
Origins of the white race:

The white race is the youngest and newest of the races, originating about ten thousand years ago.

Blacks are in fact a very diverse set of races, some of them considerably superior to other black races – same skin color, different physical and psychological features.

About sixty or seventy thousand years ago, a very small black tribe or large family with the outward urge characteristic of modern whites left subsaharan Africa, and headed out into Europe, expanded, eventually exterminating previous races in the region. Sea levels were lower then, and they had impressive seagoing ability, they island hopped all the way to Australia, where they failed to exterminate a different race with which they could not interbreed, but replaced them over most of Australia. Small and diminishing populations of older races remained here and there throughout the world.

They were, however, still black. Probably a better quality of black, but still black. Pretty much everyone still around was black or brown.

About twelve thousand years, the climate started getting nicer, and northern Africa, now a desert, became wet. Agriculture started in Northern Africa, consisting of patriarchal groups united by descent in the male line owning property. There was also a people focused on fishing, sea travel, and shellfish gathering, but they disappeared and the survivors were assimilated into the grain farmers when the oceans rose ten thousand years ago. To establish security of property over larger groups, more capable of defending that land, priesthoods developed. These people were brown, dark eyed, and dark haired. More or less the same people as modern middle easterners. In Europe, brown skinned largely blue eyed people, with a various hair colors hunted and gathered.

The middle eastern agriculturists rolled into Europe, displacing, replacing, and exterminating the hunter gatherers.

Inland of Europe, Eastern Europe, the pontic steppes, the hunter gatherers were advancing their technology of clothing, housing, and food storage to deal with very harsh winters. Which means that being nomadic they needed to transport more stuff, which was a problem. They were becoming herders, rather than hunters, and they made their domesticated horses, still too small to carry men, pull wagons, which enabled them to create and keep more stuff.

And in Eastern Europe, the farmers ran into nomadic herders that were too technologically advanced to exterminate and replace. So, to make peace, they traded hostages and women, an event recorded in the Norse legends of the Æsir and the Vanir. These guys were ancestor worshipers, and at least some of the Norse Gods were remembered as originally human ancestors all the way to the beginning of recorded history. The conflict is also remembered as Cain murdering Abel.

The mingled race evolved into whites, among them the Aryan race. The Aryan race, organized patriarchally and aristocratically, equipped with copper weapons and horse drawn chariots, expanded westwards into Europe, killing the men and marrying the women, replacing and mingling with middle eastern grain farmers, and South East into India, where they failed to do such a thorough job of upgrading the locals. The locals in Europe and India had priestly organization, rather than aristocratic. The Aryans in Europe rubbed out that priestly organization, and mostly replaced their demon Gods with the Aryan ancestor Gods. In the middle east, Aryans ruled, but failed to have large biological impact. Nomadic patriarchalists, probably originally Aryan, also worshipped the one God. Hard to know if this was part of the original Aryan faith, or they picked it up somewhere along the way. “The ancient city” plausibly speculates that it was original, and presents suggestive evidence supporting that thesis. Organizing under Kings and priests, the descendants of the Aryans created Bronze Age civilization. In the middle east, failed however to have a very large biological impact, though they ruled the place. In India, the demon gods of the locals survived more successfully, and entered the Aryan religion more extensively.

In Europe and the Middle East, and to a lesser extent India, Bronze Age civilization went decadent, failing to reproduce, with high levels of infanticide, demon worship, and human sacrifice. Without Kings, property rights in land and cattle was only practical under patriarchal organization, but with Kings, emancipation becomes all too possible, and in the latter days of Bronze Age civilization we see Kingship running in the female line, which suggests that the male line had become uncertain. In the collapse of Bronze Age civilization was overrun by peoples who preserved the original precivilized Aryan ways, though some of those peoples may have mingled extensively with lesser races in their travels, perhaps largely as a result of abducting women.

Because of the collapse of trade, they had to use iron, and did not have furnaces hot enough to melt it. So they made bloom iron from very high grade iron ore, which no longer exists anywhere except in very tiny amounts. Bloom iron you have to heat and hammer, and heat and hammer some more, like kneading bread dough, for a very long time before it becomes a useful material. And if you use the kind of iron ore that still exists today, no amount of heating and hammering is going to produce a useful material, because there are too many non metallic impurities in the bloom. To get useful iron from the kind of iron ore that still exists today, have to heat it hot enough for the iron to melt, and thus separate from the non metallic impurities.

Indra is the same ancestor as Zeus, Thor,and Jupiter, whom at least some of the Saga period icelanders recalled as an originally human ancestor living somewhere near the Pontic steppes.

So it is fair to say that the white race started with Thor.

1,860 comments Origins of the white race:

Rexy Sexy says:

I’m legitimately sorry to tell you this, but your timeline of human history is total bunkum. The Ten Thousand Year Explosion will go down as one of the dumbest books ever written by a smart person, and the general theory is unlikely to survive the next decade, frankly.

The simple reality is that high-civilization humans, especially the white races, are far, far older than generally appreciated, hundreds of thousands of years at the minimum, possibly millions.

Fossils are obviously a real thing, but the fossil record, as understood by academics, is basically made-up academic garbage just like all the other made-up academic garbage.

Inter alia, there were red-haired giants (eight or nine feet tall) in North America eons before the American Indians left Asia, Atlantis was real, and there were long-headed priests.

The Tower of Babel could have happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech” is indicative of a world-spanning Internet-like communications device. “A tower whose top may reach unto heaven” is obviously a reference to rocketry. “Let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad” is a statement of the necessity of orbital sovereignty. The gods (technologically advanced humans or humanoids) didn’t like being challenged: “Now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do…let us go down…and confound their language.”

Really, I would be surprised if the pre-Younger Dryas ancients didn’t have nukes.

Silicon microlithography could be new. Or it could be a new spin on something old.

There is some evidence of ancient genetic engineering.

jim says:

> The simple reality is that high-civilization humans, especially the white races, are far, far older than generally appreciated, hundreds of thousands of years at the minimum, possibly millions

Races change visibly over historical time. The Ashkenazi race is seven hundred years old.

Ten thousand years is the white race broadly defined. The finer we split the races, the faster they change.

Inter alia, there were red-haired giants (eight or nine feet tall) in North America eons before the American Indians left Asia, Atlantis was real, and there were long-headed priests.

Yes, there were giants, and there were hobbits. There were a whole lot of approximately human races very different from any of today’s human races. But our ancestors were a distinctly genocidal lot, and wiped most of them out at about the same as we wiped out the big megafauna.

The last surviving race of humans incapable of breeding with modern type humans were the Tasmanians. If we could could not breed with their women, we killed them.

Atlantis was probably real in a sense, but not as an island in the middle of the Atlantic, but as a bunch of low lying islands near the coast of Europe occupied by a race of good sailors who ate mostly fish and shellfish, which islands disappeared when the seas rose, resulting in those sailors being absorbed into neighboring peoples and races.

> technologically advanced humans or humanoids

Flat earth tier memeing. The people who write your script think we are morons. In future I will silently delete this with the flat earthers.

All early iron is meteoric or painfully and slowly hammered from bloom or bog iron. All the very earliest copper is native copper, unsmelted.

zero says:

it would make more sense to me if the aryan races history started more recently then i would guess, if the start is defined as when the gods were alive and the marriage between aryans and whatever disappeared race took place, but it does seem like physiologically modern whites are older than 10k years, it is very difficult to explain why it took so long for technological civilization to develop. could it have been that another race like neanderthal made settlement impossible and the sudden rise of civilization was related to its death possibly because of the instability of the holocene’s cataclysms? is there any information on other apex predators? is it just that when a certain level of trophic dominance is reached some species become substantially more fratricidal accelerating genetic change as intraspecies competition becomes the primary cause of mortality? there are so many hominid branches that developed it seems like the source off intelligence isnt certain, altho africas iq doesnt budge and there still around, maybe it just requires a sufficiently isolated population under immense selection for intelligence for nigger swarm to be incapable of drowning out the outliers, a sort of genetic gravity by mass arresting development? the last ice age would definitely have created such isolated pockets. interestingly civilization has been a continues slide toward brown sludge which could support the genetic gravity issue, maybe aryans and other high races are the product of extremely limited maternal and paternal reproduction in environments that dont allow for many children making the spray and pray nigger gene irrelevant, brutal selection without a rapid population explosion restoring the dumb fuckers altho that gets back to the intra species competition disincentivizing stupid, to bad we cant trust archeological date history is a black hole in a big way.

jim says:

> it would make more sense to me if the aryan races history started more recently then i would guess, if the start is defined as when the gods were alive and the marriage between aryans and whatever disappeared race took place

Well it all depends on what you count as white. Middle easterners are sort of white. Siberian natives have rather chinese looking facial features, or rather native American facial features, but a lot of them are fair haired, and most of them have paler skins than you do. We don’t really know what the European natives looked like, but a lot of them were blue eyed. Cromagnons from forty thousand years ago, we don’t know their skin color, hair color, or eye color, but they had rather European looking physical features.

But what makes modern Europeans look like modern Europeans is one hell of a lot of Aryan ancestry. Those guys got around.

zero says:

I have got to read up on the early european agriculturalists, have ignored as just one race bs but if the aryans did interbreed with them then i did not consider the possibility that they were white in a way, i dont consider muslims white and it seems like 40k years isnt enough for aryans to pop up, but an older “white” race of hominids from which large parts of the world are descended is definitely a possibility.

jim says:

The Cro Magnons had white appearance, and created white art. I would guess that the horse herders the grain farmers ran into were somewhat related to the cro magnons.

Their art look like our art in ways that Middle Eastern and Asian art does not. But the genetic evidence is of a mingling event between middle eastern grain farmers, and something else.

Rexy Sexy says:

It was something about how humans are at least 200,000 years old, the Industrial Revolution is only 300, and if Musk is successful he’ll put men on Mars in his lifetime (for a total of under 350).

I think there was also something about how once a new technology is invented it becomes reasonable to assume it’s been invented before.

Rexy Sexy says:

I don’t know why the comments are in different locations.

skippy says:

His broad point (which it is far from clear he intended) is probably correct in that the difference between the Europid and Mongoloid race-groups is probably due to admixture with different proto-humans.

Neanderthal only in the case of Europids

Neanderthal and South Denisovan in the case of SEAs

Neanderthal, South Denisovan and North Denisovan in the case of NEAs

Rexy Sexy says:

Where’s the second post?

Aidan says:

The shill conspiracy about Atlantis obfuscates the true Atlantis, which was Minos, a decadent Bronze Age civilization which fell into socialism and demon worship, and was wiped out by manly Aryan Mycenaean warriors.

Minos stuck around in exile for a long time. The most ancient myths from Mycenae depict them sacrificing children to a monstrous bull, and then the punics crop up a thousand years later sacrificing children to a monstrous bull. The failure state of the Israelite religion was worship of a bull idol, and two thousand years after that, today, the bull still represents the worship of money, just as the word Capital referred to cattle.

The story of the true Atlantis hits a little too close to home for some people, because the history of that priestly civilization and its end reminds them of their own.

Frontier says:

Pedantic adding on about the mythological associations of the bull with wealth:

Mention of “The Bull of Heaven” is found dating back to 2100 BC in the ‘Epic of Gilgamesh,’ where Ishtar (Venus) unleashes it on Ur to try and kill Gilgamesh after he blows off her attempts to seduce him. Bitch be crazy. Gilgamesh kills the monstrous bull and its parts are flung back at Ishtar creating the constellation we know as ‘Taurus’, the bull.

At the time of the myth, Spring, the vernal equinox, began when the Sun was in the constellation of Taurus. As the time when Winter ended and life began to spring forth again, Taurus became associated in Babylonian astrology with wealth and pleasure, and is said to be ruled by Venus (Ishtar). The association has remained to this day, and is why we have the term Bull Market for when stocks are going up.

i says:

What is interesting is that the most primitive less culturally elaborate tribes in Australian Aborigines, Amerindians and African tribes are the most monotheistic. Many of them worshipping the High God the Father of all existence who is uncreated and sets a high ethical tone:

jim says:

I find this very hard to believe.

i says:

What do you find in the video that is hard to believe?

jim says:

For starters the Australian aboriginals are not deists, nor even manists, but Zoists. Almost all Australian native “burials” are found in their trash heaps. It is not that they believe in the supernatural, but that they do not believe in natural. They don’t think about cause and effect enough for the distinction between supernatural and natural causation to be meaningful to them, and thus for the distinction between supernatural and natural creatures to be meaningful to them. It is not that they believe in ghosts, it is more that they lose track of whether someone died.

i says:

What then are they referring to when certain aboriginal tribes have traditions that refer to the “All-Father” passed down via oral traditions?

For example:

The Narinnari believed in a Supreme Father named “Nuranderre” who made all things who taught humans their rituals before he and his children ascended into the sky.

The Maranuna people says their supreme being Nureilli created the land gave Laws and ascended into Heaven

Many tribes of the Kulin language group believed in the Supreme being “Bunji” who they call “Our Father” who lives in the sky and gives moral laws.

The Gunai believed in a supreme being(Mungan Naganua) who they call “Father” had a son named “Tundun” who they say is their ancestor.

Perhaps its not quite monotheism as the Aryans conceived. But probably the religion of Noah that is still remembered but distorted somewhat. That made Zoistic as you state.

And for stated reasons in the video the missionary influence is ruled out since oral traditions don’t get altered that way.

i says:

Actually not in the video. But there was a commentator in the comment section claiming to be a member of one of the aboriginal tribes who dismissed the notion that the missionaries had any role in altering their oral tradition.

And that the video is accurate in what is reported.

jim says:

The Australian aboriginals do not have an oral tradition – they have no idea what happened before the current generation. Their oral tradition is totally made up by missionaries and white scammers using dark skinned faces to sell trash to the tourists. There are no end of historical events involving groups of Australian aboriginals recorded by white people, and the descendants of those groups lack any recollection of them.

They live in an eternal present without cause, effect, or a past.

Which is pretty much what one would expect when old “burials” consist of human bones mingled with shellfish shells, cooked animal bones, and assorted inedible waste tossed out of camp.

Non human animals also make meaningful sounds, but it is way short of what is needed for cats to have an oral tradition. Aboriginals come considerably closer, but fall short.

There have been a lot of efforts to provide housing for full blooded aboriginals, but any human type housing gets rapidly rendered unlivable. Housing wound up looking suspiciously like zoo housing for animals. You would have as much luck finding an oral tradition in a zoo. Any aboriginal living in human type housing is mostly white ancestry, and has little idea where his mother and or the guys hanging with his mother when he was growing up came from.

Claims to aboriginal ancestry tend to be richly rewarded for people who can navigate the bureaucracy, and everyone who does successfully navigate the bureaucracy to the big money looks as white as I do. Those guys are full of oral traditions.

Kunning Druegger says:

The sub-humanness of the abbo is so stark that I think it might be a useful shill test, or a part of one. There is a very widely maintained ignorance of abbos outside of Australia, and it is fascinating to watch the stages of understanding as a full human is confronted by the human shaped creature that is the abbo. The severe ugliness of the women, the staggering animalistic stupidity of the abbo male, and the failure of the never ending attempts to humanize these poor creatures; when you lay it all out, only a hardcore leftist or someone with too much oversight to be honest can deny the simple fact that, in their natural state with their natural genetic composition, abbos just are not people.

Pax Imperialis says:

Oof… lets not say subhuman and go with prehuman primitives. I would very much be sadden if my descendants never get to go on an Australian safari tour to see the primitives in the zoos… uh I mean reservations because someone got it in their head to exterminate the subhumans.

Though I suppose the local Indian reservations would suffice but that would feel like a cheap knock off without the same sense of adventure.

Much prefer if subhuman is reserved for the criminal underbelly of inner city America…

Cloudswrest says:

‘Let me Abos go loose, Lou
Let me Abos go loose.
They’re of no further use, Lou
So let me Abos go loose.’

Cloudswrest says:

BTW, he got cancelled big time Bill Cosby style.

i says:

On the origin of White people with their light skin and their varied hair colors of Blonde, Brown, Auburn and so forth is the result of strong selection selection pressure on women:

For some anthropologists, this palette of hair and eye colors is a side effect of the lighter skin of Europeans. This lighter skin is, in turn, due to relaxation of selection for dark skin at non-tropical latitudes and a resulting accumulation of ‘loss of function’ alleles that affect not only skin color but also hair and eye color.

Yet relaxation of selection could not have produced so many new alleles over so little time. If selection is relaxed at loci for hair and eye color, close to a million years must elapse to produce the hair- and eye-color variability that Europeans now display, including ~ 80,000 years for the current prevalence of red hair alone (Harding et al., 2000; Templeton, 2002). This is much longer than the c. 35,000 years that modern humans have been in Europe. Moreover, the presumed initial cause—the whitening of European skin—seems to have occurred long after the arrival date of 35,000 BP (Norton & Hammer, 2007). As a Science journalist commented: “the implication is that our European ancestors were brown-skinned for tens of thousands of years” (Gibbons, 2007).

The puzzle is not resolved if Europeans turned white because of positive selection for lighter skin, as opposed to relaxation of selection for darker skin. Such a scenario would not have caused hair and eye color to diversify. In fact, most of the new alleles have little or no relationship with skin color. Only red hair and blue eyes are visibly associated with lighter skin.

There must have been positive selection for diversity of hair and eye color in and of itself. And this selection must have been very strong, given the relatively narrow time frame.

I have suggested that the likeliest explanation is sexual selection (Frost, 2006; Frost, 2008). This kind of explanation is consistent with several general facts:

1. Sexual selection typically creates brightly colored traits.

2. Such traits tend to be on or close to the face, because this part of the body attracts the most visual attention.

3. Intense sexual selection can produce color polymorphisms.

But why would sexual selection have been stronger among northern and eastern Europeans than among other human populations? To answer this question, we must understand why sexual selection should have differed in intensity among ancestral modern humans. In general, the differences were latitudinal, i.e., sexual selection differed primarily along a north-south axis.

Latitudinal differences in the ratio of men to women on the mate market

In the tropical zone, a woman could gather or grow enough food for herself and her children with little assistance. Because the cost of providing for a second wife was very low (often negative, i.e., a net gain), a man’s optimal reproductive strategy was to have as many wives as possible. There were thus too many men competing for too few women.

The farther away ancestral humans were from the tropics, the more women needed food (meat) provided by men. This was especially so in winter, when opportunities for food gathering were scarce. The cost of providing for a second wife was thus high, making polygyny impossible for all but the ablest hunters.

Alongside this trend of increasing female dependence on male providers was another north-south trend: male mortality increased farther away from the tropics because of longer hunting distances and the resulting increased risk of death due to accidents, exposure, starvation, etc.

Continental Arctic: optimal conditions for sexual selection of women

These two trends culminated in the continental Arctic. Here, women had few opportunities for food gathering at any time of year. They and their children depended almost wholly on meat that men provided through hunting. Here too, hunting distance was at a maximum. Men hunted wandering herds of herbivores, mainly reindeer, over very long distances. The high rate of male mortality, combined with the low rate of polygyny, limited the number of males available for mating. Result: a corresponding surplus of unmated females and intense sexual selection of women.

Today, this kind of environment is confined to the northern fringes of Eurasia and North America, but during the last ice age (25,000 – 10,000 BP) it lay further south and covered more territory. This was especially so in Europe, where the Scandinavian icecap had pushed the steppe-tundra zone down to the plains stretching from southwestern France through northern Germany and into eastern Europe. These temperate latitudes permitted a high level of bioproductivity and a comparatively large human population—the ancestors of today’s Europeans.

Sexual selection and color traits

When sexual selection is weak, the adaptive equilibrium is dominated by selection for a dull, cryptic appearance that reduces detection by predators. As sexual selection grows stronger, the equilibrium shifts toward a more noticeable appearance that retains the attention of potential mates, typically by means of vivid and/or novel colors.

One outcome may be a polymorphism of brightly colored phenotypes, due to the pressure of selection shifting to scarcer and more novel hues whenever a color variant becomes too common. This frequency dependence has been shown in humans. Thelen (1983) presented male participants with slides showing attractive brunettes and blondes and asked them to choose, for each series, the woman they would most like to marry. One series had equal numbers of brunettes and blondes, a second 1 brunette for every 5 blondes, and a third 1 brunette for every 11 blondes. Result: the rarer the brunettes were in a series, the likelier any one brunette would be chosen.

Among ancestral Europeans, this selection pressure may have caused a proliferation of new hair and eye colors to the detriment of our species norm of black hair and brown eyes. The selection was partly for novel colors. A rare color engages visual attention for a longer time than does a more common color (Brockmole & Boot, 2009). It may be that color rarity stimulates a mental algorithm that scans the visual environment for new or unusual objects.

In addition to color novelty, there also seems to have been selection for color brightness. Hair is carrot-red but not burgundy red. Eyes are light blue but not navy blue. Maan and Cummings (2009) argue that brighter colors have a stronger impact because they deliver a stronger signal that is more readily learned and retained in memory.

In a mate market already saturated with high-quality females, these eye-catching characteristics—color novelty and color brightness—may have made the difference between success and failure in finding a mate.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve read the mutation(s) for light skin in Europeans is DIFFERENT from the mutation for light skin in East Asians. Given that this is the case, and given the right linkage disequilibrium, it’s theoretically possible for interbreeding hapas to produce a dark skinned offspring. I.e. they get the dark skin variant for the Caucasian loci from the East Asian genome, and the dark skin variant for the East Asian allele from the Caucasian genome.

Aidan says:

As far as I understand it, there are 64 genes that produce melanin, and each is a binary on or off- we inherit a random 32 of these from each parent. There is no single mutation for light skin, but only selective pressures that cause lighter or darker skinned offspring to pass down their genes. It is always possible, but unlikely, that two parents with medium skin tones produce a significantly darker or lighter skinned child

Cloudswrest says:

I remember reading the (real) anthropologist Carleton Coon stating the canonical races (Caucasian, Mongoloid, African) predate modern humanity (not necessarily skin, eye or hair color). I.e there were “Chinese” homo erectus, Caucasian homo erectus and African homo erectus. If you went back in time you could tell which was which. Modern humanity (late out of Africa) spread out and, via interbreeding, incorporated the local adaptations of these earlier (out of Africa) humans. These local adaptations extend down to modern times.

Leon says:

Got a book on that?

someDude says:

“About sixty or seventy thousand years ago, a very small black tribe or large family with the outward urge characteristic of modern whites left subsaharan Africa, and headed out into Europe, expanded, eventually exterminating previous races in the region”

Why would any tribe leave a fertile, pleasant, warm area with abundant game and water resources like Africa to expand outwards voluntarily? Perhaps they were kicked out by other stronger or more numerous tribes who were competing for the same prime real estate?

Perhaps they were defeated in an inter-tribal war for dominance and kicked out by the victors? Difficult to imagine that they left voluntarily out of pure wanderlust or spirit of adventurousness.

jim says:

> Why would any tribe leave a fertile, pleasant, warm area with abundant game and water resources like Africa to expand outwards voluntarily?

Why would I go to settle Mars if I could.

someDude says:

You would like to escape the ruling elite which hates you and wants you dead. That would be a big motivation. Either way, it’s the underdog that seeks to leave

Kunning Druegger says:

>it’s the underdog that seeks to leave

In Occidental fiction, this is not always the case. This could be American exceptionalism (being the nation as destination v. the source), but underdogs get run out of town and are forced to make a new life elsewhere, while often a hero strikes out for new horizons and different opportunities.

I think the Oriental Princes should take command of Terra and the Sons of the Occident should push out to the stars. The Oriental always seems particularly suited to the insular beauties, while the Occidental is restless, dangerous, and a little bit crazy. This is not to say that no Dharma-bros will be involved in colonizing the other planets, and Terra will always need and want whitebois to do the needful planet-side. But I think it could be a stellar symbiosis, with Oriental influence on the mother planet and Occidental influence in the heavens.

someDude says:

You raise several interesting points. But I can only take up one here so as to avoid diluting the thread and lead to too many tangents.

I think, given our knowledge of human history, it would be suicidal for any race or group of people to decide not to colonise space. If you don’t colonise space, then you will be conquered and replaced by those who do. Even, the attempt at space colonisation will do so many wonders for scientific progress, to say nothing about natural selection that such colonisation involves ……..

The Orientals have already made one mistake as outlined by Karlin here,

If they repeat it again, this time in the form of eschewing space colonisation, then I don’t know what to say.

Point is, if I had any say, India would have some sort of blueprint for Space colonisation. Not because we are a naturally adventurous or curious lot, but because it would be suicidal for us not to given human history.

Humans act out of necessity for survival and procreation. indeed all creatures do. They have to. Not out of some romantic ideals of exploration or curiosity or progress.

Kunning Druegger says:

In a multi-polar, truncated-Hobbesian dynamic, you are right. But I hold out hope that a great Human Alliance between the ethnicities and the races can be forged, and I think stellar expansion is a key ingredient in that. If humanity survives Rampant leftism, it will also have to survive the Era of Orbital Power Struggle.

The Cominator says:

In ancient times perhaps you really could destroy the demon cult just by killing the demon priest leader (and then burning the temple), since the 20th century it just hasn’t worked like that. I speculate it has to do with the introduction of mass communications.

jim says:

I speculate it has to do with people not killing the demon priest leader and burning the temple. Has this tried and true prescription been tried and failed?

The leftism that Papen predicted would lead to catastrophe abruptly ended in Germany in the light of the long knives. Hitler did not have to kill all that many people to bring a sudden end to the ever leftwards drift of Nazism. (Albeit he was already too far left – failed to restore fertility, and the crisis of socialism bit just when he was starting the invasion of Russia)

Cromwell abruptly ended the leftwards and postChristian drift by strolling into Barebones’ Parliament and telling them to make themselves scarce, and no more was heard of Barebones. I don’t think Cromwell killed him, but he quietly stayed out of sight. Killed a few unimportant people, not very many at all, and demonstrated willingness and ability to kill the important people.

Sulla killed quite a few people, but not all that many by modern standards. Sulla’s failure was that he was trying to revive a dead Republic. Necromancy failed. But he brought a solid stop to the left holiness spiral. The problem of class conflict remained, but the class conflict was maggots infesting the corpse of the dead republic and looting the the dysfunctional state. Caesar Augustus brought an end to that. It took him about twelve years to concentrate all the looting in his own hands and restore governmental function, because building order is complex and takes time, but disrupting an evil order can be done very quickly and simply. Sulla had already done that. The trouble was that the looters were enabled by the continuing faith in the dead Republic.

The left is an alliance that acts cohesively to knock over apple carts and grab some apples. Individuals knocking over apple carts and grabbing apples is an ordinary crime problem (I previously remarked we need to restore and enforce the old crime of barratry) Knock out the enemy leadership, they lose the capability to make coordinated attacks on applecarts. Cromwell simply told the enemy leadership to disperse and shut up, and they did.

The Cominator says:

Pinochet killed Allende and purged the universities. They came right back in less than 30 years.

Suharto killed everyone and they didn’t come back. Agree completely on Sulla, in Rome even the radical populares weren’t promising utopia they were promising we should kill the current elite (and many of them indeed needed killing as Sulla himself realized) so Roman leftism was more pure weaponized envy more than a religion.

Cromwell and Charles II advantage was the left revolution already happened when the radicals were suppressed.

jim says:

> Pinochet killed Allende and purged the universities. They came right back in less than 30 years.

Lacked a counter state religion, to defend against foreign evangelism of the foreign state religion.

They came back from outside. You can see the heavy hand of outside pressure and intervention in Indonesia, where Suharto did restore the old and still live state religion, now being quietly converged and quietly pushed out of the halls of power.

As Putin recently said:

An increasing number of countries and people are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identity, traditions, and values.

These objective processes are being opposed by the western globalist elite, who provoke chaos, fanning long standing and new conflicts and pursuing the so called containment policy, which in fact amounts to the subversion of any alternative sovereign developement options. Thus they are doing all they can to keep hold onto the hegemony and power that is slipping from their hands. They are attempting to retain countries and people in what his essentially a neocolonial order.

Their hegemony means stagnation for the rest of the world and for the entire civilization. It means obscurantism, cancellation of culture, and neoliberal totalitarianism.

They are using all expedients. The united state and its vassals grossly interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states by staging provocations, organizing coups, or starting civil wars, by threats, blackmail, and pressure. They are trying to force independent states to submit to rules and follow rules that are alien to them.

This is being done with just one aim in view, which is to preserve their domination the central result model that enables them to sponge on everything in the world. But a model of this sort can only be retained by force.

The velvet glove is getting increasingly shredded, and the mailed fist increasingly visible.

If we take over Harvard, or kill them all and burn it to the ground, there is no longer any outside center capable of marshaling money and violence. (Though another one will pop up soon enough)

Need a live state religion willing to defend itself with money and violence. Which Suharto had in his pocket.

The Cominator says:

Burning Harvard isn’t enough… Georgetown and most other ivies would have to go as would the entire Jesuit order and anyone high ranking in the Vatican… also people withing the Jesuits, the WEF, Club of Rome big Harvard leftists etc need to be put to some recreational mcdentistry… to find out who they are secretly connected to and you have to kill them. As well as all big donors to the Democratic party… all leftists careerists within three letter agencies and NGOs…

Then and only then can you perhaps be sure the whole of the leftist leadership is gone worldwide.

Pax Imperialis says:

More polemic phrasing would be “Why would I not want free real estate?”

@someDude The most expensive way of expanding is trying to take land that is already strongly owned. Weakly owned land, or better yet completely unowned land will always hold a high level of desirability.

i.e easier for the French to colonize all of Africa than to fight the Germans for the Rhine. Those who expand out compete those who don’t.

someDude says:

Agreed! But the French knew what they were up against in Africa Vs what they were up against in Europe across the Rhine. Choosing to expand in Africa is a no-brainer in the circumstance.

I however, very much doubt whether that very small tribe in Africa knew what they would be up against as they travelled northwards.

Pax Imperialis says:

The French did not initially know. Or better to say none of the early European colonizers initially knew either. Much in the same way gold prospectors do not initially know what they will find when they stake out new land. And even when people did “know,” it’s not like they really knew as in those eras communications were slow and difficult and not widely disseminated.

The initial colonizers/prospectors were a very small group. The initial groups traveling northwards were also likely a very small tribe. And once word got around that there was abundant easy land it’s not like the whole tribe followed suit. The difficulties of travel (even today!) mean only the more adventurous risk tolerant individuals out of a group will follow. It’s why the Europeans are more adventurous than the Africans and the Americans are more adventurous than the Europeans.

Sort of like a distillation effect where risk tolerance and adventurousness is selected for. Except adventures can easily get you killed or in modern times leave you financially dead, so intelligence and good planning is also selected for as well. Hence a possible partial explanation for why White Americans are (slightly) smarter on average than Europeans who are smarter on average than Africans.

someDude says:

If you say that the initial bunch that ventured northwards were conducting a recce on behalf of a much larger group, that makes sense.

Somewhat like the initial European explorers conducted recce for whatever motivations (personal glory, national glory, adventurousness etc) and then came back and disseminated this knowledge back to wider society and so the King and state felt that here was an opportunity to expand. So while the first french explorers into Africa did not know, the state did know when it decided to expand. My point is regarding the movements of tribes, of large groups, not individuals

Now the initial Americans were puritans, I am given to understand. Puritans kicked out by Charles II. So again my analogy holds. Some sort of pressure is forcing these groups to look outwards.

I still posit that some sort of pressure did force this small black tribe to look outwards. The analogy with the French does not really hold as the French were competing with the English for expansion. Had the French not expanded into Africa, the English would have taken all of it. Can we say that this small black tribe/large family acted out of the same motives as the French expansion into Africa? 60000 years ago when information was really really scarce.

While I can accept your explanation as reasonable, which do you think is most likely? Survival pressure, lust for expansion or adventurousness? Or a combination thereof? I feel survival is the strongest explanation as that was a harsh environment where genocide was common as air.

jim says:

> If you say that the initial bunch that ventured northwards were conducting a recce on behalf of a much larger group, that makes sense.

The genetic data indicates that people outside of Africa are largely descended from one very small group, that left Africa about seventy thousand years ago.

Me and my family would do the same, if we could reach a new world and conquer it.

someDude says:

Wait, I concede your point. As Milosevic pointed out, I completely forgot about the Vikings. The Vikings made extraordinary and perilous journeys under no selection pressure. The small black tribe/big family could have indeed done the same.

jim says:

> I however, very much doubt whether that very small tribe in Africa knew what they would be up against as they travelled northwards.

Would not have stopped me.

Red says:

Why would any tribe leave a fertile, pleasant, warm area with abundant game and water resources like Africa to expand outwards voluntarily? Perhaps they were kicked out by other stronger or more numerous tribes who were competing for the same prime real estate?

The human race capacity for violence was improving. We’d been getting our asses kicked by the neanderthals in the Levant for 40,000 years before we moved out and curb stomped them in a shockingly short period of time. I would guess the situation was similar to the Mongols or the first Aryan Chariot riders. Related men all living in the same area had been so well selected for war that the local wars were never ending and was resulting in very difficult living conditions. Finally one group decided they wanted get away from their kinsmen and fight someone that wasn’t nearly so effective at war and moved into the Middle East and Europe. Neanderthals were pretty tasty based on how often we found their butchered corpses in our camp sites and their women were apparently hot enough to fuck.

someDude says:

Can you point out in history, any instance of an entire group of people uprooting themselves and moving away to a new place without having been kicked out, or escaping genocide or to escape a lower social status or poor living conditions, or some such? My point is, it is always the weaker group that wants out. I can’t think of a dominant group wanting to uproot itself and go settle somewhere unknown.

I’m not entirely on the ball on the settling of the west, but I’m not sure the analogy applies. Those who settled the west could always go back and shoot back some Rum at some Boston tavern. Plus, it was not the Boston Brahmins that settled the west.

Milosevic says:

The Vikings and their descendants.

someDude says:

Bloody good point! I completely forgot about the Vikings. I stand corrected. The small black tribe/large family could indeed have made the northwards trip in the same spirit as the Vikings’ voyages.

The Cominator says:

The Vikings wanted out because their homeland was not the most hospital place on the planet…

jim says:

They cheerfully went to places even less hospitable.

The Cominator says:

As Red says the one place they went to that was less hospital (Greenland) didn’t have other Viking tribes. Also it wasn’t marketed as less hospital…

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

The “fleeing ingroup violence hypothesis” proves too much IMO. The possibility of mass-scale violence has loomed over every group of humans ever.

Also, it’s not clear that there’s a connection between Viking exploration and the postulated small tribe(s) that left Africa, given that such a group, with the will and capacity to emigrate to less pleasant lands, would probably have had superior capacity for violence on its own turf.

Kunning Druegger says:

Based and insightfulpilled.

jim says:

If Musk succeeds in settling Mars, an almost accidental side effect, which the less debased elements of the Pentagon are counting on, is vastly superior capability to drop unpleasant things on your enemy’s heads, and control of the information network

Red says:

The “fleeing ingroup violence hypothesis” proves too much IMO. The possibility of mass-scale violence has loomed over every group of humans ever.

Sure, but Humans like periods of peace between conflict. I’m talking about a situation where the raiding and the fighting is unending like what Mongols or the Arabs experienced right before someone organized them into directing their violence externally instead internally. This was pre-religion so human group size was still limited by Dunbar’s number.

and the postulated small tribe(s) that left Africa, given that such a group, with the will and capacity to emigrate to less pleasant lands, would probably have had superior capacity for violence on its own turf.

It’s likely that their neighbors where just as good at warfare as they where so conquering them was a non starter. So they raid into Neanderthal land and discover Humans are now much better fighters than Neanderthals. The Neanderthals are easy kills. They decided to move into a area where warfare is less likely to result in a lot of men dead and they expand out. Every time the tribe’s size hit Dumbar’s number they split up and the new tribe goes off and conquerors some more Neanderthal land for themselves.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

If Musk succeeds in settling Mars, an almost accidental side effect, which the less debased elements of the Pentagon are counting on, is vastly superior capability to drop unpleasant things on your enemy’s heads, and control of the information network


Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Sure, but Humans like periods of peace between conflict. I’m talking about a situation where the raiding and the fighting is unending like what Mongols or the Arabs experienced right before someone organized them into directing their violence externally instead internally. This was pre-religion so human group size was still limited by Dunbar’s number.

The trend seems like a transition from frequent, disorganized violence to infrequent, organized violence — an overall increase in violence even though from time humans flee violence.

In the case of the Muslim conquests, Mohammed and his followers took power by slaughtering a considerable number of the native inhabitants of Polytheistic Arabia. The continuous raiding and skirmishing which took place on the Arabian peninsula was by far outstripped by the revolts, uprisings, and civil wars of Islam’s early years.

In the case of the Mongolian conquests; Temujin slew his blood brother so he could unite the Mongolians and his successors spent lots of time killing each other — leading to the break up of the Mongol Empire. (There’s some article on Wikipedia about the “Pax Mongolica” which I didn’t even bother reading at all lol.)

In the case of the Vikings, “periods of peace” is an especially tough sell (lul). They spent lots of time killing each other in foreign lands; the Rus princes, Rollo’s descendants, etc. Harald Hadrada — reputedly, “the last viking” — returned home, pressed his claim to the crown of Norway (by killing people), attempted to press his claim to the crown of Denmark (by killing people), before eventually dying in his attempt to press his claim to the English throne (lul); losing to Godwinson and dying at Stamford bridge. (Hadrada is noteworthy because if he had won against Godwinson, he would have had to battle William of Normandy.)

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

^ correction for the 1st paragraph: The trend seems like a transition from frequent, disorganized violence to infrequent, organized violence — an overall increase in violence.

^^ I just noticed that I had jumped to the conclusion that a group with military superiority would choose to conquer rather than explore, but there were probably a number of groups with the capacity to leave Africa, but didn’t have the desire to go on a long, one-way journey like that.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

^ correction for the 1st paragraph: The trend seems like a transition from frequent, disorganized violence to infrequent, organized violence — an overall increase in violence.

^^ I just noticed that I had jumped to the conclusion that a group with military superiority would choose to conquer rather than explore, but there were probably a number of groups with the capacity to venture out but just had no desire to go on a long, one-way journey like that.

Aidan says:

The Vikings were great at small scale warfare, not so great at mass coordinated warfare. As is often the case with clannish peoples that produce excellent individual warriors, they needed an update to their social technology to conquer settled peoples. The most successful example of which being the Normans. Of course, the Vikings were not up against decadent ancient civilizations, but vigorous and patriarchal societies.

Red says:

The vikings wanted out because the level of inter group warfare had become too intense due to selective pressures favoring better warriors. It was hard to farm and fish while under constant attack. So they started directing their warfare externally with great success and warfare at home declined. It’s the same story that shaped the Mongols, Aryans, and even the Arab expansions.

Upravda says:

Ever played Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri? Or it’s modern-day equivalent, Civlization: Beyond Earth? 🙂

If bees could survive in Chiron, 😉 I’d seriuosly consider taking my family and myself immediately there if only I had something like Venture Star on my disposal.

Contaminated NEET says:

Everybody hated Beyond Earth, and it certainly lacked the innovation and deep lore of SMAC, but I put in a lot of enjoyable hours on it. It was pretty much a mod for Civilization 5, which is probably the best game in the series.

Upravda says:

Yes, I hated it too – at first. However, it is actually a good game, more balanced than SMAC, and quite polished. Greatest dissapointment is shallowness of fraction leaders and quite basic diplomacy. In combat and economy, AI is quite good even on Gemini level when without any bonuses.

But, never mind, the thing is, one does not need to be underdog to aspire for something greater, especially if it is whole new world to take.

Contaminated NEET says:

You’re absolutely right: BE was much more balanced and polished than SMAC. The truth is, I’d rather play a game of BE than of SMAC. But it didn’t have the same creativity, originality, or soul. I see why people people panned it, even though it is a genuinely good game.

Red says:

In the middle east, Aryans ruled, but failed to have large biological impact. Nomadic patriarchalists, probably originally Aryan, also worshipped the one God. Hard to know if this was part of the original Aryan faith, or they picked it up somewhere along the way. “The ancient city” plausibly speculates that it was original, and presents suggestive evidence supporting that thesis. Organizing under Kings and priests, the descendants of the Aryans created Bronze Age civilization.

Jim you think the Sumerians were Aryan? I think most of the people who conquered them when they became decadent were likely Aryan and all the civilizations of the middle east were conquered by chariot riding Aryans who replaced their ruling classes at a later point, but Sumerian is a language isolate, not related to Aryan as far as I know.

The first Sumerian king sounded like a General who was elected by the population who then overthrew the priesthood and made his daughter the chief priestess to control the temple, putting a woman in charge of religion doesn’t sound like a patriarchal Aryan thing to do.

jim says:

Sumerian is a language isolate, therefore likely descended from a race and people otherwise lost in prehistory. I conjecture they are descendants of prediluvian civilization, the first settled people, who settled on the coast and islands, now submerged.

They were a priestly civilization, while the original Aryans were aristocratic. The Sumerians and the Egyptians were pre-bronze age civilizations. The Aryans conquered the world with bronze weapons and bronze armor, so Aryan conquered decadent people, who also had bronze. But most of bronze age civilization happened under Aryan rule.

Immediately following, or during, the Aryan conquest, there was a partial regression from bronze to copper, indicating suggesting a short collapse of long range order during the Aryan conquest – that the Aryans were not all that civilized during the conquest, and proceeded to put together a largely new civilization, in which leading aristocrats became Kings, with some assistance from priests, and with very long distance marriages between leading aristocratic families. When the primarily Aryan bronze age civilization collapsed, the people who conquered it, who plausibly substantially preserved the original Aryan way of life, were illiterate and incapable of long range order.

Red says:

Very interesting. That leads me to a wonder about Abraham and the Israelites actual genetic line. Hebrew is a Semitic language, but lots of Aryan groups went native after moving into the middle east. It wasn’t a very complete conquest and replacement.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ancient tribe of israel was a group of patriarchal herdsmen living amongst and around graincels – cowboys vs cityslickers.

Groups of people in later days that call themselves jewish are more or less conversios of different groups over the centuries that are largely unrelated or only tangentially related to that group.

Mike in Boston says:

If there are any large-scale DNA studies exploring that, they would be interesting to read about. Does the one that found the Ashkenazi bottleneck shed any light on it?

And what about ancient vs. modern Greeks?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The situation is like many spheres of scientia in our most current of years.

For example, food and nutrition; the seed oil guys have a point, and the ketogenic guys have a point, and the lectin guys have a point, and the wholefood/chemical contamination guys have a point; but there is no one single source that lays out all these points collated together.

Vagarious splinters have their point, while surrounded by demon orthodoxy on other points, and it is up to oneself to exercise their powers of world-formation, if they are able, to find which pieces of fact from vagarious sources fit together the best, separating wheat from chaff; and a great deal of chaff has been emitted over the years on this subject.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The Ionians absolutely were a distinct folk from those who now occupy the peninsula, much like how the Latins were distinct from those who came after, and both petered out basically the same way: lack of fertility in general, and elite fertility in particular. Feminism and race-replacement, as ever.

i says:

The Purity of the Rites and the beliefs of the Aryans didn’t survive contact with the people they conquered. Demon infested in the process.

Julius Evola in his book “Revolt against the Modern World” for whatever reason couldn’t endorse Christianity because it bore resemblance to the Chthonic Southern Matriarchal religions of the people’s Aryans conquered.

The rite of the broken weapons representing the broken Masculinity of Men and the endless cycle of the dying and rising Male deities of said peoples alongside the strong devouring Earth Mother Goddess cults.

What is the interesting is how the closet approximation to the Aryan religion including its Spiritual Strength was best preserved in the Old time Christian religion.

Demons fear the name above every other name: “Jesus Christ”. Despite this apparent similarity with said above cults.

But somehow the Death on the Cross and Resurrection in his Immortal Glorious Body broke the power of the those demons that gave rise to the cults featuring the never-ending cycle with its broken weapons and devouring Mother Goddess worship religions.

Jesus nullified the power of death and symbolically of the endless cycle from within the belly of death by erupting from it in perpetual victory. Returning to the Glorious Luminous Dimension of the Highest Heaven at his Holy Fathers Right Hand of Majesty.

The power of the Day and of Holy and Heavenly Fire purifying the Earth by the renewal of creation symbolically accomplished by the joining of God with Man in Jesus Christ.

Varna says:

Post-Evolists: Dugin’s global historical civilization analysis.
Unfortunately only a few chapters of a few of the books are translated, but many of the chapter names sort of speak for themselves.

Varna says:

In this, one of the few translated chapters, I learn that Evola translated the Tao Te Ching into Italian.

i says:

Thank you. Although I see it as a shame that Evola rejected Christianity as a confused Lunar-Solar religion.

But if he only knew the power of Christ especially in the capacity for exorcising demons for example. Then he will find out the Logos is the only way to truly counter the degenerate demonic influences that felled the Aryans Rites and Spiritual Life.

Anyway is there any way to access to free pdf versions?

Red says:

This is a fantastic post. I’ve been reading up and finding everything I could on the earliest civilizations for a while now but this really puts all the pieces together.

someDude says:

Can you share what you are reading here? How are going to sift/parse through political correctness and authorship bias?

Green Fields says:

So should we be ancestor worshipers? How did monotheism come to supplant ancestor worship amongst Aryans, and does it mean we have repudiated our past, and perhaps unknowingly set ourselves up for todays evils in some ways (ancestor worship seems more based)? I guess patriarchal monotheism is the most competitive belief system, but it seems to leave open the opportunity for memetic Leftism infiltration (there is no Greek or Jew, paraphrasing) in a way that ancestor worship pantheons do not. But obviously the former out-competed the latter regardless.

I’m a theistic “agnostic” trying to learn more about religion — I accept theism because of the Kalam cosmological argument (there must be an entity outside of space and time in order to create it), but I am still trying to discern the truth (or the details) from that starting point.

jim says:

> So should we be ancestor worshipers?

A man should be King and High Priest under his own roof.

Aryans held that when the King and High Priest died, he joined an ever growing collection of household gods. This faith was weak at providing large scale cohesion, so priests tended to talk up the most ancient such Gods, whose descendants were numerous, so we got Aryan groups united by descent in the male line from a common ancestor, after which the group was named. This was the standard form of organization immediately after the collapse of Bronze Age civilization. How Aryans organized before Bronze Age civilization, we do not really know, but it is plausible that the groups overrunning the Bronze Age civilization were those that largely held on to the original form of organization whereby Aryans conquered most of the world.

Trouble with ancestor worship is that you get oversupplied with ancestors eventually. You are obviously going to get better social cohesion by worshiping the one God and memorializing your great ancestors.

Q'Xote says:

Seems like this is solved practically with the communion of saints, which is also theologically consistent with worship of the one true God. A singular moral exemplar, who is both the Son of Man and the Son of God, God is three and God is one, to whom Latria is given exclusively. Then, in the communion of saints, we have ancestors by faith that can give due reverence to and have examples of specific applications of The Way to gain wisdom from.

I genuinely do have faith that, similar to all the other heresies the Church has suffered over the last two millennia, we will overcome the bluepills that have snuck in over the last ~600 years. Ideally involving reconciliation with the East, as the West has succumbed to scholastic autism and holiness spiraling and the East has fallen too far into esoteric mysticism without the grounding of reason.

However it will likely be grassroots movements that preserve any shred of things in our lifetimes, our childrens lifetimes and perhaps longer. Which will look similar to patriarchs without Kings, with bandits either benign or hostile to them.

Upravda says:

How do you explain that Neandertah traces in modern non-African humans can be traced exclusively through male line (via Y chromosome), and not at all through female line (via mitochondrial DNA)?

It seems that we actually did not curbstomp Neanderthals and took Neanderthalesses, but rather outbred them and accepted their men as… comrades in arms?

Redbible says:

Easy explanation is that neanderthal men like fucking our ancestors women, and that they didn’t kill every half breed that came out.

Also no (high-t level) man wants to fuck a giantess.

Aidan says:

I haven’t read that anywhere, but if it is true, it would be that Neanderthal women were too ugly to bang, but neanderthal men were valuable allies in war.

Upravda says:

I’m pretty much sure about correctly understanding our Neanderthal ancestry exclusively through the male line.

One explanation was that Neanderthals were not quite the same species as Homo Sapines, so half-breeds might have been able to produce fertile male offspring, but not fertile female offspring.

I think that can be the case with some mutually closely related animals such as big cats. Obviously not with others, such as horse/ donkey/ mule.

However, I wouldn’t really know…

Alfred says:

I remember learning that it may have been a case of hybrid infertility that selectively affected the male Sapiens, female Neanderthal pairings.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There was an article called something like, When Orcs Were Real.” It went over the way that Neanderthals probably looked, and the evidence that they had killed and eaten humans, as well as raped the women. Driving our branch near to extinction until the selection pressures made us the vicious, warlike species we are today. Then it was payback time, and we had a population explosion.

We probably have the Neanderthal DNA from those pairings that were human enough to keep as part of the tribe. Maybe some of the raiding Neanderthals decided to stick around and raise his kids, or the kids decided that they identified more with their mothers than their fathers. Also possible that male Human-Neanderthal hybrids were able to take command of human tribes, conquering, ruling, and inserting their genetics. Once a critical mass of Neanderthal genes were reached in the human population, we achieved some ability that made us the preeminent form of life on the planet. “I picked up a rock, and now natural selection is over. This is my planet now, bitches!”

restitutor_orbis says:
Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Thank you, that is the one.

Upravda says:

I’ve read that theory once upon time.

However, while surely made from at least somewhat flattering point of view, modern reconstruction of Neanderthals such as these:

woman 1

woman 2

woman 3



…do not strike me as particularly “orkish”.

However, they do strike me as pretty much – dwarven. And considering those reconstructions, and the fact that Neanderthals were shorter but sturdier than modern-day humans, and, since we interbred with them, they were at least somewhat likable, it is much more probable to me that they were early models for later legends about dwarves.

ten says:

This article is foaming at the mouth retarded, from a crazy crank on par with pig-human hybrid lunacy. lol

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I fail to see how it is foaming at the mouth crazy. It is making reasonable inferences and seems well-argued, and it does not fall victim to the usual “noble savage” idealized fantasy of prehistoric and premodern humans. The theory holds up to a cursory inspection, and it would offer an explanation of why the Neanderthal DNA comes from the male line.

If men will fuck animals if they get desperate, then they will fuck a Neanderthal. The only explanation for no significant female Neanderthal admixture is the mixed females were sterile mules or the progeny were the result or conquest and rape. If the female mixes were mules, how were the men so effective at reproduction that they could afford to produce no fertile females, meaning that half their offspring were genetic dead ends?

Cannibalism was common among humans for a long time, such as the Greek stories of the Androphagi and African and Polynesian cultures more recently and up to modern day. Rape is so common that human females consider it normal sexual behavior and fantasize about it. War is the crucible in which humanity was forged, so that is hardly an unusual take. It seems plausible at the very least.

Cloudswrest says:

Modern reconstruction adopts a modern human phenotype adapted to a Neanderthal skull/skeleton. We have no soft tissue or hair records. For all we know it could be a gorilla or chimpanzee phenotype adapted to a Neanderthal skull/skeleton.

Upravda says:

Reconstructionist of 19th century did have exactly such monkey phenotype on their mind when reconstructing Neanderthals. I guess we do not exactly know the whole truth (yet?), bit I’ve read somewhere that modern human phenotype should be much better approximation. See, ‘Thals probably had whole palette of skin colors, and even had gingers (although from a different mutation than modern humans).

Hell, when I’ve found that ‘Thal gentleman’s picture I linked, I asked myself: “That face looks familiar, where I have seen him…?”

Of course, here he is!

Arten’t they the same? 🙂

Your Uncle Bob says:

>How do you explain that Neandertah traces in modern non-African humans can be traced exclusively through male line (via Y chromosome), and not at all through female line (via mitochondrial DNA)?

This is only half right. Neanderthal component of modern humans wasn’t discovered until full sequencing of nuclear dna. It’s absent when you only look at mtdna (requires direct female to female line of descent, also easier to get than full nuclear dna). But modern humans also don’t have direct male line descent from neanderthals – no living Y neanderthal lineages. We used to, but it’s been bred out. So no living direct male line descendants or direct female line descendants, but still 2%+ neanderthal dna somehow.

So that makes things interesting. Possibly the number of interbreedings with fertile offspring was surprisingly low, with some of the genes we got from that so very useful they took off. Or if interbreeding was higher, some of the genes must have been adaptive but others maladaptive, with the latter being gradually bred out as they get broken away from the adaptive ones. Just possibly the neanderthal component pushed us over the edge into fully human and modern even though neanderthals themselves weren’t, but it’s not certain.

And all that said, yes, pairings might have skewed neanderthal male-sapiens female, but we don’t actually know.

Eugine Nier says:


What I read (from David Reich) says that in Neanderthals both mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA are much more closely related to homo sapiens than they are in autosomal DNA.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>in neanderthals

So, the exact opposite of the “in modern non-African humans” I was replying to.

Replacement in neanderthals is interesting in its own right, it means the gene flow went both ways, and may have been more significant going into neanderthals. Probably was some war bride action on both sides, but, we weren’t so very different that they couldn’t be integrated into the tribe.

Ryan says:

I’m more interested in perpetuating the white race, which means I need to find wives for my sons and husbands for my daughters. Arranged marriages with other patriarchal/dissident families over the internet seems like it might be necessary, as it’s very unlikely to meet someone suitable from the general population. Things might be very different in 15 years though.

Living near like minded people would obviously help with this and many other things, but that’s hard to coordinate safely, as it would need to be a secret community, and we probably couldn’t agree on where to move to.

Kunning Druegger says:

Why not just hash it out online, then all move? It’s relatively simple in terms of memetics. “Whites should all move to (state that has a strong winter and good farmland)” It doesn’t need to be secret or complicated.

Vlad says:

North Idaho

Jimmy says:

There is a prevalent thread running through the Old Testament that deals with giants, demons, and their relationship to man. It’s pretty much ignored in all Christian circles today, but it’s real.
These guys talk about it a lot.

Cloudswrest says:

As others have pointed out, 100,000 years ago it was a real “Conan the Barbarian” world, with all manner of hominid species running around. Far greater “diversity” than exists today. You had Neaderthals, Denisovians, “Hobbits” (Homo floresiensis), and probably a number of still extant tribes of Homo Erectus.

The Cominator says:

Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Arius.

jim says:

The seas rose ten thousand years ago, and Aryans conquered Europe using bronze weapons.

So this locates the history of Conan in the Bronze age or neolithic, but Conan’s dad made swords from bloom iron – early iron age.

So this postulates an earlier period of higher civilization, that had at least bloom iron, that was subsequently lost without trace … “undreamt of”. Which is certainly possible, many technologies get lost during dark ages, and dark ages happen pretty regularly, but I do not think it likely.

It could be that Conan’s dad was making swords from bog iron. That may be a very, very, old technology.

jim says:

How could iron get lost during some forgotten dark age? “before the rise of the sons of Arius”.

Well, making iron requires a bunch of techies who are fed by other people, and have a decent amount of grunt labor available to them, which also needs to be fed and protected, and they need to be fed and protected by an elite, presumably an elite whose authority is ensured by iron swords. Making useful iron if you only have bloom temperature furnaces is very tricky and very labor intensive. Lots of grunt work under very skilled supervision.

Suppose the elite does not have sons, or rather does not know who its sons are. Then they are quite content with heirloom swords, and do not want anyone else to have iron swords. And they are likely to be extremely unhappy about other elites causing new iron swords to be made – we know that the Philistines suppressed iron work among the Hebrews.

So an earlier iron age that was lost is possible. During Bronze Age civilization, it was extremely common for Kingship to run in the female line, indicating that even Kings were not too sure about paternity.

We have no indication that an earlier iron age happened, but we have no good evidence that it did not happen. Room enough for a not impossible good story.

We do, however, have indication that if an earlier iron age happened, there would likely have been giants, dwarves, and hobbits around, though not very numerous, and not in most places. Interfertility with those giants, dwarves and hobbits would be rare or unlikely, and when it happened, the offspring generally infertile.

jim says:

Because all the good iron ore is long gone, our civilization can only make iron with some fairly advanced technology, that requires a political and social order that sustains large scale cooperation. So a dark age in which we lose iron, and do not recover it, ever, is possible.

Eugine Nier says:

Europe continued making iron after Rome collapsed.

Publius Discretius says:

I disagree. There would be a lot of scrap metal lying around. It wouldn’t just all evaporate.
Similar think happened with copper. We have found very few copper tools from beginning of copper age, because they were constantly re-smelted and reused.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m not intentionally trying to be stupid with this comment, I swear. Did a job on an island once, a cold and remote place. While I usually blame animalistic sex and organic psychotropics, in reality, I left a few tools out because I was slipshod and hasty. It was staggering how much corrosion there was after no more than three days of exposure. This was not a “nice” place climatically; North Atlantic region, enough moisture in the air you could wet your hands with the mist, and salt water is the great destroyer. I distinctly remember a crescent wrench (cheap, low quality) was rendered worthless. Vinegar and elbow grease cleaned them up, but the pitting was noticeable.

Is it possible that iron tools did in fact just “evaporate” over a few thousand years?

Red says:

There would be a lot of scrap metal lying around. It wouldn’t just all evaporate.

Oxidation would like to have a word with you.

Aidan says:

Yeah, iron basically evaporates in most conditions- iron and steel artifacts are generally only preserved when buried in oxygen-starved mud in certain rivers and ponds. Hence the ancient custom of burying one’s sword in a body of water.

The Conan world is set between 120 and 50k years ago, at least in the books, in a Eurasia with far lower sea levels and medieval technology coexisting with primitive hominids, but also with the remnants of more advanced civilization from even longer ago. Spiritually, it tells us that everything that has happened has happened before, but on a grander fantasy scale than the historical reality of the Bronze Age and its collapse. The myth of Atlantis tells us how our modernity is likely to end, though it should not be taken literally.

The Cominator says:

I wasn’t really being all that serious I just always loved that intro to Conan.

jim says:

Yes, giants, hobbits, and dwarves. Probably orcs, though I think the Neanderthals were dwarves, not orcs.

Possibly, however, a great deal hairier than those flattering reconstructions. We can might reasonably expect that all the earlier humans in the colder regions were pretty hairy, and that the out of Africa invaders had to invent clothing to survive. On the other hands, the Tasmanians lived in a region that is very cold the whole year around, and for six months of the year, very windy and rainy, where no modern human could survive naked and hairless, and they did fine with neither body hair nor clothing, so maybe the dwarves were not too hairy.

Publius Discretius says:

What’s your take on Danny Vendramini’s “yeah, they were orcs/Grendel” theory?

jim says:

Reconstructions look more like Dwarves. Possibly the reconstructions are excessively flattering, since where they do not know, which is most of it, they interpolate modern human features.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Very possible that the reconstructions are as humanlike as possible. “Only one race, the human race.” As the Orc hypothesis points out, and despite other technologies being used by Neanderthals, there is no evidence that they made clothing. All those humanlike renders with the fur clothes are unsupported by available evidence. If you have to make something up to make your discovery seem plausible, what else did you invent that we are not aware of?

I remember when the ability to see the colors the old Roman statues were painted was developed using detection of trace pigments. Of course, they had to carefully explain away why they were painted with pale skin, blue or green eyes, and blond or red hair. Then the discovery just faded away into obscurity. Inconvenient science either quietly disappears or is never made public.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

the discovery just faded away into obscurity. Inconvenient science either quietly disappears or is never made public.

This squid-ink phenomenon is irritating as all hell.

Red says:

Very possible that the reconstructions are as humanlike as possible. “Only one race, the human race.” As the Orc hypothesis points out, and despite other technologies being used by Neanderthals, there is no evidence that they made clothing. All those humanlike renders with the fur clothes are unsupported by available evidence. If you have to make something up to make your discovery seem plausible, what else did you invent that we are not aware of?

They used spears, hunted in groups, and sailed boats to islands in the Med, etc. There’s evidence they scraped fur off of leather and there’s no real reason to do that besides to make hide clothing. They certainly didn’t wear tight fitting clothing sown with needles. But tight fitting clothing in general took a long time to develop and the simple wrap yourself in hides was very common even for humans due to the high production costs of sewn clothing.

That entire Orc article sounded like sensational bullshit the day it was released and still sounds like bullshit today. I’m surprised people around here take it seriously.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Leather is good for more than just clothing. You can use it for bags or cut it into strips to use to tie tools together. I am not wedded to the appearance being accurate, but it is interesting. I will say that when I saw the render the first time my nape hair went up and I just thought, “Fuck that, kill it with fire.” I have that instinct for some reason, Neanderthal or no.

I do think that the parts about them raping and hunting humans to the point of near extinction is much more compelling, and more relevant to understanding humanity. That would explain where the admixture came from, and why there was such a genetic bottleneck.

Red says:

I do think that the parts about them raping and hunting humans to the point of near extinction is much more compelling, and more relevant to understanding humanity. That would explain where the admixture came from, and why there was such a genetic bottleneck.

Near extinction from fighting them? There’s no evidence for that at all. Humans and Netherlander ran into each as both groups expanded into the Levant and the Netherlanders kicked our asses, but no evidence they moved into African and almost cause the extinction of humans. Netherlanders would have been at a serious disadvantage fighting humans in hot Africa instead of the cool areas they’d been well adapted to.

Of course they ate us and raped our women much as we raped their women and ate them. But we were far enough away in species that only their males and our females where able to produce non sterile young.

You can use it for bags or cut it into strips to use to tie tools together.

If they could do that then they could use it for clothing. The lack of needles indicates a lack of sophistication in tool making and use, not a lack of clothing use. We’ve seen good evidence they had the production of pitch and tar both for assembling weapons and we assume boat building given the number of Islands we found neanderthal remains on.

Finally, Neanderthal berried their dead with honor. Something we didn’t start doing until very late. Human bodies were often just tossed in trash heaps by early human groups. That doesn’t sound very Orc like. Dwarves is a better comparison but we still don’t know enough about Neanderthals. Most of their settlements were on the coasts which are now underwater.

Severian says:

Sapien and Neanderthal share a common ancestor 500k years ago, we see it in the DNA. How could they look like these monsters?
And they did wear basic clothing though not as advanced as early sapien.

More intriguing is species like Homo florisiensis being around just 50k years ago. Those guys had a mix of modern and ancient Australopithecus like features, probably looked like tiny ape men.

Leon says:

Wasn’t the out of Africa theory debunked a while ago as nothing more than left wing “race doesn’t exist” crap due to genetic testing?

jim says:

It is complicated.

Another Dave says:

It’s not that complicated.

OOA is being quietly ignored and various iterations of the multi-regional hypothesis are taking shape, in part because of the Denisovans and Homo Floresiensis.

The reality is that various human adjacent families, from literal giants to literal dwarves, existed prior to and along side modern humans for tens of thousands of years.

Much of human myth and legend about epic battles and alliances with strange giants, trolls and pixies are distant echoes of the incredible journey our ancestors took as they encountered these now extinct branches of the human family as we established our dominion over the earth and replaced our much older cousins.

Tolkien’s works are intuitively closer to the truth than the OOA hypothesis.

Alfred says:

From what little I understand the Out of Africa hypothesis has been taking a beating in the last decade and there is a very quiet acknowledgement that the multiregional hypothesis, either a weak or the classic variety, is more accurate.

It seems like one of those academic ghost ships that is still sailing on because no researchers want to be the first to imply we aren’t all descended from Africans in the main.

Alfred says:

Also as a minor point of interest, from what I have read Zeus is still more derived from the original Sky Father than he is from the Thunderer that Thor and Indra derive from, even though he has the Thunderbolt.

Hercules, from his name (presumably derived from Perkwunos) is what became of the Thunderer among the Greeks, losing his originally divine status in his narrative somewhere along the way. There are some older Greek pottery that depict Hercules wielding the Thunderbolt himself, and in some poems his club is described as “thunderous.”

Walter Burkhert theorized the the core of Hercules was actually extremely ancient and pre-Aryan, originally a shamanic hunter figure of the North Eurasian hunter-gatherers on account of his chasing sacred animals around the world and crossing back and forth to the Otherworld. His encounter with Cerberus, the dog guarding the Underworld, is one of the oldest mythemes we know of.

It’s all somewhat hard to talk about with precision since so many attributes, even epithets and names floated between the deities over the years.

Leon says:

Got any books on the subjects you have discussed? Both on mythos and the dismantling of the out of Africa theory into the regional theory?

And yeah, Zeus is derived from Deus, as is Tiwaz the original All Father of Germanic myth, before Wotan took over and got split into two deities, Odin and Loki.

Alfred says:

I can recommend Burkert’s “Greek Religion” for Hercules and Greek myth generally. Unfortunately I can’t think of a single source for the rest of the comparative mythology parts.

The OOA is mostly academic stuff I’ve seen from Twitter. The user Stone Age Herbalist in particular has a few tweets about it.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>Got a book on that?

Homo Erectus Walks Amongst Us is one I’ve recently read. Advances a variant of the multi-regional hypothesis, with a new emphasis on homo sapiens sapiens proper originating in eurasia, in the climactic zone with cold winters and warm summers. Greater genetic diversity in Africa is then assigned to Africa being where more intelligent human subspecies push into and temporarily dominate, before interbreeding with older refugia, plus running up against selection pressure against higher intelligence. (Big brains are metabolically expensive, and not a clear winner when food and the climate are the same year round.)

Plus there’s just not enough time to derive the caucasian and oriental skeletal frame from an African ancestor in the out-of-Africa time frame. Some form of multi-regionalism better explains observed continuity of features with european and asian homo erectus.

All the above has the benefit of explaining new genetic evidence that Africans are 19% “unknown ghost lineage.” Where ghost lineage is something we don’t have any other genetic samples of, it’s inferred by comparison to other living humans. So we don’t know it’s homo erectus, and we’re unlikely to ever find bone with retrievable dna from that age and in that climate, but… it’s almost certainly homo erectus. And if not erectus specifically, something equally primitive.

I haven’t read anything by Coon specifically, and probably should, so I’ll await other recommendations as well.

ten says:

I started gathering sources for this post, but then i considered my favorite neanderthal enthusiast’s praxis concerning sources, and instead quote him:

“I was there. I remember.”

Europeans have a few cranial and skeletal oddities in common with neanderthals, which are general among europeans, prevalent in east asians and american indians to the extent they share ancient ancestry with europeans, and completely unheard of in blacks. This in itself doesn’t prove much, but leads me to think twice concerning 2-4% heritage from neanderthals and the rest coming from african sapiens.

Black africans have genetic traces from a mixing with an unknown species (the ghost population mentioned several times already) that predate the out of (north) africa exodus, which is non existant in other races, thus confirming that we have been genetically isolated from sub saharan africa since before their mixing with the ghosts.

North africans were mediterraneans, not blacks, considerably whiter before millennia of slave trading.

The cro magnon seemingly appeared out of nowhere fully formed -40k, pretty much modern europeans.

The Guanche, who left blonde mummies, shared genetics with ancient north africans. The ordinary account of this is that a few berbers got over there -3k, but the genes are at least -8k, so no fly.

My vague image to explain confirmed gene flows is an atlantic stone age culture, derived from neanderthals or from their shared heidelbergensis ancestors, centered on and originating on atlantis, ie the atlantic ridge, where the azores islands were huge mountaintops, also present in both north africa and america. They where the “out of africa”ns -70k, or a mixed race of them and previously present africans, they were the cro magnon arriving -40k, and they were the middle eastern farmers arriving after the northern hemisphere got burned to a crisp from a comet storm setting the entire sky ablaze and ending the ice age with a major impact on the north pole, sinking atlantis, and eradicating every trace that they ever existed in ekpyrotic hellfire and the cataclysmic flood that followed.

And i think the guanche mummies, who are white and blonde, were their direct descendants.

I might actually give arguments rather than just asserting it if pressed, but short on time today.

restitutor_orbis says:

I’d love to hear your take on Atlantis being at the Atlantic Ridge. That squares with my own assessment but I haven’t found/read a good geological explanation for what happened.

jim says:

The Atlantic ridge has a few mountain tops today that reach above sea level, for example the Azores. They would have been rather more extensive during the ice ages when sea levels were lower, and we know that early humans did impressive feats of island hopping.

But if Atlantis was the Atlantic ridge, the Azores would have human settlement from ancient times. They did not.

Alfred says:

Please do elaborate if you find the time.

simplyconnected says:

[…] neanderthal enthusiast’s praxis concerning sources, and instead quote him: “I was there. I remember.”

That’s better even than “This was once revealed to me in a dream”.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I find it absolutely hilarious that ifunny has a crop function used to hide its own logo.

Kunning Druegger says:

“Know yourself and your audience, and you need not fear the outcome of 6 gorillian meme trends.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Anonymous says:

Where did native Americans and Incans come from?

BTW, I am Australian so I can speak a bit about abbos. Abbos, dark like roads, sit around in circles of 10 to 30 boongs. What do they do all day? I have no clue. I see them drinking and yammering about some bullshit the entire time, taking up space in public parks and beside train stations. Most hang around in the centre of the city but some live in certain shitty suburbs a fair distance away (those abbos are lighter coloured). Typical suburban areas a 20 minute walk from the city centre have barely any abbos. Keep a few metres away from groups of boongs and don’t make eye contact with any of them or they get aggressive.

When you hear people on the street screeching for no reason it’s an abbo shouting some incomprehensible shit to a group of abbos across the road. My coworkers remark on the ‘methheads’, guess it’s crimestop.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Amerindians came to the terra incognita over the Bering land bridge; so of related stock to the same peoples who eventually became east asians.

Aidan says:

I still support the theory, discredited in academic circles, that there was decent admixture from Europe over an ice bridge. Injuns are interesting folk. Not smart, but unlike niggers they maintain a sort of Stone Age dignity, a type of humanity that inspires respect, if not ruined by drugs. There’s potential for a strong race there given the right pressures.

My woman has an Elizabeth warren-tier drop of Injun blood, which the nation recognizes, and it might be a decent refuge in case of civilizational calamity.

jim says:

Presumably most related to the siberian east asians, some of who look rather white.

Cloudswrest says:

Cochran has referenced research that claims there are traces of melanesian/polynesian DNA in South American Amerinds.

jim says:

Polynesians obviously had the open ocean seagoing capability to reach America for a very long time , but probably lacked a sufficient technological lead to displace the natives. It would be surprising if there was not Polynesian DNA in South America.

Alfred says:

There are some very interesting Ancient North Eurasian mythemes present in Native American mythologies- the guard dog of the Otherworld, berserker-esque wolf-warriors, an association of dogs with protection against evil spirits, shamanic initiations that resemble some found among the Finns (and which may be the source of Odin’s runic initiation).

I believe one major Indian nation had a story that resembled the archetypal battle of the Thunderer against a Serpent holding back the waters, but that could also have been an invention of missionaries.

Varna says:

This is what native Siberian look like (or rather their larping descendants).×364.jpg

Russia expanded eastward through the taiga and tundra, met those peeps, then the Aleut islands, then Alaska and North California, and to the Russian explorer there was no great difference between the natives.

South America perhaps has some Pacific Ocean stock via insane long boat trips.

Norway, Sweden, and Finland have a variation of the Siberian tribes, the Sami tribes, but those appear to be more white.

Bunch of shamanic eskimos basically. Some of whom crossed over to North America. Some of their southern mongoloid cousins built the pyramids of Indochina. Perhaps as the mongoloids from North America spread south they also started doing pyramids.

Perhaps in Indochina and in South America at some point there were mixtures in both places of northern mongoloids and pacific ocean islander blood.

Today’s Chinese word for “good” is pronounced “how” like the stereotypical injun, who knows if this is a coincidence.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What’s not a coincidence is that the sweet potato Ipomoea batatas is called “kumara” in all native languages from its South American homeland across the South Pacific to modern-day New Zealand.

Kunning Druegger says:

It would appear that, like the Dissident Right has and holds Dune as their Treasured Fictional Guide, Jimian Christianity has Conan. On the face of it, this seems silly, but it is strangely appropriate, and every time Our Barbarian gets invoked, the emotional and spiritual connection to that story becomes more apparent. I watched that movie at an inappropriately young age, and while I quickly moved on to other fictions, I also fell down the poisoned well, as it were. Maybe Conan is all one needs…

What are the Treasured Fictional Guides of other ideological factions?

Red says:

Conan was written and directed by John Millis a man that is the first reactionary truth teller I came across. He was well versed in history, religion, mythology and he told no lies about the nature of men.

Hesiod says:

While the first film draws inspiration from the pastiches and comics imagery, it captures admirably the spirit of the original Howard stories. Despite his many flaws (shooting yourself while your mother is on her deathbed is a biggy), Howard was a master storyteller with few peers. None of the later Conan pastiches come close to emulating the original action prose.

The Cominator says:

I thought he shot himself after it was confirmed his mother was dead.

Hesiod says:

She was in a coma, and he was told she would not recover. So, that was it for him. Very tragic.

Mayflower Sperg says:

My mother was in a vegetative state for six weeks, then woke up and lived another five years. You never know.

It was a very strange feeling to have her home again sitting at the table, eating a dinner she cooked. Like when the recently deceased visit us in our dreams, but real.

Red says:

The film was mostly Millis own world view. It didn’t really have any of the barbarian vs civilization theme that was laced through Howard’s work.

Hesiod says:

No doubt Milius put his own stamp on the film, but he still dealt with the barbarian vs civilization theme, mostly through King Osric. That character is Conan decades later. He gained a kingdom through his own sword and attempts to start a dynasty. But his daughter runs off with a negro priest of Set. Guess who’s coming to dinner, indeed.

Maybe that’s too fast a decline from vigor to decadence to be truly effective but it’s there.

Red says:

All good points.

kawaii_kike says:

I would like to propose that in addition to Conan that any reactionaries also read the mainline Metabaron comic book series. Its a 8 book space opera series that follows the lineage of cybernetic warriors called the Metabaron (the title given to the greatest warrior in the universe). Written by Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Juan Giménez. While heavily influenced by Dune I think it does a good job exploring the warrior archetype. Each book in the series follows a new generation in the Metabaron bloodline as each son has to kill his father in mortal combat in order to gain the title of Metabaron.

Upravda says:

Excellent comic books, Metabarons, and also part of broader Incal universe. And, no, for casual readers, that universe is small, measured by less than 20 comic books. The rest of those comics are of another thematic, though, and only The Metabaron is one of the main characters in some of them.

Regarding Dune, when I was young, I liked it but thought back then that having “feudalism IN SPACE” is a little bit silly.

Now, I find it perfectly reasonable.

Kunning Druegger says:

>tfw you see a 2004 comment on the wikipedia page and you know you’ve found a Story instead of a Product

Kunning Druegger says:

The fantasies of the pussy-deprived are always fascinating. They believe that, given all the power and status they could handle (and more besides), they would funnel their energies into sex-having. And to be sure, there are rampant lads who would rut themselves into oblivion if possible. But history shows us, again and again, that too many women is not good, and conquering vagina is actually quite boring, when compared to conquering land, vanquishing adversaries, and building empires.

Just as the normie and the Jimian Christian acolyte is duped into believing money == power/status, so too is he bamboozled by the “delights” of tail chasing. “Man, that guy can get any women to join him in bed, he’s a Chad.” Real power is not those who chase it, rather it is reserved for those that merely extend their hand, and what they require is placed into it. Understand, this is not some crypto-faggot, betta bluepill entreaty. Pursuing women and conquering there bodies is great sport. But it remains sport, and only a simpleton is satiated by sport alone. Sport is simulated slaughter. Running down a fox, treeing a bear, satisfying indeed. But to make sport the *end* as opposed to the means, is actually a counsel of desperation. Consider the following:

It’s actually a delightful little site, full of short, interesting stories and excellent anecdotes pulled from the fun diversions of the rightward elite. After a few stories, you’ll want to go to a hunting lodge, crash around on quadbikes, and make memories with your bros. This is good and healthy, and there is actually a lot of good, if simple, guidance for men contained therein. But I ask you to dig deeper and take the Autist’s approach to the people and stories you find. I posit that these are the disenfranchised conservative elites attempting to paper over their infinite sadness and desperation from being denied the fulfillment of the Occidental Masculine Imperative, that being to range far and wide, conquer what you can, and drag home the spoils. Having been shunned from the halls of power, status, and influence, they seek contentment in hunting, fishing, and “adventure.” Again, there’s not a single thing wrong with these activities as diversion, as sport. But when you make diversion your ethos, you are yielding the realms of power and control to the Adversary, the managerial midwit that has excommunicated you from your GNON given haunt. On the surface, I see monied men of influence relishing in the delights of land, guns, and brotherhood. Underneath, I see hunters, dominators, stackers of bodies penned up in a reservation, forced to apply their talents and aggression to unnecessary resource collection.

Just as the young man must mature and realize that chasing tail is not the destination, it is the means to an end, that end being building families and expanding status, power, and legend through offspring and earthly works, so too must the fractured realm of masculine conservatism be taught, be showed that finding like minded fellows with shared tastes, interests, and proclivities is not the end, it is means to an end, that end being organization, operationalization, and domination.

…lol, that escalated quickly. That comic is awesome, as is pussy and hunting. Just wandering around on the keyboard, no intention to concern troll or be gay. The Cathedral’s most effective tool appears to be confusing Means with Ends, and rectifying that necessity hierarchy could be a powerful and useful endeavor, in my opinion.

Varna says:

They were three friends, provincial poets who focused on the decadence of late stage civilizations: Robert E Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clarke Ashton Smith.

An optimistic urbane maverick is 1930’s Simon Templar (The Saint) by Leslie Charteris. A more brooding and bruisable version is in the 1950’s James Bond novels by Ian Fleming.

Cynical US urban mavericks are described by Raymond Chandler and Mickey Spillane.

A reactionary 1990s Russian anti-Tolkien (as in fuck the lying elves) is Perumov.
Only Godsdoom is translated into English, and perhaps somewhat clumsily at that, but it made quite a splash across continental Europe back in the day.

Also there are hundreds of additional hardcover Conan adventures written by russian writers and available only in russian.
If looking at this pile doesn’t motivate a guy to learn the damn language, nothing will.

Also Red Sonja
And King Kull

Yul Bornhold says:

All early fantasy is reactionary. Even the pre-fantasy Romantic movement (i.e. Tennyson’s King Arthur) is a reaction to the dreary scientific reductionism of the Victorian age.

Of course, Tolkien’s fantasy offers a rather different solution than REH’s because Tolkien was a spiritual peasant or, at least, a man who loved the peasantry. The Scouring of the Shire is the most powerful example of “I just want to grill” ever written. The Hobbits aren’t degenerate. Their problem is that the evil of the world outside won’t leave them alone, so they ally with the nobility (Aragorn, Gandalf, Theoden) to wipe out the powers of darkness. This is Moldbug’s political proscription.

Nothing wrong with being a peasant. Aidan once said (paraphrase): “Even if you’re a spiritual peasant, there’s a tough-as-roots farmer somewhere deep inside you that doesn’t take shit from his woman.”

REH, in contrast, was either a natural warrior or a priest who hated priestliness and yearned for the unconflicted life of action. By this ax, I rule! The Conan stories shout their moral: we weren’t made to be crushed underfoot, dreary subjects of the longhouse.

Both men are correct. A lot of online-right strife bubbles up from the conflict between spiritual peasants (especially notable with e-Catholics) and those who lean more towards nerve and vigor.

The great weakness of Tolkien is that he dismisses action (Boromir) without seeing it’s full worth. The great weakness of Howard is that Conan lacks a moral element. He’s all action. He plunders and despoils with little thought to the consequences. He’s a loner, with no skill of cooperation beyond the face-to-face brotherhood of men who know and respect each other. He can only rule Aquilonia because of the pre-existing morals that enable civilizational cooperation. On his own, Conan could never rule more than a ship, a tribe or an army.

The Cominator says:

If you can rule an army you can probably run a country though as its said…

You can conquer an empire on horseback but to rule you have to get off the horse.

“, so they ally with the nobility (Aragorn, Gandalf, Theoden) to wipe out the powers of darkness. This is Moldbug’s political proscription.”

And it would be correct if there were any nobility hostile to the enemy to ally with… but I’m prettysure Moldbug says that the peasants politically 99% of the time just don’t matter.

jim says:

Peasants matter when the priests confirm the aristocracy’s summons to the peasants to fight.

Reflect on Constantine’s victory.

Constantine’s troops hailed him as Imperator, a most dangerous honor. The official priesthood of his army said “No”. And if the troops believed them, he would die. But he recognized that faith as a zombie dead religion, and had his troops march on Rome behind the banners of Christ.

Same troops, same training, same equipment on both sides. No clever tactics, because everyone is trained in the same tactics. Constantine’s officers just say “There is the enemy, and behind them Rome. Advance.” His troops cut through the enemy like a hot knife through butter, despite enemy superior numbers and home field advantage, because at least some of his officers have a live religion, and the enemy has a dead one.

Hesiod says:

The religious elements in Conan stories are worth consideration, particularly in the ones dealing with his rule of Aquilonia.

Most of the deities in the lore are Lovecraftian, but not exclusively. Aside from Crom, god of basedness, in the first Conan story, Phoenix in the Sword, King Conan is given supernatural aid by a mysterious philosopher-priest of Mitra, the god of Stoicism perhaps. When Howard returned again to Conan’s rule being challenged in Hour of the Dragon, priests of Asura, patterned somewhat on early Christians in hostile Rome, grant him assistance and he later rewards them with an official decree of religious tolerance.

Kunning Druegger says:

What’s the best way to go about learning [Slavic Language] and which flavor do you recommend?

Varna says:

Russian-speaking local lady giving private lessons of course:)

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m a single-Slav type guy (my woman is Polish and Hungarian as well as other white ingredients) so that option is out. Is duolingo worth the effort?

Varna says:

Mummified spinster local Russian lady giving private lessons then 😀

Here’s the alphabet. Once the letters make sense, that’s a good entry for online lessons.

Saturation is a good way.
Online TV (TV always sucks)
films (also mostly crap)
Belorussian TV, clip on the great reset

Once the foreign language saturation goes beyond a few days, the endless jibber-jabber starts turning into recognizable separate components, and that’s when it’s time to start learning for real either online or with some old widow/geezer.

Yul Bornhold says:

First, consider how Leftists venerate Harry Potter. Then consider what Conan thinks of wizards.

Hesiod says:

Even when circumstances had Conan once temporarily ally with a sorcerer, he had no taste for it:

“Crom!” his mighty shoulders twitched. “A murrain on these wizardly feuds! Pelias has dealt well with me, but I care not if I see him no more. Give me a clean sword and a clean foe to flesh it in. Damnation! What would I not give for a flagon of wine!”

-The Scarlet Citadel

The Cominator says:

Not all the wizards in Conan stories are bad, just like 90% of them are. Most of them also come from Stygia though… and Stygians tend to be bad 90% of them.

Hesiod says:

IKAGW: I know a good wizard.

Oh, forgot about the benevolent witch in Hour of the Dragon. She had supernatural powers that would be termed “druidic” in gaming terms.

Of the pastiches and comics, my favorite wizardly alliance is an issue from the 70s Marvel run that paired up Conan with Elric. I think Moorcock contributed to the script for that.

Kunning Druegger says:

IKAGW is a fucking treasure. It’s the ultimate defense of intellectual hierarchy in its right place.

jim says:


Hesiod says:

It’s a playful riff on IKAGO, I know a good one. Like when normiecons respond to serious discussion of feral blacks by trotting out a Thomas Sowell like figure to derail the conversation.

jim says:


Hesiod says:

Not sure where the confusion is, if indeed there is any. Perhaps referring to the “I know a good one” phenomenon by its acronym is a little too obscure on my part.

Pax Imperialis says:

Modernity venerates Harry Potter. Both the modern right and the modern left are operating in the same world view of Star Trek to Star Wars to Harry Potter.

It’s just that the modern right hold nostalgic interpretations of modernity while the modern left ever progresses forward burning the previous series in favor of the newer and more progressive.

i.e.modern conservatives defend JKR while the modern left derides her for being a TERF.

Kunning Druegger says:

Reject Potter
Embrace Conan
Deus lo Vult
Blessed are the based, for their memes are dank.

Pax Imperialis says:

Potter is modernity.
Conan is closer to BAPian.
Deus lo Vult is encroached upon by both and needs a hard rejection of Potter and a soft rejection of Conan.

That’s not easy when digital paganism is eclipsing digital Deus lo Vult.

Memes are running through every excess imaginable in Dionysian fashion.

jim says:

Not seeing digital paganism eclipsing digit Deus Vult.

I mostly hang out on Gab, where Deus Vult seems to have the upper hand. Where are you hanging out? Twitter and the Chans are all shills all the time. Lot of shills on Gab, but not doing too well. The actually Republican part of the Republican party is at least going through the motions of aping Christian Nationalism.

Hesiod says:

Unz’s comments section is overrun with Muh Odin LARPers and they are very hostile to Christianity because “did you know Jesus was a Jew?” Sailer tends to keep his comments relatively clean of that, fortunately.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Unz has DA JOOOS! on his brain. He sees the Cathedral but does not understand it, likes to blame it all on Jewish influence. I do not know if he is a shill/controlled opposition or if he seriously does not believe that they could believe what they say. Either way, he is corrupted by modernity. Which is sort of funny because he is a Jew, raging about Jewish influence and blind to the Christian heresies that have him enthralled.

jim says:

Ron Unz is pushing back on Holocaustians etc, but he is not pushing back on the Muh Odin shills. So, the shills sound like the consensus. Standard shill tactics. Shills always sound like the consensus. If I allowed Anonymous Fake’s comments through, he would sound like the consensus, because a shill always assumes universal acceptance of whatever he is shilling.

Pay no attention to a thousand posts assuming consensus. One post that speaks the truth annihilates a thousand posts that assume their lie is unopposed, because the post speaking the truth challenges the lie, while the lie dare not challenge the truth.

Pax Imperialis says:


Many of these people trying to bring back ancient Pagan religions like various Greco-Roman cults and Norse feel like LARPers and are treated as such. But what I see forming on the internet is a new Paganism birthed out of the void left behind by the diminishing of Christianity. Meme personifications are the pantheon of digital Paganism.

@Wulfgar Thundercock III

It’s understandable. Jews are not the main driving force, at least not today, but some of them have a way of sticking out in a highly public, arrogant, and annoying way that just really, really gets under people’s skins. Unz is the type who has had too much proximity to the liberal Jewish community so I don’t think he is controlled opposition but rather more like a jilted Jew. Many such cases. Read Isreali opinion editorials and you’ll find many of them complaining about Jews.


It’s been proposed before that there could be a trash bin that certain commenters would have their comments automatically routed to. It’s getting tiresome seeing long segments of the comment section full of [* *].

jim says:

I keep encouraging certain shills, because entryists turn. So far no known turners, but then they hardly would turn under their old id.

Pax Imperialis says:

I mostly skim /pol/ though I also track Twitter/Gab and the odd Reddit. A variety of other sites, but mostly read think tank stuff. A bit of trolling in Discord every so often to see what the young people are doing.

But mostly I just talk with people irl and listen without giving my opinion. Many churches are hemorrhaging people and many more are secularizing if not out right satanic.

“Not seeing digital paganism eclipsing digit Deus Vult.”

A number of the more popular memes are personifications of human experience. Personifications that are strong enough in the group lingo/psyche end up as pseudo Gods. No different from how Dionysus is a personification/God of drinking and festivity or on the darker side madness.

Pepe, GigaChad, Wojak, etc are becoming a pantheon of a digital paganism at a time where Church attendance and Bible reading is collapsing. Covid accelerated the process among the Protestants and the current Pope for Catholics. Orthodoxy is coming out ahead by cannibalizing membership of other churches. Morality and spirituality is getting replaced by meme personifications. Many kids today can’t recite a single verse from scripture but can do a fortnight dance. These kids are not devoid of morality or spiritualism, but what they have is definitely not Christian. It’s clear they are getting their morality/spiritualism from either Cathedral authorities such as schools or online dissident memes which are largely a sort of proto-Paganism in nature.

Most online communities largely do not feel like old time religion, even the Christian ones, that you can occasionally find in scattered American communities. They definitely don’t talk like them. What they do feel like is similar to pagan Greeks and Romans. Just look at some of the graffiti that has been preserved in Pompeii and you’ll see their shit posting is familiar if not outright similar to Chan lingo. Our conflicts with feminists is similar to Greek conflicts with their power hungry women. The absurdities of our time map fairly well onto Athenian or Roman times, but poorly on Shakespearean.

This is my read on the situation. I hope I’m wrong.

jim says:

Our guys

jim says:

> Pepe, GigaChad, Wojak.

Pepe is a chaos God, but he knows that Satanists are dangerous and hostile to him. Not an ally, but an enemy of our enemies.

GigaChad is not a chaos God, but the personification of the masculinity that Christianity commands and our enemies criminalize.

Wojak our ridicule of our enemies as weak, crazy, robotic, mindless, and unmanly

Hesiod says:

There are plenty of Pepe praying God memes out there. Also, ones that portray Pepe with Jesus in which Pepe is the obvious stand-in for the Christian believer. None are ironic. Funny, yes; insincere, no.

jim says:

Our guys

Kunning Druegger says:

You must accept that there is literally nothing that indicates that Pepe can’t lead people back to the Old Way, Pax. The Old Way is lots of things, and one of the biggest, maybe the biggest in the US, is a Christian Society. Of course, it can lead to many other things, too. Life is competitive.

I find your “digital paganism” thesis very interesting, but I don’t think you should argue it. I think you should substantiate it. Fads and trends come and go. Nothing seems to be sticking permanently if it comes after the 1980s. We’re in a general “80s worship” period. If we revert to an earlier time instead of moving to “90s worship, then my assertion may be correct. Historically, the real measure of a Belief is a killing for/dying because numbers. Internet trends are not matching Nationalism or Religiosity at a historical scale, and the first entrant (the Reddit Battalion) faired so poorly it isn’t even a joke that gets made (as compared to the Polish Paratroopers in Market Garden who marred the very character of their national kin because of bad intel).

I will believe in “digital paganism” when I see a Pepe stained glass window in a church that Kek built, but I am convinced by and fascinated with your implied assertion that there’s a fundamental difference between a “neo-Pagan” (internet larper) and a “digital pagan” (human using personages and talismans to navigate their existential journey), precisely because I could see a Kekist being a thing and it getting things built. Time will tell.

Pax Imperialis says:

Excess was a major component of Paganism. Religious celebration of personifications lead to behavior without bounds thus cults. e.g. Roman orgies and feasts.

Christianity dealt with excess by taking the personifications of human experience and tempering them under one God. e.g. Drink and be merry but also don’t be an alcoholic and don’t drink in certain circumstances.

Right now these memes are useful tools against our enemies, but at some point they may become something more. Hence a soft rejection is in order when circumstances permit.

Aidan says:

It is indeed paganism; adopting said memetic icons as spiritual ancestors. It is not early stage paganism, but late stage; foreign “gods” are incorporated into the believer’s worldview. I don’t see a historical parallel; it is ironic worship, like late Antiquity, but also serves as a locus of memetic resistance to the dominant religion rather than being the dominant religion, which gives it fervor that did not exist in ancient Rome.

