the West completely after the 1st world war because the old elite (which was much more warrior and aristocratic than lawyer and priestly) screwed up very very badly. Its almost impossible to overestimate what a catastrophe for our civilization the 1st world war was for our civilization…

Before the 1st world war most of the common people (with the exception of France) basically trusted the old aristocracy to govern well.

The Cominator says:

And Kipling himself realized how badly they screwed up lamenting his own part in supporting British entry into the war when they screwed up writing about the death of his son “If any question why we died Tell them, because our fathers lied”.

The Gods of the Copybook Headings was written after the war about the Western world turning in its grief and disgust after the war towards radical and leftist ideologies and that he knew what the result would be. The Gods of the Marketplace were things that were fashionable.

Ace says:

The priests took over in the West completely after the 1st world war because the old elite (which was much more warrior and aristocratic than lawyer and priestly) screwed up very very badly. Its almost impossible to overestimate what a catastrophe for our civilization the 1st world war was for our civilization…

Before the 1st world war most of the common people (with the exception of France) basically trusted the old aristocracy to govern well.

On the allied side the priests were firmly in charge. A few years ago I read a book about Verdun by John Mosier. Mosier isn’t the best historian but he more often gets overriding motivations right than other historians.

In France the Socialist French government was far more afraid of its Roman Catholic army than it was of the Germans. They appointed only Socialist Generals who fed and endless stream of Catholics to their deaths. French officers frequently disobeyed suicidal frontal attack orders that was killing there men and where frequently arrested disobeying orders. The aristocratic officers who did obey orders quickly died in the frontal attacks.

At least for the French government the war was about destroying Domestic opposition more so that beating Germany. Considering the similar behavior of the UK government, I think they were using the same program.

The Germans by contrast suffered relatively low casualties despite being the losers and have to do the bulk of the fighting on almost every front. Of course the priestly propaganda blamed the war and the way it was fought on the warriors, despite the whole mess seemly engineered to mass murder the warrior class.

After the war there wasn’t a lot of warriors on the Allied side of any ability that had survived the meat grinder and Germany was effectively a client state to the American Progressives until the rise of Hitler.

The Cominator says:

Don’t know too much about the French but what about Haig and the British high command, thoroughly warrior-aristocrat and not priest but yet totally incompetent. I always thought Foch had a generally better reputation but have not looked at him closely.

And no I don’t take Haig’s defenders seriously he wrote AFTER the war that he thought cavalry would be more important than ever in the future.

Ace says:

Don’t know too much about the French but what about Haig and the British high command, thoroughly warrior-aristocrat and not priest but yet totally incompetent.

The question to ask, is who put Haig in charge? Warriors generally get rid of bad commanders quickly and if a bad commander cannot be removed by the warriors then it’s likely that a priest is keeping them in power.

Remember starship troopers? One clusterfuck of an invasion and the supreme commander was replaced. Odd how that didn’t happen in WW1. That’s a tell that warriors are not in charge.

I always thought Foch had a generally better reputation but have not looked at him closely.

Foch is one of those blamed by the Socialists for the Socialist Generals policies of endless frontal attacks. When he and Pétain(both Catholic) were both firmly in charge France started losing a lot less men.

The Cominator says:

It was the socialist Lloyd George who wanted to get rid of Haig and more right wing and otherwise based people in the British establishment who protected him.

Part of the reason WWI was a disaster was it was our side that fucked up so badly. The other warriors around Haig should have arranged for him to have a tragic riding accident after say the 1st week of the Somme. There are situations where a good warrior has a duty to frag/assassinate his superior. Haig was a major such case.

suones says:

There is never and was never a point where the Vaisyas or capitalism was a major problem.

Vaishyas are never themselves problems, being incapable of much, but a Vaishya in a position of influence represents a power leak in Moldbug’s terms — a leak that must be quickly patched by a sane priest or it presents a vulnerability to be exploited by an insane priest. This is what is happening to AmaZOG and FaceBerg in real time. A Vaishya simply cannot operate without warriors to prevent others from taking his stuff and priests from sabotaging his efforts, and feeds his friendly warrior and priest overlords in return. The East India Company was powerful because of the Royal Navy and Anglican Church backing them, not the other way round.

Priestly distortion of “capitalism” can be a problem.

This is the leading edge of the wedge that USA drives into third world economies — developing crony capitalism or outright kleptocracies that serve as staging grounds for Prog priest attack. Market Fetishism is a dangerous thing, and this realisation led me away from Lolbertarianism. But I’ve not discovered who these priests of Mammon were that started the whole thing — Jews are the usual suspects, but surely they cannot have been solely responsible.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Moloch is, amongst other things, a lord of betrayal. A man who wants to stay loyal to his god, whatever else it may be, cannot be a molochite, and will inevitably be drawn into conflict with moloch, be drawn down the path of opposing the ways of moloch, whatever else he may have been before.

Those priests of mammon who did not inevitably defect to moloch ended up like Nick Land, the techno-accelerationist crowd; not coincidentally, a highly Anglo strain of thought.

Hollyhock says:

I found this article to be interesting, submitted for your approval:

jim says:

Briggs suggests that an unsuccessful rising by someone in authority will be the trigger that starts the white genocide.

I don’t think so. A rising by someone in authority is likely to succeed. We are not facing the Bolsheviks (yet). Our enemies lack competence and cohesion.

More likely, absent a Cromwell or a Thermidor/Napoleon, they will holiness spiral all the way to genocide without external stimulus.

Pooch says:

Briggs suggests that an unsuccessful rising by someone in authority will be the trigger that starts the white genocide.

I don’t think so. A rising by someone in authority is likely to succeed.

Did not first succeed in Rome when Marius rose. Not only did he lose, but anyone who supported him was put on a list and mass murdered.

Pooch says:

vaguely supported him*

jim says:

Marius, towards the end, fell under the control of holiness spiraling leftists, who invited the Samnites to the walls of Rome and armed the slaves.

Sulla’s purge was a purge of the radical left, not the populist right, and it was a response the radical left holiness spiraling to mass murder – it was a response to a purge of rightists carried out in the name of Marius.

Pooch says:

Not seeing a left-right dichotomy in Rome or any holiness spiraling. Rome’s state religion was still the Roman pagan gods. Looks to me as purely a political conflict between the Populares (some of whom were radical) and the Optimates (the elite). Seems like Sulla winning and purging the Populares was the elite consolidating power with mass murder of their political opposition and plebeian class. But I’m sure I am not as well read on Rome as you are.

Pooch says:

Caesar himself was almost mass murdered and it was only intervention by elite on his mother’s side who persuaded Sulla to reluctantly spare him.

jim says:

Caesar was a true populist, not a holiness spiraling radical leftist.

But he was a warrior priest politician – a significant potential threat to Sulla’s optimate restoration. He was a literal priest, the high priest – the pontifex maximus, though his warrior characteristics overshadowed his priestly characteristics.

Caesar was not some random populist. He was the most important populist. Hence Sulla’s remark “Many a Marius in Caesar”. Sulla had an understandable allergy to priests to the left of him.

The Cominator says:

Caesar at the time was Flamen Dialis not pontifex maximus.

Sulla helped Caesars career immensely by declaring him to not be a valid Flamen Dialis as the flamen dialis could not leave rome or touch metal… so no military career.

Its probably doubtful sulla was ever thinking about killing caesar.

The Cominator says:

Pooch there were good and bad populares and cinna and carbo were bad populares…

Marius was just senile by the time he was being used as a mascot against sulla.

polifugue says:

> Whatever the “final” incident is, it won’t be from the anarcho-tyranny our rulers wield.

Not necessarily given the propensity of our demon-worshipping elites using flash events in legitimizing political outcomes, such as in the Ukrainian color revolution. There can be multiple revolutions as well as multiple “final incidents” in our future killing fields.

21st Century Killing Fields Example:

1. Oppressed victim dies while attacking unholy racist

2. Oppressed victims kill and burn in peaceful protest

3. Oppressors terrorize peaceful protesters because of hate

4. Mass killings by governmental and/or non-governmental forces

It would work the same way as the Rwandan genocide, in the short and long term:

Rwandan Revolution of 1959-1961:

1. Oppressed Hutu Dominique Mbonyumutwa is attacked by unholy Tutsis (flash event)

2. Oppressed Hutus kill Tutsis in peaceful protest

3. Oppressor Tutsis terrorize peaceful Hutus because of hate

4. Belgians help Hutus overthrow Tutsi monarchy giving power to Hutu republic, 300,000 Tutsis flee the country and set up RPF (Rwanda Patriotic Front)

Rwandan Genocide:

1. RPF invades Rwanda in 1990, suffers setbacks against RDF (Rwanda Defense Force)

2. RDF, backed by Western powers, begins accelerating Hutu Power Movement

3. Assassination of RDF leader Juvénal Habyarimana during peace negotiations (flash event)

4. RDF commander Théoneste Bagosora takes power, genocide of Tutsis ensues, RPF eventually conquers the Hutu Republic forcing RDF into Zaire

Today Rwanda is governed by a de facto Tutsi dictatorship under Paul Kagame. Forgotten to history is the Western support of the Hutu regime. The genocide weakened the RDF, more importantly its Western backing, to the point that the Tutsis could reconquer the country.

The question remains, given our political climate, what will be the end of our killing fields?

suones says:

Forgotten to history is the Western support of the Hutu regime.

I remember Susan “acts of genocide” Rice, Bill Clinton’s bitch.

Zach says:

Briggs > Every leftist that has ever lived.

Joe says:

I like his reader Tom’s comment.

I remember visiting the Killing Fields in Cambodia many moons ago. To my amazement, the dead weren’t capitalists or enemies of the government, they were “Comrades” that the Khmer Rouge had turned on. Similar thing happened in the Soviet Union when Stalin turned on the old Bolsheviks or Mao on internal party enemies in the Cultural Revolution (Hitler turning on the Brown Shirts also comes to mind).
Point being, the Left might turn on each other and kill themselves off soon. We need to hold tight and wait to pick up the pieces.

Certain smart people survived even within Cambodia itself by smashing their eyeglasses and pretending to be peasants. It can be done.

Oog en Hand says:

Pol Pot was raised a Buddhist. Cham Muslims were targeted for destruction. Based?!

Joe says:

I would certainly not interrupt if my enemies were killing each other.

Dave says:

Jim, you’ve been in Cambodia or the vicinity — what is their attitude toward leftism today? I would suppose, after what happened there, that any foolish child who says something leftist gets a beating, and if that doesn’t set him straight, a dirt nap.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When a polity goes full retard with leftism, anyone left over naturally will tend to be the sorts of people who can survive in a leftist environment.

That is to say, most often, superficial men who can change postures as easily as they change socks, while also still having a primitive instinct for personal advantage.

This can be ready seen in modern west taiwan’s demographics, where one can find a kind of materialism that theretofore only existed in the fevered imaginations of cultural marxists attacking occidental societies, and whom can seem shockingly antisocial even without a sovereign actively trying to subvert things.

suones says:

Bigbrain: Taiwan is one giant shit test for China.
Galaxybrain: “China” is one giant shit test for Japan.

Pooch says:

Feds want to use third party private companies to do their shilling now. Next wave of shills to this blog may look a little different in the future.

Ace says:

I’ve dealt with the sort private paid for shilling operations on reddit forever. They’re strictly script kiddies. This sounds more like the FBI legalizing what they’ve already been doing since at least 2012 with the NSA database.

redpurplepurple says:

google amp is evil

The Cominator says:

Yes BAP harped on this in one of his shows a year ago (I don’t know whether he was a fag or not his show persona is not but his old forum persona was), though the main focus of his rant on this was Rubio. That Rubio was a cheap cuban rent boy originally.

Ace says:

I’ve heard there’s a video of Rubio getting fucked in a Miami bathhouse that’s been used to twist his tiny balls for years.

Have I found a non-degenerate neopagan movement?

The Cominator says:

Degenerate because Russian orthodoxy right now is pretty based and this is some sort of Russian equivalent of wignats (they are not fednats in Russia because the state doesn’t sponsor them, but maybe the US does) holiness spiraling to muh ancient barbarian religion…

polifugue says:

Slavic Native Faith is one of the many religious movements that gained traction during what my Ukrainian friend describes as “the wild 90s.” In Russia, there are surprising numbers of Southern Baptists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists as a result of American missionary activity during this time.

Orthodoxy is the strong horse. My priest tells me the Russian church is desperate for clergy because of the massive influx in church attendance. Because the Communists destroyed most of the churches, there are not enough parishes to properly administer the growing number of faithful Christians.

In the United States, baptisms on Great and Holy Saturday are big events, but in Russia mass baptisms are commonplace. Most Russians do not attend church regularly, but even if many more wanted to the church does not yet have the necessary infrastructure.

suones says:

Any movement with “neo” in its name usually turns out to be degenerate. Inasmuch as Russian “pagan” movements were instigated by Marxists to decrease the power of the Orthodox Church, degeneracy must come naturally to them.

A true grassroots return of the Old Gods of Russia is all but impossible due to lack of traditions and scholarship from the era. Sts Cyril and Methodius are the OG Year Zero of Russia.

I know of a way to awaken the gods ex-nihilo (read my reply to Virtus for an overview) but the process is difficult, unreliable, and equally likely to awaken some long-forgotten demon like Moloch or Baphomet instead. This is the trap Nazi occultism fell into.

That said, I read their propaganda materials, and I like them. But their “collectivism” vs “individualism” is a huge Red flag. This reads like a Marxist exegesis of Upanishads. Unfortunately I cannot read Russian so that’s it.

Oog en Hand says:

As I said, Old Church Slavonic is the intermediary between Sanskrit and Russian. This also works in reverse.

Noname says:

On the subject of women being different, looks like the Gates home is no longer happy. Other than money, I would say it’s a plus. On the one hand, her face would be hard to look at all day, and on the other, his voice would be hard to listen to for 27 years. Hopefully, she’ll cream pie him and post it.

According to Leo Fong, this is yet another example of bad girls gone worse in that even high status males can’t hold a marriage together with todays woke white woman. Perhaps… But could it be that the break was purely to separate assets thinking the Gates’ are about to be tossed under the Covid scam bus? Something to think about. It was a common boomer maneuver in 2008 to break up and let the other take the bankruptcy hit.

Bluecar says:

There is no way to ‘pass’ shit tests.

Our legal policies give women legal rights – to spend, to sign contracts, to divorce – they can’t handle; businesses market products to women with this power that they cannot handle on an intellectual or emotional level.

Men with guns will back up your wife’s ability to destroy the conditions required to have a family. You can tap dance around it if you’re strong and capable for a few years, but over the long term you can’t out alpha the fact that the full force of our government and the police will let our women ruin the financial and emotional foundations we need to build families and a society.

The torpedo has already been sent down our society’s tailpipe, and, given enough time it will explode every family built upon its foundations.

jim says:

You are talking to a man with unexploded families.

Shit tests are tough, and frequently cannot be passed without breaking the law. Pass them anyway.

I am alpha, backed by God.

One of my sons is really alpha, and so far gets by without backing from God.

One of my sons is somewhat less alpha, but manages with backing from God.

It is tough and dangerous. It is very tough and very dangerous. But there is no alternative but to do that which is necessary.

Bluecar says:

Indeed, I am. No better person to put this to, then.

But does the chances of family explosion approach 1 given enough time in this environment?

Does ‘Alpha’ behavior – and luck – only slow the half-life of family decay, in our current environment? Or halt it?

jim says:

Decay comes from failing shit tests, which in the present environment are difficult and dangerous to pass.

If, on the other hand, you keep passing shit tests, then the effect of the debased environment seems to be neutralized. If you are a convincing alpha and based, they start to see debased as not alpha.

jim says:

Reverses it.

The problem is that our society is hostile to men passing shit tests. The collapse of marriage, reproduction, and the family is downstream of that.

onyomi says:

If we accept Jim’s argument that women would rather their men be defeated by stronger men who will own them than be left at liberty, arguably policies supporting third world immigration/destruction of Western civilization are a kind of civilizational shit test whereby (mostly) white women invite white men to either man up and get them back under control or else do battle with/be replaced by third world men who will?

jim says:

Exactly what is happening.

This is a civilizational shit test, and we are failing it.

Jimbo Jones says:

Critical race theory zealots – basically a group of affluent women in my community – are pushing their propaganda on our public elementary schools. They’re holding meetings, organizing, trying to pressure, guilt-trip, and browbeat people in our community to participate. Thoughts on how to counter?

onyomi says:

Hold meetings, organize, pressure, guilt-trip, and browbeat them and others in the opposite direction?

jim says:

This would require coming out publicly in your local community as red pilled, based, and possibly old type Christian.

You would be killed or imprisoned.

onyomi says:

There recently seem to have occurred a number of successful local and state efforts to push back against crummy school boards, critical race theory in curricula, etc.

Admittedly so-called “anti-wokes” are not using full-on Jimian red pill rhetoric to support their counter-narratives but are instead engaging in a degree of “dems are the real racists,” “we’re all in this together,” etc. but it’s still a success of sorts and part of the weakness of woke is that it’s already so extreme (and, behind closed doors, disliked) that even a weaksauce rebuttal is enough to inspire some passionate push back.

Or do you think Ms. Hannah Smith will end up killed or imprisoned?

Pooch says:

I saw a video of angry moms forcing the school board to resign so they could remove the mask mandates in Vale, Arizona. I’m not sure if it ultimately will work for them but an angry group of women probably has a better chance of not being arrested than an angry group of men.

jim says:

Or co-opted.

Based females are apt to turn and become debased. Happens all the time.

The Cominator says:

I’ve seen lots of previously normie women go feminist and debased.

But I’ve only ever seen one girl who was seemingly truly redpilled when she was younger turn into kind of a shitlib though…

The most common debasement women go through is deciding to get fat or let themselves go, cut their hair short, or try to change their image from traditional sweet virginal to bad girl overnight… this is portrayed at the end of the musical Grease (the girls who do this last one do not tend to be in essence too bad, its more they are acting out of frustration of being unowned and wanting attention). Women tend to support left wing politics especially if unowned, but its rare that a woman who adopts right wing politics goes to left wing.

Jimbo Jones says:

So, I believe there may be old social technology, that I do not fully understand, in the myth of Perseus and the Gorgon.

My working theory is that I track this group – wait for something monstrous to be said – and take those words and actions and display them to discredit that agenda.

Again, not a social technology I fully understand, not certain reading the myth as social technology right at all. But I suspect there is something there that needs to be known and used to ensure some level of functioning in my community.

For me, keeping a group of women activists – who seem to be local housewives with weak husbands – from turning our schools, and even the broader community, upside down, is a box marked “known unknown.”

And given old stories about the ‘loathly lady,’ and its many variations, I suspect I may need to grapple with these things in order to keep some small semblance of order in my environment.

There are, for me, many social technologies that, looking at the past, I see were used. ‘Known unknowns’ – that I need to understand. And more still that I likely do not know I need to know about, but need to know, or ‘unknown unknowns.’

Have had some success in some efforts in my small town, where an essential service has been derailed. Now preparing for another round with CRT.

Perhaps the best strategy is not to engage at all – avoid bruising my shin on a stool that is not really in my way – or perhaps this is an issue that will be interested in me, as a man with an intact family, whether or not I am interested in it.

But I need more, better tools, clearer thinking than I have for this, which brings me here.

jim says:

The nature of women is to utterly intransigently go out on a thin limb hoping it will break under them.

The group you are attempting to engage are cruising for a man capable of putting them in their place. Unfortunately that man may well be General Buck Naked. You are not General Buck Naked and may well have difficulty giving a credible General Buck Naked impression.

Any attempt to restrain them that does not have General Buck Naked showing up will merely result in them doubling down further.

To do a credible Buck Naked impression needs a man with an entourage of manly men. If a group of males with one man clearly the leader of that group of males shows up and gives them a stern scolding, they might well subside. Unfortunately, it is possible some spankings might be needed, which in the current environment are too dangerous to apply.

In a sane society they would be dragged back to their husbands on leashes, the local top dog would tell their husbands to keep them in line, and if their husbands failed to do so, those husbands would be exposed to ridicule. This solution would be suppressed in our current society.

onyomi says:

You frequently bring up General Buck Naked but I’m not sure I fully understand what this means beyond what I can glean from the wikipedia article; does it mean a charismatic man very unafraid to use violence to attain his means?

Actually what you are describing doesn’t sound terribly difficult unless it is your opinion that slightly milder methods would be ineffective. Namely, if you can get together several like-minded men in the community and, with them, push back in an unashamed, forceful way, you might not actually need a terribly great number to be highly effective, in some part precisely because such a thing is so rare.

Based on my limited experience observing such phenomena, it seems not that a group of dedicated, like-minded, unapologetic men get shouted down and defeated by bitchy women. Rather, men are either uninvolved with activities like school board meetings, or the ones who are are highly pozzed, henpecked, easily shamed and guilt-tripped, etc.

It’s the weakness and apathy of men that’s the problem (not that I claim to be particularly good at sticking my neck out or taking the lead in such efforts, though I’ve also never found myself in a situation quite like OP’s yet either).

jim says:

Men are afraid.

And rightly so.

What is causing the dramatically falling testosterone levels and falling sperm counts is fear.

Similarly, police killings. Police have more hostile encounters with black people than white people, but kill vastly fewer blacks than they kill white people. They know killing a black man has vastly more serious consequences than killing a white man.

Approximately one black who is not a felon and was not engaged in felony at the time per year is killed by a white man, any white man, not just cop killings. That is an unreasonably low number. There are lots of people, of all races, but disproportionately black people, who need killing even though they have not been formally charged with a felony. If you are white and need killing, likely you will be killed. If black and need killing, likely to be killed by another black, but not a white, which contributes to the bad behavior of blacks against whites.

In any conflict, violence is possible. Men will back off, or find a formula that saves everyone’s face. Women will not. And blacks just don’t believe that whites will escalate to violence.

And if you are always the one that backs off, it shows up in testosterone levels and sperm counts. You buy an anime pillow and weep into it.

A Christian is required to show the other cheek, but showing the other cheek should be a threat, not a capitulation.

> Namely, if you can get together several like-minded men in the community and, with them, push back in an unashamed, forceful way, you might not actually need a terribly great number to be highly effective, in some part precisely because such a thing is so rare.

Yes, will work, four is all you need. One leader, three wingmen. But there is an overwhelmingly likelihood that several sluts and bitches will scream you down non stop, hoping to be physically shut up, or physically removed. Physical removal is likely to be required. Not of all of them. One might suffice.

The leader should not participate in the physical removal. If he participates in the physical removal, he is going to end up needing to remove all of them. If two of his wingmen remove one of the screaming sluts at his command (which will have to be non verbal under the circumstances, pointing at one of the bitches), the remainder will stop screaming.

It is going to go physical. This is why the men in the community are rightly afraid. You need to have a plan for going physical while arguably remaining within the bounds of legality, and with good optics and theatrics. Carry concealed but legal weapons, and only deploy them if things go totally pear shaped, you have to make an exit in a hurry, and they will not let you make an exit. If its all women and weak men, don’t carry even legal weapons.

You don’t need many men, but you do need to expect and be prepared for the likelihood of completely over the top escalation. There will be a very determined effort to silence any disagreement.

onyomi says:

I’m not sure I fully subscribe to the “politics is downstream of culture” worldview, but as I see it, white men being unable to defend themselves and their neighborhoods against black criminals is downstream of crummy education of white boys, which is downstream of a million and one school board meetings getting dominated by shrieking SJWs (the product of the school system of years past). The more downstream problems are more dire but also harder to solve without mass, coordinated violence. We can look for a Napoleon to come along and coordinate, but in the meantime I think recent events show much smaller victories are still possible.

The school board meeting problem, as you suggest, might be solved as easily as four tough men standing their ground. Harder than it sounds in this day and age, and also not without risk in this climate, but also a lot simpler than our enemies would like us to believe.

Put differently, Zoom meetings about “fortifying elections” and the like have clearly revealed that conspiracy theorists were right about many things because leftist elites are, in fact, conspiring. But rather than blackpilling, this could be whitepilling: given how effective conspiracy among a small number of dedicated activists can be even when pushing nonsense everyone hates, imagine how effective “conspiracy” to fight back can be?

It’s not that right wing conspiracy has recently been tried and found lacking, nor even tried and found hard; it’s that it’s not been seriously tried at all because Western men have, on some level, internalized much of the guilt narratives about slavery, colonization, segregation, etc. used to soften them up, such that when SJWs start shrieking at them they don’t stand their ground and haven’t been expecting it because they think “I’m not one of THOSE badwhites.” We’re in a position where a little backbone and organization could go a long way, I suspect.

The Cominator says:

No the reactionary view is that culture is downstream of power.

jim says:

This was illustrated in the stonewall riots.

Had the puritans succeeded in breaking up meetings of the Royal Society, formerly the invisible college, the scientific method would have remained low status.

Making the invisible college “Royal” would have had no effect if Charles the Second’s men at arms had failed to show up when needed.

The Puritans knew well that culture is downstream of power, and the left in the Stonewall riots knew well that culture is downstream of power.

The Puritans would have demonstrated that had they succeeded in breaking up the Royal Society meetings, and the Stonewall riots did demonstrate that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Fashions of the day are often descendants of military equipment worn by forefathers in the field. For instance, the suit jacket descends from the tunic, which descends from protective garments like brigadine or gambesons. One can see partial elements of this in motorcycle dress, from use of abrasion resistant leathers.

One can take canvass clothing, like carhartts, and sew in extra layers of canvas or steel platelets to roll your own; for a little bit of extra protection can go a long way in tilting street fights.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A good decent normal person is someone who, generally speaking, doesn’t go around looking for boats to rock. That is to say, they are not reflexively confrontational.

The tendency will usually be to not stir up trouble or acrimony with other folk, which is good usually; but by that same token, also usually means not going out of their way to push back at someone who *is* looking to conflict, either; each acting only individually if they themselves become the next target, while else otherwise acting as passive bystanders – a field of potted plants, while an agent may wander through taking a bushwhacker to stalks at leisure.

alf says:

‘Charismatic’ is a slightly reverse-engineered term. The leader in Jim’s story is per definition charismatic, because any man who succesfully orders the removal of women is per definition charismatic. The proof is in the pudding, so to say.

The not afraid to use violence part is spot on. But you want to use violence, or the threat thereof, in a way that de-escalates the situation, and does not spiral it out of control. Which is risky, and requires preparation, and cooperation among men. It is a way of thinking and acting that in some ways is completely forgotten and supressed, but in other ways comes very instinctive.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Going back down the etymology, a man with Charism is a man who is acting with the authority of God.

That is to say, a man who mantles God, becoming an avatar, a conduit through which divine law is instantiated.

Aidan says:

The point of Buck Naked is that he has no charisma, that he is brutally violent and scarcely more than an animal.

suones says:

Bullshit. Harambe had more charisma than Joe Biden, for example. General Buttnaked was extremely charismatic in his milieu.

redpurplepurple says:


(though for now mostly imprisonment. killing has not started in earnest.)

Joe says:

He who cares for his life dies a dog’s death.
– Samurai saying

Death is lighter than a feather. Duty, heavier than a mountain.
– Japanese Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

– Jesus Christ

The Cominator says:

“The fear of death is the beginning of slavery” – Robert Anton Wilson

The covid panic proved this, they could not have pulled this scam off if we had a lot less fear of death…

The Cominator says:

Do anything you can to get your kids out of the child prisons…

Otherwise make demands and threaten lawsuits.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Thoughts on how to counter?

Kidnapping and distribution as concubines amongst the bund, which is what they are asking you for.

Excepting that, think about what sorts of behaviors are not that, but are of like essence as that.

jim says:

> > Thoughts on how to counter?

> Kidnapping and distribution as concubines amongst the bund, which is what they are asking you for.

Yes, and the problem is that we are unable to deliver what they are seeking.

I can pass an individual shit test, because I take all the risks and reap all the rewards. Societal shit tests are harder, because you need men at your back, and what is in it for those men?

Well, if kidnap and distribute, there is something in it for those men. But the time is not yet ripe for that.

Joe says:

What would Genghis Khan do?

Ace says:

Make allies, get his wife back, build up his own clan/army, and then conquer all before him.

suones says:

Temujin did all of the above in the following order tho:

Build up his own clan/army,
make allies,
conquer all before him.
get his wife back,
change name to Genghis Khan

Garjesh says:

For all the guys invested in crypto here, how are you cashing out? You have a bunch of monero. Where do you take it? Offshore shell company? Where?

jim says:

Why cash out?

I spend cryptocurrency on various things. It is becoming more spendable, as cash becomes less spendable.

Normally one accumulates assets that seem likely to appreciate, and disposes of assets that, in the long term, underperform.

Crypto has, in substantial and important part, overperformed.

But if you really want to cash out: Bisq.

Use separate Bisq wallets on separate machines for each of your identities.

Garjesh says:

I agree with you there. The only reason I would be looking to cash out is to buy land. As far as I am aware not many places would accept crypto for a house.

Garjesh says:

What kind of places can you actually use crypto safely? Apart from gift vouchers. I know you can buy plane tickets and all kinds, but are these purchases likely to raise suspicions?

Bisq does looks promising.

jim says:

Crypto currency is popular for all sorts of international transactions. Good way to buy domain names and lease servers.

Joe says:

Use Qubes if you can’t or don’t want to use multiple physical machines.

suones says:

Offtopic: Your nickname is almost Sanskrit. Girijesh would be Lord of the Mountain (presumably Sri Shambhu), while Garjanesh would be Lord of Thunder (presumably Sri Indra). Is it really so?

Ace says:

Just as the deep state tries to take away SpaceX’s NASA funding the Star Prophet delivers another miracle. All Praise to the Star Prophet and his holy mission to bring man to the stars.

Joe says:


Starman says:

Through his Holy Space Miracles, we can all can see. Praise the Holy StarProphet! Peace Be Upon Him.

I pray that Logos watches over the Space Apostle, Ad Astra!

Pooch says:

He needs to knock off the fucking dogecoin pump and dump schemes though. He’s drawing too much attention onto crypto by doing that shit.

Ace says:

Jim, how does one talk and act with the backing of Gnon and the god of the old testament to back you up? I don’t have a good feel for religion despite being well studied in it. I want to speak and act in a way that reflects that the Ultimate Alpha has my back but I’m not sure how to do it.

jim says:

No words available to directly explain in words.

As with game, one must give anecdotes of particular situations, and anecdotes fail to convey.

Joe says:

As with pickup, the key is in inner game. You must believe without question that you are the spiritual descendant of Jesus Christ Himself. And as with game and its routines, Jesus gives us a few to start off with. You are:

> the salt of the earth

> the light of the world

> a city on a hill that cannot be hid

He also gives us the Lord’s prayer (Our Father…), which encompasses most things that one would normally worry about. This is a good night time prayer for before you go to bed.

To this you can add totems, icons, and symbols, which you can visualize or touch or hold in your mind.

Then add breathing exercises and meditation.

Finally add knowledge and understanding: the contents of this blog and the wisdom of the ancients.

Practice these things always and regularly. When the storm hits, your mind will automatically reach for them, and you will remain calm as the storm passes over you.

When you have these things within you, you can extract yourself from James Fields-like situations, resist and turn around attacks by agents of the state, and congruently put women in their place.

Again, the key is belief. If you believe, truly and fully, that God is within you, then he is, and you will speak with His words.

jim says:


suones says:

Again, the key is belief. If you believe, truly and fully, that God is within you, then he is, and you will speak with His words.

Well said. I cannot emphasise this enough. Your god will only help you if you let Him. You have to choose your path, but having chosen it, you must stick to it with 100% tenacity — it may be the “wrong” path that might not lead to success (fate and luck also play roles), but believing only 99% will guarantee failure. This is the trap even great men like Hitler fell into.

simplyconnected says:

That is great advice.

clovis says:

Completely backwards. Faith rests on what God says. “Amen”=”that is the truth”–it is being certain that God will act in such a way to you because He has promised to do so. And Christian faith rests solely on Christ’s merit. So yes you ought to be certain–because God does not lie. But faith is not anything like self-confidence.

The wandering solitary sage,
uncomplacent, unshaken by praise or blame.
Unstartled, like a lion at sounds.
Unsnared, like the wind in a net.
Unsmeared, like a lotus in water.
Leader of others, by others unled:
The enlightened call him a sage.

Bowie Knife says:


Could you explain what you mean by the “Blood Diamond Attack” that will likely happen to Bitcoin that you talked about in the comments of your “Where we go form here” post. I would love to understand what that means exactly, thanks.

jim says:

The “International Community” was deplatforming, demonetizing, and cancelling various African movements it did not like, among them the Tutsis in the Congo.

Uncut diamonds had long been popular as money, because you can transport a lot through airport without being caught.

Although the International Community failed to genocide the Tutsis in Rwanda, despite making a good start on it, they were going right ahead with genocide of the Tutsis in the Congo. The actual massacres were carried out by Congolese troops, with ground and air support from the blue helmets.

Because the Tutsi resistance in the Congo had been demonetized, they were using diamonds to buy arms.

Hence the propaganda attack on this form of currency, followed by restrictions on people buying and selling diamonds without chain of provenance.

Which had the effect of causing diamonds to cease to be money.

Whereupon uncut diamonds ceased to be money – there were lots of groups, some of them armed and dangerous who were getting up the international community’s ass, and using diamonds as money, but the timing of events suggests that the proximate reason for demonetizing diamonds was in order to genocide Tutsi in the Congo.

Some Tutsi minorities were wiped out, but the ones near Rwanda, which was by this time Tutsi ruled, did OK due to covert logistic support, and eventually there was a peace deal between the government of the Congo, the government of Rwanda, and some leaders of the Tutsi in the Congo.

Ace says:

If this is the idiot in charge of the military purge it’s unlikely to be successful:

More likely he’s just a front man.

Anyone know how the purge is going? The stories on it seem to have dried up.

Pooch says:

They can’t purge yet. Combat operators are still overwhelmingly white male from red southern states. They are chipping away at it with indoctrination but likely need several more years of immigration to replace them.

Dave says:

They could replace all white soldiers with immigrants right now, and I hope they do. I fear that they’ll start a war with Russia or China just to get rid of young white Christian men, like the French high command did in WWI.

Pooch says:

Yes. Been doing that since the sand nigger wars. Sending rural whites to die over seas is no skin off the regime’s back.

suones says:

Almost as if the rural whites are Innocent Aryan Babes sent to the Slaughter with no knowledge or culpability in the evil acts they’ve been perpetrating for centuries now. Just like the rural whites Eisenhower deployed in Little Rock for Truth and Justice amirite?

The last American soldiers to have fought for Freedom wore grey1[1].

[1] I’ve stolen this line from something I read.

Pooch says:

From that article, looks like they are still in the planning phase on how to address the too many conservative whites in the military problem. It can’t be solved overnight. They still draw too much from the old Confederate white south.

Short term, they can make the whites sit through struggle sessions and start making the recruitment process a way to filter out new enlistees (“Check yes if you think America is fundamentally racist”).

Long term, as they get more non-whites to join they can start purging the whites directly from the ranks. I don’t know if it’s coincidence but a Join the Marines billboard just went up in a majority Hispanic area near where I live. that seems consistent with their long term plans.

Noname says:

Free speech is the foundation of all other rights. Without the ability to talk, you couldn’t argue for any other right or challenge any other opinion. We learned over this past week that Trump will still be suspended from social media. An elected president suspended from using free speech. How is this even possible? How did we get to this point?

The courts have decided that your First Amendment rights apply to government infringement but, private entities are free to abridge your free speech. Biden even says your rights are not absolute. Who gets to decide when you’ve crossed the line? Where do your rights end and where does someone else’s hurt feelings begin?

Suppose the phone company could monitor your conversations then cut service the moment your speech hurt someone’s feelings or challenged their opinion. How about electric, gas and water service as well? Or the bank or even grocery stores? Ridiculous right? No, it will happen because of the law of the slippery slope.

It must stop! The only thing these people understand is loss of money and social status. You must fight fire with fire. Humiliate them, file lawsuits against them, shut them down. That is how you survive.

Seems like you are a shill.

Noname says:


Look, this blog is all about getting and keeping a woman. Restoring marriage 2.0, right. So how are going to do anything, if you can’t even say anything. You have to plow the field before you plant. I believe in speaking directly and providing solutions. I have stated the obvious because I believe it to be the root if the problem.

If you want to spread Christianity, you must be aloud to speak.

jim says:

He is not a shill, and the time for war may well come sooner than expected.

But war needs a legitimate leader, and Trump cucked out.


You must fight fire with fire. Humiliate them, file lawsuits against them, shut them down. That is how you survive.

As Jim has said, that cannot be done without legitimacy and a leader. And in any case, fighting the state religion and those backed by them with lawsuits is a losing battle as Trump discovered.


But war needs a legitimate leader, and Trump cucked out.

As far as I am concerned, Trump’s failure is a huge setback. With Biden and the Establishment Left, we’re already seeing the American Empire cracking down globally on those they consider enemies. International war might also be on the cards in a few years.

Noname says:


Let’s not give up too soon. Over time, water can shape stone. Case precedent is molded like clay, legal statues written in sand.

You mention Trump. Good. But you are different than Trump and a low profile case can prevail where a high profile case failed. Different courts, different districts, different people. All it takes is one. David slew Goliath and lets not forget the parable of the mustard seed where great things can grow from the small.

Never give up, never give in.

Contamined NEET says:

David didn’t take Goliath before a Philistine judge in a Philistine court.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pouring water on the justice for criminals system as if it were a real thing is pouring your water down a drain. You repeat your underlord’s will by canalizing men into harmless non-power-generating surrogate activities.

Pouring your water on making brown shirts with buddies on the other hand…

jim says:


If you go to the courts that have already abandoned us, you capitulate to our enemies.

Law is over. Courts are over. Elections are over. Elections died on 2020-11-04, and law and courts shortly thereafter.

The winners, and very likely the survivors, will be the ones that recognize this reality first, and adapt to it.

Noname says:


What do you advise to counter the continual attack on human rights?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>human rights

Noname says:


I’m all for not waisting time, but are you suggesting there is no way to restore rights or that human rights do not exist?

How can the concept of free will exist without the right to act? Without free will, a man cannot be judged for his actions. The failure to act to preserve free will as an actionable offense in and of itself. It constitutes a surrender to slavery.

If it is true that the current rules are unjust then there must be another set of rules. If it is right, then it is possible.

jim says:

Human rights belong to those that can exercise them and defend them.

All rights are born from fire and steel, and perish without them.

So, no universal human rights.

The hierarchy of human rights is as follows: A state needs an army, an army needs a leader, and it needs logistics. If your soldiers go to the peasants to take their food, the leader does not have an army. The peasants have to be persuaded to bring food to the camp followers, and camp followers have to feed the army.

If you have one man in the army who does not fight, pretty soon you are in the same state as today’s British army, and have no men in the army who fight.

Now obviously the peasants will not bring food to the army if their food is likely to be taken from them on route to the army, and or their gold likely to be taken from them on route back, so the army has to secure certain rights and freedoms for the camp followers and the people the camp followers contract with. Has to uphold the market economy, at least for male heads of productive households with whom they have a peaceful relationship.

But peace between groups requires leaders who can say “war”, and then every member of the ingroup is at war with every member of the outgroup, and who can say “peace”, and then every member of the ingroup is at peace with every member of the outgroup. And if at peace, then every member of the ingroup has respect the property and freedom of those members of the outgroup that receive their leader’s protection.

Which leads to human rights being, if not universal, somewhat widespread. But the less directly relevant a human right is to the head of household sending off a wagonload of food which the soldiers eventually eat, the less it is a right.

eternal anglo says:

Jim can we have a full blog post about Xenophon, socialism, capitalism, war socialism, war capitalism, and natural law?

jim says:

That seems like a good idea. I will get onto it in a little while.

Noname says:


I’ll look forward to reading that.

So a persons human rights only exists within the absence of someone else’s authority? Or the authorities permission?

Today, there are many armies and their ammunition is propaganda, their food is your capitulation.

The most pressing army, at the moment, is the medical industry. They require your cooperation for their authority to exist. To get your cooperation they attempt to create fear. So it is an illusion. You only have to have the will to resist.

Free speech is happening in spite of their medical countermeasures. So their control is not absolute.

jim says:

If something is a right, then when someone else intrudes on your right, it is a wrong. Private property is the archetypical right, and all rights are property rights.

The patriarch in the Roman Republic had the right to execute even his adult sons, let alone his wife and his daughter.

Property exists because individuals individually defend it. So people organize in large groups to take people’s property away one target at a time. So other people organize in groups to protect property.

At which point we then get the problem that the group is apt to take away the property of its individual members.

The issue then is better framed as socialism, regulation, and taxes. Including regulation of speech.

Historically taxes are, like war and peace, bimodal. Either Genghis Khan takes everything, burns the houses for the nails, and then skins you for your hide, or he taxes you far more lightly than modern sovereigns. Just as one needs to be either fully at peace or fully at war, taxes need to be low or total.

If you want to come back for a second round of taxes, better tread lightly the first time. If you are not too worried about the second time, why leave anything?

Current taxation and regulation is far above the Laffer limit. Presumably the taxes in Dubai are at the Laffer limit, and they are roughly comparable to historical taxes.

One might argue that modernity has raised the Laffer limit, but the evidence suggests that if it has raised it, has not raised it by a whole lot. High regulation (which is what you are talking about when you use the language of rights) is the problem of a thousand Kings three miles away rather than one King three thousand miles away. Their incentives are those of a mobile bandit, rather than a stationary bandit. High taxes are partly this, but mostly they are the products of envy as worship and a sacrament. The envious man does not want what you have. He wants you to not have what you have. They are also a product of the hostility of the priestly caste to the merchant caste.

What of regulation of speech, which is what you are thinking about when you use the language of rights?

To defend their rights, people need to cooperate for defense. To take away other people’s rights, people need to cooperate for attack.

Speech that is “controversial” or “disturbing” is always speech that bears on this cooperation. You strike at the other group’s capacity to cooperate. One priesthood wants the other priesthood to shut up.

When our priesthood is in power, we are going to make those that preach envy shut up.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You keep what you kill. The right to bear arms has survived because enough people told the government that any attempt to seize guns will result in an immediate attack on police, federal buildings, politicians, and media. Any attempt to take guns would be fatal to regime power, so the right to bear arms is now played out in show trials in the courts. It’s doing a lot better than freedom of speech for that reason.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


‘Human rights’ is like ‘affordable housing’ – it is for making it so you in particular don’t get whatever it is. Affordable housing is for making sure you can’t afford housing; human rights is for making sure you don’t get any rights.

Someone talking about ‘goods for all’ is someone wanting to give bad to the good and good to the bad.

Noname says:

Well put response and I see your point. I’ll have to think about it some more.

Noname says:

Last note intended for Jim.

Dave says:

“Historically taxes are, like war and peace, bimodal.”

There’s a third mode: The government lets you keep your wealth, but prints trillions of dollars and spends them, effectively pillaging your savings while you think you’re getting rich because your stocks and real estate keep going up. Thus the government can be Genghis Khan and Sheikh al-Maktoum at the same time.

There’s also a third mode where we make peace with blacks while they wage war on us…

Joe says:

Affordable housing is for making sure you can’t afford housing


The Cominator says:

The money printing is better just dont save only invest…

Dave says:

Cominator, forcing people to invest their money or lose it generates a lot of bad investment. Of course the best investment by far is whatever ultimately replaces the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Post-US America is going to be a lot worse than post-Soviet Russia, because Americans have grown accustomed to a much higher standard of living than Russians ever had.

suones says:

They are also a product of the hostility of the priestly caste to the merchant caste.

