Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

The fall of the Republic

Thursday, November 26th, 2020

Today in America it is the year in Rome fifty eight years before Christ. We are here. The mob is on the streets, which the courts decline to put down, courts and legal processes of the Republic politicized and defunct, carrying out political vengeance and refusing to enforce law, elections blatantly fraudulent and discredited.

Caesar crossing the Rubicon was the culmination of more Rubicons than you can shake a stick at. Before Caesar crossed the Rubicon, Clodius and Pompey crossed the Pomerium.

And before they crossed the Pomerium, Rome had the grossly dysfunctional courts, the undue process, and the rigged elections, that we have right now.

Soros and Hunter Biden are Clodius. Trump is Pompey, Cato, and Cicero. The Insurrection Act is the Senatus Consultum Ultimum.

When Pompey crossed the Pomerium fifty two years before Christ, he rolled up the useless, cowardly, weak, and undisciplined mob, and enforced order without mucking around with the useless and discredited courts.

But, since Pompey was an idiot, he then stepped down from the job of dictator, expecting normalcy to return. It did not. And everyone else acted like idiots also. Seeing order return, they thought that democracy, legality, and due process had returned, though obviously it had not.

Order seemingly restored by Pompey’s dictatorship and the Senatus Consultum Ultimum, Rome went on a conquest binge, dropping the pretext of self defense, and pissing off all its neighbors. One of its neighbors, the Parthians, revealed that they had been advancing the art and technology of war, while Rome had been quietly regressing. But the Parthians were content to grossly humiliate Rome, and merely returned their borders to where they were legally supposed to be, though there was absolutely nothing to stop them from rolling up the the entire eastern empire, and perhaps Rome itself. They still had and observed the legality that Rome had abandoned.

Eight years later, forty nine years before Christ, massive abuse of the courts and lack of legality forced Caesar to, with extraordinary reluctance, cross the Rubicon, after several years where legality was not in effect, but people still deluded acted as if it was. And finally, belatedly, remarkably belatedly, people after the assassination of Caesar recognized that legality, due process, courts, laws, fair trials, and free elections are finally gone and are not coming back any time soon.

Political violence continues to grow, eventually resulting in total war, immensely destructive civil war carried out by extraordinary and unprecedented measures.

After eighteen years of ever escalating chaos and ever more massive and extraordinary bloodshed, after a civil war that turned total, Caesar’s adopted son, Augustus, made himself dictator, but having learned from Pompey’s error, did not step down from the job expecting normalcy to return.

Legality, due process, free elections, and peaceful transfer of power, once lost, are hard to restore.

But despite the imperium, the swamp went on being swampy, the state religion went on being hostile, legality did not return. And things stayed like that for two and half centuries, till Constantine built a new capital, and made a new religion the state religion.

My hope is that our Pompey will be our Constantine, that we do a fast forward over Rome’s centuries of war and ruin.

As I predicted, Trump wins, Democrats steal

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Trump has correctly announced he has won, and the Democrats are stealing it.

Currently on you tube. Make a copy, because likely to disappear.


“We won’t stand for it” “We Did Win This Election,” “This Is A Major Fraud On Our Nation”

Trump’s victory was well beyond the margin of fraud, but as I have stated many times, there is no margin of fraud.

There is, however, a margin of plausible deniability, and this fraud is beyond the margin of plausible deniability.

Well, Trump goes to the supremes. And we shall see what happens.

The best outcome that might happen is: Trump wins in the supremes. The supremes are ignored. Trump reads the insurrection act. The generals disobey him. At some point, if all goes as well as it could, he calls out the militia.

If the supremes buckle, we are in trouble.

If Trump wins in the supreme court, he will initially attempt to enforce the outcome with loyalist cops. He may win with loyalist cops, but the militia are likely to be needed.

Pay no attention to the blackpillers who will say there are no loyalist cops. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated he has plenty of loyalist cops, and they have the advantage of unity of command. But things are likely to escalate from there.

In the color revolution script, the threat or actuality of US air force bombing is applied against loyalist elements of the state apparatus of coercion. In the US itself, this command may not be obeyed, which may put color revolutionary forces at a severe disadvantage.

The Trump landslide

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

Tonight, the map will be red.

Which the press, to the extent they cover it at all, will denounce as “The red mirage”. Much as Biden’s laptop was Russian disinfo.

What happens then?

The Democrats have long known there would be a Trump landslide. Their plan was to stall for time, and then run a coup, denouncing Trump’s efforts to prevent them from endlessly manufacturing ballots of unknown provenance and unknown chain of custody as “voter suppression”, declaring that they are defending the sanctity of ever American’s right to vote.