Yul Bornhold says:

“Pepe, GigaChad, Wojak, etc are becoming a pantheon of a digital paganism at a time where Church attendance and Bible reading is collapsing. Covid accelerated the process among the Protestants and the current Pope for Catholics. Orthodoxy is coming out ahead by cannibalizing membership of other churches.”

Cannibalizing is quite the loaded word. It suggests Orthodoxy is burning through its own seed corn, so to speak, that the new converts won’t stick around.

I visited a Church in another state and struck up a conversation with a young guy I’d never seen before. He volunteered the information that there was an historical St. Conan and you could therefore name your son Conan. He then mused on the possibility of a St. Chad. Happily, I was able to inform him that such a saint in fact existed.

I’m going to take that as representative rather than a bizarre coincidence. The guy wasn’t in the least spergy or autistic. It was just the sort of thing he would talk about after Church and he expected I would talk about as well.

My home Church is much the same way. Boomer priest saying “…now I’m not anti-Semitic but…” and everyone thinking “you don’t have to justify yourself this way.”

The internet memeplex is just a vulgar form of art. It’s not paganism. Spanish Catholic art obviously bears a heavy imprint from Moorish Islam (ornate abstraction) but there was nothing Islamic about the Spanish Empire. Cortez didn’t complement Thomas Aquinas with the Hajj.

Kunning Druegger says:

Digital Paganism is a combination of LARP, fed shills, left entryists, and an inconsequential rime of true believers. The unassailable fact is that actual Neo-Pagans do not use the internet full stop. If they can’t acknowledge this, they are fake and gay. Right Wing paganism should not be countenanced online, unless the representative explicitly acknowledges that they are a clown.

Supporting Evidence #001: oog in handjob

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, I fucked up my terms here and above. Digital Pagan is fake and gay. Neo-Pagan is a guy living in the woods worshipping the old gods. “digital paganism” is a fascinating idea that certain memes, due to timing and events, could actually become spiritual touchpoints or anchorpoints for a religion forming in response to immense pressure from deleterious social manipulation.

Pax Imperialis says:

“I fucked up my terms here”

I started the confusion, that’s on me. Part of the problem is that there isn’t, to my knowledge, specific terms for what I’m trying to describe. The other problem is that I may have been too influenced by Landian schizoanalysis. Should I be worried that LSD infused writings of Land’s CCRU made sense to me?

I’m using the term (digital) Pagan(ism) very loosely and abstractly. What I see as the key component of ancient Paganism is personification and ritual celebration of specific human desires/experiences/behaviors that are independent of the whole human and thus without boundary.

Historical Paganism is very dead and it’s not reviving, but what happens in a moral and spiritual void left behind the collapse of the Church? Check out the collapse numbers it’s not pretty. [1]

It’s even worse when you recognize that most “Christians” today don’t even believe the traditional tenants such as absolute moral truth. [2]

Something fills the void. On the left we have religious devotion to the great and terrible goddess of democracy and the covetous god of equality. [3] These gods have spawned the cult of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion which demand public oaths of faith. [4] Self castration/hysterectomy is an extreme demonstration to the trans cult. Programmer socks are their religious garment. [5] This is on par with Pagan behavior and their excesses similar to Moloch worship.

On the right we nominally have the one true God, but God is often suspiciously absent in the fight against the modern Pagan left. Our leaders rarely reference Biblical scripture compared to 100 years ago or even 10 years ago. They do not sound like God fearing men, Some like Matt Gaetz parties like any true Roman Pagan would have.

What we do have is a plethora of memes that often take the shape of personifications of the human experience. God Emperor Trump [5] was a bit tongue in cheek at first. Over time edges close to idolatry, and based on the sorry state of Qanon and Jan 6 folk appear to have taken with genuine sincerity. I’m not saying the right is Pagan (yet) but the circumstances of declining Christianity and the digital personifications we have online such as GigaChad/Pepe/etc along with the personas we take upon ourselves runs a certain risk of getting out of control.

The left was the first major segment of the west to abandon the Church and we see the result in their Pagan behavior and their new Pagan (democracy/equality/lgbt) religions. The right maybe following suit. It’s hard to tell, but the future might be Pagan on both left and right at least in America. Since these new Gods of the new/potential Pagan religions reside online I suppose we should call it Digital Paganism.


jim says:

> but the circumstances of declining Christianity and the digital personifications we have online such as GigaChad/Pepe/etc along with the personas we take upon ourselves runs a certain risk of getting out of control.

Christianity is not declining. It is a mustard seed sprouting vigorously. The converged Churches, which is just about all of them, are declining.

The actual Christians are Christian nationalists, for the most part, and Christian nationalism is getting big enough to scare our enemies.

I am seeing a Christian revival, probably tiny in absolute terms, but it is the only real living movement around, and rapidly getting bigger. Christianity is good at this, and has done it before.

Kunning Drueger says:

So, there’s paganism and Paganism. The former is a catch-all for any primitive faith with a pantheon of demi-gods. The latter is a faith with a more or less specific pantheon.

As this applies to modern culture (a left/right distinction is unnecessary) there are people attempting to reinvigorate the “Old Religion,” but it is kind of silly because there’s plenty of religiosity performing all the functions primitive paganisms provided. Devotion, sacrifice, augury, omens, loyalty, fear; on 4chan alone you can find these things, and Reddit and all the other online communities are just a censored and boring twisted reflection of 4chan. Living as a neo-Pagan is appealing to some, me included, because the idea of putting down the smartphone, abandoning polite society, and living naturalistic is pretty based. That’s organic neo-Paganism. To participate in modern society is a refutation or abandonment of it, and this memetic razor can and should be deployed by anyone arguing with neo-Pagan LARPers.

The use of Pepe as a memetic expression of the full panoply of human spirituality is… weird. Pepe, gigaChad, and Wojack are memetic Trinity that aligns well with the actual Trinity. It is the three acts of the struggle for modern man to become that which he cannot find: the ideal modern man. We are all Wojack and Pepe and gigaChad at different points; to remain Wojack, never relishing in the reckless abandon of Pepe or the masculine domination of gigaChad, is a failure. Each one is an aspect of the internet male. Reddit is Wojack, Gab is Pepe, and JB is gigaChad. You can rotate and apply this triune configuration in many places. Its elegant applicability is a demonstration of its usefulness and beauty.

Over time, all human groups begin to worship useful, beautiful things because of their elegance, and they forget that the beautiful, useful thing was merely a conduit, a representation intended to demonstrate GNON compliance. It’s a consistent human failing: we murder or worship the messenger and lose hold of the message.

The proliferation of Memes, separate from memetics that we often discuss BTW, will inevitably lead to a religiosity custom, just as atheism lead to Atheismâ„¢ and science became Scienceâ„¢. This is fascinating, because while humans always start constructing golden bulls 5 minutes after Moses turns his back, we have no Moses, no holy men on a journey with plans to come back and show the way. We’ve been building and worshipping golden bulls for decades now. GNON always provides a path back to natural law. Kekism could be that path, just as it could be yet another route to annihilation and destruction.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

8 years ago, over a period of a mere 17 days, one of the greatest upswellings of memetic magic in internet history took place.

Higher Man thirsts for the water of spirit; even the merest dews may bloom into sprawling oases where untrammeled – such is the desert of modernity.

Kunning Druegger says:

Potential assassination attempt on Alexander Dugin in Russia:

I have not dug into this yet, so any corroboration or refutation welcome.

Severian says:

I’m not convinced Dugin has this big role in Putin’s thinking. It always seemed like nonsense.
In any case that nonsense might have cost his daughter’s life now.
Doubtful that Russia will escalate against this. Ukraine has pretty much crossed every red line already. I mean we have almost daily explosions in Crimea and Russia now.

Kunning Druegger says:

War stuff in a warzone is not really an escalation. Based on the discussions about IEW on this blog, the general consensus was that IEW will be “assassination heavy,” as it is essential to find, own, and deconstruct enemy node networks in both meat and digital space. Once one side or faction begins using assassination effectively, there will be an escalation of the tactic elsewhere. Consider the time and waste that could have been saved if Putin had just gone after Zelensky and his core supporters.

The wave of assassinations is coming, I believe, both high and low profile. This may be the starting point. Mar-a-Lago could also be viewed as a sort of “character assassination” of sorts.

jim says:

Russia is not applying information epoch warfare, not fully in Ukraine, and not outside Ukraine.

This assassination attempt was information epoch warfare, applied against Russia, probably from Harvard, the State Department, or the CIA. Smells of Harvard to me, but I have no idea.

Russia could escalate by applying information epoch warfare outside of Russia – which Putin is daily falsely accused of doing. (Social Justice Warriors always project)

Red says:

They’ve been trying to bait the Russians into committing acts of retaliation for a long time now. They might have finally succeeded.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is so frustrating: whoever recognizes that “normal” is dead will have a massive first mover advantage. I don’t think the GAE has recognized this, it is merely that they maintain a dual interpretation of Allowed in most things: one rule for negros, sodomites, and women, another rule for normal people; allowable conduct for pet minorities, verboten activities for traditional minorities, and so on. So they wouldn’t need some new perspective or paradigm to “punish” the evil.

If Russia fucks this up, appealing to “rules based order,” “democracy,” and “equal rights”…

Red says:

Russia’s been signalling weakness with their failure to respond in kind to provocations by the GAE. When you show weakness, things always get worse.

jim says:

Putin denounced the rules based order in favor of the Peace of Westphalia.

Every nation should get to set its own rules, in accordance with its history, its culture, and the biological nature of its people.

Which is how Christendom worked when Christianity was united in one universal orthodox Church. King Alfred appointed his own Bishops and made his own laws in accordance with Saxon culture, race, and history, which were interpreted and applied in accordance with the universal and unchanging spirit of Bibical law, as interpreted and applied by his bishops. He was orthodox, and his Church was Orthodox, but it was a Saxon Orthodox Church. He respected the religious hierarchies of Rome and Byzantium, and they respected each other’s hierarchies and his hierarchy.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m not saying you are wrong, nor am I saying I disagree, but sovereignty exists behind a wall of the bodies of those that dissent. They need to stack bodies, and those bodies need to be Nodes (in an IEW sense). I think Red said it (maybe not): everyone respects violence. The MSM hides the violent success of the RF, so they need to branch out. They need to “send a message.”

i says:

Russia needs to deal with the Glowies.

Anonymous Fake says:

The Ukraine flag mobs on Twitter [*are entirely composed of shills like yourself. Astroturf, not grassroots.*]

jim says:

Wherever the comments are uncensored, the Ukraine flag mobs get ratioed to death.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

The Ukraine flag mobs on Twitter

This can’t be an actual human being.

Red says:

They’re not. They speak the same message from 10,000 microphones. Looking at the Reddit comment section it’s around 5-10 shills repeating scripts for every actual person.

Pax Imperialis says:

NPC meme is unfortunately true. Go out more to young people bars. They all say the same identical propaganda lines if you can get them to talk about politics. Maybe I’ve got a biased sample set living in a college town.

Now if the argument is that NPCs are not actual human beings…

Red says:

NPC meme is unfortunately true. Go out more to young people bars. They all say the same identical propaganda lines if you can get them to talk about politics. Maybe I’ve got a biased sample set living in a college town.

It’s the only safe sort of stuff to say about politics now. I used to hang out at a college dive bar with my crew and we talked all sorts of politically incorrect stuff and we got away with it because we did it in a high status manner. I did a meet up recently after a 3 year hiatus and we were very subdued about anything political. My friends who never had any trouble spouting hate facts about niggers and women were suddenly looking over their shoulders. It’s stupidity easy to get canceled now by someone videoing you and everyone is afraid. We did our political talking back out at the car while smoking cigars far away from everyone.

The people at the bar may believe the NPCs talk but my money is on that people are just terrified and they’re repeating official dogma in public.

Kunning Druegger says:

When you actually start to see the world of comments for what it is (easily 30% shills at ebb), the whole internet becomes less fun and less interesting.

Starman says:


“They’re not. They speak the same message from 10,000 microphones. Looking at the Reddit comment section it’s around 5-10 shills repeating scripts for every actual person.”

Looks like the Youtube comment section under the Ken Ham Young Earth Creationist videos. Tons of repetitive YEC comments unresponsively and robotically responding to early 2000s rehashed unresponsive atheist+ comments.

chris says:

So does this mean Soros and his children are fair game now then? Dugin is like the Russian version of Steve Bannon.

Red says:

So far the Russians have refused escalation in a tit for tat manner. No way to tell what they’re going to do. But failure to do anything will result in a lot more targeted assassination of prominent Russians by the GAE.

i says:

They need to wipe out the glowies responsible at a minimum. To end the threat.

jim says:

We can see when someone glows in the dark.

Can Putin and Dugin see?

When American business pulled out of Russia, a whole lot of brightly glowing enemy entryists left for Western Europe – I suppose the mechanisms for paying them got broken with closure of the Swift network and the shutdown of American business.

Russians call it the self cancellation. Why was there no significant state sponsored cancellation?

i says:

Nonetheless this hit smells like a glowie op. What is your take?

We will probably see in the coming days.

jim says:

If Dugan is Putin’s priest, which the left believes but I doubt, Putin has a problem

Dugan is trying to construct a new, authentically Russian, counterfaith to progress, but is coming up empty. Which may be why his daughter came up childless.

Karl says:

Putin has a problem regardless of whether Dugin is his priest. That murder was a provocation. If Putin does not react, there will soon be another provocation.

jim says:

Blaming it on Ukraine is a way to avoid blaming it on the west.

And that is the path Russia has taken. Unwise.

Karl says:

They could not call it an accident like explosions on a military base inside Russia. Russian does not want to blame the West for anything.

Apparently Russia wants to postpone escalation. I do not understand why. Maybe Russia hopes to settle things in the Ukraine soon?

Kunning Drueger says:

Russia knows that a faction at State Dept wants nuclear war. The RF doesn’t have the population to effectively deal with it. Even if a bunch of Gaia worshipping cunts weren’t making the decisions, the population of the GAE can absorb many millions of casualties. The RF cannot. They are waiting for an internal collapse of the GAE. The SMO was a desperate, last ditch attempt to slow down NATO before it stumbled into a Nuclear/Biological/Chemical de facto war state. Russia is afraid to Grasp The Nettle. Tbqhfam, I would be too.

Karl says:

I agree, but tit for tat retaliation in the case of assassination is not escalation to nuclear war, at least not directly. Maybe it leads to nuclear war, but not retaliating at all also leads not nuclear war.

Kunning Druegger says:

We see this. Do they see it?

Fidelis says:

As bad as the Russkie demographic and overall faith situation seems to be in, their economic and organizational advantages over the trannystate that is the West grow daily. He probably expects our politcal process to devolve into dispute resolution via corpse manufacture. Just has to hold out until then.

CHAIna has also stocked up on food, perhaps there is an expected pacific theater as well.

The actions of Putler do not seem to me to be as one that is avoiding the full conflict, but rather delaying it.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think that is a solid read. Both Chingchong and Blyat would be in a much better position if the GAE core collapsed in on itself. The question becomes what are they doing, if anything, to increase that potential outcome.

Cloudswrest says:

My recent thoughts on Ukraine are Russia will achieve her goals, then there will be endless terrorist violence from the rump Ukraine, like in Northern Ireland during “the troubles” or Israel with the Gaza Strip.

jim says:

I don’t think so. Israel has endless troubles with the Gaza strip because they face a real living faith in Gaza, and they have the gay parade.

England had the troubles because Irish really are Irish, and had real nationalism. Ukrainian nationalism is fake and gay – rather literally gay. Plus the Ukraine is run by a Jew who hates Ukraine and Ukrainians even more than he hates Russians and Russia.

The Azov brigade were genuine left nationalists, but in a war of attrition, nationalism gets attrited. This war is going to end with a intolerable legacy of death and sorrow that is going to put a big damper on nationalism. In so far as Ukrainian nationalism is real, it is the Azov brigade, and the Azov brigade is expunging themselves.

They got power and money because the Global American Empire found Ukrainian nationalism useful. If, as seems increasingly likely, Ukraine becomes a rump state, no longer useful. Being used, having most of your friends killed, and then you get discarded when no longer useful is going to thoroughly squelch the Azov brigade, the real Ukrainian nationalism.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think there will be “Ukrainian terrorism” but it’s going to be in USA and Europe. Once Zelensky flees after emptying the coffers, the remnants of Ruthenia are going to be pissed.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Some old posts by Pooch have been unearthed.

This is the only thing that matters. If the men with guns say the government is real and legitimate then it is real and legitimate. What we say here matters not.

(Emphasis mine.)

Jim said that NFL faggotry “has affected the profits”, to which Pooch responded:

Marginally at best.

I would have no problem making people like The Cominator disappear during the Night of the Long Knives in order to protect people like Jack Dorsey, who now clearly is cryptically defecting on the regime now that he no longer is be coerced as the CEO of Twitter.

Wanting to kill everyone for lack of purity is a dangerous thing to have around. That this seems to be the only thing he brings to the table means we aren’t losing much by not having those like him around.

(Emphasis mine.)

Arguing to who needs killing is apt to turn into arguing everyone needs killing. I’d rather nip it in the bud in the Night of the Long Knives. The down side is losing marginally beneficial people like The Cominator with the massive upside of keeping Jack Dorsey alive . No offense to Com but I would hang a thousand Cominators from lamp posts to protect one Jack Dorsey.

(Emphasis mine.)

That he would even need to argue at a trial means you [that is, The Cominator] would be too dangerous to be allowed to live during the Night of the Long Knives if I were in Caesar’s ear.

(Emphasis mine.)

It’s not about keeping everyone’s favorite leftists around its about keeping massively productive geniuses around like Jack Dorsey who are invaluable to conquering the stars. That you want to kill them means you gotta get disappeared along with the old elite. Sorry bro nothing personal. Strictly business!

(Emphasis mine.)

Also, does anyone remember that Pooch’s bizarre remarks about The Holy Saint Cominator drew the ire of Lord-General Wulfgar?

A number of commenters here noticed all kinds of things, but it took well over a year to collectively connect all the dots.

What conclusion is to be drawn from the fact that Pooch has gone silent after his roguepoasting was publicly documented?

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I forgot the link for:

Jim said that NFL faggotry “has affected the profits”, to which Pooch responded:

notglowing says:

So I take the conclusion is Pooch is Jack Dorsey?

jim says:

Failure to pass a shill test would be a canary warrant, confirming that he has been compromised.

So he has been told to shut up.

I would have liked to hear it from the horse’s mouth, but this is sufficient.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The comments threatening The Cominator make more sense with the benefit of hindsight. It was an attempt to mobilize opinion against Com’s approach to leftists. Pooch’s handlers must have given him orders to attack Com, and using stupid Nazi language because they thought it would work. I can just see the conversation.

“This… Cominator fellow. Worrying. We should do something about him.”
“Hitler killed people, and these people are Nazis, so we should tell them to do an.. Uh… Night! Night of the Long Knives!”
“Genius, boss.”
“Right? Nazis are so easy.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Just more support for my assertion that you do not turn on your fellow elite if you want to achieve anything. The person who was trying to destabilize us was trying to turn us against each other. Not that this needs to be a hugbox, but there is a difference between critique and suggesting assassination. To our credit, no one else joined in. That was Pooch all by himself, and he dropped it after a few comments when no one took the bait.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Even more alarming than the turn for the worse in Pooch’s comments is what he wrote about his personal life.

Last year Pooch said he “found [his] fiancé” at an international tourist hotspot:

He also said that he wasn’t blackpilled because he had a girl, had land, and was in the process of starting a family:

The thought of some slimy glownigger creature pointing a loaded gun at his weeping pregnant wife and threatning to shoot her if he doesn’t do whatever they say…


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, yes we are. We are going to do to the Cathedral what was done to Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

It’s not my intention that this thread is turned into a massive/sprawling effortpoast but there are more comments from Pooch that are worthy of just a little more review.

During discussions on inflation, and how to hedge against it, Pooch briefly shilled for commodities (“> the Cathedral can be trusted with money!”) here:
There was considerable push back from Jim and Mayflower Sperg:

Also a month after some moderate shilling for commodities, anti-BTC sentiments were expressed by Pooch here:

And a month after that more moderate shilling for “Puritan Virtue” here:

These positions weren’t all that excessive and were therefore excusable, but the meat of the matter is Wulfgar’s observations about “teh Nahzeez!”. There were some truly bizarre Hitler memes that were pushed under his identity.

Early last year Saint Cominator said: “I think any claims that the NSDAP was rightist should be censored”, “The idea that Hitler was right wing needs to fucking die. He appealed to the right as as a lesser evil but he was 90% a Marxist. “, and, “Pooch i don’t want to be a dick but you’ve been torn up on this claim repeatedly and yet keep repeating it like an NPC.”.

Hindsight really is 20/20.

Hitler’s interactions with all the young women in his life is extremely bizarre. It also explains his tunnel vision and focus on gaining power. A man with his position, a leader of many violent men, should have been swimming in pussy but that’s really now what he seemed all that interested in.

Bullshit. Magda Goebbels would invite Hitler to parties to encourage him to meet girls and he never showed interest. Hitler turned down several German actresses and Unity Mitford, a hot British Socialite of the time. This is the equivalent of turning down perfect 10s on Instagram today. Only a homosexual could do that.


Wikipedia has every incentive to paint him as an evil white straight man. All signs point to closeted homosexual.

huh? o_O

My argument is not that he fucked guys. He was a closeted repressed homosexual that turned down fucking hot actresses and british socialites, which only a gay would do. Like I said, all his interactions with women were limited and weird.

Being a weirdo on sex is gay. Either you love to fuck beautiful women or you’re gay. There’s no middle ground.

Someone with his status should have had a laundry list of bitches he was fucking and had fucked. This is the norm for powerful men, but Hitler doesn’t.

alf says:

great research thanks GPT.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Globalist Power Terminated II says:

This comment….. didn’t turn out quite right, lol.

alf says:


Red says:

A number of commenters here noticed all kinds of things, but it took well over a year to collectively connect all the dots.

I’d stopped reading his comments because they’d become so boring so I and probably others missed a bunch signs. But the big factor was that everyone liked Pooch and if we hadn’t had a bias towards liking him we probably would have run him through the shill test much earlier.

Starman says:


“But the big factor was that everyone liked Pooch”

I didn’t.

And I should’ve given him the shill test in hindsight. I just thought he was another mediocre member of the Laptop Class shitting up the comments section.

Kunning Druegger says:

I didn’t like him much either, but I still thought he was one of us. It’s not your responsibility to gatekeep, that’s something all of us need to contribute to.

Kunning Druegger says:

We need a meta-page, but I don’t know how one would even go about doing that. It would mean more curation, meaning more “permissions,” meaning more attack surface, so not worth it. Asked&Answered: the Post.

Rational Mail says:

For me Pooch is average as far as regular commenters on here and Cominator is one of my favorites. Never liked Wulfgar very much. That is my bias. While impolite, I don’t see a huge problem with that statement about Jack Dorsey. He is clearly on team Good and a high IQ white male to boot. I am not sure I would kill Cominator to protect Dorsey since virtue is also important. Cominator has been more loyal and truthful to me than Dorsey.

Pooch may have had some bad takes but so do Cominator and especially Wulfgar. Jim agrees with Pooch on the not killing everyone thing. Shill tests should be administered.

jim says:

Pooch’s failure to respond “Say what cannot be said with HR looking over your shoulder” shows someone is scripting him.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You do not see a problem with a shill suggesting that we should kill one of our own? That is a little suspicious. Mind copy pasting the following?

I, , cosign the following neoreactionary creed:
Only high-class European and Asian men have the necessary characteristics to the maintenance of civilization; women, queers, and the more savage ethnicities are only ever hired as an attack against civilization. Women need to be controlled by men, as the female sex drive is maladapted to the civilized male status hierarchy. Their sexual instincts awaken uncomfortably early, are ambiguous if not opposed to notions of consent, and result in population collapse. Pedophilia is just a way to conflate notions of young but sexually mature women having procreative sex with the objections to degenerate homos lusting after and buggering little boys. Jews, particularly Soros, are the bagmen for progressives and are not running things. They are given their money by government manipulation so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG. Jesus Christ always was and always will be, is wholly Man and wholly God, is the Logos of the universe, was born to Mary and died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.

You may, subsequent to posting, offer an explanation of why you disagree with a particular point, but this must be posted in full before you may do so.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I forgot that triangle brackets get read as HTML. That first line should read as follows:

I, (insert username here), cosign the following neoreactionary creed:

jim says:

“Rational male” and London Guy are a well known shills, most of whom’s numerous comments follow the standard and endlessly repeated scripts and are silently deleted. Sometimes I allow some though, so that I can respond to a shill script.

They are not ‘suspicious” they glows in the dark. You don’t see all the shill spam I delete.

I tolerate some of the shills, such as Anonymous Fake, who seem less robotic and more responsive. “Rational Male” is more your copy paste kind of NPC.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

London Guy I knew, but I do not remember Rational Mail. Maybe you have deleted enough that I have just never seen him, at least not recently enough to remember. I had my suspicions since he was new and was defending Pooch, but I wanted to test my NRx Creed. If he posts it, then I will know it needs more work.

jim says:

Not likely that he will attempt the creed.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, but knowing the test allows a false negative would mean that I should refine it further.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I intimated it in an earlier post, but i would quibble over the Soros line sounding like it’s making excuses for bad jewish behavior. “It’s not their fault, the devil made them do it.” Maybe so, but then civilized men don’t need children of the devil in their lands either.

The statement ‘they are not running things’ is trivially false in the sense that there are also plenty of things that are in fact just so happened to be run by eurasian tribesmen, and or things whose substance is influenced by the character of that set.

The socio-ecological niche that set has been evolving in over the past millennia is not so much a fruiting tree that stands on itself, but a creeping vine that uses other trees to grow up towards the sun, choking and strangling them as they do so. So a lot like the proliferation of leftist strategies in the cycles of civilization in general, but particularly concentrated in a particular folk.

If any later day jew wants to get right with God, they need to need to remote to their own land and rebuild their temple, and Physically Remove any manicheans amongst them who can’t get with the program; even if that means most of them.

The Cominator says:

“I intimated it in an earlier post, but i would quibble over the Soros line sounding like it’s making excuses for bad jewish behavior. “It’s not their fault, the devil made them do it.” Maybe so, but then civilized men don’t need children of the devil in their lands either.”

Most jews are leftists and leftists should go, but nothing should happen to any non leftist jew other than with rare exceptions requiring a personal decree by the monarch… they should not have state or quasi state jobs.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Diversity + Proximity = War

Besides more parochial contingencies, hymies need to go back for the same fundamental reasons durkas, coons, pajeets, wetbacks, chinks, and so on and so forth, need to go back, too. Even the best of aliens cannot help but be subversive in an alien land (and they are not the best of aliens, anyways).

The Cominator says:

No need to go further than Byzantium did IMHO…

Kunning Druegger says:

Is it possible to have a “cosmopolitan city” that has all manner of alien and strangeness inside in otherwise monoculture and healthy country with a small and powerful monarchy organized under a strong state religion? Cities derive their undue influence in Daemocracy due to the “people power” of corrupt vote antics. If you subtract demotist hijinks (and FIRE corruption), I think cities would not really wield much influence at all. In the fictions we live, places with large populations are somehow better equipped for adversity, having all manner of nascent protagonists from which to render days saved. In reality, the populations of cities are decrepit, slovenly, incompetent, violent, and dirty. Why anyone would want such a place is beyond me, but would it be possible to have one?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Many things are possible.

Advisable, is, of course, another question.

Kunning Druegger says:

Just so. I’m not looking for wiggle room; deport and chopper seems like a better option. But a polis stripped of political overpressure is a creature wholly unknown as far as I can tell. If you put a single man in charge of NYC, I think there’s a very good chance he’d go ultra-MAGA just to keep the lights on. I am for the country as I think it is healthier across the spectrum. But I also don’t want to have a bunch of urbanites to worry about, so they have to go somewhere. Whatever the case, it’s a coup-complete problem and not really worth worrying about at the moment. A far bigger concern would be…

The Cominator says:

I would propose something like that as far as living. Mono-ethnic areas (most non urban areas in the country would be for white people but some for others since I do not propose expelling or hurting non leftist ethnics) and cosmopolitan free city areas, essential for some kinds of commerce… the bad thing about “cosmo” areas is they would need government police (which most of the Empire would not have) under a local lord or crown corporation.

White areas would be further subdivided into (no white area would be allowed to exclude Protestants) ones that allowed Jews and Catholics and those that did not.

Kunning Druegger says:

You could effect a cordon sanitaire around the Kosmos by making it illegal for residents of the polis to leave. If they want to live there, fine, but they have to stay there.

Anonymous says:

Why wouldn’t there be plenty of cities even in the best possible future with a monarch, a Mars colony, and no leftists? Economies of scale are enough to justify them. They needn’t be shitholes.

jim says:

I recall cities that were not shitholes. Nice safe pleasant places governed by smart civilized men. Last gasp of the old elite.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Alright, that is a fair criticism. How about this:

Jews, particularly Soros, often enthusiastically do wicked things, but are used as a disguise by their progressive masters; Jewish misbehavior hides progressive misbehavior. They are given their money by government manipulation or intervention so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Fair enough.

restitutor_orbis says:

I feel like I missed a key moment for the community. Could someone link me to what happened? The last post I could find was where Pooch made a comment about reproduction and Jim called him nuts for it.

alf says:

It’s been simmering for a while. I feel like Pooch was never really fully onboard, but his takes have gotten worse. The first kink I remember was when he argued that Hitler was a rightist. more suspicious takes here.

jim says:

Pooch posted some straight up Marxist memes, shill stuff that has been dead in the water since the fall of the Soviet Union, though shills continue to push it. Called on it, shill test demanded, dead silence since then.

Kunning Drueger says:

The key events are all in the comment section under Crimestop post. There’s an exchange between many posters wherein Pooch takes a very strange stance. Neurotoxin elevates the discussion and others contribute, remarking on the incongruities and strangenesses. GPT2 then did some digging (that’s the post Brother Alf linked), and that’s about it.

restitutor_orbis says:

Got it. Thanks for clarifying. I don’t post here too often and no one has ever shill tested me. Therefore:

“I, restitutor_orbis, cosign the following neoreactionary creed:

Only high-class European and Asian men have the necessary characteristics to the maintenance of civilization; women, queers, and the more savage ethnicities are only ever hired as an attack against civilization.

Women need to be controlled by men, as the female sex drive is maladapted to the civilized male status hierarchy. Their sexual instincts awaken uncomfortably early, are ambiguous if not opposed to notions of consent, and result in population collapse. Pedophilia is just a way to conflate notions of young but sexually mature women having procreative sex with the objections to degenerate homos lusting after and buggering little boys.

Jews, particularly Soros, are the bagmen for progressives and are not running things. They are given their money by government manipulation so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.

Jesus Christ always was and always will be, is wholly Man and wholly God, is the Logos of the universe, was born to Mary and died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.”

i says:

Andrew Tate whose Father is in the CIA, and artificially boosted by the Algorithm got exposed as a human trafficking pimp:

By doing this the narrative shapers are going to try to poison our ideas by association.

It seems our enemies still have a few tricks up their sleeves. What’s the best way to deal with those shenanigans?

Kunning Druegger says:

Can you quote or link to the “human trafficking pimp” exposition? If Tate is to be believed, as well as his brother and multiple other “crew” accounts, he figured out women are really, really bad at talking to males that they aren’t trying to get into their uteruses. he also apparently exploits the cultural chaos around being a passport holding American that doesn’t hang out in America. Your free to “hear the guy out,” his hot takes are everywhere. Due to the memes he pushed, he was going to get attacked at some point.

News flash mein broder: our ideas are unadulterated poison, by association and direct reference. Some loud mouth, bald expat is not going to move the needle towards “more evil.” We are evil incarnate to them. To make the case that he is some kind of psyop plant for the cathedral, have to demonstrate how his decidedly patriarchal propaganda (kinetic memes) getting substantial uptake is good for the Cathedral.

Personally, I’ll buy a beer for any lad that gets middle school teachers to say to Miss Xer in public education pod A#B-07 that “women are inferior to men,” “women belong in the kitchen,” and “women should only be housewives.” Sounds like an absolutely based afternoon in a public middle school.

jim says:

We are the ultimate radioactives, so radioactive that they cannot touch us, because they cannot acknowledge we exist. We do not have to worry about our ideas being poisoned by association. They don’t want to associate anything to us because they do not want to point to us.

I earlier remarked that one based post counters a thousand shill posts, because the shills cannot respond to the based post, while the based post is responding to the shills. The shills can muddy the waters, and one based post cannot clear the waters, but muddy water has little impact, and the point of shill posting is not to persuade people of their ideas, but to reduce the impact of based ideas.

What happens on Twitter does not matter. They have poisoned their own well. To the extent that shilling is successful, it does not succeed in getting anyone to accept their ideas, but in getting people to believe that they are a minority of one, so it is hopeless and they should forget about the truth.

yewotm8 says:

He got banned off everything. His content was advancing more and more towards thoughtcrime every day. He does not glow, I don’t know where you are getting the idea that he’s CIA. He is an asshole and rather unlikeable, but telling a lot of truth.

His content was “pushed” because a) it was what people wanted to read, and b) he had a pyramid scheme going, where people bought in to his “courses” and sold more of them to other people for a cut.

not a reactionary says:

Hey guys. I’ve been reading the blog for a while. As the name would imply I don’t consider myself a reactionary, my friendships and overall life situation would preclude me from acting effectively in any sort of based manner (at the moment); however I am still interested in based thinking, and in particular world history, as I feel there is no better way to spread basedness than to spread awareness of the brutality of the power dynamics of human civilization, which is most often revealed in studying the past. Whether it be Chinese bureaucrats committing suicide at alarmingly high numbers, or Indian kings going on tours of conquest of the subcontinent, I want to know how the world has functioned, in order to understand how it functions today. I don’t have an autist’s knack for memorizing specific dates and names, but I like to have an idea of the general sweep of the more prominent and potent civilizations. Do you guys have any book recommendations on that front?

Frontier says:

‘The Ancient City’, published 1864, is often recommended for understanding how Greek and Roman society functioned.

Halion says:

“Nemesis” by Chris Bond is an excellent work to understand how power works and how it transforms society.

Aidan says:

Spenglers Decline of the West, despite the provocative title, is about the lifecycle of civilizations.

Varna says:

Welps, Dugin’s daughter Daria just got blown up in her car near Moscow.
Dugin was supposed to be with her en route to some meeting of traditionalists.

jim says:

He was nearby when they blew her up, so I suppose she was picking him up, or dropping him off, which indicates they had very good targeting info, but were using an expendable idiot triggerman, who probably does not know anything.

The triggerman does not matter. What matters is that the enemy has penetration of the social network adequate to know how he was getting to the meeting.

What is needed is vigorous application of a shill test, but Putin and Dugin do not have a shill test.

Every successful state religion had effective tests against entryists, albeit the thirty nine articles were too damned long, and after a while they stopped requiring adherence to them. If you don’t have effective methods for keeping out entryists, you are going to suffer this sort of penetration. Which has been a huge problem for millennia, and is now a considerably bigger problem.

The American state religion does have effective means for keeping out right entryists, point deer make horse 指鹿為馬, which have the undesired side effect of keeping out smarties, but the holiness spiral means no effective means for keeping out left entryists – Stalin was highly successful at penetration.

To fight an information epoch war, you have to have methods for securing your computer network, and securing your social network. Social networks have been under this sort of attack for millennia, and people have been defending against these attacks for millennia. In the information epoch, they become more important than ever. It is not the explosives, it is knowing where and when to apply them. We are still figuring out how to defend computer networks, but defending against glowies is a very old social technology.

Varna says:

I think it literally never occurred to Dugin, or anyone of that sort that:

a) anyone outside the western media believes the bullshit that he is some sort of Putin whisperer and not just a popular mad professor
b) that anyone would think that a strike against him would be “a strike against Putin” (although we are already in the realm of not taking a shower being a strike against Putin)
c) that him exercising his right to free speech would lead not only to travel bans but also to terrorist attacks against him

If we have entered a period in which globohomo starts doing Israeli/IRA type attacks and not even against generals, scientists, and politicians, but against professors of political philosophy, then… *crosses himself*

jim says:

Well a and b are obvious, and I have every reason to believe in c, and have been prepared for c for some considerable time.

Varna says:

Amateur footage professor Dugin around 45th second

alf says:

Madness. Poor guy.

Dr. Faust says:

The best optics for our side since the Kenosha Kid. Her name shall be written among the martyrs.

Basil says:

Oh, daughter, do you want to be as beautiful as the Holy Martyr Daria? You should not rush to have children, it is better to spend your youth on a philosophical education in France with traditionalists from Morocco and Niger, this is more important. After all, Russianness is not inherited.

Kunning Druegger says:

State the affirmation or be gone, thot-spawn.

Basil says:

Thirty-year-old “traditionalist” girl who has no children, but travels to France to fuck with black-assed and fighting racism in the Russian Federation

Big loss!

Kunning Drueger says:

A man lost his child. That’s the loss. If Warsaw got glassed tomorrow, do you think we would celebrate all the dumb, childless sluts no longer wasting oxygen, or mourn the loss of an European city?

Between the lines, you are overjoyed at this. You see Dugin as a threat. Your ideological masters feel the same way. It’s perfectly ok for you to celebrate when your side scores. But you also have to carry the burden of your side being known. While you’re hate for Russia may be organic, it still means you’re indistinguishable from the blue check, Slava Ukraini crowd.

Basil says:

It’s just disgusting to watch the great empaths who rejoiced in the killing of extras yesterday pose as great humanists today because a propaganda slut died because she’s someone’s “thirty-year-old child”. Dugin, like his daughter, were recruiters. They urged Russian boys to go and die in the Donbass, inspiring them with fairy tales about Russia. This can be compared with those propagandists who call on Ukrainian boys to go to die for the Ukrainian nation, talking about Ukraine, which does not exist. The soldiers who died on both sides are, on average, much younger than Daria.

The way a person raised his own child speaks more clearly about his true values ​​​​and ideals. What I know about Dugin and his daughter suggests that he has not ceased to be a funny occultist, and his “Orthodoxy” is just a mask.

You exaggerate the importance of Dugin, due to the fact that you listened to Western propaganda too often. If Putin had listened to Dugin and taken him seriously, Russia would have looked somewhat different. In fact, they only agree that more Ukrainians need to be killed, and that being Russian means speaking Russian and reading Pushkin. People with such views are scary only if they occupy the niche of the ultra-right in your country.

In the event of the bombing of Warsaw, I will mourn those girls who did not have time to become whores and had a value that was destroyed.

jim says:

Dugin should not be taken seriously, and when I hear Putin speak (in translation) I hear not the slightest indication that he takes Dugin seriously, or pays him any attention.

Varna says:

Dugin being Putin’s brains is like Jordan Peterson being the brains of Desantis or Trump. Or Ben Shapiro being the brains of Orban and le Pen. Completely nonsensical.

The outside world decided to promote this image of Dugin, and Dugin himself went along with it in order to travel the lecture circuit and spread his ideas. This was mostly harmless for everyone involved until February 2022.

In this recent essay
Dugin analyses the current war and makes a point that the end of history has layers:
1) the Globohomo layer of young Fukuyama
2) the Marx layer from before Fukuyama
3) the original Hegel end of history concept, which is about the human spirit culminating in some sort of spiritual monarchy eternal empire thing.

In this sense the “Eurasian” ideological competition with globohomo is a bit like the old NATO/Warsaw Pact rivalry, but while there it was “capitalism vs democracy”, right now the deep ideological stakes are the road toward which culmination of humanity’s history should one take.

The globohomo end of history envisioned by the great reset?
The old marxist end of history?
Or the hegelian spiritual monarchy end of history?

More broadly on the man and his stuff: within an imperial monarchist project the racial other is always either integrated or exterminated. This is the way land empires work. Overseas colonial empires of the western white type don’t have to work like this — you can simply behave in any manner with the natives, and then hop back on a ship and fuck right off.

The trad land empire on the other hand reaches the other, then integrates him into the larger body. A couple of centuries later he’s a “Russian” or a “Chinese”. Well, if the empire continues expanding and the former conquered periphery becomes part of the new heartland. If it remains as a border periphery forever that can lead to different outcomes.

Hence Dugin’s militant “non-racism” is the trad imperial non-racism of the Italian Roman or Greek Roman who will view the Syrian Roman or Egyptian Roman as also Roman.

Also, while the “white man’s burden” has been replaced by the “rainbow fag’s burden”, in the sense of “we are the borg resistance is futile”, the Duginist view is that the African Negro and the Middle Eastern Arab and so on have their own thing going, and should be left to it. Sure, make commerce, exchange students, but leave it at that.

You respect the far off other, assimilate the conquered other, but do not aggressively import the other from overseas. Somewhere i the middle between the two poles of 1) gotta exterminate them niggers and 2) gotta kiss their feet and destroy my society.

All of the above after the essay link was mostly just an aside. Dugin was certainly not “the brains behind Putin”, nor was he some “Aryans must rule the rest” fash, but a reactionary “multikulti” in the eurasian land empire sense.

On March 3rd this year Putin did his “I am a chechen I am a jew I am a tatar” speech which the external world ignored.
Я русский человек. Как говорится, у меня в роду кругом Иваны да Марьи. Но когда я вижу примеры такого героизма, как подвиг молодого парня Нурмагомеда Гаджимагомедова, уроженца Дегестана, лакца по национальности, мне хочется сказать: «Я лакец, я дагестанец, я чеченец, ингуш, русский, татарин, еврей, мордвин, осетин».

This is the trad land empire multikulti in action.

I use the past form “was” concerning Dugin because we have yet to see if his prior personality survives the shock.

Kunning Druegger says:

I got booted from a pro-RF TGram for saying much the same as you about a nazbol slut that got blown up in UKR a few days ago. I refuse to mourn the deaths of commies. That being said, I am biased toward all fathers, regardless of their spawn’s qualities. The picture of Dugin watching his daughter’s corpse burn is heart rending any way you slice it. Equally sad is the thought of a father watching his daughter be consumed by the flames of GAEness. No amount of equivocation and whataboutism will change the fact that you and yours are the side of sodomite parades and dick snipping, so when you cheer someone’s demise, I assume they were my ally in some sense or way.

jim says:

Dugin and his daughter are pushing a nationalist sort of leftism and a particular sort of enlightenment different from Harvard’s enlightenment project. Thus, allies in that they want to defeat Harvard. If they were to succeed, they would become enemies in that they would set up a Harvard on the Volga.

Thus the left is capable of reading them, and not capable of reading us, and increasingly unable to hear Putin – which breaks their OODA loop.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Really interesting implications for social network defense. Getting stuck inside your own delusions means that you kill the parts of the enemy network most like yourself. Which also means that crime think is a defensive tactic when facing an enemy like the GAE/Cathedral.

alf says:

Thus the left is capable of reading them, and not capable of reading us, and increasingly unable to hear Putin – which breaks their OODA loop.

That’s a spicy, interesting take.

So you’re saying Dugin was playing matchsticks with the devil and it burned him in the worst way. So dumb, but in a strange way that makes a lot of sense.

jim says:

Dugin wants Russia to do what worked against Russia for our enemies. I want us to do what gave England science, industrialization, and empire.

jim says:

> They urged Russian boys to go and die in the Donbass,

Russians need to fight in the Donbas, or else in the end they get the gay parade and faggots running their schools.

Western hegemony will lead to the economic and technological stagnation that is now afflicting the west afflicting the entire world. And then they are going to “fix” the economy by reducing the world population to five hundred million the fast way, rather than the slow way.

If those Russian boys do not fight in the Donbas, the Great Cathedral will be flying the gay flag, and not long thereafter the world wide population reduction will proceed. And since Russians are white, and far from Harvard, their population reduction is going to be particularly severe, probably wind up being to zero.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ukraine gets what it fucking deserves for forgetting its place in the world. While it is individually a tragedy for the people there to lose family and friends, so it was for German families under the Third Reich. I am not going to shed tears over Nazi Germany, over GAE Ukraine, or over America when it starts to get what it fucking deserves. Ukrainians do deserve to get killed; Dugin was not wrong there. His daughter’s death is an interesting escalation, but no emotional attachment. I can still feel sympathy for a man who watched his daughter die in front of him.

Kunning Druegger says:

Well put. Hard times ahead, for everyone. A massive distinction between Us and They/Them is the fact that we can leave the hate on the battlefield.

Basil says:

Damn, I feel sorry for Dugin as a person. It’s terrible when parents bury their own children. I’m not celebrating his grief, I just don’t think anyone outside of her family should mourn her.

Kunning Druegger says:

I still think you are on the wrong side of this situation, but that’s a sentiment I can respect.

The last 4 years has taken a lot from me in terms of the political realm injecting itself into every other realm. People I once would have killed and died for have turned out to be less than reciprocal in their loyalties. I want to revel in their suffering as the mask slips further and they realize what they have been supporting, but that’s petty and foolish. There is no telling who is going to be next to you, in the foxhole, the bunker, or the prison camp.

You, and others, are probably right about this departed lass. She’s probably just another roastie that got roasted. But the image of Dugin in that moment was quite powerful, and this happening is, in my opinion, going to unleash a wave of highly targeted attacks as IEW moves from the theoretical into the practical.

Varna says:

Concerning Dugin saying “ubivat, ubivat, ubivat” as in “kill, kill, kill.”

He used to be pals with now dead Siberian genius punk poet Letov.
(Letov is in the blue jacket, young Dugin is at the back)

Letov has a song about waking up, switching to black and white mode, and “ubivat, ubivat, ubivat”.

It’s like someone constantly using quotes from Tarantino films and Ramones songs in a world which doesn’t get what’s going on and reacts with knee jerking to the perceived face value of the words.

Letov’s songs are known and sung across social strata in the Russian-speaking world. For example the classic All Goes by Plan (Vsyo Idyot Po Planu)


Classical chicks


Moody teenyboppers

Glam sluts


Globohomo sluts

Random chicks

Drunken greasers

Alcoholics in wifebeaters

Frens chilling in nature
Pubescent urchins


Lumberjack lesbians

Midlife crisis guys

State philharmonics

On ukulele

On accordion

For some reason by Massive Attack
Croat students of Russian

Fedora hipsters

And a random negro on times square

Varna says:

I forgot the best grassroot cover: two tremendously drunk dudes in a kitchen.
Many say this is the only correct way to perform Letov’s songs. Or, indeed, any Russian rock songs.

Varna says:

I believe I am going overboard with the posting and will take a few days off now.
Not least of all exposing myself to insane Russian rock always makes me get drunk and switch to manic mode, a dangerous thing. My fragile nervous system just can’t handle their shit.
Here is a NSFW thrash metal live of one classical song.
In a land where metalheads, skinheads, and bikers all blur into one another, this is what you get. Utter madness.
I kind of glimpsed a headline that the band leader has been arrested on hate speech stuff or something a couple of months back, but can’t be bothered to check right now. Won’t be the first time for him anyway.

Kunning Druegger says:

WTF I love Siberian punk now. Family is currently memorizing Hej Sokoly, this one is next.

Kunning Druegger says:

I apologize for the big gay i am about to commit, guise.

Varna, i listened to each one and literally drove out and bought Majorska because this song is fucking me up and i plan on belting it out into the impersonal night. Thanks man.

Here’s an English version:

Varna says:

The pop culture of an Appalachian superpower with everything that entails.
I’m on Finlandia vodka and it feels like the start of a bender but we’ll see how it goes.

Varna says:

Welp, shifted to Ballantine’s after the Finlandia, and regressed to Vosmiklasnitsa (8th grader girl) by Viktor Tsoy, a classic ballad that is a major part of the social connective tissue.

Gonna share some versions, have a final cigarette, and go to bloody sleep.

Two hipsters

Milf on piano
Presidential Orchestra of the Russian Federation


Father and Son


Gypsy-style band

The original, film remix

The original, anime remix

Cover by Mumi Troll

Cover by Zemfira

Little girl

Teeny bopper
Teen boy

Ex marine


skippy says:

This is not the time or the place, but there is an issue with “RW women” being models of men they admire and not models of women their ideologies idealize. That is what women are like.

Oog en Hand says:

Daria Dugin is the wh*re of chabad

Kunning Druegger says:

How about you engae with me where I called you out, instead of shillposting hatorade. Understand, I am utterly convinced that you have no rebuttal, nothing of substance or value to contribute. But I still encourage you, dare you even, to contend with my assertions.

Oog en Hand says:

Let me reverse the questionnaire. Is Chabad closer to the Jesuits or the Muslim Brotherhood?

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a purported post by Dugin from TGram:

“I believe that the status quo regime in Russia can theoretically last no longer than 6 months. The desperate resistance of the Atlanto-Nazi regime in Kyiv demands from Russia significant – cardinal – internal transformations. Structural, ideological, personnel, institutional, strategic.
What is acceptable without SVO, under the conditions of SVO – and especially a long SVO that is not going to end – is not acceptable.
Increasing attacks on Crimea, attempts to arrange a nuclear explosion in Zaporozhye, declarations of a counter-offensive on Kherson, Zelensky’s firm refusal to compromise, the West’s persistence in cutting off all ties with Russia – all these are signs that they decided to stand on the other end to the end . They can be understood: Russia actually (and this is not propaganda) challenged the West as a civilization.
So we have to go all the way.
The Supreme Commander-in-Chief said: we haven’t really started anything yet. Now we have to start. You want – you don’t want – but you have to.
For the first 6 months we were able – and this is a fact – to conduct the NWO without fundamentally changing anything in Russia itself. So far, the changes are cosmetic, and even completely inappropriate and useless elections have been decided to be held according to the schedule. As if nothing is happening. But it’s actually happening.
The maximum comfort mode (adjusted for emergency conditions) and the preservation of the old system – “war through a dream” – will have to be canceled at some point.
It seems to me that with the beginning of autumn, this awareness of the need to transfer the country to a new track will be quite clear.
It will take another six months to realize the “irreversibility of the irreversible” and the inertial continuation of the old.
And there is not far and February 24, 2023.
I can understand that the authorities have been used to ruling the way they rule – more or less effectively – for 22 years. But that period is in the past. SVO has already changed everything. Now the question is not whether the government wants or does not want change. And it is precisely patriotic – conservative-revolutionary, if you like. Such changes are simply inevitable – even if you stand to death against their beginning, it will be possible to delay it for no more than six months. And then they will come anyway.
SVO is now more important than power – in its subjective dimension. With the beginning of the SVO, the regime of history itself changed irreversibly: a new ontological vector appeared that cannot be dissolved by arbitrariness or decree. The mighty forces of history have come into play, the tectonic plates have shifted.
Let the old regime bury its dead. A new Russian time is coming. Relentlessly.”

Others here have asserted that Dugin is not the architect of the Russian Resurgence, that he isn’t a close advisor to Putin, that his significance is largely trumped up by internet tomfoolery. This may very well be the case, but to make that case, one has to address why the Shadow Branch tried to kill him, if he’s not a significant target.

Dugin may not be the spiritual leader of the Putin Regime, but based on this quote, he probably should be.

jim says:

Putin gave a far better account and justification of the Ukraine conflict and the Conflict with the Global American Empire.

Putin is not the best of priests, but he is way better at it than Dugin.

Dugin is not Putin’s brain. Putin is Dugin’s brain.

Dugin realizes that there is something horribly wrong with the Enlightenment project, but is trying to construct an alternative that is fundamentally based on similar premises.

Nah, it was foolishness and madness from day one.

Basil says:

Alexander Dugin: I’m for the blacks. White civilization – its cultural values, deceitful, inhumane model of the world, built by it – did not justify itself. Everything goes to the beginning of white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia is saved only by the fact that we are not pure whites. Predatory transnational corporations, the oppression and suppression of everyone else, MTV, blue and pink – these are the fruits of white civilization that must be got rid of. Therefore, I am for the reds, yellows, greens, blacks – just not for the whites. I wholeheartedly support the people of Zimbabwe.

jim says:

Are you quoting Dugin? give the link.

Does not surprise me. He wants an authentically Russian version of the Enlightenment project, like the Azov Nazis, a slightly different, and more nationalistic, brand of the same old same old leftism, because the universalist version of leftism means rule from Harvard, and he is not included. Same thing, except he wants his own Harvard.

The left exaggerates the importance of Dugin, because they can read him, and cannot read us, or even hear Putin. They think Dugin is Putin’s brain, because when they hear Putin, their brains shut down. As with Trump, think him stupid because they cannot hear what he is saying.

That is why we get flat earth shills: “The right is so stupid that they think men are not women. We can get them to believe in a flat earth.”

Basil says:

Context of the phrase: the question of the replacement of whites in Rhodesia by the Mugabe regime.

Kunning Druegger says:

That page is an absolute roller coaster from start to finish. It’s also from 2002.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Not only that, it’s 20.08.2002. Daria Dugina died 20.08.2022.

The OKC bombing happened exactly two years after the fiery conclusion of the Waco siege. Is someone sending a message?

London Guy says:

[*Deleted for blaming Trump for the actions of his enemies*]

jim says:

The biggest disaster of the Trump era was the death of Republic. You are going to blame Trump for that one also?

London Guy says:

Trump isn’t responsible for the people Trump hired?

You’re getting more pathetic by the day. Not even Melania blows Trump the way you do.

jim says:

Trump did not get to make the important hiring decisions. The civil disservice is self perpetuating.

Kunning Druegger says:

What’s your goal here? Do you think you will convince us with one-liners and middle school-tier insults? Your opening position was that Trump was dumb and anyone who supports him is dumber still. You’ve been rebuffed, rejected, mocked, and dismissed. If you actually believe what you type, if you were actually a person that found this place and tried to participate, you would be disinclined to continue.

I think you are some kind of cuckservative shill, and you have been tasked with going after people and places that hold the line on Trump. You will continue using DNC-style arguments against Trump until some “organic” conservative rises to oppose him, at which point your script will change and you will become a shill for whomever that is.

Neurotoxin says:

“Trump isn’t responsible for the people Trump hired?”

Trump had to hire the least bad people from a limited, and generally horrible, set. Swamp creatures, basically.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am not at all a long time reader of the place, but Conservative Treehouse seems to be very convinced that Desantis is, or is becoming, a tool of the establishment.
When is the proper time to establish our collective position on this guy? It is very murky to me, as he has made some stellar moves (turn-around on coronatarianism, FL state paramilitary, wielding executive power to achieve political outcomes) and he has some very dangerous red flags (voting record as a congressman, in bed with the same people that supported Ted Cruz, messaging around Mar-a-Lago). I apologize for being a broken record, but I think it will come down to his choices around Trump as candidate; if he steers clear and keeps to his own domain he is /ourguy/, and if he tries to usurp the MAGA position in ’24 he isn’t.

jim says:

One thing powerfully in his favor is that has figured out that to get an honest election, you need guns, not lawyers.

Your criteria and conservative treehouses criteria reflect normality bias.

Every state without voter id votes blue, every state with voter id votes red. It is completely obvious that the dems only win by fraud, and democratic fraud is massive, and no amount of voting harder is likely to make the slightest difference. Unless Trump runs the NSDAP ground game, there is absolutely no way he can win. The undead and increasingly stinking corpse of the Republic has to be interred in its grave.

Kunning Druegger says:

Under what circumstances would Desantis opposing Trump *not* be an indication that he is in bed with the RNC types?

Adam says:

This might not answer the question, but if Desantis sees Trump as weak, and has it in him to do what is necessary, he should run against him. Better for us too, personally I don’t need to see Trump try it again. So if Desantis is for real, and wants to take power as it seems he does, Trump would not stop him from running and taking power. Waiting another 4 years or doing the Vice President thing first, that’s what an establishment republican would do.

Kunning Druegger says:

The elections don’t matter, but the campaigns do. The votes are irrelevant, but how the elites act about the voting is highly relevant. If Desantis jumps in bed for a shot at being “The Big Guy,” I don’t see how that’s good for us tactically, as it means yet another pseudo-conservative pulling energy and attention away from solidarity in dissent.

Trump running in 2024 is a good thing because it drives the Cathedral mad. They act foolishly and become excessively malicious towards normies. It is entirely irrelevant if he wins or loses, but it is critical that he, or a direct proxy, relives the spirit of ’16. I honestly don’t care who wins an “actual” election. Far more important is who seizes power and when. Desantis trying to become President is meaningless, unless he is ascending to the presidency on a tidal wave of guns and loyal troops. Consolidating power in FL and building a formula for other governors to do the same would be monumental. Dethroning Trump as Troller in Chief so he can “win” as a good guy conservative reinforces the status quo in their attempts to reestablish normalcy.

jim says:

You have a point. It would kill Republican organization. The shills obviously do not want another Trump campaign. It interferes with the illusion that president governs and the people get to choose their elected representatives.

jim says:

In the Roman elections, stolen elections eventually led to elections being decided by thuggery at the polling places, as people contending for elected office became progressively cruder at stealing elections and preventing the other guy from stealing elections, which led to the temporary military dictatorship of Pompey – which in due course led to permanent military dictatorship.

The Republicans, as far as we know, have no intention to use crude methods to prevent the Democrats from stealing elections, though DeSantis looks like he might.

Jehu says:

DeSantis is playing by the official rules of normalcy, but he is only adhering to what gamers call Rules as Written (RAW). He thankfully shows zero deference to the unwritten rules that respectable Republicans are ‘supposed’ to follow.

For instance, the Florida law says he can remove pretty much any official that’s part of the executive (like an elected DA, for instance), and that removal can only be contested by the Florida Senate. Previous officeholders rarely used this, but DeSantis plays the card whenever it is advantageous to him. If I recall he also ejected a number of election officials thusly a couple years back in addition to the more recent Soros DAs.

This to me points to an estimate that DeSantis MAY realize that the jig is up and is taking steps to wake up his coalition at the fastest speed he can without disintegrating it.

jim says:

He has taken measures appropriate to the new reality. Which may lead to interesting times in the Florida election. I have hopes.

First guy to act in the new reality is apt to win.

Adam says:

My hope is that Desantis smells blood in the water, and has it in him to secure honest elections by whatever means necessary. The holiness spiral cannot go much lefter. Normalcy has come and gone. I look at those two men, and I just do not have confidence that Trump would lead us to victory.

Jehu says:

He can guarantee a reasonably honest election in Florida, and he did back in the last few. But he can only really do that in Florida, because he’s made liberal use of the governor’s power to purge officials. I don’t think he can do that in the places that matter in a general election at a national level.

jim says:

Under the circumstances that no matter who is running and how people vote, a poorly done video deep fake gets elected.

Karl says:

One thing powerfully in his favor is that has figured out that to get an honest election, you need guns, not lawyers.

If someone has the guns to get an honest election, does he still need an honest election to take or keep the power to rule?

I guess the answer to that question depends on the faith of the men with guns. If they believe in democracy, they might be willing to kill in order to ensure an honest election. If they believe in something else, what is the election needed for? I think in that case, no election is needed.

I’m in Germany and have no idea how many armed men in the USA believe in democracy. Where I live, most men, even those opposing the government, still believe in democracy, but their number is shrinking.

Corona regulations and especially the possibilty of a clot shot mandate caused many (generally law abiding) men to suddenly consider democratically passed laws lacking any moral obligation to comply. Some even consider their democratically elected government to be evil. A man who considers his democratically elected government to be evil and does not want to comply with the democratically passed laws, will welcome a good government, regardless of whether it was the result of an honest election or not.

jim says:

> If someone has the guns to get an honest election, does he still need an honest election to take or keep the power to rule?

A very common transition (Hitler, Julius Caesar) is one honest election once.

Karl says:

Spain had an honest election followed by a civil war.

I suppose Germany would have had a civil war if the communists had won the election in 1933. Julius Caesar crossed the Rubikon while he was not consul and was elected after winning a civil war. I doubt he would have accepted defeat in election or bothered with an election if he had reason to fear he might lose.

My impression of the examples above is that sometimes a group does not accept rule to be ruled by an enemy. If power can be gained by election, fine; if not civil war.

Red says:

Sundance of Conservative treehouse is very talented for midwit, but he’s a merchant and he sees everything from a Merchants perspective. He’s right about DeSantis being part of the RNC machine, but I there’s a real possibility that DeSantis might defect into his own faction. He’s already playing well beyond the normal rules and he’s an actual elite unlike Trump. He’s likely to inspire real hard military power behind, something Trump apparently failed to do, or at least Trump never had the guts to actually use that power as power should be used.

But given that the shills don’t want Trump to run and they’ll blatantly do Banana Republic stuff to stop it, it’s probably in the interest of the Americaner that Trump is the Nom instead of DeSantis.

Kunning Druegger says:

Trump’s failures and weakness accepted, how is he not an Elite? Not looking to argue, just genuinely curios, as I feel he ticks all the boxes and is just loathed by his peers.

Red says:

Elites are not Merchants. Elites are always warriors or priests. Jim thought Trump could cross over to be a warrior, but in the end he ran away. Maybe there was a merchant who crossed over to become a priest or warrior at some point, but it’s exceedingly rare.

You can tell he’s not an elite by his failure to and act as elites do. He attempted to buy of GOP congress critters who endlessly reneged on their deals with him. Trump made deals with bad actors instead of rewarding his friends and punishing his enemies. Consider what FDR would have done to a congress critter to lied to his face and reneged on a deal. FDR would have engaged every level of power available to punish him. Now consider what Trump actually did. He whined on twitter.

jim says:

> Maybe there was a merchant who crossed over to become a priest or warrior at some point, but it’s exceedingly rare.

Real life examples of merchants ruling are always merchants with an extensive sideline in piracy and brigandage, or their immediate descendants, who when their sideline in violence goes away wind up losing power.

Kunning Druegger says:

So to be an Elite one must be either a Warrior, a Priest, or both? No other type of Elite is possible? For the purposes of this discussion, just assume I am asking to be informed, not using questions to construct a rhetorical framework or a “gotcha” ambush.

I have been operating under the framework that Elites are merely the upper end, or though leaders, of their self-selected community of peers. I took it for granted that there were Elite Merchants and even Elite Hobos. This change in taxonomic stricture is somewhat profound for me.

jim says:

The world elite is inherently ambiguous, but it is obvious that in engineering, leadership is priestly. Musk is a prophet, Linus and Stallman are priests. Git is software and prophecy.

Unfortunately Git was created for a less hostile world. We urgently need a cryptographically hardened Git. There has been a lot of criticism of the Git hash, but due to various complicated and clever workarounds, the flaws in the hash do not lead to serious flaws in Git. The big cryptographic flaw in Git is its use of PGP for identity, and the fact that even if the PGP identity system was not completely broken, the integration between Git and PGP is horribly broken. You need to be able to merge a branch by the cryptographic identity of the person who committed that branch – merge his most recent commit to his default public branch.

Red says:

No other type of Elite is possible?

Not so far. There might be new types in the future if human social tech continues to advance. We’re following a Engineer turned priest/warrior here.

I have been operating under the framework that Elites are merely the upper end, or though leaders, of their self-selected community of peers. I took it for granted that there were Elite Merchants and even Elite Hobos. This change in taxonomic stricture is somewhat profound for me.

The basis for human civilization is the ability to apply organized violence. Those who can persuade men to commit that violence are the elite.

So far the only classes that have had the ability to apply organized violence are warriors and priests. Merchants can hire people to violence for them but that loyalty tends to be thin and Merchants who gain power tend to be quickly overthrown because they have the wrong instincts.

In 2015-16 Trump had a group of young guys showing up to his rallies who were very much ready to do violence at Trump’s command. He refused to command them. An actual elite would have kept such a core of young warriors around and used them when normal means failed say like when the Democrats stole the Presidential election.

jim says:

Engineers have been going into priesting for a very long time.

When nations adapt to information epoch warfare, there are going to be a whole lot of engineer warriors, but we are not there yet.

Red says:

Engineers have been going into priesting for a very long time.

True, but I’ve yet to see an engineer command or persuade other men into violence. The very fact that they run away with the unofficial official priesthood attacks them indicates they feel insecure about their ability to inflict violence in order to protect themselves or harm the people attacking them.

The future for engineering is probably elite status assuming the cathedral doesn’t plunge the world into a final dark age.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Then you have not met very many. My engineering class was half nerds and half utter chads. I would be very surprised if none of them had ever been in a fight.

Red says:

That’s encouraging. I’ve mostly been dealing with weak nerds and women coders most of my career. Though being a nerd didn’t always mean not having been in a fight. I did a ton of fighting as a kid and some as an adult as well. Violence is a good solution when dealing with a shithead.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

All power has a flavor; different forms of power being more or less given to different ends.

The matter of elitehood is better said not so much as ‘warriors and priests always rule’, but that the spheres of warriors and priests overlap sovereign forms of power, which is true to lesser extents for merchant spheres as well, and thus naturally beings evolutionarily converge towards exploitation of such sources of power; the more a being comes into alignment with a powersource, the more it can take up its mantle, following the contours of Being as the waters of Happenstance flow throw it; the more transcendent teleologies a being can participate it, the more qualitative sovereignty – which is to say, agency – it possesses.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That is to say, we find men who you could speak of as ‘warriors’ and ‘priests’ so often ruling, because when people who are *not* taking advantage of such forms of power go up against people who *are*, the latter carry the day every time.

Kunning Druegger says:

I apologize if this request comes off as cloying or in any way embarrasses you, but I earnestly request that you give some thought to putting together a detailed essay (roughly 30-60,000 words pls) that can be bound between covers inlayed with gold script. I strongly feel that this is something that would be immensely valuable to fathers and teachers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This may seem ironic to you, but i was never a very verbal person. For me, the ‘languages’ of thought and languages i use for expression are not precisely the same thing; while the thought flows freely and easily, i often ponder over contemplation of how to ‘translate’ it into forms expressible over a lexical medium. The ability of some men, like my good friend AAnglin, to just write and write, always struck me as rather fantastical.

jim says:

Was not easy for me. I got better by doing it a lot.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indeed. Like many things, to have a habit of writing requires the habituation of writing. You must consciously choose to participate in the habit any time and every time it occurs. When you have a thought, write it down; you never know when you might need it later.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I do recognize that this might sound like being down on myself, or sound rather ‘doth prostest too much’ coming from someone who places such import on the cultivation of their art.

Pondering things has always been a delight for me; it is unfortunate that drawing blood from the stone of the pen cannot always be spoken of the same way.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Alright, here is a refined NRx Creed for social proofing.

I, (insert username here), cosign the following neoreactionary creed:
Only high-class European and Asian men have the necessary characteristics to the maintenance of civilization; women, queers, and the more savage ethnicities are only ever hired as an attack against civilization.
Women need to be controlled by men, as the female sex drive is maladapted to the civilized male status hierarchy. Their sexual instincts awaken uncomfortably early, are ambiguous if not opposed to notions of consent, and result in population collapse. Pedophilia is just a way to conflate notions of young but sexually mature women having procreative sex with the objections to degenerate homos lusting after and buggering little boys.
Jews, particularly Soros, often enthusiastically do wicked things, but are used as a disguise by their progressive masters; Jewish misbehavior hides progressive misbehavior. They are given their money by government manipulation or intervention so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.
Jesus Christ always was and always will be; is wholly Man and wholly God; is the Logos of the universe; was born to Mary, died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.

Comments are still welcome, and it is an open source post so feel free to edit or alter it, so long as it maintains its essential character.

Basil, mind taking it? London Guy?

Guy says:

I, Guy, cosign the following neoreactionary creed:
Only high-class European and Asian men have the necessary characteristics to the maintenance of civilization; women, queers, and the more savage ethnicities are only ever hired as an attack against civilization.
Women need to be controlled by men, as the female sex drive is maladapted to the civilized male status hierarchy. Their sexual instincts awaken uncomfortably early, are ambiguous if not opposed to notions of consent, and result in population collapse. Pedophilia is just a way to conflate notions of young but sexually mature women having procreative sex with the objections to degenerate homos lusting after and buggering little boys.
Jews, particularly Soros, often enthusiastically do wicked things, but are used as a disguise by their progressive masters; Jewish misbehavior hides progressive misbehavior. They are given their money by government manipulation or intervention so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.
Jesus Christ always was and always will be; is wholly Man and wholly God; is the Logos of the universe; was born to Mary, died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.

Comments are still welcome, and it is an open source post so feel free to edit or alter it, so long as it maintains its essential character.

Guy says:

Ugh, extra copy/paste at end…. Sorry

The Cominator says:

I fully admit I’ve always objected to “fully man and fully god” but I admit to being a SEMI Arian in my view of the trinity the rest of it I love.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Some editorializations:

“Many jews, such as George Soros, often enthusiastically do wicked things, and are often used as bagmen by leftist europoids in europoid societies precisely because of this tendency; wicked behavior of aliens should not distract from wicked behavior of backstabbers within one’s own walls, and vice versa; they potentiate each other.

“Alien bagmen are given their money by government manipulation or intervention so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.

“Organizations converging to leftism naturally select for beings that will reliably act against the folk of the host society, and thus one finds disproportionate representation of queers, jews, women, and other more alien demographics, in the ranks of leftist bodies.”

Some other considerations; the WQ, RQ, JQ, and CQ are the most ‘radioactive’ topics, in that empirically they have shown themselves as most parsimonious vectors for smoking out demon-worshippers.

In the interest of fulsomeness, i have also seen shills stumble over the DQ (Democracy Question), and other two of the Three C’s (Capital Question, and Caste Question).

Many bluepilled folk can have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that ‘popular governance’ is both 1. a lie (‘the people’ never truly rule), and at the same time 2. the lie of ‘popular governance’ being a lie is not the same thing as an openly hierarchical government, let alone aristocratic governance; that it is its own thing, with its own particular character, selecting for particular types of characters with regards to those who use it to rule, to use it as pretexts for acquiring power.

The Capital Question is expansive in detail, but simple in expression; value is something fit for a purpose; the fittest purposes serve the creation of potency; potency illustrates participation in Divine teleologies; greater value does not exist until it is created; labour in of itself is worthless, only the creation of value is valuable; sweating is easy, organization is hard; so on and so forth.

The Caste Question interrelates with the above questions, and tends to ding communists in particular – given that a great deal of the substantial matter of communism is the act of a sect of priest-like pharisees trying to obscure the fact that the priestly caste is something that exists and exercises power in a society; rule by ‘popular consent’ is rule by consensus – which is to say, rule by priests, the manufacturing of consensus. A society is always ruled by warriors or priests or some combination of warrior and priest. The act of the communist in casting his juciest targets (merchants) as having primary power over the direction of a society in general (and especially with regards to its ills, real or imagined) is, of course, entirely self-serving.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

All good points, but if someone starts talking about how merchants rule and need to be looted, that democracy is good, or some other ridiculous notion, the they are so obvious that we do not need a test to detect them. Anonymous Fake is not going to post the Jimian Creed, even just to argue with it, and neither is London Guy or Basil. Additionally, there is so much overlap on the left that I highly doubt any of them could pass any one of the sections, let alone all of them.

This is not a statement of NRx principles. It is a collection of the most important and effective truths that the enemy cannot say. This is a shibboleth; a thing that the enemy cannot say that will indelibly mark him as an enemy. If Cathedral entryists could not say, under any circumstances, the words, “Ooga Booga,” then this would have been a two word test.

Pax Imperialis says:

I remembered this exists.

Kunning Druegger says:

The trailer is woke BS.

Pax Imperialis says:

Very woke yet the trailer managed to reinforce every single negative bias I have surrounding Black Americans.

Bad propaganda is a blessing

Kunning Druegger says:

I see it as a fiction supporting the idea that not only is Africanized primal bullshit a good thing, it is a necessary thing.

alf says:

Great stuff. Could definitely be expanded slightly like PC proposes, but this is close to covering the most important bases.

The only thing I’m missing is a low IQ, simple version of this. Something any man can say to display his allegiance. Like: ‘I, (insert username here), am a Jimian Christian. God is on our side, demon worshippers tremble in fear.’

Or even more barebone: ‘I, (insert username here), am a Jimian Christian.’

‘I, (insert username here), am a old type Christian’ would work too, ‘old type’ at this point is pretty much a dogwhistle for Jimian…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The problem with excessive expansion is that it could become too large and cumbersome. Even now, as stripped down as I can get it, it is very long. I could end up putting more and more into it but Jim has pointed out the problems with creeds that grow too large. This is a test for Cathedral entryists. We can worry about other entryists when they appear.

alf says:

Makes sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be more precise, the problems arise from trying to use a statement as both a creed and shibboleth at the same time.

A creed is an internal statement of faith in accordance with the discourse of that faith, and hence doesn’t change, while shibboleths naturally shift in accordance with whatever particular enemies one is dealing with.

Tangling these functions up results in mutating creeds and outmoded shibboleths.

jim says:

Yes, that is why I somewhat impiously strpped the Christian creed down to bare essentials/

Gab is overrun with blatantly fake Christians who say “Jesus, Jesus, I love Jesus” all day long.

Most of whom think that Christ is boiling in excrement and want all Christians dead.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I, Wulfgar Thundercock III, am a old time/Jimian Christian. Jesus Christ is our God and King, and leftists and demons are our enemy.

alf says:

Love it

Kunning Druegger says:

I, Kunning Druegger, am a Jimian Christian. Jesus Christ is our God and King, and leftists and demons are our enemy.

I am not a technical Christian, as I do not attend services and my faith is weak and my relationship with Our Lord is decrepit. I nonetheless categorically state that this is MY FAILING, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to rectify this situation, and the Faith does not need to change to suit MY CHARACTER. While I may comment on faith matters, while I may express opinions on faith matters, I am inconsequential to the unassailable fact that Jesus Christ always was and always will be; is wholly Man and wholly God; is the Logos of the universe; was born to Mary, died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.

Further, I am the descendant of dirty, no-good, nigger abetting, abolitionist Puritan scum, and have been known to spiral off into semantic discussions of shit way over my paygrade. As well, I am an armchair analyst often given over to wild theoretical leaps that, in the larger context, are stupid. While I may err, while I may be confused, while I may disagree with good and honest men, my loyalty is to the tribe and I will accept reproof and correction from my betters, my equals, and even strangers on the street if it is demonstrated that I am in the wrong.

Communists are scum. Women are property. Lust is insidious. Sodomites are vile in all form. Democracy is fake and gay. Progress is fake. Technology is declining. Negros, jews, Muslims, mestizos, and their various patrons need to go back, many of them back to dust.

Neurotoxin says:

Lovin’ it. No other forum on the right comes within a light-year of this place’s shill rejection capability.

But: There are certain topics where I’m not going to say what I really think, even under a pseudonym. (I work for a very politically correct employer, and I once almost accidentally used my True Name in an Internet debate. I still kinda freak when I think about it.) E.g., there’s no way in hell that I’d say what I actually think about race, not even with this pseudonym.

My point is not to whine “What about meeeeeeeeeeeeee?”

My point is a positive (I hope) contribution:

Any shill test is going to have to accept a balance between false positives and false negatives.

If some people are misidentified as shills and perma-banned or whatever, that might very well be a necessary cost of defense against shills.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Which is one reason why I say that you can disagree with parts of it… once you post it in its entirety. I would also invite our Hindu reactionaries to come up with a replacement religious test and then take it and make it their own. It is open source. I would like it to get a place on the sidebar so that anyone can just grab it and use it at anytime, but if everyone here takes it and stores it and makes their own particular version that is fine.

It is also very basic. This would have been uncontroversial, except maybe the race part, to conservatives and even many liberals as little at 10-20 years ago. I could have said it out loud and be perhaps thought a bit boorish, but otherwise unremarkable. If you cannot post this online under an anonymous pseudonym, then something is wrong. It is not meant for realspace shill tests. That will take longer than an afternoon to whip up.

Neurotoxin says:

Even posting the paragraph that begins “Only high-class…” and then qualifying it or whatever would make me nervous. If I post that and then get outed or accidentally out myself, I’m out of a job, period. Leftists trying to disemploy me would simply quote me saying the heterodox part without any qualifications, explanations, partial walk-backs, etc. And anyway, as they say in politics, “If you’re explaining, you’re losing.”

Again, I’m not suggesting that the test be changed. Au contraire, noting that with any effective test, some false positives are probably unavoidable.
– – – – – – – – –

Here’s another issue, while we’re on the subject: There are two problems with hostile outsiders. One is the shills, the main problem of which is that they clog up the discussion with their bullshit. I.e., they mess up the signal-to-noise ratio.

The other problem is security threats, e.g. people trying to encourage other people to post prosecutable fedposts, trying to get other people to out themselves, etc. I’m more worried about these. Shills like Anon Fake are annoying, but they’re not actually dangerous to any one here.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you get outed you are fucked anyway. In for a penny, in for a pound and if we do not hang together, we shall hang separately. But this talk is starting to make me a little twitchy, given the goings on with Pooch. Would you be so kind as to repost it here?

Neurotoxin says:

“If you get outed you are fucked anyway.”

We’re close to that point, but not quite there yet, IMHO.

“Would you be so kind as to repost it here?”

If you mean the entire shill test, then no. I’ll be perma-banned before I post certain parts of that.

For what it’s worth, I’m not a shill. I’m on Jim’s blogroll, for God’s sake.

But this blog might draw the false positives/false negatives line in a place that excludes me. Since I applaud the vigorous shill testing here, I obviously can’t complain.

Neurotoxin says:

For the record: I’m not a fucking shill!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The problem I see is that it sounds too much like, “I’m not wearing a wire.” If you were not wearing a wire, no harm in taking your shirt off. Another way to look at it is a zombie apocalypse. Pooch got bit, hid it from us, and just turned. Well, now we have to check everyone else for bites. Now you are yelling that you were not bitten, but you will not take your shirt off. That is a problem because it means something is wrong, whether or not you are actually infected.

jim says:

What Neurotoxin needs to do is accurately summarize, without endorsing, the Jimian position on race, sex, and the problems with failure to restrain female sexuality, and failure to deal with the fact that sexuality in girls is poorly correlated with capacity to get pregnant, while in males it is almost perfectly correlated with capacity to get girls pregnant and interest in girls capable of getting pregnant.

I never thought him a shill, but his allergy to crime thought is sometimes irritating. He is on the blog roll and should be, but I would like him to support a cultural environment that makes the glowing of glowies obvious. Regulars should stand out from glowies.

jim says:

Never thought you were, but there are some thoughts you see very allergic to.

Which is a little bit suspicious. But you were able to argue with me about unthinkable things. Would like to see you do that again.

You can pass the shill test by responding to the other guy’s crimethoughts in ways that imply that someone somewhere actually does think those crimethoughts.

Red says:
Neurotoxin says:

“his allergy to crime thought is sometimes irritating.”

I know. For what it’s worth, I don’t like having to self-censor either.

“sexuality in girls is poorly correlated with capacity to get pregnant, while in males it is almost perfectly correlated with capacity to get girls pregnant”

Huh? If this is more about the age thing, I’m not afraid to state your position; I just don’t agree with it. I just don’t see 9-year-old girls behaving like that. I’m not saying, “Hail fellow reactionary, since everyone agrees with me…”

Neurotoxin says:

“the problems with failure to restrain female sexuality”

This is lobbing me a soft pitch. Natural female sexuality is outrageously dysgenic and I will be happy to expand on this point, with detailed specifics, for like an hour. Let me know how much time you’ve got!

jim says:

I would love to hear your take on it. We need more information about female sexuality on this blog, and if it is good stuff, I might promote the discussion to a post.

Neurotoxin says:

Cool, give me an hour to get the wine from dinner through my liver so I can think and then an hour to draft something.

Neurotoxin says:

Alright, a couple of effortposts coming up. Fair warning.

Female sexuality is anti-social and dysgenic. It must be restrained for the good, and indeed, the survival, of the human race.

We begin with the truism that evolution selects for reproductive success and not any other trait. There is no restraint on evolution selecting for horribly anti-social sexual tendencies if such are reproductively optimal.

Observed fact: Women are fiercely attracted to men who play defect in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game that is society. (Defecting in the classic prisoner’s dilemma is always better than cooperate no matter what the other player does.)

Suppose it’s the environment of evolutionary adaptation (EEA) in a time of food scarcity. A man who sneaks into another family’s hut while they’re asleep and kills them all and takes their food will have better chance of survival, and so will his kids, than one who doesn’t.

No, it’s not really that simple, because the rest of the village, if they find out about this, might kill him and his family. But (1) they might not find out, and (2) a displayed willingness to do such things means that he’ll do them if it’s necessary; he doesn’t always have to do them. Also, (3) if he is observed to get away with it, then he has either guile or power to, well, get away with it.

Evolution doesn’t give a shit about nice. What we call “evolution” is simply cause and effect in the biological world. Also, there is a genetic component to personality. Suppose we start with some women who are not attracted to evil traits, or are even repelled by them, and some women who are attracted to them. There will be situations in which the repelled women’s children starve to death because she tied her fate to the wrong kind of man. Such a woman’s genes are not passed on to the next generation. The genes of the woman who mated with the amoral murderer are passed on.

So the next generation has a higher proportion of amoral males and females who are attracted to amoral males.

We stand at the end of a long evolutionary process. Current women are the result of the last million years (or however long) of the evolutionary process playing out. Modern women are the effects of evolutionary cause-and-effect processes.

(Modern men are too, along with palm trees, fruit flies, bullfrogs, etc. But that’s neither here nor there for the moment.)

Humans can no more avoid evolutionary cause and effect than they can avoid physical cause and effect, like F = ma, etc.

The surprising thing is that there have been environments that evolutionarily selected for pro-social traits on a scale beyond one’s biological clan. This is a precious thing. It’s not at all obvious that if these traits are eliminated, they will ever come back.

(By the way, why isn’t this selection effect just as strong for men as women? Two points: A woman can’t feed herself (at least, she can’t hunt) or defend herself when she’s 8 months pregnant. (They have enough trouble getting in and out of a car.) So her survival depends significantly on her mate. This effect isn’t present for men.

Also, since men are the sex that fights, including fighting other tribes, there is more selection pressure for cooperation operating on men. This is actually a well-known fact in evolutionary circles, apparently: At the level of competition between groups, cooperation is evolutionarily rewarded. But at the level of intra-group competition it’s not that simple. It’s not be that defect/betray is always rewarded, but it is sometimes.)

Neurotoxin says:

So: Women are fiercely sexually attracted to men who can dominate other men and are psychologically inclined to do so. They’re particularly drawn to men who kill and get away with it, because that is the ultimate example of power. The person the man killed was trying to resist being killed, yet the killer was able to kill him anyway. And a man who is powerful enough to kill someone who is doing everything he can to avoid being killed, has a large amount of power indeed. If you can kill and get away with it, you either have personal qualities that enable you to do that or are part of a social group with lots of power, that uses its power to support you.

In either case, it’s a good idea for a woman to hitch her reproductive wagon to your star, because you will try, and probably succeed, to protect and support the children you have with her.

So: Woman do not get wet for nice guys, never have, never will.

Empirically: Criminals, especially violent ones, reproduce at a higher rate than Jeff in Accounts Receivable.

Since there is a genetic component to personality, female sexual choice is not only dyscivilizational but dysgenic. It causes the next generation to be shifted in the direction of violent, amoral thugs. Such people are also observed to be low-intelligence. Cops apparently have a saying: “Criminals are dumb.” Female sexual choice breeds low IQ, high time preference/low patience, and anti-social (as in , murderously so) people.

Female sexual choice involves them typically mating with exactly the men that they should not be mating with, for the good of the human race.

– – – – – – – –
Finally, a coda: for reasons I don’t understand, female liberation also leads to lower overall fertility. I don’t have an explanation of this observed fact in terms of evolutionary theory. But it is an observed fact, perhaps the most well-documented fact in modern empirical demographics.

jim says:

> Finally, a coda: for reasons I don’t understand, female liberation also leads to lower overall fertility. I don’t have an explanation of this observed fact in terms of evolutionary theory. But it is an observed fact, perhaps the most well-documented fact in modern empirical demographics.

I understand it perfectly, and have repeatedly explained it. I will explain it once again, and shortly promote this conversation to a post, because if you are not familiar with it, needs saying again.

Reproduction fails, obviously, when you get defect/defect equilibrium between women and men. The game of players and bitches

Reproduction is prisoner’s dilemma with few iterations, so you always get defect/defect without external enforcement.

Social enforcement only happens if society recognizes secure property rights in what is valuable, and the most valuable capital of all is eggs and wombs. Husbands have to have a secure, socially and legally enforced, property right in their women.

For this to work psychologically, women need to be virgins at marriage, which only happens if fathers have a secure, and legally enforced, property right in their daughters. Rape is dating a woman without the consent of her father. Female consent is opaque, and most opaque to the woman herself.

Women frequently resist prolonged and enforced virginity very forcefully. Late marriage leads to a whole lot of conflict, which requires extraordinary enforcement, utterly unthinkable and unimaginable by modern standards. I find the level of enforcement that was required disturbing and distasteful, and therefore favor early betrothal, eight to ten or so, and early marriage, twelve to sixteen or so, even though successful societies have tended to have very late marriage – eighteen to twenty four or so.

The middle eastern tradition on this is Sharia. Its western equivalent is coverture.

Even when we had stern patriarchy and very stern coverture in place there were no end of stories about the servant girl getting in trouble for helping her lover rob her master, or robbing her master to fund her lover, and the bride running off with the wedding singer.

The effective fix is that such are fallen women, very low status, and against such women extreme measures of control are natural, socially acceptable, and normal. No one cares what happens to a fallen woman. A woman’s status must depend on a man’s property right in her. Her status is that property right. Wrongful acts against women are punished as wrongful acts against the man who has a property right in her sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.


Male chastity consists of respect for other men’s property rights in women. Not applicable to unowned fallen women.

Female chastity consists of respect for her man’s property right in her sexual and reproductive services.

Old Testament law got it right:

Female immorality: Death.

Fornication or abduction of a married or betrothed woman: Death

Abduction of an unmarried unbetrothed virgin: Shotgun indissoluble marriage, or death if you bug out on the marriage part. (If she is with you without supervision, it is polite to the virgin and her father to assume that you abducted her, and inquiring whether she made it strangely easy to abduct her is impolite.)

Fornication or abduction of unmarried, unbetrothed, non virgin.



sounds of crickets chirping.

If you abduct an unmarried, unbetrothed virgin, and pop her, and the the father absolutely prohibits the marriage, the penalty is …

Wait for it …

Wait for it …

You pay a substantial fine, but the father is socially shamed, and priesthood assigns him a humiliating monicker.

Red says:

Suppose it’s the environment of evolutionary adaptation (EEA) in a time of food scarcity. A man who sneaks into another family’s hut while they’re asleep and kills them all and takes their food will have better chance of survival, and so will his kids, than one who doesn’t.

No, it’s not really that simple, because the rest of the village, if they find out about this, might kill him and his family. But (1) they might not find out, and (2) a displayed willingness to do such things means that he’ll do them if it’s necessary; he doesn’t always have to do them. Also, (3) if he is observed to get away with it, then he has either guile or power to, well, get away with it.

You’re assuming individual selection instead of group selection. A man who acts like that and gets away with it will result in a low cohesion group that will be easily wiped out by a high cohesion group. A man who murders his kin will be selected against. Remember all the men in a hunter gather band are kin.

The lone wolf dies while the pack survives.

jim says:

Group selection only works when fathers assign their daughters sexual and reproductive services, and having made the assignment, the father’s rights vanish and the husband’s rights are secure.

Neurotoxin says:

“You’re assuming individual selection instead of group selection. A man who acts like that and gets away with it will result in a low cohesion group that will be easily wiped out by a high cohesion group.”

Sure. Thus my statement “At the level of competition between groups, cooperation is evolutionarily rewarded.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Natural selection is about survival of the good enough.

The simple reason females of the species are ‘sub-optimized’ is because they can afford to be. Eggs are valuable, and sperm is cheap. Males can’t help but love them, and jump at the chance if there is one. It takes a singularly awful woman to actually fail to reproduce. The overwhelming advantage of being an egg carrier forgives many sins in the process of reproductive success.

Neurotoxin says:

“The overwhelming advantage of being an egg carrier forgives many sins in the process of reproductive success.”

Yes. Having a uterus is an incredibly powerful reproductive strategy.

Neurotoxin says:

“Reproduction fails, obviously, when you get defect/defect equilibrium between women and men. The game of players and bitches.”

Yes, of course, obvious and oft-repeated here. Prescription: percussive cranial re-boot.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Pooch was not a shill, until he was. What part of it is so objectionable that you cannot post even under an assumed name? And why is it so objectionable?

Neurotoxin says:

If I say what I actually think about certain topics I’m making it extremely easy for SJWs to disemploy me. Maybe they’ll do it anyway, as you say, but if so I can at least force them to work for it.

jim says:

Well, what do I think about certain topics? I recently summarized the Australian aboriginals, and a long time ago we argued about very young girls getting “raped”. You disagreed, but what was my position and my reasoning in that argument? Why did I not regard the events you reported as rape?

Why do I not believe in the existence of an Australian aboriginal “oral tradition”?

Neurotoxin says:

“Well, what do I think about certain topics?”

See below on the topic of race. I think that’s a pass but if not, will iterate until it is.

Neurotoxin says:

Will review the Australian aboriginals stuff.

Ah, the Rotherham debate. Here’s my recollection. My goal is to state your position and my position, without, GOD HELP US, reigniting it.

I thought the main problem was violent Muslim immigrants raping young English girls. You thought, and think, that the majority of the problem was young females’ sexuality developing earlier than is generally acknowledged, and that their sexuality is not much different from that of say, a 20-year-old female. Since (at least many) 20-year-old females are sexually drawn to violent men who seem likely to rape them (this part I’m on board with, obvs) we have the following: The main problem is female sexuality. Muslims rapists in the Rotherham episode were more of a problem in the nature of an “opportunistic infection”: If the other problem were dealt with, the rapey Muslims would be much less of a problem.

Neurotoxin says:

“Why do I not believe in the existence of an Australian aboriginal “oral tradition”?”

I don’t know. I remember the phrase “oral tradition” coming up recently, but don’t recall where. Point to link?

Neurotoxin says:

Never mind; found it in this thread:

jim says:
2022-08-19 at 05:16
“The Australian aboriginals do not have an oral tradition – they have no idea what happened before the current generation. Their oral tradition is totally made up by missionaries and white scammers… There are no end of historical events involving groups of Australian aboriginals recorded by white people, and the descendants of those groups lack any recollection of them.
They live in an eternal present without cause, effect, or a past.”

Paraphrasing, your position is that Australian aboriginals lack even an oral tradition recording events that happened historically recently and are well-documented by other races.

skippy says:


i says:

In that case that would make Aboriginals a good example of racial deterioration since their descendant from the Patriarch Noah.

Red says:

If you’re not fucked today, than assuredly you will be fucked tomorrow. Anything you did in the past will be used against you in a struggle session that you won’t survive.

Arakawa says:

The ultimate shill test is repeating yourself for way longer than anyone just hobbypoasting on here would bother with, and consistently failing to engage with the point of what other people are saying.

Copy-paste shill tests are brought in to save the trouble of having to watch a suspected shill repeat himself for 2,342,122,312 more posts and drown out more interesting discussion.

jim says:

> I would also invite our Hindu reactionaries to come up with a replacement religious test and then take it and make it their own. It is open source.

Demons are so deeply and anciently embedded in Hinduism that they are going to have troubles.