A priestly caste of Mammon, maybe, but not in general. A priest is, by definition, one whose marker of status is his knowledge. He feels wealth as beneath him, and a necessary evil at best. He would be envious of a more knowledgeable person, not a “wealthier” one. Envy of wealth, indirectly through desire for wealth, ultimately due to wealth granting status, is a pure Vaishya trait.

“Priests cause high taxes” is an anti-concept designed to fool Vaishyas into attacking priests who could otherwise help them. Similar with so much “anti-priest” signaling masquerading as “pro-prole” signaling. Get the proles to murder all the sane priests, then only insane priests remain and rule. Actually happened in Russia, where sane priests were literally killed.

The Cominator says:

In the US nobody has outright murdered all the sane priests yet 90% of them are insane.

We’re not at the getting rid of all the priest mode but we are at a point where the vast vast majority have to go.

Joe says:

You mention X.

This is a typical segue in ministerial correspondence. Ministerial staff (shills) use it to connect a keyword the constituent has used to the relevant part of their standard words document (script).

redpurplepurple says:

“Trump will still be suspended from social media. An elected president suspended from using free speech. How is this even possible? How did we get to this point?”
very simple. failed to organize the militia.

“Humiliate them”
hard to do after being unpersonned

“file lawsuits against them”
but who controls the courts?

“shut them down”
to do that, need an army

Ace says:

>very simple. failed to organize the militia.

We didn’t fail, Trump did. Rightwing Militia’s spontaneously formed around him starting with the Red Hats in 2016 and the Proud Boys by 2019. Trump refused to lead them. Jim said wait for true king to take command and Trump ran away from his responsibility.

Contaminated NEET says:

Trump is and always was a boomer. He really didn’t have a clue what he was up against, and he didn’t have anything like the balls it would take to fight against it for real. It’s probably just as well, because the American people (wisely guided by the American press) never would have tolerated him doing what it would have taken.

Trump was the best candidate we’ve had in generations, but sometimes your best isn’t good enough.

suones says:

You just summarised the problem with Uncle Adolf as well. Both lost their Will to Power at a crucial moment in the fight. Leftists can be counted upon never to make that mistake.

To take an example from Game of Thrones[1], it was like Renly Baratheon offering Ned Stark troops and finances immediately available at his command, if only Stark would support his (not completely illegitimate) claim to the throne, and Ol’ Ned going “Hell no!”

[1] Yes its fake and gay, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

The Cominator says:

Nerd rant…

No renly had no legitimate claim while Stannis was alive he could claim the throne by conquest but Stannis had the legitimate claim from Robert.

Dany (and unlike most muh strong women characters i really liked Dany, Dany did not want to be in politics she wanted to be a tradwife… politics was thrust upon her. Probably why the cathedral ruined her character in the last season) did not really have a legitimate claim either because the Iron Throne had salic law so whoever the legitimate Targ claimant was would be some male descended in the best patrilineal claim from Aegon. But Dany clearly planned to conquer…

suones says:

…he could claim the throne by conquest…

That was what he was proposing to Stark, with a way avoiding much bloodshed.


LOL character from beginning to end. Catlady-nip to every spinster who hopes to have politics “thrust” upon her too.

The Cominator says:

Believe me catladies are evil and liked Hillary Clinton er Cersei.

Tumblrinas and catladies did not like Dany. And real feminists types definitely didn’t like Dany because Dany did not think rape was a big deal.

The show should have had Stannis and Dany ending up in a marriage alliance, with Dany going back to the model tradwife she always wanted to be (now granted it would have been hard for her because her 1st husband really was General Butt Naked).

Ace says:

Behold the Cuckservitive in all his glory, simping for an mental ill old man in wing:

Ace says:


Ace says:

Took them a few months…

BREAKING: Heavily armed anarchist militia surrounded and attacked a motorist at gunpoint in Portland, smashing glass, slashing tires:

Pooch says:

Almost time for riot season.

Contaminated NEET says:

These Lefty scum know what power is. They’ve got bands of men working together to do violence to the outgroup. Meanwhile, the Right has nothing remotely comparable, because when they approach anywhere near the kinds of stuff in those videos, the government comes down on them like a ton of bricks. It looks to me like the people at the top understand what they’re doing, and they’ll be able to hold things together for a lot longer than anybody here thinks.

Ace says:

The left well understands power and they understand the right quite well. They made the moves against Trump knowing he and no other rightwing elite had the balls to do what was necessary to stop them. They’re greatest fear is someone on the right would think they like do about power and act against them. They have no foes of that caliber.

The problem they have is their security forces are rightwing because security forces are always rightwing. They either have to purge the rightwing elements and replace them with blacks and Mexicans, brainwash them or buy them off. It’s not clear which path they’ll tread.

They were genuinely disturbed by how ineffective woke demon worship indoctrination was on the military and cops. Because all their generals and police chiefs repeat the right words they thought they were secure. Now they’re still quite worried.

Low ranking white males have nothing to gain and everything to lose from CRT and Wokeness. They’re lucky that there’s no religious or political movement promising them wet dicks because the deep state and the left would be overthrown in short order if such a group was organized to oppose them. But that group isn’t the GOP, as they’re too busy simping for Trannies to gain holiness points, lol.

Pooch says:

What we need is a based colonel or LT colonel with the loyalty of white warriors who, when the time comes for him to be purged, like Caesar, refuses to be purged.

Noname says:

I saw that vid. There is an extended version floating around too.

It is a curious thing that no triggers were squeezed. Very suspect.

I’ve also seen other videos were riot cops train with riot actors. I maintain my opinion that antifa is a faction of the feds.

Pseudo-Chrysostom. says:

>I maintain my opinion that antifa is a faction of the feds.

Yes, but where was this ever a point of contention?

Or was that a more general purpose talking point the focus group came up with before you got assigned here specifically.

redpurplepurple says:

heh. “Noname” (an interesting name) does seem curiously unable to read the room.

but generally if someone quickly changes their behaviour after being called out for acting sketchy then that is even more sketchy.

so: oddball reader, or…?

(to his credit jim did say, “He is not a shill”.)

Noname says:


You mention my shibboleths; but, I’m writing in a conversational style. From my perspective, your writing seems the odd man out. Different from the regulars here or the man on the street. More inline with the sanitarium resident in between bouts of hysterical laughter. Combined with your continual spelling and grammar errors it seems forced. Try to relax. Never go full spergtard.


Earlier you claimed to be new here. Yet, you also claim to be able to “read the room.” That you already know the heart of regulars here. How is this possible? And why do you bristle every time I attack Antifa? Your output is suspect.

Ace says:

>Earlier you claimed to be new here. Yet, you also claim to be able to “read the room.” That you already know the heart of regulars here. How is this possible? And why do you bristle every time I attack Antifa? Your output is suspect.

Your idea that Antifa is a faction of the feds is so obvious that it doesn’t merit discussion. That’s what @orochi meant by you being unable to read the room. The question is which faction controls and funds them, to which we don’t have any strong evidence.

Pooch says:

It’s DNC/Soros/NGOs/ActBlue that fund them. It’s not really that important. We know they are astroturf and can be turned on and off by the Democrat elite.

Pooch says:

Also in the case of John Sullivan, directly funded by CNN.

Ace says:

Sure, they hand Antifa the bundles of cash but who’s supplying the bundles and who’s directing them? That’s not entirely clear.

jim says:

Is entirely clear.

Soros is the Cathedral’s money laundry.

He made his money by buying worthless third world debt, which the US taxpayer then made worth something.

Money is laundered by the state department: US Taxpayer to World Bank, World Bank to Soros, Soros to assorted ngos full of people who are often also directly employed by the state department, ngos to color revolution in the Middle East, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Hong Kong, which color revolutionaries often have more direct connection to Harvard and the US than they do to their supposedly home country, many of whom have spent their formative years within walking distance of Harvard, and who tend to write English in the Harvard dialect.

The money laundry has many, many, many steps, but at each step in the money laundry, it is the same group of people with connection to the same location. One organization, innumerable letterheads.

Pooch says:

The Democrat elite direct them. It’s not a mystery. Recall that every single Democrat in unison called for riots post-George Floyd and by the time of the election dispute they were completely turned off. Probably was hashed out on the 900 person zoom calls.

The Time article lays out their strategy pretty clearly.

Ace says:

Who exactly ordered Reinoehl to murder a Trump supporter? Who ordered Antifa to attempt to murder Kyle Rittenhouse? As far as I’m aware, we don’t know exactly who within the cathedral is directing them.

The question isn’t if the Antifa is part of the Cathedral (that’s obvious), it’s which part of the Cathedral is in charge of them?

jim says:

The color revolution group. Soros and Harvard location operatives. Same group as was operating color revolution in Syria under Hillary. Same group as was converging the Kurds. Same group as operated Pussy Riot in Russia and murdered Gadhafi. Same group as shut down the airport in Hong Kong when I was attempting to change planes there. Which pissed me off a great deal.

But not the same group as stole the election. This is a much older group that has been stealing elections for a very long time, and has very recently massively expanded its operations. Their organization long predates the color revolution organization.

Noname says:

Congress members call for them to attack while denying they even exist. While their members meet with the feds and have police protection. As far as where the money comes from, I think part of it is student loan relief, Democrat donations for bail, and direct payments from all of the above mentioned.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Evidently, getting you wound up takes no effort at all for me.

redpurplepurple says:

reading the room is what you do if you are new…

i dont spend much time thinking abbt antifa. it’s just another left-wing “movement” run by people who want us all dead. meh.

why do you think my output is suspect?

Mr.P says:

> @Pseudo

> From my perspective, your writing seems the odd man out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom has posted here for as long as I can remember, which is measured in “a very long time.” You, Noname, on the other hand, not so long.

“From my perspective” … is worth jackoff on a tissue.

Noname says:


I’ve been around. Pseudo seems a little different. Regardless of how long he’s chatted here, if he talks the same way he writes, would you want to sit and have a beer with him? That’s all I’m saying.

jim says:

You are the guy that writes funny. When I have a beer with my friends, they talk more like Pseudo-Chrysostom. Even if they are thoroughly blue pilled.

You don’t sound like us. I don’t think you are a shill, but you sound like you are from the same culture and group. Maybe the same pub. You hang out with the same people the shills hang out with, and you read our shibboleths through their cultural filter. (Which is OK, so long as you don’t read them through the Human Resources filter, because reading them through the Human Resources filter makes communication impossible.)

Ace says:

I don’t think the shill tests work any more. We’ve have an influx of people who can say what we regularly say but they’re clearly slightly off.

jim says:

There is some considerable indication that shortly after the Deep State’s nominee was inaugurated as president by the deep state, the shill tests stopped working.

On the other hand, if this is what happened, it makes communication with them possible, and thus turning them possible.

It is a notorious and massive problem with running an entryist operation that double agents are apt to become triple agents.

c4ssidy says:

Fits my experience being inside a few literal-nazi telegram groups. I have been spreading Jim’s shill test around and it caught on. People started asking new members about evolutionary biology, crime statistics by color, and specific examples of female, sodomite, and black misbehaviour

Joe says:

I met an Evangelical Christian online. He was holiness spiraling Leviticus 19:34 in the usual manner.

But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

He passed an earlier version of Jim’s demon worshipper test. I haven’t met any more Evangelical Christians since the most recent version of the test came out, so I don’t know if the most recent version would catch him.

My father passed the current test, which is good.

redpurplepurple says:

“It is a notorious and massive problem with running an entryist operation that double agents are apt to become triple agents.”

heh. Especially since our movement rewards smart and dedicated men with wet pussies.

Ace says:

Well we know know how the vaccine is harming people:

The spike proteins created by all the vaccines damages the blood cells and arteries.

Ace says:

More bad news on the vaccines:

jim says:

And fail to give lasting immunity. Natural immunity is effective and lasting to the effect that it targets stuff other than the spike. Generating immunity to spike protein is like attacking the enemy’s spear instead of his legs.

What is your opinion on Covaxin, which is made in India, and apparently is a traditional vaccine, using dead virus rather than mRNA technology.

jim says:

Using a dead virus gives the body the opportunity to generate the antibodies that matter – which is to say, to not the spike protein.

Plus, dead viruses are a known technology. I have enough trouble with the bleeding edge of software. I don’t want the bleeding edge of biotech in front of me – especially when it is bleeding under the supervision of incompetent morons.

The Cominator says:

The FDA will never allow it in the US and if they do the virus will have mutated by the time.

Only the big boys are allowed to make money off the covid scam especially if the ultra corrupt and (yet somehow also pompously moralizing and stupid), I have a couple naked calls sold on the stock (the implied volatility is very high). I won’t take a big position on a naked short but this is worth a small short position.

The Cominator says:

Errr I wish there was an edit function, if the ultra corrupt FDA has anything to say about it.

Dave says:

Why would anyone object to being injected with dead Covid? If you don’t think live Covid viruses are that much of a threat, how dangerous could dead ones be?

Traditional vaccines show your immune system the entire virus, not just a few pieces of it, making it highly unlikely that a new mutated strain will evade your immunity.

The Cominator says:

1. FDA won’t allow it.

2. Can they even isolate corona-chan? I’ve read conflicting reports on this and while maybe the stuff about no isolation of corona is nonsense you just don’t know these days… I wish I could get a Japanese source that I could read about that issue.

3. Pretty sure I had the live virus both early last year and about a month ago. Why get vacc’d with anything…

4. Don’t trust anything made in India unless I absolutely have to…

Pooch says:

Isn’t Novavax a traditional dead virus vaccine for China flu? They seem to be getting stone walled by regulation.

Ace says:

The CDC management types have stock in the mRNA companies. That’s why they pulled the J&J vaccine for for a few weeks. The rate of blood clots from that vaccine is actually lower than Pfltzer and Moderna. They’re going to stonewall anything that’s not in their fiscal interest.

Novavax looks like more spike protean stuff.

The Cominator says:

The FDA can overrule the CDC but they almost certainly have the same interests and the FDA is probably even more corrupt (by a lot actually).

I don’t think there is any agency in the US government as corrupt as the FDA… the FDA was third world level corrupt decades before the rest of the US government was and its not likely gotten better.

Ace says:

If you get vaxed and get massively sick from it, then you’ve had it. I’m still astonished at the number of people who get the 2 shot vaccines after knowing had COVID and they all get deathly ill from it, especially the second dose. They talk about dreading it… but get it anyways.

They all repeat that their almost dying is proof the vaccine is working and they’re now protected thanks to the holy Vax.

The power of media propaganda is amazing. People literally were told to forget how immunity from getting sick works and they all fucking did it.

Pooch says:

Why would having CoVid first (and then recovering) make you sick from the vaccine?

Ace says:

Because your T-cells remember the spike proteins from COVID and the immune system launches an all out attack trying to kill the source of things producing the spike proteins. Which typically involves attacking healthy cells because it can’t find any unhealthy ones infected with COVID, like atrial walls, blood cells, and other vitally important cells.

Ace says:

It’s even worse with the 2 shot vaccines. Just as the first round of spike proteins is beginning to fade a second round just as strong as the first enters with the immune system already on full war footing.

onyomi says:

I wonder why children seem to nearly always get off so light when they also seem least likely to have a degree of existing immunity due to e.g. prior exposure to other coronaviruses? I have assumed that children do well because they have strong innate/nonspecific immunity, which knocks out this virus well, whereas older adults’ more developed acquired immunity sometimes causes their immune systems to, in effect, overreact, creating pneumonia, etc.?

I guess it could simultaneously be true that children repel it well and create natural immunity due to strong innate immunity and there are also a good portion of adults with existing partial immunity, but the two things are not related?

Mike in Boston says:

prior exposure to other coronaviruses

I have been under the impression that there are pretty good studies suggesting that exposure to other coronaviruses is not immunogenic for SARS-CoV-2. More likely, as you mention, is that the thymus gland, which produces unactivated (general-purpose) T-cells, shrinks with age. Some studies suggest that most people over forty are unable to produce enough new general-purpose T-cells to give meaningful immunity to a new pathogen.

But I am not a specialist, please take my words with a grain of salt and hopefully someone who is can correct me if I am wrong.

jim says:

> I have been under the impression that there are pretty good studies suggesting that exposure to other coronaviruses is not immunogenic for SARS-CoV-2.

Those studies appear to have studied politics, rather than sick people.
“The entire premise of all of the “mitigations” and demand for mass-vaccination relied on a lie; that this was a “novel” virus to which nobody had existing resistance. We now know that’s false; 81% of the population in fact does have existing immunity and further, that immunity is strengthened, materially so, by natural infection.”
Eighty percent of the population appears to have pre-existing immunity:

“Of the SARS donors, 100% showed T cell responses to cross-reactive and/or specific ECs (HLA class I 86%, HLA-DR 100%; Fig. 5d,e), whereas 81% of PRE donors showed HLA class I (16%) and/or HLA-DR (77%) T cell responses to cross-reactive ECs (Fig. 5d).”

You cannot trust “good studies”. Studies always have political implications, and are “good” according to holiness, not empirical observation.

Mike in Boston says:

The studies I half-remembered were about B cells, not T cells, but my impression was still wrong. I took a fresh look (as I should have done before posting) and a recent study on B cell immunity found B cells in pre-pandemic children to react to SARS-CoV-2, with that also happening in adults, but less so. That’s what I get for, probably, absorbing headlines spun to reflect the Narrative rather than reading closely.

I appreciate your point about studies having political implications, but it is harder to fudge a pretty straightforward study of antigen binding compared to, say, putting a “scientific” veneer on politicized claims of astronomical corona mortality in this recent dreck from the extremely holy IHME. It seems to me that an immunology paper should reflect reality at least insofar as it reports on actual measurements, although of course a dishonest author could always make measurements on a biased sample, or failing that just make shit up.

The Cominator says:

When it comes to studies on politicized topics you need to start with the assumption they are lying unless it comes out of South Korea or Japan…

Doesn’t always mean they are lying all the time but that must be your initial assumption.

Rick says:

A good example of that is the medical community and big tech silencing anyone pointing out that COVID seems to be a blood rather than respiratory disease. Doctors lost their jobs last year for talking about it on YouTube.

Oog en Hand says:

There are Sikh minorities in Afghanistan, Hindu minorities in Pakistan. Buddhism has been obliterated in both areas.

someDude says:

And the moral of the story is?

New Guys says:

So the company I work for is demanding that everyone take the vaccine in order to go to work. Technically it is not a requirement but not being allowed at the office will result in me being fired.

Forging a vaccine card is not too difficult, problem is the company is cross-checking with the vaccine registration system, of which I do not have internal access to. Idea is to make a deal with a doctor to have my name registered in the database, but I do not have a trusted doctor.

Is it more dangerous to find a new doctor to forge vaccine data or to take the vaccine, given that it is a job requirement? The only vaccines available near me are Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, and I have heard all sorts of alarming rumors about their side effects ranging from them modifying DNA, causing infertility, having a relatively high death rate, etc. I do not want to be a guinea pig for moron-run biotech. I am in my mid twenties and am relatively healthy.

someDude says:

If you are relatively competent at your Job, you can find a new job with an employer who needs your skills more than your compliance to the zeitgeist

Rick says:

Personally, I would find a small Indian owned Pharmacy and make sure the Indian Pharmacist is the one giving the shots. I watched the French Canadian movie the “Barbarian Invasions” to learn the procedure when dealing with our shithole socialist system.

BTW, Highly recommend the film. It’s a Dark Comedy all in French but it’s a lot more open about the realities of the socialist shithole that the west has become.

New Guys says:

Thank you, will do that. There are Indians, Orthodox Jews and Eastern Europeans who live nearby who maybe can help out.

Anonymous 2 says:

I believe I read about such cases recently. You could mention that if the company demands vaccination, the company is also likely liable for any injury due to vaccination. Perhaps better, phrase it as a question at a company meeting.

In the article, the companies involved upon consideration no longer demanded vaccination.

New Guys says:

As Jim says, law and order do not matter anymore. If I were to die of taking the vaccine or lose my career not taking it, no one would dare rule in my favor.

treestumps says:

Give it 7-8 years, they will be requiring you to take an Rfid chip in the right hand, with a tattoo over it of a fine gold bar, with its fineness shown as .999.

When presented for payment, it will be 666.

That’s when things get very very interesting indeed, for every man, woman and child on the planet, great and small.

Do not take the vaccine friend, it is a rocky road to hell.

simplyconnected says:

I think this is one of the people that talked about this.

simplyconnected says:

Until I know of long term effects, I treat the “jab” as a lethal injection, and act accordingly. We’ll see what happens, but I must consider the worst case as possible until it is ruled out, specially with so many red flags.

Additionally, I will not surrender my right to decide what gets injected in me, because I don’t think it will stop at this one “jab”.

onyomi says:

I don’t know your personal circumstances, such as e.g. how badly you need your current job, but if you can reasonably accept the potential financial hit from doing so, I urge you not to give in to such pressure. The more people don’t comply the harder it is for them to do this.

New Guys says:

[reply to everyone in thread]

Trouble is that I am not in a position where I can leave this job as it is an apprenticeship involving grad school, and the vaccine requirement was sent out after I got the job and rejected all my other offers. The alternative to my current state is working at Starbucks, entrepreneurship???, or being homeless. Plus I like my profession and don’t want to leave it.

My friend is going to university and they are forcing him to take the vaxx. They are giving him a notice like this:

Question: in the US which vaxx is the least dangerous, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J? My guess is J&J because it is single shot, but considering it is literally made from dead babies, is it safe?

jim says:

Safest is to find a cooperative pharmacy or doctor that will give you the papers without actually taking the shot.

The JJ vaccine is likely to be less toxic, but that is just a wild assed guess. Biology is complicated and poorly understood.

vivadate says:

Also could just say — or find a cooperative doctor willing to attest — that you are allergic to one of the various compounds of the vaccine, which allergies are explicitly noted as contraindications to the vaccination on the disclosure form you must sign for the emergency use authorization?

Ace says:

Bad idea, taking the vaccines are a holy act. In fact taking the J&J vaccine is considered less holy because it doesn’t cause nearly the same level of painful side effects in the near term. It’s almost like Monks flaying themselves in a holy rite, it’s really bizarre.

Medical exemptions are not considered real when it comes to holy acts much as rioting for BLM didn’t spread COVID.

onyomi says:

Wow, that is so disturbing.

Did the initial contract/offer include any fine print about such requirements?

It seems as if one should be able to sue in cases when e.g. a job hires you and then adds a new requirement after the contract is signed. Of course, the face value of a PhD studentship is not very high, though I understand the opportunity cost may be much higher.

onyomi says:

But speaking more to your personal situation, my experience of this sort of thing is that, while not indispensable, academic departments, advisors, etc. are not going to be happy about losing a promising advisee due to a technicality of some sort. You could begin by negotiating with your department, trying to get some kind of medical or religious exemption, or yeah, failing that, bribing a pharmacist.

Zachary says:

If you are going to take a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna are probably your “best” options.

Mike in Boston says:

Why do you say that?

For what it’s worth, my pharmacist (an independent-minded, well-informed and cautious guy) says: if they are forcing you to take one, take the J&J vaccine. As an adenovirus vector vaccine, it is less of an unknown quantity than the mRNA shots. Moderna is his last choice to the more severe side effects; there is apparently a lot more active ingredient per dose in the Moderna shot vs. the Pfizer one.

He himself hasn’t gotten any of the shots. Says he is cautiously optimistic on the not-yet-approved Novavax shot, but is waiting to read whatever submission they end up making to the FDA.

Noname says:

I’d advise not to take the vaxx. Tell your employer you have developed natural immunity. Since there is no titer test, they can’t prove you wrong. If they threaten to fire you, just get another job.

Last I checked, the CDC has reported over 4k deaths from the vaxx and now admit the J&J causes blood clots. There was a video going around that showed the warning insert is blank.

So, I took a trip to the local pharmacy to see for myself. Wouldn’t you know there was an Indian guy behind the counter. I could tell by his body language that he was ready to go slumdoggy on me. He refused to let me see the insert and lied saying the moderna vaxx does not cause blood clots. You can search for yourself that it does.

Do not trust these people. Guard your health. It is worth more than gold.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Speaking of my own case, there were circumstances that required a shot of some kind.

In the event, after researching the formula, I preloaded several days ahead with megadoses of relevant compounds for denuding the contents, to allow for build up in vivo, and continued several days after, tapering off to more usual intake levels. As well as, on a physiomechanical level, simply keeping the limb still and undisturbed for that same period, limiting intramuscular propagation.

Subsequently, no notable affect.

Oog en Hand says:

“Strong women with a remarkable amount of sexual freedom, whatever else they produce, don’t produce children.”

Moynihan, Roe VS Wade…

Read the motivations.

clovis says:

Jim, do you predict that Cardano is going to dip again, or should I buy it before it gets any higher? I got a tip about buying another token awhile back and it has made me some money despite my not knowing anything, but I want to follow your advice about ADA; should I just buy now and hodl

jim says:

I don’t keep an eye on the seconds on a watch. I don’t try to make short term predictions.

Crypto currency is rising because more people are using it. More and more people will use it. Bitcoin was King, but has now hit its consensus bandwidth limit, as has Ether. The next king will be a currency that has a much higher consensus bandwidth. Maybe Cardano, maybe what I am working on – but what I am working on is very far from ready, so I am hodling a lot of Cardano. Maybe it will fall tomorrow. Maybe it will go down for a day, a week, or a year. But so long as it remains the leading currency that has a very high consensus bandwidth, it will go on rising in the long term. If another leading currency appears that is more resistant to the regulatory crisis and which also has very high consensus bandwidth, I will shift my bet.

The consensus bandwidth crisis has arrived. Next comes the regulatory crisis. When the regulatory crisis arrives, it may well adversely affect Cardano. It already is. Then I will start looking at the seconds hand. By which I mean I will be looking at Cardano’s lightning network for regulatory resistance. Will Cardano be loyal to the stakers who theoretically control it (proof of stake), or loyal to the Cathedral which will want to regulate it to death?

There is a problem with Cardano’s staking system, in that it is difficult for a staker to conceal his identity while continuing to exercise power over the currency. In the long run, once the regulatory crisis arrives, we are going to need a proof of stake currency where control is by strongly pseudonymous proof of stake. No such currency exists yet.

I got out of Intel when Intel went politically correct, which turned out to be a wise decision. Cardano will have a decision to make when the regulatory crisis arrives, and it is beginning now.

If Cardano makes the wrong decision, then likely it will be my turn. Cardano is signaling like mad that it is going to make the wrong decision, but it knows which side its bread is buttered.

The Cominator says:

Do you think if Cardano makes the right decision that it can reach anything like the inflation adjusted price of ethereum (even say 25%)…

Thinking of putting some serious money on this bitch right now.

Pooch says:

And also to add on, if Cardano makes the right decision and defects on the Cathedral, does this make what your working on, Jim, unnecessary?

jim says:

The crisis of regulation approaches, so investing in Cardano carries very great risk.

The upside, however, is astronomical.

In the end, there can only be one.

If one currency is substantially more exchangeable for goods and services than another currency, everyone wants to use the more exchangeable currency, so the more exchangeable currency becomes even more exchangeable, and the less exchangeable currency become even less exchangeable. Which until Bitcoin hit its consensus bandwidth limit, was what was happening to the altcoins, hence the moniker “shitcoins”.

So the question is, which will be the one, now that Bitcoin and Ether have hit their consensus bandwidth limits?

The one is going to be a currency with a much higher consensus bandwidth.

And the federal reserve dollar is going to become a shitcoin.

Total value of all the money in the world, narrowly defined, is about forty trillion. If a currency becomes the one, its total value will be around that.

The fully diluted market cap of Cardano is about seventy billion, so if became the one, and government currencies substantially go away, it will appreciate by a factor of a couple of hundred. The situation for any currency that becomes the one is roughly similar, except that a lot of them have a lot more upside than Cardano, albeit a lot weaker prospects.

Going all the way up will take a while, if it happens, with a lot that can go wrong along the way. Cardano is faced with a choice between holiness maximizing and value maximizing, and is trying to do both at once. It will eventually have to make a choice, when its lightning network comes to be deployed, and gets actual usage, which will be a while. I am prepared for the possibility that it makes the wrong choice, but right now, there nothing else that is actually up and running, and until their lightning network is fully deployed and gets actual use, hard for anyone, including the Cathedral, to know which way they will jump. I am working hard on getting something up and running, but right now it is in no state to be even shown to other people with the intent that they should help get it working.

Pooch says:

Why does the lightning network need to be up and running before we know which way Cardano jumps? Why couldn’t we know before then?

Virtus says:

I do not agree with your conclusions, broadly.

>In the end, there can only be one.

This may have been true in the past, but this was due to liquidity issues. If you accepted, for example, notes that could be exchanged for tonnage of steel, you, not needing steel, would have to coordinate yet another exchange. This has a necessary cost in time and effort. If someone traded you this steel at a bargain price for your end of the exchange, you might take it if you could overcome this barrier.

Yes, humans tend to coordinate onto reliable exchange mediums that come to represent a metric of value. That does not mean everything has to be measured in pounds, when you can, for little intellectual cost, convert to kilograms.

My thesis is that with algorithmic exchange protocols, the utility of other forms of medium for exchange will be greatly increased. This is because exchange in general of digital goods will be very low friction, and liquidity for lots of goods will be very high. If you played MMOs in a past life, you would definitely notice this behavior where certain ingame items could and would be acceptable for exchange because the conversion friction was extremely low; most human economic behavior is stable across mediums.

>If one currency is substantially more exchangeable for goods and services than another currency, everyone wants to use the more exchangeable currency, so the more exchangeable currency becomes even more exchangeable, and the less exchangeable currency become even less exchangeable.

Except we have protocols where you can exchange a representation of the asset, just like banks gave out gold notes. wBTC is easily exchanged on any chain, and every day the protocols for securing interchain communication get better. The valuation of BTC is still dominant, and this is because the security of the protocol, and the psychological effect of being the original ledger, puts a huge premium on ownership. Your funds are safer on BTC than on any other PoW chain, because more ledger copies and vastly more hashpower. This has an effect on the perceived, and perhaps real, value of the asset even when traded as an abstracted medium.

Ethereum, once sharding and PoS get released, will be in a similar oom of transaction bandwidth to Cardano and Polkadot. They all share an extremely similar topology of a data availability chain and many multitudes of sidechain (-like) systems that interop. Already we have layer 2 solutions that, while they do have issues with pulling in and out and liquidity fracture, reliably decrease transaction costs to several oom below a penny. Working now, being improved upon now, having platforms built on top of and interop systems iterated on now.

Ethereum also has an ocean of developers and many of them are in similar frames of mind in regards to the predatory nature of regulation. Were the foundation to cuck to the point the network might fold, it would be forked. The technology itself is the most important aspect, and that is all developed open source. To bet it all on Cardano eating everything is very bold, but I am not sure it is wise. I suspect a multichain world is the most likely outcome, with many interop protocols, and many protocols developed to create stsble assets of exchange, rather than

jim says:

The friction does not seem all that low to me.

Share options are very low friction, yet no one is accepting them as money.

If you have multiple blockchains, you are going to have relative movements of value between blockchains, as you have movements in share prices, and this creates friction.

Swift and convenient exchange requires a trusted and trustworthy centralized exchange, which requires a trusted and trustworthy elite. Our elite is far from trustworthy, rapidly becoming even less trustworthy, and people are belatedly waking up to this.

Exchanges on the De-fi, which are (relatively) trustless and decentralized, are not all that convenient.

As for Ethereum, maybe they will fix their bandwidth issues. But I am inclined to doubt it. We shall see.

If Ethereum does fix their bandwidth issues, then quite likely my bet on Cardano will be a bad bet. But Cardano addressed the bandwidth issue from the beginning in a thoughtful and far sighted way, while Ethereum is staggering ad hoc towards fixing the bandwidth issue with incoherent, belated, and as yet poorly thought through plans.

suones says:

But Cardano addressed the bandwidth issue from the beginning in a thoughtful and far sighted way, while Ethereum is staggering ad hoc towards fixing the bandwidth issue with incoherent, belated, and as yet poorly thought through plans.

You might’ve as well described the creation of GNU/Linux lol. Don’t underestimate the rise of “Worse is Better.”

c4ssidy says:

Watching Charles Hoskington speak on his YouTube channel, one gets an impression of lack of competence in the Ethereum team, causing him to jump ship.

Which ties in with Jim’s own observations about their development track.

Their executive director is a woman.

And, look at a more fundamental problem with Ethereum: no hard cap

At least Charles obviously has some understanding of right-wing economics. Deflationary currencies are probably fine, plenty of people argue for them theoretically, and historically they have worked. Justifications for inflationary currencies look very suspect by considering the incentives and rewards involved. In any case, is not going to be in the individual interest to use them. Yet people pumping cryptos do not have seem to have a clue or interest about this. Dogecoin would be ridiculous even if it was PoS, because the supply is still endless, and inflating fast.

Much as we are thankful to Elon, and while he does seem to know a decent amount of economics in the sense that he understands how prices are necessary to communicate information, he does not seem to have ever made it all the way to Mises or Rothbard or Ron Paul, doesn’t seem to have picked up that deflationary currency is probably fine, if not better than what we have not, and he has not made the logical observation that it would drive out an inflationary currency in either case

Jim’s claim that Charles might defect is apparent in his YouTube videos. When talking about Biden’s incoming regulations, made a reference to not wanting to “be forced to outsource the fruits of (his) labor”, and to the fact that blockchains always continue, even if any particular government bans them

Ada or whatever else will hopefully take over not just all currency, but most of precious metals, and even a portion of the demand for land and property, as these are all hedges against inflation which should be surpassed by good crypto. Looks like a good chance of Jim’s commenters being able to afford their Mars tickets in a decade or two without needing sponsorship

jim says:

> Jim’s claim that Charles might defect is apparent in his YouTube videos. When talking about Biden’s incoming regulations, made a reference to not wanting to “be forced to outsource the fruits of (his) labor”, and to the fact that blockchains always continue, even if any particular government bans them

On the one hand, Cardano and Charles are in bed with the government and the Cathedral. It is the anti privacy currency. On the other hand, I am pretty sure he knows which side his bread is buttered.

The place for privacy and contracts is the lightning network, since a blockchain inherently works by resolving disputes by having them settled by numerous distant people who have no dog in the fight, thus it is difficult, costly, and inconvenient to combine a blockchain with privacy, as Monaro does. When that rubber hits that road, then we will know which way he is jumping.

Virtus says:

>The friction does not seem all that low to me.

For now. I am personally working on systems that are fixing this problem through various levels of trusted and trustless settlement. Trusting third parties is not so bad with open ledgers and modular systems. If a bad apple, quickly exposed, quickly replaced. Yes, there is some risk in this scheme, don’t build your house on a toothpick and you’ll be fine. People will use these because of convenience, first mover effects, and interop with legacy.

>Share options are very low friction, yet no one is accepting them as money.

Share options are a horrible medium of exchange because they are tethered to a much more volatile underlying system. As of now, they also are very illiquid in practice, at least compared to their as-promised liquidity once all the crypto infrastructure gets built and systems interfaced. To walk further towards viability as a medium of exchange, imagine an extremely diverse index share or basket of commodities.

Let me describe what I see emerging. You can feasibly build a system, now that we are working with algorithmic exchange protocols, where your asset exchange gets dynamically routed through different mediums before settlement. You want steel, you have lumber. You plug in lumber, someone has posted a desired exchange of lumber for palladium, and someone else has posted a desired exchange of palladium for steel. The transactions get routed through. Eventually there will be very central nodes, where lots of goods get routed through, as an optimization. These nodes are my working definition of ‘mediums of exchange’ or currency. Currently these sorts of exchanges are carried out by human actors, which means a high cognitive cost, which means that the edge distance to the currency must be very small or else you bleed out from friction. With effective algorithmic exchange, this friction is alleviated to the extent that you have a more federated graph.

>If you have multiple blockchains, you are going to have relative movements of value between blockchains, as you have movements in share prices, and this creates friction.

I’m not sure I fully grasp your meaning so let me first try to put this in my own words. With multiple ecosystems and transfers of accounted value between these ecosystems, you have risk of volatility between valuations of the medium of exchange in the ecosystems, and hence friction — risk of the price shifting under your feet — from going between walled gardens. Writ large, I agree. Where we differ is the conclusion. You say a single gravity well will pull in all participants (apologies if this is an inaccurate rendering of your position). I say that there is enough scattered forces acting at once that you will have a multi-body system. Not a million chains, but not one chain.

What I see getting built is a meta-system of chains, interfaces between chains, interfaces between verifiable and signed data, and interfaces with not-yet-replaced trusted institutional parties. Each level and each chain serving different needs and having different guarantees in regards to data security, data availability, data throughput, and trust. Perhaps in the long run, you will see a one-body system, but not in the current generation of these systems, because humans are not yet able to reliably coordinate on any one stack.

jim says:

I am doing actual exchanges. Hard.

If someone makes it look easy, they dangerously centralized – London Metals Exchange problem, which predates crypto by quite some time.

Crypto does not make the London Metals Exchange problem go away.

Exchanging metals on the London Metals Exchange was easy, until it suddenly was not. It is easy to exchange crypto currency on Kraken. Dangerously easy.

ace says:

>I suspect a multichain world is the most likely outcome, with many interop protocols

Seems likely since human money tends to be a kludge of many things. Hell most people of means in the US used to hold a lot of gold before FDR stole it all. The question is, which ones?

Betting on the currency that becomes sliver it going to make you a lot more money than better on the currency that becomes gold(likely bitcoin). Cardano might be that silver. Or something else will, I have no idea how to tell. Whatever assumes the roles of easy exchange currency is going to make the people invest in it early a shitload of money.

chris says:

“In the end, there can only be one.”

Like Highlander?

The Cominator says:

Like highlander and like me…

I think I was the 1st to say here (and I’m absolutely not a crypto expert) that cryptocurrencies are like highlander, in the end there can be only one.

Now maybe I’m not right… maybe there can be two. Bitcoin which you can’t transact with easily will be like gold bullion…

Cardano could be like silver, the money that normally circulates.

jim says:

> maybe there can be two. Bitcoin which you can’t transact with easily will be like gold bullion…
> Cardano could be like silver, the money that normally circulates.

Silver had the advantage over gold, in being useful for small transactions, but the disadvantage that it tarnishes, the tarnish gets rubbed off in use, and the coin gradually disappears like a bar of soap. If Cardano is used routinely, and Bitcoin only for large transactions (because the transactions are slow and costly) what is the advantage of bitcoin?

You were right first time. In the end there can only be one. The goal is to hop aboard the one early.

The one will have huge consensus bandwidth, will have client wallets that control their own secrets, will provide proof to client wallets that secrets owned by by client wallets are on the blockchain so that full peers cannot scam their clients, will have strongly pseudonymous client wallets so that their owners cannot be shaken down, will be a proof of stake currency, and will be organized as a sovereign corporation with the currency as shares, with several big whales or their representatives on the board of directors.

The Cominator says:

How do I explain this…

Bitcoin is more likely to be used as a store of value and perhaps have a more stable value vs good and services once the crypto revolution is finished… whereas Cardano the velocity of money will likely vary and hence the value.

Bitcoins advantage as a store of value may paradoxically be its lack of suitability for frequent transactions. Its hard to explain my thinking on this in detail… but bimetallism worked better than the gold standard and people (other than bankers) liked it better than the gold standard.

The Original OC says:

Jim, do you believe that BTC has already peaked in terms of technical fundamentals?

(which may not be reflected in trading prices for some time)

jim says:

The fundamental problem with a distributed blockchain is consensus bandwidth. Bitcoin seems to have hard limit of under ten transactions per second, which is pitifully small.

Now that bitcoin and ether have hit their limit, the problem received some study. We now know how to create distributed blockchains with consensus bandwidth limited only by network bandwidth, such that distributed peers can agree upon a single total order of transactions as fast as they can receive and transmit transactions, but the architecture is radically different from that BTC, and most existing currencies.

Pooch says:

The bitcoin lightning network seems to be slowly growing still. Are you not confident in it being completed?

jim says:

I am confident in it being completed in a way that dangerously resembles central banking.

To do the lightning network right, has to give effect to this algorithm or a logically equivalent algorithm.

The algorithm presupposes a private room with several participants, two of whom are actual humans, the actual parties to the transaction, and the rest of whom are robotic intermediaries. The private room has a secure anonymous broadcast channel, meaning you can publish a message to the room, and know that everyone saw the same room contents (or the room crashed mid transaction, so the transaction failed for everyone) but no one can know which participant broadcast the message.

In other words, if a lightning network fails to provide explicit private communication facilities, it is not the true lightning network.

The one true lightning network will be embedded in a strongly pseudonymous social networking platform, in which people can discuss anything, but mostly discuss metadata about transactions, much as the old correspondence banking system was embedded in the snail mail system, and consisted of the exchange of financial instruments with attached metadata created by, and intended to be read by, the humans.

The Cominator says:

Nevermind… Cardano’s market cap at 1.6ish is already 39 billion.

Which means at 1 trillion dollars its only 41 dollars a coin…

hourglassSOMERO says:

Buy now and HODL.

Buffalo Buffalo says:

As sound as Jim’s arguments for Cardano are, best to not put all your eggs in one basket in crypto; probably wise to balance some of your crypto holdings in Bitcoin and Ethereum given that BTC is tried and tested, and Ethereum very likely could rival Bitcoin’s market cap by the end of this year, with a lot of real development, utility, and funding on their platform.

Cardano is clearly superior tech to Ethereum, but best tech doesn’t always win, so wise to hedge your bets, in case Ethereum becomes “The One” overtaking Bitcoin (even if only temporarily). I don’t see developers and billions in DeFi switching from Ethereum to Cardano overnight, but it could happen.

Cardano’s Hydra is under development now (started in March), with Charles hoping for working prototypes this year, so we might know sooner rather than later which way the wind blows on that.

Any thoughts on Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin SV’s larger block sizes making their networks capable of significantly more transactions per second? Couldn’t the main Bitcoin network theoretically yet easily solve their scalability problem with larger blocks? Allegedly smaller blocks is so that more devices can act as nodes, but doing so artificially limits the capability of most better machines on the network.

jim says:

I am pretty sure that proof of work, though its consensus bandwidth can doubtless be improved by various measures, has fundamentally limited consensus bandwidth – or at least I am as yet unaware of any very high bandwidth proposals that will work with proof of work.

But then there are no end of white papers floating around, most of them full of buzzwords for scam crypto coins, which makes it difficult to find the good ones, so if I am unaware of it, that is not strong evidence that it does not exist.

It is, however, strong evidence that it is non trivial.

The Cominator says:

An interesting idea for thise looking to expat… Japan is a fairly civilized place not likely to go insanely woke…

They apparently want civilized foreigners (ie huwhites and other higher asians) to take over some of their small businesses with aging owners.

suones says:

Wow this country is surely fucked. Can’t they import North Korean waifus for everyone instead?

onyomi says:

That would be to admit the nature of the problem.

The Cominator says:

Japan has warded off some of the worst aspects of feminism but its an overcrowded rat paradise, women are lower status then men in Japan (if emancipated) but because most Japanese men can’t afford much space most won’t get married to live in a small closet in Tokyo (or other Japanese megacities) and a lot of men check out of social life not because of excessive female status but because of overcrowded rat paradise effect.

Heard its easier to get laid by far than in the West though and Hokkaido I don’t think is overly crowded… I could see myself owning a spa there and fucking my Japanese girl hospitality employees (business owner social status in Japan is godlike) if the Japanese government will allow Gajjin business owners to stay.

Leon says:

Your story about Japan shows it has fallen farther than one cares to admit. If the Japanese are not trying their damndest to get their young men mates and steer them down a good path while also allowing foreigners to come in and bang their women then their fate is already sealed.

