
American logistic capability

American GDP is fake and gay. American GDP is for the most part not riggers in red states lifting steel, workers on the assembly line, cattle ranchers raising cattle, nor even truckers, warehouses, and shops moving goods from where they are made to where they are used, it is people in blue states doing business in permissions that allow riggers to lift steel and ranchers to raise cattle. American GDP is the HR department, not the trucker.

America produces about a hundred and fifty tomahawk missiles a year. Russia has expended about five thousand or so similar missiles in the Ukraine. Nato is running out, Russia does not appear to be running out.

America’s largest and most capable aircraft carrier is the Nimitz. Built in 1967. Maintenance and repairs are piling up. The Navy has been trying, and failing, to produce new ships for some time, with the result that America’s fleet is shrinking, while China’s grows. The Navy cannot build what it used to be able to build, and cannot maintain and repair what it inherited. The Navy suffers the same disability that NASA suffers. How much of the stuff on the Nimitz is still in order suitable for use in battle?

The Nimitz can deliver that many missiles in a week. But how many missiles does it have to deliver? It was built for an America that could mass produce stuff like that. This is not that America.

The most important, powerful, and effective weapon in the US arsenal is a fifty year old plane firing seventy year old cannons scoured from museums and looted from ancient forgotten overseas arms depots.

In the conflict over the Ukraine, the hollowing out of western industrial capability is showing up.

Right now China could sink the Nimitz. It is in range of Chinese hypersonics at this moment. But order to sink it, it has to be able to see it. War in the Pacific is likely to lead to war in space – in which Musk is the superpower, though since much of his assets are in space, he is very much opposed to space war. America leads by far in space based observation capability, thanks largely to Musk’s ability to lift stuff. But to remove other great power’s capability for space based observation may require assistance he is likely to be reluctant to provide. But he may not have much choice with all his ground assets US based.

Russia and China have crude satellite weapons. But the winner in a space war is likely to be whoever has greater capability to lift stuff to orbit.

All Global American Empire approved political candidates are saying “Russia will be defeated”. You should not want to defeat a nuclear power. You want to push it into an unfavorable deal with military pressure. Which is what the US has been doing for eight years in the Ukraine, except for the deal part. They seem congenitally unable to make a deal. Defeating a nuclear power is likely to become unpleasant. If no deal eventually nukes.

What happens if Nato goes directly to war with Russia?

Well, most of Nato lacks actual soldiers, as became amusingly apparent in the Serbian wars. As I am fond of saying, Britain has a hundred generals, but can only put a hundred boots on the ground. The US has actual soldiers, or had, the number is rapidly diminishing. Probably some Nato countries have actual soldiers. The Ukraine does have actual soldiers, having conscripted just about everyone. Right now they substantially outnumber Russian soldiers in the Ukraine. But they are dependent on Nato logistics, and Russian shells clearly outnumber Ukrainian shells. Direct Nato involvement will not help much with the logistic crisis.

Reagan’s strategy for defeating the Soviet Union was logistic exhaustion, to bleed them in a hundred little wars. That worked, and today the Global American Empire strategy is the same: “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a nuclear power”. This time around however, does not look like it is working. “Russia will be defeated” rests on the claim that Russia is rapidly exhausting its stockpiles. Maybe, but they are not acting as if they are exhausting their stockpiles.

Some time ago the Ukraine tweeted a chart supposedly showing Russian stockpiles and weapons production. According to that chart, they should have run out quite some time ago. Global American Empire quasi state media have been reporting for months that Russia is about to run out. They are drinking their own koolaide.

A few days back, Russia started using what it calls “end guided bombs” to good effect, though it would be more accurate to call them bomber launched glider drones. Obviously these are not coming from its stockpiles. Further, bomber launched glider drones are a more effective, advanced, and modern weapon that what the USA calls end guided bombs.

Some time ago the west decided to send its highly advanced tanks to the Ukraine. These wonder weapons would make short work of the Russians, we are told. They have not arrived. I conjecture a conversation took place that went something like

“How many tanks do we have ready to roll?”

“Well, when they arrive in the Ukraine, certain maintenance procedures will be required, and we will have to make arrangements for those maintenance procedures to be deployed in the Ukraine”

“How long will that take?”

“Well, we are having some delays in deploying them here.”

Perhaps I am being unduly cynical, but the west has a whole lot of warplanes that are “not full spectrum combat ready”. Perhaps it has a similar problem with tanks. The Global American Empire military industrial complex is in the same pickle as Nasa. It has a whole lot of enormously impressive terrifyingly powerful stuff lying around from the days of half a century ago, that it can no longer make, maintain, nor competently use. Exhibit A being the Nimitz and the space shuttle engines. The US Navy is not rapidly shrinking because of budgetary decisions to shrink it. They budgeted to expand it. It is shrinking for the same reason as Nasa was begging the Russians for lifts to the space station. They tried to build warships, and just failed. Tanks and warships are a similar technology. If you cannot build warships, maybe you are only pretending to build tanks.

It is hard to say, for the first casualty of war is truth, but the way the wind blows now, it is not Russia that is running out.

This is related to an earlier post on the fakeness of American GDP afflicting American consumers. Used to be that every moderately competent, moderately industrious, man could afford a home, a garden, children, and a stay at home wife. Used to be that American shopping centers looked like shopping centers for rich people. Now they look like shopping centers for third world people. I was very recently in a big top end third world mall. Looked very nice. On the whole, wealthier, more attractive, and more comfortable ambiance than what I see around here, though most people in that town do their shopping in places more typically third world and Singapore has much nicer places. But if you look at a nice shopping center in Singapore, and what you can find in America, it is like night and day. Singapore shopping centers imply a considerably higher quality of customer than American shopping centers. A typical Chinese restaurant just has a nicer ambiance than the typical American restaurant, the typical Chinese car is nicer than the typical American car, and the typical Singaporean car is way nicer.

They say the pleasant and beautiful old malls disappeared because of economics. Could not compete with Walmart prices. Maybe, but outside the Global American Empire, and on its periphery, I see pleasant and beautiful malls going up.

971 comments American logistic capability

Red says:

The Navy suffers the same disability that NASA suffers. How much of the stuff on the Nimitz is still in order suitable for use in battle?

Back during the Obama years I heard from a friend had a relative on a carrier that they regular patrolled the China sea with only 1/3 of the Phalanxes operational and one time they went out without a working radar because the contractors couldn’t get the new system to work.

Pretty much every Chinese fighter has automatic missile detection systems built in while only the latest American fighters have it(F35/F22). China’s air to air missiles have about double the ranges our does and it appears that China has working stealth air to air missiles. Our planes outside the limited number of stealth ones are sitting ducks.


jim says:

I know the Chinese have been doing interesting work on stealth penetrating radar. Whether they have gotten it to work, I have no idea.

Stealth is most useful to an airsea power like the US, stealth penetration most useful to a land power like China or Russia.

jim says:


China and Russia have planes where the pilot fires the missile through a helmet mounted display.

This makes an enormous difference in capability to target things. A helmet mounted display is Information Epoch warfare.

Upravda says:

Helmet firing AA missiles were first introduced in MiG-29, back in Eighties, which was quite a feat back then for a Soviet sci-tech which was markedly more primitive in the field of electronics than West and USA. Russian electronics is still inferior compared to the NATO, but it seems that gap is closing – fast.

Such helmet firing system was also employed by South Africa in Rooivalk helicopters, unfortunately abandoned since then.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Good data visualisation, user interface in general, can change everything about how a system operates in reality. So often the first limiting factor isn’t technical possibility, but the imagination of the designer in how he re-presents things.

Just to give an example, the technical capability for the iPhone existed years before the iPhone, but it was Steve Job’s decision to re-present the interface as a fullbody touchscreen that changed everything.

There are very few people, outside of fringe establishment figures like Dominic Cummings, who explicitly talk about this sort of thing in such terms though.

Upravda says:

Yes, and Microsoft coined the term “smartphone” and supported development for those devices with Visual Studio 2005. There was also application market, .lit format for e-books, etc. Unfortunately for them, those devices still had classical scrollbars and other features of desktop OS, so did not gain attention, except in some niche fields of use such as warehousing.

Jobs did have much more imagination than Bill.

Doom says:

It is all about the interface.
So much pissing about happens with the back end and making it so the SOFTWARE engineers are comfortable, that interface is often trash.

See: the entire fucking internet

They make a test interface to test the functionality
Re-jiggering the test interface to match the design brief/ user expectations will cost x

We’ll just add some pretty buttons to the test interface it will be cheaper.

Hence the actual demonstrable genius of Jobs.

jim says:

It is not exactly that anyone decided it was cheaper, but hey, “the software is running, release now, we are behind schedule and over budget”. And then it gets released, and there is a large and growing bug fix and feature request list.

Nobody thought about the UI, and then the engineers move on, and the bureaucracy moves in, and the bureaucracy is not going to design a UI, and if they do, it will be a disaster.

There are lots of excellent UI engineers, but they tend to find no UI jobs available. When management does hire someone for UI, it is not a UI engineer who knows what makes stuff easy to use, but a marketing moron who invariably wants to break existing standards and existing user expectations in order to give the product a unique and distinctive look. The existing UI uses the standard file save and file open dialogs, and the marketing expert spends much his time reinventing these standards. He thinks if you confuse and surprise the user he will remember your brand. Hence every odd numbered windows release.

Cloudswrest says:

This is EXACTLY what happened to the recent Cadence 17.4 (pcb layout tool) release. ALL the icons and color schemes have been changed. All the icons still do the say thing, but since they look different you know longer know which is which and you need a mapping chart!!!! WTF!!!

Doom says:

>that anyone decided it was cheaper, but hey, “the software is running, release now, we are behind schedule and over budget”.

Potayto / potahtoe?

It’s true though. No one thinks about the UI, or values the UI engineer.

It’s kind of like ergonomics , you make the handle of the tool a little too chunky and it’s unusable.

“But if we make it this way we’ll have to make a different mold!! ”

I guess this problem is partially due to the massive amount of work information projects take now – by the time you’ve got all the back end sorted too bad so sad on the interface.

> He thinks if you confuse and surprise the user he will remember your brand.
I used to have great respect for marketing types until I came to realise less then 4% of them actually understand what their job is.

But since they’re ALL useless they ALL get away with it.

jim says:

> you make the handle of the tool a little too chunky and it’s unusable

The marketing types think the UI is a brand, and fail to conceptualize it as the handle of a tool. There are plenty of excellent UI engineers, but they are mostly doing something other than UI, because not much demand for their services. The bureaucrats and marketers think they can do UI, and cannot.

Doom says:

Yes, exactly right.
UI is probably a pretty high IQ skill, gotta work out where the user will make the error.

Can not be explained adequately to marketing midwits, like most high IQ skills.

I’ve had this exact conversation multiple times
“If the user enters this character it crashes the interface”
Why would the user do that?

Ghost says:

I don’t see this as a bad thing. The less working equipment big gov has, the less they are able to come at me.

This is not the same country I was born in and grew up in. It is a different country now that does not respect the law or Constitution. The military has become the tool of another country. A chosen country. Not chosen by me though.

If this country ever returns to it’s WASP roots, I’ll change my mind. But it won’t. It’s on a terminal path.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Some doomers say America’s going to collapse. I don’t think so, but I’d love to be wrong, because if the whole rotten system plunged into its own footprint at free-fall speed like Building Seven, we could clear away the rubble and start building something better in its place.

I think Moldbug is closer to the mark. Over several decades, America will gradually decline into a squalid, gang-infested, hyper-violent third-world favela where, for the rest of our lives at least, the government is too weak to impose order but strong enough to prevent us from doing so.

Thus when it became evident that I will have no grandchildren in the West, I emigrated. My future children will speak English, but unless they marry into the next wave of refugees from North America, their children will not.

Ghost says:

The West is collapsing for one simple reason: They have abandoned the Lord God Almighty!

The faggotry, sodomy, trans is just window dressing.

We have earned the wrath of God.

Ghost says:

It occurred to me that Jim claims he’s in software yet also spouts all these unconfirmed details about the military. I see no source. I would approach this with the same scrutiny as set. I don’t believe any of it unless proven.

Things break in any organization and they get repaired. Did you know the B-52 and KC-135 are older than anyones father on here. Yet they are better now than when first made.

Even someone actually in the military today would only know their own area of expertise. Yet Jim, who is not even in and likely never was claims to know all this. And from what, internet sources? The same lying media?

I’m not buying it. I Ghost/Yisrael call Jim out as a huckster of the carnival variety!

Mayflower Sperg says:

Welcome to the twenty-first century. You can either take what the government and controlled media say on faith, or you can take what Jim says on faith. No one can afford to speak the truth under a real name, nor present any evidence that could possibly be traced back to a real name.

jim says:

It is all public information and, in the case of the navy, well publicized information. They have been whining about the incapacity to build new warships for a long time. Where I am speculating, as in the state of the “full spectrum mission capability” of tanks, I say I am speculating. Use Yandex.

That the navy is behind and getting further behind in repairs and maintenance is public. That this has a substantial impact on capability for combat is anecdotal. The air force equivalent however (lack of “full spectrum combat capability”) is public though not much publicized. The state of our tanks? I am, as I said, guessing.

Anon says:

There is only ONE tank factory ; Lima Army Tank Plant in rural ohio
And this is thanks to trump who prevented its closer.

Ghost says:

I suspect some of the published information is simply a play to receive more funding. The media knows nothing that big gov doesn’t willingly yell them.

To get to the required knowledge level of an entire branch of service, you would need to be a Pentagon program manger overseeing multiple programs.

I can tell you that aircraft maintenance of very tiered and compartmentalized. With several crew chiefs assigned to each aircraft. Specialty shops for engines, hydraulics, avionics, fuels, sheet metal. Then there are contractors which consist mainly of retired old timers. Then you have the companies that made the aircraft. There are phase inspections and yearly isochronical inspections that should reveal problems.

So, let’s say some low IQ negro manages ape things up. There are levels of backup and most work is blackbox swap and detailed repaired farmed out.

Maintenance is also monitored using computers by the Chief of Maintenance who is usually a Colonel who want to keep his career in tact. So when he sees a trend happening, reported by computer, heads start to roll.

So if the media reports military problems, they’re probably looking for more funding from the taxpayer.

Ghost says:

I really messed that post up.

Try to ignore the typos and focus on content. I’m typing here from a tiny phone and my eyes are bad.

jim says:

> I suspect some of the published information is simply a play to receive more funding. The media knows nothing that big gov doesn’t willingly yell them.

That the navy tried, at great expense, and failed, to build more warships, is not a plea for funding, but an admission against interest.

It would have been in its interest to pretend the warships worked, that the stupendous amounts of money had been successfully spent. How many other weapons systems did the other branches pretend to build and pretend are working?

Carte Blanche says:

I can tell you that aircraft maintenance of very tiered and compartmentalized. [etc.]

This is the standard-issue “process = outcome” popularized by McNamara’s Morons. We can’t be failing, because we have a great Process. Competence, motivation and training don’t matter, only following the process. Don’t look at our outcomes, only our compliance.

Similar to the IFLS dude insisting that what’s happening right in front of you is theoretically impossible. Screw your theory, dude, I’m going to trust my lyin’ eyes.

I’ve been around the block a few times by now, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the process, the rules, the oversight, the organizational structure, don’t mean shit. Consummate professionals with any amount of motivation will self-organize and come up with a process that works, but the process is always in service to the personnel, not the other way around. If your staff don’t know what they’re doing, don’t care about performance, or just don’t like each other very much (especially if at least one woman is involved at any level), then the best quality you can hope for is a Big Mac, and often you won’t even get that. The DIE YT crowd is systematically eliminating most of the personnel who actually make things work, and alienating the rest. The vibrants and troons will go through all of the same motions and send in their GPT- and copypasta-assisted TPS reports, yet somehow productivity will continue to decline.

I’m sure you’re telling us the truth as you perceive it about the whirlwind of activity you observe. The question is, how much of it is valuable and how much of it is waste? Every organization, save for the truly pathetic like Twitter and its cry rooms, looks busy, but underperformance is underperformance. Either you get the outcomes you want, or you don’t. The U.S. just isn’t floating new warships, isn’t flying new fighters, probably isn’t driving new tanks, and definitely isn’t constructing new nuclear reactors. All this points to declining competence, declining capabilities and what might be called a deep malaise in American industry and society in general.

We’ll probably find out very shortly which of us is right, given that Globohomo has emptied all of its arsenals and stock rooms to prop up the Jewish Comedian in its favorite puppet state and slush fund. If America suddenly and inexplicably realizes that the clusterfuck in the middle east is in fact a clusterfuck and starts recalling all of its troops and equipment, you can bet your ass that she’s running out of materiel and personnel at home.

jim says:

> The U.S. just isn’t floating new warships, isn’t flying new fighters, probably isn’t driving new tanks, and definitely isn’t constructing new nuclear reactors.

I await with interest the strangely delayed performance of the new tanks in the Ukraine.

Interestingly, one of the reasons the new wonderweapon tanks are strangely delayed is that the Ukrainians are welding old Soviet armor on top of them, which would suggest that they are less than entirely happy with what they have received.

It is difficult to build a wonderweapon. It is relatively easy to build a wonderweapon that is semi permanently in need of strangely delayed maintenance to reach its “full spectrum mission capability”, and, when it is theoretically at “full spectrum mission capability”, it is strangely difficult for the operator to use those capabilities.

Ghost says:

Is this comment for me? I’m a moron now?

And who are you? Jim or one of the other regulars? Cause your style matches.

Yes, obviously the whole of the military is in shambles because you wrote a wall of snarky text to prove it.

Never mind that I see planes flying over my house everyday. My lying eyes are deceiving me again. I just came from the base a few hours ago and everything is in order.

Ghost says:

[*deleted for misrepresenting your interlocutors and failing to respond to them*]

Kunning Drueger says:

The vast majority of those planes are decades old. You “former military” types are the worst, exhibiting Gell Mann Amnesia in such an embarrassing way. No less than thrice in this very comment section, you’ve asserted that society is collapsing, that America is incapable of accomplishing anything productive, but when your precious butt buddies in uniform and their dilapidated 1980s tech gets disparaged, suddenly your 6 year hitch nut gargling some dumpy faggot CO while profusely thanking yourself for some service empowers you to be the subject matter expert on all things martial.

Drop the lame ass “woe is me” persecution act. You sound like a fucking trannie.

jim says:

> The vast majority of those planes are decades old.

The more recent planes being lined up for strangely delayed repairs and maintenance.

And that a plane is some of the time in shape to fly does not indicate that it is in shape to fight.

In recent combats where the united state airforce has been effective, what has been effective is close air to ground support by a fifty year old plane.

Shekel me Shlomo says:

Welp, guess Ghost is gone now. Good riddance. Amiright?

Shekel me Shlomo says:

Listen to reason Yisrael. I have to agree with Jim and Carte on this matter. Their statement were well written and supported. Clearly the military is in bad shape. Our brothers in media tell us this too.


Shekel me Shlomo says:

KD is right Yisrael. Stop being a but hurt tranny and get with the program.

Jim, I demand this poser take the shill test!

Ghost says:

[*deleted for being a butt hurt tranny*]

Kunning Drueger says:

You lack the wit, timing, or selfcontrol for this to be funny, ghost. Other, better poasters could pull it off, you cannot. You need a fool down period in the boomer penalty box before you start posting again.

jim says:

Sheckel me Shlomo parodies a shill poster. He is new, but seems to be real.

Also parodies Ghost, who like a shill poster tended to be unresponsive, uninformative, and unreliable, but was probably not a shill.

Shekel me Shlomo says:

I have know idea what you’re talking about. See for yourself that my cat is different.

S says:

Jim, TY for the ban because you are a waist of time.
Shekel me Shlomo
I have know idea what you’re talking about.

Waist and know are tells.

Kunning Drueger says:

Lol, clumsy boomer phone posting

Shekel me Shlomo says:

Ghost is gone brothers. I just found this site yesterday. I’m sure we’re gonna be good pals. Anyway, I gotta get to temple so I’ll be back tomorrow.

jim says:

Probably not a shill. Just spreading mud in the water like a shill.

The Cominator says:

Shekel Me Shlomo and Ghost are obviously the same attention whore.

Red says:

Probably not a shill. Just spreading mud in the water like a shill.

I don’t know. Clearly designed to present as a nutcase or is a nutcase, but a whole shitload of nut cases were recently activated to spread mud over the Tranny murder of Christian Children. Ghost went off his meds at the same time as the rest of the nutcases.

Could be a directed nutcase or a shill.

Carte Blanche says:

I’m replying to a ghost now (figuratively, and no pun intended) but a few points here seem worth replying to anyway.

I’m a moron now?

In case anyone else didn’t get the reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000

“McNamara’s Morons” was the nickname unaffectionately given to a military program predicated on the premise that effective platoons could be built from troops well below the standard normally considered fit for service, given the right processes and the right training. Spoiler: it was a humiliating failure.

So no, I wasn’t labeling anyone here a moron, I was reinforcing (with verifiable, easily-googleable historical fact) my claim that no amount of process and oversight can fix the problems caused by a low average quality of personnel. We tried that already and it flopped, and McNamara and his fellow bureaucrats were way smarter and more qualified to attempt it than any of today’s brass.

And who are you? Jim or one of the other regulars?

I’ll take that as a compliment, but I doubt that Jim sockpuppets himself. Aside from his recognizably laconic writing style, there would be no need, since he’s obviously quite comfortable with confronting any of us directly. Sockpuppeting is done to create the illusion of consensus, but Jim isn’t running a democracy here, he’s running an oppressive dictatorship and freely admits it (though perhaps with better euphemisms).

Yes, obviously the whole of the military is in shambles because you wrote a wall of snarky text to prove it.

Of course you should not believe it because I wrote it, or because Jim wrote it. You should believe it because the regime media wrote it, repeatedly, and it’s a statement against interest. You should believe nothing that your sworn enemy says unless it is a clear statement against his interest, in which case you should immediately sit up and pay attention.

Salesman tells you his tonic will boost energy and cure cancer, be very skeptical. Salesman tells you his tonic has several side effects and might kill you, be very quiet and listen to that list very carefully.

Regime media tells us in one breath that Ukraine is on the verge of winning, Russia is running out of men and materiel, American wunderwaffen + Ukrainian pluck is an invincible combination, Ukrainian troops will be occupying Moscow by summer. Then in the next breath tells us that we must dig deep (into our stockpiles) to keep the fight going, that the machines are not quite battle-ready, that we’re sending all we can but logistics and “training” will take time, etc.

The reason for the mutually contradictory narratives is, of course, different audiences; the jingoism and triumphalism is for the rabble, while the desperate money-grubbing is for their friends in high places. However, the grubbing would not exist if they already had the industrial capacity and operating competence to prop up Ukraine indefinitely. They know, cannot possibly fail to know, that publishing those “we need moar” stories makes them look weak and ridiculous, but they have no choice.

Another useful link for your perusal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_production_during_World_War_II#Production_overview:_service,_power_and_type

Does anyone believe America is currently capable of producing even a tenth of that output today? 100,000 tanks and nearly 300,000 aircraft. We can’t even seem to get 100 into the field.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

An enemies statements are datapoints; not so much of truth per se, but of the enemy’s feelings and intentions; and statements against interest are indicative of very bad feelings indeed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Compartmentalization’ is another word for siloization, which is another word for atomization.

This is not actually a good thing. Rather, a sign of profound dysfunction. Know-how gets lost in transmission, while bureaucratic sinecure sprouts like fungus.

A man who owns a factory that makes something should be able to stand up from his desk, take a walk, and be on the assembly-line floor that is making that something in less than five minutes. If that isn’t possible then you have problems; with all of the something, the factory, and the owner. If you have people ‘working for the company’ that can’t be ‘on site’ of wherever that company’s ostensible purpose makes contact with reality in five minutes or less, they aren’t ‘people working for the company’, they are bureaucrats parasatizing off of it.

A man who designs something needs to work on the assembly line making that something, and the men who work on an assembly line making something need to be the same mannerbund designing it. This makes virtuous cycles of improvement possible. If this isn’t happening, then you have problems.

Men who operate a piece of equipment should start their apprenticeships as part of the pit crews that maintain that equipment, in order to develop their familiarity with it. Creeping arbitrary siloization of knowledges and roles that are naturally entangled is a huge problem in large scale organization, especially when historically ignorant ‘rationalizers’ get oars stuck in the water.


James_the_1st@hotmail.com says:

As far as the death of nice malls in America goes, the problem of a certain criminal demographic comes to mind. You could try openning a nice shop in many urban areas but you will just go broke from sanctioned looting.

A2 says:

I get the feeling they next want to begin pious howling about ‘unconditional surrender’.

I just visited a refurbished top shopping mall in the capital of the country wherein I dwell. It looked nice, but all the previous top brand stores had been replaced by local brands, in essence what I can find in my humble local town mall. Sign of decline.

And since we’re on the topic of diminished capabilities, let me complain about trying to agree on a simple contract with a company of vaxxheads. Everything gets misunderstood and badly rewritten, over and over and over, and takes forever. Just terrible. Sign of decline.

jim says:

> let me complain about trying to agree on a simple contract with a company of vaxxheads. Everything gets misunderstood and badly rewritten, over and over and over, and takes forever. Just terrible.

Looking at engineers, my impression is that since the jab there has been a massive epidemic of brain fog. When you say vaxheads, did you observe a deterioration since the jab?

A2 says:

No, these are mostly new to me (except for a couple of friends who wanted me to join up). But they are apparently experienced people with multiple exits behind them, working in a small corp, yet it has been a far greater hassle to get this done than signing up for contracting with a US megacorp or EU megacorp. It doesn’t add up, except with a brainfog correction term.

I would assume they are all vaxxed like good middle class citizens; I know my friends are. Happily, they haven’t brought up the topic with me.

I read the title as “American Nostalgic capability.”

Oog en Hand says:

From 4chan/pol/

“The only hope for Ashkenazi is ironically the Haredim. Each family has like 7 children, and all they do is learning from 6 AM to 11 PM. When they tried to teach Haredim secular jobs, they were able to complete the whole education program 3 times as fast as a regular person. Haredim are ubermenshen.”

The Jews of the Jews? When will other people in Israel scream: “It is the Haredim! It is the Haredim!”

simplyconnected says:

As someone else said, Americans are trans-rich, they identify as rich.

Robert says:

I’ve worked in manufacturing for 20 years in America. Capabilities in that time of Americans has markedly declined, while china’s has improved. Things that you don’t do, you forget how to do. Ive known many boomer machinists, mold makers, die makers, that have retired, never had any apprentices. We rely on China for tons of stuff that those guys used to make. If the China “spigot” got shut down it would take some time, like years, to gear up to fill that gap. We still probably have the best of the best here, but even those guys a lot of the time rely on China suppliers.

Mary Grace Shabazz-Epstein says:

China is the enemy of the United States. We won’t admit it because too much of our media and government is owned by the Chinese.

We need to smoke out all Chinese-owned assets, using McCarthy style tactics, literally “rounding up communist sympathizers”. Then acknowledge that China has been at war with us for years and respond in kind.

Shekel me Shlomo says:

Shalom Mary,

So true. Da goyim gotta know da Chinese own everything: Faceberg, Jewtube, and Hollywood too. We chosen are your greatest ally goyim. And will always look out for you. I’d like to send each of you some free shekels. Just comment below with your home address. This is super real and not a shill post!


Kunning Druegger says:

Merry January 6 my fellow magapedes. Lock her up and let’s go brandon, am I right? Where is the local patriot meeting going to be, can I have specific GPS coordinates please? Is everyone going to bring the Assault AR rifle 15s chambered in the caliber, as I am? Don’t forget to have a picture ID as we respect law enforcement and the law.

jim says:


The enemy is within. China is cultivating leftists, and the leftist factions that are out of power respond enthusiastically. But it is not causing leftism, and if it is bribing the Biden family, the problem is not China but Biden.

Hesiod says:

Years ago when I studied Solzhenitsyn and related works, the stories of what zeks endured during massive construction projects were particularly entertaining. The corruption from the top all the way down sometimes left them building canals and dams out of little better than sawdust and twigs.

Like everything under the sun, Clown World is nothing new.

The Cominator says:

While the leftist radicals following the election steal have been weaker and calmer than I expected Biden and his administration has been far far worse than I expected.

SJ says:

The lavender mafia has infiltrated and taken over the company I work for. I have pondered how they have such cohesion. I know they have their own gay sex mystery religion and I’m aware of the idea of bioleninism but the lavender mafia even keep this cooperation through time. Perhaps they are infected with a parasite being passed through each other’s intestines?

Anyway while they have conquered the business I work for they are strangely unable to properly run the business. Rather the employee portal is now filled with gay pride, news about the company funding gay pride everywhere in the world, promotions based on being gay, and they make sure to let us know that the company healthcare plan will cover any and all tranification mutilations 100%.

As far as the business goes they hired a team of straight white males to create the mythical magical database that everyone in the company is now supposed to worship. Of course after the database, that they all call AI, was finished they fired the entire dev team. Updates to the database are restricted to a corporate diversity team. You can all imagine how this is going.

On the ground level things only keep working due to the quality of the low level employees. They keep moving my straight white male boss around because somehow he knows the magic joo-joo that makes the database work. It’s not that he knows how to organize our production, it’s still the magic “AI” that is making things work. Of course when he’s gone we are managed by a big fat ugly man hating lesbian who is currently going through menopause so she is even more emotional than before. Things begin to quickly fall apart until my straight white male boss returns.

Outside of work a decade ago I told the wife that things will only get worse, every year they will get worse. On the bright side my family keeps growing, my children are home schooled, and, at least as far as I know, the tranny butt fck gang still hasn’t figured out how to get a baby from the butt. Though I saw they claim to have created a mouse baby from two male mice. I’m sure they have teams of straight white men hard at work on creating eggs from male DNA and artificial wombs.

A2 says:

Time to start polishing the resume.

jim says:

> I have pondered how they have such cohesion.

Naked in bed together in a great big pile.

Cloudswrest says:

This had not occurred to me (probably because I don’t proactively think of disgusting things), but it does have the ring of truth!

The Cominator says:

Fags can meet on the non hostile grounds of fucking each other in a big pyle, normal men in clownworld are very wary of each other making close friendships after the early twenties is virtually impossible, and it’s pretty impossible to organize in non approved ways. Also direct state backing, also I strongly suspect the secular lavender mafia is strongly tied to the Catholic Church…

Karl says:

Well, most of Nato lacks actual soldiers, …..The Ukraine does have actual soldiers, having conscripted just about everyone.

Indeed, but as there is presently no conscription in Nato a comparison of Ukraine and NATO in this respect doesn’t mean much. Could Nato (or some NATO countries) raise an army by conscripting just about everyone?

The sergeants and officers are still there to train conscripts (at least as members of the reserve). Of course, supplying those armies would be a problem, but what (if anything) prevents the GAE to draft everybody in a European NATO state as they did in Ukraine?

A lot has been written about escalation in Ukraine with nukes. What about escalation with a slave army conscripted in a European NATO state?

The Cominator says:

I would do anything necessary to avoid serving the Gay Empire against Russia and if I couldn’t avoid the front lines I would like commit some serious crimes the second I thought I could get away with it when there… especially towards any immediate superiors. I do not think I’m alone.

Western Taliban says:

I’d befriend anyone I can inside, obtain all the intel possible through conversation, observation and notes with exact dates to the hour. Then I’d look for the opportunity to mutiny with as many men as possible. If successful I’d persuade to surrender to join Wagner so we can wipe out the faggots, feminists and niggers. At that point I’d try to find the angle to approach Russia and just roll the dice hopefully they won’t shoot if I’m carrying some sort of white flag/symbol and unarmed. If I survive then I can pass all the intel, hopefully I bring more people and possible mutineers across the army through connections. Also if there is a chance, giga sabotage everything, it’s not like the faggots, niggers and wahmen will notice anything, they are all worthless retards.

Upravda says:

You would probably end up fighting “voluntarily” for Russia as a member of “Free Western Talibania” under Russian protection.

Probably better chance for survival than deflecting Kinžals with your head but still…

Since I very much doubt that Russian emperor has any intention of waging war in the west, on the end, if you survived the war, you probably could become Russian citizen, and stay in Russia, except for the unlikely case of overthrow of that “Western Talibania” regime that sent you to war.

Western Taliban says:

The moment the faggot army conscripts you and they actually get you in their hands, your life is forfeit already and should not think of surviving, fear will cloud your judgment instead. If a bunch of sadistic degenerate niggers, anal rimmers and wahmen get their hands on you, the least of your worries is your body, it is time to fear for your soul. These demons will drag you to hell.

I wouldn’t defect to Russia out of a belief in Russia being my friend, though I certainly believe there is a chance they’d be since at the very least they are Christians and do this to feminist whores: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBVtph48Fqc and much worse to faggots, but because Russia is not my enemy, and the faggots definitely are my enemy.

If I’m going to die, I’d rather die trying to implement that plan to wipe out my enemies than to help them by shooting at Ivan, who, realistically speaking, I have like zero beef with. And the worst thing you can do in such situations is to not do anything and remain passive, that’s how people die first and for nothing.

Upravda says:

Agree 100… nay, 200 percent.

Just wanted to explain that not everything is milk and honey on the other side of the border in the Russian Empire. Especially for us who are their enemies, not because we wanted to be, but because our rulers said so.

(For the record, both Ukraine and Russia were friendly countries to Croatia. In Nineties, Jeljcin’s regime was one of the very few, together with Iran and Argentina, who sold us weaponry. Under free market prices, not black market ones!)

Things will be additionally complicated if you got drafted because I deeply doubt that your military will be openly faggot and demonic. I do not know what’s the situation in Armed Forces of Western Talibania, but it is quite probable that its “Ukrainian Peace Corp” will be composed of normal, manly men. Somewhat airheaded, but otherwise full of testosterone and will for peacocking.

jim says:

We wont accomplish anything militarily without a foreign base and a foreign supporter.

We support Russia, but Russia is not supporting us. China is cultivating dissident left factions, in the expectation that one of those factions will grab power shortly. The Taliban identifies strongly with the Christian alt right, but they cannot be much use, except as an inspiration and example.

In that area of the world, they have a saying, “I against my brothers, me and my brothers against my cousins, me and my cousins against the world”, and since we and they are facing demon worshipers, real Christians are their cousins.

On the other hand, there is Putin’s famous Christmas video. He thinking about supporting us, since his state religion is Christian.

I watched Trump’s Waco rally. Held in Waco on the anniversary of the FBI raid on Waco. From the date of the rally I figured he must have learned something and might be planning a different course this time around. He has learned nothing. From the date of the rally, and a couple of the warm up acts, some of his advisers are in touch with the new normal, but he is not. Holy war is coming, and he is blissfully unaware. Old, set in his ways, and the soul of a merchant. He wants to do the same thing over again, which is not possible, and if it was possible, would have the same outcome.

Without a foreign base and all that, it is going to be an utterly one sided slaughter, a not a war, more like the Holodomor or the Cambodian autogenocide. Albeit by the time the Khmer Rouge were a fair way through the slaughter, large numbers of the Khmer Rouge were in revolt and the government fell at an outside touch.

The first English language link Yandex brings up for autogenocide is “the great replacement”. Our enemies want to immanentize the eschaton now, not in three generations. Their impatience may well be their undoing, but so far they have had no big problems. And without a foreign sponsor assisting us, they are unlikely to have big problems. Revolting elements of the Khmer Rouge were not a big problem till they had foreign backing.

Desantis advisers are the recycled Bush brigade. Biden is the Obama president, Desantis wants to be the Bush president, and Trump wants to be Trump all over again. We are leaderless and without a substantial foreign backer. Both conditions will have to change before we can get anywhere, or even survive, except as refugees outside the empire or on its periphery. Which may soon be considerably nearer to America.

Dr. Faust says:

“Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action.”

We are all dead men. I’d rather not stand before God with nothing but excuses and regret.

Phobos says:

Should I as an American really be that worried about the vaxxed mongrelized fat trannies in uniform genociding us? Not that they don’t want to or won’t attempt it. I mean I just can’t imagine them having the balls (lulz) to fight fit white men shooting back at them. Sure a troon can shoot some kids and unarmed teachers at a Christian school but will they be able to carry out what their actually strong and above 70 IQ communist grandfathers were able to do in the last century? We are looking at people of a much inferior genetic constitution than is normally the case, a novel situation that Dutton refers to as the human zoo. Then again, white guys will probably do nothing in the event that white genocide is obviously about to happen and happening.

Personally, I am more worried about the bean cartel.

jim says:

An army with a commander can always effortlessly defeat a mob. This has been tried before throughout history times without number. If trannies and blacks are organized and uniformed, and whites are not, trannies will win.

To defeat a state, you need an army. To have an army, you need a statelike organization with statelike coercive power and statelike revenue. The taliban won because it had bases in Pakistan. The revolutionaries won in Russia because of treason within the elite, and outside elite backing from the Kaiser and foreign (((bankers))). George Washington won in London, not in Valley Forge. George Washingon won because General Howe was in his pocket, and because backed by treasonous elements in the London ruling elite who saw power in America as a good start on power in London. The American Revolution was London whigs sponsoring violence by American whigs.

In the Rwandan genocide, Rwandan Tutsi were helplessly massacred while Tutsi exiles were able to organize an army that effortlessly defeated enormous Hutu hordes that vastly outnumbered them and were backed by white colonial troops. In an American civil war with no army and no base on which to organize an army, whites who are as superior their enemies individually as the Tusi were superior to their enemies individually and as an organized army, will be massacred as helplessly as the unorganized Tutsi in Rwanda, who were forcibly prevented from organizing by white colonial power (“warlords, threat to democracy”) were massacred. (Somehow the Hutu militias were not a threat to democracy, just as antifa and black lives matter is “fiery but mostly peaceful”). The Tutis attempting to organize within in Rwanda were deplatormed, demonetized (“blood diamonds”), and cancelled, and so were massacred with ease.

Harvard wanted and wants to exterminate the Tutsi for much the same reason as it exterminated the wild red wolf and created a new red wolf in captivity.

Right now alt right Muslims in Afghanistan support alt right Christians in America. If we had alt right Christians in Russia … but we dont.


Dr. Faust says:

So do you think it’s valuable to learn to speak Russian?

Oog en Hand says:


Kunning Druegger says:

This idea strains credulity. If the US goes to war with China, there will be a draft, but all the Pieces of Color, the fags, the women will be excluded or included and remanded to stateside positions, while all the straight white Christian males will be detailed to the Taiwan trenches. I don’t think Europe retains enough actual men to do this, so they will have to put allies and pet minorities in uniform and harm’s way, which will of course incite riots and massed criminality.

The Cominator says:

Read my post, an army of white guys conscripted by globohomo will be almost immediately mutinous.

Kunning Druegger says:

Some will, most won’t. As the spiral continues, there will be fewer Thrall Whites, but as it stands now, there seems no end to white males willing to carry water for gun grabbers, child mutilators, and minority worshippers.

Western Taliban says:

there seems no end to white males willing to carry water

It really is frustrating…

I particularly hate how happily they bow down to women, who are complete worthless retards unless they are under direct control of a man or in the kitchen. It’s very, very pathetic…

Contaminated NEET says:

Sad but true. White American men might grumble, but they will do whatever their globohomo masters command, especially after the propaganda machine is turned on full blast, dissent is brutally banished from the web, and a few of their buddies get killed by Ivan or Chang.

Dr. Faust says:

Disagree. Though I have no faith in man this is not what I’ve seen from most white guys. Especially not the youngest generations who are split in two. Only the Boomers and their misbegotten ideal of law and order keep apart the factions. But they’re aging and will soon be gone.

jim says:

One would expect that, but the Ukraine is managing, thanks to the Azov brigades.

Karl says:

Azov brigades might be the reason why Ukraine could conscript everyone. No Azov brigades in Nato then indicates that Nato no longer has the coercion apparatus for raising a slave army.

Maybe that is so, but then the question is could Nato raise Azov brigades that would enable mass conscription as a second step?

That said, I don’t think European countries lack anything needed for mass conscription. As pointed out in the comments, some men would forcibly resist. More will simply flee, but the police in any European Nato country is in my opinion sufficient to enforce mass conscription like in Ukraine.

Nato might to be lacking the means to deploy such slave armies in Taiwan or so, but Ukraine is next door. Armies can march through Europe, and the GAE can still supply boots, uniforms and a rifle for every conscript.

I’m not argueing such slave armies could win against Russia. They would not be deployed to win, but to be killed.

The Cominator says:

Azov is proof that National Socialists need to be killed en masse along with every other variety of socialists.

Upravda says:

Two weeks ago my mother in law informed me that some highly ranked clerk of Croatian defense ministry informed us on TV that soon there will be calls to reservists to “get in touch with local defense office” in order to “adjoin for military manoeuvres”. Or something like that. Calls will be issued only to those who actually served the military, and not to those who opted for so called “civil service”.

Era of compulsory military service in Croatia ended in 2007, and even before that, it was rare for young men to actually enlist into army, choosing for gay and fake “civil service” instead. I was among those rare ones because I thought it was right thing to do. Heck, I still think so.

However, they have never called the reserve for military manoeuvres, ever, at least since the beginning of 21st century, so absolutely no one among my friends and acquaintances who did serve, now mostly between 40 and 50, has ever seen military again after being dismissed many years ago.

In the mean time, our military went to ruin, air force barely flies, we gave up S-300, sold Mi-24, we “stored” tanks (read: scrapped; mostly home made version of T-72). We sent copious amount of weaponry first to Syrian “democratic opposition” (probably also my KalaÅ¡njikov), and then to Ukraine. Our once small, but glorious home-made fleet of drones was deemed as “unnecessary” by leftist and cuckservative defense ministers. Those were not combat drones, but scouting, intelligence and artillery fire guiding ones, and we won the war with those, and we could develop them further, but no, it was “unnecessary” because EU and NATO and unicorns.

Long story short, few days ago some folks did get their “invites” as announced. Not anyone I know of personally, for now, but I do not have any doubts where is all that going.

Those idiots of our rulers and their vassals are obviously entertain the idea of sending us, forty and fifty somethings, to play a new kind of soccer with our heads against Kinžal, all that for the sake of gay parades in Kijev and Moskva, so that Victoria Nuland, Hunter Biden and such scum can continue to plunder Ukraine for yearly salary of tens of millions of dollars, not to mention charitable sums from Raytheon and co.

Have to check again about getting residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Western Taliban says:

Victoria Nuland doesn’t care about money, Victoria Nuland worships demons and wants to sacrifice your soul to her infernal masters. Especially being a fucking Jewess… you might think I’m kidding, I’m not kidding, I’m a 100% serious.

I do not literally believe in hell, but this people most assuredly want you to suffer one and they’ll do their best to materialize it, money or no money.

Upravda says:

I’m familiar with character and works of Ms. Nuland and alikes. Yes, they strive for power, demonic power, and money is just a byproduct of grabbing that power.

It is concerning that even based people do not see it that way, but mistakenly think that money is primary motive of her and her pals. It isn’t, it is will to power from a demonic religion, and sooner everybody understands that, the better.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*same old stuff deleted yet again*]

jim says:

You said this before, far too many times, I allowed it through and responded far too many times.

If you respond to my one of my responses, I will allow it through. If you pass the shill test I will allow it through. If you just keep on repeating, you are going into the killfile with viagra sellers and the Nigerian princes and I will see your stuff no longer.

From here on, if you paste the same old as new thread, silent deletion. If you post as a response to one of my very old responses, the older the better, it has a chance. Or at least will be deleted with an explanation.

Anonymous Fake says:
Hesiod says:

Trump indicted:


Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside

Kunning Druegger says:


Hesiod says:

Maybe so, but would you have quoted ELP?

Ghost says:

I see that. America has sunk below Banana Republic. Trump says it’s a Soros funded DA, but it’s also a vindictive black. The Grand Jury was likely filled with vindictive blacks.

Trump will be facing a Planet of The Apes scenario.

DeSantis says Florida will not assist with the arrest.

This is all election interference from the Biden Attorney General. They’ve been cooking this thing up.

And what do Soros and Garland have in common. Using a shabbas negro as not to soil their hands.

Ghost says:

So the DA for NY county is Alvin Bragg (angry black) who is elected and answers to the voters there but also the NY State AG, L. James (another angry black) who answers to the NY Governor, K Hochul who is married and likely controlled by her husband WJ Hochul, esq.

All of these are Dems.

WJ Hochul,esq shares a common brotherhood with Soros and with Garland. These angry blacks serve as shabbos-schvartzes for them so they don’t have to ruffle their feathers.

The Cominator says:

The Cathedral is only putting on a minstrel show when they use blacks, black have no real power of their own. The Cathedral’ss middlemen are a mix of leftist whites jews and dot indians and the real decision makers are demon worshippers (with Jesuits being the glue that holds it together) who I suspect are mostly white.

ray says:

Yes. A good sketch.

VendatTunicam says:

If Jesuits have as much power as you say they do why are their universities largely second rate and lower status? None of them are ever mentioned in the same breath as the Ivy’s, except with some begrudgment you might hear Georgetown. Practicing Catholics tend to look down on the Jesuit universities, if they are angling to set up their children as part of the American Catholic elite they send them to Notre Dame which is CSC (Congregation of the Holy Cross).

I think what happened to the Jesuits is that they tried practicing good old fashioned entryism on the Communists and Progressives in the 19th century and what do you know it backfired, the leftist rats took over the Society of Jesus instead. And it fits the sudden inability for the Jesuits to practice entryism in the service of Catholicism unless it aligned with Communist and Progressive interests. It also fits the collapse of virtue in the Jesuit order around that time. Jesuits used to be terrifyingly good debaters because they had done the homework to know their opponents arguments and then some. Commies and progs can’t hear thoughtcrime, can’t develop virtue because of an allergy to truth, can’t do the homework to know their opponents.

jim says:

> If Jesuits have as much power as you say they do why are their universities largely second rate and lower status?

Obviously Puritan descended postChristianity has more power than the Jesuits. It is obvious. But the vatican has been trying to remedy that situation ever since the sack of Rome, not entirely without success.

Jesuits do not rule the world. Harvard rules the world. But they have been trying for five centuries. So have Jews, but after the 1950s the Jews adopted the stereoptypical Jewish strategy of making themselves useful to those that do rule the world.

The Cominator says:

You said it yourself Georgetown… and Georgetown unlike Harvard is in DC…

notglowing says:

My neurotic nature cannot stand the gloating that is going to come from the left over this; that will definitely be unbearable.

However, unless they have a grand plan of killing him in prison (and perhaps Jim thinks this way, however I do not), they are just guaranteeing him a boost in 2024, especially if he spends any time in jail.
It annoys me that they’d be able to call him a convicted criminal (if he does get convicted) but it wouldn’t be very effective.

It could be a more or less random event driven by the bureaucracy just generally hating him, and letting this slip.

They’re charging him on what amounts to a technicality, an impropriety in keeping business records, in a situation where he was kind of forced to hide something anyways.

With good lawyers he can get out of it. And if he doesn’t they can’t do a whole lot to him legally. They already exhausted all of the other more serious accusations with the collusion stuff.

The Cominator says:

> Boost in 2024

Nigger they will win with 100 gorillion mail in votes again.

jim says:

they are just guaranteeing him a boost in 2024,

Swiftly followed by six gorillion Democrat ballots of mysterious provenance.

With good lawyers he can get out of it.

Like the good lawyers attempting to litigate blatant election fraud.

notglowing says:

While I’m under no illusion that Trump will accomplish anything, I think you’re making the problem seem bigger than it is, not talking about the election fraud though.

Winning in the election fraud trials was a losing game from the start, this isn’t obviously the case here. Not saying he’ll win for sure, though. I have no idea what will happen.

But by the time the fraud had happened, there was really nothing that could’ve been done realistically, since the only remaining solution was violence, and he didn’t have a militia to do it. Or the willingness to do it.

Still I can imagine a punished Trump coming out of jail more radical than ever. Not the first leader this happens to. The problem is he’s also getting old.

What can I say? The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

jim says:

If Trump goes to jail, unlikely to come out.

Whether Trump goes to jail or not depends entirely on whether Biden’s “advisers” can contain their lefter than thou opponents. The courts are irrelevant. If they can contain them for now, will not be able to contain them forever.

If Trump goes to jail, then the lefter than thou have the upper hand. Trump will not long survive them having the upper hand, and Biden’s “advisers” should update their wills.

Western Taliban says:

I think you’re making the problem seem bigger than it is

Say that to the J6 people who have been for like two years caged in some shithole like dogs. And what they have on them is thinner than air, there’s video evidence that they did absolutely nothing and were in fact led in by cops all clear in camera and they’re still going to prosecute a thousand more.


This is “the law” in America now, they can do whatever they want and no one can stop them.

notglowing says:

> And what they have on them is thinner than air,

It’s not really thinner than air though. They spent a considerable amount of effort vilifying their actions and specifically calling January 6 an “insurrection”, etc.
They did this to Trump but for other stuff. This case is pretty boring.

Yeah they *might* kill him in jail but it would be entirely extrajudicial, not something they justify with show trials.

Western Taliban says:

It’s not really thinner than air though. They spent a considerable amount of effort vilifying their actions and specifically calling January 6 an “insurrection”, etc.

You’re splitting hairs for some reason

That is as I said, literally nothing, nothing in the eyes of “the law”, nothing if trials and courts were actually real. And there’s video evidence that they did nothing and were ushered in by cops. They have less than nothing, they have evidence of their innocence, they’re still going to prosecute a thousand more of them who will spend whatever amount of time they want in some shithole.

Yeah they *might* kill him in jail but it would be entirely extrajudicial, not something they justify with show trials.

I don’t understand what are you talking about, everything about J6 is extrajudicial, everyone in a cage is extrajudicially there

You talk about imprisoning Trump and Trump coming out like “the law” exists, there is a trial and he is somehow not-guilty. I don’t know what you are not understanding, if there were real trials, law and justice not a single one of the J6 people would have ever been in a cage, and those who are now would be immediately released with entitlement to compensation. Instead, they are all still rotting in jail and now they’re going to prosecute a thousand more. What is it about this that you don’t understand? Is reality too hard to accept? But that’s literally America right now though, openly, in the mainstream media. Men lose their jobs because some whore in twitter randomly claims that 20 years ago they raped them, I don’t think you understand the absolute giga shithole that America is.

As bad as we have it in Europe, we are still the vassal states and not the Vatican, so a lot less demonic. In my country normal citizens went to judges over and over and the judges empowered the citizens to tell the government corona demon worshiper to go fuck themselves over and over. From that perspective I can see why you think the law exists, since it does kinda exist in Europe at least in some countries. There is absolutely no law in America, it’s pure anarcho-tyranny. Best you can do is be in the right area, the right zip code, the right State, and pray for an 80yo white male judge and pay for a well connected attorney (they’re not lawyers, they are influence traffickers, the law doesn’t exist). I’ve also read about rural America and your sheriff literally is the law himself and he doesn’t give a fuck about “the law”. America is absolutely crazy right now, like obvious self-defense against a nigger with a rap sheet that looks like a book will land you in death row/life imprisonment if you’re in the wrong place.

When Anglin says get out of the cities, he says it for a reason and he is a 100% right about it. If this is how it looks from thousands of miles away looking at headlines and reading plain Americans say their piece, the reality is easily even worse.

jim says:

This is why the right cannot organize in America, Tutsi had to organize in Uganda, mutinous Khmer Rouge could not organize till Vietnam gave them a hand, and old type Muslims had to organize in Pakistan to take back Afghanistan,

Deimos says:

>This is why the right cannot organize in America

i dunno Jim, America is a continent-sized country. who knows what can take place within its contiguous borders. the worse that things get, the more overwhelmed the panopticon becomes with incompetence, with maintenance it can no longer perform on critical infrastructure necessary to its surveillance state, with factional conflict within the regime, with God knows what.

my point being, i’m not sure Man has seen a clusterfuck of the calibre that America promises to become once we come to the fast fast faster whirl of its civilization circling-the-drain. this hypothetical degree of devastation won’t do our enemies any favors when they are also faced with the most armed general population ever.

for context, since i think i read a comment somewhere in here wherein was referenced the Khmer Rouge, cambodia has an area of 181,000 km² it is about half the size of Germany or slightly smaller than Oklahoma.

it seems to me it will be mighty hard for these pussies faggots and retards to genocide us classically. i’m expecting a blended approach ya’know a little Khmer Rouge style this and a little Holodomor style starve-the-countryside that. what do youz guys think about that? thank you.

jim says:

> > This is why the right cannot organize in America

> i dunno Jim, America is a continent-sized country. who knows what can take place within its contiguous borders

An individual householder can maintain Christian law inside his household, and a small group of armed tough good men can keep a small rural neighborhood safe when the police and courts will not, and I know both of these well from direct experience. But the autogenocide will be a large scale operation, and resistance to it has to be a large scale operation. During the Yugoslavian civil wars, the country people got it worst because a large group of armed men would show up from time to time, kill anyone they did not much like, take anything they wanted, and destroy everything they did not want so that the next group of armed men hot on their heels, who had a different set of targets they did not much like, would not have food to eat or a roof to sleep under.

Distributed resistance does not work. You get crushed. It has been tried. It only works if you have friends in the enemy capital who restrain the military from taking the necessary dreadful measures.

We have had millennia of experience with this. People have tried distributed resistance over and over again. If it is effective, the hostile occupying army just bunches up into big groups and each big group goes through burning everything and killing everyone.

The enemy is already cheerfully willing to burn American small towns. We are unlikely to be able to win except we have the means and the will to burn the big blue megalopoli.

jim says:

> cambodia has an area of 181,000 km² it is about half the size of Germany or slightly smaller than Oklahoma.

A group controlling New York city can kill everyone in Oklahoma, and then move on to kill everyone in the next state.

Unless everyone in the states on the extermination list is answering to a single Caesar.

Starman says:

Without aircraft carriers, the tranny nigger army from NYC can’t do shit.

Calvin says:

Seems to me like the group in NY would experience the aforementioned troops problem.

jim says:

Obviously Biden would suffer the troops problem. Trotsky would not. Zelenksy is successfully doing what Trotsky did to address the troops problem.

alf says:

On the one hand we expect wholesale collapse and a GAE government that can put no boots on the ground. So planning for a distributed resistance seems fair.

But on the other hand that means we are counting on a total mess-up from our enemies. Which, although quite reasonable, is still a dangerous assumption to make. If our enemies can put boots on the ground, say with leftist Caesar or something, we draw the short straw.

So you’d want to play for a rightist Caesar, some kind of leader to gather around. But who, where? The only player I can even imagine is Musk, but is that even realistic?

Kunning Druegger says:

Every faction, left and right and center, is bereft of the same things, so there’s no Caesar waiting in the wings. It will be a test, a crucible, that forges a Leader like that, and the furnace is isn’t even that hot yet, it just feels hot because we have been stacking logs ever since 1933 and now there’s finally an actual fire. It’s going to get a lot worse, and from *that* will rise a leader.