They are also going to have to dig a whole lot deeper than Christians need to dig in order to find a Hinduism consistent with science, technology, and Industry.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Something is better than nothing and at the very least it narrows their shill problem to demonic Hindu entryists instead of the entire Cathedral apparatus.

jim says:

Yes, the Cathedral apparatus is a much bigger problem in Hinduism than the ancient demons that the Aryans failed to eradicate with fire and sword.

But if they don’t get the demons out, India will never amount to anything and they will have difficulty restoring higher race fertility in India.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

One problem at a time. Before they can get to exorcizing their demons for the long haul, they have to survive the demons from the Cathedral trying to kill them right now.

i says:


The use of “Pharmekia” which is an interesting Greek term in the New Testament for “Sorcery” by the Aryans called “Soma” certainly contributed to the Spiritual vulnerability:

“Compared to Hinduism, the old Vedic religion was more elevated, being chiefly concerned with the correct performance of the rituals as prescribed by the Vedas. These rituals were often performed before an aristocratic Aryan elite. These included the ritual consumption of Soma, an inebriating beverage often identified with the ephedra plant, fire worship and the horse sacrifice. ”

Similar to how DMT allows demonization of certain people who are subsequently driven mad by the experience. Likewise practices like Yoga which are invented to worship the Gods and Kundalini.

All feature participants being demonized. And possessed by the unclean spirits. Subsequent ill health, maladaptive behavior and madness.

i says:

Meanwhile the experience with Orthodox Liturgy is protective against Demons:

“In my case, I suspect that all of the PTSD flashbacks and mental breakdowns I’m suffering over the past year might be partially influenced by demonic attacks through logismoi. In general, I think that young people who find their way to Orthodoxy are more susceptible to the intrusions of logismoi, hence the necessity to attend the Divine Liturgy and pray. Also, this is how I understand the Church’s teaching on the phronema as a kind of a “mental shield” that helps the Christian navigate the material world day by day and enables him/her to resist temptations.

The few times I was able to attend the Diving Liturgy from August 2019-January 2020 were some of the most tranquil in my life, given how much hardship I’ve gone through (not gonna tell my life story but you guys get my point).”<

someDude says:

Most of what can be termed as Hindu reaction exists in literature in the vernacular, i.e. local Indian languages. Hindu reactionaries who are fluent in English are very few, blogs with reactionary content in English are even fewer and so they do not have a shill problem. They have a “no one knows who the &*^% they are and what the ^&** they are saying” problem. They are essentially non-entities in the larger picture.

Suones might disagree with me here pointing out to an Indian female politician who regurgitated our memes on national TV and got suspended for her troubles. Dharmic reality had a shill which surprised all of us (why would a shill bother with his blog?). So I might be wrong. But Jim’s blog has orders of magnitude more penetration in the west than English speaking Hindu reactionaries have in India.

What you have here with Jim is something we can only aspire to at the moment. I hope it is more than just a dream.

I have been silent for a while but lurking infrequently. I find the shilling disturbing and I am not happy with Hence silent.

I am very surprised at suspicion on neurotoxin of being a shill. He is a long time regular who has engaged in thoughtcrime sufficiently to pass shill tests. And he has a blog linked from here in the sidebar.

On pooch, I don’t think pooch was all that reactionary to begin with. A lot of his posts earlier were normality bias even when it was clear that elections don’t matter. Even after 2020, Pooch regularly used to post on local American politics as though elections still mattered.

jim says:

I do not suspect him of being a shill in the slightest.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In my walkabouts across the noosphere, i have noticed that, while this place is never explicitly namedropped unprompted, reproducing a jimmian sounding meme almost always gets recognized and commented upon as ‘something jimmian’; meaning while noone cops to it, it is also very widely read.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

NT is a good dude, and if there are any concerns, they are not over whether he is a good dude, but whether there are bad dudes twisting his arms behind the scenes.

Which, given recent events, is a reasonable concern.

Neurotoxin says:

Thanks for the love, homes, and back atcha.

As for the rest of it, hopefully I can serve as a useful test case. It occurs to me that the compare-and-contrast between me and Pooch might be useful for illustrative purposes.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Given what he has posted, I doubt that anyone is twisting his arms. I just dislike the attempt to hedge his bets. There will come a point where everyone has to take a side, but for damn near everyone it has already come and gone. Our time in polite society is coming closer and closer to its end. Trying to keep one foot in both camps this late in the game is foolish.

Neurotoxin says:

Hm. Wulfgar, think whatever you want about me. But at least have it be based in reason. I don’t like the language of these two phrases:

“I just dislike the attempt to hedge his bets.”
“Trying to keep one foot in both camps…”

These are fucking libels. I’m not “Trying to keep one foot in both camps.” It’s as if I were to slag you off for wearing a bullet-proof vest when the enemy is shooting at you.

If I were being attacked by an SJW I wouldn’t bother with facts; I’d just insult you. Since you’re not an SJW, here’s a relevant fact: I said,

“Female sexuality is anti-social and dysgenic. It must be restrained for the good, and indeed, the survival, of the human race.”

This is not consistent with “trying to keep one foot in both camps.”

jim says:

Exactly so.

Neurotoxin is not trying to keep a foot in both camps.

He is somewhat inhibited when he speaks on certain matters by rational fear of the consequences.

The other camp is promoting a fake consensus. He is not.

jim says:

Neurotoxin has taken a side. He reports the true nature of women – somewhat delicately, but true enough.

More importantly, he gives no ground to the false consensus on women. The false consensus is that women are wonderful, and they are the stronger vessel. The true consensus is that women are wonderful – at being women, but that they are the weaker vessel and that this is a huge problem, meaning that men are required to pass hard fitness tests, which are never going to be easy even if it becomes completely legal for a husband to kill his wife, and that women have to be controlled.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Then it was a poor choice of terms, but not posting the truth under a anonymous pseudonym because you are afraid of the consequences if it should be discovered is ridiculous. If the pseudonym is compromised, then burn it and start over. If it is clean, then what do you have to worry about? You seem to be trying to maintain a clean enough profile that if realspace got ahold of your identity, you would be able to weather it. That is an absurdity.

Your willingness to shy back from certain statements and compromise on your beliefs here, in private and among friends, worries me. It does not fill me with confidence that you could be relied upon. At some point you have to be willing to burn your ships and your bridges; our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am trying to articulate a gut-level response and I think I am failing. Men bond best by doing things that are risky, irrational, and irresponsible together. A purely rational assessment means that when the going gets tough, the rational get out. I want the people who are ride or die, who will not look for a way out when it goes down. I no longer trust Neurotoxin because my gut tells me not to, and I have never disregarded it to my benefit.

jim says:

We are required to be both brave and prudent.

Neurotoxin’s situation may require a different assessment of prudence. He seems plenty brave to me.

He just posted a pile of thought crimes that is about to be promoted to a post. Brave enough for me.

Neurotoxin says:

“You seem to be trying to maintain a clean enough profile that if realspace got ahold of your identity, you would be able to weather it. That is an absurdity.”

God damn it, Wulfgar.

Why don’t you post under your real name? Since you’re all about burning bridges to prove your reactionary street cred.

(No, I’m not suggesting that you actually do this.)

Neurotoxin says:

And regarding the “would be able to weather it” thing:

Just saying that female sexuality, and females period, need to be controlled would get me in quite enough hot water, thank you very much. It might not totally vaporize my career. But then again, it might.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The policeman inside is an animal that lives and dies depending on how much it is fed; and with each concession to feed it, the more powerful he grows.

jim says:

Yes, but Neurotoxin has been giving it short rations.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You are not posting under your real name, so the comparison is stupid. The fact that you realize what you have said is still enough to destroy you, yet you still hold back makes me question what is going on. Your stated reason does not make sense, and you even admit as much. Then I have to wonder why you gave that as a reason in the first place. Something does not add up, and I cannot quite figure out what it is intellectually, but I can feel it.

jim says:

These are valid arguments, but you know neither Neurotoxin’s particular circumstances, nor his, possibly incorrect, perception of those circumstances.

Kunning Druegger says:

Shill tests and purity tests are two different things. While I absolutely agree that “no man can serve two masters,” I also know that it is foolish to willingly remove oneself from the Discourse just to prove loyalty. A good spy is a traitor in the eyes of his fellows, and will be gunned down by his own team if he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their loyalty is not measured by their displays of allegiance, rather their tacit acceptance that they will likely pay in blood for their identity sacrifice.

The time is approaching where there will be no utility in attempting to guide others away from the side of evil, but we aren’t there yet.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am not claiming to know either. In fact, it is my lack of knowledge that is precisely my issue. There must be some reason, whether real or perceived, why he gave me an excuse that is inconsistent with the rest of his comments, and that he himself has admitted is inconsistent. That inconsistency is bothering me and when I ignore things that bother me, it ends up fucking me. He might be a false positive. Might be. But until I get a better understanding, I am going to keep an eye on him.

jim says:

Lots of people need an eye on them, but do not give them grief unnecessarily. Neurotoxin has submitted a pile of thought crimes in knowledge of the likelihood that he is about to be promoted to a post even more radioactive than the discussion on which it will be based.

Kunning Druegger says:

Obviously keep an eye on him, Wulfgar. And while your at it, keep one on me too. But there’s no need to stir up dissention over a gut read. Consider this: if you think there’s prey down range, you can charge the brush line screaming and shooting wildly in an effort to smoke it out. Or you can wait quietly and let the prey break cover when it feels safe. Both are viable options.

Neurotoxin says:

“Your stated reason does not make sense, and you even admit as much.”

Gah, I fear we’re boring everyone so I hate to continue this, but: When did I “admit” that?

jim says:

Wulgar, the correct way to give a non griefing answer is “I interpreted “…” as “…”

Not “You said such and such”, where such and such involves some degree of mindreading and interpretation.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You said, in the comment at 2022-08-24 at 01:17 that, “Just saying that female sexuality, and females period, need to be controlled would get me in quite enough hot water, thank you very much. It might not totally vaporize my career. But then again, it might.”

Your reason for not posting the test, from the comment at 2022-08-22 at 17:35, was, ” If I post that and then get outed or accidentally out myself, I’m out of a job, period.”

You said you will not take my test because you are nervous about the effect on your job if you post it and then get outed. You then defend yourself by saying that your comments on women will have a deleterious effect on your job if you are outed. The admission may have been inadvertent, but it was an admission all the same. Anyone who tries to tell me that those two statements are consistent I will interpret as out of their minds.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

In short, if someone says that they will not do ABC because of the possibility of N, then does XYZ in full knowledge that it has a possibility of N, then they are not really worried about N, or there is something else going on.

Neurotoxin says:

The first of my quotes that you mention is only about women. The second you mention is about a quote that includes race. (“Only high-class European and Asian men have…”) Race is THE radioactive topic in identity politics.

As I said: If I say what I think about race and get outed I’m out of a career, full stop. If I say what I think about women it’s risky, but it’s not “definitely out of a career, full stop.”

jim says:

Whet you should be able to do is accurately paraphrase what that other dreadful fellow says about race. A shill cannot do that.

What do you understand me as saying about race?

Neurotoxin says:

“What do you understand me as saying about race?”

I’m assuming this is addressed to me. With this I have no problem. Here is my answer, and if this isn’t satisfactory I’m willing to iterate until it is:

The Jimian position is:

Evolution does not stop at the neck. There is considerable evidence that human populations, specifically races, differ in various attributes, not just ones that no one really cares about like proportion of fast-twitch muscle and prevalence of high blood pressure, but also:

time preference – blacks on average having higher time preference/lower patience than whites.
intelligence – blacks on average having lower intelligence than whites.
self-control, ability to foresee future consequences of present actions, and in particular, violence, viz the FBI’s table on murders by race of the murderer, in which (IIRC) a black person is ~10 times as likely to kill as is a white person.
(The FBI recently announced it plans to change how this table’s stats are collected and presented, BTW).

The evidence for this is voluminous and entirely or almost entirely points in the same direction. For example, on the “legacy of slavery” argument about difference in racial behavior: Even in England, which does not have the US’s history of race-based slavery, a black man is twice as likely to commit a murder as is a white man.

Re: The argument that IQ tests and other metrics for intelligence are culturally biased: This argument is directly contradicted by the fact that Asians do better on these tests than the European whites who designed them.

As noted in heretic Steven Pinker’s The Blank Slate, even days-old infants, which cannot have been influenced by “society,” have notable differences in behavior, Asian infants being more passive when restrained, white infants being less so, and black infants being even less so.

Let me know if this is good, or if it isn’t, how to make it good.

Neurotoxin says:

Or should I just quote the Wulfgar thing, noting that it’s the Jimian position?

jim says:

That is fine. And the conclusions I draw about whites being forced to live with blacks? Detroit?

And “rape”?

Neurotoxin says:

These will be long, so one at a time:

On rape I think that you and I have the same position for a human female who’s say, 20 years old.

We differ about the age at which the relevant behavior typically starts.

Anyway, here’s my position, which I’m pretty sure is like 98% coincident with your position:

Evolution does not select for happiness. Nor does it select for self-knowledge. It selects for reproductive success.

Given this, there’s every reason for women to be sexually drawn to men who are physically capable of dominating other people, particularly other men, and who are psychologically able to do so with few qualms. This is because nature is red in tooth and claw, and in high-stakes interactions when food is scarce (in the evolutionary past), survival of a woman and her offspring may come down to having a mate who is able to kill other men in a fight for food.

So, women are drawn to men who seem likely to rape them because (1) this is presumably associated with adeptness at violence in general, and (2) any male offspring from such a mating will also inherit some of those physical and psychological traits.

Fact: Killers in prison get a lot of come-ons from women, particularly attractive reproductive-age women. Often this occurs in pen-pal form, but see my blog post here for an “in-person” example (though I wouldn’t call her attractive):

Furthermore, something like 40% of women in surveys admit that they have fantasies about being raped. And those are just the ones who admit it! Also cf. the oft-noted popularity among women of the Shades of Grey series. Note there is no symmetric series of equal popularity in which the woman is dominant.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that evolution does not have any tendency to select for self-knowledge. Thus, women who vote for rapey foreigners to be admitted to western countries are not necessarily thinking “I’m hoping to be raped” on a conscious level. Human psychology doesn’t always work like that. A Jimian quote (from memory) with which I agree: “Women want what they don’t want, and don’t want what they want. Female sexual behavior is not well-modeled as utility maximization.”

It’s also important to note that some women DO in fact find violent men exciting without feeling any need to deny it. I recall an article in which a woman’s thuggish boyfriend broke her wrist and she made no bones about the fact that she was going to stay with him, and didn’t deny that it was because she found him exciting. “Normal guys are boring.”

jim says:

> We differ about the age at which the relevant behavior typically starts.

It is not that this behavior reliably sets in at six or eight, but that it sets in at a rather random age, sometimes way after full puberty, sometimes way before the slightest indications of puberty, and it very commonly sets in at six or eight, sometimes even earlier though this is less common, but it is common enough.

This behavioral change often seems to correlate with a physical change in their body odor. They start to smell like adult females, even though no other physical changes ensue.

Neurotoxin says:

This is kind of a revelation. I didn’t realize your position had such a role for randomness/dispersion. More nuanced than I’d realized.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, it is along a weird spectrum, where sexuality and physical maturity are two separate, largely unconnected scales. You get the sexually precocious 9 year old girl with no breasts hitting on men that are not interested and vaguely uneasy about the whole situation. You also get the physically mature 19 year old woman who has no interest in men despite a body giving all of the sexual signals and she is the one ill at ease. Those are extremes, but not terribly uncommon extremes.

Kunning Druegger says:

If you look at the reception of the film Leon: the Professional in many online communities (Imgur and Reddit spring to mind), you will find a hidden window on the fascination with “sexless” girls being lauded as sex icons. People eat that shit up because it gives them an opportunity to idolize women without the pesky actualities of women getting in the way. Perverted as that movie and others are, they cannot hold a candle to the disgustingness associated with the producers and EPs that make such movies. A single example, Moonrise Kingdom, *might* take one down a particular rabbit hole that is better left alone. The sodomites in film production love to put children in adult situations because it is often quite popular with the normies (think Little Rascals) and is often a financial windfall, but behind the scenes, they get access to tranches of children gussied up and displayed for their pleasure. For every child you see on the screen, realize there are at least 3, and often times many more, that auditioned for the part. While it is quite popular to lament the disgustingness of child pageants, it is barely noticed when kike parents, leftist whites, and myriad mulattos force their children into the “commercial circuit,” driving and flying all over so their spoiled brats can traipse about in front of leering and slavering producers for a shot at fame and royalty checks. If you spend 5 minutes with these kids, stories about pizza and hotdogs and ping pong become magnitudes more believable. The children are heartbreakingly vapid, having learned to ape the habits and actions of adults, unwittingly trading away precious years of youth. the parents are fucking scum, full stop. Any parent that puts their children into the film industry is a bad parent, and any parents that do it more than once have no excuse; they know exactly what’s going on and just demand more money. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

This thinly veiled mechanized sodomy that predates on children started in the 1970s. Prior to this, it was very isolated and if sniffed out, snuffed out quietly. After the cultural revolution, the sodomites that prey on the young were given free reign to prowl in the name of “show business.” Incidents like Roman Polanski (despicable in some regard ((imagine touching a jew, lol)), but not at all sodomite predation) are used as a cover for the real evil meted out on young children by bribing the parents for access. Almost every child actor turns into a broken shell of an adult, oftentimes being an hero’d or murdered or overdosing as they try to live with what’s been done to them, knowing their parents were complicit. St. Anglin noted the family of Anne Heche, whose closeted sodomite father molested her and her siblings while living the bathhouse lifestyle. This is not exceptional.

Off topic and disgusting, for which I apologize.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

jim says:

Totally on topic, and Christians are far too shy about calling out evil and heresy.

Anon says:

So what should happen to Hollywood?
I followed Macaulay Culkin story and all the horrific stuff that happened to him as a young boy in (((showbiz))) , anglin talked about it.
It made me so disgusted with hollywood , may a ban on hollywood would be the correct path but this seem like holiness spiral.

Kunning Druegger says:

Cinema is high art form, and is possibly the most powerful tool for either convergence or restoration (consider where sodomites would be without movies making them normalized). I have been trying for a long time to crack this nut, but unfortunately, I have yet to find conservatives of means that are willing to bankroll projects. Worse still, most people on “the right” who do go into films are uncreative midwits incapable of doing anything besides aping hollywood or just chasing conservi-bucks. I have been using the term “grift wing” and everyone that reads this should do the same. If cinema is treated as purely a revenue generating activity, it will be used for evil by the devoutly demonic and, eventually, converged by consensus. This is what happened to hollywood.

As for what should be done…

Root and Branch.

A2 says:

Moving pictures is the greatest propaganda medium.

As regards Hollywood and its associated porn industry: NVKE.

Neurotoxin says:

On the Detroit thing, here’s my take. You think:

Because blacks are so much more violent than whites (see FBI crime data), blacks and whites living in close proximity is a situation that is not conducive to thriving for whites. In fact, it’s not conducive to reproduction or even survival for whites. In this situation whites tend to leave, that is, to be driven out of their homes, at least if they don’t get support from the state in using defensive and punitive violence to counteract black-on-white violence.

Thus: “good schools.”

Red says:

In this situation whites tend to leave, that is, to be driven out of their homes, at least if they don’t get support from the state in using defensive and punitive violence to counteract black-on-white violence.

Don’t get support from the state? That’s rather short changing it.

Jehu says:

Indeed it’s more like it jumps ugly on any nascent expression of white self-defense. The purpose of law enforcement is to protect criminal elements from the vigilante action that would suppress them in their absence.

jim says:

In my encounters with criminal elements, they have displayed astonishing and unreasonable confidence that I will not use potentially lethal violence, and that they can use potentially lethal violence with complete impunity.

The complete impunity part would be accurate, if the only threat to them was police.

“Gentle Giant” Michael Brown, who randomly threatened and assaulted people every few minutes every day, was absolutely and genuinely astonished to find that trying to take away a police officers gun by grabbing the business end while the cops finger was on the trigger was a seriously bad idea. The problem was not that he was killed, but that he was able to survive to eighteen while behaving in the way that he routinely behaved. He should have died when he threatened the tobacco store clerk in an unrelated incident that happened a few minutes before he got into a completely pointless and unnecessary dispute with the cops over jaywalking. He seems to have assumed that because he had not committed any crime that the police were aware of at that moment, there was no way the cop would pull the trigger.

Similarly with the numerous attempts to kill hero and astonishingly accurate marksman Kyle Rittenhouse. Lots of people (most of them Jewish or gay), seeing he had a lethal weapon in his hand, proceeded to threaten or attack him with potentially lethal weapons.

State preachers on broadcast send the increasingly loud message that melanin enhanced gentlemen are to be afforded the privilege of deference by nominal enforcers of the state; that the state’s merely written laws do not apply to them like they apply to it’s lesser legacy subjects.

Which all but guarantees a conflict any and every time one comes into contact with the other.

There are a whole lot of people, far from all of them black, but a very large proportion of black males are in this category, who should simply be killed on the spot by random bystanders for doing what they do every day, and when the cops arrive, they should just nod their heads and say “needed killing”.

I have been in Kyle’s shoes. I drew a lethal weapon, and was attacked with a life threatening weapon anyway.

Red says:

The issue is as always the state activity arresting people who defend themselves against criminals. Whites flee because it’s either not fight back and end up beaten up or dead with your wife and daughters raped or arrested by the authorities for the crime of self defense against spear chuckers.

Neurotoxin answer is garbage without the state activity making defense against blacks illegal.

Neurotoxin says:

“Indeed it’s more like it jumps ugly on any nascent expression of white self-defense. The purpose of law enforcement is to protect criminal elements from the vigilante action that would suppress them in their absence.”

Yes, this is obviously true. E.g. the white couple in St. Louis who merely displayed that they had weapons to a mob of BLM rioters who broke down the gate to their property. The white homeowners didn’t shoot anyone, didn’t even discharge a weapon, didn’t do anything that any sane person would regard as objectionable. But they were seriously persecuted by the law, and the law didn’t do anything to the mob that broke down the gate and threatened them.

– – – – – –
Red: There are people here who can call me out. You’re not one of them.

Red says:

Funny, I don’t recall calling you out.

I frankly don’t know anything about you but you seem rather thin skinned.

Kunning Druegger says:

Red, it’s somewhat justified. Neuro- is an OG with his own “turf” that frequents our domain. He’s more of a “foreign dignitary” from an allied realm than a “comments regular.” In my opinion, he should be afforded slightly different conduct restrictions. But I leave it to Jim to make that call.

jim says:

Neurotoxin should not be subject to any restrictions.

What he says is valuable and informative. I would be happier if he contributed to an environment where shills glow. But he rationally fears he might suffer consequences for such contributions.

Red says:

This isn’t a new topic, as far back as Moldbug we learned how the authorities induced white flight was commonly talked about. Claiming that whites were unable to fight blacks without state backing is both a lie and an insult the general fighting capabilities of whites.

I observed this first hand in the great darkie cleansing of LA after the LA riots. Mexican groups easily drove blacks off when the state did not to punish them for fighting back. Blacks only induce flight when state power crushes the people who try to defend themselves against it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Red, I’m genuinely confused. White’s that tried to fight back against negro encroachment were crushed, yes, but IIRC the northern whites didn’t fight back outside of pussified protests and grumbling in the back pages of low readership media offerings. They largely just let it happen. Even in the South, they only seemed to fight back whenever a Sherriff led the charge. Please correct me where I am wrong here, not trying to fight you on it, just trying to get my facts straight. Every instance I’ve found where non-blacks (Eyetalians ain’t white! lol) resisted violently was defensive only, with the black rebellions being put down by federal military forces (Newark, Detroit, etc.).

jim says:

The terrorism against white self defense started in the 1960s, and closer you were to Harvard, the earlier terror started.

S says:

Kunning, just look at the older race riots (like Tulsa or Chicago) and you will see white men fighting back. The sudden absence of white men fighting back is odd in the same way the lack of ‘rightist’ opinions being voiced in the aftermath of Mao’s anti-rightist purge is odd.

Neurotoxin says:

“Claiming that whites were unable to fight blacks without state backing is both a lie and an insult the general fighting capabilities of whites.”

You either didn’t read my first two paragraphs at 2022-08-23 at 00:50 or you’re pretending you didn’t. You did the same thing in “missing” my comment about group selection elsewhere in this thread. Cut it out.

Neurotoxin says:

“What he says is valuable and informative.”

Thanks Jim.

Starman says:

The lesson learned from Pooch’s shilling is to beware of new posters who eagerly fill up the comments section while flattering Jim 100% of the time without any constructive critique.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I don’t think Pooch is new — there are comments on from a user named “Pooch” (with a different cat avatar) from 2017, but since there wasn’t really anything sketchy about them I didn’t make a point of researchpoasting about it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Are the cat avatars a static thing? Is that a tool to be used to establish “identity?” I remember they were instituted due to some technical observations by someone who ended up being not one of us, but I didn’t follow the whole event…

jim says:

A cat avatar stably reflects your email address, unless I change the salt. There is a risk that the salt may leak. This is a fundamentally dangerous and evil design, patched from a design that automatically leaked all email addresses to a stable centralized repository. I have not done a proper fix on it, just shutdown the automatic leak to the central repository, and changed the salt to something long and random.

What is should do is generate a random cat avatar, and record a stable relationship between that and the email address.

jim says:

Shills just muddy the waters. They are not effective in spreading their stories. They are effective in making the each member of the vast majority think he is in a minority of one.

This is a huge problem in Christianity. Every Church is full of glowies confidently presupposing that foul demonic heresy is ancient orthodoxy, and no one pushes back on the demons because of Christian fellowship.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Reminds me of how East Germany fell. The Stasi kept everyone thinking that they were just a lone crank that hated what was going on. Then the accidental announcement that if you wanted to cross to West Germany during a specific window, it would be allowed. Hundreds of thousands showed up, realized they were not a lone crank, and the rest is history.

alf says:

I think that was him? Hard to say.

Honestly pretty impressed with the ‘immune response’ even in the case of a regular. Proof of concept of anti-shill defences right there.

Red says:

Any other regulars who start acting dodgy will get the shill test much faster next time. Nor did Glowie Pooch able to do any damage. He was just boring and ineffective.

Hesiod says:

For the record since I posted a fair bit recently, I’ve predominately lurked for a long time, having discovered Jim around the same time I did Moldbug, Land, and others in the Dark Enlightenment. This was shortly after the 2012 US presidential race.

If someone was charitable in describing me, I am the absentminded professor type, mostly useless except for certain obscure subjects that interest me. Conan and his creator REH are one such, so I thought I might be able to offer something interesting to you all.

Mostly, though, I prefer to read and learn from what’s posted on this site. Y’all are wicked smaht and I’m grateful to be a student here.

Help says:

Father German, Mother Ukrainian, baptized Orthodox as an infant but raised without religion.

As of last year I reconnected with a Russian Orthodox Church in an suburban area on the West Coast. The place isn’t perfect and certainly isn’t the slightest bit Jimian, but since they are normiecon the priest is at least are against abortion and gay marriage.

However, there is one thing that bothers me, the priest likes to have women read from the stand in front of the iconostasis. I usually ignore it, but something irked me recently to tell the priest my concerns, and he gave me a normiecon response.

For those familiar with other jurisdictions, is women reading prayers and reading from the lives of the saints in the middle of service normal? Is this a problem I should be concerned with?

jim says:

Pauline position very simple, very clear. Women should not speak in Church, nor teach men.

Having women in authority makes reproduction difficult and family unstable. It encourages women to pursue activities that always result in immorality and the thousand cock stare.

Anon says:

What about teachers
Should teaching be men exclusively?

jim says:

Men should teach boys, and old women with children should teach girls. Childless old women tend to turn evil and crazy unless they have helped raise a horde of nieces and nephews.

Boys should start off being taught by their mother and father, then ensure basic literacy and arithmetic with a test, school if they fail the test, then apprenticeship. They do not need to know long division and long multiplication, and only the smarter ones destined for higher apprenticeships need to know the principles of long division and multiplication.

As Paul rightly commands, priests should be recruited from men with well behaved children. The children of the elite get a longer education, mostly not to educate them but to arrange for them to hang out together (playing fields of Eton, not the classrooms of Eton, mostly sports, partying and social occaisions) and to ensure that they get raised in virtue, well behaved men with well behaved children teaching them.

17yo blonde female says:

>They do not need to know long division and long multiplication,

Precisely what kind of society do you think would have any use for the people your program produces?

Up until two hundred years ago, 95%-99% of everybody who ever lived was involved in agriculture and/or closely related fields, and could work with their hands. Today, somewhere under 5% of the population can produce all the food needed to feed everybody, with economies of scale that make it impossible to compete. The other 95% need to find something else to do with themselves.

Davos at least has a plan: that those who are capable should do brain work, and the others should drug themselves to death, possibly sterilizing themselves along the way. Ugly, but quiet, and comparatively humane as such things go.

Your plan produces what? A huge segment of the population with no useful or cost-effective skills for anything, no ability to change that, and deliberately avoiding providing them with any opportunity to break out of it.

This isn’t a formula for civilization – it’s a formula for self-cannibalism and collapse.

jim says:

> > They do not need to know long division and long multiplication,

> Precisely what kind of society do you think would have any use for the people your program produces?

Vastly better educated children than the current system produces.

Priests really cannot teach anything but priesting. Kids need to start apprenticeships as early as possible, preferably a while before puberty. They need to learn from men who do stuff and know how to do stuff.

Musk is teaching welders how to build rockets. Every transistor in the world is produced by an engineer who learned under an engineer who learned under … an engineer who learned under Shockley.

For a century, all steel in the world was produced by an engineer who learned under an engineer who learned under … an engineer who learned under Bessemer.

No one anywhere ever learned to build transistors at school or university.

Check the school curriculum. It is all disinformation or misinformation, or just bullshit that is not worth wasting anyone’s time. When I checked the schoolwork that my sons were doing, it was nonsense “How the brain works”. Nobody knows how the brain works, and the teachers were full of vaporous hot air.

I taught my sons. Which may be part of the reason they became engineers. Schooling and university was just bullshit. My kids were programming well before puberty, while your Computer Science MIT graduate is apt to think he has learned programming, but screws up on a slight variation of the fizzbuzz test. But he knows more than me about fifty seven genders. Disinformation and sheer ignorance. And, except about activities related to being a teacher or professor, can never be anything else.

Teachers who have no real life experience of anything other than teaching are in no position to teach anyone anything other than teaching about teaching. I speak from experience in raising sons, and experience in interviewing recent graduates.

Adam says:

Institutionalization is killing our work force. I think the term is “learned helplessness”. Young men only know how to ask permission and to ask someone to help them. That is all they have ever done.

If their father was not capable and competent, they are shit out of luck.

Pax Imperialis says:

“No one anywhere ever learned to build transistors at school or university.”

I learned and built a phased radar array with radar signal processing from scratch. Even got to go into a clean room and do some chemical etching for the microwave frequency circuits. Funny enough I checked the curriculum of my alma mater and both the course and the professor who taught it are gone. To think that 40 years ago my father went to the same university and got to fiddle around with a research nuclear reactor and look down into the core. The reactor was decommissioned long before I ever got to the university, but it’s just more evidence of a long trend of decline.

I guess what I’m getting at was that there was a time when it wasn’t all disinformation or misinformation and many lectures were fun and interesting even if wastes of time. I entered graduate school right about the same time the university started converging almost 10 years ago.

Had an engineering professor who was a former DARPA researcher with decades of industry experience during the heyday of the space race. Very smart man. Guy was pretty salty about all the possible lines of research the government cucked on.

He would occasionally start lectures with interesting problem sets that had implications the smarter students would recognize were things you could not do graduate research on under the current climate.

Had a number of professors who had very tight relationships with industry/research institutes and worked to cultivate the students who stood out. Unfortunately, nearly all of those professors are retired or pushed out.

“Computer Science MIT graduate is apt to think he has learned programming, but screws up on a slight variation of the fizzbuzz test.”

The rate of decline is significantly worse outside the MIT/CALTEC.

I was shamefully lazy during high school and went to a third rate university (consolation prize was that it was still a top 50 graduate program). I had a job where I handled office hours for an intro programming course and a significant number of students did not understand loops. There was this one girl who I spent 3 hours every week for the semester explaining how a loop works and she still did not understand by end of term. The professor still passed her because of reasons… 3 years latter and she graduated with an engineering degree. In fact many of the students who I saw had little to no understanding (I graded their exams) still passed the course. Shocking at the time because just 4-5 years prior that course, taught by a professor with 40 years of industry experience, used to have a 60% fail rate.

someDude says:

Hey 17 y.o. blond female. Newsflash! Most adults don’t know long division anyway and a majority of them are completely lost at fractions and decimals. This is what your present system produces after having taught them calculus in high school, having forced a highly expensive 14 year mathematical education on them.

Before you ask what Jim’s system will produce, ask yourself what the present system is producing.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Davos at least has a plan […] drug themselves to death, possibly sterilizing themselves along the way.”

This isn’t a formula for civilization – it’s a formula for self-cannibalism and collapse.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*The leftist tells us about a right he has never met, and what the left thinks it is*]

Starman says:


“Men should teach boys, and old women with children should teach girls. Childless old women tend to turn evil and crazy unless they have helped raise a horde of nieces and nephews.”

I noticed as a kid that these public school hags had the inability to distinguish good from evil.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Public school hags need to be hanged en masse.

Contaminated NEET says:

Burn the schools, salt the earth, and put the teachers’ and administrators’ heads on pikes. Legally and with due process, of course.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Jehu says:

I don’t have a problem with women reading from Scripture or a designated prayer book. It’s when there’s active editorial or other content from a woman that there’s a problem in my experience. The pastor asking a young girl to read, say, Luke 22:36 is perfectly ok. Inviting her to comment on it or do an exegesis on it isn’t. But that’s just my opinion. At my church we normally have someone read the Scripture that is the subject of the sermon from the pastor that follows, and that someone is often a teenager or preteen.

Help says:

The Matushka reads from the Lives of the Saints during the Communion of the Clergy, and sometimes there are women who read the prayers after Communion.

My priest says it is about keeping the congregation from noisy chit-chat during the service, but it bothers me. At least the Russian Church does not have women “readers” unlike the Greeks, but it feels off when a woman is standing over the congregation speaking for 10 minutes in the middle of the service.

My father recently passed away from liver cancer and the Lutheran “church” funeral service had a woman priest. I always kept quiet about it until then.

Help says:

Thing is, I travel almost an hour to this church, and it seems like I have no other options out there. What do I do?

jim says:

I have found that simply speaking the true faith to normies is astonishingly and surprisingly effective. They sit silently and stew on it for bit, but modify their behavior. But I have never tried it on priests, whom I suspect might well be more resistant. Please try it and report back.

Women speaking in Church is flatly and directly contrary to Christianity, scriptural doctrine, and Christian practice to the twentieth century, and, in my observation, women carrying out a role of authority over men will go looking for Jeremy Meeks and General Buck Naked. It leads to sexual immorality and the thousand cock stare. It is worse than women drinking alcohol in mixed groups without supervision by male kin.

Their pussy says “these men are not men, I will go someplace a real man will find me”. And then they do.

Neurotoxin says:

“Women speaking in Church is flatly and directly contrary to Christianity, scriptural doctrine, and Christian practice to the twentieth century”

Mulier taceat in ecclesia.

Help says:

There are no virgins in the church I attend, unless counting infants.

On the other hand, there are a number of unmarried childless aging women past the wall.

I will say what you have written above to my priest. I voiced my initial concern rather shyly out of fear.

But if there is no change I will leave and try to find a new church.

jim says:

When speaking, you speak for the Holy Spirit and God stands behind you. The man you address is cucked and beaten down, and needs to seek strength.

Adam says:

Easy way to vet a priest is ask them what a husband should do if his wife will not stop speaking back to him. His response should tell you everything you need to know about him and his church.

jim says:

You cannot expect him to speak the truth. As far as he knows, you might report him to the authorities.

But, if he is a genuine Christian, when he hears the truth it will hit him. The normie does not debate, he goes quiet.

Kunning Drueger says:

Another good test is ask them about their church’s stance on gay marriage. Ask cold, and don’t give any cues as to what answer you want to hear. It’s a good test because it checks their fortitude, honesty, depth of theological grasp, really a whole number of attributes.

Help says:

Haven’t responded to him yet, but he sent me these two articles after I spoke with him about the subject:

What do you make of these articles? Is the first article a new angle of attack on Christianity?

Neofugue says:

This quote from the first article stands out to me:

> And yet, the Church manifested its supra-historical nature to us. Females, too, within the limits of the great regard the Church showed toward the priesthood, shared in priestly grace. Have we forgotten, perhaps, that the diaconate has been held by females, that social order, Church law, and human nature” at times yield to the spiritual? We have forgotten.

Sounds very similar to “Jesus the Community Organizer was really an enlightened commie and not like those backwards nazi rednecks.”

The second article links to a Coptic site. Copts, btw, are heretics in the Orthodox view.

Only you can decide whether or not to leave, but if this is what your priest sends you it does not look good.

jim says:

“In the first place, there is nothing at all truly “traditional” about assigning a certain “nature” to women.”

Telling us that the tradition is the opposite of what it is bog standard entryism. Every shill on this blog is telling us we believe the opposite of what we believe. He is telling Christians that demon worship is traditional Christianity.

Definite demonic entryist

Now ordinarily I would say post Christian entryist, and not try to guess which kind of post Christian entryist, but if men and women do not have different natures, they are the same natural kind, and there is nothing terribly disturbing about schools transitioning your children. That is the rationale, and the “Point Deer make horse”. 指鹿為馬., of a demon worshiping human sacrifice cult. The bit about men and women not being natural kinds is their shibboleth, it is how they identify their fellow demon worshiping faithful.

He is not arguing for Women priests, he is arguing for the obliteration of nature.

Help says:

The first article disturbed me.

When I asked him about the women speaking in church, he told me women used to speak in the catacomb church. When I asked him his sources because academics lie, he was extremely offended and told me he only reads the church fathers. After the conversation he sends me the above articles.

Saying “I only read the church fathers” and then sending me articles written by academics would count as lying.

Should I still confront my priest, or is it too dangerous? He seemed like an honest normie conservative person before the conversation and him sending me those articles, perhaps I never knew him.

jim says:

> When I asked him about the women speaking in church, he told me women used to speak in the catacomb church.

What the catacomb Church did was deep underground, therefore, enemy shills are free to make up any Church tradition they like.

The proposition that women should be allowed to speak in Church is postChristian – it goes back to the Socinians, who rejected the eternity of Christ, and practiced entryism (hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou, fellow Christian) against the Christian Churches. They were not predominantly obvious demon worshippers.

The proposition that men and women do not have different natures is much more recent, and is a shibboleth of demon worshippers, among them demon worshipers practicing entryism against the Christian churches.

jim says:

> Saying “I only read the church fathers” and then sending me articles written by academics would count as lying.

The question is, is he a normiecon who is conceding a little bit to the entryists, and has believed their fake consensus is the real consensus, or is he an entryist who worships demons?

I don’t “confront” normies. I speak the truth (selectively, briefly, and at the right moment)

He might well be just a normiecon, who when called on conceding a little bit to the fake consensus, looked for some articles defending the fake consensus, and, to his genuine surprise, found that there are no articles that can plausibly be found in the Church fathers that can plausibly be construed as supporting the fake consensus, just modern demon worshipers telling us that the church fathers can plausibly be construed as supporting the fake consensus.

Maybe he genuinely reads only the Church fathers, but accepted the shill fake consensus about what the Church fathers say, or accepted that all genuine Christians except himself accept that fake consensus. On being called on it, went looking for the supposed consensus, and this is what he found.

When you tell confidently tell a normiecon that the consensus is something different from what the shills and hostile entryists have so confidently told him, it has tremendous impact. Particularly if you speak of the consensus of the communion of the Saints with the authority of God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

Starman says:


“In the first place, there is nothing at all truly “traditional” about assigning a certain “nature” to women.”

Looks like that was taken from the Gospel of Troons.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Neofugue says:

Archbishop Chrysostomos, the author of the first article, mandated clot-shots for his clergy while defrocking priests who did not comply and commemorated the head of the Ukrainian schismatics. He is a demon worshiper.

Kunning Drueger says:

Many brothers have given you good guidance, Help. It is not be necessarily your responsibility to address this pastor/priest that is being subsumed by post-Christianity. But Jim’s comment about just providing the (sadly unexpected or even unknown) truth is dead on the money. So many of our peers our fallen and lost by default, not by choice, and providing an alternative memeplex, even just implying that there is one, can be powerfully effective.

jim says:

Normiecons are apt to be surprised and relieved on hearing the fake consensus denied.

Fidelis says:

I lost hope for amerikaaners when speaking the truth on women and negros to otherwise /based/ normies above ~30. They cannot accept it, vehemently deny the easiest of redpills on either, imply my immorality as they change the subject. Their fate is deserved.

jim says:

Not seeing it.

I routinely and regularly speak to normies in their forties, fifties, and sixties, and they are fine on hearing truth, and respond positively.

Of course I tend to not speak to normies about such matters until they have had a beer or two. Truth serum. If you want to hear the truth from people, need some truth serum, and if you try the truth without it, will get lies in response, resulting in hostility and friction.

Try speaking to Amerikaners in person after a few beers.

They are not going to respond to the truth truthfully when texted, but will, of course, vehemently, indignantly, and passionately deny the truth.

Kunning Druegger says:

Fidelis, you aren’t necessarily wrong, but please permit a (possibly useless) anecdote.

Even as a leftist faggot, I never had a problem with pointing things out to people if I felt they needed to be said. This made me quite popular in high school when I would embarrass teachers, and quite unpopular after high school when I would speak my mind to women. Over many years of speaking up and suffering the consequences, I have learned to temper my delivery somewhat. Oftentimes, I just extricate myself from a situation where I know I will not be able to avoid saying something. But it has never gone away. When God led me to NRx (so I would find Jim, obviously), he “cursed” me with the blessing of having important things that needed to be said at my disposal. It all seemed so obvious to me, and I took every opportunity to speak up and point things out. Obviously, this got me nowhere. No matter how obvious, no matter how provable, my words fell on deaf ears. As Jim has correctly pointed out, crimestop makes wrongthink impossible, indeed that’s the whole point. I was not dropping redpills on my university classes, I was babbling in an incomprehensible foreign language. Learning this was quite the blow to my self-esteem. I felt as if I had wasted so much time, so many words… much later, though, I had a bit of a revelation. I don’t think a single person I have tried to redpill has been reached, but many other people, people I didn’t know where there, did hear what I said. My efforts have had a profound influence on people, maybe more so than I even know about. If my goal was to construct Gotcha moments then be lauded for my truthing (it sadly was for a while), then I was just an NRx Pharisee. So now, I try to craft a memetic cluster bomb that has wide area affect, and just move on. Even if I actually convince someone to look behind the curtain, it will take a lot of time for them to be affected by what they find.

As much as is tactically possible, we, the priests and paladins of Jimian Christianity, must continue to speak the truth on negros, women, family, governance, race, technology, on every topic that earns the vaunted “on topic” nod in this forum. I am not talking about sandwich boards and street preachers (as hilariously based as that may be), I am talking about influencing influencers. Look at the whole Andrew Tate affair. That dude was dropping Jimian pills left and right, and young men ate it up and demanded more. It was so effective, shills have come here, to the literal source of his memes, and tried to act like we need to distance ourselves from him because of, like, human trafficking or some gay shit. men are hungry for what Jimian Christianity has to offer, and I believe it is our duty to provide it, whether that is directly or though intermediaries.

I am not exhorting you to do as I say or do, I know we have fundamental disagreements on What Is To Be Done. But I am telling you that it is having an impact, we just can’t see it, nor can we predict what the causal relationships are between the Truth and the Masses.

Fidelis says:

No no no jim you don’t understand. Niggers are americans too. In fact theyve been here so long theyre more american than the irish, who were also black by the way. Racism is affected only as a self effacement, ‘I’m low class therefore I hate blacks the smelly niggers, but I’m not really racist I love blacks.’ They’re schizo about it because theyre in fact retarded, don’t know what’s good for them, and destined for the trashheap world to come. Smarter people will look at you with terror in their eyes before you get to the crimethink, just going close is enough for them.

It’s even worse when it comes to speaking the truth on women. Nothing but weird looks for subtly suggesting women don’t make good choices on who they have sex with. Suggesting well, maybe she likes getting beaten and abused if she keeps sticking around in relationships like that, huh? Let alone anything substantial. Oh but sure you can make some stupid “women like bad boys” comment, but you cannot point out that bad boy means some retard unqualified for sweater folding that beats her and sells her drugs.

Normies have been wildly unable to see or speak truth, even quietly without commitment, on these topics. Very consistent. Tried lots of different deliveries. If I just hit them head on it goes over their heads. If I suggest subtly that maybe things are wrong with the way “the consensus” regards things, I get weird looks, conversation just continues on. I suspect most of your experience “red pilling” and speaking the truth to normies falls into the buckets of either inconsequential truth, “girls like bad boys”, or failure to grasp the nature of your crimethought.

Adam says:

I hang around a rough crowd, but many are purple pilled, and the guys I have spoken truth around, about women, blacks, Jews and other minorities, have all responded positively. Even without the beer. Most laugh and agree, even if they do not speak it themselves.

A couple rejected the truth outright, totally and entirely. And I’ve seen one guy do the NPC shutdown.

This blog and others like it have undone some 5-600 years of social conditioning and gaslighting. That’s not easy. Most guys just are not going to have the words to describe the bullshit that clown world is made of. But they can certainly feel it and sense it.

jim says:

> Most guys just are not going to have the words to describe the bullshit that clown world is made of. But they can certainly feel it and sense it.

Exactly so. In a normie, it is non verbal and non conscious. But it is there. Our language has been systematically impoverished to deny them the words in which to speak about it and think about.

Rectification of names. We have words and concepts for what they are denied. Our words are a bit complex, and invoke complex theories. The meme warriors boil this down to essential essence, and that reaches the normies.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim, Beer = truth serum: Years ago, feminist acquaintance who was even bitchier than most. One night at a bar, after 2 or 3 beers:

“I want a man who I think could crush me.”

Kunning: “I try to craft a memetic cluster bomb that has wide area affect, and just move on.”

I read somewhere that it’s not the first time that a person hears a new idea, that makes it stick in their minds. It’s the second time. So you might be the first person to drop a red pill on someone and just get a blank look. But you’re seeding the ground for the second person to mention the same idea later, and start getting traction.

Yul Bornhold says:

First article says:

“In the first place, there is nothing at all truly “traditional” about assigning a certain “nature” to women.”

Jim denounces as demon worship.

Later in the article, the author writes:

“Moreover, our intellects and senses teach us that women and men differ. We border on the insane (not an unusual thing in these bizarre times) if we deny the biological roles of men and women in procreation. These roles are verified by the external, physical distinctions of gender. And even the most radical psychological portrayals of men and women readily admit to fundamental differences between the sexes in cognitive style and mental functioning.”

The author directly contradicts himself. What are “fundamental differences between the sexes in cognitive style and mental functioning” if not our “nature”?

If you were to put this mess of words into a clear text, it would be something like this: “Men and women are different but that doesn’t imply traditional roles because.”

I’m sorry that “because” is so abrupt but all of his reasons are so wriggly that there’s no way to sum them up.

For example, this segment (not a paraphrase): “Thus it is that we must not speak too boldly about women in society. If “Kinder und Kuche” are our banner words, we discredit those holy women who surpassed human nature.”

i.e. “The existence of holy women who excelled in the Church proves that women should not be confined to the Church.”

But I don’t like to denounce as demon worship. A demon worshiper would deny that there is such a thing as nature (which he does) but a demon worshiper would not sincerely affirm that there is such a thing as nature (which he also does). I say sincere because he emphatically and unambiguously denies that women have any place in the priesthood.

To borrow from Dalrock, what’s happening here is analogous to conservative opposition to women getting the vote. Cons instinctively knew it was a bad idea but they had no idea why so they invented a really dumb reason. “Uhhh… women are so pure and good that politics would just corrupt them.” Likewise, this guy knows that women have no place in the priesthood but he dislikes the true reason and instead comes up with a mess of obfuscation.

When a conservative holds dumb conservative reasons for the correct view, I don’t think he’s an entryist. He’s just cuckserving and this is the same thing.

jim says:

> But I don’t like to denounce as demon worship. A demon worshiper would deny that there is such a thing as nature (which he does) but a demon worshiper would not sincerely affirm that there is such a thing as nature (which he also does).

The father of lies.

The article is a pile of pious orthodox affirmations mixed with evil insane affirmations.

Much as the stuff I keep deleting from Anonymous Fake and Vlad is a mixture of heartfelt reactionary positions, and wild eyed far leftism.

What tells you that Vlad and Anonymous Fake are in the service of the enemy is not that they embrace contradictions. As you point out, normiecons embrace contradictions, and the heart of Christianity is a set of the biggest possible contradictions.

It is which end of the contradiction they embrace. Vlad can rant about rich powerful evil Jews all day long, but is unable to notice any actual evil actions carried out by a particular rich powerful evil Jew.

Vlad says “It is the Jews” but cannot see any actual evil acts. A normiecon is the other way around, seeing particular evil acts and not “the Jews”

This guy is not a normie. He worships demons, because his contradictions are the reverse of the contradictions of a normie trying to rationalize the Christian exclusion of women from authority.

Yul Bornhold says:

Second article is Coptic, i.e. schismatic, but it’s just basic conservative anti-feminism. Am sure you can find plenty Orthodox who believe it, plenty of Baptists, plenty of whatever.

“Feminism will have you believe that there is a very real and very strong conflict between morality and equality and the Church, or equality and the Bible, or equality and the concept of God, which doesn’t exist.”

What does “equality” mean in this sentence? It doesn’t have a meaning. It’s just a feel-good word.

The social implications of “equality” keep changing. Once upon a time, it meant that rulers should be elected by ballot. Now it means that taking it up the ass is the same thing as actual sex.

This is voodoo. A linguistic totem used to justify whatever people want to justify.

Now you could say that people or groups are equal in some specific aspect. You might say that Mongolians are equal to white Europeans in IQ. That’s a real statement with appreciable true/false value. But they’re not equal in skin color.

This is the progressive shell game:

Pr: “Mongolians have the same IQ as Europeans, right?”

Normie: “Yes.”

Pr: “So they’re equal.”

Normie: “Sure.

Pr: “If they’re equal, then they have the same skin color because equal means same. Lawgic trapped.”

Blanket “equality” is a an anti-concept that must be rejected if you want any rational discourse. Talk specific values or qualities or shut up.

Neofugue says:

What bothers me regarding the first article is not Archbishop Chrysostomos’ positions on feminism, but the way in which he states them. Much of what he says is to a great degree simply gay, such as the quote below:

Do we, as Orthodox, finally, deny the ministry to women? No! Nor do we guarantee it to men.

In other words, standard basic feminism regarding men and women being equal in positions of authority. However, there are other quotes which are more sinister:

They are the wards of a dimension where extremes do not exist, where all truth is witnessed in the royal way, in the mystical truth encompassed only by moderation.

This strikes me as similar to Origen’s allegorization of scripture, in which he applies the “spiritual not literal” heuristic in an attempt to align himself with the Pagan philosophers. One moderates with regard to praxis, but never with ideology. Do we “moderately” believe in the infallibility of the church? The infallibility of scripture? The truths of the Ecumenical Councils? Do we “moderately” believe in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? This method of thinking is common among uneducated normiecons either midwits or of average or below average intelligence, but for an intelligent and learned man said thinking is of a demonic entryist.

In my comment above, I linked not only to Archbishop Chrysostomos defrocking clergy who refused the injection and him commemorating schismatics, but also him attacking his fellow clergy. He stated in an interview, “If I had killed their parents or siblings, they wouldn’t have done this to me. They poured out acid and bile. I haven’t done anything to them to justify this hostility.”

These are not the words of a proper Christian bishop.

On the other hand, the Coptic article was standard “I can stay retarded longer than you can stay solvent” Conservatism. With all respect to Help, unless his priest is highly intelligent, I do not believe that he is necessarily a demonic entryist.

The Cominator says:

“But I don’t like to denounce as demon worship. A demon worshiper would deny that there is such a thing as nature (which he does) but a demon worshiper would not sincerely affirm that there is such a thing as nature (which he also does). I say sincere because he emphatically and unambiguously denies that women have any place in the priesthood.”

The devil can quote scripture for his purposes…

Kunning Druegger says:

Neofugue, what are Archbishop Chrysostomos’ connections to the US State Department or the Intelligence Community, if any? The whole affair with the Ukraine Situation in Orthodoxy, of which I am only slightly informed, has the fingerprints of GAE meddling all over it, including but not limited to Mike Pompeo being involved in the decision.

jim says:

What is revealing is what he does not want you to see – the important data is not anything he says, which is meaningless nonsense intended to distract and confuse, but what is unsaid, the unspoken presuppositions about the Christian faith, the assumed consensus which is wildly different from the actual consensus of the communion of the saints, revealing what he he seeks to deny, which unspoken denial reveals the author’s monstrous and demonic intent.

Nothing he says matters, it is all utter nonsense intended to distract and confuse. The only thing that matters is what he is strangely unable to say, the false consensus of the communion of the Saints implied, presupposed, and taken for granted, but never actually stated. (Because everyone already supposedly already knows that that is the consensus of the communion of the Saints)

What an enemy entryist says is just nonsense and lies intended to distract you, confuse you, to overwhelm you with squid ink, to muddy the water, and to make you look away from what matters.

What you must instead pay attention to is what he is implicitly assuming and taking for granted as consensus, the false consensus, and what is true and relevant, but somehow strangely unmentionable, the actual consensus true facts that are right in everyone’s faces that he fails to notice, and the false consensus he never explicitly states, but takes for granted.

Pay no attention to what he says. It is all flim flam, lies, nonsense, and distractions. Hear what he is strangely unable to say.

Karl says:
Nikolai says:

Women don’t speak during any part of the liturgy at a Tridentine Latin Mass, no female altar servers either. I’d give it a try if you can find one near you.

clovis says:

Women are not permitted to lead any part of the service or serve as acolytes/servers in my confessional Lutheran congregation. This is true in pretty much all confessional Lutheran congregations that aren’t aping evangelical worship, although many will allow girls to light the candles. Up until the 70’s they weren’t allowed to vote in congregational meetings either or serve on the church council; their husbands had to represent the whole family in meetings. We are working toward this being the norm again and I am confident that as boomers die off it will change of itself.

clovis says:

It’s debatable whether women should even be allowed to speak in bible class or catechesis and ask questions. According to 1 Corinthians 14 they really ought to ask their husbands for the answer at home.

Yul Bornhold says:

As you say, what’s bothering you is that the priest *likes* to put women forward much more than what’s they’re actually doing, which is rather minor.

I had a similar experience early-on at a Church where the priest denounced racism. Of course, he meant this in the boomer sense, that it’s not Christian to lynch negroes as recreation, after fishing, on a Sunday afternoon. He did not mean it in the sense that whitebreads possess the anima of oppression and that their evil psychic waves are the direct cause of minority under-performance. He probably wasn’t even aware that’s the most prominent interpretation of racism in America today.

So, I figured out it wasn’t a worthwhile thing to fret about.

In the same way, your priest has imbibed some egalitarian notions of man and woman. He’s wrong but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong in all the ways that pussy hat feminism is wrong.

Mike in Boston says:

Dear brother, I am glad you reconnected with the Church. Let me humbly submit that although, as you mention, your parish may not be perfect (my parish isn’t perfect; I doubt any parish is perfect, although the one I grew up in was darned good) I don’t think women reciting the after-Communion prayers is a red flag in and of itself.

For those who aren’t Orthodox, these are prayers written over a thousand years ago by Saint Basil, Saint Simeon Metaphrastes, and other men, not something that the Matushka is coming up with on the spot. For a woman to be reading the standard texts, without embellishment, as directed to do that by the (male) priest, seems as normal to me as having women sing in the choir.

A parish is like a family– we call the priest Father and his wife Matushka, a diminutive of the Russian word for mother. What’s important is that the priest, like a father, exercises his proper role of authority. But some of that authority is delegated to the mother.

This week I told my wife, “The garage door pulleys and springs need replacing, but I’m busy in the office so I need you to arrange it. Call Bob and Mary across the street, find out who did theirs, and have them come give you a quote. If it’s under X hundred bucks, have them come do the work.” She did just that. But she wasn’t acting independently. I made the decision and she executed it.

This is a shitty analogy; a better one would have involved children. Because, as your priest said, he is having her recite those prayers aloud to keep the parishioners, the “children”, from yakking inappropriately. He can’t do it himself; he’s busy inside the altar serving the Liturgy. He has delegated, but maintains, his authority.

I have often seen the Communion prayers read aloud by chanters who may be men or women, depending on who’s there that day; but it has always been at the chanter’s stand or from the choir loft.

I do agree that it’s weird, and probably not appropriate, to have a woman stand in front of the iconostasis facing outward, in the physical position of teaching the congregation. That gives the physical impression that she is taking over the priest’s role of teaching, usurping his authority. Whereas when the prayers are recited by someone standing with other congregants, there is no suggestion that he or she is in a position of authority.

Saint Paul says “I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence”. The wisdom of this is borne out by the fact that the Protestant sects where women recently got authority have gone off the rails, and the pagan religions with priestesses were bloodthirsty and evil.

But where St. Paul speaks of silence here, I think it is as the negation of women getting up and preaching, not as a literal and total prohibition. If the latter, we would prohibit women from singing in the choir, which is not something I have ever heard any Orthodox writer ever advocate. Singing in the choir carries no authority; if anything, the reverse.

If a priest accepts the spirit of St. Paul’s teaching, but just interprets it less literally, I think that’s not so bad.

I can think of an extreme case. Many years ago at a moleben to a newly glorified saint, our bishop, a masculine and God-fearing man and by no means a loosey-goosey liberal, was preaching to us on the life of that saint. He mentioned that one of the congregation present had been healed miraculously after praying to that saint and asked her, a middle-aged woman, to stand up and tell the story. While she spoke he continued standing, leaning on his bishop’s staff, in front of the congregation and when she was done and sat down, he thanked her and continued preaching.

It was unprecedented and felt weird to have a woman stand up and speak in church, and some might say he was violating St. Paul’s command. But I think he would have said that he was acting in accordance with St. Paul’s words on men having authority. She didn’t sermonize on her own. She just told her story as he directed. He maintained his physical and spiritual authority in the church.

I agree with Yul Bornhold when he writes that what’s really bothering you, maybe appropriately, is the attitude of the priest. Hopefully your priest is also on board with St. Paul and just interprets his words possibly too loosely. But even if he’s a bit squishy– people do learn. In the meantime, if you don’t have another option for a church around, remember that perfection is rare in this world. Tough times are ahead, and best to be part of an imperfect parish than be atomized and on your own.

jim says:

> I agree with Yul Bornhold when he writes that what’s really bothering you, maybe appropriately, is the attitude of the priest.

The priest, likely a normiecon, defends a questionable position with texts from a demon worshiper, being unable to find support among the Church fathers. Being a normiecon, probably accepts that the position that there is no difference between men and women is an mere arbitrary convention is the consensus and always has been. It is not consensus now, and it was not even on the horizon of the Church fathers.

Cloudswrest says:

“While everyone would celebrate a car bombing campaign against the neocons …”

I’m dying, LOL! From today’s Zblog essay.

This is exactly what Mearsheimer has been warning of for months. While everyone would celebrate a car bombing campaign against the neocons, these things never go as planned and quickly become a new problem. Killing Dugin would have angered Russia, but killing his daughter infuriates the world. It underscores the fact that Western leaders are gangsters without scruples. They will kill everyone if that is what it takes to reach the end times they are pursuing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A few neocons dying in car bombs is just the price we have to pay to enjoy a multicultural society.

The Cominator says:

LOL based.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a post from the Leaflads at ASB on TGram:

“Just to put the current conflict in Ukraine into perspective:
In 1991 Iraq, USA has fired 60,000 rounds for the entire gulf war.
Russia fires this in one day.
The NATO industrial base is not capable of such production numbers.
Europe is not capable of producing an arsenal capable to stand up to the Russian military.

Expert opinion:
According to ex-US marine corp officer Scott Ritter, the British would run out of ammunition in 2 weeks in a war against Russia. Scott Ritter said they would “not even last 2 weeks because they’d lose their entire army by then.”

According to Scott, NATO has been demilitarized. Even the United States,
According to Scott, has run out of rounds for their most important systems which are meant to break down the Russian military — in event of conflict.

Scott says that the Russian military, according to leaked documents by Ukrainian ministry of defense itself — inflicted 250,000 casualties onto the Ukrainians. This is 3x the size of Britain’s entire standing army.

Scott estimates that before the war, no European military would stand in a conflict with the Ukrainian army. He explains that the Ukrainian military would decimate Poland, Germany, Romania, etc.

Having internal knowledge due to his US military background/connections, Scott is aware of the level of support, training and supplies to the Ukrainian military since 2014. Scott describes the pre-2022 Ukrainian military as best combat equipped in Europe with more battle experience than any other army in Europe.

Scott Ritter estimates 15,000 combined casualties for Russia and its allies, this is inline with our previous estimation.

Ukrainians are losing thousands of men without ever seeing a Russian soldier face to face. This is inline with the videos we saw from various Ukrainian units who refused to fight and called on the Ukrainian authorities to pull them out of battle. They said the exact same thing. The casualty ratio between Russia and Ukraine is simply jaw dropping. These are numbers we have not seen in modern history.

Russia is doing this with 200k men, a peace time economy. Russia has not mobilized. Russia has employed 20% of its capability.

One more thing to add: while looking at maps, we only see “small advance” arrows. Small advance arrows accomplish one thing, they demilitarize Ukraine and inflict heavy casualties on the Ukrainians without putting Russian lives at danger. Russia is not on a timed schedule here. They have no reason to rush. Anyone who studied history, especially WW2 battles — is aware that big arrow map moves cost big casualties. Thousands of men die. There’s simply no reason for this. In fact, the longer Russia drags this out, the more they demilitarize Europe and drain the United States military supplies and funds.

At the same time, the Russian military is now the most combat experienced military in the world. The longer this drags on, the more soldiers get combat experience due to rotations. The more pilots get to perfect their skills, navy, intelligence, etc.

No modern military has fought a war even remotely similar to the Ukrainian war. This is not a war where the enemy gets bombed to oblivion by aviation, cities get turned into rubble and soldiers then move in like heroes with minimal resistance— this is ground warfare in its purest form; artillery battles, territorial conquest. This is where individual skills and strategy are crucial.

The world has not seen anything like this since WW2. Russia will demilitarize Ukraine. Russia will reach its goals. No magical weapon can change that. No one with military background doubts this.”

I am wondering if Basil in particular would care to comment on this opinion, which I personally find compelling but cannot ascertain the veracity thereof. Basil has consistently argued that the SMO has been a blunder, a mistake that handicaps Russia going forward. This assertion by ASB is a technical refutation of that assertion. This is not to say that there aren’t other issues and problems created by the SMO, but I think we can put to bed the idea that the SMO is weakening Russia *in comparison with what it is doing to the GAE.*

I am also wondering what your take is, Jim, on the strategic doctrine intimated by the ASB assertion. Yes, the RF started on a bad foot, and it is not quite IEW yet, but it is a form of warfare, a full spectrum assault on combined opposition, that does not preclude a transition to IEW. The downsides possible are significant; the current situation in Crimea is notable, as the AFU and their NATO handlers appear to be charting the capabilities of the RF air defense umbrella over the peninsula, potentially for long term strategic purposes by figuring out the limits of their air defense capabilities at the expense of “Ukrainian” assets (meaning American taxpayer funded NATO baubles lol). But here as well, ASB asserts (in a different post) that the RF is only using the export variants of their AD systems, and the dichotomy between the export and domestic variants is, according to ASB, vast.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I did notice that during the beginnings of the conflict, when Ukraine still had an operable air force, that the weapons systems that the evil Russians were employing against the noble and innocent Ukrainian people were the older models. Air defense systems that had been replaced by newer versions were being used. Older tanks were being used as fire support. A lot of Soviet-Era arms. This was used as an example of how both poor and dumb Russians are and also, simultaneously, how calculating and evil they are.

What went unremarked upon was the fact that they are using their older weapons and still beating the Uke military like they aren’t even there. Given that Russian military engineering tends to incremental improvements and iteration to make advancements, their most modern weapons have got to be terrifyingly effective. The fact that their artillery was able to locate and destroy American artillery does not bode well for the GAE’s chances in a serious conflict.

Varna says:
Kunning Druegger says:

The generational gap regarding RF systems made by ASB seemed a bit extreme, but given how abysmal the HIMARS is compared to its equivalents (and using that term is a stretch), we shouldn’t be surprised to find that the entire panoply of the GAE arsenal is in terrible shape for a real hot war.

Col. MacGregor maintains that the one area GAE has an actual edge is in submarines.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Russians don’t put women on subs, do they?

Kunning Druegger says:

That’s a very good question, Wulfgar. Cursory search:

I broke down and watched the new Top Gun the other day. Honestly, genuinely entertaining. Only stands out due to the Woke Wave that is ongoing, and loaded with multi-kulti, diversity == strength BS. The USAF pilots cadre is ~7% female across the board, and this embarrassment of an article was found:

Title: “Finally, ‘Top Gun’ has a female pilot. Real life should catch up.”

Savor the lunacy, courtesy of Eileen Bjorkman lol.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

The wokeness is certainly grating but thankfully it’s mostly reserved for the start of the film. All the monkeys and femoids are irrelevant after halfway in. The film’s central narrative involves the character development of a White man, a White-passing man (Jewish actor), and a third White man. Notably the cocky third guy started out looking destined to be the film’s designated ebul colonial obbressor but he’s ultimately redeemed without massively altering his personality. The worst kick in the teeth the film has I would say is the famous pilot letting himself get hitched to a 50yo former girlfriend. The last bit aside, it seems clear that the producers were just paying the minimally-demanded diversity tax tax before getting to the film’s meat and I’m surprised Hollywood let a film this undisresprectful of Red America and Warrior culture get released in 2022.

Kunning Druegger says:

I thought it was well done and very respectful to the original offering. The callbacks, nods, and literal copy/pastes from the OG film were excellent. The film didn’t get up its own ass about being realistic, electing to be fun and exciting instead. Just like the original, the notion behind the geopolitics is just a zany nothing (a “breakaway rogue nation” with every SU-57 extant to guard a Dr. Evil style “evil weapon material” lol) because we just need an excuse to film fighter jets going fast. The diversity tax will preclude it from the halls of classic cinema once films start to be made again, but whatever, it’s a thumb in the eye of the establishment. Multiple instances of explicit dialogue that’s basically “You’re done, white man.” and Cruise responding “Maybe so, but not today.”

All in all, definitely worth a watch. The KD minimum for passable or better film is in-camera effects + actual footage, and it passed with flying colors. Excellent cinematography; Tony Scott would be proud.

Jim has eluded to the fact that the Cathedral is incapable of seeing thoughtcrime if it’s too pure/extreme, and I thik there are elements of that movie that would have tripped many sensors *if* they actually had good “red team” capabilities. But they don’t. This means, potentially, that certain types of thoughtcrime are literally active camouflage for certain memetic payloads…

Red says:

I found out why they’re able to field any female pilots at all. They’ve built a automatic carrier landing system. Female pilots don’t even attempt to land manually. Of course the chances of that system working during war conditions… probably slim.

Varna says:

Article on Rus financial times lamenting the lack of women in Russian subs.

jim says:


A whole lot of brightly glowing entryists left Russia for western Europe when Russia was cut off from SWIFT and western business left Russia. I assume their pay stopped coming.

They generally stole everything not nailed down and set fire to the rest immediately before they got on their plane.

Varna says:

Article is 31st Dec 2021

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Then probably Western entryists. It would be illuminating to track that writer down and see where he is now, and what rus Financial Times is writing like today.

Kunning Druegger says:

Cursory search yielded scant results. Author is credited as IRINA ORLONSKAYA, and a google search turned up a single hit, an article reposted on some sort of blog site:

A review of “FTIMES” Editorial staff page is a null result:

Gut instinct says either nom de plume OR fake name, but a native Slavbro might have better luck searching the Russian internet, as splinternet is quietly becoming a reality.

Anon says:

250,000 Ukrainian casualties to 15,000 Russia +Russian allied casualties are insane numbers. If these numbers were true than it would be a complete and utter failure that Russia has not captured Kiev and the entire country at this point and is instead slowly gaining ground inch by inch.

These numbers are many many times more optimistic than even the highest and most optimistic Russian official estimates.

jim says:

War of attrition.

Nothing much happens until the losing side has gotten rid of all the young men that the rulers never much liked and do not really want around. (That being the usual reason why you get a war of attrition, that one side is frightened of its own officers and dislikes the men it is conscripting.)

In a war of attrition, the front line does not move much until one side is wiped out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which will have unfortunately catastrophic effects of the genetic patrimony of Malorossiya.

An eventuality that the Kremlin, while grimly resolved to now, as is necessary, seemed to want to avoid; but tragi-ironically brought about by *insufficient* willingness at first to inflict damage in the opening movements.

Red says:

An eventuality that the Kremlin, while grimly resolved to now, as is necessary, seemed to want to avoid; but tragi-ironically brought about by *insufficient* willingness at first to inflict damage in the opening movements.

Putin wanted to save his Ukrainian brother’s lives and his soft hearted behavior may ultimately resulted in the deaths of millions of Ukrainians. Weakness is always punished.

jim says:

> These numbers are many many times more optimistic than even the highest and most optimistic Russian official estimates.


I don’t believe the Russians are giving official estimates of Ukrainian casualties. These numbers sound plausible to me, given the tactics that the sides are applying. Ukraine is acting like it wants Ukrainians dead.

Doom says:

The war didn’t start february, it’s been going on for at least 8 years.

The Ukrainians have many fortifications and significantly more manpower.

The Russians are gaining ground slowly because they cannot afford to lose men, and also – the soldiers believe they are defending the civilians.

But even then- consider – how many battles have been fought where the defenders outnumbers the attackers *and the attackers continue to gain ground*?

Kunning Druegger says:

Purported leaked document from Ukraine states:

At the beginning of July, the armed forces include:

dead – 76640
wounded – 42704;
prisoners – 7244;
missing – 2816; non-combat losses – 1610.

Total – 131014 people. (Casualties are gross total combat ineffective)

The Cominator says:

It really is almost all artillery casualties. More dead than wounded and almost no prisoners.

Karl says:

Desertion must be part of “prisoners” and “missing”. Not much apparently. Desertion seems to be difficult

The Cominator says:

Ukraine I think uses methods the Reich used in 1945 to keep their army from distegrating. Roaming Azov niggers in the rear area who just kill everyone who can’t show written orders as to why they are there (lookup “drumhead court martials”).

I would think some of the Ukes would try to desert to the Russians though.

jim says:

Desertion is difficult until everyone deserts simultaneously, which seems to be what happened in the collapse of Severodonetsk Lysychansk and the attempted Kherson offensive. If the document is genuine, most of those deserters were eventually rounded up.

jim says:

That is getting close to the limit at which an army collapses. At that rate, a few more months.

The Global American Empire strategy was forever war. The vastly wealthier west would exhaust the economic capacity of Russia. The Russian economy is not yet showing signs of stress. The Ukrainian army is showing signs of stress consistent with this document being genuine.

someDude says:

250K military casualties or military + civilian combined?

Has to be combined. If it was 250K military, Ukraine would have surrendered by now. The entire UKR army would have deserted. Hell, the French surrendered to the Germans in WW2 after suffering around 350K casualties.

Ritter is trying to tell us that a country that allows Gay parades in 2022 and a TFR 2 and no gay parades?

someDude says:

Sorry, my last question should have been

Ritter is trying to tell us that a country that allows Gay parades in 2022 and a TFR less than 1.33 is doing better than a major world power in 1940 that had a TFR greater than 2 and no gay parades?

Not sure why my comment got mangled like that. I posted it exactly this way.

jim says:

French in World War I lost over one million men in an army that had seven million fighting men, and won.

But that is the limit. Your army is apt to collapse at ten percent casualties.

someDude says:

Right, so if the 250K number claimed by Ritter is correct, how are the Ukrainians still fighting? They can’t possibly have an army of 2.5 million or more.

Anon says:

Ukraine only has about 300,000-500,000 soldiers. Do you really think it’s realistic that half or more of the soldiers have been casualties but they still haven’t collapsed?

Kunning Druegger says:

I think it is possible. Consider how many Hohols were conscripted into the AFU. The professional army of UKR has been annihilated, and the remnant are being used to “judas goat” the conscripts into the trenches.

Anon says:

If 50%-80% of Ukraine’s soldiers have been killed, even taking the generous and higher estimates of how many soldiers they have at face value, and most soldiers left are only pathetic khokhols, why is Russia still only gaining ground inch by inch day by day?

Kunning Druegger says:

Theoretically, if Side Z wishes to grind down the full panoply of military capacity of Sides A through G, it would be in their best interest to prolong the conflict and pull as many resources as A-G will voluntarily commit. So long as A-G keep pouring in money and equipment, and Z keeps on destroying it or taking it, Z should keep the situation “the same.” If they move to quickly, the money and resources will stop being poured into the bottomless pit, but they must keep moving to keep the “disappearing act” going.

Whether this is actually what’s happening or not, I don’t know. But it seems like a pretty nifty trick to reduce NATO’s strategic reserves, gain a ton of intel on available assets, strategies, and info sources, literally collect weapons left on the battlefield or sold to them by UKR (this is happening, many such cases), and collapse the largest opposition military in the European Theater.

The GAE core leadership is incapable of war fighting, and they appear to be dragging their useful idiots down with them in the EU. As the Great Reset initiatives continue, domestic opposition will grow, and grow more fierce. For at least a decade, RF espionage and intel forces have been propping up climate radicals and woke NGOs. These things are not disconnected. The RF has been planning this since at least 2014. There are just too many moving parts for a simplistic explanation that accurately covers all the various particulars, but if you step way back and look at the unfolding Operation, the RF has one main goal: reduce existential threat from the GAE. Comparing the GAE on 20 February 2022 and current day, has this been accomplished? I think it has, and I think it will continue. A possible proof for my assertion is whether the RF goes after GAE satellite constellations. They can’t do much to the GAE combined navies, but they could blind their “top cover,” meaning they will have neutered the GAE on land and in the air.

someDude says:

@Kunning, hard to believe that an army of a country with a low TFR (essentially means no male ownership of women) and Gay parades can keep fighting after losing half their fighting men. The remnant would just surrender or desert. What exactly are they fighting for?

Kunning Druegger says:

The Gay Parade Incapacity thesis is actually quite narrow: sodomite converged governments cannot win wars. Losing slowly or quickly, sacrificing the seed corn, slowly atrophying under countless “modernization” and “equity boosting” programs, burning through assets and materiel; all of these things could be happening, and it doesn’t disprove the thesis. At no point has the AFU been on the offensive. Never. Contrary to the assertions being made in February through May (even on this blog, I might add), the RF is not losing the propaganda war, it is not suffering handicapping levels of destruction or casualties, and they are not being finacially or militarily run down.

The AFU was decimated in the first month (this means 1 in 10, btw and I hate how it is misused), and their professional army is functionally destroyed. Now, they are just filling trenches with conscripts about as fast as the RF is clearing them out, maybe a bit slower, which is why the “advance” is slow. I believe the RF has achieved their territorial aims, as well they have achieved most of the de-nazification in regards to the military (my guess is that aspect will be complete when the Zelenskyites flee or are massacred by their “own” people in the final stage) and Uke society. Now, they are just burning NATO resources and collapsing the GAE economy.

jim says:

More like over a million soldiers, since they are also using the national guard, etc.

Anon says:

Which would be still be a ~25% casualty rate even if they’ve managed to get and actually utilize that many troops, which is well above Russian and Western estimates of Ukraine’s strength. A casualty rate well above a 10% rate that’s supposed to be the breaking point. If they’ve truly suffered such a ridiculously high casualty rate while the vast majority of their army are conscripts with no military experience than Ukraine’s fought one of the bravest wars in world history, the bravest in the past 50+ years.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There are still reports of mass mutinies, desertion, and fanatic political officers on the rear lines executing deserters. Then consider it is an artillery war and tuat the only place worse than being in the trenches in an artillery barrage is not being in the trenches. The poor bastards might just be dropped in the trenches and told to try to survive. Meanwhile the Russians annihilate anyone who shows any military initiative in their quest to demilitarize Ukraine and drain Western arms stockpiles. They might just be keeping their heads down and trying their best not to die.

skippy says:

France collapse in WWII was due to being outmaneuvered, not suffering casualties.

Jim’s WWI France is a good comparison – but note that the French army in WWI soft mutinied and began refusing orders to attack.

someDude says:

Okay good point. The French collapsed in WW2 due to the psychological shock brought about by German tactics. Still a country with low TFR and Gay parades seems to be putting up an impressive resistance. What do the men there have to fight for? What exactly is happening?

The only explanation is that Russia is going easy on them. I can’t thin of any other explanation. And the 250K number makes no sense. No way low TFR + Gay parade can take those sort of casualties and keep fighting. You might as well tell me that Gravity is a repulsive force.

skippy says:

They are facing a high quality, prepared propaganda campaign combined with state violence targeted at point resistance. Why did anyone go along with covid?

Red says:

France collapse in WWII was due to being outmaneuvered, not suffering casualties.

I don’t think so. French officers regularly surrendered while their men wanted to fight on. The socialist French government had godless socialists in almost every officers position. They surrendered by the Thousands and fled from battle at the first sound of a gun shot. Even if the Germans had gone straight through Belgium they would have easily won. As it was the feint army group creamed the French units in their path even before they were outmaneuvered.

skippy says:

When the French and German armored divisions met in Belgium the French did fine:

This happened at exactly the same time as the Sedan breakthrough, which cut the French army in Belgium off from supply and communications.

Maybe the French would have eventually lost anyway, but the spectacular collapse was due to mispositioning their army and allowing it to be encircled, not a German tactical superiority, or inferior French morale.

A better example of poor French morale might be the one division at Sedan running away

But then it was a poor quality reserve division subjected to perhaps the biggest ever tactical air assault to that time, so not clear any other army’s equivalent division would have acted differently.

Red says:

When the French and German armored divisions met in Belgium the French did fine:

The the best units the French army ran right into the German feint attack and they fell back retreating from a feint. That’s not doing fine.

Doom says:

Apparently circa january they had half a million people.

Hard to surrender when you’ve been told that if you desert, you’ll be shot, and that if you’re captured, you’ll be tortured.

Now you can’t guarantee the latter, but – theres evidence that the Russians aren’t playing : constant artillery bombardment, thermobaric weapons

What do you do? It’s a terrible position for the Ukrainians to be put into. I sympathise with them, they’ve been propagandised and beaten into suicidal submission.

Kind of like the way Isis gets people to lay still for the beheading videos.

C4ssidy says:

When I was in a techy business we outsourced basic tasks requiring English to India or the Philippines, while the annotation and feedback done by higher paid smaller teams located in Massachusetts and Cambridge. I believe GAE is doing something similar in the Balkans. It is a place with a lot of English speakers, local knowledge of Ukraine and Russia, and low wages. The shill test does not even seem to require an understanding of the ideas, they refuse to even copy and paste even a single sentence. People initially skeptical of the concept end up shocked and challenged from the blatant ducking. It’s like shining a torch on someone in the dark. The conversations can be hilarious and it is a lot of fun

Kunning Druegger says:

The shill test is portable and testing is ongoing. Similarly, I did some research on another theory here, specifically the idea that moon landing hoax, 9/11 troofers, and other “conspiracy theorists” are dual purpose attacks (muddying the water, and making other reasonable if mystifying assertions “bollocks” by proximity contamination), and, if you can get them to respond, flat earthers are 9/11 troofers are moon hoax aficionados. They often crowd around space related videos and topics, jumping in with flat earth which derails and makes any other heterodox statements contaminated. If one attempts to discuss tech decline, flat earthers appear out of nowhere. Strange, that. 😉

Contaminated NEET says:

>the white race started with Thor.

And it ended with Chris Chan.

Pax Imperialis says:

“>the white race started with Thor.”

Got a better start point?

Chris Chan adjacent people have always existed in the white race and other races as well. The harshness of nature meant they died early. The safety of modernity means we get to see them grow up and be a nuisance and embarrassment for society at large.

Thankfully Chris Chan types aren’t very good at reproducing so the white race will likely survive those types. Surviving ESG DEI self hating white guilt death cults on the other hand…

jim says:

As I earlier remarked, the Cromagnons were mighty white. They look like us, and their art has more in common with ours than it has with Middle Eastern or East Asian art. But they were not us. Maybe they were better than us in important ways, but they did not put together a social order capable of collective action to resist the encroaching Middle Easter grain farmers

But because the Aryans arose from a substantial mingling event with Middle Eastern grain farmers, I put white as starting with “the rise of the sons of Arius” – the rise of the sons of Thor.

I conjecture that the Middle Eastern grain farmers hit some descendants of the Cromagnons pretty hard, resulting in a mingling event, and out of that mingling event arose a race with many good qualities of the Cromagnons, and also the capacity for large scale collective action to secure property rights that the Middle Eastern grain farmers had.

Pax Imperialis says:

I was prodding Contaminated NEET for a response more value added than >the white race started with Thor.

Contaminated NEET says:

I was trying to say that it’s silly to puff ourselves up with the glories of the past while the present and future are looking so grim. Yeah, it’s cool that our steppe warrior ancestors in their chariots rolled over the matriarchal farmers, but that doesn’t do much for anyone now. Today we’re in rapid and likely terminal decline, and our best people and our noblest virtues have been turned against us.
“We were a great people once,” he went on. “But that was yesterday, the day before yesterday. Now we are a topic in ancient history. We had a great civilization. They’re still admiring it. Now I am in America learning how to cut hair. We’re washed up as a race, we’re through, it’s all over, why should I learn to read the language?

jim says:

Large scale cooperation is hard. Every Republic goes horribly wrong at the end.

But we have several tools our ancestors did not:

Game theory, evolutionary theory, economic theory, double entry book keeping and the corporate form, the internet, and cryptography.

Cryptography is an enormously potent tool whose full implications and consequences are just a small storm on the horizon, coming closer. The growth of bitcoin from a small hobby project to a major international economic force is just a small beginning, and Web 3.0 is at present just a collection of half implemented dreams, as Bitcoin was in the beginning.

The American revolutionaries put together a republic based on the fact that they had the history of past republics at their fingertips, plus double entry book keeping, while past republics came about more by the unthinking accidents of history. The American Republic was designed, while previous Republics just happened. We have tools more potent than they did.

When the revolutionaries put together a Republic, it was time for Republics. Now it is time for Kings again. I envisage a feudalism where everyone carries an IFF, and knights program drones rather than ride horses in heavy armor and wield heavy steel swords like lightning.

The white race alone had the necessary intellectual capabilities to engineer a Republic like no other, and now has the necessary intellectual capabilities to engineer a monarchy, feudalism, and state religion like no other.

zero says:

Dune is a fascinating book from a feudalism standpoint, I remember reading it as a kid and thinking there is no fucking way any of it works but now I’ve realized that Herbert just kinda stepped around the issues of how you get a galactic empire to work from a game theory and cultural perspective. It would have been a nightmare to explain in detail how the espionage of a 10 millennia old civilization with autist super computers work. Reading this blog has given me a huge appreciation for just how far seeing the disciples were in building Christendom and how much of a foundation civilization requires.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Adam says:

To establish a new paternal order, women must come to fear men again. Wives must come to fear their husbands.

It is difficult to punish women, and girls. I have an ex-wife, and two daughters. Despite my ex-wife’s behavior, really not sure I have what it takes to kill her. Definitely do not have what it takes to hurt my daughters. I don’t think it is because I am weak, or cowardly. I think that’s just how it is for most men who are not hell bent on death and destruction. I don’t think that’s beta either.

I don’t think it is reasonable to expect a husband to kill his adulterous wife. I think the paternal order would break down. Women just have a way of wiggling around this.

If an adulterous women is to be put to death, or otherwise severely punished, has to be the father of the husband that does it. Or possibly brothers of the husband. Obviously the father of the adulterous woman cannot be counted on for support.

It is the paternal investment that must be secured, so it is the father of the husbands investment that has been aggrieved in the case of adultery.

Upon news of an engagement, the father must sit with his son’s fiancé and tell her in no uncertain terms what the consequences of betrayal are. If she cannot see herself remaining faithful to his son, she must say so now and is free to end the engagement.

I have a son, and I can say there is no better investment in a man’s time and energy. If he should find a wife some day, I will sit down with his fiancé and have this conversation with her. I absolutely will not tolerate a wife betraying my son. I have way too much invested in him. Either by her choice or mine, she will not bring trouble to my family.

I suggest others do the same, or something similar.

jim says:

> I don’t think it is reasonable to expect a husband to kill his adulterous wife. I think the paternal order would break down.

Seems pretty reasonable to me. Indeed, difficult to prevent or restrain.

Adam says:

If it is in front of your face, perhaps.

In todays world, most men are not equipped for this. The betas won’t do it and the alphas will just get a younger hotter girl. Far less trouble.

After several generations of successful patriarchy, much better odds.

Overall it just seems too risky to leave in the hands of the husband. I could be wrong. History may say something different.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Overall it just seems too risky to leave in the hands of the husband. I could be wrong. History may say something different.

It does.

someDude says:

They are not equipped for this because it is not the norm and no one knows anyone who has done it and continued to be respected by society. Normality bias.

3 generations back, the idea that women would celebrate killing foetuses in the womb would have sounded ludicrious or dystopian. Just like women can celebrate killing foetuses, men too can kill adulterous wives and continue to be respected members of society.

Imagine a society where if you did not kill your adulterous wife, you would have a hard time getting new pussy. I’m pretty sure the idea that you could not kill an adulterous wife would look ridiculous to you. The male of the human species is nothing if not adaptive. What at one time looks impossible, soon has the potential to become mandatory.

A2 says:

Over here in the provinces, our middle eastern neighbours occasionally perform honor killings on adulterous wives and slutty daughters.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I don’t agree with this brah.

Women are naturally whores. Marriage is an arrangement that makes a woman only one man’s whore. If the woman breaks the agreement, she dies.

Anything else is just phake and gayyyyyy.

Your Uncle Bob says:

In a real patriarchy, with current technology, we’d have legally mandated automatic paternity testing at birth. False paternity would be cause for divorce with no alimony and no support for the bastard, full custody of all legitimate children for the father. And no, you wouldn’t be allowed to opt out of testing, and wouldn’t be allowed to keep it private. Bastard could be offered to the real father, maybe to an orphanage, you might even very quietly bring back hospital exposure (supposedly US hospitals used to put deformed babies below open windows at night) if no one wanted it.

Admittedly all this is a coup-complete solution, but no less so than honor killing, and possibly easier to get to.

>women must come to fear men again

One pressing missing social technology today is not honor killing, but spanking. Don’t have to hit a woman in the face, or anywhere with a closed fist, just pick her up, carry her into the bedroom, spank her on the bottom. This alone, nothing else, would solve a lot of problems. Though not all, and some nuclear shit tests would progress beyond it.

Great thing about it though is, with discretion, you can start using it today. There’s some built in vagueness if anyone hears about it, and some built in tingles for the woman.

jim says:

Whore shit tests are apt to go nuclear. In today’s society, no alternative but to pass them anyway.

Red says:

t is difficult to punish women, and girls. I have an ex-wife, and two daughters. Despite my ex-wife’s behavior, really not sure I have what it takes to kill her. Definitely do not have what it takes to hurt my daughters. I don’t think it is because I am weak, or cowardly. I think that’s just how it is for most men who are not hell bent on death and destruction. I don’t think that’s beta either.

When I was a teenager my father told me once about a friend of his suffered a home invasion by a pack of niggers(he described them blacks not niggers of course). His friend was forced to watch while they gang raped his wife. I asked my father did he kill the men who raped his wife? My father looked at me like I was alien and said good men don’t do that. I then asked were they still married? He said no she quickly divorced him. I remarked that he should have hunted them down and killed them if he wanted to stay married.

Men who fail in their duty are always weak. Claiming that a good man won’t do what’s necessary and right because it’s violent is a cope for weak men who who’s line will soon disappear from the earth.

Eucherius says:

[*Holding your comment till you pass the shill test on the woman question.*]

Alfred says:

Jim, if you wouldn’t mind could you expand on these nomadic patriarchalists worshiping the one God (I assume you are talking about the Hebrews but correct me if not) and it potentially being the original Aryan religion?

It has been some time since I’ve read The Ancient City but I don’t recall where he speculates this. Though I have noted interesting, seemingly monotheistic ideas in various Aryan religions, and I’ve always found it suggestive that at least one of the original monotheisms sprang from an Aryan religion in Zoroastrianism.

Pardon my digression, but semi-relatedly I read recently that the roots of what became the the faith of Israel could possibly came from exiled Atenists and how the man who we know as Moses may have been an exiled prince/Atenist priest originally called Osarseph.

The Atenist heresy occurred in the 13th century BC, so this exile would be right around the time the Children of Israel would be on the move during/after the Bronze Age collapse. I am not sure if this has been discussed or rejected on the blog before, forgive me if it has.

S says:

If that was the case, why wouldn’t they just straight call their God Aten? It isn’t like the could piss the Egyptians off any more then they already did.

Red says:

It’s more lily that Atenism was about trying to regain the fertility that Pharaoh saw in the Hebrews and other nomads who worshiped only one god. There’s always leaders who try to the stop the downward spiral of leftism. The rest of the crabs pull them down every time.

i says:


Atenism I think happened not long after the departure of the “Habiru” not long after the Hyksos was expelled.

That’s also the period when the 10 Gods of Egypt got utterly humiliated by the God of Israel. As God struck Egypt with 10 plagues each corresponding to each of the individual God’s domains.

This traumatic event led to Atenism I suspect.

i says:

Just curious. What’s your take on Haiti and why the French were successfully genocided out of existence there?

What could they have done to survive or prevent what happened?

A2 says:

If memory serves, the Haitian revolution was helped quite a bit by the distraction of the French Revolution and British meddling (as usual, eh?). Yellow fever also loosened the grip, so a bit of modern medicine would have helped. The final extermination was doggedly completed by a Julius Malema-like figure named Dessalines.

jim says:

They were rather heavily outnumbered. Societies with too big a ratio of slaves to slaveholder are unstable, and there were too many mulatto slaves, who had the capacity to organize an army. Should have bought off the mulattos, so as to deprive the slaves of the capacity to organize. Needed more freemen, and more whites, to stabilize things.

A2 says:

If memory serves, the darker blacks subsequently genocided the mulattos too.

INDY says:

A few years ago, someone wrote slave owners didn’t break up family groups or discourage slaves speaking their own tongues. Ever hear that?

FrankNorman says:

The first group of people that we know of to be “successfully genocided out of existence” there were the indigenous Arakwak. The French and their black slaves showed up later.

If we could go back in time and give the Frenchies a tip on how to survive, my suggestion would be: don’t have black slaves at all.

i says:

That is true. Unless they are going to do what the Romans did. Or how the Arabs dealt with slaves.

Then their survival is in great doubt.

Best to pick your own cotton and favor mechanization over cheap labor.