Frontier says:

I’ve heard from friends in Japan that some businesses will send their young men who aren’t having luck w/ women and show signs of burning out on vacation in S. Korea, w/ the understanding they should try and find a wife there.

Young men who aren’t getting sex are liable to lose the motivation to put in the long hours demanded of a salaryman, while a wife and kid are strong motivators that can make the grind bearable.

The Cominator says:

Obviously I’m not an expert on Japan.

I agree with Jim that female emancipation (which of course Japan has with most of the rest of the world) and female status (which Japan doesn’t have) causes these kind of problems but there is another issue that is almost unique to Japan.

Almost everyone in Japan is in a major city and not a megacity, megacities cause a rat paradise problem which even in patriarchies will cause a birthrate collapse. But I myself wouldn’t mind being part of the extreme minority which lives in a more sparsely populated part of Hokkaido…

The Original OC says:

There aren’t actually a lot of white men in Japan competing for Japanese women. Two groups: ex pats who are older and mostly already married, and ALTs/military who are low status. But both are rare in absolute terms anyway, entirely absent in many places. Masses of tourists you may see in places like Kyoto are not marrying Japanese women, and even they’re far less prominent than in most tourist countries. It’s an expensive place to visit, leans to older people and couples.

Meanwhile Japan has “prostitute visas” for importing Filipinos etc. to service their own men. Mostly not by marrying them, but sometimes by marrying them; those who don’t get married are deported when they get old.

Any Japanese man in Japan can have sex with an attractive women tonight if he wants. However, the bottom 50% of the status distribution cannot get a relationship with a Japanese woman, and a large proportion of Asians, unlike Whites, simply will not attempt to have sex unless the match is arranged by an authority figure. Which happens, but only furtively, because Japan cannot afford to be labeled as Taliban by its American protecter/occupier, and mostly to the benefit of higher status men with big company bosses who are invested in their futures.

It does quite a lot to fix the situation for its men, and its birth rate is almost twice that of South Korea, but it has both strategic limitations and the limitations of its population.

As for rat paradise, Japan is much more liveable at high density than any other developed country. Their housing situation is simpler better than that of most Anglo countries for a couple or small family. But I could see it being a barrier to large 4+ kid families for sure.

The Cominator says:

But it sounds like if you buy a small business from a heirless old Japanese man and they will let you stay… is that true?

The Original OC says:

Moving to Japan and living there legally as a white man from a high income country is not hard.

Living there successfully is going to depend on your social fit to an alien culture that’s inclined to distrust you, and your ability to learn an insanely difficult language. I know people who have done it, but it’s rare.

Personally I would not buy a business in Japan before knowing that I would be tolerated socially by the group the business will bring me into contract with, and that will take an investment of time and effort before you know the answer.

The Original OC says:

They’re importing Filippino waifus.

Frontier says:

Depopulating Japan will also give farmland to qualified applicants (including expats) who promise to farm it.

Good interview w/ Black Pigeon and a former K street lawyer and chip R&D guy who relocated to Japan, got free land that he’s making nice side money on growing olives.

Negative birth rates offer arbitrage to those who can provide value. Chip guy relocated to an island chain town of about 9,000. Says about 22% of the pop was expats and almost all the Covid money went to them because rural Japanese aren’t aggressively innovative. He got 20k to make a deck on the beachfront. A rocker got 5k for amps and a promise to host concerts to attract tourists. Another expat got 20k to develop a dating app.

Japan is very alien though. You need to either know the language, or have tight connections to those who do and will gladly help you.

Pooch says:

Yes I’ve heard stories of Jap restaurants that refuse service to non-jap speakers.

The Cominator says:

Well if you go there you should learn the language of course…

Pooch says:

I’m talking tourists. They knew basic words to get by and could have probably ordered food and said thank you but the zipperheads refused service.

Pooch says:

Refused service since they were non-native speakers.

Frontier says:

My life path specialization is already set, but if your young and have flex, learning Japanese or Chinese isn’t a bad hedge

The Ducking Man says:

Finally some white pill after some while.

As much as Jim like to say that court and order is dead and I doubt any European Court has any balls left, this is still good start obtaining legitimacy fighting the enemy.

This is the same guy who brought down Volkswagen to its’ knees with Dieselgate scandal. And if you watch the bitchute, his sentiment about the enemy sound very closely with Jim that the enemy is largely incompetent and incoherent.

jim says:

What happened in Dieselgate is that because of bureaucratic inertia, the bureaucrats set ever rising standards, standards ever more pointless and ever more impossible to comply with, and then turned a blind eye to manufacturers pretending to comply with impossible and absurdly stringent standards. And everyone was happy because they were making ever greater progress to environmental goals, albeit every time you washed your underarms you were emitting far more pollution than the diesels supposedly were.

Revealing the pretense was attacking the enemy from the left “Dems are the real racists”. Kind of like during the great minority mortgage meltdown it was dangerous to say that the banks were lending million dollar mortgages to people with no income, no job, and no assets, but it was safe to say “predatory lending”

So, color me unimpressed.

Cloudswrest says:

Agreed! Wish your comment section had “like” buttons!

Cloudswrest says:


I have some sort of weird aphasia which sometimes causes me to type similar but completely different words from what I’m thinking/intended. Like a bad spell checker between brain and fingers. Very annoying, and invisible until I go back and reread 5 minutes later. Web search shows others complain of this, but seems to be no documentation in the literature.

The Cominator says:

I do it too (it started a couple of years ago) I never used to do it. No I’m not that old…

Cloudswrest says:

This just got me speculating on brain architecture. One can learn a lot by studying pathologies. It must be that verbal information in the brain is indexed phonetically. Similar sounding words must have close “addresses”. Occasionally indexing the wrong word while speaking probably doesn’t matter as it still sounds the same. But it can matter a lot with written words, especially written words typed at verbal speed, where there’s less chance for real time correction.

jim says:

As your typing improves, you are more likely to make this error. I started making it very early.

Cloudswrest says:

Just realized, in retrospect, that it also happens in the reverse direction. Example, was just reading about the Colonial Pipeline issue and the tweeter claimed they shut it down because their invoicing software was trashed and they were worried about being “paid for fuel”. I initially read that as “paid in full”.

The Cominator says:

The US government is responsible for the Colonial shutdown somehow…

Anytime the US government immediately blames muh Russian hackers it is almost absolute proof that the US government itself is responsible.

Also as far as I knew pipelines were controlled via stations in isolated control rooms which were not supposed to be connected to the internet.

Pooch says:

Could just be a fake story as cover for Biden’s rising gas prices.

The Cominator says:

Its so a foreign actor can be blamed for Biden’s coming gas troubles.

polifugue says:

> dieselgate


Every person I know who has bought a Tesla sold it within a year. Like horses, electric cars hate adverse weather and take forever to charge. One in particular sold his Model S after spending 8 hours at a charging station during a road trip.

Environmental regulations make cars more expensive, less reliable and practical, but more importantly less fun to drive:

The cringe host’s 20-year-old Porsche 996 sounds better than the new 992 because of turbocharging, which increases power at the expense of throttle response and induction tone. Every car company tries to keep its naturally aspirated motors alive as long as they can.

Envy disguised as holiness, bureaucrats destroy the cars they covet. Volkswagen did not cheat on carbon dioxide emissions but rather unholy nitrous oxide emissions.

The science is as fake as it gets:

Fullmich is an enemy to the regime as much as Tesla fanboys are car enthusiasts.

The Ducking Man says:

Having cycling daily since middle school (2006) all the way to college graduation (2016), I came to hate diesel car (especially 90s and 2000s model) and 2 stroke vehicles because of their black and foul smelling fume. In fact I used to throw tantrums to morons who are still using those vehicles.

I’m glad auto manufacturer are forced to keep their emission in check. The difference between 2000s and 2010s diesel cars are night and day.

I can understand your frustration on newer vehicles, “they don’t make like it used to be”, but “fun to drive” cars never really sells, most people only care to drive point A to point B comfortably, and auto maker already accepted this truth hence SUV booming market.

Even without environmental or any regulation, auto makers will find ways to make cars more expensive because competition in the industry is very stiff. VW did far and beyond in safety rating to sell at premium.

suones says:

I came to hate diesel car (especially 90s and 2000s model) and 2 stroke vehicles…

You found two stroke fumes foul smelling? Wow! Petrol fumes are almost intoxicating to many, so much that “gasoline huffing” is a thing.

The Cominator says:

I hate the regulatory state myself but I also REALLY hated old style diesel cars and trucks for the same reason as Ducking Man too. They stunk to high heaven.

Contaminated NEET says:

There’s nothing worse than a traffic jam of Indian two-stroke “moto-rickshaws.” My throat gets raw and I start coughing just thinking about it.

suones says:

Get with the times. India has the biggest fleet of commercial electric vehicles in the world[1]. All running on low-quality domestic materials and using 100% domestic lead-acid batteries to boot.


Contaminated NEET says:

I admit, it’s been a long time since I’ve been in India. I’m glad to hear the two-stroke pollution problem is improving.

polifugue says:

In the United States driving diesel cars is as rare as cycling to school. My grandfather has been driving diesel E-Class Mercedes for the past 40 years and I still remember how much his car stank, so I can only imagine what a traffic jam of diesel car must have smelled like 20 years ago.

As for the car market, “fun to drive” cars have always been a niche market, but regular cars are becoming sterilized with CVTs and four-cylinder turbos in every vehicle. I prefer to drive old luxury cars and spend money restoring and maintaining them over buying overpriced new NPC-mobiles.

INDY says:

Love the smell from a 30 year old diesel truck. Then again, I’m not a fruitcake

suones says:

As much as an auto-fanboy that I am, I’m pretty certain electric cars are the future. Every time I’ve sat in traffic I’ve mentally wished for a silent drive that only consumes energy when the car moves.

A generator attached to a car battery that drives motors has been a childhood dream of mine, and was only thwarted by battery power/weight. Battery tech is almost there now.

I’ve never been in an American electric vehicle, but Indian electric cars and (especially) transit buses (new generation, by Tata Motors) are a revelation. Most petrol car owners buy their cars for “special occasions” only, and then too never go beyond 100-200 km ever, due to the high fuel cost. An electric car is the ideal vehicle for such a family.

Those who really do long distance travel regularly, are best served by diesel. The significantly higher efficiency more than makes up for initial high expense and higher maintenance, especially in a country like India where the farm lobby enforces diesel subsidisation.

polifugue says:

Electric cars make sense in densely-populated urban areas with lots of traffic and smog. Less so in the United States, with the exceptions of New York and Los Angeles.

Personally, I enjoy hearing the muffled roar of a high-displacement Mercedes engine while accelerating on the highway. My car is not very efficient but in the US premium gas is only $3.30/gallon (64 INR/L) so it’s not too much of a problem.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The combustion engine format itself will never go away. Mechanical implementations of the format will change; more varieties of fuel may be innovated; and such developments will continue to be pursued, because it is a format that inherently can provide high energy density and low reliance on strategic materials.

suones says:

IC Engines aren’t likely to go away completely but they will be reduced to extremely niche applications like modern steam engines. If the dieselisation of Indian Railways[1] has taught me anything, it is that following the lead of USA overrides any practical considerations.

[1] Steam locomotive power was mostly home-built using domestic steel, using domestic low-grade coal as fuel, and domestic low-grade grease as lubricant, and domestic crude mechanical parts for control, using large numbers of domestic men for whom getting a “good railway job” (shovelling seven tons of coal into the beast) was the ticket to family and kids, and feeding the kind of hard man who would not flinch in the face of hellfire for 18 hours a day (zero “strong empowered” candidates, 100% men you could share a drink with anytime — even the unions were more masculine than current “reaction”). A thing basically tailor made for Indian conditions — but they had to remove it for diesel fleets using imported oil, employing far fewer men, and vulnerable to “affirmative action.”

Rick says:

So Sundance seems to think the pipeline shutdown is the feds doing:

I’m not sure what’s going on, but they are are acting odd about it.

The Cominator says:

There is absolutely something odd, they can’t have the whole country blaming Biden for gas prices going to 9 dollars in 6 months into his term… that could prompt such public outrage that red states could threaten war if Trump is not restored.

I think the feds staged the attack with the idea of blaming muh Russia and then (since the pipeline systems themselves can’t be hacked) ordered the operators to shut the pipeline down.

Aidan says:

My guess is the typical shortages associated with socialism, blamed on the evil Russian hackers. Gas has been creeping up since Biden got in, suggesting he imposed some quiet regulation designed to cause a gas shortage.

Pooch says:

Yes makes a lot of sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I think what strikes me the most about these sorts of things, is the sheer banality of the evil at play.

‘Well capital generation of society is cratering subsequent to implementing our ideas, so we should… stage a false flag and blame it on [more civilized country] as an excuse.’

It’s not simply the maliciousness, it is the total imperviousness to self-reflection. The special ingredient that is a certain spicy blend of evil *and* stupidity. They do it on purpose; and it is also impossible for them to *not* do it on purpose.

Joe says:

Off topic: Tucker Carlson is now saying that COVID-19 came from the Wuhan lab.

Guy says:

I guess that’s why they still let him on TV. Between this and the UFO crap he’s the rear guard for the media’s hoaxes. Able to catch skeptical people and keep them believing some form of the story.

If he was really a truth teller he’d come out and say all this shit is obviously fake and gay.

I still enjoy watching a good tucker monologue though

jim says:

I was strongly of the opinion that it was a result of viruses miscegenating, which positive stranded viruses do all the time, but now this theory requires two miscegenation events, one with the aids virus, and one with the earlier corona virus, which makes it less plausible, though still entirely possible.

One miscegenation event is more of the usual, two is starting to stretch it.

If natural, then human Corona virus got into bats, and miscegenated with bat corona, then the resulting bat corona got back into a human, and miscegenated with aids. Which is the sort of thing that is likely with bats with a lot of human exposure, which is to say, kept in a lab.

We have wild bat virus that is pre-adapted for humans, which supports the two miscegenation events theory. Corona virus that seems to be partly descended from human corona virus *is* present in bats. There is a lot of miscegenation. Positive stranded RNA viruses form a web, not a tree. They all breed with each other given half a chance.

Both theories, the lab theory and the miscegenation theory could well be true. They could have been playing with bats in the lab, and stuff happened that they did not expect or intend, and failed to control.

Guy says:

I’m curious, Jim, why you have concluded that there is in fact a novel virus in existence. Could not the deaths be attributed to changes in the way patients are treated and the frequency with which they are being put on ventilators? Could not the nursing home deaths simply be due to negligence and reduced visitation (with the occasional Somali beat down)? I’m not an expert in virology, I know nothing more than the average scientifically literate person does, but I tend to think the institutions would have no problem duping their own experts. It’s not like we are able to independently verify this without going through the same channels that they control.

My reason for doubting it is, admittedly ,reflexive. Its simply based on the fact that all of the corrupted institutions and persons seem to at the very least be trying to get the population to think there is a danger from some sort of contagious illness.

Not looking to really get into an argument or anything like that I’m just a lurker who likes reading the blog and is curious if you have any interesting things to say or can share links from sources that are not already known to be compromised.

jim says:

> why you have concluded that there is in fact a novel virus in existence

There are always novel viruses in existence. Positive stranded RNA viruses change continually.

What I doubt is that this novel virus is any more novel than all of the others.

It is just the flu bro. There is a new flu every year or so.

Actually there are hundreds of new flus every year – when people isolate a new virus, they with great regularity find they have isolated the wrong new virus. Every year or so one of these new viruses causes a significant amount of breathing difficulties, which sometimes push someone with one foot on the grave and wobbling on the edge over the edge.

Guy says:

Okay then I misunderstood the level to which you took it seriously. Thanks for clarifying.

Noname says:

To stay in line with the topic of acquiring a breeder.

Earlier the topic of the boomer class came up and I think it could be helpful to discuss because you will need to deal affectively with your boomer in-laws. I’m understanding there is generational resentment due to a perceived easier life?

For my own curiosity, how many anti-boomers grew up separated from one of their parents and did their fathers ever do activities with them such as family outings, fishing trips, camping, etc…?

I don’t mean to judge, I just want to understand this.

Ace says:

>To stay in line with the topic of acquiring a breeder.

Why would you use the term breeder?

jim says:

That is what HIV positive and Gays call women. If he is not gay or HIV positive, he sure hangs with them a lot.

Pretty sure he is not dot Indian, but he hangs with them a little bit.

Ace says:

That would make sense. Also one of the many reasons gay people are just off.

I’m disgusted by term and the people who use it. There’s a entire sub on reddit developed to being childless and every last sub human shithead who posts in it needs to whipped through the streets and then enslaved.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

“Breeders” is a little amusing. It is a reminder of why we keep women around, and why we want them. Yes, it’s crude and reductive, but that’s why its worth a chuckle. Using it as a joke is probably okay, but constant reference is a little suspicious.

The childfree subreddit is cancerous in the extreme, though, so we are in full agreement on that. Whenever I am unfortunate enough to come across them in a meme or something I feel like I just took a swim in toxic waste. They are so nihilistic and degenerate it hurts to listen to them. I’m not sure about the women, but the men should be purged in a particularly humiliating and status-lowering fashion. The woman can probably be assigned as concubines if they are of fertile age. Ironic and fitting.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>yes, it’s crude and reductive, but that’s why its worth a chuckle

Yeah, if you’re gay lol.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Well, I’m not a fag and it got a chuckle out of me.

redpurplepurple says:

> Why would you use the term breeder?
i think i know why now!

hey y’all, maybe this is a psychOP?
just think abouut it: “Noname” stomps around to get all our attention, while at the same time someone else furtively starts trying to build a profile.

“the big play is cover for the small play”, or something like that.

redpurplepurple says:

to clarify: i’m implying here that whoever is trying to build a profile will have an easier time doing it because Noname has us all scratching our heads.

(and maybe It’s more than one person)

Ace says:

Mate, he’s clearly not a neo-reactionary. But since he doesn’t have human resources sitting over his shoulder we can actually converse with him while he fails to infiltrate us.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It’s nice to bring people over to our side, but unless they have an HR, they aren’t very useful. Triple agents are useful, some random shitlib suddenly becoming somewhat based is less so. It does tear down regime legitimacy, but we all know that the elite rules through force these days, not legitimacy. We need people on the inside, like Putin. He clearly came to the conclusion that autocracy was superior to democracy or oligarchy. I doubt Putin came to that conclusion late, and that he played the game and rose to the top and only then discovered that things were bad. He probably turned during his KGB days, and just kept it to himself and trusted associates until it was time to take power.

jim says:

I don’t think our enemies are that clever.

hourglassSOMERO says:

Perhaps not our enemies, but spies.

jim says:

The time is not yet for anything terribly interesting to be discussed our secret forums.

The only useful thing appearing on such forums is information about our enemies – the enemies might discover that their opsec is worse than they think.

hourglassSOMERO says:

It was not professionals to whom I was referring but rather, individuals acting on knowledge acquired in secret.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Some of them might be. It’s a worthwhile threat to at least consider.

jim says:

Spies are suffering from the same stupidity epidemic as the rest of the Cathedral.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, but are all of them? Are you sure there is no Putin in the spies who might eventually come to our conclusions, but only after we are safely off the the gulags? I think that more communication is better, but it is a concern.

Wassestreicht says:

I’ll humor you.

>I think it could be helpful to discuss because you will need to deal affectively with your boomer in-laws.

Who gives a fuck. Woemins is emancipated n’ shieeet. If you’ve by small miracle hooked a girl from a more trad family, who amazingly has respect for her parent’s opinions, I highly doubt anyone here would have a problem fitting in. Trad boomers have problems with men acting like fags, not with men being divergent in the reactionary direction. By my experience, der bōmer is trivially impressed by meager displays of rightward thinking and masculinity.

>I’m understanding there is generational resentment due to a perceived easier life?

How fucking stupid are you. Where the fuck do you think you are. Do you think we’re a bunch of tankies bursting with ressentiment? People here hate boomers because they ushered in the era of Sexual Revolution, Hart-Celler, and intensified globalism. Have you spent more than 20 seconds reading anything here?

If you’re genuine and not trying to be divisive, fuck off for not passing the IQ bar. If you are trying to be divisive, fuck off for not passing the IQ bar.

The Cominator says:

Fednats on 4chan are going crazy.

Why have the troubles in Israel started again, the Palestinians don’t really have Arab state sponsors anymore and Iran is broke? We have little dog in this fight but I’m curious as to where the Pali money came from.

Pooch says:

Palestinians are increasingly getting more support from the Cathedral as it becomes more woke.

jim says:

Also as the Cathedral increasingly relies on dot Indians rather than Jews for treasonous acts against legacy Americans.

Oog en Hand says:

You mean, Hebrew should be replaced by Hindi?!

suones says:

I have no problems with that. Any nationalistic Jews left are welcome to propose alliance.

Dave says:

The problem with the Left tossing the Jews overboard is that Jews can be trusted with money; dot-Indians can’t. AOC’s campaign lost a million dollars by putting a street-shitter in charge of its treasury. INB4 you say “Bernie Madoff”, he wasn’t trying to rip anyone off, he just over-estimated his investing skills.

suones says:

Jews can be trusted with money;


The Cominator says:

Bernie madoff deliberately ripped off mainly fellow jews, but the average jew is more trustworthy about keeping his word (to the LETTER not the spirit) than poo in loos are.

suones says:

ThoseNobleJews.txt 😂

Ace says:

I’m speculating that since they couldn’t start a war against Russia, they’ve decided to destroy Israel instead. I’ve been seeing the propaganda on reddit for weeks now.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Well, I’m okay with that. I’m not a fan of Muslim Palestinians, but Israel is Jewish and Semitic, instead of Christian and European. I’m nearer to Russia than Israel, so if the Cathedral has to smoke anyone, let it be the far over near. It will be a shame to lose the Christian Palestinians and leave the Holy Land in the hands of Mohammedans, but that is a problem for another day.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The ideal being, of course, that we do not go around blowing up other nations. But since that isn’t realistic, I’m not going to complain when the Cathedral starts engaging in friendly fire.

Pooch says:

Israel is a proxy of what’s happening in America. The left wing in Israel wants to destroy Israel, just as the left wing in America want to destroy America.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I get that, but if they are more focused on destroying Israel, they are going to focus less attention on America. We are in this for the long haul, and the longer the left is focused on something else, the longer we get overlooked. America needs destroying, anyway, because it’s a leftist shithole with a morally weak people who are threatening the rest of the world’s civilizations. As soon as we get into space, America no longer has a reason to exist, and I could give a fuck about what happens then. It’s also making it hard for me to get laid, so I have extra incentive to actively dislike it.

Pooch says:

If the left can destroy Israel with third world hordes, it seems to reason they can destroy heritage white America with third world hordes. The fednat/dancing Israeli/Troofer stance on Israel is not productive.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They can destroy us with third worlders any time they choose, becausenothing is stopping them. If they decide to flood Israel first, it just gives us more time and the rest of the world more and more reason to break with America. I’m not celebrating the destruction of Israel, just pointing out that it’s probably better for us in the long run if they fuck with Israel over Russia. Annihilating a Deep State client state instead of the foremost European power resistant to their insanity is an own goal.

Ace says:


You’re simulating a piss poor version of anti-Semitism. An anti-Semitite wants Jews out of America and Europe, and destroying Israel’s going to send them flooding into the Europe and the EU by the millions. Instead you should be urging that Israel be kept safe and their fellow Jews sent back to their homeland so that we’re left in peace.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ace, I’m not an anti-semite. I wish Israel well, and shit, I’d give them plenty of guns and let them conquer all of the Arab lands I could, so long as they tolerate the Christians and keep the Holy Land accessible to pilgrims. In an ideal world, America would not be destroying Israel. We do not live in that ideal world, so if Israel is the “Squirrel!” That the left needs to shift their focus from Russia, so be it. The Samson option worries me, but the nuclear arsenal of Russia worries me more.

Because I am not an anti- or philo-Semetic, I really don’t care what happens to them except so far as it affects me. If all of the Jews die, that’s what happens. If all of the Jews go back to Israel and live happily ever after, that’s what happens. It isn’t as if I would be unwilling to dump all of our Jews in the ruins of Israel after we get our own house cleaned up if that’s what it takes. The Spanish Inquisition would be a good model for that sort of thing. In the end, their continued existence or not comes down to utility.

Pooch says:

If we had a virtuous elite and a sane state-religion, Jews and Israel aren’t a problem.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I agree with you on Israel. I disagree with you about Jews, specifically those in the West. They are foreigners, and a large group of foreigners is always a problem. It is better they are with their own people in their own nation, but they don’t belong in the American nation. There is a reason they keep getting kicked out of different nations. They are a problem, like a rock in your shoe.

Pooch says:

As Jim often says, if we had a sane state-religion, as non-adherents to that state religion, Jews would be barred from holding state and quasi-state jobs and thus would not be causing much problems. When they cause problems, it is because a corrupt elite is using them to do their dirty work.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you have a virtuous elite and a sane state religion, a republic is fine, women being allowed more freedom is fine. Lots of things are fine. But give those things time and they wear away the virtuous elite and then all of those things are no longer fine. Having a large group of foreigners or alien religions is bad news whether they are Israeli Jews, Irish Catholics, Irish Protestants, or American Mormons. I’d be kicking out a lot of people, not just the Jews. Ethnic cleansing in the style of Switzerland. Give everyone their own home and their own religion.

jim says:

If daughters are allowed out, there is going to be a virgin shortage.

Women don’t actually like freedom. They exercise it self destructively in a vain effort to escape freedom. It makes them neurotic and unhappy.

Women are searching for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction, as we search for our savannah.

Pooch says:

women being allowed more freedom is fine.

Emancipating women is never fine as that is what primarily separates a sane state religion to an insane state religion.

Having a large group of foreigners or alien religions is bad news whether they are Israeli Jews, Irish Catholics, Irish Protestants, or American Mormons.

Agree with you there but American/Western Jews are just not a large group. They have disproportionate influence relative to their numbers because of open entry into the state priesthood. They are the matador’s cape, not the matador’s sword.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They are large enough, but more importantly, cohesive enough, to cause problems. They would be less of a problem in a sane nation with a sane religion, but a problem nonetheless. My attitude towards Jews is similar to my attitude towards Mormons. They are not my people, though I wish them well, and harbor no special animosity towards them. I want them gone, preferably on the best terms possible in case we need to work with them in the future. If Israel was totally destroyed, I’d be willing to give the Jews land in America for their own nation, just like I’d give Utah to the Mormons.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I mean that if you grant women a little license, at first it will be fine because there is enough social pressure that they will behave reasonably well. That soon changes, though, and its only because of the initial restrictions that the women were well-behaved to begin with. It’s the idea that since they are not misbehaving right now it is alright to loosen up restrictions. Which is a terrible fucking idea, but we forget this principle as soon as we stop talking about women.

I was using it as a comparison to keeping foreigners in the country. Its alright for a little while, until someone thinks, “You know, these chaps are awfully well behaved. Surely isn’t couldn’t hurt to give them a little leeway and get more use out of them, right?” Then shit starts to go sideways, because people thought that the good behavior was in spite of restrictions instead of the result of restrictions. You don’t let women out, and you don’t let foreigners in, except in certain specific, extremely limited conditions.

Oog en Hand says:

Samson Option is basically euthanizing the Jewish people. Hell is eternal…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If they want to kill themselves, I’m not going to bust my balls to stop it. I just don’t want the fallout to rain down on me and mine.

Pooch says:

Won’t happen. If Israel goes down it will be because it goes full prog and their own pozzed elite cheer as the brown hordes rape and pillage just as our own elite do here.

jim says:

> I’m curious as to where the Pali money came from.

From Soros – it is all ngo funding, and ngo funding for the Cathedral’s more controversial projects is laundered through Soros.

The Cominator says:

Him being in the business of providing missles and ammo is a new thing.

Ace says:

Maybe they diverted the shipments from the Ukraine? The Ukraine is making noise that they’ll start a war without Russia with Biden’s blessing and the typical US response a vasal not obeying is to cut off the supply of arms.

Ace says:


jim says:

I am pretty sure Soros was providing missiles and ammo in Syria and the Congo. Probably not in Libya.

What happens is he funds a cultural offensive aimed at color revolution, shooting starts, and his people need guns, or they are going to die.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Some other Happenings I’ve noticed lately is a major upswing in media coofening hysteria about India specifically.

Is it simply the polygon running as hard it can get away with anywhere it can get away with? Is it a local branch of the polygon in particular going ‘above and beyond the call of duty’, as it were? Is it in fact a separate disease outbreak but getting furtively rolled into the kungflu umbrella anyways? All of the above?

Perhaps one of our local natives might have a more granular view on the matter.

Pooch says:

From Briggs:

“India never got the typical winter peak, you can see, having only a minor number of deaths, relative to the population before. They’re thus getting their first real look at the bug, and so attributed deaths are going up. Three thousand is a lot of bodies, to be sure, but India has 1.37 BILLION people. That’s a rate of 2.7e-06 (today), against the USA’s 2.1e-06 (though since the US is in the regular cycle now, that rate is decreasing).”

Basically their deaths (although spiking up) relative to their population is still so low as to not really cause for alarm but of course the Cathedral doesn’t want you to know that.

India strongly resisted lockdowns this year until recently. The Central Government led by Modi is unwilling to impose nationwide lockdowns knowing the economic costs but the media has been relentless in the scaremongering and so many States have imposed full lockdowns.

The local media is definitely guided by the Empire’s globalist branch. And this time around the people are definitely scared. Last year despite the media hysteria Indians generally shrugged off the virus. This time the sustained fearmongering campaign has had its effect.

Ace says:

As the Nazis learned, if your foes control the media you can never fully be in power. Mass media is just too powerful.

suones says:

This deserved a post by itself. Too many factors at play to explain in a comment.

Pooch says:
Joe says:

We have little dog in this fight

Israeli Jews do not support my right to territorial integrity. There is no reason, for now, that I should support theirs.

c4ssidy says:

There are articles in the American news about a surprising amount of price inflation taking place right now

If crypto reaches a point where someone can immediately convert their paycheck into it, and cash back to dollars only when they need dollars, then what incentive is there for anyone at all to hold dollars? the only thing I see stopping traditional hyperinflation is that for most people, converting their currency to a hard asset is a hassle, and they do not have enough in their account for long enough at a time for it to matter too much.

But if it is easy to do using phone apps or even automatically by banks, there is zero need for anyone to store cash as savings. What happens then? And as soon as people catch on that a hyperinflation run is caused by convenient and automatic exchange to crypto, they will try to follow suit to protect their savings. People will not care about interest rates tightening. I can see 1920s Germany happening as soon as the tech is ready, which could happen out of the blue at any time

Pooch says:

They likely plan to heavily regulate the exchanges.

c4ssidy says:

To collect capital gains tax, certainly. But it would be very odd for them to inhibit buying an asset just to prevent the dollar inflating, one would expect that not to happen until the problem had already started

jim says:

They are not going to prohibit crypto currency.

But regulated corporations engaged in crypto currency activities will soon become a very poor investment.

The Cominator says:

Why exactly…

MARA (a miner not an exchange) is way way down (with all non blue chip) despite bitcoin prices seemingly having bottomed for now in the mid 50000s and the call premiums if I roll them over are way way down. I very much thing it should turn around quickly… its a strange species of even inflationary even stagflationary selloff that lowers the price of crypto miners, gold miners and the producers of other commodities.

MARA is in compliance with various regime regulations for now which may mean they are not in compliance like dieselgate but have paid off the right people… should I be worried about it going down much further. I agree with you about coinbase…

jim says:

The regulators want corporations traded on the stock exchange to be involved in crypto currency, to give them a lever with which to control crypto currency.

So they don’t want to kill them off.

But, when crypto currency fails to respond to that lever, they are apt to yank rather harder on the lever, eventually breaking it.

The Cominator says:

Sounds like

1) This process will take some time to playout

2) They are probably going to yank the exchanges and not the miners.

I think based on your post I should be safe for at least six months…

Pooch says:

There is an alternate attack on bitcoin mining by the climate change priests (electricity for mining is contributing to climate change or something). I’m not sure how serious that line of attack is though.

The Cominator says:

The climate change priest attacks are going to be delayed for at least a year due to popular outrage over the gas prices and MARA likes to boost they are energy efficient miners more so than the competition anyway.

The Cominator says:

I guess I was wrong, Musk just changed policy on Teslas because of muh enviromental harm.

Fred says:

Musk just changed policy on Teslas because of muh enviromental harm.

The fact that Bitcoin uses an assload of energy is old news, and hence would have been known full well to Musk when he dived into it last year – so why is he only now realising this?

It sounds coerced to me – someone important told him to a) get out of Bitcoin and b) use some environmental boilerplate (that makes no sense, per my rationale above).

Pooch says:

It is obviously coerced. Bitcoin has been under increasing energy priestly attack for a while now, for which Musk has no defense against meaning he had no choice but to capitulate.

In fact, Tesla’s entire existence is to defend against priestly attack against SpaceX. Let’s hope they don’t go after rocket fuel next.

suones says:

Is Musk still shilling DOGE tho?

Fred says:

My god, this shit is so painfully transparent

Bob says:


It’s price manipulation. He’s deliberately tanked BTC so his company can buy more. Similar shenanigans have occurred with Tesla stock in the past; I have half a mind to put that dirty african back to work on the fields picking cotton under the whip.

Virtus says:

You have no idea how fucked they are. They waited too long to smother the baby and it is now strong enough to walk. We have — shitty and clunky, but extant — infrastructure that can completely route around CEXs now. People use them out of convenience and UX/UI, not out of necessity. Check out for an example, not the only example but a specific case, of how this can be done in a high tech way.

We have working abstracted scarcity layers in the form of wBTC and other synthetic assets pegged to legacy data. We have working sidechains, layer 2 rollups, and reasonably secure message passing between them. We have wallets that are braindead easy to use. We have working-if-still-somewhat-shitty transaction tumbling. All the components are here, just not polished. They’re not polished almost entirely because this field is full of grifters and scammers and moonboi faggots that just want to hold tokens, with only a small percentage actually building anything. Guess what happens when suddenly the only functioning financial system ON THE PLANET is blockchain-based?

The war on crypto is about to start, I hope you’re ready.

Mike in Boston says:

Thanks for the pointer to LinkPal, Virtus– that looks interesting.

We have wallets that are braindead easy to use.

The thing is, I have always assumed that transacting any significant amount of crypto from a wallet on my phone, Windows box, or probably-not-as-hardened-as-I-think Linux box would instantly result into that machine getting pwned and my private keys exfiltrated. Am I overly cautious? Is, say, a ColdCard an adequate solution?

Virtus says:

I should have provided conditionals, my apologies.

Wallets exist that are braindead easy to use for your everyday transactions. I use the likes of metamask for a lot of web3, but I wouldn’t recommend leaving your savings on a hot wallet. Just as it would not be wise to carry $10k on your person at all times, it’s just taking on risk you do not need. That said, I have carried nearly an OOM more than $10k on a phone wallet in the past with zero issues. So I would not sweat so hard on it, I know there must be people with literally millions of USD in metamask wallets hooked right into their browser. Hacks are harder and rarer than you might think, just don’t be incredibly stupid — clicking weird links, getting phished, downloading sketchy software — and more likely than not no one will grab your keys. That does not mean I recommend a hot wallet for savings, just pointing out my experience.

Securing a significant sum requires more thought for security and use. I believe the highest security found is by generating your private keys on a computer that cannot physically access the internet (airgapped). I personally use my own cli I glued together hosted on an airgapped box. I sign my transactions on that box, copy the signed message, and then broadcast on a different computer. If you are technically competent, I recommend doing something similar. It will teach you the primitives of working with all of this. For those that are not technically competent, I recommend finding open source wallet software that can work on an airgapped box and doing similar. Different blockchain ecosystems have different wallet software, I have told friends trying to secure their suddenly huge CEX bags to just use myetherwallet on an old laptop with the wifi card taken out.

I have never grasped the concept of a hardware wallet, to me it seems like a way to end up on a leaked list of addresses of crypto holders. Or alternatively getting fucked by a dishonest party somewhere along the supply chain. If you hold your keys permanently offline, the only risk is someone physically getting ahold of your device or your paper backup.

jim says:

A raspberry pi (minus screen and keyboard) costs about the same as a good hardware wallet.

To make and receive transactions securely, you need a full peer wallet that is always on the internet, but which has small or zero balance.

Obviously air gapped is better, but I find it more convenient to connect stuff, and use ufw to make sure that the only internet connections that can operate on the peer computer are those of the peer wallet, and the only computer that the client computer can connect to is the computer running the peer wallet. Air gapping is hard, though I really need to do it.

Hence in my proposed design for a proof of stake currency, a peer’s weight is that of the unspent transaction outputs that came through that peer (which necessarily exposes the particular peer, making privacy even worse for peers than with the existing bitcoin blockchain, but this exposure seems to be an inherent requirement of the blockdag, and blockchains implemented on blockdags seem to be an inherent requirement for really high consensus bandwidth.)

If your crypto currency is capable of operating a high consensus bandwidth, you are implementing a blockdag. If you are implementing a blockdag, going to lose what little peer privacy exists. If you are going to lose what little peer privacy exists, might as well use the exposed information for proof of stake.

suones says:

To make and receive transactions securely, you need a full peer wallet that is always on the internet…

This is what makes it impossible for me. The characteristically high daily upload will get me on any number of watchlists from my ISP to the Govt.

Fred says:

If crypto reaches a point where someone can immediately convert their paycheck into it, and cash back to dollars only when they need dollars, then what incentive is there for anyone at all to hold dollars?

I’ve been thinking more or less the same thing for a while now: what props up money demand? Money has three roles: store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account.

Store of value doesn’t exert much money demand because who saves in currency? You’d just buy stocks or gold or cryptos or something useful, you wouldn’t save in cash.

Second, medium of exchange doesn’t exert much monetary demand, because that’s instantaneous – you only need the cash at the exact time of the transaction, and if you could conveniently convert on the spot from eg. stocks to cash to buy your groceries then you wouldn’t need to bother keeping any cash around at all (those crypto exchanges that offer credit cards that access your balance on the exchange are more or less doing precisely this with cryptos).

Finally, you have unit of account, which is what just prices are written in and exerts no demand for money.

So, again: what is it, exactly, that props up money demand? Moldbug sort of half got at it with his “Moldbug Monetary Theory“, but he was just arguing that there’s ~zero transactional demand in this day and age (see the “Drog the money changer” quip), and that money demand is set by a standard of saving.

My question is the obvious next question: is there even money demand for saving? Do people unironically still save in cash? If so, what happens when people pile into crypto en masse, does that knock out the last leg of the money demand stool?

Time to buy cryptos, m’lads – hyperbitcoinisation is coming.

suones says:

Do people unironically still save in cash?

Yes. That is why Modi was so keen on demonetisation. People still think the signature on the note means something.

Basil says:

And if a girl’s father cannot give his daughter to her husband while her value is rapidly flying down, does this mean that there should be a system that solves this issue, similar to the Australian one? On the one hand, in countries where the practice of arranged marriage still exists, quite often fathers postpone the marriage of their daughter too much by throwing away her appearance and eggs. With the transition to the privatization of wives, this will happen even more often. In history, you can also see similar examples. On the other hand, this is a rather clumsy regulation. Is there enough public condemnation (spinster = shame) and market incentives (old age = low cost)?

jim says:

shotgun marriage.

If someone hangs onto his daughter too long, she is going to have sex. Reading between the lines of old books, daughters who were kept “in” too long tended to go apocalyptic.

If someone’s daughter loses her virginity, that should impair the father’s property right in his daughter, and give the man she loses her virginity to a plausible case for claiming property right in that daughter, plus there should be substantial social pressure and outright coercive state pressure on the man she slept with to claim that property right and not let go, and for the father to gracefully concede it.

In the cases where a culture went from emancipated women to stern patriarchy, the transition was mediated by a whole lot of abduction, usually terrifyingly disorderly abduction.

The (relatively) orderly solution is shotgun marriage for unowned women. If a man’s daughter is getting sex, is she owned? Who then should apply the shotgun?

Saint Paul was rightly worried about daughters being kept “in” for too long. But daughters are apt to worry about rather more strongly than anyone. They get out.

Pooch says:

Had to go to 6 gas stations just now to find one that still had gas to fill up. Sure got to hand it to the Democrats. Flu lockdowns, nigger riots, forced vaccinations, gas shortages….they keep you on your toes.

jim says:

A small step in the right direction.

What little remains of the Republic and democracy can only function the way Caesar and the NSDAP made it function.

Anyone who is genuinely active in mainstream politics is starting to realize this, and the remainder who piously proclaim they do not realize it are rhinos.

In the latter days of the Roman Republic, whoever had physical control of the electoral process won the election. When this became obvious and notorious, contests for physical control of the electoral process turned physical.

For a while it was easier to get away with contesting physical control of the voting when it was obvious that you would win a fair vote, which Caesar would have done, had a fair vote been allowed to take place.

Pooch says:

In the latter days of the Roman Republic, not only was a willingness to resort to political violence necessary to win elections, it became increasingly necessary to carry out the functions of the Republic such as passing legislation. I would not be surprised if we are headed down that path, even if the GOP manages to win elections again.

Pooch says:

down that path*

jim says:

I keep repeating: To survive, the GOP must adapt to the new political environment, as the NSDAP did.

Encelad says:

Found this long priestly article in which a
Queer black jewish agender woman (*) argues that settling on other planets without following the Cathedral’s guidelines (i.e. not settling at all), is basically slavery. I believed that when Jim would say that they think all science is stolen from brave black warrior women, Jim was exaggerating to make a point. But it is literally what they think.

(*) I am not making a parody, it is unironically how she define herself.

The Cominator says:

Military warns Biden…

Even the pozzed generals see him screwing up too much too badly and too quickly. I as optimistic now as I’ve been in a long time. When gas hits 6 or 7 dollars hes out.

Pooch says:

The white pills keep coming today. Taking after France’s lead, although these are only retired officers, but still a good sign.

Biden isn’t going anywhere but this is a sign that members of the military are going to grow increasingly displeased with democracy being thoroughly discredited before their eyes.

The Cominator says:

No hes not going anywhere today but when gas hits 6 dollars or maybe 7 thats it there will be a coup at that point.

Texas and Florida will force the issue most likely by threatening war if he isn’t removed and when he as 20% approval because gas at 7 dollars there will be no opposition to them…

Aidan says:

We put up with masks and lockdowns, we’ll put up with $7 gas. “This is the new normal”. “Its already like this in Europe”. “Its good for the environment”. “We need more public transit now that gas is so expensive”.

The average man is cattle as far as politics is concerned. A coup by who exactly?

Pooch says:

The military. Com’s argument is the military is only going to put up with so much fuckery until they flip the table over and coup. He may have a point but I don’t necessarily think 7 dollar gas will be the inflection point.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Politicians and the military teaming up. The left fucked up by not crushing everyone after the 6th. Everyone went to ground and stayed low, so they thought they won. Now Paxton and Abbot of Texas and DeSantis of Florida are making nuisances of themselves and establishing themselves as players. If they get backed by a faction of the military which decides to “independently” audit an election and finds fraud on the left, then that is Jim’s physical control of ballot boxes.

Karl says:

Widespread poverty is always a result of socialism and by itself does not lead to a different government. 7 $ gas won’t cause a coup. Even starvation does not lead to coups

Pooch says:

In Caesar’s case, it was only threat to his direct and personal well-being which triggered him to coup.

alf says:

Not taking these ‘well THIS time they’re going too far’ predictions serious. They have been taking it too far for quite a few years now, at a pretty alarming rate. And by and large, society is bending over backwards to accomodate. I was sure that the lockdown and curfew would trigger some kind of response — nope, no one’s rocking the boat.