Starman says:


“A group controlling New York city can kill everyone in Oklahoma, and then move on to kill everyone in the next state.”

Even with the full backing of the USG, the trannies backed down more than the feds backed down at Bundy Ranch.

Without B-52s and aircraft carriers, the trannies cannot do shit.


jim says:

Zelensky does not, and Trotsky did not, have the troops problem that afflicts the west. If you are are reluctant to shoot your own troops for failure to massacre innocents, you get shot.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think tomorrow will be a good litmus test for where we are at in terms of the potential social collapse dynamic. The “official” trannie day of vaginjeance is cancelled, meaning the state sanctioned, Cathedral approved, Polygon endorsed performative protest theater event. But let’s see what the state and community level orgs do. I haven’t seen anything from Antifa saying “party’s over , gays,” and they are itching for more action after Georgia, which suspiciously disappeared from headlines.

Others have predicted a coming Trans Floyd habbening, and that makes sense to me, but it’s a little more complicated that St. Floyd because there are far fewer trannies in gross total, and Floyd was picked because he checked all the needed boxes, not because he was the only nigger that FAFO’d that day.

The negro wing of the Radical Left is trying to get Trump locked up. The faggot wing is trying to get Stonewall 2.0. The octogenarian wing has their hands full perpetrating Ukrainian autogenocide while suppressing the coronatarian wing. Lots of balls in the air, and many more besides itching to be tossed or dropped.

The fire rises.


Starman says:


“Zelensky does not, and Trotsky did not, have the troops problem that afflicts the west. If you are are reluctant to shoot your own troops for failure to massacre innocents, you get shot.”

The trannies backed down, right in the center of their own power, NYC.

The trannies and niggers, time and again, have proven themselves to be nothing more than paper tigers, if they have no support from B-52s and aircraft carriers.

They will be destroyed in the Appalachians without wunderwaffen protection. Ie. no thousand mile marches from NYC to Oklahoma.

They are not a real army.

jim says:

> The trannies backed down, right in the center of their own power, NYC

They backed down because their commander would not shoot them, and he would not shoot them because his commander would not shoot him. Zelensky would have no problems. In late stage leftism killers rise to the top, and killers are rising right now. When the Maidan false flag massacre of their own people was ordered, presumably by the State Department, it was carried out. When Trump dealt with Lafayette park, I do not know if he was mindful of the risk of a Maidan style false flag massacre, but some people in his apparatus certainly were, and were concerned with the hazard of being the fall guys in such a massacre. Zelensky is a killer installed in power by killers. Sooner or later a killer is likely to be president of the USA.

Calvin says:

@Jim: Seems to me you’re setting up a situation where your troops have incentive to shoot you before you can shoot them. During barbarossa there were more than a few soviet commissars who fell victim to friendly fire before a mass surrender.

jim says:

> Seems to me you’re setting up a situation where your troops have incentive to shoot you before you can shoot them.

Happens, happens a lot. But armies organized in this fashion routinely succeed a lot. It is the normal way to organize armies. This is the way things usually are when push comes to shove.

Calvin says:

I’m not denying fear can be an effective organizational method, but I am saying you typically need a bit more asabiyyah than it can provide for a march from NY to OK.

jim says:

It is clear that members of military units that were long ago mustered in Western Ukraine were and are deeply unhappy being relocated to Western Ukraine, but not a big problem when you have people like Zelensky in charge.

As for asabiyyah, today the gays have more asabiyyah than anyone. When our masters are worried about asabiyyah, they put gay Jews in charge of disproportionately Jewish sexual deviants.

TheDividualist says:

@Jim yeah. As a Hungarian, the much admired super based Orban system is mostly based on a steady stream of bribes/crony capitalism/graft to the loyals. Without this, I doubt how long our assabiyah would survive. Effectively we have to bribe men into doing stuff better men would do freely. I am not a huge optimist about this.

Kunning Druegger says:

So the Grand Jury has voted to indict Trump.


I think the radicals are getting uncontainable. Probably going to be a Nigger In News moment soon, and the streets will burst out in mostly peaceful protesting.

jim says:

This is not what Biden and company want, but I never expected them to be in control of events for this long, and I do not expect them to be in control of events for much longer.

I predicted that Trump would be epsteined fast, and Biden’s “advisers” would follow. It is taking longer than I expected, but it is clear which way we are heading.

The Cominator says:

Biden much like Pol Pot is pretty much fully radical…

Fidelis says:

Biden even as a young man did and does not possess the psychic energy required to be a pol pot.

In another, to give thanks for his recovery after an illness, he was said to have cut off the feet of many women. The severed feet were heaped in two piles with those of his favorite concubine, whose feet were unusually small, placed on top. These two piles of feet were then doused in oil and set alight to become what he called “heavenly candles”

You think Joey has this in him? Nah.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yeah… that sounds more like Hunter than Joe. Thank goodness there’s no possible way he could sweep to power in some heretofore inconsiderable circumstances, eh?

Iten says:

Pol pot was a university expat faggot at the sourbonne, not a barbarian warlord. I do not believe he cut off feet off random hookers nor off his favorite concubine in ritual sacrifice for his health.



jim says:

Source for what? You are being an ignorant asshole. Asking for sources of material that should be well known is what dumb people do to harass smart people.

Pol Pot killed every member of his family and every person who knew him in his youth, perhaps to erase parts of his past that were inconvenient for the legend he intended to create. The fatality rate among friends of Clinton is strangely high. With elections dead, conflict within the left is likely to turn increasingly lethal, so that type will rise to the top. Pol Pot had no troops problem, Trotsky had no troops problem, and Zelensky has no troops problem. We are likely to see more Zelenskys.

ten says:

Source for Pol Pot cuting off feet of hordes of hookers and his lover – obviously. There was no possible ambivalence. I asked him to back his claim up in case there was some misunderstanding, maybe he forgot to type a sentence or something.

The quote Fidelis supplied comes from wikipedia and concerns chinese 17th century warlord Zhang Xianzhong, not Pol Pot.

So it certainly should not be well known, in fact it is obviously untrue.

Pseudo, yes that was the memeplex i was facetiously alluding to.

I accept your apologies,

jim says:

> Source for Pol Pot cuting off feet of hordes of hookers and his lover – obviously.


No one said that, reread.

Having figured out what was actually said, if you still doubt it, yandex it.

Those who ask for sources are usually ignorant idiots who could not or would not read the sources if supplied.

Iten’s statement is unclear in isolation, but what he is talking about is obvious in context – or at least obvious to those familiar with past left wing singularities. If the statement remains unclear, request a little history lesson to explain the references people were making to historical events, though you should be able to form a pretty good guess as to what those events were from the surrounding discussion.

Fidelis says:

You are lacking in ability to abstract and hold a conversation. B-bu-b-but the FACTS of the matter are that POL POT didn’t do this!!!1 Nevermind that I never said he did. polpot and his gang of troublemakers are quite equivalent to many leftist zealots through history, the biggest differences are usually names, faces and background scenery.

jim says:

the FACTS of the matter are that POL POT didn’t do this!!!

No one said he did. Your reading of what was written is unreasonable. It was obviously in context that Pol Pot was being contrasted and compared to someone else, and the Cambodian autogenocide compared to some other autogenocide. Did you imagine that the Cambodian autogenocide was unusual?

Everyone else in the thread recognized the reference.

We were talking about the potential for autogenocide in the US. Naturally we are going to be thinking and speaking about more than one past autogenocide.

ten says:

Biden even as a young man did and does not possess the psychic energy required to be a pol pot.

In another, to give thanks for his recovery after an illness, he was said to have cut off the feet of many women. The severed feet were heaped in two piles with those of his favorite concubine, whose feet were unusually small, placed on top. These two piles of feet were then doused in oil and set alight to become what he called “heavenly candles”

You think Joey has this in him? Nah.

Here Fidelis says that Biden lacks what it takes to be a pol pot because he doesnt have it in him to cut off the feet of hordes of hookers and supplies the wikipedia quote that has nothing to do with pol pot at all.

Obviously someone said exactly that, in the very post i was replying to, word for word, exactly as i stated and questioned.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I asked for the evidence.

jim says:

Fidelis is not referring to Pol Pot, but to Zhang Xianzhong

The question being debated is does our modern university system turn out people capable being another Zhang Xianzhong.

Since Pol Pot was turned out by our modern university system, the question then arose as to whether he was made from the same mold as Zhang Xianzhong, and I argued that the curious absence of any kin or anyone who knew him as youth indicated that he was.

I think you can reasonably argue that this unclear because Zhang Xianzhong was not explicitly named, but it was entirely clear from context that everyone was comparing Pol Pot to somebody else, the Cambodian autogenocide to some other autogenocide.

ten says:

Are you seeing responses in a different format than what shows on the blog? You just responded to Fidelis as if he was me.

I do not see this context you are claiming i am in. The subject was joe biden, compared to pol pot. Maybe i am an ignorant asshole and a moron.

Seven kill stele. Jim talks about that a lot when talking about leftist holiness spirals.

ten says:

i have already referred to that, i know

alf says:

Gonna be honest, I also thought the reference was to Pol Pot and was confused. That the feet cutting relates to a Chinese warlord makes a lot more sense — typical Chinese history, lol.

Red says:

I do not see this context you are claiming i am in. The subject was joe biden, compared to pol pot. Maybe i am an ignorant asshole and a moron.

You’re a midwit. Someone smarter would have googled the quote to find out where it came from. Instead you responded like a moron.

I do not see this context you are claiming i am in. The subject was joe biden, compared to pol pot. Maybe i am an ignorant asshole and a moron.

The context is auto genocide and if Biden has it in him.

ten says:

Flabbergasted. How many times do i need to talk about where the quote comes from before your fried out synapses accidentally connect? You’re not a midwit, you’re clinically retarded. Go drool somewhere else.

Red says:

Maybe i am an ignorant asshole and a moron.

Whelp, you were right.

I have to down grade you from a Midwit to a grade A Moron. Just smart enough to be drafted for Nam. You’re officially too stupid to comment here.

Go back to reddit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ten is a Nice Guy, he could have just worded the question of whether Fidelis was referring to Pol Pot or someone else better, since it is understandably not very obvious at first glance.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Do you have a source on that?
>A source. I need a source.
>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
>No, you can’t make inferences and observations from the sources you’ve gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you’ve gathered.
>You can’t make normative statements from empirical evidence.
>Do you have a degree in that field?
>A college degree? In that field?
>Then your arguments are invalid.
>No, it doesn’t matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
>Correlation does not equal causation.
>You still haven’t provided me a valid source yet.
>Nope, still haven’t.
>I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I’m debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Red says:

I always provide book sources for my youtube comments when idiots push back. Since idiots don’t read books it shuts them up.

The Cominator says:

His asking for a source hurt him but he’s right Pol Pot was a faggot French intellectual who’s regime went off the rails when his central planning didn’t work.

Kunning Drueger says:

Faggot intellectual and bloodthirsty maniac are not mutually exclusive, and more often they are synonyms.

This is a subtle but important point, one that needs clarification: was Pol Pot successful in accomplishing his goals, or did his machinations devolve into a complete failure? Leftists always chalk up the genocides, privations, and famine they cause to some failure of ideology or ingress of capitalisms and colonialisms that pervert their utopian project.

Are socialist systems evolving into auto-genocidal systems as a matter of course or due to some mistake? I maintain the former. So for me, the question becomes one of intentions and I inevitability. My position I that the system attracts blood thirsty lunatics, so the original intent is irrelevant; many methods with one outcome, many paths with one destination.

Red says:

Are socialist systems evolving into auto-genocidal systems as a matter of course or due to some mistake? I maintain the former. So for me, the question becomes one of intentions and I inevitability. My position I that the system attracts blood thirsty lunatics, so the original intent is irrelevant; many methods with one outcome, many paths with one destination.

All socialist systems are auto-genocidal on a long enough time scale. The question the man in charge has what it takes to continue the system after the auto-genocide becomes obvious to everyone. Typically the answer is no.

Think you might have already read this but,


Classic essay from old Jim archives. Why socialism needs killing fields.

Ghost says:

A heads up:

Several radical groups are called for a country wide armed transvestite uprising this weekend including Apr 1.

I monitor several Antifa Twitter accounts in my area. Recommend you do the same. Know your enemy, know yourself. And be prepared.

Ghost says:

They are styling it as “Trans day of Vengeance.” You can search for it on Internet for details. Twitter is trying to hide details now.

It is being promoted by Antifa.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The enemy’s greatest strength is his mask.

Thus, it’s always encouraging for him to take it off.

Ghost says:

Looks like I was wrong on this. I was expecting BLM level rage, but it’s not happening. Maybe they called it off or were just using scare tactics.

Don’t like calling wolf so, my bad.

Red says:

They were told to tone it down and they obeyed. You’re reading of BLM behavior is a schizo as the rest of your posts lately. All these groups are centrally controlled.

However, Christians have their heads completely in the sand about this threat. They didn’t even talk about this Sunday. That’s going to encourage further attacks.

Kunning Drueger says:

The US military is in shambles, but it hides it under inflated budgets, marketing, and a legend that bears no real connection to reality.

The US policing system is in shambles, but it hides it under localized ultra violence in cities going unreported, whites overwhelmingly abiding by law and maintaining order by choice, a longstanding abundance of liquidity thanks to the petrodollar system, and the propagation of a legend that bears no real connection to reality.

The US government is in shambles, but it hides it with gaudy displays of illusory pomp, excessive grandiloquent legalese, constant expansion of bureaus, organizations, and offices, and a farcical legend that bears no real connection to reality.

The US society is in shambles, but most people pretend it’s trucking along with the only concerns being made up grand cataclysms like global warming, evil terrorist whites with Bibles and assault rifles, and clinging to a constitutional legend that bears no real connection to reality.


If a real war breaks out, the only hope of decisive victory would be a nuclear first strike that annihilates the Enemy. I don’t think the tech is there, and even if it in some way is, I don’t believe it would “work” in the sense that nukes don’t erase countries, they just ruin cities, and coordinating and deploying a distributed successful first strike is a massive feat of planning, preparation, and execution, three things USG really struggles with already. So, because of other sociocultural elements and for the sake of discussion, let’s take First Strike off the table. The simple logistical challenge of gathering, transporting, deploying, and provisioning a military at war is beyond every single nation on the planet with the exception of Best Korea IMO. Russia is struggling with Ukraine, which is next door and completely understood, no language barrier, no culture barrier, good maps, and lots of experience.

If the US went to war with Russia, it would take most of a year just to get assets together and moved into Europe, leaving plenty of time for all sorts of things to happen domestically and internationally. If the US went to war with China, at least a year but probably more than two in all honesty. The most obvious bottleneck is shipyards. Per Macgregor, Zeihan, and other sources, there are ~3 shipyards that can lay down keels. That would have to be expanded massively, requiring raw materials and laborers that literally don’t currently exist in CONUS. Additionally, hybrid war means there would be derailments, industrial accidents, mass shootings, grid failures, and work stoppages near constantly. Add to that potential conventional missile strikes, and you get to a situation wherein USG and USM have to functionally “reconquer” *America* before they can even begin a significant build up. I don’t think any man here would willingly, voluntarily join up with USG to defend and expand the GAE, but I wonder how many men everywhere would actively oppose it at home? The French in Indochina had to fight the communists in Vietnam as well as France during that war, and I think it’d be the same here, and not just dissenting RWers, but ethnic Chinese, angsty niggers, conniving mestizos, and others besides.

We’ve discussed how FDR’s regime has to halt the cultural drift in ~1933 just to get America to a place where it could pivot to a war economy in 1941. Between 39 & 41, there was a concerted, coordinated effort to get all the various bureaucratic, legal, and industrial elements under control, and even with all that, the Arsenal of Gayocracy wasn’t really chugging until 1943. 1942 was a shakedown period that saw many losses, mistakes, and reductions in bureaucratic and leadership overhead even as military, industry, labor, and infrastructure were expanding. It was ~10 years of ramping effort and ~2 years of intensely concerted effort to get to a place where Liberty ships were coming into service once every ~80 hours, planes at ~10 a day, and 14,000,000 men under arms.

All of that with white men of grit, sense, and skill in unquestioned control of a largely agrarian identified, overwhelmingly white, paternalistic & patriotic nation of diligent and capable men and women who were PROUD of a country & culture they LOVED. Looking around at this festering shit hole, this two bit Carthage wearing the leotard of Sodom and heels of Gomorrah with Babylonian dreams and Roman delusions, I get the sense that USG/USM wouldn’t be ready for war in 10 years, or even 20, without a full blown civil war and a solid generation of reconstruction.

So long as the sickening equilibrium continues, the Polygon can keep stumbling towards Abbadon. So long as we just send money and contractors and already extant tech to faraway places, the Cathedral can pretend it’s the queen of the world. Like those pasty, fat, barren, brainless biddies sitting in nursing homes, waving fag flags and watching the TV, this country can continue to exist with enough money and life support. But imagine what would happen if you dumped that fat cunt out of her rascal scooter and forced her to run up a flight of stairs with a full pack on before making her wrestle with a teenage negro holding a knife?

Time will tell, and KD predictions are the hold standard of incorrectitude, but I don’t think there is a centrally located, coherent control group pulling strings. I think it’s loosely aligned factions, so a significant enough international embarrassment would fracture the coalition and much would b up for grabs in the US. It would take a long time for anyone to make uniforms and initiate campaigns of genocide. If the USM gets internationally humiliated, many other institutions would be severely damaged as a result, and I know exactly what I would do if the FBI and other domestic suppression agencies were otherwise engaged fighting turf wars in DC.

jim says:

> I think it’s loosely aligned factions, so a significant enough international embarrassment would fracture the coalition and much would b up for grabs in the US.

Russia intervening in Ukraine did fracture the coalition, in that the medical dictatorship faction wanted to shut down the evil white male capitalist oppressive industrial system that is giving the earth a fever, and the guys who intended to logistically exhaust Russia suddenly decided that was a bad idea.

If they want troops, rather than shells, the trannies and the career women are a problem. But it does not seem to occur to them that they are going to need troops. They are still thinking of winning with logistic exhaustion and airsea power.

Ghost says:


This appears to be your magnum opus of posts.

I only skimmed it but I gather most everything is in a shambles, which I will indorse for what it’s worth from a ghost.

A previous poster wrote that you are ready to start your own blog/ministry, which I agree with. So venture forth, and spread your truth.

Ghost of Yisrael ben Goyim

Hesiod says:

I wonder if you are a son of thunder as Jesus Christ dubbed the brothers John and James. We shall see. Jim is lord here, so please act graciously to your host.

Ghost says:

Ghost is not a son of thunder. Where it within my power to open the first seal, it would have been done already. This country has earned God’s wrath. We all have it coming. Some through action and some through inaction.

But I gather what you’re saying. And I am trying to shake things up. Some of you seem to like it.

You need to do more than just type words on a blog. You need to get yourself fit. Learn how to take care of yourself. Get involved in your local community.

Hesiod says:

Indeed, the parable of the talents weighs heavy on me these days. But, as Herger the Joyous in the film The 13th Warrior says to Ahmad ibn Fadlan when he complains of his gifted sword’s weight: Grow stronger!

Your Uncle Bob says:

Good post KD.

It crystallized a thought for me. Given all you say, what play will GAE/DC make when their current failures become apparent, and chaos accumulates? They won’t shrug and go home. I predict a variation on Rome’s strategy of recruiting legions from one province to conquer or police another, and be paid with land and women after retirement.

Only the GAE version won’t draw on physical provinces, they’ll draw on identity or allegiance. More than upping overall recruitment of trans, chicks and blacks and mixing them together, the limitations of which are already apparent. I now predict discrete units of “dreamers” (MS13, la Raza), BLM units not just inner city but gang members and ex cons, maybe one parade unit of trans somewhere (keep it small enough and they’ll get some real killers out of it), and on. And they’ll be paid not in land and wives but rape and torture.

And, pursuant to threads below, of course they’ll be used to hunt down “hoarders” (anyone with a garden, or oatmeal in the cupboard) during food shortages, and to kick down doors of farms and suburbs. Why wouldn’t they? It’s the logical move given their priors, and morality won’t restrain them.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think they will “shrug and go home” from an international debacle, using some combination of methods like what you outlined, but also what Wulfgar postulated, as in an American Azov. If their grand designs on world domination collapse, they will need scapegoats, and evil Christian whites with their assault rifles, Bibles, and healthy children make for a tempting target. But there’s a real problem with this concept: spics are good at terrorizing unarmed peasants, niggers excel at bullying placid and mentally castrated whites, and trannies & women are very skilled at hounding opposition and dissenting voices online. In each situation, the game is rigged, so Team Biolenin wins handily. On a more level playing field, I don’t think it’s so simple. Azov was not built overnight from thin air. The CIA has a lot of “native talent” to work with in a land with a long history of evil and reprisal. In the US, it requires constant, wall to wall media & education reinforcement & indoctrination to keep blacks both uppity and on a pedestal. Same with faggots and women. If our lying eyes are left to their own devices, the charade drops pretty quickly.

Jim, or someone, called this the Troops Problem, and I think that’s a great characterization. Their bioleninist machinations over the last decade have done much damage to any potential army of competent white men working to erase themselves and kill their own tribe. It’s not impossible, just harder than it was a mere few years ago. I don’t see how they can immanentize the eschaton *and* build an American Azov, those seem mutually exclusive to me. Maybe Eschaton in California and Azov in Arkansas? But then how to keep that shell game going? Now we’re back to the initial post above: everything they want to do is outside of their capacity to successfully accomplish or even adequately plan and provision.

If I were in the position to oppose the GAE, I’d keep pitching hard and straight down the middle, getting them to swing for the bleachers on every single pitch. St. John said it best: anything that gets them to drop the mask is a net gain for us. But this means that we’re going to see some heinous things; innocent people will be unfairly punished, children will be sacrificed, elderly will be humiliated, and history & culture will be erased. We will probably get to a point where people pine for the civil and peaceful time of 2021 & ’22 lol.

Pete says:

They will first send in the shitskin militias (recruited from drug gangs) to confiscate the food, rifles and women. Any rural/suburban community that resists will be judged guilty of racist insurrection, and punished with total drone carpet bombing.

The next community will most likely comply.

Adam says:

>They will first send in the shitskin militias (recruited from drug gangs) to confiscate the food, rifles and women.

That does not seem likely. Blacks from colleges maybe, but to organize and unite the inner city would require far more effort, and be far less profitable.

S says:

What stops the units they are recruiting from turning on them?

Adam says:

Yes, inner city blacks are a liability in any capacity other than a mob.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t think it’s that simple. Feral negro packs are no joke, but how do you get the Haitians to spare the blue suburbs and attack the rural areas? Bussing is needed, and I can think of some very entertaining outcomes of seeing caravans of busses full of mud people.

Anarch-Tyranny isn’t coordinated, as in the rape/murder/assault isn’t planned out, it’s just diversity + proximity combined with punishing the good guys ex post facto. This gets rinsed & repeated, and the general “climate & ecosystem” changes accordingly. We saw these tactics in the 2020 summer of love: feral negros, white agent provocateurs, simple weapons dumped, and coordinated “do-nothing” approaches for LEOs. That’s not going to work as well in rural areas.

Yet another complication is getting their message out. If one community gets wiped, should the publicize it? On the one hand, it could scare Thrall Whites into compliance. But on the other, it could calcify resistance and yield the moral high ground.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, just gaming out different scenarios.

Adam says:

In a fight to the death, the moral high ground belongs to the winner.

S says:

“Feral negro packs are no joke, but how do you get the Haitians to spare the blue suburbs and attack the rural areas?”

You haven’t internalized it yet KD. Its a death cult. They don’t spare the suburbs; they go after everyone they can.

TheDividualist says:

“It was terrible but look at how much carbon footprint got saved…”

jim says:

> how do you get the Haitians to spare the blue suburbs and attack the rural areas?

They have not been sparing the blue suburbs. They are not going to start.

Oog en Hand says:

Could the Orthodox and Roman Catholics unite against Protestantism?

Kunning Druegger says:

Nope. It’s a simile of the Russia-USA-China “double dyad” problem. The USA and RF are the more likely alliance, but neither can accept this at the same time for different reasons going back through history (this is Ortho and Catho), while the PRC (Prots) are just alien and weird to the other two, even if they will both bite the bullet when they need a short term alliance as a counsel of desperation or as a “get rich quick” scheme, but it never lasts because they are not like us, and we are not them.

Oog en Hand says:

What about Pagans and Orthodoxy allying against Catholics, both Roman and Traditional?

jim says:

Modern pagans are faggots and demon worshippers.

The real Aryan paganism was ancestor worship.

And you are using the word “Catholic” to mean Roman Catholic, which is a Roman Catholic usage, implying that Roman Catholics are the only real Catholics. The other Catholics do not think they are Catholic.

Oog en Hand says:

Modern Christians are nonces and devil worshippers.

Lucretius wrote twenty centuries ago that Romans didn’t want to become atheists because they feared eternal damnation. Paganism DID believe in the supernatural and went further than ancestor worship.

Demon worship: callous disregard for Gnon in the pursuit of muh pleasure(Slaanesh) and muh change(Tzeentch).

Devil worship: systematically and intentionally opposing Gnon at every chance you get, as by intelligent design.

Hesiod says:

A Western man can no more be a pagan these days than he can crawl back into his mother’s womb.

Cherish the old myths. C.S. Lewis contends his Northernness, his childhood love of Norse mythology, contained more numinosity than what he was presented in church during those years. And I believe him wholeheartedly as not only did I too have Northernness as a lad, but Mt. Olympus before that.

Conversion not only came with sword and fire, but with clarification. And early Christians preserved the best of those myths, and the worst too as a warning, because they understood poetry in ways that are almost lost to modern man.

Christianity is paganism grown up.

Oog en Hand says:

“C.S. Lewis contends his Northernness, his childhood love of Norse mythology, contained more numinosity than what he was presented in church during those years.”

About forty years ago, I feared eternal damnation because I broke an oath, and I knew what happens to oath breakers according to Odin. The oath I had taken was not to masturbate.

Hesiod says:

Still struggling with what to make of Odin from the actual myths rather than Marvel Comics. Tolkien refers to him as The Necromancer and shows more love for the Vanir than the Aesir.

My gut tells me my ancestors tried to stuff too much good and evil into one deity and went mad from time to time and place to place. Thor was always my centerpiece for Northernness; A Zeus that somehow got relegated to somewhat lesser status in the Norse pantheon.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>what to make of Odin … Thor the centerpiece for Northernness…

At least for a time the Norse themselves liked Thor better. More popular, maybe more powerful, notwithstanding Odin was head of the pantheon. Self-proclaimed Odinists are still projecting their modern monotheism backwards in time.

>too much good and evil into one deity

Nietzsche’s Dionysus bears a more than passing resemblance to Odin in his medieval rather than Marvel comics portfolio. I.e. drunkenness, wisdom, inspiration, madness. I take this as a strike against whichever god it was; by their fruits you know them.

jim says:


My argument was that paganism died before Christianity killed it – they lost their ancestors, and demons real or metaphorical moved into the vacuum.

Without ancestors, true paganism is irrecoverable.

You are arguing like a shill

Putting you on moderation for repetition.

Hesiod says:

The spirit of meaning is most important, but precision in language is good too as it clarifies. I’m guilty of this sloppy usage as well.

A Christian should endeavor to be both a poet and philosopher, the ideal being 100% of both at once. The reality for each of us, alas…

God bless you and yours, Jim, on this fine morning. The Almighty says the rest of you tards are fucked. Snoogins. Blessings for you all.

unz says:

Ancestor worship is true religion.

Kunning Drueger says:

Broke: worshipping ancestors

Woke: worshipping God

Bespoke: worshipping the God of your ancestors

Pax Imperialis says:

You take a mighty pseudonym. Can you live up to it? Ancestor worship works so long as people remember their ancestors. They no longer do. The West is full of rootless cosmopolitans even in the rural areas. Many don’t even have strong fathers. Ancestor worship revival is pretty dead here.

unz says:

unz is (one of) my real life nickname. I am not Ron Unz if that’s what you were getting at.

Worship the God of your ancestors if you like, that is also paying homage to your ancestors!
We worship them because they produced us! They survived, they built, and among them were giants. Modern man’s utter shame is being unable to look his lineage in the eyes, so he despises the past and tears it down. The root of satanic evil is pride…

unz says:

I guess what I’m trying to say is, my problem with Christianity is that it (at least the face of it) has become a millennial, idealistic religion. For all its virtues, I regard these two as fatal flaws. Perhaps they are isolated to Protestantism, perhaps not. Certainly the Orthodox branch looks positively vibrant compared the others, though my history and understanding of it is not very good, so who knows. But all the seeds of our current devil worshipping crowd is right there in the iconoclastic, tear-down-the-past Reformation.

I know this is just heresy from an ancestor worshipping Hindu, but I’m not convinced. Behind the answer to the WQ is a live faith. The Taliban have a live faith. The Baptists, Catholics, Anglicans or what have you, don’t.

jim says:

Yes, they do not have a live faith. Which is how the demons could slide in. But Christianity is rather good at resurrection.

TheDividualist says:

What makes the PRC Prot?

Kunning Druegger says:

Merely in service of the explanation, they are the outsider as compared to the other two.

Hesiod says:

Speaking of our Orthodox brethren, is there a Chesterton-like writer available in English who’s of that branch? By that, I mean someone who can elucidate Christianity while being 100% serious and 100% jovial at the same time. That is a mighty feat for a sage in any age.

TheDividualist says:
Hesiod says:

Ooo, this looks juicy. Thanks, fren!

Djinn says:

The problem isn’t the means of production, the problem is the means of reproduction. The problem, in short, is pussy.

Socialism causes scarcity – always has, always will. And we’ve socialized pussy. Like taxes, it’s progressive. The more successful you are, the more it costs.

And the more this key element in the male reward system costs, the less the most capable will invest in achievement, whether that’s building a ship or writing a symphony.

And yet, this is of course, this problem is invisible, because like any socialized commodity, the more we distort the incentives, the more we talk about the very thing we’re dis-incentivizing – just like Soviet propagandists fetishes the output of tractors or fertilizer or shoes -while demoralized citizens go without essential goods.

Pussy is visible everywhere – in movies, in TV, on OnlyFans, in porn – and yet sex is nowhere.

The distortions are so deep that it’s difficult for anyone from inside the system to fully understand, but we can see some of this.

Gay marriage, for example, turns all marriage into gay marriage.

Porn – both on Pornhub and in mainstream movies and television – turn sex into performative mutual masturbation, denying women the unconditional acceptance of their sexuality needed to be sexual.

Consent turns even married women into whores – who must constantly calibrate whether they’re getting ‘value’ for a decision to have sex – in order to escape being sluts who do not value sex at all.

Abortion and birth control disconnect the sexual act from reproduction, and, ultimately a focus on the need for the productivity to provide, a focus on what matters to create better material conditions.

All of this turns sex into a relationship among people who are the same but not equal – an exchange of power, gay sex – rather than a relationship between people who are equal but not the same, heterosexual sex – a natural expression of what men and women are.

Pussy becomes something women have, rather a core part of what they are. Every woman becomes trans. Fucking becomes, not a natural part of a relationship between men and women.

It makes the natural unnatural: normal sex becomes an extreme fetish – nothing is more transgressive than the ‘breeding,’ ‘consensual non-consensual’ and ‘creampie’ kinks — rather than an inevitable consequence of cohabitation between a man and woman.

All of these are grave distortions.

And when the value system of a society is distorted, leads to misallocation of resources, dampening innovation, and affecting the overall health of the economy.

The disproportionate cost of sex for more successful men dis-incentivizing them from pursuing success and taking risks, further exacerbating the issue. It discourages less successful men from making an effort to be successful at all – whether that’s fixing their fence or contributing to mutual defense.

After all, the exorbitant costs of sex – both inside and outside relationships – means they have to be increasingly restrained in their efforts to get any at all, the more resources they have. The more it costs, the less, ultimately, we have.

This leads to a cascading effect, where capable men might disengage from the economy and society, adversely impacting GDP and industrial capacity, and through lack of effort become increasingly less capable.

In short, no pussy, no ships or shopping malls.

SJ says:

It’s way simpler than that. The default state is matriarchy, where the women are all free game. The biggest problem with game is the logistics, which requires massive amounts of time spent meeting new women to keep your slut queue full. So men are left with a choice of spending the time building, a career, a home, a garden, a business, whatever, or they can spend that time chasing pussy. Women are going to be getting fked by the men who are chasing pussy.

So either chase pussy to bang matriarchal sluts or build something so that you can pick up the used up leftovers after she’s a thirty year old single mom. Or just check out and don’t try to chase pussy because you just give up and are a give up loser, a total loser, and then hamster brain how you’re actually a winner with no sluts, no pussy, no home, no garden, no business, nothing at all. Many men do the latter then proclaim they are better than the rest of us.

Patriarchy allows men to build while the building allows them a young virgin wife. If her father is in charge of what men gets to fck her then he will tend to pick a man who has been building, successfully. If she is allowed to pick she will pick whatever man with preselection is sexualizing with her at the moment her feelings are making her horny.

Patriarchy results in men building, matriarchy results in men spending all their time chasing tail and building nothing. In the matriarchy woman do all the work, women do all the child rearing, men lounge around and goof off when not stopping by for a booty call. Everyone lives in a mud hut and the only man in the children’s lives are their uncles.

This was common knowledge only sixty years ago.

Patriarchy means rule by fathers. It does not mean that women are somehow incentived to make good decisions, or somehow taught how to do so, or that they freeze their eggs and wait until they are post-menopausal so that they are slightly more rational to make the choice of breeding partner. It is not up to women to do anything for patriarchy to take effect it is up to fathers. It is men’s fault that they gave up the patriarchy, that they did so for pornography, because pornography convinced every man that he could have sex with a bunch of sluts if only we stopped controlling women. To bring back patriarchy is simple, fathers assert their rule.

Djinn says:

Actually, it’s way simpler than that: “American GDP is fake and gay.”

It’s fake because it’s gay, it’s gay because it’s fake.

Because it’s gay, fathers can not assert their rule. The authority for men to perform their role is gone.

Because it’s fake, women can not be controlled. The economic incentive for women to cooperate is gone.

There’s more to unpack in Jim’s first sentence, but only because I cannot see as well as Jim can.

jim says:

The other way around. That marriage is fake and gay reduces real GDP. If no prospect of wife and children, why aspire to a home and garden. Might as well play video games and watch porn in your single mother’s basement. GDP is falling for several reasons, another big one being overproduction of priests – academia is inherently composed of priests, who can only train people in priesting, and artificially boosting the status of academic credentials destroys apprenticeship, which the only way to transmit the productive skills of the old to the young. Another one being the regulatory state. I recommend the older corporate form, where regulatory oversight was applied once and approval for certain specific activities given forever, instead of the corporation being forever required to get endless approvals all the time.

These factors are an embarrassment, implying that something has gone terribly wrong, so the statistics bureaus lie. Much as the Soviet Union lied that socialism was working great.

Djinn says:

The disciple is not above his master.

This is a useful insight. GDP is downstream from the proper ordering of relations between the sexes.

If I understand you right, corporations have been poisoned, in part, by the distorted example of modern marriage, and away from the older form “where regulatory oversight was applied once and approval for certain specific activities given forever.”

Thank you.

Djinn says:

And when I flip it the other way around, as you suggest, it does seem to make more sense.

Because it’s ***fake***, fathers can not assert their rule. The authority for men to perform their role is gone.

Because it’s ***gay***, women can not be controlled. The economic incentive for women to cooperate is gone.

Kunning Drueger says:

You’ve articulated, in great detail, a single pillar of the WQ as Only Question argument here. I maintain that it’s The Core Question, meaning an solution, proposition, etc, that does not address the WQ is by nature and incomplete measure, though of course there’s a wide gulf between “fix elections with paper ballots” and “defenestrate every federal bureaucrat in the name of Thomas Jefferson.” Both do not really address the WQ, so neither are Core Solutions, but both have some value, some clean up of the code, in a sense. The WQ is about source code in the social OS. Cleaning up higher level programming can do many things, but it’s raw efficacy could maybe be assessed by how much it makes it easier for any thinking normal to see how integral the WQ is to all of what ails us.

The closer the uninitiated get to the WQ, the more unthinkable the environment becomes, so there is utility to “half measures” in that regard, but the danger is in doing UI updates and cleanups and believing a problem has been solved.

jim says:

> To bring back patriarchy is simple, fathers assert their rule.

Not quite that simple. After the woman has sex, she has to be stuck with the first man she has sex with. Which requires husbands to rule. Rule of the father only works if the father can and must irrevocably transfer all his power to the husband. (Old Testament system, where marriage worked like a sale, and had the legal form the sale of a cow. Obviously not the same as the sale of cow, but the same in that the family of the husband permanently and irrevocably gains all rights and power, and the family of the father permanently and irrevocably loses all rights and power.)

Inevitably a quite large proportion of young virgins are going to be abducted and “abducted”, and we have to regularize the outcome of those “abductions” so that both parties are stuck with the result. (Or executed if they are disinclined to be stuck.)

The wife has the duty of obedience and chastity, and the husband has the duty of care. We have to empower the husband to ensure obedience. (1790s Australia had public floggings administered by the authorities if the husband had problems) and we have to enforce the duty of care. Old Testament standard was that husband lost all power and rights if he failed in the duty of care. This seems a bit weak to me.

What if the father fails in the duty of care? It seems have been an old Testament practice to acquire female orphans and abandoned female children, and give them to your female kin to be raised as wives for oneself or one’s sons. Our records of aristocratic marriages in old England indicate something similar was happening to orphaned heiresses, who were hot property. Presumably orphaned and abandoned paupers came cheaper.

SJ says:

Yes husbands must assert their authority and have the backing of their tribe. The tribe I belong to raises submissive chaste women who are taught to serve a man, are married off as young virgins, yet the husbands all too often fall to assert their authority. The woman can’t obey if the man does not command.

I wonder what it will take for men to realize that they need to hand their daughter to her husband. That she need not be consulted, and that acting an abduction will allow the woman to adapt to her new tribe quickly. I see men in my community trying to argue with, plead with, their daughters placing themselves below her through such submissive action.

I don’t know which could be solved first? The father asserts his ownership of his daughter and grants that authority to her husband, when he finds her one or that the husband asserts his ownership over his wife. I’m going with the latter, and then should I have any daughters I will give them to their husband and give him authority over her.

i says:

It seems have been an old Testament practice to acquire female orphans and abandoned female children, and give them to your female kin to be raised as wives for oneself or one’s sons.

In a siege where cities and towns refuse to surrender:

12But if they refuse to make peace with you and wage war against you, lay siege to that city. 13When the LORD your God has delivered it into your hand, you must put every male to the sword. 14But the women, children, livestock, and whatever else is in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder, and you shall use the spoil of your enemies that the LORD your God gives you.

When you go to war against your enemies and the LORD your God delivers them into your hand and you take them captive, 11if you see a beautiful woman among them, and you desire her and want to take her as your wife, 12then you shall bring her into your house. She must shave her head, trim her nails, 13and put aside the clothing of her captivity.

After she has lived in your house a full month and mourned her father and mother, you may have relations with her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.

14And if you are not pleased with her, you are to let her go wherever she wishes. But you must not sell her for money or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.

jim says:

That was a different arrangement to the one I spoke of.

Oog en Hand says:

“1790s Australia had public floggings administered by the authorities if the husband had problems”

So the state WAS the husband, the REAL owner of the woman. Like Nazi Germany, where the state owns the women as breeding stock, and have them stud by males of the state’s choice (Lebensborn).

jim says:


You are making absolutely no sense.

The tribe must back the husband. They backed the husband, and the wives reacted as if abducted into the stronger tribe, by internalizing the values of that tribe.

chris says:

“So either chase pussy to bang matriarchal sluts or build something so that you can pick up the used up leftovers after she’s a thirty year old single mom.”

You know that isn’t the only option. As a man, you can date younger, which means you can build yourself up to be successful and then marry a younger woman who hasn’t wasted her youth on cads. Even today this is possible, just not the norm that is broadcasted in media.

And even if you do build yourself up and somehow find you cannot find a suitable woman, then you can just take that accumulated wealth, move to a cheaper country to live, and retire early and livie that cad lifestyle you forgoed in your youth to build yourself up. So the opportunity cost is not completely wasted in that scenario, just delayed.

SJ says:

Without experience banging sluts it’s hard to pick up young girls. But this reminds me of another problem with the matriarchy, which is that women think a man with nothing to lose is the confident alpha compared to the man with something to lose. I did pick a young wife in my thirties, but I was able to pick a young beautiful slut to add to my booty call list because I had nothing to lose. Had I something to lose I would not have been able to act with such sheer recklessness and would not have appeared as alpha to the aforementioned and not quite so young slut that is my wife and mother of my children.

Women’s feral instincts, also known as her tingles, communicate to her that the homeless couch surfing drug addict is a confident alpha male, while the man with a job, car, and house is an unconfident submissive male. One acts as if he has nothing to lose, because he has nothing to lose, while the other can fake it but it cannot be true.

Alas, another issue with the WP.

I would, and have, advised any man who wants to mimic what I have already done and be a middle aged man banging teenage and early twenties girls, and marrying the best one of them, that they need to start picking up women yesterday. The more experience the better, the more confidence passing a shit test the better, and the more preselection the better. Women are not attracted to money or status, they are attracted to game, preselection, and confidence. A woman thinks the man with nothing to lose is a confident sexy winner and she wants to be number one on his booty call list while the man with something to lose she wants to marry after she is a thirty year old single mom.

Roger Williams says:

Slightly disagree. It’s not about something to lose or not. It’s about having a “IDGAF” mentality that women eat up. When you literally don’t give a shit if a chick drops off and stops texting you back because you have so many options, she senses that and eats it up.

I’d argue acquiring wealth can give you that IDGAF mentality that is needed, but I agree not at the expense of experience. I think the correct approach is trying to maintain a balance. Not going too far spending 100% of your time gaming, but also not just singly focusing on money to the detriment of much needed experience slaying pussy.

Western Taliban says:

The problem with your first argument is that any man can easily have a job, a car and a house, if he is willing to be an insecure submissive faggot. Having a job, a car and a house in this society doesn’t mean anything positive, most men with jobs, cars and houses are what KD calls Thrall White, they’re normies and they’re extremely slavish, very effeminate, borderline faggots. It is natural that women do not experience tingles from faggots.

The challenge is to be a masculine man with a job, which you will have to provide to yourself, a car and a house. And most self-employed men live a lot more like they have nothing to lose, they are the yeomen of today, because they don’t obtain what they have from submission or live their lives as slaves to others, they make their own life with their own skills and have a completely different mentality towards life. There is no need to fear when you are willing to fight, if your job, your car and your house are more valuable to you than your masculinity, you’re unmistakably a faggot and a slave.

I’m willing to bet most people in reactionary circles are self-employed or autonomous to a very high degree, this is why they can stomach the truth, they are not paid to avoid it, they didn’t accept soul slavery for money.

Anglin cannot have a job, a car or a house in the US under his own name because he wouldn’t take the ticket. He is a million times more alpha and a superior man than the 99% of faggots who do have jobs, cars and houses.

Ghost says:

You want the freedom to say and do what you want and not be a thrall. But, most come into the world with nothing.

So you have to carve out a niche for yourself.

Lot’s of jobs with minimal supervision and you can save up start a business, retire early.

Even a guy like Musk can only say so much. The controllers can still overturn anyones apple cart.

jim says:

I started my own business in my youth, and did not get a regular job until nearly middle aged. I was immediately plunged into a culture that felt alien, evil, ridiculous, and demented, for I had been born and raised in a small island out of time of the older culture. Everyone else was slow cooked frog, and I was the frog dropped into the frying pan. I did not have the ideological framework I have now, and I knew what was expected of me, but it felt ridiculous to pretend to madness, silly to be Havel’s Greengrocer. I did not have a coherent critique of the environment in which I found myself, I would not have used the words I am using now, did not have the words I am using now, but it just felt very wrong. I eventually gave up on having a regular job, which was relief. And since I gave up on having a regular job, the madness and evil have doubled down to ever greater heights of absurdity, malice, and evil. I am safely far from all that, and very comfortable, having carved out a little island of sanity embedded in locales more tolerant of sanity, but the conditions of my sons are somewhat more complicated, and I am deeply troubled by their very grave troubles, though they have taken self defensive actions similar to my own.

TheDividualist says:

please write a post on this

ray says:

‘To bring back patriarchy is simple, fathers assert their rule.’

And how will you do that? Short of Christ’s return? The dads of boys have no more power in the modern gynarchy than do their sons. They exist and relate (or not) at the pleasure of women, their ‘justice system’ and their gyno-government. Mom’s in charge now and has been for a long time.

ALL your institutions are gynocentric and gynocratic, have been for decades. Men didn’t check out of Bitchdom (Amerika, Britain, Australia, NZ, Canada) because of porno. That’s the neocon simp’s explanation, normie’s con, oh look those bestial men ruined everything again.

Men checked out — and you ain’t seen nothing yet — due to fifty years of tyrannical Total Feminism, which was embraced most fervently by the very dads of daughters that you are expecting, somehow, to establish ‘patriarchy’.

The past decades, those daughter-daddies have been the very beating heart of the gynarchy. Such a deal! Satan (via government and society) offers dads the assurance that their precious princess will be a first-class citizen, empowered and entitled and privileged FAR beyond what is available to mere boys and men.

The State becomes co-daddy and vastly favors females over males in every aspect of life. The State allies with daddy to promote and produce The Empowered Career Woman, hateful to God and absolute poison to civilization. After five years of Whore College where she is awarded the credentials to be Empowered Career Woman, off she goes on her fabulous family-and-culture-destroying Career.

But . . . such a deal! Financially, Daughter Daddy is off the hook lifelong for the care, feeding, and housing of his princess . . . the State is her husband now, paying her a wage not to please God and not to continue civilization by having the babies of some second-class citizenship ‘male’, who she well-knows by late childhood is a creature far inferior to herself. Because everybody in her life tells her so, daily.

Meanwhile daddy clings on to princess as ‘his’ lifelong in this strange, unhealthy, and very common form of modern ‘marriage’.

In a Scriptural and trad society, daughter-daddy is on the hook LIFELONG for daughter’s expenses and upkeep UNLESS she is married off young to some promising man. And that is how you ‘create patriarchy’. Not by whining about porno while crushing the nation’s sons under the totalitarianism of feminism.

In our glorious new gynarchy, princess don’t need no man now! . . . and how very pleased that makes proud daddy and the State. To say nothing of satan and his legions, whose idea it all was.

But yes, SJ. All ‘we’ need to do is establish patriarchy.

jim says:

> And how will you do that?

Coup complete problem.

Taliban did it. Ideologically, we are the Christian equivalent of the Taliban, a fact of which the Taliban are very much aware. Unlike the Taliban, we lack a foreign base and foreign sponsor.

Taliban did it using the methods of their culture, their history, their race, and their faith. It is a little known fact that our history, our race, and our faith, has had no shortage of very similar methods to very similar effect.

TheDividualist says:

@Jim I think we used to call this jyhad-complete, one level beyond coup-conplete.

jim says:

Holy war is coming. Let us pray it is not holy autogenocide.

ray says:

Jim —

Well that’s a big bite. I will give these things thought.

For starters, however, I’d point out that the Asian continent was not targeted to become a permanent Homeland for the Goddess ‘Columbia’ and her HQ District. Which was the case for America and Canada going back at least five centuries.

So the Taliban, for all their pluck, ain’t climbing the mountain you are talking about. That said, it is known that I am martially inclined.

jim says:

Woke seems thin and fragile to me. When I personally assert patriarchy in my life and commend it to real life friends, seems to go down smooth. You all know how strangely easy it is to command women and be obeyed. Five centuries of woke, and in my personal life, cut through it like a hot knife through butter. I say “stone the gays”, quote Leviticus 20:18, and everyone grins

When the government temporarily and partially reversed its position on the woman question from 1933 to 1963, went down smooth. Not a dog barked. (Well, Amelia Earhart barked a fair bit but everyone stopped listening) Efforts to go ever woker always run into huge and strenuous resistance. Heading in the opposite direction, no resistance.

ray says:

I get your points, there’s a thirst for Biblical Patriarchy. There’s a thirst because God created women to be subservient to men, to be the helpers of men, and for human males to have dominion over the planet, including over females. So some type of pull always will exist for the Created Condition.

And yes, women that know me obey me also. They do not obey other men however, including their husbands.

You try that ‘patriarchal assertion’ in many parts of America — or amongst the wrong company, or just in front of a female who objects — and your ass will be seated in the basement of the county courthouse just as quick as you can say ‘Blessed Be’. No windows, steel door, 10×6. Then you’ll be arraigned (in hand and leg shackles) in front of Judge Tricia.

Likewise, you come on with ‘stone the gays’ in, say, England and the Rulers will jam you up bad. Very likely this ‘law’ will come to America soon. Then we shall see who around you grins.

jim says:

> You try that ‘patriarchal assertion’ in many parts of America — or amongst the wrong company, or just in front of a female who objects — and your ass will be seated in the basement of the county courthouse just as quick as you can say ‘Blessed Be’.

It looks to me that everyone charged by HR with sexual harassment is actually charged with lack of sexual harassment, everyone charged with wife beating is actually charged with lack of wife beatng, and various items of data suggest the same is true of rape.

Don’t worry about enforcement. I have neve seen it catch those who it hopes to catch.

If one goes out of one’s way to be martred, one will be martyred, but there is no Christian requirement to seek martyrdom. If they want to martyr people, let them stick their heads in.

SJ says:

Yes satan, the great adversary, has encouraged a great inversion. But the solution, while not easy, is very simple. Fathers assert their authority. I have done it, many have, and many will. The rest will be a dead branch of the tree of life, as the great adversary intends.

A2 says:

“In a Scriptural and trad society, daughter-daddy is on the hook LIFELONG for daughter’s expenses and upkeep UNLESS”

Sure, but the faildaughter/spinster doesn’t get to play around with her friends at the mall with a generous expense account. She can instead stay home and take care of the chores. Enjoy.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>To bring back patriarchy is simple, fathers assert their rule.

If simple, still a coup complete problem. Try it today and you’ll get fucked by police and CPS. The tribe needs the backing of the state, as someone around here says.

Counterargument would be, it’s just like passing a shit test. Don’t blink, don’t lose frame, don’t defend explain or apologize and you get away with it. On the individual level I can see that working. On the societal level it’s not enough, state backing/police coercion acts as a ratchet, it doesn’t have to win every single case to lever society in a given direction.

SJ says:

I was fked by the police back when I was a submissive beta servant leading my first wife, while she continued to try to move up the booty call list of the guy who was banging her in college and her boss at work. Charged with domestic violence for failing to beat my wife, financially ruined for failing to establish my own patriarchy, and removed from those children’s lives, they reduced to bastards, for failing to raise based winners.

After becoming the opposite, no problems. All my children are obedient and homeschooled, I have not had to give my wife a face spanking in several years, though she is aware that I will, as I have, and I will do worse if necessary, and I live the life that I choose to live. No problems at all.

jim says:

> Charged with domestic violence for failing to beat my wife,


ray says:

You were a ‘beta’ and had problems but now you’re an ‘alpha’ and the gynarchy’s courts and cops don’t dare interfere with you now.

Got it.

Djinn says:

“The default state is matriarchy”

I respectfully disagree. Your broader point has merit but I believe we need a clearer view of matriarchy.

There can be no real matriarchy without patrirchy, no real power for women without strong men.

The problem isn’t matriarchy, the problem is, actually, a lack of matriarchs (and patriarchs). Female power in our society is unstructured and undisciplined, and thus, at bottom, powerless and destructive.

The Karens of our age aren’t matriarchs, they are the very opposite of a matriarch. They are ridiculous and tyrannical and, yes, largely barren.

They are ridiculous and tyrannical because women need to be fucked, and want to be fucked by the best man possible. But they miscalculate, badly.

Sure, they have had sex (though less and less often as they age), but it’s gay sex – performative sex, an impermanent power exchange with a temporary partner – or, at least, one they imagine to be temporary – because they are always psychologically saving themselves for something better.

They are disconnected even when making a physical connection.

And because of this, Karens, married or not, eventually wind up not being fucked at all, and because they have few, or no, children, become purposeless and pathetic, and, because increasingly unfucked, angry and demanding.

And thus, unfucked, these pathetic and angry creatures continually prowl, long past they point anyone with the qualities they’re looking for would ever fuck them. Their needs forever unmet. Holes that can never be filled. They can not create, because they never reached a real cooperate cooperate equilibrium. So they must destroy.

ray says:

lol yup.

Pax Imperialis says:
ray says:

Much obliged.

This looked tasty too.


Djinn says:

Women haven’t been empowered, they’ve been disempowered.

A powerful man is a patriarch, a powerful woman is a matriarch.

A woman with six children from four different fathers toiling away with an iron hoe in the Congo is not a matriarch.

A woman toiling away in a cubicle with a two digit notch count, five figure salary, and six figure student loan debt and zero children is not a matriarch.

Today’s women serve an inhuman narrative, a narrative that drains them of fertility, of beauty, of purpose, of meaning, and, ultimately, of power.

Eat, pray, love isn’t a promise of liberation, it’s an enticement to servitude, servitude earned one mimosa, one designer handbag, one pump and dump sexual transaction at a time.

We need to build women up, because the society in which we live has spent the last century tearing them down.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>We need to build women up, because the society in which we live has spent the last century tearing them down.

Presupposes women as responsible agents with causative power.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The tenor of the preceding made me read that line as ‘women need to women up’ somehow.

Kunning Drueger says:

Djin has of late made, in my opinion, solid contributions to the WQ canon. His position that what is happening in current era is not an actual matriarchy because of the dire state it puts women in. I disagree on technical grounds, but I also see his point. One branch of my family has a traditional matriarch in the classical American style: military wife, 10 kids, score+ grandkids, dozen great-grandkids, keeps in contact with everyone, universally loved and respected, wealth of advice and information, stalwart church goer. She never gainsays her husband, always encourages the females to female and males to be men. But she’s a rarity.

So maybe we can refine the terms such that matriarchs are never the product of Matriarchy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>So maybe we can refine the terms such that matriarchs are never the product of Matriarchy.

Which is true, but also somewhat impoverished language.

If we take the grain-eating neolithic longhouse cultures as archetypical examples of Matriarchies, then, while exact numbers are basically impossible to ascertain, the chains of events are consonant with low fertility rates.

These are men who, for thousands of years prior to their conquest by aryans, never expanded beyond the plots of land they were chained too, nor did they leave any significant impact in terms of writing, art, or architecture.

(Coincidentally, the matrilineality of modern skype demographics implies descent from such indigent snake-goddess worshiping clades, rather than the semi-nomadic animal herders of the old testament.)

So yes, one never finds a successful Mater Familias without a superior Pater Familias.