Stalling for time, however, is likely to be more embarrassing than expected. The Trump supremes are feeling their balls and are now pre-emptively shooting down stalling efforts. The Democrats will denounce the supreme court, and may attempt to continue counting freshly minted votes. Which may well result in no electoral college, or two electoral colleges.

If there is an oversupply of electoral colleges, and the House and the Senate fail to agree on which one is legitimate, then the Vice President gets to call it, so the plan was to hold a coup, under cover of mass riot theater, before the Vice President calls it.

An attempted coup is likely to turn into a civil war, as color revolutions so often do, and if it does, they will surely lose. As the Democratic plan lurches into view, I am seeing lots of cold feet on the left.

The fundamental attraction of leftism is “We are the winning side, we have been knocking over apple carts for two centuries, join us, and you get lots of apples”.

Almost immediately after Trump’s 2016 election, the supply of apples rolling around on the ground to be scooped up diminished markedly. A red map is a distinct hint that the current shortage of apples rolling around on the ground is likely to get a great deal worse.

The universities have been massively overproducing would-be members of the elite. Generally stupid people trained in stupidity.

As affirmative action intruded into every academic discipline, academic standards were abandoned in every discipline. Since all they were trained in is hating white males, we saw the massive manufacture of millions of jobs in hating white males, for example a Debian with a keen interest in social justice and no interest or ability to make Debian work, a Free Software foundation with a keen interest in social justice and little interest in free software, a Marvel Comics full of writers and artists with no writing or artistic ability.

What happened is that every academic discipline had to make its affirmative action quota, so could not continue teaching academic stuff, so instead taught social justice, resulting in a flood of stupid useless people with elite degrees from elite universities in every discipline, and pressure was applied through human resources to hire them.

The whole damned lot, a substantial majority of the younger elite, needs to be fired and put to work doing something that is within their competence, such as greeter at Walmart or barista at Starbucks.

And they know it.

Trump did not end the massive expansion of this career path, but merely slowing its expansion substantially, which started to bite in 2016, is having major impact. His recent executive order on critical race theory caused not merely a slowing of the expansion, but actual loss of jobs.

By and large Antifa, to the extent that they have jobs at all, work for the federal government, the quasi state sector, and in social justice activities of nominally private organizations that have turned into social justice skin suits.

And, as we recently saw with Marvel Comics, organizations taken over by social justice are starting to shrink. A red map is going to be a signal that a great deal more shrinkage is coming. Trump was making this point when he recently dumped on the NBA.

But, as with Pinochet’s Chile and Franco’s Spain, any victory while the enemy is still entrenched in the Judiciary, the media, and academia is merely temporary, just a breathing space.

If we merely get a breathing space before the civil war, it may well wind up eventually being fought under conditions far less favorable.

A peaceful or relatively peaceful outcome of this election still leaves us with armed hijackers in the cockpit, and plane headed straight to the ground, even though we will will have our pilot at the controls. For victory to stick, the universities and the courts will have to be cut down to size.

If we win this election, whether peacefully through our enemies conceding to the American voters, or by civil war, it will not do us much good in the long run unless that victory is used for and followed up by a decisive attack on the spy agencies, the FBI, the DoJ, the media, the internet monopolies, the schools, academia, and the judiciary.

That is a big swamp to drain. Constantine gave up on draining it, built a new Rome, and let the old Rome wither on the vine. We may well need to build new institutions, and ensure that the old institutions wither away. Time to rebuild Jerusalem.

The final election

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

Democracy, and any system where transfers of power are peaceful, such as a Republic, require that the elite play by the rules, for limited stakes, thus require a virtuous elite.

We no longer have the necessary conditions for democracy or a Republic, and restoring them would require recreating a virtuous elite, a project that takes generations.

As Front Page Magazine observes:

If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used to attack and intimidate opponents of the regime — morphing from storm troopers to S.S. Resistance will be labeled racism.

With statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico (and who knows where else), court-packing and ending the filibuster, our system of government will be permanently altered to assure that this election will be the last real election.

Like France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932, we stand at the brink. Thank God Trump is no Louis XVI.

Don’t think civil war. Think firing squads, gulags and death camps. Think the Black Lives Matter flag flying over the White House and Capitol.

Well, I do think civil war. The left has overplayed its hand. They are in too much of a hurry to slow boil the frog.

Civil war would be terrible, it is a race to the bottom, and then you discover there is no bottom. But a left victory would just be civil war with us not shooting back. Tens of millions would die. Perhaps everyone would die, as last leftist murders the second last leftist for insufficient leftism.