People are invested in their societal identities. I see a large portion of the population committing what I’d call ritualistic suicide. These people will not snap out of it, the horror of their actions is too much.

As for the military — I’ve seen enough assertions that certain institutions have had enough, the federalist dissapointment among them. Why is the military going to be any different? Are there not plenty of women in the military? Are the ‘elite’ units not in large part overrated and stupidly bravado? When was the last time the military acted as a cohesive and functioning unit, instead of bombing third world countries with a trillion one dollar bills with hopes to inflict serious paper cuts? How does one expect lastig loyalty to be created under such circumstances. If one hundred and twenty generals are grumpy, that means there are one hundred and twenty generals. Might as well be no generals.

jim says:


The historical pattern is that a mockery of electoral politics continues for many years before Caesar, Napoleon, or Cromwell takes power.

Puritan England just kept on getting lefter until Cromwell dismissed Barebone’s parliament. And we lack a Cromwell, thus likely to get a Stalin.

Sulla and Caesar were clear potential leaders. Where is our potential leader?

We need one general, not one hundred and twenty generals.

Pooch says:

Caesar and Napoleon did not do anything until it was their own ass on the line. History tells us we will not get a Caesar until he personally feels the pain of the insane elite.

alf says:

Caesar had a long militaristic history, and loyal troops. We don’t have anything resembling a Caesar.

Napoleon rose through the ranks in the years of terror. We might get a Napoleon, but that means we’ll also get the years of terror. And let us not forget that Napoleon rose through the ranks by killing monarchists 🙃.

Pooch says:

We have plenty of officers in the military with long military histories and supposedly loyal troops. I surmise we are still in the years of Gracchus and it is going to be some pain and suffering and quite possibly considerable pain and suffering until we get to Caesar.

alf says:

In Rome, a long military history meant military campaigns in which enemies were defeated, territory was conquered. After victory, the troops paraded proudly through Rome, displaying the spoils of war as well as their enemies in chains. That is the kind of military tradition that breeds loyalty.

What is the American equivalent?


‘sir we have conquered Iraq sir.’
– ‘no private, we have *freed* Iraq from its oppressor. We shall now give it back to the people.’
‘sir seems like the whole country is going down the shithole sir.’
– ‘private don’t let me catch you talking smack about democracy and freedom again.’


‘sir the taliban just killed two of our men, permission to retaliate in the village.’
– ‘and risk bad pr? my god man we’re here to make friends. Those men died for a great cause. They died for freedom. Now be a good private and go back teach those Afghan girls how to put a condom over a banana.’

The state of our military is just not comparable to the state of Roman military, neither Gracchus nor Caesar.

Pooch says:

Sulla and Caesar were clear potential leaders. Where is our potential leader?

The big difference is that Rome was a military aristocracy. The politicians were also necessarily successful military leaders. Our politicians are not warriors. Trump is still the leader of the Populares movement but he’s just a merchant. Eventually a military man is going to have to ride the wave he started.

The Cominator says:

Rome had a lot of lawyer politicians too.

Karl says:

Jim, it is overly strict if you want just one general instead of 120 generals.

The Spanish civil war was started by a group of generals. Franco emerged as the leader of that group during the war, but he did not start as the leader. Morover, I doubt that any of these Spanish generals were known to the Spanish population when the war started.

Any general is a potential leadler, regarless of whether he is widely known to the general public.

suones says:

Franco emerged as the leader of that group during the war, but he did not start as the leader.

A fact that San Fransisco himself absolutely kept close to heart. He believed in his own status as a “Common Man” who simply “Rode The Tiger” and was “In the Right Place at the Right Time,” rather than as GNON’s Hammer who outlasted Hitler and Mussolini and Salazar and single handedly preserved his nation through extremely turbulent times. He would’ve refused to acknowledge his Divinity even if an angel appeared and smacked him in the head with a crown. He finally handed power “back” to a cucked line of “Kings” who were not fit to lick his boots, and promptly undid everything he laboured for.

This is what a warrior, lacking memetic sovereignty, looks like — San Fransisco. A warrior absolutely needs a High Priest who, after Victory is achieved, will proclaim him King Emperor by the order of GNON, against his protests, and anoint Him the Lord and Father of all men. A warrior without a high priest is like a dog chasing a car: he wouldn’t know what to do with it once he caught it[1].

A warrior who has sufficient chops to lead his own Army to victory and also possessing enough memetic sovereingty to be His own High Priest is a rare bird indeed — literal God-King territory. If our plan depends upon waiting for a God-King to appear, well, then that plan sucks. A more pragmatic plan is to assemble a priesthood that anoints the King and then gets the hell out (as Jim mentioned). But even that requires a Prophet, which some feel is incompatible with New Testament etc. Muhammad didn’t pay any attention to NT, ofc. I really hope that when the time comes for one of our own to embrace Prophethood, the one doesn’t shirk from Divine Duty.

[1] I adapted this line from a movie lol.

Karl says:

Alf, didn’t lockdown and curfew cause riots in the Netherlands? Paticipating in any anti-government riot is “rocking the boat”, isn’t it?

Lockdown and curfew did lead to more rallies in Germany than Merkel’s decision of opening the borders. People on the hard left are protesting against the goverment and are surprised to find a counter-rally calling them nazis. Sure, happens all the time to peiple on the left that suddenly others are even more to the left. By itself it won’t change much.

Germans are by and large law-abiding. The corona-rules are very hard to comply with and ever changing which makes it hard to even find out what the rules are for any specific place and time. Nonetheless, the goverment is enforcing these rules. Some cities even hired additional police to enforce these rules. So a lot of people were fined.

Some are challenging the rules in courts. A judge ruling against the goverment is now prosecuted for “intentionally ruling against the law”. The police searched his house and office. Now a search might not sound too bad, but it means that his house was trashed by the police. It will take days to clean up his house.

So the German government is intimidating judges and teaching them to rule as the government wants them to rule. Another step closer to finding a Stalin

alf says:

There have been a few protests by the usual minority of good folks. But we know the effect of such protests.

Judiciary, very similar situation happened: a judge ruled that curfew was illegal, that very same day the higher court ruled that curfew was definitely legal. So much for trias politica.

The elections have been a major dissapointment for me. I expected people to vote against covid measures. They did not. The alt-right greatly underperformed. Hard left parties also underperformed; people voted soft left and cuck right.

I’ve heard some people argue that the Dutch election were stolen like the American ones, but I don’t believe it. None of the same suspicious patterns.

Even still, all the covid regulations are slowly ending over here. I believe the reason is not because they believe covid is over (if it were up to them, covid would go on forever), but that people are no longer complying with the rules. Everyone wants to visit friends and family and whatnot, and not doing that indefinitely is too much trouble. So really, humans taking the path of the least resistance is what seems to be ending the covid scam. Masks will still give holiness points for an indefinite amount of time, but I guess it’ll just slowly go out of fashion, like transgenderism.

Karl says:

I remember the appeal courts ruling that curfew was legal, but that was in proceedings of an interim injunction. Interim injunctions are quick. Nothing unsual in an apeal court overruling a lower court in a signle day in proceedings of interim injunction.

Goverments need an army of judges. Some will believe that they are independent and rule occasionaly against the government. That’s usually not a problem for the government. The government simple makes sure that such judges are not promoted and ensures that all appeal courts toe the line. An appeal courts overruling a lower court is bussiness as usual.

The case in Gemany was different. A court of first instance decided against the government and the government decided to prosecute the judge for perversion of justice. The police serached his home and just wrecked the place.

Search warrants are used to secure evidence. There is no possible evidence that conceivably could be found in the judge’s home as perversion of justice simply means that he knowingy passed a wrong decision.

The accusation of perversion of justice was simple done to intimidate the judges. Now every lawyer in Germany is aware of that.

In the Netherlands, lawyers can still pretend that the judiciary is independent.

alf says:

Ah that makes sense.

The Cominator says:

Merkel has been the German Chancellor FOREVER, I think it was Roosh who pointed out that if she weren’t such a cathedral stooge the lugenpresse would be calling her a dictator.

Pooch says:

I’ve heard some people argue that the Dutch election were stolen like the American ones, but I don’t believe it. None of the same suspicious patterns.

I know nothing about Dutch politics or elections but I read recently (within the last few months) somewhere a Dutch Kamala Harris-like candidate who was horrible in every debate and seemed to be unanimously disliked unexpectedly won a landslide victory which the media portrayed as the hidden “woman effect”. Is that true?

alf says:

It’s funny how alt-right sources are almost as bad at getting the facts correct as the mainstream media.

Yes, one woman won an landslide victory – Sigrid Kaag. She is of the soft left. But a Kamala Harris she isn’t. I find her very likeable. Elitist, but humble about her elitism. Terribly clichéd prog on the one hand – married a Palestinian while working as a UN employee in Israel clichéd, but also four kids and what seems to be a happy marriage on the other hand.

The Cominator says:

Alf what are you smoking, there are no good leftists (well the new ager types are okay) the “likable” ones are always wolves in sheeps clothings.

Never be fooled, they are of their father the devil and abide no truth for there is no truth in them.

alf says:

Yes yes kill zem all take out ze machine gun brrrrrrr.

I mean don’t get me wrong I’m happy there’s people with your zeal but like sixty percent of the population is progressive and my experience is just not that they’re all evil. A few percent of ‘em are, I’ll give you that.

At any rate I’d trust you judgment of character more if you weren’t a stripper dating autist ^_^

The Cominator says:

All their politicians certainly are evil, the non evil new agey ones like Tulsi Gabbard have all left.

alf says:

For the States I have no trouble believing you. As for Europe, the evil varies per country. My country has many parties, some of which blatantly evil, but some slightly less evil.

Like, take Angela Merkel. Is she evil? In actions, definitely. But Hillary Clinton she ain’t. Seems to me that it is exactly because she is not a fully evil person that she has stayed in power for so long.

Pooch says:

The American Empire elite are insane and evil. That certainly includes Angela Merkel. A great many of them are going to need disappearing as Caesar Augustus realized was necessary and Caesar failed to do.

The Cominator says:

Yes Merkel is very evil and insane. The muslim flood, the Libya bombing, I think she STILL has Germany in lockdown (here in the Southern US she would have been strungup).

alf says:

When I look at Hillary’s or Kamala’s neutral expression, I see evil. Just this general hatred of life, like they’d pop a balloon just to make a kid cry. You see that kind of personal evil every now and then, and it’s nice, because it confirms that sometimes the situation is simply black and white.

But not everything is like that. Different folks, different strokes. I don’t see much evil in Merkel’s face. She genuinely wants people to like her, which in a sense is a weakness, but also a strength, because people get to use her for their own ends, which has allowed her to stay chancellor for so long. Hillary could never understand that.

I don’t mind this fantasizing about The Day Of The Rope, and this talk of Helicopter The Progs. But it’s just very very detached from the situation we’re actually in. The situation we’re in calls for survival first, which means cooperation, which means not scaring off honest people who perhaps do not share the same bloodlust as some here have.

jim says:

I recall Merkel flinching from the German flag, like a vampire from sunlight. She would shrivel before the cross. I see plenty of evil there. Childless women tend to turn evil, unless they have nieces and nephews. They want the world to die with them.

I don’t see evil in the photos of her that come up when I search, but sometimes in videos I see a loathsome bitter monster appear for a moment.

The Cominator says:

There are different degrees of evil, Merkel may lack the pure malovolence desire to create suffering for its own sake… but she’ll commit any crime to remain in good standing as a holy leader.

jim says:

I don’t see desire to inflict suffering in Merkel. I see desire for death, the anti life force of a vampire. She does not want everyone to live in suffering. She wants us all gone, while Kamala Harris wants to trample on our faces and break us to bits. Merkel hates life, and hates us living.

The Cominator says:

To be fair Jim all good people should shun the false German flag.

There is only one true German flag.

Pooch says:

Fantasizing about purging the left is not helpful but it is helpful identifying who are enemies are. Our enemies are the evil and insane elite who are selected for their adherence to an insane and evil state religion. They may all have different degrees of evilness and and insaneness but we know what side they are on and it isn’t yours. It’s class warefare.

jim says:

At some point we will have to purge the left – though the situation will, I fear, be that a Stalin has already done most of the really unpleasant necessary work.

If we are brave and lucky, we might take power early enough that really unpleasant means will be required. But no need to plan for that optimistic case unless it looks like arriving. If a Pinochet finds himself in power, we show up and tell him he needs memetic sovereignty, what Putin calls spiritual security, and we can provide.

Pinochet was a moderate wobbly leftist who was disturbed by the radical leftists, and had to be dragged by the junior officers to the still smoking presidential palace, still decorated with fresh brains and blood.

The libertarians then showed up, and sold him memetic sovereignty of a sort, but their doctrine eventually failed to resist Cathedral memetic forces, as it failed in America. Libertarianism, infamously, lacks doctrine on family, women, and sex, assuming a population of isolated sexless sovereign individuals, all equally capable of exercising liberty, and all independently solvent, which makes it weak against Cathedral memes, which weakness leads to the Cathedral correctly viewing it as readily assimilable and in no real conflict. There are no households, no children, and thus no single mothers in libertarianism.

The correct economic doctrine is libertarianism assuming a population of independent households, solvent, and capable of exercising liberty, and if a man is not individually solvent and capable of exercising liberty, he should be part of such a household, and if he is not, he is a problem that needs to be fixed, contained or eliminated.

suones says:

To be fair Jim all good people should shun the false German flag.

There is only one true German flag.

Wrong flag. Also, fake “country.” Any Saxo-Teutonic nation has to include Osterreich an have an alliance with the Anglo-Saxons.

The Cominator says:

The Kaiserreich’s flag is the right flag.

Ace says:

I’m sympathetic to Com’s solution to the leftist problem if for no other reason than the shredding of the old books from the libraries. Destroying knowledge is an evil that should result in a lot of pain and suffering before death’s release.

But it’s cringe to talk about it when we’re so far out of power and have no prospects to be in power.

jim says:

Retired generals say what actual generals say behind closed doors.

Any challenge to big steal has to go through the army, not the courts.

The Cominator says:

Like I said I think they’ll wait for higher gas prices and for Biden to be as hated in the midwest as he is in the South (at least central Florida) but after that this letter means hes gone, switching in Kameltoe won’t save them either…

Nobody believed that the pipeline shutdown was due to “Russian hackers”.

Pooch says:

We are likely still several years away from Caesar, but if this letter is indicative of what actual flag officers are saying, as you imply, than it is indicative that Caesar exists.

We know from the transcripts that the order for the massive troop deployment came directly from JCOS Milley. My guess when the time comes to fight, the military will split as it did during Caesar’s Civl war.

Ace says:

If military men’s extended families are unable to make ends meet, there isn’t going to be a lot of them trying to save the people who stole the election. The solution to this problem is huge pay offs to the military itself, as Venezuela does. I’m sure the deep state will attempt the same.

Dave says:

That’s what the government will do if it wants to survive. Void the national debt, print just enough money to pay the soldiers, and tell everyone else to get a fucking job.

Pooch says:

If military men’s extended families are unable to make ends meet, there isn’t going to be a lot of them trying to save the people who stole the election.

Except if wokeness and diversity are preventing them from being promoted at best and purging them from the ranks at worst. The way things are trending eventually a purged officer is not going to want to be purged, as Caesar did not want to be purged. There will be plenty of woke non-purged officers that will fight for the reasons you specify, however.

Contaminated NEET says:

Pshaw. How many “warnings” did Trump get from various military men? They don’t have the balls to do anything.

The Cominator says:

Trump got warnings from former natsec bureacrats with a couple generals, these are all flag officers.

Contaminated NEET says:

>natsec bureaucrats
>flag officers

These are different things? Honestly, I don’t know that world, but it seems to me those are synonyms.

The Cominator says:

Civilian DoD bureaucrats (and some not even DoD some were “think tankers” and glowjoggers) and political appointees who served as secretaries to the services vs people who were actual flag officers in the army, navy, air force and the marine corps. The letter to Trump had a few former flag officers but they were mostly bureaucrats.

This letter came strictly from former members of the officer corps who had reached flag rank (generals and admirals). In the event of a coup the officers are way more relevant than the bureaucrats. Now these guys have been pozzed for a long time but they aren’t full woke fanatics… and they don’t like what they see and are making an implied threat.

Vox Day is poo pooing it for not being as explicit as the French letter but its still a big step.

Pooch says:

Bannon talking about the letter this am on War Room and interviewing one of the Generals. Worth watching the replay.

The Cominator says:

Could you send a link because its not something I normally watch but I might this time…

Pooch says:

You have to scroll to the right to the General Boykin segment.

jim says:

> Now these guys have been pozzed for a long time but they aren’t full woke fanatics…

I was hoping for Sulla, but a Cromwell will do.

Cromwell led to Monck, and Stalin very nearly led to Beria.

The Cominator says:

I will eagerly serve his grace the Lord-Protector.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Amen. We take what we can get and we give thanks to God in his mercy that he didn’t firebomb us. I’ll serve an imperfect man over an avowed Satanist any day, especially if it gets us closer to a restoration.

Pooch says:

They don’t seem pozzed at all to me.

Carbunckle says:

Apple employee fired for describing women in the Bay Area “as soft and weak, cosseted and naive despite their claims of worldliness, and generally full of shit” in book published years before hired.

Cloudswrest says:

Based on employee protest.

I’m always amazed when these mega corporations allow the inmates to rule the asylum. It was a breath of fresh air when Coinbase and Basecamp told these f*ckers to hit the road.

redpurplepurple says:

“It was a breath of fresh air when Coinbase and Basecamp told these f*ckers to hit the road.”

a temporary arrangement. it will not save them.

Mike in Boston says:

a temporary arrangement

Indeed. Didn’t Ryan Singer resign at Basecamp, and the CEO make some cucky statement?

As I have said before, we need a simple set of principles to serve as a Schelling point for dissenters to rally around. Otherwise we shall assuredly all hang separately. The statement “We reject diversity and inclusion as organizing principles for society” might even be enough.

jim says:

You are looking for minimal set.

The qualifier “as organizing principles of society” is dangerously fluffy.

On the other hand, “We reject diversity and inclusion full stop” is a bit too restrictive. You would not want to exclude a competent and supportive potential employee because he is diverse. The problem is that you are forced to include hostile and incompetent diversity.

One dot Indian is OK. Two dot Indians are a plot against the white engineers, which, if successful, then leads to a plot against management.

Women are fine with close alpha male supervision – trouble is that HR prohibits supervisors from being alpha enough to meet women’s ever more disturbing and disruptive demands for adequate alpha.

Dangerously fluffy might suffice.

Mike in Boston says:

Dangerously fluffly might suffice

You are too generous. My candidate statement is indeed too fluffy, too easy for our enemies or even normies to choose to misinterpret. It’s just that I haven’t come up with anything pithier, but, damn it, there has to be something pithier and more straightforward. And whatever it is, will have to be adopted posthaste by every gun club in America if we are to avoid seventy years of communism.

Two dot Indians… leads to a plot against management

I worked for a dot Indian for a while. He was a talented engineer and taught me a good deal. But what blew my mind, as I have mentioned before, is how he would make a vehement case for the BJP to rule back home in India (this was pre-Modi) while at the same time mouthing all the left-wing Diversity shibboleths and voting Democrat in the US. I never figured out whether he lacked the self-awareness to see the contradiction, or saw it and was at least honest about his self-interest.

At that time, of course, he was more woke than the old-fashioned liberals who were our DoD clients. Today those old Navy hands are all retired or dead and the new generation of govvies is just as woke as he…

Ace says:

It’s pure self interest.

Pooch says:

But what blew my mind, as I have mentioned before, is how he would make a vehement case for the BJP to rule back home in India (this was pre-Modi) while at the same time mouthing all the left-wing Diversity shibboleths and voting Democrat in the US.

This mirrors what has been the traditional American Jewish stance. They strongly advocate for an extreme ethnostate in Israel yet mouth all the diversity rhetoric in America even saying “we are all immigrants, this is really Native American land.” Unable or unwilling to see the contradiction as you say, perhaps due to aversion of committing thoughtcrime.

Ace says:

The funny part is the Jews basically bred themselves out of existence raising their kids of cathedral poison they spewed only intending to harm Americans.

Poo in the Loos would eventually do the same but I think the end of empire will come before that gets too advanced.

The Cominator says:

A lot of leftwing jews have been very false friends to Israel for a long time… they support israel as long as it has a leftist government that is selling out Israel. A hardline likud government not so much. Dot indians are more broadly capable of more blatant hypocrisy.

suones says:

You would not want to exclude a competent and supportive potential employee because he is diverse.

One dot Indian is OK.

Women are fine with close alpha male supervision…

You’re trying to stop the waterfall midway. It is not possible, and folly to attempt. The correct way to stop a waterfall is to dam the stream.

A competent “diverse” employee is a defector on his tribe and nation — he will certainly defect on you given half a chance. More so if he’s a converso.

Indians are OK…in India.

Women are never OK in the workplace under any circumstances except on a family farm/business under husband’s supervision, or teaching/caring for family children. Never for wages. I’m sure you know the economic arguments for this too.

suones says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Intel is petitioning USG to cut a few extra pounds of flesh from the backs of Real Americans so it can get a slice too. The argument being since they ditched making chips to now be another platform for preaching the gnostic faith, they should be get dealt in on the present state religion’s racket too.

Preferential hiring of those made holy by their dysfunction over those made unholy by their function in particular, and disrupting mannerbund formation through introduction of alien elements in general, is of course power sapping work; cannot stand by itself, except if held up by an outside power. So they say, ‘we are in the business of providing black transbian self-esteem; but this noble quest is quite expensive; so give us subsidy, that we may continue providing this valuable good’.

‘Microchips are infrastructure’ goes the tagline – and one may take a moment to appreciate how fantastically amazing it is a player could fail to profit from something so inexhaustibly in demand. Intel’s CEO says ‘if you like chips, and you like black transbian self-esteem, then give me money, then we can have our cake and eat it too’. This is what you could perhaps call the NPC normie’s version of lieberulism, typified by it’s solipsism; that there’s this abstract thing called an ‘economy’ out there, which we can inconsequentially squeeze juice out of for doing Nice Things that make us feel Nice.

But should black transbians have only one section of society where they can be provided self-esteem? If black transbian self-esteem is a Good, then we should converge all those other sectors – that as a matter of coincidence, happened to be yet productive elements – as well. And now that we’re all claiming status as pulpits for preaching the officially unofficial religion, we are now asking for our own cut of the tithe also… But where is that cut coming from…? Such is the Mystery that lies at the heart of this faith, mere acceptance of which demonstrating true piety in it’s kind…

It’s not hard to say what you want. A company in the business of providing chips can say they are in the business of providing good chips, no providing validation to the chronically insecure. They can say they are in the business of putting together good men for providing good service to good men. That’s just part of the journey though. It’s not enough to simply not share the faith of an enemy; if a man wishes to overcome, he must fully realize his own faith.

What matter is it to make chips rather than provide black transbian self-esteem? Why pick one over the other? Clearly implied cardinalities are all but impossible to miss when laid out in such form, but make it explicit. The point is one is serving to foster potency, and the other isn’t. The point is civilization. The point is *potent* civilization. Raising your Angel up into the heavens; raising, empowered, *as* the Angel. Raising up towards God, with God, within God.

suones says:

Raising your Angel up into the heavens; raising, empowered, *as* the Angel. Raising up towards God, with God, within God.


Completely incompatible with Semitism, of course. It’s funny to see Semitic creeds being tortured to fit Aryan concepts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In truth, it was like that from the very beginning.

A hebrew prefers his religion, like everything else, to be abstract and legalistic, a creation without a creator so eminent in it’s motions.

The idea that divinity can incarnate, that you could open your door and have breakfast with someone mantling God – that you could break fast *with* God (or, as the case may be, something else) – is something his mode of thought does not lend itself to coherence with.

This is why even in the first place, Christianity caught on much more amongst the Ionians and the Latins, than it did amongst the more geographically proximate levantines.

info23 says:

You seem to miss the Theology of Theosis in Christianity.

“3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.

4Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. ”

(2 Peter 1:3-4).

That and the Glorification of the Bodies of the Believers:

“What is sown is perishable; it is raised imperishable. 43It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power.
44It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

45So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam a life-giving spirit.

46The spiritual, however, was not first, but the natural, and then the spiritual.
47The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven.
48As was the earthly man, so also are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven.
49And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so also shall we bear the likeness of the heavenly man. ”

Contaminated NEET says:

>mega corporations allow the inmates to rule the asylum

That’s not what’s happening. The corps are using “employee pressure” to justify doing what they already want to do. Imagine the response to similar “employee pressure” to do anything remotely right wing, and you’ll see I’m right.

The Cominator says:

It varies from corporation to corporation.

With twitter google and apple (which are run by true believers) generally I would say what you say is true. With other companies its more the management knows the woke have the backing of the state…

Contaminated NEET says:

>With other companies its more the management knows the woke have the backing of the state…

That’s probably true for some of them, but that’s bowing to state pressure. Employee pressure is just a fig leaf.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

On may 24, 1961, a group of negro preachers and naacp jews boarded a bus, intending to break the law by trespassing into spaces earmarked for the native teutons. And the sovereign reaction to these trouble makers was… a national guard escort to ensure no one got in their way, and glowing reports of their exploits wired by the Megaphone around the world, to ensure every peasant from Inchon to eastern Czechoslovakia heard about what some coons in Mississipi were up too and how that should make them feel.

If one has ever seen ‘unpopular opinions’ threads in a forum somewhere, one may note that they tend to select for a certain kind of opinion in particular. Not actually exactly unpopular opinions of course, no. But certain kinds of opinions which do have an opposition to certain kinds of demographics. More specifically, opinions of clades rising in status over clades losing in status.

The relevant clades in this dynamic on the down swing aren’t actually down and out yet. They’re still around. There can be quite a lot still around even, and they may make aggrieved noises when poked. But they don’t have power behind them. Whereas there is power behind the contraventions. And everyone knows it.

This is what a modern synagogite calls ‘moral courage’: mopping up actions. People see a stick with power, and of course they will pick it up and start using it on others. Their targets won’t like it, of course, and they may even try pushing back, of course – but there is only so far they can push, are *permitted* to push. You know, and they know, that if it becomes an ‘issue’, power will come down on the batters side. And such, the batters go out *looking* to make things into ‘issues’.

suones says:

And such, the batters go out *looking* to make things into ‘issues’.

This is why it is folly to attempt debate or compromise with a Leftist. He only initiates contact when he has assured himself of his victory. It is the opposite of good faith. It is better, if possible, to use force oneself, or if physically weak, to run and live to fight another day.

Ace says:

The Star Prophet failed his SNL test. He’s retreating at full speed trying to prove he’s a good leftist bitch.

The first meme under this post shows why.

jim says:

This may well have adverse consequences on his rocket. I see rocket engineerettes on the horizon.

Ace says:

Unfortunately so. I hope it was just a misstep he can recover from, but his failing looks really bad. Typically this is when leftists demand real acts of supplication.

Ace says:


Pooch says:

What exactly did he do on SNL that was so bad?

Ace says:

The picture posted there is Elon pretending to be Lugi with a boner. Elon’s a sperg who’s played off his spergness as eccentric genus and made it cool. SNL hit him on that cool status.

redpurplepurple says:

waitasec, so he was supposed to embarrass himself on SNL…. as a token of submission to the Cathedral?
woah. then thats gotta explain why mike Pence got that pacemaker…

Ace says:

I have no idea why he went on SNL. It was a fucking stupid idea. It was like Sarah Palin going on SNL, nothing to gain and everything to lose. Trump got away with it because he’s 10x funny than anyone on that show.

Pooch says:

Plus Trump did it before he was in politics and when it was still actually funny.

Bob says:

I saw it live at a friend’s party. SNL has basically never been funny, but Trump was funny, which is obvious and came as no surprise at the time. He had announced his 2016 presidential run well before the episode aired. Basically your post is incorrect.

Pooch says:

Ah ok.

Dave says:

SNL is a real gold mine, as in, you have to dig out and crush fifty tons of rock and dissolve it in cyanide to extract one ounce of pure gold. I’ve never not been bored while watching SNL but William Shatner telling Trekkies to get a life was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

Starman says:


“SNL hit him on that cool status.”

Words don’t do so well against landing rockets on a barge in the middle of the ocean, or landing Saturn V sized rocket stages (Starship SN15).

Which leads me to a question. On what basis did Jim place such high hopes on Elon Musk’s spaceX project? What led you to believe in the first place that it would be immune to diversity and wokeness?

Pooch says:

Trump’s space force was protecting it.

Ace says:

Jim expected SpaceX to be destroyed by the FAA range master once Trump was gone. Right on queue the FAA range master started delaying and canceling Starship tests with all sorts of tactics, including one test he simply didn’t show up for after he turned his cell phone off for the entire day.

Then Suddenly the FAA became Elon’s bitch and SpaceX was calling the shots again and Elon was having a ball trolling twitter. I think we all hoped that Elon would Prophet his way to get man to Mars even without official protection. That’s not looking likely right now after SNL.

I’d speculated that SNL was a trap for the Holy Space Prophet a few weeks ago. Much like Trump at the capital protest, he walked into the Trap as a lamb to the slaughter. Elon’s made mistakes before and has always learned from them and come out stronger because of it. I pray the same happens this time.

Contaminated NEET says:

SNL? Who gives a fuck? It was never a good show, even in the supposed boomer glory days of the 80s. So Mr. Billionaire Hero Prophet isn’t a great comedy actor. So what?

I suppose it shows he still values the Left’s opinion, and that he still considers the Cathedral to be the “font of all honors,” which is not great, but not surprising. Still… Fuck SNL. They were never funny, and the last time they successfully exercised power over public opinion was when they made Sarah Palin a national joke – an impressive enough feat, but it was over ten years ago.

Ace says:

>SNL? Who gives a fuck? It was never a good show, even in the supposed boomer glory days of the 80s. So Mr. Billionaire Hero Prophet isn’t a great comedy actor. So what?

I was hoping it wasn’t a big deal but Elon’s reaction on twitter says otherwise.

The Cominator says:

Phil Hartmann was genuinely funny (the truly saddest celebrity death in my life) and if you don’t think so you have no soul…

Contaminated NEET says:

He was excellent on News Radio, but I barely remember him being on SNL.

The Cominator says:

Fuck given that they don’t make good comedies today and I haven’t seen that show in forever I should rewatch that show…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Your ordinary synagogite will get a terrible case of the vapors when seeing or even contemplating anything that contraindicates the default Women-Are-Wonderful boilerplate. But of course, the ‘left’ at any given point of time will be a menagerie of clades with mutually exclusive rationales for backstabbing, united only by coincidental opposition to something yet higher to backstab first. This has several implications, but the pertinent one here is that when a wedge is needed, there can be options to pick from.

So it seems someone got the bright idea that the best thing to try next would be to start sending homosexuals to shill in places not misinformed about men’s fairer counterparts instead. ‘Greetings fellow women haters, I see you hate women, I happen to be something of a woman-hater myself’.

They can say all sorts of disparaging things about women, being literal faggots, but in a distinct weird and off-kilter way – that is, that they do so go on about women in such notably antagonistic manners.

Ace says:

Very good insight. Faggot behavior tends to enrage me when dealing with them in person and I can see why Fed Faggot squad is having a similar effect, though I hadn’t grasped what they were at the time.

Anonymous Fake says:

The gayest thing normies do is hand over their children to public schools. Catholic school priests are a lot less gay. The only serious conservatives are those demanding school reform, and predictably they are accused of being the gay ones.

Any kind of mass politics that doesn’t involve schools is strongly associated with either grifting or showing off one’s own caste and sexual appeal. It isn’t meant to actually change society.

Actual homosexuals are controlled by randomly selected civil servants. Bad meritocracy is how they gain control.

Bob says:

Examples? I want to train myself to spot this pattern.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There’s a few right here downthread actually (eg, ‘noname’ going on about ‘breeders’; antinatalism is always a giveaway),

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Antinatalism is a violation of the prime commandment and is a horrific sin against both God and Man. Of course the Satanists would embrace it. It’s a sterile word, perfect for the sterile homos.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

ur moms a violation of the prime commandment lmao gottem

Yul Bornhold says:

Cathedral propaganda on “hate” is eye-rollingly self serving in the first place. If you’d rather not be mugged by negroes, you “hate” the harmless African-American minority out of sheer ignorance. If you would like to own your own country as a citizen (like a boomer con), you “hate” the hard working Mexican immigrants who originally built this nation.

In real life, it’s not hate to treat children like children, nor to treat women like women, nor to treat ethnic populations as having their characteristic traits. The Left doesn’t (and probably can’t) understand this and therefore sends homos who actual, in the real sense of the word, hate women in an attempt to blend in. The difference is comically obvious to us.

The Cominator says:

Great posts, though its hard not to feel a certain amount of contempt for modern western women.

Women are much more programmable with propaganda and conformity conditioning then men are, and its easy for a man who resisted the conditioning every step of the way to rather dislike women in general (ala Winson Smith in 1984).

Pooch says:

Anger phase. Don’t hate women, they can’t help their nature.

Required says:

It’s perfectly valid to hate something for its nature — I particularly hate joggers, for example.

Feeling contempt for the current ownerless property exuding an aura of spiritual decay and inspiring physical disgust is legitimate. This entire generation of women has been ruined and anyone with eyes to see knows it. Lament or not, it happened and will continue to happen until the world order makes a drastic shift. When that day comes, I’ll reconsider my stance. Until then, women are at best annoying holes who may or may not he capable of physically ejecting a decent child.

jim says:

It is not their fault. Its our fault, in the sense that their society and their tribe has failed their shit test.

Getting angry with women is getting angry with them for not being like men, not doing what men would do. It is the purple pill and the black pill.

Required says:

This logic can be infinitely extended.

The blacks are not at fault for being indolent where it counts and civilizational arsonists when they feel like doing something. Those white men never finished the task of piously shaping them into ideallic humanoids. Don’t hate the negro, hate the blanco who failed him.

I am less so angry, which is a more active emotion seeking its level, and more so filled with a sort of quiet disgust and contempt. The women I speak of in these posts, the common variety, they are not worth the brain cycles it requires to render them. Consider this writing an indulgence, I plan to forget about these concepts when I hit submit.

I am entitled to hate their nature, regardless if they chose it or not, the same as I am entitled to hate the nature of the cockroach or bedbug. Am I blackpilled for this? Do I not understand the cockroach? Surely it must have played an essential role in the lifemap of some ecosystem. We must honor the nature of the cockroach, and shed this idea that they should be removed from our homes and lives. Similarly, we must shed this idea that women are at all at fault for eating of the apple. They are mere substrate and no will or behavior. Furthermore, I do not think ill of women for not acting as men. I think ill of them for not acting as women in the ways that matter. For seeking sexual gratification from an endless line of exciting dicks, sampling as many partners as possible is a male trait. Tattooing and piercing themselves, to signal short-termism and risk taking? Male trait.

What sort of feminine behavior do we see besides the negative? The rare single mommy nurturing her child? This is solely a civilizational fault? Are we having sympathy for the beta NEETs who jerk alone in their rooms now? The petty criminals? They follow their incentive gradient too, if we’re handing out passes for bad behavior.

I can cope with reality. I can accept that if I want to pass on a biological legacy, I need an opposite gendered accomplice. I cannot and will not accept that disgusting behavior, motivated by deep roots or not, is justified because ‘well that’s how they are’. I don’t know what the final synthesis of all this becomes, but it’s not caring for the common woman produced by this corpse of a former nation.

jim says:

The difference is that blacks are inferior in everything except running fast and surviving in the tropical jungle, while women are overwhelmingly superior within the proper sphere of women.

From which I conclude we should contain women in the proper sphere of women, where they are very pleasant to have around, and ship blacks back to the tropical jungle to eat each other, whereupon it will be a great relief to not have them around.

suones says:

Not having blacks around isn’t a silver bullet. Domestic proles fill that role everywhere in Asia (including Russia), and the situation would be very bad indeed were it not for organised crime syndicates containing and channeling their energy.

Slave importation was a solution to the problem of prole misbehaviour, which problem will also need to be addressed in due time.

jim says:

The nature of women is exactly what it should be in their proper sphere. The anger and the black pill comes from expecting women to act like men in the male sphere.

suones says:

Apropos Winston Smith: Julia’s “Anti-Sex League” membership was just a shit test, which Winston passed. I cannot help loving women — its like cake or whiskey — I know it’s bad for me but I can’t help it lol.

redpurplepurple says:

And winston boldly stating that he had wanted to murder her made her pussy drip

Cloudswrest says:

That crazy Michigan Gov. Whitmer bitch wants to shut down, for Leftist reasons, an interstate oil pipeline that passes through Michigan that’s been safely operating for over 50 years. Allegedly would have greater impact than the Colonial pipeline shutdown. Owners tell her to pound sand but she is escalating.

Ace says:

Now they’re holiness spiraling on who can destroy the US economy the fastest.

I saw some propaganda on reddit about that pipeline the other day before the announcement. It’s a deliberate push.

Pooch says:

Lmao…you’re absolutely right.

The Cominator says:

This is the kind of thing that will eventually cause the army to coup and remove them.

suones says:

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Pooch says:

Problem is the highest ranking officer (Milley) is a stone-cold leftist and personally ordered the massive troop buildup around DC. A bloodless coup is not likely.

Ace says:

I wouldn’t put any bets down on that. Leftists may be getting dumber but they have a much better idea of where their power comes from and the dangers they face from the military than we do.

Cloudswrest says:

“… than we do.”

Is this the royal “we”? I assume you mean the typical “conservative” voter type.

Ace says:

Recall that most people here and Jim was convinced that Trump had a loyal military before they stabbed him in the back while the left was sure the military backed them. The left has better insight into the actual levers of power than we do.

This isn’t surprising considering we really don’t have any intel from inside the actual government. Thus it’s foolish to assume we know better than the left on such matters.

When one is proven wrong, it’s best to analyze why and then adapt your perspective on that basis.

suones says:

Recall that most people here and Jim was convinced that Trump had a loyal military before they stabbed him in the back…

Count me out of that one. I’ve maintained that the US military has a long tradition of fighting for evil and backstabbing their allies, from the “shores of Tripoli” through helping Jews decapitate Third Rome to firmly establishing International Prog Rule per the wishes of FDR, to chasing “racists” out of Little Rock at bayonet point. They represent the tip of the condom that’s given to schoolgirls in Afghanistan.

The last American soldiers to have fought for Freedom wore grey.

ten says:


The american god of war has accepted subservience to the american god of coordination memeplex, which is an evil demon.

He must not forever freely accept it, and the pen beats the sword only while the sword is sheathed and the penman alive.

Awaken Ares, Aryan God of War! The penmen of Christ have slipped the grasp of their tool and are forbidden to regain it, denying the meek their well earned respite from your fury. Awaken, and teach the meek again the Fear of God, so they may again sheathe their swords, lest they find their mettle tested against unconquerable destruction. Hail Ares, living God of War!

Is it still fedposting if its just, like, poetry, man?

suones says:

…if its just, like, poetry, man?

You just experienced Divine Inspiration. This is a power of the Old Gods. Even thinking hypothetically about Ares (or Mars, per preference), will boost your courage if you have Aryan blood. Classical poets like Homer or Vyasa accomplished their great works while being under Divine Inspiration continuously for a long time.

I don’t think it’s fedpoasting. I could be wrong tho.

Pooch says:

Yes they have been well aware for a while that the military is a weakness for them which is why they are putting that insane BLM leader as the Diversity Commissar. Highly unlikely we are lucky enough to have a bloodless coup by the military to stop the insanity. Much more likely we get a bloody civil war with a lot of collateral damage that the right may not even win in which case we hope for a Stalin/Sulla/Cromwell from the leftists who win.

suones says:

The story is as transparently fake and gay as the Kuwaiti incubators — both having a tearful young female witness at the centre. This is why you burn witches — believing them leads to everyone getting fucked over.

Mountain Farmer says:

Jim, would you consider putting all your posts in a printed book that you sell?

linker says:

It would be cool, but I think he would be morally opposed as it endangers people by linking their real identity to extreme crimethought. He goes to great measure to secure our privacy.

suones says:

He could sell it for Monero. I’m not sure how many could buy it at all though. I certainly couldn’t. Another issue is the lack of incentive. We’re priests — money simply doesn’t excite us. My own writing, for example, is of sufficient quality to pursue professional writing blogging in a paper or magazine, but what’s the point? Our aim is to say the truth, and ensure it spreads widely, which is currently incompatible with making money.

This is also the reason that Dharma prohibits priests from seeking money for services — because then they would have a perverse incentive to say untruths and pleasant lies, negating the very function of the priesthood (acting as a common source of truth for everyone else). This is also why a just King is required to maintain and nourish priests in His Kingdom, who must have no independent source of income. A sane, truthful priesthood serves to ensure that proles, Vaishyas, and warriors are all on the same page as the King.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Our modern priesthood is more or less 100% ‘maintained and nourished’ by the sovereign – with the occasioned sub-phenomena of grantsmanship attendant thereto.

As it happens, they are also 100% HIV positive.

Money is not the problem. The call for high status figures to be impecunious is itself an invidious injunction of degenerate would-be priests against their more orthodox betters, who, in a vitalistic civilization, not only can be rich, but will proudly display the all the cool panoply their stations can afford them.

suones says:

Our modern priesthood is more or less 100% ‘maintained and nourished’ by the sovereign – with the occasioned sub-phenomena of grantsmanship attendant thereto.

This is the natural state of priests, and it cannot be helped. Priesting simply isn’t very profitable. Good thing that a fraction of men consider status to be derived from knowledge and its application rather than from money, and such men are priest-like, and the relatively lesser money (compared to arch-Vaishyas) is not a problem for their status.

A good sovereign must choose to nurture sane, eusocial priests, as is the case with any patriotic National Church, or in a lot of Muslim lands till WWI — where the Supreme Spiritual Authority in the world is united with the Supreme Temporal Authority in the person of the Caliph.

…[priests] not only can be rich, but will proudly display the all the cool panoply their stations can afford them.

Priests can indeed be rich, in absolute terms. For example, temple endowments are the richest trusts in India, and have little to no expense, just investing and increasing their holdings. Similar to the apocryphical university professor who might have multi-million grants but would still walk to his office (or drive a two-stroke Saab). Even if he bought a Mercedes, it would be a diesel one (which would probably run vegetable oil). Or the priest who presides over a millionaires’ parish but drives the same FIAT for 50 years (and his descendants sell the car in perfect condition after he passes lol — “vicar’s car” is a thing in the UK).

Proud “display of wealth” is déclassé for priests, and is a Vaishya trait. Priests always proudly display superior holiness which is their currency. If priests are running after money, it means that superior holiness is being granted by money (a very American thing), and indicative of the sovereign having been already corrupted by Mammon.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you’re going to say it is inevitable then that means you had no reason to make noise about it in the first place.

My point was trying to make organizations ‘non-profit’ doesn’t make them non profit. When you try to block up a steampipe, the pressure simply routes around through cracks, fissures, and side-channels instead – power always seeks to accomplish what it always and already sought to accomplish, but in this case, in far more messy and deleterious forms, than allowing power to route through the most obvious, explicit, and elegant outlets.

The Cominator says:

Displays of superior holiness beyond a certain point are to be the sole province of monastic types in remote areas… but among the regular priesthood who preach to the people it needs to be punished swiftly and often by death.

Priestly types need to be kept on a very very tight leash enforced by harsh punishment.

suones says:

Exactly. Since superior holiness is the currency of priests, their failure mode is holiness-spiralling. Similarly, the failure mode of Vaishyas is crony capitalism, and the failure mode of warriors is civil war. None of them is a desirable outcome, and they all must be swiftly identified and harshly punished, usually by death or banishment.