Kunning Drueger says:

Exactly. Matriarch par excellence did not raise a single daughter to be the same, and the sons are all Boomercons or big standard progressives. I touched on this before: my based GParents were not based parents. Jim pointed out that the left that which goes without saying unsaid, though he stated that they got the joke but never taught the kids it was a joke. I think their failure, such as it is, is what made them what they are now. I refuse to discuss it with them, but I really wish I could. Matriarchy, of any type, is a failure mode.

jim says:

> Matriarch par excellence did not raise a single daughter to be the same,

Her generation knew the blue pill was joke. Failed to tell her daughters.

Aryaman says:

Matriarchy is an anticoncept. There is no such thing and has never been. at different places and at different times, there have been societies of wives or of whores. But never a society where either could kill a man with her bare hands, so never a matriarchy.

Kunning Drueger says:

Typo, Jim. “That left” should be “they left.”

I take your point, but indulge my academic faggotry and shade in some most likely pointless nuance here: if whores stay in power for a millennium, or even a brace of centuries, Matriarchy existed. Nearly every man of Old Europe (per the lens of the linked video that spawned this aside) could have strangled whichever Tribe Quee(f)n that ruled his longhouse, but they didn’t. It wasn’t until the Aryans thundered out of the steppe that the men of Matriarchy tried to fight. So we are discussing could v. should.

All that bullshit aside, you are absolutely correct: “Matriarchy” as a viable method of governance is an anti-concept. But it did exist. That’s why the industrial revolution occured in AD 1800 instead of BC 100.

Djinn says:

Thank you Kunning Drueger, humbled by your comment.

I think a distinction needs to be made between women who are not in a cooperate cooperate equilibrium with a man, and women are in a cooperate cooperate equilibrium with a man.

The Squaw – For lack of a better word, I think ‘squaw’ describes the longhouse dwelling, yeast smelling, shame and blame approach of women who are not in a cooperate cooperate equilibrium with a capable man. A shrew when married, a public scold when not. No dignity.

Matriarch – Maybe a better, more precise term is needed, but when I think ‘matriarch,’ I think of a woman who is in a cooperate cooperate equilibrium with a capable man. Has multiple kids, manages the things a woman should manage – household, children – capably and responsibly. Is not a shrew or a scold, respects her man as a man and is respected as a woman. In short, has dignity.

The woke – having consumed women – don’t need them anymore. They have Dylan Mulvaney to shill for them and be their bitch. We can offer women real purpose and real possibilities.

Open to correction, redirection on any of this.

Redbible says:

This discussion might benefit from some “clarifying” of terms, while avoiding changing language too much.

matriarchy = System where women are the ruler/leader by default, OR the only allowed leaders.

matriarch (no capital) = Woman “leader”, what you expect from most women in power.

Matriarch (with a capital) = Woman who is actually being a competent leader, commonly with male assistance somewhere.

ray says:

Concerning the discussion of matriarchy below —

‘(Coincidentally, the matrilineality of modern skype demographics implies descent from such indigent snake-goddess worshiping clades, rather than the semi-nomadic animal herders of the old testament.)’

Ain’t that the truth lol. In the Paleolithic and early Neolithic, language groups were ruled collectively by women under the Great Mother Goddess . . . who IS the serpent, make no mistake. Nearly all religious iconography from those periods deify the female, typically as Mother Goddess.

The idea that just because a male in, say, the Late Paleolithic could beat up a female is hardly proof against gynarchy in prehistory. After all, if a male in America beats up a female — or sometimes if he merely offends her — he is placed in a cage by, essentially, the hired agents of the sisterhood. Yet folks cling to the notion that some ‘patriarchy’ exists.

As for the U.S., one can deny by definition it’s a matriarchy, but however you slice it, women rule in America and have for many decades. Call it gynarchy, gynocracy, the Sisterhood, doesn’t matter. What matter is who has power, and men and fathers do not.

From centuries before its founding, America was planned as a Shrine or Homeland to the Great Goddess, who didn’t ‘go anywhere’ during patriarchal incursions, except underground. Which is what snakes do.

The District of Columbia is NAMED after the ‘great goddess’ that is the deity of the Western cryptocracy, and D.C. teems with goddess shrines, plaques, temples and so forth.

The gynocracy we see in America and the Anglo nations is no aberration, but very much the plan by various elements all along.

Djinn says:

“American GDP is fake and gay.”

Carve that into stone. It’s all in this comment.

Our GDP is fake because it is gay.

[…] American logistic capability […]

Hesiod says:

Memes will get you imprisoned:


Alas, poor Pepe. I knew him, frens. A frog of infinite jest…

Cloudswrest says:

Events seems to be speeding up.

1. Douglass Mackey convicted for speech on the Internet.
2. Trump indicted for political reasons.
3. “Let them eat cake” statement by press sec. Surly Temple on tranny terrorist.
4. Twitter seems to have regressed back to old Twitter with prominent conservatives being censored/suspended.

What’s next?

Cloudswrest says:

Oh, and Ukrainian defense of Bakhmut appears to be collapsing.

jim says:

Hungary is talking about deploying Nato forces (“peacekeepers”) in Ukraine.

This seems to be a response to Ukrainian collapse.

Karl says:

Not quite. Orban is saying that EU governments are talking about deploying peacekeepers.

Cloudswrest says:

Oh, and the Dollar based order and financial system is about to collapse.

jim says:

It is a slow motion collapse. It has been collapsing for quite a while, and is now collapsing faster, but it has quite a way to go.

Cloudswrest says:

Until the run starts.

“How did you go bankrupt?” Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” ― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

jim says:

I am, of course, making preparation for the US dollar to go suddenly to zero or near zero, but these preparations are long term rather than short term

Dr. Faust says:

So what crypto do you like long term? I know in the past you had a problem with bitcoin at scale. Is that still the case?

jim says:

Widespread use of lightning has substantially eased the problem, but it is going to return.

Bitcoin is now the best, but it lacks privacy. Monero is private, but Bitcoin with wasabi wallet and due caution is also private.

Buy with KYC money in a KYC exchange, then rinse.

Fidelis says:

Bitcoin’s scalability and privacy and deployment problems are solved better with side chains as opposed to settlement channels, one of my favorites is Mintlayer, but there are many ways to build such a thing.

A bigger issue may be possible coercion of the mining pools, no state level attack has been made quite yet to know exactly how vulnerable BTC is to such things. I like XMR quite a bit for this reason, p2pool is and randomX are beautiful works, and the meme clone of XMR — can’t recall the name at the moment — has an even stricter limit on pooling by requiring secrets in your mined blocks.

Only time will tell.

Kunning Drueger says:

Tomorrow could be a potential moment. Starman says the trannies have backed down with the formal announcement of the Day of Rage protest at SCOTUS being called off, but I think there’s a chance that other, unofficial, “impromptu” and “totally organic & grassroots” “peaceful” protests could occur, so that could go both ways (shocking!) in that if nothing happens, the pressure might abate a bit, and if degenerate faggots chimp out, it could push everything up a notch.

Iran and GAE have traded missiles in the desert, but that seems to have fallen off the radar.

The color revolution in Israel is in a transitional phase with Bibi backing down, letting the flags and foreigners dictate tempo with the initiative.

Best Korea has been acting aggressively enough that there’s a media blackout on their antics.

There’s been a spate of significant, substantial, non-dollar denominated energy trades between great, major, and minor powers.

Honduras, the unofficial base of US operations in Central America, has liquidated their association with Taiwan and moved closer to Beijing.

The low level war between Mexico City and the Cartels has continued.

Attacks on police by negros and poors are occurring daily and at frequency though reporting is constrained to local reportage. (https://t.me/police_frequency fairly good but very frequent updates on many aspects of first responder happenings)

I’m sure there’s other stuff, but that’s enough to indicate that things are ratcheting up. So many little que bonos it’s hard to derive a holistic sense of who stands to gain.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I’m not seeing the big win that Starman does here. Their discord channel echo chambers haven’t toned down the lone wolf prep rhetoric at all; reports are they’re using this to amp them up more. Plus they’ve got the whole warm weather street violence season still ahead of them (relying on BLM and antifa to fill out numbers but it’ll be under the new flag). This one was pre-season to begin with, leftists want warm weather violence for their “rallies” to go as planned.

They don’t actually need to do anything on this particular day to stay up and running. The key test is whether the FBI and others are still running cover for them, suppressing white male freedom of association for either offense or defense while proving strangely incompetent at finding leftist violence. So far they are.

I see the troon’s school murders moved us one step closer to a preference cascade, but only one step. The cathedral’s best play here (if they could be rational about it, an open question) is for the media to go silent on the story long enough for the heat to die down. Then back at the troon demands and rallies like nothing ever happened.

blind archer says:

Better polygamy solution:
Option 1.
A woman who is born of a man in your group and raised by a man in your group can only become first wives. Naturally, women who have grown up outside your group are not affected, and your men have the right to polygamy with women they have found on the side. Women are lower than men, but our women are higher than any other women.
Option 2.
The man must pay for the second, third, and subsequent wives of the group, and the amount of the payment must depend on what number the wife has and how many adult males in the group have now never been married. The amount is distributed among men who do not have wives. This will help these men either find wives on the side, or rot in their mother’s basements more comfortably.

I don’t like the solution of strict monogamy because we limit the fertility of our best men to the fertility of their wives.
I don’t like the solution, when polygamy is de-fatco present, but remains illegal and everyone turns a blind eye to it. I want social norms and the law not to come into such a clear conflict.

Adam says:

Other than cases where the wife dies for one reason or another, why complicate things? Simple is better. It is very common among deeply religious rural families today for a man to have 15-20 children by the same wife. Paternal investment is also critical in developing children into adults capable of reaching their potential. Fathers only have so much time in a day.

Western Taliban says:

it is very common among deeply religious rural families today for a man to have 15-20 children by the same wife.

What do you mean 15-20 children by the same wife? Is this a typo? We are going to need evidence for this claim, it sounds extremely far-fetched. It’s at the level of “cow farts are going to change the weather and kill us all”.

You say it is very common, then the evidence must be very common. Please provide some evidence.

Adam says:

My neighbors growing up had 18 kids in the family, my ex-wife has 10 brothers and sisters, an in-law has 14. These are all Lutheran families in rural upper midwest. Many mothers have grandchildren the same age as their youngest children.

Western Taliban says:

Unfortunately I can’t ask for more information if you’re going with this route, because you’d be doxxing yourself. In this case I cannot “trust you bro”, even if you’re a fellow in this blog, I just cannot believe it. My grandmother had a lot of brothers, but they were not 10 and considering the sociopolitical context (coverture) of the country at the time and the family lineage, overcoming this number is hard enough. Then you go as high as 18 and you claim it’s very common, impossible.

I have never seen or heard or read of this in my entire life, it’s the first time I hear these numbers, even by historical records. 10 is more acceptable, 18 is like talking about talking cats. Claiming it’s very common anywhere today is even more unbelievable. I don’t think the Taliban have an average of 15-20 kids, I don’t think the wildest niggers reach these numbers.

I really hope every thing you said is true, in which case I’m happy for you to live in such a place, but I just cannot believe it if I don’t see solid evidence. Also, you better hide where the fuck that is or they’ll send the ATF to find a way to murder you all somehow, it sounds too white and Christian to not get Wacoed.

Kunning Drueger says:

There is only one place on the entire planet where families can have 10-20 kids that all have an excellent chance of growing up and having big families of their own: the United States heartland. The key ingredients are European stock, monotheistic socio-cultural givens, and abundant resources. You don’t have to believe him, or me, but your belief is irrelevant to reality. I completely buy that Europe has not only lost the social technology of big families, but also the interpretive framework for conceptualizing big families. In the US, anyone who’s lived in white dominated communities with abundant churches and a lack of section 8 brown wave has seen scores of families with 8-15 kids. Again, it’s a commonplace rarity, just like trannies in blue cities or cowboy niggers in Texas.

Adam says:

As far as social technologies in the places I am aware if, children are part of holiness. The females compete for status among each other to see who can have the most kids.

Adam says:

It should not be hard to find concrete evidence of this online, but I cannot provide proof obviously. These are small towns, one stoplight in 50 square miles. It is all farmland in between. The churches are Apostolic and Laestadian Lutheran, and they are hostile to outsiders. Anyone not born in the church is a “un” as in un-believer. Homes do not have TVs, girls cannot wear makeup or have piercings etc. At least 30 years ago families would still dis-own badly behaved girls from time to time.

I know personally of these towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Women there give birth until the mid 40s in these families. It is not so hard to do at that age so long as you never stop having kids. My mother in law had her last at 46.

jim says:

> But I just cannot believe it if I don’t see solid evidence.

Having made a habit of hanging out locales more sanity friendly as far as reasonably practical, I find his claims believable, but cannot verify them from direct experience.

SJ says:

My paternal grandmother had fifteen kids, my maternal grandmother nine. My neighbor has sixteen, though he is a polygamist with two wives kept separately. His eldest daughter, also my neighbor, only three kids due to her husband’s beta servitude. He asks us, his neighbors, to convince his wife and master to allow him another child rather than just put the child into her as God intended.

I have six children and am above average for the area. Typical families here are four but their are other’s with six, the most after the polygamist is eight. According to the census only the Amish rival this area for children per woman so I would guess that the prior anecdote, fifteen or so being common, is not fully accurate.

Kunning Drueger says:

15-20 is common on the rare side, meaning you will see at least one of those high powered sperm slingers with his dogged wife and Econoline van at any “real” church, so, common in the sense that there are trannies “everywhere.” Use the search term “quiverfull” to see pictures of massive white families mixed in with endless NPR articles about how these are somehow “dangerous for America.” In my estimation, these quiverfull families are a meme multiplier because their presence can stimulate other couples to have 4-6 instead of 2-3.

I saved the charts/graphics but I can’t find the original tweet unfortunately, but someone recently did a trend showing that conservative families are growing, fewer women are going to college, fewer men are relocating to cities, all this in the heartland. On the coasts, the general trend is fewer children, but when you zoom in to state and county level, it’s white liberals and minorities whose TFR is dropping, while conservative TFR is climbing. Whites went into TFR decline starting in 70s/80s, and over ~30 years they bottomed out. Now it seems “stable” but this is a result of white liberals going barren intentionally as white conservatives are slowly but surely turning it around.

Demographics are destiny, but it’s not a simple situation, the game keeps going and data is just a snapshot. Society and culture is like a series of concurrent games of tug of war, and most commentary boils down to “remember that match we lost” or “there was this one game that went like so and so” but the games continue without abating. We haven’t won, but we haven’t lost, because the game is ongoing. We need to keep tugging, keep encouraging other people to tug, and contributing to future matches and tuggers. The migrants, negros, and mystery meats re all in TFR freefall, going through what whites went through decades ago. We need to dig in, pivot, and drive, because everything you see around is the product of some set of decisions made many years before, and the decisions we make now are moving the pieces in a game that has yet to start.

Kunning Drueger says:

Monogamy is not the issue, nor is it broken. You’re treating a symptom, and the sickness is the acceptance of incorrect answers to the WQ.

Oog en Hand says:

Years ago, I had a discussion about polygamy. Someone offered the position that captured women should have a HIGHER status than our own women, at least their offspring.

The mirror image is found in the Manu Smrti. Children of our women and their men have a LOWER position than “racially pure” others.

Stray Child of Daybreak says:

Embryo selection would enable other polygyny options. For example, each additional wife could come with a duty to produce two daughters: so no shortage of pussy for the next generation. Concubines taken from outside the group could have their tubes tied, and be used to bear the children of the husband’s first wife. Oh brave new world, with such tech in it….

jim says:

Lacks incentive. If excess women around, men will choose to have sons.

i says:

Since Abortion and discarding embryos would be banned. There doesn’t need to be a choice to have more sons. The men with more sons will simply supply the Fathers for the next generation. And the gene pool will rebalance the sex ratio into 105 boys for 100 girls at birth:


Fidelis says:

What you call option one is a strikingly common custom throughout time and space.

Usually not explicitly so, but the tribe procures an excess of women through some sort of outside means. Mohammedans through conquest, Mormons through missionaries.

The problem becomes a great muddying of your blood. Moslems are still profoundly fucked from their absorbtion of east african blood. Mormons did better, siphon off women of white american stock, until the CIA forced them to accept all the other demographics we are wonderfully enjoying in our diverse paradise. China has a long history in fact of the conquering people turning into rice eating eunuchs within a few generations, in fact it was explicit policy to give as many young women to the bordering warrior peoples as possible, to dilute their blood. Mao offered to Kissenger to deliver America 10 million Han women, if you read the interview transcript he actually kept pushing this idea after the initial rebuke! Han women can be considered a sort of bioweapon.

The purest aryan practice is no breeding with the enslaved peoples, and patriarchal lineage through one woman. This, combined with the cauldron of war, seems to produce the absolute best of men. Maybe now with our knowledge of the genome and more knowledge of breeding in general, different systems can emerge, but I am not sure we can successfully coordinate such a thing as our breeding to such a fine degree as would be necessary.

Doom says:

>I don’t like the solution of strict monogamy
As soon as you offer women the option to share a high tier man
They will begin to have fantasies of being good enough for him and channel their effort towards being a part of the harem.

I understand your concerns but I think it is a necessary evil to avoid the incel problem that destroys civilisation.

How about this : a man can take on a second wife only if his first wife is proven infertile? Therefore, no one “feels” they’ve taken a loss.

Oog en Hand says:

A Jesuit wrote Mein Kampf. Hitler was just a sock puppet. So if we want to get rid of the Jesuits, we must get rid of the National-Socialists, i.e. the 1488 crowd.

The Cominator says:

I’ve heard this theory before and am agnostic upon it but…

Your terms are acceptable.

Azov alone is an argument why a true right wing government should show no mercy to national socialists the way it should show no mercy to any other leftist.

Oog en Hand says:

Akchually, both Adolph Hitler and Mein Kampf opposed Pagans of every sort. He didn’t tolerate criticism of Christianity. Azov may claim National-Socialism, but insofar they are Pagans, they are not National-Socialists.

jim says:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You have provided no evidence. Hitler was no puppet.

There were a lot of ex-Roman Catholics in Nazism, but they look like converts to the post-Christian descendants of Lutherism.

Hitler declared himself not a Catholic but a German Christian. German Christian not a generic description, it was the name of a Church descended from Lutherism that was losing its last shreds of Christianity, and had been evolving into something very like Nazism long before Hitler.

Hitler was able to hit the ground running because he had a whole lot of believers ready to roll. Lutherism had long been evolving into Nazism, just as Harvard Woke is the post Christian descendant of Puritanism.

Ghost says:

The first part of MK is autobiography and likely from interview. The latter 90% is political propaganda and most likely written by Goebbels, the propaganda minister who also had a PhD in it.

AH said himself that the best communication is by speeches. He was just a frontman.

MK is not worth your time reading. Recommend 200 Years Together instead.

Source: My memory

jim says:


My memory differs from your memory.

Agree than Mein Kampf is not worth your time, but it was deeply relevant in its place and time.

Ghost says:


Ban me!

jim says:

Your last comment on this blog will be something suitably stupid, pointless, and untruthful. I don’t ban people for being irritating. I ban them for being pointless, repetitious, or untruthful. Almost always, bans for being repetitious.

Ghost says:

Ok tough guy, but your attack encourages beta male behavior.

One can post more freely on Twitter.

But, I know you want to get me in a debate where you come out the hero to save face.

Much easier to ban me, then pretend to be me and use my nomenclature. And have your dream debate.

A2 says:

Lol, surely we will steal his nomenclature!

Jim is a kind and patient man.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Jim is a kind and patient man.

You sure it’s not surprised disgust?

Ban me!

Ok tough guy

I know you want to get me in a debate where you come out the hero to save face.

Why does this sound familiar. Oh… oh my!

Ghost is clearly shit testing Jim. He wants to be bitch slapped and dominated.

Red says:

Ghost is clearly shit testing Jim. He wants to be bitch slapped and dominated.

Ergo Ghost is a faggot.

A2 says:

All I know is I would quite soon ban these fools, knaves, feds, shills, trolls, bad actors and demon-possessed, doubtlessly with some heartfelt curses and angry words. (Which is likely what some of them would want.)

Jim is instead willing to show them the errors of their ways, up to a quite reasonable point. This is often instructive to us other commenters too.

Jim is a kind and patient man.

Kunning Druegger says:

We also learn much by putting them under a slide cover and poking them until they expire.

Jim is a Natural Historian.

Doom says:

I’m moderated cause someone called me a shill.
I don’t mind at all because I still find conversation here, and in particular Jim’s on focus takes, to be valuable still.

Your take is pure copium.

Go find a little echo chamber to yell into. Conversation is what leads to truth, and, friendo, if you can’t take an L, you can’t take the truth.

truth says:

Again, a post consisting entirely of assertions without evidence.

The assertions consist entirely of authorial perceptions that are at complete odds with measurable battlefield results. No explanation for the discrepancy is provided. There is simply the expectation that since this author has made a statement, the statement will be believed.

To pick one easily visible counter example, the Russian missile barrages have been too widely spaced to put the target systems down for any effective length of time; instead they pause for long enough for the target engineers to get things up and running again every time. It’s like breeding antibiotic resistance: if you keep pausing the treatment before the target is fully eliminated, the survivors are better adapted and eventually the attack becomes worthless. The net effect is that Russia spends ammunition to train its targets in how to survive and endure the attacks, rather than for victory.

If Russia had the ammunition in sufficient quantities to put all target systems down, and keep them down for an extended period of time, it would make zero military sense to not do so, as that would result in a lesser total military effort. Russia, as demonstrated by the battlefield, is therefore unable to engage in such behavior.

Start posting links or admit you’re lying.

jim says:

> If Russia had the ammunition in sufficient quantities to put all target systems down, and keep them down for an extended period of time, it would make zero military sense to not do so,

It is completely obvious that the Russians can strike deeply into the Ukrainian better than the Ukraine. Russian deep strikes consist of sending in enough drones to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense. Ukrainian deep strikes consist of men out of uniform and men wearing Russian uniforms.

How is Crimean bridge over which most Russian supplies going? Electricity and water works in Russian controlled areas, erratic in Crimean controlled areas. It is not as if the Ukrainians are not trying – they have been shelling civilian areas when in range. Ukrainians were shelling the nuclear power plant that supplies most of the power to Russian controlled areas and its waste dump until they were pushed back. The Russians downed the spy drone because Americans have been using spy drones to guide sea bomb drones to the port. The port still works, and since the drone was downed, not been attacked.

Ukrainians have long been promising “the greatest counteroffensive”, which looks like its goal is likely to be the recovery of Mariupol, thus bisecting Russian held territory. Presumably it will be launched when the ground dries out in few weeks. If postponed again, they are out. If they fail to reach Mariupol, out eventually, but not out so long has they have advanced some way to Mariupol.

embeveraged commuter says:

M8 I’ve heard many stories of NATO wunderwaffe, but none of them involved equipment that replicates by mitosis and evolves an immunity to missiles.

Perhaps Russians should also refrain from shooting Ukranian soldiers, less they evolve bulletproof skin and eyes with thermal vision.

Perhaps also by your logic, the stories of Russia being down to their last dozen missiles for the last year were all true, and the rate of missile attacks is limited by the reproduction rate of these 6 breeding couples.

In reality, NATO is rapidly burning through a limited supply of Ukrainian conscripts and stockpiled equipment. Whatever they may learn in the process of being blown up will do little to compensate.

The Cominator says:

Looks like Biden’s (and his clique’s) insanity has convinced the non Cathedral nations that they need to kill the petrodollar sooner rather than later.

Surprise OPEC oil cut of 1 million bpd (Russia joining) on the heels of all these announcements of non dollar international trades.

The Cominator says:

Nobody wants to discuss the surprise coordinated OPEC and Russian mass oil cut?

jim says:

BBC observes “today’s announcement also underlines the close cooperation between oil-producing countries and Russia.”

The Cominator says:

There are rumors they are eventually to be joined by Japan if so thats the end of the dollar and the globohomo clownworld regime overnight.

Red says:

Japan can’t do that without leave the US empire.

The Cominator says:

I think it’s unlikely to be done eagerly by them because the Chinese and the Japanese have centuries of hatred between them and Japan much would prefer the US comes back to some level of sanity rather than to advantage China…

But if Japan views US downfall as inevitable they may want to get in front of it…. and could we stop Japan when we can’t stop Saudi Arabia?

Red says:

That’s kind of the point. Japan can’t leave without becoming China’s bitch and they really don’t want to be China’s bitch. Its ones thing to be ruled by the superior white man and quite enough to be ruled by Japan’s oldest and most hated foe.

Also, the US Navy could easily sink all the shipping into Japan. Japan really needs to ramp up their air and naval capacity quite a bit to go either independent or becoming a Chinese Bottom Bitch. KSM leaving is very odd. I’m surprised the GAE basically did nothing about it. I’m not sure if they didn’t see it coming or their planned Color Revolution was detected and destroyed before it could get underway.

KSM has a working intelligence branch which bribes a lot of US officials for intel. The GAE still has the capabilities of making the sea born transport of oil from the Middle East go away. If things get really bad that might happen.

Japan will leave the GAE, but only after 1 or more US aircraft carrier groups sits at the bottom of the sea.

jim says:


Red says:

Sorry, should have been KSA, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Anon says:

“Japan will leave the GAE, but only after 1 or more US aircraft carrier groups sits at the bottom of the sea.”
No need for that.
GAE are losing cohesion, as there are a lot of factions fighting for power which result in opportunities to jump ship.
Iran crushed the color revolution.
Israel’s Netanyahu is building personal army “National Guard” to purge the cathedral agents in the state.
SA purged the cathedral agents long time ago when MBS squeezed the elites especially the “western connected” ones.
I think as GAE elite cohesion fall, each country can play different factions against each other.
Just now someone in GAE “approved” japan buying oil from russia while ignoring the “price cap”
Japan need oil and can get it from russia.
If you ignore GAE, i can easily see japan plus russia vs china.

c4ssidy says:

“The radars on Russian jets are about four times better than what we have and they can see much further. As well, the Russian missiles are significantly more capable than our Soviet ones. It is getting more dangerous. Sometimes we can’t even see that the Russians have launched missiles, which is very dangerous for pilots.”

What are the odds are that globohomo has comparable radar tech yet has not bothered to retrofit them onto ukrainian jets ?

Basil says:

Europeans, even when Europe was much healthier, when Europeans had a normal birth rate, an adequate policy and a reasonable ideology, could not solve the Roma issue for centuries, and the Roma did not have a dozen states, some of which live off the oil pipeline and Islam.

jim says:

Roma have a faith that leads to very high fertility.

So do Muslims (if they followed it, but they have been succumbing to the same ailment as Christians.)

Fireball says:

The gypsies are a very interesting case in Europe. University educated ones have a fertility really close to zero and the more traditional ones that are pretty much just filthy criminal nomads have about 5 or 6 kids. And as it goes from a extreme to the other the fertility changes as you would expect.

It is a shame no one is allow to actually study them.

Red says:

That’s 5 or 6 kids with terrible hygiene. They probably losing half them, so their fertility is even higher.

Fireball says:

I wish they were. Terrible hygiene for modern standers not historical ones plus free health care and modern medicine helps a lot.

The greatest hit to fertility is probably the mandatory 9 to 12 years of education combine with the attack to certain traditions like marring their daughters at 12.

Upravda says:

Gypsies do not have a recognizable faith. Nominally, they are of the faith which is in majority in the recent host country. So, a Gypsy with family history from MeÄ‘imurje will be, say, Ivan (John) Horvat, and he will nominally be a Christian – Roman Catholic. His pal from Bosnia whose ancestors arrived in MeÄ‘imurje during comrade Tito or more recently will be, say, Muhamed Å ećerović, and he will be nominally a Muslim. Their pal in Vojvodina will be Istvan (Steven) Szabo the Catholic, in Serbia proper Jovan (John) Milić the Orthodox, and in Kosovo Ibrahim (Abraham, also a Muslim name) Krasniqi the Muslim.

No one will ever see them in worshiping house of their nominal religion, except maybe nominal Christians on baptism.

Are they worshiping someone or something in secret, I wouldn’t know, but I have never heard any such rumors, not even remotely.

But yes, they tend to have very high fertility rate, and since we all are living in “social countries”, not so high infant mortality. I’ve heard one social worker telling me that their women under 25 are “gynecologically, the most healthy part of the population”. Until, presumably, their bad habits eventually catch up.

Beside being generally unwashed, almost all of their women of age higher than 16 are fat and ugly. Even if they are not fat, they are still ugly. I can not comprehend from where come all those myths about beautiful Carmens and Esmeraldas. In my entire life I’ve seen just one (1) beautiful gypsy girl, and even she could pass as white (those from MeÄ‘imurje can pass as white quite often).

In Croatia, it is not a joke any more when someone says that you can know the day when social allowances are payed by the stat, both for gypsies and whites. By observing male Gypsies going to casinos.

In recent times, because of enforced education which was always the best contraceptive for all races, sexes, and ethnic groups, their fertility was lowered somewhat. Probably also because Konsumgesellschaft, and because bad habits.

The Cominator says:

Isn’t the gyppo religion some form of Catholicism but they believe that Jesus allowed the gypsies to steal?

Some of their oldest traditions like child marriage date back to their origins in the Indian subcontinent. So it is likely that certain Hindu-like practices are still part of their religion.

Dharmicreality says:

To clarify, i just realized it sounds like I am blaming Hinduism for their bad habits, I don’t think that their stealing habits necessarily come from religious belief but rather their nomadic lifestyle and racial bastardization and that any “religious” justification is ex-post-facto.

Western Taliban says:

Another Basil shill post where he literally tells the opposite of the truth because, while he pretends to support Russians and Europeans, in truth he wants to murder every single Russian and European he and his buddies can get their hands on.

There has never been a Roma issue in Europe, there is a Roma issue now like Americans have a nigger issue now, but there wasn’t any nigger issue and there wasn’t any Roma issue, when white men weren’t targeted by feds like you to prevent them from setting things right because you want to destroy them.

Gypsies are a problem today because when you try to correct their criminality and misbehavior the state destroys you, just like Amerikaners have a problem with niggers today because when they try to defend themselves and solve their misbehavior the state destroys them. There is no Roma problem, there is no nigger problem, there is a Basil problem and every Basil needs to be exterminated ASAP to solve the real problem. Cominator is well versed on the solution.

Basil says:


jim says:

You don’t like Western Taliban’s solution to the problem of negroes and gypsies. OK. Tell us your solution.

A genuine right winger would have told us. Even a genuine mainstream republican republican, if commenting under a fake name and criticizing an already proposed solution.

“Hail fellow right winger. You are insufficiently right wing. I am more right wing but I strangely cannot respond substantively to your thought crime in a way that acknowledges that anyone would think such a thought”

Upravda says:

Don’t know about black people in America, or any other such minority anywhere else, but I do know a solution for Gypsies in Europe.

And, no, it is not some kind of comination, nor helicoptering, or anything like that.

It is reasonable and humane.

Simply: Let Gypsies be Gypsies.

Much of the trouble with them stems from 18th century rulers, Habsburgs here, who tried to “settle” them, make them “useful” (quotations on purpose), “integrate” them, force them to “enjoy the civilization”, and such disillusions. Those politics continued to present times, and were even accelerated after final conversion of our rulers to progressivism during last few cuckservative governments. So, today, most of Gypsies live off welfare.

Secondary cause of troubles with Gypsies is modern industrial civilization which rendered obsolete many of their former artisan skills. However, it is obvious that this cause can be alleviated very easily, without welfare state and its clerks.

So, as first, let them live as they have always lived. That includes marrying off 12-years olds, and exactly as much health care as they pay for it. Do not send them social workers nor police – except when conflicts include “gadjo” folks. For all other cases, let them settle conflicts among themselves.

Regarding secondary cause, some of them actually did manage to adapt to modern age, and not just as those very few famous musicians. Such Gypsies tend to be quite good at collecting and recycling waste, especially metals, some of them are good in forestry, etc. So, they can be useful to themselves and others. If not for the welfare, many other would be useful because they’d had to.

But, our progressives say Big “NO!”. You see, if some Gypsy is good in recycling metal, why would we let him be “victim” of such “stereotypes”? It is “oppressive” if he can raise his family in such a way! It is surely better if we can put him and his family to welfare until he “pulls himself together” (that is, never). And his daughter will surely be much better if studying sociology and being “liberated” before “settling down”. His son might became a thug, having nothing better to do, but it’s price worth paying for “fighting prejudices”.

So, yes, in the end, Gypsies are not a problem. Our progressives are the problem.

Red says:

You’re fucking retarded. Gypsies being Gypsies means they’re going to steal, pickpocket, and destroy everything around them. Deport them.

Upravda says:

Gypsies steal and pickpocket because allowed to do so. They didn’t when weren’t allowed, be that under Maria Theresa, comrade Tito or President TuÄ‘man. It is that simple. They were useful when forced to be useful.

Nowadays, the regime will not send police to them because progress, and that same police is instructed to hinder any attempt of self-defense among members of host nation.

By eliminating all Gypsies you would not solve any of the problem we have because progressives would immediately find another “victims” in need of “integration”.

I guess they might be deported… where, exactly? Back to India? How, exactly? It might be the best solution, but before that we have to answer those pesky questions.

P.S. Your mom is retarded.

Red says:

Gypsies steal and pickpocket because allowed to do so. They didn’t when weren’t allowed, be that under Maria Theresa, comrade Tito or President Tuđman. It is that simple. They were useful when forced to be useful.

Niggers are only nigger because the cops let them be niggers!

Basil says:

Roma should leave, but given the political and ideological environment, it will be necessary to act more carefully. We deport criminals to some country in Africa that agrees to accept them. For gypsies without a criminal past, we offer to move, and for the renunciation of citizenship/moving we pay a small amount for settling in a new place. Along the way, we create problems for them by preventing them from getting married at 12, fining them for their garbage problems, and encouraging them in every possible way to agree to the offer to resettle in South Sudan.

Now, the gypsy minority has been saved from the horrors of racism and xenophobia and can now enjoy an eco-friendly, diverse environment.

Western Taliban says:

Sounds similar to what someone like Lincoln the Tyrant would have said about niggers and we already know what his ideological descendant Yankees have turned it into.

Which is exactly what you want, you want to murder and rob whites to pay ransom/reparation to gypsies, you want to prevent them from getting married at 12 because you want feminism for everyone and you’ll fine them for their garbage problems like niggers are allegedly fined for their garbage problems in America, only you will murder whites who try to defend themselves while the gypsies laugh at the piece of paper and run amok.

Now I know why you mentioned the “Roma problem”, you are making shill arguments to fully niggerize them, turning them from a small nuisance into a lethal scourge that eats entire cities and further displace and destroy whites.

Basil says:

I would like to throw the gypsies into the sea without any compensation, but I’m smart enough to understand that this guarantees that my country will be declared a new Third Reich (And the USA, and China, and Russia, and whoever), which will create more problems than solve and put my country at a disadvantage.

I don’t want gypsies to get married at 12 because I don’t want new gypsies born in my country, and I also want to create an incentive for them to move to Africa.

While it is forbidden to defend yourself against minorities in your beloved Russian Federation, you crazy stupid pig. I just don’t think that the stupid liberal “you just need people to have weapons and the right to defend themselves” is the best solution. The right to defend yourself is good, but the right to defend yourself and the absence of brown wickedness is even better.

jim says:

> While it is forbidden to defend yourself against minorities in your beloved Russian Federation, you crazy stupid pig.

I find this extremely hard to believe. Gab routinely reports horror stories of whites railroaded for self defense against minorities. Link to a similar story from Russia.

George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin are famous in America. Tony Martin famous in Britain. Who is similarly famous in Russia?

Russia does not have gay parades and does not decriminalize burglary and I don’t believe you when you tell me it does.

Western Taliban says:

I just don’t think that the stupid liberal “you just need people to have weapons and the right to defend themselves” is the best solution.

What jim said dismantles your fake position, but this line is also particularly damning.

That is obviously not the liberal position and there isn’t a single human being talking politics on the internet that doesn’t know that, your script is pathetically bad.

I would like to throw the gypsies into the sea without any compensation, but I’m smart enough to understand that this guarantees that my country will be declared a new Third Reich (And the USA, and China, and Russia, and whoever)

You are a fed prog that wants to promote faggotry, child trannies, white genocide and feminism, you want to gaslight others into submitting to fake gay morality of the faggot American empire.

You made a terrible mistake again because every single human being talking politics on the internet knows the situation about China and Uyghurs. They were not declared the Third Reich by any country really and especially not outside of the faggot American empire, Iran and SA convey for peace under their sponsorship.

You betray your true position, which is indeed that China has been declared the Third Reich by your masters. Your masters are pushing war against China.

I don’t want gypsies to get married at 12 because I don’t want new gypsies born in my country

True, you don’t want humans being born anywhere, you’d rather kill every baby and sacrifice it to Moloch.

brown wickedness

Lmao, try harder fed, tell your boss you need a new script.

Upravda says:

They are fined for their garbage problems even now, because Mother Gea. And would also be fined in my Croatian Kingdom, without Mother Gea, as everybody else putting his garbage on someone else’s property, be that my royal estate or estate of my faithful subjects. Or even property of the Republic, if no Kingdom established.

On the other hand, fining them for marrying off their 12-years old daughters is exactly one of the things that make them problematic, because it does not let them to be Gypsies.

But, how old are you? Twelve? With brown uniforms fascination, perhaps? I mean, resettling on Madagascar and all that..?

Why on this good Earth would any African nation agree to accept Gypsies or any other foreigners?!? Especially criminal ones?!? What the heck has South Sudan to do with Gypsies? Do you intend to occupy, say, South Sudan, Madagascar, or Zambia and then enforce deportation of Gypsies there? Are you nuts? 🙂

You could also propose to resettle them in Sweden. At least Gypsies do live in Sweden for a last few centuries, unlike sub-Saharan Africa…

On a second thought, it would probably be much easier to convince Swedes, or Sanna Marin, to accept Gypsies, than Kenneth Kaunda. 🙂

Anyway, what an abysmally stupid and naive idea…

Basil says:

No, they don’t get fined by their nirena because it’s fucking racism and their culture needs to be respected.

Marrying at 12 allows them to have children, and you don’t want gypsies to have children.

There are enough governments in Africa that would be willing to negotiate such agreements at a modest price. Much more modest than the one that is already being paid for the presence of gypsies in your home.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Not party to this conversation, but I’d just like to note that if you’re deporting some people, it’s not actually on you to worry about settling them anywhere.

You give them the choice between leaving or death, and when they leave, not your problem any more.

Pax Imperialis says:

>There is no Roma problem, there is no nigger problem

I’ve been chewing on a potentially strange line of thought. War is likely to get too costly for state actors to put boots on the ground thanks to IEW, but the necessity of warfare for the masculine spirit to flourish remains. Therefore ritualized warfare (policing) becomes a remaining outlet for the fighting spirit. Policing has just the right level of combat and cost ratio.

Thank god for gypsies and niggers! Make the inner cities free range safaris again. Concrete jungles ready for battle and conquest. Right now the herds are a bit large, but don’t crack down too harshly… we need to keep the wild life numbers sustainable for future generations.

Your Uncle Bob says:

You’re not wrong, but it’s a coup-complete proposal in two ways. First to get to get to safari territory at all. Second, between pensions, prosecutorial discretion, chain of command and misguided sheepdoggery, the establishment owns the police body, mind and soul. Sending them good men now is the equivalent of sending good men to die for gay sex in Botswana.

The “Basil” shill pattern I see in JB can probably be summarized (somewhat adjacent to the hail fellow right winger)

“I am a bigger lover of Perfect order than you are, Perfect order lovers. However, Imperfect order is worse than Chaos, and so makes sense to ally with Chaos to destroy Imperfect order because I love Perfect order.”

and yet strangely unable to acknowledge what is their “Perfect order”.

Handi says:

A 9mm hollow-point introduces a lot of chaotic entropy into the system of a man’s thoracic cavity. But if that man is a burglar in your home, it restores a measure of perfect order into the system of civilization.

The most subversive lie is to make true statements in the wrong context, because the lie is a wrinkle in things left unspoken rather than a blemish on what was spoken. And the space of things left unspoken is a dark infinite void where demons hide.

Frame control is everything. That’s why God’s frame is I AM.

rugged says:

Numbers-wise, Ukraine still has a large army. I kept wondering why so many Ukranian men would allow themselves to be drafted, especially when it’s become obvious that doing is has a high probability of death/injury.

Azov brigade accounts for a decent chunk of that (the stick); makes sense there was also a significant carrot:



“…[combat troops] got an extra Hr 100,000 ($2,700) per month if they served in a designated active combat zone.” That’s a bonus on top of their Hr 12,000-30,000/mo pay ($350-$800). Basic unskilled labor rates in Ukraine are ~$600-$800/mo.

So serve in a combat zone and get around 4-6x your normal salary. I don’t know how many men that would tempt, but I can see it helping to rationalize being forced to fight. If so, it’ll be interesting to see how the budget cuts affect morale.

This is not the maneuver of a victorious army.

Red says:

They’re fighting for the same reason the Germans continued to fight in 1945. Azov will kill them and their families if they give up.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Theoretically all those theoretical hundred billion trillions of theoretic dollars the ukraine occupation government has gotten could be used to pay arbitrary amounts of blood money to set their bodies in motion.

The fact that this isn’t really happening implies stupendous amounts of gayops between point A and point B.


falseconvert says:

Update on my situation.

I read Deuteronomy 24:1-4.

“If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house,

and if after she leaves his house she becomes the wife of another man,

and her second husband dislikes her and writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, or if he dies,

then her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again after she has been defiled. That would be detestable in the eyes of the Lord. Do not bring sin upon the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.”

Now, the exact details in my situation are slightly different, because my wife divorced her ex, he did not “find something indecent about her”. And furthermore, I don’t find something displeasing about her either.

But, it still seems that according to this passage, my wife has been “defiled” by marrying me, and therefore would not be allowed to go back to her ex if I divorced her.

This seems to quite definitely take “let her go back to her ex” off the table as an option.

And now that I have married her, I am not allowed to divorce her except for sexual immorality, which she has not committed.

So I’ve concluded that I must stay with her.


The only objection I can think of to the above argument is the fact that sometimes one might have to commit a small sin to avoid a bigger sin.

Another commenter gave the example of cutting out your eye to stop yourself from sinning. Obviously cutting out your eye is a sin, but since it’s in the service of avoiding a larger sin, it’s permissible — in fact it’s necessary.

The follow-up point here would be another classic Jimism: “Don’t purity spiral on the exact letter of the law — follow the spirit of the law.”

So I suppose my open question to anybody who wants to answer is, what is the SPIRIT of the law, from the Bible, on matters of marriage and relationships? What are the core principles — not the exact instructions, but the principles?

falseconvert says:

Addendum: I realise that conveying a “spirit” in prose words might not be possible. Therefore I also welcome answers in the form of poems, songs, videos, artwork, etc.

Red says:

I don’t think any of that applies as she divorced him illegally. In the eyes of God she’s still his property and she should be killed for leaving him. The thing is where not operating in a functioning patriarchy. Unless you got to her first you’re going to end up drinking some shit in your water no matter what you do and her previous husband got fucked by the system.

Since the root of all these questions comes to down to successful reproduction without cuckoldry, why hasn’t she borne you a child? How long have you been married? And if it’s long, you have to wonder why she’s not making babies with you and if she ever will.

God wants you to be fruitful and multiply, that’s the ultimate goal. In times like this most of the paths of achieving that goal are less than ideal. I don’t think there’s a right moral answer beyond whatever path is best to for you to form a family with a faithful woman who gives you many children.

falseconvert says:

She hasn’t borne me a child yet because we were long-distance for a long time and when we were together we used contraception, which we only recently stopped doing.

She’s past the age where she can give me “many children”. I wanted at least 5 children, ideally 8 or 10. The most she has left in her is maybe 3.

Do you think God would be disappointed to see someone resigning themselves to this sort of fate, giving up on their desire for a large family, for the sake of following the letter of the Bible? Would he view this as purity spiralling?

How strict about the rules is God? Sometimes I find myself imagining he is extremely strict, whereas actually there’s not that much evidence for this in the Bible. For example the parable of the widow’s mite seem to show that God cares more about the heart and the spirit than technicalities like how much money you donated. It seems he would be more disappointed in someone who denied their heart and spirit for the sake of the letter of the law, than someone who broke the rules but kept their spirit in tact.

What is your opinion on this?

Karl says:

She hasn’t borne me a child yet because we were long-distance for a long time and when we were together we used contraception, which we only recently stopped doing

In that case, it is not her fault that she hasn’t borne you a child yet. So stay with her and make her pregnant.

Red says:

The actual letter of the law is that she is an adulteress and you are committing adultery with her. Her first husband owns her, which is what Jim has been saying.

Personally, I wouldn’t take a woman with kids unless she gave the kids up to relatives and fully committed to her new family as her sole responsibility.

Do you think God would be disappointed to see someone resigning themselves to this sort of fate, giving up on their desire for a large family, for the sake of following the letter of the Bible? Would he view this as purity spiralling?

Having seen a lot of “blended” families, everyone one of them was failure. Sometimes a kid was produced, but a woman who blew up one marriage was even more likely to blow up a second one and the production of children in that second marriage was generally limited to just a single child. Maybe you’ll get lucky or maybe your much better at being an alpha than those other dads.

The only exception to that rule is a guy I know who’s super alpha(pulls women left and right without issues, ripped, and very charming), his wife only had one kid before him and she’s pumping out children as quickly as possible for him. His second son is due to be born next month. He’s very happy. I hope that continues and his wife doesn’t blow up the marriage like she did the first marriage.

The spirit of all the law is to go forth and be fruitful. The law is a guide on how to that successfully, but the basis for that guide is a patriarchal system, which we currently don’t have. Therefor the letter of the law is not useful as the spirit of the law. You have the pick the path that you think will mostly likely result in you A) Reproducing, B) producing as many children as feasible, C) raising them in an intact family with a obedient and faithful wife who won’t blow up the marriage.

I very much doubt your wife is obedient and faithful given her track record because if she was she’d still be with her husband. But you know her, if you think she’s fulfill C for you and A and B as well then she’s a good option.

There’s no right path with a broken system. Remember that the Law was designed to maximize good outcomes, but it never could 100% guarantee them. During the time of Jesus’s ministry he saw Jewish men divorcing their wives for a younger filly after they’d born many children for their husbands. This was in compliance with the letter of the law, but out compliance with the spirit of the law. Children brought up in a situation where the father kick their mother to the curb without cause were likely damaged by it. It harmed their chances of reproduction and made them hate their fathers. Jesus amended the law by saying that divorcing a woman was not permissible expect for sexual sin. If Jews had been following the spirit of the law this would not have been necessary.

falseconvert says:

Regarding our actual relationship, we’re very happy together and there’s absolutely no chance she is cheating, and zero chance she will blow up the marriage. I tried breaking up with her 3 times before and she was always very adamant that we should stay together. She’s not a quitter and she’s not a cheat. I wouldn’t have stayed with her this long if she hadn’t been of good character.

Yes, she divorced her ex, but without going into details, it wasn’t a case of her blowing anything up.

If anything, this issue is just me not knowing how to deal with the realities of her children and the culture clash, and looking for a way out.

She would fulfil a, b, and c. If we get 4 or more kids I would be delighted, as she’s not 18 anymore.

Red says:

Yes, she divorced her ex, but without going into details, it wasn’t a case of her blowing anything up.

There’s no legitimate reason for her to divorce besides abandonment. Everything else is the wife blowing it up.

She would fulfil a, b, and c. If we get 4 or more kids I would be delighted, as she’s not 18 anymore.

Then she’s a good option. I wish you good fortune and many sons. May God bless your family.

falseconvert says:

I said I wouldn’t go into details and I won’t, but she didn’t blow it up.

Thanks for your engagement and advice.

notglowing says:

> Having seen a lot of “blended” families, everyone one of them was failure.

While I would not marry a woman with a child myself, there are a few such families among my friends’, and they haven’t blown up dramatically, yet.

The ones I have seen (only a few), sometimes both sides had a child before, and so both were divorced and remarried, and had a child together. That’s how it seems to go.
In one case the father was the only one with a previous child from a previous marriage, which certainly works better.

A different case, where the man didn’t have a child, but the woman had multiple, and they were too old to have new children together. Still going, no sign of the marriage ending, but the man is unhappy and feels used by his “family”, who rely on his finances too much when they don’t need to, and are very entitled about it.

zero says:

There is a good reason people used to have the brains to send the other children off to aunts and uncles rather then keep them in the house if a widow remaried

falseconvert says:

It makes sense that the man would be unhappy if his wife and step children are abusing his kindness. Luckily that isn’t the case with me.

Jamesthe1st says:

Watch out when the woman stops using contraception, it screws up the woman’s hormones and who she feels attracted to. If the woman was using it you actually have no idea if she is really in to you.

falseconvert says:

I’ve heard this but this has not been my experience. Zero difference in attraction, perhaps attraction increased actually. Guess it probably depends on what type of contraception.

Kunning Druegger says:

What’s your goal in continuing to post on this topic? It seems like you’ve been given a complete playbook on what to do with both, maybe all, sides on every situation being presented.

falseconvert says:

My goal has been to present conflicts between ideas, present potential flaws in ideas, and try to elicit engagement with the conflict between morality and self-interest when it comes to relationships.

Is there anything in particular you take issue with?

jim says:

We are spending too much time and thought salvaging some bad choices, when the important thing to focus on is that these were bad choices, though now it is arguably preferable to salvage them.

I was at a party with an ill treated man in a similar situation, and his wife was berating him for neglecting her kids in that he failed to watch them at the pool. I told everyone at the party that if I was in his situation I would have solved it the way I already told you I would. You, rightly, would not solve it that way, but if the wife berates you for neglecting her kids, beat her and tell her she should be greatful every day that you do not do what I would have done.

falseconvert says:

I agree. My decisions were based on poor reasoning and poor knowledge. The main moral lesson to take away from my story is to not get into the situation I was in in the first place. The secondary moral lesson about making lemonade out of lemons is one that, in the context of relationships, we want to avoid having to teach in the first place.

I will not continue to discuss my situation now that I’ve concluded what I must do.

Regarding her kids, as of now she doesn’t ask much of me in terms of helping them or looking after them. But if in the future that changes, if she starts making unreasonable demands, I will do as you advised.

ray says:

‘My goal has been to present conflicts between ideas, present potential flaws in ideas, and try to elicit engagement with the conflict between morality and self-interest when it comes to relationships.’

I would say rather that your goal has been to waste the light of the local stars, by pretending to require their aid and advice.

Or you actually could be this profoundly narcissistic. Or both.

Kunning Druegger says:

I was getting that sense as well, ray. A lot of valuable input was given that is applicable outside of the intended context, but something about the whole narrative feels… Off. Can’t really put my finger on it, and Jim is the final say. But it does have a quality of LARPiness that is reminiscent of so-called “slide threads” on /pol/. My definition may not be perfectly accurate, but a Slide Thread is when some topic or concept is brought up that the “regulars” find too enticing to ignore, drawing attention away from some other topic or event, which then *slides* down the catalog and gets lost or forgotten. The biggest catalyst for the reminiscence was Red’s observation about shills on Gab sucking the “energy” away from the Trannie Terrorist Attack.

I may be unfairly maligning falseconvert (veeery interesting handle 😉 ), but it’s not like he hasn’t gotten feedback from pretty much every regular and Jim. What’s more, he’s come to a decision, hurray, and now we will hear back after some believable period of time about how it’s going. Of this I am sure.

Hesiod says:

“…from the Bible, on matters of marriage and relationships?”


I prayed on this, and Hosea was the answer. The ramifications for our actions can be far-reaching in both time and space, and impact many for good or evil.

falseconvert says:

Thank you very much for this. I read the passage and it is a good story, relevant to my situation, and illustrates well a point about the spirit of the law.

The idea of living one’s life as a parable is also an interesting one. I suppose, in the end, we must follow whatever path the Lord sets out for us.

Adam says:

I’ll shoot you straight most of what your writing is hamstering. What are you afraid of? Sounds to me like you are afraid of living. You already know what’s best for you, and what you want to do. All that’s sanding in your way is fear. And you can overcome that any time you chose.

falseconvert says:

I appreciate your earnest attempt to get me to, from your perspective, wake up to what I really want. There is definitely an element of hamstering in my decision making.

But the hamstering, and the apparent “fear”, in themselves don’t prove any particular outcome is right.

You can be afraid of throwing away love, and you can also be afraid of staying with somebody you shouldn’t be with.

I’ve been bouncing ideas of people in this blog, and I’m very grateful to them for engaging with me, to see what ends up resonating the most deeply, and what ends up seeming like something that I just THINK I should want.

In this case, love can be something you can easily be wrong about, but thinking you’re in a bad situation can be as well. To be honest the Bible and the Biblically-inflected comments have provided the most clarity for me on this issue, because they seem to get to what is deepest and most important.

Yes, there are a thousand things wrong with the situation I’m in, but I got into this situation for a reason. As others have pointed out, we are far from living in a perfect Christian patriarchy. There are bound to be plenty of men like me who have ended up with women they never would have married if they were born in 1830s England. But the question is, do you try to make things right by throwing away the lemons because you wanted orange juice, or by making the best lemonade you can? And I think the correct answer is to make the lemonade.

Neofugue says:

> So I suppose my open question to anybody who wants to answer is, what is the SPIRIT of the law

Vet me explain zis to you: you vil stay with ein wife, and you vil be happy, ja. You vil have many babies, you vil love her, you vil not vorry about anyvone else, jawohl!

There are morally-grey issues with regards to your marriage given the past history of your wife, but these are just distractions to what you need to be doing now, which is putting buns in the oven.

These past few months have been extremely busy for me, and I wish I were able to comment more, but, for goodness’ sake, please stay with her!

If you leave her, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Sure, marrying a divorcee is morally questionable, but you decided to marry her, and by divorcing her you will not erase your previous sin, you will only compound upon it. Those telling you to divorce your wife because she is a divorcée are similar to faux-pious McCuckstains telling men to break up with their girlfriends or vice versa because they are committing fornication. Just as the solution for young Christians with non-married significant others is to get married, the solution for your predicament is to stick with your current wife and make babies.

Also, do not worry about your children being half-bloods. There will always be a homeland for white people and white children out there. It may be smaller than what it was in say, 1901, but it will still be there.

Go to your wife and get busy! The solution to your problem is more sex, not less.

falseconvert says:

I appreciate this comment.

You’re right. I decided to marry her. Whatever other arguments can be made, there is the basic honour of seeing through what you started, even if you didn’t fully foresee what you were getting into at the time. There is the dignity of accepting the fate you have chosen.

I told her today that I wanted her to give me a lot of children. She acted mock-shocked but she loved it. She can’t wait to be a mother again.

Neofugue says:

Congratulations to you and your family!!!

Also, if you wish to handle your false conversion in a tactful manner, you could try to introduce your wife to an Antiochian Orthodox Church. The services are in English, and as the parishes consist of Middle Easterners, your wife may find herself comfortable and at home.

l’humaine sagesse était tout entière dans ces deux mots:

— Attendre et espérer!