Leftism is not a journey to a destination. Rather, you are in a car with the accellerator stuck and the engine will not turn off. Leftism just goes on getting lefter, faster, until it is stopped by sufficient violence.

Typically it is stopped short of everyone dying by one leftist seizing absolute power, a Stalin or a Cromwell, and that leftist makes it as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right. Which by that time is apt to be very dangerous indeed.

If we can stop it by civil war, that would be unusual, though hardly unprecedented.

But, supposing we stop it, what then? Democracy cannot be restored, for the stakes are too high. Ceasar just has to take power though of course we will call it the Republic, as Caesar Augustus called it the Republic. But a genuine Republic is no longer a viable proposition. Were Trump to concede, he would be killed, his family would be killed, and a great many of us would be killed.

As in the Russian and French Revolutions, the left if victorious would then go on to devour each other. In the Russian Revolution the Kadets overthrew the Tsar, the Socialist Revolutionary Party overthrew the Kadets, and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Socialist Revolutionary party.

The Socialist Revolutionary Party cut its own throat by stripping officers of their mandates and handing over control to revolutionary-inclined “soldier committees” and allowing revolutionary agitators to be present at the front. It pursued a strategy of no enemies to the left, no friends to the right, and was predictably devoured by those to its left.

And then there was civil war, because the communists had no support, were an extremist minority within an extremist minority within an extremist minority. There always is civil war as the left moves ever leftwards, ever faster, but the later the civil war starts, the less likely the right is to win it, because if the war starts late, all potential leaders of the right have been eliminated.

Civil war is inevitable, it happens every time, because the left gets ever lefter, ever faster. But it is usually lost by the right, because the right starts fighting too late. The earlier the right starts fighting, the better the prospects of right wing victory.

If the civil war starts after an inconclusive 2020 election, whose outcome no one accepts, we will win militarily easily and decisively, and will then face the problem of what to do with the military victory, will face the difficult problem of how to turn military victory into political victory.

If the left wins without a civil war in the 2020 election, there will be civil war soon enough, as the left gets ever lefter. There was civil war in Russia after the communists took power, and civil war in France after the French revolutionaries moved ever further left.

The historical tendency is that the civil war seems to start earlier, perhaps because with the advantage of history, more people see sooner where leftism is headed.

As the left moves ever lefter, there will be war, there always is war, and the sooner it starts, the more likely we are to win it.

For us to win, Harvard, Yale, and the Judiciary will have to be cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized. The prosecutorial system will have to be depoliticized, which will require removing most existing prosecutors to the gulag. It has to become as dangerous to be too far left, as it is to be too far right. So long as Harvard remains Harvard, so long as judges have anarcho tyrannical power, so long as most existing prosecutors have their jobs, it will still be safer to be too far left than to be too far right, and we will continue to move ever leftwards, ever faster.

Yes, but ideas usually do rule

Monday, August 24th, 2020

This is a reply to “Ideas never rule“.

Ideas never rule, in that it is always a human backside on the throne. Ideas always rule, because no man rules alone, so he has to maintain cooperation over a group of men considerably larger than close kin can supply.

Men rule, but how do they rule?

Through guns, ideas, and fashion. Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion more powerful than ideas.

Aidan contrasts Napoleon, man of action, with Maximilien Robespierre. But Robespierre had no title, no legal authority. Rather ideas ruled, and were personified as “Robespierre”, their most notable advocate, after they cut off Robespierre’s head. Infogalactic describes him as “a French lawyer and politician, and one of the best-known and most influential figures of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.” Notice the complete lack of any job titles or executive authority in that description.

As for Napoleon, man of action: Napoleon, man of action, lost his army in Russia because of logistics, and logistics failed because the “Continental System” was ideology over economics. Napoleon, man of action, got himself into a holy war with the Spanish people over religious issues. Napoleon, man of action, chose to converge Christianity to the Cult of Reason, and the Spanish did not feel like being converged.

You could say that under Napoleon ideas ruled considerably less than they had when Robespierre was “influential”, because there was a human backside on the throne, whereas when Robespierre was “influential”, the throne was empty. But ideas ruled Napoleon, caused him great losses in Spain, and destroyed him in Russia.

And what of America today? Does Trump rule, or Harvard rule?

Mostly Harvard. And Harvard would not put its backside within ten feet of the throne. Harvard rules ideas, and ideas rule America. Do men rule Harvard – obviously, but they rule facelessly, through secret peer review, much as Puritans ruled in the time of Barebone’s parliament.

And what of Russia today?

Putin rules. And Putin, like Napoleon, like Cromwell, like Caesar, is a warrior. But he is also a priest. His background is the secret police, the inquisition, who are warrior priests.