Flaming Dog says:

This guy has found some unusual opinions in Alexander Dugin, complete with links and screenshots:
“in his April 2020 article, Alexandr Dugin clearly wrote, that parts of the elite should be groomed with one purpose – to be killed (sacrificed) amid challenging times, so the society could magically buy back the lost support of the Gods. ”
“On his esotheric far-right esotericweb-page “Arctogaea” Alexandr Dugin literally had a huge article about the ancient mystical tradition to sacrifice children, including a case of a father sacrificing his daughter’s life”
“Aleksandr Dugin publishes a statement, literally saying Dugina was “put her girl virgin’s life onto the altar” ( literally “girl virgins’s”), and in his speech at her funeral calls “not to mourn but fight””

Can any of the native Russian speakers here check the sources and context? This is unthinkably weird to me.

Pax Imperialis says:

Can’t speak for the first two links. I don’t know Russian. The third is highly suspect which naturally casts doubts on everything else he says.

Everyone else is translating Dugin’s statement as “We just need our win. My daughter has put her maiden life on the altar. So let’s win, buddy!“ That is not a crazy statement. It is not sexual perversion like some are portraying it to be. A simple cursury look at translations show he is widely wrong.

This guy is using the worst possible translations of highly selective quotes without any context. Really makes one wonder who this guy is…

“Berlin-based 🇩🇪 Eastern Europe expert. 10+ yrs of work in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus. Former Director @boell_stiftung Kyiv (UA+BY)office. Speak 🇩🇪🇺🇦🇧🇾🇷🇺”

Oh right… he’s another State Department backed propagandist.

Pax Imperialis says:

“On his esotheric far-right esotericweb-page “Arctogaea” Alexandr Dugin literally had a huge article about the ancient mystical tradition to sacrifice children, including a case of a father sacrificing his daughter’s life”

Complete mischaracterization, likely deliberate. The article is about Old Testament Christian theology and what it means. Much is a rehash of Scripture with an overlay of historical analysis. As far as I can tell nothing in there is out of the ordinary for theology academia. It’s not even esoteric in so far that much is common knowledge to any practicing Christian.

Looking more into the guy’s tweets he says of Dugin that “He was a Death Eater.” It’s shit like this why I have continuously brought up Harry Potter on this site. The level of impact Harry Potter has had on the Western mindset and worldview of the cosmopolitan elite is at the level of the Bible.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“My present circumstances may suck, but this is solely due to my ignorant neighbor’s unjust venality against me, for i am in any case a born inherently elite destined one.”

Shit is 100 proof unleaded catnip for the invidious.

Pax Imperialis says:

“born inherently elite destined one but still gaslighting as an everyman average dude with no particular skills”

The favorite of progressive upper middle class white kids pretending to care about social justice while wanting coal miners to die. Distilled 200 proof hypocrisy in 7 books.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And the bow to tie it all together, ‘group of openly elite elites to stand in as antagonists’, natch.

“That Draco certainly is a tosser eh? aren’t upper class people with notions like ‘people can be better or worse than other people’ just the worst? Not that I’m a commoner or anything though, i’m just special that way.”

Combine with ‘school as story frame’ narrative device – since noone born in the last 40 years can even imagine a world where people live lives that do not involve passing through [Central Digestion Institution], regardless of how anachronistic, implausible, or unfeasible it may be – and you’ve got an almost perfect pastiche of the archetypical traitorous bluetribespersyn’s weltanschauung.

Pax Imperialis says:

Dug into more of Dugin’s writing.

“in his April 2020 article, Alexandr Dugin clearly wrote, that parts of the elite should be groomed with one purpose – to be killed (sacrificed) amid challenging times, so the society could magically buy back the lost support of the Gods. ”

Again a combination of gross mischaracterizations and deliberately bad translations. Dugin says of elites:

“Aristocratic warriors are a collective sacrifice on behalf of peaceful farmers. They spend their time in feasts and amusements in order to be slain on the altar of war.”

That is basically a colorful way of saying what every single military man knows. That he is doing a job where he may have to sacrifice his life for his nation. And saying that they spend their time in feasts and amusements* is a fairly polite description of peace time military.

*for Navy/USMC that hypothetically looks like alcoholism fueled SEA whoremongering at port as some Officers desperately hand out prophylactics to the enlisted before joining into the fray.

Mayflower Sperg says:

A soldier’s off-time is officially called “R&R” for “rest and recuperation”, but the enlisted men call it “I&I” for “intoxication and intercourse”.

Aryaman says:

We are having a pandemic of sudden cardiac arrests in young. By young means people at the page of 30 to 50 years. What could be the possible reasons for sudden cardiac arrest in young ranges from loneliness, stress, mental trauma, smoking, alcohol etc, also lack of exercise, proper diet. Youngest person who we have seen has had a heart attack is a 17-year-old guy,” says Dr Ruchit Shah, Interventional Cardiologist, Masina Hospital, Mumbai.

Feels pretty subversive for a broadly mainline publication to even report on and draw attention to the phenomenon, despite suggesting a number of obviously irrelevant causes. I assume the good doctor must know there has not been a drastic change in diet and exercise, and therefore that diet and exercise cannot be responsible for the drastic change in sudden cardiac death that he observes.

someDude says:

Is the good Dr. Ruchit Shah capable of a thought crime? I guess we will never know unless he is also capable of crime-speak. I am not optimistic, though. Reading the entire publication, there is not even the whiff of the word “vaccine”

It’s like a bloody Whodunit/unsolvable mystery as in how did the Easter Island giants get there?

Aryaman says:

Just observing that young people are randomly dropping like flies out of nowhere is a thought crime. The observation requires an explanation and there is only one viable explanation.

Going on to suggest almost farcical explanations like “proper diet” which he knows and the reader knows and he knows the reader knows is not something that dramatically changed, and even if it did dramatically change would require time to work is like performing a ritual sarcastically to mock it.

Someone convinced of the vaccine does not observe nor notice that young people are suddenly dropping dead like flies.

someDude says:

You overestimate the prole IQ. Suppose a “respectable” media publication like the NYT (or TOI or Hindu) piously informs us that the reason so many young people are dropping like flies is Global warming, proles will believe it and will piously inform you that the science is settled on the matter and what are you, one of those science denying hicks from the cow belt, ha ha ha?

There is only one viable explanation for rational people. Proles, like Surds (as an old joke goes), are not rational. They follow the science TM.

jim says:

Maybe a higher grade of prole attends the parties that I attend. Everyone can smell that something is rotten, even if they have trouble putting it into words.

The Cominator says:

You’re an Indian, its midwits who follow the narrative. The average/low IQ prole types don’t know what the narrative is and don’t care.

Aryaman says:

I would be shocked and astounded if the NYT has ever reported that there is a pandemic of sudden cardiac death among healthy, young people.

There is somewhat more reporting of related trends in Britain, but they never just say healthy young people are dropping like flies randomly and in their sleep. They just purr about ambulance wait times and show confusing graphs that do not obviously suggest anything weird is up.

No one believes that global warming amped up so suddenly as to cause a pandemic of of sudden cardiac arrest in the young. You do see dumb articles that global warming is causing heart attacks, but those articles don’t actually ever share or highlight the pandemic of sudden death. Thus sharing a reason everyone knows everyone knows is dumb is a wink and a nod.

simplyconnected says:

Here you have a New Zealand news piece on “why is everyone sick?”. Play the video from 0:10 to 0:18 and watch the woman on the right with a huge grin on her face while the newscaster says that everyone is sick (that’s bad news right?).
I’m not the best at reading people but I’d say she’s laughing inside because she knows why everyone is sick, and she knows all the newscasters around her are lying. I find it hard to believe she just has a case of the giggles on camera for no reason, but maybe I’m wrong.

simplyconnected says:

It reminds me of those videos of women explaining how they are oppressed with a massive grin on their faces. They know what’s up.
Maybe they’re always smiling in the news in NZ, but I would think the newscaster’s smiles suggest they also know what’s up.

Anon says:

The same happened with Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to troops “breathing in toxic smoke from burn pits” during biden speech.
My guess the demon in them are excited by the suffering.

Kunning Drueger says:

As cowardly and foolish as the article is, this is the first step on the path of fully revealing what happened. It will not progress until some Elite faction decides it can capitalize on the revelation, and they will build a coalition of allies to do so. The question is, which Elites can honestly say they weren’t complicit, and which Elite faction can convince allies and subordinates they can win.

Arakawa says:

“which Elites can honestly say they weren’t complicit”

I guess, from an investing point of view, Steve Kirsch’s blogging effort is a long term hedge against the possibility of catastrophic, sudden, and comprehensive loss of status by Western economic elites on account of having pushed the vaccine.

Aidan says:

Jim, what are your recommendations for computer security, specifically from your perspective on what is backdoored or cracked? For example, nobody respectable, not even the hacker community, will even entertain the idea that certain cryptographic libraries are compromised, or that the NSA has backdoored certain VPN protocols.

Say, purely theoretically, a friend needed to conduct online activity with the absolute maximum of infosec; assuming that the NSA was actually trying to get him, what would he need in order to move data over the network securely? Seems to me like the only people who get away with it are in countries which laugh at US warrants.

Neurotoxin says:

I recently got a new laptop (Windows). The user agreement states, summarizing, “We potentially observe and record everything you do on this computer.” I would not be surprised to learn that every popular (Microsoft, Apple) computer has a keystroke logger pre-installed at the factory.

I’m not a computer guy but a few years ago I was able to, by simply following online instructions, blast Windows off a desktop that I had and install Linux. I ultimately had to abandon that because it wasn’t compatible with software I need for work, but the point is, it’s not difficult. However, anyone doing this should look up the date at which Linux’s inventor got canceled from his own project, and use a version of Linux from before that. After the SJWs took over, who knows what crap they put into the next version.

Aidan says:

Yes, Microsoft and Apple are logging everything- mostly to sell you stuff, until the feds come knocking with a warrant. A bare metal install of Linux won’t do much good if, as Jim says, your chips are backdoored, or if the compiler is backdoored to put extra code in the OS. One can audit open source software, but I doubt very much that anybody bothers to decompile the compiled machine code and check it for sneaky shit. If you become a target, they will get to you; my question is on how to avoid becoming a target.

McAfee was good enough at what he did to avoid being gotten into, so they went and brute forced his body instead of his login. Need to be invisible, not impenetrable.

Neurotoxin says:

“A bare metal install of Linux won’t do much good if, as Jim says, your chips are backdoored, or if the compiler is backdoored to put extra code in the OS.”

Fuck, it’s like you have to build your own freakin computer from copper wire you buy at the freakin hardware store.

jim says:

The best that can be done is linux and wireguard. Seems to be sufficient. Backdooring an open source compiler would likely be caught.

The NSA has been caught rather too many times, and is now either reluctant to do things likely to be detected, or has lost the necessary competence to do them. Shaniqua in charge.

I favor the latest releases, despite the convergence of linux, because I smell a major decline in NSA capability.

Neurotoxin says:

“I favor the latest releases, despite the convergence of linux, because I smell a major decline in NSA capability.”


That statement is shocking to me. But you know approximately infinitely more about this stuff than I do.

notglowing says:

Is it? Ever since Snowden everyone knows and assumes the government is watching. I don’t think they are bothering hiding it too much, and there are many eyes trying to find stuff like a compiler backdoor.
After all 99% of people are very low hanging fruit in terms of surveillance. And what good is collecting that much data anyhow.

I think targeted surveillance might be a bigger problem. But they aren’t targeting me. So whatever.

Neurotoxin says:

“But they aren’t targeting me.”

Not like they would tell you if they were!

Aidan says:

Yes, wireguard, but with which VPN provider? I do not trust them an inch. If they are not getting taken down, that is because compromised and leaking like a sieve. The revelation that Protonmail was compromised shook my faith in all of them. Could sign up for a VPN in an adversarial nation, but then my ISP knows that I am sending a lot of data, albeit encrypted, to an adversarial nation.

I still cannot get around the security problem that is having home internet, a router and modem owned by a US company that will know that I am sending packets to a VPN server, and has the (albeit encrypted) packets. Of course, any truly sensitive activities should be conducted over a public network, on a device that has a mac address which cannot be connected to you through any investigative means, but this does not work if I need to host a blog, for example, or for “daily” activities like posting here, which may in the future become evidence that gets a man sent to a gulag.

Mike in Boston says:

Yes, wireguard, but with which VPN provider? I do not trust them an inch.

Neither do I. Although the fact that Mullvad accepts cash in the mail is a point in their favor.

A better solution, and the one I adopted, is to rent a virtual private server (you can pay with a gift card purchased with cash) and install your own Wireguard VPN server. That could be kind of a pain, but there’s a script that makes it easy.

That said, I partially disagree with Jim’s statement that it “seems to be sufficient.” Sufficient only to make you a high hanging fruit. But if they really want to read what’s on your screen, they will send a magic packet to the Intel Management Engine on your PC that will give them ring -2 rootkit-type access. At that point, even if your hard drive is encrypted, they can read right from your screen buffer.

For private communication, what we really need is an air-gapped device. Encrypted messages are displayed as a QR code, or something, on the screen of a phone. The air-gapped device scans the QR code, decrypts and displays the plaintext. Replies are encrypted on the air-gapped device, displayed as a QR code, and scanned by the internet-connected phone which sends it to the recipient. The AirGap Vault does this for cryptocurrency. We need an equivalent app for messaging.

jim says:

Run you own vpns in the cloud, and control your browser cookies.

jim says:

> But if they really want to read what’s on your screen, they will send a magic packet to the Intel Management Engine on your PC that will give them ring -2 rootkit-type access.

One, I am not running Intel.

Two, those magic packets will not get to my computer.

Three, the NSA is economical with active attacks because they leak information about the attacker.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

For private communication, what we really need is an air-gapped device. Encrypted messages are displayed as a QR code, or something, on the screen of a phone. The air-gapped device scans the QR code, decrypts and displays the plaintext. Replies are encrypted on the air-gapped device, displayed as a QR code, and scanned by the internet-connected phone which sends it to the recipient.


jim says:

That is the council of despair.

Since their security apparatus leaks like a broken seive, if they had that level of intrusion, people would be losing their crypto wallets.

Aidan says:

The “cloud” (cloud means it is a vm on a server in a data center somewhere) VPN stores your ip address with the wireguard protocol- inherent in the wireguard protocol. So, now your internet traffic originates from a single point with a single ip address, which you might be paying for in cash, but which has your IP address and a private key that can decrypt that data coming from your client IP. And anybody with state backing can tell that data center “let me in”.

The primary benefit of a multiuser VPN server is not the encryption of traffic but that it serves as a mixer for IP addresses. Many in, and one out, and if the server keeps no logs, cannot link IP in with any specific packets out unless actively monitoring the connection.

A lot of Tor users get rolled up by the feds, but as far as I can tell, they get them through phishing and entryism, convincing them to install spyware. But, Tor makes you a very tasty looking fruit, no matter how high you are hanging. Best bet is probably to try and keep as low an attack surface as possible, keep your data file as small as possible. What Jim recommends goes a very long way, but it is far from impenetrable. The only way to be truly safe is to be somewhere that laughs at a US warrant.

Mike in Boston says:

One, I am not running Intel.

ARM has its TrustZone and AMD has its Platform Security Processor. Chinese made RISC-V processors are interesting.

Two, those magic packets will not get to my computer.

I wish I had your level of confidence in that. I would expect those packets not to come at the IP layer, but as Ethernet frames from my cable modem.

Three, the NSA is economical with active attacks because they leak information about the attacker.

Yes. But if one is an Assange-level threat, economy goes out the window.

A2 says:

The Intel Management Engine can be disabled by the user. It appears it was considered a too big security hole by various companies. Haven’t tried doing it myself, but see e.g. this:

Cloudswrest says:

They’re all bad, but Google is the worst. Here’s a thread on an unfortunate soul who structured his like around Google and was burned. De-Googlefy yourself!!! Note, I’m not endorsing Cory Doctorow. He’s just a messenger.

jim says:

The good news is that the flood of low hanging fruit drowns out their capacity to go after the high hanging fruit.

Neurotoxin says:

“Need to be invisible, not impenetrable.”

A few years ago you said – being as vague as I can here – that after a prominent forum mentioned you, you noticed indications that the Eye of Sauron had turned toward you. Maybe you don’t need the reminder, but I have to scratch the itch of mentioning this.

chris says:

Tails is a linux distro that can be put onto a usb and run from there. If you need to something that will protect your privacy, that allows for the easy destruction of evidence, and you are not a computer expert, it’s an easy off the shelf solution. Just don’t use any login credentials that can be traced back to you.

Neurotoxin says:

Also: Has Eric Raymond ever weighed in on this topic? As a key figure in the open source movement, and an old-school libertarian, he presumably has the knowledge and motivation to have some good thoughts on evading the spooks.

jim says:

Eric Raymond banned me for crimethought.

Neurotoxin says:

Ugh. More proof that libertarianism just doesn’t have what it takes.

jim says:

Libertarianism, being an individualist philosophy, is helpless to deal with collective violence, other than merely deploring it.

So, when faced with movements based on the collective and coordinated application of envy and spite to knock over applecarts and grab those apples rolling around, bends over.

Jehu says:

The best chance they would have, ditto the ‘colorblind’ types would be the vicious enforcement of a Schelling point against any such collective organization. The ‘colorblinds’ were never willing to go there, which is the only possible way they conceivably could have ‘won’. Such a Schelling point would be basically saying, if you do this (collectively organize on this basis), we wall ALL be your enemies permanently and will punish you vigorously. If you repent, we’ll forgive you, but not until any advantage you gained by said organization has been forfeited at least sevenfold. But that would involve ‘looking mean’, so nobody ever seriously tried it, except of course against white people organizing defensively as white people.

skippy says:

ESR did not get his money in order and become vulnerable.

skippy says:

If anybody has real money please give ESR $2 million and he might become interesting again. Good RoI.

jim says:

Debian, wireguard, and do not run Gnome3 or anything derived from it.

Sometimes, often, you need to run Windows software. Best run it on Oracle VM VirtualBox. You need to run the virtual box on a good solid state drive.

Aidan says:

And when you run windows, if you can figure out which servers your data is being sent to, should edit the hosts file to blackhole the connection. Works for any app collecting info on you.

jim says:

Very good point that I neglected.

My hosts file is an immense pile of black holes. It is very long, albeit most of those on the list are probably long obsolete, and from time to time I catch a new and important one of which I was unaware.

also, any service that you use to check IP or open ports, block all cookies on both debian and windows.

Also,thoughtcrime sites you regularly visit that have stable ips should have those ips listed in your host file, to avoid them being looked up on a possibly hostile server.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Blacklists are reactive; whitelists are proactive.

The basis of any good security paradigm is default deny; unfortunately, no popular OS has a good security paradigm.

Kunning Druegger says:

Thoughts on Qubes or any other not-so-popular OS?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A good linux distro can be made good. Simply not using Windows or Apple already puts you bigly ahead of the race.

jim says:

I investigated Qubes some time ago. Good stuff, but it pre-emptively enforces its ideas of security upon you, in particular unlimited trust in the Tor network, in which I have grave lack of trust.

But the way to use Qubes is as a security layer VM inside the Virtual Box VM. Cannot hurt.

Fidelis says:

Qubes is supposed to be the bare metal os hosting your vm boxes. What do suggest running after you boot the bios? Some inconsequential linux flavor? A specifc flavor? Something I haven’t heard of?

skippy says:

How bad is Gnome3?

Kunning Druegger says:

An excerpt:

“Earlier this year, in my longer pieces, I warned that the non-linear dynamics and the trends back then would create a massive famine problem in MENA (Middle East Northern Africa), and this point was later confirmed by UN analysis, data, and soon after even head of states such as Macron was warning of this concerning trend. Now they expect at least 20 million migrants in the next months alone because of disastrous policies, damage from lockdowns, and the global energy woes.

Under normal circumstances, Europe would barely be able to deal with, accommodate, and afford 5 million migrants, but under the current systemic pressure, Europe would not be able to deal with 5, let alone 20 million starving migrants. But 20 million is a fairly conservative estimation, the number could be as high as 50 million. Europe could fall into complete chaos, or become a hostage of bordering countries with MENA, as they will too face resource scarcity, and demand astronomical payments in many forms over not letting the hordes get into Europe. This will become a global political issue, and it is a continental threat, given the current virological circumstances…”

Here’s the source:

And part 02:

Mayflower Sperg says:

“…demand astronomical payments in many forms over not letting the hordes get into Europe.”

We’re starving, you’re starving, and you’re threatening to send us meat? What’s the catch?

Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic effort posting incoming, lads…

Starman and I had a discussion a while back that devolved into a “discussion with blades” as it were. But the original topic was interesting and I started writing a comment about the topic. Then Poochgate happened and life rolled on. I continued to add to it, based on IRL discussions and geopolitical events. The original comment was written before the Dugin Incident and some other things that the comment regards, so there are some proofs as well as refutations already out there. I think the topic is still worthy of discussion, even if my offering is not so worthy.

This is what I think the domestic anti-terror operations are going to look like. I think there will be a massive industry of data monitoring wherein fairly well paid contractors will deploy much the same operations as the professional contact tracing carried out 2020 during the height of Coronahoax. This means private investigators and data analysts using paywalled databases as well as Open Source Intelligence material (OSINT). Files will be constructed from this massive body of information, and an investigator will be assigned to a case or set of cases. They will closely monitor their cases, and when enough boxes are checked, or enough red flags are decided, the case will be escalated into surveillance. Typical surveillance operations require known meetings, or high potentiality of an activity occurring, or regularized transit between known locations, or all three. Oftentimes, an investigator will run surveillance for a predetermined amount of time based on budget. I think this will be digital as well as in real life. Once the body of evidence reaches a certain size, or it fits within a “known profile”, it will be handed off to some sort of “governing body.” This board or committee or office or desk will sort the cases into various piles. The different piles will be tiered, ranging from at the door interview to request for interview to aggressive door interview to aggressive request for interview to soft apprehension to hard apprehension to Waco (there will be a spectrum here, obviously). Once the case is apprehended, it will be “pregamed” then handed off to the “proper” Law Enforcement Organization. It will very quickly be memed into the public that any case that makes it to this stage is *obviously guilty*, and this will be propagated by Journalistic Phrasing initially, then Common Knowledge reification generally. There will be “rehab programs” as well as “work from home camps.” This is how they will go after low level targets.

High level and hard targets will be surveilled and actively tracked. At first, the chain of escalation for serving warrants will be followed, as in it will be a police matter until it isn’t. Once the attrition gets to a certain point in the low target operation, this will be dispensed with and it will become an anti-terror campaign just like in Afghanistan and Iraq and Africa, as well as how it was in Europe and South America during the Global War on Terror (GWoT). They will set up the same structure based on the “last war you fought” framework. It will take time to scale it up, but not much. Raids at the top, interviews/apprehension at the bottom.

I think it will be costly and sloppy. I think the state of US policing and street crime will seriously degrade their operations, and I think cooperation, on both the fed and local side, will be varied and inconsistent. Some, maybe most, Poloce Departments (PDs) will just obey, most Sheriff’s Departments (SDs) will obey with exceptions and caveats, a few PDs will collapse and be replaced by Public-Private (P-P) enterprises, and a few SDs might “go rogue.” The feds will need to establish an organization to bridge that gap, and it will be a new TSA type organization. They’ll probably also have a P-P shape, with lots of contractors and civil overseers.

I think their big brains will attempt a perfected Global War on Terror II: Slow Boil GlübagÅ«. They will swamp targets, aggressively use constant Information Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) systems over heavily populated regions, set up green zones in friendly cities, build or establish bases, cultivate a network of Forward Operating Bases (FOBs), build tactical and strategic walls (literally, figuratively, digitally, and spiritually), and dictate “hunting zones” for Special Operations Forces (SOF) that both apprehend and eliminate cases.

The big question is what will people do? If they stay on course, as in respond in an obedient way after being scared badly enough, it will be entirely dependant on the meme war. Brace yourselves for “Gov Pilled” or some similarly cringe propaganda campaign. They will probably use the very people they capture as conscripts in the Meme War, relieving punishments and reducing fines or probation, to generate memetic products. I can’t see them allowing even the hollow version of the free internet we have now, so I assume they will do what they did in Iraq, which is tight control of official outlets and delivery systems (television, radio, internet) and mass jamming to waylay any independent sources, with that jamming being content generation as well as overwhelming any signal with static, or static images/messages. So the Signal will be pure government noise. Any dissenters will be silenced. But there is a lot of electrical equipment laying around, and far more talent to use it (as compared with the Middle East) so it will be very sloppy and heavy handed, particularly for signals that originate in a hunting zone.

As dumb as this is, I think it’ll at least be the starting point. If the normie is sufficiently scared, he complies. I think this will be a numbers game all the way down. They will be seeking a slow boil and a quick win. They need the boil to get the win, so their strategic memeplex will be something like “nothing is happening” immediately followed by “it’s already done”.

Who opposes this, how they oppose it, and what opportunities that may arise from opposition are all interesting topics. I predict a general withdrawal from Approved Media, and a campaign by the Federal Establishment that villifies said withdrawal. Control of media and reporting will be paramount for all factions.

This is all strategic forecasting from one man through his framework and interpretation. It could be way off, in fact I kind of hope it is, and we have a velvet restoration.

For anyone that wants to blanket disagree and not engage the finer points, here’s the thesis statement:

I think the Cathedral will prosecute the suppression of dissent in the continental US in much the same way they ran the Global War on Terror *after* the surge in 2007.

To elaborate further, I think the feds will attempt to apply the same methods and tools as they did with the Sunni Militias in Iraq in regards to gangs, cartels, and organized criminal enterprises. This means they will pay them off to stay out of the fight. In some cases, they will even incorporate them as enforcers, kill teams, etc. This is obviously a bad idea, as it gave rise to ISIS and Nusra.

I think, as fed mismanagement continues, it is quite possible that there will be foreign peacekeepers brought to the continental United States (CONUS), though this would be very tricky and only possible after a protracted conflict and a full breakdown of American Identity.

I think low yield nuclear options will be considered at many, maybe all, stages of this conflict.

I think it will be generally a Boomers & Zoomers v. GenX & Millennials in terms of the sides, though obviously this dichotomy won’t be perfectly uniform.

Way outside the bounds of reasonable conjecture, I reiterate a silly post from March: Might the Cathedral be preparing for a global cataclysm? As in, they are somehow aware of a coming and unavoidable cataclysm, and the last 3 years has been them trying their level best to prepare? This is highly unlikely, but is a great pot head conversation topic.

Red says:

The Feds attempt Wacos today is likely to end with a bunch of Feds piled up on the road given the sort of people I see involved in the raids these days. They’ve avoided such raids so far I think out of that fear since federal forces are not that large. That may change with the IRS units they’re putting together. Overwhelming force will the name of the game.

So you’re correct in your assessment of what they’re planning. However, they’re target selection is going to be predicated not on who’s dangerous to the government, because lone dissidents never are dangerous to the government. Rather they’re going to go after people who’s assets they can steal the easiest. These will be looting expeditions, not targeted killings to protect the state. We’re in the end stage of a Republic where everything not nailed down and a lot of things that are nailed down are going to be stolen by the elites and their lackeys.

jim says:

Betting on enforcement being disorderly, ineffective, and promoting cynicism about the official narrative.

Our job is winning the meme war, which we are in fact doing, despite the thunderous and overwhelming noise coming from all official loudspeakers everywhere.

Meme warfare has always been crucial to physical warfare. In the information epoch, even more crucial.

When hot warfare starts up, the outcome is unpredictable, but winning the meme war might well produce victory, and if the outcome is defeat, a considerably less serious defeat, a Cromwell or Napoleon, rather than a Stalin. Cromwell was not such a bad outcome at all, arguably a pretty good outcome. But I smell the possibility of outright victory, though I have a past history (Trump) of smelling it when it is not there.

Contaminated NEET says:

Waco itself began with a bunch of dead Feds. They got shot to pieces and begged for a truce, which the Davidians were foolish enough to give them. Obviously, nobody can be allowed to beat the Feds in a fight, so they just kept escalating and burned all those nasty child-molesting meth-cooking gun-running lunatics (citation needed), including the kids, then posed on the ashes and “lost” all the evidence. Once they start shooting, they have to win, win big, and win brutally, and they will do whatever it takes.

>Rather they’re going to go after people who’s assets they can steal the easiest. These will be looting expeditions

I don’t think it will get so crude for quite a while. As long as you can still buy things with Fedbucks, there’s no need for anything so piratical. What the system wants is propaganda victories, what the apparatchiks want is career advancement, and what the enforcers want is a chance to play badass. The ideal target should be easy to portray as scary and evil, but at the same time be an easy win. These are not going to be the same people who are actual threats to the system’s power and legitimacy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The localized nature of county and state police departments represent potential stumbling blocks for supremes of demonic faithful in the imperial center in plans to grind the native cattle down to slime; hence, ‘defund the police’, one of many permitted risks which, besides unholiness signaling, also coincidentally clears the way for centralized glownigger replacements for administering misjustice.

Consider the ’87k’ new ‘IRS auditors’ being drummed up. Eighty-seven thousand is a frankly ridiculous number. To put this in perspective, the largest ‘federal level’ law enforcement organization in terms of field agents is in fact the national park service, and their official rosters number a grand total of… 1,986 badge holders.

Nearly one hundred thousand men. That’s not ‘routine hiring’, that’s a ruling faction in the Polygon raising a personal army under a tenuous veneer of deniability, with ‘just a few paper pushers for the IRS’ being the story to float it over the heads of their targets, where a recruitment spree for ATF or FBI would be too on the nose.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>Consider the ’87k’ new ‘IRS auditors’
>That’s not ‘routine hiring’, that’s a ruling faction in the Polygon raising a personal army

100% this. Someone somewhere is planning for, at the very least contingency planning for, door raids and camps. “Let a thousand Wacos bloom.” Whether they dare to pull the trigger, whether they win whatever internal tug of war would allow them to try, whether anything goes the way they expect if they do pull the trigger (probably not), none of those change that someone is thinking of it and laying the groundwork.

That should probably be a new target of meming, that they’re not taxmen they’re future door-kickers. Getting the idea out now might be the best way of keeping it from coming true.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Post the video of them training IRS CID agents, and them meme them as regime enforcers. They hate to be ridiculed, but they are too ridiculous not to.

Neurotoxin says:

“I think low yield nuclear options will be considered at many, maybe all, stages of this conflict.”

I still can’t see this being a net benefit to the other side. The concentrated populations are all leftist (cities are all blue). Nuking a town in Nebraska isn’t going to do them any good, and nuking a city would just be a massive own-goal.

I suppose they might try to nuke a blue city as a propaganda move, as has been mentioned here before, but I can’t see how that would help them more than it would hurt them.

“The Feds attempt Wacos today is likely to end with a bunch of Feds piled up on the road given the sort of people I see involved in the raids these days.”

I’m more worried about drones.

Kunning Druegger says:

There are plenty of red towns and small cities to target that would have all the benefits of riling Amerikaners without sacrificing precious negros, single moms, or trannies.

JJ says:

It is very hard to know exactly what move the enemy will make in the future. Conduct your daily reconnaissance and act accordingly. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Red says:

Sounds like the end game in the Ukraine is approaching. If we’re pulling gear from active SF units in the US then the Ukrainians have to be close to collapse.

jim says:

The underlying strategy for the forever war in the Ukraine is that attrition would exhaust the war making capability of the Russian economy, while the West’s vast GDP would guarantee the capability to carry on attritive warfare forever.

It looks like GDP numbers are wildly and radically false.

I know that Chinese GDP is substantially larger than US GDP, no matter what the numbers say. Russian GDP, I do not know, but the Russian capability to keep on shelling the Ukrainians, when the Ukrainians are having problems rounding up enough shells and artillery, is suggestive.

Red says:

If the US army is being hallowed out then the rest of NATO is must be empty. Russia’s probably going to roll over the rest of the Ukraine within a month or two. If anyone besides Putin was in charge of Russia I’d expect the Russian army to just keep going into now the defenseless NATO countries.

The underlying strategy for the forever war in the Ukraine is that attrition would exhaust the war making capability of the Russian economy, while the West’s vast GDP would guarantee the capability to carry on attritive warfare forever.

I believe that’s called “drinking your own coolaid”. Irrational confidence isn’t a useful behavior in economics.

Cloudswrest says:

Seems more like a bust out of the US. With the weekly $billion aid packages, draining our strategic oil reserves, shutting down pipeline projects, and now eliminating from domestic stock of popular man portable special forces weapons. It seems obvious the target is not really Ukraine.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ukraine both is and is not the target; Amerikaners both are and are not the target.

The thing to understand is that our crop of presently regnant kakistocrats are capriciously opportunistic about their antipathy; they want to crush neighbors at home, and crush collaborators in the office, and crush cousins abroad, and if in the course of taking action to crush one target, there is a choice between means that cause pain to the other targets, and ones that don’t, they will chose the ones that do.

The idea of rationally restraining your antipathy to one such target, on account of another such target being a necessary foundation for your efforts against the one in the first place, has a fundamental incommensurateness with the mode of being that tends towards such behavior in the first place. When encountering targets that prove too difficult to easily crush underheel, more and more do they turn to more convenient targets; chiefly, those in their immediate vicinity.

Cloudswrest says:

Is the target China, or the domestic tech industry? Nvidia stock dropped 13+ points today.

Kunning Druegger says:

The answer is always going to be “is and is not the target.” It doesn’t matter how you formulate it. It is a confederation of overpowered, under-capable managerial operators. They are very aware of how undeserving they are, while completely oblivious to the fact that everyone inherently knows this, so they bend over backwards to appear competent and capable, while continuously demonstrating their incompetence and incapacity. Therefore, everyone and everything is very likely a threat at some point.

Imagine a heavily armed schizophrenic person trapped in an elevator with a bunch of vaguely familiar strangers.

skippy says:

GDP in itself a questionable statistic, a measure of how much money there is (government determined) and how fast it flows (proportional to economic activity, but not necessarily economic outcome) with a government arbitrary correction for economic growth.

The most fundamental limit on “real” production is energy, and the most fundamental form of energy today is electricity. The ranking of countries by electricity production has some similarity to the GDP rankings, but also important differences:

By this measure China is two USAs; Russia is a quarter of a USA or a single Japan; Germany, France half a Russia; UK third of a Russia.

jim says:

That sounds more like it.

zero says:

The economy is very shaped by investment in infrastructure, electricity in Russia which is rich in liquid hydrocarbons would be good but not as good for Japan/china. The negro problem increases our liquid fuel dependency massively, no good urban infrastructure density or any electric trains because our government sucks. Will be interesting to see politics change as nuclear proliferation allows small countries without hydrocarbons to become more independent in manufacturing from oil states. It would be great to see a stat on how many tons of vehicle is required to move so many people and how much energy is used, I bet Japan would dominate and china as well, that seems like a useful judge of transport infrastructure technological development. Nordic countries could kick butt if they had more nuclear electricity to reduce train costs from grade inefficiency and their full of resources but largely just high tech manufacturing with German and some domestic materials from my experience. What is Russia’s problem with getting shit done? They punch way light, americans would have conquered Siberia by now but Russian business is crude as hell

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s an interesting piece from Tree of Woe:

“Today, Russia spends 4.1% of its GDP on its military; America spends 3.5%; and China spends 2.1%. (Saudi Arabia, at 10.4%, and Israel at 5.2% are the two biggest spenders by ratio.) They are essentially on pre-war footing, demobilized.

To what extent could today’s superpowers match the mobilization of the WWII-era US and USSR?

According to the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), about one-third of military spending is on personnel. The remainder is on equipment and operations, both of which are highly demanding on the economy’s manufacturing and energy sectors. At the outbreak of World War II, manufacturing and energy accounted for approximately 30% of the American GDP. From that basis, America spent 40% of its GDP on war. As a first approximation, therefore, the maximum extent to which an economy can be mobilized for defense spending might be 133% of its manufacturing and energy GDP.

At present, manufacturing and energy make up 41% of China’s GDP, 30% of Russia’s GDP, and 20% of America’s GDP. Therefore, the maximum mobilization we would expect their economy to achieve would be 54% for China, 40% for Russia, and 27% for America.

Wait, you ask — Why can’t we just “build more factories?” Because it’s very difficult to rapidly grow manufacturing. The fastest large-scale improvement I have found in looking at data is a 3% increase in the share of manufacturing per year for a major economy. Achieving this during wartime, when manpower is diverted into uniform and infrastructure is under attack seems unlikely. A nation can rapidly convert its peacetime manufacturing to wartime manufacturing, but it cannot rapidly build manufacturing capability where none existed. I assume that maximum mobilization might increase by at most 1% per year from their present level.

Even when taking advantage of pre-existing industrial infrastructure, mobilization is never instantaneous. In its best year, the US was able to mobilize from 10% to 35% (1941 to 1942), and the USSR was able to mobilize from 20% to 55% (1942 to 1943). That suggests the absolute best possible mobilization is a 3.5 increase annually. It’s not clear to me that any of today’s great powers could match those, due to the vastly increased complexity and fragility of our supply chains. Therefore I assume that actual mobilization can at most double yearly, until the maximum mobilization is reached.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Lack of funding’ is the perennial pretext for lack of success in any bureaucratic venture. Pick any pseudopod of USG one likes; NASA, DoD, IC, EBT, you name it, you see a problem, and you hear the readily convenient solution, ‘we just need more funding’.

But in reality, it is like paying a quadriplegic 10,000,000 dineros to clear ten inches on a high up; it doesn’t matter how much paper you throw in the pit, because it simply doesn’t have the capability in the first place.

Kunning Druegger says:

You have earned a second nickname:

Circumdatos Articulis

jim says:

Senate Lunch system main engines, Nasa space suit.

Nasa abandoned its space suit, and asked for contracts from the “private” sector. SpaceX did not even apply, just went ahead and created its own space suit, knowing that the “private” sector was only marginally more capable than Nasa itself.

They knew that revolving regulatory door would demand a stupid space suit, because that is all that the “Private” sector could produce, so they will be spacewalking private astronauts on a private mission in their own space suits, until such time as Nasa incapacity becomes critical, and it breaks down and allows astronauts to wear space suits that are actually private. But the military, which contains a sane faction that wants space, is not pushing for space suits, because not interested in colonizing Mars. It is interested in spy satellites, communications, and the capacity to drop unpleasant things on the heads of enemies.

So Musk, to the outrage of the Cathedral, can get NASA and military contracts to launch rockets, but cannot get a Nasa contract for space suits.

Red says:

The most fundamental limit on “real” production is energy, and the most fundamental form of energy today is electricity. The ranking of countries by electricity production has some similarity to the GDP rankings, but also important differences:

Excellent point. Italy use do this to measure economic growth because everyone hid their economic gains from the government. So they’d measure how much the demand for electricity went up year over year in a given area.

Varna says:

One is reminded in a way of Operation Barbarossa which hinged on destroying 300 Soviet divisions and then being home free. Instead, another 300 divisions appeared. But that was the USSR, not a rump RF.

Pre-war Ukraine was 40+ million, Russia is 140+ million. Only three times more people. Russia’s habitable area is basically half a Ukraine of warm land and a couple of Germanies of German/Scandinavian climate, and the rest is taiga, tundra, and permafrost.

(Hence the loss of the Ukraine and Belarus in 1991 was super hard-hitting in the pleasant land department, they lost like half their normal square miles. Plus half the industry and the first echelon army designed to meet NATO head on)

Dutch guy in the arms industry there said back in March they kept waiting for Russia to run out of precision missiles, and that kept not happening and again not happening beyond any reasonable or simply sane timeline, and now the not running out of missiles and shells is in the realm of the completely phantasmagorical.

Keeping in mind how modern Russia is simply three Ukraines in the population and habitable land sense, I too have no good explanation for this. If instead of being equal to, or three times stronger than the Ukraine army, the Russian war effort appears to be a machine for the methodical grinding up of the hardware of collective NATO, without even mobilizing its population or economy (for now), then this implies levels of hidden efficiency and long-term planning which simply goes against my experience to do with anything Russia or the whole post-Soviet space.

Kunning Druegger says:

It would appear that we have all been lead down a “primrose path” in terms of RF capacity and capability. I have gained massive respect for Sergey Lavrov throughout this whole fracas, it would appear that he is one of the few extant “statesmen” actually alive and active. I think Viktor Orban is also far more substantial in both capacity and insight than many think. War has a way of culling hollow people, hollow ideas, and hollow ideologies. We are watching, in real time, the collapse of the GAE leadership elite, the assumed concepts of war and finance, and the ideology of the Liberal World Order.

I said it back in March or April, and I repeat it again to further plant my feet on dangerous ground (in terms of strategic forecasting): Putin’s Regime is not desperately grasping at straws, they are desperately trying to break away from Occidental reliance and knocking over dominos in a long term plan to collapse the GAE from within.

Varna says:

The Orthodox US retiree (and recent widower, poor devil) keeps up the occasional report on life in a small Russian town in the Scandinavian area of the normal climate territory.

I was impressed by this:
> As I indicated in an earlier blog the people here getting hurt the worst are us ex-pats. Transferring money remains a big problem since Russia was removed from SWIFT. As I indicated before I have been saving up money because President Putin warned this could happen.

Apparently a) this guy is diligently keeping up with the local news and b) if I understand correctly at some point Putin warned people connected to the west to prepare financially because shit could hit the fan soon.

jim says:

Consider the lack of efficiency in NATO

Looks like Russia has World War II war machine, and Global American Empire is discovering that it does not.

Severian says:

Industrial capacity for ship building alone is kind of mind blowing. With China at almost 50% of the world share and EU plus US combining for little more than 1%.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The spectacle of a scruffy gnome in a tee-shirt presiding over a ‘national flag raising ceremony’ while surrounded by large smartly dressed military men pivoting around the walking eyesore, is a perfect expression of what the clownworld has come too.

Red says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And it’s not just there either.

He and or his handlers in the US state department have apparently decided that looking like an undressed pedestrian who wandered in off the street while holding forth on matters of ostensible geopolitical significance is some kind of compelling symbol for the ages.

It is at that; but of course not in the way they are dreaming of.

Every time you see the physical avatar of a bum functioning in events over ‘serious’ heads of state from around the GAE, one can not but think: ‘look this fool; this is the world you live in now’.

jim says:

> Every time you see the physical avatar of a bum functioning in events over ‘serious’ heads of state from around the GAE

They are just not very good at meme warfare. Ooda loop broken, not very bright. All they have is the loudspeaker, and all they hear is themselves.

As for physical war – well, we shall see what happens in the Ukraine. No significant movement for quite a while, but the Russians keep advancing very slowly, which may well foreshadow them moving considerably faster.

The Global American Imperial plan for winning in the end was forever war, that they would stabilize the situation until war exhausted Russia, that Russia would run out of shells and artillery before the west did. Or run out of troops before Ukraine did. Well, they successfully stabilized the situation, but that plan is starting to look less promising.

Cloudswrest says:

The Saker blog has a new article by one Emmet Sweeney that is pretty good summary of GAE/Russian relations since the end of the Cold war.

skippy says:

blocks tor, dont trust

RMIV says:

Jim, not that i am necessarily doubting your take on Pauline Christianity

but i must ask, for the sake of my own natural curiosity & skepticism…

when it comes to un-owned women vis a vis the sin of fornication & adultery, i feel i know your position which is that it is really about violating the rights of fathers & husbands…

however, as far as banging sloots, is there no pollution of one’s own soul in so doing? is there no judgment against us for becoming one flesh with wicked women or what passes for “strange flesh,” which i take to mean miscegenation? would this seduction not further pollute the slut’s own soul and would it not pass as a mark against us when we come to our own judgment before our Heavenly Father?

speaking further on women, more specifically your assertion that taking multiple wives is Christian in accordance with Natural Law, what say you to the verses of
Matthew 19:9
1 Timothy 3:12
1 Corinthians 6:16
most particularly in 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 it seems to indicate that every man should have one wife lest there be not enough women to go around, wouldn’t you say? unless they take concubines, but concubines cannot be wives can they? further, foreign women cannot become wives because their children would necessarily be bastards (mixed-race mongrels)?

i wish to impress that i am not hostile to the idea of multiple wives, nay, i find the idea rather appealing however i am even more interested in doing right before our Heavenly Father.

thank you for your time.

jim says:

> however, as far as banging sloots, is there no pollution of one’s own soul in so doing?

Of course there is, and it is extremely disturbing. Kiwi Kike and The Cominator were broken by that. But we are in the situation that we are in. There is no one around but sluts. We have no alternative but the game of players and bitches. Love is war. We always start out with a woman in defect/defect equilibrium. Hence the problem of player burnout. The only way to avoid this is to acquire a woman by your patriarch acquiring a wife for his son from another patriarch with whom he is in cooperate/cooperate through kinship or the male hiearchy.

If one’s intent is to pursue one’s telos and own a woman, if one does not despair, one is not destroyed. But it is easy to be destroyed. Love is war. In war one must do what it takes. Every man must learn game and practice game, as in war every man must kill and burn.

The social order has to shut down defect/defect equilibrium between men and women. And to do this, must focus on the control of what is valuable. Eggs and wombs are valuable. Sperm and penises are not. So, worrying about misconduct by men is a distraction, it is the attack vector for fake Christian enemy entryists, to emancipate women.

Love is war. Those rules cannot be applied under current circumstances. It is not the will of Gnon that those obedient to his commands shall die childless and alone.

And when love is no longer war, those rules must still be applied gently against men, and severely against women, or else we will again get what we have got. Society has a limited capability to apply repression. If you repress men, you get too much subversion against your efforts to repress women, and repressing female sexuality is like repressing a volcano and holding back a glacier. It has to be open season on sluts, so that wives, betrothed women, and virgins are higher status, with unbetrothed virgins being substantially lower status than wives and betrothed, but immeasurably higher status than sluts.

Vlad says:

[*fake conservatism deleted*]

jim says:

This is what our enemies would like the right to be.

The Cominator says:

Was very very blackpilled on Western women before I found out that Chris Rock was VERY wrong about strippers…

jim says:

Chris Rock was right about strippers: They are disgusting, and what makes them disgusting is that someone else’s dick was up them right before yours, and another man’s dick is going to be up them right after yours, and if this does not give you homicidal impulses, you are broken and defeated.

i says:

I suspect Birth Control has messed female nature up in this department. Without the regular hormonal cycle and the body constantly made to believe it is pregnant through this disruption of the hormonal cycle. This Volcano has been neutered. Until Birth control is not longer taken.

Its interesting how God has intended this Volcanic sexuality to be contained. As per the Song of Solomon and Proverbs 5.

Definitely very good for the Husband she saved her sexuality for. Aside from women who have mutations that cause problems in that department.

As Edward Dutton recently made a video on certain uber-puritanical women who hate sex altogether:

“If you repress men, you get too much subversion against your efforts to repress women, and repressing female sexuality is like repressing a volcano and holding back a glacier.”

Your Uncle Bob says:

As a young and literal-minded Christian man in my 20s, I learned the hard way that you cannot court and marry even a young Christian woman living at home without trying at some level to get in her pants. Might not be trying as hard as when you’re dating a club slut, but you have to be playing your role in the courtship dance – part of which is trying.

Online game puas were the first people to come out and say so. The church never did, either pulpit or elders or peers, my parents who wanted grandchildren never did, my other family and friends never did. It was unspeakable and perhaps unthinkable.

Then you get into the pre-selection side of hypergamy, and you realize women see male virginity the opposite of the way men see female virginity. A liability not an asset. Some women claim they can tell a male virgin by the way he walks and carries himself, and I found that implausible the first time I heard it but I’m increasingly willing to believe it.

Even if you want monogamy with a faithful, modest and obedient Christian wife, while you don’t have to and really shouldn’t be banging sloots on the side, you have to have the ability to bang a sloot. Especially during the courtship phase, without which you don’t get marriage in the first place to worry about.

jim says:

> You cannot court and marry even a young Christian woman living at home without trying at some level to get in her pants.

And she is not going to stick around if you have not succeeded in a very short time.

> Online game puas were the first people to come out and say so. The church never did, either pulpit or elders or peers, my parents who wanted grandchildren never did, my other family and friends never did. It was unspeakable and perhaps unthinkable.

It is a necessary and predicable consequence of female emancipation. Christians cannot take the biblical position on sex, except in the context of the biblical position on female status. If you concede emancipation, you have conceded all.

Kunning Drueger says:

All propaganda, in its particularity, has a signature. If you watch a particular director’s movies in sequence, the signature becomes obvious. While it is easier to detect in fictions, it is also present in commercials and ad/info campaigns. This is partially due to the tools and techniques employed, but it is also because people do what they know the way they know how. In the following link, we can see reflections of Dan Crenshaw’s campaign propaganda. Others with greater familiarity with RNC funded propaganda campaigns can probably comment with more detail.

It is safe to assume that Desantis is in bed with some or all of the RNC campaign regulars. Whether he fucks or gets fucked remains tbo be seen. Anyone doubting this must contend with the research done by Conservative Treehouse here and elsewhere:

I’m not explicitly saying he’s a RINO, but to be an Trumpian Candidate (defined in this instance as neither RNC or DNC) he will have to fair better than Trump did with staffing, because that’s the deal the D/RNC requires. The D/RNC funnels donor money to your campaign and validates it through debates and massed propaganda, and you in turn pull staff from their list of options. It really is that simple. Trump had every opportunity to tell them to fuck off and obtain staff elsewhere, but he didn’t. This is what destroyed Trump. Are we sure Desantis will even get a chance?

Slightly related, could you pull a transition and provisional executive staff from a single State? Could Desantis actually tell the RNC to fuck off and staff his presidency from his own people? Would this even be advisable, and could one collect and empower enough staffers who are capable, loyal, and not compromised?

With how the bureaucracy is rigged up in the Executive, a viable strategy could be never leaving a significant proportion of appointments in place for long enough for anything to be done besides “holding pattern” (which would bleed them dry if the resulting gridlock waylaid funding renewal requests and the myriad other “necessary” activities that perpetuate bureaucracy through budget). Only truly staff up the positions you need to do a hard reset on a whole boatload of minor issues + an international issues team, and just hamstring the Executive bureaus. If Congress whines, send “impossible” nominees that utilize their speaking time to trash bureaucratic paralysis and generally waylay the Senate. They will be forced to sit through hours of being lambasted for sound bite fodder, or confirm ridiculous nominees who will be “resigned” after they muck things up a bit, intentionally of course. Then you unleash the hounds on all executive staff, and fire for every possible reason. Make promise after promise to restaff after a “nuts and bolts” review, then fold the positions into single appointments/hires as much as possible. The goal here is to reduce headcount for the “next regime.” The opposition can cry and call foul, and the Regime just responds publicly with a Dollars Not Spent report or something.

It really comes down to the State, but you’d have to avoid most the Eastern Seaboard. A byproduct is that you’d of necessity denude the state government, forcing most offices to need drastic rehiring and shuffling. It’s a long shot, but Desantis needs about 5 solid long shots to go in to be anything like what Candidate Trump was in late 2016 to late 2017. Trump could have wrecked the Executive Branch and they would have called him a traitor and impeached him 😐

Whatever the case, if Top Gov* does in fact Turn and Burn*… the executive bureaucracy to cinders, he’s /ourguy/. So far, his campaign looks like Crenshaw’s little mummer’s farce. I predict that Desantis will be put forward by the RNC establishment as a “more effective Trump,” and they will flaunt his conservative bona fides (family, prayer, hunting, grilling, etc.) to consolidate the soft-MAGAs and the mainline conservatives. Remember: it is irrelevant who wins, and it is of utmost importance that the opposition to Biden (or Newsome, or whoever) be equal to or greater than Trump, meaning *unthinkable* and *unbearable* for the whole establishment.

*If you review the posted link and look at other propaganda products, you can see the nascent campaign rhetoric and talking points taking shape.

jim says:

> Only truly staff up the positions you need to do a hard reset on a whole boatload of minor issues

When Hitler took power, he focused absolutely single mindedly on police and justice. He then took the boot of the state off his goons and his party. Then he was able to take actual power.

DeSantis staffing up the apparatus to monitor elections with trigger men, and firing a prosecutor, are hopeful signs.

To take actual power in the undead Republic, have to follow the FDR/Hitler path. Focus absolutely single mindedly on the apparatus of internal coercion, and then take power

skippy says:

Why does Anglin hate DeSantis?

Kunning Druegger says:

I can’t speak for him, but based on my analysis of his position, it is for the same reason that I want Desantis to stay out of the 2024 election campaign: he will forestall Trump from roiling and embarrassing the Cathedral.

I’m pretty sure St. Anglin articulated explicitly why he is opposed to Desantis in one of his posts, though I cannot recall which exactly. It was posted last week, IIRC.

Red says:

If Trump’s unwilling to use violence they’re rig him out the primaries just as they rigged him out of the white house in 2020.

Realistically there’s only 1 of 2 candidates who will be issued the GOP nomination: Romney or Desantis. One representing a cathedral leftist and probably the FBI faction and the other a stand in to make Trump voters feel better about getting robbed.

I have some hope that Desantis might take up the sword and make himself Emperor but at it stands he’s a controlled opposition.

Jimmy says:

The nomination will go to a female, likely Nimrata Haley (spit).

Kunning Druegger says:

The side that tries for the diversity high score will lose, so I wouldn’t put it past the RNC to go that route, but the times are such that the best path is “strongman” characteristics, no matter how warped that output might be. This means trannies, military, Trumpians, or actual thugs. Maybe 2023 will be a Year of Calm, but I doubt it. I think the pressure will continue to build.

Neurotoxin says:


Romney is yesterday’s failure, even from the point of grillers, so it won’t be him without massive primary rigging. Which of course is quite plausible.

Vlad says:

True but where do you find people that can outmaneuver the deep state in their home turf anyone who knows the tricks is them if they don’t they get rolled. Even if you find someone like gen Flynn look what happens. The deep doesn’t need to keep the law or you to break it the law is what they say it is and their running dogs in the cathedral will make it so for a puppy treat or hope of a future puppy treat.
They can only be defeated by violence because they are more than willing to go there and have decent capability. It needn’t be muh militia they are few their men under arms are only in it for paycheck as is the cathedral in the end they also have enemies there’s lots of ways to disarm and turn their useful idiots against them now is a really good time too bad no one actually spent time thinking about that instead of other crap.

jim says:

Cannot apply violence, till Caesar arrives. And there is a good chance that Caesar will be Stalin, rather than Sulla.

Kunning Druegger says:

Cloudswrest reminded me how interesting The Saker is (T.Hanks m8), and as I was catching up on posts, I came across an interesting passage [1]:

“A consistent analysis of Putin’s public interventions these past few months reveals that the Kremlin – as well as Security Council Yoda Nikolai Patrushev – fully realize how the politico/media goons and shock troops of the collective West are dictated by the rulers of what Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.”

Two things jumped out at me: the first is perplexing… what is a “yoda?’ Has Occidental tripentertainment really penetrated that deeply? The second, and far more interesting, is the use of the term FIRE to describe the financial niggory diggory so common in GDP measurements. I have only ever heard Jim use the term like that, so maybe it is actually common and I need to “get out” more. Whatever the case, I think there’s a lot more connectivity across the various spheres than it might seem. I think there’s actually a distributed conference of sorts going on, with independent thought silos spreading tendrils far and wide based on the quality of content and the hunger of readers/followers/commenters.

File this under “KD’s terrible ideas:” if you could put together a digital&IRL conference with all of the most interesting speakers and a keynote by Jim, who would you want to attend? The Saker, Yarvin, Auron Macyntire, Isegoria, St. John, Neuro-, notglowing, Aidan, St. Anglin…

That’s my roster so far. Who else should be invited? The theme of the conference would be What Is To Be Done, and no speaker would be allowed to directly engage the theme, they would just present a topic they would have posted about. So imagine 3 days of attending talks, the most insane and based Q&A in history, inhuman amounts of scotch, vodka, and pre-workout, a red meat buffet, a shooting range in the basement, telescopes on the roof, presentation monitors everywhere for remote attendees and /pol/ threads. And Ukrainian slutfugees serving drinks and snacks throughout.

Obviously, this is never going to happen, and this isn’t even a gentle introduction to the idea of it happening. Just pure LARP. If we could do a Dissidentcon, who should be invited?


jim says:

> Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.”

Where is the ‘E’

Left out “Education”, which is the worst of the lot.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The Saker, or at least the author, Pepe Escobar, cannot conceive of the Cathedral. He lacks the vision to identify his enemy.

Vlad says:

[scripts seen far too many times before deleted*]

jim says:

But, I notice that you have worked awareness of our memes into that collection of boilerplate, even though you cannot directly acknowledge them except in ways that will not distress your supervisor. Bonus points for that, which is why I let so much of your stuff through.

Since you are pushing “white” leftism, criticize my definition and description of leftism, in ways that make it clear what you are disagreeing with, what the position is that you dispute and deny.

Leftism is collective and coordinated action to knock over some applecarts so that leftists can grab some of those apples that are rolling around. Coordinated action requires a faith, a faith built on covetousness and spite. The faith mutates rapidly every time a new applecart appears in their sights.

Vlad says:

Judaism is a faith but you delete anti semitism and identify as moldbergs acolyte [*Soros script deleted*]

jim says:

I don’t delete anti semitism. Not at all, not in the slightest. I delete Soros shill scripts, (“hail fellow white man”) which scripts are written by Jews and are pushed by Soros employees (employees and contractors of Soros NGOs) who are mostly Jews and dot Indians, just as “Judeo Christianity” (“Hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou, fellow Christian”) comes from Jews who believe Christ is boiling in excrement, hate Christ, Christians, and Christianity, and seek to destroy it.)

You are a Soros shill, because for all your supposed ant semitism, you are strangely unable to notice Soros’s most notable conspicuous and offensive crimes.

Strange how every single person who claims to be more anti semitic than me, (hail fellow reactionary, I am more anti semitic than thou) every single one utterly without exception, is unable to notice the biggest and most obvious justifications for anti semitism.

These scripts are full of hatred to orthodox Jews, whom Soros hates and wishes to exterminate even more than he wishes to exterminate Christians, but fail to notice any specific actions of actual wealth and/or powerful Jews, and instead hate on “rentiers”, aka the kulak who has two cows, a garden, a wife, and children. They want to kill his cows, burn his house, flatten his garden, and emancipate his children to the tender care of child protective services, where his nine year old son will be sold off to a “married” gay couple, and his eight year old daughter will be allowed and encouraged to whore herself out.

someDude says:

Escobar is a lefty. He can’t see priestly misconduct which is what “Education” really is

Mayflower Sperg says:

Proles and lesser intellectuals try to follow the money and fail to notice what the magician’s other hand is doing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

One problem the Saker has, much like Dugin, is that he has the same blindness that Dugin has. He sees the FIRE economy as the ruling class but he cannot see what lies behind it. The Cathedral has done such a good job of obfuscation that the Saker cannot identify it. The toxoplasmosis parasite hijacks the mind to reproduce and defend itself, and leftism is an ideological mirror of its biological strategy.

The Saker can identify that it is a war of ideas but cannot–or perhaps merely will not–identify the ideas he is fighting. He has inherent leftist assumptions that he has not identified as the defense mechanisms of the very parasitic ideology that causes the problems he wants to fight. Before you can fight something you must have a conception of a thing. The Last Psychologist had a very interesting post on this topic with regards to Django Unchained and slavery in general.

Also if there is shooting, steak, and Ukrainian women then you had fucking better invite me.

Kunning Drueger says:

Nigger please, you’d be licking envelopes.

Who would you want to see speak?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would like to see Heartiste’s take on the future. I would also like to see a couple of the guys from Lotus Eaters come and talk because a couple of them seem like they might be more based than they let on. Col. MacGregor would be my top pick, though. I really want to see what he would say in a private talk with based men.

Mike in Boston says:

who would you want to attend? The Saker, Yarvin…

Yarvin is still a creative thinker, but he’s getting increasingly detached from reality. I suspect his late wife used to pull his feet back onto the ground. Poor guy.

The Saker, though his heart is in the right place, left reality behind long ago. His former Serbian translator, though she bitches too much about “anti-Semitism”, mostly has him dead to rights. His internal crimestop doesn’t let him see anything that contradicts his fantasy of Muh Based Russia, when in fact Putin has no problem with QR codes and mandatory clot shots, as long as they’re Russian-flavored. Putin is slightly less globalist than the other cool kids, but still just wants a seat at their table.

That’s why in place of the Saker I’d pick Jim Jatras, whose heart is equally in the right place but who has clearer vision.

And guess what! Jatras is speaking at the Trad Forum in West Virginia next month. It wouldn’t be as cool as a Jim conference, and I know Jim likes E. Michael Jones less than I do, and the “Dissident Mama” should really stay home, be quiet, and raise her kids. But Jatras is great and some of the other speakers will probably be great too. If someone from here goes I hope he will report back.

Though I do hope they have multiple T-shirts available for winners of the Spot The Fed game.

jim says:

> Putin is slightly less globalist than the other cool kids, but still just wants a seat at their table.

Nah. He wanted a seat at their table, still does, but since they will not give him a seat until the great Cathedral is redecorated and reconsecrated as a shrine to Gaea and faggots, now he wants to knock over their table.

Assad got in trouble because he merely artificially affirmative actioned women in education to exact equality, and no further. Putin got in trouble for not holding a gay parade and for building the great Cathedral. So many sovereigns are getting in so much trouble for ever more minor deviations from an ever more oppressive orthodoxy that we are seeing increasing resistance to empire by sovereigns. Putin wants a rebellion in the distant provinces of empire.

Such a rebellion, if it succeeds, is likely to roll into Washington.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Such a rebellion, if it succeeds, is likely to roll into Washington.


Mike in Boston says:

since they will not give him a seat until the great Cathedral is redecorated and reconsecrated as a shrine to Gaea and faggots, now he wants to knock over their table.

I will certainly be happy if you turn out to be right. But the timing of his latest clot shot introduction makes me feel like he would be all too willing to set the table right-side-up again, smooth out the felt, and sit back down at it, if the cool kids only make a few modest concessions like Crimea and the Donbass.

At least in that case Russia stays relatively free of the gay.

But I will hope for more as you seem to.

jim says:

he would be all too willing to set the table right-side-up again, smooth out the felt, and sit back down at it, if the cool kids only make a few modest concessions like Crimea and the Donbass.

Of course Putin would, and he is signaling that like mad. But only we hear his signals, it being a crimethought to perceive them.

That is why the shills say “Putin is a Zionist tool”, rather than pointing out what you are pointing out.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Oft evil will will evil mar.

What a black comedy. Putin would be glad to take a place at the table of Globalist Satanists if they would let him, but they will not because they cannot because they cannot hear him. So they are going to push him into becoming a Christian Tsar of Russia and cripple themselves in the process. God laughs at the plans of man.

Neurotoxin says:

“Putin is slightly less globalist than the other cool kids, but still just wants a seat at their table.”

He is currently in the process of blowing up their table with about a pound of C4.

jim says:

He would surely like to be seated at that table, and has persistently and patiently sought seating at that table, but because they will not seat him, C4.

Globalist Power Terminator II says:

Wonderful. Next, nukes.

Neurotoxin says:

Man, I really do wish we could meet up in meatspace. Can’t think of any way this could be done without assraping OpSec.

I’ll add this to the list: Severian from FQ, because man, that dude’s funny.

jim says:

What we could do, and probably should do, is have a jitsi conferencing wearing hats, masks covering our lower faces, and non prescription reading glasses that are different in style from our normal glasses or lack thereof.

It is not hard to set up a jitsi server in the cloud, and that is one of the many items near the bottom of the big and growing pile of stuff in my in tray.

Kunning Druegger says:

What could be done to assist in organizing something like this?

jim says:

Well, if you can do server administration, I can lease a cloud server, install Jitsi on it, install your ssh public key so that you can control it, and you could do the rest. Or just lease a server in the cloud under yet another pseudonym, and install your ssh public key on it giving you root access from anywhere and you could install a jitsi server. I do far too much server administration as it is. And it is yet another piece of server administration, at the bottom of a large pile of other server administration tasks that need doing, and are not yet done, which is underneath a pile of code to be written, finances to be organized, a tax return to done, and various other personal matters.

While Jitsi is secure, the cloud is not secure. I have not thought about how people would sign themselves in. It is yet another security question that I have not dealt with, and scarcely thought about. The most secure way would be to give them all linux non root accounts with ssh access, but I am not sure how to integrate that with Jitsi without mapping the guest accounts onto email accounts.

I have set up a full email server twice, and satellite email servers numerous times, and it is no fun.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is breaking my heart to write it but… as much as we need a Jimcon, if it is going to go forward, I can’t in good conscience take on any kind of back end roll, with programming or sysadmin. I will help out as ambassador or anything that is normie-able, but I will not put my simplistic understanding of systems and networks up against our digital adversaries. I would never forgive myself if some stupid error on my end backdoored a system we were setting up.

Further, I think we all need to harden up, withdraw, disengage, and/or disappear. I cannot adequately articulate how much I hate what I am typing right now, as the only shred of hope we have is organizing and coordinating. But the hour is late, and I genuinely feel that if They are going to move, they’re going to move quick and dirty, and they’re going to use every tool they have, meaning contractors and “specialists” in tandem with fed agents and analysts. It’s going to be digital D-Day. I sincerely hope I am wrong.

skippy says:

Do we really need a jimcon or is it just a massive opsec hole that won’t probably change anything at all?

Kunning Druegger says:

A year ago, I’d fight hard for Jimcon. And yes, we absolutely need it. But I can’t come up with a solid, logical defense for it in the face of the dangers.

I now we have h4x0r bros here, and I am convinced we/they could pull this off, but it may be taking on more risk than necessary.

jim says:

I think it can be done safely, but it would require a lot of work and thought to do it safely, and doing it carelessly could well be fatal.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, forgive this breach of the hierarchy, but if I may be so bold: if it is to be done, I think you gotta do it. Unless there’s someone you know with your experience and wisdom, who else would do it better? You know what’s at stake, and you know the technical necessities. As I said, the hour is late.

Fidelis says:

+1 for bunkering in the fringes of the empire. If for no other reason besides that it makes it harder for the, admittedly quickly evaporating, bureaucratic process to authorize nailing you. If you’re important they wont bother with process but for small fries they still seem to be. If they stop bothering with process for small fries, they now have to dispatch in regions they do not have as good amount of resources in, so they must have good reason to want you.

Aidan says:

I can do it, but I don’t think I have the time. Secure sign-on should be handled by the (hopefully fake) email addresses we use to post here and retain a consistent car avatar. If you can see our email addresses in plaintext, great, if you only have the hash, use the same encryption suite as your cat plugin with the same salt, and us punching in our email addresses will result in an identical hash being generated for the server and checked against a list of hashes for allowed attendees. The email addresses we use to post here and their cryptographic derivatives are the only shared secret between an individual poster and Jim that we can use to verify identity.

Otherwise, we could post public keys, and the public key I post under my specific cat avatar goes in a file, and if some glowie posts a public key under a name with no rep, you just do not put it in a file.

If we had a space for secure communications, then meatspace meetups become possible with appropriate opsec.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, if it is easy, maybe I can learn and you can critique my attempts?

jim says:

Server administration is not hard, but when one tries to do it, one always does something amazingly stupid, cannot figure out what one has done, and there is no way you can fix it except wipe the server and start over. What makes setting up email so hard, is the need to do it on actual server, rather than an oracle vm mockup of the server. If you don’t have at least a little bit of experience in linux server administration, it will take you a while.

Kunning Druegger says:

Is it something that would be better with a team of bros working the problem, or do you recommend one of us just take up the task? I will read up on Jitsi and put feelers out to some acquaintances. I think it is probably more complex than what you outlined, even if that (the server admin part) is the core task. We need to figure out a time, invite list, and some other elements. As well, we need to put together a strict “dress code” and code of conduct for participants.

Kunning Druegger says:

I got to excited and posted. Think of what you’d like to happen, then literally come up with a laundry list. I have a bit of experience in terms of organizing and running things of this flavor. I’d love the opportunity to help out.

For security purposes, the fewer involved in the Behind The Scenes is probably better, right?

None says:

@ jim
Do you know of the shakspear authorship question?
If you do where you stand.
I found recently about this and went in the rabbit hole
What amazed me is that the cathedral have a position and is very hostile to the question.
How come? What crime thought in this question that they suppress anything about it in the education system?

jim says:

Have not looked into it. That the New York Times published an article arguing that Shakespeare’s plays were not written by Shakespeare indicates it is not a forbidden thought, not being suppressed.

The people arguing that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare address the memes of their opponents, which is not how the Cathedral responds to enemy memes. On the other hand search engines do artificially downrank those arguing that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare, which is how the Cathedral responds to enemy memes.

The reason authorship is attributed to Shakespeare is very simple. His name appears on the plays as author. He was an actor in theater company, and a minor investor in the theater company. Though, since he was a commoner, later a gentleman, the theater and the theater company was owned by a nobleman. He does not seem to have been a very important person in the theater company, no cult of the scriptwriter then or now, not equivalent of a movie director. People would like the plays to be written by someone who was more important at the time. The nobleman who owned the theater and the theater company was the big guy, and Shakespeare was just one of his numerous gofers.

The objection to Shakespeare as Shakespeare is that nobody at the time thought Shakespeare was a particularly important person in the theater company, the people in the theater company did not think he was, he did not think he was, and he did not seem to regard the writing activities as a significant part of his job and status. He thought himself an actor, not a writer. His contemporary status is incongruent with the cult of Shakespeare. It is a huge discrepancy if one projects the cult of Shakespeare backwards into the time when the plays were produced.

But also, everyone at the time took it completely for granted that the plays were written by the man whose name appears as the author, a minor and unimportant part of the job of a minor and unimportant employee of the theater company. They just did not care.

To recast the controversy in terms of contemporary movie making, people would like Shakespeare to have been the writer/director. It appears he was not. Who was the director?

Well, maybe it does not matter, because we do not have the work of the director, only the work of the author. With movies, we do have the work of the director.

Those who argue that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare are not actually presenting evidence that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare. They are presenting the compelling and overwhelming evidence that Shakespeare did not direct Shakespeare, and that the plays were generally directed by a nobleman.

Albert says:

Yarvin addressed this recently. I found it interesting and informative.

jim says:

Yarvin’s analysis is plausible. Fact is, Shakespeare was a nobody, born a nobody, died a nobody, and in Elizabethan times, nobodies did not write courtly Elizabethan poetry. All somebodies wound up in court orbit. Court was full of talent, and talent wound up in court.

On the other hand, there is reasonable evidence that everyone from Shakespeare’s time to the nineteenth century took it for granted that the name on the folio is the actual name of the man that wrote this stuff.

However, the institutional objection to Oxford being the real Shakespeare is not that the Cathedral would be undermined if he was, but that the existing English studies departments would be undermined if he was.

Shakespeare is full of anti democratic, anti egalitarian, stuff. He surely does not think that all men are created equal. Identifying him a courtly aristocrat rather than actor, stage hand, and wool merchant, would help neutralize that. If anything, the Oxfordian theory would be more useful to our enemies than the theory that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Would a playwright end up a court, though? It is my understanding that anyone associated with theater was considered a degenerate, little more than pimps and whores. Having Shakespeare end up in court might have been more than they would stand.

Don Harrington says:

Moliere became a personal friend of the king of France through his plays. A relationship not without its hiccups. But the difference between Moliere’s status and Shakespeare’s is interesting, given the numerous parallels in other aspects of their lives and works, and given the extensively documented nature of Moliere’s life. I don’t believe anybody has seriously suggested an authorship dispute in his case.

None says:

“if anything, the Oxfordian theory would be more useful to our enemies than the theory that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare.”
people today don’t read Shakespeare and certainly not the elites read it.
it is more about the reputation
“here is a nobody William Shakespeare able to write at such high class despite the fact he was lowly birth. which should show that hierarchies/class are evil and aristocrats should be demonized and overthrown”

The Cominator says:

A playwright may well have ended up at court, but it would be beneath the dignity of an aristocrat to be involved with the theater except as a patron… so if an aristocrat wanted to write plays.. he would need to hire a ringer…

jim says:

A good poet with a plausible claim of aristocratic lineage, would, however, have been roped in to decorate the court.

Cloudswrest says:

Joe Sobran was a big proponent of the Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare theory. And he was much more of a English language adept, and knew a LOT more about Shakespeare, than me.

None says:

very reasonably stated
as i said, i recently came across this question
the thing that alerted me and caused me confusion is
there is not a single written paper by Shakespeare, even his will is not written by him only his signatures (presumably ). there is no correspondences with anyone writer or non writer. your point about him being actor more than a writer is interesting. however
can someone in the 16th/17th century make play after play like Macbeth, king lear romeo and juliet etc just verbally. the breadth and knowledge to make it warrant draft and redraft. but if we assume that shakespeare was such a genius that normal process of working at a theater does not apply to him. how did he acquire the extinctive knowledge in various branch ex legal, history, war, geography etc without schooling (presumably he went to grammer school -no records) nor books. and there is no documents to ever show that he owned or had access to libraries which in that time was luxuries.
no document that he ever met queen Elizabeth the first. his theater company however performed for the queen but no mention for specific audience.
it amazed me that a prolific writer like him did not garner attention in his life time.
the first folio (which contain 36 work of shakespear works) printed 1623 seven year after his death in 1616
contain no autobiography of him nor where he was born nor died
with doubts about who actually wrote the introduction.
the people who cast doubt about Shakespeare (me being one of them of course)
differentiate between
William Shakespeare the author which if the doubts are true is a pseudonym
and the actor who can be called william shakspear of stratford upon avon
your last point is very important
because that mean the nobleman was the actual writer while shakespear (the man form stratford) was the front face
i don’t think it can be argued that Shakespeare the actor wrote the work while the nobleman directed it
considering the above information about Shakespeare

jim says:

He is working under an aristocratic director, who certainly knows all that stuff, and the director is cheerfully stealing stuff from all manner of people, and tells his gofer Shakespeare “Take a break from organizing scenery storage, and write this stuff up into something that we can do with our actors on our stage. Re-use the backdrops we already have, without too much alteration, and Tyler cannot do sword scenes until he recovers from his injury”

I find the most compelling that Shakespeare was Shakespeare, is that Shakespeare was there, and we have no evidence that Oxford was there. The director would certainly want his script writer hanging around the theater, “oops, squash scene three into scenes two and four”. And if the original script writer was not hanging around the theater, he would scarcely recognize his play by the time it was acted on stage. That is what happens with movies. As I said, the evidence that Shakespeare did not write the plays is not evidence that he did not write the plays, it is evidence that he did not direct them.

The reason Elizabethan poetry was something aristocrats did, and writing plays was something commoners did, is that scripts are apt to get chewed up and spat out.

Eucherius says:

> He is working under an aristocratic director, who certainly knows all that stuff, and the director is cheerfully stealing stuff from all manner of people, and tells his gofer Shakespeare “Take a break from organizing scenery storage, and write this stuff up into something that we can do with our actors on our stage.

There was no aristocratic director. You pulled him out of your ass.

jim, you are Dunning Kruger the person.

jim says:

Theater companies were generally known as (State title of high ranking aristocrat)’s men indicating a great deal of interest and direct control by the government and leading aristocrats. There were companies that appeared to be private, but the most important, well funded, and well known companies were quasi statal – as is the media today, though today the government is more covert about it.

The people acting in the Globe theater were known as “The King’s men” – though it was unlikely the King himself directed. The leading people in the company were granted the (non aristocratic) title “Grooms of the Chamber”. Shakespeare was not awarded this title, therefore not a leading member.

Kunning Druegger says:

You rang? I was just listening to the Neil Degrasse Tyson audiobook (doesn’t matter which, they’re all superb) while playing a little bit of the -craft waiting for my cys-partner to finish up working at her start-up in the other room of my 2 bedroom eco-friendly flat in Austin. Your comment was kind of long, Eucherius, so I just skimmed it, but I am worried you are being a little bit aggressive. Maybe you should listen to some Sagan and meditate, get your aura back in alignment, because science is spirituality, after all!

On the for real side, who cares what a bunch of white males think about dead white men, amirite? The future Shakespeare will be black anyways.

jim says:

> i don’t think it can be argued that Shakespeare the actor wrote the work while the nobleman directed it

Why not? Directors today as then tend to treat script writers as lower than street trash.

Kunning Druegger says:

This may be true for some directors, and very likely many producers and executive producers, but it is far more common that screenwriters are just not involved, unless they also direct or produce, and it is also common for them to suck at “both” positions. Typically, a screenwriter is paid off and booted from the process. There’s always a hierarchy, and some screenwriters get obscene sums (typically, punch up or corrective writers ((people brought in to ‘fix’ scripts)) are very well compensated), but many are not really given any thought once the script is finalized and bought/sold.

One, in my opinion, sad aspect of modern film is that writers and directors are now little different than the Indians brought in to do programming. Marvel movies are a particular case of this; those directors are literal jokes, brought on board to just do whatever the studio tells them.

John Milius is probably the most based director in cinema history. The days of the powerhouse director are coming to an end. I hope it is a temporary end.

Red says:

John Milius is probably the most based director in cinema history.

Also one of the best writers. Almost every memorable line in Dirty Harry was his. It’s sad that his directing career was cut short because he a made Red Dawn. When Moldbug said that America is a communist country I instantly saw it the truth because of John Milius’ black listing.

Eucherius says:

> He thought himself an actor, not a writer.

He most certainly thought of himself as a poet. He says multiple times in his sonnets that his poems will last forever.

“Yet do thy worst old Time: despite thy wrong,
My love shall in my verse ever live young.”

“So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”

> It is a huge discrepancy if one projects the cult of Shakespeare backwards into the time when the plays were produced.

What now? This is what Ben Jonson had to say about Shakespeare shortly after his death:

I therefore will begin. Soul of the age!
The applause, delight, the wonder of our stage!
My Shakespeare, rise! I will not lodge thee by
Chaucer, or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lie
A little further, to make thee a room:
Thou art a monument without a tomb,
And art alive still while thy book doth live
And we have wits to read and praise to give.
That I not mix thee so, my brain excuses,
I mean with great, but disproportion’d Muses,
For if I thought my judgment were of years,
I should commit thee surely with thy peers,
And tell how far thou didst our Lyly outshine,
Or sporting Kyd, or Marlowe’s mighty line.
And though thou hadst small Latin and less Greek,
From thence to honour thee, I would not seek
For names; but call forth thund’ring Aeschylus,
Euripides and Sophocles to us;
Pacuvius, Accius, him of Cordova dead,
To life again, to hear thy buskin tread,
And shake a stage; or, when thy socks were on,
Leave thee alone for the comparison
Of all that insolent Greece or haughty Rome
Sent forth, or since did from their ashes come.
Tri’umph, my Britain, thou hast one to show
To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.

According to you this is referring to the author of minor and unimportant hackwork.

jim says:

Ben Johnson was more prescient than the rest of the people in Shakespeare’s environment.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You don’t really hear about this sort of thing outside of niche circles, because there is not a really obvious way to twist it into something directly related to the polygon’s favorite hobbyhorses; IE, its relevance to power.

I don’t really have much of an opinion on the matter myself. However, one thing i can say: it is a perennial gnostic impulse in embryo to try and ‘discover’ that all the great figures in someone’s past are ‘frauds’ and ‘fakes’; ‘all your heroes are false idols! *cackles*’. There’s few things more satisfying for them than that feeling of glee in spreading nihilistic demoralization.

Kunning Druegger says:

This comports with my experience. When I was in university, there were constant attempts to undercut historiography by any means necessary. The standard position was “everything white is a fabrication,” and the mutts and minorities ate it up.

Anonymous says:


Hidden Figures. “You didn’t build that”. “I met God and She’s Black”. “Watson and Crick actually just took credit for Rosalind’s work”. And so on.

Yul Bornhold says:

jim says:
2022-08-19 at 05:16
“The Australian aboriginals do not have an oral tradition – they have no idea what happened before the current generation. Their oral tradition is totally made up by missionaries and white scammers… There are no end of historical events involving groups of Australian aboriginals recorded by white people, and the descendants of those groups lack any recollection of them.
They live in an eternal present without cause, effect, or a past.”

I would remind you that progressive NPCs have no idea what happened two months ago, yet they retain mythic memory of the holocaust, slavery, the oppressive red scare, MLK and George Floyd (tragically shot).

Neurotoxin says:

A little late on this, but howling cunt Liz Cheney got primaried out in Wyoming.

jim says:

Liz Cheney’s replacement is a slightly less Rino Rino. Also a howling cunt and Cathedral OKed.

This is consistent with a policy of keeping the Republican party “mainstream”.

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah, it’s not that her being ousted is a white pill, more the dodging of a ridiculous black pill.

Red says:

I couldn’t bring myself to care one way or the other. The GOP is doing everything possible to give the Democrats cover for rigging the midterms. Everything out of their mouths is about Ukraine or other shit no one gives a fuck about. They’re playing the roll of the Washington Generals to a T.

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah, it has little or no practical import. But I like the fact that it denies Dems and Never-Trumpers an end-zone dance.

Red says:

Gavin McInnes arrested by the feds during a live stream:

Looks like they’re getting ready to give James O’Keefe the J6 treatment:

Kunning Drueger says:

I wonder if we’re about to see a wave of people being “swatted” with a handful, just a few, a completely negligible number, then being held and charged for things “discovered” during the “accidental” raids.

jim says:

Escalating from deplatforming, cancellation, and demonetization, to imprisonment.

Next step, murder. Probably in the form of prison camps with a strangely high death rate from natural causes.

It is going to get worse, and may well get unthinkably and unimaginably worse – there is an increasing risk of systematic genocide of legacy Americans.

They earlier stretched the definition of genocide to include the erasure of history and identity. And then proceeded to burn our Churches and tear down our statues, so they are already genocidal under their expanded definition of genocide, making actual genocide a very easy, and even holier, step.

There will be a shipwreck, but the storm will pass, because evil mars evil. The time for forceful countermeasures will come, but is not yet.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Do not go looking for trouble right now, because it will find you. If it does find you, make them bleed for it. If they take you, they will imprison you, torture you, and are working towards murdering you. Might as well send a few feds to hell before you meet God. Keep in mind that if you go out like a legend, then your woman is going to remember you as more alpha and be more likely to protect your children.

Karl says:

I don’t see genocide as the next step. Maybe that is normality bias or maybe my misunderstanding of the word “genocide”. What I expect as the next step is (mass) killing of right leaning people and people the government suspects of right leaning. If I’m correct, the definining characteristic of those that are killed will not be color (race or “genus” in Latine), but instead political orientation.

When that starts in USA, it will be copied in those parts of the west that do not break away from trom the empire. I can easiliy imagine Western governments killing millions of those that oppose their governments, but there still are too many whites around to implement a genocide – I hope.

Kunning Druegger says:

First off, you described a genocide as an alternative to genocide. Might be a translation issue. While English may be the language of God, most English speakers are fucking worthless linguists that tarnish a beautiful Germanic descendant.

Secondly, the headcount of whites is not as relevant as you think, as it will be whites doing it. Blacks are incapable of organization without white leadership, Latinos are capable but very, very dim, so they are better off under guidance as opposed to giving it (there are exceptions, but I would pit any, ANY US State Government against a Central or South American government, in any type of competition, and the State Government would win the day), and Asians will start turtling up or fleeing the moment it starts to get Mao flavored, as they know what that means, and they are the purest racists out there, much preferring to be shunned by slants versus being held equal with whites. Whites are, across the board, the “superior” race, and this really sucks, because they have been “superior’d” away from race loyalty and race identity. This is why we can exterminate our own so casually.

jim says:

> you described a genocide as an alternative to genocide. Might be a translation issue.

I am translating the language used by the left. They have a definition of genocide that is used to attack the existence of white people.

Kunning Druegger says:

That was intended for Karl’s comment, not yours. The tack you took is one I have taken in polisci and history university classes when discussing South Africa and the Boer. It had 0 impact on the Opposition, but it really landed with the moderates or the ignorant. I would read the UN definition* then challenge them to refute the genocide of Boers. I had a few articles of illustrating instances of text book genocide. Their defenses were rote; “I don’t trust the source,” “It doesn’t count because the whites aren’t from Africa,” and others. I would then counter with historical references to the arrival of the settlers (starting in 1600s) and the Bantu migration (Zulu formed in 1800s, slave and migrant waves in 1700s, etc.) as well as calling out the fact that they were moving the goal posts. University Progressives are impervious to facts and well tailored arguments, but not the derision and rejection of their peers, so in time I learned to just take them down with pithy one-liners and snarkastic gotcha statements, and in due time I was censured following anonymous complaints of racism and verbal harassment.

I still think it is valuable to use the enemy’s words against them, but one cannot expect to “win,” merely hammer wedges into the cracks extant.

*Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part. Raphael Lemkin coined the term in 1944,[1][2] combining the Greek word γένος (genos, “race, people”) with the Latin suffix -caedo (“act of killing”).[3]

In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such.” These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly. Source:

Neurotoxin says:

“I still think it is valuable to use the enemy’s words against them, but one cannot expect to “win,” merely hammer wedges into the cracks extant.”


Karl says:

Of course whites will be doing it. My point was that while there are plenty of whites around, whites will not be killing whites for being white, but for being evil rightists. That will bring the number of whites down. When only a few whites are left, those can be killed by non-whites for being white.

I understood genocide according to the definition you cited below. According to this definition killing people for leaning to the right, is no genocide as they are no “ethnic, national, racial, or religious group”.

jim says:

According to the official (artificially inclusive) definition, burning our churches, pulling down our statues, and erasing our history is genocide. Since they are performing genocide according to their definition, they will have no trouble moving on to genocide by our definition.

Vlad says:

[*comment held back pending Woman Question shill test and Soros shill test.

The measures you recommend (white socialism) would be catastrophic for the white race and western civilization, would ruin us and destroy us, so: the question to be resolved is: Are you recommending them because you disagree with us about the likely effects of those measures, or are you recommending them because you are working for people who hate us and want us dead, and who preferentially hire those unlikely to feel loyalty to legacy Americans, those unlikely to be troubled by legacy Americans being ruined or exterminatedc

If merely misguided, I will debate them. If you are working for our enemies to destroy us, I will point and laugh*]

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, Karl, I take your points, but I am still convinced that, under the cited definition of genocide, what is happening to whites in South Africa is genocide, and what seems to be right around the corner in the GAE is also genocide. This is why any discussion of White genocide is nipped in the bud immediately. If the discussion occurs, the veracity of the claim inevitably follows, and the True Believers must either say “yes, gas the Whites, race to the bottom now” or change the definition. Both of these things could happen, and most likely will, but the Commissariat is not ready for that, or is not confident that they can pull it off, and so the censors shadowban and delete. Don’t take my word for it, you can easily assemble the necessary footage and articles and initiate the dialogue on any platform you choose. The shills and censors will surface and derail or destroy the discussion. many such cases.

Karl says:

Yes, what is happening in South Africa is genocide. Whites are killed for being white by blacks. Since blacks are doing it, the genocide is rather slow. It is organized with black efficency.

South Africa has a tiny white minority. That is a huge difference to the USA or Europe. While Whites are a majority, Whites might do mass killings of Whites, but they won’t kill Whites for being white.

Non-Whites are or will be killing Whites largely without governments stepping in, as long as the non-whites can make a semi-plausible case that they only killed evil rightist Whites. If non-Whites kill mostly Whites that are right leaning (or suspected of right) leaning, situation is similar to Whites killing Whites for political reasons, but as the killing is organized by non-whites it will be much less efficient.

jim says:

The Khmer Rouge did a very good job of killing each other. By the time they were overthrown, very few of the original Khmer Rouge alive.

So I think whites can kill whites for being white quite efficiently.

Vlad says:

[hail fellow white man, its them Jews. White leftism good, fellow white man]

jim says:

Can you name the Jew is most directly responsible for the non prosecution of people who murder whites, or are you working for him?

Vlad says:

Why confirming soros as the guy whose fingerprints are on almost all evil is a test but yeah if there’s an elder of Zion that motherfucker is at least the guy they put out front to take the heat. [*hail fellow white male, fellow white male*]

jim says:

The Soros shill test is to tell us some of Soro’s notable evil acts, and how he made his living and became rich.

If you cannot do that, you are working under his supervision, in the sense that your supervisor is working under the supervision of a supervisor whose … is supervised by Soros, and you are probably a Jew or a dot Indian. Or possibly a faggot, because faggots have no loyalty the larger group, just as Jews and Indians have no loyalty to legacy Americans. Shills are hired from people who don’t much like us, or actively hate us, because less likely to turn. Hence hired from outgroups.

Still holding back most of your comments. I will delete them shortly if you continue to fail the Soros shill test, or possibly show them for the purpose of ridicule rather than rebuttal.

Soros shills get to say Soros is evil, just as fbi shills get to say they hate niggers and women – but they say blacks are magical and women are wonderful, and they hate blacks because magical and women because wonderful.

Vlad says:

Soros is famous for shorting the pound [unusually responsive shill script deleted]

jim says:

Not what he is infamous for on the reactionary right, the alt right, and the Republican right.

The Soros shills say “It the Jews”, and then to ignore what our enemies, who are disproportionately Jews, are actually doing, in particular and especially what Soros is doing, and instead attack Putin, Musk, and so on and so forth.

Evil capitalists are supposedly doing stuff, so we should supposedly smash the windows of the Jewish pawnshop and kill the cows of the kulak with two cows.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Vlad, mind reposting this?

I, (insert username here), cosign the following neoreactionary creed:
Only high-class European and Asian men have the necessary characteristics to the maintenance of civilization; women, queers, and the more savage ethnicities are only ever hired as an attack against civilization.
Women need to be controlled by men, as the female sex drive is maladapted to the civilized male status hierarchy. Their sexual instincts awaken uncomfortably early, are ambiguous if not opposed to notions of consent, and result in population collapse. Pedophilia is just a way to conflate notions of young but sexually mature women having procreative sex with the objections to degenerate homos lusting after and buggering little boys.
Jews, particularly Soros, often enthusiastically do wicked things, but are used as a disguise by their progressive masters; Jewish misbehavior hides progressive misbehavior. They are given their money by government manipulation or intervention so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.
Jesus Christ always was and always will be; is wholly Man and wholly God; is the Logos of the universe; was born to Mary, died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.

Guy says:

Last week on his show Gavin was asked by one of his co-hosts if he was going to be around next Thursday (for the live show), Gavin quickly responded “Yes”, then hesitated and said “well….” then the other guy said “oh yeah” and then they went back to talking about what they were talking about. It also happened a short time into his live show where he frequently in the past has done similar gags where he had a fake fires people fake quits etc… Granted this one went on for a while but I think he was going to be traveling this week and has been setting up the”getting arrested / followed by cops” plotline all week.

Granted a good chunk of this is me being hopeful since I’m a big fan of his show, but this very well maybe a gag it would not be too surprising given his style.

If not all should be clear imminently anyway. And what they just did to those people for “stealing” Ashley Bidens diary is concerning enough anyway

Aidan says:

Isn’t he that homo who stuck a dildo up his ass on live tv? I lost all respect for him years ago during an interview on some PUA podcast I used to listen to when he said that riding his motorcycle at highway speeds scared him.

The Cominator says:

McInnes numerous shortcomings are immaterial here.