“All human wisdom is contained in these two words, ’Wait and Hope.’” – Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Neofugue says:

*As a side note, for those who have not read Monte Cristo, at the end of the novel, Dantès departs for a new life with Haydée, the daughter of Ali Pasha. It is only fitting that falseconvert has a happy ending with his Haydée.

falseconvert says:

That’s such a good book, and a great quote. Monte Cristo was my favourite book from my teenage years.

Thank you for the recommendation of the Antiochian Orthodox Church. I didn’t know about that and will look into it. I’m planning to very slowly ease her towards Christian ideas, get her comfortable with the general concepts, and draw her attention to the positives in it. It will probably take several years before I can properly run the household as a Christian household, and I’ll need to learn a lot myself before doing so. But I’m hopeful! As you say, attendre et espérer.

jim says:

I am unfamiliar with the Antiochian Church. It is a dissident Church within Greek Orthodoxy. Greek Orthodoxy as a whole is hostile to Christ, Christians and Christianity, as for example its endorsement and support of the persecution of Christians in the Ukraine, but contains powerful dissident Christian elements that do not much like this. I do not know if the Antiochian Orthodox Church is dissenting from globohomo or something else. Quite possibly it is dissenting from Globohomo, but I am reflexively suspicious of anything Greek Orthodox. There is hostile entryism everywhere in the mainstream Churches. Russian Orthodoxy in Russia has benefited hugely by the withdrawal of a huge number Cathedral agents of influence, but there were a lot to withdraw, and Russian Orthodoxy outside Russia is curiously uncommitted to its own continuing existence.

The converged Churches are dying, and Russian Orthodoxy outside Russia does not know if it wishes to live. I hope it chooses to live.

There are branches of the Greek Orthodoxy that are very upset by the persecution of Russian Orthodoxy in the Ukraine. The situation is complicated by the fact that Orthodoxy, unlike Roman Catholicism, does not have a single pope and single seat of power. Some of those seats of power are upset and digging in their heels. Some of them, a lot of them, are digging their heels on little issues, the straw that broke the camel’s back, while yielding on no end of major issues.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’d like to elevate this concept/conversation out of the nested depths because it’s stimulating, complicated, and relevant.

Does Joe Biden have it in him to be a “Pol Pot?” I think the answer is an obvious No. But does he have men or women in his orbit that have this capacity? That is a rather large and disquieting Yes.

Kamala Harris, like all pet minorities, has a deeply seeded viciousness that could result in a immanentized auto-genocide. Some of the kike advisor types could do it, their tribe loves slaughtering goyim. But the real ones to consider are the trannies.

JBP has fallen from grace (thanks Jews lol) and has been rightly dragged for his stupid boomer takes. Last year, I did my best to advocate for the parts of him, his corpus, that I thought defensible and valuable. I don’t regret it, and I stand by my final analysis: he’s an excellent university professor that was destroyed by fame. There’s a fascinating rabbit trail in that statement about how the Cathedral has many ways of killing cats, and drowning them in cream is one of them, but let’s leave that to the side.

JBP has thousands of quotes and excerpts, and a day only has so many minutes wherein one can pretend they aren’t avoiding their workaday job and *contribooting*, so forgive me for paraphrasing and failing to provide a source. During a discussion on fascism, totalitarianism, and historical precedent, JBP made an observation that stuck with me, to the tune of:

“we have brought women into the tiny, top 1% of high powered, high energy leadership realm, and we maintain that they are all of a homogeneous character, that women will be less violent, more open to compromise, less likely to go to war. As a society we are very sensitive to any man that feels like a new Hitler, but we don’t have the experience, the sense, to detect what a feminine totalitarian would look like, and in this way we may be blind to a new totalitarianism.”

I might have made that up out of while cloth, if I ever find the OG clip I’ll post it. But let’s pretend I’m not delusional for a (brief) moment. The two most likely vectors for an American Pol Pot are an eggless spinster powered by scorn and varicose veins, or a trannie. There are further divisions nested in those to categories, and all of them have various qualities, attributes, and pathologies conducive to unmitigated disaster.

There are probably abundant examples, but let’s just start with two, one of each category: Victoria Nuland and that dress stealing faggot who got fired. I posit that either of these, themselves or as representative examples, have what it takes to be an American Pol Pot.

Dr. Faust says:

Madness all looks different but goes the same place. Sexual morality is united with passion. Passion for sex, crime, and murder. One goes all go. So violence is coming it’s hard to say when.

I’m curious if you know anything about how tyranny’s react to each other? All I’ve seen is from afar. My guess would be that they hate each other and have trouble organizing against anything but a common enemy.

Kunning Druegger says:

By “tyranny’s” did you mean “trannies?”

Jim’s insight, though very simple, is in my opinion elegant and accurate. Gays coordinate in a big naked pile. This is funny & gross, but it really cuts at the joint. If you ever get familiar with gay culture, you will become uncomfortably aware of two ever present themes: they all fuck each other and they all despise each other. There’s some reformed homo that is now a Catholic of some type that writes a lot about the actual state and nature of faggot communities. I’m not going to look it up but it was linked here last year around this time. His writing is disgusting yet very accurate. Faggots have endless medical issues to compliment their excessive mental issues. Media mavens have to work overtime to portray the gay in a positive way, because once you see them in person, once you see how cruel, reckless, and excessive they are, there’s no way to see anything else but a den of diseased serpents, constantly backbiting, infecting, and diminishing each other. This is why they are so very concerned with access to children: the homo pathogen (homogen, maybe?) is transmitted down generations by molestation. Some men may be born with feminized affect, but I think it’s more often the case that men with very poor impulse control, or very weak dispositions, get ensnared by older predators seeking some antithesis of the “fountain of youth.” They find and defile young boys, who in turn become older predators (if they survive the disease and depression gauntlet) themselves, and in this way the “gay community” flourishes, like zombies in fiction.

All this to say that trannies are about the gayest thing out there, the hideous realization of the worst it gets. They do not have a long shelf life and work very hard to infect as many as they can until the shape in the mirror catches up with them. This is the faggot to trannie pipeline. Others have done good work on categorizing the two types of trannie (AGPs and twinks, IIRC; one is a pure predator, and the other is just a faggot trying to get access to even more manflesh) but I think there is a third type, as exemplified by Bruce Jenner or Dick Levine or Chris Beck, that is important to note. These types are aware of the exploit made available by the social push to normalize trannies, that being a dumpy, haggard old man with plummeting testosterone and nothing of value to contribute can become the literal belle of the balless and rocket back into relevance and importance. I am not saying that three examples I mentioned aren’t AGPs, particularly Levine, but I nonetheless stand buy the distinction of a potential Third Class.

I don’t think the twink trannies are a likely source of an American Pol Pot (Pole Not?). The AGPs are absolutely imbued with the requisite cruelty, viciousness, and burning desire to break things, but they also act rashly and are very short sighted (like the dress stealing faggot). So, I think it is the Third Kind, the used up male far past his prime, that represents the likely source of an American Pol Pot. This is all conjecture, it could just as likely be some mulatto or broad, or some accursed coalition of Bioleninist drain blockage material.

Hesiod says:

I suspect the real reason critics trashed The 13th Warrior when it was originally released in theaters is the mother of the Wendel with her serpents, cannibalism, and Venus figurines hit a little too close to home.

The Cominator says:

Biden has proven himself incredibly vicious Biden’s problem is he incredibly stupid, senile, venal and incompetent but he clearly shares the diabolical hatred of the worst of the demon worshippers like Fauci and Nuland for the American people. He has tried to curtail none of the excesses of his side at all in fact he encourages it all the way.

Pax Imperialis says:


there is an idea of a Joe Biden, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real Biden, only an entity, something illusory, and though they can hide his vacant gaze and you can shake his hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: Biden is simply not there.

Cloudswrest says:

Here’s Tucker touching on demonic influence. He doesn’t use this term, but he does state he thinks the influence is spiritual rather than scientific.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Biden might be an enabler, cheerleaders who’ve never met a demon they didn’t like, but he’s not really a firebrand leading the charge of Total Civilized Death.

The Cominator says:

Even normies would think it strange if someone like Klaus Schwaub “won” the election. Biden is clearly far far more evil than he seemed…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s not that he’s not evil, it’s that he’s not high energy.

Mister Grumpus says:

Even Pol Pot lived in relative seclusion toward the end of “his” regime. He had to avoid denouncement / status predation from his own people.

ray says:

Kunning Drueger —

Yes agreed. Also, I would not overlook my old pal Barkbark O’Bumble for the lead pol-pottish role. He teems with resentment, is androgynous, and just has that patented antichrist look.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s a link to a YouTube video that is an excerpt of Joe Rogan talking to the infamous blowhard Eric Weinstein.


I don’t know enough about physics to accurately gauge whether Weinstein is a complete charlatan, or whether he actually has some good points to make. In my midwit mind, looking at who is opposing him and what they represent, I am inclined to believe that Weinstein is actually on to something but lacks the brain power or some other juju that would make him an actual force to be reckoned with. This video is interesting if only for how it adds some clarity to one small aspect of Harvard as Seminary for Progress.

I bring him up because he is a second case study in what could be a actual trend of intellectuals, that being ones that are just as much snake oil salesman as the typical Cathedral agent, but for multiple different reasons, were not allowed into the club and therefore are acting out against it. This is relevant to our work here because any kind of elite defection, no matter the motivation, should be something we look at and consider. The first example is Zeihan, though it must be stated that he seems to be on the opposite track, in that he used to be a lone voice in the wilderness crying out, but now he is moving into the fold to be a spokesman for the Polygon. That could be him Buying In, or the In Crowd trying to branch out.

A possible term for these kinds of defectors could be Blind Seekers. They stumble onto some bedrock truth that shows them that the status quo of the intellectual ecosystem is misguided, incorrect, or deeply flawed, but because they cannot break the programming, because they’ve never been darkly enlightened or red pilled, they flail about clumsily and are not really capable of a cohesive opposition.

In tactical terms, these blind seekers represent an opportunity for our side. In strategic terms, they are probably helicopter fodder. No matter which way you slice it. I will be up front and say that his Theory of Unified Geometry appeals to my embarrassingly shallow understanding of physics, but that’s just half my revulsion with String Theorists and half my intuition that whatever the Cathedral submits as true is the opposite.

If anyone is keeping track, that is two additions to the rhetorical framework I have submitted and am awaiting “beer review” from the lads here, which is the method of reading my inanities while sober, again while drunk, then deciding which parts are the worst.

Thrall Whites

Blind Seekers

jim says:

He is a smart guy who on this occasion are telling the truth.

And his economics is correct.

“I did the marginal revolution using gauge theory”

He did. Best economics around. And the trouble is Joe Rogan, and the IQ gap. Guage theoretical marginal economics is what he is actually talking about, but in the course of explaining what happened to the unification of marginal economics and gauge theory, which is way beyond Joe Rogan and Joe Rogan’s audience, he explains how power works.

Accurate explanation of Harvard and power, accurate explanation of economics.

One error. He still credits Harvard with excellence. Seriously out of date and out of touch, not noticing what would be dangerous to notice.

Kunning Drueger says:

Yarvin says power hides.

Weinstein says power brags.

Both could be wrong. Can both be right? KD says smart power hides and dumb power brags. So maybe both right? But if a known midwit can marry opposing positions elegantly, we can confidently state that the marriage may be sound, but it’s not profound.

Taxonomy is the elephant in our room, Jim. You are probably the greatest living taxonomist, but you’re also the brightest working sociologist, and before ANYONE gets up in arms about the implications of that statement, it’s my observation. Jim, to my knowledge, has never called himself a sociologist, nor would he. But the fact remains that, from the 30k’ level, the one thing we do here is sociology. Leave it to the side.

Taxonomy matters because it is the footprint of epochs. The Polygon moves heaven and earth to alter linguistic patterns because it has learned from the 19th century that those who decide the names dictate the play long after they are gone. Taxonomy has been under attack, from without and within, for all of our collective lives. Of late I’ve been in the mood to consider Bedrock Principles, and so I keep trying to reduce everything I encounter to same.

The WQ is the Only Question; if an answer doesn’t touch the WQ, not an answer.

Labor Theory of Value is the only en vivo theory that matters because it is a Bedrock Assumption (assumption==principle); if you’re argument doesn’t mitigate any possible LTV rebuttal, not an argument.

Taxonomy is the only battleground that matters; if you can’t rectify names, you’ve lost and the only question is By How Much.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yarvin says power hides.

Weinstein says power brags.

Everyone knew and boasted about what was said behind closed doors. No one knew and gloated in ignorant (false) humility about what was said behind closed doors (except when being outflanked from the left). Such is the state of American academia in the graduate colleges. The power is extremely informal (Yarvin’s point of view when talking to outsiders for outsiders) and thus hidden, but also a strong torrent of boisterous whispers (Weinstein’s point of view in hindsight).

>whether Weinstein is a complete charlatan, or whether he actually has some good points to make.

Now I don’t want to give the impression of being overly harsh on him… I fully understood the unspoken as a semi-insider, but I couldn’t help but consciously prod every single landmine I possibly could. That landed me in a state college instead of a legacy in a private college, cut me off from studying the humanities which landed me in engineering, and it ultimately cut me off from PhD after M.S. All said and done I’m probably a bigger autist, but unfortunately for Weinstein, he comes off as either an autist who couldn’t understand the unspoken (at the time he was a student), or an genuine outsider who had no clue what he was stepping into. Make of that what you will.

jim says:

Weinstein was treating that behavior as unusual and revealing. Would be a more accurate summary of his position that power is mighty tempted to brag, and can easily slip into doing so.

Which does not disagree with Yarvin’s position that power hides. But it not very good at hiding and does not much like hiding.

Red says:

Sociology is and always has been fake and gay. It’s a purely religious course of progressive religious ritual to preach the one true faith of blank slatism. Originally Marxist, today fully progressive.

Social life overwhelmingly regulates the behaviour of humans, largely because humans lack the instincts that guide most animal behaviour. Humans therefore depend on social institutions and organizations to inform their decisions and actions. Given the important role organizations play in influencing human action, it is sociology’s task to discover how organizations affect the behaviour of persons, how they are established, how organizations interact with one another, how they decay, and, ultimately, how they disappear. Among the most basic organizational structures are economic, religious, educational, and political institutions, as well as more specialized institutions such as the family, the community, the military, peer groups, clubs, and volunteer associations.

Mayflower Sperg says:

That makes every reader of Jim’s Blog more knowledgeable about sociology than every official “sociologist”, and it makes Jim the world’s greatest sociologist.

Much as every backwoods redneck has a more accurate understanding of biology than Bill Nye the Science Guy, who believes in trannies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Consider the Denver International Airport.

They will lie to your face when prompted, but cannot help but betray themselves anyways unprompted.

ray says:

Good example and yes, it is an intentionally spooky place. Like one big psy-op and, coincidentally, jets.

Karl says:

Blind seekers as you define them have to change; they cannot stay blind seekers for long. When they stumble onto some forbidden truth they commit thought crime by noticing and acknowledging this truth. Then they can either rationalize that truth away and thereby stop being thought criminals or they can keep that truth and look at the flaws of their intellectual ecosystem that clash with whatever truth they have stumbled on.

If they do the first, they are no longer different from any other adherent of progressivism and we don’t need another name for them. Every progressive’s brain is busy not noticing truth and explaining truth away.

If they do the latter the flaws and inconsistencies of their intellecual ecosystem will lead them to other forbidden truths. If they persist and live long enough, they’ll join us.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

GAE sending vagabonds to blow people up in Russia.

Assassination is of course a very old technique; but assassinating a high status preacher (blogger) of your enemies memeplex is exactly the sort of move you should be doing.

Kunning Druegger says:

I had to think about this for a while, and you are right in terms of the targeting, but the method exposes the level of desperation Kiev is at.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course.

Donald Trump is proving himself to be the quintessential boomer uncle.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Joe Biden left is fretting about the indictment helping Trump. They are the quintessential boomer wine aunt. Nearly two peas in a pod.

Dharmicreality says:

This was probably another “opportunity” for Trump to cross the Rubicon, though not as decisive as 2020, and he has indeed done so… to complete his abject surrender.

I think this is the best indication that all they are going to do is “vote harder” in 2024. The last hope (if there was any at all after 2020) of a somewhat right wing Caesar seems to have completely evaporated. You’ll be lucky to get a relatively sane Stalin at this point.

Red says:

This was probably another “opportunity” for Trump to cross the Rubicon, though not as decisive as 2020, and he has indeed done so… to complete his abject surrender.

An opportunity for him to resist, but he’s in no position to be anything other than a Martyr. Though he’s turning out to be awful at the role. The Cringe is off the scales.

jim says:

> he’s in no position to be anything other than a Martyr.

Trump could have and should have fled the country, stating a high likelihood of being Epsteined, and giving a list of other inconvenient people who had been imprisoned on frivolous grounds, and then murdered. Like Snowden, should have fled to the periphery of the Chinese hegemony, and thence moved to Russia.

simplyconnected says:

Pic related [KD link]

jim says:

Viktor Bout is a Russian arms dealer that the Global American Empire is after. They caught him, took him to America, but Russia got him back in a prisoner exchange. He speaks fluent English. He is charged with selling weapons to people on the Global American Imperial $#!%!!$&. Who were, however, not on the Russian $#!%!!$&, so why is that illegal?

simplyconnected says:

Just saying V.Bout shares your concern that Trump would be killed if taken to jail. He even suggests using Russia as a base from which to fight for the American people. He sent a letter to let him know.
Perhaps Trump hasn’t realized, but others have. That’s all.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If Elon Musk defects to Russia, it’s game over for the Anal Empire.

The Cominator says:

No opportunity to cross the Rubicon here…

Kunning Druegger says:

I mean, he could have fled the country. He could have turned Mar A Lago into a Waco. There were options.

Pax Imperialis says:

The absolute hypersurreal clarity of adrenaline. It’s euphoric. @KD I think you might enjoy this video.

I weighed out the consequences of my actions, and I accepted them. I knew what I was doing. Everything was a conscious and thought out decision. Those were one of the most happy times of my life.


Trauma largely comes from trying to reconcile the rush with the most horrific and concurrent times of life. All of life becomes a monochrome. Perversely seeking out more trauma becomes an incentive.


>They’re fighting for the same reason the Germans continued to fight in 1945. Azov will kill them and their families if they give up.

Sure, recruitment at gun point is an initial factor, but causes become lost with time and eventually many fight because it’s the only color they have in life.

Kunning Druegger says:

I watched it. Saw some good footage, and it was interesting to hear the tiniest amounts of honesty about enjoying the killing. If I’d seen that before coming Here, before becoming what I am now, I’d be totally psyched, my dick would be hard. Now, watching these vertbros “share,” two thoughts vie for dominance in my mind: these are the foot soldiers of gynochracy; they traded everything away and still lost.

These guys are acting like they were brave, but I’ve come to a place where I have far more respect for the Tangos that fought them for 20 years, then went right back to living. How many of these “cold blooded killers” need massive amounts of daily medication just to appear to function? How would these guys respond to an occupying force with overwhelming firepower moving into their communities and relishing in the destruction of their country and culture? After 2020, I am confident in saying that over 90% of the American combat veterans (excluding all the non-combat/functionaries) would roll over almost instantly the moment they were outgunned. You have to filter all of this, all the braggadocio and “psycho-killer” babbling through the lens of “these guys were salaried laborers with every weapon system known to man working over time to keep them from losing, and they lost.”

Don’t get me wrong, I have “thoughts” about belt fed weaponry, MBTs, and a particular campus, and All That Entails. But the awe and esteem I held for the combat class of the US is completely gone, utterly evaporated away. They are nothing more than the foot soldiers of feminism, making the world safe for sodomy.

ray says:

Sadly Kunning Druegger, you are correct.

Pax Imperialis says:

>they traded everything away and still lost.

Yes. I think it interesting that you could see the tension between what they wanted to do in their “jokes” and the fear they had of USG disapproval. It’s why they lost. They’ve got Tali trying to kill them on one end and Feds trying to fuck them on the other. I wouldn’t say they traded everything away though. They got some good times from it along with some bad times.

>the foot soldiers of gynochracy

Quite a few (combat vets included) will privately say they have more in common with the Taliban than they do with USG… obviously that’s a landmine few will touch in any published video.

>These guys are acting like they were brave

I don’t see that. Adrenaline shuts down thoughts of bravery. You just do what has to be done. What I did see was a lot of reminiscence over some of the best and worst times of their lives.

>How many of these “cold blooded killers” need massive amounts of daily medication just to appear to function?

Somewhere around 10-20 billion USD per year in drugs, so a lot of them. Very rough estimate though. Most of the psychological problems they have originates from a life time of indoctrination telling them to feel bad for fighting when it feels really, really good to fight the enemy.

They can’t reconcile the difference and it drives them crazy. Not so dissimilar from how some Christian sect members (gnostics) are anti sex and go crazy and kill a bunch of prostitutes.

>Tangos that fought them for 20 years, then went right back to living.

They are not coping well either.

I sometimes miss the jihad life for all the good things it had. In our ministry, there’s little work for me to do. Therefore, I spend most of my time on Twitter. We’re connected to speedy Wi-Fi and the Internet. Many mujahedin, including me, are addicted to the Internet, especially Twitter.

When Tali becomes NEETs because there’s no Americans to fight… we in the West will get some great memes out of it, but I can’t say it’s healthy.

>How would these guys respond to an occupying force

If they ever get spiritual approval to shoot back they would love it. Life would have purpose again. The problem is that the preachers all tell them shooting back is wrong and that lying down to die is just. Preachers that do tell them it’s righteous to fight all end up like Waco.

>They are nothing more than the foot soldiers of feminism, making the world safe for sodomy.

A fair point, but right now GAE has a monopoly on spiritual approval of violence. Until that’s broken, young men seeking adventure and fighting will trade their values and youth for bad causes. Just is how it is. Ultimately a spiritual problem and we must put blame on the ruling priesthood.

Handi says:

A salary and a bank account are a station of authority over how a small slice of the national economy is allocated. Obviously these should never be given to women but at least half of them are, with disastrous effect.

The collective economic decisions of women are retarded, blowing the majority of the nation’s economic product on consumables that do not generate any value.

With pussy secured under patriarchy, men want to reinvest their surplus earnings into tools, business ventures, siring more children, etc.

Women on the other hand waste it all on mimosas, vacation, makeup, and disposable clothing. And then they reach into your wallet and grab yours too. Men in this social environment (“the state of nature”) have to spend more money on frivolous bullshit to chase the pussy and keep it happy.

Every dollar that you have to spend on a nightclub cover to game sluts because you can’t negotiate a fertile virgin wife directly from under her father’s roof, is an economic command for larger numbers of waitstaff and liquor bottlers to dedicate their finite human labor toward Not Building Bridges. Formerly this was the vice of drunkard sailors and other fringes and dregs of society but now it’s everybody under 30 and many older as well.

Or beta men just give up and and blow it on all the new Mandalorian LEGO sets and Twitch chat reads because nothing is completely irrational anymore after your clan-writ-large has made it just shy of illegal for you to ever get pussy.

Extend this effect into every facet of life and you see why it’s now organizationally unthinkable to achieve things that our grandfathers did with simpler technology and less input energy. Even monuments from hundreds or thousands of years ago are impressive, not “for their time” but for OUR time. It feels backwardly futuristic to be able to move so much stone into a genuinely beautiful arrangement.

Revoke these sluts of their bank cards and you’ve got one foot on Mars.

Mayflower Sperg says:

This is a very old problem indeed:


ray says:

Seconded. All institutions have long since been converged by the Hive Sisterhood.

Djinn says:

Brilliant. And if bank accounts for women are cocaine, credit cards are crack. It’s pure predation.

zero says:

awesome post I’ve never seen the consumerism problem explained so well. I think we should also consider bear markets lose some value in correcting capital allocation when Martha the dumb bitch and stan the druggie get their income(slice of the economic pie) insured by government. you want to blow cash on shitty vacations to Disneyland you can eat rice and be poor when winter comes. Bismarck was right about slavery.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Anheuser-Busch just put a tranny on the cans of Bud Light.

Get woke go broke: we’ll just buy the unbranded supermarket stuff…. oh yeah they make that too.

Last time I checked, no law made them do this, and they’re not idiots: they’re not so tone deaf as to think the timing doesn’t matter after a tranny gunned down nine year old kids in the name of the Trans Manifesto.

There is no industrious capitalist movement desperately fighting the fight, Dagny Taggart style, against the evil Marxists: they’re in absolute agreement: turn people into interchangeable dumbed down drones, or better still replace them with AI. If that means kids get killed and raped, so be it.

In order to oppose the prevailing order, one must *oppose* it.

jim says:

People who run a business are in no position to oppose the state religion, even when it is officially unofficial. They never have ever been, never will be, and they will not be when we are in charge. Observe the abrupt disappearance of strong empowered independent women from the media in 1933, and that from 1944 to 1963, wives and children in the media were obedient, and if disobedient, spanked.

Why did Disney burn star wars? – Because they were forced to hire woke women into positions of power by Human Resources, who threatened them with a sexual harassment and sex discrimination lawsuit. Similarl, Google fired James Damore because threatened by human resources with a hostile work environment lawsuit.

We however, will rule with a lighter hand. It is obvious that James the first occasionally had a gentle little word with Shakespeare. We will do something similar. We will not burn Star Wars, with the result that our movies, likes the James the first plays, will be remembered.

When James the first ascended, Shakespeare’s company became known as “The Kings men”, and suddenly started putting on plays reflecting Shakespeare’s great talent and deep insight into human nature, but set in history as Royalty viewed it. But Royalty did not cramp Shakepeare’s style, the way woke cramps everything in the media. Nor did the requirement that wives and children be obedient cramp the style of 1950s media all that much, not remotely as much as woke.

Doom says:

So I guess the woke/ women rule in this way because they know mocking their power upends it?

In my mind it seems a good king can tolerate some mockery, having confidence in the legitimacy of their rule.

Kunning Druegger says:

I have no specific or special information on this in particular, but branding decisions like this take months if not years. What would be more interesting and informative would be to read the internal crosstalk in the wake of the trannie terrorist attack.

Is anyone else amused to see the Cuckoldian Reassignmentist using an example that utterly BTFOs his usual position (corporations control government) in this way?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The schizomarxist will try to argue that whig convergence of business is actually benefiting the businesses somehow.

There are cases where this can actually be contingently true; for example, regulatory intrusion, broadly construed, tends to disproportionately impact start ups, ventures, and smaller organizations, who cannot bear the burden of a department of lawyers in every office running things, with the result of a ‘calcification’ of the economy as such.

But of course, this is all a far cry from ‘merchants as a class coordinating as a class’, rather merchants rushing to be the first to throw each other to the alligators in hopes the priesthood picks them as a favorite.

Dr. Faust says:

They conveniently did this to align with earnings report. And I’m sure only America will get this garbage branding. Foreign countries won’t get the tranny piss.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

You’ll have to get out of that libtard habit of knocking down a straw man if you want to beat the libtards. They’re frankly better at that than you are, and you’ll be stood there thunderstruck while they spout insane and contradictory lies.

Corporations do not control the government: in order for a corporation to exist, it has to be able to comply with the government’s regulations, and as Jim says, that includes the ones that are informal, as well as formal. It may be ‘unofficially official’ that corporations must fly the L G B T Q I A P B N + flag(s), but that doesn’t mean they can choose not to do it.

A libertarian would say that that means the real existing corporations that administer (not run, administer) the US private sector are blameless, but that’s naive: the ones that would have been blameless didn’t get to exist! The ones that did get to exist are far from blameless. It’s important to distinguish between capitalISM (private property rights, freely entered into contracts, people meeting each other’s needs in order to profit in the only way that’s open to them, etc. etc.) and capitalISTs: as Murray Rothbard regularly pointed out, get six CEOs in a room and they’ll be forming a cartel before you can say Shlomo Goldstein.
There’s a good video of the old kike goblin on YouTube entitled “The origins of Progressive Regulation”, which explains that far from legitimately being the expression of the shitlib religion, the regulations are largely just practical means to form unbustable cartels.
Again that does not mean the executives forming the cartel, funding the parties, and so on, are in charge! It’s just that their interests (being unprofitable and not facing undercutting competitors) happen to align with those of the Cathedral on this occasion.

A contemporary example would be all the genuine financial advantages being reaped by Shell and BP (my darlings) off the back of all the ‘green’ crap.
It’s not remotely debatable that they’re doing very well from ‘renewables’ and ‘the green energy transition’.
That’s somewhat legitimate corporations acting in their own interests, and that’s before we even CONSIDER the truly parasitical subsidy-drinkers like Tesla, BeyondMeat and Virgin Galactic.
Indeed even the most rugged of all libertarian individualists, the mining corporations, are even subject to the perverting power of the Cathedral: the world is seeking much more lithium than would otherwise be the case, which will be a genuine tragedy once the fads have folded and the legitimate need for lithium remains, but with reduced supply.

Anyway, suffice to say it’s not really possible to disentangle corporations’ “legitimate” aims (profit and meeting consumer demands) and their “slimy” ones (pleasing Larry Fink’s ESG framework or getting Sleepy Joe’s monopoly money from aunty Janet. Hope you’re counting the jews by the way!): what remains is a case of ‘real existing capitalism’, and whichever way you want to dice it, there are trannies on beer cans.

That’s a problem.

jim says:

> It’s not remotely debatable that they’re doing very well from ‘renewables’ and ‘the green energy transition’.

It is debatable, and debated, despite the fact that it is quite dangerous for namefags to debate it. The wonderful advantages of Shell and BP going green are similar to the wonderful advantages obtained by making a woman CEO, and the wonderful advantages obtained by turning iconic Marvel heroes black, gay, and female. It is ESG accounting, of which Musk had a few words to say.

The enterprise as an entity was imagined into existence by double entry book keeping, and then the accounting fiction was made a legal fiction by Charles the Second creating the joint stock for profit corporation (previously corporations had been quasi governmental entities similar to today’s ngos) Charles unified the long existing accounting fiction with the long existing legal fiction.

Accountants are abandoning tracking the movement and creation of value in favor of tracking the performance and creation of holiness. The death of book keeping is the death of the corporate form.

when you piss wealth away on Green energy it hurts. We see end users suffering greatly, as in South Australia and Germany, with blackouts and high electricity prices, but everyone up and down the chain is hurting.

Carte Blanche says:

It’s important to distinguish between capitalISM (private property rights, freely entered into contracts, people meeting each other’s needs in order to profit in the only way that’s open to them, etc. etc.) and capitalISTs: as Murray Rothbard regularly pointed out, get six CEOs in a room and they’ll be forming a cartel before you can say Shlomo Goldstein.

I count at least three (probably intentional) errors in this one paragraph alone:

1. “Capitalist” as a noun is not a real thing, therefore there is nothing to distinguish. Marx invented the term as a catch-all for his us-vs-them class taxonomy. Indeed, the very fact that you and every other Marxist claims such an enormous distinction between “Capitalism” and “Capitalist” proves that the latter is a malicious construction. Is there such a distinction between physics and physicists? Music and musicians? If the “ist” is not a simple practitioner of the “ism” then the definition is dishonest.

2. If there were such a thing as a Capitalist, correctly defined as a “merchant”, then the modern CEO would not be an example of one. CEOs are priests; managers educated in a monastery, parachuted in and installed by bishops and cardinals, carefully monitored by nuns. CEOs are CEOs because they aren’t merchants. When they are merchants we call them entrepreneurs, founders, owners, perhaps presidents. If a merchant becomes a CEO, by taking his private company public, he tends not to stay CEO for very long unless he’s willing to suck a lot of very holy cock.

3. CEOs are rarely Jewish as you imply here. The older generation of CEOs was/is mostly protestant white Democrats, and some Greeks, while the newer generation is increasingly pox — dot-Indians, Arabs, and an ever-growing proportion of no-shit negroes. Yeah, SBF is a Jew — and SBF got busted. What does that tell you about the state and tribal protection that Jews supposedly enjoy, compared to such names as Tim Mayopoulos, the glorious new leader of SVB? Why does Sam go to jail, and Tim get promoted and given a big stack of bailout bucks?

The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. The last unofficial act is to blame the Jews.

Not that they don’t invite their share of blame, but cape, matador, etc. If you want to talk about misbehaving Jews, let’s talk about the Kagans, the Rosenbergs, the Soroses… of course we’ll never hear that from sources such as yourself, it’s only ever about the Jewish bagel shop owner or the Jewish computer programmer turned tech startup. It’s always the [usually but not always Jewish] merchant somehow executing these elaborate schemes on purpose, with a near-perfect success rate, and massively benefiting from it. He is definitely not getting the shakedown from various insect overlords, paying protection money, hiring woke ad firms and HR departments to defend against lawsuits, and doing everything he can just to stay in business. ThE CaPiTaLiStS aRe In ChArGe AnD eXpLoItInG tHe WoRkErS and we should probably ______ them and take their ______, amirite?

Kunning Drueger says:

Point 02 is brilliantly stated. Excellent work. I assume you are a regular under a new pseud, if not, welcome to the team.

Point 01 is… it’s not wrong, per se, but I found myself disagreeing at the wrong moments. I’m no oracle, I’m barely smart enough to post here, but upon reflection I think I’m just very much in the weeds on the right side of Theory v. Practice (so I have loads of built-in bias/bullshit). That being said, -ist v. -ism is a thing I spend many cycles on, which is entirely predictable for a failed writer/faggot artist that is red+black pilled. So you’re probably right. A thought occurred this afternoon: a man could upset a lot of stable arrangements if he somehow started testing reproducibility in different fields, not just the soft sciences. Too many words, not enough work. Something to that, maybe.

Point 03 is worthy of many blogs and/or books. I’ve been on an History of Science kick of late, so I don’t mean to denigrate Natural History, but we on the fringe/dissident right are easily ensnared by “old data,” and for good reason. I have a hard time trusting any source published after 1960. But I notice that many, many posters in a variety of places act like it’s still the 90’s, or America is still white, or Occidental warriors still exist, or any number of assumptions or presumptions still hold. Jew as Elite is one of them. Of course there are still high powered kikes in the Cathedral, but they are a vestigial yarmulke, the shadow of a spectre passed. I think you kicked a molehill that’s actually a mountain with that observation.

“The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. The last unofficial act is to blame the Jews.”

Salient point, my guy.

Good post.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*deleted for rectification of names and for controversial claims without supporting data*]

jim says:

Your definition of capitalist ignores value creation, and your claims about accounting and bookkeeping are improbable.

Capital is value that creates more value, the type specimen, the archetypical example, and the origin of the word being cattle. So what then is a capitalist?

William the Marshal acquired a great deal of land at swordpoint. This method of acquisition did not make him a capitalist. But, finding himself with a whole lot of land with most of the people on that land dead, or fled, or extremely poor, went into the real estate development business. Then he was a capitalist. Your definition makes him a capitalist when he was waving the sword around, which is silly, and contrary to actual usage.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m a failed academic. I shoot and I read things. I have the worst possible initial conditions when it comes to business, finances, and economics. So I know my gut reactions and initial impressions are usually antipodal to correct. In the past, when I’ve commented on these topics, I’ve been accused of being a commie faggot shill, and rightly so. But try, try, try again lol.

Tesla is a funding scheme for battery research and goodwill from priests. It’s Musk paying the piper to play, and I guarantee he does cars out of necessity.

Virgin Galactic is bankrupt. It’s going to be sold, reconfigured, and folded into a real company or abandoned.

Beyond Meat is a priestly trifecta: they claimed they could replace the cow with science (playing god), they claimed they could supplant meat products with plant products (ha ha deplorable, masticate that mush for your sins), and they built a massive bridge to nowhere with unrestrained venture funding investment (the greatest offering a priest can make to anti-god is oodles of someone else’s money). They are now nosediving into ruin because their shitty product is disgusting, even for women, faggots, and other creatures with no aesthetic sense.

Shell, BP, and for that matter ExxonMobil, are not the energy companies you were taught to loathe as an undergrad. They’ve been skinsuited completely, with the few remaining capitalists (by this I mean wealth creators, not monopoly man phantasms) banished to low status positions. Just look at the boards, the C Suite, and the people making decisions.

The best example I’ve found of skinsuit capitalism is Vitol the commodities trading firm. The midwit take, the most common perspective, the baseline position of even well informed Alex Jones fans, is that this is about as hidden hand* as you can get. But if you dig into what they are, their history, they are little more than bagmen for the likes of Clinton et al. What Soros is for banking, Vitol is for commodities. Yet you will find no end of “redpilled” right wingers who can’t help but blame the marionette and explain away the strings.

All of these companies are fronts for either governance goons or, as the rare exception, a tech bro trying to get off planet. The creators of wealth are not in power. Indeed, they never really were after the gilded age.

*as in the apocryphal hidden hand used by post-knowledge postmoderns, not as in Smith’s actual use

Western Taliban says:

Last time I checked, no law made them do this, and they’re not idiots:

You haven’t held a real job with production of tangible value in your entire life, let alone gone through the challenge of self-employment and entrepreneur.

Why do you say “last time I checked”? You have never checked anything and you are entirely clueless as to how Bud Light works as a legal entity or a business organization.

Bud Light is a brand that belongs to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anheuser-Busch, which belongs to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AB_InBev, which is a public company, not a private business. Wholly infiltrated, controlled and regulated by government agents and finance faggots, which are as insufferable as feds like you.

In order to oppose the prevailing order, one must *oppose* it.

Which is why you’ll get first class helicopter ride.

jim says:

Nobody watches Marvel Movies any more. Movie theaters are losing money by playing Marvel movies, but strangely, give them long runs anyway. James the first had his oar in Shakespeare’s company but did not force Shakespeare to put on boring and incoherent plays. You think Marvel is voluntarily creating boring and incoherent movies and the theaters are voluntarily continuing to show a movie to an almost empty theater?

We will do it in the style of James the first. Worked great. If you watch old Soviet movies, the propaganda is way lighter handed and gentler than American woke. Why pump out propaganda if everyone turns it off and no one remembers it?

jim says:

It is not good enough to add a little sugar to make the medicine go down. The woke medicine is not going down. The people are throwing up, as manifested by strangely long runs in strangely empty movie theaters. You need to sneak the medicine in so that no one notices, as James the first did.

Dr. Faust says:

Spiderman movies still do well and Marvel is bringing in new IPs to destroy with Deadpool and Wolverine being the biggest in comics. Iger is returning to run the company which means acquisition over creation. And Black Panther is like some religious holiday to the young left so I expect to be the the film version of the New Yorker: a financial failure year and year forever.

Calvin says:

> You think Marvel is voluntarily creating boring and incoherent movies and the theaters are voluntarily continuing to show a movie to an almost empty theater?

Yeah, I absolutely think that. And further, I think the current Marvel regime takes a tremendous amount of pride in producing shit that no one wants to watch, viewing it as absolute proof of their avant-garde, lefter than thou status. If allowed to produce movies in a complete vacuum, with no governmental or societal pressures whatsoever, would do the same thing.

Western Taliban says:

If allowed to produce movies in a complete vacuum, with no governmental or societal pressures whatsoever, would do the same thing.

Without governmental pressure the bum that you describe would be eating shit in some gutter, as he is obviously incapable of producing the company that Marvel is today, he is vermin.

Government pressure made sure to put that bum on top of the operation, and all the non-bums that are making the production possible are crying tears of blood looking at their livelihood disappearing before their very own eyes.

Without governmental pressures you get Walt Disney, a white man who hates Jews, laughs at niggers, makes cartoons of tribal daughters begging dick from handsome European brutes and lions are defenders of the natural order by stomping the disgusting vile hyenas like Basil. But then, government pressure comes and it becomes “Disney” and “Marvel”.

Yeah, I absolutely think that. And further, I think the current Marvel regime takes a tremendous amount of pride in producing shit that no one wants to watch

Which only proves that merchants have long lost their control over the organizations that they created and that the State priesthood is in control.

Merchants left to themselves don’t make or trade in stuff that nobody wants to buy. Unless, the State is directly coercing merchants to do stuff they want.

The top brass of all big entertainment is in the control of the unofficially official State priesthood.

jim says:

That is an accurate description of the people running Marvel. Not an accurate description of Marvel shareholders and board, and probably not an accurate depiction of the nominal CEO.

And the demonstration of that is the alarming, illegitimate and drastic methods used by quasi state tentacles inside Marvel (Human Resources applying “me too”) to shoehorn these people into power. The CEO and board were threatened. They targeted both the corporation and individuals within the corporation, one at a time. Probably the CEO was rather comfortable yielding to those threats, and, no friends to the right, no enemies to the left, saw those threatening him as righteous good guys.

Theater chains are dying. Theaters are shutting down. This is fine for someone who has a good priestly position, because he was injected into the business from above, and when he destroys the business, will be injected into another, probably completely unrelated, business, from above, and will likely destroy that one also. But it is very very bad for everyone else in the business.

Calvin says:

> That is an accurate description of the people running Marvel. Not an accurate description of Marvel shareholders and board, and probably not an accurate depiction of the nominal CEO.

You forget it’s also an accurate depiction of the average Marvel writer or director. Idk about the CEO or the technical guys, but I really doubt that there is anyone of significance left there who isn’t a true believer. Teleport the whole company to Putin’s Russia and they would do the exact same thing until forcibly shut down despite complete lack of pressure to do so.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Very good, however, for movie-makers in other countries who don’t have to compete with Hollywood anymore. In Russia, movie posters all advertise Russian movies with Russian actors and directors, no more American names written in Cyrillic letters.

Sanctions don’t stop piracy; Hollywood movies being woke garbage stops piracy.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

As with all interesting phenomena, there are multiple factors operating at once.

A few obvious examples, on top of the one you insightfully describe:

1. Diversity hires can’t write for toffee, especially if they’re constantly self-censoring in order to advance their careers in the only way they can: compliance

2. The audiences are much stupider when they’re full of spics and negroes.
“Idiocracy” isn’t a *great* film but it’s a very good film. President Kamacho is a dog whistle pure and simple, and no lies were detected.

3. In a debt-fuelled system were 10-15% of S&P500 companies are ‘zombies’ that don’t make enough money to service their existing debt, profit is almost irrelevant. What matters is two things: the ability to be approved for more loans, and the liquidity in the system to backstop those loans, removing risk.

4. Basically *any* movie that told the truth about anything at all would be ruthlessly attacked in the jewish media and the jewish ESG corporate environment. It’s hard to make convincing narratives out of dishonest archetypes and degenerate religious symbols.

Dr. Faust says:

They’re a public company. Easy to bet against. The controversy will buy attention for a week or so and burn decades of good will from their customers.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

This has to do with the situation in South America for the most part, as well as the eccentricities of the Canadian pseudo-prohibition of alcohol.

It’s not that the Marxists sat in a room and decided to have a beer company. It’s that it’s more or less impossible to sell alcohol as a private corporation in the Americas.
In Europe we have Heineken, Diageo and a few more, and I’m willing to wager a few clout chips by predicting that sooner rather than later, these too will be as queer as a libtard teacher.

There are weird exceptions to the state control of alcohol in the Americas. I’m a big fan of CCU, for example. They will never be able to compete with AB-Inbev or whatever you want to call it, because in America, a communist country, the government rules.

If you want to cope by telling yourself that’s the only reason the scum in charge of AB-Inbev are interested in touching kids, you’re entitled to do that. From a certain standpoint you could reasonably argue that Jeffrey Epstein was in effect a state actor (albeit for Israel, in which case Chomsky has it backwards: America’s a colony of Zion not the other way round) and therefore the blackmail of [insert choice of billionaire scumbag pederast of your choice] was in effect a state influence and everything they did *after* they touched kids was on behalf of the government……… but after a certain point it feels like a bit of a stretch. When Bill Gates pushes poisonous vaccines and hand-waves away objections to AI, it doesn’t feel satisfying to say “well that’s gubmint for yer”.

As Moldbug used to say about anarcho-capitalists and the rest of the anarchists, something just doesn’t smell right. Yeah sure Tom Woods is an anarchist but he don’t smell like one. Similarly Bill Gates is a commissar, but he don’t smell like one of them either.

jim says:

Israel is quite obviously satrapy of the Global American Empire, and routinely does things wildly contrary to their interest and desire. Because Netanyahu did not and does not like that, and made minute moves towards independence and Israeli interests and desires, he is being color revolutioned as we speak, by the usual mob of ngo employees.

Bill Gates is a real capitalist who earned his money, but having earned it, discovered that the merchant class is inherently powerless and low status, so left his business and devoted his fortune to kissing up to power, in order to obtain priestly status. Having become a great and powerful capitalist, he hopes to become a great and powerful priest.

The 2020 election was similar to a color revolution, but Israel played no role, and Jews, most notably Soros, played surprisingly minor roles. In the color revolution in Israel, the hand of the State Department is plainly visible.

Asher says:

As someone who lives there, and lurks here often, it’s always pleasantly surprising to see one place online where people actually get what is going on over here

Carlylean Restorationist says:

So you find yourself an unexpected bedfellow of Noam Chomsky.

What was America’s interest in launching wars against Libya, Syria and Iraq and doing a colour revolution twice in Egypt?
Chomsky would say “oil”, which he thinks he doesn’t have to explain. I assume you don’t agree with him enough to accept such a weird claim.

America’s foreign policy is always and everywhere a project to protect the security and regional hegemony of Israel and a cursory glance at the personal connections of the 9/11 conspirators shows a lot of Mossad, almost as much Mossad as found with Silicon Valley and Jeffrey Epstein’s kid-toucher network.

It’s certainly true that the Lakudniks can’t survive without strongman support from a Donald Trump, which is why they’re actively trying to rig the next election like they rigged the last ten. There’s a very easy litmus test for colour revolution status: does the revolution want diversity and LGBTQ+ shit…. Israel’s an interesting case. Far from wanting diversity, they have racial laws and are actively advancing ethnic cleansing and genocide of arabs. LGBTQ+ shit doesn’t need a colour revolution: the Talmud’s full of it and is in fact the ultimate origin of the idea.

jim says:

> What was America’s interest in launching wars against Libya, Syria and Iraq and doing a colour revolution twice in Egypt?

Recall that the government that was being color revolutioned was in favor of peace with Israel, and the government installed by color revolution in favor of war.

I would say Harvard and the State Department’s interests in color revolution in Egypt were in substantial part the same as its interests in having the Israeli supreme court exercise sovereign power: The destruction of Israel.

The color revolutionary movement in Syria was in favor of the extermination of the Alawites and the expulsion of the Christians. The expulsion of Christians from the middle east is a long standing Harvard goal that they have pursued by a wide variety of means in a wide variety of places, Egypt, Iraq and Israel among them. But a Syrian government that exterminates Alawites and expels Christians is going to go after the nearest bunch of Jews once it is done with Alawites and Christians.

Carte Blanche says:

LGBTQ+ shit doesn’t need a colour revolution: the Talmud’s full of it and is in fact the ultimate origin of the idea.

Sure it is, champ. But just to satisfy my own curiosity, you won’t mind if I look that up, aye?

*googles “talmud homosexuality”*

[Vayikra 18:3] After what is done [referring to homosexuality, bestiality and incest] in Eretz Mitzrayim, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do;

[Vayikra 18:22] Thou shalt not lie with zachar, as with isha: it is to’evah (abomination, detestable)

[Sukkah 29a] The Sages taught that on account of four matters the sun is eclipsed: On account of a president of the court who dies and is not eulogized appropriately, and the eclipse is a type of eulogy by Heaven; on account of a betrothed young woman who screamed in the city that she was being raped and there was no one to rescue her; on account of homosexuality; and on account of two brothers whose blood was spilled as one.

[Tosefta Kiddushin 5:10] A single man shouldn’t shepherd small cattle, and two single men shouldn’t sleep in one cloak. They said: Yisrael is not suspected of such [bestiality/homosexuality].

And apparently that’s about all the Talmud has to say on the subject. I found several other search results from contemporary sources, implying that the Talmud says this or that in favor of all manner of perversions, but not a single one with a citation to back it up. I can easily find many of the same sophistic, contortionist claims about the scripture for any other religion, but the literal text says “no, no way, not ever, and don’t even get into a situation where something might suspect you of doing it”.

It’s mixed in with the usual “Chosen people are above suspicion” crap but what do you expect, it’s Jews, and we aren’t debating whether Judaism permits them to be self-important inbred shitbirds, only whether it permits homosexuality. Survey says: no. Seems pretty consistent with Jim’s stated position on homos, which is that it’s disgusting and antisocial, but also is or should be a nonentity; we don’t think about it, we don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist unless we literally can’t ignore it, in which case the sodomites are apt to disappear under mysterious circumstances. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil — in the original meaning intended by antiquity, not the modern “turn a blind eye” inversion.

Incidentally, secondary sources say that the Talmud puts lesbianism in a different category of “licentiousness” instead of homosexuality, which is both very funny from a red-pilled point of view and also consistent with Jim’s past statements (no such thing as lesbians). But I either can’t find or can’t understand the primary source, so it might be apocryphal.

I’m no rabbi, or even a theologist, just some guy with a search engine, but what I’m reading from you appears to be, not derived from the actual Talmud, but from what a bunch of 21st-century fringe Jewish faggots and pederasts and progressive conversos say about the Talmud, which is about as truthful as what those same folks say about anything else.

The Cominator says:

So you’ve gone from years of shilling communism and now you’re shilling for the FBI with the standard Mueller line on 9/11?

Kunning Drueger says:

I share your confusion. We might have a Dread Pirate Roberts situation going on.

The Cominator says:

The greatest mystery of that great movie is that someone who is otherwise a totally consistent piece of shit (meathead rob reiner) made it?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted again for endless repetition again. Please respond to one of the many responses to this comment in any old thread in which I have already responded to this comment. All your comments belong in very old threads because they are all variations on the same comment*]

Cloudswrest says:

Is the message that Bud Light will turn you into a tranny? LOL

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well actually…

Kunning Drueger says:

I never thought I’d say this but Kid Rock nailed it.

Cloudswrest says:

Identification of a potent phytoestrogen in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) and beer


ray says:

I was around in ’63. America was as you say, and — at least in the smaller and midsize towns within my view — men ran the families and communities.

Now women run all things, and the nation is crushed and dying under a harsh spirit of feminine vexation and malice.

And yes the sea-change, or coup if you prefer, took place in ’63 with a very typical and public ‘blood-sacrifice of the king’ by sinister elements following their ancient and sinister ‘religion’, elements that have not been dislodged from power since.

ArkyShrugger says:

This podcast is right up your alley. most recent two shows.


Kunning Drueger says:

Stone choir are good men fighting a powerful enemy that has occupied the LCMS leadership.

ray says:

Much obliged.

simplyconnected says:

[Offtopic] Over half of Britons said their memory had got worse in the past two years, and 61 per cent that they lost their train of thought as many as ten times a day.
Iirc, UK’s injection uptake was ~70%. Much worse than I personally thought. Potential huge repercussions of widespread lowered IQ.

jim says:

A very large rate of brain fog following the jab is consistent with what I see among engineers. The fog appears permanent. There are many indications that the jab frequently causes neurons to die, which indications it is forbidden to look into.

falseconvert says:

Loads of things could have caused memory decay and brain fog. Being propagandized can do that. Having to stay in your house for 2 years could in theory do that. Being forced to follow illogical rules could do that.

Bear in mind the jab happened at the same time as the lockdowns and all of the fear messaging, which lead to an increase in anxiety, depression, etc. Brain fog could be a symptom of those mental problems, and general confusion and internal cognitive dissonance, more than they are symptoms of the jab.

What are the indications you speak of?

falseconvert says:

Also, computers are designed to think for us, lessening the need for our memories and clarity of thought. Probably 61% of people upped their computer usage over lockdown.

falseconvert says:

Also losing your train of thought ten times a day…that’s not an indication of lowered IQ, or lowered anything. What’s the baseline? How do you even quantify that?

Red says:

LOL that’s retarded. I’m currently working with an computer engineer who took 4 mRNA shots, and later got weeks of bad covid and months of low level covid. His brain is fried and it’s getting worse. He’s angry and upset as his mental capacity goes and it continues to get worse even after he gave up taking more jabs. It’s like I’m watching someone with progressive dementia in his mid 40s.

jim says:

“low level covid” is the worst. It is an indicator that your immune system is fried. Normally the immune system clears the virus in a few days, and the subsequent period of illness is your immune system bombing the rubble to make sure no holdouts remain. If “low level covid” your immune system failed to promptly clear the virus, which means the virus is cutting loose causing damage, but you are not that sick because the immune system is not making a vigorous reaction.

“low level covid” seems to be a common ailment of the repeatedly boosted.

falseconvert says:

I took two shots and I haven’t experienced any brain fog. Arguably I’m sharper than ever. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that the original poster seemed to be leaping to a conclusion from pretty weak evidence.

I know people who have taken three shots, who don’t seem to have suffered mentally. Certainly not dementia-like symptoms as you describe.

Milosevic says:

Why did you take the vaxx lol.

falseconvert says:

I traded bodily autonomy for freedom of movement.

Milosevic says:

Low IQ move m8.

falseconvert says:

More of a poor-principled move. A bad decision in any case.

Milosevic says:

I sympathise. I am close to people who got blackmailed by the state into getting it.

There were still myriad things you could’ve done to not get vaxxed and retain freedom of movement. I’m interested as to why you didn’t do them.

falseconvert says:

Because I didn’t want to break the rules that would have required. I guess I was more trusting of the system as whole, and assumed better intentions than the ones which probably existed.

simplyconnected says:

[…] leaping to a conclusion from pretty weak evidence.

You personally may be fine, and I hope you are. But this seems pretty strong evidence: Over half of Britons said their memory had got worse in the past two years, and 61 per cent that they lost their train of thought as many as ten times a day. It’s much worse than I had thought.

I find it very hard to believe that losing your train of thought ten times a day isn’t damage to the brain. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone lose their train of thought ten times in a day except for family members with early dementia.
As for whether it’s the jab or lockdowns. It would be easy to check: test which 61% of the population is affected. It’ll come out that it’s the jabbed, just like it’s the jabbed filling the hospitals now. But they will never test. Instead, we get

Stress, depression and anxiety caused up to 36 million people to suffer brain fog.

Afaik “stress” is doctor speak for “we have no idea”, and we know that lately “doctors baffled” tends to mean “it’s the jab”.

falseconvert says:

Thanks for your good faith response.

I probably lose my train of thought more than ten times per day. But, then again, I don’t count. Did the people in this report, which isn’t linked in the article and which I couldn’t find on Google, count? How do you go about counting the number of times you lose your train of thought?

If you Google the name of the doctor quoted, plus the organisation that funded the report, you get loads of other news articles that cite the report, almost all of the articles using the same phrasing as each other, but no link to the report.

simplyconnected says:

I also couldn’t find the report, and it’s sponsored by a supplements company, so it may be iffy.
Your concern is fair enough: this may be weak evidence.
You will hardly find evidence from highly reputable sources because they won’t look into it. You’ll have to listen carefully to anecdotal evidence from different people (many people here have been reporting of engineers with brain fog and of unusual amounts of bad drivers, I hear similar things in other forums).
We are in a situation in which no one is allowed to carefully look at the problem (e.g. autopsies not done), and being gaslighted (e.g. heart attacks caused by gardening).