The Cominator says:

Crony capitalism is more a result of priests and warriors in power favoring certain Vaisyas (merchants) and not generally initiated by the merchants themselves (though corrupt favors for big bribes initiated by the merchants can happen)…

Merchants never rule and the idea that they do is a meme spread by marxists and believed by simpletons. The failure mode is always with warriors and priests who do. Maybe if you have a dual classed merchant warrior society like Venice or the Dutch Republic this crony capitalism initiated by merchants themselves is a factor but 99% of the time it isn’t.

Mountain Farmer says:

I was thinking of Jim just printing his articles, not the responses from people. That way everyone keeps their privacy.

linker says:

How is Starman coping with recent events?

Ace says:

We don’t have any hard evidence things have gone poorly, yet. Elon fucked up and is kowtowing but SpaceX is still moving ahead.

The big test will be if NASA strips SpaceX’s funding and if the FAA range master returns to delaying Starship tests.

The Cominator says:

Sounds like South Korea also did something close to what Indonesia did in the mid 1960s too.

I think South Korea has had a pretty weak left which mainly focuses on labor unions ever since but the country is heavily flooded with Cathedral memes. Still its leftism even under heavy cathedral meme bombardment (more so than Japan) is weak and mainly focused on giving organized labor perks.

The Cominator says:–dWOY

I have to have some unabashed boomercon admiration of Israel for doing this, they apparently just deliberately bombed the mainstream press building in Gaza.

Incredibly based!

jim says:

No nation with a gay parade has ever won a war.

I doubt that Israel will be the first:

“AP staffers and other tenants safely evacuated their office building after the military telephoned a warning that the strike was imminent within an hour”

To win, need to be willing to kill your enemies.

Blowing up empty buildings is a waste of valuable explosives. Hamas and AP can simply reach out to take possession of another building.

Ace says:

As the world discovered during WW2 air power only works due shock damage. Calling you foes ahead time so they can escape negates that power.

The Cominator says:

Yes it sucked that they warned them 1st, they should not have done that.

ten says:

They are making the motion, demonstrating their ability to play the game, yet the sheath is on the sword. Either an empty threat, or a turned cheek.

If god is on their side, they will not need to unsheathe, and if he is not, they already should have, and if he is, following the spirit of the law but giving leniency to its word, “need to be willing to kill your enemies”, for the sake of the olive branch to the enemy is a gamble. A severe risk taken for the possibility of increasing mercy, where you hold the entire risk yet your enemy shares in the reward.

Gambling with mercy is dangerous yet facing that danger and paying its toll is virtuous, so i pray the lord rewards the jews for their good gamble this time, and smites their enemies should they burn the olive branch.

The Cominator says:

Imagine thinking it is noble to show mercy to members of the lugenpresse.

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.

suones says:

Children of Yahweh are not afraid of soldiers of Baphomet, but the lugenpresse are priests of Moloch, of whom the Yahwegians are mighty scared.

suones says:

<blockquote…i pray the lord rewards the jews for their good gamble this time, and smites their enemies…

Sure, Yahweh will certainly try to do that (regardless of his children’s “good” or “evil” doings). But the other side has Baphomet and Moloch allied — not a very good sight for Yahweh.


Bilge_Pump says:

“hey, uh we were thinking about bombing your building, and were hoping you could, like, get out first? That would be great. Kthx!”

– Female Israeli Military Official tasked with slaughtering enemies

redpurplepurple says:
The Cominator says:

“Commander disciplined them”

Gave them a spanking?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

More evidence that the Deep State is trying to destroy Israel. Colocating their forces with their media organs. Bet they thought they weren’t going to get blown up. Good on the IDF for blowing it all up. Too bad they didn’t get the journalists.

Ace says:

> Bet they thought they weren’t going to get blown up.

They didn’t get blown up. Non leftist killing a priest/journalist provokes a very strong reaction from the cathedral which is why they’re alive. Israel’s pretending to be strong but it’s only strengthen their foes the same way German bombing attacks straighten the British resolve during WW2.

jim says:

I repeat: Cannot win a war unless you kill your enemies.

Israel faces a slow burning existential crisis. It past time to blow up its actual enemies, rather than their proxies.

If they had blown up the AP in Gaza, they would not need to bother with blowing up mere Hamas leadership.

Blow up one Hamas leader, AP will just get another. Blow up AP, and Hamas loses its command and control. Blow up the ngos in Gaza, and it loses its funding and logistics.

Ace says:

>If they had blown up the AP in Gaza, they would not need to bother with blowing up mere Hamas leadership.

The reaction form the US would have been pretty bad. And yes they should have killed them. They should also flatten every area that fires a rocket at Israel. They would have effectively left the American empire with that singular act and Netanyahu might very likely would have been overthrown by the Cathedral agents within his government.

Netanyahu’s playing a game of pretending to be strong while not out and out leaving the American empire. This is making Israel weaker and weaker, but the fact is Israel wouldn’t be able to handle the US coming after Israel the way we went after Libya. They’re just as POZed as us but they only have a fraction of our military power.

Netanyahu needs either nukes or a nuclear power backing him before he can pull that trigger and if I remember right you are of the opinion Israel doesn’t have working nukes and the US knows it.

The Cominator says:

Russia would gladly offer them protection in such a case.

Ace says:

Would they? Netanyahu would need Russian troops in Israel to prevent from being overthrown by the POZed Israeli military. Or does Netanyahu have his own personal militia that he can control events with until Russia can move in?

Pooch says:

Makes perfect sense why Netanyahu congratulated Biden while the election was still is dispute. Signaling that he was not going to defect on the American regime.

Gestahlt says:

jim, Israel IS the NGOs.

jim says:

Then why are the ngos funding rockets to be fired at Israel and providing logistics for the people that fire those rockets?

Why did the ngos have fits when Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem?

Why are all the Soros shills unable to say “Jerusalem”?

Pooch says:

What faction of elites is directing Soros? The old guard Pelosi/Biden faction seem to still be backing Israel.

The Cominator says:

Pelosi maybe for appearances sake but it was Biden (well his cabal of course since Biden makes no decisions) who gave the Palestinians at least some of the money for this.

Pooch says:

Why even give the appearance of supporting Israel’s right to defend? Why not just come out and say we condemn Israel and support sand jogger rights.

jim says:

In the holy faith of progressivism, sand joggers are holier than Jews, and to be sufficiently holy, a Jew has to agree with this. There are still quite a lot of Jews around within the elite who do not in fact agree with this, whereupon we get a Jew on Jew conflict.

A Muslim should back Muslims, and a Jew should back Jews. If a Jew backs Muslims, it does not mean we can trust him more than a Jew that backs Jews, it means we can trust him even less. Which does not mean we need to care too much about this Jew on Jew conflict.

If you hear someone telling you that sand joggers are holier than Jews, chances are he is a Soros shill. We don’t care and should not care which ones are holier. It is an internal Jewish conflict, and while the Jews on one side of the conflict are our enemies, the Jews on the other side of the conflict are far from being reliable friends.

I wish Israel well. They are enemies of our enemies. I wish they could become our friends. They might, but they surely have not yet.

The Cominator says:

They want to keep some of the remnant of true dual loyalist leftist jews from jumping ship.

The Cominator says:

Israel needs to switch allegiance to Russia now if they can, John Oliver is simping for Hamas and BLM style mobs are rioting against them. The left is making them into a new South Afrika.

suones says:

Israel needs to switch allegiance to Russia now if they can…

Yes, yes. I’m sure the bones of St Nicholas will welcome his Church sheltering the tribe of his murderers. What level of delusion is this that imagines a Judeo-Russian alliance is beyond me.

The Cominator says:

Putin will base the decision on realpolitik calculations on whether he’ll offer Israel sponsorship and protection if they ask, neither irrational holocaustianity sympathy nor wignat style hatred will sway them as Putin to my knowledge has neither. I do not know what decision he’ll make. The Iranian government is likely to scream bloody murder is likely to be his biggest obstacle but they depend more on Putin than Putin does upon them. The Arab states don’t seem to even to pretend to care anymore at least for the time being.

While I personally have some degree of schadenfreude to leftist jews in the West who still adhere to the dual loyalist position (they aren’t what they used to be) so I can mock them and say haha you fuckers should have supported Trump (and I’ve done it a couple times already) I’m sort of sympathetic to Likud supporting jews in Israel itself who now find themselves exposed to the full South Africa treatment.

Suones this is not a fednat forum so please stop broadcasting fednat memes… dot indians generally have the worst qualities of jews without much of their redeeming qualities. Their leftism is of a more fanatical quality, the dual loyalism is more brazenly hypocritical (when it exists and they are not consistent progs), and jews are mostly honest people personally at least as far as the letter of their word goes (you need to word your agreements carefully as if you are dealing with some fictional occult demon but they’ll keep to the letter), dot Indians are not. Jim and I I think generally agree on this… so stop throwing stones from a glass house.

Progressive jews are evil and deserve the helicopter because they are progressives not because they are jews, I want all male progs to get the helicopter and only attractive females to be spared to be sold as concubines. Ethnicity would neither earn you condemnation nor mercy only whether you were a prog would matter. Orthodox jews who take jewish ethnic identity seriously and reproduce mostly supported Trump and whatever they did with them they should not be subject to helicopter solution to the progressive problem.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Ethnicity would neither earn you condemnation nor mercy only whether you were a prog would matter.

Der ewige Tism.

suones says:

Ethnicity would neither earn you condemnation nor mercy only whether you were a prog would matter.

I rescind my support of your candidature for Grand Inquisitor. This line is so mired in the US tradcuck tradition it could’ve come from Marco Rubio.

suones says:

I find it funny and sad at the same time how so many get excited over intra-Semitic factional struggles playing out as “war theatre” where no-one of holiness actually gets killed.

If this is the state of Philosemitism in the reaction, I shudder to think what would be the state in “traditional” American conservatives. I see a lot of Israiliyat in Hindus too, but I figure they’re just ignorant, but Americans doing it is pathetic.

jim says:

Noticing that the Cathedral is making war on the nation of the ethnic group that is one its major power bases is not philosemitism.

I want the components of the Cathedral to start fighting back when the salami slicer comes for them.

Oog en Hand says:

Like Turks? Like Armenians?

onyomi says:

Yeah, Jews’ recognition that they are next on the chopping block after WASPs and Catholics (and before East Asians?) is inevitable; the faster it happens the better, I’d say.

onyomi says:

And by Catholics I mean white Catholics, e.g. Irish, Italian, etc. Hispanic Catholics, by contrast are favorably positioned to inherit the rubble sooner than blacks will ever rule?

“While the current Black Craze is flatteringly described as “egalitarian” and “liberatory,” black artists’ main objections to thrones seems to be that blacks aren’t sitting on them.”

Bilge_Pump says:

“I find it funny and sad at the same time how so many get excited over intra-Semitic factional struggles playing out as “war theatre” where no-one of holiness actually gets killed.”

Many palestinians are dying. This is the problem progs have with the conflict, many people of holiness are being slaughtered by Jews.

“If this is the state of Philosemitism in the reaction, I shudder to think what would be the state in “traditional” American conservatives. I see a lot of Israiliyat in Hindus too, but I figure they’re just ignorant, but Americans doing it is pathetic.”

For me it’s a question of whose neighborhood I would rather live in. I’d much rather live in Israel than Palestine. I also say somewhat reluctantly that I’d rather live in Portland Oregon or some other prog shithole than Palestine, but I’d rather live in Israel than Portland.

Pooch says:

Bannon had 3 of the generals from the letter on for an hour plus this am. I’m not sure any conclusions that can be drawn from what they are saying but it’s still interesting. Here are the links:
Scroll to the videos on the stream or click Episode 949 and the beginning of Episode of 950

Pooch says:

Jim what’s the best way to convert Cardano to USD without paying taxes? Bisq doesn’t support ADA yet right?

jim says:

Cardano is the anti privacy currency, the evil twin of Monaro. I recommend it because it is proof of stake, high consensus bandwidth, and being actively improved by a bunch of very smart people. And, being proof of stake, has great potential to go rogue as the regulatory crisis arrives.

I don’t recommend converting Cardano directly to USD unless you are going to pay taxes. Convert to Monaro, perhaps convert back to bitcoin, rinse the bitcoin in Wasabi wallet, and sell in person through the De-Fi. Or use a De-Fi altcoin to cash out.

The De-Fi markets are awfully thin, because, as Cardano points out, they lack big market makers, or even the capability to have big market makers. Cardano is doing a De-Fi, or about to do a De-Fi, but it will probably be evil unless they go rogue in the regulatory crisis.

The De-Fi do not support Cardano because evil. It will be interesting to see what happens with Cardano’s De-Fi.

If you actually need to buy something that requires US dollars, then cash out, but I recommend hodling and paying no attention to the daily noise from the markets.

I don’t (ever) convert crypto currency back into fiat money. I buy crypto currency with US dollars and sometimes spend the crypto currency directly as crypto currency. Over the next decade or two, I expect everyone will do the same, though the software is not yet ready for that. So I am not the man to ask how to do it.

Pooch says:

Best way to go from Cardano to Monaro? Are the main exchanges like Kraken and Binance the only way?

jim says:

Only way at present. You could checkout the Binance DEX, but I know nothing of it.

Cardano is planning a DEX. Maybe it already exists.

Mike in Boston says:

Some outfit operating on claims to offer Cardano (ADA) to Monero (XMR) swaps. I have no idea whether they are legit or a scam, caveat mercator.

Pooch says:

Looks like there are a bunch of these conversion sites operating.

jim says:

These are all centralized exchanges with some degree of KYC, but Cardano itself has a sort of KYC, in that its basic coin format supports blockchain analysis, wasting space on the blockchain with unnecessary information. But once the money is in another currency, you can escape KYC. And I rather expect that their lightning network will eventually be resistant to analysis.

Cardano is designed to provide identity to wallets, so that *wallets* can have KYC. But you can have an anonymous wallet. The problem is that transfers between anonymous wallets and KYC wallets reveals the identity of the anonymous wallet. This can be fixed in a lightning network with exchanges happening off blockchain, and coins being mingled off blockchain. It is not fixed yet.

jim says:

Right now, Binance.

Pooch says:

It’s interesting to note that if there’s one thing the elites disagree about, it’s Israel. The entire political Republican elite from the most establishment GOPe cuck to Donald Trump unambiguously back the Israeli nationalists (obviously from the massive donor money) which does not seem the case for the Democrat elite who range from Luke warm support to the Israeli nationalists to what seems to amount to outright destruction of Israel like whoever’s directing the Soros-funded NGOs.

Rick says:

Any insight into how the near term economy is going to go? My super conservative real-estate investments are way up and I was wondering about refing them and put some that money to work in crypto or an index fund.

Seems like a good idea if we’re going to continue to see massive inflation because I’ll just pay the loans back with inflated BidenBucks.

jim says:

Leveraging real estate when inflation looms is apt to be lucrative bet. Worst case you will not lose all that much. Moderately competent investment will beat mortgage interest rates. If nothing much happens, you will likely get a higher return on your investments than the interest on the mortgage, and if, as is increasingly likely, fiat money becomes worthless …

Best case they do the great minority mortgage meltdown all over again and print piles of money for brown people and single women with no income, no job, and no assets to move into green leafy suburbs – which they promptly abandon, because the surviving suburbs are built to be inconvenient for their lifestyle.

suones says:

If Rick can time his exits, he’ll make mad bucks even in the situation of a mortgage meltdown. A lot of (presumably white and especially Jewish) speculators made a lot of money offloading properties to the most Holies.

jim says:

I had specifically in mind the situation of the mortgage meltdown as incredibly lucrative.

During the great mortgage meltdown you could, and in November and early December of 2005 a huge number of people did, pull a drunken unemployed homeless illegal wetback with no papers out of the gutter with a bottle of whisky, and have him make his mark on a four million dollar mortgage for a million dollar house carrying a two million dollar mortgage. There were entire streets of houses so sold in the bay area.

And no one was ever charged, because racist. Not one person.

And then after that, when payments failed to come in, the bank kept rolling the mortgage over for a higher mortgage for a year or two, even though this theoretically requires the mortgagor to sign the papers for the new mortgage, and it is highly unlikely that they would have been able to find the mortgagor. From December until the thing collapsed, it was all rollovers in New York, with real sales in the Bay Area largely ended in 2005.

Ace says:

The treason in the military runs deep. Trump tried a full withdrawal after the election was stolen and the military refused his orders. No wonder he had no confidence in crossing the the Rubicon:

Pooch says:

Yes it’s absolutely clear that the military swears no allegiance to the “commander in chief”. They are horrified, shocked, and offended that anyone would say that the President of the United States is the commander of the United States Armed Forces.

The Cominator says:

Trump’s being horrible with personnel is much to blame for this…

Pooch says:

Nah Trump had no actual power over the military. He couldn’t even get Vindman fired.

The Cominator says:

He would not give direct formal written orders that would have to be obeyed under matter of military law the way he should have… it may have been annoying but that is what he should have done…

Pooch says:

Did you read the article? He gave formal written orders to the military to withdraw from the Middle East and the military literally said “No”.

It is just more confirmation that elected officials have limited power over the non-elected deep state, which the military is clearly a part of.

The Cominator says:

Then it should have been followed by formal written orders dismissing them from the military and court martialing them for disobeying direct lawful orders naming their replacements and that the replacements should carry out said orders…

Pooch says:

To which the deep state would have promptly laughed in his face, especially knowing he was a lame duck. As Jim often says, it took Augustus 10 years to get the deep state under control with loyal death squads at his back.

Pooch says:

Looks like Milley stone-walled him who is also who directly ordered the troop build up around DC. This guy is bad news and has a lot of power. He would have no problem genociding pleb whites. If he ends up being our Stalin we our in for a lot of collateral damage.

Ace says:

Then it should have been followed by formal written orders dismissing them from the military and court martialing them for disobeying direct lawful orders naming their replacements and that the replacements should carry out said orders…

At which point Trump would have been arrested for Treason, assuming they didn’t just ignore him, much as Nixon was ignored. Trump never had a chance because he couldn’t find people who were loyal, the people he thought were loyal were traitors, and he could not put his actual supporters into power.

jim says:

Space force purged.

Radical leftist now in charge. Pretty soon Musk having an inadequate number of engineerettes will be deemed a security threat.

Rick says:

Bunch of attacks on Elon this morning including from Jack Posobic. They’re going to try and purge him.

Things are not looking good.

On a positive note they’re now producing 70 raptors a month, enough for 1 upper stage and 2 boosters per month(some the early boosters are going to be complete losses). Most the big engineering hurdles might be over, though I’m no expert on spaceship development.

Oog en Hand says:

There are technological solutions to spiritual problems. Hell is eternal.

Oog en Hand says:

I meant NO solutions.

Starman says:

@Oog en Hand
You couldn’t conserve the girl’s bathroom. And wouldn’t question the family courts and divorce industry.

redpurplepurple says:

aw, c’mon! why couldn’t he just keep his mouth shut?!?!

hiding your power level and laying low is imperative (at least until someone crosses the rubicon)

jim says:

For revealing his power level, Mars may well be delayed.

Possibly until a new race creates creates a new civilization.

Pooch says:

Or helped accelerate the path to Caesar. He is one of the most distinguished pilot squadron commanders in the military, there are segments of the military that are not very happy with his purging. Time will tell.

The Cominator says:

Yes coups depend more upon ground troops than satellites, hopefully this doesn’t sit well with a lot of warrior colonels in the army and marines.

If the US military has a coup it is far more likely to be a coup of colonels (who are much less pozzed than current flag officers) than one of generals

Starman says:

Captainess Shaniqua is too slow, fat and lazy.

Elon Musk is fast. A few orbital launches, landings and relaunches of Starship is all Elon needs.

Joe says:

Are you giving up or carrying on?

jim says:

I am a priest and an engineer. I preserve the faith of Gnon for the day when it will rule, and I am working on a project that I hope and, even though it is way behind schedule and nowhere near ready even to be seen by other people, I expect that it will make it a lot more possible to resist the imposition of the official faith and do business even when an intrusive official priesthood is taking over business and military. People have asked me to publish, but I have published. See the bottom right of The internet never forgets. Publications will soon start focusing on cryptographic currency and forums when my software is in a slightly less embarrassing state.

Joe says:

It is all good. I ask only for information. I have enough information along with the Hydera protocol and the Anonymous Multi Hop protocol to implement the coin part of your system but it would be of a poorer quality than your product and would take much longer. The other parts, the network engineering and the Zooko identification and messaging system, would be much harder, as I know nothing about these apart from what I have read on this blog.

But if you are continuing on the project then it would be a waste of my time to make my own crappier and slower version. It would also be a pretty shitty Mark Zuckerberg-tier thing to do even if I could pull it off.

The only way it would be feasible for me to go it alone is if you did not carry on.

Joe says:

That should read Hedera and Anonymous Multi-Hop Locks.

jim says:

Go right ahead.

The sooner we get something out there that supports anonymous multi hop locks, the sooner we have a decent De-fi (De-fi is currently sucky, and there is clear demand for something better.)

There is a problem with locks, and that is that free lock gives you a free currency option. It takes some thinking to implement cryptographically our current trust based true name based system for options, where you offer an option to anyone and everyone, and having offered it, first taker gets the option without interacting with you, and having taken it, is stuck with it – he does not get free option on his option. He has to pay for his option, having accepted your offer, neither party can now back out.

A defi market that works will support cryptographic, and cryptographically enforced rather than human enforced, options trading. Writing a put on crypto coin one in crypto coin two is equivalent to writing a call on crypto coin two in crypto coin one.

I am not prioritizing strong anonymity, and am making many compromises on anonymity for the sake of usability and efficiency.

The design objective is that machine ids and public keys are easily associated with IP addresses, pseudonyms and pseudonym public keys not so easily. About as pseudonymous as the good old days of usenet, before it died under the shills and spammers.

Our objectives and our tools do not overlap, and to the extent that they do, then when stuff works we can copy from each other.

I have a chronic problem of letting the best be the enemy of the good enough. If you see a spot for something that is good enough, jump right into it, and do not let my plans for the best get in the way. When I finally go public, it will at first be far from the best.

What I am trying to do is build something that is very far from the best, but is upwardly compatible with the best. But the vision of the best will evolve, and will evolve better the more things that are out there that are good enough.

Joe says:


jim says:

We urgently need DeFi that works like options trading, only instead of writing puts and calls between fiat currency and shares, you write puts and calls between two cryptocurrencies.

Existing DeFi markets have a huge problem stopping people from using hanging locks as free options on relative cryptocurrency values, and their fixes and workarounds for this problem are profoundly unsatisfactory, user hostile, and disturbingly centralized.

That is not a project that I am working on, and it needs to be done. And, having been done, likely to be hugely profitable for the people who did it.

A half completed lock on a DeFi market, a hanging lock on an atomic exchange between two crypto currencies, is a free option on the relative value of two cryptocurrencies, so people keep the locks hanging half completed.

The locks were designed by people sophisticated in cryptography, but ignorant about options trading.

Get the locks done right, so that they work like existing trust based options, you will get rich.

Joe says:

Here is my plan.

Target systems: Debian and Windows 64-bit. Command line interface. Assume founding peers would be disinclined to run on home IP and would run on a VPS instead.

Language: C++11 or higher compiled with GCC or MinGW.

Dependencies: libsodium 1.18; SQLite3; Berkeley sockets.


1. Implement Hedera protocol but with voting weight on PoS rather than trusted IPs. Transactions (v1) as basic as possible, no locks, etc. Each input signed separately unless MuSig is very easy to implement. Transacting between peers is possible.

2. Implement transactions v2 with locks as needed to support AMHL. Perhaps implement MuSig, if not then in transactions v3.

3. Implement atomic cross-chain swaps and off-chain transfers as per AMHL.

4. De-Fi. Assuming that transactions that support AMHL also support De-Fi.

I only just heard about De-Fi so any people who know about options trading might want to look into this as well and I will take on board what they know.

Fee structure TBA. I propose fees paid to network and allocated each voting round according to coin weight of timely voting peers. Voting rounds establish fees for the round after next (vote[n] determines fee[n+2]). Rounds are one week long. Peers state their desired fees. Determined fees are median of all desired fees. Fees are set on: permanent storage; segwit storage; signatures verified; any other limited peer resource.

Client software TBA. Assume early adopters run peers, not clients.

jim says:

Seems sound to me. What I chose, except for the Berkeley sockets part. There is an inherent problem with Berkley sockets. It is vulnerable to DDoS, and so for anything that the Cathedral does not particularly like, lo and behold, there is a DDoS, and you wind up signing up with Cloudfare’s DDoS protection, which is an enemy.

If you release with Berkeley sockets, you need to have a plan in place for upgrading to a protocol more resistant with DDoS.

You need to get out first, and I am always letting the best be the enemy of the good enough. It is good enough to come out with something that works with Berkeley sockets, and worry about DDoS later.

I don’t know the state of Berkeley sockets DDoS resistance without using Cloudfare. Maybe it is better than I think. I have not done adequate investigation of all these hosting sites that offer DDoS protection. How do they do their DDoS protection? The fact that you never get access to the DDoS mechanisms worries me.

Perhaps μTP, with a anti DDoS patch. μTP is also vulnerable to DDoS, but you have the source code. I don’t have a solution in place. I am farting around with various libraries trying to figure out which one is best to build a solution upon. I would love someone else to be doing that. May I should stop farting around and just go with Berkeley sockets, which works.

The basic anti DDOS protocol that has to be integral with your handshake to form a connection has to work as follows:

Client sends a packet requesting a connection, containing a single use public key, corresponding to client’s randomly generated single use private key, and all the other parameters needed for the connection. Server, without allocating any resources sends back a PoW request, its single use public key, any server parameters that the client will need, the client parameters it has just received, and its mac of all this. The information might well be sent in the clear to save one hundred μsec on each message, since I cannot see any way for bad people to exploit it, but bad people are full of surprises and one hundred μsec is tiny.

The proof of work, and the correct result for the proof of work, depends, of course, on the mac, whether we encrypt or not.

When the server receives the reply, it then allocates resources for the connection, among them information preventing re-use of that the proof of work based on that mac.

Berkely sockets does not allot any resources either, but it does not have a pow, and no way to demand a pow until after you have set up a connection and encryption.

Once the connection is running, the server prioritizes service for a connection in reverse order of resource consumption, so that if someone does a DDoS after forming a connection, he goes to the back of the queue – the only way to do DDoS is to perform a lot of pows.

Joe says:

I will go with TCP Berkeley sockets for now with a plan to upgrade as soon as possible to a DDOS-resistant solution.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

At least part of the ddos protection of existing services like cloudflare is based on connection fingerprinting. Browsers/crawlers/user agents with certain configurations will be blocked and rerouted to splash screens like ‘you look like a robot, also do this captcha’, which you can notice if you use extensions that rotate or modify user agent information sent by your browser. As well, many larger sites simply do not provide service without giving them access to cookies caching and scripting, for instance.

suones says:

But if you are continuing on the project then it would be a waste of my time to make my own crappier and slower version.

This is how several monumental software projects were born — from IBM OS/400[1] to Unix[2] to Linux[3]. A crappier and slower version that actually gets to market is infinitely better than a perfect version that’s never finished.

[1] A crappier and slower version of IBM ‘Fort Knox’
[2] A crappier and slower version of Multics
[3] A crappier and slower version of GNU

suones says:

Or he was already marked for removal and this is just him trying to make the rubble bounce.

jim says:

Highly likely

redpurplepurple says:


Bilge_Pump says:

I’ve seen the stuff about Lohmeier, but haven’t heard about a radical leftist being in charge, and ofc I can’t google that sort of terminology. What happened?

onyomi says:

New relocation question: Finland?

Part of the EU and, as such, subject to overregulation, coronadoom, and slow ruination by “refugees,” etc. but much more isolated, seemingly, than most, and also in Putler’s back yard (also probably would mean I can visit Italy, Greece, and other warmer places that interest me regularly and easily). Or is there danger of getting caught in cross-fire if things get tense between US and Russia?

This guys seems to say whatever he wants and not get fired?

Thanks for any thoughts.

jim says:

While I am repeatedly startled that Edward Dutton has not been deplatformed, cancelled, and demonetized, and he has a lot of interesting things to say, he does not say “whatever he likes”, with the result that he winds up repeating himself far too much, standing adjacent to really interesting thoughts but not actually going there.

onyomi says:

Though it seems I should have read his wikipedia article more carefully as his Finnish University seems to have, in fact, cancelled him after all, though maybe he still has some kind of job there?

Virtus says:

Why Finland over the other Baltics?

> also in Putler’s back yard

If this is meaningful, why not Russia herself?

What is most important to you? Creature comforts? How accepted you are by locals? Physical safety? Ability to earn a living with your particular skillset?

I’d like to hear other’s opinions as well. Personally I think the coming shitstorm in the west, and concentrated in the US, is due to be heavy but brief; therefore my plan is peripheral East/Southeast Asian states. Less chance of stochastically violent natives killing you, all the basic biological comforts of civilization, and your money goes far. I’ll figure out the next step after I see where the winds are blowing, no need to tie myself to any particular nation yet.

onyomi says:

>Why Finland?

Job offer.

Aidan says:

Why is the mindset always about running away? Let me tell you a genetic story. Today, the predominant Y-haplogroup in the Near East is still the same as it was 7,000 years ago when the walls of Jericho were built, despite seven millennia of invasion, migration, war, and genocide. Somehow, the shiftless basal stock of the near east endured the tsunamis of history washing over them.

Leon says:

In his defense, America is barely held together. The south is vastly different from the north which is different from the midwest which is different from the east coast, etc. America is less of a country and more of several countries or nations that never really had all that much in common aside from at one point being majority white and Christian. Even then, the demographics of whites were different. Anglo, German, Scots and Irish, Spanish, etc. Different groups of white Christians settled different parts of the country. It is easy to want to flee America when one feels no connection to it.

Oog en Hand says:

Thanks to polygamy, native haplotypes could easily recovery. No enforced monogamy here!

onyomi says:

I’m confused. Are you Finnish and are you saying Fins are polygamous?

Virtus says:

I can speak for myself.

The US is running headfirst into a bloody civil war. I think all tribes that could coordinate enough humans to be successful will not be in line with my goals and values. Enormous risk of death, virtually zero chance of a nation I would care about. Do the math.

To call this running away is merely a rhetorical attack on a decision you personally find unsavory. My position is that I will live on to influence and hopefully be part of the construction of a society, however small at first, that will fulfill my value system. I do not consider my person a haplogroup, that is an absurd reduction. Can you really say you would be happy if somehow things stabilized, and people of your hapogroup multiplied exponentially — only to live in overcramped antilife concrete blocks and subsisting on lentils and mealworms? Is that what you want? Or do you want your progeny to inherit a fortune greater than you did in life and potential?

Dave says:

Your dichotomy is false because if our haplogroup “multiplies exponentially”, it means that things didn’t stabilize, that our rulers somehow solved the woman problem and reversed the decline of the white population while providing our progeny with adequate protein. Poverty doesn’t feel so bad when you have pussy.

alf says:

Spandrel had a post with a similar take, arguing that there is

alf says:

Spandrel had a post with a similar take, arguing that there is no shame in a tactical retreat. It’s a tough choice.

Personally I feel, I dunno, sort of bound to my ancestral land. Whether that’s a genetic thing, an environmental thing, or just angst of the unknown I don’t know. Probably has something to do with knowing it is easier to cooperate with gene groups similar to myself. But I speak as an European not an American. And in the end it’s just a matter of personal preference. If you can get a good life as an expat compared to a shitty life in your home country, why wouldn’t you.

Pooch says:

Well Spandrell abandoned the West to live with the gooks a while ago. Not sure he has an unbiased opinion.

My stance is that abandoning one’s tribe to seek refuge in a foreign tribe is cowardly. However, escaping with remnants of your tribe to escape slaughter to a foreign land (to conquer it) as the Trojans did is sometimes necessary.

Virtus says:

I cannot even call it a retreat as such; the war was lost at least decades ago if not centuries.

My goal is the establishment of something new from the wreckage. Well, need to wait longer for the necrotic tissue to become compost. In the meantime I will work towards laying infrastructure, digital and ideological, that could help lead to the realization of something at least resembling my value system once again on the surface of this planet.

Even as a European your ancestral connection, paternally speaking, is rather shallow

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A reactionary flavored update on the valuecucking meme; a rare but spicy dish.

The Cominator says:

I’m a sperg so I can’t do it but what those of us who are charismatic chads really need to start doing… is start creating religious cults.

Nothing can amass real power as quickly as a successful religious cult. For those of us who are christian thats fine… make it a new christian religious cult designed to displace the lies of modern American cuckstitianity but put a slightly new twist. The change of the sabbath to sunday was blasphemy and it should be saturday or something (yeah its been done but not with manly vehemence)…

jim says:

The Ron Hubbard operation, similarly the Mormon operation.

But their operations had a big lie at their center, and their success depended on the big lie. We want a big truth at our center.

The Mormons quickly sidelined their big lie, and success of the Mormons then came in large part from sustaining a coercive operation in support of marriage, hence they had about four female converts for every male convert (they looked like the strong tribe to women). It was possible to maintain coercion in support of marriage because the frontier was near. How do we do it?

Krakatoa says:

Any standard that concludes Mormonism has a big lie at its centre is going to conclude Christianity has a big lie at its centre.

jim says:

The brass tablets were falsified. The Resurrection is unfalsifiable.

Further, the history recorded in the brass tablets obviously contradicts what we know, and was made up by someone who did not know much about prehistory. The history recorded in the old and new testaments is generally consistent with what we know, both of particular events and places, and the general way things happened during that time. They were sort of incidents that could happen in those times.. The first cities had temples at their center. The exodus happened at about the time of the fall of bronze age civilization, during which there were vast mass movements of armed refugees, and in the battles of skirmishers versus Kings the skirmishers did try to lure the chariots into swampy ground and ground near bodies of water. After that, Israel was anarchic for a long time, and then it had Kings.

As for the flood, sea levels rose about a hundred meters about ten thousand years ago which, if you are farming a river delta in the middle east, is likely to be seriously inconvenient.

Krakatoa says:

I don’t recall the gold plates being found false.

jim says:
  1. Not gold. Brass
  2. No writing on them.
  3. The prophet was proven unable to read them the same way twice without his notes.

And, as I commented above, the history recorded on them is obviously totally fictitious, while the history in the bible is mostly consistent with what we know. We know from Roman history that Herod was King, he had big succession troubles, Pontius Pilate was procurator, he executed Jesus, and subsequently Rome had problems with the followers of the man he executed.

We know from what few and little writings survived the fall of Bronze Age civilization that there were mass movements of armed refugees looking for a place to settle, and apt to cheerfully eradicate the previous occupants, around the time of Exodus. The Tribe of Dan were merchant and sailors, who, during the fall of Bronze Age civilization, became pirates and raiders. Some of them founded or helped found Sparta, others of them helped found the promised land. Being, as is recorded in the Old Testament, a sea people, they showed up all over. The events of the Old Testament are mostly not recorded history except in the Old Testament, but they intertwine with recorded history from a multitude of other sources.

alf says:

Well my original proposition was to call ourselves Jimian and live in line with Jimian values.

But Jim, you want to live under Christ, so we have a strange mix of Jimian Christian values. But strange does not have to mean bad. Could work to our advantage.

The mix means that cooperation is possible with both Christian and non-Christian communities. The emphasis is slightly different is all.

We will succeed because we live in line with Gnon’s will, as Jesus Christ, God’s only son and logos incarnated, wanted us to.

But I do think someone must serve as a rallying point. Must be an alive spiritual leader, even if that leader is retelling the word of a more important, long gone spiritual leader.

Jim, will you be our rallying point?

jim says:

There is plenty of history of prophets in hiding and on the run, but it is hard to be a rallying point while maintaining cover. The tides of history are not favorable at this moment. They could turn – Trump could have ridden National Capitalism to the throne, but he abandoned his troops on the field.

When leftism is stopped from going ever lefter, there will be a vacuum for a new old faith to expand into, and then we can and should aggressively expand into that vacuum even in the face of severe repression, as the Christians did. But now, repression is tough and rapidly escalating, and the potential mass movement converts are not there, because the enemy faith is still live.

Severe repression is likely if leftism is stopped from getting lefter by a Stalin, moderate and erratic repression likely if it is stopped from getting lefter by a Cromwell. If a Pinochet, we will have lots of room for a movement, and will likely get his ear.

I have a small circle of in real life male friends with well behaved wives, who even though some of them are theoretically blue pilled, are respectful, not merely tolerant, but respectful, of my views on women and marriage. It is not a movement, it is not even a club, but it indicates the possibility of a movement. But the time is not yet. I am not evangelizing in person, it is just that when drunk I say more than I should.

And my hands are full at this moment with my crypto currency project, which is way behind schedule, and is designed among its other design objectives to provide a space for organization in a repressive environment. When it is actually useful for such a purpose, it should be used for such a purpose.

Krakatoa says:

I don’t see much utility in criticising the supposed ahistoricality of the gold plates as I doubt anyone in history became a Christian because the Bible was “generally consistent” with recorded history.

And your criticism’s of Joseph Smith can be easily explained away, as that church’s adherents actually do in practice.

In the end, both religions require a leap, but the distance leapt is still the same to a neutral observer. No point in denying this, in my opinion.

alf says:

Then you have answered your own question. (-:

I also find myself with a small group of male friends, whom I would call a club, but nothing close near a movement, who have also grown respectful towards my views. It is satisfactory.

It is however not satisfactory for raising a big family. To do this, you need a movement, or a close-knit extended family at the very least. But there’s ways to make due, it seems to me.

jim says:

My major original reason for cultivating this group of friends was and is to provide a social environment of well behaved women for my wife. My natural inclination is to be something of a hermit.

alf says:

I tried, but failed at this. I hang out with my friends, but my friends’ girls do not hang out with each other, only through the men.

jim says:

When I hang out with the men, the women hang out in the kitchen. From time to time they materialize to deliver food and drinks and remove mess.

suones says:

When I hang out with the men, the women hang out in the kitchen. From time to time they materialize to deliver food and drinks and remove mess.

Indian SJWs are already running attack ads about exactly this lol. Sponsored by a liquor brand no less.

Aidan says:

The new cult of the West will be the cult of formalized natural law, as Confucianism was to China. Confucius says “heaven” and not “Shang Ti”. Its not a cult of charisma or zealous fervor. If we do not collapse, we will end up with the worship of GNON. Jimianity looks like the best candidate.

Virtus says:

>start creating religious cults

This is the conclusion I have reached. Let me lay out the trends I’m seeing, before giving you my thesis.

– Digital life and relationships are becoming primary. People get along better and associate more an more with their online filter bubble. It becomes more normal and easier to translate online relationships to in-person physical ones, and to form strong bonds with their friends made through online means.

– Algorithmic control and manipulation of people’s information flows is getting easier to manage, more subtle, and more powerful. I anticipate that not long from now you will need a sort of ‘conodom’ to prevent getting directly manipulated by hostile parties when using the internet. Even such things as rearranging the order of comments on a blog can subtly affect your perception and mood, imagine what happens when most people are captured by these manipulation tools. Well, you don’t have to imagine, do you? We’re already here. You only have to picture it becoming more complete.

– Brain imaging, interpretation of brain data, and inducing change in brain structures is becoming cheaper, easier, and more capable. I’m not talking scifi schizo stuff here, you can look at for example the Kernel Flow helmet and studies related to it. People will at first use these as nerdy hobby things, but they will become more and more normal just like video games and the internet.

– We now have working internet contract, governance, and currency systems. Every day they get easier to use, more efficient, more capable. The next big step once the hiccups related to scaling get ironed out — which, they pretty much are now, the solutions are there, we need only market convergence — is introducing secure datafeeds to these contract systems. So they will no longer be these game-like systems where people trade arbitrary tokens back and forth, but we will be able to make contracts and governance systems that function on real world events and data.

– ISIS very successfully recruited from the west, using western technologies to do it. It was fundamentally an entirely novel religious movement, though based in old ideas, utilizing the social toolsets we have invented to leverage themselves far more followers than they might have had otherwise. They may have been one of the first but they almost definitely will not be the last.

Are you starting to see the picture I’m seeing? This won’t be one cult. This will be a thousand, a million competing cults using top of the line social coordination technology to grab the most followers and the most resources, physical and digital. We’re in for a real wild ride this century.

jim says:

> The next big step once the hiccups related to scaling get ironed out — which, they pretty much are now, the solutions are there, we need only market convergence

ISIS did OK because the tools they were using were not manipulated against them, because racist to notice Islamic terrorism. We are going to need tools more resistant. (As well as blockchains that implement now known solutions to the consensus bandwidth problem)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Broke: this shows how easy it is for fascism to break out!
Woke: this shows how easy it is for fascism to break out.

Joke: this shows how fragile our Democratic Freedoms can be if we are not ever vigilant in defending them from upgrowths of hierarchichalism everywhere
Bespoke: this shows how even ironic participation in Mannerbund formation conjures Vital energy into existence, suffusing the folk with power

jim says:

> conjures Vital energy into existence, suffusing the folk with power

That it does, but our enemies are vigilant and very aware of this phenomenom.

In vastly more tolerant times, Mormons had to retreat deeper and deeper into the frontier, and eventually they ran out of frontier, and the authorities came after them.

I cannot see that operation succeeding under current circumstances unless we create a colony in Siberia, which would require permission from Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church.

But, as a previous commenter pointed out, ISIS hints at the possibility of hiding a similar operation in the vast dark jungles of the internet.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The broader point is that Socialization is powerful, wherever and whatever mediums it may take place through – that you ought indeed pursue it wherever and through whatever medium you may.

In the denatured speech of modernity, this is sometimes called ‘networking’, or ‘building long term relationships’; properly understood, it is about *forming brotherhoods*.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That is to say, one of the most practical problems a man of good will may solve in this era, is the making of brotherhood formation more possible. As you might say, such a thing is a ‘basic precondition of possibility’.

alf says:

Even as a European your ancestral connection, paternally speaking, is rather shallow

Doesn’t feel that way.

Man is a social animal, and anything of lasting effect is done in a communal sense. If you leave your ancestral community for a faraway land, you willingly atomize yourself. Unless of course you take your community with you, but I doubt that’s the case.

So I think the right take on fleeing is similar to Paul’s take on marriage: most men should stay and defend their land. But for some, moving far away might be the preferred option.

suones says:

A King keeps the Crown Prince and Army at his side. Younger princes and especially princesses he sends to foreign lands. That’s how he hedges his bets.

suones says:

Personally I feel, I dunno, sort of bound to my ancestral land…

Wow you feel it too!? Very strange, yet very hard to shake off.

Mike in Boston says:

I bet Harri Konkanen, whose email address is on the linked page, knows more than any of us here.

onyomi says:


Mr.P says:


“Wave of allegations, scandal could bring down Bill Gates” (Yahoo news front page).

Probably related to divorce settlement negotiations, but maybe more is behind Gates’ getting thrown under the bus, especially the Epstein bus.

Must say, I’m startled by the swiftness Gates went from only a month ago King Vaxx and Depopulate the World to getting de-populated himself.


redpurplepurple says:

the salami slicer is coming for the (old) white democrats/liberals. long overdue.

also I recall a comment from a thread a while back: jim predicted that the Cathedral would eventually start persecuting the (white) tech bros: the zuck, jack doormat, tim crook, jeff bozo, etc. looks like that was on point.

I’m very pleased by this news. the more they devour each other, the weaker they will be when war comes.

Must say, I’m startled by the swiftness Gates went from only a month ago King Vaxx and Depopulate the World to getting de-populated himself.

Why so surprised? they did the same to cuomo. I hope they double down.