When he causes weapons to be created that can deny the US airsea superiority over Russia, the warrior is thinking and acting. But his major concern is not America’s airsea advantage, but Russia’s spiritual security. He is building magnificent weapons, and magnificent Cathedrals – the one as much to resist American power as the other.

Putin knows you need a State Religion to beat a State Religion. Soviet Russia collapsed because Stalin killed all the true believers in communism, so Putin is reviving Russia’s old State Religion. Putin rules, but he knows how Harvard rules. Harvard rules by manipulating language and ideas.

Does Putin believe in Russian Orthodoxy any more than he believed in communism? Or does he think both of them are glue to hold society and state together, and Russian Orthodoxy is better glue?

Maybe, maybe not, but it is easier to believe in Russian Orthodoxy, for its important claims are not of this world, and not subject to falsification by the facts of this world, while cult of reason was embarrassingly unreasonable.

Whether Putin believes or not, white people are once again building magnificent Cathedrals, after centuries of abandonment and desecration. There is an idea, made manifest in steel and glass, and that idea rules, denying Harvard the power to rule.

So, do men or ideas rule? When the ideas are useful, true, beautiful, and good, hard to tell the difference. When the ideas are evil, stupid, and apt to destroy ruler and ruled, easy to tell the difference. Ideas are ruling us today. A black mob burning, looting, and smashing is not black men ruling, but white men bowing. And what are they bowing to? They bow to an idea: “Black Lives Matter”. A chimp would look at that and see black men ruling, but the chimp would be wrong.

In Putin’s Russia, men bow before the altar.

State of the left singularity

Friday, July 24th, 2020

Preamble, to get those not yet darkly enlightened up to speed

Leftism is entropy in the apparatus of state. Leftists ally with far against near, in the struggle within the state.

The driving force of leftism is a holiness spiral. The state is a synthetic tribe, so the state always has, furtively or openly, a state religion, so leftists struggle for power by endlessly adding new, ever holier, stuff to the state religion, and eliminating the unprincipled exceptions and theological inconsistencies that made earlier forms of the state religion workable and practical.

Thus leftism goes ever lefter. And the more disordered the state becomes, the faster it goes left, and more left it becomes the more disordered it becomes.

Every day the left gets lefter.

As we approach the left singularity, as the left goes faster and faster leftwards, tidal forces increase, with the left most part of the left moving left faster than the not so left part of the left, the leftmost become increasingly dangerous to the not quite so left.

The radical left is purging the less radical left, purging the Haidt / Mounck / Pinker axis. They probably will not purge Biden, since more and more often, he no longer knows where he is, what year it is, and fails to recognize family, but Pelosi is headed for removal soon enough, finding it increasingly difficult to control the radicals, and increasingly making self destructive concessions to them.

These fractures within the left eventually result in the left singularity being halted short of infinite leftism, as sooner or later, someone important decides “Yes, I do have enemies to the left and I have no choice but do whatever it takes to stop them.”

To merely stabilize movement ever leftwards, ever faster, it has to become as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right. That, merely stabilizing the left wing singularity to current levels, as Stalin and Cromwell did, is a quite drastic measure, and the more dangerous it has become to be too far right, the more dangerous it has to become to be too far left, and the more drastic a measure it is. Cromwell’s measures were drastic, but non lethal. Stalin’s measures were drastic and massively lethal and nothing less could have saved Russia. Once they started killing rightists, it could only be stabilized by killing leftists.

England having been stabilized non lethally, Charles the Second could then restore normality by merely massively purging the state Church, executing a handful of people, and encouraging large numbers of clerics to get out of England. Unfortunately many of them went to America, where they founded Harvard, and have been plotting to take over the world since then.

Harvard was the Vatican, the official state Church of New England, thus the left has organizational continuity and continuity of personnel all the way back to the Christian state church of ancient times. Today, as when Emperor Constantine founded Constantinople, you cannot get a job in the state and quasi state apparatus, unless you have passed catechisms administered by the seminaries of the state religion, but while the catechisms of Constantine’s Church concerned unfalsifiable claims about the next world, today’s catechisms contain ever growing falsifiable and false claims about this world,

And today, the priesthood is extending this demand to everyone, thus namefags must always lie. Including Yarvin, now that he is no longer Moldbug.

And now, the meat of the post, where we are today

Drag Queens having government sponsored and government approved sex on the floor of the public library with nine year old boys. The books in the library they performed sexual acts on the floor have been purged of all thought crime, and the library needs a coat of paint.

Schools pressuring students to transsexualize.

A school curriculum of hatred against white people, reading, writing, and arithmetic being white privilege. Quiet in the classroom being white privilege.