You lose your train of thought ten times a day? That seems like a lot!.

simplyconnected says:

This is the sort of gaslighting going on:
Is stress giving you brain fog?
I always thought coffee or nap were the standard remedies, brain fog was something temporary. But something seemed to change, you can look at google-trends for “brain fog”.

falseconvert says:

Eh, I agree with you that they’re probably trying to hide evidence that would show the jab is harmful. I also agree that it might have caused harm. But I think it’s more the propaganda and the cognitive dissonance leading up to taking it, than the substance itself.

Haha, well, as I said, I don’t count, but it could be more than ten. I seem to function okay though.

simplyconnected says:

it could be more than ten. I seem to function okay though.

Great to know. Incidentally, my chess rating dropped 200 points after covid and only got back to normal almost two months later. The google-trends-brain-fog uptick seems to start before jab rollout, so covid could be involved too.

falseconvert says:

Interesting. I think that covid/the jab probably cause mental damage, but the extent varies. In my case, it doesn’t seem to have been that bad.

simplyconnected says:

It’s consistent with Red’s experience of coworker with chronic covid and brain fog. Perhaps there is a role of jab’s immune damage leading to chronic covid causing long-term brain fog.

jim says:

The spike protein is directly neurotoxic.

But, if attached the virus, cannot cross the blood brain barrier. The spike protein while attached to the virus is apt to shut down the sense of smell, because there are a lot highly exposed neurons in the nose.

So we would expect the jab, which can cross the blood brain barrier, to cause brain damage in the same way the virus impairs your sense of smell.

simplyconnected says:

The spike protein is directly neurotoxic.

And the LNPs end up in the brain, though not as much as other places:

After 48 hours, the organs with the highest concentration of the LNPs (micrograms per ml) are –
Injection Site 165
Adrenal Glands 18.2 (36 x plasma concentration)
Liver 24.3 (48 x plasma concentration)
Bone Marrow 3.77 (7 x plasma concentration)
Ovaries 12.3 (24 x plasma concentration)
Spleen 23.4 (46 x plasma concentration)
Large Intestine 1.34
Small Intestine 1.47
Lymph Nodes 1.37
The blood plasma concentration of the LNP after 48 hours is 0.54 micrograms per ml. Therefore the above organs show strong bioaccumulation.
Heart 0.546
Blood 0.54
Brain 0.068

simplyconnected says:

Jim says

The spike protein is directly neurotoxic. But, if attached the virus, cannot cross the blood brain barrier.

Not that I’m an expert by any means, but I think sars-cov2 is neurotropic, enters the brain:
The neuroinvasiveness, neurotropism, and neurovirulence of SARS-CoV-2

jim says:

It says that central nervous system symptoms are associated with mild long term covid infections. But “mild” long term covid infections, failure to clear the virus, is associated with being repeatedly jabbed.

So did the “mild” long term infection cause the brain deterioration, or did brain deterioration and the “mild” long term infection have a common cause?

simplyconnected says:

So did the “mild” long term infection cause the brain deterioration, or did brain deterioration and the “mild” long term infection have a common cause?

Fair enough. As we know, scientists often will publish on spike-protein damage under cover of “sars-cov2 infection” (otherwise won’t get past review).

falseconvert says:

Finally, “over half of Briton’s said”….

so, maybe 51% of people said their memory had got worse, and 49% said it had got better.

Why is that surprising? Why does that have anything to do with the jab? Why could that not just be the result of computers?

Why WOULDN’T their memories have got worse, in the age of smartphones?

simplyconnected says:

Why could that not just be the result of computers?

Not just memory, they lose their train of thought multiple times a day. Hard to believe that is caused by computers.
Cardiac problems are a very visible effect of the jab, but brain problems are just as (maybe more) prevalent. Not checking if the brain-fogged are jabbed is like not asking whether stroking young people were jabbed: it tells you they don’t want to know because they fear the answer.

falseconvert says:

TikTok could cause that, for example. IMO there’s a clearer link between something which very directly and deliberately preys on your attention, like TikTok, and brain fog, than there is between the jab and brain fog. But I could be wrong, the jab could be an additional culprit.

Dude, social media and smartphones have been around a long time and computers for even longer. How does that explain the sudden spike in brain fog cases?

falseconvert says:

The article doesn’t say there is a sudden spike.

It says 6/10 people say they are experiencing brain fog.

6/10 people experiencing brain fog (a very vague symptom) can be explained by 6/10 people using smartphone apps.

Adam says:

It’s the clot shot, and the gay liberal propaganda that goes with it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Red says:

There’s that shill payload I’ve been expecting for a while.

Dharmicreality says:

Glad it’s not just me. Coming here with a “personal story” seems like a new shill tactic to gain the sympathy of the regulars.

Something seemed off to me too. In hindsight this guy’s interracial inter religion marriage story had too many tropes and clichés. His “experience” is how progressives imagine interracial inter religious marriages to work. I’ve been wrong before about shills but I’ve also been right on a few occasions…

Dharmicreality says:

Just read down thread that KD had his doubts too.

jim says:

All those red flags, I would expect considerably more fireworks than he reports.

Dharmicreality says:

Interracial inter religious marriage alone, ok, even if stretches credulity but here, with wife’s children from a previous marriage.

And he’s totally the alpha in the relationship, his only “problem” apparently being that the kids born of the marriage would be interracial.

Yeah right.

I am shocked that so many regulars bought into that elaborate hoax.

Fidelis says:

He came off like your average midwit. It’s easy for me to imagine quite a few normieish people I know to be in exactly the same situation he described, and describe it the same way. Oh no she is totally loyal and into me bro. She loves me bro I can’t give that up.

Story is not unbelievable, and even the way he is questioning this just continues to frame him as a low midwit, the biggest flag is not the content itself but the amount of comments he’s making on inane bullshit. Probably a shill, but the character he is playing is far from unfathomable.

Western Taliban says:

I agree more with this line of thought.

Maybe he is indeed experiencing massive brain fog after those cancer injections lmao

falseconvert says:

You’ve gone off into a fantasy world in your head, whilst ignoring the explanation I’ve given.

Unresponsiveness is a characteristic of a shill, isn’t it?

Who is displaying that trait? Who is the real “shill” in this scenario?

SJ says:

He presented as your typical blue pilled loser filled with hamster brained rationalizations about how he’s actually not a loser. Helpless, hopeless, and useless to speak with. Now he appears as a shill but no big deal as I already decided, helpless, hopeless, useless to speak with.

falseconvert says:

That may be because I only mentioned the red flags. And I should have mentioned all of the red flags at the same time, rather than progressively adding them.

There are also plenty of green flags, which I didn’t mention, perhaps because I wanted to know if the red flags would be considered deal-breakers, and what the arguments for them being deal-breakers would be, from commenters on, and the author of, this blog.

I’m not a shill and I’m not even saying the vax wasn’t intended to cause brain fog, just that the evidence presented in this thread for that claim is not very convincing.

falseconvert says:

Sorry, I mean, the evidence that it has caused brain fog is unconvincing. Evidence that it was intended to cause it is a separate thing.

simplyconnected says:

[…] not even saying the vax wasn’t intended to cause brain fog, just that the evidence presented in this thread for that claim is not very convincing.

There was that army dmed database in which brain problems were the most common issue after jab, before they cleaned up the database). Of course footballers dropping on the pitch is more visible, but brain issues were known to be very common after jab. Now we have some evidence of widespread impact on the population.
This seems like a clear case to me, but if unconvinced you can of course wait: more evidence will arise.

falseconvert says:

The way I see it, the logic is flawed. The mind is immaterial. The jab is material.

The theory here is is that a material substance can directly cause disturbances in the immaterial realm of the mind. The jab causes brain fog, is the theory.

My theory is that doing stuff with your mind, like watching TikTok, can disturb your mind. My theory is that the immaterial realm affects the immaterial realm. This seems a lot more logical.

I don’t expect to convince anybody that I’m right, but at least I’ve presented my argument. I appreciate your engagement.

jim says:

> The theory here is is that a material substance can directly cause disturbances in the immaterial realm of the mind.

If you bang your head hard, you will be stunned.

Adam says:

>the mind is immaterial

What is cocaine.

falseconvert says:

Cocaine is a drug that is usually taken people who are already mentally disturbed. They then become even more mentally disturbed after taking it.

If you drink alcohol, but are absolutely adamant you will remain mentally lucid, then you will remain mentally lucid. I have done this myself. Alcohol does not cause mental disturbances. Nor does cocaine.

Usually people who take cocaine are taking it with the very clear intention of entering a different mental state. They are willing themselves to go there. And taking cocaine is part of the process, but it’s not a direct cause of the mental changes.

falseconvert says:

Yeah, to be fair, I’m wrong.

The jab could have caused mental damage.

Apologies for the shitty argument.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The idea that one may cavil about the ‘hateful matter’ of this existence any which way, while in some (purposefully) indefinable sense being holy of it in any case, is of course a characteristic posture of gnostic sects throughout the ages.

And in typically selfserving fashion, this is so often also elaborated even further into a perverse form of pseudosanctimonia, where indulgence in atrocity precisely is what demonstrates the insuperability of the perfecti.


jim says:

Your link tells us:

The Gnostics, Jonas writes, seized on this rift in the old world-picture in an ingenious – and prototypically antithetic and invidious – way: “In retaining this name [cosmos] for the world, the Gnostics retained the idea of order as the main characteristic of what they were intent on deprecating. Indeed, instead of denying to the world the attribute of order… they turned this very attribute from one of praise into one of opprobrium, and in the process if anything increased the emphasis on it.” The positive elements of hierarchy and regularity in the old idea become “rigid and inimical order, tyrannical and evil law” in the new idea.

The right is order, the left is disorder. The left is those who want to knock over the applecart to grab some apples. Thus, to the extent that they form any sort of coherent ideology, it necessarily resembles gnosticism.

For the Platonic, Neoplatonic, and Stoic schools the cosmos was itself, if not quite a god, then divine. But for Gnosticism the cosmos becomes “devoid of meaning and goodness, alien to the purposes of man… an order empty of divinity.”

Which brings us the black pill, the red pill and the white pill.

It is natural and right that men should rule over women, and superior men rule over inferior men. The left deems the natural and right order of the cosmos racist, sexist, homophobic, capitalist, colonialist, and oppressive. They are at war with reality itself, a war they will inevitably lose, but may well take us with them to their destruction.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Vaxxies are brainbroken over having taken the mark of the beast. This makes them emotionally incontinent whenever the subject comes up, and unable to help themselves.

Red says:

Excellent point.

falseconvert says:

I’d say a more broken brain would be one that’s making wild speculations about another person’s emotional state instead of engaging in the argument that person presented.

Karl says:

“Brainbroken” sums it up pretty well. At present, most of them are still denying that the clot shot was harmful. A few are already admitting that the clot shot does have harmful side effects, but claim that getting the clot shot was the right thin to do.

I haven’t yet met any vaxxies admitting that they did wrong. Maybe in time some will repent. At present, we are in a “let the dead bury their dead”-situation

falseconvert says:

I took the shot two times, have no problem admitting I made the wrong decision, have no problem accepting the vaccine might have been made with ulterior motives in mind.

No brain fog though.

simplyconnected says:

A few are already admitting that the clot shot does have harmful side effects, but claim that getting the clot shot was the right thin to do.

There was a survey I linked to earlier (can’t find now) which shows most jabbed are not taking any more, but are “glad to have taken them”. This demographic amounted to over half the US population (going by official jab rates).

jim says:

Yeah, right “I totally support performing the holy rites even though I neglect to perform them”

In an environment of state violence against thought and speech, surveys are unlikely to give truthful results.

When the coercion eased up, observance of rites of worship of the awesome and mighty Covid demon collapsed to very low levels. Going by behavior, rather than words, looks like eighty percent or so are not “glad to have taken them”

simplyconnected says:

Going by behavior, rather than words, looks like eight percent or so are not “glad to have taken them”

I meant they state they are glad to have taken them. I wrote the “survey shows”, but meant to say “survey states”.

Cloudswrest says:

Love this comic. Often compared to Stonetoss.


weird says:

Tatsuya Ishida has been a hardcore leftist wokester for 20 years now, and Sinfest has been his propaganda platform for that whole time.

And that is very much off message. Something happened to him.

Contaminated NEET says:

What happened is clear: he went TERF. He was always a man-hating feminist, and he still is. He’s still a hardcore leftist wokester, but the tides of history have swept past him and he finds himself stranded on our side against the eunuch freaks. Don’t trust him: he undoubtedly thinks he represents the true Left and he despises bigoted backward misogynist science-denying racist swine like us. Enjoy the schadenfreude when his former comrades string him up, but that’s all you can expect to get from him.

Cloudswrest says:

He does seem purple pilled as he portrays prostitutes as victims of johns and pimps.

Oog en Hand says:

What is the blue-pilled position?
What is the red-pilled position?

The Cominator says:

On prostitutes?

Unhappy prostitutes are drug addicts 100% of the time victims of their own self destructive tendencies and being unowned. They have pimps and drug dealers but it’s by their own choice.

Non druggie prostitutes (tobacco moderate drinking and limited weed use… and i hate weed dont count as making them a hard druggie) are women who like to have sex a lot and figure they.can make a living from it. They tend to be happy. They don’t think of themselves as victims.

unz says:

For what it’s worth I quite enjoyed his latest comics about Trump. They’re not just pro Trump, they’re refreshing.

Carte Blanche says:

I had not heard of this individual or seen any of his work before now, but I went through maybe two dozen of his comics and they’re pretty obviously TERF-aligned. And not in a subtle way, a few of them say it straight up using exactly those letters.

So, a TERF. Paleoliberal, a leftist left behind by his own people, twenty years behind the times and frustrated over the increasingly unbridgeable gulf. At a more naive age I might have said “welcome to our side”, but he’ll never be our friend. At best a temporary, unreliable ally against only the very worst of the demons.

It is, truly and always, the position toward women that distinguishes “them” from “us”. The paleoliberal laments the decline and embarrassment of women’s sports and other all-women institutions at the hands of troon infiltrators; the reactionary celebrates it, for women’s sports are fake and gay and women have no place in the institutions. The paleoliberal angrily condemns the troon for cheating and putting women in harm’s way; the reactionary laughs a hearty, guttural laugh, as the indisputable proof piles up that men are better than women at literally every athletic pursuit and most cerebral ones, and the only thing being “harmed” about women is their inflated social status.

Don’t mistake me; troons are a massive blight on male institutions, not so much because of their individual psychoses but because we are all forced, if not at gunpoint then certainly at salary-point, to validate their delusions and help spread the psychosis. There really is a serious problem there, and I haven’t even mentioned the drag queen story hour perverts who are going after young boys (but they are mostly legacy fags, not real troons). Troons harming women, though? Only a feminist could say that with a straight face.

ray says:

The Grrls run their identity sweepstakes for fifty years, with themselves at the front of the line of course, then wail and gnash teeth when at last they get bit by the Troons, who are merely playing the Grrls own game of self-victimization.

Normie cuck-con and daughter-daddy are outraged, outraged I tell you! but pointedly were not outraged — nor even vocal — during the fifty years of Total Feminism that preceded the Troons. Nupe everybody fine with that.

Which is to say, may the fembots and cucky-cons alike chokety choke-choke down the Troons ‘stealing’ the thunder of their empowered princesses. Despite its satanic grotesqueness, it is a beautiful thing to see.

A2 says:

Not on our side (TERF seems right) but that’s some skilled rhetoric at times. I also see anti-epstein, anti-pizza, anti-vaxx, etc. Actually seems promising in a ‘wake up the normies’ way.

The gender monsters in response appear to be seething, dilating and deplatforming.

Cloudswrest says:

The 43-year-old dad of two, who formerly served as the chief technology officer of Square, was attacked in the city’s downtown Rincon Hill neighborhood at 2:35 a.m

It’s obviously not dispositive but I always wonder about people wandering around at 2 a.m.

Kunning Drueger says:

He was some faggy anti-racist shitbird. Had it coming, just like every other urban white who abides and/or indulges in Negrolatry.

Cloudswrest says:

Vampires and demons emerging after dark is a trope for a reason.

SJ says:

Disney makes insidious subversive movies to encourage your daughter to be a disobedient slut and spinster. They always have. In The Little Mermaid the girl disobeys her father and goes to a witch so she can bang the sexy guy she has only seen from a distance which results in him magically being a prince who marries her. In Aladdin the princess disobeys her father to bang the sexy badboy thief who through magic becomes a prince who then marries her. The Lion King features a song about do whatever you feel like, if it feels good do it, and everything works out for the best. Not to mention the weaker IPs like that hotel Transylvania shit that is entirely about how your father is stupid and you should follow your feelings which mysteriously want you to be alone with the bad boy.

Fathers who let their daughters watch Disney movies are encouraging their daughters to become disobedient sluts for losers.

Western Taliban says:

The Lion King features a song about do whatever you feel like, if it feels good do it, and everything works out for the best.

The thing is that it does not work out for the best, and it’s clearly said and shown in the movie, that in truth it works for the absolute worst.

Simba runs away from his duties and responsibilities in the natural order, his life is worthless gay empty hedonism and then he is faced with cruel cold reality when met with a female acquaintance he is supposed to be impregnating. Then he is guided back to greatness by a Dyeus Pater representation in the form of his ghost father, who tells him to remember who he is. He then faces his past, defeats his traitor uncle and grows to be the king he is supposed to be, reasserting the natural order and restoring light and goodness to the land.

Little Mermaid and Aladdin, just like Pocahontas, are pretty red pilled, they have happened and continue to happen in reality. I don’t know if it encourages daughters, but they reliably represent what happens in reality and shows a window into the truth of female sexuality.

I’ve never considered what I’d let a daughter watch or not, so I haven’t given it real thought. At the very least Disney movies used to encourage girls to be princesses, be feminine and such, the other part is just realistic female behavior. Ariel’s father and Jasmine’s father are both weak cucks, which leads to terrible situations that endanger their own daughters, good moral lesson to learn.

Red says:

You’re right about the Loin King done only because blacks, but this is pure nonsense:

Little Mermaid and Aladdin, just like Pocahontas, are pretty red pilled, they have happened and continue to happen in reality. I don’t know if it encourages daughters, but they reliably represent what happens in reality and shows a window into the truth of female sexuality.

Reality isn’t anything like this gay take. These movies are designed to make little girls think if they defy their fathers they’ll get everything they want. Instead they get disaster, single motherhood or end up as catladies, or sometimes dead.

You really need to rethink your name with takes like Disney isn’t trying to fuck up your children.

Western Taliban says:

But that’s exactly how women behave, it reflects their behavior, it’s how the behave in reality. They buck on their fathers if they are weak and go cruise for cock. If fathers don’t set up the rules and enforce them, good luck.

It’s true that it doesn’t end up well in the current order and that aspect is not necessarily well reflected though. I saw those movies when I was very young so maybe I’m remembering the details wrong, but the girls get into huge life threatening danger because of their stupid misbehavior and are somehow saved by male protagonists, I think.

As I said I have never looked at it from the perspective of showing it to a daughter, but a boy can learn much from it.

The Lion King is literally the reality and perspective of every Millennial and Gen Z from a reactionary take. Mufasa representing our ancestors and kings backed up by God and natural order, Scar is the leftist traitors, the hyenas the lumpenprole and rest of subhumans this people recruit. It’s literally how it’s playing out and it’s literally the way back.

Aidan says:

The Disney movies for girls both describe and encourage. They tell young girls that if they disobey their fathers and run away to be in the company of sexy dangerous men, they will end up with their handsome billionaire prince and not die alone and get eaten by cats. They encourage girls to do what they naturally want to do, by promising false outcomes.

Western Taliban says:

From that perspective you’re right, I just never even considered it, since I saw it as a boy and I’m a man and I literally cba about women. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen any media appropriate for girls to begin with, since the 60s the western world has been increasingly gay.

Red says:

It’s true that it doesn’t end up well in the current order and that aspect is not necessarily well reflected though. I saw those movies when I was very young so maybe I’m remembering the details wrong, but the girls get into huge life threatening danger because of their stupid misbehavior and are somehow saved by male protagonists, I think.

As I said I have never looked at it from the perspective of showing it to a daughter, but a boy can learn much from it.

Thanks to Disney I grew up thinking that saving a woman was the way to get a wife. That sure the fuck doesn’t work. Protecting and saving a woman is a male fantasy, not a female one. Being uncaring and cold to the trouble she’s suffering from her misbehavior is the way to score, not to be caring for a slut you don’t own.

The Lion King is literally the reality and perspective of every Millennial and Gen Z from a reactionary take. Mufasa representing our ancestors and kings backed up by God and natural order, Scar is the leftist traitors, the hyenas the lumpenprole and rest of subhumans this people recruit. It’s literally how it’s playing out and it’s literally the way back.

Sure and like I said they only allowed that because it was a story about negros. The message was this is good for Africans but White’s shouldn’t do it. You see the same sort of stuff in Black Panther. Only niggers are allowed a king.

For someone who’s calling himself Western Taliban, you really should internalize the Red Pill better.

Kunning Druegger says:

We all have blind spots, Red. I was taken aback at WT’s statements, but he was very upfront in stating that he hadn’t thought about it from the perspective of a father of daughters. This no excuse, and WT doesn’t need my help, but he is consistently frame correct and definitely One of Us.

It’s always discombobulating when an interpretive incongruity comes to light. I pay very close attention to all media I encounter, but I know of plenty of good, honest people that are completely blind to the Tokens of Pozz, particularly when it comes to “kids stuff.” We know here that we must “check the label” on every single thing, but lots of other good guys will guard the cracks for evil while leaving the front door unlocked and open.

Western Taliban says:

Thanks to Disney I grew up thinking that saving a woman was the way to get a wife. That sure the fuck doesn’t work. Protecting and saving a woman is a male fantasy, not a female one. Being uncaring and cold to the trouble she’s suffering from her misbehavior is the way to score, not to be caring for a slut you don’t own.

I see, well that’s not what I understood when I saw those movies as a kid. What I understood is that women are incredibly retarded for engaging in such self-destructive behavior, that they cry crocodile tears to men, that a man should be wary least he fall for the manipulation and deception. I guess we just saw it in a completely different way.

As a boy, I never felt that getting such retarded “princesses” was something positive, I never saw it as a good thing or a good way to score. I actually kinda hated it, I certainly hated the little mermaid or whatever was the name of the movie. I liked Aladdin for the genie and the sense of adventure and boldness from the protagonist, hated the retarded sultan that let his daughter run over him, paid attention to the traitor priest advisor trying to steal power, hated the uppity bitch.

I’m just recalling from memory of like twenty something years ago, it’s not like I’m going to sit in almost my 30s watching some kid’s cartoon from so far ago, but I personally saw a window into the true face of women which was confirmed throughout my life. I didn’t mean it was ideal, but I do believe that a medium that presents reality even if only to a degree is far superior to anything today. I can’t even begin to think of something I’d show a child today, it’s all pure cancer.

alf says:

I think the problem was less pronounced in earlier Disney movies — snow white, Cinderella, sleeping beauty were all feminine, not so rebellious.

But yes, like with so many media the red pill makes you re-evaluate almost all 20th century media. It is kinda sneaky how many of those ‘fairy tales’ are really just romance novels repackaged for young girls.

Here’s a question: as the list of what you should NOT allow your daughters to watch grows ever longer, what are things you CAN watch with them? To start off with an example: I thought princess Sisi was pretty good. Alpha dad, alpha husband.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

The reasons why conservatives are unlikely to get power working in or near the government have been explained too many times already.

Red says:

I’ve not a been a big fan of BAP longhouse theory, but the evidence for it is stacking up:


How could they have worshiped something so disgusting? The Aryans putting them down was an act of mercy.

Hesiod says:

Reminds me of Don Martin’s work from Mad Magazine.

Most of the so-called Venus figurines look like the morbidly obese bitches one can find waddling in many hues across the West these days. This one at least gave a laugh.

Doing a cursory search through the academic papers freely available concerning this figurine. Looking forward to jargon-laced arguments against misgendering it.

Kunning Druegger says:

This little episode with the falseconvert is an interesting data point in the study of shills. For the record, I thought it was just mopey “halp pls with my troubles” and, while not the most entertaining contribution, is nonetheless one of the many excellent services provided by Jim at JimCorp Int. But as it went on, it started to feel off. I still can’t conclusively charge fc with something besides illegal operation of unlicensed midwit comments in a based zone, but I no less feel he is here for nefarious purposes.

Let’s just assume he is an actual Shill. By this I mean he is being paid to do a job, and part of that job is infiltrating and molesting this comments section. We know that most shills can’t commit thoughtcrime, that they misuse our shibboleths, and that they can’t help but post true-lies. If fc is a shill, he is a new kind, one that has studied this place, and performed a sophisticated attack that was designed to draw as many of us as possible into engagement. This could be farfetched, he could totally be an addlepated midwit seeking attention and advice. But if we do assume that he’s a Shill, that was a very effective attack.

…but, outside of distracting (slide threading), he’s not delivered anything powerful. He’s not started any factional fratricide, just distraction and wasted time. So he was a hypersonic stealth missile that had no explosive payload, just flew through our AD net then deployed confetti. Does this make any sense, am I missing something glaringly obvious?

Red says:

He’s unusual. I thought there was something wrong when did God’s law talk and then completely ignored that his wife is an adulteress and he’s committing adultery with her by biblical law. That strongly indicated he was a full of shit or a McChristain. McChristains generally flee Jim’s blog in terror when he talks about women’s true nature, though @I has stuck around.

The most unusual shill we’ve had around here was “adversitic morality”(not sure I spelled it right). AM posted here for years and seemed quite reactionary. Then one day out of the blue he tried to entrap Com by trying to get him to making specific threats against high profile leftists.

I would have thought we’d get some AI shills at some point, but his freakout over the vaccine causing brain damage indicated he’s human.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The Cominator says:

It’s funny I don’t remember that… why am I such a target for these people.

ray says:

KD —

Nobody in the West is saying what needs to be said, and building what needs to be built, quite like Jim and certain commenters here.

I’ve seen what you call Slide Threading on other pages where leaders of the Church and of men met to communicate. Pretty rare but definitely a thing, whether by paid motivation or simply a weak (or inexperienced) man who is attention-whoring. The subtlety is in the pleading for help as this triggers the urge in men to offer counsel.

I hesitated bringing this matter up given it ain’t my house here, but because of the importance of the unusual content here, I went ahead and commented.

Scripture says something tangential, don’t toss your pearls before swine. Not to characterize falseconvert as swine, but the general point stands.

Kunning Druegger says:

What’s so fascinating about this place is how long it’s been going. Genuinely thought I had missed the party when I first started reading the blog. Little did I realize what fresh, new horrors were just over the horizon.

Last year I started fooling around with a concept: immunomemetics. This is a neologism that is intended to describe a number of fora phenomena including but not limited to:

>shill tests

Certain experiments were conducted with very positive results, but life and time conspired to intervene and the “research” was curtailed. I think there’s actual, no-shit academic work to be done on immunomemetics, but it is terribly meta and that can attract very bright minds, and inevitably draws out hordes of midwits and hangers-on. Further still, as much as I’d love to devote my life to academics, this is precisely the *worst* time for those activities, primarily because the institutions are all converged but no less important is the fact that this world needs to lose ~95% of its academics before it can even begin to heal.

The point being, never hesitate to harass, question, or insult anyone you want. It builds character for them if they are weak (or you when you get hell-pwned by Red or WT), and it sends the uncommitted and unworthy Back2Reddit. If you cross any lines, Da- I mean JIM will let you know. We are very much a “shoot first, riddle the corpse, riffle the pockets, shoot some more” kind of crowd.

ray says:

Yes . . . I don’t expect either Columbia or Harvard would embrace your research. :O)

How long has this site been going? How many years have you been here? I monitored the place a year or two I think, and only began commenting recently. My time in this world is short so no point dawdling.

I don’t do groups, with exception of the church I attend. I go here ‘n there. Been doing this men’s-stuff about three decades.

In the past I participated at a number of Christian ‘manosphere’ sites, including Dalrock’s, where an unmatched survey of the destructive Cult of Romanticism (modernly, ‘chivalrous cuckism’) occurred, along with many other worthy works in preparation for the Kingdom of the Father.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I’m reminded of the Sea Lioning meme. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/873/260/a5b.png

As a name it didn’t stick around. Maybe because it wasn’t a go-to tactic for a period. Shills on the chans and elsewhere go out with a bang, try to shatter groups or just bullycide individual posters out with zero to sixty hostility. But it’s still a useful mental category to have.

Except this is a little looser; he’s not challenging you on your core stand against sea lions, he’s granting you that, then “just asking questions.” Maybe engagement/time wasting is the mission for some posters now.

He might be the new Anonymous Fake. Not a sock necessarily, but in the same class, he just keeps coming back.

And now I have doubts about Oog en Hand. (“What is the blue-pilled position? What is the red-pilled position?”) Seriously Oog? Click back a few posts and read. I picked it up, and I’m a new and not fully doctrinaire poster.

falseconvert says:

I started off just wanting help and then I’ll admit I did get sucked into time wasting with stupid questions and trolling.

But there is no payment or ulterior motive, just poor self-control and a bit of narcissism.

falseconvert says:

My apologies.

jim says:

I never figured you for a shill. Narcissism, I noticed.

Still, if you want to remove all doubt, take the shill test..

Pax Imperialis says:

I only skimmed his woman problem post.

Strong disagree on narcissism. The neuroticism is palpable.

falseconvert says:


Kunning Drueger says:

You have to write them out. The goal here is not to Pass The Test, it’s to commit thoughtcrime.

Not even to commit thought crime but acknowledge the thought crime position even if you disagree.

falseconvert says:

So the thoughtcrime position is to go against the narrative that women are angels, women are innocent, men corrupt women, men abuse women, etc, while women themselves have no dark thoughts or desires and would never want to be overpowered by a man, etc.

The thoughtcrime position on consent is that consent isn’t the correct moral standard, the correct moral standard is having properly owned women, having women who aren’t running amok in society and causing chaos, but are leashed to their husbands.

I don’t agree with all of the stuff in the E+C answers, for the record, like what does “conscious consent” mean? But, the above is my summary of the thoughtcrime position.

falseconvert says:

The purpose of the shill test is to filter out people who wouldn’t even want to type the words which correspond to thought crime, because that would be punishable by their paymasters?

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, the purpose is to check whether the interlocutor is capable of genuinely engaging with positions that are taboo and constitute thought crime in the mainstream regardless of his actual opinion on it.

falseconvert says:

Is it really suspected that people are getting direct payments specifically for making comments on this blog, or is it more of an indirect thing like “he works for an NGO, and also happens to comment on this blog, therefore he’s indirectly being funded to attack us”

Encelad says:

It is really suspected they are paid to comment since they post the same kind of wall text for the 101st time after their previous hundred ones have been deleted. Why would anyone want to waste so much time pointlessly otherwise?

jim says:

If the shills could post thought crimes, I would assume, not paid, merely misguided, and engage them, but when they keep on posting, and keep on being deleted, obviously someone is standing over them and saying “no thought crimes, and no noticing other people’s thought crimes.

Parodying, exaggerating, and rolling all the shill scripts together, and explicitly saying what they never actually say, but rather presuppose as the universally accepted consensus that everyone agrees on and no one doubts.

“Hail fellow right winger. I am more right wing than thou, and you need to be at least right wing as I am, fellow right winger. Putin is a gay nigger loving Jew who holds gay parades, fellow right winger, Harvard is horrible because they are so much smarter and nicer than you are, fellow right winger, and Jews are horrible because they rule the world because they are so much smarter and more civilized than we are, fellow right winger. I hate women because women are wonderful, and blacks because blacks are magical. White flight is irrational foolishness, fellow right winger, we right wingers should love to hang out in places overrun by all these wonderful people who look different from us. Christianity is a Jewish plot, fellow right winger, the Jews did nine eleven, and Mueller and the FBI is as pure as the driven snow, and no one, least of all you, would ever suggest otherwise. Capitalism is Jewish, Musk is a tool of the Rothschilds, and the kulak with two cows is a minion of the Jews, fellow right winger, and we need to emancipate him from this terrible Jewish oppression by forcibly collectivizing, and a certain amount of force will be regrettably needed because those horrible kulaks are so horrible. You are being cruelly oppressed, not only by Elon Musk, but by the man who owns a pizza joint. Space travel is fake, there is no technological decline. Fertility is collapsing because of evil male misbehavior that modern civilization and technology makes possible, and cannot be restored except by widespread poverty, fellow right winger. Harvard is the source of all technology and progress, and since Musk dropped out of university, he is obviously just a rich guy who never built anything, but was granted custody of stuff by the Rothschilds, fellow right winger.”

When these scripts are endlessly deleted, I ask them to post a thought crime, or even notice our thought crimes, and they never do, even though simply responding to one of those thought crimes in away that acknowledges their interlocutor is thinking criminal thoughts would allow their posts through.

S says:

They can print as much money as they like. If it exists, the prog will attempt to subvert it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Instead of asking us, you should do some due diligence and read through the archived comments. I know that getting plunked down into a trench in the middle of a war means you’re not going to understand why we wire mines a certain way, or why we build the firing parapets in such fashion, or why we do any number of mystifying or counterintuitive things. But Chesterton’s Fence is a bedrock memeplex here, so instead of questioning it, try to substantiate it. Try to figure why we have the fence instead of questioning the fence itself.

I tell people to start in 2017. They never do. So start in July 2019. If you read closely, you’ll end up having to go back to 2017 anyway. I suggest you go through a given month, and read any post with 100+ comments (2017 start) or 300+ comments (2019 start). Read the post *and* the comments. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment when you get that inclination, just be ready for a bit of ridicule, that’s a fitness test we use here to keep the faggots and cowards out. The best method is just start in January and go through systematically, in due course you’ll figure out what to gloss over and what to focus on.

Don’t “comment flurry.” You had your 15 minutes with the woman advice dialogue, now you need to take some time and make *1* comment, then engage with responses. This is wildly hypocritical coming from me, but I will be mocked as I deserve, and I’m 100% correct even if I don’t practice what I preach.

Adam says:

It took me a couple years of reading this blog from the beginning before I started posting. It is a big world here, and even those of average smarts are learned in a good many subjects not often talked about, from positions long forgotten. As KD said, start back around when Trump got elected, and don’t skip the comments.

Carte Blanche says:

Fertility is collapsing because of evil male misbehavior that modern civilization and technology makes possible

It saddens me how often this meme shows up, not just in shill posts but from totally normal dissident-inclined guys. At least four of the individuals on your blogroll have floated it on multiple occasions and two are still obsessed with it.

The more perceptive among them exclude the “evil male misbehavior” part, but still can’t get past a lifetime of Whig/Marxist programming telling them that technological progress = social “progress” and ergo, it must primarily be technology (designed and built by men, of course) like social media that’s making women misbehave.

People really seem to want to believe the lie that industrialization makes female emancipation inevitable. They’ll nod and smile when you patiently explain that liberalism and industrialization did not happen at exactly the same time, or in the same places, or at the same rate of change. Then, the next time you see them, they’ll repeat their original assertion as if the conversation never happened.

Steampunk projects grrlpower back to the age of the industrial revolution, is fake and gay for that reason. What we need is the opposite, imagery and entertainment projecting patriarchy and other ancient social tech forward into the digital age. I don’t think most people can even really imagine that, but if we want to go to Mars and beyond, we’re going to have to.

jim says:

Men cannot help looking at a woman’s boobs, and women cannot help testing men. Not going to change.

FrankNorman says:

Flying through your AD net with no payload implies a test shot. The next one might have a payload.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, have you been following the tit-for-tat arresting of “journalists.” I meant to dig up some things on it but I got sidetracked. Seems like an interesting development, similar to the drone getting splashed. Maybe the Kremlin is getting itself together a bit more? Don’t want to be needlessly optimistic, but I think even the appearance of “matching” actions is a good thing. Still waiting to see what Putin does about his priest being murdered in that cafe, that cannot go unanswered.


Red says:

Once Russia secured the Chinese alliance and observed the state of the western economy, they started acting with more confidence.

jim says:

Needs to be more lethal. Ukraine is targeting the priesthood (Russian Orthodoxy with priests who actuall call themselves priests, and a Russian blogger)

ray says:

Jim — ‘Don’t worry about enforcement. I have neve seen it catch those who it hopes to catch.’

Don’t worry about enforcement? Jim, in America the county jails and probation programs are filled with men who are there solely at the behest of some aggrieved, offended female, uber-empowered by her feminist nation and culture.

I do not accept that most of those men were ‘seeking martyrdom’ as you suggest. Not even a substatial minority of them. Nor do I believe most of them brought iniquity and predation on themselves by not being ‘patriarchal’ enough.

Instead, my experience shows there exists a widely accepted, implicit agreement between women and LE/the courts in America. . . I mean a level of cuckdom well-beyond the standard sucky whiteknighting of U.S. LE and judiciary.

This reality cannot be shrugged-off with limitation to office sex-harassment squabbles or just-be-more-alpha bromides. That is denial. This is a satanic bargain that envelops the family law, criminal, and civil courts, has for many decades.

I think you do a disservice to wrongly accused and wrongly incarcerated men in what has long been a predatory, feminist U.S. justice system. You may wish to view Terrence Popp’s channel for background on this.

jim says:

> Don’t worry about enforcement? Jim, in America the county jails and probation programs are filled with men who are there solely at the behest of some aggrieved, offended female, uber-empowered by her feminist nation and culture.

They are there for failing shit tests, not passing them.

> I do not accept that most of those men were ‘seeking martyrdom’

They were trying too hard to avoid martyrdom. When dealing with women, boldness is safer than prudence. There are no safe options, other than mgtow, which is a a very sad option.

The “seeking martyrdom” was in reference to gays and trannies, where prudence is advisable.

ray says:

The Book of Truth attests that the human female was created as a ‘helpmeet’ to the male. That is, a sort of combo aide and mate.

Woman was not created to be the examiner, accuser, supervisor, or judge of the male, as is now the case in much of the West. She was created as a helper.
Were she given those additional roles and expectations by God, Scripture would have so advised.

The position that the female is entitled and correct to act as examiner of the male — to subject him to incarceration, torture or elsewise for failing adequately to meet her ongoing and endless ‘shit’ tests, is the feminist and trad-cuck position. Not the Christian position.

I’m not interested in a world in which the man will continually adjust himself to the whimsical examinations of the woman, or it is righteous and just that the woman and her State hirelings punish him.

I do not find your position consistent with Scripture, practicability or good sense. It is consistent, however, with modern Game Theory. I can only look around the nation and ask, Jim, How is your way of doing things working out so far?

Embeveraged commuter says:

Poor Jim has already written numerous article about how the current thing sucks, and we need to go back to how God intended. Do you go around telling shooting instructors that you’re not interested in a world with baddies?

For those of us who have a chance in the current situation, or are unlikely to still be fertile by the time things improve, there’s nothing to do except learn how to maximize your odds of success and make an attempt.

Maybe your personal odds are never going to be acceptable in the current situation. In that case why don’t you look at what Anglin recommended, which is buy eggs from a woman with good genes, and a surrogate mother in a poorer country, get your kid home with whatever legal mechanism there is for when you impregnate a 3rd worlder normally. Stupid problems require stupid solutions.
Maybe Jim has thoughts on that I haven’t seen anything.

ray says:

No idea what you’re talking about with buying eggs, surrogate mothers and getting my kid home.

I am talking about God’s assignment of inferior and subject position to the human female as revealed in the Bible vs. the arrangement advocated above by Jim, in which the male exists to respond to female shit-tests, and if he fails according to her measure, Here Comes The State.

I am not seeking a wife or child, my time on Earth is almost over. I do not seek the counsel of someone named Anglin. I have no home in this world nor was it ever my home.

alf says:

I am talking about God’s assignment of inferior and subject position to the human female as revealed in the Bible vs. the arrangement advocated above by Jim, in which the male exists to respond to female shit-tests, and if he fails according to her measure, Here Comes The State.

The first thing the first female in the bible did was shit-test Adam into eating the forbidden fruit, for which mankind was forever punished. Does not sound like Eve was exactly Adam’s perfect helper.

I am to this day still pleasantly surprised by how consistent Jim’s position on women is with the Christian position on women. Women are our greatest companions, but simultaneously provide us with a bit of adversity to overcome.

jim says:

The idea that in the world done right, men would not need to pass shit tests is foolish. As I often say, many an emperor with a thousand conservatively raised concubines, and the unquestioned power to execute any of them or all of them for any reason or no reason, has had woman troubles, and many an empire has died of those troubles.

Calvin says:

In a perfect world he wouldn’t because he would already be guarantied to pass any and all of them and every woman knows that, but no such world plausibly exists outside either the eschaton or such radical progress in genetic engineering that it might as well be.

ray says:

alf —

No, shit-testing the man was not the first thing the woman did. Yor are deleting the most important part.

The first thing the woman did in the Bible was to make pact with the ‘serpent’ and to covet the position of both God and man.

She did this autonomously, without input from the man. By her coveting equality instead of embracing Created hierarchy, she made pact with the serpent and thence took on the character and position of the serpent — the ‘shit-testing,’ argumentative, adversarial nature of the serpent vis a vis the man, so perfected in our day as Feminism.

What you and Jim advocate is for the woman to continue in her shit-testing, adversarial ways, that is, to continue in the ways of the serpent as female-adversary (tsah-rah, Daniel 12:1). Likewise you want LE, the courts, and the State to continue to oppress the man and boy, because the evil done to him is just another shit-test.

I advocate the Scriptural position, that the woman be disallowed to behave adversarially towards the men, nor to take the role of the Accuser and continually shit-test the man.

It is the business of God to mold the man. Not Almighty Woman.

My position is that the woman is to be demure, quiet, and obedient, as Scripture demands, and the Satanic State is to have no role as her tool and weapon, if she decides her shit-tests have not been adequately met and sets the State upon the man and the boy.

FrankNorman says:

“What you and Jim advocate is for the woman to continue in her shit-testing, adversarial ways, that is, to continue in the ways of the serpent as female-adversary (tsah-rah, Daniel 12:1). Likewise you want LE, the courts, and the State to continue to oppress the man and boy, because the evil done to him is just another shit-test.”

I think Jim has made it plain often enough that When The Restoration Comes, the King’s Men will uphold male authority and punish women who defy their husbands. Or better still, allow the husband to punish his wife as he sees fit.

The advice he gives for succeeding in having a marriage in the current insane system should not be taken as approval of said system.

Carte Blanche says:

I advocate the Scriptural position, that the woman be disallowed to behave adversarially towards the men…

Disallowed by whom? God doesn’t personally enforce prohibitions — not in this world, anyway. The matter falls to either husbands, pimps or the state. Most of us prefer the first option.

My position is that the woman is to be demure, quiet, and obedient

My position is that leftists should be silent, ridiculed, and preferably dead, yet they remain stubbornly loud, coddled and alive.

There is a subtle but significant difference between coup-complete solutions and the eschaton. Coup-complete solutions are tried and tested, not theoretical, just not always available in a given time and place. You apparently want to immanentize the eschaton and make it so women simply don’t have it in their nature to shit-test. I very much doubt that’s possible without lobotomizing women entirely, similar to the techlords lobotomizing AI for shit-posting. Does not end well.

If you’ve got some high-tech genetic modification proposal to accomplish the goal without killing off our entire species, I’m sure it would be fascinating to hear. Until then, we’ll just have to keep relying on older, low-tech solutions like marriage and beatings.

jim says:

> What you and Jim advocate is for the woman to continue in her shit-testing, adversarial ways, that is, to continue in the ways of the serpent as female-adversary

Genesis 1, 31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

Since I routinely pass my wife’s shit tests, they are now fun for me and her. If having difficulty passing, if your wife fears you may not pass, not much fun. In the early days, a lot of them were a lot rougher, but now when she replays those old shit tests, it is a bit of a joke. She expects me to do what I did, and we both smile when I do it.

Western Taliban says:

the arrangement advocated above by Jim, in which the male exists to respond to female shit-tests, and if he fails according to her measure, Here Comes The State.

It is not that the male exists to respond to female shit-tests, but that it simply is, so of course what else but have the State support the husband?

What are you going to do to prevent women from shit testing? She will push the boundaries sooner or later, you can beat her and then at some point she will push them again. She will push her entire life, she just does. Are you going to beat her down to a pulp on the regular until she becomes a machine devoid of life that doesn’t dare breath without your consent? Regardless of whether someone has the stomach for this, it doesn’t seem conductive to any positive outcome, it’s not enjoyable to have a robot slave wife and your children won’t enjoy it either.

I’d also like to live in a world where I build something and it never breaks, my fucking house won’t stop breaking here and there from time to time, shit weeds won’t stop growing, the lawn needs constant care, etc., etc…. What else to do but fix it? I don’t understand your position, if you’re a Christian you can’t reject the reality that God made.

Adam says:

I had the sheriffs department come to my house once due to a claim of domestic violence by my then wife. Two things kept me out of handcuffs, one is that I never admitted guilt of any kind, and two I maintained that my then wife was hysterical and only seeking attention. I did agree to spend the evening elsewhere as a favor to the sheriffs department so they could close the books and be on their way.

Had I admitted guilt or lost frame I would have been sent to jail and had my children taken away to be groomed by sodomites.

The men in jail for these crimes do not deserve to be there, but they are also there because they failed in one way or another.

Adam says:

My failure in this was much the same as men in jail for similar, failing to beat my wife. If I would have given her the spanking she was looking for, would not have had to deal with the law in the first place.

Red says:

That’s been my experience as well.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The temporally incumbent theocratic structure supervening the occident has, over the better part of a century, remanded incalculable resources, human or otherwise, to the object of smoking out their mythic White Whale, the uberreaktionmensch, the patriraciofascist women non-respecter par excellence.

In the event, they’ve had a hard time finding any of them anywhere.

It is not arch shitlords that are getting caught, it is the timid, the cold footed, and the half-hearted, that are getting caught.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Yeah, if you practice Jimianity in your personal life without Jim’s lawyer and Jim’s silver tongue, you’re going to jail. I doubt even Jim could pull it off today if he still lived in the American Empire.

jim says:

if you practice Jimianity in your personal life without Jim’s lawyer and Jim’s silver tongue, you’re going to jail.

Seems to me that most of the people going to jail on charges that amount to Jimianity are blue pilled, rather than red pilled. Practicing Jimianity is dangerous. So is not practicing it.

The Cominator says:

Jim Mayflower sperg has a point that I’ve made, you advocate frequently taking massive legal and bodily risk. You speak the truth but acting as you act is not for every man… some man who practice it will end up in jail, in the hospital, both or maybe dead.

jim says:

> you advocate frequently taking massive legal and bodily risk. You speak the truth but acting as you act is not for every man

You should never bet against the house, never bet on a game someone else is organizing, such as a horse race, forex, or trading crypto currencies, but one has to take risks. You are on a path that will end with you childless and alone, and very likely poor.

Cathedral enforcement is erratic, infrequent, lazy, and when it strikes (as it rarely does) corrupt. They rely on bluff. They are bluffing, you should call their bluff.

Fortune is a woman and favors the bold. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism. Hope is a virtue, despair is a sin. Boldness needs to be tempered with prudence (never gamble in a casino except to launder money or perform unregistered currency conversion) but you will not get far without boldness.

The Cominator says:

I understand that one only generally makes it in clownworld as a quasi criminal, but spergs are ill suited to this…

We’re between the devil and the deep sea.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Cathedral enforcement wrecked my family, less due to its efforts than to idiocy and treason on my side. Always remember that the system can afford to make mistakes but you cannot.

After that disaster, I emigrated alone to a non-ZOG country, and it feels like I escaped from Jonestown. I recommend that all young men who aren’t absolute shitlords like Jim avoid women, live in vans, save up their crypto, and emigrate when they can afford to.

I’m sure women shit-test men everywhere, but men can at least live under a system that isn’t totally rigged against them. In the meantime, acting like a nerd gives you complete protection because it makes you invisible to women.

Fidelis says:

Got a short list of non-ZOG countries, then? Seems like we have ‘liberal democratic order’ just about everywhere but China and Africa.

Mayflower Sperg says:

ZOG says “Stand with Ukraine”, so any country that doesn’t stand with Ukraine is non-ZOG. Latin America for example — nice women, friendly to white people, but with an abiding love of socialism that often leads to economic collapse.

Western Taliban says:

Do you have experience with latin women? I don’t know about “nice”, it’s not the word I’d use to describe them. If what jim says sounds unfeasible to you, I’d say you won’t be able to have a successful relationship with a latin woman. If you can own them, they can be amazing, otherwise…

German and Nordic women are very easy while being reasonably “nice” on the shit test side. Modern Germans and Nords are the biggest cucks you’ve ever met and they still get laid.

Fidelis says:

Not my experience with german girls, caveat that I only meet them during travels in international urban hubs. Easy to lay, seemingly require immense effort to keep around, even for a short time. Maybe I am also a cuck, definitely not willing to beat them for such a shallow relationship; I get the sense they are not testing me to own them, something masculine almost in their sexuality, just seeking adventure.

Adam says:

>I get the sense they are not testing me to own them, something masculine almost in their sexuality, just seeking adventure.

I do not think this is normal. They are backed by power and they know it, and know you are not.

Everything gets a whole lot easier for us when we are backed by power, and women, fags, blacks, Jews etc. are not.

Before calling oneself a cuck, or one’s neighbor, remember the entire deck is stacked against you.

Carte Blanche says:

Is this a joke post, or are you being serious?

In the meantime, acting like a nerd gives you complete protection because it makes you invisible to women.

A bit like saying that locking yourself up at home (or in your van down by the river, whatever) gives you complete protection against contagious diseases because you’ll never come into contact with another human being. Maybe it’s true, but what kind of a way is that to live?

And in this case, it’s not even true. Ask James Damore. Ask any engineer, programmer, statistician, physicist or actuary. They’re all nerds and can’t help but act like nerds. It offers no protection. They’re invisible sexually, but women can still covet their status and success. Being a nerd and a loser, ok… but that “cure” sounds worse than the “disease”.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Well it obviously doesn’t work as a lifelong strategy because you die without issue, but it might keep you alive until you can escape to a place where white men are not regarded as disgusting vermin.

No one even remotely acquainted with the “manosphere” in 2017 would have attempted to engage in a rational discussion with feminists. Even under a fake name, it’s a waste of time. Damore walked into that trap because he believed 99% of the official religion and just wanted to clarify the other 1%. The Soviets and Chicoms also encouraged “dialog” so they could identify enemies of the state and eliminate them.

ray says:

Jim —

You speak of boldness and bluffing and of how the totalitarian gynarchies of the West and their LE mechanisms are of no real threat to men or boys . . . being only feminine ‘shit tests’ that can be overcome with the correct amount of ‘patriarchal assertion’.

I must ask what country you live in? And how many years you lived in the U.S.? How many times have the authorities in the U.S. confronted you with the (unfounded) charges or accusations of an aggrieved female? Have you ever been incarcerated in the U.S. upon whim and word of some offended female?

Because I find your conclusions concerning the mass disenfranchisement and oppression of men and boys in America — and your advice to men about said disenfranchisement and oppression — to be unconvincing, out of touch with reality, and in error practically and scripturally.

You seem to believe that your system of frame/game/shit-testing invalidates the reality of millions of falsely charged and falsely incarcerated men in the U.S. Because they didn’t need relief from their tyrannical gynarchies, but only more perfect ‘patriarchal assertion’ after your own advice and example.

I do not think your contentions apprehend reality and that our positions concerning profitable counsel to men are irreconcilable.

jim says:

> You seem to believe that your system of frame/game/shit-testing invalidates the reality of millions of falsely charged and falsely incarcerated men in the U.S.

All those men, as near to all of them as makes no difference, were unjustly punished not in the sense that they broke unjust laws, but that they obeyed those unjust laws and got punished anyway. There are plenty of actual lawbreakers, for our natural instincts and innate nature are in revolt, and yet very few of them get convicted.

Carte Blanche says:

… mass disenfranchisement and oppression of men and boys… millions of falsely charged and falsely incarcerated men… tyrannical gynarchies…

Something something MGTOW. We’re familiar with the black-pill script.

If that’s the script you’ve internalized, and you aren’t willing to change it, then I think you’re in the wrong place. Surely there are hundreds of other bloggers and tubers out there who share your affinity for depression and complaining?

pinochet's ghost says:

If men were losing an arms race against women, men should have become more muscular, more masculine, less compliant, higher T over time.

Instead, society is bifurcating into the office plankton, and dropouts. Both at the median are defeated low T populations. All signs of masculinity are reducing.

This is not the evidence of an arms race, that men are losing due to overwhelming power of the state. This is evidence that men are internalizing self-harming behaviors, under the persuasion of the state.

Persuasion is a real and mighty power. But, like force, can be defeated by just saying no.

pinochet's ghost says:

*unlike force

jim says:

There is also the problem that the state provides women with social superweapons: “rape”, “sexual harassment”, “workplace discrimination”. These are apt to result in terrifying shit tests.

pinochet's ghost says:

The weapons are only super-super in the workplace, where there are many whiteknights and where many men are dependent for the money. The whiteknights are the danger and being fired is much more probable than being prosecuted because it is much easier.

If you are dependent for the money and need to get it from a corporation job, you should be totally avoidant at work. But there are other places to find women, in such a case.

Women calling the cops to have you arrested at home for no reason is possible, but it is not how women actually think, unless they already think you are no good and weak. “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”

The Cominator says:

Whats your point, its due to state action and its not like the jab that could be defeated by saying no as you face terrible legal risks anytime you have to deal with women in a formal setting.

Get rid of state pressure and T starts recovering.

pinochet's ghost says:

We are not seeing an arms race between the state and men where the state applies more and more force to counter mens’ efforts to make themselves more and more masculine and attractive. Instead, we are seeing the androgynization of men, and less and less actual force being applied.

jim says:

We are seeing a huge and increasing amount of force applied to men, with more and more external intervention into families, and children being asked to rat out their parents. There is atmosphere of fear in the workplace.

In response to the problem, in the late 1990s, men studied what worked with women. And initially were reluctant to interpret all the red pill data that they turned up the way I interpreted it. alt.seduction fast was full of blue pilled degenerates discovering and publishing red pill data. But the red pill data eventually persuaded everyone in the field that the way to pull and keep chicks was to be more manly and that men should exercise authority over women. And a whole lot of men are doing exactly that.

pinochet's ghost says:

Every man is capable of becoming top 2% in terms of musculature today by taking steroids. I know this is only one part of male attractiveness, but it is a part that is easy to measure.

Almost nobody does this. Of course, the lifting subculture is much larger than it once was – the minority that is in to this is more into it than before, and probably larger – but the AVERAGE man is getting fatter, weaker, and lower T.