The Cominator says:

Cuomo was guilty of obvious mass murder on a massive scale and trying to muscle his way into the presidency I understand why he got the shiv… they needed to metoo him to avoid talking about dem mass murder under lockdowns supposedly to “save lives”.

Bill Gates its a lot harder to understand why he is being thrown under the bus. I don’t normally think too much of Teddy Spaghetti’s posters but one had a good theory that (at least sometimes) the wives are the handlers…

redpurplepurple says:

I think it’s very likely that sometimes the wives are the handlers.

also somewhat related: I remember that someone (AnonymousConservative?) guessed that the Bezos/Gates divorces were just a way to cash out without upsetting the market.

suones says:

…Bezos/Gates divorces were just a way to cash out without upsetting the market.

AnonCon thinks that because that is all a Vaishya can think of. Even when the truth stares him right in the face, he won’t ever admit to having seen female misbehaviour.

Gedeon says:

Bill was the driver in the Gates’ marriage, but I will say from my conversation with Jeff and Mackenzie that she was the driver in the relationship. Her friend from Princeton also runs Bezos ventures and calls the shots on how that money is invested.

Laureen Powell is a heavy hitter activist who essentially infiltrated Jobs, the financial entity, and is carrying on about her business without him just fine.

The Cominator says:

You’ve personally spoke to Jeff Bezos and his ex wife?

Starman says:

Gedeon doesn’t know what he is talking about. He just makes stuff up.

jim says:

Cuomo did not get the shiv for mass murder, but in spite of mass murder.

The Cominator says:

He was following orders but the Cathedral found the governors who actually did it to be a serious optics problem should they seek higher office, and Cuomo was intending to seek higher office because he had been previously given the okay to do so.

Mr.P says:

It’s also possible Gates, aka King Vaxx, is being set up to take the scapegoat fall along with Fauci, Birx, and others for the now quite obvious mRNA vaxx apocalypse.

People are dropping like flies from the jab.

We shall see, probably soon, within weeks.

jim says:

No one in the elite ever faces consequences for fuckups.

Gates is not in the elite, but nailing anyone for the vaxx apocalypse would draw undue attention to it. They would rather it unhappened.

Pooch says:

Yeah it would be more likely they would want to cut him out of the coming vaccine gravy train. People are not dropping like flies. Plenty of shitlibs would line up for infinite booster shots.

Mr.P says:

Yes. Right. Sorry.

I think (hope) “This time will be different” — but nobody ever goes to jail, never hangs from a lamp post, ever.

Vaxx apocalypse will amount to nothing, despite piles of dead bodies.

The nonsense will move on to something new and outrageous, so that the now is memory-holed, forever forgotten.

The Cominator says:

Commies and elites in collapsing republics eventually do start killing each other. It hasn’t happened yet in the US but inevitably it will.

They protect each others corruption until they don’t… then its factions killing factions for all sorts of reasons.

suones says:

Vaxx apocalypse will amount to nothing, despite piles of dead bodies.

This is why I’m an opponent of mass vaccinations (or any mass program in general).

suones says:

(white) tech bros: the zuck, jack doormat, tim crook, jeff bozo, etc.

None of them are tech (or any type of) bros. One of them isn’t even white/Aryan. You are attacking from the left, and are doomed to the same fate as the ones you attack.

The acid test is Richard Stallman (Pax Dickinson is a close second).

redpurplepurple says:

None of them are tech (or any type of) bros.

i am using the “tech bro” label to make fun of them. they are our enemies ’cause they ban/unperson our people, and so on, and so forth.

One of them isn’t even white/Aryan.

yeah, I know. i put “white” in brackets for a reason.

You are attacking from the left, and are doomed to the same fate as the ones you attack.

Oh? What’s this?! Are you… accusing me of covertly being a leftist? brother, why do you doubt me so?
Has the time now come for me to take the shill test? Just say the word and I will. 🙃

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

An accusation like that is not so much saying ‘you are a leftist’, as it is saying ‘the sword you seek to cut your target with will serve your enemy better than it serves you’.

suones says:

Good mental hygiene requires never countersignaling allies. The tech priests are our allies, and mighty powerful allies, as they realise they either join us or die. Similarly I never countersignal “white nationalists” or Hindu nationalists regardless of their level of retardation, because this is the type of person you need in large numbers to counter Leftist thugs.

Leftists have memetic weapons against all of them, of course:

Tech priests -> tech bros
WN -> Nazis
Hindu Nationalists -> Bhakts

I never use those weapons, even in jest. The Boromir gambit always fails. Just as “ironic” commitment to discipline and community really does start receiving GNON’s blessings, so does “ironic” invocation of Molochite spells invoke damnation.

The Cominator says:

You have to countersignal fednats… their ideas tend to come straight from the enemy and generally they are extremely stupid. They need to do as their told.

With tech people… they are now overwhelmingly leftist it wasn’t always so and i don’t exactly know what happened but only a dissident minority are allies of ours.

orochimaru says:


“white nationalists”, whether sincere or not (probably not), are controlled opposition. and “white nationalism” is not a good enough shibboleth to organize around.

“tech bro” means “tech CEO Democrat class”.
and unfortunately, we have very few allies in tech. the tech priests are potential allies. for now they are still Progressives, or in bed with Progressives.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Bros are bros. People who use the phrase ‘tech bro’ as a snarl word are people who hate brotherhood, and also hate technology.

‘Sure i may be white and also nationalist but im not a *white nationalist*!’ cries the pencil neck before the high heeled rainbow boot of the polygon comes down and caves his face in.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What the sort of people who describe men like the zucc or jack dorse as ‘tech bros’ are saying is that the worst thing about them is that they have not had anyone who says ‘all lives matter’ be range-banned from all communications and then passed their home addresses on to the red guards so they can be beaten and hospitalized.

suones says:

…“white nationalists”, whether sincere or not (probably not), are controlled opposition. and “white nationalism” is not a good enough shibboleth to organize around.

I never countersignal them anyway. My benchmark is Anglin. The fednats are super obvious (and are evident by their not being deplatformed immediately).

“tech bro” means “tech CEO Democrat class”.

I have no idea how you developed or came across this definition, but it is a standard Leftist anti-concept and has been one for more than a decade. It implies that nerds not getting female attention are actually deliberately repelling women away (and not because nerds have suddenly come into wealth and prestige and suddenly women want that for themselves without engaging in uncool actual nerdy stuff like “engineering.”)

Moreover, Cuckerberg being a tech bro 😂
The prototypical “techbro” would be Pax Dickinson (who was actually ironically a techbro before getting fired for it lol).

redpurplepurple says:

okok. y’all have covinced me. i have spent too much time marinated in Leftist memes and so I repent.

Pooch says:

Did the divorce go through yet? His wife might just be leaking all the affair stuff in order to get more of his money.

Pooch says:

Decent theory in this video outlining that the elites are moving to defect on Bill Gates to take his vaccine money.

The Original OC says:

Gates has been useful funding and organizing the Covid op, but personally he is poison. Nobody likes Gates, and he’s a dweeb, so even people who agree with him don’t want to be associated with him.

He refused to be a backroom organizer, wanting to be publicly famous and cool, turning himself into a liability.

The things he funded will survive his fall.

redpurplepurple says:

Color Revolution (TM) coming for Bolsonaro?

I think the fact that this can be done while he is president means the writing is on the wall.

Ace says:

The bottom is falling out the Crypto Market. Did I miss something?

Pooch says:

Doesnt seem like there’s any news. I’m guessing there’s a lot fear of incoming regulation.

jim says:

I pay no attention to the day’s news.

Long term, in the long run, we are going to beat fiat money. Some people some of the time get ahead of themselves, and there is a correction, which turns into a panic.

By the time I notice a panic has happened, we are usually in the the recovery phase.

onyomi says:

It’s probably due to a new Chinese regulatory crackdown.

ERTZ says:

In my opinion, current crypto currencies are a rare example of something that unites all major governments with a common interest:
To get rid of them.
They are a destabilizing factor in that they are potentially anonymous, which no gov can allow, because it facilitates tax evasion and undetectable crime (somewhat competent extortion schemes, for example).
Even intelligence agencies should want them gone, because they already have established traditional methods of transferring money anonymously for their needs.

I’d expect a concerted action of all major govs at once at some time to deal a decapitation blow to crypto currencies not controlled by them.

If you think cryptos can successfully withstand such an attack compare it to another form of what could remotely be classified as digital currency as well: Child pornography.
Govs are quite good at keeping it down – try to trade some if you have doubts.

IRS&friends also already have rules in place that require positive proof of origin of funds being from a lawful source or transaction – otherwise any money is considered unlawful and will be confiscated. Those rules can easily be made more severe in requirements and enforcement.

Currently govs want a monetary expansion, due to the virus emergency,
but once that ends and central banks begin to scoop off excess liquidity from money markets to keep inflation in check, I’d expect an overwhelming, concerted, coordinated attack on crypto currencies all over the world at once everywhere.
I’d think they are already organizing it.

If not, crypto currencies would be the 1st example in human history of a successful, stable mass hysteria of legions of idiots becoming and staying rich by doing pretty much nothing.
Most unlikely to happen, IMO.
And just like it always was in financial euphoria, those that have become rich on paper (be it from tulips, stocks, silver(Hunt Brothers), and now crypto currencies) feel that they will be able to sell it all before everybody else does if “something” happens and so protect their recently gained wealth – but like always, a large crowd will try to exit through a small door at once, selling will become impossible or only doable at vastly reduced prices.

jim says:

> If you think cryptos can successfully withstand such an attack compare it to another form of what could remotely be classified as digital currency as well: Child pornography.
> Govs are quite good at keeping it down – try to trade some if you have doubts.

There are terabytes of child pornography on bittorrent. It is difficult to avoid downloading it by accident. The major obstacle to trading in child pornography is the same as the major obstacle to trading in pornography at all: competition from free.

I tend to launch half a dozen bittorent downloads that sound like they might be the file I want, because so many bittorrent downloads fail, and there are no end of surprising files out there. I would say they have become considerably rarer than they used to be, maybe governments have succeeded in reducing it to hundreds of gigabytes.

Fiat is doomed. It will take a long time to die, but I stay out of fiat as far as possible.


Convert fiat to crypto as the opportunity arises, never convert crypto to fiat or dollar denominated stablecoin. Spend crypto for goods and services as the opportunity arises.

Invest in real things, like real estate, but managing real estate is hard, and governments keep introducing swinging taxes on real things. Invest in smart people, but again hard, as the priesthood converges businesses from above and below. Also inconveniently illiquid. So one needs substantial investments in shared hallucinations, unreal estate. Crypto currency has a lot more value as a shared hallucination than fiat money, because resistant to government debasement and confiscation.

Virtus says:

Join the club fren. People have been saying governments will coordinate a crackdown on cryptocurrencies since… probably since 2009 but I know of a few I’ve read from 2011. Guess what, no matter how hard they try it cannot be done. Cat is out of the bag. Think you cut the head off of one and like the hydra several more will pop up in it’s place. All it takes to store your keys is ~12 words. Think you can get rid of every inch of writing? All it takes to transmit a transaction is the ability to broadcast a hash string. Think you can filter every single packet on the internet? Every time a government initiates a crackdown… it just makes the price go up in that market. Has happened quite a few times before.

> If not, crypto currencies would be the 1st example in human history of a successful, stable mass hysteria of legions of idiots becoming and staying rich by doing pretty much nothing.

Nocoiner COPE. Deal forever with the fact that you had MORE THAN A DECADE to accumulate, and you didn’t. Maybe you can catch the next big wave of human innovation on wealth curation?

> feel that they will be able to sell it all before everybody else does

Why the fuck would I liquidate all my investments? You fundamentally do not understand the value proposition and therefore vastly underestimate the total worth of these systems — well I don’t. This isn’t some ponzi, no matter how much COPING nocoiners schreech, this is the new way of doing trade. Welcome to the new paradigm. Getting out doesn’t mean switching to something better, it means going Kaczynski.

jim says:

> feel that they will be able to sell it all before everybody else does

No one substantial invests in crypto currency expecting to sell it for fiat. We invest in crypto currency because we don’t trust fiat. That is the value proposition. You invest in things because you believe their value proposition.

Limits on moving fiat between jurisdictions are tight and getting tighter. Governments do that when they expect a run. I expect a run – not tomorrow, probably not next year or the year after, but I expect a run. If you have fiat or substantial fiat denominated assets when the run comes, you are in trouble.

Is Monero a worthwhile investment, or just something to convert to when you need increased privacy?

Pooch says:

The latter. Does not scale.

jim says:

Two problems. It is possible to undetectably print more Monero, and it is rapidly approaching its consensus bandwidth limit. So in the long run, might well be a poor investment. We need a privacy tool that provides privacy in a different way. Grin would be better – needs more work. If some decent development work was done on Grin, I would invest.

Gedeon says:

Fiat is not about the medium. Fiat is about what the king demands for tax payment.

When can I mine some jimcoins?

jim says:

No mining. Mining is a bad idea for incentive reasons, and because as far as I know there are no mining algorithms that support high consensus bandwidth. Bitcoin is limited to about ten transactions per second, and efforts to raise this have had disturbingly small impact.

proof of stake

Proof of stake with blockdag can do ten thousand transactions per second with transactions being finalized in seconds. Hedera is a good working example.

Optimus Prime says:

What are your thoughts. Send two daughters – one dyslexic – to

a) Post-pandemic public school, one where I’ve intervened, forcefully, to keep my child’s education on track on multiple occasions, that can offer supplemental reading support, and, because it’s supported by tax dollars, allows me to easily afford private one on one tutoring; school has a full spectrum of teachers, some outright bozos, others who are strong classroom managers, but having difficulting retaining staff; woke parents pushing for CRT and LGBTQ agenda, but hasn’t had much impact on the day to day.

b) Small, Christian school with a strong, well regarded leader, but that would suck up much of budget for tutoring, extra activities; wife doesn’t work, so not a lot of free cash flow and must spend dollars prudently – also means can be more liberal about family budget in general.

Obviously, small Christian school has been open much of this school year, public school just opened up 5 day a week in-person and on track for in person next year. Small Christian school would have been better fore this year, but don’t want to drive based on what I see in the rear view mirror.

Starman says:

@Optimus Prime

Send the daughters to their husbands.

jim says:

Kids soak up knowledge with remarkable swiftness and effectiveness, and often schooling just gets in their way.

But, of course, they need adults to soak up that knowledge from. So one on one tutoring is likely to be valuable, while any schooling at all is less valuable, unless, of course, your wife needs the child out of her hair for a while.

If a child has adequate time with knowledgeable adults, consider school to be a child minding service. A child minding service that keeps your child with a better quality of other children is obviously preferable, but you are likely to be paying far too much for it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Wanna know which option will give you even more budget for personal tutoring and other edifying activity? Not sending them to either or any industrial child prisons.

NeoRex says:

Public schools will have your daughters ready for their “entrepreneurial careers” managing their OnlyFans sites.

The christian school might give them a solid enough foundation in reading, writing and math to run a household, plus expose them to some old social technology through biblical stories. Maybe.

linker says:

I agree with Pseudo. Home school + school sports. School is child abuse.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing, rather than arguing, that formal education is intrinsically valuable*]

jim says:

Observed behavior of students reveals that they subconsciously or consciously know that time spent in school is time wasted, except that the school will eventually give them a piece of paper that will enable them to get past HR to talk to someone who will actually put them to work doing something of valuable

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

You just keep assuming your premise, which I challenged.

suones says:

…students reveals that they subconsciously or consciously know that time spent in school is time wasted, except that the school will eventually give them a piece of paper that will enable them to get past HR to talk to someone who will actually put them to work doing something of valuable.

Only if the school is absolutely shit (which is a problem if it is the default in the USA). I learned a great deal at school, and my entire scientific education I credit to school and university. You know where I had lab access to perform the experiments and verify the Law of Gravitation and Electricity? School and College. The syllabus was matter of fact, near zero poz, and the teachers were strict and professional.

Once upon a time, in pre-Internet times, going to the right school and college was absolutely essential to learn, if for no other reason than all the great resources were there, and all the great people congregated there. Internet has blunted that argument, but not removed it completely.

someDude says:

First that thing with Elon Musk and a university degree and spaceX (I noticed that you never answered Jim’s follow up question ) and now this gem. I’m beginning to feel that while you are very articulate, and you are on the right side in the battle against entropy and the Abrahamisms, you might not have much of an idea what you are talking about in this particular area. You are clearly out of your depth here.

Not a whole lot of life experience. Not a whole lot of professional experience. Not a whole lot of interactions with mavericks.

jim says:

I went to a good school, and did that stuff. But that was long ago. Then I went to university, big waste of time.

I think you will find that schools no longer do that stuff.

someDude says:

I went to the best Engineering schools in two countries, one of them hyper-competitive. Almost none of my professors actually built any stuff for use by real people in the real world. Where’s the feedback loop? That’s the first thing you learn in Engineering. All engineering systems need feedback to function. If the professors never themselves ever built anything, how do they know if what they are teaching is relevant? where’s the feedback loop?

And then the universities insulate themselves from all competition such as apprenticeships as well as self taught mavericks using several legal means. So that they are the only game in town when it comes to certification. And then they require all entities to hire only people they certify by another set of legal means.

suones says:

You are clearly out of your depth here….Not a whole lot of interactions with mavericks.


For every self-taught maverick there are innumerable idiots. In the absence of a sane credentialing mechanism/fair performance test it is impossible for a potential employer to differentiate between them. A lot on the right see the presence of a dysfunctional credentialing mechanism and posit that the very existence of a credentialing mechanism is the problem, and that we would all be better off if there were no credentials at all. This is coupled with a liberal dose of anti-priest kvetching that sounds rather lame. Elections (in USA as well as India) have to be fought on the basis of prole votes (because they’re large in number) but I’m not fighting any elections so I write the truth, popularity be damned.

A man’s guru defines his gotra for life, which is of equal status to his hereditary lineage, like an über-credential. A guru who chooses poor-quality disciples suffers loss of prestige and fails to attract good disciples and the King’s funds, losing priestly status. Parental apprenticeship is good enough for proles and, to a limited extent, for Vaishyas. It is horribly insufficient for warriors as well as priests.

Almost none of my professors actually built any stuff for use by real people in the real world. Where’s the feedback loop?

This is strange and I feel sorry for you. Most of my professors had extremely lucrative side hustles, and you could clearly tell which was more knowledgeable by the number and scale of his side hustles. We had to practically beg them to teach us the tools of the trade. Some of them were truly scholars who could spot an error in a standard textbook (and tell if you were simply mugging up lol) and explain exactly why the “wrong” answer was “wrong.” Half of them were ever-prepared to resign their teaching position if their side hustles were threatened. I repeat: most professors had paying customers that dwarfed their teaching income. So why did they maintain professorships? Priestly status, of course.

Perhaps the situation is too bad in the USA, but in India it is relatively easy to create a small/medium enterprise and hire whoever you want. “Credentialism” isn’t really a thing apart from Big Corporate/Government. Even in highly regulated professions, you can rent a credentialed person to sign off on work actually done by others. I see no way to filter out capable candidates from idiots on a small scale short of conducting examination/interview of every single candidate, which is beyond the means of a small enterprise.

The solution to a bad educational system is a good educational system. The solution to a bad credentialing system is a good credentialing system[1] (which was the original reason for choosing civil servants through mass competitive examination). Relentless anti-priest signalling is lame.

[1] “Good” credentialing system implying a system that greatly limits incapable people from getting credentials — rolling back reservation/affirmative action will get us 80% of the way there.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>In the absence of a sane credentialing mechanism/fair performance test it is impossible for a potential employer to differentiate between them.

“Haskell actually is quite useful—in one context. It’s an excellent teaching language for advanced students in a first-rate undergraduate CS program. Learning Haskell cannot help but teach you many challenging concepts, and it is inevitable that those who are both smart and dedicated will master these concepts. The rest will not. And thus the university system performs its principal function, the assignment of rank. If you venture to suggest that the same function could be performed, at two orders of magnitude less cost, by an IQ test and three weeks at Parris Island, you are probably some kind of a fascist.”


Entry level performance testing is easy; the problem is that the contemporary priesthood makes it illegal.

jim says:

> For every self-taught maverick there are innumerable idiots. In the absence of a sane credentialing mechanism/fair performance test it is impossible for a potential employer to differentiate between them.

It is not that hard.

Look at their prior work.

Hence, apprenticeship.

suones says:


Entry level performance testing is easy; the problem is that the contemporary priesthood makes it illegal.


Hence, apprenticeship.

Both of you illustrate a good assessment mechanism, yet you also simultaneously point out it is effectively illegal. I therefore rest my case that the problem is not “credentialism” but rather the absence of good credentials such as a successful apprenticeship, that cannot be faked. “Credentialism” is a fake anti-concept that only exists in Vaishya (or fednat) dreams. And clawing back 80% of the value isn’t even that hard, given removal of reservation/affirmative action (which itself is extremely hard, being an article of faith of Moloch).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Credential’ has a specific colloquial sense here. Somethings that are held up as an opposite to ‘nepotism’, which is apprenticeships, personal relationships, networks of friends, and all the other good nice things that more civilized societies do. Credential fetishism is cargo-cult thinking, mistaking the trappings for the substance, mistaking entities that *declare* themselves to be ‘for the highest things’ to actually be delivering ‘the highest things’, and it is absolutely appropriate to slap it down every time you see a brother falling into such errors as overly simping for priestly forms of power that are serving the enemy.

Cloudswrest says:

> Learning Haskell cannot help but teach you many challenging concepts, and it is inevitable that those who are both smart and dedicated will master these concepts.

Years ago at my then employer I overheard a software engineering colleague giving a phone screen interview to a potential candidate. One of the questions he asked the candidate was, “Can you tell me what a linked list is.” and I burst out laughing (and I’m not even a software engineer. I’m a hardware engineer). He later said it was no joke. Many of the candidates didn’t know. Needless to say they never got further than the phone screen. As an aside, I’m nearing retirement now and my computer skills froze out at the early C++ level. One early app I wrote no longer directly compiles because some of the variables I used later became reserved keywords.

someDude says:

Side hustles? Are you talking about the IITs? Does not sound right! A few are the way you are talking about, but most aren’t.

NeoRex says:

In my part of the world, I haven’t seen homeschooling yield good results in that the small sample I know (maybe 20 families) haven’t produced fully functional adults able to support themselves without the help of a parent or non-homeschooled spouse. Maybe it’s different elsewhere. Most families who run into problems with government schools – and there are many problems to be had – experience good results with small private schools of some variety. My observation is that most young children enjoy the socialization at school and being in a dedicated classroom where they are free of distraction to soak up a variety of basic skills.

Distance learning during the pandemic was a disaster for most of the families I know. My own 6 yr old essentially had a nervous breakdown when school was shut. I saw a lot of children get very fat, anxious, depressed and weird during shutdown, but maybe because it was an extraordinary situation. They were shut in with only mom, dad, siblings and few others. They were so happy, and strangely liberated, to go back to school in person.

Another observation – the kids in elementary spend a lot of time lining up and moving around the school to various activities. At first it seemed repressive to my adult eyes, but then I realized it helped their brains organize, enabling them to navigate large public gatherings and hierarchies. This realization came after watching some homeschoolers at a complete loss in navigating a public festival and unable to quickly resolve issues by finding the appropriate authority to ask. (Every adult is an authority to these kids.) Again, maybe my area is particularly dysfunctional .

HS says:

I was homeschooled in an area with lots of other homeschoolers. My county and two neighboring counties had homeschool groups with 100-300 people each (moms and kids), so I’ve grown up with a lot of homeschooled kids. My observation is similar to yours, but not completely the same and I have an insight about why.

The main insight I have on homeschooling is that it magnifies the influence of the parents on the kids, for good and ill. Parents who were social had social kids. Parents who awkward and not social had awkward kids. Parents who could navigate their professional industry had kids who were able to get jobs and do well or ok.

To your observation, NeoRex. A number of homeschool moms are a little kooky. They have strong opinions about how the world works despite only being a mom and going to church. That’s perfect except some husbands let their wive’s ignorance get amplified onto their kids, making them unable to navigate the world outside their parent’s home. Moms who never worked and think employers want x, y, z have that magnified influence on their kids I noted. They ended up with kids who weren’t woke and were Christian and wanted to have kids, but who also can’t function in a corporate environment or grasp why businesses won’t “give” them a good job. Even though they’re “smart, well-read, and self-taught”. The kids with stupid, entitled moms (and disinterested/cowed dads) became ignorant and entitled. I knew two families with a mom of five who sent their kids to christian colleges and the kids became doctors or lawyers or floral arrangers. And I knew families where the mom was ignorant and the kids are salesman or warehouse workers expecting to one day find their mission in life where money and political influence magically appears like the money in her checking account.

Homeschooling is great if your wife is capable and intelligent and you supervise and participate. It’s meh if your wife couldn’t do what you want your kids to be able to do. It’s great for fighting the poz in your kid’s minds if your wife and church aren’t woke. It’s bad if your wife listens to Oliver Demille or thinks you have to be able to paint to understand the scientific method.

NeoRex says:

@HS makes sense – thanks for elucidating

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The great families of yore didn’t send their kids to institutions, and they also didn’t ‘homeschool’; what they did is hire masters to tutor them, or arrange for them to be apprenticed to masters.

jim says:

As I said, children soak up knowledge like sponges, but they need adults to soak it up from.

So you have to give them adequate exposure to adults who are gainfully employed if you want them to obtain gainful employment. Home schooling by stay at home mum is unlikely to suffice for sons.

(Don’t give your daughters exposure to adults with gainful employment – give them exposure, however, to well behaved mothers of children.)

Rick says:

I can confirm this. I was home schooled and past age 13 or so my mother couldn’t really teach me and I had to play catch up when I hit college especially in math and sciences. I even tried to get a job at that age just so I could start learning how things worked but child labor laws got in the way. I even offered to work under the table. My father was largely absent, ironically busy teaching higher schoolers while failing to instruct his son.

I was very lucky that the jr. college I attended had adjunct instructors who actually worked in the fields I was studying to instruct me. The worst teachers I had were the ones who were full time. I got a much better education that most of the people I started working with later who went to much more expensive universities.

HS says:

Chalk Dust Math was by far the best math program I used and it does an excellent job of helping a teen learn mat up to calc without parental help. Fwiw.

suones says:

…arrange for them to be apprenticed to masters.

This is the proper way for sons. A gurukulam is the correct place to learn.

Daughters should be instructed at home.

Aryaman says:

I can’t articulate it precisely yet, but isn’t it a problem that crypto is hard to really, properly understand a problem that will eventually lead to hidden centralization and sources of trust? Gold works for what it does because it is homogenous and sufficiently many people can properly convince themselves, even without much formal learning, that it cannot be counterfeit from mercury and that methods exist to validate its purity. Those auditing mechanisms can be believed because they have existed for a long time and are subject to a genuine free market.

A lose analogy would be the obvious security of an election where people marked with indelible ink cast paper ballots hand counted by ordinary people under observation by the general public. The correctness of a result procured by such method is very easy to understand. Most people understand it is difficult to hack such a procedure and vaguely understand how it might be hacked if it were so hacked. The same cannot be said for any form of remote or electronic voting.

And I think gold, bullion, and even centralized paper bear an analogous relation to cryptocurrency. You don’t want people surrendering an imprecise but approximately right understanding of why things they use work to what for them is a black box. And if they do you want to make sure there is a free market of readily auditable black boxes that fail quickly if they are defective or fraudulent for them to chose between on the basis of reputation. That is how you get Coinbase, and I’m not quite sure how this can ever be overcome if crypto is to be properly safe in the sense that the knower of a private key has absolute title to his wallet. The entire genius of the law is to make identity easy.

I believe there is some way of actually stating this formally. There will be a fundamental difficulty to properly believing in the dominant crypto that satisfies our other goals. Standing the test of free markets helps, but it is hard to contend with gold and paper whose properties are grandfathered into our memory.

Here is a somewhat inchoate idea? Why not lots of ledgers with a proper reputation system that compete to provide cryptographically robust title to gold and other scarce and homogenous metals? It would require some actual investment in the way of physical infrastructure, but the various ledgers could serve the purpose of sidechains and actual metal which people understand the role of what Bitcoin is supposed to offer today?

And some principled integration between the physical and digital. There needs to be reputation and an ability to launder that reputation to notarize digitally the fact that certain things in the real world did or did not happen (gold was deposited or withdrawn, etc.) Then people might not entirely understand the crypto but can rely on the market to determine which crypto actually confers secure title to a substance which they fundamentally understand.

Ultimately you need something like this anyway if you are to have trustless ecommerce. That is if I pay for something and things don’t work out, if I care enough I need to be able to get a notarized receipt of precisely what I paid for and that I paid for it.

In summary: gold and other noble metals have many limitations but with it you can make many times more than 10 transactions a second. Can’t the one final currency incorporate this wonder by reference ?

jim says:


Cryptography can secure secrets, cannot secure physical things. So a cryptographic ledger about gold titles depends on the government enforcing those titles, making the cryptography of very little value.

People don’t actually understand fiat money, but are plenty comfortable when their browser tells them they have such and such an amount in their bank.

And they don’t understand the difference between their wallet telling them that secrets sitting in their wallet are worth such and such an amount, and Coinbase telling them that secrets held by coinbase, supposedly on their behalf, are worth such and such an amount. But that is going to be OK if we get the user interface done right.

We have to put the medium for communication about money, for communicating metadata about transactions, inside the wallet, as in the old days you sent a sealed envelope containing both a cheque and a letter. Then everyone is going to use that wrapper, owining their secrets the way they used to own their correspondence. A third party like Coinbase will not have a handle to get inside the transaction.

Virus says:

Jim, I believe you are underestimating the power of automation to secure physical goods.

Look at this scheme Szabo came up with ages ago,

Then consider the myriad of tools that have come about since; machine vision, decentralized oracles being perhaps the most important ingredients. Soon — autonomous drones and delivery systems.

I would agree if you said there are holes in a digital ownership scheme and that it is not true sovereignty over property in the preferred way. But it is much much better than what has ever existed before. Imagine gold bank notes backed not just by verbal assurance, but tamper proof video and data feeds of the physical good and its current state. Followed by automated delivery of that good to nearly anywhere supported by a large and growing physical network. With digital assurances and many microinsurance contracts set up along the way to reimburse failures of this system.

jim says:

Armies secure goods. Cryptography secures secrets.

Virtus says:

There is a sort of grey area that exists when sovereign power is difficult and costly to exert. I believe that the systems we are building, when taken to their medium and long term conclusions, will create many such grey areas where exertion of sovereignty over some good will be costly in various ways economic, logistic and social. To mess with these systems would be in many ways to damage their own ability to exert power, since they as well as us would be participants; with perhaps asymmetric benefit to they. A king got more out of his successful households than vice versa.

It’s a soupy mess of incentives, but I believe will alter behavior enough that in many cases individual property rights are strengthened. With a strong assumption of semi rational participants that may not always exist; yes quite the caveat.

namethieves says:

>Armies secure goods. Cryptography secures secrets.

Crypto is a schelling point for value when trust breaks down–probably same natural virality for digital goods.

Seems at least somewhat clear physical goods should be in another category, but possible to imagine a State that defers to permissionless blockchain based property rights for physical goods.

People invest in America because America respects property rights (lol) or the second order effects that result. If blockchain based property rights for digital goods births a strong enough meme, it’s possible to imagine a State looking for investment to back blockchain based property rights for physical goods on the same infrastructure.

Aryaman says:

You still need sufficiently much of the transacted wealth to be controlled by people who actually care about owning their secrets and understanding at least the concept of why the cryptography makes it so. That is something people are able to do, and would in fact be instinctually inclined to do, if the standard were transacting in gold coins. And they would intuitively understand how value is usually debased and know how to test for it if they care.

The interface — and ecosystem — needs to inspire a level of vigilance and hygiene, which vigilance and hygiene are a positive social good. This is not impossible but also not obviously possible with absolute ownership of your secrets, and what that entails. This will lead to hidden and nonobvious sources of trust. Fiat money has the same problem, but bullion coins do not. And either way you will need something like cryptographic notarization, receipts and reputation. Much commerce in bitcoin today works because people still pretend that courts work, and maybe in many cases they still do.

(In fact more important that government doesn’t actively get in the way of certain titles being respected (which it will eventually do) but it’s not all or nothing. The amount of physical intervention should be minimized (i.e. network of gold stores built under public broadcast using checksummed software that will vend gold to proven owner of secrets). The people controlling the stores will be compensated so that absconding with the gold if they can get their hands on it is a bad idea. There have always been free market sources of trust in certain types of bankers, escrow agents, etc. The limiting factor for these is the difficulty of establishing identity, for which problem the cryptography is very valuable. And as far as the government is concerned what you really need is just a few places in the world where the state does not entirely get in the way of title being respected and maybe even helps, sometimes.)

On another note, how much more bitcoin do people in the aggregate think they own than bitcoin actually available in circulation?

jim says:

We tried actual gold. Does not work for long distance transactions in dangerous, untrusting, and untrustworthy environment.

We tried internet gold, internet tokens backed by actual physical gold. The government stole it.

The solutions you are discussing have been tried and found wanting. We tried very hard to make them work.

Karl says:

Crypto addresses only half of the problem of longdistance transaction in a dangerous, untrusting and untrustworthy environment. Payment is easy, but what about the side of the transaction that payment is for?

If you promise to pay me for a good or a service in crypto, either I provide good or service and hope to be paid or you pay and hope to receive good/service.

I don’t see how cryto can solve that problem. Am I missing something?

jim says:

“Goodwill” is worth big cash money. Goodwill is reputation for honoring that side of the transaction.

And the trouble is that “Goodwill” is, like fiat, rooted in a government owned name system.

We need to replace that with a Zooko name system. I am preparing a document on that topic,

noggerlynch says:

I’d like to see crypto software which blocks grandma from sending money to an address that is not linked to a verified, real-world ID. Money should be sent to her bank or post office or employer or grandchildren or a registered tradesman. If she did send money to the wrong person, they can be traced and challenged. To make it safer, limit her from sending money to Russians etc. Domestic transfers only, unless she wants to sit an advanced user exam

Advanced users should be able to send money to any address, but even experts would not want this on by default. It should require “control-alt-delete” command level technical wizardry to disable safe-mode and make sure the expert is not acting in error

This stuff would probably be built into the Brave browser for a while before it catches on enough to be in Windows by default.

I sat in a pub yesterday and had to write out my debit card details and home address into their custom website so that I could order an ale to my table, the payment then had to be verified with the bank app. Awkard minutes, and we were thirsty. It should be one button, with them knowing my ID from my digital signature, me knowing that it is the real pub from their verified key, and knowing exactly how much is being sent. I should not even had needed to scan in their QR code to load the website. GPS data is enough to show that I could only be at one pub, and there ought to be some technology to pick up the table number automatically

There is no purpose in having each place have its own website or app. If my GPS shows that I am there, and I have their verified key, I should be able to send them crypto for an order with a table number. Even if I get the location wrong, it does not matter when I know who they are because I can request a refund

But how do you get to a system of verified wallets regularly trading with other verified wallets, without having governments declare it illegal to send or receive crypto with unverified wallets?

You would want to grow a system where regular transactions between verified and unverified wallets are still mixed in, so that a critical mass of users are always going to be doing it, making it not practical to regulate it out of existence. Ideally this needs to give the groups doing it a practical (probably economic) advantage, something more meaningful than being able to buy locations to dig up mephadrone out from under park benches. This practical advantage from allowing trading with unverified wallets should be enough to discourage national governments from attempting to prohibit it, knowing that it would put their citizens at some sort of (probably economic) disadvantage

jim says:

Who controls the exam?

Your proposal requires a dangerously centralized system, which gives the state a target.

Now if we had a virtuous state, a virtuous state religion, and virtuous elite …

But we don’t

noggerlynch says:

If all land and property and significant assets including vehicles are tied to public IDs which can automatically receive payments and message requests, I should be able to offer a micropayment to cut across a person’s property during a walk, send a request to use his tractor and then request to use his log cabin, eventually all these responses are going to be automated, checking my own credit rating and social credit rating when negotiating the cost and terms. It would be a substantial decentralised replacement for airbnb as hosts would be more willing to open up their homes if they had a reliable way of avoiding niggers and if tenants could prove more about their background more generally (though these two problems are one and the same), likewise a decentralized system would replace vehicle-hire apps along with (as talked about on here already) uber. I’d like to see the blockchain show that when I stayed in the log cabin I left it in a clean state and without stealing the objects, but ideally without the social credit mechanism causing the owner to receive a government backlash for a disproportionate white usage of his cabin

noggerlynch says:

Then make grandma have to enable to an admin terminal or something if she wants to send to an unverified wallet. There does not need to be a strong barrier, can be built into the software

The incorporation of government with blockchain is inevitable. I should be able to buy a house, and greentext the address when buying a service. If I ignore a bill, should automatically be paid when I sell the house , or if renting it should come from my deposit. But likewise I should be able to cancel a service without having to call an Indian call centre and sitting on hold just for someone to try selling me additional services. Blockchains and digital ID can make the whole market smoother, less transaction costs, less risks and higher standards

I should be able to prove my address with green text. Someone should not be able to get my address from my name, or even my name from my address, and even when buying a service : they ought to be able to link my address to my ID, check my credit for my encrypted name but without actually knowing my real name, avoiding the risk of the name-address link being leaked to the deep web. The efficient system is probably a web of pseudonyms, where more can be generated on the fly in an event of a leak, and used to verify parts of my previous ID if I wanted to

If there is a global system of anonymous, pseudonyms and real IDs trading with each other , governments ought to be able to get on board and use the ecosystem for the things they are good at, land registers and so on, without having the will or the capacity to inhibit the ecosystem as a whole

jim says:

> The incorporation of government with blockchain is inevitable


If physical property secured by blockchain titles, then yes, government has to be inside the tent.

But government is inherently by its nature irrelevant to ownership of “goodwill” (value in the directed graph of reputational capital) and irrelevant to ownership of crypto coins. Intruding government into the system is a useless, dangerous, and inconvenient encumbrance, a burden both on the block chain, and on any state that is not particularly evil.

For non physical property, the government is irrelevant, and virtuous government would not be interested in getting inside that tent.

suones says:

We tried internet gold, internet tokens backed by actual physical gold. The government stole it.

Oh? What are you referring to?

Anonymous 2 says:
jim says:

Wikipedia lies by omission

Frequently the principles stole the gold, sometimes the government stole the gold. Often it was unclear who stole the gold.

ERTZ says:

>Cryptography can secure secrets, cannot secure physical things

At least in some special cases, you could hide physical things and have its location data in encrypted form.

Say, bury gold deeply in remote locations, encrypt the info to find it, distribute the encrypted info publicly, use the password(s) as a more convenient+secure way to transfer the wealth than the gold itself would be.

If the party that hides the gold can be trusted, it could be a neat way to transfer wealth, anonymously and secretly.

jim says:

> If the party that hides the gold can be trusted,

trust is exactly the problem.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And once again we have reinvented dead-drops.

suones says:

At least in some special cases, you could hide physical things and have its location data in encrypted form.

Say, bury gold deeply in remote locations, encrypt the info to find it, distribute the encrypted info publicly, use the password(s) as a more convenient+secure way to transfer the wealth than the gold itself would be.

If the party that hides the gold can be trusted, it could be a neat way to transfer wealth, anonymously and secretly.

OK. Let’s say a mutually trusted party (not-USG) buries a shitton of gold at a secret location (not-Fort Knox) and issues not-dollars against it, each not-dollar being a printed promissory note. Each note is unfakeable (with very strict enforcement) and is virtually untraceable once issued, and only the physical possession of a note will entitle you to the promised amount of gold. The note is also transferable without any tax. As paper, it is much easier to secure and transport, and it can be securitised further (not-USDT) to make transmission instantaneous and as secure as current tech allows.

How is this different from your scheme, except that not-dollars strictly follow a gold standard that retards inflation. And how is the trusted party (not-USG) expected to avoid the temptation to print infinite not-dollars and dump the gold standard, just like the actual USG did with dollars?

ERTZ says:

I said “for special cases”,
not as a universal currency.

More like not losing your (financial) power when the government expropriated you,
put you in prison, locked your official assets, etc.
Lawyers must be paid,
friends+family members provided with a means to help etc. – you can always remember a few passphrases, anytime, anywhere, and probably transfer them, even as a whisper, and by that alone, throw significant amounts of money around even if you’re otherwise pretty much impaired.
If done competently, nobody even could notice that just by saying or writing an innocuous phrase a large amount of money has just changed hands.

Call it emergency currency/funds – those not only need to exist, but also must be able to transferred securely and often surreptitiously, ideally through something you can carry in your head.

ERTZ says:

I generally question the wisdom of enabling easy, anonymous money transfer.
You want it because it gives you power,
but it also gives others power over you that you may prefer they rather hadn’t.

People commonly hate each other and want to harm each other,
only law enforcement and social control hinders them.
Anonymous crypto currency enables many nasty things:

Milder, more readily pursued variations:
-Extortion schemes, hardly or non-detectable
-Harm and harassment schemes

Even pupils are engaged in power-and revenge schemes; adults anyway;
there is always a ready supply of junkies, hobos, lowlifes who are willing to engage in violence for money;
imagine the horrors if society enables easy anonymous money transfer:
People will be beaten up, have their limbs broken, knee caps shot etc.;
right now, people often hardly can hold back to do so themselves to their enemies;
when they can just pay to have it done to the people they hate, many will do so;
you yourself would not be safe – from hateful ex partners, jealous women, people who hold a secret grudge
because you looked at them in the wrong way.
Physical revenge and hostility is one thing;
but there would be more subtle ways to harm others – if anybody can anonymously bribe clerks, government employees, even the mail man (who may “lose” important mail for you), your life can easily become hell and you won’t know why or who’s behind it.
Rich people could make a sport out of harming people they just don’t like:
Your tires are pierced, you become the victim of arson, your windows are broken again and again,
Your kids are beaten up on their way to school, …
so many options, so little one could do to protect oneself.

Doesn’t sound like a good idea for a well-functioning civilization to me.

Of course, those things can be done already without anonymous crypto money, but it takes a lot more brains and resources to do,
so the vast majority can’t and everybody is much safer.

jim says:

Why should government have all the fun? Private violence to remove problem people is a good thing. What is a problem is private violence to extort and intimidate people, which anonymous money transfer does not particularly facilitate.

Anonymous payments facilitate hacking extortion schemes, but it not that hard to fix your system to resist hackers. Most businesses and individuals that wind up paying extortion money to hackers have absolutely terrible security practices, which should have been fixed regardless.

Dav says:

Sorry for being way too late, but i had some questions about your opinion on women, despite the fact that i agree with you in some things, for example i think that women should be treated like property and that women should not vote, but i dont agree in other stuff: i think that some cases of marital rape are real ( I mean when the husband REALLY uses violence, like threatening his woman with a knife or a gun) and i think that beating or raping women is wrong, so I will make my point straightly, I have read some of your posts and it seems that you justify raping and beating females, Am i wrong? Are you more moderate by now?
With respect from a fellow reactionary

jim says:

Such strong measures should be avoided if possible.

But women call the tune, and you must dance. Some women will settle for nothing less.

Men conquer and women surrender, but men perform and women choose.

There is no alternative but to perform.