Arrest quotas on blacks that enable them to swagger down the street because they can beat up white people with impunity and not get charged or arrested, but white people will be arrested for defending themselves.

Ever increasing violence and intimidation against anyone insufficiently left wing.

Collapse of marriage and family.

Courtship and dating can no longer be plausibly or interestingly depicted in movies, books and dance videos. the destruction of Star Wars and the self destruction of Marvel Comics. Han Soylo. The mating dance can no longer be realistically or entertainingly depicted. Dance videos can no longer depict men acting male and women acting female.

Child protective services abducting children from Christian families and selling them to gays.

Hatred of white people and America taught in schools. Second class citizenship for whites.

That pretty girls no longer walk the Embarcadero, that José Inez García Zárate came to San Francisco illegally, lived on crime and welfare, and is still there despite illegal status and numerous arrests for very serious crimes, that Zárate murdered Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero because she was white, that he was acquitted because a brown man murdering a white girl.

White flight, whites are now fleeing San Francisco as they fled Detroit.

White flight everywhere. We are running out of places in America to run to. Most white people in America cannot return to the place that they were born and raised because “It has changed”, though if they were to say how it has changed, that would be a thought crime.  The cost of housing soars as we run out of places to flee to

The silicon valley meritocracy exemption has collapsed, and now silicon valley is collapsing because of affirmative action. They now have to practice affirmative action like everyone else. Hot new technology no longer comes out of Silicon Valley.

Abortion as a holy sacrament. They shut down the Churches and the cancer wards, but did not shut down the abortion mills.

The collapse of intelligence in the student intake of Harvard and Yale. They are stupid, because selected for race, sex, and political correctness, not ability as they select for PC rather than smarts.

The inability to plausibly depict the interaction between men and women in recent movies. It started going bad in 1963, and every subsequent movie has gone downhill since then, because the real mating dance is increasingly impossible to depict.

The increasing application of violence, intimidation, and terror against real and suspected Trump voters.

Sanctuary cities with ever escalating privileges for illegals.

Increasingly second class citizenship for white people. There are arrest quotas limiting the arrest of blacks, so a black can attack white people with little risk, while if a white defends himself, he faces grave risk. So blacks swagger down the street and disrupt the workplace.

The pope worshiping naked pagan idols.

White people cannot form a family, because defect/defect equilibrium between men and women, because women have the right to cuck their husbands, so we spin plates and try to dump the chick before she bangs someone even more alphas than ourselves, and cannot afford housing because of white flight (nonwhite people live in houses white people built, and those houses go to ruin), cannot afford healthcare, because the healthcare system is socialized to guarantee the availability of healthcare for people who do not pay, and ever longer educational attendance where students are taught to hate themselves, but not to read and write.

Wealth these days is dispensed and distributed by people on the revolving door between regulators and regulated. America is losing its middle class for much the same reason and in much the same way as Venezuela has lost its middle class. The disappearance of the middle class is a result of the first world becoming third world.

That a man’s obligation to look after his wife and children is legally and socially enforced, and his obligation to love and cherish socially enforced, but a woman has no legal or social obligation to refrain from cucking her husband, and her obligation to honor and obey is not only not socially enforced, but aggressively opposed.

The left vision of the Eschaton

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

The left want to immanentize the eschaton. How exactly? What will the immanent eschaton be like?

This is to them a minor detail that can be dealt with after they have swept away the old order, like the Khmer Rouge plan for revolutionizing and radically increasing rice production.

The Khmer Rouge had, unlike our left, a vague glimmering of plan: They would revolutionize and radically increase rice production on the flood plain by centrally planning the flow of flood water over the rice. The narrow selfish self interest of the peasant leads to him making ditching and diking decisions without concern for downstream consequences. Centrally planned rice production would be vastly more productive, assuming an all wise and all knowing planner.

So in practice, they just had stuff torn down, not built – the dikes and canals they commanded went from nowhere in particular to nowhere in particular, and were never finished, or even seriously begun. But the Khmer Rouge did however devote immense energy and effort to the vastly more satisfactory task of destroying the previous infrastructure for producing food. The existing ditches and dykes are wrong. They reflect narrow selfish self interest. Away with them! Later on we will figure out the new ones.

The Khmer Rouge thought they could command a new infrastructure for growing rice on a flood plain into being in an instant. And thought that figuring out a new infrastructure for growing rice on a flood plain was a mere minor boring detail. Not only was the work to create new water flow infrastructure immense, they never had any clear idea of what new infrastructure was to be built.

So what do our leftists intend to destroy?

The left is angry with people like me, because I have a wife, sons, a house, and a garden, while they live in an urban commune with ten people and they beta orbit around some chick who weeps on their shoulder about the men who fuck her but will not take possession of her.