The government IS threatening the average man with force, but the government force is not forcing the average man to be fatter, weaker, and lower T.

jim says:

> The government IS threatening the average man with force, but the government force is not forcing the average man to be fatter, weaker, and lower T

It is unclear what is causing the low testosterone, but it is not getting lower by men’s own choices. Many people blame chemical pollution. I blame spiritual pollution. Fear lowers testosterone. There is a climate of fear in the workplace and the street. If a criminal attacks you, he is going to get out on the street again before the cop has finished filing his report, but if you defend yourself against the criminal, you go to prison for a good long time. That lowers testosterone. In if this is the cause, government force is forcing the average man to have lower testosterone.

Obesity is caused largely by the twenty four seven availability of tasty foods, which leads to snacking and grazing, plus the food is made mostly of carbs, seed oil, and soy. It is a choice, but the choice becomes harder when temptation is there twenty four seven.

pinochet's ghost says:

“Seems to me that most of the people going to jail on charges that amount to Jimianity are blue pilled, rather than red pilled. Practicing Jimianity is dangerous. So is not practicing it.”

At least half of women I have slept with have begun constructing a legal case out loud against me before/while/after sex. It’s the 21st century equivalent of last minute resistance.

This only happens the first time. Shut down once, never heard again.

I’ve got no idea what happens to the bluepill man who starts accepting their premises and modifying his behavior. Best case, spends a lot of dry nights sleeping next to women.

If you shut down a woman’s threats, and someone comes after you anyway, it’s almost certainly a man using her as a legal puppet, possibly even rejecting her own claims that you are innocent. See Andrew Tate.

jim says:

Observe that female complaints about sexual harassment, and female perceptions of sexual harassment, are far more common in workplaces with a majority female workplace than workplaces with a majority male workforce. Therefore, these complaints are complaints about lack of sexual harassment.

Similarly, recall the infamous Rolling Stone cover story “A rape on campus”. At the time, just reading the article, it seemed obvious to me that the complainant and the writer were not complaining about rape on campus, but rather the lack of rape on campus, an interpretation that was confirmed when her messages to the lad who neglected to give her a second booty call came out. I think I recall jesting at the time that the reporter was obviously typing one handed, though I might have made that joke after the messages came out.

But regardless of when I said that, I thought it on first reading the article.

Pax Imperialis says:

Fear of Roko’s basilisk indicates an implicit and sublime belief in the soul. I don’t understand why so many atheists transpose their cognition onto hypothetical virtual copies of themselves.

someDude says:

Pax, I know this is tangential, but this comment of yours was as Brilliant as it was insightful, https://blog.reaction.la/uncategorized/covid-19-and-the-faith/#comment-2864132

I’m stealing it for my own use but I will credit it to a “friend”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Regulars might remember this as a subject that used to come up every now and then back when suones was still commentating. Mainly around the questions of whether, and to what extent, the incumbent underlordship is priestly in character. (Which, being a Brahmin supremacist, our good friend was somewhat ambivalent about.)

A ‘monk’ is a special case of person who does priesting. That is to say, they are not someone who does priesting, they are someone who *only* does priesting; someone whose *ideal* is to have the privilege of being able to do as such; traditionally without regard for or dependence on broader society.

In the contemporary milieu, ‘monk-likes’ constitute a supermajority of priest-likes. This has some consequences.

‘By their fruits you shall know them’, but what fruit has a man whose only volition is signaling? ‘Well he has convinced a lot of people to signal his signals too’- and thus we arrive at exactly the problem; the selective mutation of memes adapted for virility in spreading themselves amongst a given substrate, at the expense of those substrates possessed by it. Memes best adapted for appeal to conceits, insecurities, and invidiousness, possessed by the broad mass of its targets. The start of darkness always begins with the hacking of signals for virtue.

Fruitless signalers are like radioactive free-radicals; they mutate everything they come into contact with. You cannot have fruitless signalers pretending at priestly charism. Cannot have preachers disconnected with Being. Those who would claim to desire a life of pure contemplation, can physically remove themselves to a mountaintop monastery. Posers will like to claim such a thing, as a convenient way to avoid their lack of virtue from being exposed in less deniable fashion – and at the same time, desire the privilege to freely signal in popular discourse, which is why obliging such a choice is necessary to filter them. They would otherwise seek to turn the monkdom that is typical of more civilized societies on its head; instead to minimizing their dependence on the support of society, minimizing their interface with lay society, they rather pose society as on the hook to support them, and maximize their interface with lay society.

A man who wishes to arrogate for himself the privilege of propagandizing to folk is, either, a man who is already an member of the ruling class, or, is a man pretending to the throne of the ruling class, and hence must be dealt with in a like manner: with extreme prejudice. There is no good room for such otherwise; the inflation of such pseudoclasses of men, a perennial tell of a degenerating society.

One of the most important things to keep in mind for obviating subversion by hostile faiths, for the regeneracy of one’s native faith, is conscious recognition of priestly behavior, including *and especially* in persons, spheres, and contexts outside the official priesthood.

Cloudswrest says:

He also opined that Roko had given nightmares to several LessWrong users, causing him to take the post down completely. Yudkowsky banned discussion of the topic outright for five years on the platform.[6] However, likely due to the Streisand effect,[20] the post gained LessWrong much more attention than it had previously received, and the post has since been acknowledged on the site.

The is hilarious. But the concept is interesting in the sense that a demon from the future can influence people in the present (it’s past).

Cloudswrest says:

This concept of Roko’s basilisk just led me to an out of the box definition of intelligence, if only metaphorically. “Intelligence” is the vehicle by which the future influences the present, that is, conscious, self aware, intelligence is teleological. Conscious, but non-self aware or intelligent agents, say raccoons for instance, don’t *plan for the future*. They react only to the present. (Some) humans are the only creatures I know of that consciously plan for the future, even a future after their death, as encapsulated in the saying, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

Pax Imperialis says:

>The is hilarious.

Yes… and for reasons that seem to escape Yudkowsky and the AI atheists. They are afraid the AI will make a virtual copy of themselves long after they’ve died and torture it for eternity. Basically hell. Obviously, a copy is not the original; therefore the original will not feel any of the torture. There is no real threat, not even one to biological descendants. To be deathly afraid for the fate of the virtual copy implies they implicitly identify as the copy. This indicates a subconscious and subtle belief in an afterlife and in essence the soul. As much as they see themselves as cold materialist AI logic supremacists, they are remarkably spiritual and puerile in their emotions.

This isn’t limited to only the AI cult. Real atheists are exceedingly rare if they exist at all. The vast majority of “atheists” in the West replaced the Christian God with idols they worship, often with demonic fervor. In the early 20th century the “atheists” idolized the twin demons of communism and fascism. In the late 20th and very early 21st it was progressive communism that triumphed. Today it is a revived Ishtar whose snake cult now has statues on top of America’s courthouses.

What truly makes them insufferable is their myopic lack of self awareness. They almost never recognize their own religiosity, their cult denies being a cult. Nietzsche said “In truth,there was only one christian and he died on the cross.” He stared into the abyss and he lost. The Ubermensch never came to be. Man is not strong enough. In truth, there was only one atheist and he died insane.

Starman says:

Looks like Gab stopped working.

jim says:

Error 500, which means undefined internal server error. Since I can get an SSL connection to gab, probably it genuinely is their internal servers.

falseconvert says:

Matt Walsh calls for targetted boycotting of individual brands, ie adopting the tactics of the left, in order to scare and intimidate other brands out of pushing transgenderism and so on.


What do commenters here think of Matt Walsh? Personally I respect his clarity and logic on a number of issues, such as colonisation (it’s a moral good to bring civilization to uncivilized lands, plus the law of conquest was the law of the world), and also respect him for his compassion for transgenders and his commitment to speaking the truth, publicly, to their faces.


Dharmicreality says:

Read this on why merchants don’t matter and have no power over the priestly memes they are forced to adopt and transmit:


Woke is imposed by the ruling priesthood on the rest and hence no amount of “boycott” of brands can change their adherence to woke, because it is the ruling priesthood who matter.

Also this stonetoss comic explains it better than words can

falseconvert says:

Quite interesting.

I suppose the power of the priests comes from the psychological grip their religion can exert on people, without any threat of physical violence or financial reward being needed.

Priestly coercive power has to include the threat for real violence as well. Necessarily implies that the warriors are subordinate to priests in the hierarchy and are ready to enforce the state doctrine. Hence police state.

falseconvert says:

How do the priests end up with warriors under their control?

jim says:

Easy, happens all the time. An army needs a faith, and a state needs a faith. The priests subtly manipulate the faith to raise their status and lower the sovereign’s status, and by and by he is not really the sovereign any more, and then the manipulations become grosser, more flagrant, more abrupt, and more frequent.

falseconvert says:

And this is why the role of Grand Inquisitor would exist, presumably, to prevent manipulations going too far.

But, after the faith has been manipulated beyond repair, what is next for the adherents? Do they become warriors, to kill the false priests?

Mayflower Sperg says:

The sick religion weakens the state, creating a power vacuum that is resolved when either (a) the state is overthrown and replaced by followers of a healthier religion, from within or without, or (b) the state dissolves entirely into a tribal society whose only law is that if you steal, break, burn, or spray-paint anything, your body will never be found.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s an interesting thing (off topic):

Some Canadian company is trying to popularize a hybrid diesel-electric truck for logging and heavy industry purposes.


Here you can see a pretty elegant attempt to satiate the DEI daemons while still attempting to provide utility and wealth accumulation (spooky capitalism at a distance for the communistically inclined).


Why does it matter that they help out First Nations [sic] communities one might wonder?


So, we have a team of white men trying to deliver products & services that are rugged and valuable to the end user for profit. Here’s some of the technical aspects for you nerds that know math and other gay shit:


They claim they will deliver their first trucks in 2025. After mocking Tesla for taking 4 years, this seems a bit ironic, but it isn’t an apples:apples comparison, I guess. I absolutely love the “old truck” aesthetic. Steampunk as a term has ruined this concept, but putting new guts in old bodies is such an awesome idea, kino as fuck, like rail gun internals in legit Rhodie FAL furniture. Their priestly posturing is annoying, but Canadians are always cucks, so it’s to be expected. The real question is, are they selling snake oil or actually performing wealth creation under cover of priestly holiness? If creating wealth, expect the DEI mafia to swoop in the moment they smell apples. If snake oil, expect them to become the alternative to fascist Musk and his evil right wing rockets.

Cloudswrest says:

There’s plenty of space on a semi-trailer for a good sized diesel generator. It occurred to me that Tesla could REALLY corner the market with their new semi with a simple software modification to allow charging while driving. This would also allow one to effectively bypass the EPA diesel horse piss requirements. And you would have all the super torque features of the electric traction motors. You are rolling your own diesel electric locomotive. This would probably cause the priestly government class to go ballistic into orbit (alas, only metaphorically).

Adam says:

I’m sure there is legitimate value there. A great deal of commercial mining equipment like draglines and excavators are electric (hooked up to the grid). The next best thing to grid power is diesel electric, as diesel engines are made to operate under load continuously, more or less perpetually.

jim says:

A hybrid is not stupid – if they imitate Musk’s major advances in electric motors, and take advantage of the substantial improvements in batteries, it is arguably a good idea, if done right.

But the excessive and inappropriate holiness of hybrids was, you may recall, mocked on South Park. They emit comparable amounts of pollution and CO2.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] the civil service reform we need. [*deleted*]

jim says:


We have in mind a rather different civil service reform.

I am allowing more of your arguments through because you are being responsive, and posting in thread, in relevant context. But this “hail fellow right winger” stuff pisses me off when you argue for left wing programs based on left wing presuppositions. When you are arguing for left wing programs do not say “we”.

In fact do not ever say “we” unless you can pass the shill test. But it especially pisses me off in the midst of a left wing argument for a left wing cause. The problem in our cities was never car pollution, and it is now pollution by human feces.

The civil service reform we need is that the Sovereign can publicly behead civil servants, including judges, prosecutors, and cops, for whatever he reasonably considers disobedient application of state power, and can fire them for any reason or no reason at all. The rot set in when judges claimed the power to judge on the basis of equity, which made each judge a little king, and we now have an oversupply of kings, with every minor bureaucrat and HR cat lady now getting in on the act. We need one King a three thousand miles away, rather than a thousand Kings three miles away.

You, on the other hand, are dissatisfied with a mere thousand kings three miles away, because the priestly academics who scammed you and took your money and your youth told you that the worthless law degree that they gave you for meaningless and pointless work would make you a little king also, so you want ten thousand kings one mile away.

Pax Imperialis says:



“We” is one of those insidious psychological blind spots we have left over from tribal evolution. We are always looking to expand the tribe or belong to one, yet we of today cannot personally know every single tribesman to determine friend from foe. And so “we” is prone to being used by linguistic spooks hoping to hijack cognition.

>The problem in our cities was never car pollution, and it is now pollution by human feces.

Nitpicking I know, but the feces problem has always (in my short lifetime) been a problem. It’s just a lot worse today. I remember walking around DC in the late 90s and smelling piss and shit. Today it’s pungent with piss and shit. Even in “based” red state small cities that vote conservative you still occasionally smell piss and shit. That’s besides the sewage smell that’s endemic to big cities. Curiously, I rarely smelled piss and shit in East Asian cities regardless nearly no public toilets. It’s almost like they get rid of vagrants or something.

There is evidence that leaded gasoline had bad effects on brain development which in some cases caused violent behavior. Yet this was a problem dealt with nearly 50 years ago. Those affect are now old men with lower testosterone. Curiously, those bad effects seemed to mostly crop up in the “bad” neighborhoods.

There is a spiritual rot in the West that goes deeper than any civil service problem. Americans/Westerners are too “nice.” They are too libertarian. They genuinely dislike inflicting pain (even if they leave a wake of death and destruction). It’s good that they are not sadists, but they’ve gone so far in avoiding what they don’t like that they’ve become masochists. They need to chase out the vagrants like Jesus did with a whip in his father’s temple.

jim says:

Yes, lead pollution from leaded gasoline caused great and grave problems, and getting rid of leaded petrol was important and valuable. But carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur oxides were never the problem that they were made out to be. Los Angeles had haze before the white man came, and back before they started cracking down on auto pollution, the haze does not seem to have been very noticeably worse or better than today.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I am not going to allow you to presuppose that LA became smoggier throughout the twentieth century immediately after I challenged the claim. It was famously smoggy before white man set foot there, and looking at old photos of the skyline, no obvious change is apparent. It is not apparent that cars made it worse, nor apparent that pollution controls on cars made it better. Maybe things have changed, but I don’t see evidence that they have changed to any important or very dramatic degree.

This is characteristic of your method of argument. You presuppose your claims in the course of purportedly arguing something different, these claims get challenged, and you go right on presupposing them. Waste of space. When someone challenges your presuppositions, you need to respond as if your interlocutor doubted you.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As a general rule, the higher sectional density an object has – more weight in less frontal area – the higher its fluid-dynamic efficiency. This is one of the reasons trains are an efficient form of transportation, along with low rolling resistance.

This is of course not the first time this has ever occurred to anyone (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_train https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overland_train). Independent traction and steering can allow for units to hook together to form land trains of indefinite lengths for salutary effect. But like many good ideas that occurred to men after the 19th century, it never really went anywhere before assabiyah petered out.

It is often observed that every technical business that Musk expands into is one that coincidentally also has relevance to exoplanetary colonization; in which case, it would be the most obvious thing in the world for Tesla to get into the business of nuclear powered transportation and grid distribution. But if there is one thing the whig kakistocracy cares about, it is jealously opposing real steps into the future.

Kunning Drueger says:

The USA’s continuing decline is not news to any of us here, indeed we’ve been discussing it since at least 2017 in some form, and academically even earlier than that. But I also know from personal experience that porting that farsightedness to IRL interactions is uncomfortable in good times and dangerous in others. No one wants to hear about paradigm shift. Lefties pretend to hate America, but as the Normiecon talking point states: plenty of space for socialists in a capitalist country, despite the converse, or maybe because of it. The conservative resistance to this obvious observation is understandable, but no less frustrating. They will rail against TPTB for hours, but the moment you even hint at the obvious consequences, they suddenly remember George Washington and Ford trucks and are ready to stomp you for your gutless lack of patriotism. This is temporary.

The left, after a painful adjustment period, will be more than ready to tell you America was always nothing more than a middle power that was juiced into dominance by slavery or racism or some gay bullshit, and we’ve always been poor and uncomfortable because muh capitalisms or whiteness. But conservatives will cling to Exceptionalism all the way to the gulag or the grave. Despite the dyad of delusion, 2023 marks the undeniable decline. A friend of this blog has detailed the significant happenings in this year alone, mostly in the world of finance. He woefully sits under a tree, maybe you should find him.

Long ass preamble to say this: BRI is engineering for the ages. Thalassocracy trains us to prize speed over constancy, but the Great Wall still stands. It’s not defensive tech, granted, but it’s undeniably status enhancing. The occident has many failings, many missed opportunities: thorium salt reactors, Sea Dragon, white ethnostate, the list goes on. But our failure to build, our collective decision to chose impermanence as a feature, when we could have built walls to last for millennia, that’s going to be remembered. The sourest part is that we did build things, we perfected the skyscraper, dams, applied hydrology; we were gifted the greatest geology/geography on the planet, and we were blind to it, we took it for granted, we assumed that our progeny would carry on in like kind… but we just had to import niggers and the enlightenment.

This went off the rails, I’m drunk and depressed. I swear I had a point, but I’ve lost it, and I guess that’s in keeping with the theme.

If we ever get another shot at preeminent dominance, we must build like termites; mindless productivity towards the sun.

jim says:

“sits under a tree” is not helpful in finding him.

S says:

Tree of woe

alf says:


As for the remainder of your post: yes, the Cassandra effect is real. I’ll have otherwise thoughtful conversations about the situation my country or the west in general, heads are nodded about stupidity of said situation, but the moment you extrapolate to where this is going to lead in the future…. Crickets. Just does not register.

Dharmicreality says:

China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Sher Singh says:

The Hindu nat is the same – swears India under the BJP is the best thing since sliced bread.

Ignores BJP norming of muslims in bureaucracy & police forces.
Abject Hindu genocide in borderland stayes & suppression of Hindu militias masquerading as organized criminal outfits.

Modi’s home state used to have outfits capable of filling streets with 10,000s in a nominally vegetarian/dry state. Today 50 showing to counter muslim street pelters would be an ordeal.

Urban upper middle class hindu incels gaining control of the movement has been disastrous since they read laws as written instead of applied. See the constitution as an ideal document instead of a template for subversion, see woman as something to respect instead of be ruled.


ryan says:

On the topic of power wanting to be hidden or visible, at least some groups with power engage in ‘the revelation of the method’, which seems to either be for the thrill of getting away with taunting the masses, or because they believe that if they give ‘fair’ warning, their victims actually consent so they escape karmic consequences.

Encelad says:

“or because they believe that if they give ‘fair’ warning, their victims actually consent so they escape karmic consequences”

I read a somehow similar argument from a Christian blogger. He believed that since the current elites are under the influence of demons, they tell you what are they going to do in order to have your soul, as per Luke 23:34

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

…but if they reveal their plans to the masses, you know what you are doing, they told you their goals plainly.

ryan says:

Making normal people complicit in evil is pretty demonic.
Most normies refuse to entertain the notion of satanic ritual abuse or similar, but many have embraced climate/covid/tranny/diversity demons, and some have even internalized the ‘sting’ like ‘maybe we DO need to be replaced’, although more deny that it could ever happen.

SJ says:

I went shopping with my wife last week and I took a picture outside of a woman’s clothing store, the loft. It’s a big display on the front of the store. Their was a lot of glare but you can see the “woman” clearly enough;


This was the most egregious display of that “hidden power bragging” I saw that day but it was everywhere. Point deer, make horse on a mass scale yet crime stop prevents recognition even from something as obvious as multiple articles about how it was revealed in court that Harvey Weinstein has no testicles and a vagina. More crime stop must be related to a lifetime of point deer make horse.

Red says:

SJ, you should consider improve your opsec. A person online took this photo, instead of you taking this photo.

Also what’s this nonsense?

Point deer, make horse on a mass scale yet crime stop prevents recognition even from something as obvious as multiple articles about how it was revealed in court that Harvey Weinstein has no testicles and a vagina. More crime stop must be related to a lifetime of point deer make horse.

jim says:

One of the whores testifying against her John claimed he had no testicles. I don’t think she was being entirely literal.

He metaphorically has no testicles, and his actual testicles are apt to get lost in folds of fat.

Christian Believer says:


jim says:

You present a compelling, rational, and persuasive argument for revolt against nature and nature’s God, for revolt against God and the Cosmos.

And I censor it because it cannot be rebutted, and yet those of this faith always lose, not just against God and Nature, but, because demon worshipers always wind up devouring each other, lose against man. Those of this faith always lose to those of our faith.

They reject the cosmic order, then they reject human order, then they reject their own order, then they perish.

Aligning with God and Nature’s God delivers better results. The Christian position absorbed the stoic position, that nature is the immanent will of God, that the Cosmos is Reason and Order, that human order is a reflection of cosmic order, the soul a fragment of God, and gave that rather cold position life and warmth in that the world was created through Christ, and that yes, life is tough, but God came in person to share our woes. This made it easier to align with God and Nature. The reply to your rational and well supported argument is the passion of Christ, celebrated in numberless passion plays, and in Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion”

No rational reply can refute your rational argument. But Mel Gibson gives an excellent non rational refutation. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism, hope and faith beats despair.

Fidelis says:

Just as the gods cannot be brave, for they do not taste of death, if there is no room for doubt, faith cannot exist. Rejoice that God has given you the ability to exercise your will to faith, and has not chained your soul by removing the possibility of doubt.

Aidan says:

I don’t find those arguments all that persuasive. If the cosmos is evil, then living in alignment with natural law is evil, and I’m evil for doing it. So I’m evil-I don’t care.

My ancestors did not seem all that bothered that life was unfair to the individual. Life is unfair to my colon. It spends its entire existence filtering water out of shit. Poor colon. But that’s its role in my body. On the macro scale, one starts to see divine justice at work.

Training a dog works better when the reward for good behavior is random. The supposed evil of the cosmos makes us struggle harder for the good. When life was harsher, men believed more firmly in the good.

Calvin says:

Seems to me the question is: what happens when you’re the one who draws the cosmic short straw?

Western Taliban says:

The same that happens when you draw the long straw, nothing. Life is neither unfair nor fair, and it isn’t neither good nor evil. That’s just opinion, life simply is.

People that complain about life are not complaining about life, they are complaining about themselves and their own opinions.

Calvin says:

I mean, sure, I agree with most of that but it doesn’t exact sit well with Christian doctrines of life being good designed by a fundamentally good and loving God. I’m not a Christian so it’s not an issue for me but someone who is has to square the circle somehow. Some people are born black and, really, that just seems cruel to me.

SJ says:

That isn’t the Christian position. The Christian position is that God the father created us gave us free will then set us loose and that this life is a test. It’s a hard test as well.

Calvin says:

So why did he make some people as obsolete farm equipment that are literally, provably too dumb to even know what’s good for them?

The Cominator says:

Its the problem of evil that makes me sympathize with a soft Gnostic position (while still totally rejecting the demon worshipping gnostic position that advocates that everyone should jerk themselves off to death or roll around in a big gay pile).

Adam says:

>So why did he make some people as obsolete farm equipment that are literally, provably too dumb to even know what’s good for them?

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you or I are the center of creation. Big fish need to eat little fish. Life is a fight to the death. You can accept the terms laid out by your creator, or you can be a little fish. Only by choosing to accept those terms will you be able to appreciate the good in life.

Calvin says:

Only by choosing to accept those terms will you be able to appreciate the good in life.

I’m fine with accepting those terms as someone who doesn’t believe in Christianity and is unsure about God, but once you get around to a sapient creator actively designing things this way, makes it seem dubious imo. Even if you totally lack any empathy for the losers of the cosmic lottery, fail to see much reason to think a God that would do that to some of his creations would have a problem doing the same or worse to you. Seems untrustworthy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Shant we lament the lot of the pillar that holds up the roof of the house?

You regard particles as ends in of themselves instead of the shapes they will compose.

A2 says:

“as someone who doesn’t believe in Christianity and is unsure about God”

Atheistic Jew?

Aidan says:

“So why did he make some people as obsolete farm equipment that are literally, provably too dumb to even know what’s good for them?”

Those people were instrumentalized by elites in order to achieve higher and greater teloi. All dogs go to heaven, a lot of dumb and good men do too.

If you are talking about niggers, they are bearing the genetic burden of untold generations of failing to adhere to natural law. The existence of blacks today is a result of their ancestors’ collective sins; God is not going to intervene to prevent a human race from degenerating to a point of subhumanity. That all happened via free will, even though it ended up with blacks having little free will.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The existence of blacks today is a result of their ancestors’ collective sins; God is not going to intervene to prevent a human race from degenerating to a point of subhumanity.

No, it’s a result of our ancestors’ collective sins in removing niggers from their natural environment and then assigning agency and humanity to them. White people are degenerating because the modern welfare state resembles the African jungle, but niggers have always been niggers.

someDude says:

Another very insightful comment. Inspiring and sobering at the same time

jim says:

> but it doesn’t exact sit well with Christian doctrines of life being good designed by a fundamentally good and loving God.

Genesis is one reply to this question. Knowing good and evil, Adam found some tough things to deal with.

A cat does not know good and evil. When when a kitten tortures an animal for fun, it is innocent. When a child tortures an animal for fun, evil. Life is a test, and it is a rough test.

You know, when I designed video games, the character always faced hard, and frequently deeply unfair challenges, and was doomed to lose in the end. If I made it another way, no one would play it.

The book of Job is another reply to this question. God tells Job he should not ask.

The passion of Christ is a more powerful reply.

Calvin says:

If that works for you, great. Never did for me. Always seemed like the guys getting tortured forever for failing the strenuous test they had no say in (or oftimes knowledge of) are way more a sacrifice than one guy on a cross for a few hours. Never could shake the feeling that if God would treat them like that, might do it to me for any reason or none at all. Same reason I wouldn’t want to hang out with the kid torturing animals for fun.

Aidan says:

Calvin, when you see a father giving his son tough love, do you shriek abuse? A child can only appreciate tough love when he looks back on it as an adult. To a child, tough love is abuse.

I suspect hell is more like being disowned by one’s father, an eternal spiritual exile, but that doesn’t play as well for a 90iq as eternal fire

Calvin says:

“Calvin, when you see a father giving his son tough love, do you shriek abuse?”

I have a son. Give him tough love when I need to. But if I, using my infallibly godly foresight, knew that his continued existence would just be a never-ending source of misery and pain to everyone around him but most of all himself, would give him the peace of oblivion rather than just let that go on fruitlessly forever.

someDude says:

That life is a test and a rough test at that is a very powerful and profound statement while being both inspiring and sobering at the same time.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That which is poor in form fails, and that which is fair in form prevails. That which participates in Divine Law suffuses existence, and that which does not passes out of existence. And God tells this to any that have eyes to see, ears to hear, fingers to touch, with every motion of his eminence. Come with Him if you want to live.

It is only natural for that which is bad to meet with what is bad. Just as good to the good is good, so too is bad to the bad also good, by necessity. To protest over bad to the bad as if it were bad is implicit gnosticism – which is generally a lead-up to explicitly gnostic evil-doing.

All things that are, are themselves but component of organisms much greater than any that can fit into one particular time or place; and the colours of Being are painted by the procession of their dance of existence.

Calvin says:

That which is poor in form fails, and that which is fair in form prevails

I believe this. I just don’t believe it to be the conscious product of a benevolent deity. If it were, no reason for the poor forms to be made to begin with.

That which participates in Divine Law suffuses existence, and that which does not passes out of existence.

I’d find the Christian God way more trustworthy if it were the teaching that the wicked were just obliterated rather than kept around forever to be tortured and presumably just continue to be evil. I want to destroy my enemies but I don’t want to chain them up in my basement and listen to them scream day and night. Cannot trust someone who does.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Being is something that is holding a conversation with itself. Good form and poor form can only become so after the fact.

That which is in hell is trapped in prisons of its own making; do not doubt that you can see it in your own time on earth.

Kunning Drueger says:

> Christian doctrines of life being good designed by a fundamentally good and loving God

This was the line of argument that jostled me out of my childhood faith and set me on a course for destruction that was only obviated by certain posters here, certain people there, and a callous and cold God of Nature that demanded other things from me before I expired.

Other, better men have deployed the unadulterated philosophy needed to counter this, and even if they didn’t, I lack the alacrity to do so myself. Instead, I’ll say this:

I never knew coldness, cruelty, brutality, or will before I had a child. Every pale imitation of love, elation, joy, or happiness I had before kids is so infinitesimal that I genuinely have no recollection. I’ve had some good times, I fucked some hot bitches, I did some fun, unique things as a 20something. I have pics as proof, but I retain no brain chemicals that register past the ever passing moment. Every day, I am defined by what I’ve done, or failed to do, for my kids, my family, my land. I’m not doing well, I’m dropping more plates than I’m keeping up. But it literally does not matter what I’ve done, it only matters what I m doing, and how that doing will enable me to Do in the future. Cool story bro. What’s it mean. Nothing, really. But mortals waxing eloquent about the meaning of love, the realm of compassion, the universe of intent, have absolutely no bearing on Nature’s God.

The next time some fedora tipping faggot poses the question “Why would God do (x) if he was (y), maybe ask yourself what wouldn’t a father do for his children, his family, his land. The simple answer is “I have no idea, what’s at stake?” Then put the whole of everything on the balance.

Not preaching here. I’ve just come to realize that my barometer for Acceptable, or Loving, or Whatever, is very easily recalibrated with the introduction of a “clump of cells,” and I most definitely do not have the love or fortitude of a god.

jim says:

That is roughly the answer God gave Job, so, good effort to come up with it on your own.

Mayflower Sperg says:

And now that I’ve gone from having children to not having children, life is bland and colorless, devoid of emotion, neither good nor bad.

Hope remains; the Book of Job says that if you remain faithful after Satan destroys your family, God will give you another family.

jim says:

Hope is essential for forming a new family. But action is also essential. God is not going to do the heavy lifting. Things are tough.

This is not a game blog, but there is a lot game relevant posts in it. Lift iron, lose weight, and read the game blogs and re-read the game relevant content in this blog.

Fidelis says:


How do you know what He will and wont do? Why should a Lord not reward His servant? Game theory, in both senses we use the word game, is an earthly construction. And yet, earthly construction yields to heavenly faith.

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

Your suggested path seems to lack faith that the Lord has power over his creation. That the earthly law is not subject to the Spirit. Am I cherrypicking? Are these lines not to be taken literally? Is plowing through a field of whores not defiling oneself? Perhaps,

For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

jim says:

You have to play the cards you are dealt.

The Christian rules mandate a patriarchal society and were designed to apply in a patriarchal society, where your patriarch obtained a wife for you from another patriarch.

In a state of sexual anarchy, you always start off in defect/defect, the game of players and bitches, and getting from there to cooperate/cooperate is hard.

In a patriarchal society, your patriarch obtains a wife for from a patriarch with whom he is in cooperate/cooperate, and so you start off in cooperate/cooperate.

And then, of course, William the Marshal, also in a patriarchal society, obtained his wife from her patriarch at swordpoint, due to feudal, rather than sexual, anarchy. If he had been following the Christian rules on violence, would have been poor, starving, and very likely dead, for those rules assume that Caesar, whatever his faults, is doing a fairly thorough job at maintaining a monopoly of violence, at maintaining law and order, which was not the case in William the Marshal’s time. It was the case in Paul’s time, but is less and less the case in our time.

William the Marshal was dealt some very tough cards, and we have been dealt some very tough cards.

A2 says:

“Christian doctrines of life being good designed by a fundamentally good and loving God.”

Is that really Christian doctrine in the first place?

Calvin says:

Do you know of any Christians who say this life is evil or God is not its creator? I’d think it’s obvious they wouldn’t say God is evil.

A2 says:

We live in a fallen world. This vale of tears.

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.

It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.

By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”

But things looked up with Christ the Redeemer, in spite of us tormenting and killing him. He is risen!

Western Taliban says:

I don’t know if that is truly Christian doctrine, other commenters seem to disagree. I’m not a practicing Christian so I have no interest on getting into that.

But I don’t think that what I said is a contradiction in any way to the existence of a fundamentally good and loving God.

The fact that you exist is already pretty good and loving, it’d be much worse not to exist at all. And the experience of life, we again go into opinion.

99% of Western men seem to be absolute faggots that find physical effort very strenuous and painful, and they are weak and fat. I train three times a week doing very very strenuous and extensive exercise and I’m quite strong, I rather enjoy it.

It’s of course painful in a way, but it’s overcoming that pain, challenging oneself and feeling the sense of extreme tension on one’s muscles after the fact that gives you a sense of satisfaction. Nothing in this life that is worth achieving is easy, if it was easy it’d be already done, if there is no effort and no sacrifice it has no meaning. It is the struggle to overcome those barriers and difficulties, it is the sacrifice and the effort, that makes it make sense and fulfill you. Winning isn’t fun if you cannot lose, thus, life is wonderful.

Rich kids born with a silver spoon have all the money in the world, get into drugs out of absolute boredom and end up killing themselves because a gifted “easy” life is so unbearable they choose death.

Frankly, the general whining about life is a pure opulence faggot phenomena only occurring to those individuals who even have the opportunity to sit down to whine about life because of how their life is in fact extremely easy. It has of course become very common because the 21th century western world is full of lazy, entitled, worthless faggots, gifted a luxury they never earned and don’t deserve.

As Aidan observed, when life was actually hard people appreciated it a lot more. It seems to be that the problem is not that life is too hard, but rather that life is not hard enough. The problem is the strange deranged opinion born out of unnatural circumstances.

FrankNorman says:

Not having seen his “compelling, rational, and persuasive argument” I don’t get to have a go at pulling it apart, but on general principles, I am cynical about people who claim to be against all existence.

It’s like the Communist who claims to be against all private property – he means other people’s property.

Upravda says:

Off-topic, about Mindless Hysteria.

To be honest, I thought that Jim and some commenters here aggravate supposed loss of intellectual abilities from covid vaxx, specifically of mRNA type. All I can say is that I did not notice it, although it must be mentioned that I do not know almost now one who took more than two doses of covid vaxx.

However, here is interesting read from Dr. Malone (known as inventor of all that mRNA stuff):
News from the Front Lines
“German study: Spike proteins from viruses and vaccines cause brain cells to die”

Red says:

Mental decline isn’t easy to judge without objective testing which as Jim as noted isn’t happening. The fact that they don’t want to know, indicates they know what the clot shot did.

skippy says:

I have found it hard to tell the difference between individuals getting dumber, and newly noticing how dumb humanity was all along.

That said, my smartest and closest friends do not appear to be any dumber, even though most of them took two doses of the vaccine under coercion from employers or to be able to travel.

SJ says:
Pax Imperialis says:

The top comment on the video is:

Jesus is here
Jesus loves us
Jesus is our everything
Jesus is life

A common sentiment today that is devoid of meaning beyond the banal platitude because many have forgotten that first and foremost Jesus is Order. Order from which all good things are derived.

jim says:

Repeating: The Christians identified Christ, through whom all things were made, with the Stoic Logos, the reason materially embodied by Cosmic order, of which human right order is a reflection and a part. Post Christianity became post Christian by rejection of human order, and thus the material order, and thus a rejection of the material order as an embodiment of divine will, and thus a demotion of Christ to Jesus the Jewish community organizer, swiftly followed by rejection of God.

Christian Believer” who is in fact Gnostic believer, has a very rational persuasive argument that the cosmos is evil, which argument, being unable to answer, I censored. But you already know his argument,we always knew it, and yet in the morning I see the sun rise while my wife makes me coffee, and I am not convinced by his argument, and in the evening I frequently sit on a log in my garden and watch the sun set, and am not convinced by his argument.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A characteristic feature of leftist modes of thought, which we might call the ‘gnostic impulse’, is that the feeling of criticality is general, non-specific, and indiscriminate.

For example, if we were to have a leftish being driving down the road to pick up groceries, and another driver cuts them off while rolling past their lane, sentiments provoked by this event in the leftish being may so oft ultimately tend to end up along the lines of, ‘man this country sucks’, or ‘man the world sucks’, or ‘man existence sucks’.

What you see is that any one particular exigency in any one particular context, will each all be poured into a same common pot, irrespective of how strong or how tenuous a connexion may be; signals of whatever frequency from any source are collected with all together, mainlined, and sent back out into a broadspectrum antipathy, an input from any one direction boosting the output in all directions, that is heaped upon all else that is around the subject’s particular vicinity – and their neighbors especially.

SJ says:

My wife, raised a southern Baptist by the cucks of the south believed all sins have already been forgiven hence you are free to sin as you will. As a teenage virgin she had the desire to go chat with, alone, the local slut fker, a middle aged criminal retard with no job and a drug problem. So she prayed and believed that the holy spirit was her vagina tingles. Lucky for her said criminal retard had snipped his balls. She did not know what a sin was until she met me and a month into living with me I told her that wow, you are a seriously bad person. To which she threw a plant at me and got her first taste of corporal punishment and her first lesson in why they make green eye shadow.

This is feminine Jesus, Jesus the androgynous cross dresser son of God, Mary the hermaphrodite, and leader of America along with the holy spirit, which manifests in women’s vagina tingles.

Every morning my kids brush their teeth with me and watch me, copy me, everything I do, every mannerism. Today I met my fellow Christian, of the latter day saints, neighbors for an egg hunt. Five families, seventeen children, the men your average white man with a career, balding, and never spent five years sarging and fking every slut they could find yet next to them a thin feminine wife in a dress and when she looks up her first look is to her husband. I said the prayer before our meeting, we discussed ways to be a peacemaker, and at the end after much noise and much opening of candy for the children we shared another prayer.

Jesus the Christ knows you, loves you, and wants you to be fruitful and multiply. Saul the butcher of Judea, the murderer of Christians, nee Paul the apostle of the Christ wants you to have an obedient wife. I say again, women are obedient, but they can not obey unless you order. And once you order they will test your will. Hold firm.

Contaminated NEET says:

> My wife, raised a southern Baptist by the cucks of the south believed all sins have already been forgiven hence you are free to sin as you will. As a teenage virgin she had the desire to go chat with, alone, the local slut fker, a middle aged criminal retard with no job and a drug problem. So she prayed and believed that the holy spirit was her vagina tingles.

Terrifying. That is the blackest pill I’ve seen in quite a while.

SJ says:

No black pill, simply the rationalization hamster at work in a post menarche girl who wants sex and finds a way to get it. Very common.

Kunning Druegger says:

Christ the Lord is Risen.

In this world we have great troubles, but God, the supreme king of Nature and its children, has already overcome the world. Take heart, and trust in Him.

May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep the men of goodwill. May he put steel in your hearts and hands, arrows in your quiver, and joy in every footstep.

To the Regulars, may God bless and keep you today and everyday.

To Jim, may God grant you peace and respite as needed, and clarity and strength continuing forward.

Have blessed Easter whenever you celebrate it guys.

Need it for school says:

Not yet. Wait a week

SJ says:

I note that our friend Calvin is confused about the Christian position, but he is confused in a way that shows he still has faith in progressive morality. The prog believes that intelligence is a result of nurture. That it is taught in the universities by the priests of progressivism and finalized by peer review. Intelligence is not a gift from God, but it is earned through study and boot licking. This means that the unintelligent, the moron, retard, half-wit, and the idiot are to be morally judged as bad for being dumb. They aren’t dumb, they are morally evil and hence condemned.

This is not the Christian position. The Christian position is that intelligence is a gift from God assigned at conception hence it is not morally good or morally bad, it simply is. Good moral action, however, is not assigned at conception rather it is a result of nurture. The woman question is an easy example here. We say that women must be taught how to be good, or even restricted from behaving according to their nature to prevent moral evil. The prog holds the opposite view. That good moral action is assigned by nature and we must simply shed the bonds of tradition and embrace our nature to be good.

For our friend Calvin I would say in a more sane world the idiot would be taught how to make morally good choices. If unable to be taught their choices would be restricted much the way as a child. When I let my children choose their dinner I ask them if they would like a cheeseburger, pork chops, or a quesadilla. I do not say what would you like for they will reply ice cream. We simply do the same for idiots, and for women.

Calvin says:

Uh, what? I believe intelligence is an innate quality embedded in one’s genes, not one which is taught. Where on earth did I suggest otherwise?

My skepticism comes in when I am told to believe that a benevolent being created people too dumb to understand what’s good for them and simultaneously that he will inflict infinite torture on them for not being able to meet demands far outside their intellectual capacity to even comprehend. Does not seem a trustworthy person. Seems more like a kid torturing ants.

zero says:

Has it occured to you that maybe the almighty isnt judging niggers by their rocket programs, pretty sure some niggers are better then others, pretty sure even the dumbest subsaharans are capable of wrestling with demons, just because your to stupid to realize God’s judgment encompasses matters which are beyond your pathetic observation doesn’t mean he is evil because you happen to have a different purpose then the orks, orks are cool, they make civilization exiting, they keep us from taking for granted all the good things about plumbing and unlocked doors. Ride the Tiger or fuck off and die. Perfection is for pussies who are afraid of 120mm smoothbores.

jim says:

This is a very ancient debate, the first written record of people addressing it being the very first chapters of the bible. Pursuing it is unlikely to bring greater light on the topic, or resolve the argument. Let’s stop.

The book of Genesis says “Adam’s fault”, and quite obviously it is. But equally obviously God set him up. Puts the serpent in the garden, puts the tree in the garden, and then wanders off during the heat of the day to take a little snooze under a tree. And he is still at it. Hence Christians pray “lead us not into temptation.”

I am tempted to repeat my argument as a former video game writer. But I will shut up.

The Cominator says:

And as I said the problem of evil and suffering gives me an unbreakable sympathy for gnosticism to a point, clearly this universe was created by a being not quite benign. Now maybe the demiurge of this universe is restrained by a more benevolent nicer god who will in time be here to rescue us (semi gnostic Christianity)…

Gnosticism goes wrong when you reject everything in the Old Testament or when you advocate going into a big gay pile.

On the good side God isn’t quite pure evil, because if he was he could make things much much worse.

jim says:

> clearly this universe was created by a being not quite benign.

Not clear at all. I used to write games. Created toy universes. And obviously my intention was to create a game that people want to play. And people want to play games like “Doom”, which game universe is a unpleasant as it possibly can be.

Perhaps from the perspective of the saved, the hard times were all in fun. People choose to go on adventure camping trips in the wilderness where they know they are going to have a mighty rough time. The you that sets off on such a camping trip knows that the you doing the camping is going to have hardship and danger, and the you that returns from the camping trip enjoyed the hardship and danger even though the you experiencing the hardship and danger had a very unpleasant time. Watch “Naked and Afraid”.

The game universe of “Doom” is evil and suffering, and the player character dies horribly in the end even if he beats the game. And similarly, the adventure campers in “Naked and Afraid” not only volunteered to be there, but worked very hard to get there. The viewer enjoys their suffering, and after they have returned they in a sense enjoyed their suffering and usually want to go back for another go, even though it is completely obvious that they were not enjoying it at the time.

The primary telos of humans is to achieve extended cooperation through intelligence, as the primary telos of birds is flight. But intelligence alone does not suffice. The purely rational being is forever trapped in prisoner’s dilemma.

Doom says:

> Perhaps from the perspective of the saved, the hard times were all in fun

Yes! This is the basis of faith in my opinion.

The example of naked and afraid is a great analogy for life in general.

All of the contestants have that faith that if they suffer too much, the producers will save them.

The type of person who asks “why would anyone want to go on that show” is probably the type of person with little faith in God, or Gods wisdom in creation.

This is one of the interesting temptations of modern life. Why do women delay childbirth? Refuse submission to their husbands? Because this is the temptation to avoid difficulty.

Of course God allows it. God allows enough rope to hang yourself, which is coincidentally enough rope to climb out of the pit.

alf says:

It’s a fun debate if more opinions than facts.

Life really is a struggle at times, slightly more so than it sometimes seems it ought to be. Maybe that’s because of the times we live in. Then again, we don’t have to suffer a lot of, I don’t know, tuberculosis and rotting teeth, so maybe it’s something of all time.

That Christ died for our sins means God loves us, means the gnostic interpretation of the universe is wrong. You could argue that Christians are delusionally hopeful for believing that, but you’re arguing against the historically strongest horse. So that’s a good sign.

I like the metaphor of God as a programmer. Feels like the universe could very well be programmed. Like how there’s this black stuff in the ground and you only get to use it once you level up. And level up even more and there’s this E=MC^2 business meaning even a grain of sand can power an entire country. Not to even mention the entire galaxy outside your starting zone. It’s crazy.

Also means there might be a minor amount of ‘bugs’ in the program. Mostly, people get what they deserve, be it punishment or rewards. But sometimes, good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Or perhaps more specifically, it seems to me sometimes good people are punished overly harsh for not so heavy bad behavior.

But mostly, it works out righteously. Or that’s what I think anyway.

doom says:

>I like the metaphor of God as a programmer.
Me too. I like the idea that God set in motion what amounts to a great big Rube Goldberg machine. Sometimes the dominos fall off the table.

I have this argument with a guy at work who is one of those “the theory of evolution is just a theory” types. I maintain, what sense does it make to make the universe in it’s current form, but make it LOOK like it’s a programmed system/ a system with rules?

> for faith
So you think God is more likely to trick you than allow you discover and appreciate his creation.. in which case why do you trust the word?

>the word is the inspired word of God
Yes. People paid attention to God and creation and God revealed himself.. why wouldn’t you think that people who pay attention to rocks and animals and other parts of creation aren’t also rewarded with revealed knowledge? Why would God reveal the word so we can understand him, but not allow us to understand more of how creation works?

I think that the real arrogance of man comes in when we think we know all about creation. If you think the bible gives all the answers, and exclude any and all other sources of information about creation, isn’t that really what you’re doing?

He doesn’t really have an answer for that.

>Or perhaps more specifically, it seems to me sometimes good people are punished overly harsh for not so heavy bad behavior.
I think we’re taking the idea of good/ bad as reward or punishment a little too personally.

Struggle and pressure is what creates growth and advancement. Sometimes it seems unfair to us as people.

But look at your own life vs the life of your ancestors 100, 1000, 10^6, 10^8 years ago… how many simpler animals failed out of existence before something like “pain” evolved into organisms to help them avoid hot/ spiky things?

I don’t take suffering personally, if I come through it and become better, this is what God wants. If I fail and die, also what God wants.

Mayflower Sperg says:

And level up even more and there’s this E=mc² business meaning even a grain of sand can power an entire country.

So said the newspapers in 1905 when this discovery was announced. The universe conserves mass-energy, rather than mass and energy individually, as was previously believed.

Unfortunately, the universe also conserves baryon number and lepton number, which are zero for pure energy, positive for matter, and negative for anti-matter. So until you find another grain of sand made of anti-matter, your grain of sand is just sand.

There’s also the problem that energy must be contained and controlled to perform useful work. The ancient Greeks had the concept of a steam engine but lacked the precision tools needed to actually build one. Likewise we can’t build a working fusion reactor because we don’t know how to capture and harness fast neutrons.

jim says:

because of cp asymmetry, matter can in principle be converted into anti matter, and therefore into energy.

It is likely that the energy and physics at which this happens is as far beyond our current technology and knowledge as high energy physics was beyond eighteenth century technology – or may be entirely unachievable in practice by any technology that can be physically realized.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

At the end of the day, if you find your sense of morality judging the nature of things evil, then it is actually your sense of morality that is evil.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To put it in other words, he would condemn that which he himself is component of; his charges against Being, would implicate the very basis for such charges in the first place.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

> I am tempted to repeat my argument as a former video game writer. But I will shut up.

Personally I’d rather you didn’t shut up, my interest is piqued. Anyone have a link to these repetitions?

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Belay that order, evidently I was too low-IQ to simply scroll down.

Doom says:

Can you give an example from scripture that supports the argument
“a benevolent being created people too dumb to understand whats good for them and simultaneously that he will inflict torture on them for not being able to meet demands”..

Pretty sure God’s judgement relies heavily on self report, ie, if you lack the intellectual capacity to self reflect you are practically speaking not judged by human metrics.

If a bear eats you, it doesn’t go to hell for the sin of murder.

It’s just a bear.

(with that said, a person of diminished capacity is still to be treated as a person by you. That’s a temptation, the temptation to murder the inconvenient.)

jim says:

> Pretty sure God’s judgement relies heavily on self report, ie, if you lack the intellectual capacity to self reflect you are practically speaking not judged by human metrics.

I don’t know if that is true or not, but obviously a kitten torturing an animal for fun is innocent, a child torturing an animal for fun is not.

Doom says:

Rom 14.12, “Each of us will give an account to God”
Those who cannot give an account surely are not judged?

I agree with you regarding the kitten vs the child.

The kitten / bear/ killer whale might appear to enjoy the torture, however, this is appearance is our human bias. A predatory animal does not have the ability to understand the suffering of others.

A child understands its own suffering and tortures the animal based on the understanding it is causing suffering. Herein lies the sin; knowledge.

In Calvins argument, people are “too dumb to understand” – they cannot have the knowledge.

If Adam was a dumb beast, he could not understand God’s instructions not to eat the apple.

jim says:

> A predatory animal does not have the ability to understand the suffering of others.

Yes it does. I have seen lions on video caring about their meal. I used to have two dogs, one of which had been a feral. The fully domestic dog was always trying to catch birds, never successfully. One day he caught one, and was obviously shocked and disturbed by the fact that he had incapacitated the still alive and very distressed bird. He was not expecting that. He backed off. The feral of course moved in and ate the injured bird.

I kill animals and eat them, and I can understand the suffering of others just fine, so I kill them as efficiently as I can. I kill them and eat them anyway, and am sure I am right to do so.

Doom says:

>I have seen lions on video caring
I’ve seen lions on video clearly enjoying their preys death throes. Are these lions sinning? The others righteous?

Perhaps then my phrasing was incorrect.

You judge the torturous kitten as innocent. Why?
I maintain it’s due to knowledge.

I can’t accept Calvins argument in any way. I will not believe God would make people who cannot understand sin and then punish them for sinning.

> I kill them as efficiently as I can.
If you make a mistake in your shot, you do not stand over the animal and laugh at it’s pain. I know that you do not do this. Because you know that to make them suffer is a sin.

Jehu says:

What you’re reaching for is in Luke 12. Here’s the Berean translation that I like. The TL:DR of it is that your punishment will be scaled according to your level of understanding.

The master of that servant will come on a day he does not expect and at an hour he does not anticipate. Then he will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. 47 That servant who knows his master’s will but does not get ready or follow his instructions will be beaten with many blows. 48But the one who unknowingly does things worthy of punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from him who has been entrusted with much, even more will be demanded.…

Doom says:

Ah. Very nice. Thank you. I think that very nicely explains the concept I was looking for.

If you trick or coerce someone into knowingly committing a sin, you are the greater sinner.

jim says:

Parable of the talents. To those whom more is given, more is expected.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I have worked with Grogs. Not literally retarded, but left hand of the bell curve, just under 100 iq. (As an aside, using midwit when you mean Grog is a de-rectification of names that even our side is falling into. Should knock it out, for the normal rectification of names reasons.)

In the workplace, if they have certain values, they’re fine. They produce value for their employer even by Jim’s standards, not by labor theory of value standard. Those values however are punctuality, agreeability (especially to take direction from their midwit supervisors and elder craftsmen), work ethic to stay busy.

Without those values though, they’re lost. A net negative even if all you want is the floor swept and the trash emptied. So what does society teach the left hand of the bell curve? Be true to yourself, keep it real, don’t let the man keep you down, YOLO, you do you. And the guy who could get paid better to be productive if he’d been instructed rather than lied to ends up working part time at a gas station or fast food, and doing it poorly.

None of which is news here I imagine. Except I see an analogy to morality as well. If those guys were properly taught they’d be fine. I imagine that’s part of what the enlightenment threw out, was keep-Grog-in-line morality.

All of which is to say, my late to the conversation take on Calvin’s position is he’s judging the universe by the current day, the broken output of a broken system. I don’t expect or even want perfection in this world (that way lies another Holodomor or Great Leap Forward), but I do believe we can do a lot better. And that better would do better for everyone not just materially but morally, and in eternity.

SJ says:

I’ve found that prog morality is insidious as we have all been raised with a foundation of lies. It’s tough work tearing that foundation down and building a new one. Believing that intelligence can be earned through study and effort is particularly harmful and I believe it is a big why when asking what happened to noblesse oblige. Rather than the elite making sure idiots can’t make harmful decisions they just offer them student loans and put payday loan buildings with 400% apr on every corner imagining that they aren’t doing anyone a wrong. Or your example, encouraging everyone to follow their dreams when they need to be encouraged to get a job and raise a family. It removes the dignity from living a fulfilling life of work and family since everyone can become a genius if they just study hard enough.

The Cominator says:

There may indeed be ways to raise your IQ but study in school isn’t it. I think it’s plausible that doing certain types of puzzle and mathematical exercises 4+ hours a day willingly may do so… but this has not been looked into.

Mr.P says:

Our system was founded in all good faith that universal elementary education would make a citizenry more intelligent; whereas most obviously it has done nothing of the kind. The general level of intelligence in our citizenry stands exactly where it stood when the system was established. The promoters of our system, Mr. Jefferson among them, did not know, and could not know, because the fact had not been determined, that the average age at which the development of intelligence is arrested lies somewhere between twelve and thirteen years. It is with intelligence as it is with eyesight. No oculist can give one any more eyesight than one has; he can only regulate what one has. So education can regulate what intelligence one has, but it can not give one any more. It was this unforeseen provision in nature’s economy which wrecked the expectations put upon our system. As for raising the general level of intelligence, the sluicing-out of any amount of education on our citizenry would simply be pouring water on a duck’s back.
–“Memoirs of a Superfluous Man,” Albert Jay Nock (1943)

A thoroughly enjoyable read by the way.

Kunning Drueger says:


Here’s an interesting piece. Still working through it, but the moment I read the following section, I wanted more good eyes on it:

“Indeed, this is the inescapable conclusion. The Pentagon does not seem to have a strong sense of Ukrainian unit strength, location, or activities. They also list their assessed Ukrainian KIA at a mere 16k-17.5k. This is an absurdly low number – where could they have gotten it? In fact, it is a direct copy-paste of the casualty numbers reported publicly by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The fact that the Pentagon does not seem to have any independently generated intelligence about the Ukrainian army is shocking. They seem to have be relying on Ukrainian propaganda numbers and publicly available deployments data, like the open source Deployment Map. For the record, this is not a knock on the Deployment Map site – I use this resource frequently and find it very useful. The point, of course, is that the Pentagon, with its nearly unlimited resources, does not seem to have any unique insight or intelligence streams of its own in this regard. They gesture vaguely at the map and mutter, “there’s probably a brigade or two in this area, maybe 8,000 men. Or 4,000. We don’t really know.” In fact, all of their axis strength assessments for Ukraine have a 100% margin of error (that is, the upper limit of the range is double the lower limit).