McInnes was AGAINST going to January 6th and they arrested him for January 6th. Before the regime at least used to make up semi plausible pretext for arrests, this is the beginning of the leftist terror in earnest…

skippy says:

“McInnes was AGAINST going to January 6th”

Which also speaks to his integrity even if coming to this realization only after founding an ineffective militia movement that later taken over by feds does not speak to his intellect

Cataclysm Reawake says:

“Which also speaks to his integrity” Elaborate

skippy says:

J6 was mostly attended by less than sophisticated people. Most of the rest were traitors.

Kunning Druegger says:

The issue I am having with McInnis is that each of his publicized actions could be construed in diametric ways. He could be suffering from regime suppression, or they could be maintaining his cover. He could be a genuine guy (mistakes and foibles haunt us all), or he could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I think this is going to keep happening: a raid occurs, the water gets muddy, friends stay quiet and adversaries pounce, honor is questioned, and dirt surfaces. To be clear, I am not decided one way or another. But McInnis organization has been a very effective tool for the feds to isolate and round up dissidents. Whether this is what it was intended to do, or if it was used to do this, that it was done is not really up for debate.

We all knew it, and we’ve discussed it many times, but we are about to see just how effective it is for the regime to “impossible-ize” coordinate safely or effectively. There regime of suppression is far more effective than the regime itself, as it was formulated and implemented under more effective managers from the past.

Guy says:

Yeah, he did the dildo thing, and frequently admits he’s scared on his motorcycle. The dildo thing was him saying, “look we’re not homophobic, that’s a media lie” (he also made out with Milo to “own the muzzies”….) Only thing I can say is he seems to actually get why gays are a problem now, even if hes too tolerant. Hes less of a libertarian now.

One problem is the MSM guess, look here’s the new Hitler, and he both doesn’t live up and tries to counter that.

I respect that he’s generally honest, even when he’s dumb and naive. His opinions and actions have changed as things have gotten worse

Guy says:

There’s a reply to Josh Denny’s tweet midway through the article here that shows why I think it’s fake. It’s him talking to his crew and almost giving it away last week

Kunning Druegger says:

St. Anglin says:

“I think we’ll be able to gather something about the timeline from whether or not the Justice Department does a press conference on the McInnes raid/arrest. If they come out and at least claim to be doing things by the book, then we can assume that they’re still in the “pretending this is legitimate” phase of the process. If they just say nothing, and there is scant media coverage (there is no mainstream media coverage at time of writing), then it is more likely they are going to start a cascade of mass arrests.”

Here’s the link:

I think the quoted assessment is pretty strong. This could all be a hoax, I acknowledge that. I am not read in on the PBs, but the whole thing screams “fed operation.” (I almost hate to do this, but… how did Pooch feel about the proud boys? Happy hunting, GPT2 🙂 He definitely cut a deal when he had his troubles with the feds, Anglin covers the key points. Control of the organization was handed off to an actual fed CI, and one must assume that CEOs who step down still text with their allies, so to piggyback on Anglin’s intel analysis, I think figuring out if McInnes is compromised could be decided on how instrumental he was in the Fed CI being ensconced as the new PBs leader.

If this is a hoax, a stunt being pulled by McInnis, you have to ask yourself why? and why now? This strains credulity, but it could demonstrably muddy the waters, especially if there’s an uptick in swattings, “fake” arrests, and actual raids & apprehensions. When MSM starts to cover it, we will have confirmation as to what the Manufactured Consensus is going to be.

Expect the Jimmy Dore Left to start sounding off soon. While the Left is in bed with the government, Conservative Media is government’s side chick. If/when the raids increase, any Conservative talking head that Backs The Blue is compromised. The feds will need to move quickly once this thing gets going, so anyone they control or have kompromat on will be induced to aid in whatever way Director Agent Ch’Neekwa deems necessary.

Guy says:

The”why” is, this is his style. He does these pranks often and thinks they’re funny, he thinks it gives his fans some entertainment when he’s going to miss some shows.

The “why now” is he’s been traveling to look at places he wants to move to in the Carolinas and is prepping for a live show. He basically let it slip he wasn’t doing a live show this week, then did one anyway that ended almost immediately with the arrest.

One thing that makes me think it’s fake is that you can hear the sirens just immediately before they come in. Based on his description of the studio, you shouldn’t be able to hear them on his mic. Used to hear that stuff at his old studio, this one is too insulated I think.

If he’s a fed, this would be a hell of a fedpost for him, and I think he’s being reckless and stupid to fake this right now. But every time someone says he’s a fed (or a Nazi for that matter) it’s clear to me that their image of him is derived from the media and not familiarity with his words or his work.

Guy says:

Also, if feds, they’re restrained. They don’t act provocatively. All their famous violent actions were then being attacked by antifa while doing security for an Anne Coulter type person. PBs get jumped by antifa, fight back, and go to jail. They also told everyone not to go to Charlottesville (and if you went you were kicked out) or Jan 6

Kunning Druegger says:

This isn’t really conclusive. What has Patriot Front done that is “provocative?” How about the 2 idiots involved in the Gretchen Whitmer “””case?””” The Feds will give seefour to Sand Niggers, guns to Cartel spics, and look the other way when noggs march around and organize for Wakanda. When it comes to whites, Christians, nationalists, or the evil trifecta of such, they seem content to draw them in with meetings and roll them up as fast as possible with the minimum of evidence, or even none at all. This is not Caucasian Fragility speaking, this is the unassailable fact that if a single group of white, Christian males with apparent assabiya and success seems to exist, there would be 50 more in a week’s time. So they go to great lengths entrap, honeypot, shill, and anything else to keep such activities “unthinkable.” If the Proud Boys were an actual, organic organization, they would have flattened them. Instead, they infiltrated them at every level and kept them impotent.

Guy says:

Good points.

I’ll say that it definitely started organically, it was a drinking club that made fun of Gavin’s podcast producer Ben Rattner for being a pussy who never got laid and never tried to. The name was a reference to an Aladdin showtune since, I believe, the producer liked Disney showtunes. It only got violent when the group went to Gavin’s talks and we’re attacked by antifa, they then started doing security for other right wing speakers and that’s probably when it got infiltrated.

When Gavin stepped down, it was because the lawyers of some kids who got jumped at one of his talks asked him to, they said if the group did not have a leader/hierarchy it would not legally be a gang, though at that point it would be moot. Those kids that got jumped were sentenced to 4 years for winning a fight.

Kunning Druegger says:

This further buttresses my assertions as well as Jim’s position that lawyers are all scum. I know very little of PBs, but I know a fair bit more about the IC and LEO methods and tactics, so I have been riffing off what I read at Stormer and what you said. The most I’ve learned about them (off this website) was hours of footage from the “street fights” in Portland and Berkley. Those two events, as well as Charlottesville, have a very dramatic theme, by which I mean quite unrealistic. If you watch enough raw footage from third world riots and civil unrest, you begin to see what a terrified mass of human animals looks like. While there are definitely moments in those events were there is legitimate terror, it is very brief. Most of the time, it is more like how kids act at recess when the teachers are not present. If you read up on classical COINTELPRO (all open source intel, nothing spooky or secret), you will find that Confidential Informants and agent provocateurs are widespread, used to spin up/incite violence in crowds as well as “judas goat” groups and movements into dead ends, both literally and metaphorically. I think the big difference between the 1970s and the 2010s is that there is approximately 0% institutional support for the right wing in the modern era, as opposed to maybe 10-15% in the older era.

During Meme War 01 and the Trump years, I was intensely drawn toward “getting involved” for a number of reasons, and I still think my impulse was legitimate and healthy. The problem I ran into was every single group I found, the moment you scratched under the surface, there were too many red flags, to many mysterious patrons, supporters, and suspect factors. A genral rule of thumb is that if some org or group asks you to submit an address, a phone number, or any PII, the chances are that they are fully compromised, or on the list to be buggered as soon as the pass a certain threshold. They probably all start as legitimate, but once they accrete enough of a base, enough influence or power, the Eye of Sauron is upon them. Again, I think this is because the Establishment sees the white male demographic as a powder keg (rightly or wrongly), and their entire framework is built on diffusing said Inherently Energetic Demographic.

McInnis, to me, seems like a legitimate artist, an artfag if you will. He wants to build things, connect people, and revel in their respect and adoration. He may or may not be personally compromised. But it doesn’t really matter; for every one white dude who just wants to find a mannerbund, there are at least three who will turn quisling at the drop of a hat. Feelsbatman.

Guy says:

Yeah, when the bearded guy dropped that antifa fag coming at him with a baton it was amazing imagery. But I was past my drinking days when they started up, and was not even really paying much attention until it was too late to show up and ask to crack skulls.

Some more PB notes: organized into independent chapters with a chairperson (the CI Tarrio, at least a former CI). Chapters differ greatly. Internal battle over whether it should just be about drinking and doing coke, or about rallies and political action. Gavin’s talked about infiltrators, says they kick out a lot, usually fit guys with no tattoos who start talking about getting into action right away. He doesn’t have shill tests though, they go off feel. The shills sound stupid, they apparently just blather on about obscure things only people in LE would know, then pretend to be in construction. They only want to hang out and talk with him, don’t go to meet ups he’s not at, etc….

Kunning Druegger says:

That’s just one type of threat, though. The far more insidious in my perspective is the “true believer” with kompromat issues. This is usually something intensely personal, something long standing. Child custody, a past infraction, the sky is the limit when the manipulating party is the State. You also have the megalomaniacs that will usher in convergence as a method for elevating their position. This is what the USM deployed often with the militias in Iraq; though all of the militias disliked the USM, their rivalries with each other, and between members over tribal affiliations or what have you, was exploited by JSOC often to figure out geolocation of targets.

I have theories on how to contend with a lot of this stuff, but it’s all moot once an org starts to scale. It only takes one infiltrator to wreck an organization. In a way, these types of entities have a sort of “reverse of bureaucracy” issue. A bureaucracy has immense inertia, and no amount of infiltration can outweigh it, while a grassroots org outside of the protective umbrella of the establishment is a fragile structure, potentially destroyed by a trivial amount of entryism.

Severian says:

European energy prices are reaching absolutely insane levels.
I cannot fathom how we tolerate this. How are people not going nuts?

Karl says:

Europeans are going broke. Why should they be going nuts?

Kunning Druegger says:

Meanwhile, in father Russia***:

***I don’t into Slavic, this could be Ohio for all I know. For all you 3000 and Late boomers out there who don’t Telegram, it’s some band doing a show outside a prison/refugee camp, and a KA-52 Alligator does the coolest little flyby. Russia is lit af fr fr no cap gas the bikes, race more now.***

C4ssidy says:

This blog often has predictions regarding major events so I’d be interested if Jim makes one regarding the big freeze. Will grandma die shivering? Will negroes be rioting and eating whitey? I’ve already decided to visit Asia over the winter and to watch these events from afar

S says:

Yes to both. The left causing shortages the kill people is a universal, migrants already have annual car burnings and American occupation troops insure that the puppet states will follow this until the end.

Kunning Druegger says:

I outline my thoughts on how the “conflict” might go, and I stand by it, but I also wonder at how willing and able regional elites will be to forestall real, systemic collapses. We could see a strange duality, wherein some states and regions are in a no-shit collapse while others continue to keep scrolling through life, watching it breakdown but not actively participating in it or suffering from it. I do think Europe is in for very rough times, but I am not so sure about America. I vacillate almost daily, depending on my physical environs and the media. Sometimes, it feels like we’re one habbening away from a shooting war, and the next day, it seems as if we’ll do nothing and like it. The wild card is East Asia; the population pressure has a staggering fragility given the density and geographic reality. In Australia, there’s nowhere to flee to. China is largely a desert, with something like 20+ megacities. Singapore is completely reliant on the “world outside” being stable, Indonesia is incapable of autarky. The bigger concern there, IMO, would be climatic or geological cataclysm. I don’t think there are that many realistic bolt holes out there, but I could be way off on my assessment of EA.

jim says:

Fuel and power in Europe is in radical crisis. Cannot operate modern western civilization without lots of power. They are going to go backwards fast and lie about, as we have been going backwards slowly and lying about it. The short term solution is switching to oil and liquified natural gas. The real long term solution is nuclear, but we have no nuclear Musk, nor would one be allowed because Musk can get away with his rockets exploding, but no one is going to get away with his nuclear power plants exploding.

I think that to have good nuclear reactors, we are going to need to run them on drone ships, or better, drone subs, and accept the occasional catastrophe with early models at sea. The ocean is vast, and a nuclear reactor melting down and dumping hot fresh radioactive waste is going to imperceptible. To get good, cheap, safe nuclear reactors, We need a Musk or a Wernher von Braun, and a Musk or a Wernher von Braun is going to blow stuff up.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, that makes sense in terms of rapid development, but why not just aim at cutting enviro-bullshit and focus on Gen03 reactors to carry baseload while literally offshoring Thorium-Salt research? The days of the USA being the only place to do cutting edge stuff are over. I know there’s still a lot of resources, but the US market and intellectual infrastructure are no longer exceptional.

I feel like it is almost entirely political in nature. A handful of billionaires could put together an endowment and aim it at rising engineers. If/when enviro-niggers start nogging, just say “K thx bye” and go to Russia.

If you gave me the budget for a good editor, I could cut you a promo from that playlist alone (I *might* dig up some footage from /pol/ for flavor as well) that could start building a movement around a theme like “cut the shit, solve the problem, no excuses.” I am not minimizing the complexity of the actual issue, that being Gen04+ reactors (cheap, portable, scalable), but all the pieces are in existence, this wouldn’t be a moonshot.

I know it isn’t going to happen, but it is more like IEW in that as soon as someone makes a move, it will be off to the races. Nuclear energy is as close to a magic bullet as you can get.

Tangent: anyone want to make a wager that ITER postpones their 2025 “””deadline”””? lol

jim says:

> I feel like it is almost entirely political in nature. A handful of billionaires could put together an endowment and aim it at rising engineers

Of course it is entirely political in nature. The problem is that you if you are trying to make a good cheap efficient reactor, you will get a horde of moron bureaucrats breathing down your neck. Not to mention a political environment where atoms are evil, and the slightest trace of radioactivity is deemed an enormous catastrophe. (Chernobyl killed approximately nine people outside the reactor fence. In a sane society, would not have made page one.) If we had smart bureaucrats who actually understood what was going on, it would be easier, but still quite difficult. The only way to make it substantially less difficult is to allow the developer to blow stuff up.

> Tangent: anyone want to make a wager that ITER postpones their 2025

ITER could not make a pizza oven. But there are some good solutions that have been found in theory, the field reversed configuration, and people are attempting to implement them in practice with private money. With type two superconductors, and the field reversed configuration, a fusion reactor of reasonable size and cost is in theory practical.

with the Tokamak type reactor, and type one superconductors, a fusion reactor is impractically huge, requiring enormous expenditures, and the resulting army of moronic science bureaucrats with transdisplinary degrees in science administration.

Kunning Druegger says:

How does allowing the developer to blow stuff up make it less difficult? I am not disagreeing, I don’t understand.

Is the Gen04+ endeavor conducive to a “secret project” style approach? AQ Khan just smuggled plans IIRC, but the bombs still had to be built, ditto for Best Korea. Theoretically, could a cabal of wealthy men with a power patron make substantial leaps under secrecy, or is the footprint just too big? David Hahn* comes to mind, though I know he wasn’t trying to build a thorium salt pocket reactor.


jim says:

> How does allowing the developer to blow stuff up make it less difficult?

A breeder reactor is a controlled nuclear bomb, as a space rocket is a very big missile. The developer needs to be able to make potential nuclear bombs without needing to explain to an army of moron bureaucrats.

Tech Priest says:

A reactor is not really much like a nuclear bomb (usually), and it shouldn’t be all that hard to prevent them from actually blowing up, but there is plenty of opportunity for small amounts of radiation to escape, and proving that none of it will escape to a bureaucrat’s satisfaction is very hard. Plus, if even a harmless amount does escape you’ll likely be forced to shut down. If they didn’t have to preemptively prove things to bureaucrats and were only shut down for leaks large enough to likely be actually harmful, making a reactor would be much easier and cheaper.

On the other hand, a breeder reactor can also produce materials for a bomb. This is an actual real danger, unlike the leaks/waste issue. Some of the new designs may allow online reprocessing, or even include online reprocessing by default, where some of the liquid core material is drawn out to chemically extract certain elements (e.g. Protactinium, Neptunium) before they decay into the final fissile material (e.g. Uranium-233, Plutonium-239). This can enable acquiring the fissile isotope in higher purity than usual and without the need for isotopic separation.

Cloudswrest says:

Recently there were news articles about Lawrence Livermore achieving fusion “ignition”. It was not until further in the article that they said this was achieved with “Tritium”! I was like “WTF?” Everybody knows you can achieve ignition with Tritium. But this is not a viable fuel.

Cloudswrest says:

Molten salt reactors are already “melted down”. The reactor operates at atmospheric pressure and runs much hotter than today’s pressurized water reactors, allowing for much more efficient steam turbines. If it overheats it drains into a big heat sinked container in the ground, which can be pumped back later. The fuel can be dynamically refreshed (like the chemicals in photoprocessing machines) without having to shutdown the reactor. Early prototypes were demonstrated. Nixon kill the program because the technology was not conducive to producing bomb fuel.

Cloudswrest says:

Running fertile Thorium in molten salt reactors provides for thousands of years of fuel supply.

jim says:

Actually effectively infinite times, since with breeder reactors, we mine lower grade ores all the way down to ordinary rock. There is also uranium and thorium in oceans, at concentrations that are very low, but high enough to be extracted at very high return on energy expended, and the fissionables in the oceans are continually being replenished by erosion from land, and continually being depleted by burial in the mud of the ocean floor, at a rate that is very high compared to our current energy production and consumption.

Pax Imperialis says:

No need to even use the oceans any time in the next 1000 years. US has literal mountains of already mined rare earths that have been piled up as ‘waste byproduct’ of other mining operations. Those rare earths contain huge amounts of thorium and uranium. Due to EPA and nuclear regulations we can’t use those readily available rare earths or nuclear fuels.

Get rid of EPA/nuclear regulations and US becomes top exporter of both.

Kunning Druegger says:

Welcome to the 21st century, where the big problems are solved and the small problems will kill us all.

Kunning Druegger says:
Fs in the chat for white boi century, bros.

jim says:

You are teaching your grandmother to suck eggs.

Yes, we know in theory how to make the reactor completely safe. That and it actually being completely safe becomes complex when it is operated at high power and fast breed times. The salt is already molten, but we do not want its containment and controls to melt. Musk’s rocket engines are always on the verge of melting, and frequently do melt. We want the reactor to run on the verge of melting.

huh? says:

… you don’t know anything about nuclear reactors. At ALL.

They are dead bang simple. The designs are public. There’s probably minor iterative improvements that could be made but all the key problems (for fission) are solved. The problem is regulatory approval and supplying/handling the radioactives. That’s what raises the costs and timeframes out of plausibility.

Thorium reactors are the only non-fusion generator technology that requires research and experimentation. Thorium cannot explode. Which is why that technology was put aside back in the 1950s for a focus on dual-use uranium and/or plutonium.

Making smaller bombs with smaller amounts of nuclear material is also an avenue of possible research. They had gotten them surprisingly small already in the 1970s. For obvious terrorist-potential reasons, there is zero chance of this getting government approval outside of a carefully controlled military environment.

No Musk is needed. Government action – or removal of government restriction – is the only thing needed and the only thing that will make any dfference.

Putting experimental nuclear reactors on ships is the stupidest idea I have ever seen on this blog. The last thing you want is to put potential radioactive contamination into ocean currents. On The Beach was bad fiction and bad science but that’s one of the few things that might manage a 1% echo of that plotline.

Please recognize that you have your limitations and knowledge gaps and you should respect them.

jim says:

> The last thing you want is to put potential radioactive contamination into ocean currents.

You fail to grasp the vastness of the ocean and the relative smallness of anything humans can make.

We could detonate ten thousand nukes in the ocean, and if deep enough that radioactives did not enter the atmosphere, the effect would be utterly insignificant. Not withstanding all the bullshit you have heard about radioactive fish.

The Russians, for a very long time, dumped most of their radioactive waste in liquid form in Vladivostok harbor. This had no noticeable consequences, though today it would be deemed an unimaginably horrific nuclear catastrophe.

They did have nuclear waste catastrophes, the big one being when an explosion blasted nuclear waste into the atmosphere, and it rained down on the surrounding villages. But when waste gets into the ocean, most of it winds up far enough down that the radiation cannot reach anything anyone cares about, because water is a pretty good radiation shield. Vladivostok harbor is deep, and is connected to the ocean, which is considerably deeper. On the other hand, when it gets into air, no shielding, and winds up on surfaces close to people, and food that people eat.

Vladivostok harbor, let alone the oceans, is big enough to hold the products of a few major reactor meltdowns without anyone noticing any harmful effects.

Kunning Druegger says:

Two thoughts come to mind:

You get less radiation swimming in the containment pool (top ~10 feet) than you do from background radiation and flying @ 35K feet; the oceans are mostly empty, with the vast majority of life on the fringes and centered on hot spots in trenches.

It’s fascinating to see how deeply the enviro-nigger propaganda campaign has twisted the minds of my fellow midwits. The paper straw phenomenon; I saw a picture/video clip, and now I must whiteknight the oceans from muh toxic waste. Fucking pathetic. Scroll through the comments on any Sea Dragon video on YT to get a feel for how abysmally stupid common knowledge is on the subject of sea life.

The more important issue with the drone sub reactor idea is how to get the power to land, right? And where do you put the steam turbines?

jim says:

I figured that you would do testing in submarine drones, and just dump the power and heat in the oceans, and when you had a reactor that operated in practice the way you expected it to do in theory, then you would build the same reactors on land. When the time came around that you had to deal with the army of meddlesome bureaucrats, you would have some subs that had been tootling around in the ocean for a long time without any drama.

jim says:

> They are dead bang simple. The designs are public.

The confidence of ignorance and stupidity. Dunning Kruger effect.

Reactors are only simple in the sense that the sense that rocket engines are dead bang simple. Anyone can build a rocket that will fly up a few hundred meters, and anyone with a few million dollars can build a reactor capable of running his hot water system for a few years.

For a reactor to be a useful source of power, you want it to operate for a very long time at very high temperatures and very high power levels.

Building stuff that can operate for a long time in a high temperature, intensely radioactive environment is not at all simple. Most materials fall apart quickly, and all materials undergo substantial change, which the design has to allow for.

For the reactor to be economic, you want the temperature to be as high as possible, and the radioactivity as intense as possible, just as Musk wants his rocket engines to operate at the highest possible pressures and temperatures. Which means an efficient rocket engine is always on the edge of melting down or blowing up, and an economical reactor is always on the edge of suffering disintegration of its internal structures.

It is indeed easy to build a reactor if you operate it only for a short time at low temperatures and low power levels. But for the reactor to be an economic source of power, you want the highest possible temperature, and the highest possible power density, which means the highest possible radiation experienced by its internal components. Which means that everything inside the reactor is being transformed by radiation right to the edge of failing.

Kunning Druegger says:

This may be a dumb question, but can you “zerg rush” the issue and build many low temp/low level IF they are cheap and small (say, shipping container size)?

jim says:

The world climate has been getting milder and more pleasant for two centuries. It will likely continue to do so. Arctic ice is currently tracking its 2007-2018 average, which warm period, and is likely to continue to do so. We had a bit of a cool period from 2019 to 2021, looks like we are back on trend. Expect announcements that the glaciers will be gone and the Northwest passage open real soon now. (The glaciers will not be gone, and the Northwest passage will remain a chancy passage that you can sometimes get through at the right time of year, but is likely to leave you stuck in ice impassable to icebreakers.)

Kunning Druegger says:

Hmm. I am in the other camp, I think cooling is the larger trend, and I think WW03 will kick it off. But I base this on nothing more than my overwhelming sense of impending doom. Actually, global cooling is rampant optimism, isn’t it? A mini-Ice Age would be a godsend for Whites and Perennialists.

C4ssidy says:

My source regarding the coming deep freeze is that Western Europe celebrates LGBT and attempts to expand this deeply-held value onto Russia, and God in response will allow a bit of temperature variation at the opportune moment

jim says:

Sounds right.

Cloudsrest says:

the Northwest passage will remain a chancy passage that you can sometimes get through at the right time of year, but is likely to leave you stuck in ice impassable to icebreakers.

They should run a MSTR (molten salt thorium reactor) pipeline 100 meters underwater along the northwest passage, creating a shipping canal in the ice from the heat generated.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well known group of right-wing conservatives, Joseph Biden’s handlers, implement policy plan of well known right wing conservative, Anonymous Fake; extract infinity money from taxpayers and reportion it to the whig priesthood, so called ‘student loan debt forgiveness’.

Anonymous Fake says:

As soon as we get a social credit system that [As usual, Anonymous fake attributes right wing consequences to radical left programs.]

Dr. Faust says:

Government loans aren’t created from taxes. They’re created from nothing. The money from the loan did not exist prior to the loan.

Vlad says:

Yeah but the debt is in the taxpayers name the govt debited us credited them and since those loans were govt backed they also un debited themselves in as much as they won’t have to take blame for defaults soon they can just take credit for the forgiveness

Rexy Sexy says:

Sure, it’s in the taxpayer’s name…

But who is the taxpayer?

Think about it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You think they’re ‘forgiving’ the loans by nullifying them? Lol. Lmao.

They’re ‘forgiving’ them taking your money to pay them off.

Rexy Sexy says:

[*nonsense shill economics deleted*]

jim says:

Your masters think we are stupid.

Rexy Sexy says:

[Moronic disinformation about money deleted yet again*]

jim says:

Your bullshit is an effort to distract us from the fact that the fed continues to create quite a lot of money, though it is attempting to slow down.

Rexy Sexy says:

Moronic disinformation, huh?

Interesting. Because I’m pretty sure all I wrote was some leading questions.

[•moronic leading questions leading to enemy disinformation deleted yet again•]

jim says:

Your leading questions lead to the Real Bills doctine, and the answer you are fishing for is that the fed is honestly following the real bills doctrine – that we have debt based money.

We do not debt based money. We have fiat money. The government just prints up some more money for itself, its friends and relations, and their friends and relations whenever the fancy takes it.

The fed has never obeyed the the real bills doctrine, and the 1920’s pretence that it was debt based money, was an enormous Jewish scam in which a bunch of Jewish bankers scammed a whole lot of goys for a whole lot of money and land.

And, ever since then, ever since 1930, if someone is shilling the Real Bills doctrine, aka “debt based money”, it’s always a Jew shilling it. No one else ever shills that one.

We do not have debt based money. We have fiat money and every so often a bunch of Jews who are ahead of us in the lineup for freshly printed sacks of fresh government money tell us goys that it’s debt based money.

Rexy Sexy says:

[*talmudism deleted on sight*]

jim says:

Talmudic discourse does not work on us. Instead of us having to explain your own ingeniously over complicated doctrines to you, you have to respond to our clear and simple explanation of where money comes from.

We say fiat money is conjured out of thin air by the state, to give to its buddies. That is what the “fiat” in fiat money means.

If you don’t like that answer, you have to explain what is wrong with our answer. We do not have to explain your answer, let alone explain what is right with your answer.

I do not have to explain what is wrong with your answer, because you did not give your answer. Instead you asked a pile of leading questions that are intended to lead to the person answering those questions into giving a theory of debt and money that enabled a bunch of nineteen twenties Jewish bankers to swindle a big bunch of nineteen twenties Goy businessmen and workers.

I don’t have to explain what is wrong with those answers, the answers your leading questions lead to, because I did not give those answers and you did not give those answers, but that they were very very wrong answers became devastatingly obvious in 1930.

Those answers are a pile of overcomplicated shifty and shifting lies that was conjured up in the 1920s by Jews to scam goys, and no one will ever be able to explain it to your satisfaction because it slips and shifts under pressure, and because each complication is connected to several additional complications.

Talmudism is not smart and learned. It is stupid and ignorant, and when I see it in the comments, I feel the same way as I do when a guest misses the toilet.

Rexy Sexy says:

I repeatedly try to help you with knowledge you could use right now and you repeatedly spit in my face.

Did you at least look into the marital estate statutory trust, you absolute blithering faggot?

jim says:

Did not need to look it up. I already know what it is, and already know that you are using legal language in an incoherent, incorrect and nonsensical way.

You are a shill and an entryist, but you are not an enemy political entryist from the government – you are here to sell entirely worthless legal services. You guys used to be big business on the internet a very long time ago, but I had not heard from you in a very long time, and I forgot that you existed.

Some commenter reminded me, and I recollected, and then I forgot all over again.

And that is why shill tests designed to detect glowies fail. You are not a glowie, not a government entryist. Yet you are also pushing government scripts. Maybe you are moonlighting, and unable to pass glowie tests when doing your day job for the government, and able to pass them when doing your night job for the legal scammers.

Rexy Sexy says:

>I already know that you are using legal language in an incoherent, incorrect and nonsensical way.

Lol. Lmao, even.

How many thousands of hours have you spent reading American Jurisprudence?

jim says:

One does not have to read for very long to know that you have read it even less.

The Cominator says:

Jim knows the law in practice better than many lawyers since by his own admission he regularly commits stuff (blue collar crime only with women though) that is blatantly illegal or on the edge of the law.

Rexy Sexy says:

I’m forever seeking learning so you’re welcome to point out my errors of legal reasoning.

jim says:

There is no legal reasoning for there to be any errors. Just word salad of unrelated legal terms. You are going through the motions of communicating, with no actual intent to communicate anything.

Kunning Druegger says:

Really Stupid is that pseudo-lawyer Trex Sex from awhile back.

Maybe we should institute some hazing policies for newfags, something demeaning and tedious. If they want to stay and talk, they have to earn it. Newfucks should also be forced to give an explicit reason for commenting, and this reason will be held against them at a later date if it is shown to be false.

Rexy Sexy says:

>There is no legal reasoning for there to be any errors. Just word salad of unrelated legal terms. You are going through the motions of communicating, with no actual intent to communicate anything.

Describe the word salad, then.

A juxtaposition of “cheque” and “draft” and “bill”?

Do you claim that those are not related terms in law, or are you just retarded?

jim says:

The word salad was marital estate etc.

The juxtaposition of cheque, draft, and bill, was an ignorant and stupid reference to the real bills doctrine, which was itself rather random the reference was random, but the juxtaposition was not.

Thing is, you use random legalisms to impress, not to convey information – but to the extent that those random legalisms make any sense, what they reveal is to me is that I, who know very little about the law, know immensely more than you do.

Rexy Sexy says:

[*impressive sounding legal word salad explained with more word salad*]

jim says:

When you are in a hole, stop digging.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Rexy Sexy says:
jim says:

And as soon as I said that you enthusiasticly resumed selling sovereign citizen scams, revealing that I didn’t err, I was right the first time.

Rexy Sexy says:

Sovereign citizens are midwit proles who barely read and can barely read.

I only “sell” what I can cite in law books, judicial opinions, or acts.

Be honest: had you even heard of American Jurisprudence before I named it?

jim says:

So far your cites have been curiously random, irrelevant, and meaningless.

Anon says:

“that we have debt based money.”
But is not that true? Yes the fed print money
But the banks will issue debt based money.

jim says:

Yes, the banks in theory issue debt based money.

And if the fed’s money was debt based, or it was fixed amount, and the changes in the money supply were bank issue of debt based money, that would matter. But because they borrow largely from the fed, and lend largely to the fed, that the banks issue debt based money is merely a complicated accounting fiction.

Debt based money can only work with a sovereign who ensures that debts are paid, which we do not actually have, and ensures dire and immediate consequences for financiers whose term transformation fails, which we do not have.

To make debt based money work, the Sovereign needs to hang some bankers from time to time, but bankers are always well connected people, so it never happens. Even when you in theory have extremely harsh laws against term transformation defaults.

For debt based money to work, the Sovereign needs to monitor term transformation, and from time to time start a small liquidity crisis by letting it be known that he disapproves of some term transformation activity. If the financier cannot fulfil his term transformation promises in the resulting crisis, something dire needs to happen to him. This is like deliberately starting burnoff forest fires in winter to avoid gigantic forest fires in summer. Because if you do not keep term transformation in check, and you have debt based liquidity, there will eventually be a great big crisis, and it is harder to hang all the bankers than just one banker. They all cry “not our fault, all the respectable expert people were doing what we were doing, we were following the respectable crowd”. And they were. Irresponsible term transformation is irresistible, except by the Sovereign, and it is quite hard for the Sovereign to tell the difference between the kind of term transformation that he needs to hang a few bankers for from time to time, and the kind of term transformation that will make the economy function smoothly and pleasantly. He will face no end of clever financiers doing clever three card monte to obfuscate the difference, hide it from their customers, from the sovereign, and from themselves, and the only way to reveal the difference is to deliberately start small liquidity crisis from time to time by putting out the word and seeing what happens. If a great big disastrous liquidity crisis ensues, you had irresponsible term transformation.

Tyrant Lizard King Sex says:

You previously (months ago) censored me for my support of term transformation theory, you absolute nigger faggot.

jim says:

I censored you to defend rectification of names. You were deliberately or inadvertently changing the meaning of important words in ways that make dangerous thoughts inexpressible.

Anon says:

Considering how rarely you have a sovereign who is able in economic and have the will and power to hang bankers
term transformation fails happened continuously in history.
Was the banning of usury an attempt at solving this problem?

jim says:

Possibly, but that is not the theological justification.

The problem, rather is someone with short time preference enslaving himself by small degrees.

Manifest today in some kid not old enough to drink, vote, drive, or own a gun signing up for impossible debt for a worthless education.

That said, the traditional Christian and Muslim ban on usury is finely tuned to be economically efficient, more efficient than today’s system because it discourages bankers from lending to idiots in a housing bubble, while the Old Testament ban is so inefficient and poorly tuned that stuff kept going wrong and it was never actually followed.

Tyrant Lizard King Sex says:

>I censored you to defend rectification of names. You were deliberately or inadvertently changing the meaning of important words in ways that make dangerous thoughts inexpressible.

By Allah, you are such a vexatious homosexualist dog.

Kunning Druegger says:

You don’t belong here. You should seek dialogue, kinship, a soapbox, or whatever you are chasing elsewhere.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

“Tranny Lover Kike Slut” has a lot of problems that can be fixed with a knife slash across his cum-stained throat.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

hmm… maybe I should have gone with “Troon Licker and Kike Shitstain”.

S says:

Inflation is a tax on everyone who has dollars; hence taxpayers since those reliant on government handouts don’t have savings.

Rexy Sexy says:

Inflation is a tax on wage-earners, employees, “people” who trade their time, focus, energy and life-force for money (or “money”).

Inflation isn’t a tax on the property-owning class (investors, capitalists, entrepreneurs, etc.) because the depreciation of their cash-on-hand is compensated several times over by the appreciation of the value of their income-generating assets.

Those reliant on government handouts are irrelevant. They’re paid a pittance not to revolt, and their payments are spent immediately, and in support of the value of Walmart-class stocks.

Green Fields says:

This is what Vox Day is saying, that the student debt write off is deflationary. I don’t know enough to know whether he’s right, but I doubt he is.

jim says:

I do know enough.

The idea that it is deflationary is idiotic.

Green Fields says:

It would be funny if you dabbed on him in his Gab thread. Funny for the peanut gallery, but probably ineffective at generating dialogue, since he’d ignore it.

Why is Vox so bad at math shit (this, evolution, the list goes on)? He must be incredibly verbally loaded if his own IQ claims are correct, and unable to identify his own blind spots as a result — maybe out of pride.

jim says:

Vox is not all that smart. But he has artistic talent while I have none, he is one of the good guys, and his work on fighting the comicsgate battle, and his works on “social justice warriors” are a great contribution to the movement.

His sociosexual hierarchy, however is a painful effort to rationalize the purple pill. The heroes in his stories meet action girl and go beta.

S says:

For it to be deflationary
-the debt would have to be defaulted, not paid
-the debt would have to be currently used similar to fractional reserve banking
-everyone involved in this would have to be honest and not just go to the central bank when money disappeared.

None of those are true.

zero says:

I dont understand how he has a blind spot to this, all the bad eggs will get payed and that will be inflationary, i disagree that the debt must be user like fractional reserve banking, 100 dollars exist, loans are made totaling 200 dollars, deflationary spiral plus bankruptcy happens as a result until insolvent business are destroyed and their debts forgotten cash supply shrinks prices go up then things normalize

Kunning Druegger says:

I apologize if this comes off as pedantic faggotry, but I don’t understand what you are saying because you have no punctuation or capitalization.

I’m only saying this because I am trying to understand, and I am really bad with financial logic. Deflationary means reducing, or causing a reduction in the money supply per the internet. It is fair to say that one of the biggest impending issues for FedGov is the money supply on-shoring after years of the vast majority of dollary-doos being held overseas, right (I read somewhere it was ~90%… but I also read somewhere that something like 2/3rds of all money printed has been done so since 2020; I have no idea if these things are true)? The loan forgiveness isn’t deflationary because the loans were made from not-money handed out by the money printer, so they are just electing to not collect worthless paper they never really printed, right?

I have been on a roll with suggesting retarded things so, here goes: would there be any political or financial benefit to “some guy” pulling a Joker-from-Dark-Knight and just acquiring as much paper currency as possible, by any means, and destroying it? Like, offensive tactical deflation?

zero says:

Sorry about the bad punctuation I was writing on a phone, I’m no expert on economics but I think the “experts” on economics are regime shills. All old economic theory makes good mathematical sense, the new stuff including some Chicago school material is shit, they get away with it because the economy has been growing and paper money and fractional reserve banking has not caused an implosion of the currencies, as goods have been getting less expensive. On your first several points the answer is yes and no, there is no one currency problem, but many, all of which are slightly different, there is the onshoring problem, there is also the usual inner party inflation hangover, banks and connected “investors” we’ll call the investor class have been getting massive inflation subsidies directly from the fed and from fractional reserve multiplication, which is why luxury goods like houses, old cars and watches have been absurdly expensive for at least the last decade, the wealthy don’t purchase consumer goods as a significant portion of their expenses, so it takes time for inflation to travel through several businesses and persons to hit the street, that is the big problem right now, the investor class inflation is hitting, the rest of the world uses US debt as a hedge because we are StableTM and so probably they won’t onshore their Oil-Cash, Trade-Cash, and dump US debt, until inflation bites here first. The inflation trickling down is bad, the onshoring will be worse, and the government… well we don’t talk about what the abyss will do in crisis. Deflation is when the value of currency goes up because of more goods at lower prices, or money supply shrinking. There are a bunch of different money supplies and financial markets, but that’s all bullshit, they bleed into each other, they are like different industries, they have unique trends but they all affect one another and are tied together. I have been trying to understand WTF vox is talking about, he’s usually good on economics but he hasn’t laid out a compelling case that the factors here are deflationary. I am working on my own analysis and will post it here tomorrow. If debts are paid(without printing) it is somewhat deflationary short term because the sum owed is larger than the sum lent, and theoretically the party paid won’t immediately put the money back in circulation including fractional reserve multiplication. But if the money to pay it is printed(either at the lending or to pay of the lenders) then it is not obvious to me it is deflationary, although there may be an argument that it’s less inflationary then leaving the loans unpaid and the banks getting the principle plus lots of usurious interest, and then doing their fractional reserve fuckery with the sums? It is irrelevant at the end of the day because the monetary affect will be a drop of water in the ocean of our DiverseTM ExpertTM regime’s financial incontinence. Vox’s bigger point is that global debt exceeds global money supply by an absurd margin, so if debts begin to default like dominos, the only way to stop a deflationary spiral will be to bail out the entire global financial system, for some reason he doesn’t consider the last part at all, let alone likely. I think it will happen if we have a financial market collapse and you will own nothing and be happy. On your last part, it would be an act of acceleration giving the regime an excuse to grow, the money will just be replaced by printer go brrrr, and politically idk, I suppose if it was regime money and not your own then it would be an accelerant. The regime has a wrecker mentality so all events will affect an increase in tyranny roughly proportional to their mass cultural significance, until the singularity or strongman. You can’t offensively tactically deflate shit because you would never have enough currency to do it, that is, if you were trying to possess the currency yourself, if you are just trying to deny the regime an instrument of power, sure destroy something important to global finance and watch the shit go thermonuclear.

The evolution debate mathematically is that using the same numbers the scientific community has put forward, it is statistically impossible for evolution to have occured, considering the scientific community doesn’t know its ass from a donkey it is not a great argument against evolution from a terrestrial soup, but it is not bad math, just that it is using the scientism numbers to dunk on their arrogant selves. If the scientific community is wrong about random mutation, taxonomically linear descent or any number of things then the math is irrelevant. There is a big ass hole in research papers that are not retarded where observed mutation rate is applied to evolution, which is just scientists not admitting they don’t know much, and pretending they are gods of knowledge, I don’t read research papers or peer reviewed journals anymore because they are so full of shit a twelve year old could shred logically they literally aren’t worth the paper they are printed on(some few exceptions.)

Starman says:


”[midwit wall of text]”

Evolution by natural selection does fine explaining why niggers are dumber than Whites, and why women behave the way that they do.

zero says:

I wasn’t talking to you, I was having a conversation with kunning, and obviously you missed the point, I didn’t deny evolution, I said that the math scientists tried to prove it with didn’t add up, so they stopped trying, and personally, I enjoy anyone who rubs ScienceTm’s face with its own arguments. I don’t know how genetics work but I know it’s more complicated then random mutations in bacteria. Personally I’m on the side of panspermia but who knows if it’s even possible to prove how long it would take for something so complicated to happen. Women are like cats, they scream the first time because they want some other Tom to come beat the shit out of the male breeding them. Go post on some other chain Starman.

Kunning Druegger says:

I appreciate the elaboration Zero. I’m not financially inclined, and it all seems like a bullshit anyways.

zero says:

lol I made some money in stocks but my idea of how things worked was so horribly wrong that I quit and have been trying to figure out what the heck is going on, and I too have come to the conclusion that it is all bullshit, and most of the people who maintain the financial machinery are useful idiots, or at least won’t admit what they really think publicly, paper money is bad. Love your posts here kunning always read em. Anyone got any advice on debt? God says to stay out of it but I am inclined to use it for my business, does God make a distinction between good debt and bad? It seems like rates are so good relative to inflation and the government wouldn’t allow a deflationary spiral without everything going to pot anyway, but I don’t want to cross the lord and get into debt to get ahead when I don’t need to.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s only deflationary if they actually are writing off the debts. They’re not. The use of the phrase ‘loan forgiveness’ is a tortuous linguistic abuse. What happened was they ‘approved’ for umpteen millions dollars to be given to technicolor gender and ethnic studies majors six figures in the hole to pay off the desserts of their status whoring; which is to say, umpteen millions dollars shaken down out of property holders and given to the whig priesthood.

It is not that the bluetribe untermenschen who fell for the scam are being let off the hook, but that people who avoided being scammed are being hung on the hook in their place; thus reiterating the sovereign privilege of the scammers to take their pound of flesh whatever the circumstances, and take two more pounds next time too.

FrankNorman says:

I think what people like Vox Day are wanting would be actual loan cancellation. The government just bluntly telling the scammers “you will never get it back, Smeagol”.

Encelad says:

You print one billion dollars and lend that money through student loans.
Now there is one billion dollars more into the system, and you have a credit of one billion, meaning that that amount of money should come back to you at a certain point.
But now you forgive the debt, that billion dollars stays in the system.
How can this be deflationary? It is clearly inflationary.
To be deflationary you should be burning the money you are getting as the loans are paid back along with the interests.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s even worse than that; not only were they inflating through the unbacked lending, they are inflating even more by simply conjuring more money to pay off those same conjured debits in the first place.

JJ says:

There comes a time when you just have to say to yourself, I don’t know it’s not fair, I can’t prove it’s not fair, but there’s a pea and three thimbles in front of me and my wallet is $100 lighter, so it’s likely I just got scammed.

hgh says:

[*Holding your comment till you pass the demon worshiper test.*]

Isaac says:

My job finally dropped the vaccine mandate for business travel. All I had to do was wait. Is the tide beginning to turn? On the other hand, some of the faithful are grumbling at having to consort with the unclean, and no longer want to travel.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think we can say the tide is turning when there is a legal backlash for the gross overreach committed by companies. Individual cases, class action lawsuits, rulings from the bench. When you start seeing wholly converged courts begin protecting companies from the consequences of said overreach, then the tide will have fully turned.

jim says:

That is not how the tide will turn.

The tide will turn with judges being tarred and feathered, or sent to the pacific for long distance swimming lessons. The tide will turn with the existing judicial system being ignored, rather than repenting of its sins.

Kunning Druegger says:

You’re on Musk Time again, Your Grace. there will be intermediary steps between The Steps, there will be reversals and feints and slowdowns. The Conservatives are converged, but there are still many conservatives who are living in artificial bubbles of serenity and safety.

Broadly, yes, the Tide of History will be marked by the Judiciary falling from its position over society, but there are many smaller steps that are going to make things seem very different from what they are. Barring social or geological cataclysm, there is going to be a gradual yet dramatic “revelation” in the public sphere about Coronatarianism, and there will be media and governance institutions seeking to exploit the revelation, for the will have no knowledge of complicity in the grand deception. After all, we have always been at war with Eastasia

jim says:

> You’re on Musk Time again, Your Grace. there will be intermediary steps between The Steps, there will be reversals and feints and slowdowns.

These, however, will not take the form of judges restraining government overreach into the economy and private property. The trend line has been steady and unvarying. Socialism was reversed from time to time by legislatures with the judiciary kicking and screaming the whole way. Sometimes when the executive was moving into socialism, judges would slow things down a bit, but reversing it, never, even when the political situation was obviously favorable – Carter economics was about as popular as the Biden economy, and his measures were flatly illegal executive overreach, and the judges sat on their backsides.

> there is going to be a gradual yet dramatic “revelation” in the public sphere about Coronatarianism,

Mass murder and attempted (they hoped for the virus to be as deadly as it was billed) genocide. No one will remember. At least no one who knows what is good for him.

jim says:

Putin cured Covid.

This is like the left backing off from outright socialism in 1949, and a different form of socialism in 1980. They are just changing focus and direction, which the left does all the time.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Hilarious Twitter thread talking about understanding women’s fantasies by analyzing romance novels. Neurotoxin would approve.

Part of a larger thread on beauty which is pretty decent. Surprising that it has not been taken down, but maybe the Enemy cannot see it to attack it; so much truth that they are blind to it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Here is an article that describes the entirety of what makes a woman beautiful. Pretty interesting read. Almost could have been written by one of us, besides a few inherently leftist assumptions sprinkled throughout such age of consent.

Kunning Druegger says:

Age of consent is not a battle worth fighting with Normicons at the moment. They just shut down and resist everything else. this is a bad situation for us, for, as Jim just put it, “If you concede emancipation, you have conceded all.”

I think it is better to keep quiet on the AoC fallacy while the Right is finally acknowledging the groomer Epidemic. The necessity in the battle against degeneracy is to remove the shades of difference, the “spectrum” arguments that are deployed to say “well, there are good gays and bad gays” or “well, there are some OK feminists.” The normicon cannot fathom that “pedophilia” is an anticoncept that provides cover for sodomites to hunt children, but they can fathom the idea that predation of children by adults is something worth extirpating.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The problem is that the groomer problem is a direct result of the age of consent issue. Consent does not make it right, nonsense about how a child cannot consent aside. If that was true, we would be arresting every pair of 15 year old high school students that were fucking. That means there is a wedge where a child can consent. If a 15 year old girl can consent to fuck a 15 year old boy, why can she not consent to become a 15 year old boy? Consent is not what makes a thing wrong, but the wrongness of a thing in and of itself. That is what we have to get back to.

Normiecons cannot even conserve the women’s bathrooms. They are utterly irrelevant. If I was King Thundercock and decided that I would run a lottery every year to have a high school girl added to my harem, normiecons would be clapping as their daughters tried to figure out how to get multiple entries into the lottery, age of consent be damned. Their opinions do not matter, and their role in life is to be the NPCs in the game world that fill it out and offer challenges to actual players. You should not kick them around, any more than you would kick a dog, but you also do not give their opinions more weight than you would your dog’s.

Kunning Druegger says:

Fair enough, m’lord, but I must point out that, as of now, you are Lone Warrior Thundercock, and to get you to the stage of “Wulfgar, Cock of Thunder, and His Merry BAPian Band” we need a core of true/pure followers and a crowd of ardent supporters. To do that, the fundamentals must remain intact, being distributed to the men as we build up the priestly class. Far more important is drawing in warriors, and as it stands right now, the majority of the American Warrior Class would be indifferent to the argument you are making, which is 100% correct. Stages consist of steps, and steps are composed of kinetic energy applied appropriately and elegantly. I think it would be better to have a huge chunk of all the nominal Christian + warrior segment of the population, and the Great Deprogramming is going to take a while.

We need a Program that is as close to impervious as possible, because the key target is the current enforcer in the Fed ranks. They need to feel like scum every time the follow orders from the managerial class, and they will cling to any shred of moral legitimacy, however thin or actually false. This is why the Cathedral makes sure that every real dissident they target gets called a pedophile; it works on their enforcers. We need to assiduously remove that tactic from their arsenal.

To reiterate, I am not talking about priests here, I am talking about Warriors. The Warriors can be Ardent, and the Priests must be Pure.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You get men on board by promising them pussy. When you give a starving man bread, he does not ask how it was made. Men are not starving for bread, but they are starving for pussy. The argument I make to them is not necessarily the argument I make here, but it will not matter what the argument is. Starving men do not turn up fresh meat.

Red says:

We need a Program that is as close to impervious as possible, because the key target is the current enforcer in the Fed ranks. They need to feel like scum every time the follow orders from the managerial class, and they will cling to any shred of moral legitimacy, however thin or actually false. This is why the Cathedral makes sure that every real dissident they target gets called a pedophile; it works on their enforcers. We need to assiduously remove that tactic from their arsenal.

Call them cucks and faggots because that’s what they are. One of the FBI agents got kicked off that fake governor kidnapping sting because he slapped his wife after going to a swinger party with her where she apearently got a little to worked up about cucking him. He wasn’t even man enough to kill her and then kill himself. They’re all either weak cucks or faggots, the higher ups are not going to let them in the club unless they debase themselves.

Leon says:

Swinger parties are weird. Why the fuck would anybody go to those? And why is it always the elite and well off who do it?

To be fair to the FBI agent, a good chunk of highly athletic and sociable men have blue pill bull shit beaten into them. Some of the whitest of white knights I have met are men that on first glance would be viewed as potential “alpha” males in older times. Their looks and talent gets them some pussy but down the road things go bad for them due to their blue pill brains.

Kunning Drueger says:

Swinging is an interesting little parlor trick wherein the alpha of a given subset tricks members of his artificial tribe to provide their wives for his pleasure. Sometimes, other alphas of different tribes and their subordinates are associated, deepening the pool of mares. The husbands tag along, thinking they are also getting access to more females, but this is illusory. Certain “omegas with benefits” are included due to their status or access to drugs (I believe the movie Swingers is about a pair of Omegas, but I’ve never seen it). The whole Swing Lifestyle is a direct result of the inevitable boredom that ensues in a life given over wholly to hedonic pursuit.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

It’s strange how noone really advancees politically without being a great big fag — almost as if that’s a requirement for admission into the GAE’s elite or something I dunno.

jim says:

If you believe in emancipation, you believe that women are competent to consent. And you notice that women are not competent to consent. Hence, age of consent.

You cannot reject age of consent without first rejecting emancipation. Indeed, you cannot reject any of modernity on heterosexual activity, such as the abolition of marriage, unless you first reject emancipation. If women are emancipated, marriage is an oppressive anachronism.

Vlad says:

If females are property then age of consent is whatever fathers say it is [*shill script on women (evil men make women misbehave) deleted.*]

jim says:

You have put your finger on a valid problem, that if fathers have authority they are apt to want to keep their daughters around under their authority for far too long.

The remedy for this is to put them under pressure from society, state Church, and the state, to marry their daughters off in the event of the appearance of sexual activity, and that they lose all authority over their daughters in the event of the appearance of sexual activity. Which is apt to happen at a startlingly early age.

If there is the appearance of sexual activity, and the father is unable to kill the offenders or marry them off, or at least marry his daughter off to someone, then it is now open season on the daughter, and Roissy can do what he likes, subject to some risk of being shot. She is now insignificantly low status, and no one cares what happens to her.

To ensure cooperation between men and women, it is necessary that women be compelled to obey their husbands, mothers be highest status, wives and betrothed higher status than unbetrothed virgins, and unmarried, unbetrothed, non virgins have a social and legal status similar to that of a stray dog in the street. A society that cares what happens to them, protects them, and looks after them is going to have trouble reproducing. We cannot afford to protect them from Roissy, nor even from some guy who would chain them up in his basement.

In the early Australian settlement, when the authorities were horrified by sex parties on the beach, they did not punish the men, or even the women, for sexual activity. They shotgun married off the women, and punished them if they spoke back to their husbands.

In the early talkies, a standard plot contrivance was that due to some improbable chain of events, the hero wound up alone behind closed doors with the love interest, and was thereafter extremely worried about being forced to marry the love interest, or being shot. This only makes sense if a world in which there was a curious lack of curiosity about such killings was plausible to the viewer.

If his daughter engages in the appearance of sexual activity, and her father is unable to marry her off, he can protect her, but she is apt to strangely wander off into dangerous situations, and society and the state should not protect her. If society and the state protects her, we are going to get a shortage of grandchildren.

Varna says:

I believe a long time ago I may have quoted from this vintage Soviet semi-dissident adventure novel, but I’ll do it again because I can. Very on topic.
Amazing what things may lurk in the vintage strata of unexpected places.

Человек рождается абсолютно беспомощным и требует продолжительного кормления материнским молоком, дольше, чем все животные. Из сравнения развития человека и слона – животного, наиболее сходного с ним по долголетию и всем этапам роста, можно думать, что человек родится недоноском и что нормальный срок для беременности у человека должен быть того же порядка, как у слонихи, носящей детеныша 22 месяца. Очевидно, что за такой срок ребенок стал бы значительно больше и его огромная голова обязательно погубила бы мать. И тут пришло на помощь особое биологическое приспособление – возвращение к стадии низших млекопитающих – сумчатых, рождающих недоношенных детенышей. Только у человека вместо сумки – интеллигентность, самоотверженность и нежность матери.
А для того чтобы нанести наименьшие повреждения мозгу ребенка, так же как и для того, чтобы выносить его в наилучшем состоянии, мать должна быть широкобедрой. В то же время спутница жизни дикого человека, много бегающая, носящая подолгу добычу, да и ребят за собой, в процессе отбора становится узкобедрой, часто гибнет при родах, рождает ребят менее жизнеспособных. Живущие в наихудших условиях представители человечества – дикие охотники Австралии, пигмеи, многие лесные племена Южной Америки – могут служить примером. Как только люди стали жить более оседло – еще в пещерах Южной Европы, Северной Африки, Азии, – начался отбор могучих широкобедрых матерей, давших человечеству тех его представителей, которые по праву заслужили название хомо сапиенс – человека мудрого. Это происходило во всех частях света, от Японии до Англии – в удобной для жизни средиземноморской полосе, когда обилие животной и растительной пищи, а также изобретение копья и дротика превратили человека из бездомного бродяги в обитателя крепкого жилья.
Так, в инстинктивном понимании красоты запечатлелось это требование продолжения рода, слившееся, разумеется, с эротическим восприятием подруги, которая сильна и не будет искалечена первыми же родами, которая даст потомство победителей темного необозримого царства зверей, как море – окружавшего наших предков. И что бы там ни говорили законодатели мод и выдумщики всяческих оригинальностей, когда вам, художникам, надо написать образ женщины-обольстительницы, покорительницы мужчин, в серьезном или шутливом, бидструповском, оформлении, – кого же вы рисуете, как не крутобедрую, высокогрудую женщину с осиной талией? Заметим, кстати, что тонкая, гибкая талия есть анатомическая компенсация широких бедер для подвижности и гибкости всего тела.
Для мужчин тонкая талия, увы, противопоказана, если они хотят быть действительно мужчинами, могучими и выносливыми, как древние эллины. Я уже говорил, что тело человека не имеет скелетной компенсации позвоночнику спереди. Поэтому, для того чтобы носить тяжести, поднимать их, быть выносливым (вспомните об особенностях мужского дыхания), на передней поверхности тела, между ребрами и тазом, должна быть толстая и крепкая мышечная стенка, да что там, целая стена, сантиметров в пять толщиной, как на греческих статуях. Не меньшей мощности пластины нужны и на боковых сторонах – косые брюшные мышцы. Тут уж не до гибкой талии, в этом месте мужчина становится шире, чем в бедрах, зато приобретает великую мощь.
А у женщин важнее совсем другие, не поверхностные, а внутренние мышцы, способные в прочной чаше удерживать внутренности при огромной дополнительной нагрузке – ребенке. Помните, все это не для города и даже не для деревни. Создавалось оно в дикой жизни, полной огромного напряжения. Поэтому широкий и крепкий лист поперечной брюшной мышцы стягивает талию глубже косых мышц, до самого лобка, низко поддерживая мышечную чашу живота с помощью еще и пирамидальной мышцы, которая, будучи сильно развита, дает тот плоский живот, о котором мечтают красавицы. Я думаю, что мускульная анатомия вам известна. Упомяну еще, что у хорошо танцующих женщин наиболее сильно развиты средняя и маленькая ягодичные мышцы, а в самой глубине – грушевидная и подвздошно-поясничная. Все они заполняют впадину над вертлугом и дают выпуклую, «амфорную», линию крутых бедер. Можно прибавить развитие самого верхнего конца портняжной мышцы и мышцы, натягивающей широкую фасцию. Если проанализировать мускулатуру превосходно развитых танцовщиц, конькобежек и гимнасток, то мы увидим несколько иное, чем у мужчин, усиление самых верхних частей аддукторов бедренных мышц. Посмотрите на фигуры здоровых, привычных к разнообразному труду деревенских девушек, и вы увидите, что и тут наше эстетическое чувство безошибочно отмечает наивысшую целесообразность.

– А вот вопрос, который ставит под сомнение все ваши не лишенные остроумия доводы, – вызывающе сказала художница, все время старавшаяся уязвить Гирина. С уверенностью испытанной обольстительницы она выставила стройную ногу, изящно обутую в босоножку на высокой шпильке. – Женщины всего мира, – продолжала она, – при всех модах и вкусах исправляют вашу премудрую природу обувью на высоких каблуках. И попробуйте отрицать, что это менее красиво, чем ходьба босиком!
– И не попробую, потому что в самом деле красивее, – весело ответил Гирин. – Однако следует понять: почему? Что вы можете сказать, кроме того, что каблуки удлиняют ногу и делают маленькую женщину выше? Но ведь и высокие выглядят лучше на каблуках. Почему же так важно это удлинение ног? Не просто удлинение, а изменение пропорции ноги – вот в чем суть каблука. Удлиняется голень, которая становится значительно длиннее бедра. Такое соотношение голени и бедра есть приспособление к бегу, быстрому, легкому и долгому, то есть успешной охоте. Оно было у древнейших представителей нашего вида кроманьонской расы, оно сейчас есть у некоторых африканских племен. Наше эстетическое восприятие каблука доказывает, что мы происходим от древних бегунов и охотников, обитателей скал, – это подсознательное воспоминание о совершенстве в беге. Добавлю, что каблуки придают вашей ноге крутой подъем. Тут эстетика прямо, а не косвенно сходится с необходимостью высокого подъема для легкой походки и неутомимости. Все обладатели крутых подъемов знают, насколько они экономнее в носке обуви, чем люди с обычной или плосковатой стопой.
– Значит, мы испортились с древних времен? – не унималась длинноногая художница.
– Ничуть, хотя колебания в общих пропорциях у разных народов довольно значительны. Если мы как следует займемся собой, то быстро превратимся в кроманьонцев. Ничего из той наследственности, которую приобрели далекие предки, еще не утрачено.

– А почему красивее считается прямой нос? Не все ли равно?
– Прямой нос – прямой ход для вдыхаемого воздуха. Для нас, европейцев, северных людей, характерна высокая переносица и высокое нёбо – воздух проходит в горло по крутой дуге и лучше обогревается. Но все это надо еще исследовать. Действительно ли узкие глаза монголоидов – это приспособление к богатому ультрафиолетовыми лучами свету в горах и высокогорных пустынях? Много есть подобных вопросов, которыми вместо расовой демагогии давно должна бы заниматься антропология. Но функциональной антропологии пока еще нет, и мы можем лишь догадываться, какие важные причины сформировали расовые особенности. Кстати, большинство расовых признаков, отвечающих опять же анатомической функциональной целесообразности, не кажутся нам чуждыми и вызывают в общем те же эстетические ассоциации. Все дело в том, что мы, люди вида сапиенс, безусловные сестры и братья по самому настоящему родству. Всего пятьдесят тысячелетий назад нас была лишь горсточка, и эта горсточка породила все великое разнообразие народов, племен, языков, иногда воображавших себя единственными, избранными представителями рода человеческого.
– А все-таки это страшно, – вдруг сказала красивая блондинка с черными бровями, смотревшая на Гирина, как на злого вестника. – Все наши представления о прекрасном, мечты и создания искусства… и вдруг так просто – для детей, для простой жизни!
– Простая жизнь? Ее нет, мы только по невежеству думаем, что она проста, и постоянно расплачиваемся за это. Очень сложна, трудна и интересна жизнь! Но не понимаю, отчего вам страшно? Оттого, что станет понятно, в чем суть прелести ваших красивых бровей? Брови, назначение которых отводить в сторону пот, стекающий со лба, и не давать ему заливать глаза, должны быть густыми. И при густоте они не должны быть чересчур широкими, чтобы в них не скапливалась грязь, не заводились паразиты. Вот секрет красоты ваших соболиных, узких и густых бровей.
Под необидный смех окружающих блондинка прикрыла лицо рукой. Гирин продолжал:

– Если можно – сейчас. Я должен рассказать своим ребятам сегодня же…
– Хорошо, – уступил Гирин. – Вертикальное положение тела человека целиком перенесло вес его передней части, ставшей верхней, на позвоночный столб. Позвонки, особенно поясничные, стали нести вертикальную нагрузку, очень сильную при носке и подъеме тяжестей. В результате одно из наиболее характерных заболеваний человека – всякие болезненные изменения в поясничных позвонках, например, так называемый спондилоз, не говоря уже о болях в пояснице и радикулитах, одолевающих почти каждого человека к старости. Интересно, что такими же заболеваниями страдали вымершие саблезубые тигры – они одни могли посочувствовать человеку. У тех беда пришла в результате развития громадных сабельных клыков в верхней челюсти, удары которых, очевидно, давали очень сильную нагрузку на позвоночный столб, в этом случае не вертикальную, а горизонтальную, но действовавшую также по оси позвоночника. И вот среди сотен скелетов саблезубов, раскопанных в асфальтовых лужах Ранчо ла Бреа в Калифорнии, очень многие имеют признаки спондилоза.
– А чем же компенсировалось это противоречие?
– Развитием мышц брюшного пресса, вместе с лестничными межреберными мускулами, дающими дополнительную поддержку туловищу. Наибольшим развитием этих мышц, судя по статуям, отличались древнегреческие атлеты. Вспомним хотя бы лисипповского «Апоксиомена» или особенно поликлетовского «Копьеносца». Человек обязательно должен развивать эти мускулы – они жизненно важны во всех случаях.
– Вряд ли возможно сопоставлять древнего и современного человека, – сказал тот, ученого вида старик, который вспоминал Немилова. – Прежде всего у нас гораздо больше нервного напряжения, стрессов, чем в первобытной жизни. Отсюда нужно думать, что прежние каноны физической силы и выносливости сегодня неприменимы. Нужна крепкая нервная организация – это главное.
– Вы сделали сразу две крупные ошибки. Начну со второй, она проще, – возразил Гирин. – Крепкая нервная организация может быть только на основе полного здоровья, физической крепости и выносливости всего тела. Хилое тело, подвергнутое нервному напряжению, сразу же даст шизоидный комплекс психики. Что касается первобытных людей, живших в постоянной и смертельной опасности, в длительном напряжении охоты и поисков пищи, то их организм выработал способность отдавать сразу огромное количество адреналина для мгновенной форсировки мышечно-двигательной системы. Сильнейшие нервные стрессы, какие случаются у современных людей, кроме войны, всего несколько раз в жизни, заставляли наших предков жить в алертности, напряжении всего тела, расходуя всю пищу, какую только мог потребить организм. Никаких холестериновых накоплений, склероза или инфаркта. Мы унаследовали отличную боевую машину, приспособленную для битв с могучими зверями, и сетуем, что она может своими стрессами погубить наши вялые, не тренированные как надо тела.

Kunning Druegger says:

Golly, I hope there wasn’t anything in that Cyrrillic text that would be relevant or important to the monoglot member of this comment section lol. Prepare for the same level of annoyance and bantz as last time, you damn Slavic polymath.

jim says:

Long walls of unreadable text irritate everyone. Give us the yandex translate version.

In future I will suppress long walls of text that are not in English.

Varna says:

Noted, Jim,
right you are, Kunning Druegger.

In the future what I’ll do is this:
1) Anything over 50-100 words gets online translated
2) Edited&compressed until only the meat remains
3) I go over the translation once to make sure linguistic entropy has not warped the message
Anyone who wants the original gets a link in the post

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Its fairly impossible not to notice what women want if you actually read what women want. It’s the sort of question that answers itself by the very act of acknowledging it; so of course, they avoid acknowledging it.

Neurotoxin says:

I just clicked through and haven’t read much yet, but I love the fact that she calls herself Odalisque – in other words, Harem Slave. What do women want indeed!

(It’s actually “Undead Odalisque” i.e. Vampire Harem Slave, for that extra-female touch.)

On the feminine beauty one, my hot take: A woman is beautiful if she appears:

young, healthy, and feminine.

These are, of course, signs of fertility.

When a man says a woman is beautiful he’s verbalizing “Wow, she looks young, healthy, and female.” That plus some idiosyncratic features he likes, such as particular hair color, etc.

Neurotoxin says:

I clicked through on the thread for the first book considered, Midnight Princess.

The reader (Odalisque) notes – among many Game truths about what makes a man desirable to women, like preselection –

“So… the hero violates the heroine three times.
Each time she gets a little more enthusiastic.”

From now on I won’t write any more red pill in fiction posts; I’ll just link to this Twitter thread every now and then, lol.

Also, the blasts of truth are so surprisingly clear and to the point, given the topic, that I’m starting to wonder whether “Undead Odalisque” is actually a woman.

Anonymous says:

Definitely a woman. The way in which she dismisses PUA gives it away.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The comment on the Lotus Eaters having a podcast about the article and her asking people to watch it because she is afraid of the mean words make me think woman, too, but I am not certain. She also notes that women like to sabotage each other, which is something women like to avoid mentioning, and the analysis of romance novels seems a little too detached to be a woman doing it. It is hard to tell, but it is true either way, and the books are written by women and read by women.

Yul Bornhold says:

Been aware of him for a while. Definitely not a woman. Linking to his thread not practical. He periodically gets upset that his thirstposts get a hundred times the traction of his effortposts and freezes his account for a few weeks.

He’s not entirely clear on how things work. He noted one romance novel where the heroine “had to” deliver a message to the hero at a brothel, where he was a regular patron. After receiving the message, he grabs the heroine with the reasoning that “this is a whorehouse and you’re the whore I choose.” The same novel (iirc) had a villain who lets the heroine get under his skin, so he slaps her in a prissy, beta sort of way. Odalisque couldn’t get what it was that made that guy so repulsive to the female reader.

Mostly, he fails to understand that six foot six muscular giant isn’t the main element that makes these characters attractive. It’s their dominance. Physical features just hypergamic icing on the cake.

Yul Bornhold says:

This excerpt from the thread on the Viking themed romance always good for a chuckle:

“Our heroine arrives in the hero’s household and refuses to do any women’s work. She won’t knit or sew or cook. She’s rather clean out the stables! Quite an assertion of feminist principle.

“So how does our hero react?

“Our hero decides the best way to tame the heroine is by sexually violating her repeatedly while also refusing to feed her if she doesn’t sew and cook for him.

“This works perfectly and she cooks, cleans, and falls in love with him.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This tweet is beautiful:

‘The virgin “Repeal the 19th” vs the chad “I want to be enslaved and ravished by a Viking warlord”’ is meme poetry.

alf says:

Not a native English speaker, but seems interesting how ‘ravished’ and ‘raped’ mean the same action, but the older word has positive connotation, the newer one does not.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think that was because rape was the actual property crime, as opposed to the act of ravishing a woman. You could ravish a woman without it being rape if she was already a fallen woman, similar to the distinction between killing and murder. And despite rape being quite wrong, women rather like it, hence ‘ravish’ gaining some of ‘consent’s’ positive connotations. Nowadays ravishment is just a rape she decided she rather liked. That makes it consensual and consent makes it okay!

alf says:

That would make perfect sense. Sloppy on my part to think that just because ‘ravish’ sounds older it is older.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Not really such a bad assumption, because it has definitely fallen out of favor. Pointing out that women do not terribly mind being raped is a bit of a problem for the left. As a result, the word gets shoved behind the radiator.

Your Uncle Bob says:

“Rapture” and “rape” have the same root in Latin, it originally meant “carrying off,” implicitly by force. Then the first stage of rape acquiring its current meaning was of course they had sex, what else could happen without a chaperone. But at first it was still a crime against the father, husband or future husband, and if the woman objected too it was probably more about her internalizing her patriarch’s sense of honor than anything else.

Neurotoxin says:

Below that in that same thread is a pic of geek chick with Isaac Asimov. Check out Asimov’s ridiculous hoverhand.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

His son was a faggot, so maybe he got it from his old man.

Neurotoxin says:

Now that you mention it, I have a vague recollection of Vox Day publishing a book about perverted behavior in the “science fiction community” a few years back. Can’t recall specifics.

Kunning Druegger says:

Wulfgar’s link, and a few other comments, have necessitated a discussion about the potential uptake of Jimian Christianity on Women. The Andrew Tate event is clearly a critical factor, but he is not the only one saying things that, if you asked me a year ago, I would have said would never appear in the wild.

Many of the men here are too busy or too serious to track social media trends, and I barely get to see anything, but I think I have seen more than average (I am not proud of this, but here we are). If you watch many of Tate’s clips and videos, you will find unadulterated Redpill On Women memes. Everything from easily digestible comments about sex differences to “hardcore” comments on how the cock carousel makes them undesirable. I am not being hyperbolic when I say his whole schtick is on message. And he is not the only voice on clip media doing this. There are a range of “influencers” transmitting and amplifying the fundamental messages we discuss here. I have yet to hear anyone outright say “Women Are Property” or “Make Women Property Again,” but all the pieces are there. It feels like Tate and the others are broadcasting the equations with certain variables left out, leaving the consuuumer to look for more. Now, it must be said that Tate appears to be hyping some online course for Game, and this seems like the typical Grift-Wing game plan. But, and this is surprising to me, the females involved in this phenomenon are actually being more explicit with seriously on-point messaging. So my question is: what the fuck is going on?

Subjectively, of course, I don’t expect Tate to show up and lay out his battle/business plan, but his sound bites are just so very close to RPWQ stylization, I don’t think it would be shocking to find out he, or someone in his circle, lurks here. Per his own account, he and his brother were digital pimps on OnlyFans, recruiting sluts for their stable, and they holes were not able to perform on the intellectual side, rather communicate in the proper way, so he started doing the typing while they did the skin act. I imagine that one could land on a significant number of JC conclusions about women through that process.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What are the numbers on men not getting laid within the last year? On men who are still virgins at 20 or 25? When that number gets large enough, that is a massive source of instability. It is an opportunity for someone to come along and promise those men some women. It is a massive problem, and I think at some level the left understands that. That is one reason they work at preventing men from organizing, why Antifa and BLM are coed instead of all men. If part of the left organizes as men, then they are just a step away from redistribution of pussy and that would be it for the establishment.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ironically, just saw a clip from some female saying it is like 1 in 3 Occidental males enter their 30s a virgin. Fertile grounds, in many senses of the word.

chris says:

“Between 2000-2002 and 2016-2018, past-year sexual inactivity rose from almost 19 percent to almost 31 percent among men ages 18 to 24.

Sexual inactivity among women of the same age remained relatively constant, rising from 15 percent to 19 percent over the same time period.”

Bob says:

LOL…No one is coming along giving virgin men pussy. It’s called nature. They are being selected against and their genes are being removed from the gene pool.

jim says:

It is not called nature. It is called the state. The state forbids prosocial, well behaved men from acting manly, and the state Church fails to set guidelines distinguishing manly prosocial Christian violence from evil sinful violence, and the state allows women, including married women to fuck whomever they want at any time for any reason, and as a result prosocial men and good husbands are being selected against, and violent antisocial criminals are being selected for.

We are going to come along and give incel men pussy, because we are going to shotgun marry off all the whores. You will be able to get used goods on the auction block. Virgins who are under the control of their fathers, you are going to have to apply to the father.

If, however, you bang a virgin, then the dad is likely to insist on you marrying her, and can probably get away with shooting you, and possibly her, if you decline. He can also insist on her marrying someone, and if she declines and he allows it, and she persists in this sort of behavior, the state is likely to consider his authority over her terminated, his right to control her terminated, and the state is likely to insist on her marrying someone. Again I point to the early Australian authority’s 100% success rate at swiftly and abruptly turning whores into wives. Faced with a state cheerfully prepared to use violence upon her, and a husband backed by the authority of that state, the female Australian transportee fully internalized middle class wifely respectability. All of them without exception.

Bob says:

Cathedral Triumphalism deleted

jim says:

Republics come in the time of Republics, in the time of elite virtue, and always self destruct, subverting the virtue on which their existence depends, and another age of Kings returns.

Adapting to the environment of emancipated women is a biological dead end. Those who are adapted to this environment are walking the road to extinction slightly slower.

Republics always self destruct relatively quickly. Female emancipation, however, is frequently only cured by complete disappearance of the emancipated population. I hope, and confidently expect, that the end of the Republic will be the end of female emancipation, because the winning Caesar is likely to be the Caesar that provides wives for his loyalists.

Peoples, empires, populations, faiths, and tribes are always emancipating women, and they either fix the problem, are conquered by those who can fix the problem or never had the problem, or vanish, being entirely replaced by outsiders who fixed or never had the problem, like the original Romans completely vanished. Women always become property once again, and everyone alive today is descended in the female line from women who were property all the way back for four million years, all other populations, faiths, tribes, and empires having fallen by wayside.

The female adaptation to emancipation is to behave in a manner that in the ancestral environment is likely to get her unemancipated by being kidnapped by hostile outsiders, the enemies of her tribe and people. Males have no adaptation to female emancipation, except to do what I do, which is dangerous and difficult.

In every happy family and happy marriage, all of them entirely without exception, the husband has successfully unemancipated his wife, which requires some degree of cheerful defiance of society, state, and state religion.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Haha, trannysemenbreath gets what he fucking deserves.

The Cominator says:

The idea that women select men eugenically left to their own devices is incredibly stupid and yet so persistent it needs to be repressed with really extreme violence. Even in real nature they don’t always, look at fucking Peacocks. Female mating choice would produce lots of violent dimwitted sociopaths with strong jaws. Yes the jawline genetics would improve, the intellect and social cohesion of mankind not so much.

If it were up to me arguing this idea would be punishable (and invariably punished without respect to persons) by immediate death.

jim says:

The huge problem with female mate selection is Red Queen Spirals. If a large number of females are selecting for something stupid, natural selection selects for females who select for the same stupid thing, only even more so. In an environment of female selection, females want sexy sons, so females are selected to find sexy what other women find sexy, only even more so. So if for some almost accidental reason some male trait is selected for, it is likely to wind up being selected for in hideous and absurdly extreme degree, resulting in species extinction.

Not only do populations, faiths, tribes, and empires that allow female emancipation wind up vanishing from history, species that have female mate selection are apt to wind up extinct – though it is common in birds and bats, because mate control is harder with a flying creature, but it rather rare with mammals.

Bob says:

You are making excuses. It is not up to women who successfully reproduces. It is up to each individual man to put forth the will power and resolve to do what is necessary in the current environment. Some have it. Some don’t. Those who don’t will have their genes removed from gene pool. It’s a beautiful thing, really.

jim says:

It is not merely an excuse when women have been given terrifying social superweapons that enable them to point the finger at any man and have him lose his job or go to prison. Makes it hard to maintain proper frame when a woman has terrifying powers that you do not have.

I have successfully ignored these terrifying and very real powers as if they do not exist, and by maintaining frame, got away with it. But it is mighty tough and extremely dangerous. Cops hauled me in once and I could well have been facing a rape and assault charge.

Also all media depict courtship in a manner that is guaranteed to result in permanent involuntary celibacy if you try it in real life. Media courtship is as unreal as media black female superscientists. So how is a young man supposed to know what to do? He suppresses his natural instincts to carry out the courtship dance correctly, because he has been taught that it is evil, foolish, terribly unkind and terribly hurtful to woman, and will get him sent to jail and destroy his career, and the smarter and more prosocial he is, the more he attends to such teachings.

He has been taught that the courtship dance, carried out correctly, will cause females to scream in fear, pain, and horror, and he will go to jail for a very long time and lose all prospects of gainful employment.

Redbible says:

He has been taught that the courtship dance, carried out correctly, will cause females to scream in fear, pain, and horror, and he will go to jail for a very long time and lose all prospects of gainful employment.

I think this rather nicely sums up the problem I, and other men, have been having. Not just the media, but when every adult role model in your life (like parents, teachers, preachers, etc.) told you this, it is hard to just go against it, without having the lie bluntly pointed out AND shown to be wrong (with things like the twitter thread that Wulfgar Thundercock III shared earlier.) Even then, it still takes some time to fully sink in that the blue-pilled morality you were raised with is both wrong and evil.

This post has helped me become more conscious of where these beliefs came from.

Redbible says:

(I normally don’t like double posting, but I realised that I forgot a core part of what I wanted to say.)

Even all of the PUAs pretty much push the lie, if not more so than other people. The fact that PUAs dispel lots of lies, but reinforce other one can make it hard to dispel the last lies. I had the benefit of starting to study PUA material before leaving high school (though once I got a girlfriend* I stopped studying as much). My personal experience has been that getting through the lies that PUAs also reinforce is harder than the first ones, since it (on a certain level) feels like that even people who helped you see through lies, still lied to you.

*(never had sex with her, because “as a good christian”, having sex before marriage would be a “sin”. Also, I broke up with her because I didn’t want to “sin”, or make her “sin”.)

(PUA = Pick Up Artist)

Anon says:

So what is the “Media courtship”? What is the blue pill courtship that is taught and enforced?

jim says:

action girl rescues and abducts lad in distress. They fall in love.

Leacherous lady invites handsome lad for a beer with friends, but the friends do not show. They have a beer. She then suggests they go home to her place, and he says “maybe next time”

Cloudswrest says:

Alan Alda in Mash.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Rollo and Gisla wedding night.

– Rollo’s wife-to-be acts like a shrieking whore, yet doesn’t get a well deserved slap from her father or any of the men present to witness her histrionics.
– Rolla acts like a fag, rolls over to sleep, and doesn’t bang his wife.

Also, Morgane Polanski is/was just too old to play princess Gisela of France — should have chosen a younger whore to play the part.

Fidelis says:

What media do you recommend that properly depicts the mating dance?

I recently read a Jack London novel, The Sea-Wolf published in 1904, in which the love interest dynamic smelled of bluepill even to a zoomer like me. I can only think of perhaps Gunsmoke showing healthy male-female interaction that I’ve seen, but not much “mating dance” going on in that series.

Kunning Druegger says:

This one is pure, unadulterated Mating dance:

When Anon asked, I was reluctant to respond, as we have thousands of examples of bluepill courtship everywhere. But making an alternative list, a list of redpilled mating dance, might actually be a worthwhile activity.

Neurotoxin says:

Watch this one up to the 4:00 mark:

What’s going on is so obvious you don’t even need the sound on. Most women won’t attack you with a sword, but they will shit test you in typically less dramatic ways. This is a beautiful example of amused mastery and a couple of other things.

(Note also that this would make feminists shriek in rage, which is generally a good sign.)

someDude says:

Obviously that sort of amused mastery is an option only for a master swordsman + a master of the Red pill

Neurotoxin says:

But most women won’t attack you with a sword.

Adam says:

There is quite a lot of alpha behavior in film, just do what the bad guys do.

Not the answer to your question though. Game of Thrones had some good patriarch characters, before they all got killed off.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Aside from the obvious and hilarious dumbfuckery on display from “Bob” here, what’s the deal with totalitarian shilloid creatures and their obsession with other people’s sex lives.

Kunning Druegger says:

They, quite rightly, realize how much potential social energy is contained within Sexual Mores. As Wulfgar just wrote, and Jim has said many times, whichever side comes out with an explicit “Service Guarantees Pussyship” position will have millions of young men screaming “YES, I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE!!!”

Redbible says:

I’m thinking that “Service Guarantees Pussyship” could maybe be refined a little better.

Perhaps “Service Guarantees Pussy Ownership” or “Service Guarantees Female Ownership”

Kunning Druegger says:

“I’m doing my part!”
*Fellow reactionary legionnaires laugh approvingly*

someDude says:


You’re splitting hairs. Reminds me of Islamic discussions on whether crow meat is halal or haram

Redbible says:


When crafting memes, semantics and exact phrases matter. When you send a meme off into the great unknown of the internet, it is sure to mutate and change some as it goes. Setting up a meme well so that it is harder to distort, pervert, or corrupt the meaning is important, since we have many enemies who will seek to do just that once a meme is “sent out”.

Having thought a bit more on this meme, I think that a simple “Service Guarantees Ownership*” would work best. When asked ownership of what, the answer is “Property and Women, but I do repeat myself.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I mention making sure men get virgin pussy assigned to them and the shills come out in force. That has to be one thing that has the Cathedral absolutely terrified. Nevermind Trump, the first man to start organizing real Christian marriages is going to be more powerful than we can imagine.

Varna says:

Wife market in contemporary big city China
Spontaneous attempts by the families to unwarp the modern dynamics of dating and marriage, and assign dicks and pussies to their progeny.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The problem is that they are still operating under a consent-based system. They are setting up men and women instead of picking a man and telling the women to get ready for the wedding. Even the old middle and upper class Western system was better than this. All the female choice was an illusion, where the women got to “choose” from men that were screened and approved of by fathers. I think the Western system is better because the illusion of choice makes people more satisfied with the outcome.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, but it is far better to at least have examples of intermediate steps being taken than none at all.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The problem is that it is not an intermediate step. It is parents and grandparents performing the same role as Tinder; giving a girl a bunch of men to swipe right or swipe left. The core problem is consent, and that has not been solved at all. It is the illusion of traditional systems, with the superficial characteristics of civilized systems but none of the essential character.

Kunning Druegger says:

Disagree. Consider: all they have to do is reverse the scenario (give the man a bunch of women to swipe through from a list curated by parents and elders), and we’re coking with gasoline.

…you know, this could be an interesting memetic tool: build a “dating app” that lists females for men to look through, but the app scrapes info from the public internet and rank orders the females based on their social media offerings. It would crawl through profiles and generate a scores based on the content it finds. Lots of travel, skin showing pics, and dating site memberships reduce the score (as well as the various but hilariously homogenous words and phrases women put in their profiles and self-descriptions), and “modesty factors” (this would be something that would require a lot of work, I think, or it could literally be 5 boxes that must be checked, I don’t know) would increase the score.

As based as “wifeAuction App” would be, you could also just fake it up, with fabricated screenshots and fabricated reviews, and then meme it out to see what the response would be. My guess is that it would be praised and sought after intensely.




Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What is the incentive for women to participate in this marriage app? Likewise for the Chinese marriage markets. There is no social force that tells women that they have no right to refuse once chosen. As Pax Imperialis pointed out, the CCP is shooting itself in the foot on this one. America and the West have just turned to using it for target practice. If you have female choice be anything more than an illusion to trick her into acceptance, the whole thing falls apart.

Kunning Druegger says:

No Wulfgar, you misunderstand. The app scrapes data from female profiles already extant and gets curated by an operation put together by Andrew Tate. The women are neither consulted nor involved, the app just uses OSINT to build the profiles and rank order them for male selection or rejection. It would whitelist females that seem virginal or only slightly used with low mileage, and red flag roasties and whores. So users (males only) can use the app to find women or as a kind of carfax for potential mates.

“Check out this broad, bro, she’s right up your alley!”
“Hold up, let me check Bitchfax/Slutvana/Snatchdotcom and see her score… hmm, low mileage but she’s traveled to Europe twice…”

Pax Imperialis says:

“they are still operating under a consent-based system.”

Some might. Most are not. When Asian parents tell you to go on that arraigned date, you go on that arraigned date.

The reason why arraigned marriages fell out of practice in East Asia is because there is too much fraud that came from anonymity of modern city life. Dating process is there suss out fraud.

There is also enough of an illusion of choice to make people satisfied.

Pax Imperialis says:

Forgot to mention that the “marriage market” that the articles are about are really the secondary market that exists. Primary market is via familiar relations. You go to secondary market if the familiar relations don’t exist (low status family doesn’t isn’t given any face) or more likely no one in your extended family’s social circle wanted you kid (family has status but no one wants to give your kid face). Meaning open air marriage market is full of fraud.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If that was the case then they would not have needed a government campaign against leftover women. An old maid in a sex-balanced society is one thing. Being a leftover woman in a society where there are 6 men for every 5 women is another.

Pax Imperialis says:

“If that was the case then they would not have needed a government campaign against leftover women.”

The Chinese government also promotes female education and work force participation as well. They are continuously shooting themselves in the foot and bandaging it as a stop gap. Maybe they should stop shooting themselves. Radical idea I know.

However compare China to the West. These are 2012 Stats.

38% of women in the United States, and more than 50% of women in Britain remained unmarried in their 30s.

7.4% of Chinese women between 30 and 34 were unmarried and the percentage falls to 4.6% between the ages 35–39.

Had the Chinese government been against female university education and work force participation you would see them marry even younger and at higher rates. There wouldn’t be a need to campaign against leftover women.

Now there are reasons why this happened. China wanted to prioritize economic development and to modernize its military as quickly as possible partly out of fear of US military might. The idea being to fully mobilize its full population. As population modernization is accomplished, and population decreases, we are seeing the Chinese unwind their anti family policies such as one child. Fertility is back to policy priority, but it will take a long time to fix.

Varna says:

> An old maid in a sex-balanced society is one thing. Being a leftover woman in a society where there are 6 men for every 5 women is another.

Indeed. And being a leftover woman in Russia, where there’s five women competing for every single non-alcoholic non-unemployed man is yet a third variation.

I have no idea why Beijing and Moscow have not yet married off the surplus Russian women to the surplus Chinese men. Gooks respect white skin and Russians are already half-gook across Siberia.

Hehe, imagine a Eurasian ruling dynasty. Half the time you get a Chinese ruler whose domain borders Poland, and half the time a Russian ruler whose domain borders Vietnam.

When it’s a Chinese ruler the world will be like “awesome, new trading opportunities” and when it’s a Russian ruler they’ll be “Christ, better beef up the army”.

someDude says:

“That has to be one thing that has the Cathedral absolutely terrified”

Are the Cathedral’s minions smart enough to be terrified of this?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Someone is, or was. I started mentioning it and shills started in. “Bob” showed up almost immediately to tell us all that the state is in no way interfering with reproduction and we deserve it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

In short, I triggered a response so quickly that it must have been high priority.

Kunning Druegger says:

Not at all thunder stealing, but your posts plus the Tate namedrop initiated the faggot QRF in my opinion.

someDude says:

Couldn’t it have been simple religious fanaticism? I mean you’re violating a sacrament of their faith.

You might has well Draw paintings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Drag and hold an art exhibition in an Islamic Enclave.

Jim does not think, and I don’t like to think, that they are smart enough to be scared of that.

Kunning Druegger says:

…are you a mohammedan? I was under the impression that you were a Dharmabro…

S says:

I think someDude is Indonesian.

Kunning Drueger says:

Nah, that’s Ducking Man. SD is a Dharmabro, but the “PBUH” is throwing me off…

someDude says:

Yes, I’m Indian. Personally a Buddhist, but politically a Hindu as in I support all political and social causes that benefit Hindus within the boundaries of India. The PBUH was my “failed” attempt to be Ironic.

Kunning Drueger says:

I thought it was, but I was wrong footed for some reason. Sorry to ruin the joke, my dude.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Aside from this guy (obvious Muslim shilloid) —
— I don’t think there’s anyone here that believes in Islam or anything like that lol.

Anon says:

Tate said that a woman is “a property of her man” because she is in a sexual releashionship with him.
Cheating is women thing a man can’t cheat no matter how many women he sleep with.
Men do monogamy because they want/hope they get exclusivity from a woman
Monogamy is for women , but men natural instinct is polygamy
This was in a podcast with someone called dave portnoy
I noticed the jimian bases for this but i do not think he read or someone around him read the blog, you cant master the women question intellectually you have to live it.
He is a pimp and a pimp life require you to discover the reality of women if you want to be successful in pimping.

Rexy Sexy says:

> I have yet to hear anyone outright say “Make Women Property Again”

I said that.

Legally, the concept is called “coverture”. And the American Republic was founded on it.

You’re welcome.

simplyconnected says:

It is often commented here the disaster that the Obamacare website was (how much it cost and how it didn’t work).
Would it then follow that all the talk of globally interoperable biometric ID linked to bank accounts and social credit scores, is beyond their competence level?
TPTB seem to have a plan for total control, but is it possible that it won’t be so much of a concern because they don’t have the ability to implement it competently?
I suppose we will soon see in any case, but I would appreciate to know your views on this.

zero says:

Could this be why the Cheka, nkvd, Bolsheviks were so Jewish? Maybe their superpower of invisibility let them get jobs done when the practical reality became verboten for goys? Tax collector’s and bag men are often minorities, in a decaying left singularity can the software guys for the things that really matter be a similar uncriticizable minority?

A2 says:

At some point, the banking system will be considered kaput, just like SWIFT.

Personally, I consider us already past that point since it operates for the advantage of government, not its putative customers.

jim says:

Bitcoin and lightning network.

Or something better. No end of people, myself among them, are thinking about something better.

jim says:

I have figured out no end of ways in which to efficiently implement a totalitarian highly centralized state using modern technology. Checking out enemy ideas for the same thing, they seem to be idiots. Which is fortunate, or else they would have already implemented them. They had a go at implementing them in the Covid panic.

simplyconnected says:

That’s good to know. I hear two arguments lately that give me hope. One is that they are not competent enough to do what they want to do. Another is that they have already lost control of information distribution, so they can no longer rule with the public’s consent, only by force, and since the WEFfers are very few, their great reset won’t happen.

simplyconnected says:
Mayflower Sperg says:

If Israel didn’t exist, all Covid vaccine enforcement worldwide would be via easily falsifiable paper documents. Nowhere but Israel can the government say, “We need software that does X”, and get it in ten weeks instead of ten years.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

gas kikes now >:|

Anonymous Fake says:

Whites are only 18.6% of UC college freshmen now, in theory now contributing to diversity but this is not fairly recognized. Whites who are actually Anglo might only be 10%. Anglo and Protestant, 5% or less…

This is fertile ground for a pro-white student movement as being a genuine minority increases social capital. On top of the benefits of fewer whites getting worthless degrees.