Men want gardens when they have obedient wives. It is the wife and garden combo that fills the left with covetous rage.

Green New Deal, Covid 19, and Black Lives Matter are all efforts to smash my life in the inchoate feeling that they will then have my life.

The riots are left wing females inspiring left wing males to attempt a shit test that they can never pass. Some shit tests, you fail by merely attempting to pass them, and the only pass is to laugh the shit test off. Of course, if you regularly pass shit tests by laughing at them, the chick will find a shit test that you cannot pass by laughing at it, that will force you to man up. Conversely, if you regularly pass shit tests by being ludicrously manly, you will get a shit test that can only be passed by laughing at it.

The Chaz would have been an effective reproductive strategy in the ancestral environment for the men, had they won, and an effective reproductive strategy in the ancestral environment for the women win or lose.

In the ancestral environment, the warrior chieftain patriarch of the Chaz, had he been victorious, would have assigned the conquered land to his warriors for homes and gardens, and assigned the women to himself and his warriors, and the women would have been set to work gardening and bearing children.

And had he lost, the evil white racists, having proven themselves more alpha than the lefties, would have taken the women of antifa as slaves, and set them to work gardening and bearing children. Either way, in the ancestral environment, the women of antifa would have won, and they would have had the exciting and romantic event of alpha males clashing to see who was more alpha. But in our environment they are instead headed for careers as strong empowered fat lesbian cat ladies of human resources.

If you talk to a woman about factoring a program, her eyes will glaze over, and if you talk to a woman about a positive vision of society, her eyes will glaze over. Her pussy is asking “How does this relate to one alpha male proving he is more alpha than another alpha male?” The only effective way to communicate our vision of society to women is to say “God says do it this way”, whereupon her pussy tells her brain “Top alpha says so, and my alpha says so”.

We are seeing the feminization of left wing discourse. Nature gives women tremendous power, and for successful reproduction, men have to organize and cooperate to disempower them. Because women have so much power, leftist talk is girly talk, hence the loss of interest in any coherent vision of the Immanent Eschaton. Immanentizing the Eschaton is now merely a shit test.

I have a house, a garden, and an obedient wife. When my late wife died, I found that a house and garden without a wife was mighty sad. Might as well live in a closet. Less to keep clean. Now that I have a new wife, I enjoy my house and garden a lot. We are growing veggies. Lettuce, capsicum, potatoes, chilies, eggplant, tomatoes. We have fruit trees. I have a nice view in the morning, and my wife makes me coffee when we wake up.

Leftists, because female power, have no prospect of a wife, a husband, children, a house and garden. Somehow, having a garden is part of being a family unit, and lacking a family unit, people do not want a garden. But they see other people who have what they do not have, and envious people grow angry, bitter, and spiteful. They want to lash out and destroy.

Male leftist’s testicles are telling them that if they destroy enough evil white racists, if they win the battle of Armageddon, they will have the power to command women, and women’s pussies are telling them that after the battle of Armageddon, there will be men worthy of commanding them regardless of who wins and who loses. Of course, if the left wins, they are both wrong. The commissar from Human Resources is going to be a morbidly obese lesbian cat lady, not General Bucknaked.

If we win, we will supply the women of antifa with someone who will look to their pussies like General Bucknaked.

Legacy Media report that failure to make sufficient human sacrifices is punished by the wrath of the Gods

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

The plan for Wu Flu bears a striking resemblance to the plan for a Green New Deal.

If sufficient human sacrifices are not made, dire natural disaster will ensue. Now that they have the Wu Flu disaster, seem to have lost interest in the Anthropogenic Catastrophic Climate Change of Doom disaster.

Some time ago Iran, noticing that Wu Flu is over, ended their lockdown. The media of course reports Doom. The wrath of the Gods has punished Iran for their impiety.

Has it?

Looks like the lockdown slowed the rise very slightly, and ending the lockdown slowed the decline very slightly.

Wu Flu deaths in Iran grew by a factor of ten every eleven days till March 21st, remained at steady constant death rate to April 10th, and since April 12th the death rate has been in slow exponential decline. Imposing lockdown had little effect in Iran, and ending lockdown had little effect in Iran.

The decline is painfully slow, but it is exponential. Death rate in Iran falls by a factor of two every twenty eight days, which means that most of the deaths are behind them now.