Dav says:

I get your point and I think that disagreement is always present in these wholly new movements because there is always a wide range of opinions, for example you are more “extreme” than me when you are talking about the feminist issues, however it is not a big deal.
I have been thinking about this and like i am also a supporter of patriarchy (Although I am also a supporter of the returning to Chivalry), we could get along since the differences are not substantial nor deep.

baka says:

I have a stupid question. Why do those people who abandon their religions in favor of progressivism continue to pretend to be Christians / Muslims / Hindus? Okay, I understand why politicians do this when their audience is supporters of cuckservatism. But why for everyone else? Do these people just like asking for forgiveness?

alf says:

For pretty much the same reasons politicians do. So you can play both sides of the field. With the grandparents you can honestly say you’re a pious man, and with a more, say, international crowd, you can honestly say you disagree with certain aspects of your religion.

redpurplepurple says:

and sometimes they are unable to notice.
Progressivism is high-status because it is enforced, so the conflicts between it and their old faith are furtively explained away or otherwise glossed over.

or worse: they might actually believe the Progressive mantra that real X, when properly understood, really means Progressivism. was just a community organizer who was grasping at Progressivism.

Pooch says:

This. My Christcuck family members are unable to notice that Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ, rightly understood, are anything but reenforcing the tenants of Progressivism.

Ace says:

>or worse: they might actually believe the Progressive mantra that real X, when properly understood, really means Progressivism. was just a community organizer who was grasping at Progressivism.

That’s one of the lefts best mantras. People tend to object to progressive policies not because they produce evil results and the goals of those policy are evil, but rather that the policy itself is just misguided by people who want to achieve good results.

If you have to admit the people you dealing with are evil and intend harm, then you have to start thinking in terms of destroying them instead of trying to get along with them, something that no cuck wants to do.

The Cominator says:

“If you have to admit the people you dealing with are evil and intend harm, then you have to start thinking in terms of destroying them instead of trying to get along with them, something that no cuck wants to do.”

This is why the Final Solution to the Progressive Problem needs to front and center… there is remarkable clarity once you embrace the sacred mission to exterminate the devil’s children.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

While I mostly agree with you, there needs to avoid being a holiness spiral in the execution of your plan. You cannot have nights of broken glass or long knives. You need to recognize that plenty of people are Havel’a Greengrocer, and that it’s hard to tell them apart from true believers by their very nature. We’re going to need to kill a lot of people, but the people doing the killing need to be firmly under the control of the church and the state. I think that is where people tend to get worried about your plan. You can’t kill everyone who has said anything left ever because you’re going to end up killing Jim and me and every other rightist who had to disguise himself and go along to stay undercover.

The Cominator says:

It would be like with Suharto… there was no holiness spiral there.

Purity spirals occur in leftists systems where there is no clear hierarchy. The only “rightist” state this happened in was Imperial Japan as the Emperor the man at the top did not actually rule (leading to unclear hierarchy)… except when all factions dragged him out to avoid civil war (the Japanese Navy and Army were at one point shooting at each other).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I get that, and its why I tend to lean more towards your way of thinking rather than Jim’s. How you present is the problem, I think. You are signaling a willingness to go off the reservation. You get put in charge of removing certain enemies, and all of a sudden half the people in your sector are in the camps. That’s the vibe you are sending. It’s a vibe I’ve sent before, and it makes people nervous. People don’t like having subordinates that are signaling they might just decide to take out a village, leak an illegal program to the public, or purge a third of the men in a city. You might want to work on that.

Pooch says:

Simple…ask any man if there are differences between the races and the sexes. Any one who fails the test gets the helicopter.

jim says:

That is a little too relaxed. The progressive position is both that there are and are not differences between the sexes and races, whites and males being irrevocably damned by the original sin of racism and sexism.

Need them to be specific about the differences between races and sexes. Blacks are adapted to the ancestral environment of the tropical jungle, women adapted to the ancestral environment of successful reproduction. They need to mention those adaptions, and the lack of adaption to large group socialization in both cases. Women have no country, and blacks have no country larger than the boys in the hood, hence their military incapacity.

The Cominator says:

There are indeed certain cities where hardcore prog believers are the majority of the population…

jim says:

You will find that the typical Christcuck believes that Jesus said “All men and women are equal”.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, but are we talking about legitimate leftists or just the average person? Leftists believe nothing but power, so their beliefs are just the poisonous fangs they use to kill and eat their victims. As for the average normie, you can get them to believe anything, and no absurdity is too excessive. If I had the cultural, political, and military power the left has, normies would believe anything I told them, no matter how absurd.

suones says:

The Final Solution is more nuanced than that.

Prog Proles aren’t really “progs” at all, having no capacity for thought. They will gladly convert to the State Religion, any State Religion. We may institute some humiliating conversion ritual[1] or something involving physical pain, that would weed out all impostors. A true prole would hardly notice his religious faith has changed, just as proles hardly noticed when they shifted from worshipping Yahweh to Moloch.

Prog Vaishyas are extremely powerful, but the source of their power is their wealth. Also, it is only temporal power. Just as it is being channelised into the prog faith, similarly it is the duty of the King to channelise his Vaishya subjects’ wealth into eusocial activities. Bezos and Zuck and Gates etc will have massive fines imposed, and will have to contribute their (massive) tax streams towards the State Religion. A true Vaishya would see no difference to the current regime apart from that his possessions are suddenly more secure.

Prog warriors are a thing, of course. The prototypical example is the US Army post Civil War, getting more degenerate over time but also more powerful. A close second was the Red Army. Both these are too formidable to fight directly. Thankfully, only one now remains, and cannot be taken directly but through logistics. If Robert E Lee had done unto Lincoln before Sherman did unto the CSA, we would have entered a new era with Davis in DC and we would probably not have this conversation now. Leftists’ logistics are their Achilles’ heel, because they can’t help but loot Vaishya stuff, so they have to resort to long supply lines that need protection. It is impossible to fight a defensive war against Leftists, but offence, especially disrupting supply lines, is very likely to result in victory. A smaller Rightist Army can sustain a massive expeditionary force for far longer than a Leftist Defence can hold. This was the lesson of Hitler’s defeat at Stalingrad — he had Socialist Logistics.

Prog Brahmins… well. They’ll need to be helicoptered to the last man. No worry for Brahmins in general — with so few priests remaining, Right Priests are going to be extremely powerful, which is good for us personally too.

[1] Such as personally executing traitors.

The Cominator says:

Basically agree its the priesthood primarily that has to go, but in many cities a lot of people are priests…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A sentiment of ‘what are we even fighting for’ is a perennial tell of an army led by demon worshipers.

Many times in history have there been degenerate priest-likes who hacked vulnerabilities in an existing social order to take over a society, but their sentiments are rarely ever shared in like kind by men in fighting business. So when underlords send their more inveterately shitlordly neighbors in armed forces off on malefic misadventures, any reasonings for such that they give – if any at all – will tend towards the vague, abstruse, and misinformative; as they can instinctually sense that if they were to entreat them with their more earnest theological motivations, they would not be accepted.

Not even communist russia, in the second war of internationalist aggression, tried to sell the officers and enlisted in the red army with the idea that their fighting and dying was for the sake of allowing international bolshevism to liquidate people’s property; they sold it as a ‘Great Patriotic War’, defending the Motherland again invasion by foreign aliens. (A kludge that has ironically survived to this day, retained by Putin’s Russia.)

suones says:

You give demonic hordes too much credit. Every single one of them can choose his actions, and every single one of them shall get the Nuremberg Doctrine. The rules of the game changed in 1943-55.

Stalin was more right wing than FDR, and 1943 Red Army was extremely reactionary compared to present US Army. Still, they were degenerates. Less degenerate than Lenin’s faggots, but degenerates still.

The lesson of history is that “God” may be on your side but the degenerates may still win because their god is stronger. They are fierce fighters. Don’t let up a chance when you have one. Prithviraj Chauhan made this mistake and paid for it with his life and Baphometan subjugation for the better part of a millenium.

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

jim says:


Degenerates are not fierce fighters

Muslims are fierce fighters. Conservative Muslims, old type Islam are fierce fighters. But old type Christians repeatedly conquered them. The problem is that there are today very few old type Christians, and a whole lot of old type Muslims.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I don’t think you got the point I was making su.

The Cominator says:

“Degenerates are not fierce fighters”

Depends… many very good military forces in history have been soldiered by drunken almost criminal types who discipline tended to break down immediately on any sort of detatched service or after taking a city.

Cromwell’s New Model Army of supposedly very non degenerate puritan soldiers is more the exception in history rather than the rule.

So degenerates can be good fighters.

jim says:

That type is pretty much the opposite of degenerate.

And Cromwell was apt to cheerfully authorize pillaging, looting, and raping, he just forbade shitting in his own backyard.

You obviously do not want the soldiers behaving in a way that disrupts local sourcing for logistics, but if enemy activity has rendered local logistics ineffectual, pillaging is a good break when a break can be afforded.

Mike in Boston says:

Conservative Muslims, old time Islam are fierce fighters

Fehrenbach wrote about this:

The Turks were a completely homogeneous group, with common background and common culture, and with a chain of command that was never broken.

… the Turkish soldier who served his country’s colors was still a fanatically devout custom-ridden peasant, close to the soil and survival, accustomed to the fiercest discipline of all his life, from father, state, and army — but with a barbarian’s pride in himself and his people.

He was barbarian-proud of his manhood and his fighting ability. He knew, dimly, that his ancestors had been the backbone of Near Eastern armies since the Empire of Rome and that their courage with cold steel had rarely been equaled. He knew, dimly, that firepower had vanquished his vaunted empire and that economically he was backward, but this had not lessened his faith in Turks or Turkdom. What schools he had attended used no economic argument in teaching the greatness of Turks.

Even after thirty years of state anticlericalism, his faith in his God was childlike, ignorant, and complete.

jim says:

> Even after thirty years of state anticlericalism, his faith in his God was childlike, ignorant, and complete

“Adult” faith in God is apt to bear a suspicious resemblance to Gnosticism and Satanism, and “sophisticated” faith in God is apt to be sophomoric.

Of course, ideally the priesthood should have adult and sophisticated faith in God, while being highly suspicious of excessively “adult” and “sophisticated” faith in God. As for the masses, they should not be reading the holy texts for themselves. The bible is full of deliberate contradictions, and the “sophisticated” reader is apt to get hung up on them, holiness spiraling one line at the expense of all the other lines. The priesthood should affirm the contradictions, the masses should not bother thinking about them. The faith of the masses is supposed to be childlike.

“Sophisticated” Christians are apt to lose to unsophisticated Muslims.

The fundamental problem with Islam is that Mohammed was a terrorist, and this really is not compatible with civilization.

A second problem is that after their leftist singularity, they forbade further interpretation and analysis of their holy texts, “closed the gates”, which also had the unfortunate effect of forbidding science and philosophy. They threw out the baby with the bathwater. Albeit the bathwater was more of a stinking cesspit by that time.

You need to deal with new heresies adaptively, intelligently, and selectively, rather than prohibiting everything on the grounds that it is fertile soil for heresy. Heresy will flourish if the priesthood has too much power and independence. It is priestly power and independence that is what growing heresies reach for.

And the third problem is that Islam is a race, not just a religion, and that race is inferior.

The Cominator says:

Semi gnosticism is not evil and is a reasonable response to the problem of evil.

Full manichean gnosticism is demon worship and satanic.

jim says:

Well, it is a reasonable response to the problem of evil. But it is fundamentally the black pill, and apt to lead to bad conduct in this world and failure to reproduce.

Irrational optimism gets you further than rational pessimism.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think the state security apparatus should be too overzealous about moderate gnosticism because its just too reasonableof a belief you cant prohibit it without prohibiting rational thought… manicheans otoh are demon worshippers and should be treated as such.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Mike in Boston says:

The faith of the masses is supposed to be childlike.

Perhaps you intended to bring to mind Matthew 18:2:

And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be turned back, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

As for the masses, they should not be reading the holy texts for themselves. The bible is full of deliberate contradictions, and the “sophisticated” reader is apt to get hung up on them, holiness spiraling one line at the expense of all the other lines. The priesthood should affirm the contradictions, the masses should not bother thinking about them

And this is why, in the Orthodox Church, those reading the Bible often turn to the twelfth-century explanation of the Scriptures by St. Theophylact of Ochrid. After every few verses, he inserts the consensus explanation of the church fathers, noting when interpretations vary– which they do, but within a range much, much too narrow to contain the sophomoric interpretations of modernity.

In general the Orthodox Church believes that Scripture should be interpreted in light of what the Church has always believed, not according to the reader’s personal ideas.

suones says:


Degenerates are not fierce fighters

Muslims are fierce fighters. Conservative Muslims,…

Muslims are degenerate. The definition of degeneracy has undergone great amplification since Muhammad’s time, so you might call them “old type denegerates,” especially as relates to incest. The problem with fighting degenerates is that their degeneracy makes them weaker in the long term, but if they kill you now there is no long term for you.

Lenin/Trotsky’s Red Army was the biggest bunch of faggots assembled on the face of the earth, yet they managed to defeat the Whites (multiple reasons, but you can’t doubt the Reds’ fighting ability).


I don’t think you got the point I was making su.

You are making a distinction between demon-worshipping “leaders” and demon “soldiers.” I’m saying they’re both culpable for their actions, a distinction without a difference.


A second problem is that after their leftist singularity, they forbade further interpretation and analysis of their holy texts, “closed the gates”, which also had the unfortunate effect of forbidding science and philosophy.

Exactly. The doors of ijtihad were deliberately shut, which ended the “Islamic Golden Age” as much as the Mongols. Islamic society still greatly resembles the Abbasid caliphate.

And the third problem is that Islam is a race, not just a religion, and that race is inferior.

This is a fatal mistake to make. While it is true that fundamentally, Islam is a faith of the sons of Ishmael, i.e. Arab Semites, it is quite cosmopolitan now. African/Nubian/Moorish/Berber Muslims are a different race and quite capable, Afghans are Indo-Hellenes and racially quite a good stock, and last but not the least, the Ottoman Caliphate was started by an Aryan tribe which decided that Islam was the correct way to organise their society. Kievan Rus narrowly avoided that fate as well — their emissaries found the Byzantine faith to be more “happy-looking” which was more to their liking, while Muslim lands appeared dirty. Even now, the conversion of a major European country into Islam can set off a massive tsunami.

Rick says:

Lenin/Trotsky’s Red Army was the biggest bunch of faggots assembled on the face of the earth, yet they managed to defeat the Whites (multiple reasons, but you can’t doubt the Reds’ fighting ability).

They were trash fighters who had a powerful faith. Trotsky’s army had it’s ass handed to it my handful of Poles. They lost most of the set peace battles against the whites who were largely leaderless and the Reds had western aid. Indusial age warfare requires indusial age resupply and due to the UK and US occupying the indusial areas and ports in favor of the Reds the whites had a very difficult time of it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


No, what i said was “A sentiment of ‘what are we even fighting for’ is a perennial tell of an army led by demon worshipers.” You can choose to read the words that were written.

Blue-pilled men’s fear, confusion, and anxiety when trying to deal with women stems in great part from them being sold false life-plans about women and marriage.

Likewise, the fear, confusion, and anxiety (‘what are we even fighting for’) of a boot in vietnam, or in iraq, or in afghanistan, stems in great part from them being sold false life plans about what War is about; about what *their* war is about. This vacuum of more transcendent understanding is a typical (typifying) condition of Modern war.

The eliding of a distinction between ‘demon leader’ and ‘demon soldier’ is an angle you read into it. In this case, it is eliding a distinction between warriors and priests. A perhaps quite predictable angle for you to have honed in on, since, as a, how shall we say, ‘brahmin supremacist’, you apparently would not blink at angling to obscure more conscious recognition of priest-like folk in cases where they might look bad. Much like the communists themselves.

A ‘monk’ is a special case of person who does priesting. That is to say, they are not someone who does priesting, they are someone who *only* does priesting; someone whose *ideal* is to have the privilege of being able to do as such.

And in societies with terminal cases of leftism, ‘monk-likes’ constitute a supermajority of priest-likes in those societies.

suones says:

Likewise, the fear, confusion, and anxiety (‘what are we even fighting for’) of a boot in vietnam, or in iraq, or in afghanistan, stems in great part from them being sold false life plans about what War is about; about what *their* war is about.

Soldiers (or ‘boots’) are not warriors, but are majority proles with guns. A classic prole Army would be infantry, armed with hommemade swords and no/light armour. As such they are incapable of understanding the ‘why’ of anything, and I would not waste time with them. They are dogged fighters though, and need to be killed as fast as possible. All the prole ennui in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan cannot hide the fact that they are evil, fighting in an evil army, for the establishment of evil, and by continuing to fight in the evil army they forfeit their God-given bounty.

Not every soldier in the Kaurav army was personally evil — in fact many/most of them were patriots only following orders for King and Country. This state of law persisted for millenia until it was changed in 1943-55 by the Nuremberg Trials. It now stands in US Imperial Law that enemy soldiers will be considered equally culpable in any act of war that may be redefined as an “atrocity” on a whim by the victors, even if they are 80 years old now and had no direct involvement with said atrocity (which might not even have actually happened as alleged).

If Nuermberg Law is what Imperial Soldiers enforce, it is Imperial Law by which they will be tried.

This vacuum of more transcendent understanding is a typical (typifying) condition of Modern war.

Vacuum of understanding is a typical condition of proles, and has always been thus. Imperial Legion proles will suffer only decimation and enslavement. Imperial Legion Officers (who actually are warriors and are expected to know what they’re doing and why) will get the bayonet. Imperial Legion Generals will be considered at par with their priestly handlers, equally culpable, and shall go on helicopter rides together.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In order to make an argument here, you’ve veered into implying that official ideology makes no difference for (on) normies, which is emphatically untrue, and contrary to a broader point one should be making – things which you keep ignoring in order to circle back around to the ‘kill all the (enemy) warriors’ point you want to make, hallucinating that I was arguing against in order to continue reiterating that desired rhetoric.

A man marinated in bluepill (a bluepilled society (‘society’)) may not be able to say *why* he is in pain; he may not even be able to *say* that he is in pain; but he still *is* in pain.

Modern society is very up on ‘priesting’ and very down on ‘warrior-ing’ (a fact which seems to have placed you in more than a few awkward situations due to a lick of unfortunate partisanship), so material relevant to this topic – which is relevant to the broader point(s) – is vanishingly short, but there are some pink-pilled books like Sebatian Junger’s Tribe that i’d recommend for perspective on the subject.

suones says:

I sense a strong undercurrent in the right of “pro-prole,” or “pro-Vaishya” positions, which are the dominant political shibboleths of the Republicuck party. NRx takes it a step further and posits that it has a “pro-warrior” position as well. All are unanimous that Prog is mainly priest-led, and anti-Prog signalling is mutated into anti-Brahmin signalling. This is a defeatist strategy, and it reads like a Prole-Vaishya coalition of the ineffectual against the Warriors and Priests in power, with NRx only attempting to broaden the Coalition to include Warriors, which might give them a fighting chance (ha!).

Official ideology makes more and more difference the higher up the ladder you go, where proles mostly can’t even realise when the official ideology changes, Vaishyas can tell to some limited extent, warriors enforce ideology so at least the higher echelons have understanding, while priests’ whole life revolves around the official ideology and its minute perturbations. This is the reason why we expect all civil proles and most Vaishyas to happily follow the new State Religion without even realising that it is different from the old State Religion. Prog-priests can see through this, of course, leaving no recourse but to Cominate them. Prog Armies shall suffer similar graded fates — rank and file will get away with decimation and enslavement, their superiors not so much.

Modern society is very up on ‘priesting’ and very down on ‘warrior-ing’

Which is the natural state of a society without a God-King in power who reins in warriors, being the Leader of a State Religion whose High Priest reins in the priests.

PS: PTSD is simply cowardice. This is the result of drafting proles into wars of attrition, which started with Napoleon in the West. The last American general to say it was Patton, of course, but the rest understood it at least. Eastern conscript armies are very prone to this, being numerically overwhelmingly strong yet losing to dramatically inferior foes due to their own cowardice. Of course, we cannot admit the problem — that “all men are equally capable” is not applicable to a battlefield, so it persists.

Rick says:

PS: PTSD is simply cowardice. This is the result of drafting proles into wars of attrition, which started with Napoleon in the West. The last American general to say it was Patton, of course, but the rest understood it at least. Eastern conscript armies are very prone to this, being numerically overwhelmingly strong yet losing to dramatically inferior foes due to their own cowardice. Of course, we cannot admit the problem — that “all men are equally capable” is not applicable to a battlefield, so it persists.

I’ve often wondered about this. The German army didn’t report PSTD cases during WW2. On the other hand there was a marked drop off of combat effectiveness after a certain amount of combat. UK units that had performed quite well in North Africa performed very poorly during the battle for Normandy.

The other big thing going on was the amount of concussive shock k from bombs and artillery from the war. One’s brain bouncing off the sides of your skull over and over again is bound to cause damage. Air attacks in particular often killed very few men, but the shock effect from air attacks often left men unable to effectively fight back despite taking no physical injuries and it induces a lot of fear as well far out of portion of the danger.

The German army had a wise policy of not sitting in the trenches during a bombardment, instead they setup front line trenches and defenses and then moved back to a secondary defense line while minimally staffing the front lines. After the bombardment was over they’d either move back up or they’d just sit back and defend the secondary defense line having taken no bombardment damage.

The only time the allies ever counted this was during Operation Goodwood. There they used massed low flying heavy bombers to carpet bomb a huge area and hit 90% of the German’s defenses. Even huge tanks like tigers were flipped over or berried by the bombings and the defense lines almost completely crumbled. Of course the UK fucked up by sending in tanks without infantry support and the German AA guns ate them alive. This gave the Germans time to recover and build new defenses.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When a purple haired problem-glasses j*urnalist hysterically describes phrases like ‘all lives matter’ as ‘entrenchment of white subjectivity’, it is ironically true. ‘All lives matter’ is an expression of a normie europoid’s ‘cant we all just get along’ cooperative instinct. It is not and can not be an especially reasoned proposition. And in particular, it is an insufficiently pious expression in the progroid faith. In order to argue that ‘all lives matter’, you first need to start arguing against all things that might make some lives better than others to begin with; and once you’ve started arguing against all things that might make some lives better than others, the arguments will be taken to their necessary and inevitable logical conclusions, where ‘all lives matter’ is once and as always again never the case, and it is all that might make some lives matter less than others that is held up as holiness. Innumerable possible defections, one possible destination.

The Cominator says:

No lives matter is better…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Perhaps rhetorically, but neither are good in truth.

Karl says:

Civilisation matters

reggie says:

Lotsa media push on the ‘aLIEn narrative’ recently. It has been leaked previously that it’ll be part of the NWO push, at the end, to fool the masses:

‘Finally, the planet of earth and it’s humanoid inhabitants can be permitted to join the United Federation of planets. we just need you humans to put behind you such childish things as family and self-sufficiency and notions of a God and other such fictions, and all come together in peace and slavery…sorry, harmony, and you can join us and travel to the stars at warp speed.

Make it so, Mr Xi.’

The beast that was, is not, and is yet (soon) to be: global communism. The WEF brazenly telling you all, you will own nothing, and you will love it. First to go, all farmland nationalized, everywhere.

Pooch says:

Looking like the Cathedral is starting to freak out more and more about the audits in Arizona and now these other states and the DOJ may move to shut them down.

Why would they even care that their fraud is found? It was obvious anyway. What are they afraid of? Their power is secure because regardless of what happens in the audits there is no armed men willing to do anything about it. Why even freak out?

jim says:

Are there no armed men willing to do anything about it?

I don’t know. The Cathedral does not know. And even those armed men themselves do not know because when they speak of the matter to each other they use words and phrases that are coded and deniable.

Pooch says:

I suppose it could give legitimacy for an armed group of men to materialize in the future if fraud is proven through official channels as it would then not be a thoughtcrime to mention and talk about fraud in the mainstream, but who knows.

The Cominator says:

I mean I suppose DeSantis could name General Flynn Supreme commander of the Florida national guard (I can guarantee the average Florida man is very much willing to use violence to overthrow the DC regime if he has any chance of success) and have them start marching to DC…

And the democrats could find out that the rank and file of their military is about as willing to fight for them as James II’s army was willing to fight for him against William of Orange…

But all of that is unlikely.

Pooch says:

Yeah that’s not happening.

jim says:

Something is going to happen, if not this time, the next time, or the time after that – the Cathedral has abandoned the Republic’s method for peaceful transfer for power. Unpeaceful transfer of power is going to ensue soon enough. If this time, we likely get a Sulla or a Pinochet, if the next time, a Cromwell, if the time after that, a Stalin.

Pooch says:

If this time, we likely get a Sulla or a Pinochet, if the next time, a Cromwell, if the time after that, a Stalin.

Pinochet came to power without much bloodshed which obviously is the best case.

Cromwell, Sulla, and Stalin came to power after a bloody civil war (in which the right-wing and/or populists lost) with bloody purges after that bloody civil war. Obviously the worst case.

The Cominator says:

Sulla was the popular one in his civil war despite being loosely an optimates as demonstrated by how many troops defected to him.

Pooch says:

Sulla was absolutely not a populist. He was an Optimate, fighting for the elites, he was of the elite.

Sulla had loyal troops ironically from the Marius’ military reforms that bound the army’s loyalty with the general rather than to the republic.

The Cominator says:

Lots of other peoples troops defected to Sulla. Sulla was a very popular guy with the roman masses though and only a loose optimates… his simple interest law was enormously popular for example.

Yes marius was popular too but they didn’t care that he proscribed equites and knights.

Pooch says:

Fresh legions defected to Sulla to avoid fighting Sulla’s experienced veterans as they did to avoid fighting Caesar’s experienced legions.

Karl says:

No Pooch, a Cromwell, Sulla or a Stalin after a bloody civil war is not the worst case. The worst case is that noone shows up to stop the holiness spiral. That worst case is much more bloody.

Think about Cambodia without Vietnam invasion

Pooch says:

Yes, you are right.

The Cominator says:

The Cathedral come to think of it DOES have a big James II problem…

Ie that their army (even if like James they’ve managed to name some high ranking officers that share their religion) doesn’t share their religion and hates their religion. I don’t think they can easily resolve this down to the rank and file.

Pooch says:

It’s a big problem for them and one they are aware of. Likely can only be resolved with several more years of barbarian immigration to draw their mercenary army from.

jim says:

The barbarians that they are recruiting are militarily incapable. A likely outcome of a civil war is that a small army of the white minority easily defeats the large army of the brown majority, much as the Tutsi effortlessly defeated the Hutu despite the fact that the Hutu were theoretically organized as a state, and the Tutsi were not, and despite the fact that the Hutu had massive armed backing from the “international community”. This would give us the best outcome, though we are likely to have a Cromwell, rather than a Pinochet, on top.

The Cominator says:

Its more likely the barbarians just won’t actually fight if there is a prospect of actually being shot back at.

They’ll be useful as armed police for crowd control but its not that they’ll even be bad soldiers its that they just won’t fight at all. What the fuck do they care…

Pooch says:

I imagine the Cathedral will pay them handsomely, which will be a pretty good deal in a collapsing economy just like in the latin countries.

The Cominator says:

To keep drawing a paycheck is not a good enough reason to be shot at. Now draconian discipline can make unwilling men fight in a sort of minimal and robotic fashion but its hard to impose draconian discipline on a body of mercenaries.

The Italian city states found out all about this in Machiavelli’s time.

Pooch says:

I agree. To win an actual shooting war, they’ll at least need some white regulars with the barbarians serving as auxiliaries.

jim says:

In the Rwandan genocide, White Cathedral troops quickly found themselves isolated in little islands of Cathedral control, because they relied on Hutu troops to control the ground. The Hutu troops collapsed, or failed to fight in an organized cohesive manner. Fearing siege and possible annihilation through loss of international logistic support, they pulled out. Once the Tutsi had the roads, the Cathedral chickened out.

The Cathedral operation in Rwanda was premised on the presupposition that they could delegate all the unpleasant stuff to Hutu troops, which premise failed catastrophically as soon as people started shooting back in an organized fashion.

The Cominator says:

Why did the cathedral want to wipe out the tutsis btw?

Cloudswrest says:

>Why did the cathedral want to wipe out the tutsis btw?

Speculating here but probably because the Tutsis were the more intelligent and civilized of the two ethnic breeds.

Pooch says:

Didn’t they have more whitish-looking features?

Cloudswrest says:

They are the tall poppies (both literally as well as figuratively).

Ace says:

>Speculating here but probably because the Tutsis were the more intelligent and civilized of the two ethnic breeds.

Correct. The Tutsis are a civilized people with a civilization based around herding. The Hutu’s are just one step above hunter/gathers and are adapt to hunt other people’s cattle and gather from other people’s gardens. Both are Bantus peoples.

Civilization is a genetic process were traits that are incompatible with civilized behavior are removed from the genepool via slavery or execution for people who break the law.

The cathedral is at war with civilization itself.

jim says:

> Both are Bantus peoples.

Are they? Back when the study of humans was conducted in a scientific manner, it was believed that they were in substantial part descended from whites who had come up the Nile during the collapse of Bronze Age civilization.

I don’t know the truth, but I do know it is deeply buried in lies.

Ace says:

That’s a good point. There’s an awful lot of oddities about the general Wikipedia articles on the genetic origins of the Tutsi. They’re lying about something but I can’t tell what it is.

Jim, do you have information about the origin of Sumerians? Everything I read about them says they’re origin is a mystery but I get the same sort of tingly sense that I’m not being told the whole story about them. I find the push to remove them as the original builders of civilization, despite it being obvious that every civilization that came afterwards was a copy of their system to be odd as well.

jim says:

Sumerian civilization was founded by Uruk, and Uruk was founded by a people from very far away. That is not all that controversial.

They are suppressing something. Supposedly no one knows where the founders came from, but perhaps no one wants to know.

Cloudswrest says:
The Original OC says:

The Jews know about Babylonia, because it is an important part of their direct history and the center of their intellectual elite until quite late times.

Babylonia is Akkad is Sumer.

But they are not in a rush to tell anyone else what happened, and Westerners don’t take much interest in anything beyond the borders of the Roman Empire.

jim says:

You have Jews on the brain.

Sumer fell long before the Jews got thrown out of Egypt. Probably Abraham left the Chaldees within a few centuries of the time that Sumer fell. Chaldies is a Hellenization of an Akkadian name, and Akkadia did not rise till Sumer fell.

The Original OC says:

You’re right, it’s very unlikely the Jews caused the fall of Sumer.

They very likely did have a hand in the fall of pre-Hellenistic Babylonia (a much later state), and for that reason do not want to share much of the history of Babylonia, and for that reason do not want to share much of the history of its predecessors.

But much must be preserved in this culture’s intellectual output, much of which is publicly available, but Westerners have taken little interest.

jim says:

Yes, but the question at hand is the reluctance to credit Sumer with the first civilization and particularly to credit Uruk with rule of the entire civilized world, (though it is likely that Uruk did not exactly rule in the imperial sense, rather local priests of Urukian descent who regarded Uruk as their Vatican ruled) and reluctance to inquire where people who spoke Sumerian originally came from.

suones says:

This is like catnip (suones-nip?) to me.

Why did the cathedral want to wipe out the tutsis btw?

J-Left hates them because they are the Jews’ civilisational enemies/competitors. Prog-Left hates them because they represent order and have memetic sovereignty, both of which are anathema to the prog priests. They can tell when someone is an enemy simply by interacting with him/them. Belgian colonists recognised this too, and tended to trust Tutsi with colonial positions for this reason. Hutu hatred of Tutsi is prole misbehaviour, greatly amplified. Normally, proles are ineffectual, so their misbehaviour is easily contained/disciplined, but in this case they were provided weapons and support by USA. It seems to me that Tutsis must also have had foreign backing, but I can’t tell which power backed them, certainly no-one did openly. Considering that “Rwandan genocide” is also a leftist meme, and was an early differentiator between Establishment/J-Left and Radical Left, I consider Tutsis having “won” and survived for now a result of intra-Left struggle. When Paul Kagame dies, Rwanda will be in play again.

It is similar to how Christians, Muslims, and Progs all hate us Hindus and want to wipe us out, despite there having been no bad blood between our respective ancient cultures. It is not possible to conquer us if even a dozen people like me survive — hence genocide.

…it was believed that they were in substantial part descended from whitesAryans who had come up the Nile during the collapse of Bronze Age civilization.

Belgians extensively speculated that Tutsis appeared to have heavy Aryan admixture, both in physical features (taller, sharper features, fairer skin, big cranium) and mental capabilities (considered equal to Southern European/Mediterranean Aryans). Most of the literature is in French, though, and heavily suppressed in the Anglosphere. Curiously, French sources are relatively easy to obtain. I don’t know if Francophonie is less censorious or what.

Babylonia is Akkad is Sumer.

Unlike the others, Sumer/Sumeru is not a Semitic culture. Even the name itself is Indo-European. I don’t know where you got this misconception from. In East Aryan religion, Sumeru is a mythical five peaked mountain throne that is the residence of the Old(est) Gods[1]. It is the central location of the spiritual universe. It would not surprise me if “Aryans” in fact descended from the God Kings of Sumer.

But much must be preserved in this culture’s intellectual output, much of which is publicly available, but Westerners have taken little interest.

Semites consider their history to begin from Year Zero. Consider how the Bible jumps from Genesis right to Exodus, skipping the millennia in between. It is inconceivable that they were unaware of the intervening history, rather they hid it. In the Age of Exploration Europeans threw away the shackles of Vatican Year Zero and re-discovered their Old Gods (for better and for worse). Muslims still carry on, and it is sad that all this territory is occupied by Arabs and their mental slaves who refuse to study any history beyond Baphomet for fear that they might learn it is false. This is also exemplified in that research on our own Indus Valley Civilisation (contemporaneous with Sumer and their biggest trading partner — possibly referred to as “Dilmun/Meluhha” by Sumerians[2]) was suppressed by a millennium of Islamic conquest, got a jump start by Europeans, and promptly died down again once Pakistan was formed, whose “history” strangely begins with Baphomet, which is their Genesis, then skips right to 1947, which is their Exodus. Similar is the case with present Iraq/Sumer, or Arabia/Iram.

[2]: Dilmun/Meluhha are almost certainly Indian because their chief surviving exports to Sumer were lapis lazuli (from Gandhara) and ivory (from Magadha), and is described as a “land of plenty” “where the sun rises,” founded by a branch of the same people who founded Sumer.

jim says:

> Unlike the others, Sumer/Sumeru is not a Semitic culture. Even the name itself is Indo-European. I don’t know where you got this misconception from. In East Aryan religion, Sumeru is a mythical five peaked mountain throne that is the residence of the Old(est) Gods[1]. It is the central location of the spiritual universe. It would not surprise me if “Aryans” in fact descended from the God Kings of Sumer.

Sumer was founded by the City of Uruk, and Uruk was founded by people from very far away.

The article about how becoming a general is ‘the U.S. military’s marathon, 30-year, single-elimination, suck-up tournament’ gets posted pretty often in the reactosphere.

So where in the hierarchy do the officers become reliably right wing, rather than swamp creatures?

The Cominator says:

The ones who make general overwhelmingly are pozzed…

Not so much even up to the level of colonel.

jim says:

Recall that Pinochet was shanghaied by the junior officers, and until he arrived at the still smoking presidential palace, with fresh blood and brains still not cleaned up, was not altogether sure whether he was being taken to the presidential palace, or to an unmarked grave.

Cloudswrest says:

I think with Franco it was essentially the same thing. He was recruited by junior officers, although I think it was more cordial.

Pooch says:

If fraud is proven by the audits it could stand to reason some of the fraudsters could go to jail. If by some grace of god, they are able to lock up the fraudsters for serious time (which I doubt), would this be sufficient in restoring semi-fair elections?

jim says:

I see no possibility of charging in a court of law, let alone convicting, let alone locking up, the fraudsters, unless our guys are guarding the judge and the courtroom.

Garjesh says:

So what is the overall consensus here regarding COVID vaccines? I know Jim originally said they are probably fine but now thinks best to avoid them.

I don’t know a thing about the topic. For the most part I trust traditional vaccines but you’d have to be retarded to not be at least somewhat skeptical about these. The fact that the first ones were announced November 4th, along with the reversal on their position on HCQ on January 20th lol.

What I want to know is:

– How bad are they? That is, to what extent should I go to avoid having them? To get out of the West I might eventually need a vaccine passport.

– If necessary, are certain vaccines better/worse than others?

– I know you can apparently bribe someone to give fake evidence of a vaccine, but that carries risks also. How do you find someone to do this? If I move to southeast asia would this be much easier? Presumably evidence of being vaccinated in one country could be used internationally.

– Any truth the rumors of it causing infertility? Especially concerned about letting my sons get vaccinated.

– Are there any places that aren’t falling for the COVID delusion? Other posters have mentioned that poorer countries seem more likely to believe the mask stuff.

Rick says:

>– I know you can apparently bribe someone to give fake evidence of a vaccine, but that carries risks also. How do you find someone to do this? If I move to southeast asia would this be much easier? Presumably evidence of being vaccinated in one country could be used internationally.

Find an Indian owned Pharmacy in a more rural area. Sign up for the vaccine, walk into the back room where he’s suppose to give you the shot, handled the issue, and walk out with your card and the Indian will put you in the database. If you can’t find an Indian, find anyone who immigrated from a publicly corrupt country.

>So what is the overall consensus here regarding COVID vaccines? I know Jim originally said they are probably fine but now thinks best to avoid them.

The spike proteins that the vaccines produces damages the circulatory system. Avoid the 2 shot at all costs because they seem to do the most damage. If you’ve had the virus don’t get the vaccine as the worst outcomes seem to be 2 shot + already had covid. The J&J is probably best because A) actual cells are infected and attacked by your body resulting in fewer cases of the immune system destroying your blood while attempting to find a non existent virus and B) it produces less noted side effectives.

suones says:

> citatory system
Excuse me, what is that?

jim says:

circulatory system, primarily lungs and blood vessels. Usually the effect is minor and temporary, sometimes it triggers catastrophic blood clotting.

Rate of very serious consequences in young people is about 0.3% – but the rate of serious consequences for Wu Flu in young people is about zero.

About one third of people vaccinated get symptoms roughly similar to the flu – headache, nausea, fatigue, and chills, leading them to use painkillers.

The rate of serious consequences seems to be substantially higher if you are forty or so. Insufficient information if you are sixty or so.

reg says:

This thing is VERY different. Zombies to come.

jim says:

They are not going to turn into zombies, and it does not directly affect the brain, except that in some people oxygen supply to brain is impaired.

It does, however, have major effects on the blood, and even more major effects on blood vessels. This, however, merely causes about one third of the vaccinated to give flu like symptoms, and results in hospitalization or death of about 0.3% of them.

Jsd says:

What about long term concerns? If what you say is true and those are the only problems then as a young person maybe I will just get it after all. Refusal is bringing down a lot of heat.

jim says:

Short term, the effect is substantial. Similar to a mild case of flu, or significant case of flu, but with a considerably higher rate of death in young people than is usual for flu.

Long term, we will not know for many years.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The thing that worries me is that the mRNA treatments have never been used in people because how badly the animal trials go. The animals all die when the next strain hits. That’s terrifying, but humans are also obnoxiously durable. There are so many things that we can survive and abuse to our systems that we can endure that most other animals would be wiped out if they tried it. The human system is a marvel of God’s design. I don’t know if it will be as bad for people as it was for animals. I’m not getting it, and if you are under 60 I wouldn’t recommend you get it, either. Long term we all die, but I’m not looking to be a sick cripple when I do go out.

Karl says:

Jsd, especially if you are young just catching COVID is a rather riskless way of avoiding vaccination. Of course, details will depend on laws not yet passed.

For example, present law in Germany is that people who revovered from COVID are barred from vaccination for medial reasons and considered equal to the vaccinated.

Keep in mind that if vaccination ever becomes mandatory, just getting vaccinated won’t solve your problem. After a year or so your status as vaccinated (or recovered) will lapse and you’ll be required to get vaccinated again with a different vaccine (or reinfected which will be difficult if you already recoverd from COVID).

Cataclysm Reawake says:


>humans are also obnoxiously durable. There are so many things that we can survive and abuse to our systems that we can endure that most other animals would be wiped out if they tried it. The human system is a marvel of God’s design.

Mind elaborating?

Pooch says:

Keep in mind that if vaccination ever becomes mandatory, just getting vaccinated won’t solve your problem. After a year or so your status as vaccinated (or recovered) will lapse and you’ll be required to get vaccinated again with a different vaccine (or reinfected which will be difficult if you already recoverd from COVID).

I suspect this is the long term goal of the elites, even if only to keep the gravy train going. All the CEOs of the vaccine makers have mentioned they expect “booster” shots every 6-12 months. During their earnings calls they seem to understand they will have license to basically print as much money as they want with the yearly vaccines. It couples nicely with vaccines as receiving the sacrament of the progressive religion.

Pooch says:

vaccines being viewed as*

Rick says:

I suspect this is the long term goal of the elites, even if only to keep the gravy train going. All the CEOs of the vaccine makers have mentioned they expect “booster” shots every 6-12 months. During their earnings calls they seem to understand they will have license to basically print as much money as they want with the yearly vaccines. It couples nicely with vaccines as receiving the sacrament of the progressive religion.

It’s mostly holiness spiraling. I got the J&J vaccine just before the dangerous nature of the vaccines became clear. People actually looked down on me for getting because the vaccine didn’t cause me to suffer like the 2 shot vaccines were most people who got them to suffer. I wasn’t as holy as them for it.

This is why multiple shot boosters is going to be a thing, people want to keep increasing holiness.

The other signs of holiness like masks are starting to go away around me and I hope the idea of vaccine boosters does as well.

Pooch says:

It’s mostly holiness spiraling.

Indeed, but holiness spiraling that is sure to benefit the elites. They are gaming the state religion for their own benefit.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Pottenger’s cats are an example of what happens to animals when they have substandard processed food. Within a few generations of the switch, they are irreversibly genetically damaged. Meanwhile we humans eat like shit for thousands of years and managed to survive and thrive.

The amount of damage the human body can suffer is also amazing. Our ability to endure blunt force trauma and slashing wounds are truly a marvel. The mechanisms for sealing up a wound to allow continued fight or flight amazed me. Blood vessels constrict and muscles tighten up to decrease the amount of blood loss, and hormones numb the pain and keep you in the fight.

Even puncture wounds, although much more dangerous, are still very often survivable with simple care. A significant amount of deaths from gunshots are from psychosomatic surrender to the inevitable, and not actual fatal damage. The amount of trauma and blood loss would not have killed them, but they die because they expect to die when shot. If you do not realize you have been shot, or you know that you can easily survive a shooting absent specific injuries to the heart or spinal column, then you have pretty decent chances of living through a shooting.

A strong human body can endure a lot. We did not reach the top of the food chain just because we had sharp sticks. It is also because we are brutally tough.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Biotech firms have long dreamed of the potential money printer that would be convincing people that it is good and useful and necessary to get ‘flu vaccines’; that is to say, a perpetually mutating object for perpetual purchases. (Kind of like how dupont memed dandelions from a soup ingredient or lawn brightener into a great satan in order to sell roundup.)

Well now with the plannedemic, they got the chance of a lifetime.

jim says:

There is always a new flu, due to evolution and cross breeding. Every positive stranded RNA virus cheerfully mingles its genetic material with every other positive stranded RNA virus, so all flues from here on will be the a new Covid 19.

simplyconnected says:

Any thoughts on possible long terms effects? That could be the bigger problem.

I see the following circulating around:

1) Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer chief science officer says those injected will suffer from Antibody Dependent Enhancement, predicts 2-3 year life expectancy for the injected.

2) Luc Montagnier seems to suggest ADE pressures virus to mutate to become more deadly (either I’m missing something or I’m seeing conflicting definitions of ADE).