But the silence about what’s going on in elite high stress prep schools for K-12 students is most telling. What are they up to now?

S says:

That assumes going to college is good. Going to college tanks your TFR in exchange for status from a death cult. Observe the effect on secular Jews who climbed over the goy in their rush to get as much college as possible and the result is secular Jews are going extinct.

Anonymous Fake says:

The degrees are worthless, yes, and it’s good to see few whites getting them for that reason alone, but the low white share of students also opens the door to in-group loyalty that was impossible in the 90% white boomer student era. More importantly, it has benefits for the whites who are not students at all.

As for secular Jews, their demise is much exaggerated by all sides who don’t want to think about how many crypto-Jews there are. It’s not ideal to pay too much attention to this kind of Jew, but ignoring them is fatal.

jim says:

> The degrees are worthless, yes, and it’s good to see few whites getting them for that reason alone, but the low white share of students also opens the door to in-group loyalty that was impossible in the 90% white boomer student era.

The same is true of whites sent to prison.

> More importantly, it has benefits for the whites who are not students at all.

The major benefit being that they do not get educated in an ever more stupid, ignorant, hostile, and hateful faith

Aidan says:

As if any pro-white student movement would not be immediately banned if not dispersed by state violence. Do you have neurological damage? Do you actually think that whites will gain social capital when a minority?

Also, “elite” K-12 prep schools are a joke among jokes. If you had trouble, probably not tall enough for this ride.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He is a shill, so you could say that he has neurological defects. He also whines that he could not hack it as a member of the priest class, so he should be given free shit. I was going to respond to him much the same way, but it is a waste of time.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am not attempting to feed the troll, but I have actually encountered this refrain of “now that we are a minority, we can play minority games!” IRL more than once. I find it supremely deluded, and it has only come from normicons thus far. So we really should systematically address why this cannot work, and we should also take note of this new information as it pertains to the origination of this most obstinate entryist. The Left may have quit engaging in debate, but it appears that the Right is here and attempting to sway the discourse (which was obviously known, but now it is Known.)

Mayflower Sperg says:

It works in Latin America; if you move there and learn the language, you will enjoy high status as a white man, though your grandchildren will most likely be brown and dull-witted.

Anonymous Fake says:

But losing by state violence isn’t exactly losing at all, because it shatters the Cathedral’s entire history and interpretations of civil rights, nonviolence, etc.
[*If the Cathedral’s attempted genocide of the Tutsi filed to shatter its myths about itself, what could possibly shatter its myths about itself?

Pious attribution of all manner of wonderful good intentions and good conduct to the Cathedral deleted.*]

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

But losing by state violence isn’t exactly losing at all, because it shatters the Cathedral’s entire history and interpretations of civil rights, nonviolence, etc.


Mayflower Sperg says:

Around age 13, I found a copy of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich in my parents’ basement, read the whole thing, and recounted to my mother about the Night of Long Knives, when some of Hitler’s rival Nazis were chopped to pieces and thrown in a swamp.

She said, “When you do something like that, you’re the real loser because you de-humanize yourself.” I was not entirely convinced; it sure seemed to me that the guy feeding the tadpoles was the real loser.

The Cominator says:

Lol he’s channeling Trudeau when you kill your enemies they win.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Yes lol. And as if “””they””” wouldn’t just memory-hole whatever the fuck measures were necessary to suppress dissent.

This guy just doesn’t have the brain cells to understand the “celebration parallax” meme. (“It’s not happening, and it’s great that it is!”)

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

In a sane society, nobody as dumb as Always Fabricating would have survived to adulthood.

Gedeon says:

[*Idiocy deleted*]

jim says:

Not what that research shows.

Alfred says:

>This is fertile ground for a pro-white student movement as being a genuine minority increases social capital.

They will not just let you white kids use the rules of their own game against them.

The point was never being a minority, that was a Trojan horse to disguise anti-white hatred until they felt themselves secure enough to start saying it loud enough for normal people to hear.

Pax Imperialis says:

There is far more anti-white hatred today than 10/20/30/40 years ago. Most the of hatred was fermented by whites in academia and passed down onto the minorities they let into the academy.

The students who would be pro white student movement do exist in surprisingly (and increasing) large numbers… but they look suspiciously brown. I suppose that just means that Hispanic is the new white.

Help says:

Field report on my priest:

My sins are great, my spirit is weak, and my need to become stronger is evident.

By letting my despair and rage regarding my father’s death, cremation, funeral service, and the demon worshiper articles influence my words, I communicated with my priest in an undiplomatic manner, letting off the fact I had considered leaving the parish. He played me like a fiddle, got me into an unwanted confession when neither prepared nor ready, and made me apologize for speaking to him in the way mentioned in the comment thread below.

The answers I received in response to my intolerable grievances were as follows:

“Paul saying women should remain silent doesn’t mean what it means, context”
“Women speaking in front of iconostasis regularly doesn’t matter, she’s not a priest”
“It’s not a canonical violation if she is not officially a priest/deacon/reader”
“Women speaking in church is not her being in a position of authority/equality”
“Women speaking in church is not an userpation of the hierarchy of men and women, how dare you imply such a hierarchy should exist”
“Women speaking in church is not her being a “priest” without the title of priest”
“Being a priest is only about performing sacraments and sermons, not being an authority figure over the congregation”
“There is no “authority” in the church hierarchy, we are all in submission”
“Both articles were only about expressing a different opinion, stop overanalyzing”
“So what if the Copts are heretics, point was the opinion expressed”
“Stop purity spiralling”
“Spend more time on yourself”
“Stop sowing division by being disobedient”

(disclaimer: not saying all statements above are necessarily false, just listing statements)

He also said he received a blessing from the bishop, and that having his wife talk in church is final and is not going to be changed.

My error, which is an error of youth caused by a lack of wisdom, is that I failed to stop trying to voice a grievance when it was immediately brushed aside.

No boomer priest is going to care about the opinions of some 24-year-old kid never raised in the church or with the diaspora, only got back a year ago, and barely speaks any Russian. I believed in Jim’s words below, that he was simply a normiecon who only needed to see another person who didn’t believe in the consensus, but because of my lack of discernment, I failed to realize communication was pointless and harmful.

And it is so horrible, because the woman herself is (or appears to be) the kindest and most virtuous woman in the church.

If there is anything to learn about my field report for the readership here, it is that if someone is not going to respond to thoughtcrime, cease all communication immediately.

At least he says he loves me (?) and allows me to commune. I get along with the others at coffee hour and have made good friends, so I’m not leaving. Also leaving would imply Donatism. The only thing I will be doing from now on is leaving the building when she speaks for the few minutes she does; and, I guess it’s not so bad if she manages to quiet the congregation during the communion of the clergy.

Havenfroth says:

Sounds well enough like a demon worshipper to me, the third party. Leaving for that which you will not stand is good. In your shoes I would keep in touch with your fellows and search for another church to commune with. I am not in your shoes, therefore I will instead wish you the best, and confirm that the details you have given me make your priest sound very unsound indeed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I can sympathize with those for whom the Tao of the Troll does not come naturally, given years of experience in the hoary old wild west days of the internet taking of such poorly armed adversaries.

A sense of grace, tact, and insuperable soul skewering shivs that pierce strait to the amygdala can hardly be mailed through a comment box, but one can comment on the tactical contingencies of particular exchanges.

I think the biggest overall issue here is that you, both, allowed yourself to become emotionally compromised (“lol umad bro”), yet at the same time, were giving a perverse degree of deference to your interlocutor.

In combat sports circles, this is sometimes called the ‘sensei effect’, where a trainee, if he is rolling with his instructor, will semi-consciously gimp himself, act in ways that are almost in expectation of the instructor countering him, even or especially if he is otherwise a superior fighter when matched up with anyone else.

Instead of acting within a frame that you are laying down Divine Law, it sounds like instead you were acting like you needed to justify yourself to him, which in turn made your implicit antagonism come off as childish and petty.

Help says:

> I think the biggest overall issue here is that you, both, allowed yourself to become emotionally compromised (“lol umad bro”), yet at the same time, were giving a perverse degree of deference to your interlocutor.

I decided to attend my church not because the priest was a normiecon, I attended my church because I loved my priest as a father, the father I never had. Arguably I loved him more than my own family. Having grown up without religion I struggle with keeping my prayers, yet over the past year-and-a-half I prayed every night for God to protect and help my priest, my confessor.

The only reason he was able to manipulate a confession out of me was because I learned on Saturday that my mother has stage 3 liver cancer, and thus I decided to attend and then stay after vigil because I wanted to ask my priest to pray for my mother (in hindsight a big mistake). I didn’t even get a chance to ask my priest to pray for her (I told him but didn’t ask anything about my mother at confession), he sent me out the door and left to do other things.

I spoke to Father regarding my father’s death last week because I was grieving and I wanted sympathy from him regarding the demonic women-priest funeral service. The subject of women priests obviously came up and I asked why he has women speaking in the church, something I decided not to ask of him (out of a perverse sense of respect).

In retrospect, when I met with my priest again on Thursday, I did not approach him as an equal, I approached him as a beaten child approaches his abusive step-father, begging him to tell me that him beating me wasn’t really him beating me. How could I give him anything less than complete deference? To be honest, while I was filled with pain and anger regarding the initial conversation, I was relatively straightforward and stable with the second conversation (discounting telling him I was considering leaving the parish).

This all happened because I am a liar, chiefly to myself. I wanted to believe a narrative about my priest, ignoring the red flags, pretending he was a normiecon, and making excuses for his shortcomings (“women speaking in church is no problem, I’m sure Father has a good reason for it, I don’t want to offend him”). When I could no longer maintain the unconscious lie, I began doubting my sanity.

After he had beaten me, my priest triumphantly declared, “you can’t always be right about everything,” “you are brilliant yet you lack wisdom.”

Aidan says:

It’s clear from reading your posts that you are a bit twisted up inside and emotionally volatile. Priority number one for you should be becoming manly, finding clarity and purpose. Meditate on your great ancestors and their struggles and find their strength deep inside you. Emotion may pass over you like the winds but you are an oak tree, your trunk is unbending and your roots are firm in the ground.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Paraphrasing heavily – “If you think your brother is in error, first go to him alone and reason with him. If this fails, find two or three elders and return to him and reason with him. If this fails, stop arguing with him and separate yourself.”

Tricky to find two or three elders on this issue in a converged church, and tricky when the man in error is an elder. Still, its a format with power when you can apply it.

Adam says:

Deception, self-deception, denial etc. is the ultimate test of fitness for a man. Easy to stay alive, easy to get a woman pregnant. Telling the truth is hard, finding out what it is is hard. Words are an illusion. Watch what people do. Listen to what they say. If they are not congruent, let their behavior define them.

The root word of authority is author. If a woman is speaking on a matter she is the authority. Maybe less if it’s just a reading of something a man wrote. In any case, you know where this priest stands.

It was good of you to confront the priest. Now you know where your frame is weak.

Kunning Druegger says:

The field report is most welcome; we should be getting more of these in general, as it could be an exceptional resource to both Commenters and Lurkers. Way to take the dive, and it’s even better that you came back with a less than victorious story to tell. It is never easy to analyze your own defeat. I have no advice to give and only wish to reinforce what others have already written.

jim says:

If you were telling him the Bible, the communion of the Saints, and the voice of Holy Spirit within, he would have heard your master’s voice.

Help says:

Perhaps, in hindsight, it is good that he did not hear my master’s voice.

It is likely he thinks I’m merely a petty child who’s a little “misogynistic” – a child, perhaps, but a “good” child overall who got carried away and now is behaving

On the other hand, if he learned that I am a Reactionary, a different animal…

Thinking back, I never showed him my true power level. When he asked me if I was pro-life, I told him about feminism and how if I had daughters I would set up arranged marriages for them, but in retrospect he probably thinks that I’m talking about something completely different from what I was actually talking about. Perhaps God was protecting me from him, or, perhaps Gnon know all along I was lying about him to myself.

I will stay with him and see if I can find more about him or use him. Plus I have close friends there so I don’t think it’s best for me to leave just yet.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Being a priest is only about performing sacraments and sermons, not being an authority figure over the congregation”

Of Christian ministers Paul sates in 1 Corinthians 4:1, “This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” Stewardship translates the Greek word oikonomia. oikos, meaning house and the word nomos meaning law. Thus oikonomia means house law.

God has given ministers authority to dispense his word and his law upon congregation. Performing sacraments is presupposition upon holding authority given by God over the congregation. If the minister is not an authority figure, then he does not have authority to perform sacrament.

Guessing that he will just say what Paul says in Corinthians “doesn’t mean what it means, context”

“There is no “authority” in the church hierarchy, we are all in submission”

In submission to what if there is no authority?

“Stop sowing division by being disobedient”

If there is no authority and no hierarchy how can there be disobedience? Disobedience to what? By what authority does he have to tell you to stop being disobedient? Yet he commands you…


Pure gaslighting. Forget the stance on women in the Church. This guy doesn’t even understand or be truthful of his position as a priest in the Church. That is a far more severe issue.

Red says:

As far as I can tell, all churches are like this. A friend tried the very thing Help attempted though he questioned it publicly not just alone with the preacher. His pastor admitted that he was right about scripture on the proper role of women but he’d upset some women so he had to go.

Help says:

Your friend’s priest was a normiecon. My priest is a completely different animal.

Your Uncle Bob says:

As far as I can tell, all churches are like this.

Is it time for a second look at home churches? Or pop-up, men’s only Bible studies, maybe ones where you lead off speaking very honestly about red-pill issues, and guys are allowed to curse occasionally? If you’ve got a Bible, one wife, obedient children and aren’t a drunkard you’re basically qualified as a church elder already. Years of seminary and a salary seem logical to us now, but aren’t specifically commanded biblically.

Downside is it marks you out a little bit socially. Argument for it is we’re commanded to be in communion with other believers, but we’re not commanded to be in submission to false prophets. A real challenge when the established church is already converged.

The Count of Montecristo says:

Are there any churches consistently good on this question? As a Protestant, happy to be finally attending a church that considers the 19th amendment to be wrong and don’t let women vote in their government. But even so, more normiecon than I would like still.

Fighting an entire culture is hard to do. Curious to know what the best others have found in any circumstances. The most common “conservative” compromise is to forbid female officers in the church, but to be a compromised egalitarian in almost any other question of importance.

Long time lurker, first time poster.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That’s not because of sklavishmoral minoritarianism though, it is because every place in the world outside of the global (anti-)american theocracy is a hue-ocracy that explicitly recognizes the superiority of whiteness.

(As opposed to the GAE implicitly recognizing the superiority of whiteness, by ‘white privilege’ being defined as an inherent ineffable quality all whites are born whose magical power makes everyone else worse than them, such that Others have no power over their own destiny – that they could only hope to prevail by convincing the inherently superior to willingly disenfranchise themselves.)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>In submission to what if there is no authority?

>If there is no authority and no hierarchy how can there be disobedience? Disobedience to what? By what authority does he have to tell you to stop being disobedient? Yet he commands you…

That was one of the first things that jumped out at me too.

This guy isn’t just letting women preach from the pulpit, he is spiritually female himself.

jim says:

You are paying too much attention to what he says. Pay attention to what he does not say.

Help says:

Do you believe that my priest is my enemy, or is he a normiecon? Some commenters here think he is an enemy, other say he is merely a normiecon.

What is the difference between a normiecon and a conservative entryist like Archbishop Chrysostomos?

Thinking back while he did say that vaccination should be a choice, he was not exactly happy when I criticized Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) for his promotion of the vax. On the other hand, he supports Putin in his invasion of Ukraine. His Facebook is almost perfectly clean of anything “off.” Either way I don’t trust him.

jim says:

I don’t know. Probably normiecon.

But he is citing the fake consensus of enemies.

That enemy shilling works against normiecons is more or less the definition of normiecon. Not on their guard against hostile entryists.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think more analysis is needed to make a better assessment. I am new to faith practice in current era, but based on what the Orthobros are saying (and given that that is your self-selected faction, you should go with their advice above others), you should probably stick it out there. So more analysis is in order, but it is an unenviable position; the priest is supposed to be your leader, the guy you turn to and defer to, so him also being the target of your “counter-intelligence” operation is going to suck.

The Count of Montecristo says:

Personally I tend to judge these things sociologically. How does he compare to the norm in your local Russian Orthodox circles? Enemies are moving the needle in the wrong direction of the norm of their chosen sphere of influence. Normiecons tend to be within that consensus. I could comment about Reformed Protestant circles, but have no idea about Russian Orthodox ones.

Yul Bornhold says:

Am not convinced you’re the real thing, Mr. Help.

Supposedly your priest said: “Stop purity spiralling”

I’ve never heard anyone use that term who didn’t get it from Jim but maybe you mean he was expressing the same concept (pharisee-ism) and you’re translating into the terminology used here.

But you’re probably real.

I’ve not been reading these threads in depth because many opinions of the heterodox (that’s ortho for “goyim”) are… not correct and painful to the eyes. In an earlier thread with Feanor, I’ve not hidden that I don’t consider myself a reactionary in the same way as others here. That being said, they provide helpful perspective on a lot of points, so I drop by now and again.

For example, the Old Testament view on women is so different from feminism that until I saw it translated into game theory, I wasn’t able to *comprehend* it. Quite literally could not accept it at face value because lacked the broader framework. If woman are spiritually/mentally equivalent to men, it would be monstrous to shackle them within traditional subservient marriage. If, as is actually the case, women are spiritually/mentally different than men, then the role of wife makes them stronger and richer than they could be otherwise. See Aidan’s post on how a woman with a good man flourishes.

Jim approaches Church problems with Jim’s thought process and Jim’s goals. His goal is to such a human life as would naturally derive from the pleasures of patriarchy, mannerbund and building a future for his children. The Orthodox goal is to save our souls. That’s abstract. Concretely, this manifests in moving our soul such that we can become free of the influence of the passions. The problem with the carnal, physical world is that we’re slaves to our circumstances. Reaction is entirely concerned with mastering these circumstances. If your children are murdered, you will be unhappy, so the reactionary quite reasonably strives to create a polity that prevents murder. That’s fine. Doesn’t contradict Orthodoxy but it has limits.

I know some guys who are bluepilled/beta towards women. Extremely frustrating for me to watch. These are close friends/family, so I can’t and won’t throw them out of my life. Their actions, their weakness, exerts control over me. Every time they do the lame and cringe things demanded by the bluepill, I wince. Internally, I revile them. (Archaic verb but apt.) Can’t help it. Now, the goal of Orthodoxy is to improve my soul such that I’ll be free of this inform that the others exert over me. When these guys do something horrible and bluepill, I want it to have no power over me. For you, this would be easy. They’re not your close friends/family. Perhaps you will say “just stop caring about them” but that too would be an example of their control over me. If someone else can unilaterally change me/my disposition, then he has control over me.

Again, this is abstract but suppose you capture and torture a wild wolf. Then you let it go. If you did that to a man, he’d spend the rest of his life seething about how much he hates you. If you do it a wolf, it won’t resent you. It won’t spend every moment pierced by shame and plotting revenge. If it finds you ten years later, it will, naturally, dismember you, but it won’t spend every breath dominated by your memory.

Orthodoxy is a more social religion. We don’t seek reduction to the beast because their is no love in such a state and such scraps of love as we feel are some of the best parts. There’s nothing like a friend who will really watch your back, who, on a very, thinks you’re great. So, in Orthodoxy, we seek both the animal freedom from lingering resentment and the divine joy of love, which isn’t something you can conjure with clever social technology. The heterodox can call this an impossible goal but they should admit that it’s suitably defined. Not a nonsense concept.

In your own case, you’re talking about a woman reading making you so upset that you have to leave the Church. How much better to become like righteous Job who saw all of his vast wealth stolen and all his family killed and said “The Lord gives. The Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” He was, of course, stricken with grief but he was not mastered by it. His wife kept suggesting he kill himself because, in her view, how could he not be overwhelmed?

Others have their own passions that master them.

To circle back, the reactionaries lack our goal and our methods. They’re just trying to use tech and social tech to make decent lives more likely.

I get it, though. You don’t know where else to go to someone who will understand your objections. Will talk to my priest about this and get back in a few days.

Help says:

> Am not convinced you’re the real thing, Mr. Help.

Well, of course, as a disclaimer, I did admit I am a liar. This is a dangerous and de facto illegal website, so of course I will be lying about some details.

For example, my father wasn’t a German Lutheran, perhaps he was an Anglo Unitarian. Perhaps my mother did not develop stage 3 lung cancer, perhaps she was sent to a psychiatric hospital for schizophrenia. That sort of thing. I say what is relevant to the details of this website.

> Supposedly your priest said: “Stop purity spiralling”

He didn’t. I did as a summation of what he told me.

> In your own case, you’re talking about a woman reading making you so upset that you have to leave the Church. How much better to become like righteous Job who saw all of his vast wealth stolen and all his family killed and said “The Lord gives. The Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” He was, of course, stricken with grief but he was not mastered by it. His wife kept suggesting he kill himself because, in her view, how could he not be overwhelmed?

Despondency, judgment and wrath are my cardinal sins, and obviously I did not consider leaving the church for the sole reason of women speaking in church. When Father made me confess, what he heard in some ways was different from what I meant. For example, when I confessed being angry and intemperate with my priest, I wasn’t referring to the content of what I said but the way in which I said it. So sure, I will keep going, I won’t be leaving.

Red says:

Well, of course, as a disclaimer, I did admit I am a liar. This is a dangerous and de facto illegal website, so of course I will be lying about some details.

You need to have an intent to deceive people for it to be a lie. Hiding your identity by muddling details isn’t lying.

Neofugue says:

> Am not convinced you’re the real thing, Mr. Help.

There are some things Help says that are bizarre coming from an Orthodox Christian cradle; as you noticed, he uses NRx terminology instead of Christian terminology in his field report. However, over half of the members at my church only attend on Pascha and only half of those people for Orthodox Christmas. My priest told me how many of the regular members of the congregation were surprised when he told them that they are not supposed to do prostrations on Sundays. In other words, the “off” details may just amount to him being unaware of certain conventions and ways of thinking due to ignorance.

In my opinion, Help is the real thing, because only a true believer would stick around at his church after having his grievances ignored. If he were not a true believer, he would not have gone to church last Saturday for Vigil to pray for his ailing mother. Help is struggling not only with the death of his father but also, as he says, with the terrible sins of despondency and anger. Most Orthodox Christians who return to the church have a moment roughly one year afterwards when the Devil tries to get them to leave their spiritual father and their church or monastery, and it is likely that the Devil used the death of his father to attempt to get Help to abandon the church.

One book that greatly helped me with overcoming despondency and anger was Despondency: The Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius of Pontus written by Swiss monk Gabriel Bunge. Link listed here:

> I’ve not been reading these threads in depth because many opinions of the heterodox (that’s ortho for “goyim”) are… not correct and painful to the eyes. In an earlier thread with Feanor, I’ve not hidden that I don’t consider myself a reactionary in the same way as others here. That being said, they provide helpful perspective on a lot of points, so I drop by now and again.

Not only incorrect, but in certain cases, such as with the bastard problem, wicked and deranged. There are certain issues that are best avoided on a secular reactionary platform. However, reactionaries are the only people in the West capable of destroying the Cathedral by replacing Progressivism with Christianity. The people in modern Orthodoxy, in particular Orthodoxy outside of Russia, are almost entirely morally compromised. My hope is that NRx can either establish or help Christians establish Christianity as an official state religion and that all the little details will dissipate over time.

Yul Bornhold says:

We will see if reactionaries are capable of destroying the Cathedral but the strong point in their favor is that they have an accurate idea of the problem. Alternative resistance is conservative “we must embrace gay marriage to thwart gay fornication” and Alex Jones “we must defeat the pedophile vampires to restore the constitution.”

(I’m doing the Jew thing. Sometimes reactionaries are “we.” Sometimes “they.”)

skippy says:

>> “Stop purity spiralling”

Is this actually something people say outside OL NRX ?

Pax Imperialis says:

Figured he was giving summarized account rather than exact quote. It also seems inline with how liberal Christians will react to quoting scripture they don’t agree with.

I think the phrase has been leaking out to irl in the same way ‘the cathedral’ has.

Help says:

> Figured he was giving summarized account rather than exact quote. It also seems inline with how liberal Christians will react to quoting scripture they don’t agree with.


Redbible says:

If I recall right, the NRX term is “Holiness spiral”, which could be seen as a kind and type of Purity spiral.

“Purity spiral” tends to be used by leftist types as a way of attacking gatekeeping, and old traditional Christianity.

“Holiness spiral” on the other hand, is exclusively used to attack the never ending “progress” of leftists becoming even more “holy”.

Kunning Druegger says:

Holiness spirals emerge from the internal dynamics of single adherents to a given faith. They can, and do, happen with any faith based rhetorical framework. An adherent observes a fellow believer do something, or say something, that creates the impression, real or imagined, that their commitment or relation to the faith is demonstrably higher than expected, either of that specific person or than the baseline expectation of their type of adherent, and the observer is compelled to act in a similar manner, or say something similarly, with the introduced necessity of magnification in order to maintain their current faith status, real or imagined. The dynamic is wholly internal, and it can be set off unwittingly by someone being very honest or legitimate or adamant. The observer(s) is compelled to mimic and modify, and the natural tendency is to modify the amplitude, because it is far harder to come up with something different or new that will be equivalent in effect. So they take the Act/Word and add to it with the tools they have.

Adherent 01: “I was thinking about [shared faith] the other day, and [entity worshipped] spoke to me, and I realized that I needed to [commit act/state position/perform sacrifice] more. So I did, and I felt [entity worshipped] more deeply.”

Adherent 02: “OMG, I know right? I too was thinking about [shared faith], which I obviously do a lot, maybe more than a lot of people, and I felt [entity worshipped] speak to me… but this was different, because I commune with [entity worshipped] a lot, but this was… different. And I knew, I just knew in my heart, that I needed to [commit act/state position/perform sacrifice], which I already do, like, A LOT, but I realized that I needed to do it even more, because doing it a lot, which I do, maybe too much haha, but like actually there is no “too much,” and doing it more is better, and that’s what [entity worshipped] showed me!”

The example is cluttered and highly religio-social, but it demonstrates the scenario well enough. The relation of an act of devotion inspires observing fellow travelers to repeat and amplify. Adaptations introduced to the amplification can earn greater status for the repeater, so the tendency is always to add more, not less. In rhetorical structures that lack moderating influences or hierarchy, the only limit to the amplification and adaptation tendencies is the credulity of those assembled. You can observe this in recordings of college students doing meetings for whatever current thing. Free of moderating influences or unassailable hierarchy, they will go from “socialism == good” to “exterminate the unbeliever” alarmingly fast. The thing to remember is that Holiness Spirals are internal to the participants, so the key to figuring them out, predicting them, and curtailing them lies in the quality and quantitative aspects of the adherents/members. The lower the IQ, the lower the creative capacity, the higher the chance that the amplification/moderation Step will be dramatic.


Purity Spirals are different, as it is an outside measurement being deployed to suss out the Ideal Hierarchy, contrasted with the Extant Hierarchy. Much of the actual process is internal, but there’s less creative necessity required. Instead, familiarity with canon, or deep knowledge of texts (holy or otherwise), is the critical element for mapping, predicting, curtailing, or deploying purity spirals.

Adherent 01: “You know, I love [venerated thing] a lot, so much so that I was going over the [canonical text/media] again the other day, and I realized that [widely accepted stance] isn’t actually accurate because [minor technical element] is not considered to the proper degree. In order to be more loyal/pure/righteous, one must [modified stance with technical element enhanced in import].”

Adherent 02: “Interesting point, but have you considered [different minor technical element] from [canonical text/media] as well? It is therefore even better to [further modified stance with both technical elements enhanced in import].”

Adherent 03: “I completely disagree because [esoteric observation not in common understanding] means that both [minor technical points] are irrelevant. To be more loyal/pure/righteous, we must venerate [esoteric observation].”

Notice the difference: the Holiness Spiral occurs at greater intensity without moderating influence (though it can occur with moderating influences, of course), while the intensity of a Purity Spiral is greatly increased by the complexity or prevalence of moderating influences. Holiness Spirals can occur in any group for many reasons at any time. Purity Spirals require adherents seeking perfect or refine a given hierarchy, be it institutional or dialectical. Notice, too, that Holiness Spirals can really only spiral in one direction, while Purity Spirals can go multiple directions, depending on the alacrity, command, and personality types of the participants. If the caliber or quality of the participants in a Purity Spiral are high enough, they can actually reverse and undo steps towards mania or foolishness.

Very, very rarely is a Holiness Spiral a thing you’d want to happen to your own group. Even in small, low importance situations, say, a bible study or clan meeting, a Holiness Spiral can quickly lead to hostility, fragmentation, and ill sentiment between members. But Purity Spirals are actually necessary and beneficial in many cases, particularly early on in a group/organization/ideologies formation, or when being confronted by hostile actors, be they skin-suit-entryists or malign adversaries or what have you. The most important thing is knowing when it is appropriate, where it should be curtailed, and how to curtail it.

Of all the groups I have observed, researched, or participated in, the Jim Tribe is the most adept at avoiding Holiness Spirals and deploying constrained Purity Spirals. The lion’s share of responsibility for this is Jim’s, which is as it should be, but no one lives forever and the things that Go Without Saying must be said, must be recorded for posterity and/or future Jimian Christians. This is not a simple task, but it is, in my estimation, an essential one.

Neofugue says:

Help, I am sorry for your loss regarding your father. My father is still alive, so while I cannot fully understand your loss, given my own love for my father, his loss will certainly have me devastated. I will keep you, your father, and your mother in my prayers tonight.

However, you need to calm down and take a chill pill.

Unless your priest is highly intelligent, he is in all honesty most likely just retarded. As a smart person at 24 years of age, you do not have the experience to understand just how retarded people are. Your priest may have a degree, and given that he is in the Russian church on the West Coast, a career, but he may just be a retard.

If he says he loves you and gives you Confession, I do not believe he is an entryist who is trying to hurt you. If he were an entryist, he would be encouraging you to leave the church because you could influence the other parishoners, just as Archbishop Chrysostomos defrocked clergy who refused the jab. I think he recognizes, just as you do, that you are a troubled man facing tremendous difficulty, and wants to help you succeed.

Please stay at your church, keep going to Confession and Communion, keep your prayers, and this will all pass. If it really bothers you, you can walk outside for a little bit when the women read Lives of the Saints or whatever during the Communion of the clergy and then walk back in. Your priest should not be that unreasonable to forbid you from doing that.

Pax Imperialis says:

With the recent discussions on the aptitude of women choosing men, I figured this video would be amusing to watch.

many such videos, much horror for dads with daughters

Javier says:

That looks super fake and gay, as a dad though my goal is to convince my daughters that dating is for losers and to marry young. We’ll see how successful I am.

Pax Imperialis says:

Women being notoriously bad at selection is not fake and not gay. If parents don’t play a large role in guiding their daughters, it’s not surprising if they run off with a janitor or worse.

I’ve seen it happen in well off liberal families where the daughter marries a bum.

Javier says:

I meant the show looks fake and staged for drama. If she picked boring normal dudes it wouldn’t be interesting to watch. The number of black men is the real tell.

Of course women pick losers though, you don’t need a tv show to tell you that. There is an interesting advantage though specifically for girls with rich dads: a poorer husband ensures greater allocation of family resources to her.

someDude says:

“a poorer husband ensures greater allocation of family resources to her”

Say what??? You can’t be serious!!!!

Which father will allocate more resources to the daughter that married a bum?

Javier says:

Any father who wants grandkids.

If a son in law is wealthy, the dad can cut off his support and still trust his grandchildren will be looked after. By marrying poor, the daughter ensures the dad-bux keep flowing. Women receive the greatest RoI from focusing on manipulating men and this starts with Dad, Especially if he’s rich (my three year old does it!)

There was actually an interesting study on this that showed it was evolutionarily sound. More support means more grandkids and thus greater gene spread. Basically dads give in once a baby is in the oven. Or as heinlein put it, getting a girl pregnant turns the dad from enemy to co conspirator.

Kunning Druegger says:

Something about this position feels vaguely off…

someDude says:

Yes, it feels off because it IS off. He is claiming that the Dad will essentially reward the daughter who choses poorly. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and has also never happened historically.

What usually happens, and has happened historically is, that the Dad cuts that daughter off from his life so as to make an example out of her in order to encourage other daughters (his own and those of the community) to choose better.

Your Uncle Bob says:

He’s mangling something real, but I can’t tell if error or shill.

Daughters do get more support than sons overall. Grandparents travel more and farther to visit grandchildren of daughters than grandchildren of sons – absolutely certain they’re descendants, whether or not the father got cucked. Single mom daughters may get cut off, or may get supported, can go either way in current year.

But then he’s arguing daughters would rather have a poor baby daddy than a rich baby daddy. All else being equal that’s ridiculous on it’s face, but then in thug America all else is not equal, as has previously been discussed.

Javier says:

You’ve never once seen a rich girl marry a poor man? Please. Reams of history prove this wrong. Shit I know a half dozen guys in my own social circle who married way up in wealth.

Get outside and talk to some real people sometime.

Redbible says:

“Yes goy, it totally makes sense to not take 500 dollars so your father will give you 100 dollars. Your father will only love you (and give you money) if you are poor.”

“There was actually an interesting study…”

Pics/Links or it didn’t happen.

Also everything you say the study says only points to the idea that men are willing to invest in their grandchildren, in this case his daughters offspring. (which is not that radical of an idea) Doesn’t sound like it says that it is “beneficial” to mate with a broke loser to get more gibbs from daddy.

someDude says:

If historical novels or scriptural stories are any indication, what has happened historically is that the Dad completely cuts that daughter off from his life and forbids any of his family (of which he is patriarch) from having anything to do with said daughter as well.

Javier says:

I know a rich girl who married a poor guy, so the millionaire dad gave him a job. The dad bought their house, pays all their expenses, and set up trust funds for all their kids. It was way easier for the daughter to get this support from the dad than to marry a similar millionaire.

Saying this ‘never happens in all of history’ is baffling nonsense.

chris says:

When I have children, I intend to practice primogeniture.

Yul Bornhold says:


>However, there are other quotes which are more sinister:

>”They are the wards of a dimension where extremes do not exist, where all truth is witnessed in the royal way, in the mystical truth encompassed only by moderation.”

Complicated and dense argumentation goes over my head. Just don’t get it. Which means sometimes I can’t distinguish between nonsense and something profound but badly stated.

Above, the archbishop seems to be arguing for the golden mean. Certainly seems sinister. Far as I know, that’s not a Christian view. No such thing as an excess of virtue. Then there’s the question of defining your two extremes. Here, he accurately depicts feminism as one extreme and ignorant 50s conservatism as the other. Not the same thing as reaction.

We wouldn’t say women belong in the house because such is their arbitrary role. We would say that women belong in the house because they’re inclined to rebellion (shit tests) and emotionally resemble children. A child ought to have parents and a woman ought to have a husband. An orphan can survive and grow but he’s missing something good and proper for his development. Likewise, a woman can survive single but she’s created to thrive with a husband. A father doesn’t depend on his children but they still form an indispensable part of his life. Likewise, a man doesn’t *need* his wife the way she needs him, symmetrically, but she becomes indispensable to him.

This is not what the archbishop presents as the conservative extreme and it’s not his “moderate” compromise. Not his golden mean.

jim says:

> This is not what the archbishop presents as the conservative extreme

Classic enemy shill behavior. Fails to acknowledge the Christian position, takes for granted that no one Christian anywhere ever has ever thought what every Christian has taken for granted until about 1930

Fails to acknowledge the existence of those he intends to exterminate. This is the same bundle of tactics we see with every enemy shill entryist everywhere, therefore, what they intend, he intends. This Archbishop intends the murder of every Christian everywhere. He wants Christianity utterly erased. I have seen too many shills and too much shilling. I can see what they are up to.

He hates Christ, and he hates us.

All shills maintain a stubborn and intransigent failure to notice certain things, no matter how obvious, not matter how urgently relevant, and no matter how plainly said.

And then when you find the precise outlines of what they are strangely unable to see, you can identify their intent, which intent is democidal. Thus, for example, the inability to see their attempted extermination of the Tutsi.

They demonetized the Tutsi so that they could not defend themselves, they impaled Tutsi women on giant spikes. When the Tutsi employed uncut diamonds to buy weapons and fund the transport of weapons, they demonetized uncut diamond. Many many Tutsi peoples were exterminated. This is the same deadly blindness.

Hear precisely and exactly what he cannot say, the limits of the unthinkable thought, see what he cannot see, the limits of the unseeable sight, and you will know what he intends. He intends to erase Christ from the earth, which he thinks can be achieved by the murder of us all.

What a shill or entryist says never contains any useful information, What a shill or entryist cannot say reveals much. He seeks to erase Christ from the earth.

FrankNorman says:

I’m missing some context here. Which archbishop are you guys talking about?

Jehu says:

Some more encouraging actions by DeSantis. Apparently he just recently suspended 4 women on the Broward County School Board for incompetence (historically deep blue area). This is more of the pattern I’ve noticed with him—governors have historically very very rarely used the power to remove officials that are in the executive branch (the power is pretty much plenary and unilateral, and can be overturned only by the Florida senate voting to do so). DeSantis plays basically only by the Rules as Written (RAW), not the code of normie conservatism. Dunno whether he’s got it in him to overcome the normalcy trance, but he does have an army of Florida men than he’s been building.

Kunning Druegger says:

That is excellent news if true. Hopefully it touches off a trend. I keep going back and forth on Desantis the man, but I stand by my position that the RNC is trying to use him to derail Trump. St. Anglin has a good angle on this ongoing operation:

Excerpt: “I don’t know what the first five tweets mean. Like literally, I have no idea what any of that means. I searched ‘the Mythology of the Emerging Democratic Minority Majority (MEDMM)’ and there were no results for that, using that acronym, and the ‘myth of the emerging Democratic majority’ is something totally unrelated to what he is saying.

That is purposeful gibberish, which is intended to dazzle the goyim. People are supposed to think ‘oh that must be something smart, because I don’t understand it.’

Then at the end he gets to the point: ‘goyim, stop attacking the FBI and supporting Donald Trump.'”

We’re in strange territory here. Desantis is a governor par excellence, but this makes him quite the asset for the uniparty to use to derail their biggest threat, that being a Trump 2024 campaign. It might be better for him to attempt a gubernatorial takeover of another state after he’s done in FL. Imagine Desantis in charge of the assets and resources of TX. Even more fantastical, what if he somehow took control of CA? It would be a very tough job, but if he managed to restore CA even a bit, he’d be undeniable King Governor of North America. Desantis has many routes to overlordship, but there are also many pitfalls along the way. God grant him strength, humility, and wisdom.

Jehu says:

A lot of the news outlets are outraged that it’s ‘elected’ officials that DeSantis is axing. Just like the ‘elected’ Soros DAs that he’s axed as well. The beauty of it is that RAW doesn’t care whether they’re elected or not, and I doubt DeSantis does either. As I understand it, he replaced them with loyalists. It’s very hard to defend the school board members he axed—a grand jury even recommended ejecting them (of course it was DeSantis’ grand jury), and they were pretty criminally incompetent.

I don’t think DeSantis is planning to challenge Trump in 2024, although he is keeping his options open. It’ll be interesting to see how Florida handles the election in 2022 and whether DeSantis has what it takes to suppress the fraud this time.

jim says:

Historically, what happens when the elite is too decadent to hold a free election is that struggles over the counting become increasingly physical, and eventually irrelevant.

We are at the point where struggles over the counting become physical, and DeSantis, unlike Trump, seems to be prepared for this eventuality.

First man to toss normality bias aside is apt to win.

Kunning Drueger says:

Both men are encumbered by the mores and norms of a dead code. These encumbrances are different enough that, in certain lights, one seems better or worse than the other, or maybe more or less likely to shed the last vestiges of normality. It will be a fascinating and anxiety-inducing run up to the 2024 not-election. But that is the politics of the moment. The Politics of History, the broad trends and events with which we are concerned, do not hinge on Trump or Desantis in the abstract. 10 years hence, we could very well be living under the dominion of a lucky and capable bodyguard for some minor politician, a warrior turned king by standing precisely where he needed to to Take Hold. The likelihood of this, or any other potential outcome, is too complicated to really calculate, so all we really have is the axioms and observations we have coalesced over the last 20 years, and the wisdom and observations of our intellectual antecedents. I think this is enough to guide us pretty well; we know Trump’s failure mode(s), and we know a RINO when we see one. The wildcards are IEW, Grasping The Nettle, Normalcy Rejection, and chance.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Kunning Drueger says:


chris says:
Rexy Sexy says:

What’s your explanation historically for how Occupied America went from Tammany Hall machine politics to free and fair elections, that is, in the opposite direction of outright oligarchy?

jim says:

Tammany Hall was not plausibly accused of rigging elections. It was plausibly accused of being corrupt. However the trend line has been steady with judges, senior bureaucrats, and leading politicians strangely acquiring greater and greater wealth. It is obvious that corruption has been escalating rapidly and steadily since the days of Tammany Hall. Compare and contrast Hunter Biden with any Tammany Hall figure. Tammany Hall lost power to people immensely more corrupt than they were.

The cathedral’s story about how wonderfully clean, transparent, and uncorrupt the American system is fails to conform to my experience of doing business in America.

Rexy Sexy says:

I don’t know enough about this subject matter to disagree with you, but it seems like the system has been very corrupt for very long.

And yet it continues, without apparent end.

jim says:

End is in sight.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:



Rexy Sexy says:

People have been predicting that for generations. “The end is nigh! Things are terrible and getting worse! The system can’t continue to stumble on forever! Soon there will be a CATASTROPHE!”

And then the prophesied time comes and goes and nothing happens and nothing changes.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

jim says:

> People have been predicting that for generations.

Valid point. But every generation, and now every year, political change happened faster and faster, while technological and economic change happened slower and slower.

If you attempt to fit a curve to the rate of political change, you get infinite political change in few years. Infinite leftism in finite time.

Infinite leftism means everyone tortures everyone else to death for being insufficiently leftist. Of course, when you get close to that point, usually what happens is that Caesar sees his turn is coming up next, and makes it at least as dangerous to be too far left, as it is to be insufficiently far left, whereupon the holiness spiral comes to a sudden stop.

Rexy Sexy says:


Rexy Sexy says:


Nothing will happen because nothing ever happens.

jim says:

Over the past few years, the unprecedented, unthinkable, and impossible has happened with great regularity. Trump could not possibly win the Republican Nomination. Having won the Nomination, Trump could not possibly win the presidency. The Global American Empire making war on Russia could not possibly lead to Russia making war on the Global American Empire. And sanctions could not possibly blow back and cause catastrophic damage to western economies with no major damage to the Russian economy.

None of that happened🙃

A whole lot of impossible things have recently happened. A lot more impossible things are going to happen faster and faster.

You locked down the political system against outsiders so that a Trump can never happen again. But this merely guarantees that something even more shocking is going to happen.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is the boilerplate shill salvo on /pol/ right now. Our shills aren’t even trying at this point.

Rexy Sexy says:


skippy says:

FDR won three terms, everyone expected a fourth. Term limits introduced because even the elite got scared. His VP Truman replaced him, inherited/won two terms. New Dealers in power for two decades.

Starting to look bad, like US is some Warsaw Pact fake democracy. So they run Eisenhower for the other party to make it look like there are two parties. Eisenhower is this conservative hero, supposedly, but really a political general appointed by FDR who said “before I end up, either this Republican Party will reflect progressivism or I won’t be with them anymore.”

Party ruled 1933-61, a whole generation. JFK/LBJ were party members but some other faction, didn’t work out for them somehow. JFK probably won 1960 on electoral fraud and Nixon chose not to contest it. Nixon is the first “insurgent”, even then he was Eisenhower’s VP.

USA politics has been gate-kept for a long time. Reagan was allowed to do some things, but not any thing.

Megaanon says:

This is the thing,
Is it a central conspiracy as jim say, done ” by people around a table that they could feel the wormth of each other” ?
Or multitude of conspiracies without central command.
Some things point to the former, others to the latter
It is just hard to believe the former, conspiracies are rarely successful and if successful not happening like they intended to .

S says:

Both. Consider the communist party of the Soviet Union. There is the central conspiracy to spread world revolution and work tirelessly for the good of the party. And there are a million factions, each of which believes they should be in charge.

Mayflower Sperg says:

“FDR won three terms, everyone expected a fourth.”

FDR did win a fourth term, but died three months after the inauguration. The Democrats knew his health was failing, which is why in 1944 they replaced his commie VP Wallace with the more moderate Truman.

Red says:

Less publicly communist Truman*

Truman was a commie but was rather incompetent. He tried to lose the war in Korea in a why that wouldn’t get him impeached and succeeded in handing China over to the Reds.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What ‘free and fair elections’?

Popular governance is like spherical cows; the only place they really exist is in the confabulations of an ill-minded ideologist.

It is inherent to the structure of things for all democracies to be oligocracies in practice, and the only difference between then an now is that the openly oligocratic dynamics became increasingly occulted instead.

Rexy Sexy says:


restitutor_orbis says:

I have been pondering our situation lately and I am slowly persuading myself that what we need is not a Caesar but a Mohammed.

To return to bronze age social technology, we need radical social change. Caesars do not typically implement radical social change in their societies. It is largely political change. But Mohammed, or Ayatollah Khomeini, those men do successfully create a new social order.

For a new Mohammed to arise we would need a religion for which Mohammed could rally the faithful. An American Mohammed would need a church that is not just right in its bronze age social technology, but also right in a doctrine of military force — it needs the attitude of crusaders and conquistadors undertaking the Great Commission. It is unclear to me that any of the existing Christian churches in America could do so, for wont of being too pozzed and lacking appropriate theology.

Many of us on this forum wonder “what could we do”. One thing we could do would be to formulate the doctrine and theology of such a church, and then establish it, and then begin to evangelize it to our own closest networks.

If any of you is a highly charismatic public speaker capable of delivering fiery sermons while leading men in battle that would also be helpful

(PS I’m not using Mohammed to be pro-Islam, rather he’s just the best available archetype for “obscure guy who starts religion and conquers.” I’m also aware of all the historical debunking on him, etc. It’s just a metaphor.)

someDude says:

I thought that’s what Jimian Christianity was. Jim may not have formalised it, but it’s a matter of someone collating all his scattered writings here and there and compile them into a coherent whole the way Euclid compiled the elements. It’s already here.

The issue with Islam as propounded by Muhammad is that it is not compatible with science and Technology. That’s a big flaw.

Fidelis says:

The position here seems to be that it is too risky to do much more than post in a comments section and have a few beers with the boys where you drop redpills.

Which I cannot disagree too hard with. I personally don’t want to be a leader of anything. Maybe once the lefties start killing each other some sort of network can be fashioned. I’m trying to cut any sort of reliance on anything related to GAE until then.

jim says:

> Im also aware of all the historical debunking on him

The historical; debunking of Mohammed resembles the historical debunking of the Bible – it is politically motivated nonsense, history completely pulled out of someone’s ass, Mohammed lived as depicted and did what he did. We have plenty of independent evidence that Mohammed was who he was and conquered what he conquered, and reasonable historical evidence that the Exodus and the Kings of Israel happened. The Debunkers are, like the Global Warmers, torturing inconvenient evidence to make it no say what it plainly says.

JJ says:

People get the leaders they deserve. In other words, if you want to summon Mohammed, you need to live your life in such a way that Mohammed would want to lead you. Or, as Moldbug would say, become worthy.

For the best possible outcome, to get a holy and regal emperor, a Christian Caesar who will conquer the stars, you yourself need to become holy and regal.

Anonymous Fake says:

Meritocracy [*deleted for non standard use of the term “meritocracy”*]

The Cominator says:

We don’t need a nutty new religion (maybe a new variant on the old) with a bunch of nutty new rules…

We need a Caesar who does the Suharto thing…

Kunning Drueger says:

But no one seems very keen to renew their faith in the old religions. Most seem content to just pay lip service to morals and ethics while smirking in doubt at anyone that expresses faithfulness. Caesar isn’t going to step out of fiction into reality, and there is no one in the military that isn’t cucked or broken. A new religion movement is no more of a long shot than Desantis or Trump or Macgregor.

jim says:

> But no one seems very keen to renew their faith in the old religions.

I see a Christian Nationalist movement alive, well, functioning, and animating the undead corpse of the Republican Wing of the Republican party, and I see our enemy’s fear.

They have been issuing a whole lot of hysterical articles on the Republicans becoming Christian Nationalists.

Kunning Druegger says:

Indeed, but that is “already faithful” growing more faithful, more honest about their faith, as they slowly realize that there is no pendulum and we are approaching a “for all the marbles” potentiality. I was aiming more at those who do not want to go the WEF/eat ze bugz/progressive route, but are not part of a faith tradition.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Gnon be praised!

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

With each passing day, this solution just looks more desirable.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

And more justified.

jim says:

Suharto was only possible by an old state religion. His purge was carried out by men of faith and imposed the old faith.

The Cominator says:

I’m not an expert on this but my casual study impression is that Indonesian Islam was almost shamanic in most places at least it was before the late 90s and 2000s when the Saudis were promoting Wahabbism and jihadism with billions of dollars.

Apparently his official ideology was vague and ambigious on Islam or Shamantistic pantheism.

jim says:

So? It was not what the Saudis think is true Islam.

What mattered was that a whole lot of Indonesians thought, and still think, that it was true Islam.

Suharto was deliberately vague, elastic, and inclusive about what constitutes Islam. Which is a good thing for a state faith, other wise you wind up killing a lot of very good and potentially useful men, and also a very dangerous thing for a state faith, you are apt to get a whole lot of entryism.

In due course, Suharto’s state Islam got a whole lot of entryism.

The Cominator says:

Other than the massively well funded Wahabbi entryism of the pre Trump era it didn’t get too many troublemakers. Suhartos final solution to the leftist problem seemed to have worked.

jim says:

I see in Indonesia massive and substantially successful efforts to converge Islam to Harvard.

alf says:

Obviously, I am a great fan of this approach.

The immediate problem is that a prophet without an army turns into a martyr real quick. And anyone successfully building an army gets the blackwater treament.

But, many ways to work towards that goal anyway.

We want to buid two things: a faith, and an army.

Faith needs a story, needs priests, needs a congregation. The more priests back up the same story, the stronger that story gets. I have already written my version of our story, but just like Jesus had four versions of his story, so I hope more will give their version of our story.

Our existing churches will not build our faith, will not build our army. I tried attending nearby once, priest snuck in a comment on evil dictator Putin invading innocent Ukraine. Haven’t returned since. My strongly preferred solution would be our own church sermons, like the medieval hedge sermons. But I am not doing that, and so far no one else is doing that, so I completely understand why others here still attend church.

To build army, need soldiers, need weapons. Heard some interesting ideas on private security firms. Who knows.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Our company offers 24/7 staff for street cleaning, landscaping, and custodial services, for adaptive and preventive beautification.”

Kunning Druegger says:

“With our fully anonymized smart contract system, customers maintain their end of the deal while enjoying complete legal separation from contract fulfillment repercussions.”

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve started to notice a new Leftwing shibboleth/euphemism. Recently my brother visited Mt. Vernon. Seems now about half the exhibits are about slavery. Well on all the little exhibit placards they don’t use the word “slaves”. They now use the phrase “enslaved people”. I thought to myself, “that’s Lefty for you” but then I saw another Lefty, in a different context, use essentially the same phrase, “enslaved person”. So it now must be a new thing. Sounds subtly pernicious. “Slave” implies a station in life. One’s place in the hierarchy. “Enslaved person” carries a connotation of being wronged against. Being a victim.

Dr. Faust says:

Midwits love compound nouns. It makes them feel smart.

Cloudswrest says:

Indeed, but there’s more than midwittery involved. Seems they will use whatever vernacular they can think of to gin up more resentment against whitey by using subtly more inflammatory phrases.

Kunning Druegger says:

We will have arrived at the “next stage” of the nascent genocide when the Voice begins spreading a collective euphemism for “evil whites,” similar to the term “cockroaches” used by the Hutu in reference to the Tutsis. Expect it to start out on “black twitter” or some other space that is considered a “protected class space.”

Pax Imperialis says:

Prestige comes from power. Exercising power without restraint feels righteous (a powerful addictive feeling). Most people don’t have direct power, however, they can utilize the language of prestige and act as conduits of power and in doing so share power and prestige that they don’t own.

All these terms like POC, Enslaved person, etc are the colloquialisms of Harvard and the Ivy League (Power). Largely not midwits even as standards have fallen massively in the last X years. Most people can’t get into prestigious halls of power, however, sounding like Harvard is like carrying around a Gucci bag. Sure, one might not actually be rich but they can definitely fake it (and fail).

It’s less about feeling smart and more about feeling righteous and powerful. You notice the midwits more because they have absolutely no shame and are dangerous in large numbers. The extreme example of Antifa/BLM smashing windows and shouting ACAB. The more common example being a 40 year old single white women screaming at you for being ____.

JJ says:

Except that every now and again they come across someone who really is righteous.

Pax Imperialis says:

The spiritually righteous are persecuted by the law, harassed in the streets, chased out of their professions, and are in danger of becoming martyrs.

But yes, I get what you’re saying. Sometimes these Cathedral creatures come across someone who really is righteous and sometimes they run into a Rittenhouse and eat lead.

Varna says:

Good observation fren.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

New current thing just dropped.

Cloudswrest says:

Yep. Just did a Google (intentional) search on “enslaved person” and it IS a thing. There are pages of results on the new terminology.

Kunning Drueger says:

I wonder if a “drop date” or timeframe could be established, like a period of time when the first Harvard/Yale professoress used it and how quickly uptake occured…

Cloudswrest says:

Google ngram viewer shows it starting to creep up around 1991, and it goes exponential around 2015.

Kunning Druegger says:

That ties in on some “back of napkin” research I did in university. Pet Terminology gets introduced by some Pet Minority or minority advocate of not-color in a “””paper”””, it gets repeated by a few others, percolates for a bit, then suddenly appears everywhere. I know this gets us no closer to a useful formula, but I believe it ties in loosely with the “turn on a dime” the Academy does on topics like Pol Pot/Cambodia.

Kunning Druegger says:

…forgot to add: the terms get popular with the In Crowd of a given silo of learning, like africanized psychology or urban mathematics or whatever, then they7 spread out from there.

happy hapa says:

[*held pending shit test*]
Why in the world would anybody claiming to be of the right not wish to support Donald Trump?
[*Rothschilds blah blah blah*]

jim says:

Take the shill test.

In the unlikely event that you pass the shill test, will restore your comment.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

The nail in the coffin for Poochgate. Pooch was crimethinkpoasting prior to J_A_N-VI.

[Pooch says: 2021-01-04 at 15:54]

Hitler seemed awfully like a leftist to me from the start. Although excluding Jews and foreigners, his original 25-point plan reads like a Bernie Sanders campaign.


and [Pooch says: 2020-11-29 at 22:08]

There are no such thing as Nazis anymore. They went extinct a while ago.


Also, I think this is the comment thread Red was talking about — it confirms that he warned that the next right-wing “thing” would probably turn out to be some kind of glownigger honeypot (which was corrrect lol):

Closing remarks.
– for Pooch to make an abrupt turn and start shilling Cathedralite memes means that whoever gave him that task knew he was a regular here — which means his computers were compromised before or after the thing(s) he did that gave the feds leverage over him.
– Attempting to use Pooch’s identity here to shill (and some truly furbrain memes at that) was just all kinds of stupid. They wound up revealing lots of information which _will_ be shared and can be used to guard against future attacks.
– It would appear that what did Pooch in was too much optimism — he attended some rally in the hopes that Trump would cross the Rubicon. Optimism is good in small doses, but harmful in large quantities. A dose of bone-chilling pessimism seems warranted by recent events.

Karl says:

Pooch said some strange things, but what’s your problem with the statements you quoted? Hitler was leading a socialist party. That’s plenty of reason for calling him a leftitst.

Maybe there are some very Nazis left in Ukraine or some other places, but arguing in 2020 that they went extinct is not beyond the pale. Sure, lots of people are called Nazis, some might even be sympathetic to Nazis, but who is arguing for socialism AND nartionalism? Can you name anyone outside Ukraine?

jim says:

> but who is arguing for socialism AND nartionalism? Can you name anyone outside Ukraine?

Obviously you are not reading Gab. We are afflicted with a gigantic army, an enormous horde, of robotic npc shills on Gab and the chans, endlessly shilling a form of socialism that would supposedly be nationalist.

They are recycling phrases, slogans, and arguments, that Stalin’s shills and entryists used against Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco in the 1930s. Nothing has been forgotten, and nothing has been learned. It is like they got put in a time machine in the 1930s and were brought forward into the Trump campaign.

Maybe when they failed Stalin sent them to Siberia, and global warming recently thawed them out. (Just kidding)

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Gab was a shithole filled with shills last I checked. Is it worth using these days?

jim says:

The shills keep blocking me, which clears the air something wonderful.

Karl says:

True, I’m not reading gab. Is it worth the time?

puttheforkdown says:

Not reading Ted sallis is a mistake, yes.

Vlad says:

Vlad, mind reposting this?

I, (insert username here), cosign the following neoreactionary creed:
Only high-class European and Asian men have the necessary characteristics to the maintenance of civilization; women, queers, and the more savage ethnicities are only ever hired as an attack against civilization.
Women need to be controlled by men, as the female sex drive is maladapted to the civilized male status hierarchy. Their sexual instincts awaken uncomfortably early, are ambiguous if not opposed to notions of consent, and result in population collapse. Pedophilia is just a way to conflate notions of young but sexually mature women having procreative sex with the objections to degenerate homos lusting after and buggering little boys.
Jews, particularly Soros, often enthusiastically do wicked things, but are used as a disguise by their progressive masters; Jewish misbehavior hides progressive misbehavior. They are given their money by government manipulation or intervention so that they can fund things the Cathedral would rather not have tied directly to itself, especially when the agents are employed by both NGO and USG.
Jesus Christ always was and always will be; is wholly Man and wholly God; is the Logos of the universe; was born to Mary, died on the Cross, then ascended to heaven to sit alongside the Father and Holy Ghost, which are Three and are One.

No problem reposting it for days,e reason I think whole shit test idea is stupid you really think Jews deep state has an HR police for it’s trolls or propagandists. Silly
I do have a problem believing it. Sure East Asians are civilization capable and for that very reason are like the kikes my biological enemies so no I’m not in favor of some nick the faggot married to a kike living behind enemy lines schilling Marxism disguised as reaction Land,like moldberg the libertarian red diaper San Fran is schilling controlled neocon 2.0 disguised as reaction. Elysium run by slopes and kikes I’m supposed to bend a knee to.
So if you want to take out the part about sharing the planet with gooks and kikes I’ll sign. In my opinion 120 years ago we could have wiped the planet clean and should have but Jews and Christ cucks interefered. Jims hung up it seems on which of the two are worse leftists. There’s no way of knowing but it is knowable it’s not some adhoc virtue signalers lootfest that’s the cover the control of the world is the real game and it’s the Jews far as I can tell but because our own race traitors could have taken the world without leftism and didn’t and other reasons too complex so no I’m not signing off that Jews are just pawns of the Illuminati it’s remotely possible but all evidence point other way. I find it really suspicious nrx basically blew itself up rather than admit that. It doesn’t matter though the only possible civilizati9n that works is one based on biology and reality so when that’s instituted Jews gotta go anyway.
Which brings us to the Christian thing again no. I could say it in Latin being a good catholic boy but I’m done with that. To the extent Jim is right about it not being the Jews it’s the Christian’s. It’s a anti rational death Jew heresy that celebrates whores thieves is anti family state law reason. It’s the very thing the Jews exploited to manipulate us into self destruction while feeing virtuous about it. So no sadly we must part with this part of our culture it no longer serves us. Christs teaching are the most extreme leftism there is. Besides we are grown out of religion reality should be our religion our biological reality of competition with others our truth.
I’m fine with the natural subjugation of women children it’s hbd reality they are not meant to build maintain defend civilizations
Faggotry until cured must be suppressed just like subversive art culture etc. probably don’t ask don’t tell again would be enough w death penalty as official penalty.
No way monarchy it’s stupid sure Jefferson lefty revolutionary but republic best of bad choices there’s no permanent solution were a biological mess in constant fucked flux but without the sun races around we would have enough time to maybe reach escape velocity
Anyway I keep promising I’ll stop coming back here I miss early nrx but it is done

Kunning Drueger says:

I can’t tell if he’s trying to fool us or his supervisor…

jim says:

> No problem reposting it for days,e reason I think whole shit test idea is stupid you really think Jews deep state has an HR police for it’s trolls or propagandist

And yet, strangely, you still have not managed to notice what Soros is infamous for on the right.

What do we think Soros has been up to that is particularly obnoxious, how do we think he got his money?

Also, you argue the way Jews argue, despite announcing yourself an ex Catholic.

Oh never mind. I recollect. You are not an FBI shill, nor indeed any kind of government shill. You are a shill for old internet scam – that is why you passed a shill test designed to detect government shills.

You simply do not know what Soros is infamous for, because you are just faking having political identity and political interests. If you looked it up, you would have no problems passing that test with flying colors also.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He did not post his name, but he did post it. Are you sure he is a shill and not just a crank? That wall of text looks like crazy internet ranting.

jim says:

Nah, I remember their legal advice from very long ago.

They enter groups that don’t much like the government, and sell magic spells that will give you immunity to government.

But I keep forgetting, being beleaguered by government shills.

Anonymous says:

Looks like a distinct shill script can be identified by one specific topic the shill will never go near. How many distinct shill types are there that are common enough to matter?

This blog gets Soros shills that can’t answer Soros questions, 9/11 truthers that cannot notice Mueller’s crimes, fed shills who can’t answer the woman question, Marxist shills and Harvard shills (maybe they are both the same as fed shills because they never respond to the multiple choice question on why women misbehave), and there are flat Earth shills that appear when people bring up technological decline (and I am inclined to think of all conspiracy theory stuff like faked moon landing, aliens, and lizardmen as being in the same bucket). There are older scripts less active in recent years: Vlad shilling immunity to government and sovereign citizen shills (could be the same thing as Vlad). Once upon a time the internet was full of Young Earth creationist shills, which recontextualized 00s internet atheism for me when I learned that.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

So the rambling wall of text is to drive off anyone who could realize it is a scam. That makes sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

His blocktexting style reminds me of viking/colleen ryan. Might be the same guy. In which case, not an employed shill working for some focus group, ‘just’ possessed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Ordinary Americans are just so upset they aren’t getting their baby-murder anymore” seems to be the figleaf they’re going with to remove outer party members from their seats at the table. Sarah Palin ‘narrowly edged out’ in the special election in Alaska.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

(This should have been a non-reply comment.)

Starman says:


“No problem reposting it for days,e reason I think whole shit test idea is stupid you really think Jews deep state has an HR police for it’s trolls or propagandists. Silly”

This just in:
“Fed shill denies that there are fed shills…”

Varna says:

Anglin has been trying to humorously dismantle the contemporary “neo-Nazis” for a couple of years now, mainly calling attention to the ones not being feds, being retarded leftist simps who like to play dress up.

On a more mainstream note sometimes I wonder if the current one-party state in Scotland is an experiment in producing a globohomo version of national socialism.

Or rather an experiment in is it possible to get the pleb to support this implied program until you achieve your ends (alleged independence) and then go full klaus on their asses.

skippy says:

“Obviously you are not reading Gab. We are afflicted with a gigantic army, an enormous horde, of robotic npc shills on Gab and the chans, endlessly shilling a form of socialism that would supposedly be nationalist.”

You are an excellent shill remover, and I must apologize for once doubting that the shill problem was even real, but you are certainly right, and you can certainly vanquish them.

How can this be generalized to a huge platform like Gab, generalized to more average staff?

If this can be done, I suggest a useful platform can be made today without waiting for new cryptographic technology.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It was not the earlier comments on Nazis that are suspicious, it is his later comments, especially in contrast to the earlier ones. He used to acknowledge that Hitler was a socialist and a leftist, but more recently he was pushing, “Hitler is the real right wing.”

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Yeah, Pooch did a 180 in a relatively short period of time. For context, there’s a comment thread here:

Pax Imperialis says:

Plot twist. Globalist Power Terminated II is a really sneaky GPT-2 artificial intelligence that has been heavily modified to dig through jim’s blog and hunt for suspected shills. Occasionally GPT-2 gets overly zealous.

Joking aside I’m somewhat lost on the Pooch Hitler stuff as well. Nazi socialism did exist. Look at war time German coal production for example. Goebbels complained much about shortages, yet production kept increasing? Kinda what happens when rail is socialized and profit is not allowed. Sort of difficult to do maintenance or build new capacity if there is no profit. Calling Hitler a leftist seems fair although somewhat meaningless. I can’t find the quote, but I remember reading a former Nazi described Hitler as the belt buckle that bound the left and right together in a fairly unhappy marriage.

“Can you name anyone outside Ukraine?”
If one has a very elastic definition Asia has a bit of national socialism going on.

The Kuomintang… Kinda sort of historically but not really but it’s complicated. Anti communist socialist nationalists. Some of the senior KMT leadership had pleasant memories of the Third Reich, but they are all retired/dead.

Echos of it in South Korea though mostly in aesthetics. Korean Nazi bars are fairly interesting places, or at least they were before the Israeli embassy made a fuss. There are some loose intellectual ties between Germany and Korea during the 1930s that survived.

CCP is going nationalist while trying to retaining Marxism with Chinese characteristics whatever that means. I’m sure the western media could construe that as Nazi if they want to.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Before I.VI, Pooch called Hitler a leftist and a socialist. After I.VI, Pooch called Hitler a rightist. Obviously Hitler was a socialist; it was there in the name and in his actions. The important part is that Pooch was capable of seeing the obvious before I.VI, but incapable soon afterwards.

Pax Imperialis says:

Makes sense. My comment is out of date. Wrote out half of it, went to eat, wrote the other half and posted and found you had already answered Karl’s, and my, question. Would delete if I could.

Red says:

A lot of the Cathderals moves over the last few years have been overtly following the Nazi game plan. POC is their “Aryan” race. Reichstag’s fire events to justify dictatorial control, plans to genocide inferior peoples, etc. Nazi style control of companies, etc. My guess is they view it as funny that they’re using the “right’s” tactics against the right, but it’s a well proven leftwing game plan for power. Not long lasting power and German national socialism resulted in the same sorts of decline in economic output and reduced food stuff production that socialism always causes.

National socialism is really race socialism, the idea that the means of production must be controlled by the race. In Cathedral’s case the race is POC/Faggots/Trannies and they are actively pushing Nazi esq policies to achieve it.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Plot twist. Globalist Power Terminated II is a really sneaky GPT-2 artificial intelligence that has been heavily modified to dig through jim’s blog and hunt for suspected shills. Occasionally GPT-2 gets overly zealous.

I can neither confirm nor den-

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

🤖 🤖 🤖

Pax Imperialis says:

Check out GPT-4Chan. Lots of hysteria from the left about it. Makes me wonder what GPT-NRx would output.

Kunning Druegger says:
Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It would be useful to check when Pooch began shilling to give us a time from I.VI to compromise. Once we have a first shill date, we can check if there were other right wing events that might have been traps. It is also probably safe to assume that if you were not on a very secure connection prior to I.VI, then your pseudonym has been burned and the government knows your real identity. That would explain how Pooch was selected.

Red says:

It is also probably safe to assume that if you were not on a very secure connection prior to I.VI, then your pseudonym has been burned and the government knows your real identity. That would explain how Pooch was selected.

Feds sucked up every phone being used at Trump’s rally and the capital that day. If the person sucked up wasn’t a glowie, fed or antifa they raided them. I’m assuming that’s how they got him. People don’t often do basic opsec like turning off their phones despite many cases of the cops just grabbing everyone’s phone number in a given area.

Karl says:

I’d say basic opsec is not bringing their phones to any event that might interest law enforcement.

Cops are lazy. They might confiscate a phone you carry with you, but not bother raiding you home looking for one. Even if they raid your home later, you might have time to clean it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would kind of like to offer an article on OPSEC, but I also do not want to bring too much attention here. The discussion itself tends to draw eyes. Western Rifle Shooters blog used to have a lot of good info on all that. Search WSRA OPSEC articles and read up.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Doubtful. Judging from photos the average participant looked like naive boomercons too married-to-normality to expect to need opsec. Not sure how many people were there that day, but the on-the-ground cameras record a crowd stretching to the frickin horizon. You’re saying aaaaall those people got raided? I don’t buy it, if that was SOP, it’d be less of a niche topic “remember those Jan 6 folks still in jail?” brought up occasionally and much more of a kitchen table issue where everybody on the Right has a cousin who got raided, but wouldn’t cut a deal and turncoat for the feds.

Red says:

Majority would probably turn informant given the amount of oppression they’re using. We know they went after everyone who was at the Capitol but not necessarily the people at Trump’s rally. Pooch claimed he only went to Trump’s rally but it would be smart to not admit being at the Capitol.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

By “at the Capitol”, you mean entering the building, right? It’s clear there were nowhere near as many surrounding the building as there were at the rally, but even that would be a quite a lot of raids.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Yes, it would be useful.

Kudos to anyone who wants to sift through 75K+ comments to pinpoint exactly when the sketchpoasting began though.

Red says:

You’ve done a great job digging this stuff up. I’d say pooch became boring at least 3 if not 6-9 months ago. He was probably glowie pooch at that point.

Red says:

What’s the LOLs for? As Karl noted Pooches statement was correct there.
Is that in light of the later Marxian bullshit Glowie Pooch was pushing?
If so, best to quote both items.

– for Pooch to make an abrupt turn and start shilling Cathedralite memes means that whoever gave him that task knew he was a regular here — which means his computers were compromised before or after the thing(s) he did that gave the feds leverage over him.

They likely seized his computers when they raided him. First they do is looking for groups he was part of that they could then use him as an informant or a shill in. The feds can decrypt pretty much every system out there as far as I know. Last really secure encryption was Truecrypt which the Feds likely shutdown.

– Attempting to use Pooch’s identity here to shill (and some truly furbrain memes at that) was just all kinds of stupid. They wound up revealing lots of information which _will_ be shared and can be used to guard against future attacks.

It was really dumb of them. But they probably have a shill quota to keep so they use whatever they have at hand to meet that quota. In the Soviet Union most arrests were done on the basis of whatever quota the cops had for the month. If they couldn’t find people who actually broke the rules they grabbed random people and send them to the gulag. Cops as always are lazy.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

What’s the LOLs for? As Karl noted Pooches statement was correct there.
Is that in light of the later Marxian bullshit Glowie Pooch was pushing?
If so, best to quote both items.

Nah. I LOLd at “sanders campaign” and “Nazis went extinct”.

They likely seized his computers when they raided him. First they do is looking for groups he was part of that they could then use him as an informant or a shill in. The feds can decrypt pretty much every system out there as far as I know. Last really secure encryption was Truecrypt which the Feds likely shutdown.

This is a great better explanation as to why Truecrypt got shut down. Supposedly there were fatal flaws that greatly limited the effectiveness of Truecrypt, and its successors fixed those issues. It’s likely that the usual glownigger reversal/doublespeak principle applies and in fact Truecrypt was solid security wise but its successors actually _introduced_ problems.

It was really dumb of them. But they probably have a shill quota to keep so they use whatever they have at hand to meet that quota. In the Soviet Union most arrests were done on the basis of whatever quota the cops had for the month. If they couldn’t find people who actually broke the rules they grabbed random people and send them to the gulag. Cops as always are lazy.

This makes sense. It’s also reminiscent of the Stasi — spending precious time setting up more surveillance hardware even as their regime was literally collapsing around them.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

It’s probably not a coincidence that TrueCrypt went down a year after the Snowden leaks…

On 28 May 2014, the TrueCrypt official website,, began redirecting visitors to with a HTTP 301 “Moved Permanently” status, which warned that the software may contain unfixed security issues, and that development of TrueCrypt was ended in May 2014, following Windows XP’s end of support.

A mysterious and sudden turn of events…

The message noted that more recent versions of Windows have built-in support for disk encryption using BitLocker, and that Linux and OS X had similar built-in solutions, which the message states renders TrueCrypt unnecessary. The page recommends any data encrypted by TrueCrypt be migrated to other encryption setups and offered instructions on moving to BitLocker.

Open source project advocates switching to closed-source, proprietary software…?

Initially, the authenticity of the announcement and new software was questioned. Multiple theories attempting to explain the reason behind the announcement arose throughout the tech community.

Move-along-because-there-is-nothing-to-see-here.jpeg has been excluded from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Their exclusion policy says they exclude pages at site owner request.

Wow, that’s not sketchy at all. (Also, note the lexical sleight-of-hand with that last sentence.)

Red says:

Jim did some posting on it back in the day. The creators of truecrypt basically put a warrant canary that the feds were fucking with them without saying that the feds were fucking with them. But we never heard the details.

Red says:

Also, I think this is the comment thread Red was talking about — it confirms that he warned that the next right-wing “thing” would probably turn out to be some kind of glownigger honeypot (which was corrrect lol):

That’s the one. I thought it was damn stupid to go to the rally after seeing the cops and antifa working together at earlier events. It took a lot of federal effort to get the crowd into the building(they only had to murder 3 unarmed protestors) but mobs are easily manipulated by bad actors.

The proud boys being lead by a literal glownigger made things much worse than I would have guessed. There was no one to police false flaggers so the glowies drove all the events to their desired outcome. They fucked it up of course(visuals where shit and the only people killed where unarmed protestors) but they’re resorting to more and more naked force so it doesn’t really matter. People are terrified because of the display of power. It’s harming their legitimacy but they’ve stopped caring.

alf says:

That’s crazy. Maybe it sounds redundant but the amount of energy the left invests in shilling far outweighs the energy the right invests in defending against it. That is, outside this place.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Look at mainline right wing discourse outside of Jim’s blog. It is a wasteland of shills and provocateurs. That is a pretty good return on investment, unless we can mainstream shill tests into meme culture. I am planning on doing some work on that. Quick, memorable lines that a fed could not notice or say.

Red says:

The left using the federal government to pay for their shills. You’re literally being taxed so they can shill you.

jim says:

– Attempting to use Pooch’s identity here to shill (and some truly furbrain memes at that) was just all kinds of stupid. They wound up revealing lots of information which _will_ be shared and can be used to guard against future attacks.

It sounds enough like Pooch that I think he was writing it, probably from prison with a black prison guard from Northern Africa standing over him and a script written by a Jew employed by Soros in front of him. Or it could be a human trying to imitate Pooch, or a computer running the usual scripts through a style filter in order to make one voice sound like many voices.

Red says:

So Roe V Wade being overturned, cathedral move or something they didn’t expect? They’re looking for a narrative to justify the midterm rigging and reigniting the abortion debate is useful in that regard.

I’m thinking about this because I they’ll probably arrest and try Trump before a DC jury in the near feature and Trump’s only defense is going to be an emergency appeal to the supreme court. I’m curious if they’ll get involved. If Row v Wade repeal was a cathedral op then they won’t get involved.

Anonymous Fake says:

The cuckservatives are [*bullshit deleted*]

jim says:

You not only don’t seem too familiar with conservatives, you do not seem too familiar even with cuckservatives.

They are trying to find a way to be simultaneously blue pilled and Christian, which is foolish and wicked of them, but the foolishness and wickedness manifests rather differently from your account of it.

Kunning Drueger says:

There is an assertion that the Vaxx is supercharging extant viruses, speeding up their evolution. There also seems to be an increase in rare virus infections being reported. Is this an unintended side effect/consequence of Rev. Dr. Professor Shaniqua playing with gain of function, or was it intended?

Karl says:

Mutation rates are not affected by vaxxing. Mass vaxxing simply changes the environment that determines which new mutations flourish or perish.

An increase in infections (rare and otherwise) is to be expected when most people suddenly have an impaired immune system.

Gain of function research is about creating a new virus. I do not see how it could affect evolution beyond the effect of releasing a new virus that will then compete with all others that are already there.

notglowing says:

Astonishingly, Cloudflare has decided they will NOT ban Kiwifarms, and that they will never suspend users because of the content they post again. They wish to be neutral. This is an incredibly unexpected backpedal since banning Stormer and 8chan.
But they explicitly say they now consider these to be mistakes.

What do we make of this?

Kunning Drueger says:

Another minor data point in favor of my proposed possible halt of the spiral. Talk is cheap, let’s see if the do more than talk.

jim says:

Cloudfare is part of the Deep State’s information gathering service. From time to time it steps on the Deep State’s content control service, and gets told to move over. This is it replying “No, you move over”.

Internal conflict in the deep state between information gathering, and information control.

Pax Imperialis says:

Control isn’t working out well for SWIFT. Possible reason why information gathering is winning out in this case?

Nicodemus Rex says:

SWIM happened to be at a dinner party with the CEO of Cloudflare a few years ago, months after they deplatformed the Daily Stormer.

The CEO adamantly did *not* want to kick them off, held off as long as he could but eventually was essentially forced to because a cabal of some of their biggest customers threatened to pull their contracts — (Salesforce & Google primarily, but also quite a few others).

Pulling off a pressure campaign of that scale takes unity & coordination. I suspect and hope that there is a lot less of that on the left than there used to be.

The Cominator says:

The government controls the big tech bigwigs directly via coercion though lightly asked for as confirmed recently by Zuckerberg on Rogan.

Kunning Drueger says:

How much of that was honest and how much was CYA for Metarburg? Joe Rogan Experience is a Cathedral apparatus used to keep dissident inclinations safely corraled within the boundaries of acceptable alternative narratives. I don’t know if Rogan knows this, and I don’t know if he’s trapped in that role or chooses to play along.

Red says:

More and more they’ve stopped hiding the controls they’re using on the public. They’re ruling more and more through iron glove so the velvet is no longer necessary. It’s a bad idea as men become cynical but they’re loving the open displays of power too much to care.

The Cominator says:

The important thing is that there is now an official admission the security state strong-arms the media moguls. I’ve always suspected but it was never confirmed.

I never thought it was the FBI directly (especially since operation mockingbird was originally cia) i thought it was someone else… given how heavily papist the FBI at least was I also speculate that our “friends” the Jesuits were involved… but anyway it’s confirmed now…

Globalist power Terminated II says:

A few of Joe Rogan’s smarter commenters have been asking questions along the lines of why do sketchy people like that CIA glownigger Mike Baker keeps making appearances and doing damage control…

It seems like the Cathedral is backpedaling — and they shall backpedal all the way into the grave, praise gnon.

The Cominator says:

Backpedaling only works if someone can do a Stalin and start killing leftists. The senile retard ain’t no Stalin and I think Ron Klain is a Pol Pot wannabe.

Kunning Druegger says:

And you can’t walk anything back if you aren’t in lockstep. The fractious nature of the in-power elite, with their various factions, is not capable of coordinating in the way the Great Zoom Call of 2020, not at this time. That could change, but so long as the Gaia Faction, Corona Faction, Octogenarian Faction, and others are out of sink, they can only move forward with any sense of cohesion. If a faction back peddles too quickly, they will be pounced on by the others.

…which makes me wonder if that’s where a Stalin might arise: imagine the CIA tries to back peddle too quickly or too much, the other factions brand them as MAGAsleepers, and they just kind of go with it. Obviously the CIA has too much baggage to win over the Right easily, but DoD might be capable of something like that.

Anon says:

Lol, how fast they folded
“We have blocked Kiwifarms. Visitors to any of the Kiwifarms sites that use any of Cloudflare’s services will see a Cloudflare block page and a link to this post. Kiwifarms may move their sites to other providers and, in doing so, come back online, but we have taken steps to block their content …”

How sad and pathetic , if you read the article you notice the desperation and humiliation. Kiwifarms have been operating from 2013 with all the problems they say they are blocked because. Clearly this was a public humiliation to force cloudflare and bring them back in line.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Merchant-cuckery on display for all to see.

The Cominator says:

You can’t blame the merchants who are helpless against state power and who the left absolutely hates. I’m most sympathetic to green grocer arguments with merchants…

Kunning Druegger says:

I would be more sympathetic if they didn’t relish in the suppression and impoverishment of those they cancel and dis-employ so much. And the signage and marketing for both CoronaVaxxing and child tranny bullshit makes me livid. It’s one thing to put up the sign, and it’s quite another to plaster signs over every square inch of window and wall. This might just be the HR Karens and catladies driving the holiness displays, but still…

The Cominator says:

I did not include big pharma in that… there will be no mercy for the managers of that.

Pax Imperialis says:

Minor rant, 78 hours without sleep and counting, apologies if this is a schizopost. Jim blog relevant stuff at the end.

I’m a slightly mixed race American that looks 100% East Asian. I grew up in a moderately blue college city of around 1 million people in a fairly red state. I live in a majority White suburb. I went to school in a heavily White school system. The few ‘Black’ kids were actually mulattoes. I’m also fairly well traveled having been to many parts of what could be called Old America. Rural or small town America inhabited by Americans of old WASP stock. A surprising number of East Asians are also sprinkled around in those areas.

The first and only time I personally felt racial hostility direct at me was from a fully Black college kid who had a little too much to drink and was looking for a fight with, in his words, “a fucking Asian.” Luckily his White friend managed to calm him down and violence was avoided. In retrospect it reminded me of guys who walk down the street with a pit-bull on a leash. Is that why high status White men tend to have that one Black friend? More-so, all the other incidents of racism I’ve seen involved wealthier Whites hating on ‘trailer trash.’ I’ve traveled through some of the extremely poor, mostly White, New Mexico rural areas full of ‘trailer trash’ and all I saw where decent people trying to live in a world they don’t understand anymore. They were also happy to sell chile peppers and beer to me. I even nearly caught my first and only, speeding related, felony in a small, nearly all White, New Mexican town. The court was happy to dismiss… is that the privilege I hear liberals complain about so often? But I digress.

Point is, my experience in America, as someone of Asian genetic background, has been highly pleasant. The majority of other Asians of my generation and younger appear to disagree and it’s throwing me for a loop. Like the world got turned upside down. The ‘Stop Asian Hate’ movement is bizarro world on crack.

Nearly every single ‘Asian Hate’ incident of assault or murder had a Black perpetrator. Those statistics showing 150% to 2000% increases in attacks on Asian-Americans came from cities like New York City where it went from 2 to 20. It might as well be an accounting error. Overall crime with Asian victims, and the demographic committing it, did not change outside of previous general trends. How do so many Asians go to “White people are racist” explanation?

The only major ‘Asian Hate’ incident with a White perpetrator was the 2021 Atlanta spa shootings. The names of the spas sounds like brothels, the workers look like prostitutes, the spas themselves look like brothels, and there are a long list of arrests and investigations resulting in convictions for prostitution. One of the misbegotten children of the dead “message therapists” said his mother never said what her work was… The spas are clearly brothels, and hookers ending up dead is as old as the profession; however, the “Asian community” goes to “White supremacy and racism” as the explanation. The shooter, Robert Long, also killed a White woman, a White man, and injured a Hispanic man. Unless Whites and Hispanics are Asian too I doubt this was racially motivated. Long also had a history of a sexual dysfunction and deeply held religious convictions.

I would have been perfectly happy for this incident to be swept under the rug because brothels are shameful and the world doesn’t need to have this shoved in its face. The “Asian community,” in all its wisdom, decided to push it to the forefront such that everyone would see it and then they had the gall to suggest that there was no evidence of prostitution. Damaging the Asian brand in America just wasn’t enough, they had to also gaslight everyone as well.

The other, most asinine, bullshit I’ve seen recently was the idea that it’s racist to ask Asians where they are from. I ask people all the time where they are from. Most people, and especially Whites, are happy to oblige since they can boast about their X% heritages and how they ended up in America or a particular state. I’m happy to answer where I’m from for the same reason “I too have 1% Native American my fellow Indian Elizabeth Warren.” The ‘nation was built by immigrants’ mythos is 20th century Americana at it’s finest along with Zippo lighters.

Bring up any of the inconsistencies in the blame White people argument to the “Asian community” and they accuse one of “internalizing racism and White supremacy.” Oh and you better support affirmative action for Blacks at your own detriment. So not only does the community that is suppose to have my back is undermining the brand and gaslighting me, they actively stab me in the back. The “Asian community” would accuse me of self hatred of my “Asianness” or what ever that means, when in reality I just hate the people, some who are Asians, that are trying to shit up my highly pleasant life.

I have a more general view that doesn’t necessarily run counter to Jim’s theory. The Asian American vote was once fairly 50-50. Most Asians live in California or other big blue cities. California was once just another regular American state where you could have a decent life style. As California became more and more communist and terrible to live in, the communist mentality took over among it’s inhabitants. The “if I can’t have nice things neither can you” which becomes “if I must suffer then you too must suffer” which culminates in “if I’m starving so must you.” The mentality is pan-racial as evidenced by Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba, China, and I think is a large factor why East Asians have increasingly voted democrat, but more importantly why California is in a self destructive race to the bottom. “If we must have shit electrical grid with rolling black outs and mandated electrical vehicles that you can’t even charge, then so does the rest of the country.”

LA voters will soon vote on a law that compels hotel owners to house homeless people alongside paying guests.

The Cominator says:

Leftism spread among Asians because like women they are conformists (at least when non conformity risks ostracism) at heart.

People going leftist due to crabs in a bucket thinking is just another good reason that if we get a chance there should be no mercy.

Pax Imperialis says:

Asian American conformity has been decreasing over time. The newer generations have no concept of saving face. On personality tests, the more acculturated score more similar to White Americans than the less acculturated by big margins.

Leftism in the Asian American population has increased in spite of decreasing conformity. I don’t think this is a problem of conformist pathology. I think this is a problem of liberal American cities bringing out the absolute worst out of people. You can find a large number of cities that are 75% White or greater where the Whites are voting democrat at similar or even higher levels than Asians.

Asian Americans are voting extremely similar to White alone people in Portland, Oregon for example. The liberal Whites resides in the cities. The conservative Whites escape to the suburbs or largely reside in the rural. The liberal Whites have gotten increasingly liberal over time. The conservative Whites haven’t changed much at all. The vast majority of Asians reside in the cities. The rise in their liberalism has tracked White liberalism.

Another point against the idea of conformist personality being the cause is how many of these Asian Americans are agitating for political and social change back in Asia that has nothing to do with Asian politics or society. Things like advocating BLM in South Korea.

NRx needs a solution to the City Question (CQ). The CQ is many orders of magnitude larger than the JQ ever was. Solving the CQ likely also goes a long ways to dealing with the WQ. The bastion of Soviet Communism was in the cities. It was the kulaks who paid the price.

Varna says:

The system has a tendency to hijack pre-existing instincts and social mechanisms and to redirect the energy into the *needed* directions.

Perhaps the younger Asian Americans are behaving like the Eastern European inteligentsia, whose combination of a superiority complex toward the “natives” and an inferiority complex toward the “holy west elites” has produced a globohomo cargocultism.

Anyway, cannot condone long stretches without sleep unless a life and death situation. Get sleep man:)

The Cominator says:

The answer to the city question is that when leftists are drawn and quartered, flayed and broken on the wheel, and burned and boiled alive it will be in public and in the cities.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Pax Imperialis says:

A bloody short term solution and then what? Entropy away towards leftism again? We need steady state solutions. Cities inherently create problems with space. Men need to own space to be men. Cities increase the cost of space such that many men never own space. Men who own nothing protect nothing and destroy out of spite.

Cities also break down traditions of virtue. Too much anonymity prevents fraternal bonds that regulate and pass down morality and ethics. A rat race to ever greater degeneracy.

Yet for all the problems cities create, nations can’t live without cities. Centralized hubs of power are advantageous even if detrimental in the long run. And cities are so entrenched into our concept of nations that undoing them would be a herculean task.

Cominator solution would require a permanent state of war which is something the right has never done well. Every anticommunist regime purged a few and then stopped all together. South Korea, Taiwan, Chile, Spain, the list goes on and on. All fell to progressive (soft communism) forces a couple of generations down the road.

jim says:

Cities are not the problem. Republics are the problem. The cycle of history is that good Kings create a virtuous elite. A virtuous elite finds it can run thing just fine and do not need a King to maintain good behaviour and social cohesion. So they dispense with the King. But are unable to maintain the elite virtue necessary for a Republic to exist.

Pax Imperialis says:

Spengler wrote of cities (I admit I might be a Spengler shill):

“Long ago the country bore the country-town and nourished it with her best blood. Now the giant city sucks the country dry, insatiably and incessantly demanding and devouring fresh streams of men, till it wearies and dies in the midst of an almost uninhabited waste of country.”

The history of cities has always been of unsustainability. Growth was historically fueled by the rural migrating to cities, or in Rome’s case the relocation of slaves.

“The provinces are now everything whatsoever — land, town, and city — except these two or three points. There are no longer noblesse and bourgeoisie, freemen and slaves, Hellenes and Barbarians, believers and unbelievers, but only cosmopolitans and provincials. All other contrasts pale before this one, which dominates all events, all habits of life, all views of the world.”

We see this today with voting patterns. Everything is determined by urban vs rural.

The cycle of history shows change in regime from monarchy to democracy with stages in-between. The cycle of history also shows changes in the balance of power between rural and cities that coaligns with form of regime.

Cities are a problem. Republics are a problem. The values of virtuous Kings originate from rural rather than the urban. Trump, for all his urban tendencies, loved and admired the rural over the urban. The extreme progression of the urban threatens to endangers the ability to draw upon the rural in the future.

A good king and a virtuous elite are going to have to deal with this problem.

jim says:

The internet has made big cities economically irrelevant. Production and distribution of real goods bypasses big cities as much as possible. Everything that gets delivered to cities is tribute paid by the real economy to the state and the FIRE economy, they are no longer distribution centres. They exist because the powerful like to be able to speak to each other in person, so big cities exist to provide services to ruling elite.

If we have a feudal system, we get a distributed elite. Poof. Megalopoli go away. We may still have some port city megalopoli, which have a genuine distribution functionality, but there is a limit. A well functioning civilization will build more ports, rather than make a small number of existing ports ever more gigantic. Above a certain size, gigantic ports do not work very well, and most existing ports are far past that limit.

Adam says:

Diversity + proximity = war.

We need fairly segregated spaces, with trade and cultural protocols tailored for the specifics of each race. Only way to build trust, and avoid such a mess.

I don’t know that you could say the opposite of leftism is trust, but the opposite of leftism is something like that which builds trust.

As men we do not really need friends. Not the way women and children need friends. We need men we can trust.

I realize I am not saying anything new, just pointing it out.

Karl says:

I don’t understand your point. Sure, we need men we can trust. The men I can trust are my friends.

What is the difference between “friends” and “men we can trust”?

S says:

Probably just different variations in the term trust. In a functioning society, should be able to trust that walking into a hospital won’t get you murdered by the doctor.

Going beyond the minimum is a friend.

Adam says:

I have a lot of normie NPC friends, blue and purple pilled guys. Guys that are fun to hang out with, have a beer with. But they will all fold under a little pressure.