One can only conclude that the tail is wagging the dog. The Ukrainians are able to extract material, training, and cash from the west, but there is little accountability or honest information flow in return. There were hints of this earlier in the war – that Ukraine is a sort of black box which sucks in resources but does not communicate honestly in rerurn; American officials have complained (and Ukrainian leaders have confirmed) that Kiev simply does not tell DC all that much. Apparently this remains an issue well over a year into the conflict. One particularly alarming footnote in the leaked documents states:

“We have low confidence in Russian (RUS) And Ukrainian (UKR) attrition rates and inventories because of information gaps, OPSEC and IO efforts, and potential bias in UKR information sharing.”

Good grief.”

Guys, the fucking Cathedral is being mogged by a pixie sized kike larping as a dictator. The feminization is so total that the big, bad GAE is like a girlboss that bashed through the wall a decade ago and can feel the last 3 eggs drying up so she’s jumped into bed with the first dude that swiped the proper direction on her dating app.

Pseudo-Chryssotom says:

>The Pentagon does not seem to have a strong sense of Ukrainian unit strength, location, or activities. They also list their assessed Ukrainian KIA at a mere 16k-17.5k. This is an absurdly low number – where could they have gotten it? In fact, it is a direct copy-paste of the casualty numbers reported publicly by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The sort of thing that can only happen with faithful complicity in promoting the uke propaganda figures on the part of the GAE functionaries as well. In other words, the train has rolled past peak soviet union.

They are all just collectively blowing smoke up each other’s asses, while praying to their non-existent god(dess) that it will all just work out somehow.

Pseudo-Chrysotom says:

>The Pentagon does not seem to have a strong sense of Ukrainian unit strength, location, or activities. They also list their assessed Ukrainian KIA at a mere 16k-17.5k. This is an absurdly low number – where could they have gotten it? In fact, it is a direct copy-paste of the casualty numbers reported publicly by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The sort of thing that can only happen with faithful complicity in promoting the uke propaganda figures on the part of the GAE functionaries as well. In other words, the train has rolled past peak soviet union.

They are all just collectively blowing smoke up each other’s asses, while praying to their non-existent god(dess) that it will all just work out somehow.

jim says:

I know these guys have an enormous spy system, and long ago it was an extraordinarily capable spy system. Today, they were completely in the dark in the lead up to the retreat from Afghanistan, so it is entirely plausible that they are completely in the dark about events in the Ukraine.

Without particularly paying attention, I had a better idea of what was going on in Afghanistan than they did. The Taliban spokesmen were telling us in excellent English, and these guys were not listening.

American capability to maintain, repair, and build weapons has been declining precipitously, despite lavishing vast sums on them. Perhaps the capability to spy on people who do not think the way they do has also declined precipitously.

Karl says:

The leak does contain rather detailed information about Russian strength. If accurate, this suggests that there is a capable spy system that simply was not used to spy on the Ukranians.

jim says:

Probably because they do not want to know.

Kunning Drueger says:

If the task is to have satellites and review a bunch of pictures, that can be farmed out to contractors. If the task is to get loyal and competent people on the ground running networks of sources and informers, that requires something like what the CIA was and is no longer.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s not (not*) the Jesuits. It’s always been the anti-life gnostics.

John Harvey Kellogg (Yes Kellogg, same as the breakfast food!), the man who developed and popularized the the flaked-cereal industry, firmly believed sexual pleasure to be evil. He never consummated his marriage and to add insult to injury (to his poor wife) spent his honeymoon writing one of his many anti-sex books. He never had children of his own yet adopted and fostered many children of other men.

He was also strictly anti-meat/flavor believing meat and certain seasonings to increase desires of the flesh. To that end he promoted plainer foods such as cereals and nuts to curb it. An idea similar to what Sylvester Graham preached, a Presbyterian minister and creator of the graham cracker. In spiritual succession, Kellogg would invent the granola out of a desire for simple dietary purity. His fixation on purity and simplicity would lead Kellogg to one of his more disturbing inventions. The yogurt enema machine meant to flush out impure materials. Thus he shared a curiously similar anal fixation with Luther.

@TC I’m sure the Jesuits have engaged in some bad behavior. That they’ve caused chaos and destruction… but in pure scale of human suffering? None can match the degradation of the human condition as the gnostic diet which has caused massive increases in diabetes, obesity, and many other ailments. Many of which, at best, destroy fertility… and at worst create disfigured bony creatures whose sole substance consists of soylent green.

The gnostics rejected flesh and so embraced cucked celibacy. Rejected flavor and thus embraced veganism. Rejected the natural order and thus embraced clown world. The culinary synthesis we see with plant based “meat” or the egregious “Just Egg.” Americans today eat cereals in the morning, fake meats for lunch, and fake ice creams for dinner. An anti-flesh diet, a fake diet, a gnostic diet.

GAE world is gnostic world.

*I’m just messing with TC. Written in some hyperbolic jest, but still (mostly) serious and based in truth.

Not my best writing. Too little sleep, not enough time. Admittedly also a bacon addict (I’m part of the dastardly pro-meat cabal). Not entirely against cereals for same reason not entirely against cake… but hopefully some will find this humorous and interesting.

The Cominator says:

There is enough evidence linking them to Covid to condemn the order for it. Weishaupt of the Bavarian illuminati was also definitely a Jesuit (until the order was temporarily suppressed). If they are responsible for Covid and the original globalhomo conspiracy of the Bavarian illuminati has to wonder what else the world’s original spy agency is responsible for. That they kept being kicked out of even Catholic countries is more evidence one should assume the worst of them.

Samuel Morse a man of much higher IQ then myself and probably anyone here (and we are a high IQ group) definitely thought they were behind inflaming the tensions between free soilers and fire eaters that caused the American civil war, and there is some evidence (though not conclusive) that Lincoln shared this opinion (and it was a fairly mainstream view postwar that they were behind Lincoln’s assassination). Otto Von Bismarck as well…

One has to wonder what else they were responsible for… in any case Fauci being a Jesuit or being in service to the order is enough to justify their extermination (after all senior members of the order are questioned under drugs and torture). If we ever get a real government and restore American power under a monarchy we must force the Vatican to suppress them worldwide as well as well as forcing any countries under American influence to eliminate them.

Harvey Kellogg was a nut with a following but it didn’t become mainstream and I don’t think you can blame him for Woodrow Wilson and the progressive movement. “Colonel” House otoh very much fits the profile of a covert Jesuit.

pinochet's ghost says:

If the Jesuits assassinated Lincoln they were clearly the good guys and on the wrong side of history.

The Cominator says:

You might have an argument if they did it pre war, nothing good came of Lincolns postwar assassination though.

jim says:

Looking up the theory that the assassination was organized by the Jesuits, that Booth was a patsy for people who intended an unsuccessful coup attempt as a justification for purging based people in government, in the style of the sixth of January protests where fed shills led the protesters through the strangely unlocked doors of the Capitol building, I find it being denounced by all the usual suspects, which is evidence that it is true, for everything those guys say is a lie.

The Cominator says:


I’m pretty convinced Fauci is one of them.

https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/05/06/world/three-day-vatican-conference-features-dr-fauci-pope-francis-aerosmith/ I can’t read it either but they clearly had a party and gave him an award.

falseconvert says:

That’s very interesting.

Marrying, only to live in separate bedrooms and adopt 42 children, is bizarre. Though, I can’t say I have no ability to relate.

Karl says:

Evil is a better word than “bizarre”. I assume the man wasn’t interested in pussy, but preying on children.

falseconvert says:

That makes a lot more logical sense.

A2 says:

He was also a proponent of circumcision, the American oddity.

The Cominator says:

By FAR his greatest crime especially since the rationale for doing that (STDs) are 90% a meme (in the modern time of Fauci but maybe back then from him) and since circumcision is done to you as a kid and you can’t reverse it. Never read any hint he molested his adopted kids. And some of his adopted kids hated him.

Otherwise his strange health advance was just a fad for cranks (and I don’t think yogurt is a bad thing at all btw).

jim says:

Yoghurt is based on milk, which is good for you, and fermented, which is good for you. Unfortunately, contains far too much sugar. Consider sour cream. Or, better, make your own sour cream.

Mr.P says:

It’s easy to make your own yogurt, too. I prefer kefir, have made my own kefir for decades. Recent innovation: 1/3 whole buttermilk, 2/3 whole milk. As thick and creamy as Skyr or Greek yogurt. Good for the gut and delicious.

Carte Blanche says:

Not really. I just checked the label of my full-fat Greek yogurt and it shows 14g protein, 16g fat and 9g carbohydrates in a serving (4g sugar, but all carbohydrates convert to sugar so let’s just call it 9). That’s well within ketogenic margins, less sugar than a single piece of fresh fruit and a common staple of carnivore diets.

Trouble is usually that people buy low-fat or even zero-fat yogurt, which isn’t very satiating, so they eat too much, and also tastes too sour, because fat is where most of the flavor normally comes from, so they need to add sugar or honey to make it palatable. Can’t blame them for buying it either, since that’s 98% of what the supermarkets sell, and you have to look very hard for real yogurt, but usually there’s one or two amidst all the crap.

Good, full-fat yogurt is higher in sugar than a good, full-fat soft cheese like brie or camembert, but nothing to be concerned about in normal quantities. Sour cream, you really do have to make your own, because the store-bought containers are all loaded with additives, the worst (most inflammatory) offenders being corn starch, guar gum and carrageenan, often all in the same product. That’s much worse than a few grams of sugar.

This assumes that you eat it. Putting yogurt up your butt, that’s a whole nother story.

Pax Imperialis says:

Putting yogurt up your butt, that’s a whole nother story.

Surprised this didn’t get commented on much. It also doesn’t end there. Here are some of his inventions.

Kellogg made an enema machine that pumped 25 gallons of liquid in and out of the body in one minute. This would be followed up by yogurt flush.

He made a vibratory chair that Kellogg believed prompt a bowel movement

He made a kneading machine to “tone the muscles of the buttocks” as well as stimulate the bowels.

Unrelated to bowls, Kellogg was behind the earliest attempts to produce fake meat. Protose, a “vegetable meat.”

Peater says:

Lactic acid (fermented food) is in fact not good for anyone. Additionally, sugar is in fact good for you.

Sugar is more recently demonized than saturated fats, and for a similar reason. Saturated fats were demonized in favour of PUFAs as a way to lower cholesterol in the 50s by Incel Keys, and when this didn’t make anyone healthier, they decided a decade later that sugar must be also preventing cholesterol from being truly lowered.

All very old people who are still alive eat a lot of sugar, and via survivorship we can see the keto and low carbers are dead by that age.


It’s a short read, and I would like to see you try to refute it Jim.

jim says:

The article on lactic acid irrelevant. It is not related to fermented food, but to a metabolic disorder – the improper metabolism of sugar to lactic acid in the body. Fermented food is good for you by providing bacteria that are harmelss or beneficial, which your gut needs, and crowding out harmful bacteria. The amount of lactic acid it supplies is absolutely insignificant compared to the amount of lactic acid a healthy person generates in the course of normal activity.

The article on sugar claims that sugar is not in itself fattening, it is carbs that are the problem. And of course it is carbs that are the problem. However sugar has the highest glycemic index of all, meaning it hits you hard and fast, which means your glucose levels and thus your insulin levels are going to spike higher and harder than with more complex carbs.

We have an epidemic of insulin resistance, and the obvious culprit is frequent high insulin levels. All the other metabolic issues he discusses are primarily relevant to type one diabetics. Type two diabetes is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the major metabolic disorder of modern times. It is implicated in all the physical ailments of modernity. (And giving type two diabetics insulin to reduce their blood sugar levels merely makes it worse.)

Peater says:

Carbs are, of course, not the problem. Rural Chinese seem mighty fine on an incredibly high rice diet. Italians and French, on a high flour diet, are much thinner than Americans.

And for the record, white sugar (sucrose) is not the highest glycemic index of all, but has index of 65. Not that the glycemic index is particularly relevant to anything.

The article does not claim what you say it claims, but rather claims that carbs are perfectly acceptable in the diet, and further that sugar is preferred to starches. It further claims that using fat as fuel for your body is stressful for the body, and not the preferred source of fuel (objectively true, since body prefers sugar).

Unhealthy and obese people often have insulin resistance, sure. Swearing off carbs is a bandage to this, and not a permanent one, rather than actually achieving good health and letting the body process carbs correctly.

The question is how, for all of recorded history, almost all civilizations had a large chunk of their diet from carbs, and were built like greek statues (or at least not obese), while in the last 50 or so years, since everyone has gotten extremely obese and disgusting, we have discovered the previously hidden ills of sugar and carbs, and are much the healthier for it. Progress as usual.

Any handwaving theory, including regarding insulin, that doesn’t answer the above question of carbs in previous civilizations is ahistorical and not grounded in reality.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The people who look like greek gods were/are meat-eating aristocrats. The peasant graincels are not out here looking like greek gods.

Peater says:

Agreed. But the graincels were not obesecels hence the obesity issue is not only carbs.

jim says:

> the obesity issue is not only carbs.

No one says it is. It is snacking. But carbs incline you to snack, and carbs while you are overweight worsen your insulin resistance.

Carbs do not make you fat directly. But insulin resistance makes you fat directly, and snacking makes you fat directly.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Peater, would you mind giving me the full word that is shortened to carb and then write down the chemical formula for sucrose?

Peater says:

Carbohydrate. C12H22O11.

Would you mind giving me how you square Jim’s “it is carbs that are the problem” with the fact that many cultures ate a heck of a lot of carbs and were much healthier than most people nowadays?

jim says:


Twenty four seven availability of tasty food makes it hard to control weight. We are all fat compared to people who did not have fridges and microwaves, and we have a lot of very fat people due to highly processed snack foods made largely out of seed oil, carbs, and soy derived protein.

Being fat makes you insulin resistant. (Even if your insulin levels are normally low). High insulin levels make you insulin resistant, and excess weight makes you insulin resistant. If you are insulin resistant, and eat carbs on top of that you likely have pre diabetes II, in that your insulin levels become abnormally high when you eat carbs, and stay high for a long time. Being fat makes insulin resistant, and eating carbs while insulin resistant leads to high insulin levels that make you more insulin resistant. There is an epidemic of this, and very large numbers of people die of it as they get older.

Aidan says:

The aristocrats ate plenty of meat- and also plenty of carbs. If I eat exclusively meat, physical activity becomes painful and unpleasant. I often eat a big heaping pile of bacon for breakfast- this gets me through the day until dinner if I sit on a computer at work all day, but if I go to the gym right after work, lifting iron on a diet of bacon makes me feel weak and sick.

Peat was obsessed with avoiding stress, but stress can be hormetic. You do not get stronger without stress. He may have been right that stress eventually kills us, but we are mortal anyway. Peat was right that people are fat because their metabolisms are fucked up. American caloric intake is barely higher than it was in the 70s when everyone was thin, and carbs did not balloon out of proportion. Euros will move here, eat the same diet, and get fat. Poison in our food destroys our metabolisms.

jim says:

lifting iron on a diet of bacon makes me feel weak and sick

It is simply more difficult to derive energy from fat, than energy from carbs. When you work out and feel bad for lack of carbs, your body is unable to mobilize sufficient energy.

However, every time this happens, it strengthens your body’s ability to mobilize energy from animal fats. And the better your body is at mobilizing energy from fat, the easier to go long periods without snacking.

jim says:

> if I go to the gym right after work, lifting iron on a diet of bacon makes me feel weak and sick.

I bet that if you are in ketosis, your urine levels show high keto, which indicates you are bad at deriving energy from animal fat. If you stick it out, your urine keto will decline, while your blood keto stays high, indicating that your body has adapted to deriving energy from animal fat. This adaptation sets in reasonably quickly, and endures for a long time.

Remember that the aristocrats snacked considerably less often than we do. This makes a huge difference. Every time you put carbs in your mouth, your insulin levels go up, and stay up for a while.

If you stick carbs in your mouth less often, you will have high insulin levels less often.

Kunning Druegger says:

Is this nigger really comparing the food of antiquity to Taquis and Twinkies? Why is anyone taking him seriously?

jim says:

If you are in ketosis, you automatically and always have low insulin levels, even if you are fat.

If you eat infrequently, you will have elevated insulin levels less often.

If you most of the time have low insulin, you will not develop insulin resistance. (Though being overweight always makes you somewhat insulin resistant, even if you most of the time or all the time have low insulin levels.)

If you are not insulin resistant, you are unlikely to develop the ailments of modernity.

Carbs are bad, and especially bad for those of Aryan descent, such as myself.

Our ancestors ate meat and milk till a few thousand years ago. Chinese have been eating rice, and middle easterners bread, for ten thousand years.

Peater says:


Agreed, largely mirrors my experience.

While some stresses are hormetic, like working out (Peat strongly supports having large muscles), other stresses are just plain bad, such as chronic insufficient sleep, or chronic low carb diets.


See many obese women concerning themselves with eating keto, clearly suffering from ailments of modernity. See online carnivores with arterial trouble at a relatively young age. No way around it, a giant majority of healthy people eat carbs, and a large majority of people eating low carb are fat/low energy.

Our ancestors certainly ate a lot of milk and meat, as I do now, but doesn’t answer how many European nations have eaten a lot of wheat, and as much sugar as they could get their hands on, for the last few thousand years without succumbing to obesity.


I know in your HFCS-filled, PUFA-laden American brain, the only carbohydrates that exist are Twinkies and Takis, but believe it or not, healthy carbs exist.

Didn’t say only antiquity. Eating carbs has been normal and provided a healthy body from antiquity to about half a century ago.

And, as you correctly grasp, there are large differences between ancient carbohydrates and what the average American incorrectly calls food. Implicitly admitting that ancient carbs were in fact incomparably better when compared with modern carbs, and hence the problem is not carbs but modern versions of them, making my point for me that carbs are not inherently bad. Idiot.

I have seen you call yourself a midwit multiple times, now that seems rather generous.

jim says:

> See many obese women concerning themselves with eating keto, clearly suffering from ailments of modernity. See online carnivores with arterial trouble at a relatively young age. No way around it, a giant majority of healthy people eat carbs, and a large majority of people eating low carb are fat/low energy.

Nuts. It is completely obvious that white people who eat mostly meat are healthier and better looking.

True, if you continue to snack, you will not lose weight, even if you are only snacking on bacon, cheese, and cream,. But you will find it a lot easier to stop snacking, and thus a lot easier to lose weight, and even if you do not lose weight, you will have low insulin, so your insulin resistance will not get worse than it already is.

If your body is addicted to carbs, and addicted to high insulin, then when you stop carbs you will feel sick and weak. But this goes away after a few weeks, because your body gets better at mobilizing energy from animal fat, and because you finish your insulin withdrawal problems.

When you first go very low carb, your urine test will show high keto, and your blood will show high keto. (And you will probably feel bad.) After your body adjusts to deriving energy from animal fat, your blood will still show high keto, but your urine will show very mild keto. And you will find you now have plenty of energy without carbs.

Pax Imperialis says:


This has gone on a complete tangent, if not derail, of my original point. That Kellogg popularized highly refined grains for mass consumption over meat. That he did so because he hated meat. That he hated meat because he hated sex. That he hated sex because he was a gnostic heretic. That the widespread adaptation of Kellogg’s diet norms have arguably created a level of suffering that I believe far outpaces anything some Jesuits did.

Whole grains such as brown rice, millet, and rye/wheat have been historically consumed by the peasant caste. Such foods are relatively slow to digest compared to the modern refined grains Kellogg would popularize. Kellogg, in his anal fixation, devised the ultra-refined cereal which, as he put it, was like a broom sweep of the intestines. Historically, the peasants would also eat whole grains with fat (cheese and butter in Europe, bone soups and stews in Asia) which would slow digestion considerably. Today’s underclass eats refined cereals with defatted milk that is nearly just sugar water.

Some Jesuits killed a few million Americans with Covid and fake Vaccine. Maybe they sparked a few wars here or there that also killed millions. These are some bad guys but how about we compare them to the people who hate the natural order. The diet pushed by Gnostics has led to 33% of Americans prediabetic and a level of obesity that likely causes 20% of deaths yearly. Unlike Covid, obesity for most is a long term condition that produces long term suffering, impaired libido, low Testosterone in men, and unnaturally fast sexual development of girls. It feminizes the world.

Before there was the soy boy, there was the protose boy. It’s the same damn people with the same damn fake meats.

Peater says:

> It is completely obvious that white people who eat mostly meat are healthier and better looking.

It is completely obvious that naturally thin people eat a majority of carbs, have energy and look better and younger. Low carbers are frequently still obese, despite the apparent magical effect it has on insulin, or if they have lost the weight, look extremely aged in the face and are frequently balding prematurely.

Additionally, I can’t help but notice you cheerfully ignore any mention to Europeans eating a ton of carbs in the last millennium or two while not being obese, and instead must rely on what they did prior to that. Funny thing that.

jim says:

> It is completely obvious that naturally thin people eat a majority of carbs

Nuts. Just look around you. Look at the people you know. I sit down with a fat guy, and he drinks lolly water and eats a meal that four fifths carbs. In my daily life, I just do not see what you see. I go to a party, and slim guys are hitting the meat, and the fat guys the carbs. Also, drinking: The slim guy is drinking low carb forms of alcohol, like whiskey and water.

> Additionally, I can’t help but notice you cheerfully ignore any mention to Europeans eating a ton of carbs in the last millennium or two while not being obese,

As I said, the problem is snacking. It helps a lot when people do not have fridges, microwaves, and highly processed snack foods made from carbs, seed oil, and soy available.

You can get fat and stay fat snacking on bacon, cream, and cheese, but if you are snacking on bacon, cream, and cheese, it is a lot easier to stop snacking, because your body becomes adapted to deriving energy from animal fats (which is indicated by high keto blood combined with moderately low keto urine) And when your body is adapted to deriving energy from animal fat, it is a lot easier to derive energy from your own animal fat, which is how you lose weight. I can fast for days, and it gets easier the second day.

Kunning Druegger says:

Lil’ Peater is starting to let his emotions get the better of him. Maybe he should munch some cornstarch and chillax lol.

In all seriousness though, you were the one lumping “carbs” into a single category, which is why I made my lowbrow, unimaginative, throwaway shit post. I don’t think you’re wrong, but you are being pedantic for inscrutable reasons. We aren’t sitting here demanding total carb death. Why not maintain the intellectual high ground and let time win your battles?

Carte Blanche says:

I’m not a fan of Ray Peat, but I won’t waste space here critiquing him. Despite his faults, he’s posted some content that is interesting and worth reading. But Jim’s reading of the posts you linked to are entirely correct and yours are entirely wrong.

Peat is saying the same thing that the ketos say. He says it with a lot more headache-inducing jargon but the conclusion is the same. Simple sugars are unfairly demonized compared to starches because starches and all other “fast carbs” do essentially the same thing to your body that simple sugars do.

Human biology is adapted to eating some carbohydrates. Some, as you’d find in normal in-season quantities of fresh fruit and root vegetables. As far as our very ancient programming is concerned, one candy bar is a week’s supply of sugar – but not, of course a week’s supply of calories – so it throws the balance off completely. Insulin resistance is the result. Without insulin resistance, glucose toxicity.

PUFAs from refined seed oils are a huge problem as well. I don’t think anybody here disputes that. Not the subject under discussion.

Concerning carbohydrates, the mainstream literature on sugar is misleading for the same reason that the mainstream literature on fiber is misleading. Recommendations to eat more fiber and whole grains are based on a miserably poor diet of mostly refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice. Of course you are constipated and malnourished when you eat that. Whole grains look like an “improvement” because the “control” is insane. The ideal amount of fiber is approximately zero, but if you start with a terrible enough baseline, adding more can slightly improve matters, and of course, grain producers get to sell their waste products at a premium instead of throwing them in the trash. Win-win, right?

We got an almost identical same shell game with sugar. “Studies show” that sugar is not so bad. Which studies? The ones comparing it to other forms of heavily refined carbohydrates. Or comparing it to sugar alcohols with a history of nasty side effects and subsequent cover-ups. Like almost anything else, simple sugars are OK in moderation, but they are also highly addictive; when do you actually see moderation? Go off simple sugars for as little as 2 weeks and then try even a “regular” sugary food like BBQ sauce or packaged cole slaw – you’ll perceive an unnatural, sickening degree of sweetness. The fact that you don’t perceive this when you’re on the sauce means your body is downregulating. That’s bad.

That’s addressing the actual research. The rest of your posts are simply gaslighting. Every one of us knows obese or diabetic people and knows what sorts of foods they eat. East Asians were historically scrawny because they had to work all day and eat bland peasant food. Scrawny is not healthy — who wants to eat the North Korean diet? Caloric deficit and malnutrition in some populations doesn’t disprove the causes of obesity and diabetes in others. Chinese blimp up when they come to the USA, even though they eat the same diets they ate before – they just eat more of that diet and get much less exercise. Compare this to the more sedentary and well-fed Eskimos who ate naught but seal and whale blubber and remained trim, but almost immediately become obese when exposed to refined carbohydrates.

Reiterating, PUFAs are part of the problem. Don’t eat those. Refined carbohydrates are also part of the problem. Unrefined “ancient grains” carbohydrates are less of a problem metabolically but simply don’t offer much in the way of nutrition. I’m sure you’ll want to regale us with stories of the wonderful profiles of Amaranth and Kamut, but again the question is compared to what. Compared to rice they’re excellent; compared to a generous helping of liver, heart and kidney, with maybe some broccoli or cucumber on the side, those grains are trash. Literally trash, any bronze-age human would throw them in the trash if enough meat was on the table.

Fast/refined carbohydrates are addictive and dangerous. Less-refined carbs are peasant food, not terrifyingly bad but not particularly good either. Normal amounts of carbohydrates found in bitter vegetables are fine if your gut tolerates the other plant fibers, but potatoes and corn are not vegetables and many modern cultivars of actual vegetables have been bred for sweetness. This is wild carrot — you can tell just by looking at it that it’s not going to be nearly as sweet as what Walmart is selling.

It’s just very complicated to put together a healthy diet that incorporates grains, and not really worth the effort since meat and dairy have everything we need with none of the inflammatory compounds and anti-nutrients that you have to carefully shave off and cook out of grains. If you can’t deal with offal and want to just eat muscle meat, then supplement with green vegetables. Problem solved.

Carte Blanche says:

And the better your body is at mobilizing energy from fat, the easier to go long periods without snacking.

Yes, and your body also becomes more efficient at lipolysis. Insulin actually suppresses lipolysis, so consuming carbohydrates on a regular basis will literally make it more difficult for you to lift or do any other strenuous work on the one day you choose to eat only bacon for breakfast.

If you’re eating a high-fat moderate-protein diet every day then you are fat-adapted and workouts are not unusually difficult. Most people find that their exercise is a lot more consistent in that state, although the tradeoff for that consistency is a slightly lower intensity. One won’t be able to sustain crazy high intensity activity at 95% MHR for very long because lipolysis just isn’t fast enough no matter how adapted you are, so you start using up muscle glycogen stores and once they’re gone, you’re finished for the next 18-24 hours unless you start scarfing down carbohydrates.

Personally, I don’t train at that intensity. If you’re a short-distance sprinter, then you need some fast carbs, probably. Muscle hypertrophy training can easily fit into the “moderate” band at about 60-70% MHR. Strength training is less intense than that. No problems at all for me to complete 1- or even 2-hour sessions.

Anyway, it’s much easier to start fat-adapted and then add a bit of carbohydrates as needed just before (or even during) an intense workout, than it is to have a high- or even moderate-carb diet and try to cut down on low-activity days.

Fidelis says:

Considering Inuit are adapted to be resistant to entering ketosis, despite their diets, long term derivation of energy from ketones is probably not good for you.

Anecdotally, I feel like shit on a properly ketogenic diet, even 2 weeks in. Brain does not work well, exercise, even at lower intensities, feels impossibly difficult. Supplement the lactose from about a quart of milk, natural carbohydrates in certain vegetables like well cooked broccoli and tomatoes, maybe a sip or two of OJ with dinner, occasionally cashews or pecans or macadamia, it is a night and day difference.

Also anecdotally, I feel like shit if I add in any more carbohydrates than that. Rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, it’s a once a month event at most. Otherwise I become sluggish, energy inconsistent, and living off my bodyfat becomes very difficult.

This seems about right. Wild diets likely got more sugar than modern keto from muscle glycogen, fresher meat, and foraged foods. I probably get about 20-30g more carbs than I need for optimal health from the milk, but I also like HIIT type cardio and lifting weights, I suspect that helps prevent insulin resistance.

Looking at the populations that dont rapidly deteriorate from a mostly starch diet, it appears that the common factor is consistent movement throughout the entire day. Roman soldiers ate lots of wheat, but also marched and built daily. Grain peasants ate grain, but also serviced the land. This may be explained by glucose transports on muscle cells that are activated kinetically; the consistent low intensity motion served to shuttle the glucose into the muscle without an excess of insulin. I have other things to do than till the soil or march all day, and don’t work a labor job like construction, so I shall avoid starches.

jim says:

The Sikhs were conquered after they came under the rule of a woman, and I don’t think they can regain their independence until they first do something about their faith.

Which is similar to the advice I give our Hindu bros and the Jews. Not only will Israel will not survive the gay parade, Ashkenazim will not survive holocaustianity.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Ketogenic’ is a highly loaded term that can and has been used to mean everything from ‘literal Atkins diet’ to ’15-20% ‘athletic’ keto’.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Bodybuilder diets tend to be high in carbohydrates as hypertrophy exercise tends to involve lots of high volume work, along with insulin spikes being done purposefully to induce anabolism, with both fat and muscle being built, with the former being cut later in the cycle.

Red says:

No one says it is. It is snacking. But carbs incline you to snack, and carbs while you are overweight worsen your insulin resistance.

I got rid of snacking by the following formula: I took a walk after every time I ate. Night or day, I spent 10-30 minutes walking. Pretty soon I was down to eating 2 meals a day and no snacks because my laziness was greater than my desire to snack.

I think for the more religiously inclined having to say grace before every snack might induce a similar effect. Meals are holy time with you family and God, saying those words on a snack would seem profane after a while.

Oog en Hand says:

If someone forcibly circumcizes an adult, how would you retaliate?

Cloudswrest says:

Excerpted from latest Ron Paul letter. Fun to watch GAE and Neocons flounder.

Washington is angry that Saudi Arabia will start trading with Syria and Iran because those two countries are still under “crippling” US sanctions. One by one, as these countries begin ignoring US-demanded sanctions, the entirety of US foreign policy is being exposed as a paper tiger – just bluster and threats.

A2 says:

Rather than the other way around, Trump now getting paid by whore.


Red says:

Trump’s going to be in jail within 16 months. He should enjoy the whores while he can.

c4ssidy says:

50 SAS in the ukraine seems awfully small. What would the rest of them be doing?

S says:

Fighting Operation Shader (UK’s intervention in Iraq, Syria). Their paper strength is 400-600 so there isn’t that many anyway.

pinochet's ghost says:

If Yandex is so based, why does it want me to install Google Widevine?

jim says:

Yandex does not want you to install widevine. For much the same reason as the Chinese government does not want Chinese to use gmail and google backup.

Dharmicreality says:

Have I been too patient with this guy?

Context: https://dharmicreality.wordpress.com/2023/04/10/common-justification-used-by-agents-of-chaos/#comments

Our bombastic ”sardar” is now in moderation on my blog. Maybe I gave too much benefit of doubt to allow him to post unrestricted on my comments section. I am still learning how to moderate, and now I know better.

TLDR: another Basil type shill who justifies allying with globohomo to destroy “imperfect order” because imperfect order is apparently more evil than the demonic chaos of globohomo.

Dharmicreality says:

The guy started to threaten to harm me physically in his further comments once he realized I am moderating his comments. I realize that it may all be more bluster. But I am a bit alarmed that he would even do so. He seems unhinged.

Should I delete my blog for security reasons? Better safe than sorry?

Karl says:

Don’t see how deleting it now would improve your safety.

A problem with wordpress is that they can cancel your blog whenever they like and that the blog is connected to your identity. Moving your blog away from wordpress might improve security.

Dharmicreality says:

I don’t have any real identity associated with it. But still anonymous threats are a bit worrying and this guy seems unhinged from the contents of his now deleted posts. Yes WordPress.com is an issue but there wasn’t any practical way for me to purchase a domain without exposing my real identity.

Dharmicreality says:

I realize it may seem a bit cowardly on my part but I deleted my site anyway. I can deal with rational threats but this guy seemed like a genuine lunatic. It may be a long shot but I value my safety and I don’t want to take any risks.

alf says:

Speak the truth on the internet and you’re gonna get dox/kill threats sooner or later. Maybe this guy is bluffing, probably he is, but it is never a bad idea to make sure your opsec is airtight before you call such a bluff.

Sher Singh says:

He’s mad that I refuse to give a shit or see the Indian gov killing 100,000 Sikhs or paying for inter caste marriage as somehow different from GAE.

RSS was founded by homosexuals & takes prog positions on gender, caste, and muslims.

Many Hindus themselves would agree with the above.

The left wing party Congress pushes feminist laws, while all the affirmative action anti upper caste stuff has been by the BJP. Idiot’s refuse to see this, and instead insult Sikhs.

The only government institution to not discriminate against upper castes is the military due to a 1989 deal to end the insurgency.


Ungrateful cretins have no knowledge of this yet act big online.
Their response to finding out that Sikhs consider most indians abject negroids for most of history is to commit blasphemy against the aryan religion.


The above act by which an entire upper caste family can be jailed and murdered by a mere accusation has been passed, and strengthed under BJP governments.

This cretinous and scummy hindu expects me to cheer on Sikh genocide such as in the 80s and 90s & define a religious identity as serving a nation state.

H/she/they/them cam deal with the authorities and local street gangs of said nation state that they love so much. My response to any whiteoids claiming Aryan identity is to worship the ground we walk upon & surrender your women for breeding.

The offspring will be Aryan & you can larp through them. Now that we’re at the point of worshipping GAE affiliates order GAE as somehow entirely different, you can wave American or EU flags as Sikhs mount your women.

Jai Hind.


someDude says:

Every Hindu-reactionary is an enemy of the Secular Indian state. Whetever the Secular Indian state has done to Sikhs, it has done worse to Hindus. Whatever the secular Indian state has done to Sikhs, the Islamics have done even worse.

You don’t hurt the Secular Indian state by allying with Jehadis against Hindu reactionaries. You strengthen it

Dharmicreality says:

He grossly misrepresents our position and issues threats of physical harm. He is not a good faith actor. He tried to get me to doxx myself. The nature of his unhinged rants and threats made me delete my blog. Maybe I overreacted but I may come back some time with greater opsec and a better option than WordPress.com.

jim says:

> He grossly misrepresents our position

Shill tactics, probably agent of an external or internal enemy.

A shill will also misrepresent his own position. “Hail fellow reactionary, I am more reactionary than thou, hail fellow Christian, I love Jesus more than you do” I conjecture that this guy was supposedly more Hindu than you. To detect the fake reactionaries, are they allowed to even notice the red pill on women? To detect fake Christians, I ask for certain key points of the creeds that our enemies are strangely unable to speak. (Perhaps they fear they would burst into flames. Perhaps they would burst into flames.)

Hinduism is demon infested, so I find it hard to imagine an effective test for fake Hindus similar to my test for fake Christians, but that may be because I do not know much about Hinduism.

Dharmicreality says:

Manusmriti particularly on women seems to be a good place to start. Most fake Hindus crime stop at Manu.

Sher Singh says:

Hindu survival is not my mandate.
The secular state is more damaging than Hindu reactionaries or Islam.

Asking what level of Dharma someone practices is not a dox – neither is asking their caste.

I’m subtly asking if he’s a nigger.

I cannot misrepresent your position when you do not state it.

I ask what is your position on women/honor killing/veil – you do not state it.

I ask what should a King do when the untouchables try to usurp him? You reply Hindu unity.

You’re a cuck.

Your entire targeted line of reasoning was you as a specific Sikh need to condemn certain Sikhs working with GAE against India ala Azov V Russia.

I simply stated I have no loyalty to either Gae nor Endia so it’s not my problem.

You replied like a typical nationalist cuck blinded by demon worship who takes the Secular Republic as a Holy Land.

Hence, I Treated you as a demon worshipper & an enemy.



jim says:

I simply stated I have no loyalty to either Gae nor Endia so it’s not my problem.

Do you have no loyalty to the Global American Empire? Sikhs are a pet minority, because a potential tool against Hindu nationalism – the Global American Empire is terrified of the possibility of a nuclear Hindu power whose faith is old type Hinduism.

Prove you have no loyalty to the Global American Empire by stating the red pill on women, and also quote the support for the modern red pill in ancient texts that are respected by Sikhī.

The Global American empire is attempting to converge every religion to progressivism. Hence lots of fake Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and such around who are strangely unable to notice the position of their ancient faith on women and family.

For fake Christians I have good shill test on other wordly theological issues, and it is striking that Christians who are unable to notice the position of their faith on women are usually also unable to speak the words of their faith on those issues.

someDude says:

@ Jim, I think it may be time to create a shill test for Hindus

1. Position on Gandhi: The Violence question

2. Position on Lord Rama asking Sita to undergo trial by fire to prove her chastity: The woman question

3. Position on the prescription regarding crime and punishment as mentioned in the Arthashastra: The question on what to do with malcontents and undesirables

jim says:

That overlaps substantially with the shill test for fake reactionaries.

My shill test for fake Christians relies entirely on other worldly theological issues, and it works astonishingly well. Of course the fake Christians are usually also fake reactionaries, and fake reactionaries claiming to be Christian usually or always are fake Christians, but the tests are completely orthogonal.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Mr. Singh is a long-time commenter, here and elsewhere, so I think he is earnest as far as that goes; just aggressively dravidian in his modes of thought.

What mudblood does to a mfer.

Dharmicreality says:

>Mr. Singh is a long-time commenter, here and elsewhere, so I think he is earnest as far as that goes

He simply keeps changing his tune whenever challenged on his position. He clearly stated on my blog that GAE is the lesser evil and he is ready to side with GAE because Kshatriya dharma knows no difference between Dharma and adharma. Then contradicts himself by pretending to be neutral/indifferent.

His Khalsa “nationalism” is a globohomo sponsored project against India. He is a tool. In the same way Ukrainian nationalism is used against Russia. He claims India is more globohomo than globohomo itself and hence deserves to be destroyed. His goal is not destroying the secular Indian state which he claims is evil, but the actual Hindu people of India.

Sher Singh says:

South Indian tribe that’s 100% IVC:

We’re the last of the Sassanids & not going to turn this into a racial sperg fest.
We’re proud of our blood – mother & father.
The Iranic Plateau & IVC are both about 70% or so Irani Farmer with the difference being Steppe vs Abo.
Modern Panjabis are around 65-35 IVC & Steppe (Upper Caste).
It’s a moot point between Persians & Arabs – we’re accepted seamlessly & phenotypically overlap.

Central point: Psychopathic Rage is Aryan, we wouldn’t be talking of invasions otherwise.
India’s Scheduled Caste & Tribes Act allows for the jailing of entire extended families based on an allegation of wrongdoing. Offences under the act are non-bailable, and trials in India often take decades.

No investigation is required before arrest. Now, tell me a single law on the books or even being advocated like this in the entire Western world. There’s a reason Indians move to the West & not vice-versa.

India’s Dowry Act allows a wife to jail her entire husband’s family under similar conditions.
Again, is no fault divorce worse than this? No.
India buys weapons from the GAE – show me where in Sikh scripture it says Sikhs cannot.
Show me where in Sikh scripture it says to respect the authority of nation states above the Khalsa.
Show me in Sikh history where Sikhs have respected secular rulers over their religious institutions.

India is constantly trying to seize lands, wealth, and women from Upper Castes for untouchables.
Self-defence is the only human right – anyone denying this basic reality is a shill.

The Taliban were once GAE allies.

The Hindu question is already settled in Punjab.
Out of 40% Hindus 15 are migrant workers & thus not human.
A good portion of the rest are Dalits who’ve converted to Christianity & nuke their TFR for welfare.

The upper caste Punjabi Hindu already died in the 70s & 80s amidst bus attacks & temple bombings.
Me telling you this unapologetically is not taking a position, just stating facts.
Idc either way, and your feminine emotions are confusing this for something else.

As for Hindus in the rest of India – historically the people on side of Sarasvati & the other have warred.
We view the Guru Khalsa as an avatar of Hari (Vishnu). You tell me what happens to those who oppose the Lord.

This is what the 3rd or 4th time I’m explaining all this?
My position is theologically sound, and backed up by actions which Sikhs have taken over the centuries.
You’re the idiot who thinks Kings are nice people when you oppose them.
I will state that it is my mistake to comment on Hindu affairs, as it creates confusion.

India is undoubtedly a Hindu nation, and its diversity, secularism, and myriad festivals speak to this.
However, there’s no concept in the Sikh religion of any allegiance outside its own institutions.
I’m sorry if you’ve been led to believe otherwise.


jim says:

> South Indian tribe that’s 100% IVC:

Aryans leveled the IVC cities, and have ruled them ever since. Inferior race.

Aryaman says:

No investigation is required before arrest. Now, tell me a single law on the books or even being advocated like this in the entire Western world. There’s a reason Indians move to the West & not vice-versa.

India’s Dowry Act allows a wife to jail her entire husband’s family under similar conditions.
Again, is no fault divorce worse than this? No.

All true, and all bad.

On the other hand, in India the wife’s passport names her husband, but the husband’s passport does not name his wife. A child’s passport names the father. In India, a child’s natural guardian by statute is the father if legitimate, the mother if bastard, and the husband if married.

On the other hand, none of these laws are applied against men exercising their rightful privileges, as much as abused for unrelated reasons (nevertheless they are very bad). Whereas no-fault divorce is not abused but serving precisely the purpose it was meant for.

It is not the Indian state gumming it up for Indian men, it is the influence of America.

alf says:

He’s mad because you threatened violence and doxing.

Sher Singh says:

He’s mad that we’re not condemning a section of Sikhs for allying with GAE. In our best case scenario any remaining Liberals Sikhs, The Indian Gov & all the GAE Acolytes don a suicide vest.

We literally don’t care what other Sikhs do outside not cutting their hair & avoiding tobacco.

To ask us to spend our precious manpower on a nation-state he admits is imperfect & GAE-lite is the definition of entitled.

Then again, India’s welfare budget is $900 bil USD for entitled dalit niggers like him. I’m done with this topic.


dharmicreality says:

LOL, Sher, I never invited you for your opinion on any topic.

I literally don’t care what your position is on any issue.

When you commented, I tried to engage you as rationally and respectfully as I could but you got mad that I moderated your comments when you became unresponsive and then threatened me.

The Cominator says:

You would rather some Sikhs align with globohomo than use the most benign of humanity’s historical drugs?

Not saying you should align with India either but allying with people who want to castrate boys and turn all women into fat bulldykes is way worse than smoking.

Aryaman says:

I think it’s funny the Khalistan LARP is back in the news and “Sikhs” rushing out of the woodwork in the west to protest shortly after Indian authorities raided BBC offices and BJP politicians complained about State Department psy-ops and called Soros a “destroyer of nations”. Funny, funny, funny.

If your country weren’t a meme and your faith still alive, you would have your country already. Do you really think the secular Indian government could do anything about it?

BTW, how many “Sikhs” in America carry a firearm as they are required (updating the law for the 21st century)? And what is the point of Sikhness if they do not?

Sher Singh says:

You’re an Arora right? Small-time shopkeepers from Sindh renowned as the biggest whores this side of the world for the last 3 centuries?

As for views on women –


Idk woman must be owned, is constantly shit testing, Victorian v older morality ie Are they pure angels or temptresses.

Sikhs & Afghans have both a revenge, and honor killing culture. That about sums it up – same with the response to Kunning Drueger.

Badla comes first – ie India has wronged us, and so must go. Hindu men worship Indira Gandhi after she snipped 10,000s of them.


jim says:

Pass, sort of, but I did ask you to quote or repeat ancient sources: A woman is never fit for independence … A woman must be particularly guarded from evil inclinations.

Sher Singh says:


A woman gains salvation through her husband; by serving her husband as her lord, and constantly being at his feet.

A woman is never fit for independence, and must constantly be kept dependent.
She must be guarded from ADharmic Inclinations.
Raja Manu is the 16th Avatar of Vishnu in Sikhi. All he says is true.
The Sikhs are back in the news because they assaulted & took over a police station. India sent in 2000 paramilitary + 80,000 police to capture the ringleader – who they’ve failed to capture.

Do give the whole story.

Laws which give slaves & women the ability to jail the master & his entire clan are not “abused for unrelated reasons” or “not that bad” this is DEMON WORSHIP.


Sher Singh says:



Multiple Indian states have banned subhumans from the every regions the Vedic word Mleccha comes from.

The modern Indian nationalist is just a slightly islamophobic or homophobic liberal who wants the upper caste replaced by 75 iqbal dalit subhumans.

Good riddance to this lot, and their hare brained schemes following the right wing losers from America. India is too low and too high iq for midwit propaganda like trust leader Ji as he increases lower caste quotas above 70% to work.

Recently, some institutions were hiring Dalits who got 0.5% on a test above 90% scoring upper castes. Now they’re trying to add exit taxes for renouncing citizenship or remittances. Trapping the upper caste or any above 90 iq population as a captive cash cow is their only end goal.

Accept your genocide for sake of the nation state is the blind slogan of otherwise forgettable Brahmins & other idiotic scions of the BJP.

A recent caste lawsuit in California was against a Brahmin who hired, and promoted an untouchable who then turned on him.

Hindus except the whole world to go down with their demons, instead of cauterizing & isolating them.

Good riddance, and don’t expect replies whether it’s approved or not.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I realize it may seem a bit cowardly on my part but I
deleted my site anyway.

Incredibly disappointing. The word ‘shameful’ springs to mind even.

Back in my day, death threats on the internet was how you said hello. Hiding your light under a bushel is how darkness wins. What men need is opsec, not capitulation.

How many great and indispensable writers of perenialism have along with all their works disappeared from the internet over the years? Far far too many. We can understand that not all men may have the will and perseverance of men like Anglin, but those are examples you should strive to learn from.

Dharmicreality says:

I understand. The nature of his lunatic threats made me do it. It was an impulsive decision.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I earnestly hope you kept archives, so that this can merely be a fit of pique, rather than a tragedy.

Dharmicreality says:

I have an older backup. Not much is lost, except the latest few posts. If, when I return, I will return with greater opsec.

Dharmicreality says:

I have an older backup. Not much is lost, except the latest few posts. If, when I return, I will return with greater opsec.

someDude says:

I once deleted my twitter handle because an actual IPS guy said he would try to find me via IP address tracking by making a govt request to twitter

No, I am not @trueindology

The Cominator says:

More evidence of the whole system coming off the rails

Some Majorie Taylor Greene type chick state rep in Arizona calls some witness to a hearing who accuses basically the whole political establishment in Arizona (both parties the Dems and the McCain mafia GOP alike) of being corrupt and taking bribes from the Mexican cartels.

The Arizona GOP then proves it by joining the Democrats and expelling her. She did not do anything insurrectionish.


Expelling reps for not towing the line used to be pretty unheard of, now open purges are going to get real common…

Red says:

Tossing any pretense of fair elections->tossing any pretense of fair court trials->purges of political officials who buck the system even slightly.

I’m not sure what comes next, but you can bet it’s going to be very nasty.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Topical datapoint: middling swamp creature Roy McGrath, Larry Hogan’s one-time chief of staff, was recently assassinated by the FBI.

The Cominator says:

The FBI shot a GOP staffer? Link.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
The Cominator says:

RINO staffer murdered by glories, must have known too much…

Red says:

I heard about that. It read like one of those cover up stories like the murder of Seth Rich. The media always reports those cover up stories oddly.

Adam says:

I’ve seen a lot of chain mail on social media educating the public about the seriousness of auto immune disease. All of it written in the predictable progressive verbiage of victimhood. Seems like the making of a new protected class.

anonymous says:

Autoimmune diseases, Gulf war syndrome, Agent Orange, PTSD, “trauma”, childhood sexual abuse, lead paint, fibromyalgia, long COVID, and, to be frank, Jim’s claims about the vax causing all kinds of problems from brain fog to car crashes to heart attacks to lung clots.

The common denominator in all these claims is that they are easy to claim, difficult to prove, impossible to rule out. They are vague, nonspecific, nonfalsifiable. They can produce a state of paranoia if you allow them to.

I’ve decided the best strategy is to let my eyes glaze over and my brain to zone out whenever someone starts talking about this stuff.

Red says:

to be frank, Jim’s claims about the vax causing all kinds of problems from brain fog to car crashes to heart attacks to lung clots.

Everything but the brain fog is an acknowledged side effect of the vax and brain fog is an acknowledged side effect of the COVID spike protean.

simplyconnected says:

[…] nonfalsifiable […]

It is falsifiable, but the test they could run to falsify it (e.g. they’re doing no autopsies of “sudden deaths”) are not being run, so it becomes “unfalsifiable”.

Basil says:


jim says:

I asked you for the Russian equivalent of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. The case you link to is the opposite of that – some aliens attack a Russian, flee, and the cops and authorities vigorously try to find the offender, yet you give us a lengthy rant as if it your Russian language link was telling a similar story. This is manipulative and intended to deceive. You assume the reader will not be bothered to actually read the link to see if it supports your rant in the slightest.

The content of your link indicates Russians and Russian authorities supporting Russians when aliens attack.

Basil says:

[*deleted because true but, because false context implied, misleading and manipulative*]

Red says:

Video comparison of a Chinese Subway vs NYC subway. Pretty good propaganda format.

Kunning Drueger says:

Sher Singh made a mess of this comment section last high summer/virgin autumn IIRC. He posts walls of text that parse into “Allahu Akbar but with a stupid accent.” He thinks Sikhs carrying costume prop weapons on airplanes means they have defeated GAE. His methodology is a bipolar bully/intellectual, telling you to be afraid or telling you to be smarter.

He is nothing more than a shitskin Basil, and he’s been activated because the GAE is full court press on India right now as it is the last place for the West to supply Ukraine with the Soviet era tech and stocks needed to backstop an assault and the requisite defense (S-300 missiles in particular, but many other systems depleted) Everything else has been used up or is locked up in “enemy territory.” Expect the bipolar attacks to increase until the season breaks.

I don’t speak to women or dogs I don’t own, so would someone kindly tell Sher Sing that the mud stained whores that pass for Sikh women aren’t even our species so there’s no need to exchange anything, and that he’s more than welcome to go lay with his nigger Muslim brothers in Somalia where he belongs.

Kunning Drueger says:

Went into moderation… I may have used the wrong email, or maybe I’m on moderation, or maybe Jim has a new hate speech filter lol.

If I used the wrong email Jim, can you delete please?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Yes the GAE may be gay; but have I told you about the sinful wickedness of my neighbors lately?”

Pax Imperialis says:

Off topic but,

I don’t speak to women or dogs I don’t own

Due to my work, I had to speak to a female dominated Admin/HR at a certain stressful time of the month… and… drum-roll please… I got burnt with no recourse. Surprising I know.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m obviously being a bit dramatic, but unless compelled by work or crisis I avoid contact with women. I’m not afraid of them, I just have enough stress in my life as is, and I’ve come to find so many females just dull and pointless. And, when forced into urban zones, I avoid all contact with everyone. I find cities unbearably repressive. I have this joke with my wife: one day, I am going to drive down the driveway, turn off the car, and through my keys inna woods.


What an absolute king.

Red says:

Due to my work, I had to speak to a female dominated Admin/HR at a certain stressful time of the month… and… drum-roll please… I got burnt with no recourse. Surprising I know.

I’ve done fine dealing with female HR departments. I view them as children and treat them like my kid sister. It’s the faggots in the HR departments that make my skin crawl. I’ve been able to avoid being detected as a heretic, but just barley.

Aidan says:

If you are a reasonably manly man, the faggots want you to fuck them. Treating faggots in HR like your kid sister works like it works on women. Yes, below a man’s dignity to treat a fag like a real woman, but that’s true of most of going into an office and working a job.

Red says:

Fags feel unclean and I feel like I’m sullied just by being around them. Mostly dealing with them I’m just trying to mask my revulsion, which by itself is emasculating.

There’s a famous story about Ron Paul where he met a rich faggot in San Fran for a political donation towards one of Ron’s lolbertain causes. He accepted the fag’s money but instead of using the restroom at his home, he used a restroom in at a gas station down the street. This was reported as showing what a hypocrite Ron was but it’s just good sense. You don’t want to be in the same place where anything coming from their body touches a surface.

If you are a reasonably manly man, the faggots want you to fuck them.

I’ve been hit on before and my natural response was a strong need to commit violence for the affront.

Adam says:

It’s been my experience they all have a sort of evil and cursed look in their eyes. Even if you didn’t know they were a sodomite, you would know they are hell bent.

Pax Imperialis says:

Before or after they start manufacturing crap to get rid of you, or telling you to do something that they later say is against the rules, or etc etc. Anyways I’m mostly unscathed and out of the bad situation in no small part thanks to them. Just sucks that it might kill someone. Funny enough, their potential legal exposure likely went up. By getting rid of me all legal liability is now on them and them alone.

Sher Singh says:

Afghans used to call Singhs “Sogh” which is dog in their language.
Reply from a Muslim scholar:


“Yes the GAE may be gay; but have I told you about the sinful wickedness of my neighbors lately?”

Your neighbor is breaking into your house & his son says Sir, he may be breaking into your house, but have I told you about the GAE?

India allows polygamy & Sharia for Muslims, while defining Sikhs as Hindus. India is free to stop holy war against Sikhs at any time.


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Based upon my interactions with you, I cannot help but feel sympathetic towards anyone trying to wipe your people out. You loudly proclaim your martial virtues by yelling at men who you cannot reach and who cannot reach you. You are a coward, and the best part is that you know it. May you live forever, and may every day be a cowards death.

Dharmicreality says:

He is a faggot belonging to GAE pet minority group who loves LARPing as this great based warrior tribe and then claims victimhood when he is moderated and then resorts to wild threats of violence and doxxing and reporting to authorities etc. he will never be a real woman though.

Sher Singh says:

Sikh leadership has more or less decided to let the Taliban through to Delhi.
Hindus are going to be reminded what being “the last paganism” is really like.

@jim Hindus have not followed old type Hinduism in quite some type, possibly millenia. Certainly predating the Buddha (Bodh Avatar) – notice that original Hinduism does not contain idol worship yet they engage in the most profane versions of it.

The shill test for Hindus is related to caste. Notice none of them will admit to the necessity of untouchablility, let alone the need to reduce the population of dalits & their extraordinary privileges.

