Category: party politics

party politics

Another day, another scalp

Trump is not alt right, but the alt right is Trumpist. Jeff Flake was a cuckservative enemy of Trump, and went out denouncing Trump. The alt right is successfully nailing Trump’s enemies. Mencius Moldbug interpreted the Democrats as the inner party, and Republicans as the outer party, as subservient to the Democrats. Which accurately describes and predicts their inability to build a wall, halt race replacement, or repeal Obamacare. But …

party politics

Trump taking power – slowly.

I predicted that by now he would have power, which prediction failed to come true. But neither is he defeated. He is moving along. He recently reduced US support for terror and genocide in Syria, turning off the Jordan supply line for terror and mass murder directed at Christians and Alawites. He honors businessmen who advance technology, instead of honoring businesses who appoint childless women to jobs for which they …


Pushing back on social justice warriors.

Remember how Github went social justice? Well elections have consequences “Coraline”, an autogynophilic male to female transexual, competent programmer, and political commissar, recently got purged from Github by the mandarinate. Mandarins are priests, and Social Justice Warriors are priests, but social Justice Warriors are primarily into runaway extreme holier than thou holiness, while mandarins are more into politely conforming to the official religion and emitting all the right social signals. …

party politics

The permanent trump crisis

At a gut level, the Cathedral feels the Trump presidency to be illegal, unconstitutional, and improper. They simply know it is illegal, unconstitutional and improper, but cannot come up with any intelligible or coherent explanation of why – or rather any explanation that they can say out loud. All the standard rules that you or I should apply in a conflict with Social Justice Warriors apply in a conflict between …


Congressman Steve King’s solution to healthcare

Instead of having a plan developed behind closed doors and then you have to vote for it to find out what is in it, you legislate the old fashioned way, congressional vote by vote. “A return to regular order“. The great advantage of this is its great disadvantage. Congress cannot centrally plan the economy, or any significant part of the economy. No one central plan can receive a majority vote, …

global warming

Defunding the left

Reagan talked about defunding the left, but never actually did anything. As a result of Trump’s threats against Berkeley, they are starting to think that hiring a bunch of thugs to beat people up and cause over a hundred thousand dollars worth of damage may have been a bit excessive. Meanwhile Trump and congress are working on stripping two billion from NASA global warming propaganda. NASA put up a bunch …

party politics

Dumping Flynn

Dumping Flynn looks weak and will encourage the left to go after more scalps. And the people that were after Flynn are seeking war with Russia and Syria. War is easy, peace is hard, for it is always easier to create disorder than maintain order. But, on the other hand, Flynn was expendable. On studying his career, I find he was a neocon, and an advocate of Coin (counter insurgency …


Trump denounces the press

“You are fake news” Trump is able to take on the mass media because he has is own non state power base. He is the Batman’s Bruce Wayne. But the elephant in the living room is Academia. He has small plans to take on Academia over global warming pseudo science and reluctance to subject vaccines to adequate safety testing, but the biggie is degree deflation, and we have not heard …

party politics

The Wicked Flee

The wicked flee when no man pursueth. I don’t want this blog to turn into all Trump all the time, but those liberal tears just taste so delicious. Trump asks for the names and activities of those engaged in countering “violent extremism”. And immediately government employees panic that Trump will engage in reprisals against those countering violent extremism and will undo all their good work in countering violent extremism. Now …

party politics

left becomes the movement against Global Apartheidt

The issue used to be capitalism, now it is “global apartheid”. Our enemies believe that everyone in the world has an inherent human right to move to white countries to live on crime, welfare, and voting for less law enforcement and more welfare. This will be demonstrated when Trump tries to close the borders. The Permanent Government will just flat in your face point blank defy him. If he closes …