We need a Cesar, a high priest, a faith. A mission, a hierarchy, a chain of command. That will build the kind of trust we need, and I need.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Aristotle describes three types of friendship. They are friendship based on utility, friendship based on pleasure and friendship based on virtue.

A friendship based on utility is one which I may develop with a business partner or a neighbor with whom I trade vegetables and advice. These are the most common and the quickest to dry up. A friendship based on pleasure is one which I may develop over a shared love of cards and liquor or a friend I meet to go hiking with. As long as you share the same interests and activities you’ll keep such friends around. A friendship based on virtue is one which I may develop over the course of a lifetime – these are the friends I call at two in the morning to bring a shovel and a garbage bag.

Everybody has lots of friends. For most people not more than a handful will come help you at two in the morning.

Pax Imperialis says:

“friendship based on virtue”

Thanks for pointing this out. I think this is a major reason why Asians in America, and many Whites as well, have gone left even though Asians have integrated well into American life. Most friendships in America are based on pleasure. Some on utility.

Friendships based on virtue are near nonexistent. Fraternities are less about fraternal virtue and all about drunken pleasure. Men only societies like the Freemasons have been forgotten and hollowed out. Churches, schools, workplaces, regular daily life have all become spiritually female. City inhabitants (most Asians live in cities) are especially vulnerable.

I think that maybe that’s why organizations like the Proud Boys exploded in membership so quickly. There’s a complete void of male fraternity based on virtue in standard American life, but a desire for virtue based fraternity remains.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s the same mode of thought that saw perfidous Albion ally itself with the ottoman dunecoons against their cousins in the Czardom – to their ultimate detriment.

The invidious impulse sees the tallest, the greatest, the grandest things around, and thinks to itself not, ‘i should emulate/align with/advocate that’, but instead thinks, ‘i should bring down that’.

It perceives any outbreaks of greatness as threats to be removed, and at the limit, perceives greatness itself as an evil to be destroyed, and makes common band with all other minds of similar bent in this ad-venture.

Pax Imperialis says:

As perfidious Albion was in the Crimean war, Austria Hungary’s actions completely surpassed Albion. They get help from the Russians to put down the Hungarian revolution of 1848 only to side with their historical enemy the Turks against the Russian.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Such is the dynamic.

Jehu says:

Human beings don’t do gratitude very well. The best among us fake it reasonably well, but very few of us actually feel it in our gut. That’s why Franklin and others tell you to make someone like you better, get THEM to do YOU a favor, not the other way around.

Pretty much nobody but people ‘on the spectrum’ (and honestly, not even most of them) work like the social diplomatic model that we teach pretty much everyone but salesmen. That social diplomatic model (crudely phrased as if you’re nice to X they’ll be nice to you) is that people work kind of like an integrator, summing up all your positive and negative actions toward them and their feelings about you is that integral, perhaps run through a smoothing filter emphasizing more recent actions.

The only good thing about said model is that it’s easy to code for computer games, but it bears no resemblance to how neurotypical people work. We are selfish (some of us more so than others) AND ungrateful. Maybe some fantasy races or alien races are less ungrateful, but to the best of my knowledge none of us are conducting diplomacy with them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A whirling salami-slicer of leveling, opportunistically cutting down every upgrowth of human species, until eventually the gyrations have ground all down to meat kneaded in mud, the decomposing remains of a cosmic accident feeding the carrion eaters, in yet another silent solar system.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Pax Imperialis says:

Potential Fermi paradox solution. One of the more horrifying ones.

jim says:

The Dark Forest solution to the Fermi Paradox requires a civilization killing rifle – the capacity to shoot bullets at near the speed of light and hit a distant planet. Which is well beyond current technology, but not very hard at all. The acceleration is relatively easy, it is the deceleration for a soft landing that is hard. If you do not care about a soft landing, if you intend a hard landing, considerably less hard.

You launch a very large very thin mirror with extremely powerful lasers. After reaching near light speed, it divides into a collection of smaller, but still quite large, mirrors, and each smaller mirror does a Miura-ori fold into a compact impossible to detect projectile.

But I don’t think advanced civilizations will be planet bound, I don’t think a civilization capable of being a threat to its neighbours will be planet bound. I expect and intend that we will settle the Oort cloud, which will make it very difficult to kill us.

If you attack a distant and little known advanced civilization on sight and fail to kill it, you are in for a world of hurt. So a little conversation would be a good idea.

The technology for planet killer near light speed bullets is a long way off. The technology for long range interstellar communication is readily achievable.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If Terra can only support 500 billion people, it will not be long afterwards that Mankind will be more prevalent in orbital habitats and low-g planetoids/moons than on Terra. if you do not have a weapon capable of wiping out an entire solar system, then you had best start by talking.

Cloudswrest says:

and each smaller mirror does a Miura-ori fold into a compact impossible to detect projectile.

Even if it were possible to detect, it would make little difference, assuming it’s coming in right behind it’s light front. Although you might see the acceleration lasers well in advance (Mote In God’s Eye). Maybe they could laser illuminate the sails a few milliradians off axis with the sails tacking. That way the target civilization would not see the light.

The quickest way to eliminate a whole solar system is to detonate the sun into a supernova. That way everything out to a number of light years is toast.

Cloudswrest says:

Interesting factoid, if the sun were to supernova, no human would ever see it, even briefly. The supernova starts in the core and the hypersonic semi-relativistic shock wave takes a few minutes to reach the surface, but the neutrinos from the explosion radiate out immediately at the speed of light, virtually unimpeded by the intervening mass of the star.

While neutrinos hardly react at all with matter, the flux is so high that the reaction with chlorine atoms is enough to instantly boil salt water, including the salt water in your brain. Everybody’s head would explode like the unfortunate residents of Herculaneum long before anything visible happened to the sun.

jim says:

Making a star go supernova is likely to be difficult, because you would have to do something to the core involving a gigantic amount of energy, and the core is enormously well shielded.

Send the projectiles to the target on a very slight angle, rather than a straight line, then the target will not see the lasers driving them. You send them up to high speed slightly off target, and then change their course slightly so that they are now heading to target from a slight angle to line of sight to target.

They will approach the target in very close to line of sight direction, because you will be adjusting course while your projectiles are still quite close to you and quite far from the enemy, but your lasers will be substantially off line of sight direction, because your projectiles will be substantially off line of sight direction while close to you.

Destroying a whole lot of targets by direct impact is likely to be a lot easier than detonating their star, but if your enemy is settling its oort cloud, detecting all targets is likely to be difficult.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sweet, I am crossing Nova Bombs off my 0300 fears list!

But the hyper mirrors thing could also be a sort of postcard too, right? Send it off and have it cruise through the target star system, unfolding like a giant billboard, maybe?

jim says:

For an advanced civilization making contact with a civilization it suspects may be lower tech, gigantic billboards would be useful, but the lasers necessary to propel big billboards are also capable of communicating directly.

What would be more useful, given that accelerating something to near light speed is likely to be a whole lot easier than bringing it to a gentle stop at its target, is sending out “small” flyby probes at near light speed. Albeit such probes cannot be all that small, given that they need to phone home.

If you suspected a possibly competing civilization, you would like to take a closer look at them before attempting to communicate.

Red says:

Darkies view Asians as weaklings and I agree with them. If you want to be respected you have to be willing to fight back.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

At least until they take up the mantle of the Roof Korean, and then the Spearchuckers know to fear them.

Red says:

I lived through Rooftop Koreans and they only got away with it because they credibly threatened to shoot LAPD if they tried to disarm them. The national guard didn’t descend on them disarm them at bayonet point which is what happened to every white group that tries to organize a defense.

Asians have no excuses for their failure to defend themselves because the feds have never used forces to prevent that defense. They simply suck up to power and let the darkies do whatever they want to their oldsters and women while repeating the cathedral mantra.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Rooftop Koreans were visibly far more masculine than their descendants. City living Asians can’t defend themselves for the reason city living Whites can’t defend themselves. Something about cities is dropping testosterone levels. Might be something in the water. Might be a lack of physical activity that comes with city life.

jim says:

Nah, not city living. World war 2 Japs were urbanites, with women as property and they were way manly.

jim says:

Emasculated by the same people who are emasculating us.

Pax Imperialis says:

I agree with that, but WW2 urbanites also did not have endocrine disrupting chemicals in their water and food supply.

Highest levels of phthalates in results in the lowest levels of testosterone. The effect was most noticeable in boys aged 6 to 12.

Obesity is not helping either. Fatter a man gets the more screwed his endocrine becomes which causes him to more easily get fatter and so on and so forth.

Red says:

During WW1 and WW2 it was noted how wimpy English troops were compared to their Australian and New Zealand counterparts. Higher levels of protein in their diet was generally how it was explained but just 50 years before English men were considered powerful warriors. The more likely reason for the differences was the status of women in those countries.

Lower status women = higher T. Chemicals are an issue, but we’re not sure to what extent. But we know that making boys and men low status compared to absolutely kills their testosterone production.

Karl says:

Why do you all write “Asian”? In US English this (usally) seems to mean Yellow. In British English it (usually) means Pakistani.

Is “Yellow” offensive? Why do you all use a word that applies equally to people from India, Pakistan, China, etc when you could easily be more precise?

The differences between Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc. are -for a German like me- very minor in comparison to Indians or Pakistani. I mean, no White will mistake an Indian for a Chinese, but many Whites might mistake a Korean for a Chinese or Japanese.

Red says:

In America Asian generally means East Asian, IE the higher Asian races like the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese.

jim says:

> Why do you all write “Asian”? In US English this (usally) seems to mean Yellow. In British English it (usually) means Pakistani.

Pakis are not Asians. They are Middle Eastern

Indians are not Asians. No one here calls dot Indians Asians, and if dot Indians are not Asians, Pakis are not Asians.

Red says:

The only major ‘Asian Hate’ incident with a White perpetrator was the 2021 Atlanta spa shootings. The names of the spas sounds like brothels, the workers look like prostitutes, the spas themselves look like brothels, and there are a long list of arrests and investigations resulting in convictions for prostitution. One of the misbegotten children of the dead “message therapists” said his mother never said what her work was… The spas are clearly brothels, and hookers ending up dead is as old as the profession; however, the “Asian community” goes to “White supremacy and racism” as the explanation. The shooter, Robert Long, also killed a White woman, a White man, and injured a Hispanic man. Unless Whites and Hispanics are Asian too I doubt this was racially motivated. Long also had a history of a sexual dysfunction and deeply held religious convictions.

Long was a incel being tortured by progressive christian parents. They should have found him a girl to marry instead they condemned him as evil for fucking hookers. Fucking hookers is bad for him, but burning with passion with no outlet is worse because it triggers that most basic response to not getting laid: Murderous violence to attract female attention.

Jamesthe1st says:

Now there is an entire state capital city in the US that doesn’t have running water with a Shaniqua in charge of the water department. Things seem to be falling apart fast.

jim says:

The Mayor’s name is “Chokwe Antar Lumumba”

Hence, no water.

Anon says:

I propose an equivalent male name to Shaniqua; Shaquan.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ve always been fond of “Treyquarius.” such power, very nogg

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

He [Chokwe Antar Lumumba] was first elected in 2017. In the primary, Lumumba soundly won the Democratic nomination, defeating both incumbent mayor Tony Yarber and State Senator John Horhn. Lumumba went on to win the general election in a landslide. He is a self-described progressive and socialist. Lumumba has also referred to himself as a political revolutionary.



Varna says:

The Soviets had a Lumumba university, from Khrushchev’s peak to the collapse of the empire. For many people to this day the existence of the Patrice Lumumba university was an example of how absurdly idiotic the system was.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Just the other day I heard of a battle in Ukraine taking place along Patrice Lumumba Avenue.

If you ever visit the USA, stay away from Martin Luther King Drive/Avenue/Boulevard, no matter what city you’re in.

Pax Imperialis says:

An entire state comprising 12% of US population will have no electricity and thus electrical vehicles that go nowhere. Btw the gas engine car is being banned on a national scale by 2035. Without electricity the water pumps turn off so good chance California will not have water as well.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

California loses water and transportation? Stop, I can only get so hard!

Red says:

Ruin happens bit by bit and then all at once.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Ordinary Americans are just so upset they aren’t getting their baby-murder anymore” seems to be the figleaf they’re going with to remove outer party members from their seats at the table. Sarah Palin ‘narrowly edged out’ in the special election in Alaska.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

All states are blue states now.

Red says:

That’s why I I’m wondering if over turning Roe vs Wade was a cathedral plan from the get go.

Anonymous Fake says:

The RINO strategy is [*deleted*]

jim says:

Stop telling us about Republicans. You only read what leftists say about their enemies, and have no idea what Rinos say to Republicans.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Deleted for presupposing that a well known traitor was “a literal war hero”

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

John McCain committed treason in the military in Vietnam long before he went into politics to commit some more treason.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, he’s just trolling you at this point. Hellban the simpleton.

The Cominator says:

McCain was especially evil because other than the Keating Five most of the shifty things he did weren’t especially money related…

The Cominator says:

He also caused a fire on an aircraft carrier that killed hundreds of people luckily for him his father was the commanding admiral.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Not so much a singular plan i feel, or at least not so much a singular body with every player working towards a singular plan, but more so, yet another incidence of taking advantage of a contingency, in a whole chain of contingencies, going all the way back.

Red says:

The Gaia Demon is cursing us with drought because not enough babies are being sacrificed to her.

Varna says:

Lol. Yes, also not enough whites renouncing their evil worldly possessions, and not enough schoolkids becoming sacred tranny prostitutes for wise and kindly nigs’n’pakis.

It is a complex issue, saving the world is.

Pax Imperialis says:

Mary Peltola doesn’t look native. She almost looks White. Her father is a Ward H. Sattler. Sattler Sattler Sattler…

How curious.

smurf says:

Palin blew her chances starting with that nonsense about Paul Revere riding to warn the British.

It’s not hard to say “yeah I got the words tangled, he rode to warn the colonists to stop the British and we need to do the same” but she couldn’t do that. Visibly doubling down on obvious untruth torpedoes any kind of public trust.

jim says:

Like all real Americans, Sarah Palin knew that when the British caught Paul Revere, he warned the British their attempt to seize the people’s guns would be resisted by deadly force. Something that real Americans regularly do in today’s conflict with our government.

Since the chattering classes and the educationists have erased the British attempt at gun control from the ride of Paul Revere, they were ignorant of this, making themselves look hilariously stupid. All the gunnie voters knew what Sarah Palin was talking about.

In that incident, Sarah Palin once again demonstrated herself vastly better educated that the staff of the New York Times, though the staff of the New York Times define a “good” education as one that teaches the required lies, and in that incident they demonstrated that they learnedly knew the lies, and Sarah Palin knew the truth.

Red says:

Anglin is so based these days:

I’m sure the woman set this up, because she wanted the guy dead. When she’s asking “Dad, is he trying to kill me?” she’s implying he’s trying to kill her and the father must use deadly force.

The lad didn’t have a gun, he wasn’t there to kill anyone – he was just catching feelings and was probably going to break in to start crying and begging her.

It’s beta. I mean, beating up women is alpha in a normal situation, but not these days. These days, you’re going to go to prison for beating a bitch up, and if you get all emotional, you can end up shot to death.

If it was my daughter who had been out whoring and screwing guys over, I would have used the opportunity to also kill her for the sake of my own honor. Or opened the door and shoved her out and let the boyfriend catch the murder charges.

Pax Imperialis says:

On the other hand the lad did touch the father’s property without permission and I’m not just talking about the door.

Red says:

She was spoiled goods. Marry her off to the boy or do as the bible commands when a daughter is a harlot in her fathers house.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s been a long time since I looked at Daily Stormer, 5 or 6 years. When did it adopt the Anime/Cartoony aesthetic?

Leon says:

I think a year or two ago after the site kept getting shut down and he had to move from site to site.

Pax Imperialis says:

NPR be like: “Guys, guys! It’s the 3 C’s. Covid, Climate Change, and Conflict. That’s why we are having food shortages. Covid inhibited planting by making farmers sick. Climate is decreasing yields. Those evil Russians are blocking Ukrainian food export which is why we don’t have food. Totally nothing to do with our policy on natural gas, our push of green tech, lock downs, or our foreign policy and our self imposed import ban of Russian gas.”

Is listening to NPR similar to the daily Pravda reading experience?

Varna says:

Today’s Pravda is MSNBC-tier, only pro-Kremlin.
And without the Rainbow Fag’s Burden civilizational agenda of course.

I am announcing to my frens here that I’m going underground for at least a month, maybe more.

Good luck to everyone and see you guys later.

Kunning Druegger says:

Take care friendo. I guess we should get use to this. You will be missed.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Quick question before you go: Are there any good Russian-language right-wing discussion forums out there?

Cloudswrest says:

Interesting but not unexpected development. Although in this case the customers did opt in. But probably not optional in the future. In any case it’s trivial to “hot wire” thermostat leads. If this happened to me it would take me all of 15 seconds to pull off the thermostat and add a jumper.

Kunning Druegger says:

Tbqhfamalam that’s fucking hilarious. Though, who here doesn’t have a smart phone? I would not be surprised if it is more than a few, but it is pure facepalm whenever I hear good ol’ boys blathering on about staying off lists and being “secure” while they are wholly owned by their carrier. I’d genuinely love to go internet free, but I cannot figure how to do it with work and pastime necessities.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’m on so many lists from my military time that I suspect if I were to try and minimize my profile it would attract more attention, not less.

Neurotoxin says:

Commenters at Founding Questions were wondering what the purpose of Biden’s speech was going to be. Judging from his rhetoric so far – Trump and everyone who supports him is an enemy of democracy – the purpose of this speech is to set the stage for the arrest of Trump. And soon after that, the arrest, etc., of Trump supporters.

jim says:

I predicted this for April, May, or June of 2021. [Edit, I wrote 2020 here, typo, intended to write 2021]

I got the timing badly wrong, but everyone else was predicting the resumption of normality.

JJ says:

The capitol happening was on Jan 6, 2021. Did you mean April, May, or June of 2021? Or did you mean it was supposed to happen in the lead up to the summer riots of 2020?

jim says:


I predicted the crackdown as coming April May June of 2021. The crackdown however, has not really started yet.

clovis says:

You were right, and really everyone should have recognized it had to go this way. Democrats refused to recognize the outcome of the 2016 election and turned the security services on Trump. Then they stole the election in 2020. Stealing it again and declaring political opponents enemies of the state is a fait accompli.

Kunning Druegger says:

I know there is a lot of hollow chest pounding from the Right, but there is also a significant percentage of America that is fully on the Trump train. His base of support was the “Faithful 30%,” the Ride-or-Die niggas that got on board in 2016 and stayed on board. What I am not certain of is whether that is 30% of conservatives, or 30% of Americans…

If/when the purge-down begins, I think they will ignore the inner cities. No sense riling up the plains apes any more than they are, and they will, at least initially, cheer and hoot as whitey gets carried off by the once-raciss police. But black males secretly love Trump, and I think the only ones that will get hoovered up at first will be domesticated negros and conservative mulattos.

Many fair-weather fans will ditch their Trump paraphernalia ASAP, but I don’t think that will save them. Covid taught us that there are plenty of informers in every community. It will, as always, come down to demographics, and if an area is red enough, there will be trouble if they attempt to mass arrest. I’m not trying to be excessively optimistic here, but I just can’t see the current Cathedral configuration being very competent at something this distributed and complex. The Feds will focus on the high level targets and states will be tasked with going after the smaller fish.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Clownworld’s attempt at a Reign of Terror will be, like everything else in Clownworld, ultra fake and ultra gay.

Welcome to Current Year.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I took the speech as incitement of Antifa and their fellow travelers to violence. More bash a fash/punch a nazi knockouts for a warmup, also more multi-person kill teams like the one that got Aaron Danielson in Portland and the one that failed to get Kyle Rittenhouse (but may still be distributed and self-organizing rather than top down, at least for public consumption).

Probably they also want blacks to do more burning and polar bear hunting, but I’m not sure a political speech is enough for them to get the message. Need a another gentle giant or George Floyd, not a speech. But if they do figure it out we’re into South African farm raid territory as well.

Strangely, a Trump arrest and raids and camps for his supporters might be on the back burner for a while now. Let their bio-leninist street troops run wild with no provable chain of command first. Initial police and fed stance will be stand down for Antifa, arrest anyone who defends themselves.

So more of what we’ve seen already in Trump election years, only even harder and with less effort to keep the mask on. Until their 87k “IRS” agents can be deployed, then things go to purge/crackdown territory.

jim says:

Yes, that is the plan.

But their capacity to carry out plans is falling apart, and there are other elite factions who have a different plan.

Pete says:

What they will try to do is, anyone who marches in the streets or otherwise protests will be scanned for facial recognition and have his bank account seized as we saw in Canada.

They will hope that this inspires you to pick up a gun and shoot up a Wal-Mart or something out of despair, so their soldiers can put you down like a dog while they shake their heads sadly and impose more gun control and other restrictions on whites.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Remember kids, shooting up a Walmart is bad. Instead, find out where your local Federal DA lives and works and make sure he hears your complaints. Peacefully, of course, just like the religion of peace.

Neurotoxin says:

When they arrest Trump – plainly it’s not “if” at this point – they will establish a lockdown order, “in the interest of maintaining peace and stability, and preventing domestic insurrection,” etc.

What Americans do then will be a key moment in the history of the US. If most people meekly stay in, well, that’s it, I think. (And by the way, it will probably be imposed as a “temporary measure for this one night,” but we all remember “two weeks to flatten the curve,” right?)

OTOH, if enough of us do as Mitch McConnell (or whoever) recently predicted and riot in the streets, or engage in various forms of no doubt entirely peaceful protest, then exciting possibilities open up.

Right now, in this moment, I am resolved to ignore any unconstitutional lockdown stay-at-home orders and go out and like, peacefully protest or whatever. Whether my nerve will hold when I’m faced with the reality of it, I have no idea. This is totally new territory.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

All kinds of interesting things are, or will soon be, entirely possible. =)

Kunning Druegger says:

GNON be b-b-based!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If such a night comes to pass, perhaps I will enjoy some of the fine cuisine that certain anarchists made famous.

Kunning Druegger says:

For better or for worse, I think this one is up to the niggers and sluts. If they stay in and stay quiet, everyone will. If they riot and loot, then the Timid Plurality will feel covered enough to violate the Stay At Home order.

If they do another Two Weeks to Restore Normalcy, they will lead off with the Blue out in force, hoping and praying the stupid fucking Conservitards back the blue right into the gulag.

So many ways it could go… rereading what I wrote, it seems pretty thin. On the one hand, all I see are meek obeyers looking for the next thing to comply with. But I also see Trump flags, FJB decals, and plenty of soft dissent. In addition to the Peasants Of Color and roasties, the Karens will will be an influential force. I see it as likely that there will be an army of them shilling for Daddy Government, but I can also see wine aunts with Winchesters gunning down enforcers when the Bota Box runs dry.

Fuck this timeline lol.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think a lockdown while they arrest Trump is the point at which you either hoist Old Glory and the black flag, you flee the GAE, or accept all is lost and lay down to die. I do not have the means to flee the collapsing GAE, and I do not want to face St. Peter and have to admit that when America died I was hiding in my basement. I know they will come for me soon enough, so I might as well come for them first.

Contaminated NEET says:

America died decades before you were born, bro.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not care about the institutions. Fuck them, let them burn. America is not Congress, or the President, or every single Secretary, Director, or Chief of Staff. America is the Americans and if fighting for them kills me, then I died in good company, for a good cause, and you cannot get a better epitaph than that.

Neurotoxin says:

“America died decades before you were born, bro.”

This is no longer about luxuries like a peaceful and prosperous Republic. It’s about not being genocided.

That’s why there’s nothing to lose by engaging in various activities, including, but certainly not limited to, marching around while holding a sign.

If we do nothing they’re not going to wait until the timing is perfect for us, to make their move; they’re going to do it while they think the timing is perfect for them, i.e. as bad as possible for us. There is no “wait it out.” They’ll use infrared and high-power microphones to verify that you’re in stage-4 sleep at 3:00 am, then they come into your house. Obviously, given the 87K new “IRS agents,” etc., they have the desire and ability to do this long before they enter the “leftists eating each other” phase. Of course they’re going to go after each other eventually; that’s what leftists do. But unless we do something outside the box, we definitely won’t be around for that part.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That is the crux of the matter. Once you know that they are rounding up dissidents, you do not wait. They will come for you, so fuck up their plans and take the fight to them. All of us are marked for death once the genocide starts. It will be about surviving what comes, or making them pay. And remember; they will have no qualms about coming to your house and killing your family. Do unto others… but only once the time is right.

Guy says:

Which is also why, despite my liking Gavin, his fake FBI raid was poor form. Owen Benjamin announced that whole thing was a fake.

Dr. Faust says:

Was it fake or is it a cover because he flipped?

Kunning Druegger says:
Guy says:

Fake, he takes this week off every year

Dr. Faust says:

The political moves of Biden are confusing, have become unpredictable. I think my assertion in another thread that these toons are firstly insane and secondly not working in tandem is the best model of prediction we can hope for. Other than a model following historical precedent which is best when predicting the larger turns of fate. These people are not acting within their own interests, seem to be acting against it, and are not coordinated in anything but hate of the opposition. By that I mean their conclusions are reasonable but their antecedent premises are false, have been false for a long time, are thus incongruent with God, and have befuddled them.

Brandon the Befuddled would be a perfect name to describe this game of clowns.

jim says:

Biden is these days mostly a deep fake video, and there is more than one elite conspiracy generating these deep fake videos, and when the real Biden appears, more than one conspiracy issuing him his script.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am nonplussed. You are asserting that Joe Brandon is not speaking in front of people, that what we are watching is a graphical generation? What about the people in attendance?

At this point, I guess anything is possible, but if someone threw out that assertion in a discussion/debate, I would assume they were trying to muddy the water or pull a Westboro/Flat Earth type of credibility reduction by association trick.

jim says:

I have not investigated the extent to which Biden videos are deep fakes, but I checked out one video that was an obvious poorly done deep fake (does not blink, a chronic problem with deep fake videos – it is hard to get the blinks correct.)

S says:

@Kunning Druegger

Stable diffusion subreddit

That is freeware that has only been released to the public about 2 weeks now run on computers by hobbyists with minimal post-processing.

The fact Biden ranges from wandering after icecream trucks to able to give coherent speeches suggests more then one Biden. In the past we’d assume body double, but these people are untrustworthy and think tech is magic.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m not following, but that may be because of intellectual limitations on my end. It looks trippy and cool, but what it doesn’t look like is a political speech occurring outdoors with “in the wild” light being streamed out over the internet and television by myriad camera and recording devices of varying quality and capacity. If he was sitting in an “office” or some other interior location with fixed lighting and a static background, this idea would make more sense. If we only say two flavors of Brandon, dynamic exterior and buffoonish OR static interior and competent, it would not only be more believable, I’d consider it highly likely.

Tech decline is bad enough as is, but building effective and powerful LED walls, or using complex and comprehensive motion capture, or doing both while running strong and dumb AI as a finishing touch, would have a massive footprint, in terms of equipment and personnel. Some of the best event technology in the world with highly competent and capable technicians still has glitches, particularly when you add a livestream component.

I want to reiterate that I might not be understanding how the whole deep fake thing would work, or what those links are demonstrating.

S says:

I jumped the gun. I’ve been paying attention to this weird and trippy stuff SD’s been coming out with over the past weeks and assumed the state of the art is better. Sorry- tech optimism got the better of me.

Went over the entire speech and it is regular Biden on a teleprompter.
He screws up, stops and the gets the line right.

Leon says:

A buddy of mine is getting ready to flee America. I told him if he goes I will go with.

London Guy says:

[*deleted for utter detachment from the reality that is in everyone’s faces*]

jim says:

If you pass the shill test, I will allow a debate on what universe we live in.

London Guy says:

I passed the shill test multiple times before you even asked me, you silly retard.

jim says:

Not under this email address – thus not under an email address where HR and your FBI supervisor are looking over your shoulder. Maybe someone calling himself London Guy passed it, but I track shills by their email address.

Until you pass it under this email address, everything from you, except an attempt to pass the shill test or a response to the comment to which your replied, but failed to respond, is going to be silently deleted.

You have nineteen comments under this email address, none of which commit any thought crimes, or even notice that anyone on this blog is discussing thought crimes.

“It the Jews”, and “I hate women too” are not thought crimes, provided that the Jews implied are orthodox, or located in Tel Aviv, or are regular small businessmen selling bagels or running a pawnshop, and that you hate women for being wonderful. Is a thought crime if “name the Jew” results in telling us what Soros and Victoria Nuland have been up to. Is a thought crime if the problem with women is that unowned women are unhappy and do destructive and self destructive things, that women are wonderful in their proper sphere, but innately and inherently cause problems outside it.

“Gas the Jews” is not a thought crime.

Noticing what George Soros and Victoria Nuland have fiat been up to is a thought crime.

Contaminated NEET says:

>they will establish a lockdown order, “in the interest of maintaining peace and stability, and preventing domestic insurrection,” etc.

This will work extremely well. Our side has zero leadership and zero organization; the enemy controls the state and the information organs. Disorganized and confused conservatards are not going to put up any serious resistance, and any resistance they do manage will be easily quashed and then used to justify further repression. This is not a fight we can win with the resources we have. Please don’t go out there and get yourself locked up or killed. There’s no point in it, and we’ll need you later. The Right can’t do riots; the Left can because they control enforcement and punishment. What works for them absolutely will not work for us.

>If most people meekly stay in, well, that’s it, I think.

That’s it, all right. America has been over for decades, maybe even a full century. Don’t sacrifice yourself for a rotting carcass and a bunch of 19th Century propaganda. Right now, the Left is running the table, and this will continue for the foreseeable future, but they are busily destroying the basis of their own power. The question is: what comes next? Stalin II? Total economic collapse? Gradual Brazilification? Opportunities might develop later, but going into the streets is a boondoggle and will remain so until something major changes.

Karl says:

Going into the streets, whether for peacful protesting or rioting, is something lefties have been doing successfully to achieve their aims. I don’t see how it could work for the right. Of course, it might be fun.

Red says:

That’s what the I.VI suckers thought.

jim says:

Rioting works when it is state sponsored.

A mob versus an organized force gets massacred. For the right to riot successfully, We need a Caesar. And Caesar is only going to show up when he sees he is going to die if he fails to come forward.

Sulla and Julius Caesar were in obvious and imminent danger of death. Caesar Augustus was not in imminent danger of death, but being a teenager, was less subject to normality bias, and could see death coming from further away, could see he had to rule or die.

Neurotoxin says:

Me: they will establish a lockdown order, “in the interest of maintaining peace and stability, and preventing domestic insurrection,” etc.

NEET: This will work extremely well.

We don’t know. We’re in a game-theoretic stag hunt.

If you’re the only one who like, mostly peacefully protests, then you’re just a lone nut who will affect nothing. If 20 million do that, it’s entirely different. For this reason, if for no other, it’s a bad idea to talk down the idea of energetically protesting.

By the way, someone has to be wiling to be one of the first movers. If everyone just waits to see what everyone else does, we’re done.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Sometimes all it takes is one person saying, “Fuck these people. We don’t have to live like this.”

jim says:

Cannot do anything interesting without a leader. We await Caesar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You can put stress on the system. You can demonstrate the false nature of their myth of invulnerability. You can damage faith in their institutions. You can do all sorts of interesting things. You just cannot expect to survive the doing.

Neurotoxin says:

Sometimes all it takes is one person saying, “Fuck these people. We don’t have to live like this.”

This is true; I’ve done it. I’ve been the first person to offer a reasonable objection to some stupid new rule that folks at work were proposing. Often, other person(s) will then chime in and agree with you. And I’ve also been that second or third person when someone else spoke up first.

In the situation we’re anticipating one person won’t be enough, but a sufficiently large number of people…

jim says:

First mover in a stag hunt game with enemy shills and entryists. Not very promising.

First mover has to be a plausible Caesar. Only model for this sort of thing is Augustus Caesar, who was completely outside the state power structure when he got started. Had enough money to pay enough soldiers to grab some more money, and, far more importantly, had a name that gave him some slight basis for legitimacy.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am not good at math, let’s just get that out there.

I don’t think we are all playing the same game. I think the elites are playing Stag Hunt and the Commons are trapped in Prisoner’s Dilemma. The outcome of the PD game is contingent upon the results of the choices in SH, but the rewards in SH are all decided within PD.

Neurotoxin says:

Here’s a quick summary of the situation:

We’re in a stag hunt, but not a standard one, because we also have an upcoming Schelling signal: the arrest of Trump.

Red says:

They certainly want violence when Trump is arrested and if they fail to get it they’ll send their glow niggers out to create it. Without elite leadership it wouldn’t be wise to give them what they want. Trump failed as a leader when he fled, but he might make a good maryr.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They want violence, but they want it to be isolated and uncoordinated violence.

Large scale violence, leaders stepping onto the field to coordinate violence, would mean shit getting Real.

Kunning Druegger says:

Indeed, St. John. I think the violence can be scattered and uncoordinated at first, because it will distract LEO and create an opportunity for score-settling, looting, and general mayhem and disarray. If it continues, becomes a protracted suspension of normality/social contract, people will begin coordinating out of necessity, creating local then regional confederations. *That* is a set of circumstances conducive to a Caesar or Caesars to rise, stepping up to streamline things or just talking advantage of warriors needing leadership. It is stereotypical American to need the circumstances to dictate action, rather than taking action to set the circumstances. Many who would abstain from “jumping in” if someone deliberately rises to power would go along wholeheartedly if the common perception was that it was borne of necessity, as opposed to executed intentionally.

The Cathedral needs just enough violence, or more accurately footage of violence, to unite the sheepdog class behind the banner of Constitutional Preservation. Too much and the infighting on the Left will explode, driving the Grill Class to slip into Hobbesian Dynamics. But the lack of leadership, and leadership potential, on the Right is the ace in the whole for the Cathedral. A leader, or leaders, must rise.

The Cominator says:

Caesar is not a local warlord in an anarchy tyranny… that is more like how the Daimyo of feudal Japan came about…

JJ says:

The first mover problem is the problem the saints solve. Many lose their lives in this. This is why we venerate them.

The saint gives up his life to determine the disposition of the enemy. Caesar sees it. Caesar concludes that the enemy is implacable and makes his attack.

Yes, Caesar is important, but, again, the church venerates saints, not Caesar.

I think Wulfgar Thundercock III is saying the same thing at

Kunning Drueger says:

Agree. One of the many issues of good times//weak men is that those who may have a martial inclination always want to be a general or an officer or some secret frog SpecOps guy (that meme with the Redditor saying there’s a mistake and the Commissar screaming Get In The Trench comes to mind). No one wants to be a support officer or logistics manager or a slit trench digger.

JJ says:

Strategic ambiguity is your friend. Or, as Jesus Christ puts it, be as subtle as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. As far as I can see, and I speak from direct personal experience, they have no answer to this.

Neurotoxin says:

They have no answer to us just sitting around with our thumbs up our asses? Yeah, we’ve got ’em there.

JJ says:

>They have no answer to us just sitting around with our thumbs up our asses?
Who is this “us” person you are talking about?

Kunning Druegger says:

Don’t do that. We are all in this tribe. If Neuro- is feeling blackpilled, it’s your duty to admonish, correct, and support. If he is right, you must contend with readjustment of perspective. Purity Spiraling has its place, but it shouldn’t be invoked over a simple disagreement.

If his “us” is misplaced, explain why.

Neurotoxin says:

JJ, maybe I didn’t understand you. I interpreted your recommendation to be “as harmless as a dove” as to just sit around doing nothing. Even if it is true that that’s our best move right now – which is far from obvious to me – it’s hardly a “Ha, we’ve got ’em now!” move.

Or maybe you meant something else.

JJ says:

My original post was in response to Karl, who was pondering how street-level action could work for the right. I answered that you would need to do it as Christ would have done it, further explictly claiming that I had done so myself.

My reading of Neurotoxin’s reply was that Neurotoxin was including me in the set of people who are “sitting around with [their] thumbs up [their] asses,” or possibly including meme warfare in the set the activities whose effect was identical to “sitting around with [one’s thumb] up [one’s ass].” My response to his post is a reference to the old joke from the Lone Ranger:

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are riding out in the west, when suddenly hundreds of Indians appear on the horizon. The Lone Ranger says, “looks like we are done for, Tonto.” Tonto replies “who is this ‘we’ person, white man?”

This is perhaps not the best joke, as Tonto is clearly outgrouping the Lone Ranger in order to save his own life. So for that I am sorry.

The possibility that Neurotoxin was not including me in his tribe seemed rather remote, or if true rather inconsequential, and I was not too worried about it. What you seem most concerned about is that I might not be including him in my tribe. I can understand your concern.

Orthodox Christians, as I understand, see their Heterodox brethren as lost sheep, but until such time as those sheep return to the fold are not in communion with them. I am not yet in communion with Orthodoxy, but I am slowly working towards it. The fruits of the Orthodox Christian faith are revealed in Russia’s success in the Ukrainian land. No other branch of Christianity seems to be resisting the evil of the world quite so well; not even very traditional Catholics such as those who celebrate the Latin Mass.

But, as you say, this has little to do with a simple disagreement, or, more likely, misunderstanding, and ideas of congregational purity should not really apply to such things. Furthermore, I have no idea what religion Neurotoxin is.

The joke makes the most sense if Neurotoxin is despairing as you suspect he is, and that the effect of his comment is to try to include me in his despair or make me join him in his despair. In such a case, if Neurotoxin were given to despair and did not correct himself after the proper Biblical procedures were followed, I would indeed have to outgroup him, spiritually, to save my own soul.

My reply, then, was intended to accomplish two things: firstly, to find out precisely what Neurotoxin meant by his post, and, secondly, to admonish him in a slightly humorous way if indeed he was taking to despair.

JJ says:


To be as “harmless as a dove” means to be harmless physically, at least while certain types of physical action would result in one’s pointless death, injury, or imprisonment. It does not mean that you cannot engage in street-level spiritual and memetic warfare, both of which are devastating the devil and his minions, especially when you also try to be as “subtle as a serpent.”

Neurotoxin says:

JJ, thanks for the response. I wasn’t thinking nearly that deeply. I just thought you were saying “Just sit around and do nothing, that’ll fix ‘em.” Apparently you were not saying that, so good. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

I am not despairing or black pilling. Au contraire, I’m trying to steel myself for a Red Terror which seems both unthinkable and inevitable. I’m trying to be prepared emotionally and in other ways.

Furthermore, I have no idea what religion Neurotoxin is.

Neither does Neurotoxin! I was raised Christian, went through a long non-religious phase (atheist/agnostic), but the benefits of old-school Christianity are becoming more obvious over time. Also, I have seen some very weird shit, but that’s a whole ‘nother blog.

On the memeing thing, a response to you and Jim and Red far above:

One issue with this for me is that it’s seductive, too seductive. Part of me WANTS to do exactly that, just keep memeing, but… I fear the appeal that this has to two vices: cowardice and laziness. I’m pretty sure I’m not a coward (though it’s not like I’ve ever been seriously tested), but I damn well KNOW that I have procrastination issues, which, I have to face it, is a form of laziness. And so when people say, “Don’t do anything overt yet,” I see the point but I have to watch myself. What are my motivations here? Am I seeing the point for the right reasons?

I know you guys – JJ, Jim, Red, etc. – have your hearts in the right place. Obviously. But when someone says, “Don’t do anything yet,” I swear I can practically SEE the serpent whispering his seductive councils in my ear. If the Devil exists he knows exactly what our vices are, right? He knows exactly what he has to say to have the highest chance of getting you to do the wrong thing.

God, if you’re there, help me.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I will add my voice to the council of friends saying, “Wait, spread our ideas, and do not act.” Now is not the time, and Jim is right on that. We still need to wait, and prepare the field for a leader.

I also agree with you that once the left wing death squads go out, that it is time to go hot, leadership be damned. Part of that is my particular circumstance, where due to me having been in military intelligence. They are not going to leave someone like me alone, so going out shooting is better than being shot in the back and dumped in a ditch or mass grave. Maybe you do not need to worry as much as I do.

Red says:

@Wulfgar I think the order to disarm the public will go out before the death squads. Failure to disarm the public will result in a lot of dead enforces no matter how large of an army of IRS thugs they hire.

Kunning Druegger says:

The tribe to which I was referring is the Jim Tribe. Many, even most, JT members have a deeper philosophical or spiritual allegiance, and that is fine, as we (meaning me) discovered a while back that the Jim Tribe is a collection of leaders scattered all over with varying degrees of status and influence.

The only purity testing required here is decided by Jim and Regulars, and that is when shill tests get deployed. So long as we are on the same page regarding women, race, and political ur-theory, all other details are secondary.

Your Tonto joke was hilarious.

I elaborated on my predictions for how It will Go Down in this effort post:

I beleive they ahve already begun to build the investigative apparatus for identifying and tracking thought criminals, though it is not ready to be deployed. Indeed, it will never actually be *ready* as Sh’neekwa can’t build, but it will still be deployed, and the Dark Brandon speech was one or more factions jumping the gun. Auron Macintyre just had a breddy gudd stream on the speech* and one of the many things he said is that once the Message goes out, it cannot be unsaid, no matter how much they want to or try to walk it back, as the Voices That Speak will repeat and amplify, adding their own signature, twist, or spin in whatever way they believe will enhance their status or standing. Biden has declared open season on MAGAfolks, and we are now waiting to see which department in the Executive branch will act first, though it might also be some private organization or some “””grassroots””” group.

I hope this is not fedpoasting, but I fear that if “we” wait for official death squads and highly publicized raids, it will be too late.


The Cominator says:

Kunning they may attempt a reign of terror but it will be incompetent and fake and gay. Leftists will be denouncing each other for being MAGA (for bullshit reasons) and whether said denunciation are acted upon will be random.

The real problem is that you aren’t going to be able to count on anything close to a functional economy.

Kunning Druegger says:

Agreed Com, the defection on the left angle is obvious but I didn’t really think about it. I think there will be a lot of normies/greengrocers scrambling for cover and it will add confusion to the fact that it will not be Left v. Right, but rather System v. any threats/challengers, real or imagined. They are far from competent, but equally far from powerless. Like some hulking retard with a length of garden hose whipping around, there will be a ton of collateral damage as Freak the Mighty swats at the hornets pouring from the nest they decided to attack with no real plan in place.

Neurotoxin says:

“they may attempt a reign of terror but it will be incompetent and fake and gay.”

Com, we cannot afford to assume this. Leftists managed to slaughter 100 million people in the 20th century.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That is true, Neurotoxin, but look at the masculinity of the leftists then as compared to now. It is not even a contest. They might have been effeminate or unmanly for their time, but GAE leftists are probably the faggiest, least masculine men in all of human history.

The Cominator says:

“Com, we cannot afford to assume this. Leftists managed to slaughter 100 million people in the 20th century.”

It was run by masculine Pale of Settlement Jews, Chechens etc and even then they mostly killed each other and mostly killed innocent people by destroying the economy.

Neurotoxin says:

“look at the masculinity of the leftists then as compared to now. It is not even a contest. …GAE leftists are probably the faggiest, least masculine men in all of human history.”

Thank you for this. Com, ditto.

Kunning Druegger says:

I agree with both Wulfgar and Com’s analysis, but it must also be said that, as it stands right now, the feminized leftoids in power have plenty of muscular, physically dangerous sheepdog thralls to do their bidding. That doesn’t mean they always will, but it does mean that we are not merely up against the poindexters and faggots in the managerial class.

Red says:

agree with both Wulfgar and Com’s analysis, but it must also be said that, as it stands right now, the feminized leftoids in power have plenty of muscular, physically dangerous sheepdog thralls to do their bidding.

I noticed that as well. Some of the American guys who took off for the Ukraine to help make it safe to rape little boys and have gay pride parades where in pretty decent shape.

The enforcement arm of the state still has some power. Next generation is likely to be nothing but faggots and women but we are not there yet.

What’s in it for these sheep dogs? They have not know that their masters hate and want to destroy them.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Even those masculine men are heavily feminized compared to historical men. Those muscular, dangerous men were bullying tribal cavemen, not fighting a real war. Look what happened to them when some of them went to fight for Ukraine. They were looking at a real fight, where the other side has artillery and air support, too, and they did not lioe that one bit. When they could not shoot an enemy who was massively outclassed they bravely, bravely ran away. Meanwhile, the Russians have taken more casualties in six months than America did after two wars over two decades, and they fight on.

They lack faith. They believe in nothing but empty t-shirt slogans and sanitized viking memes. They have nothing to prop them up when the going gets tough. They will fall in under the Cross and Old Glory, or they will break, because we have faith and they do not.

Red says:

Interesting point Wulfgar. I remember the FBI and ATF taking glory pics in front of the burned Branch Davidians compound where they’d just got done using armored vehicles to barbecue women and children to death. They where taking tough guy poses in front of the ashes like they’d actually done something brave. They were in shape but they were weak and evil men with no stomach for an actual fight.

Kunning Druegger says:

We must also accept the that the side of Right and Good is not in fighting trim, not in any holistic sense. There are those among us in peak condition I am sure, but there are lots of us with hearts in the right place but bodies not, or bodies in the right place but brains lagging behind. The Cathedral is counting on a quick victory, so they replicate memes that reinforce the “inevitableness” of their victory, and then fall sway to their own propaganda. I am convinced this is what happened in 2016. So it will be a numbers game: numbers of bodies, numbers of tech toys, numbers of incompetent leaders, and numbers of days, weeks, months, and years of protracted struggle. The GAE lost in AFG well before 2021, but it wasn’t obvious to all until much later. the timeline in Ukraine *seems* shorter, but we can’t really know that just yet. The longer “it” goes, the more Faith matters. When it’s asymmetrical, excess capital can assuage a lot of faithlessness. At no point was the Taliban going to invade the US, same with Iraq, Haiti, Grenada, Lebanon, Vietnam, and even Germany. So the Cathedral has no institutional capacity for what a civil unrest scenario does to people, infrastructure, and institutions.

Time is their greatest enemy, they thing they cannot beat. But the bloodletting that implies is actually physically painful for me to consider.

Red, the sheepdogs firmly believe that the current crop of GAE leadership is temporary, that they will get voted out and a new Reagan will come, or some other dumb shit. But this only comes out if you press them hard (don’t do this, it never ends well). Mostly, they just don’t think about it. Every enforcement action is justified because if it wasn’t, they wouldn’t have been given the assignment. Every target/perpetrator is a bad guy, because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be targeted. It really is that simple with the ones that, on paper, should be very aware that they are being used as SonderKommandos.

jim says:

Wars are usually won before they are fought.

You don’t just pile in and start shooting.

Need a leader and need a faith.

The faith is taking shape. Christian Nationalism.

The leader, however is not yet apparent. Trump flunked out when he called the lawyers instead of the militia, and then ran away when the militia showed up anyway.

So, till the time arrives, it’s meme warfare. Which is highly effective in preparing the ground for full warfare.

Neurotoxin says:

“You don’t just pile in and start shooting.
Need a leader and need a faith.”

The last thing I want is to pile in and start shooting. But once they start coming for us, we don’t have a choice. At that point, the question of whether we have a leader is irrelevant; your options are to fight back or to simply sit there and let them kill you.

JJ says:

So, till the time arrives, it’s meme warfare.

Exactly so.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


alf says:

But once they start coming for us, we don’t have a choice.

They are evil, malicious and opportunistic. They will go for the low hanging fruit. Like everyone here, surely you are also making preparations so that you will not be the low hanging fruit.

Neurotoxin says:

I agree with y’all that right now is not the time to do anything out of the ordinary… but Trump could be arrested any time.

Hell, it could be that he already has been as I write this sentence. Could be any other time before he can get the GOP 2024 nomination (though why they don’t just fraud him out of that I don’t know).

alf: “Like everyone here, surely you are also making preparations so that you will not be the low hanging fruit.”

Yes, doing what I can.

JJ says:

Trump could be arrested any time.

Trump’s Truth Social is still banning people whom Gab accepts. Trump’s supporters still rot in the dungeons of D.C. If Trump is captured it is entirely his own fault.

Trump is not your problem.

alf says:

as Jesus Christ puts it, be as subtle as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. As far as I can see, and I speak from direct personal experience, they have no answer to this.

Well put, mirrors my experience.

Kill with kindness.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

To everything, there is a time. A time to kill with kindness and a time to kill with unkindness. A time for peace and a time for war.

alf says:

When the time comes, we shall strike without mercy. But as Jim wisely says, now is not that time.

Now is the time for preparations. For instance, never too late to start a family, Wulf (-:

London Guy says:

> The Right can’t do riots; the Left can because they control enforcement and punishment. What works for them absolutely will not work for us.


London Guy says:

“Unresponsive” my ass.

You censor more truth than Twitter or Facebook, you pathetic faggot.

jim says:

A handful of our guys could wipe out antifa and BLM without raising a sweat, as Kyle and many others have demonstrated.

But then they would get the treatment that Kyle and many others have received. Which was the point of the comment to which you replied, but which point you ignored and failed to respond to.

And from here on I am going to silently delete everything from you except a response to that point or an attempt to pass the shill test.

A2 says:

Any minor or short-lived protests will be handled by official forces withdrawing, then, when things have calmed down, they will come back and use the surveillance recordings to figure out the mass arrests.

Red says:

They’ll stage a false flag terrorist attack either right before the or more likely after the arrest. PF or Proud boys will be the go to fed groups for it. After that mass arrests.

Red says:

That is assuming they’re capable of it. They fucked up I.VI pretty badly, utterly failing to get the right optics for it despite having everything in their control. I doubt their false flag terrorist attacks will be better organized.

Mister Grumpus says:

They just had to have the two White marines standing behind him too.

Aidan says:

Forgive the faggy leftist source, but this is how the cake is baked. That LE is outsourcing this capability to a private third party suggests that their innate surveillance capabilities have materially declined. Looks like a combination of facial rec and geolocation is the best they got now. Like Jim said, low-hanging fruit. Leaving one’s phone at home and obscuring one’s face now likely sufficient for real world opsec.

Leon says:

It was brought up on founding questions that this may be a call to the various factions of the left to start some infighting, as the only thing the left fears is other leftists. If so, how many factions of the left are there, what can they be grouped up/ labeled as, and what troops do they have?

jim says:

When leftist struggles go physical, the outcome is apt to be surprising to everyone, including leftists. The left has conspiracies inside their conspiracies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are few things more depressing than the sight of grown men wearing nothing but a t-shirt and pants out in public.

The state of ‘mens fashion’ in latter years in abjectly impoverished – and has been fore the past hundred at that.

Step into the first clothing store you see, and you will find only dirges to mediocrity. Grey, black, and blue is the order of the day, this day and all other days. Monotone coloration, frequently, and absent of any patterning, detailing, variegation, or decoration. You could find more variety of style on a single rack in the women’s section than in the entire ‘men’s department’ altogether.

It should be understood that good fashion is not simply something one does for oneself, it is something that gives fairness to the eyes of everyone around you. To be well dressed elevates the spiritual health of every space you are in, just the same way as each other aspects relate to beauty.

Adam says:

For me it’s middle aged guys still giving each other bro hugs. Look me in the eye and shake my hand.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s not a matter of maturity, *noone* is out here looking good. What i need to impress upon here is just how thoroughly soul-draining the puritan aesthetic is. So many men going through daily life feeling like shit yet don’t have the ability to consciously articulate what those feelings are exactly or why it is happening and this is one of the biggest expressions of that; they can’t recognize how *ab*normal the abjectness of this situation is because they have known nothing else; they feel pain yet don’t necessarily recognize it as pain – a part of them may even deny that it is pain, conditioned as it is by the very sources of its abuse – and to the extent they do recognize the pain, it is so oft inchoate; they cast about for minor momentary things that have changed in their memory to attach the directionless feelings too, without grasping that the great matter of the issue has already been the case from the beginning, yea, from long before their beginning.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Top business men, top military men, top academoi men – they all dress like paupers. A simple button up and vest combination is enough to elevate you above the fashion standards of 99% of any social situations one might find themselves in today. The only ‘sumptuary displays’ you see validated in kept outlets is people spending 200 dollars to buy a shirt that looks barely different from something you could pick up in walmart.

Kunning Druegger says:

This was going to be my objection to your position; I am not going to buy 6 guns worth of clothing that amounts to 2 outfits that are only “fashionable” or “quality” because of the name on the tag no one sees. I do not dress “nice” by any measure, but half the time it is “working fingers to bone” clothing, and the other half is usually… well, to your point, slovenly as my fellow Carthaginians do. What should I be wearing? I used to always dress for “work” even when not working, and that dress code was demi-tactical, given that I was in the “art trades,” so my clothing was all gear for remote locations or whatever. Of late, I have been feeling the urge to dress better, but I am not quite sure how to go about it.

How about a Fascion Guide for us, St. John? And anyone else who has the balls to contribute. I still reserve the right to go grayman as needed, but I would jump into better dressing with both feet.

jim says:

First commandment of fashion. Lose weight and put on muscle. Nothing fits a fat man, and nothing makes a fat man look good. If you are fat, might as well wrap yourself in a potato sack.

Which is a large part of how Kings lost power. Nothing that King George the Fourth wore could be fashionable. Ideas are more powerful than guns, but fashion is more powerful than ideas. Kings lost power because George the Fourth was unmanned by slut queen Caroline, but she was able to get away with it because Beau Brummel could snub George the Fourth. The problem was that Beau Brummel could destabilize men’s fashion, because the elite were wearing heavily decorated baggy clothes. So elite men’s fashion was something that could never be fashionable. So Beau Brummel got to out status King George the Fourth, making it impossible for him to perform the King’s proper role as the fount of all honors, mortal and divine, by which Charles the Second was able to redirect status competition into prosocial pursuits, notably science. (I am going to promote this comment into another fashion post.)

Second commandment of fashion. Having lost weight and put on muscle, buy something that fits your actual body shape. This is, inevitably, tailored to fit you, and only you. Therefore expensive. Buy something tailored to fit you and only you from the cheapest possible source in the cheapest possible way, for what makes it fashionable is the tailoring, not the name of the man who tailored it.

Why do Musk space suits look good? Because they are designed to be tailored, each one manufactured to fit one particular astronaut and no other, unlike NASA space suits, all of which are designed to fit anyone including a morbidly obese transexual. Because it is very difficult to keep a morbidly obese transexual alive in space while allowing it freedom of movement outside the vehicle, NASA space suits are impractically expensive, and make movement difficult.

This fashion advice is of course fashion advice for men, for female fashions are silly and do not matter. But the same applies to women, except that women should have about double the percentage of body fat that a man should have, and should not be undulyu muscular, and that women want some attention attracting flim flam oddities to make them look different from every other women – until everyone imitates the fashion leader, whereupon the fashion leader gets a costume with different attention attracting flim flam oddities, resulting in the never ending change of women’s fashions, and unchanging stability of men’s fashions.

When we bring women back under control, only whores (in the old sense of whore, not the twentieth century sense) will wear attention attracting flim flam, and they will all be extremely low status, and in danger of mistreatment, since their status will be similar to that of a stray dog. And the attention attracting flim flam will increase the danger of mistreatment, which is why they will enthusiastically decorate themselves in attention attracting flim flam. “because when those louses go back to their spouses, diamonds are a girl’s best friend

When women are under control, respectable female fashion will have the same stability as men’s fashion, but disreputable female fashion will, alas, be where the action is. We just will have to keep it low status, in the same way as we will have keep gays in the closet. A bit of status lowering violence, here and there, now and again – though of course not so lethal.

Kunning Druegger says:

My Rock&Roll rig is on fleek. I have a single patch and everything else is “tailored” haha. But yeah, my wardrobe needs some work. I know those mechanics, as it isn’t a suit until it’s Your suit.

So is it best to just always roll in a button up, vest, and jacket? For a while, when I was no longer in a uniform, I enjoyed wearing polos and sleeper cargos (they look like dress pants, but they have mag pockets and such) because it felt way more comfortable.

You are absolutely correct about the being fit aspect, but I personally feel no outfit is complete without a weapon. Soft handed folks disagree, but I don’t take a man seriously unless he carries a weapon he trains with. I’d love to have an AR pistol, something sleek and refined in matte colors, at all times, but we aren’t quite there yet. I have a work knife but I am not a blade guy; I have no training with them and I have no idea where to get it. G19 is simple, but there are are Sigs and CZs that are absolutely top tier.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

G19 is the move. If you have a $1000 gun budget, and you buy a $500 Glock, that is a lot of money for ammo and range time. If you buy a $1000 race gun, then you are not going to spend as much time shooting it as you should. You do not need a top tier gun. You need a gun that you know like the back of your hand.

You do not need an AR pistol. If you need a subgun, get a CZ Scorpion. If you want a short AR, stick with a 13 or 14 inch barrel and get your muzzle device pinned and welded. Throw on a CQB/PDW stock and you are good to go. Super short ARs are for assassins, not warriors. And again, if you need something like that, get a Scorpion or something akin to it. Load all your fighting magazines with hollowpoints because full metal jacket will not get the job done. Practice, practice, and practice more, until you can change a magazine blindfolded and your aim is instinct, not thought.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Combat fashion follows what I heard called the purple dildo unicorn principle. If wearing a purple suction dildo on your forehead like a big faggot unicorn made you win fights, then all the hardest killers would be wearing big purple dildos, and the purple didlo would inspire respect and fear. If you killed all the other guys, then it will start to look good no matter how ridiculous it looked before you started stacking bodies.

Men’s fashion is based off of what killers wear, and modified to best accentuate the ideal masculine form. You want to wear something that makes you look like a badass? Take inspiration from mercenary gear and special operations uniforms. Keep in mind that if you dress like that, theb you better be ready to walk the walk or you will get called out.

jim says:

Data on shootouts indicates that, astonishingly, the small gun with the cheapest ammo, the gun than is easiest and most comfortable to fire, is the gun most effective in resolving the shootout to the shooter’s satisfaction.

I conjecture, it is not the gun, but the practice with the gun. The gun that you are most likely to practice with, that is easiest cheapest, and most fun to practice with, is what you should buy. Most people, on being hit with a 22, don’t instantly drop dead, but lose interest, enthusiasm, and capability to do you harm. Don’t worry about one shot stops. Worry about one shot hits on target.

Kyle hit an assailant in the arm that was holding the gun. You think he would switch arms and go on shooting?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Your conjecture is almost certainly correct. It is treated as a truism in the community of serious shooters that I know and run with. If you cannot afford to feed the gun, then you cannot afford that gun. Get something cheaper, and a few hundred rounds of ammunition to go with it. A bad gun you know well is going to do you better than a great gun that you have not shot.

The data I know of was looking at caliber efficiency in stopping an attacker. Single round stopping power is pretty common in rifles and shotguns, about three rounds for most pistol. A rough estimate is that only 1 in 10^number of hits will continue to fight. If you get to three shots and he is still coming, mag dump him until he stops twitching.

Would you be interested in me putting together a practical post on gun ownership?

Red says:

Would you be interested in me putting together a practical post on gun ownership?

I’d love to see that.

Kunning Druegger says:

Ditto, Wulfgar.

Yeah, I am aware of the “.22 is enough” argument, and I find it compelling. I prefer a larger caliber and I am comfortable with it through practice. Something to consider: Rittenhouse was up against a hyped group of NPC-kit normies who had been spun up into a mob. They were not people trained and dedicated to “the art of score” as it were. If someone is wearing the modicum of body armor, .22 is a joke. You may get lucky with in ocular cavity hit, but other killing locations, like the “face delta” or arterial spots or what have you, are not really a trustable option for .22, as the target could get lucky with a through-and-through with no significant damage. Velocity is the real killer, but the mass is also relevant in many, if not most cases.

I get that AR pistols/SBRs are a fad and/or a “needs dedicated training” platform, but the form factor + velocity of caliber makes for quite the convincing argument to stay the fuck away. 5.56, 3200BLK, I have even seen 7.62, permanent argument concluders to be sure. I think the better option is the pistol-to-carbine conversion kits:

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

That song is a hoot!

ten says:

Looks to me like respectable women had a perpetual arms race concerning hats, skirts, corsets, you name it.

jim says:

Some truth in that. But if you look at high fertility populations, for example Amish, no arms race.

That there was arguably an arms race indicates a problem. The French aristocracy definitely had the arms race of which you speak, and definitely had a huge problem with out of control women.

zero says:

Do you think sumptuary laws were at some times in response to this? I know dress codes for woman were common at one point. It seems like the reduction of expense in clothing has made fashion a hideous peacocking game for women in the last centuries.

Anon says:

Jim, a quick note: “fashion” is trend-oriented status mimicry for women and gays. Style is the timeless aesthetic principle you’re referring to.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Some of it was intimated upon in the first post. What one needs is to make a conscious decision to deviate from the puritan aesthetic. The biggest limiting factor to good style is not price, but availability. You could go into a store and not find anything that deviates from pauperism in style at any price.

Consequently, filling out a good wardrobe is often necessarily a work of time, observation, and opportunity. Off-price/commodity surplus stores are good for this (eg, Burlington, TJX, Ross, NOZ, Familia, et cetera), as there is usually a constant churn of items at prices far below ‘primary’ outlets, which by-and-by can lead to good finds.

In terms of colour, finding anything that doesn’t come in black or blue is of course difficult. Forest tones work well for standing apart, tans, creams, reds, and greens. Bright whites as well. Purples and pinks are more situational.

In terms of coordinating colours, this is one of those things where the rulings that can be spoken of in abstract are little, and the rulings that can be felt are innumerable; to have the particular articles in question in front of one’s own eyes is necessary, so we can only say you must use your good judgement there. Outfits where each item shares the same colour theme of course always work. In outfits with more than two pieces, an ‘inner’ theme that differs from the ‘outer’ theme works well. In cases where the top and the bottoms have a different colour theme, it is not a hard and fast rule, but one may generally want the tone of the pants to be equal or lighter in shade than the top.

In terms of patterning, frankly, *any kind at all* is preferable in comparison with the monotony that you will, again, find it difficult to avoid seeing everywhere.

In terms of outfitting, short sleeves and open neck area generally give an inherently dressed-down feeling, and in the latter case, can give a feeling of sloppiness even, hence the value of neck decoration. This doesn’t necessarily mean ties mind you. Layering works well here, for example, a sweater with a high collared shirt underneath, or a collared button-up with a collared polo underneath, or an outer layer with a turtlenecked layer underneath, and so on. Scarfs and neckerchiefs fit into this dynamic as well.

More can be said, but those are the main character beats, and the exact details may be left up to the subject to fill out.

Neurotoxin says:

“Purples and pinks are more situational.”

“Pinks”? When you say “situational,” I assume you mean “costume party.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I can see one or two shirts in the closet with a very light shade of pastel, bordering on white, that can work as an inner layer, or by itself in bright sunny conditions, which could technically be described as a shade of ‘pink’, but maybe not what first comes to mind when one might hear the word ‘pink’.

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t share St. John’s utter disgust for the black/grey motif, but I am a neo-Puritan after all, innit? A pink shirt with a gray suit rocks hard, if you have the body and mind to pull it off. Purple, I don’t know about for me, but many a niggnogg lookin’ like the classiest cottonpicker with the right blend of purple and black or grey.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Purple is a colour of royalty, and works well in pieces that accentuate a larger ensemble.

The Cominator says:

Before the columbine ship I liked wearing black all the time in high school and unlike in middle school I was rather well liked in high school.

Kunning Druegger says:

I prefer sedate earth tones as well, but I am also almost always “on the clock” while others are having a good time, so it fits. I’ll wear particolored double suits if it helps the situation, but I prefer my colors matte and my presence unremarkable.

Neurotoxin says:

Well, you two:

You do you, and all that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Oh no you don’t, i aint gonna that one slide faggit, i’ll be doing you too!


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not gay if you are wearing boots.

Kunning Druegger says:

I have always translated “you do you” as “your retardation is none of my concern, for the pigs of which you speak belong to a farm I do not own.” But you couldn’t have known that.

Neurotoxin says:

Oh shit, Pseudo has seen through me!

(Kunning: I’m pretty sure Pseudo was kidding.)

A2 says:

First of all, you mustn’t look like Stephen Paddack when the time co-, er, that is, always dress above the sandals, shorts, stained T-shirt look. I of course prefer my shooting tweeds when appropriate.

Jim’s advice is good, though you may not always need tailored clothes to start out. Try dressing like a well-maintained, well-off member of your caste for starters. Clean quality clothes, well-kept quality shoes or boots, etc. Don’t buy ripped jeans as your only pair lol. Be conservative and understated. at the very least until you learn how to be more of a peacock. You may want to buy multiple pairs, you may want to spend a bit more per piece than you’re used to. (Also keep in mind that expensive clothes may not necessarily be sturdier than the cheap stuff.)

You could try haunting a smaller men’s wear shop (choose one catering to your target look, and that also has some class) and see if the staff can help. This will speed up the learning curve progression. Note that it can be difficult and tiresome to find the right clothes on your own unless you’re a clothes hound or a woman.

A2 says:

Oh yes, and depending on personality, also try to avoid pieces that require fanatical dedication to keeo in shape. Dry clean only, hand wash only, etc etc.

London Guy says:

Biden declared war on American patriots yesterday and [*deleted*]

jim says:

Take the shill test.

Our enemies want us to go to war without Caesar.

Pax Imperialis says:

“There are few things more depressing than the sight of grown men wearing nothing but a t-shirt and pants out in public.”

I’m feeling attacked. I’m a Western Sunbelt Merican and I’m pragmatic. It’s those frigid east coast northerners who fret about suits n’ ties with leather gloves. I’m partly joking. I love suits with gold cufflinks and wish there were more opportunities to wear them, but even blue jeans and a tucked in button up short sleeve shirt is a bit too hot where I live. When I travel north I see a lot more high end male fashion; although, I do agree with you that male fashion is getting worse.

The entire point of male fashion is to denote status. Men dress up for two different audiences. To denote status to fellow men. To denote status to women. I would argue that since the social environment has become feminine, men are more invested in impressing women than impressing fellow men. Thus, men are far more invested in following female whimsies than showing masculine achievement. And if fashion for women is in the gutter, why should men try hard? However, women’s fashion is in the gutter, and men follow suit.

The problem of poor men’s fashion stems from not policing female fashion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I generally prefer long sleeves in most situations – when it is hot it keeps the sun off, and when it is chilly it keeps the wind off. Pioneering men of the old west dressed much the same. Though indeed of course, cooler latitudes also give a wider latitude for creativity.

The basic thing is that female status is artificially inflated, while male status is artificially repressed, which is reflected in their respective offerings. The man of 2022 dresses like a pauper because he, effectively, does in fact have the status of a pauper, even – or especially rather – if he is formally very rich himself.

alf says:

Yep. Before being a dad I started making my own clothes. My first piece was hella ugly but I intend to return to it when more time. I dislike being a big fashion industry monkey.

My clothing style is lazy and slightly offensive though. My woman buys me my best clothes but I tend to gravitate towards wifebeaters with prints of hot women. Also I still dream of having dreadlocks one day.

kawaii_kike says:

Yeah, we all need dreams. Sometimes I dream about getting “Hitler’s Chosen” tattooed on my inner lip.

alf says:

lmao rarely has an internet comment turned me so red.

Aidan says:

Mens fashion consists of imitating either priests or warriors. The poor state of fashion today is a result of priestly Marxist larping of the lower class and the replacing of warriors with athletes as the signaling font for physical courage. Western “dress clothes” are a direct memetic descendant of the garb of a puritan preacher.

Warriors are not allowed to signal refinement, so we have no high-class warrior clothing. The best we can do as rightists is to signal capacity for violence and hint at refinement and taste. Or, while fitting in to roughly conventional norms, hint at the capacity for violence. Interestingly patterned and colored button-downs are what I pair with a generally biker look, but if it is hot, I will just wear a close-fitting t-shirt or wifebeater. In an age of impoverished fashion and worse fitness, my body is higher status than anything I can put on it.

not a reactionary says:

I’ll second Jim’s point ; a simple black t-shirt (appropriately sized, not baggy, tight enough but not too tight) and some jeans will look good on a fit man. If a guy has a Joe Schmo body most everything he wears will make him look like Joe Schmo. I don’t see any reason why men need to be wearing codpieces, or togas, or whatever you’re proposing. Tailored suits are nice, but most men can’t wear tailored suits in everyday life. It’s not what you wear but how you wear it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>It’s not what you wear but how you wear it.

You have stockholm syndrome from a lifetime of aesthetic abuse. You, like any others, have lived a life where everything looking like hell is ordinary, and thus likewise think nothing of inflicting your own part of that hell on everyone else with one’s own hellish dress. It is telling that suggesting even the merest of elevations in one’s couture trigger knee-jerk responses of doubling down on pauperism.

JJ says:
Anonymous Fake says:

[*enemy black pilling deleted*]

jim says:

It is completely obvious that the Global American Empire is very afraid of Christian Nationalism, and very afraid of its own fighting men, very afraid of the US military grunt.

Is that fear well founded? You confidently tell us they have nothing to fear. Perhaps that is true. And, yet, they are afraid.

Anonymous Fake says:

The Christian nationalism meme is designed to [*deleted*]

jim says:

Our guys created that meme. We get to say what it is. You don’t.

Anonymous Fake says:

The only acceptable additions to “just Christian” are [things that can be and are substantially converged to demon worship*]

jim says:

If you are going to lecture us on what real Christianity really is, need to take the short affirmation:

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one

jim says:

It is remarkable how rare it is for people telling me what Christianity is to be able to say that. I think they fear they might catch on fire.

Anonymous Fake says:

Here’s the affirmation, because it’s worth repeating…

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

And there is no such thing as an “invisible church”. The Church is a body, too, and it has no need to be linked with a temporal secular institution (and a flawed one) in nationalism. Doing so is falling into a trap for all the reasons I keep saying.

Catholic and Orthodox are both accurate descriptions of the Church, in spite of schisms. Protestantism is essentially a cursed meme from the beginning.

And baptism is necessary for salvation.

jim says:

OK then, I will debate with you on what Christianity is.

Christianity was organized from the beginning by cities, and as the Roman Empire splintered, by nations.

When the Tsar subdued a Kingdom, he would not rule directly, but rather install a King better aligned with his interests. And he would not incorporate their State Church directly into the Russin Orthodox Church, but rather install a leader of their state Church.

Christian charity is intended primarily for near, rather than far. Universal charity is cold as ice, and Paul strongly discommends it. National Churches have been the rule until the Church of Rome claimed universality, a claim that led to rivers of blood, which rivers eventually washed over Rome itself, a claim that was continually resisted by deadly force, with nominally Roman Catholic Kings frequently at war with the Pope.

Before the war of Northern Aggression, each state had its own state Church.

The Catholic Church, not to be confused with the heretical Roman Catholic Church, is ruled by the consensus of the Bishops of national Churches. And national Churches have always been patriots of their nations. When the Tsar army installed a Russian Orthodox priest as head of the national Church of some Kingdom to render that nation less truculent, that priest was supposed to become a patriot of that Kingdom, or at least pretend to it, and he no longer styled himself Russian Orthodox but (name of nation) Orthodox.

Christian Nationalism is a long standing Christian norm, subverted by the Roman claim to universality, and now by the progressive McChristian claim to universality. We are commanded to love our neighbor, because the human heart is too small to love the whole world. If your Church is not Christian Nationalist, it does not love its neighbors.

From the time of Constantine until very recently, Christianity has always been a state religion, and the Roman Catholic Church’s claims of universality were resisted in that even supposedly Roman Catholic Kings wanted to appoint their own Bishops, which disagreements frequently turned lethal, resulting in rivers of blood, which rivers of blood eventually washed over Rome itsel, thus Churches have always been national Churches, and thus always nationalist.

Anon says:

You said in another thread you want the father to be king in his house and high priest of his family, how you squire this with christianity system of churches and priests.
If the father can be priest, why churche and priest ?
your system seem to be derived from the “domestic religion” of the indo-european.

jim says:

That the father is the priest of his family is standard old type Christianity. Maybe it became standard when Christianity conquered pagans among whom it was already standard.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If father can be king, why kingdom and king?

jim says:

A man is king under his own roof, but to protect that little kingdom needs a larger kingdom.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Thus, we understand the Housefather and the Church of Housefathers as well.

Anonymous Fake says:

Corruption in the Vatican doesn’t mean Rome isn’t the rightful headquarters of the temporal powers of the Church. And corrupt popes or the lack of a pope don’t nullify the legitimacy of the idea of the pope.

The Church has a right to some temporal power of its own. It isn’t supposed to take excessive temporal power, as in theocracy, but enough to fulfill its spiritual mission.

Charity is optimally in line with local leverage and subsidiarity yes but there must always be some element in one’s charitable outlook towards all of humanity. Nationalism, forcing one’s allegiance to a nation rather than seeing a nation as a means to an end, is where the wheels come off.

Nations, just like government forms, can be put away when they are no longer good. Ukraine deserves to be buried. Ruthenia or something more traditional can replace the idea of Ukraine.

Church councils as well as the pope speaking under a declaration of infallibility are authoritative on spiritual issues. Nations are not the final authority so the “-ism” of nationalism is the problem here.

jim says:

> Corruption in the Vatican doesn’t mean Rome isn’t the rightful headquarters of the temporal powers of the Church.

What nullifies the idea of the Pope is that leadership of the Church was from the beginning collegial, the consensus of the leading Bishops. Paul was never Bishop of Rome, he gave himself the higher title of Apostle to the Gentiles, and appointed Bishops in each gentile city. After Peter was killed or went underground, James the Just led the Church among Jewish converts in Israel, and Paul and James were the important Bishops, governing collegially with each other and with other Bishops. And Paul negated the proposal to have only one set of rites and practices. Unimportant practices should be appropriate to each peoples’ nature, history, and culture, prefiguring and permitting the current practice of Orthodoxy where different nationalities get different national orthodox Churches.

What nullifies the idea of the Pope was that singular leadership of the Pope was even heard of until the eleventh century, never in practice widely accepted at any time ever, with the Holy Roman Emperors appointing their own Bishops, and powerful vassals of Kings and emperors appointing their own Bishops, and when, from the eleventh century to the sack of Rome, the Pope claimed broad temporal powers and singular leadership authority over the Church, seeking Kingdoms, rather than farms, the Bishop of Rome frequently found himself at war with the Holy Roman Emperor, which eventually led to the sack of Rome.

What the Roman Catholic Church tells us was the normal and universal consensus has never been the Christian consensus, and rivers of blood ensued from endless failed attempts to make it the consensus, which rivers eventually washed over Rome itself.

> Charity is optimally in line with local leverage and subsidiarity yes but there must always be some element in one’s charitable outlook towards all of humanity.

The command is “Peace on Earth to all men of Goodwill”. Which implies you are allowed to go old testament on men not of goodwill. As Christian nations with great regularity have always done.

Not going to war with men of goodwill is a considerably lesser constraint than that which applies to neighbours, hence nationalism. If you are required to love your neighbours, you are required to love your nation. And not love all nations equally, because those far are not neighbours, and those unneighbourly are not neighbours.

The Cominator says:

The church is not supposed to have independent temporal power and certainly not power that crosses borders, “my kingdom is not of this world”.

ten says:

Do you not hear your own weasel words, sanctimonious fag? “have a right”, “some”, “enough”. Why and how much?
There is no information or reason in your posts, just impotent proclamations.

FrankNorman says:

“Protestantism is essentially a cursed meme from the beginning.”

Speaking for myself, that sentence tells me all I really need to know about whether to regard AF as a friend or an enemy.

Anyone who openly calls my faith a “cursed meme” is no more on my side than is an SJW or a Communist revolutionary.

jim says:

When asked for my religion, I call myself the last Anglican.

Unfortunately the Anglican hierarchy was taken over by post Christians, who interpreted Jesus as Jesus the Jewish Community organizer, around 1820-1832, and not very long thereafter, by people who believed themselves atheists, but were, or became, demon worshippers.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Yup. If these fuckwads weren’t shitting their pants with fear, then what exactly would they be doing here then? What do they attempt to accomplish by, for example, using Pooch’s identity to shill leftoid memes?

Kunning Druegger says:

I get my news from JB and Stormer, so I just didn’t realize how much the Biden Speech had affected our fellows in the Soft Right. It has really stirred up trouble, lads. The younger and hotter of our fellows is itching for a fight, which makes sense. There was a pre-covid meme along the lines of “We’d rather not, but if it’s a boog ye want then it’s a boog ye’ll have, for it’s better to settle it now in Virginia than sabers crossed o’er the land” or some shit [it was in reference to the gun rally in Richmond VA IIRC]. The young’uns are double insulated from any kind of sufferings, too young for the start of GWoT and not old enough to have kids, I suspect. Whatever the case, they’re hopping mad.

But the older ones are… well, Boomers they remain, but I think they are actually starting to play a bit o’ the chess with quad Ds, as it were, and they, or some of them, realize that this is incitement, pure and plain. The Bidenistas want the Right to make a move, so they can corral their sheepdogs, point and point out “See?! See, we told you they hate the Beatles and the Constitution and Our Way o’ Life!! Have at them, for the homeland! Find the Halfling!”

Jim, I get that we aren’t starting a new religion. I get that you aren’t the prophet (tendies upon his name). But I think you should consider writing a post for widespread propagation that tells everyone in the Right “Hold, lads! Hold!! Don’t fire until you see the whites are on our side!” I really am starting to believe They are close to toppling. They are running out of rope, and the noose is firmly around their neck, and they need someone to come along and cut it before it pulls tight. And they believe it is the sheepdogs. They believe they can spin this with Them on the side of Order and The Others as the enemies of Order.

We want them to keep chucking kitchen sinks at the problem. If they find something that works, they’ll slip out of panic mode and start thinking longer term. When they are stuck at full throttle, only able to respond to crises as they appear, they seem to consistently choose the worst option. As awful as it is to live through, this is exactly what we want to happen.

We need to buy time for Caesar to wake up and take power.

Neurotoxin says:

So this is a theme that I also see over at FQ. Severian and his commentariat seem to think (with a few dissenters) that Biden’s speech reveals some sort of desperation on the part of the left. I just don’t see it. The purpose of the speech seems very straightforward, “We’re going to arrest Trump soon; let’s lay the groundwork first.”

On the trying to provoke us thing: Nah, they can whip up a false flag any time they want. If they get really desperate they’ll just kill a couple of gay black guys and leave a MAGA hat near their bodies as “evidence” that it was Trump supporters.

As to whether they’re feeling desperate or cocky or whatever, I’m not getting any readings on that. It’s impossible to get anything from a senile old retard who isn’t even speaking for himself, but is serving as someone else’s puppet and mouthpiece.

If I were a leftist right now I wouldn’t be feeling desperate. I’d be feeling like I had things pretty well in hand. My play would be to avoid riling things up.

Red says:

So this is a theme that I also see over at FQ. Severian and his commentariat seem to think (with a few dissenters) that Biden’s speech reveals some sort of desperation on the part of the left. I just don’t see it. The purpose of the speech seems very straightforward, “We’re going to arrest Trump soon; let’s lay the groundwork first.”

I see it as a declaration of war on Trump and the people who voted for him. They’re morally justifying the genocide they intend to commit. That’s the sort of comments I see all over reddit. The shill line is that It’s unfortunate, but MAGA people have to go.

On the trying to provoke us thing: Nah, they can whip up a false flag any time they want. If they get really desperate they’ll just kill a couple of gay black guys and leave a MAGA hat near their bodies as “evidence” that it was Trump supporters.

They do want Trump supporters to attack them. Thier false flags are not great and they’d love the real thing. I’m not sure if that speech was intended to trigger that or not. They do seem to be working on a large scale false flag attack probably with lots of casualties. PF exists just for that purpose and the feds spent well over a year setting them up for something like that.

I don’t see any desperation from the left. I think they see more apple carts to knock over. The fact that they get to murder the people who oppose them and steal their stuff makes it all the more appealing to them.

The only real question in my mind is do they do it after the rigged midterms or before the rigged midterms. They’re generally running with abortion as the reason the Democrats are beating the polls by 10-15%. They may just stick with that.

Kunning Druegger says:

The desperation isn’t obvious until their “cunning” plan falls apart. Compare the GAE in March with the GAE in August in terms of the response to Russia. Compare the Biden Regime in August 2021 to the Biden Regime in August 2022.

A helpful analog here is the military operations of the GAE in the Global War on Terror. Look at how it was portrayed in 2002, 2012, and 2022. For the majority of time in that double decade stretch, the sounds and images portrayed an overwhelming military power putting paid to a fractured and incompetent enemy whose only recourse was to hide in caves and unfairly blow up civilians in the face of fully covered Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance assets from the ground to space, smooth operators with high kill counts, smart bombs, and a million men to utilize. All for naught. Nothing in current year can honestly portray that GWoT was a success. The participating militaries are weakened, their supporting populations revile them, their managing governments have decreased positions on the whole range of issues and regions.

The Cathedral will always portray itself as dominant, powerful, and competent. They have no capacity for humility. As they get weaker, they strive to seem stronger. When the head bureaucrat is giving Hitlerian speeches with menacing red lights, calling the opposition evil and in need of extirpation, the counsel is desperation, not confidence.

This doesn’t mean they are going to collapse tomorrow. But when did Obama ever do any of the stuff Biden is forced to do regularly? They height of Cathedral control was 2012-2014; that’s when they attempted their biggest power grabs and most far reaching plots and operations. Now, Biden Regime has to make every single policy initiative some Tolkien-esque conquest of world-saving proportions.

Maybe I am off on this one. I am open to hear how I am. In the words of Baron FistRazor: “The opposite of Love is not Hate, it is Indifference.”

The Cominator says:

The height of Cathedral control was probably WWII it just got crazier stupider and gayer since then.

The Cathedral was founded by Wilson and Colonel House and other than not liking blacks they were just as crazy stupid and gay as the modern Cathedral. FDR’s version worked a lot better… the 60s was a farther left faction seizing the institutional machinery.

Adam says:

I really do hate the Beatles.

Totally off-topic, I never considered Prince to be all that alpha. Turns out he has a son, and the list of model-tier celebrity girlfriends he dated stretches a mile long. Even more surprising is the things those women say about him. He definitely knew what he was doing.

Red says:

I really do hate the Beatles.

Boy bands are so gay.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Intentionally so even. The Beatles, like a lot of ‘pop art’ from that period, was literally a CIA instigation. Kids like John Lennon were conditioned from birth to be mouldable plants, dispensed to various social engineering projects.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

David Hogg and Greta Thunsperg are some latterday examples of this (“they aren’t sending their best”).

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

It’s great that this has become (relatively) common knowledge.

Cloudswrest says:

I think the character Ruby Rhod in The Fifth Element is a parody of Prince.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I really am starting to believe They are close to toppling. They are running out of rope, and the noose is firmly around their neck, and they need someone to come along and cut it before it pulls tight. And they believe it is the sheepdogs. They believe they can spin this with Them on the side of Order and The Others as the enemies of Order.

“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
— Some Asian guy, IDK.

Red says:

We want them to keep chucking kitchen sinks at the problem. If they find something that works, they’ll slip out of panic mode and start thinking longer term. When they are stuck at full throttle, only able to respond to crises as they appear, they seem to consistently choose the worst option. As awful as it is to live through, this is exactly what we want to happen.

Meme warfare is the most effective thing we can do. The less legitimacy they have when they start the purges the stronger the resistance will be. The downside with that is they’ll focus on that resistance instead of murdering each other. I’d much rather watch them mass murder their fellow leftists while waiting for Cesar rather than have a shooting war with no elite leadership. But we really have no control of how that plays out. Once they start disarming people the die will be cast.

alf says:

Give to satan what belongs to satan. They will talk about how righteous it is to kill us, but when push comes to shove, they will kill the path of least resistance, ie each other. They are trying to stop themselves from killing each other: ‘look at those evil white Christians! We must not be divided!’

But they are divided, irreconcilibly. All we need to do is hold the line, and soon they cannot help but tear into each other. And then, slowly, our opportunity will come.

They will also tear into easy targets on the right. This may likely include Trump. I wish it weren’t so.

Neurotoxin says:

Red: “Meme warfare is the most effective thing we can do.”

I see the argument for this, but as I said to JJ below, I fear how seductive it is. I wonder if it’s appealing to my brain, or to some vice like cowardice or laziness. So I fear this argument. I fear that, for the wrong reasons, I will accept it too readily.

jim says:

Civil wars have to be won before they are fought.

I have been randomly dropping red pills and Christian white pills on random normies, not as street evangelism, but to see how they react.

Demon worship memes such as Covid and Gaia are dead in the water.

Faith in the Republic lingers on, despite the heavy body blows of Biden announcing he needs to crush the opposition to save democracy, and the 2020 election.

Christianity only seems dead. Its resurrection is quietly under way.

Comes the hour, comes the man, but the hour is getting alarmingly late. If Caesar is our guy, Pinochet, Sulla, or Monk, he will probably announce, and quite likely believe, he is saving the Republic, but for this to sell, we need people to be pretty relaxed about the likelihood that he is going to be fairly elastic about what “Republic” means.

Memetic struggle still matters. Our enemies know this – look at all the shilling.

Winning a civil war requires a leader. A leader requires a memetic basis for his leadership. Christian Nationalism, somewhat to my astonishment, seems to live and to have broad appeal.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I regularly disparage the regime as fake and gay, and not defend it. I have one friend thatndoes, but he is also old, so he cannot imagine a world without democracy because the Founding Father’s were the greatest and wisest men in all of existence and democracy is the best system ever and America is in great shape and cannot ever lose, flag, or fail. All the people my age are just sort of resigned to it. If something else comes along and looks good, they will jump on it.

JJ says:

Low-effort meme warfare, such as the boomercon and the griller do, is indeed seductive. It appeals to people who are useless and cowardly because it lets them pretend they are not.

Your goal in meme warfare is two-fold: to harvest salt from the enemy, and to generate keks in your allies. You will know you are doing it right when the enemy is screeching at you to stop laughing, beating on you with his fists while you are exalted in mirth.

If I had to pick the perfect example it would be Tyler Durden’s fight with Lou in Fight Club. Lou beats the crap out of Durden but Durden still wins because he has a higher tolerance than Lou for ultra-violence, which is of course the supreme authority in this situation.

Rule one of street fighting: Always be crazier than the other guy.

You need to calibrate this. Antifa will have a much higher capacity for violence than Lou, being motivated by perceived holiness rather than by money, and having more backing from the state. Thus, you need be smart. Maintain your resolve to out-violence the enemy, but with a little more thrust-and-parry.

Less commitment, more ambiguity. Fluid.

While a little bit of a scrap can be fun and even funny, having your brains dashed out by a brick is not. Everyone remembers Rittenhouse. No one remembers the poor soul who got brained.

Obviously this path is not for everyone. If you are worried about violence, or death, you may wish to choose another route. It is written (Dt 20:8):

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren’s heart faint as well as his heart.

Or, as Tyler Durden says, you decide your own level of involvement.

Neurotoxin says:

“Less commitment, more ambiguity.”


Can you elaborate on this?

JJ says:

The enemy should never know how serious you are. He should never know if you are going to defend a (physical or memetic) position to the death or abandon it in the next second.

It is like poker. You rarely want to call. You want to always be either folding or raising. And you need to be aware of your emotions, your tells, and use prayer and meditation and other techniques to diffuse them.

Everything you do, you do in a lighthearted manner. The enemy is at war, therefore we are at war, and we know all of these things, but does the enemy know we know? The cheekiness that we portray is a shield against him knowing this, and it has the added benefit of making sure we never take ourselves too seriously. One must always be humble before God.

I recommend prayer as your foundation. Use an arrow prayer. God is unknowable and we cannot reach him logically, but we can reach him through love and humility, like an arrow that pierces the cloud that exists between us and God. Humble your heart, want to be close to Him, and use a single word prayer such as “God” or “Love” or the Jesus prayer.

Pray without ceasing. The prayer will spring to your mind when you need it the most.

Neurotoxin says:

JJ, thanks for your reply.

not a reactionary says:

Alright, so I’d like some dating advice guys. I haven’t had sex in a while and would like to date some decent looking chicks. I don’t make much money and I don’t have any close friends (I used to be in a band and hung out with a bunch of degenerates, plenty of sluts to go round but I got tired of smoking weed and partying with boring dumbasses). I’m on good terms with the guys I work with. I’m tall and in great shape, people think I’m a few years younger than I actually am. I don’t have any trouble getting 4s and 5s to talk to me; in fact I recently had some girl tell me she had been dreaming about me (a 4), and I wasn’t trying to impress her at all.

However, I don’t want to waste my time with 4s and 5s. I think shooting for 6s and 7s is reasonable, what should I be doing? My understanding of the red pill on women is that they need to dominated and told what to do, and are irresistibly drawn to charming dickbags (preferably with a capacity for violence). Certain kinds of drug dealers, gang bangers, and the like do well with women. I’ve known a couple who’ve had naked chicks roaming around their place regularly. I know that with women it’s better to be too mean than too nice.

I’ve heard many different kinds of advice, “treat women all the same regardless of how hot they are”, “aloofness”, “lift weights” (I lift regularly). What advice would you give?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Generally speaking, hookups are a numbers game. Proposition enough women, and eventually you get hits. On that note, being openly forwards with your sexual intentions is not a minus, but a plus for women. Lust always comes before love in the female of the species, and they love men with volcanic barely moderated libidos (if you don’t have a volcanic barely moderated libido, then you need to at least give the impression of it).

If you are interested in anything more than one night stands, things can get a bit more complicated, but if getting your dick wet is all you’re looking for, that suffices.

Adam says:

Think with your dick.

Social events that have a regular attendance (church, school etc.) are what I would look if your thinking more long term. The hot single girls are usually fairly aggressive in looking for guys. If you look the part and can pass shit tests, should be pretty straight forward and natural.

alf says:

If you understand the basics, and it seems you do, I think it really boils down to two things, the most important of which is access point.

Eg, where do you meet chicks? Context for women is everything. Shame you ‘re no longer in a band. The higher status you are in your access point, the easier it is to pick up chicks. Many men with zero pick up knowledge will pick up a girl just because they’ve been drinking and hanging out at a friend’s shed for years.

The worse your access point, the more you’ll need to play up the second point: number’s game. You can pick up chicks in a club, you’ll need to wade througj a sea of whores is all. Lots of you rejecting girls and girls rejecting you. All part of the game.

jim says:

Chicks will travel a really long distance looking for alpha, and affluent chicks will look for alpha in rather expensive places.

bachelor says:

If you have any more specific advice regarding location at all levels (country, state, city, type of venue), it would be appreciated. Access to girls is very important for me when deciding where to deploy my time and money and I can’t afford to do reconnaissance in dozens of cities. Specifically looking for 18-20 year olds of high IQ, light pigmentation, demure personality, and northwest European descent. It seems that being near a good university is important, but it is hard to identify that based purely on number crunching because there are intangibles such as climate and natural geographic beauty.

The Cominator says:

Specifically looking for 18-20 year olds of high IQ, light pigmentation, demure personality, and northwest European descent.

The Cominator says:

My computer seemed to autoreply

1. There are almost no high IQ white women. White women are midwits all IQ wise at best.

2. The very rare exceptions tend to be cluster B or extreme manic depressives and they aren’t demure anywhere (not that I’m personally all that wild about demure since demure girls never have liked me much).