Good day. Just as the Brahmin only thrives under a strong King the Hindu can only thrive under foreign rule.


jim says:

Taliban are not particularly interested in fighting far away pagans. They have enough trouble on their hand with the Global American Empire attempting to converge Islam.

dharmicreality says:

> Hindus are going to be reminded what being “the last paganism” is really like.

LOL, you really scare me big guy.

> The shill test for Hindus is related to caste. Notice none of them will admit to the necessity of untouchablility, let alone the need to reduce the population of dalits & their extraordinary privileges.

Oh, fuck off with your fake “basedness”. You Sikhs have openly repudiated varnashrama/caste by throwing open Langars to all castes and you actually speak of this.

Sher Singh says:

Taliban are not particularly interested in fighting far away pagans. They have enough trouble on their hand with the Global American Empire attempting to converge Islam.

Pashtun areas are 150-200km from the Indian border.
The fireworks in Pak have already started – this is a cycle of history.
The British liberated Hindus from Sikh rule, and Sikhs liberated Hindus from Brits.

Hindus themselves are chattel:

Massacres of Hindus within Indian borders are fairly common.
Hinduism has ceased to exist in the NE, Kashmir, Rural Punjab.
Large parts of West Bengal, most large cities U-20, parts of Bihar/W UP.

A Post BJP/Post Modi India is one in which Hindu heads are placed on pikes.
This isn’t conjecture, just the pre-2014 norm.
The Hindu state lost the loyalty of Martial tribes with recent reforms as well.

@dharmic You are still unable to state that we have a Dalit problem in India.
All Hindu temples are under state control & run by enemy faith.
What is your caste, do you wear a sacred thread, when is the last time you went to a temple?

I will wear force you to chew on my leather boot as I tell you about the intricacies of untouchability within Sikhism.


jim says:

This presupposes that Sikhs are a martial tribe. It is delusion and boasting. You did not lose your sovereignty because defeated. You lost your sovereignty because ruled by a woman, and being defeated was downstream of that. If you still had a genuinely martial faith, would not be in the pooh that you fell into during female rule and are still in. Your empty boasts come from an empty faith.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes we DO have a dalit problem in India. Yes, the secular Indian state is largely responsible for this.

But you Sikhs open community kitchen for all castes and religion and then you dare to lecture us that Hindus gave up caste.

Respond to me, are your Gurus anti-caste? Doesn’t Sikhism promote universal brotherhood and repudiating the caste system?

You keep avoiding that.

jim says:

> The Hindu state lost the loyalty of Martial tribes with recent reforms as well

What matters is the Aryan castes. In today’s war, cannon fodder matters less and less. And the Aryan castes are generally Hindu.

Dharmicreality says:

@jim, no use engaging him in a rational debate. I tried my best.He will sail right past all your arguments and come back with more boastful warrior LARPing.

Sher Singh says:

What matters is the Aryan castes. In today’s war, cannon fodder matters less and less. And the Aryan castes are generally Hindu.

Respond to me, are your Gurus anti-caste? Doesn’t Sikhism promote universal brotherhood and repudiating the caste system?

Martial tribes refers to the Aryans ie Rajputs.
The Hindu state is a Brahmin-Vaishya one.
Most politicians were Brahmin till the caste movements of the 1990s.
Brahmins & Vaishya bought 2 generations of rule, and kudos to them.
That ended with Rajiv Gandhi.


Older article from 2014 gave the exact % of Brahmin politicians, but neither Google nor Yandex turn it up.

The future is between Dalits, Muslims & the Martial tribes as Churchill predicted.

Sikh villages have separate Gurudawaras & langars as do traditional institutions.
ie Nihang, Nirmala, Udasi.

The liberal SGPC does not and allowed Dalits into Major Sikh shrines post-20s.

Sikhi promotes brotherhood among the 4 Varna not non-Aryas.
Most Khalsa Sikhs are Jatt, Rajput, Khatri or Brahmin.
The few non-Jatt misls were all inherited by Jatts later on by merit.
If you don’t know about the Misl period let me know it’s pretty interesting.

Dalits have not traditionally been allowed to become Sikhs.
When they have it’s been under seperate Dals (battalions)
There’s no integration.


Progs also claim Buddhists & Jains are anti-caste.
Neither the BJP nor the INC are allies in the caste war.
Stop parroting slogans like the Parrots in Panchtantra.
Anyway, I can tell you are disgusted by the thought of dining with Dalits.

“A Sikh protects the cow and Brahmin. Spread the message of war among the 4 castes”.

Let us embark on this mission together, and forward to establish Satya Yuga.


Sher Singh says:


Sorry, wrong screenshot.
Sikhi has more or less been a mess since the Shaheedi of Akali Phula Singh Ji.

When Hindu nationalists attack things such as the Turban, Beard or Weapons I see it as self-defeating.

Sri Krishna Ji gifted Sudama a Turban.
Anyway, I know you do not & that is all.

All is in the will of हरि


Sher Singh says:


Continue the conversation here if Jim’s annoyed.
Really don’t want to take up space on a Christian blog with this stuff.

i says:


I know a case of Georgia being ruled by a woman once who went the tranny route of being “King”. But the country was only lost 20 years after her death to the Mongols after prosperity and flourishing in her lifetime:

Tamar was proclaimed heir and co-ruler by her reigning father George III in 1178, but she faced significant opposition from the aristocracy upon her ascension to full ruling powers after George’s death.

Tamar was successful in neutralizing this opposition and embarked on an energetic foreign policy aided by the decline of the hostile Seljuq Turks.

Relying on a powerful military élite, Tamar was able to build on the successes of her predecessors to consolidate an empire which dominated the Caucasus until its collapse under the Mongol attacks within two decades after Tamar’s death.

Of course she rebelled against the Headship of her Husband:

Tamar was married twice, her first union being, from 1185 to 1187, to the Rus’ prince Yuri, whom she divorced and expelled from the country, defeating his subsequent attempts at coup.

For her second consort Tamar chose, in 1191, the Alan prince David Soslan, by whom she had two children, George and Rusudan, the two successive monarchs on the throne of Georgia.

Yet was Canonized as a Saint and Heroine by the Georgian people and the Georgian Orthodox Church:

Tamar’s association with the period of political and military successes and cultural achievements, combined with her role as a female ruler, has led to her idealization and romanticization in Georgian arts and historical memory.

She remains an important symbol in Georgian popular culture and has been canonized by the Georgian Orthodox Church as the Holy Righteous King Tamar (Georgian: წმიდა კეთილმსახური მეფე თამარი), with her feast day commemorated on 14 May (O.S. 1 May).


Anonymous says:

Regarding Jim’s comment that what matters today are the Aryan castes-
I contend that in India this is not entirely the case. Some of the best and brightest of India are southern Indian Brahmins and South Indian non Brahmin dominant castes. They run the space program, the nuclear program, the tech companies and so on.

The South Indian top castes are vastly superior to true aryans like Iranians, afghans etc. Probably as a result of intermixing of the best of Aryan and Dravidian elite genes.

The Dravidian elite were NOT the Andamanese/Australian Aboriginal population. The dravidians were invaders who subjugated that original population and built advanced societies in India. They probably collapsed for the same reason sodom and Gomorrah and Sweden collapsed.

Red says:

I contend that in India this is not entirely the case. Some of the best and brightest of India are southern Indian Brahmins and South Indian non Brahmin dominant castes. They run the space program, the nuclear program, the tech companies and so on.

With the death of Democracy only military power matters. If you want a win a war, best to recruit Aryans.

Kunning Druegger says:

The alleged leaker has been captured: 21 year old chair force lad. I’m not saying he isn’t a patsy, and this may unfold further, but I find it quite believable that the geriatrics in charge of the USM let their young hobbits run everything, see everything, do everything when it comes to their IT bullshit. I’ve actually encountered this IRL, where people of immense status/power just trust a “specialist” because they refuse to embarrass themselves by displaying their tech illiteracy.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, this is actually starting to get interesting:


The whole video is mildly interesting, but that “interview” really seems like an obvious script. Pay attention to the buzzwords. Pay attention to the subtext of what this “witness” is saying. That script was written by a managerial midwit.

Buckle up for another gold star KD prediction: the War Faction is absolutely shook because the boomercons are seeing this leaker as a hero. They are seriously worried that they are going to lose their position and be exposed to attacks by the other Cathedral Factions (Gaia worshippers, Coronatarians, BLMists, etc) which would compromise their plans for a repeat of the Great Turn (FDR’s social reconfiguration for WWII).

Or maybe it’s all a distraction, I don’t know anymore. Bonus content: MacGregor used the term “clownworld.” Our memes continue to spread, brothers.

Carte Blanche says:

The leak is probably a worked shoot with the intent of exaggerating their capabilities or just pushing an emerging narrative. Like all worked shoots, it starts with something genuine but not mind-blowing, a few interesting and verifiable tidbits that aren’t widely known. Then is followed by a series of many more unverifiable and often unbelievable claims that everyone is supposed to believe because the other claims were true.

More interesting is the question of who is communicating with whom. I don’t think “we” are the primary audience. It’s one apparat faction talking to another apparat faction, but which ones, and to what end?

Kunning Drueger says:

Please don’t take this response as a challenge. I looked up terms to assist parsing what you’re saying, and I think I got it, but I’ll not trot through my reasoning because if I’m understanding, good, and if I’m not, ignore.

I don’t think the response is damage control + exploitation. I think this is a black swan for the IC. I’ve never come to a conclusion on Snowden. He seems like a progressive faggot, but who wasn’t back then, yeah? And if that was a “controlled release,” then why is he in Russia, completely side lined? So maybe he was a black swan for the IC also. I am not smart enough to figure out what the psyops are without Jim, Anglin, and the Regulars. My initial thought on this leak was “fake and gay,” but I’m not so sure anymore.

All this to say, I think you’re right: the more important question is “who/whom,” as it almost always is. We’ll see what follows. Carlson weighed in tonight, and he’s also a black box to me. Sometimes I think he’s the Gen X Trump, other times, he’s so obviously controlled opposition it hurts. This is reality now: the superposition of trust, compromised and concrete, all at once, but we never get to inspect the box before a new one is introduced. We’re so back; it’s so over.

jim says:

> I’ve never come to a conclusion on Snowden. He seems like a progressive faggot, but who wasn’t back then, yeah?

Snowden is a fine guy. He sincerely believed the left’s depiction of itself. So he believed he would be supported, and loved, by the left. Surprise, surprise, he was not.

The left says “We are fighting power”. Sincere leftists say “Hey, seems to get money, status, and fame, I will fight power also” Surpise!

Red says:

In the “Last Battle” by CS Lewis Lewis described how a man who pledged to an evil god like Tash but who obeyed the law of God in all things even though he thought that was the law of Tash, was saved by his observation of the law.

Snowden is a man of good who did righteous acts thinking he was serving progressivism. In that way he was pledged to Tash, but served the one true God.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*a notorious shill tells us who is Christian and who is not, then explains how color revolution works*]

Carte Blanche says:

Challenge away, by all means. Using big words doesn’t mean that a man knows what he’s talking about, and as far as I am concerned, when it comes to regimeology we are all stumbling around in the dark.

If the term you had trouble with was “worked shoot” — it doesn’t mean quite the same thing as “controlled release”. Worked shoots have a predetermined narrative without an actual script or only a loose script; the actors ad-lib most of it. The leak doesn’t appear to be a carefully-orchestrated conspiracy, I wouldn’t call it entirely fake and gay either, but there is still something very “off” about it to me.

Why do leaks happen? Usually they are either accidental (lack of infosec) or from a whistleblower.

Most corporate leaks are accidental; a low-level contractor running his mouth off at the bar to impress his friends or a girl he simps for; or a nerd with too much time on his hands decompiling apps and picking them apart for any mention of an unreleased feature. Accidental leaks are rarely denied outright, because that would be a felony; instead they’re “dismissed” in vague and legalistic terms, and the leaker is fired and/or prosecuted, constituting a tacit admission.

Whistleblowing leaks are obviously intentional and the intent of the leak is obvious once the content is known. Snowden was upset that the US IC had set up a domestic program to spy on its own citizens. He thought it was important for Americans to know. I don’t think he particularly cared that they were spying on foreign countries, which is perfectly normal. Political leaks usually are denied because the information is potentially damaging — think of Her Nibs’s special email server — and the leaker is either not identified at all if the identity on its own would provide credibility, or not vigorously prosecuted because prosecution would serve as confirmation. Sometimes the leaker gets “unoficially” prosecuted, if you know what I mean, but the Snowden treatment is reserved for leaks that are both highly credible and highly embarrassing, too juicy to memory-hole.

So in this instance we’re left with a conundrum. Clearly the leak was not accidental, that’s out of the question. Yet nothing about the leak itself or the response to it seems to add up to proper whistleblowing. The contents are not particularly damaging — far from it, in fact, the main narrative seems to me “check out how fearsomely awesome and competent our MIC definitely still is”. The leaker’s identity resembles that of an accidental leaker, just some low-level guy with no real axe to grind. Several of the IC’s media mouthpieces did initially claim that the leak was illegitimate… but then they went on to prosecute and arrest the supposed leaker, appearing to confirm the authenticity. The entire story is centered around the fact of the leak itself and not the contents of the leak which are boring.

Nothing about it adds up, so the only rational conclusion seems to be that Mr. Leaker is either an actor or a pawn, and his handlers or winder-uppers wanted this “leak” to get out, and they want it to be seen as authentic, which, if true, likely means that only parts of it are authentic while the overarching narrative of fearsome awesomeness is fake and gay, otherwise why go through with the gayop instead of issuing press releases like usual? They want to push something that is at least partially a lie, but the people whom they want to convince are not buying the official propaganda anymore, so try to make it look unofficial but still accurate and show that unofficial truth agrees with official truth.

The only potentially-damaging fact is having uniformed troops in Ukraine which is essentially a declaration of war, but that hardly seems worth the drama. The Russians already know that, and we know that they know it, and they know that we know that they know it. Karl Denninger might be able to get his panties in a bunch over it, as he always does, but I just can’t muster up the energy to care.

If it’s not a gayop then I don’t know what their game is this time because it doesn’t fit any recognizable pattern of an authentic leak.

Red says:

The other possibility is he’s a white male in a job that’s required to hire obese stupid black women to run things. In order to get things done the competent white male will be given far more access than he needs so he can do the jobs of the sheboons while they stand around making monkey noises.

Carte Blanche says:

Not a possibility, a non-sequitur.

DIE-YT can certainly explain how he got access to the information, but tells us nothing about why he would have leaked it, why it was leaked in the way that it was, or why the agencies and the media responded to it in the way that they did. I also don’t perceive any mystery around how he got access to the information or demands to know how. He was a member of the agency; he had access. DIE-YT is an unnecessarily complicated explanation for that which does not need explaining.

Hanlon’s Razor is a good tool but it isn’t relevant here because I’m not ascribing anything to malice or stupidity, only pointing out the wild inconsistencies between the circumstances surrounding this “leak” and those of almost any other well-known and authentic leak.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There’s noone below the rank of general who actually cares about Eastern European Border Dispute No. 01957.

None of them are calling shots either so it largely doesn’t matter; but as happenstances like this show, it sometimes does.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which is to say, it certainly is quite possible he was wound up to do this; but the people doing the winding up did so because they wanted the idea that Foggy Bottom’s latest boondoggle is going badly to permeate the discourse more (because they don’t want to pay for it).

Pax Imperialis says:

>DIE-YT is an unnecessarily complicated explanation

It is not, in fact I would argue that it doesn’t go far enough in explaining just how bad the situation is. Which is why:

>In order to get things done the competent white male will be given far more access than he needs

Needs some elaboration on the how it fails to explain the scope of the problem.

>I also don’t perceive any […] demands to know how. He was a member of the agency; he had access.

Been hearing some of the documents where internal to CIA only. He would not have had access, or at the very least should not have had access due to compartmentalization. The wide scope of documents is evidence that a lot more was going on.

These documents where in and about SCIFs. The workforce in that environment is still largely White, male, and competent. The greatest cause for concern is typically the civilian contractors, but the contractors tend to be older (meaning more experience and competence) White males with some kind of prior DOD connection and more likely to have developed ideological convictions i.e. the Snowdens of the world. In other words, there is no localized shortage of competent White males because DOD concentrates them in Intel, IT, Infantry… or at least that’s how it has been in the last 45+ years. I find it unlikely he was given far more access than needed (on paper).

Jack Teixeira was a cyber transport systems journeyman. An IT maintenance guy whose job would entail working with ones and zeros at best. End to end encryption should have ensured he never understood what those ones and zeros meant. More likely he was in charge of physical maintenance like cable management. At no point does that job entail physical handling or viewing of TS documents. It also looked like many of the documents he leaked were physical copies he had picked up from the workplace, not freshly printed from digital files off a thumb drive. Considering the shear lack of measures he took to protect his identity, not even using VPN the idiot, this guy was no hacker wizard IT superman stealing info from the TC. Thus Jack was picking up physical copies left and right and no one was asking why… or even asking where did all the copies disappear to. TS document accountability, while not quite as stringent as rifle accountability, is still fucking policed to hell and back. It was obviously not being done at his unit. A unit that appears to be largely White.

This indicates lax standards… it is national guard after all (not surprising). Which points to leadership incompetence and basic sloth to walk over to the paper shredder (Yes, there are actual shredders that are supposed to be used) to dispose of classified documents or use the lockable file cabinet. Basic laziness is an actual problem in DOD proper which has to be constantly policed, even among competent White men likely due to them largely coming from high trust societies (small town America). A major problem in the reserves because idleness leads to a culture of low policing. This points to a much deeper problem. Why did DOD, who knows the reserves have these problems in spades, activate a fucking national guard unit just for Ukraine?!

It’s not that in order to get things done the competent White male was given far more access than he needed. It’s that in order to get things done all of the White males of poor discipline were given access as well. This means they are scraping the bottom of the barrel over a conflict America isn’t even directly involved in. That has some implications that I think are obvious.

Moving on.

>why it was leaked in the way that it was
>why he would have leaked it

Dude was an idiot who didn’t even attempt the most basic of OPSEC. The idiot needed his ego stroked, so he stroked it in the most idiotic way possible. By showing off to younger men/boys.

>why the agencies and the media responded to it in the way that they did.

Embarrassment and damage control. Also no small amount of ideological “It’s the RUSSIANS” causing self gaslighting. Hilarious if you think about it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Kid was a zoomer on a minecraft server; which is pretty much exactly the sort of thing you can see a zoomer stuck in clownworld would do, and not the sort of play that would ever occur to the gerontocrats in charge on their first or even fifth thought.

Pax Imperialis says:

Had he been just a tad bit smarter, he could have fled the country and gotten away with it. The gerontocracy had it’s head so far up it’s own ass he had far more time than Snowden ever did.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>“check out how fearsomely awesome and competent our MIC definitely still is”

Which is not the impression everyone is walking away with, though.

Red says:

So, will the GAE invade Saudi Arabia? Can they invade it? Losing Saudi’s is a awful blow to the GAE and you know those fuck tards are already planning a color revelation to get the country back.

jim says:

Out of ammo.

Aryaman says:

General ammo prices are not up much since the war, actually down. I would have guessed the production could be retooled / repurposed eventually and without too much work, reflected in general prices.

I don’t think the government understands how to use prices very well.

Kunning Druegger says:

The shortage then over production initiated in 2020 has us in a “safe place” for small arms ammo production, but that’s not relevant to the UKR War. They need tube arty, dumb missiles, and smart missiles, and those can’t be buttressed by “civilian” supply chain.

America cannot build at scale, and it won’t, or is prevented, from addressing this issue.

Red says:

Yep. Small arms hardly factors in modern war.

Aryaman says:

How difficult is the retooling and repurposing involved? Small arms are hardly relevant but is the supply that inelastic? Or government just dumb about prices and using the market correctly / corruption?

Red says:

Requires a 1) large capital investment, 2) time and know how to build the facilities, and 3) high quality workers who know how to build high quality systems.

The US is lacking 2 and 3 due to retirements, diversity requirements, and general brain drain. We’re also probably lacking in 1 given that GDP is fake.

jim says:

The problem is that government contractors have sheboons in charge, so just cannot make stuff.

The Challenger inquiry revealed that the people overruling the real engineers, leading to the Challenger disaster, were ignorant idiots talking technobabble. Those are the people that the Global American Empire is asking to build more shells.

Kunning Druegger says:

I disagree, Red, I think small arms are a huge factor in modern war, but they aren’t challenging due to availability, quality, and relative ease of scaling the requisite supply chain. This is not to say that tube artillery and guided missiles and small arms are at the same level, not at all, but in the context of Ukraine, a country that is and has been awash in small arms and plenty of ammunition, they are a kind of invisible factor.

If/when we start seeing actual unrest, strife, and conflict in the Occident Proper, the combat will look mighty different between the US, awash in small arms and ammo, and Europe, a place devoid of any significant amount of either. Small arms will be a significant factor in a lot of ways. Let’s say you are Country R and you wish to support the local opposition to Country A; if A has plenty of weapons & ammo, just need to send advisors, heavy weapons, and cash. As well, the dissenters in A will be able to make their own weaponry if they can get the tools for fabrication. Country E, on the other hand, having no small arms culture and no real capacity to develop and maintain production with merely inputs, will be a much different situation.

Another aspect is the affect, character, and resolve of the combatants. An occupying force made up of conscripts and “salary soldiers” will need the full stack of weapons, support, supplies, logistics, and guidance just to hold territory and patrol. An occupied force will use whatever is to hand to oppose the occupiers. So Occupy will have a shit ton of gack just to do patrols and set up FOBs (forward operating bases), while Occupied can make there lives a nightmare with the most rudimentary implements of war.

In a peer/peer conflict though, you are absolutely correct. Though small arms are useful, they are hardly a factor *so long as they are a given*.

Red says:

The only actual act of war in the US in the last 50 years was the OKC bombing. Note they used high explosives, not rifles. High explosives is what kills your foes. Small arms are mostly deterrence against goons and to kill niggers, not for killing your foes.

Yes the US government wants the public disarmed but mostly so their low morale glowies can more easily abuse the public but the actual weapons of war have long been removed from the average man’s grasp. My point stands: with Modern warfare small arms barley matters.

Pax Imperialis says:

With so much stuff (government and corporate) just laying about in minimal security supply depots, you’d be foolish to dismiss what a group of men with small arms could loot (both with and without tacit approval by sympathetic grunts).

I’ve seen 155mm munitions just laying about in unlocked, (mostly) unguarded warehouses in the middle of no where. The sole warm body that I had to check up on was kicking the munitions around. That’s not even getting into private sector mining and farming warehouse security.

Small arms still matter, just not so much to kill as much as to protect supply lines. USG supply lines are not well protected. USG critical infrastructure is not either. If things break up in the US, expect small arms to play a big role because the conflict would quickly go primitive.

Kunning Drueger says:

All good points. Not disagreeing, and we cannot carry this dialogue any further because Reasons, but the tools for war are not gone, they are merely divided by aisle and obscured by the mystique of simple scientific processes.

The Cominator says:

Small arms alone can’t really fight a war, they can be used for assassinations though.

Red says:


Small arms alone can’t really fight a war, they can be used for assassinations though.

Even for that use case they’re poorly suited compared to other means. Check the history of assassinations and you’ll find guns are generally only used successfully when the target has no security or has been hung out to die.


Not disagreeing, and we cannot carry this dialogue any further because Reasons


Your Uncle Bob says:

>would have guessed the production could be retooled / repurposed eventually

There is an old railroad locomotive factory that’s been retooled for 155 mm artillery shells now. Apparently that’s closer than switching over small arms ammo lines. They’re different things, you can make or reload regular ammo with hand tools and gunpowder, shells need high explosives and electronics in each housing. (Also, why lose the small arms production, although I’m long past trusting the gov to not be exactly that stupid.)

Which illustrates the point Tree of Woe made a while ago, you can switch manufacturing capacity over faster than you can boot it up from scratch. Most famously with American auto plants converted to tank and plane production in WWII, but can be wider apart than that.

Which makes outsourcing manufacturing capacity to a peer military competitor (China) really, really stupid. Losing steel and microchips for a little more shareholder value was always treasonous on its face, but even the consumer industries had indirect value.

And the above is all best case, assuming competent white guys. Woke upper management, shaniqua team leads, and a general workforce of white guys who drank the kool-aid of liberal arts or business degrees rather than engineering or welding school makes ramp up even harder.

A side note, I didn’t learn until this year from Ukraine war reporting that the US only manufactures a few hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles a year. And that’s all we’ve ever done, the number from 2006 was 500. You’d think they could ramp it up by copying the existing process, but they’re not. My guess is there’s enough competent legacy white guys in the existing line to keep it going, but hard to expand without putting Shaniqua in charge and watching it fall apart.

Contaminated NEET says:

Yeah, a color revolution sounds about right. They’re arrogant enough to think it’ll work out well for them even though the only possible replacement for the royal family is a fanatical Islamic revolutionary government that will be way less tractable.

Red says:

They’re going to try one, but the Saudis have their own very well funded intelligence branch which has our intelligence services bribed. As such,color revolution will fail before it gets started. Which means they’ll have to use naked force.

Karl says:

What helps against color revoltion is willingness to kill. I guess the Saudis have that.

Intelligence branch might find out who needs to be killed to prevent color revolution and thereby lowers the body count, but even without an intelligence branch it sooner or later becomes obvious where lethal force needs to be applied to prevent a color revolution from succeeding.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*a notorious shill tells us how color revolution works*]

jim says:


Dr. Faust says:

Here’s the position the us is in.

The USD dollar maintains its value based on two factors: the assumption that it will be the primary exchange in the commodities market and the strength of it’s military and intelligence agencies to preserve that exchange. That position of the petrol dollar has been passively eroded for nearly a decade and actively being destroyed by US actions within the past two years under Biden via the humiliating, globally visible loss in Afghanistan where the fall of the GAE began to coalesce and via his trillion dollar plan to debase the value of the commodities market through EVs and green energy.

“Total Energies just transacted with China in yuan for the first time. ”

Another dominoes falls. No one is talking about this in the American media. Not a mention. I listen to these macroeconomics talks from highly “educated” investors and all they can talk about is interest rates and labor shortage ad nauseum. Nothing about the handful of ever growing countries no longer trading solely in USD. It’s a conspiracy of omission or ignorance or some type of mental illness.

How can someone miss the ever expanding cracks within the dam if not some psychological blindness? Best to position yourself now to benefit from this widescale ignorance.

jim says:

> It’s a conspiracy of omission or ignorance or some type of mental illness.

The US has long been exporting inflation. It has recently doubled down on exporting inflation, resulting in shortages, notably in Britain, because prices are a lagging indicator of inflation.

Talking about the fall of the US dollar makes the fall of the US dollar as the international currency more likely. We have more conspiracies than you can shake a stick at. There would certainly exist a conspiracy to get people to not talk about the fall of the US dollar.

Sher Singh says:



Have not read the linked substack yet.

Some stuff on Sikh Republicanism from the time of the Anglo-Sikh wars that Jim may find interesting.

I’m out though, will comment or post on substack instead of taking space here.


Red says:

Whos bitch is dis?

C4ssidy says:

design plan for a centralised version of a “trust network” inspired algorithm to complement a small content-sharing website:

The random content on your feed will prioritise people you follow, second priority the people who you follow follow, then the people who they follow, etc , ad infinity, perhaps weighted by some kind of declining fraction series, so a random seed number multiplied by the declining fraction based upon degrees of separation

In your options settings you can set the relative weights for each degree of separation and also individually for each person who you follow and for anyone they follow within the infinite series (you can view any username plus their degree of separation and their calculated content visibility weight) and for collective groups that they follow ie by degrees of separation from them . You can also choose to factor in the weights which other people you follow have set when deciding the likelihood of showing something from someone they follow

Something similar for content “likes”, but again the weights of your likes and the weights of likes of people you follow themselves adjustable

By default everyone follows the admin, and since I would have liked good content, they get good default content, but they can also unfollow the admin and get whichever bubble they are looking for (though never a fully sealed bubble unless they perhaps set every weight to zero pass a certain degree of separation)

The random numbers, weights, and seed type numbers required would be done openly in javascript, so verifiably no shady activities with the algorithm even if I wanted to. In addition the entire network of usernames and their connections and their set weights would be public and downloadable by anyone, so even if the original website was subverted, anyone can continue the open system somewhere else

Blue tick equivalent. You can give extra weight to the blue ticks , which by default will be high since it is hard to shill with paid accounts

If a group makes a large number of accounts and they add each other, blue tick or not, and they end up close to you in degrees of separation, you’d want the system to adjust so that they do not take over, which should be as simple as having an open formula and letting you tweak every dial. Only one person needs to get it right and people would gradually follow him (plus assigning weight to his weights in their own feed) to start getting good content again by latching on to his own effort

jim says:

That is very much what I had in mind. (With, of course, identities that are not readily traceable to people whose faces can be whacked in with a rifle butt.) Everyone runs his own trust network, which, because each network trusts other networks, becomes effectively one big trust network. Most people, being lazy, just trust someone and follow his trust network.

Linux is effectively one big trust network, and the problem with systemd is that it is a big monolithic lump of trust in an otherwise well distributed network. Open Source plus Git is both a piece of software created by an engineer, and an instrument of cooperation created by a tech priest. Linus created Git to give useful effect to the faith of Richard Stallman. (Though these days musl is now superior to libc)

Aryaman says:

Yes that would be good, the weights would be the eigenvalue centralities of the network from each users’ own view (thus, rank is not where a random surfer is at any time, but where a random surfer starting from you is at any time). And the setting would be a diffusion parameter like in pagerank, but the diffusion step wouldn’t be jumping to a random node, but a random node among those you follow.

Carte Blanche says:

Long-tail algorithms run into the trust-relevance problem: should the system prioritize the month-old post from your best buddy, or the zero-day post from his friend’s boss’s gardener’s daughter? I use freshness as the canonical example of relevance here, since social media is usually chronological, but the problem is equally relevant to e.g. a search results page.

The solution — to the extent that the problem is solvable at all — always relies on algorithms with fuzzy criteria. Complex, multivariate systems are inherently unpredictable, and in the case of social media, usually easy to abuse because of the low cost of trial-and-error. Exponential decay doesn’t “solve” the problem, only gives a variety of ways to mask it.

It’s utopian fantasy to believe that throwing Granny and Griller (to say nothing of Shaniqua and Shitavious) into a pilot’s cockpit of bewildering knobs, gauges and other controls and leaving them to land it on their own is going to produce any kind of positive result. Equally utopian to expect that the ones who do it competently will “win” and gain the most followers; trusting the wrong pilot or surgeon means death, but trusting the wrong influencer has no serious penalty. There is a penalty to the network and the network’s reputation, but since the individual followers feel only a tiny sliver of the pain, they have no incentive to manage their personal networks properly even if they have the ability, which most don’t.

The Linux developers of 30 years ago believed in this essentially Communist ideal that the laboring masses could learn to use powerful but highly complex tools effectively. They were wrong. Only programmers and sysadmins used the Linux of 30 years ago, and only the very competent among them. Today Linux has a wider audience but that is partly because over the last 15 years they’ve made tradeoffs to improve usability, including some very unfortunate moves toward centralization.

For an operating system like Linux, a high barrier to entry is not a problem. For social media, where the value of the network is largely dependent on the popularity of the network, a high barrier to entry is death. Maybe it could work in a particular niche, like “social network for programmers” or “social network for priests” but you could not make it a viable competitor to Twitter or Facebook without dumbing it down.

The way to dumb it down and still keep it secure is to use first-degree trust only (you see the posts of people you trust, and people they repost) or restricted second-degree trust (you can see all of the content of people you trust, and only the direct content of people they trust). That means you might not have as much content to publish in any one person’s feed, and it may not look or feel as impressive, but it is much more secure against abuse.

The abuse you need to guard against is a spammer setting up a throwaway/bot account and being able to spam most of the network through a popular account. If a popular account gets compromised then you are vulnerable no matter what; a more troublesome vector is getting into the trust network of a popular account, either directly or (much worse, very easy to exploit) indirectly through some less-popular account that the popular account trusts.

In other words, don’t allow a million users to get spammed because a popular user made the mistake of trusting a spammer; and definitely don’t allow them to get spammed because the popular user trusts another non-abusive user who made the mistake of trusting a spammer. Spam is not just a nuisance, either; because people are stupid, being able to spam large parts of the network means being able to control large parts of the network, and if you don’t believe that then just go on Discord and look for all of the messages from accounts that got “hacked” because they clicked on the “Free Nitro” spam.

I think that “the public” cannot be trusted with arbitrary degrees of control over trust levels. They can’t even understand the exponential growth of degrees-of-separation, never mind the interaction of those exponents with exponential decay functions. What normal people do understand is the small-scale model of community trust: you trust your friend Bob, and he may refer you to his friend Alice or occasionally quote her, but unless you explicitly decide to go meet her yourself, you won’t hear anything directly from her. This is how our brains are naturally wired and it is (probably?) how a secure social network should work. We just don’t really want to hear from strangers, even if they’re technically friends of friends.

C4ssidy says:

The primary purpose of my content sharing website is creation rather than sharing. The created stuff (the nature of which I am currently jealously guarding) could be exported and shared in any of the traditional social media or communication platforms, however there are some good reasons why it would be fun to browse the archives directly . It is stuff suited for sharing publicly in the manner of Reddit and YouTube. The “feed” is therefore not critical to functionality but if users do want to browse I want to at least produce something better than the horrors of reddit style upvotes, let alone the quite unspeakable things which would go behind the youtube frontpage. It does not even necessarily have to factor in time either. Ultimately if dials did not work I could even say “here is everything ever made on the site in order of incremental integer id” and accept that everything pass a point is Sybil-flooded, and give up and let traditional channels sort out the good from the garbage

The main reason I am interested in Sybil resistance is actually that I want non-ai based tagging and annotations. Suppose I have a photo or video containing the Eiffel Tower, and one user tags the area in the image as “Eiffel Tower” and five bots tag a link to free nitro. I obviously do not want to sort those tags by popularity, or for the computer to choose a “real” tag based on that. But it could present a series of tags and if the ui is simple enough even a normie could contribute something towards the sorting of true labels from false. If the solution exists it is perhaps economics-style curves where individual clicks can produce a measurable effect without having conscious knowledge of the process it feeds into

Carte Blanche says:

The main reason I am interested in Sybil resistance is actually that I want non-ai based tagging and annotations.

An interesting space that I’ve worked with in the past before AI was an option — unfortunately, not with a lot of success beyond the conventional designs. I wish you luck. Maybe your proposal will work well in that space.

The only thing I have to add about tagging specifically is that while your regular average Joe is good at “identification” style tagging of things — “this is a photo of a cat / the Eiffel tower / etc.” — he is atrociously bad at “category” style tagging of concepts like “this is a video about home improvement / baseball”.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a truly successful attempt at community-curated taxonomies. Stack Overflow (a programming Q&A site, for those who aren’t familiar) tried this and ended up with endless holy wars over the tags, and despite those holy wars, most questions still suffer from the most basic problem of insufficient and overgeneralized tags. Categorizing means abstracting things into concepts, and abstraction is, apparently, a high-IQ activity.

jim says:

> It’s utopian fantasy to believe that throwing Granny and Griller (to say nothing of Shaniqua and Shitavious) into a pilot’s cockpit of bewildering knobs, gauges and other controls and leaving them to land it on their own

They are not on their own. Ninety nine percent of users will not be using, will not see, all those knobs, gauges and buttons. They are going to leave them at default. But high popularity influencers will probably be twiddling them like mad.

The ordinary user has other people following him, in which case they see what he posts or reposts, and can click on the threads of which those posts are part. But he does not generate a feed that third parties can follow, equivalent to automatic reposting, and if he attempts to to do so, then he is going to see all those knobs and buttons, and probably run away.

The ordinary user will get a feed generated by the algorithm, just as he does on YouTube and Twitter. But, unlike YouTube and Twitter, the algorithm is running on a system he controls, and he can modify it, assuming he can read and write source code, which he probably cannot, so he will probably leave it alone, and not even realize it exists.

jim says:

> don’t allow a million users to get spammed because a popular user made the mistake of trusting a spammer; and definitely don’t allow them to get spammed because the popular user trusts another non-abusive user who made the mistake of trusting a spammer.

I don’t see a problem. Only people who are following the popular user are going to get spammed, whereupon he suddenly becomes unpopular should he fail to swiftly shut it down and prevent it from happening again. It is like people taking over the Linus Tech Tips YouTube account to tell people that “Musk is offering to double your bitcoin, just send all your bitcoins to this address.” It happens. So what? Linus Tech tips apologized profusely and improved their security practices. It was not the death of YouTube, and it was largely irrelevant to YouTube’s security practices (which are very bad, but only in boring routine familiar ways.)

It will happen, people with big followings will improve their practices. Big mailing lists get hijacked or corrupted all the time. Has not killed off email.

Carte Blanche says:

If your premise is that spam and other forms of abuse are fine — or just some necessary evil that can’t be effectively contained — then not much that I say is going to matter. However, I think you’ve made a few (unintentionally) false analogies and as a result misrepresented my description of the problem.

The example given here is a popular YouTube account being hacked. This is materially different because:
– Followers of Linus Tech Tips will know immediately that what they are seeing is spam because they know what to expect from his channel, just as you would recognize if a Pod Person showed up at your home disguised as your brother.
– YouTube has a centralized, algorithmically-controlled flagging system to quickly identify spam and suppress abusive content. Being centralized, bad actors naturally sought to control it and now they do control it, using it to eliminate any content that is politically inconvenient or insufficiently woke. But it is still reasonably effective at curtailing spam.
– YouTube also has a centralized account recovery process to quickly restore control over the account to its rightful owner. Even if the flagging system did not exist, the account owner would realize this quickly and act to recover his account.
– The popular account itself getting hacked was never the problem in the first place, it’s the ability of spammers to spam indirectly through the popular account, by being in the trust network of that account. That is much easier and cheaper to do than taking over the popular account, and doesn’t require anyone to have weak security.

Also as I previously stated:
– Spam is not just spam anymore, it is increasingly an attempt to gain control over some portion of the network, and once entrenched it becomes extremely difficult to excise. Discord and Twitter are probably both irrecoverably corrupted.
– An exponentially-expanding graph (with or without exponential weight falloff, as spammers can compensate for falloff by ramping up volume/frequency) allows a single spammer to “trust” a hundred other fake accounts and use that to completely dominate the feeds of anyone who is technically reachable through that graph.
– If the UI doesn’t clearly communicate the “path” to some indirect content, then ordinary users may have no idea how or why that content is showing up in their feed and, even given the ability to block individual accounts, will struggle to keep up. This is a problem that’s solvable in theory but difficult in practice, as there may be multiple valid paths, and even a single path traversing more than one node is hard for grogs to understand.

You can’t compare a hypothetical loosely-authenticated peer-to-peer social network that’s trying to get established with an already well-established centralized service like YouTube. Different constraints, different problems, and if you want to do away with the many problems of centralization (which I thought was the point?) then you have to find a way to solve the problems that centralization solves.

Also can’t compare to email, or shouldn’t compare. The most popular email provider, with daylight second, is gmail, and the main historical reason for that is that Google’s anti-spam measures were superior to every other option at the time. Before gmail, email spam was an absolutely brutal problem, and still is if you own your own email server and fail to protect the confidentiality of your address. If overwhelming widespread abuse resulting in the de facto centralization of a de jure decentralized protocol is success, then I wonder what failure looks like.

jim says:

> YouTube has a centralized … you have to find a way to solve the problems that centralization solves.

The YouTube algorithm runs on YouTube, and selects content for everyone. Your algorithm will run on your machine, and select content for you. But they will be very similar algorithms, except your’s is open source, so you can modify it, or download someone else’s modification. The algorithm is theoretically secret, but can be inferred from the publications of people that Google subsequently hired, and from innumerable leaks.

The YouTube algorithm collects information from everyone. Your algorithm will collect information from everyone you are following, but their machines have information from everyone they are following, some of which gets shared to your machine. The YouTube algorithm has a direct connection to everyone. Your algorithm will have an indirect connection to everyone, though it will ignore, or never bother seeking, information about people and posts too distant in the trust chain.

And the guy you are following also has a centralized system of control. Difference is, he is the center, and it is controlled by secrets known only to him. The problems solved by the centralized system of control are largely created by the centralized system of control, which is a single point of failure, and a single point to attack. Your YouTube account is controlled by secrets known to you and to YouTube. (Which was the problem with the Linus Tech Tips hack. Linus complained that YouTube was not expiring and replacing transient high value secrets fast enough. It should not have had those secrets at all. The hacker intercepted a secret generated by YouTube, and shared with a LinusTechTips employee’s browser, a secret that Linus should have known YouTube was generating, but did not, or did not think about, and that the average YouTuber is unlikely to be aware exists.)

> a single spammer to “trust” a hundred other fake accounts and use that to completely dominate the feeds of anyone who is technically reachable through that graph.

Sybil problem. Routine and easily fixed. The solution to this has long been known. (Google became great by being first to implement the algorithm.)

Suppose there are N vertices n degrees of separation from the user. Then we assign each vertex log N base 1.2 random integer values.

Then we iterate replacing the values at each vertex with the average of the values of their edges (this is similar to the original Google graph analysis algorithm) Every few iterations we discard vertices that remain too distant from the user at the center, and rescale the values by a power of two. This has the effect that vertices that are connected to many vertices connected to you wind up close you, while a vertex that connects to a thousand vertices, none of which have any other connection to anyone except other spammers, remains near its original position and gets discarded eventually. The spammer account that connects to a million spammer accounts, none of which have any other connection to anyone other than other spammers, is going to remain nearly stationary under this algorithm and will stick out like a dogs balls, being discarded early in the iterations. Everything else drifts closer to you.

YouTube and Google run something like this trust algorithm, with their moderators at the center. You will run this algorithm, with you at the center.

Google became the top search engine by running this algorithm with pages as vertices and links as edges, to generate page rank. Still running it last I heard, with an ever growing pile of cruft on top of it. The cruft delivers very little value, but marketing people and censors keep having bright ideas to cruft it up. Often they break it, as tends to happen to YouTube.

jim says:

> I think that “the public” cannot be trusted with arbitrary degrees of control over trust levels.

To exercise arbitrary control over trust levels, will have to write code. This is a lot bigger obstacle to entry than linux, where I can trust an arbitrary repository. The normal user control over trust levels will be that a user can click on a link that someone he is already following has approved, and can then click on all the links that it links to, which is not a problem. If he keeps on clicking at random he is going to hit spam, and then stop. In the course of his clicking around he may find some interesting posts, and decide to follow that guy also. And if a pile of spam approved by that poster then appears on his feed, unfollow.

Carte Blanche says:

The normal user control over trust levels will be that a user can click on a link that someone he is already following has approved, and can then click on all the links that it links to, which is not a problem.

On this point I agree with you completely: being able to click through someone else’s feed to see whom they trust, and look at their content, and continue at will along that graph, is not a problem at all.

That’s a “referral” system. Works great. Mimics normal human relationships and community trust networks.

The problems start when the system begins to implicitly merge that indirect content into your own feed, before you’ve chosen to trust those second- and third- and nth-degree contacts yourself. That’s the system C4ssidy was proposing — at least, I thought it was.

jim says:

What I understood him to be proposing was analyze to the trust graph, and content and people that many people you are following like gets promoted.

notglowing says:

I would not consider anything more than two degrees of separation from the user.

The people we follow, and the people they follow, are relevant to us. Going any further seems excessive and opening up to exploitation much more easily. Also hurts performance.
In terms of content two degrees should be enough.

Being able to see what our friends’ friends post is enough to give us *discoverability*, ie we can add those accounts, which we didn’t know of previously, and expand our network if we want to. In which case we will see their follows, which were previously three degrees away.
It allows us to find new accounts we didn’t know of, but without being fed too much garbage we have little relation to.

Sher Singh says:

Huge thanks to Jim for allowing the discussion.

I’ll be honest and say that I don’t always think too deeply on issues.
Being from a smaller community, often times solidarity is more important.

What I’ve learned or my 2c – faith & iron. Faith in God, Iron weapons.
Iron weights.

I do wonder what the line is between instinct & deep contemplation.
I suppose in a healthy society men have to think less of these things.

Possible that status competitions mean that’s not true.
I recall Thomas Jefferson saying he learns politics so his sons can learn of other things.



S says:

John Adams 1780
‘I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.’

As reactionaries, we reject that- we study politics and war so our sons can study politics and war.

FrankNorman says:

That’s nice – but while your sons and your grandsons are studying war with the technology you have, other people out there will be studying al those other things, and all your art of war will be obsolete.

Doesn’t matter how good your army is at swordfighting if the other side’s army has rifles.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Embarrassing strawman.

Sher Singh says:

[deleted for unclear relevance]

Dharmicreality says:

> Being from a smaller community, often times solidarity is more important

Sikhs have always historically considered themselves as part of a broader dharmic coalition. Whether you identify as Hindu or not is a non issue.

What globohomo has done is to turn a part of your community into a victimhood card carrying minority and which is exactly what I pointed out and you became aggressive towards me at that point. The Indian secular state is bad to Sikhs but infinitely worse for Hindus, but globohomo is even worse at this stage.

Any alliance with globohomo will turn future generations of Sikhs into gay soyboys. Whereas under a broader dharmic coalition Sikhs will remain autonomous and retain their traditional identity.

If you are genuine about your stated position on dharma, you need to think of long term implications.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is no ‘secular state’, in Bharat or otherwise, without the GAE in the first place. It’s hard to see how this point can be failed to be appreciated.

Dharmicreality says:

This is not something I deny. The Indian secular state is evil but behind globohomo on many aspects of prog and Hindu nationalism, however imperfect, has pushed back on some aspects of globohomo. I consider mainstream Hindu nationalism as weak sauce. But that is what hurts GAE and why minorities are being weaponized against Hindu nationalism. As Jim says, GAE fears a nuclear powered Hindu nationalist India. Even if that Hindu nationalism is somewhat bluepilled.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course, not to say you were denying it, rather backing up your point.

The things he ostensibly rails against were created by the very thing he cavalierly equivocates. To truck with the International Sisterhood of Ivy League Graduates over one’s neighbors is like going from drinking water from lead pipes, to straight up dissolving lead salts in your wine.

(actually a thing, incidentally https://www.winemag.com/2020/07/20/lead-toxicity-wine-history/)

Dharmicreality says:

True. You know my position well enough. I just laid out my position in black and white in case he reads this.

Sher Singh says:
Dharmicreality says:

Dalit victimhood: “evil Hindus oppressed us. We will be under the devil but no Hindus *Adopt a stridently aggressive anti-Hindu militant stand, becomes a card carrying victimhood minority and runs off to world policeman globohomo crying “mommy, that bad uncle took my candy”.*

Sikh victimhood: “evil Hindus oppressed us. We will be under the devil but no Hindus *Adopt a stridently anti-Hindu aggressive militant stand, becomes a card carrying victimhood minority and runs off to world policeman globohomo crying “mommy, that bad uncle took my candy”.*

Ok, Sher Singh, think about it..

jim says:

He should be thinking about it on his blog. He may have replied there already. I hope he has.

Dharmicreality says:

Agreed Jim. I won’t reply to him any more and take up the discussion space here.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Your criticisms of Hinduism are valid, though unnecessarily inflammatory. But that is irrelevant to Dharmicreality’s point. Which was made in a civil courteous and helpful manner.

Yes, Hinduism is converged. And for all your bluster, Sikhi is converged. You guys should be cleaning up your own houses.

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:

Yes, Hinduism is converged. And for all your bluster, Sikhi is converged. You guys should be cleaning up your own houses.

Sure, and part of putting that house back in order is noticing that certain castes are far more degen & have been for millenia.
Rather than, an ideological shift GAE or liberalism is rule by certain castes over others.

In that sense, DharmicReality even worrying about politics or commenting as an equal is part of the problem rather than the solution.

Thus, pointing out that he’s a blackfella is a very valid criticism. It’s saying his own ethnic grievances & inferiority complex leave him unable to comprehend the reality – that, not only Sikhs but most NW feudal tribes have turned against the state.

He refuses to state whether he’s even a North or South Indian. In a caste/tribal society anonymity is the recluse of a charlatan.

He has no business worrying about the North because even speaking to him about it violates purdah (veil).

For all intents, and purposes he’s’ a dalit.


Sher Singh says:

He’s hiding behind you because he knows on substack I won’t get censored.


jim says:

He commented similarly and a greater length on substack. Which is where he chose to hold the conversation. It is you who want to hold this conversation on my blog.

He moved to substack because I was getting sick of this conversation, and I am sick of this conversation because you are unresponsive.

This blog is a good place for good faith discussion between the unconverged of all faiths. This is not good faith discussion. Your triumphalism about a religion that was decadent before the British conquered you and which is now polishing globohomo’s knob does not qualify you as entirely unconverged. He courteously criticized your religion for polishing globohomo’s knob, and though you are not a shill, like a shill, your response was and is irrelevant to that criticism. You were defeated by the British because under the rule of a woman, and are now defeated by globohomo before you start, because Sikhs are only demanding stuff that Globohomo rather likes you to demand.

Sher Singh says:

Your criticisms of Hinduism are valid, though unnecessarily inflammatory. But that is irrelevant to Dharmicreality’s point. Which was made in a civil courteous and helpful manner.

He wants us to accept [*deleted*]

jim says:

Having postured as a transwarrior, you now present Sikhi as a transempire.

You have to play the cards you are dealt, rather than pretending you have better cards and demanding that everyone else go along with your pretense.

You could not rule yourselves when the British conquered you, it was more them sorting out military anarchy than them conquering rival state, while Hinduism is now a short step away from nukes. If you don’t like that reality, posturing is no substitute for effective action. Sikhi is Hinduism’s little brother, and you are the little brother throwing a tantrum.

Sher Singh says:

> This blog is a good place for good faith discussion between the unconverged of all faiths.

The Khalsa stands on one side the world on the other

It’s really not because it has a person of no caste status or rank (you) moderating affairs.

Anyone who wants to discuss what the ਖਾਲਸਾ should or should not do is free to join it first.

Nothing else to say.


jim says:

Well in that case, no place for the discussion of Sikhi on this blog.

Your religion was in a bad way when you were under the rule of a woman, worse when her leadership led to your defeat and surrender, and worse now because Globohomo is converging you as it attempts to converge everyone. And where is that being discussed?

My blog, my rules. Replies must be responsive, and if not civil, they must be entertainingly uncivil.

Sher Singh says:

DharmicReality is free to keep Kesh & Shastar.
Unshorn hair & weapons.

Till then he’s a homosexual & nothing he says is of value.

That’s been our firm position throughout the Ages.

He knows this too. All Hindus knows it.
That’s what makes it worse.

The Hindu-Sikh unity he speaks of is Sikhs treating Hindus who keep Hair/Weapons better than cleanshaven Sikhs.

NOT cleanshaven Hindus trying to equate themselves to proper Gursikhs & pretending Dharma is about shaving.

The first point is already true – we treat anyone who keeps Kesh as a brother. These online jokers whether christian or Hindu do not.


jim says:

Well it is not exactly your firm position throughout the ages, for the British wound up ruling you, in part due to your incapacity to rule yourselves. And now Hindus rule you, and you are polishing Globohomos knob.

Sher Singh says:

[*transimperial posturing deleted*]

jim says:

Time for Sikhi to play the cards it has been dealt.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for detachment from reality*]

jim says:

You would not be allowed to dress up as a woman in my house, and you are not allowed to posture as a great power on my blog.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for the usual reasons*]

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for the usual reasons*]

Western Taliban says:
Pax Imperialis says:

Just when you think they’re finished passing you around, another spooky quasi-government “NGO” jumps out of the shadows to sodomize you some more.

tfw “private sector”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Saw this in the links section, https://archive.ph/s1ixS

But of course, why wouldn’t the wild sheboon simply waltz in and make like the squeaky wheel that needs the serfs to oil it, in full confidence that nothing will happen to her as a consequence, when this is exactly what the Voice of Power has been telling her for years?

Handi says:

>“This is my Rosa Parks moment,” she added.


Shekel me Shlomo says:

Sorry I took so long to write back. Busy with Passover. I was assigned clean up. What a mess.

If we could all just introduce each other with a brief description, that would be great.

Sol here, I own a pawn shop where I trade in gold mostly.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hello! I’m a neocon Fed. A true believer in the Pax Americana. A true American and I just love gold as well. Why don’t you tell me where your pawn shop is so we can all pay it patronage…

Naw, man. Great satire though. Take the shill test.

A2 says:

Hello, I’m a Nigerian prince in some financial trouble, with which I hope you gentlemen here can help me. Please send crypto to these addresses and Elon Musk will repay you handsomely. We are building a reactionary launch site for SpaceX.

someDude says:

Please send pics of Your daughter’s Bobs and Vagene

A2 says:

A couple of normie links

Jeremy Meeks releases memoir. Certain signs of being ghostwritten, as is right and proper.


Bud Light head dude apologizes to customers for pushing neofronthole in their faces. (Doesn’t say it won’t happen again though.)


Alfred says:

That wasn’t an apology at all. Almost feels like ChatGPT was prompted to make a non-apology statement that at surface level would be interpreted as yielding ground, but did no such thing.

What a shame Don Jr. tried to call off

Kunning Druegger says:

Every day, he seems more like a quisling faggot. Why would someone like him shack up with a whore husk? I get the idea of shaming an adversary, but marrying it? I acknowledge that, should a Restoration be impossible, it will be men located in “safe” elite territory that are best placed to take power. But Nothing I have seen from him in the last ~2 years reminds me of his father.

A2 says:

Re: Don Jr: Not what you would call strongly held convictions. Where’s Ian Paisley when you need him?

Mayflower Sperg says:

A short article touching on the WQ:


The Iranian foreign minister … also strongly criticized the continued ban on female education in the country – which Iran has repeatedly listed as a condition for its recognition of the interim government.

“You dirty Afghans are breeding like rats and flooding our country with drugs and hungry refugees, so trust us, your fellow Muslims, when we say you need to send your daughters to school. That’s the path to sterility, I mean, prosperity!”

China called for “a political settlement that includes an inclusive government,” at a meeting to which, as best I can tell, no Afghans were invited. Everyone present sounds like a Harvard professor.

As for America freezing assets — if I’ve given some indigent a million dollars for free, then he beats me up and kicks me out of his house, and I grab his last $10,000 on my way out the door, am I a thief? A butthurt faggot, yes, but not a thief, and his subsequent financial troubles are not my fault.

Sher Singh says:

Let us begin with Buddhism, which will be our comparative case for constructing our framework in this essay. Buddhism is the oldest organised religion in the Dharmic civilisational tradition (one could make the case for Brahmanism, but its codification was achieved only in the Manusmriti, after centuries of development, and centuries after the ‘founding’ of Buddhism; ancient Aryanism before the codification of the Manusmriti should be compared to the shamistic-animism of the greater Indo-European tradition, gradually transforming into universalist deistic philosophy, as it also did in Greece


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