Don’t believe anything you read in the legacy media. They are evil, angry, hostile people who hate you, and tell you lies that will harm you. Everything you read in the papers is a lie by evil people who intend to harm you in any way that they can, who want you dead, want your children dead, do not want white people to have sex, and especially do not want white people to have marriage and children. The reason the news does not cover hate crimes against white people is that they give each other high fives whenever the hatred that they spread against white people results in white people being murdered or driven out of their homes. They celebrate every time one of our warriors is killed in pointless endless wars that they instigate against people far away, in lands of which they know nothing, and when the warriors come home prosecute our warriors for war crimes because the warriors had to defend themselves against enemies out of uniform hiding behind women and children.

They hate us, they hate you, and they hate themselves. Hatred and evil consumes them and drives them mad.

What appears in the legacy media are the ravings of evil angry dangerous madmen, and they only matter if the madman is dangerously powerful.

If any commenter uncritically presupposes that anything that appears in the mainstream media bears any connection to reality, other commenters are likely to get rightly angry at him. The legacy media only tells the truth when half the truth is useful in getting people to look away from the lie. When they tell the truth, it is packaged in frame that says “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”.


Friday, May 15th, 2020

Wu Flu is off topic, but the holiness and lies surrounding Wu Flu is on topic.

What South Korea did is the application of Germ Theory to control a pandemic. What we are doing is the application of Germ Theory to justify the same agenda as Green New Deal and anti capitalism was proposed to justify.

What South Korea did, worked, and did not require the shutdown of society and the economy. South Korea used testing to lock up the sick, not the healthy, while governor Cuomo forced people coughing Wu Flu into old people’s homes to raise his death count.

Lockdown as actually implemented is not an effective measure (they lockdown white taxpayers and small businesses, not nams and holy quasi government businesses, they lockdown parks and beaches, but not public transport) Everywhere that people did not take effective measures to control Wu Flu, meaning everywhere in the West, Wu Flu rose by a factor of ten every ten days, at which rate it was bound to run into herd immunity fast.

It is now exponentially approaching herd immunity, with an exponential decay rate of a factor of two every four weeks.

Which means that most of the deaths are now behind us. Total deaths, yet another bad flu season, lockdown or no lockdown.

Wu Flu, manufactured crisis, real deaths.

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Wu Flu is off topic for this blog. But the corruption of science is on topic. Hostile and treasonous elite conduct is on topic. And we are seeing no end of both in the Wu Flu crisis.

The big question is: Is Wu Flu just yet another new flu, worse than most, less bad than some, with a death rate around 0.1% or less, or is it something considerably more serious, with a death rate around 1% or more?

And we are seeing a pile of compelling evidence, for example New York City, that it is 1% or more, and a pile of compelling evidence, for example most of the rest of America, and a great many countries around the world, that it is 0.1% or less. We also see that the elites are not happy with the evidence that it is 0.1% or less – for example they took down the Dr Erickson video. They want it to be 1% or more.

so what explains this mysteriously massively discrepant evidence? Why is it so?

When a dangerous disease is going around the normal response is to lockdown the sick, not the healthy, that you quarantine those infected or suspected of infection and turn away strangers and outsiders. The sick and travelers temporarily lose their civil rights, but life goes on as normal for everyone else. That was the spontaneous mass response to Ebola. It is what people have always done for over a thousand years, because it works. Peoples, elites, and authorities have often responded to extremely serious plagues with extremely severe travel restrictions but no one has ever locked down the healthy, even in response to very serious diseases such as Ebola that were obviously far more deadly.

Some governments responded to the disease by imposing quarantine on carriers and plausibly suspected carriers. The East Asians simply locked them up, the Australian and New Zealand government imposed “voluntary” quarantine – and if you do not “volunteer” with sufficient enthusiasm, they lock you up even if you are a big star and very important person and have very important things to do.

Places that impose quarantine on carriers have only a minor problem. But strangely in many places, we are seeing drastic measures imposed on the normal population, while carriers are free to cough all over the subway and are forced into old people’s homes. Where governments have acted vigorously and effectively to quarantine and treat the sick, where governments do what has been done for well over a thousand years in response to plagues, Wu Flu has caused very little sickness and death, irrespective of whether they imposed lockdown or not, South Korea being the most dramatic example.

We have had millenia of travel blockades and quarantines in response to pandemics, and they have worked. We have never had a lockdown of the healthy, and it is not working.

And where governments do not very much want the death rate to 1% or higher, we are not seeing anything like 1% or higher.

Exhibit number one for an extremely seriously death rate is New York city, where the government forces Wu Flu patients into old folks homes, and people with a fever are free to cough all over the subway. In much of the world, there is a guard at the door of every major shopping center who points a thermometer gun at your head to check you for fever, but in New York City, which is exhibit A for Wu Flu being a serious disease with a high death rate: We saw Cuomo deliberately send coronona virus into old people’s homes, knowing the death rate is more like 70% in an old people’s home – but not however for old people being cared for by their families.