3) Claims that prior vaccines for SARS-CoV1 led to most test animals’ death, in multiple studies. Ex; Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to
Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus

If there is a non-negligible chance that come fall/winter, on contact with similar virus in the wild, most vaccinated have a severe reaction, then wouldn’t it make sense to not get the injection until this possibility is ruled out?

Mike in Boston says:

wouldn’t it make sense to not get the injection until this possibility is ruled out?

The answers to that question depend on specifics.

First, asking about “the injection” obscures the fact that there are mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), adenovirus vector vaccines (J&J, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V), and hopefully in the future a conventional protein plus adjuvant vaccine from Novavax. All of those have different risks and side effect profiles.

Second, whether one of them makes sense for you is dependent on particular circumstances. If you are a 400 pound diabetic, or live with your 95 year old mom, you might be more in favor of getting one of the shots than if you are a healthy 25 year old.

simplyconnected says:

whether one of them makes sense for you

I don’t trust these people. Simply the fact that ivermectin/ hydroxycloroquine/budesonide have had great resuts but have been suppressed (possibly to force the EUA approval) tells me I should not come close to the injection. Their attempt to coerce have the opposite effect in me. As for many others, this is the hill I die on.

Cowboy Pirate says:

You goddamned idiots, you don’t need to bribe anybody. Covid vaccination forms are easily downloadable as PDFs or equivalent all over the place from various health authorities or dissenters. Get a look at what a real one looks like, print one out, fill out whatever you want, laminate it, done. If you’re signed up for the vaccination alerts you can get plenty of information on when and where and what providers for information to fill in, and if you can get a a few looks at real ones so you know how to format the numbers, maybe use a real citation for a given date and location – you’ll be fine. Everything about this has been so rushed and half-assed they can’t know if their data on who’s really taken it is reliable or not.

And with 40% of the population admitting to opting out, they’re not anywhere in sight of being able to impose travel restrictions around this stuff.

As for the actual risks, if you’re under the 40-50 range the order of magnitude is roughly comparable to covid itself. I know someone in the 70-80ish range who said “It might not be perfect but it’ll keep me out of the hospital in the short term and my life expectancy isn’t that great anymore anyway” which is a totally rational position.

Rick says:

>You goddamned idiots, you don’t need to bribe anybody. Covid vaccination forms are easily downloadable as PDFs or equivalent all over the place from various health authorities or dissenters.

Places that are serious about checking your vaccinated status check the CDC database. A printed card is only useful people who are not busy COVID holiness spiraling.

>And with 40% of the population admitting to opting out, they’re not anywhere in sight of being able to impose travel restrictions around this stuff.

Trump won the last election by at least 15 points. He’s not president because of the power of the Cathedral. Airplane travel restrictions are easy compared to stealing elections. The Cathedral will certainty impose such restrictions if they spiral hard enough in that direction.

The Cominator says:

Is it going to kill everyone who gets it, no. Bill Burr makes a joking but perfectly logical argument as to why they wouldn’t at least deliberately do that.

They’d kill all the NPCs and spare all their enemies. Very very bad plan…

But it might sterilize you, it might make you need some expensive big pharma drug in the future, might cause all sorts of miscellaneous health problems…

simplyconnected says:

I find it hard to believe it will kill everyone who gets it (but I wait for to be ruled out, and if it happens I won’t be hugely surprised).
The reason I don’t believe Burr’s argument is that they had some surveys. Prior to rollout, if I recall, it was ~50% didn’t want to take the injection. Once rollout started, it was ~33% didn’t want to take it.

As more people seemed to wveryant to take it, the Fauci target jumped from something like 50% to 70 or 80% (he said up to 85%). The event 201 discussion talked about some groups being hesitant, namely muslims, christian evangelicals, some others.
Do you really think these people are smart enough to guess that vaccine perception would become essentially split along progressive/non-progressive lines? They didn’t seem to afaik in event 201.

If Fauci redefined herd immunity at 85% as he saw higher acceptance of injection in surveys, I can only guess the target was always at least 85%, which means inject most people (Bill Gates is on camera saying we won’t go back to normal until basically the whole planet is injected). It seems to me they thought they would inject pretty much everyone.
That of course means nothing re the injected dying, it just suggests that Bill Burr’s point only works now that we know that it was only the true believers that injected themselves en masse (which seems unlikely that they knew before rollout).

The Cominator says:

“Do you really think these people are smart enough to guess that vaccine perception would become essentially split along progressive/non-progressive lines? ”

Yes I would think they would know that. Progs trust what the media tells them to do even if its stupid… non progs don’t. There were quite a few people who still believed them somewhat in 2020 (ie all the people who fell for the corona scam, I’m proud to say I never really bought it) but I think thats over.

simplyconnected says:

Yes I would think they would know that. Progs trust what the media tells them to do even if its stupid… non progs don’t.

Maybe you are right and they guessed correctly.

I don’t know what they thought about conservatives getting the injection. But I know event 201 only considered small groups (some black for historical reasons, some muslims and some evangelicals for religious reasons, but not conservatives in general) as potentially distrusting the injection.

They’re not necessarily dumb, but they have a caricature idea of their opponents’ worldview, don’t you think they would think that by getting fox news to shill for the injection they would have conservatives on board? I don’t know, that’s just my guess. I simply look at what they said, and they planned targeted narratives only for those small groups (blacks, muslims, evangelicals).

jim says:

Corona virus is being holiness spiraled. It is just another flu, and like most unusually deadly flues, only kills people with one foot in the grave and wobbling on the edge, to whom it gives a little push.

In countries that got a lot of excess deaths, such as England, they now have the lowest mortality rate ever recorded. The excess deaths from the unusually nasty flu season are approximately balanced by reduced deaths a few months later. Much like most other unusually nasty flu seasons.

Naturally compliance with a holiness spiral splits on left/right lines. Leftism always needs a new thing to be holy about, and this another holy thing.

ten says:

I have been thinking about leaky vaccines and Marek’s disease. Reduce symptoms without reducing transmission and the changed selection pressure makes the contagion more deadly over time.

So mass progressive vaccination would over time cause covid666 to become more deadly, which would primarily kill non progressives.

[…] fellow blogger Jim wrote a piece from the (partial) perspective of the first option, entitled Make women property again (2021 April 19), which is quite a good read. I presume it is written from the standpoint of a […]

onyomi says:

Exciting news! US math teams beats China for first time in years!

suones says:

You got me.

someDude says:

Correction, Chemistry team!

But the spirit of your post stands.

Encelad says:

Exxon Mobil directors board has just been (partially) taken over by holy greeny hedge fund Engine Number One.

Pooch says:

Their plan seems to be to cut the supply of oil and jack up the price of gas to thus price people out of gasoline engines.

Rick says:

Correct. I talked my parents into buying a hybrid with really good gas mileage after Biden stole the election. Gas prices are going to the moon.

The Cominator says:

The problem is

1) Not everyone can afford a new fucking hybrid or electric.

2) You need excess non fossil fuel power in the grid (really it would have to be nuclear) to support charging all those cars.

3) It will take years to replace the truck fleet which will mean the price of any good that has to travel very far by truck will skyrocket as well.

If they are really in a coordinated way making gas unaffordable their plan will cause catastrophic economic collapse and hopefully a coup.

Pooch says:

Beat me to it.

3) It will take years to replace the truck fleet which will mean the price of any good that has to travel very far by truck will skyrocket as well.

With the delicious added bonus of pricing those fleeing blue cities priced out of Uhaul trucks.

Rick says:

There’s a downside, Rural living is going to be come impossible without gas. People will be forced into cities for no other reason that transport costs are lower.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Rural living was the norm *before* gas, not after. It was intensive transportation networks that made mega metroplexes possible, and breakdowns of such will lead to mass exodus, just as it did in rome.

Rick says:

Going to be awfully hard to get equipment delivered and crops traded for finished goods without gas.

Rome and it’s countryside ended up mostly depopulated. Most of the refugees didn’t make it and the existing rural population didn’t make it.

The Eastern Roman empire had to systematically create a sustainable system of serfs and nobles in order to populate the countryside.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You’re not getting it: concentration is what takes more people further away from primary inputs for the ‘human’ resource, distribution is what brings more people closer towards them.

We will reiterate it in case your eyes were crossed and missed reading it before hand; rural distribution was the norm before gas, not the norm after gas.

The Cominator says:

“The Eastern Roman empire had to systematically create a sustainable system of serfs and nobles in order to populate the countryside.”

Not what happened. The sources are not entirely complete but the economy of the Eastern Roman Empire boomed while the West collapsed because it seems like the Emperor Marcian brought back the free market and massively reduced taxes.

Karl says:

Are there historical examples of a catastrophic economic collpase triggering a coup?

jim says:

Yes and no. It was never the primary cause, but it certainly made coup far more likely.

Pooch says:

The problem is no where outside the blue cities and surrounding suburbs have the charging infrastructure to support them. Couple that with the limited range of EVs and It is yet another attack on flyover America with the added bonus of starting to close out the exits from those fleeing the blue metropolises.

The Cominator says:

Charging stations are not at all an insurmountable problem the amount of juice the entire car fleet being charged all the time instead of gassed up is a MASSIVE problem.

I’m not against electric cars and I think long term they are the future… but it can’t be rushed via leftist holiness like this.

Pooch says:

Without holiness, oil, or lack thereof, would not be a problem. Africa likely contains more oil than any other continent.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Geological hydrocarbons are produced abiotically from metamorphic processes on carbon deposits in the crust. They are a common and ‘renewable’ resource, in that sense. Rare earth metals necessary to make high performance batteries, on the other hand, much less so.

Turboelectric transmissions, where an engine produces power, and electricity is used as the ‘working fluid’ for transmitting force from the engine to the drive train, is an old technology, and can become more common as it can allow for simplifications in design affording lower weight and roll resistance as compared with mechanical transmissions. Another good old technology is the streetcar, where a vehicle operates off of a lead connecting to the powergrid through a line in the ground or in the air.

Sole battery powered vehicles however, are an extravagance, something people spend on to signal their faith in greenism (no relationship with actual conservation).

Cloudswrest says:

There are reasons other than holiness/greenism to buy an all electric car. They’re also a luxury item with potentially higher performance (torque) and less maintenance.

1. No motor oil to regularly change and or drip on your driveway.

2. Less coolant issues.

3. Regenerative braking causes brake pads to last longer.

4. Motor lasts a LOT longer. Tesla’s reluctance motor is extremely well designed and extremely simple conceptually, and it not possible to use as a motor without electronics.

5. Simpler coolant systems.

6. All the extraneous EPA bullshit and things like turbos on micro engines are rendered moot and gone.

7. Automation is easier to implement.

8. Mechanical transmission is gone as well as the engine. No transmission fluid to leak on your driveway.

One should use your EV as your local town car, and your Hummer, Wrangler, F150, etc as your touring vehicle. Or for touring get a custom trailer with a genset and gas tank to tow behind your EV. LOL

jim says:

Impractical for touring. It is a town car.

Electricity is impractical for trucking, since the big trucks want to be hauling bit loads 24/7.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pretty much all of those points are covered by formats mentioned previously. It is battery power, specifically, that is the weak link.

Rick says:

I just read an entire thread on reddit’s news sub of leftists trashing battery powered cars as a great evil that needs to be destroyed along with all cars. The holiness spiral continues.

C4ssidy says:

Refuelling is a nasty business and is impractical for people with nice clothes unless they use chauffeurs. Electric cars are cleaner and more luxurious on the simple individual level. The autonomous component is also going to free out attention, even if one cannot ignore the road so much as to do paperwork it will at least free up attention to use for podcasts, so individual productivity will go up. I am also a sperglord who hates the unnecessary noise produced by the tickover of combustion engines. Teslas seem better at this point irrespective of pollution

Krakatoa says:

All three of your points here are retarded which likely means you are retarded, so how did you find this blog?

C4ssidy says:

Diesel gets everywhere, ends up on the handle and fuel caps in trace amounts, ends up on the pinpad of the card reader. You do not need analysis for it, you can feel it in between your fingertips. When refuelling, ends up inside your car in trace amounts, meaning ends up on your wool suit in trace amounts, and you can feel the degradation of the surface texture with your fingertips.

To maintain good wool over a lifetime, need to air and brush and steam, and dry-clean as little as possible, once a year or so, which is going to happen in proportion to time spent hanging around filthy places such as gas pumps. The more you dry-clean to remove the deeply engrained compounds which cannot be easily evaporated or brushed, the more you are degrading the wool itself

Cloudswrest says:

“Electricity is impractical for trucking, since the big trucks want to be hauling bit loads 24/7.”

Indeed. To that end Wrightspeed has developed a hybrid truck powertrain (with battery cache). He actually uses a turbine powered generator.

Ian Wright was one of Tesla’s cofounders. (Is Musk the new Shockley? Seeding Silicon Valley with new spinoff companies?)

Cloudswrest says:

Although even here Wrightspeed appears to be better adapted to “town trucks” with lots of stop and go. Garbage trucks, delivery vehicles, buses, etc. For long haul trucking with close to 100% engine duty cycle, you just gear ratio for optimum engine efficiency and go. No need for any form of energy conversion or caching.

Aidan says:

What is even more worrying is that everything manufactured in America is now facing shortages and titanic inflation. The price of lumber has tripled since Biden got in office. It is as if his administration flipped a switch and turned off American manufacturing. I think it wont be long before we are materially a third world country, with the poorer segment of the population knocked down to welfare slaves and the middle class knocked down into poverty. Gas is just a small part of this.

Rick says:

As Trump freed the US economy from it’s shackles by rolling back regulations, Biden flipped the switch and removed all of Trump’s regulatory rollbacks all at once. The shock to the economy is only beginning as the hard left is fully in control of the levers of regulation now.

EH says:

I’m seeing a coordinated effort to take the country. Houses in the middle of nowhere are getting bids above asking price within hours of listing. We’re in a war right now with China and whoever the Chinese are working with, including a large sector of our own financial /corporate / gov’t / academic elite. They’ve been doing predictive programming for years with the “tiny house” concept, and lately” “you’ll own nothing and be happy”. With the $T in bailout loot, now they have the finances to literally buy every house that comes on the market, and make 90%+ of the nation rent within 5 years, as people are forced to sell their existing houses in order to move.

This seems like an endgame-type move, only massive immediate action or revolutionary action later on, can prevent it becoming the new normal.

jim says:

I don’t think so.

I think the smart money is gambling on the FDR dollar becoming worthless in the not too distant future, and is investing in maximally mortgaged real estate expecting a high likelihood that in the not too distant future, they can pay off those mortgages for the cost of a loaf of bread.

The time for revolutionary action is not now, though it is likely to be a lot closer after fiat money becomes worthless, and will require a revolutionary leader to appear with credible legitimacy.

Just war requires legitimate authority.

Also, anyone saying “revolutionary action now” is likely a fed, so you are moderation pending you passing the shill test. (Though I am seeing indications that the shill test has stopped working since the legitimate president was overthrown.)

Anonymous 2 says:

Modern just war theory seems mainly like philosophical nonsense and blather. However, if the president counts as the sovereign, then Aquinas would say Trump and Trumpists could wage a just war whenever they like.

jim says:

For this we need Trump on board. Don Junior on board would suffice.

Pooch says:

Not at all impressed by Don Jr. He does not look like he has what it takes.

jim says:

Possibly not, probably not, but he is what we have.

What we have may well not suffice.

EH says:

Maybe it’s just positioning for inflation, but then again maybe the events of the past nearly two years aren’t just a series of accidents, but rather a covert war, and this is part of it. The looting part.

Anonymous Conservative (a daily read) proposes that the huge bailout bucks (a large fraction going to banks, financial institutions and companies that use the money to play the markets) are being used to bankrupt the USA just as Reagan got the Soviets to bankrupt themselves. He sees the whole plan as being the work of “Cabal”, the largest covert intelligence network, which he argues, is a niche that cannot remain unfilled, therefore must be filled, and which explains many otherwise curious donations and other actions,news about which he logs daily.


I did not propose revolutionary action, I said massive action will be needed now in order to prevent nearly all Americans from permanently losing title to any part of their own country. I did not say I expected such action. The longer action is delayed, the more permanent the effects of this taking of the birthright of the American people will become, until only revolutionary action will be able to change it. I did not say I expect revolutionary action either — even though though it might seem foredoomed — if none of the other crimes and usurpations so far has been enough, then perhaps nothing will be enough.

If you want me to take your shill test, have away at it.

I can see that women are innately perverse, genetically shit-testing like children looking for limits, and without agency, that they must each individually be under the legal and social control of an individual man their whole lives, should to be allowed to own property in their own names, nor to vote (or otherwise have a say in government), let alone rule over any man. Democracy is unethical under any system of ethics because it treats the worse and better equally. A monarchy with a worthy monarch and aristocracy is better, so long as the worse (as judged by Gnon) do not rule over the better, and priests and businessmen do not rule over men of arms and honor. A stable system requires a stable, non-holiness spiraling state religion and an inquisition to prevent such spiraling. The details of that religion are for the priests, but they should be unfalsifiable or at least unfalsified, in accordance with maintaining social order and preventing spiritual sickness.

jim says:


jim says:

But women are not innately perverse.

They are only innately perverse if you expect women to act like men, and function well in the male sphere.

EH says:

Picking fights with their mates in hopes of losing them, being angry at being given their way, not knowing what they want from one moment to the next yet being angry that their men don’t pick it up by telepathy — it seems like they’re not happy unless they’re unhappy, but once one realizes they want a strong man to tell them what to think and do, it all makes perfect sense. Without that understanding that they don’t want what they say they want, and in fact don’t consciously know what they want, the individual behaviors seem perverse.

Anonymus 2 says:

The Biden Budgets look mainly like a mafia bust out scheme. Was the most recent one $6T?

I wonder, when the scheme is run and done, if they intend to defend their ownership of these assets in some ‘court’?

The Cominator says:

Good point…

Reziac says:

Insights from Gordon Chang:

China wants to take over the world without the tedium and expense of a shooting war. Belt and Road works to take over 3rd world nations, not so much for wealthy nations. For that, they need internal economic collapse to make those wealthy nations vulnerable to Chinese economic intervention. China expected the Covid lockdown to do it, but under-estimated the size of the U.S. economy. The current gov’t spending spree is China’s upscaled effort toward the same goal, conveniently congruent with what Democrats want to do anyway. Gropin’ Joe is just the handy rubber stamp, who doesn’t care one way or the other so long as the bribes roll in.

I say flip it on ’em: borrow all the imaginary money from China, then default on the loan and nationalize all Chinese-owned properties… and they’ll be hoist by their own petard. China (which imports 40% of its food from the U.S. and sends about a third of its exports to the U.S. — what happens if either comes to an end??) should be our client state and financial vassal, not the other way around.

Reziac says:

Just looked this up for someone else, so copypasta:
Daly has, in particular, targeted ExxonMobil, one of her coalition’s portfolio companies, over its “liability, or at least poor integrity, related to its knowledge about the climate impacts of its core business practices,” as she wrote in a letter in 2016.

Penner led the minor shareholder revolt against ExxonMobil in similar fashion. He sought the support of massive asset management firms such as Vanguard and BlackRock, which together own roughly 15% of ExxonMobil. But he also turned back to his old ally, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, as well as to the Church of England and the New York State Common Retirement Fund. The latter two organizations had already urged shareholders during the last annual meeting to persuade ExxonMobil to address the climate emergency. “If you can get Exxon to change,” Penner told Bloomberg, “everybody else in the industry has to listen.”

Note that the CA Teacher’s Retirement System and the NY State Common Retirement Fund, aka state pension funds associated with their respective unions, are both massively over-committed and in deep danger of total collapse. Do these pension funds expect to get money from this?

The hedge fund’s board candidates

Looks to me like the plan is to shift Exxon from oil to “green” energy, gut the company by selling off all its hard assets, set themselves up with golden parachutes, and start sucking money out of the subsidy teat. IOW, a massive fraud. I would not be surprised if this eventually winds up being another Enron==Montana Power.


Article about how welfare fraud funds election fraud in CA:

I suspect this is related, if only via the back door.

praeludium says:

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a woman who spent her youth and beauty on other men, or do you want to marry a virgin and have the family you deserve?

I am looking for potential husbands for my daughters.

Requirements are as listed:
1. Wait between 10 and 15 years for them to be of legal age.
2. Demonstrate financial prowess.
3. Show sufficient knowledge of the red pill.
4. Travel regularly to the New York metropolitan area.

To filter genuine suitors from enemies, I will test your knowledge of the red pill.

Demon Worshiper Test: Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, True God of True God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father; by whom all things were made.

Woman Question Test: Women misbehave because they are feral, acting on base impulses originating from the fall of man in Eden. If women are given unrestricted sexual choice, we have the defect-defect lek mating system, players and bitches, cuckolds and whores. However, if strong men are allowed to control women, we have cooperate-cooperate husbands and wives, stable patriarchal monogamy, intact families and strong communities. With or without the help of the state, it is our mission to form families under the light of heaven.

If interested, please email, or for a more secure line, use the following Bitmessage address:

Please include age, occupation, salary, savings, religion, hobbies, resume, and a brief statement of interest.

It’s true that you can’t always get what you want. This just isn’t one of those times. I look forward to our correspondence, and the years ahead to come.


Why Jim’s blog?

NRX is a movement of disaffected elites, and I wish to build a new elite in the United States.

Why the maximum wait of 15 years?

It will take 15 years for my youngest daughter to reach legal age. Given the volume of FBI agents reading this blog, I do not wish to be convicted for “child” trafficking, among other offenses. Nothing about this process will involve breaking the law.

Why arrange marriages now?

Medieval nobility arranged marriages for their daughters in their early childhood, and there is no guarantee that in 10 years’ time this site will still be around.

What happens after I send my email/Bitmessage?

After sending each message you will receive a notification within 15 days that your message has been received. This is to confirm that your messages are going through; if not, reply on the thread. If there is no follow up on the notification reply within 15 days, assume that our correspondence is finished.

What is your occupation, religion, etc.?

In remaining anonymous, I cannot disclose much information. I am a professional from a wealthy family in the New York City area and attended an elite university.

Is there an age restriction on potential husbands?

Not at all. I prefer a young professional in his twenties, but all that is required is the above four criteria. There is nothing wrong with an age-gap marriage.

How do I know you are not a shill/fed/enemy/etc.?

Ideological tests are the basis of determining friend from foe. A shill/fed/enemy would not be able to pass the demon worshiper/woman question tests in the same way I would not be able to blaspheme Jesus Christ.

C4ssidy says:

Jimianism is catching on. One can see huge numbers of comments in recent months. If we do not end up coagulating on Earth, I suspect we will on Mars

chris says:

Of all the red-pill/NRx/manosphere blogs that stood along Roissy in the past 10-15 years, Jim’s is the last one standing. (Aside from maybe Voxday or Spandrell)

jim says:

They burned out because a rotating collection of whores is exhausting and distressing.

But I tend to give out married man game, which is not what men in distress urgently need. If your marriage is OK, you don’t get a lot of experimental data on gaming bitches.

Pooch says:

I believe Rollo is still going at I believe he got married.

the da says:

What do you think of Anglin’s argument that a successful marriage is impossible because Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Putin etc. can’t hold them together?

jim says:

I have been doing fine all my life.

Looks don’t matter all that much. When I looked like Jabba the Hut, things were not entirely hopeless, though things went better when I lost weight and put on muscle. Wealth and power don’t matter much, because female perceptions of alpha are a hundred millenia out of date. Converting wealth and power in the male hierarchy into something that gets pussies wet is difficult and subtle.

When I see men having troubles in their marriage, what they are doing wrong is usually obvious to me. Just pass your shit tests.

Pooch says:

Alpha males like Putin, Trump, etc don’t have their marriages fail. They discard their wives as they age and move to young and hotter ass.

C4ssidy says:

While I find it hard to follow the technical plans , it sounds like the design of blockchain social media will solve the problem of blogs and similar content being taken offline. Essays and blogs and comments and papers would instead stay around forever, so long as someone somewhere considered them worth a few pence of crypto to pay a decentralised computer network to store them in somewhere in the public ledger

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’d take you up on this, my friend, but 15 years is a long time to wait. I’ll be pushing 50 by then, and thats not a lot of time to knock out a bunch of kids and make sure that my sons are in a good position to take over as patriarch. Best of luck to you, and I hope this works out for you.

praeludium says:

Depends on your family history. Both sets of grandparents in my family were strong and healthy until their late 70s, and my parents, aunts and uncles are all still alive.

Good luck to you and your endeavors, this offer will be around for quite some time.

neofugue says:

> looking for potential husbands for my daughters
> It’s true that you can’t always get what you want. This just isn’t one of those times
> “child” trafficking
> nothing wrong with an age-gap marriage
> nobility arranged marriages for their daughters in their early childhood


This whole post:

btw, Jim, is there a way to create embedded links? I don’t want to use URL shorteners anymore.

neofugue says:

Apologies, got the blockquote script wrong.


> Stuff you are quoting

for emphasis
for bold
< for

jim says:

> btw, Jim, is there a way to create embedded links? I don’t want to use URL shorteners anymore.

this is a link
<a href=”” target=”_blank” >this is a link</a>

suones says:

I agree with the sentiment expressed here. But am very sceptical of the means. A real arranged marriage for one’s children is done with one’s friend who is the father of the proposed match. Not with strangers over the Internet. This could be bait as far as I’m concerned.

Marry your daughters to your friends’ sons. Actually having such friends is getting rarer, but it still is possible in India.

Rick says:

Solid advice. Marriage alliances are going to be important as things fall apart.

Oog en Hand says:

Plz translate:

Magnil inoy dnul ….

suones says:

Ignorance is a curse. Let me enlighten you with the correct pairs of words:



Oog en Hand says:

Aaaaah… Tuhc. I now understand !

praeludium says:

> A real arranged marriage for one’s children is done with one’s friend who is the father of the proposed match. Not with strangers over the Internet.

> This could be bait as far as I’m concerned.

Finding like-minded friends in the capital of Sodom is difficult, which is why I decided to test this strategy. In retrospect, this is most likely ill-advised, although as a disclaimer I am not withdrawing the offer.

I now realize that the primary purpose of FBI infiltration on dissident sites is not to demoralize or derail, not to infiltrate, but to sow distrust. When dissidents are forced to second-guess every communication they become disinclined to forming networks IRL, which keeps them atomized. Tests of entryism are not tests of entrappers, and thus there is no method to build instant trust along the blockchain.

There is a monastery in upstate New York that I trust for the most part. As my business mentor always said, “I may be wrong, but I am never in doubt.”

The Cominator says:

The WHOLE purpose of the system is to atomize everything outside the progressive cult, as much as the progressives called Trump literally Hitler the methods of control of the modern Cathedral borrow more heavily from National Socialist Germany than any other source. In Nazi Germany as Moldbug said there were no soccer leagues there were only National Socialist soccer leagues.

Coordinated press hand and glove with the state, nearly all social organizations must adhere to rules that make them progressive social organizations.

neofugue says:

Praeludium needs to understand that the internet is a domain for exchanging ideas, not forming personal connections. One cannot just go up to a FBI-infested blog and request marriage 1.0 without establishing a reputation.

A better bet would be going to Twitter or Gab, becoming a frequent poster, forming connections and then trying to meet IRL. Which is the story of every single dissident who has been doxxed.

Assuming praeludium is legit, any FBI could copy-paste or reword shill test answers, discover his identity, and drum up false charges. He would be caught “lying to the FBI” and all his daughters would be sacrificed to Moloch without pity.

If praeludium is worried about his daughters, he should go to a conservative church or monastery and arrange marriages in person. There are good places out there, you just need to find them.

suones says:

…methods of control of the modern Cathedral borrow more heavily from National Socialist Germany than any other source. In Nazi Germany as Moldbug said there were no soccer leagues there were only National Socialist soccer leagues.

This is a very one-sided presentment of facts. I know you hate Uncle Adolf because he took away your candy, but trusting Moldbug ben Issac on anything that approaches his racial enemies is folly.

You cannot have “non-political” soccer leagues (or anything). People crave spiritual succour as much as material supplies, and if our priests don’t provide that succour, Prog priests will step into the void. Traditional sports are always quasi-religious activities. The King is the official patron of all sports leagues in his lands, and all sportsmen pay homage to Him and to His Gods (literally “God Save the King” tier stuff). This is why “kneeling” by US sportsnegros was so offensive on a moral level to so many — being an affront to American Civic Religion.

Hitler’s mentors realised that “German Civic Religion” (interwar) was no match for Prog spiritual attacks, and the Kaiserreich was a spent force, the Church being infested by demons. Hitler provided the answer that the people craved — hang a swastika in your window and go about your business. Soon, people were hanging swastikas everywhere.

Coordinated press hand and glove with the state, nearly all social organizations must adhere to rules that make them progressive social organizations.

If we’re not controlling our priests, someone else will step into the void. Either all social organisations adhere to the Imperial State Religion, or they’ll choose a demonic one instead.

Contaminated NEET says:

>You cannot have “non-political” soccer leagues (or anything). People crave spiritual succour as much as material supplies, and if our priests don’t provide that succour, Prog priests will step into the void. Traditional sports are always quasi-religious activities.

Amen. This kind of insight is what brahmins should be providing us.

Rick says:

This is why “kneeling” by US sportsnegros was so offensive on a moral level to so many — being an affront to American Civic Religion.

Correct, it was clearly bowing to a demon god. And that kneeling quickly went from “it’s just a protest bro” to “kneel or get kicked off the team”.

redpurplepurple says:

This is exactly the sort of quality insight
that keeps me coming back to this site.

>You cannot have “non-political” soccer leagues (or anything)

In my youth in my neck of Europe the religion of soccer matches was just basic nationalism. Back then I interpreted it as non-political and “default”, obviously fans of clubs gonna be “tribal” about their country too. This nationalism – not very “rabid” – was like water to fish, felt. very neutral.

yewotm8 says:

15 years is the kind of time you’d wait to arrange a marriage for your own young son, not for yourself. I don’t think you will find anybody willing to wait that long who can meet the standards you have, but I wish you good luck nonetheless.

praeludium says:

> 15 years is the kind of time you’d wait to arrange a marriage for your own young son, not for yourself.

While I am seeking upstart young men, if one is of an older age and has a son the offer still applies. The benefit of arranging a marriage for a son is that there is no legal grey area regarding age parity.

nope says:


jim says:

Clearly untruthful.

alf says:

Comment loading time is really starting to suffer, for me at least.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Very Serious and Important Powers getting whipped up into a cannibalistic fury to destroy Belarus all over some no-name journo hack… precisely because they were a journalist. The ruling priesthood is ever sensitive to any impugning on their privileges, to be above all restraint anywhere they set eyes on.

suones says:

It’s just an excuse. They’ve had their knives drawn for Byelorussia for quite some time now. The mere existence of this “country” is a giant shit test for Putin, so undoubtedly Leftists will want to converge it so it becomes even more of a thorn in Russia’s side (Ukraine II).

Pooch says:

Interesting way to defeat ballot fraud…

“Men desire women, women desire the desire of men.” from Logan Alexander – Women: The Ownership Manual

According to him, ownership follows from this, it is sort of a totality of desire.

Meanwhile, I have learned I do not have low sex drive. I had low sex drive because I never owned my women and for me that is an essential component for having desire for them. Basically, obedience is sexy. But yes, I am putting the the horse before the cart, I should want to own them because I desire them, not desire them because I own them. I am a bit strangely put together in this.

Nevertheless, this reversed relation makes perfect sense to me. I have thought a lot about the essence of incentives in economics. Why, exactly, is it in our interest to get money, why is it a reward? Suppose we have already enough bodily comfort. Then we will typically spend the money on property. Why do people buy a boat, a yacht, instead of renting it? My answer is that our property becomes an extension of our selves. Thus, self-love leads to loving what we own. Just look at how gently and lovingly people wash their cars. It is far more than just liking to have a clean car. They are caressing their cars because it is theirs, hence an extension of their selves. And this is why it is very logical to me that ownership is a prerequisite for real love or desire, because we are selfish, most of our love is self-love, so something or someone needs to become our property, the extension of our selves in order to really love her or it. Classic case is dogs. We love our dogs because they are ours. Don’t just love any random dog.

I don’t know whether philosophers have ever explored this? Consider the idea of “near”, one’s “homies”. “My people”. The very expression means they have became extensions of our selves. Thus self-love becomes love for them. It is a form of ethical egoism. Yes, we do own our friends a little but, but it is mutual, they do own us a little bit too. Conversely, people hating the “near” most likely hate themselves.

Aryaman says:

“These adjusted numbers paint a far less optimistic picture: Washington’s case rate among unvaccinated people is as high as it was in late January, near the peak of Covid infections.” (

Washington Post is writing about something I noticed a month ago, which is that COVID case numbers don’t seem to be going down much at all if you adjust for the vaccinated part of the population. The effect is really bigger than they think because old and weak people are disproportionately more likely to be vaccinated. But that’s not how pandemics work, not how seasonality works, not how development of herd immunity works (effects of which should be seen among the vaccinated and also unvaccinated).

The more likely explanation is that the vaccine is not, in fact, a vaccine. But I’m skeptical of that claim as well since I generally think the vaccine is likely prevents severe disease and death pretty well (but produced by people not capable of actual science, I won’t be taking).

[…] Suones at tersely sums up the problem in the […]

Done Searching says:

Hello there. I’ve been following this blog for some time now. I don’t agree with all of it but I respect it.

I’m curious what you make of Hinduism. This fellow on WordPress has some interesting claims:

Especially when it comes to homosexuality across the Aryan world.

Another is this:

Thank you for your time.

jim says:

The original Aryan religion consisted of worship of the supreme being, plus ancestors.

Thor/Zeus/Jupiter/Indra is, at least according to one icelander, an ancestor of the Aryan peoples who lived roughly in the location where we now know the Aryans originated.

In India, the Aryans conquered a bunch of demon worshipers, and their religion became infested with demons and demonic influences. Though the current state of Christianity is no better.

Peter V says:

Hello Jim. Been reading your blog for some time. I have great troubles with my wife and need your advice. Location: Russia. I’m 23, she’s 30. We started living together 3 years ago, married last year. She was a virgin when we started dating. Ever since a few months into living together, she’s been extremely jealous, controlling, making rows, scandals, she ‘cancelled’ all my friends. She’s constantly complaining I don’t give her enough attention, never protect her (against my mother’s completely inoffensive words, for instance, which also ‘cancels’ my parents). Her scandals make me want to die, literally. I tried ‘fixing’ her using game methods – nothing worked, tried escalating scandals – it had her almost jump out of the window and set the flat on fire. I will not divorce her myself because I took her as a virgin and consider it a great sin to leave her as a consequence. Moreover, she would likely jump out of the window and set the flat on fire if I do. But I do not want to live like that.

This relationship is not in the Game reality, it seems. She complains of not having enough love and attention constantly, is jealous of every woman everywhere, constantly, and yet controls me, makes hours-long excruciating rows.

There’s another perspective to it. I cheated on my first serious girlfriend (that I took the virginity of) and consequently broke up with her when I was 17. Then I had a girl who cheated on me (she hinted on it) and broke up with me. That girl never made any rows, though. Then I had my present wife who has by now literally broken my soul, enslaved and emasculated me, and has me asking God to kill me as soon as possible. I’ve recently come to think that these two relationships are my punishment for the first girl, for that I cheated on the girl whom I took as a virgin. Seems logical. I betrayed a virgin and offended God – now am betrayed, emasculated, broken. It’s hell on earth, truly.

Jim, what can I do?

jim says:

> and yet controls me

There is your shit test right there.

> enslaved and emasculated me

Massive failure to pass shit test.

None of her grievances are actual grievances. She thinks they are, but they are irrelevant. Her actual grievance is you failing your shit tests.

Women do not want slaves, they want masters. This is not complicated. She needs a smack, and you need a night out with the boys. Tell her you are going to enjoy some female company, because her company is unpleasant, but what God has joined together no man may put asunder, so you will reluctantly stick with her, but are no longer going to tolerate her nonsense.

Now frequently I am bad, and my wife reminds me that I am being bad. I should listen to her, and do. But to female eyes, that is failing a shit test. And so she doubles down, whereupon I remind he what the bible says about how wives should handle wicked husbands. And if she still goes on I tell her to shut up, get out of my sight, and do some gardening. She obeys. She tried disobeying once. I passed that shit test.

Peter V says:

I was always afraid of going right to the end, to the smack. I used to forcibly hold her (that didn’t help, only made her angrier), but just couldn’t go further.

If I leave the flat when she’s in that beastly state and won’t answer her phone calls and return in the end, I’m afraid she would tear apart, burn, or throw away all the things dear to me and then do it with what things she can reach in our rented flat. I already keep some of the notebooks in the rucksack I take to work. Twice she tore my books and notebooks (I write) that were very important to me and threw it in the rubbish to let me ‘feel the pain she felt’.

I used to be quite good at game when I was younger, quite effortlessly. Don’t know what happened. Perhaps I never saw such shit tests. Perhaps she’s just insane. Perhaps she’s my punishment.

Anyway, I’ll try pass the shit test. No other way out now for me.

jim says:

> If I leave the flat when she’s in that beastly state and won’t answer her phone calls and return in the end, I’m afraid she would tear apart, burn, or throw away all the things dear to me and then do it with what things she can reach in our rented flat. I already keep some of the notebooks in the rucksack I take to work. Twice she tore my books and notebooks (I write) that were very important to me and threw it in the rubbish to let me ‘feel the pain she felt’.

She wanted a beating, and you failed to give her what she needed and wanted.

Back up your data on the quiet, then give her another opportunity apply that shit test, and this time respond to it appropriately.

When she destroys your data, or otherwise behaves destructively, spank her backside red. If she makes it difficult to spank her and you accidentally hit her in a place that might cause harm, tie her up then spank her backside red.

Every shit test by one’s wife should be treated as what it is: An opportunity to uphold the proper relationship of husband and wife.

> Perhaps she’s just insane.

Lack of children, and the man in their life failing shit tests, will drive any women insane. Needs beating and pregnancy. Every shit test is an opportunity. After spanking, get to work on giving her a child. Best time for getting women pregnant is after trumping a shit test.

Peter V says:

What if I divorce her nevertheless? Will it offend God? Will I have it even worse afterwards?

I’m at the point where divorce seems the only way out. I don’t want her to be the mother of my children now that I’ve seen how evil she is in subtle ways, like giving my mother insulting presents (meant to be some kind of revenge for past grievances) and not telling me anything about it. That could be me not passing the shit tests, I know, but at that point I don’t think I can handle her. This time, with this woman, it’s too hard. I just want to run away.

Kunning Druegger says:

Peter. Comrade. For the love of God. Let her scream and bitch, keep your face impassive, do not respond with more than a Yes or No, let her work herself up to a good lather, then bend her over your knees and paddle her. Spank her hard. Tell her that she is making it impossible to do the only thing in the world you actually want to do, which is be her man. Keep your smacks on the ass; this is not intended to hurt her, or damage your property. Women’s reset button is in the head, but you have to prime the reset via the pussy or ass. If you can’t fuck sense into her, you have to paddle it in. Spank her until her rage turns to wailing, then stand her up, pat her on the cheek (this is the signal to her brain that tells her ‘he could have slapped/hit my face but he didn’t, because he loves me and owns me’), tell her to clean herself up, and that you are going out to be alone for a bit, and that you’ll be back at a specific time and you would like to have a “discussion.” Make sure you are back at precisely when you said you would be, and just tell her you love her and you want things to be better, but you can’t do it alone. DON’T speechify or go on at length, that’s what she’ll be expecting.

This is more than just punishment or aggression release. This is sending a withering flurry of confusing, masculine signals at her brain. Believe it or not, you will be stimulating her male attention receptors, and her female lizard brain will respond as if she is getting attention from many different males at once, which will delight and confound her. She will crave one male’s attention, and that needs to be the “last” guy, the one who paddles, and the one who politely demands.

Your woman is languishing in the misery of the unloved. This may be justified, but it probably isn’t. Women do this when they don’t have children to care for. Women will always envision the universe with themselves at the center. Right now, she feels like she is not at the center of the universe, and she is going crazy because of it. You gotta get her female brain back to the center of its universe and stabilize her in that orbit. Put her there, and show her how to stay there, and demonstrate that upsetting behavior will result in paddling. Be forewarned, she may actually get off on this, so be ready, willing, and able to perform soon after. If you paddle her, and she tries to fuck, and you decline… you have failed terribly and it is very hard to recover from that. It is not always the case, but it is quite often the case that a physical encounter like this makes a female… aggressively needful.

jim says:

> What if I divorce her nevertheless? Will it offend God? Will I have it even worse afterwards?

Divorce is offensive to God.

Divorce will be a disaster. You will be punished more severely for a woman deciding you are beta than for any crime.

So, to demonstrate your alpha, cheerfully do some illegal acts to compel her to improve her conduct.

Though she does not know it, she is acting badly to see what you are capable of doing about it. Prove you are capable of anything. A woman wants to fear her man.

Peter V says:

Thank you, Kunning Druegger and Jim. Your words are encouraging. I will do according to them. I have not tried it all, I could not muster enough courage to even spank her ass. But now I will do that. Maybe that is my lesson: to be alpha not only when it’s easy to be alpha (as was the case in my first relationship), but to be alpha when it requires more courage, when it’s hard to be alpha. The words I read in the Bible (having opened it on a random page) on my wedding day were: ‘Behold, God exalteth by his power: who teaches like him?’

The magnitude of my hypocrisy hits me hard. I write about patriarchy, faith, tradition, and yet cannot sort it out at home, cannot bring my wife to obedience. Now I will do that, I will mend my marriage and make it work, make it satisfactory.

HHH says:

Hi, i am a young female any tips about finding a partner who understands this perspective without abusing it.

jim says:

Your pussy will guide you far better than I can – except that your pussy is apt to point to mister very wrong – towards some fellow with great pre-selection – who keeps being pre-selected by girls hotter than you. If you can ignore that bad steer, you will be fine – your alpha radar is undoubtedly great, except that, just as our taste buds and food appetites are tuned for a world where sweet things are in very short supply, and the opportunity to have a meal does not happen very often, your alpha radar, like your tastebuds, is apt to be overwhelmed by ready availability.

Chicks have absolutely no problem finding suitable males. Your problem is that you can rather too easily find unsuitable males.

Men and woman are apt to gain weight because tasty sweet fatty food is available twenty four seven – and women are apt to wind up single and childless in their thirties because in their twenties mister one in thirty is available with a click on their phone.

You need no help or advice in finding a suitable man. Your problem, rather, is avoiding finding no end of unsuitable men.

just wondering says:

What does it do to your son to be raised with this much contempt for his own mother – and thus, for that half of himself?

Hapas have this problem, the boys despise their father who was too much of a loser to catch a white woman and despise themselves for having their manliness diluted with weak orientalism, and the girls despise their mothers for selling their bodies to foreigners while also seeing themselves as too white to be attractive to a man like their father

It makes them all head cases on the edge of explosions, and that’s what any kid raised according to your philosophy will also be

Redbible says:

It’s Sarcasming Time.


I sure do hate myself for having a father. No man is worthy of the amazing awesome virgin woman my mother is. We all know how women can do everything thing a man can but better and in heels. If only she hadn’t needed to use a Filthy man for my father, I could have been perfect like her. But alas, I am now only at best half perfect. Now what TERRIBLE things has my father done you ask? By being an inferior male with a penis. Truly such a horrible things makes me (being half his child) despised by my mother.


This is what the nonsense your spouting looks like if you flip the genders and use “modern values.”

[…] Prisoners’ Dilemma a while back (2021/3/17). Fellow blogger Jim wrote a classic piece, Make women property again (2021/4/19), in which he describes the dynamics of intersexual Game strategies in terms of […]

[…] Jim’s Blog: Make women property again (2021/4/19) […]

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