The CEO of a hard-hit Brooklyn nursing home, where 55 patients have died from the coronavirus, told The Post last week that he’d been warning state Health Department officials for weeks he had staffing and equipment issues — yet received little help.

“There is no way for us to prevent the spread under these conditions,’’ the head of the Cobble Hill Health Center, Donny Tuchman, wrote in an e-mail to the department on April 8.

He said he asked to move some patients to the makeshift wards at Manhattan’s Javits Center and aboard the city-docked USNS Comfort amid the pandemic, only to be told those two spots were receiving only patients from hospitals.

“I made specific requests to transfer patients, and it didn’t happen,’’ Tuchman told The Post. “There weren’t options.”

Hydroxychloroquine is being widely blocked. To be effective, has to be given before the lungs are adversely affected. Impaired lungs can lead to low oxygen levels of which the patient is unaware, resulting in cascading organ failure if some of his other organs are a bit on the marginal side and even if the corona virus goes away before he dies, which it often does. If you have two marginal organs, and then you have a third marginal organ, you are apt to get cascading organ failure. And if you have several marginal organs, you are a lot more likely to get cascading organ failure in an unpleasant and hostile alien environment where you have no control, than in a pleasant and supportive home environment where you have substantial influence and control.

And, similarly ventilators.  If someone has a bunch of marginal organs, and you stick him on a ventilator, he will very likely die from the ventilator, irrespective of oxygen levels.  We know that oxygen masks are way better for people that are conscious and alert.

It is absolutely obvious that some people very much want this to be a dire crisis, and are prepared to take drastic action to make sure that it actually is a dire crisis.

Remember the much promised alarming shortage of hospital beds.  Notice that we have quarantine for the healthy, not the sick. The USNS comfort was intended as a hospital and quarantine center and it is not being used because Cuomo wants people who are coughing up corona virus to ride the subways.

New York is indeed having a death rate closer to 1%, and we see ample evidence that the New York government wants a death rate closer to 1%.

That is what explains the discrepancy.

When someone is already frail, and you would prefer that they died, it is easy to make sure that they do. With the best will in the world, iatrogenic death is a huge problem, and we have been seeing a great deal of the worst will in the world.

Rt over all America has been dropping independent of lockdown, which seems to have small effect, probably for the reasons given in the Dr Erickson video. Therefore, except perhaps in Wyoming, we are getting a significant fraction of the population immune, at least among the superspreader subpopulations, such as homeless and subway riders, and we have not been getting 1% of a significant fraction of the population dying, except in states and cities where it is absolutely obvious that the the government wants a significant fraction of the population to die. We have a plague of state sponsored iatrogenic deaths, not a plague of yet another new flu.

The old and the frail are most at risk, partly because flu always kills the old and the frail, and mostly because old people separated from home and kin are extremely vulnerable to iatrogenic mistreatment. Some years ago I was detained against my will in a very unpleasant hospital, on the grounds that my vital signs needed to be continually monitored, until I managed to arrange to have myself transferred to a much nicer hospital, where I actually received useful and effective treatment in a pleasant environment while my vital signs were being monitored in a polite, pleasant, respectful, and unobtrusive fashion. If I had been frail, would have been at risk of iatrogenic injury or death in the unpleasant hospital.

If we look at who is dying and where they are dying, the big risk factor is a state system that wants you to die, and health problems that make you vulnerable to being killed iatrogenically. The distribution of deaths indicates the primary cause of death is not disease, but the biggest killer of the twentieth century: Government.

San Francisco has the same risk factors as New York City; crowding, dirt, public transport, and homelessness; and yet there is an enormous difference in the death rate. Both have comparable levels of Wu Flu among superspreader subpopulations. One place is generating stats consistent with a 1% death rate and grossly inconsistent with a 0.1% death rate, the other place is generating stats grossly inconsistent with a 1% death rate, and consistent with a death rate considerably lower than 0.1%.

Why does the the New York government send old people sick with corona virus into old people’s homes, when the USS Comfort sits empty?

The government want to atomize, to “socially distance” groups that it hates and fears: Observe white get busted for surfing and going for a walk in the park, while non asian minorities have no problem throwing big parties. Observe orthodox Jews get the stick, while progressive Jews and Muslims are fine.

Wu Flu is an opportunity and justification for locking down people you fear and dislike, and, in some places such as New York City, an opportunity for killing off groups you fear and dislike, hence the seemingly discrepant facts on death rates. Cuomo is refusing to send people to facilities that he does not have authority over, where he cannot make sure that they will die.