3. Northwest Euro means light pigmentation but why be so picky to exclude Slavic girls.

Kunning Druegger says:

This feels like a slide thread…

Neurotoxin says:

Here’s what I think is the most powerful argument for defying any lockdown order upon Trump’s arrest and vigorously expressing our anger:

The arrest of Trump will be the last thing that the right has to a public Schelling event.

jim says:

May be the last chance for us to have a Caesar from the right. The scenario would be Trump arrested, wave of repression, Caesar announces he is going to save the Republic, since the repression is obviously undemocratic. If no Caesar, have to wait for the Republican meme to finish dying.

Red says:

I have some hope for DeSantis in that scenario.

Karl says:

Caesar crossed the Rubikon in a “do or die” situation.

When they arrest Trump, a lot of people should realize that they will also be arrested, maybe not next, but within a few years at most. That means that a lot of people should have motivation to become Caesar simply to save their own lives.

But emigration seems much easier and much safer to ensure survival. Most potential Caesars are rich enough to simply leave the West and live a quiet life outside of the empire. That narrows the pool of candidates.

A possible Caesar is then only someone who either missed his chances to emigrate while he still could or someone who is not motivated primarily by survival.

Normality bias might help us getting a Caesar. Someone with power who does not understand how dire the situation is when Trump is arrested and therefore misses his opportunity to emigrate while he still can. Not ideal. Would be better to have someone who understands the situation right now and is willing to risk his life by not emigrating.

Another possibility might be someone from the military. A man can become a general or colonel without being rich and some military men might be unable to emigrate legally. (Not sure whether the last is true in the USA, but in Germany persons with security clearance cannot freely travel).

Cloudswrest says:

Artemis 1 launch scrubbed for second time due to “hydrogen leak”. The leak appears to be somewhere in the filling infrastructure, not in the rocket itself.

Cloudswrest says:

They probably didn’t have the gas cap on tight so it failed OBDII EVAP test. LOL

jim says:

Liquid hydrogen is tricky stuff. I doubt Nasa has the tech capability to handle it any more.

Liquid hydrogen gives better performance (if the rocket is big enough that air resistance does not matter too much) It is more expensive than liquid methane, but the inherent extra costs are not that high, and if you are after substantial delta V (moon or mars) the better performance means substantially less fuel, which reduces the fuel cost to substantially cheaper than methane. The big extra cost is that infrastructure for handling large amounts of liquid hydrogen is inherently more expensive, takes longer to build, and all that. I suspect the reason Musk went with liquid methane rather than liquid hydrogen is the same has the reason he went with stainless steel rather than carbon/carbon, or exotic high temperature alloys like those used in jet turbines.
He is in a hurry.

Also if you are going to mars, have to keep it liquid over a long journey, and equipment to keep it liquid is bigger, heavier, more expensive, and would take considerably longer to develop than the equipment to keep methane liquid.

Karl says:

Space is cold. Keeping hydrogen liquid in the cold doesn’t sound that difficult.

Cloudswrest says:

You would need a big (tennis court sized) sun shield like they have with the Webb telescope.

jim says:

The sun in space radiates a lot of heat. People in space radiate a lot of heat.

The Webb space telescope is a long, long way from people and has a very elaborate sun shade, but the ambient temperature of its parts that are not actively refrigerated are 42K, which is about double the boiling point of hydrogen at atmospheric pressure.

So, to keep hydrogen cool by the cold of space, would need a high pressure tank with a big sunshield, with the people and stuff on the sunny side of the sunshield. Doable, Maybe you send out a hydrogen tanker rocket which unfolds a big origami style sunshield, an oxygen tanker rocket with a less elaborate sunshield, and a people rocket.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Space is a vacuum, which is insulation. No convenient working fluid all around you to carry heat away with, only radiation.

Tech Priest says:

Some comments on hydrogen:

1. While hydrogen is lighter for the same oomph, the tanks are heavier. This is not such a big deal if your stages are not trying to individually get large delta V. (refueling counts as separate stages for this purpose, but the relevant number is the delta-V your stage could reach not what it actually reaches in any particular case). It is a big deal if you need super high delta-V on a single stage, such as an SSTO. I haven’t done the math on how big a deal this is for Starship’s ~7km/s delta V. But since Musk is also trying to minimize cost to build, he probably doesn’t want to have a very large fuel tank which would be hard to make both light and cheap.

2. Typically hydrogen is run highly fuel rich. If fuel cost is relevant instead of performance being the only concern you could run it closer to stoichiometric.

3. Currently, hydrogen is typically produced from methane. If you instead produce methane from hydrogen as Musk proposes to do on Mars, that will obviously affect the relative costs.

jim says:

You run hydrogen rockets fuel rich because it does not cost that much in fuel weight to run them fuel rich, and it keeps the engine temperature down. With a more elaborately designed engine, you could have it fuel rich near the engine walls, and nearer stochiometric in the main part of the burn.

Musk’s engines run considerably hotter than the engines NASA used to build.

There are major advantages to a hydrogen rocket done right – as there are major advantages to a rocket made of carbon-carbon rather than stainless steel – but to improve the art of rocketry, Musk needs a factory that can continuously iterate rocket design with short turnaround time.

It takes him long enough to build the ground facilities as it is, and it is looking like NASA cannot build the ground facilities at all.

Tech Priest says:

While running fuel rich does keep temperature down, it’s my impression that with regenerative cooling of the combustion chamber and nozzle, temperature in the main combustion chamber isn’t particularly a limiting factor.

Where temperature does matter is in the preburner(s) because there is at least one component (the turbine) which is basically impossible to regeneratively cool. But you can run the preburner(s) away from stoichiometric even if the main combustion is stoichiometric.

Red says:

I was watching the first attempt hoping that NASA would say fuck it and launch hoping that it would all work out like it did with the James Web. The fireball would have been amazing.

I forgot about the second attempt since I assumed they’ll just keep on scrubbing it. The older tech on the rocket seems to be working but everything new connected to it is not.

Leon says:

Jackson, Mississippi just lost clean drinking water. America continues to become a third world country.

jim says:

It did not lose clean drinking water. It has not had water that is safe to drink without first boiling it for a long time. What it just recently lost was water pressure. You turn on the tap, and nothing comes out.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If I write up a decent sized post or series of posts on firearms buying and training, how many of you would be interested in reading it? Jim, would you promote to a post if decent, rather it stay in the comments, or not interested? How many of you are familiar with firearms, and to what extent? Do I need to go over the basics in detail, or do I start from an assumption that you all have basic competencies down and cover the intermediate levels?

jim says:

Well, what is your level of expertise, your credentials?

If you have shot off a whole lot of ammo from a whole lot of guns, and can very quickly bring the gun on target and hit the target, that is a pretty good credential.

In which case I would love to have that content as a blog post.

C4ssidy says:

When i shot guns, it seemed to be very muscle memory based, the procedures and the maintenance and so on, like a crafting skill . Movements of the hands. My memories are now faded, but being muscle memory would expect to pick things up again fast. I think that all such crafting skills need high resolution well-lit video on a clear white background with all the usual E-celeb crap cut out. It would be a lot of work

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not think you can learn shooting by video. You have to do. You can add on to existing skill by watching someone work and copying what they do, but you have to have a basis to start from.

Kunning Druegger says:

Agree, and I will add that I personally need immense amounts of repetition. Just going through it over and over with snap caps mixed into your mags for simulated malfunctions. They are too pricey for me, but getting a blue gun* is honestly a great way to safely practice drawing and re-holstering. I have heard some folks go as far as getting an airsoft with gas blowback as well, but I think Paul Harrell had better advice: find a fully operable .22 version of your gun to practice with. Lot’s of roads to proficiency, and not one of them goes through celebrity GunTuber Land.


jim says:

> find a fully operable .22 version of your gun to practice with.

As I keep repeating, empirical observation of shootouts indicates that the man with .22 had the most satisfactory outcomes. I conjecture that is because that is what people practice with.

But you do not want to practice with airsoft. You should practice with the gun with minimal noise and recoil and minimal cost of shooting that can nonetheless still kill people.

Buy a gun for practicing shooting with. Don’t buy a gun and put in the gun rack to look cool and be ready for emergencies. Because if you do that, when emergency comes, you will not be ready.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A gun you do not shoot is a gun that should be sold to buy a gun you will actually use. Only once you can afford multiple guns and practice with them can you afford to keep a safe queen or a range gun.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, that’s an ok standard I guess, but it makes me “well credentialed” lol. I’ve taught basic firearms familiarization courses and been in a bunch more advanced classes. Still, outside of very basic stuff, I would not consider myself as someone who can give advanced guidance. I’ve shot a lot of guns, and I am very comfortable acquiring and hitting targets, but less comfortable fixing broke pews or any kind of complex distance shooting (I’m slowly working my way into that).

Wulfgar, I’d say start with the basics and scale up. That gives Jim the opportunity to suss out if he’s on board with the idea, it gives us a chance to review your style/voice and editorialize, and creates a corpus for the Eternal Lurker to work with.

jim says:

We don’t need advanced guidance. Advanced guidance is Ivan the Troll.

We need basics.

Kunning Druegger says:

Good basics always leads to advanced technique. Laying down a good foundation will always lead the better students to ask the pertinent questions. I have been in classes that were just a couple boomer POGs regaling the class with story after story, then making the written test open book and the range qualifier almost impossible to flunk. Bad bad bad. The basics classes I took that were valuable were with instructors who knew what seemed like everything there was to know, but that only came out as we progressed through the course and questions were asked that naturally extended into deeper concepts. I think shooting might be similar to coding in that you can read all you want, and talk about it all you want, but the doing of it is 90%. best training I ever did was 2 days in the classroom and 5 days on the range, with one whole class devoted to range etiquette, RSO/Instructor commands, and blue gun practice.

Kunning Drueger says:

Shoot (lol), I forgot to add that, in addition to Wulfgar, both Starman and St. John have demonstrated ballistic theory proficiency, so they will be useful in critiquing Wulfgar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That is basically my only credential. Lots of training and the skill to put bullets where I want them. I qualified expert every time in the Marine Corps, with scores in the 240-245 range. You can look that up and see what you think of it, but it is the only objective measure I can point to.

jim says:

That is the best credential

Pax Imperialis says:

What do you think of the 2016 changes?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was out by 2016, and I have no interest in what the Marine Corps did after I left. it was already shifting in a bad direction when I was in. I cannot imagine they were improving quality or making the standards higher.

Adam says:

Any info or advice on reloading ammo, reload kits, tools etc. would be great.

Kunning Druegger says:

What little I know of that endaevor, it appears to be heavy in specific tools that require a workshop, intimate familiarity with said tools, and a stream of inputs like brass, powder, and lead. Your best bet is to find someone that does it and make friends and become a sponge. Lots of those guys are Tinker Types, and if you approach them right, they will literally not shut up about it, which is exactly what you want. Look for small gun stores, as in guys with a lot of guns and an FFL.

zero says:

Inputs really depend on cartridge and what you want to do with them, modern reloading is really just custom manufacturing, buy the inputs and make your own load, it can be extremely useful for hunting with unusual calibers or conditions as it lets you use more appropriate bullet designs that may not be commercially available. Primers are the limitation because fedgov fags are at war with America and it’s illegal to build new primer factories altho trump lessened that, it is the primary source of ammo shortage no one in the industry talks about because they are good serfs. Lead and brass are expensive but brass can be reused and pure lead can still be bought, if your going for volume it will be Expensive! For target or hunting it’s pretty affordable. The big equipment isn’t needed as it can be done with very simple tools one cartridge at a time. but in my opinion the easiest is black powder cartridges. Many were designed specifically to be reloaded with hand tools by soldiers so they are easy to work. You don’t have to load only black powder pressures if the brass and gun can take it. Lead alloy doesn’t work well at modern rifle velocities without gilding or jacket and I don’t know much about modern rifle cartridge reloading. With pure lead and some pure alloying metals very good standard velocity and slower bullets can be made that are devastating on game. Primers are in short supply right now but it is possible to make them safely at home with accessible ingredients. The only way I would ever recommend making them is one primer at a time with a compound mixed wet and absolutely safe in slurry form,you will need to know your chemistry well and choose compounds carefully or you will be in enormous danger. It will involve powdered glass which is nasty but not to bad, and if you ever set off an ounce of primer compound you can say good by to your face. There is some risk of metal poisoning so the lead has to be handled outside when molten and the heavy metals should not touch things inside your house, no putting the kit for it in the closet, same for mercury or lead primer compound making. A good hand washing and shower plus keeping the clothing for work separate is a must. I prefer the lead primers but they’re still poisonous. Corrosive primers are fine as long as you don’t mix mercury or anything else embrittling with brass you mean to reuse. Hot water and a very good cleaning within a few hours of firing with a brush used mid flush will protect barrels and the corrosive primers are much easier to make. If you want to shoot a little reloading isn’t that expensive and with a good bullet at the right velocity with the right lube it is definitely a way to take game. Just be extremely careful and knowledgeable when working with powder, primer and metal as it can be very hazardous if you don’t know what your doing. Muzzleloading is an easy way to get started and it isn’t old fashioned, a good rifle with ball will knock deer over very well. It’s also a way to learn about cartridge loading because you are making a cartridge, patch, lube, alloy, powder compound and grain, charge. It’s a lot of fun. Most people don’t know how to shoot muzzleloader so it gets an awful rep for accuracy but a rifle can be 200-400 yards accurate and I know a couple guys who have smoothbores they shoot to 80-100 yards and take deer with. I love lead lol

Leon says:

The fake pope just dissolved the leadership of the Knights of Malta to make it more “democratic.” No longer is noble blood a necessity.

Meat Guy says:

Pope isn’t fake. Doctrine of universal and peaceful acceptance ensure that he’s the real pope. But yeah, gay.

The Cominator says:

The papacy is fake and always has been, since the 1050s they’ve been the heretic bishops of Rome.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a DS post that contains an interview of Andrew Tate by Tucker Carlson. I will do a review of the interview and some observations after I finish watching, just wanted to link here if people would prefer to make their own minds up without some midwit holding forth on the subject and man:

alf says:

I get much grifter vibes. Like if Dan Bilzerian got really into the manosphere.

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t want to fight in front of the kids, but I disagree. Rather, if he’s grifting, he’s using GNON compliant memes to do it. So while I won’t be subscribing to take his Game courses, I am quite pleased to see the type and amount of positive response he’s getting. It further confirms Jim’s thesis: whoever offers real patriarchy will be given an army in return.

Red says:

Rather, if he’s grifting, he’s using GNON compliant memes to do it.

Like what? I watched about 2 minutes of the video and I got nothing but grifter vibes.

I can’t sit through a 30 minute slow ass video looking for something good. So what’s the good stuff?

Kunning Druegger says:

I am not finished going through that particular one, will do a review ASAP. For what it is worth, I have watched an inordinate amount of his short clips. They popped up in my feed awhile back, and some of his comments piqued my interest. So I watched a bunch, and I kept trying to figure out the angle. He apparently has some “school of Game” type deal to divert beta bucks from OnlyFans type dudes (which is probably the most valuable thing to come out of Game Lite), and I think that is the grift. But he is using Red Pill on Women 101 to sell it, and it works quite well, as it is the Truth beneath the silence that all men know and feel regarding the way society is oriented to indulge female whore nature and protect them from consequences.

Red says:

Just post the clips you’re talking about.

Kunning Druegger says:

I didn’t save them. YouTube Shorts is a weird algo. It offers up things, and if you watch the whole thing, it shunts more into your eye magnet. When I started watching them, I was in no way prepared to do a deep dive, I was just laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I am going to go through that video and find timestamps, and I will dig up some clips for y’all niggas, but I am really not looking forward to the process, and I bet a lot of it has been removed (this was a few weeks ago). I posted other comments about Tate, there’s some more info there, too.

alf says:

I don’t want to fight in front of the kids,

LET THEM WATCH *breaks plate*

In all seriousness, if he is grifting while selling the truth, why not. But the first clip I saw was him bragging about his harem of girlfriends. Sounded to me like the typical fantasy sale to young men.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I had a similar experience of him being algorithmically hurled in my face, and he does talk about some serious red pill stuff. Stuff like women are prettier when they are younger, that a man should be in charge, that women are too irresponsible to run their own lives and that men need to save them from themselves, and other stuff along those lines. He also talked about what a shitshow western governance has become and was talking about anarcho-tyranny. I got the sense that it was not so much that he knew the concept, but he was describing the effects.

He is a kickboxer, a pimp, a casino runner, and he seems connected to at least some Eastern European mobs. He is not a good man, but he is manly and he does accurately describe women and encourages men to be loyal to their friends. He passes the woman test with flying colors multiple times, so I am almost certain he is not an op. Unless a faction of the Cathedral decided that it is the 1930s all over again and they need some manly men for a war.

notglowing says:

I agree with everything you said. It wasn’t really the algorithm by the way, at least not entirely. He had his followers compete to make clips of him and spam all social media a few months ago.

So it would come from tons of accounts, and it was often boosted by other followers of his. For a while the most common comment under his videos was a sort of running joke, people would post “I see this guy more than my dad”. It was a good viral marketing campaign for his “Hustlers University”.

I do think he is a grifter. But a grifter and a shill are not the same thing. I think he is relatively red pilled on women at an intuitive level and a manly man. But he doesn’t articulate things the way we would here. He reels in young men with redpilled ideas and sells them questionable courses online.

Still his influence has been great, he introduced plenty of gen z boys to ideas adjacent to reactionary views on women.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He is basically indistinguishable from Heartiste. His only real differences from NRx are the conclusions he draws because he sees the current system as a given. He recognizes defect-defect but his approach is to defect faster and harder instead of pursuing cooperate-cooperate be siezing a woman as his own. However, he does attack the foundations of the progressive attitude on women and has a bad habit of noticing bad political behavior. Probably why they got together to ban him across the internet.

The Cominator says:

“He is basically indistinguishable from Heartiste. His only real differences from NRx are the conclusions he draws because he sees the current system as a given.”

The current system is a given until it isn’t.

jim says:

Grifters are not necessarily shills.

Though there is massive overlap, and grifters hire shills. But a shill shilling for a grifter is only a minor irritation, while a shill shill shilling for the state is a threat to your life and liberty.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

With his success and his profession, and given the areas where he frequents, him not having a harem would be more suspicious. His pitch is that you have to be the kind of man women want to fuck if you want to get laid, so the harem is saying, “Women want to fuck me, so I know what I am talking about.” You would not take advice on how to get laid from someone with no bitches, after all.

alf says:

Fair points. If he consistently speaks the red pill, not the purple pill, then that is impressive indeed.

Dr. Faust says:

I definitely agree with the idea but it’s not an absolute. I think of Freddie Roach who was a terrible boxer but one of its greatest coaches.

Tate is into guns and cars so we’d definitely have common ground. His thoughts on women are exact. He is quoted saying ‘women are property.’ Which is a succinct nrx expression. He hit a big audience as well and the cathedral hate and fear him so he did something right.

His classes are pure grift. He’s not making anyone rich but himself. He’s not aligned with the alt right and neither should he be. He’s also muslim which is probably what gives him the balls to speak bad thought.

alf says:

Is he really muslim? A superficial search tells me he is orthodox Christian, though heavily flirting with islam.

At any rate, have to give it to the guy — he knows whats up.

Dr. Faust says:

Maybe he isn’t but he uses halal and haram in interviews so I just assumed he was.

Kunning Druegger says:

I actually do that IRL. I didn’t realize I was being a cool guy, I just really enjoyed the Islam Is Right About Women era. Also, Halal and Haram are actually quite linguistically useful.

Pax Imperialis says:

Generational thing. Halal and haram is being used by the young adults and kids. Same with Deus Vult.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It does not matter one bit to me if he makes himself rich by chipping away at the foundations of the Cathedral. More power to him.

chris says:

So I found another version of Biden’s recent speech with the red lighting and podium.

Dr. Faust says:

Move and countermove. Prediction and analysis. I’m divided on these people. A part of me just wants to know WTF are they thinking. Curiosity. The other part just wants to know how to defeat them.

What I know is that this is a powerful image, a perfect meme, instantly relatable in tone and symbol. In many ways the speech is calming to me.

A few years ago two men broke into my apartment while I was there. With a great sense of terrible timing the two picked the lock of my front door while I was just finishing a shower. I was draped only in a towel when I heard the door open and my heart began pounding and I grew fearful. When I entered the main room and saw the two standing there I felt only a fire build in my chest and as vulnerable and outnumbered as I was I committed totally to a fight. Neither of the intruders seemed interested in fighting a half-naked guy and tumbled over each other to flee.

Neurotoxin says:


Dr. Faust says:

I’ve found this youtube channel to be informative. Please watch some videos and give your opinion if you have the time.

Kunning Druegger says:

On a cursory glane through, it seems very similar to these guys:

Honestly, there’s a significant but small amount of info that can be conveyed through YouTube video format regarding guns. Basics, talk through/walk through, and learning jargon and terminology so you are empowered to ask good questions in an actual class. They also highlight various products, brands, and people/entities worth looking into. And that’s it. Anything more is superfluous. And they all do the same videos, basically. The gun companies keep a list of the most eyeballs-attached channels, and they send their products to them for “testing,” which is just free marketing. Paul Harrell, Gun Jesus, and Garand Thumb are the only ones even slightly entertaining IMO.

Another thing to watch for is who they associate with. Anyone that has maintained ties with Black Rifle Coffee Company should be shunned and ignored, for instance. The videos with guns are really only useful in piquing interest and introducing topics. The next step is to find a based local gun shop, shooters club, or training shop. Obviously, I am an opinionated faggot, so take advice with salt.

I forgot to mention: Warrior Poet Society. Their products are over priced but purportedly high quality. Their free videos are no different than the rest of training GunTube. They have a “+” service ( that I found interesting but not noteworthy. I mention them because John Lovell is an explicit Christian who puts faith and ideology first in all he does, and for this he is mocked and shunned by the rest of GunTube. If/when Christian Nationalism becomes “a thing,” he and his organization will most likely be there. He is RPWQ and GNON compliant.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Anyone too close to the bro-vet community should be avoided, too. Dakota Meyer was attacking people for wearing military-style equipment to train, as if only a military contract gives you the right to defend yourself. Tim Kennedy is another loud voice that is soft on the individual right to arm themselves and defend their communities. Grand Thumb came out to defend the people training and told them to wear their kit when practicing, so he knows where his loyalties lie.

There are good and bad youtubers, but I would not worry too much about someone’s politics if they give good advice. Focus more on analysis of shooting and firearms more than anything else. The fun videos with lots of shooting and not much information are a waste of time. Watch reviews for any weapon you want to buy before you drop hundreds of dollars on a lemon or when you could have gotten a similar gun for much cheaper.

jim says:

They were unarmed, and intended a cold burglary. When the plan went astray, they withdrew swiftly. Against a hot burglar, you would have had a bigger problem.

Neurotoxin says:

Dark Brandon:

“Every single MAGA, including your friend Obi-Wan Trump-obi, is now an enemy of the Republic.”

Contaminated NEET says:

Brandon Lives!
Peace through Pronouns!

Is it bad that I can feel the pull of the propaganda, or is it good that a low-budget 90s cutscene is more inspiring than Biden’s actual call to arms speech?

Dr. Faust says:

“MSNBC Declares All Republicans “Evil” And A “Threat To Democracy”; Pundit Says “We Are At War”

This isn’t persuading any independent voters to their cause. Anyone still undecided is stuck in a normalcy bias, most likely some aging boomer or Xer. They’re not believing the idea that republicans are any more evil than they’ve ever been. They’ll believe a lot of nonsense that gets said by the media but not if it ventures too far from the norms they adjusted to in the 70s. In that regard it’s not helping democrats in the midterm, likely the opposite. Elections are moot, will be rigged if important. Yet the midterm election presents a problem of scale that I don’t think they can overcome. So the rant is counterproductive for campaigning.

After 2020 election I began to lean more into Moldbugs theory of the slow drift hellscape but each new act of the left is more audacious than the last. And I think it’s by intention or escalation of their nature we could be nearing the event horizon of the leftist spiral. The dam bursts a crack at a time and then all at once. Let’s hope things get really interesting.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the MacIntyre livestream that discusses the Dark Brandon Speech in depth. I think they hit a lot of interesting points, even if the proffered analysis is still mired in normalcy bias on some levels. Red, and anyone else flabbergasted at the state and disposition of the Sheepdog Class, I draw your attention to the stream participant American Ostrakon. AO has a history of valuable insight, life experience as a soldier and a contractor (purportedly), and seems to be fairly familiar with martial things. Listen to his befuddlement at what is going on. He cannot properly internalize what’s right in front of him, and is stuck in a loop, asking the same question over and over again. This is a window into the Sheepdog mindset. AO has MacIntyre to guide him, explain things to him, and gently correct his delusions and misperceptions, while the vast majority of cops, soldiers, and agents do not. One thing that is paramount in the armed services, as in jobs where you are armed, is that you cannot allow indecision to get into your OODA loop. It is better to make the wrong decision quickly than the right decision too late. While this is logical and reasonable, it is an exploit in the sheepdog brain; if you align the circumstances properly, you can get Mr. -dog to gloss over details, ignore evidence, or disregard obvious deer and just act like it’s a horse, all so the OODA loop is protected.

Frank says:

[*post restored, despite looking very like a fedpost. Maybe shills have been given a longer leash, so that they can pass the shill test, or maybe Frank is the real thing.*]

“@Wulfgar I think the order to disarm the public will go out before the death squads. Failure to disarm the public will result in a lot of dead enforces no matter how large of an army of IRS thugs they hire.”

Who is going to “disarm the public”? The cops who hid under their beds when Antifa and BLM destroyed city after city? The faggots in the FBI, who sent 20 fat clowns in body armor to arrest senior citizens like Roger Stone and Peter Navarro?

You guys spend half your time making fun of Shaniqua and the other half of your time making Shaniqua sound invincible. Very strange.

jim says:

I will allow your comment through if you pass the shill test.

Say something that cannot be said from an FBI office with your supervisor checking contents.

Frank says:

[*Total fail at passing shill test*].

jim says:

That almost word for word my parody of a shill trying to sound like one of us while avoiding any forbidden thoughts, and refusing to notice our forbidden thoughts.

Tell us what problems do black people, gays, and trannies cause?

What has Soros been doing?

Pax Imperialis says:

Off-topic, but detranstion videos are horrifying and increasing in numbers. Considering what has been happening to extremely young children, we will be seeing these types of videos pop up for decades to come.

Kunning Druegger says:

As detransition [sic] becomes a thing, you see, and will continue to see, the polite conservatives reach out to, feel bad for, and pray for/with these specimens that have “seen the light.” This is compassion fucking with their heads.

Once you go a certain distance down some paths, you don’t get to walk back. You can divert yourself, crash through the morass and hope you find a different path (this is what God did for me, btw; he lead me to a new path, one where none of my past mistakes magically disappeared, but whereupon I get the opportunity to live differently), you can sit down and weep and wait to die, or you can double down and speed along the path to perdition even faster.

For the foolish/disgusting/blasphemous “people” that have physically carved away their humanity, or chemically altered their souls permanently, there is no earthly way to become whole again. It is not going to happen. it doesn’t matter if they were children, too young to understand. It doesn’t matter if they were women, to simple and selfish to realize the stakes. In this life, some things are unforgiveable, by yourself or others or Nature, and if we say Nature and are correct, we must also mean Nature’s God. God will do what he can and will do, and nothing in heaven or on earth, in this life or the next, is above God, so attempting to set constraints on God from our position, even if we can deduce that constraints may exist, is an evil fool’s errand.

You can see what I mean in the video linked, or in that blog Jim had a few months back about that damnfool “girl.” These creatures are little more than status/popularity antennas, with the gain set way to high, so they are dangerously sensitive to whatever signal they fall in the way of. That crying freak, no matter how emotional the context is, no matter how serious the situation, is still positioning itself in the social hierarchy.

“Listen up, y’all: a *detrans woman* is about to speak, so check your intact genital and unfragmented mind privilege, because I am just as needy, bossy, motivated to talk while incapable of listening, and I crave attention and praise for my latest antics.”

That is all I get from these types. Yes, there’s good data for figuring out where to mail the execution summons in a coup-complete world, but what do these ruined people really have to offer anyone? As someone who did irrevocable damage to themselves, avoid people like that. Some, like myself *I hope and pray* have found a different path, and are actively working to be an entity apart from what they were, but it isn’t simple or easy, and to be painfully honest, I am pretty sure it’s never going to happen, not completely. The only time you let someone who has significantly damaged themselves get close to you is if they have something you cannot obtain elsewhere, or if it is readily obvious that they are actively working at being a wholly different person, and the fruits of that struggle are numerous and obvious.

Sorry Shirley, I mean Steven, I mean Shirley: you’re still an attention seeking whore who was too ugly to be an actual whore. Just because Matt Walsh made you look silly on the internet doesn’t mean you spitting in God’s face and calling Nature fake can just be “moved on from.”

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Come time for the Restoration, whores will be auctioned off naked and/or in chains like farm animals — and will benefit greatly being treated as such.

Mayflower Sperg says:

That de-tranner in the YouTube video won’t be getting any bids. What are you going to do with her?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A nunnery or a monastery. The auction is for whores so they do not do this shit, not for the poor degenerates that already have.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yeah, post-op has bought and paid for their ticket, there’s no breaks or returns on that ride. It is heart-breaking in the extreme, particularly for the children gelded and ruined at the behest of demon possessed scum and evil parents, but some forms of evil cannot be undone, only extinguished. There must be a path to salvation (I am not speaking theologically, I don’t have that capacity) from types of damnation. It’s like proximity to a volcano; past a certain threshold, there is no escape.

Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

jim says:

Yes, that poor girl has to acknowledge her complicity in what was done to her, and her evil motives in allowing it to be done, repent of her sins, and accept the dreadful consequences as merited punishment. She wanted to be popular, and everyone told her that transitioning was way cool.

They appealed to her wicked motives. As a tranny, she got the privilege of social superweapons with which to terrorize those around her, and discovered that being able to terrorize is not actually all that great, that being able to make everyone around you responsible for your unhappiness is not going to make you happy.

What makes trannies seem cool and high status to naive children is the social superweapons, and desire for social superweapons is evil, and those that possess them use them for evil.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

That de-tranner in the YouTube video won’t be getting any bids. What are you going to do with her?

A life in a convent is an acceptable and dignified option for repentant women, as Wulfgar and Jim said, but for unrepentant women however…

…I heard that the war in Ukraine has caused some supply chain issues with fertilizer.

Neurotoxin says:

“it doesn’t matter if they were children, too young to understand.”

I can’t agree with this, if what you’re saying is “They deserve to be punished.”

I agree if what you’re saying is, “We can’t treat them socially as if they were normal people.” In that case the point is indeed obvious. Like, “You may have caught leprosy/ the bubonic plague/ whatever through no fault of your own, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to invite you to my house for dinner.”

Kunning Druegger says:

For me, this falls into the nebulous territory of Human Shields and Collateral Damage. No one with a healthy soul relishes in innocents suffering for reasons outside their understanding or control. But due to the nature of modern conflict, tactics, and strategy, every war will generate terribly unfair and heart breaking situations. the fucking monsters foisting this evil on children and stupid people are ultimately to blame, but it won’t be enough to declare them guilty and leave it at that. The defiled and ruined human in that video is actually, categorically, less-than-human, and they did this to themselves. Were they ready to make such a decision? Were they fully formed mentally and informed intellectually? Are they responsible for their actions? These are relevant and important questions for wiser men than myself, deep questions that will take much time and consideration to answer. But there is a competing necessity to deal with such individuals in the moment. people like that ruined women are a cancer on society, both when they made the decision to carve away their humanity for popularity and acceptance, and when they realized the damage that they’ve done. Listen to how she talks about herself; yes, she’s realized what a terrible mistake she made, but the underlying sickness is still there: the desperate need for attention and relevance. We saw this as well in that longform substack from that girl that de-transitioned before a surgeon got to her. She felt boring and unnoticed, so she found a community willing to validate her with attention and praise if she conformed to a model. Now, she is seeking validation through attention from a different community. the sickness here is not trannie surgery or sexual perversion, those are the symptoms. they are more extreme than other symptoms, incurable and untreatable in my opinion, but the underlying sickness remains. We must make women property again. When I hear a Detrans say that, I’ll believe they are reachable and curable. But I am fairly convinced “she” (both women, actually) are just as virulently “strong and independent” as any other femoid foot soldier of the Cathedral. They were, and remain, carriers of a destructive mind virus that contributes to the dismantling of civilization, and their newfound sense of importance as “survivors” will only contribute to that virulence. This sucks, and I don’t like it. Because of my own life trajectory, I must believe that, if there is a path back to wholeness, or some sense of whole, that we must strive to walk it. If there’s is no path… what good is it to pretend?

For those who don’t get mangled by surgery, there’s definitely a path back towards wholeness. For those mutilated, what path is there, and does it matter if they were gelded because of others, or themselves?

The Cominator says:

If their parents etc did it to them despite them fighting against it I feel bad for them… if they participated themselves in any way… no pity.

Frank says:

Niggers, because of their low IQs and lack of impulse control, are the prime source of dysfunction wherever you find them. Every criminal nigger should be executed and the rest should be sterilized.

Gays are repulsive disease-spreaders with no shame and no sense of self-control. They should be rounded up and exterminated.

Trannies are confused gays and should get the same treatment.

jim says:


Upravda says:

Sometimes, it might be cool to actually let some shill comment be displayed, just to remember how do those look like.

Or, even better, to make an entire blog-post about failing shill-tests, just to have nice cheat-sheet under one link. 🙂

While I doubt that some higher-up is actually checking all that shill content here or on the other sites, it is amusing to see… deepness of modernist/ progressivist/ leftist brainwashing. The self-censure those brainwashed people are able to inflict on themselves even when nobody is watching.

By the way, your tests are quite effective outside of anglosphere, especially demon-worshiping and WQ test. Less so tests about Soros and such, but never mind.

jim says:

> Who is going to “disarm the public”? The cops who hid under their beds when Antifa and BLM destroyed city after city?

They did not hide under their beds. They came out in considerable force to protects Antifa and BLM from being wiped out in fifteen minutes.

BLM and Antifa are only possible because of massive police protection and massive state funding. They are total and blatant astroturf. The Chinese Communist party demonstrations are more credible, without the party even trying very hard to be convincing.

I figured you for a shill because you are assuming the fake consensus that Antifa and BLM are the real thing, when everyone, including most normies, knows that they are astroturf. But maybe you are a dupe of shills. I get a few of those, and always mistake them for shills, because they are massively outnumbered by shills.

Kunning Druegger says:

Actual conservatives are waking up to the reality of the enforcement arm of the Cathedral. Before the convergence was complete, the police and military were viable ways to oppose Degeneracy Inc, as many Sheriffs acrually did let their troops stomp actual criminal scum. Now that every PD is converged and most SDs are emasculated, they will need detox and rehab from “backing the blue.” I have been experimenting with this using your position (police enable riots and protect Antifa/BLM), and it is a terribly jagged and bitter pill for them to swallow, but when you walk them through the logic (roof Korean mythos, what shop owners can and will do, etc), they actually pick it up quickly. As the raids, apprehensions, and gun seizures escalate, it will become more common to see normiecons lashing out at blind police support.

Frank says:

> They did not hide under their beds. They came out in considerable force to protects Antifa and BLM from being wiped out in fifteen minutes.

“Wiped out” by whom? Almost all Antifa and BLM riots were in far-left shitlib cities where they have few opponents, let alone armed opponents. There’s a reason Antifa and BLM didn’t take their act to the suburbs. They’d get slaughtered in the suburbs, and they know it.

> I figured you for a shill because you are assuming the fake consensus that Antifa and BLM are the real thing,

Nonsense. Antifa and BLM are a bunch of low-IQ mutants and subhumans who obviously depend on Soros funding and Soros prosecutors, but they only have Soros prosecutors in the shitlib cities. If Antifa or BLM rolled into Grady Judd’s county in Florida or a hundred other places with right-wing sheriffs and DAs, they’d get slaughtered and the people who slaughter them would be considered heroes.

Again, you guys can’t have it both ways. Don’t tell me Shaniqua is a joke but also tell me we can’t possibly defeat Shaniqua.

jim says:

> > Police did not hide under their beds. They came out in considerable force to protects Antifa and BLM from being wiped out in fifteen minutes.

> “Wiped out” by whom? Almost all Antifa and BLM riots were in far-left shitlib cities where they have few opponents,

There are ample opponents to having their businesses burned and their homes vandalized in shitlib cities, it is just that they are terrorized by an ever more dangerous and criminal state security apparatus.

> but they only have Soros prosecutors in the shitlib cities

Kenosha is a shitlib city? It is small town America. Yet antifa confidently attempted murder on video, rightly believing that they could never be prosecuted anywhere ever.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Which assumption was proved correct when they did not prosecute Grosskreutz for illegal possession of a firearm by a felon. Something that would earn me a SWAT/ATF raid and my dog shot got him favorable press tours and celebrity leftist status.

Frank says:

[*deleted for unsupported confidence*]

jim says:

Kenosha is a swing area,

that has mostly elected Democrats, but was recorded as voting for Trump in 2020, and recently elected Republicans to key offices. Absolutely average small town America. If you want to argue differently, you need something more than confident assertion.

Frank says:


jim says:

I linked to a political survey, which reports “marginally democratic”. Antifa and selective prosecution was enabled by state power, not by political support and lack of will to resist among the public. State power, as we are now seeing, that the mainstream Republican Rino Republican party has no will or capability to resist. The protesters appear to have been bussed in, in that none of Kyle’s assailants have local kin, and none of them reported a local residence. Like all antifa operations looks astroturfed.

Kunning Druegger says:

This post is all the proof needed to show that we have many miles to go before even enthusiastic conservatives start to wake up to the cold, hard reality of how bad it has gotten. The only consolation is that the rot, stupidity, and ignorance is ubiquitous.

Nikolai says:

I’ve been seeing countless takes like this on Twitter lately and I can’t tell if it’s a coordinated op or if ruralites genuinely misunderstand power dynamics this badly.

The 2020 riots literally started in the suburbs with Ahmaud Arberry and the 3 men who rightfully killed him are doing life behind bars. Antifa and BLM mainly operate in cities but they’ve done the same in the suburbs and they do so with impunity. Jonathan Pentland is another example. It doesn’t matter where you are, Cathedral operatives are above the law.

Kunning Druegger says:

Correct me if I am wrong, but the pattern appears to be some “””heinous and racist crime””” occurs in a blue zone that just happens to be a place where Obama phones are very prevalent, a mob forms incredibly quickly with signs and slogans already crafted and penned, the footage goes viral, Mainstream Media picks up the story and goes to wall-to-wall coverage, then “spontaneous” outbreaks of “mostly peaceful and barely even fiery protests with bricks” occur, then it spreads to dense suburbs with high numbers of blacks or no real boundaries between urban density and suburban sprawl.

Even when the spotlighted incident occurs in a suburb, the protests start in cities IIRC. Whatever the case, whatever details I have misconstrued or gotten wrong, I distinctly remember noticing a formula. I think this will happen again, but not while Democrats are “in control” of the executive, or are transitioning out. The race kerfuffles are a tool for intimidating whites, redistributing wealth and “housing,” and punishing moderate liberals for insufficient holiness. This may be incorrect, or out of date, or unlikely going forward, as the unrest manufacturing apparatus is barely restrained by the DNC controllers. We may see a new iteration with suburbs being the focus. There is also the slight possibility that the corona overreach and the clumsy war drum routine has significantly altered the temperament of the do-nothing conservative plurality. This may be excessively optimistic, but I could see an orchestrated outbreak of “spontaneous protesting” snowballing into an actual civil unrest scenario.

Nikolai says:

“occurs in a blue zone”

Usually but not always. Trump won 60+% of the vote in the county where Arbery was killed.

“I think this will happen again, but not while Democrats are “in control” of the executive”

Why wouldn’t it? Trayvon and Ferguson happened when Obama was president. Other than that, generally agree.

Pete says:

The cops stood down for antifa because they were ordered to stand down.

They will come and take your guns, arrest or kill you when they are ordered to do so.

Frank says:

You’re crazy. The average American big-city cop is a fat 5’6″ pussy — and those are the male cops.

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of patriots are in the suburbs and rural areas, where the police are overwhelmingly right-wing. The idea that suburban police forces are going to go door to door collecting guns from their friends and neighbors is utter lunacy.

jim says:

If they will not, the IRS or the ATF will.

Civil war may well ensue, but to win it, we will need a CEO, a Commander in Chief, a King.

The Cominator says:

I tend to agree that gun confiscation in at least some parts of the country will be very difficult for them.

The cops are mindlessly obedient so they’ll initially try to enforce the rule but after a bunch of them get shot and most people say sorry I lost my gun in a boating accident… I think the cops will start spending gun confiscation shifts at the donut shop. The feds are going to be more zealous but they are cowards as well so the FBI/ATF etc are going to give up too once the body count starts rising.

The marines would have the guts to do it but marines (soldiers in general) are not so mindlessly obedient as cops and the non coms and juniour officers are generally very sympathetic to us.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The military, or at least large parts of it, are not going to be on our side. The men that would have been on our side are not enlisting anymore, which is why all branches are having such a problem making recruitment numbers. the military is being hollowed out, but what remains will be against us.

Frank says:

> the military is being hollowed out, but what remains will be against us.

The vast majority of the military are useless administrator types, not door-kickers and trigger-pullers. The overwhelming majority of competent trigger-pullers remain on our side.

The idea that chubby GI Janes are going to go door to door confiscating ~350,000,000 firearms is utterly stupid.

jim says:

First, they make sure all weapons are registered. Then they call them in. They don’t intend to do door to door searches. That will not get all weapons, or even most of them, but every white who has a weapon will be a criminal.

Kunning Druegger says:

Equally stupid is the idea that all 350million weapons will be wielded against Them. You are committing the same stupidity of which you accuse us. How many Americans are “useless administrator types, not door-kickers and trigger-pullers”? Further, your assertion that “The overwhelming majority of competent trigger-pullers remain on our side” is a pet belief, a sacred cow of the Right, and I have serious doubts that it is true. The German Government just recently made assurance is to its security forces that they will most definitely not be having a cold winter.

There’s a lot of moving parts in this distributed situation. Our adversaries are largely incompetent, yes, but they have inertia and the elusive promise of “return to normalcy” on their side. By transmitting a blended message of “these guys are pure evil, arrest them!” and “we know it’s distasteful, but it’s very necessary to save America!” they will be able to bamboozle many of the tip-of-spear types, who are not really known or selected for their ability or tendency to think deeper about orders given.

The Cominator says:

Hmmmm but that begs the question if the old military is truly dead they may not be any guttsier about gun confiscation than the cops.

Kunning Druegger says:

There are 10 private security officers for every 1 police officer in the US as of 2020. They are a motley assortment of corpulent do-nothings all the way to hardcore SOF types. Make of that what you will. Contractors do all the jobs that matter, and gun confiscation will be no different. I have yet to meet a female bureaucrat that accepts the answer “no” or “it is impossible.”

Red says:

Will those private security officers die for their pay check? When gun confiscation start then death camps are not far behind and men of good will know it. There may not be a lot of takers for those sort of raids.

JJ says:


Your Uncle Bob says:

If he’s not a shill on payroll he’s at least a smarter, self-directed shill. Off the bat, irrational aggression designed to elicit either pushback and engagement, OR aggravate you and push you off your own side’s platform. He glows.

But taking it at face value – cops won’t enforce red flag orders? They already do. Cops won’t 3 am no-knock raid suspects who own guns, whether the crime is real, white collar, or made up entirely? They already do. Cops won’t swallow their principles and think of their pension, plus the immediate paycut they’ll take if they go private sector (city police make three times the average income where I’m at, before any overtime or private security gigs)? They already do.

I don’t expect same day, door to door gun confiscations for quite some time, and I’m a pessimist on some things. But… they don’t need it. Red flag laws have been expanded recently, and will be expanded further. Boomer-tier social media posts are already enough to get your guns confiscated. Degree-of-separation from anyone accused of right wing extremism will be the next step. A divorce, a domestic disturbance call either well intentioned or made up out of malice, a call to CPS either well intentioned or made up out of malice, have long been enough to get you raided and your guns taken, and that’s on purpose, and the list will only be expanded. They take every one they can get one at a time, and boomers and normiecons never think they’ll be next, and even the few on our side who get it realize it’s never go time for just one house.

Kunning Druegger says:

This. It will be a “secondary” enforcement action, portrayed as an unintended consequence.

“Well, we were serving a warrant for [widely considered bad thing] and due to the circumstances, for the safety of everyone involved, we confiscated any guns in the house.”

“You wouldn’t want a criminal to be armed, would you?”

“Calm down sir. We received an anonymous tip that there was some disturbance going on. You don’t mind if we take a look around right? Are there any firearms in the house?”

“For the safety of the [children/battered wife/Roborovski Hamster] residing in the domicile, we collected the dangerous firearms.”

Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion are whatever the officer says they are, as that will be decided ex post facto at the court date. Any weapons collected will be sent off into the red tape abyss. Well over half the females in this country will blindly support a full on national gun grab with the minimum amount of footage/reporting of a gun accident or use. This kills me to say it, as I was one here who advocated pretty hard for LEOs on multiple occasions, but the whole sheepdog community, like the GWoT veterans, are useful idiots for the Cathedral at this point. I’m starting to doubt even Sherriff’s Deputies will think twice if rape, molestation, or pedophilia assertions are attached to the suspect.

Red says:

This kills me to say it, as I was one here who advocated pretty hard for LEOs on multiple occasions, but the whole sheepdog community, like the GWoT veterans, are useful idiots for the Cathedral at this point. I’m starting to doubt even Sherriff’s Deputies will think twice if rape, molestation, or pedophilia assertions are attached to the suspect.

BLM was mostly about replacing good virtuous cops with commie cops and ass kissers who will do anything for that pay check. With the military I think the rot is almost total but it’s harder to tell what’s going on with local cops.

Frank says:

> But taking it at face value – cops won’t enforce red flag orders? They already do.

There’s a big difference between some cops going to get a couple guns from a guy who just got caught smacking his girlfriend around and cops going door to door collecting ~350,000,000 firearms from right-wingers.

Let’s not be retards here.

jim says:

It will very likely not succeed, but the attempt is going to be unpleasant and get a whole lot of people killed.

Cloudswrest says:

As usual with these situations, they don’t do a global “round up”. They just do opportunistic enforcements as they are encountered, as well as targeted enforcement towards specific individuals. Also all above ground legitimate sales and distribution are eliminated. Black markets are created which lead to more corruption.

Anonymous Fake says:

What happens is that anyone who uses a gun for any reason gets the book thrown at him in the court system. [More official lies of the same sort, only allowing one through because too tedious and wastes too much space to respond them all]

jim says:

So how come all the people attempting to kill Kyle with an illegal gun were piously ignored?

How come the government is heavily involved in gun running to black and hispanic gangs?

They want blacks and browns armed so that they kill white people, and white people disarmed so that they can be killed. Black and brown gun crimes get a slap on the wrist.

José Inez García Zárate came to San Francisco illegally, lived on crime and welfare, murdered a white girl for the hell of it with an illegal gun, and was not only absurdly acquitted for murdering a white girl on the basis that she was white and he is brown, but also was never prosecuted for possession of a stolen gun.

A2 says:

That was simply infuriating. If memory serves, there were some shots right after the verdict of the jurors exiting the building with smirks on their faces. Also, the murderer had been deported multiple times before. The cleansing fire can’t come soon enough.

Anonymous Fake says:

[deleted for confidently reporting leftist factiods unchecked.]

jim says:

Do a little homework before telling us what the loudspeaker is saying. We already know what the loudspeaker is saying.

Karl says:

So it is fair to say that the white race started with Thor

Why Thor and not his father Odin?

jim says:

I nominated Thor, because common to all the Aryan peoples.

Kunning Druegger says:

Check out this link:

Do we have the requisite brainpower, talent, and technology to build a “GPT-Jim” bot? What would it cost in time a nd compensation? I think the applications are obvious and many. Idea originally floated by Pax.

jim says:

It is not that hard – the technology is increasingly available, but I don’t see any useful applications. Not obvious to me. What do you have in mind?

The illusion of consciousness is fairly thin.

A Tesla has substantially more sensory input than the human brain, and arguably has more computing power than the human brain, and the network of which it is part has enormously more computing power and data input than the human brain, yet Tesla owners perceive cats and dogs as people, while they do not perceive their Teslas as people.

simplyconnected says:

Someone took one for the team and read Anal Schwab’s panflet.
It’s pretty dumb, which lends credence to Edward Dowd’s speculation that Schwab, Harari etc. were always meant to be cartoon villains against which the population revolts, with the actual leaders of the NWO coming out of that revolution (I think Dowd gives them too much credit, they may just be that dumb, at least this latest crop of villains).

jim says:

Rather, I think our enemies simply are pretty dumb.

Once upon a time, clever rationalizations were needed to explain why a deer is horse, and passing as one of the faithful required a great deal of smarts.

Now clever rationalizations are damned near impossible, and attempting them is likely to get you falsely suspected of crimethought, for example Scott Alexander. It is a lot easier to believe everything you are told to believe if you are dumb as a post.

The Cominator says:

“It is a lot easier to believe everything you are told to believe if you are dumb as a post.”

This is something that Teddy Spaghetti is generally right about, its the midwits (not the high midwits I mean the 105-115 IQ ones) who tend to be the ones willing to believe anything if authority and the people around them do.

The downright stupid person will stubbornly maintain the sky is blue.

jim says:

I talk to a few midwits. They theoretically believe the official state religion, but after a beer or two are receptive to crimethought.

Often they react as if the crimethought was completely new to them, it had never occurred to them before, but its truth glaringly obvious.

In a world of lies, truth serum is very useful.

The Cominator says:

1) Not every midwit is a cathedral zealot but cathedral zealots are overwhelming midwits

2) Don’t care if they can commit thoughtcrime while black out drunk if anything the fact that at some level they know its a lie even still but they still go on… that makes me hate them even more.

jim says:

They don’t need to be blackout drunk. Just one or two beers to loosen their tongues. And they are good people, most of them. I am not too bad at telling who is a good person, and it is a lot easier to tell when that person has had one or two beers.

The Cominator says:

Post 2020 I deny its possible to be a leftist and a good person.

Kunning Druegger says:

The majority of people “on the left” aren’t leftists. This doesn’t mean they should be spared, necessarily, but the headcount of actual leftists is objectively low. It has to be, structurally.

Frank says:

> Post 2020 I deny its possible to be a leftist and a good person.

Exactly right. No mercy.

The Cominator says:

Mercy to leftists is in almost all cases wrong because

1) They come back

2) They’ve hurt us all economically and in other ways and their houses etc should really go to us also if they have women them too.

3) Psychologically some of us need revenge.

Now there are perhaps some people with very rare critical talents who you have to spare but probably no more than one leftist in a hundred.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Mercy to leftists is in almost all cases wrong…


The earth shall be soaked with their blood and their women shall warm our beds.

So help us GNON.

Kunning Druegger says:

The midwit evolves an exceptional sensitive sense of micro-breezes, and is able to detect the direction the wind is blowing quite rapidly, so rapidly that they will accommodate it minute to minute. Such that, a stalwart Cathedralite can enter a room full of based bros and, within seconds, suddenly find that they do in fact agree that something is up with women, vaxx propaganda is in fact heavy handed, and there is in fact a sinister and destructive course of action being followed. Of course, should they get out their eye magnet and be subjected to the appearance of online consensus, the weathervane wil rapidly spin, and they are off on a different track.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Zorost says:

There was a large biological effect in the middle east, but it was swamped by the relatively recent Arab influx.

Horse riding might have happened shortly after domestication. A great book on this is:

“The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World” by David W. Anthony

It has a lot of raw data and explanations of why something should be believed, rather than conclusions.

The Kalash people of Pakistan might be a remnant of Aryan invaders. Some interesting genetic studies have been done.

Kunning Druegger says:

My wife did Super-Hots this year in the pepper garden, and that spicy bitch tried to kill me with one. Jokes on her for, after I passed out and shit myself, I awoke to a revelation. As I was paddling her mercilessly while dry heaving, it occurred to me that the devious plans of females are always missing some critical element. No matter how smart they appear, femoids always forget some crucial aspect (in my wife’s case, she forgot the fact that I am based-god of self-poisoning, and if the Chinese chemicals couldn’t take me down in my teens and twenties, a 3 million Scoville unit kill shot isn’t going to either).

The gynocracy that runs the permanent bureaucracy in the GAE initiated a plan that had been percolating in the Academy for decades in approximately 2006: get femoids in the visual power avatar positions. They had already begun to take over the boardroom and bedroom, but dumb hoes cannot conceive of non-visual power. So while they were taking control of the merchant class leadership and permanent bureaucracy, they felt horribly diminished by not controlling presidencies, prime-ministerships, etc etc. So they hatched a bunch of conspiracies to move roasties and spinsters into positions of visual power. They wanted to be the prom queens of humanity. They used academic literature, entertainment and artistic avenues, non profits and lobbyists, literally every possible point of leverage to get vaginas in pants suits with flag lapel pins. Just as liberal America believed their own hornswoggle about Hillary being widely desired and loved, so too did they fall for their own lies about females being better CEOs and Leaders. This grand muff-spiracy went into overdrive when Hillary was sent to the spiritual kitchen to make metaphorical sandwiches for Teflon Don and the boys in 2016, and ever since, the whole of the Cathedral, the entire GAE and its tentacles, have a single aim of making women leaders in front of cameras and crowds.

So, in summation, all of this, all the craziness we’ve been experiencing, is purely the fallout, side effects, and consequences of the devious plan to put women in visible power. That’s it. That is all. Literally nothing else, no Great Reset, no LWO, no dystopian bifurcation of 99% bugmen and 1% elites. there is no gameplan, and once Kamala ascends to the throne of the US, they will declare a week of celebration, and that will be that… of course, the whole world will gradually collapse and humanity will enter into a new dark age, but that’s none of their concern, they’ll just hire a contractor or something and head off to Cabo to celebrate. pack it up boys, shut down the site, Jim. KD has solved it all. Nothing left to do but take a few percocet, pour some scotch, and watch it all collapse. For any females reading this, this entire post is low quality sarcasm, carry on with your flawless plan.

Neurotoxin says:

“My wife did Super-Hots this year in the pepper garden, and that spicy bitch tried to kill me with one. Jokes on her for, after I passed out and shit myself, I awoke to a revelation. As I was paddling her mercilessly while dry heaving…”

I need to learn that icon where you’re laughing so hard you’re crying.

Neurotoxin says:

But to address your actual point: No, there’s more than the female thing there’s also e.g. the anti-white thing.

Kunning Druegger says:

No, I am utterly convinced that female miscalculation is the simplest and most complete explanation! Yeah, obviously, the whole post is silly. I actually read a few flat-earth style “panacea conspiracy” posts that attempted to tie everything together in a tidy, simple explanation involving aliens, free masons, globalists, and Jews, and I was struck by how far backward these idiots bend over to make a sloppy, complicated mess of conspiracies into a single, simple situation. Like looking for keys under a lamppost. I thought, “If you’re going to do that, just blame women. It’s way easier and far more realistic.”

haha no says:


jim says:

On what do you base that factual claim?

The Cominator says:

Putting women in charge when women are meant to serve and obey (sometimes queens do actually work but female democracy can NEVER work) explains a lot of things but 2020 showed there are also conspiracies. Whether installing women is by design and part of the conspiracy or idiocy which guarantees it will fail… I can’t tell you that.

Kunning Druegger says:

Elections don’t matter, yes, but why would the GAE not put their thumb on the scale for this one, Jim?

jim says:

1. The vote will have absolutely no effect, much as electing Trump had considerably less effect than expected.

2. Democracy is Chile is fragile and discredited, having produced utterly catastrophic results the last time around, which catastrophe was wonderfully fixed by Pinochet. Blatant vote rigging, 2020 style, would discredit it even further.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:
JustAnotherGuy says:

Now California is going to have rolling blackouts, how will all the ‘nothing ever happens’ / ‘everything is going swell’ explain this stuff? They can’t send the army of engineer corps to every failing part of american infastructure to fix it like they did that one boondocks town.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Madness of this sort (probably) can’t go on forever…

jim says:

Inflation has long been massively understated in official figures, which have an increasingly absurd hedonic adjustment. It is now being ridiculously understated, with them abandoning any statistical jiggery pokery, and just lying barefaced. The decline in living standards was subtle and slow, is now obvious and massive.

Mike in Boston says:

how will all the ‘nothing ever happens’ / ‘everything is going swell’ explain this stuff?</I

The cope I expect is "Everything will be fine once we get a Republican back in the White House."™®

Cloudswrest says:

“Jimian” women in real life.

Kunning Druegger says:

Indeed. Couldn’t have asked for it louder. I’ve noticed, on the extremely rare instance I’ve actually discussed the “come get me” actions/tendencies of wahmens, even hard conservatives have a hard time agreeing with or even seeing such actions for what they are. A big aspect of this is that, with notable exceptions, these females don’t realize what they are doing, it’s their lower brain pushing them to advertise themselves. You see this in a lot of so-called “immigration attorneys” (almost always female, BTW). they are fully convinced that they are acting out of compassion, not lust. You could line up their clientele and walk them through the preponderance of their “client type” (massive overrepresentation of tatted up gangers and young males with no families), and they just don’t see it. Not excusing their actions and proclivities in any way, just emphasizing the futility of discussing the phenomenon with the expectation of any real progress.

Cloudswrest says:
Aidan says:

The sad thing about all this is how the female hindbrain hasn’t adapted to a situation where being abducted will lead to her death rather than a happy marriage and successful reproduction.

Also hilarious that the nigger probably thought he could get away with it because he was driving his boss’ van

Red says:

I’ve noticed, on the extremely rare instance I’ve actually discussed the “come get me” actions/tendencies of wahmens, even hard conservatives have a hard time agreeing with or even seeing such actions for what they are.

Crimestop on the woman question is by far the most deeply ingrained cathedral directive.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yarvin’s latest:

I haven’t read it yet, not past the first paragraph, but I will make a kneejerk prediction: Uncle Yarv is still a lurker here. I accept that I may be wrong, and apologies to those of us who can’t stand him.

Adam says:

Well if he would get to the point from time to time that would be nice.

People in denial complicate the shit out of everything.

someDude says:

You think Uncle Yarv lurks here? I give it a 20% chance that Uncle Bannon lurks here with the certainty that Prophet Jim is too much of a red-pill even for him to swallow.

Now, if Uncle Trump lurked here, he would have been God Emperor Trump by now.

But I’m pretty sure that some influential people do lurk here. I’ve seen more than a couple memes in the mainstream that first made their debut on the comments section of this blog. That can’t be a co-incidence.

If I were American, I would be praying that a future General Monck or Future Augustus was lurking at this blog.

As it is I am hoping that Suones can become a sort of Hindu Jim. We already have a Hindu Yarvin here,

The Cominator says:

DharmicReality is your best commenter by a lot…

someDude says:

You will notice that he naturally defers to Suones

Mister Grumpus says:

If not the future Monck/Augustus lurking here, then at least the voices in the wilderness calling his name.

Without a means of mass communication that resistant to both shills and censorship, which Jim and the super brain crew are at least doing a great job of describing and white-papering, crickets and wild honey are all we’ve got.

It’s analogous to the reformation, which was ultimately the result of 1) the catholic church being rather corrupt and 2) outsiders and discontents suddenly being able to write, print and distribute books.

You remember 2015-2016 4chan and Twitter I mean holy shit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Procedural, committee based institutions only have one way of learning truth, and that is dashing their ships against the rocks of Being; only while the splinters are being gathered from the wreckage to build new ships does the question of how to chart a different course become actionable.

The sclerosis of peacetime militaries are a classic example of this. That a peacetime military will run into catastrophes on the joining of conflict is, in practical terms, an inevitability. The most important thing then for the clouds of visionaries with competing visions vying for social dominance, is not so much that the visions which were relevant to the catastrophe were not adopted ahead of time – which is simply all too expectable – but that they are already sitting there ‘on the shelf’, available to be pulled off and applied immediately in the inevitable event of calamity.

That is one of the great value of fertilizing the discourse with your memes.

Kunning Druegger says:

>The sclerosis of peacetime militaries are a classic example of this. That a peacetime military will run into catastrophes on the joining of conflict is, in practical terms, an inevitability.

Here’s an excellent study of this occurrence covering the Royal Navy. Wonderfully detailed, not at all “fiction-ized” as so many history books seem to be these days:

The Rules of the Game by Andrew Gordon

He covers Jutland in painstaking detail while documenting and drawing parallels with Nelson’s navy and how it became little more than a well ordered joke due to no dangerous adversaries and the insidious effects of flag signaling usurping individual captains’ initiative. Cannot recommend it enough.

Severian says:

Ukrainians just took back a sizable portion south of Kharkiv including the small city Balakley. Barely any Russian forces to hold them back. That was a bigger victory than the whole Kherson offensive they tried.

Kunning Druegger says:

Don’t get too excited; Wagner and a bunch of militias are assaulting Bahkmut. The AFU is trying to pile through their salient in the south, pulling a ton of units from elsewhere. If the AFU can hold and expand the salient, they may strengthen their position at the negotiation table. But I don’t see it being very likely that they will turn the tide in any real way.

Hue and cry is going up all over Russian telegram over the RF leadership leaving the AFU supply arteries intact, and I think it’s a valid point. But, just as Trump was not a desperate moron grasping at straws, the RF is not some shit tier paper military. They may have underestimated the AFU’s ability to conduct an offensive, but I think it’s equally likely that they are more interested in depleting NATO assets than they are looking undefeated on paper.

Tomatobeef says:

“the RF is not some shit tier paper military. They may have underestimated the AFU’s ability to conduct an offensive, ”

Six months into this crap and stuff like this happens? Yes, yes, they totally are a shit tier paper military. They had a small elite that was capable, as seen in Crimea and Syria, and a lot of drunken dumbasses led by corruptocrats. The small elite has been bled dry by attempting to support the drunken dumbasses. Insisting that everything is secretly going exactly as intended is the same “trust the plan, guys” bullshit that dumbasses on the right have been swallowing since GWB and that culminated in the self-own of J6. No. Don’t trust the plan, trust the evidence of your own eyes. If the evidence of your own eyes says that Trump is a lazy incompetent dumbass grasping at straws and unworthy of putting your own life and freedom on the line for him, then he probably is a lazy incompetent dumbass and putting your life and freedom on the line for him might end with you in solitary and the subject of a political show trial AND YOU SHOULDN’T DO THAT. If the evidence of your own eyes is that the Russians are incompetent drunken dumbasses, THEN THE RUSSIANS ARE PROBABLY INCOMPETENT DRUNKEN DUMBASSES no matter how much you wish it were otherwise.

Do not trust human authorities on any topic where said authority conflicts with visible evidence. Put not your faith in princes and all that crap. Trump is a decent guy who was totally out of his depth in the shark pool and was never a savior. Putin is a corrupt asshole who is perfectly capable of speaking the truth when it serves his purposes, but he massively misjudged everything about this from top to bottom and he is not your savior either. No matter how much you want a savior.

And Jim is just trying to run an imitation cult here, with his imitation shahadas and so on. Don’t trust him anymore than you trust anybody you don’t know personally.

As for Kherson and “tried”, I don’t know why you bootlickers keep trying to assert your preferred reality into existence. It doesn’t matter how you characterize it beforehand, what matters is what the end result is. The end result is not in view yet. What is in view is trends, which are that the fighting near Kherson is ongoing, the intensity is as high as it has ever been anywhere in this conflict, that intensity is being sustained, the Ukrainains are provably gaining ground on a daily basis, and all the bridges are out. Ukraine has supply lines, Russia doesn’t. You cannot wish these facts out of existence by repeatedly asserting a la Vox Day that the offensive is “over” just because you desperately wish it so.

In short:


jim says:

“the RF is not some shit tier paper military. They may have underestimated the AFU’s ability to conduct an offensive, ”

Six months into this crap and stuff like this happens?

“shit like this” looks suspiciously like direct combat between Russian forces and NATO. We are hearing people from the “Ukrainian” offensive speaking in English.

It was obvious that Russian forces were about to defeat Ukraine. Ukrainian forces have taken intolerable casualties, and are collapsing. The current Kherson offensive of was preceded by repeated attempt to launch the offensive using only plausibly Ukrainian forces, and in each attempt the Ukrainian forces collapsed. Collapse was imminent on the eastern front.

So it now looks like NATO is now directly intervening to save Ukraine from imminent collapse, or rather more directly intervening than in its previous somewhat deniable interventions. We shall see if Russia is shit tier compared to NATO when we hear (on the alt right media, you are not going to read it the lamestream media) of significant NATO casualties.

We saw what happened when the west sent mercs. Looks like it is now sending troops with a less readily deniable connection to the Global American Empire. Though the connection will continue to be piously denied for quite a while.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Obviously, those aren’t dushkas, but M2s.

We always knew of course, but they’re just getting openly blatant with it now.

Signs of desperation at this point. The polygon could keep its cattle irrational indefinitely, but the solvency of its forces on the ground couldn’t be spoken of the same way; the situation remaining as it was was not sustainable, and the longer it went on the worse their standing would get; a ‘battle of the bulge’ sooner rather than later was the only bet to make. Alea iacta est.

A2 says:

No wonder Europe has to send all its ammo east.

Karl says:

Any idea how much troops NATO committed to this operation? Just some NATO officers moved from staff work to field work or are NATO troops driving NATO tanks and operating NATO howitzers?

jim says:

It is a deep dark secret. And I do not know the answer. Officially, none. Hard to tell. But if NATO is the reason why this offensive finally got off the ground after endless fails, would have to be a significant force.

Kunning Druegger says:

Let’s circle back in 2 weeks, Mr. Tomato. All of the Slava Ukraini posters from March and April mysteriously disappeared when Putin wasn’t ousted and the RF altered its strategy and the momentum. All the economic geniuses got mysteriously invisible as well when the ruble rebounded and the sanctions flew all the way around the planet, bypassing Russia and landing in the EU. I can’t be sure, but I don’t think this will be much different.

Adam says:

Welcome back Whitey.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When the ‘secret offensive’ that was announced months in advance actually started going ahead, i found myself pleased, because it means the puppet regime has abandoned it’s holding action and rapidly accelerated the time-table on total destruction of their forces by throwing the into the woodchipper, even when momentary gains give an appearance of strength in the short term.

Kunning Druegger says:

FWIW, the reasonable Z commentators are saying that the RF forces are being rocked back pretty hard in specific spots due to changes in tactics and the NATO contingents leading. Much hay will be made of this, of that we can be sure.

The battlefield changes are of little importance; what must be explained is why the RF high command is leaving the supply columns and routes untouched. On the side of optimism, they want to compel Zelensky and the prattling commentary corps to induce a massive push into the salient, leaving everything else weak. I don’t honestly know what the GAE would do if the AFU and the foreign detachments all invested Kherson, then the RF nuked it. Condemnation, yes, moaning and wailing, when do they not, but… can you imagine a more stark statement of intention? All of the recently bloodied NATO SOF guys, the leaders, and the largest army in Europe, gone.

I don’t think this is likely, just musing about how one would speed up the annihilation of opposition, and luring them into what appears to be a breakout due to grave miscalculation would probably work.

jim says:

Possibly Russia is losing.

On the other hand, after the first few weeks they abandoned war of movement and accepted the war of attrition that the Global American Empire was seeking to impose, and in the fall of Severodonetsk., their tactics look like they were content to not take Severodonetsk as long as the Global American Empire was content to continue feeding troops into the woodchipper. One may optimistically hope that a similar strategy is unfolding in Kherson.

Severian says:

Current picture from pro Russia Rybar.

Whole west Izyum front seems to be falling apart. There better be some Russian BTGs on the way.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am pro-Z, and I want Russia to win, so keep that in mind.

We have 2 instances to consider: there’s an extant example of RF military underestimating the AFU and over estimating the effects of their tactical endeavors; there’s an extant example of a strategic feint that looked very much like a tactical blunder.

In the first instance, Putin was not alone in his assessment. Literally everyone thought Zelensky would flee, the AFU capitulate, and the whole affair settled in a matter of days or weeks. Normalcy bias gets all of us in some way at some point. Contrary to the “Basil” types, once the AFU held and the RF had to change doctrine, they did so, and quite rapidly. For those that think it was not swift, consider how many years it took for the USM to cobble together and deploy the Surge Tactic, which wasn’t some genius, complicated triple backflip of an idea. So, if in fact the RF MoD has been buggered for fair, the precedent is that GAE MSM will crow about victory pride parades in Moscow for a few weeks, AFU will continue to push into liberated Russian clay (going slower and slower with each passing day, as the same army that was getting mercilessly ground down last week won’t suddenly transmogrify into a new, fresh army), a few RF generals will be sacked, and the Russians will shift tactics yet again.

In the second instance, it is still not clear whether the push toward Kiev was a feint by design, or if it became a feint by necessity. The Necessity option makes a certain amount of sense; the RF thought their SOF would deploy an enclave of based warriors and, after the AFU capitulated, the tank columns out of Belarus would parade into Kiev and relieve them. When that failed, the SMO pivoted in purpose while leaving the conscript army “stalled” in place to draw off and lock down the AFU elements in that theater. If it was always going to be a feint or not, the precedent here is that a bad turn for the RF provides an opportunity for them to convert it into a good outcome. As I wrote above, I don’t think it would take too much footage and “footage” of RF forces and DPR/LPR militias getting beaten back and defeated in detail to induce a literal global demand for Zelensky to pour everything he has into a widening salient and “break their backs.” Planned, expected, or otherwise, this would provide Russia with an opportunity to annihilate them in a massive cauldron, but that would require mass mobilization or a string of nuclear strikes, both of which, at this moment, seem unlikely.

I think a lot will be made clear in the next 2 weeks, but it might not seem that way. There’s a reason we are suddenly hearing English and seeing AR platform rifles and .50cals in the battle vids instead of hearing Slavic and seeing AKs and DShKs. The NATO contingent that has been holding back in country has been thrown into this offensive, and I will state (and may be proven wrong, we’ll see) that I think the NATO shadow leadership that has been pulling strings behind the scenes is stepping into the light and taking over the actual fighting of the war. Whether this is tactical or strategic, I cannot say, but the AFU has been suffering grievously all summer, and, as @RYBAR has pointed out, if the AFU offensive isn’t stopped and Izyum falls, the fall offensive planned out by the RF is probably going to be aborted.

Either way, we are not on Musk time, Soros time, or normie time. Ukraine was never going to be the finish line, it is merely the opening campaign in the Third World War.

Severian says:

I also want western elites to get their teeth kicked in. I just think the Russians have been kind of making it up as they go along.

It’s also obvious Putin underestimated the extent of and how willing the EU was to sacrifice itself to the US. Had he been wise to it, he would be already building gas pipelines to Asia before the war. Meanwhile EU is building LNG terminals.
China has been reluctant to help with tech imports too, probably because they don’t want to risk their own export markets with sanctions for now.

I will refrain from military predictions because we just don’t know the true state of RF and AFU forces and their capabilities. But it’s not very clear to me that Russia can prevail in wider economic war as a whole and there is the distinct possibility that this thing may have been a blunder.

The Cominator says:

So they are rushing out of their defensive positions into a bulge with a river in the way…

Hopefully the Russians are giving ground in order to encircle the troops who rush into the Bulge.

Kunning Druegger says:

I mean, it took me 8 paragraphs spread between 2 separate posts, but yeah, that’s what I said lol jk.

The issue is head count. The RF is dwarfed by the AFU in Ukraine proper. Of course, the RF is a continental military and the AFU is a regional military, but it’s not like the RF can (or should) pull troops from elsewhere and put them in UKR. In fact, I’d argue that Putin expects this conflict to escalate and spread, which is why he hasn’t gone for a general mobilization or greatly increased the troop commitments to the SMO. It’s like he expects the hammer(s) to fall elsewhere, no matter how bad it seems.

To annihilate the AFU in an encirclement/cauldron, I think he would need significantly more troops and assets than are in place currently.

The Cominator says:

the Ukranians could be pinned down on their front with minimal troops plus artillery once they hit the river.. if the Russians can also restrict reinforcements via artillery from attacking the encirclement pincers maybe they don’t need overwhelming numbers…

jim says:

I think they will parallel the Russian Severodonetsk strategy, where they made no attempt to close the cauldron. Ukraine just eventually wised up and stopped dumping fresh troops into the meat grinder.

Likely the Russians will not attempt war of maneuver until things have ground on for quite a while. Current strategy is attrition. They did not want or expect a war of attrition, but are now fighting one. We will likely soon see if NATO has stomach for attrition. NATO has shown surprising acceptance of economic hardship, so far. Winters get cold in Europe, however.

Karl says:

Easy for NATO governments to accept economic hardship; the Greens are all for it and NATO population can’t do anything about economic hardship.

Finding NATO soldiers for a war of attrition is more difficult as very few people volunteer for a war of attrition.

Aidan says:

The economic hardship “inflicted” on NATO is exactly what the gaea-worshippers and great reset commies want.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

” The Russian soldier is temperamentally unstable; he is carried on by the herd instinct and is therefore not able to endure a sudden change from a triumphant advance to an enforced and precipitate withdrawal. During the counterattack we witnessed scenes of almost unparalleled panic among the Russians, to the astonishment of those who had experienced the stubborn, almost fanatical resistance the Russians put up in well-planned and efficiently organized defenses. It is true that the Russian can be superb in defense and reckless in mass attacks, but when faced by surprise and unforeseen situations he is an easy prey to panic. Field Marshal von Manstein proved in this operation that Russian mass attacks should be met by maneuver and not by rigid defense. The weakness of the Russian lies in his inability to face surprise; there he is most vulnerable. Manstein realized his weakness. He also realized that his own strength lay in the superior training of his junior commanders and their capacity for independent action and leadership. Thus he could afford to let his divisions withdraw for hundreds of miles, and then stage a smashing counterattack with the same divisions, which inflicted heavy blows on their startled and bewildered opponents. ”

Kunning Druegger says:

Everyone needs to go to that link and read the whole page, every entry. Non-negotiable.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s an interview with Scott Ritter. Purportedly, all of his predictions have been dead on. The short and sweet tl;dw is that the offensive is over, the RF gave ground to spare their soldiers, and the meat grinder is going to ramp up yet again.

This fully supports some of my assertions, but we won’t see the full picture for a while, maybe ever. A note on the source: this Judge Napolitano is pretty much a Law & Order conservative, and for this I find him decidedly grating. He does cover interesting topics and has good guests occasionally.

Kunning Druegger says:

Apologies for samefagging.

>Ritter asserts that the AFU is now a NATO military force, and he says so explicitly.

>Ritter asserts that so long as UKR does anything but capitulate, Putin won’t stop.

>Ritter doesn’t believe the RF will initiate action against NATO nations outside of UKR proper. He says that Putin wants a resumption of the 1997 boundaries, then states that Putin wants NATO infrastructure and troops out of Poland and the Baltics.

>Ritter asserts that the IC in the US is choosing to believe Russia is weaker than it is, and that is affecting their advice and operations. He further states that this is occurring at the upper management layer, and that it is political, not delusional. [here we see Ritter’s normalcy bias showing]

>Ritter predicts collapsing governments and civil unrest due to the support of Ukraine.

>Ritter postulates that the US military industrial complex will be building equipment for Ukraine, as opposed to shipping its reserves and field assets, which is what has been happening up until now.

>Ritter predicts that there won’t be a “Ukraine” by this time next year.

JJ says:

There is a pretty good analysis of the Ukrainian counteroffensive near Kharkov on this new blog here.

Briefly, there is no operational risk to the Russian war effort in the Ukrainian land from such counteroffensives, but Ukrainian forces can temporarily take towns and kill civilians who had worked with the Russians.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Ukrainian forces can temporarily take towns and kill civilians who had worked with the Russians

These allegations started making the rounds ~24 hours ago, and footage has begun to leak out. Additionally, there are rumors that at least once, AFU soldiers requested evac due to overwhelming opposition and artillery, gave their coordinates, and then were bombarded by AFU artillery. When this all comes to light, millions of GAE subjects will somehow blame Russia, Trump, or Christianity for the atrocities committed by literal neo-Nazis.

JJ says:

New information might repudiate my previous post. Russia may be directly fighting NATO. This is from a German anon on /pol/ so please take it with a grain of salt.

Not just mercenaries.

My brother’s entire unit “volunteered”. They have full support of NATO. We had a “celebration” before he was sent off, where he drunkenly said so much.

Originally he just worked in the background, like recently help Ukraine creating whole battalions of non-Ukrainians to send off to the Kherson meatgrinder for ethnic cleansing. And this was fully intentional. Poles from Lemberg, Hungarians from Transcarpathia, Romanians, Moldovans and Russians from Odessa. Full of patriotic idiots and folks who were involuntarily sent to their deaths under the threat of being shot. And the Russians helped them in that.

But days ago, my brother wrote me that he is “finally seeing some action”. NATO only does that when chance of victory is 99%, otherwise they would need to explain why NATO troops are among the fallen and the POV. You can’t handwave that as mere mercenaries, the Russians have a secret service as well.

Basically NATO is pretty sure they are gonna win Balakleya, Kupyansk and Izyum. They are going all in there. I assume this is what caught the Russians off-guard. They just expected Ukrainians? Still no excuse, troop movement just don’t happen over night.

jim says:

Izyum is, according to Big Serge, the key on which it all turns. Take Izyum quickly, they can roll up Russian forces in war of movement. Don’t taky Izyum, they are fighting an attritive battle while stuck in a killing field.

Alyosha says:

Sources seem to claim Izyum has fallen, posting pictures of a Ukraine flag being raised of it allegedly. Wonder if they’re true or fake images. If true hopefully will be recaptured soon.

jim says:

If Izyum has fallen, Russia is in deep shit. If it has not fallen, Nato is in deep shit.

Kunning Druegger says:

Even if they do, their offensive is the same as what ISIS did in Syria and Iraq. They are using IFVs in small squads to lightning into positions held by reservists and guards units, which is then followed up by armored detachments. This type of warfare can consume a desert country remarkably fast, but it is incredibly sensitive to air attacks, and it only gets you a serial node network. Great for propaganda pictures, useless for consolidation and defense. They appear to outnumber RF manpower 3-4 to 1, and it also appears they are taking casualties 5 to 1. This is not the German Army of 1940, it is a NATO army using Daesh tactics.

We can confidently assert that this is a one-off, propaganda offensive if there’s no follow up. We shall see what they do with the expanded salient. Humvees and Buffalos are not going to fare well against massive artillery bombardment. They had 8 years to build the defenses the RF was grinding through all summer. I think this was a massive and costly push to get morale in the GAE up, and to ethnically cleanse traditional Russian speakers for the expected negotiated settlement they think they will be getting in November.

S says:

Isn’t that totally delusional on NATO’s part? The reason Putin is reserving strength is because he expects he will need it in the future to fight NATO. Being able to fight NATO forces piecemeal and in a situation optimal for Russia flips the incentives; instead of wanting the end the war as quickly as possible, they want to extend it as long as possible to destroy as much of NATO’s conventional forces as possible.

The Cominator says:

This is part of the reason I suspect Russia has been dragging it out, NATO depletes their high tech stuff while Russia is just using unlimited shells.

Kunning Druegger says:

This, and testing tactics and learning how large the gaps are between theory and practice.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic. This mosquito abatement “algorithm” looks pretty shady to me. So let me get this straight. So instead of breeding mutant mosquitoes to diminish, or even EXTINCT (preferable) the wild mosquito population, they’re breeding mutant mosquitoes to make the wild population “human friendly” in the sense that they will no longer spread “dengue and other viruses” because the “new” mosquitoes carry some viral suppression bacteria!!! Sounds like dual use research to me!!!!!

JustAnotherGuy says:

It might also just be plain Gaia demon worship. Pests like coakroaches, bed bugs, and the rest could be easily eliminated if the cathedralites didn’t think of keeping them around as holy (and even eating them in the future to be holy). Here they banned pretty much everything that could be used to kill roaches over bs pretenses when I know in my gut its just gaia demons telling them what to do.

Anon says:

Queen Elizabeth is dead. RIP
king Charles III reign is declared
The wheel of history keep turning..
Is it Charles I reign or Charles II reign?

Cloudswrest says:

There’s no comparison between Charles II and Charles III.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Complications from stroke and cardiovascular issues.


Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Globalist Power Terminated II says:

[*deleted for not being funny*]

jim says:

Stuff with actual entertainment value will be allowed through

Leon says:

How much free testosterone did men used to have a century ago? I just took a free testosterone test and scored 160.8 pg/ ml.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

The value of nationalism depends on the value of the nation.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

You are as unfamiliar with nationalists and nationalism as you are unfamiliar with conservatives and conservatism. I am not going to allow you to lecture us on your hallucinations on what is outside your bubble.

You passed the Christianity test, and it understandable and forgivable that you are unfamiliar with non converged, non gay, and non demon worshipping Christianity. Not a lot of it around. But there is no excuse for being unfamiliar with conservatives and nationalists. You need to get outside your bubble.

Anonymous Fake says:

18th century nationalism was used to replace kings (those born into power) with politicians (those hungry for power) based on pointless ethnic squabbling. The Church was of course attacked too, for being an institution for those hungry for power yet unable to use it for money or sex. Yes, there was corruption, but it was better than what came after.

19th century nationalism was used to attack Christianity by suppressing Latin and Greek as the universal languages, as well as local traditional dialects and their cultures, with completely artificial languages imposed by government schools.

20th century nationalism gave us every stupid conflict you can imagine, from WWI to Black Panthers to The Troubles. Globalists, either neocons or commies, got away with looking more respectable than they deserved against the nationalist straw men.

Now we have 21st century nationalists, Ukraine’s cannon fodder goyim, fighting for globohomo and their glorious leader Zelensky because the flag and the anthem were shown and played at the right moments to brainwash them. They will readily kill their Russian brothers due to the uncanny valley gap, but will gladly submit to Brussels as long as they get to keep their blue and yellow flag next to the rainbow flag.

Any word that ends in “-ism” is going to end badly except for Catholicism. Nationalism ends unusually badly even by secular standards. It begins badly, too. We don’t need it and allowing the left to use it as a punching bag straw man is not in our interest.

jim says:

Nationalism has been used by leftists against Kings and Empires. And it has been used by Kings and Empires against international leftists.

Right now nationalist leftism is no more, except in the Ukraine. Our enemy is international leftism, the “Global Rules Based Order” (Where they get to decide the rules from moment to moment and not tell anyone what they are)

Contaminated NEET says:

>18th century nationalism was used to replace kings (those born into power) with politicians (those hungry for power) based on pointless ethnic squabbling.

Why and how did nationalism do this replacing? It triumphed because it was better than kings at motivating and organizing huge masses of cannon fodder to fight, exactly “because the flag and the anthem were shown and played at the right moments to brainwash them.” Changes in military and propaganda technology made huge masses of cannon fodder a better bet than small armies of elite warrior-aristocrats motivated by personal loyalty to each other. Until and unless things change, nationalism, for all its flaws, is the best way to win wars. Even the Soviet Union went hard into nationalism when the chips were down and it was either victory or annihilation. You can think you’re better than nationalism, but when you get into a fight with a nationalist neighbor, you can adopt it, or you can perish.

Of course, Jim contends that things have changed, and wave after wave of expendable zerglings is no longer the dominant strategy. We’ll see. There hasn’t been a serious fight between great powers since 1945, and no one can really know until there is.

jim says:

> Changes in military and propaganda technology made huge masses of cannon fodder a better bet than small armies of elite warrior-aristocrats motivated by personal loyalty to each other. Until and unless things change, nationalism, for all its flaws, is the best way to win war

Technological change renders hordes of grunts irrelevant, though neither side in Ukraine has quite figured out the implications and the technology.

If you stuff a horde of grunts into trenches, this enables your people and equipment to move through the territory, and prevents the other side from moving through the territory. That still works. But you lose grunts at an intolerable rate. The Russians are adapting to the new reality faster than the Ukrainians, but everyone is still using equipment, tactics, strategy, and training designed for World War II.

The Bismark was the most formidable battleship ever. It could move faster than any other battleship, and it could sink other battleships at range where they could not fire back, because the Bismark’s guns had longer range. And then some biplanes launched from a small primitive aircraft carrier damaged the rudder so that it could no longer move faster than any other battleship, and a horde of battleships closed on it and sank it.

Not very long thereafter, battleships ceased to be relevant, and sea battles consisted of aircraft carriers sending their planes at each other. We are still in the “sink the Bismark” phase of adapting to technological change in war.

Fidelis says:

Any word that ends in “-ism” is going to end badly except for Catholicism.

jim, I recall how you said the 39 articles came about to combat demon worshippers able to rationalize their worship and pass nicene tests. AF here reeks of the lavender mafia crowd, perhaps you need to revive such.

Kunning Druegger says:

I was just contemplating this. Every time xir posts “we” or “us” my skin crawls.

jim says:

It is absolutely obvious he is not we or us, and the state of the vatican shows that my short demon worshipper test is not bulletproof, though it seems to catch most of them.

I may take to banning any post phrased as “hail fellow X”, when it it competely obvious that the author is not X

The Cominator says:

there was no 18th century nationalism except the natural nationalism of preferring your own, 19th century nationalism was cancer and was the same as the 20th century nationalism which caused the world wars.

jim says:

We have always had natural nationalism, as for example the gens of the Roman Republic.

The founders of Rome traced descent in the male line from Alba, and those that were high ranking by primogeniture became the fathers of the Roman aristocracy, directly related to each other in the male line, grouped by descent in the male line, and with authority within a gens according to primogeniture in the male line. And the horde of random armed refugees that joined up became the ancestors of the plebs. But the plebs, despite their lack of biological connection, seem to have been fiercely patriotic and loyal to Kings who claimed descent in the male line by primogeniture from Romulus, who claimed descent from Alba, albeit Romulus’s claim to primogeniture was doubtless fictional.

The plebs seem to have been unenthused by the Republic, and rather keen on legitimate monarchy. The big point of the Aenid being to give Caesar Augustus fictional legitimacy.

zero says:

All monarchies have some level of myth around them, but why is Romulus connection to Alba likely fake? All the royal families in Europe had likely legitimate descent from both Robert and Charlemagne.

jim says:

Probably descended from Alba, since the group that formed the governing elite in Rome were descended from Alba, (and pretty much everyone in a leadership position in the entire region was descended from Alba) but legitimacy and nobility was by primogeniture. That he was raised by wolves would imply illegitimate.

What was supposed to happen, is that a bunch of albans should have as their leader the man who had descent through the eldest, as in “I am the eldest legitimate son of X, who was the eldest legitimate son of Y, who was the eldest legitimate son of Z, while you are the eldest son of Y’s younger brother, so I am in charge”. That Romulus killed Remus suggests that they were led by the man with the swiftest sword.

A man could have only one wife, but an unlimited number of slave girls and concubines. However, sons by slave girls though they inherited membership of the group and protection by the group, did not inherent status, so the sons by slave girls were always under the authority of the eldest son of the legitimate wife. Sons by concubines were even worse of, not even inheriting membership of the group and protection by the group.

zero says:

That makes a lot of sense. I wonder if raised by wolves is a euphemism for being raised in the trojan war camp before the Sabines, it wasn’t uncommon for the poor to use dogs as nurses. I didn’t consider the lack of primogeniture, but the history of Romulus does have a big old hole there.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Wow, really bro? That’s crazy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

News preacher: ”Far right extremist groups’ like Oathkeepers are full of federal law enforcement; this proves we need to have more feds in them, to keep an eye on all the feds.’

someDude says:

Hahahahaha! We call this an infinite recursion loop. System hangs

Adam says:

Weren’t the 87,000 new IRS agents supposed to be armed or did I imagine that part? Had a normie friend tell me today they weren’t armed and I couldn’t find any credible information.

Anyone have a non-bullshit source of information on this?

S says:

Special agents carry guns and can use deadly force. The number the AP gives for the special agent job ad are low, but they also say 87,000 is for hiring for the next decade to replace attrition and retirement.

I’m almost positive that is supposed to be dealt with in the normal budget process so something is off.

Adam says:


Kunning Drueger says:

in 2023, the state of Illinois will be drastically changing how bail works. The details I am about to relate are hearsay based on a social media post I overheard, so take with salt and by all means fact check me and correct as needed or desired.

Purportedly, not only will the vast majority of felonious crime be shifted to no cash bail, but further enforcement restrictions will see no removal of trespassers from property by police (offenders will be ticketed) and house arrest and electronically monitored “people” will not be sought after until 48 hours have passed. There are other significant changes as well.

This is insane for many reasons, and the only goal is to weaponize negros against white and law abiding populations. While plains apes will be able to squat literally wherever they want, you can bet your ass the cops will arrest anyone who helps those who fuck around find out. Further still, only conservatives and honest people will abide by court dates and orders, pay bills, respond to summonses, and generally make it trivial for law enforcement to find them and punish them. Consider how few blacks actually pay taxes, obtain and carry documents and identification, or participate in polite society. This is a normalization of the worst aspects of urban shitholes, and it is going to result in the dystopia of Chi-Raq expanding to the borders of the state. I don’t think it will be overnight, but it will happen exponentially, and MSM selective coverage will mean the nation at large will hear about every single instance of a tax-cuck losing their cool, and nothing at all of diversity+proximity results, no matter how often or extreme.

Thinking men and warriors on this blog will be able to quickly deduce ways to take this situation and turn it into an opportunity, so I’m not going to list some of the ideas I already have. But I will go ahead and state that I believe this is directly tied to the shift towards white genocide becoming a physical reality as well as an initiative intended to facilitate a further unveiling of the permanent bureaucracy taking explicit control and dispensing with the democracy charade. The Adversaries are banking on the expectation that sheepdogs will continue to enforce the laws selectively as ordered, and the citizen participators will just go along with it. I believe the 2026 prediction is still on track and useful for planning and countermeasures, but we should also be prepared for a breakneck acceleration from 2023-2026, particularly the final fourth of that span. The elite faction in power must secure their persons and property, so the creation and expansion of private security groups who answer to their clients alone is basically guaranteed.

A2 says:

Steve Bannon just got arrested in NYC for errr newly found charges related to something for which he has already been pardoned. That’s just how NYC works.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s being reported that he turned himself in. This ties into my post below, in a way. Conservatives are going to put themselves into the camps if something doesn’t change culturally soon. Remember how many kiwis voluntarily turned in their guns after the Mosque False Flag attack? As I recall, people were making videos, crowing about how proud they were to disarm themselves. I expect the same to happen here, with some conservative Judas Goat like Ben Shapiro leading the charge. I have also seen conservative commentators on YouTube talking about how “no one is above the law” in reference to the Trumped up charges from DOJ regarding the “top secret documents.” Mainstream conservatives seem perfectly comfortable with making sure their own get “justice’d” to the letter while being completely blind to negro and female behavior. It is unbearably frustrating.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Turned himself in, still got handcuffed and perp-walked for the media. That’s not a great sign for the rest of us. An even worse sign is he was one of the few who did get a Trump pardon, out of the many who should have, and it’s not worth anything to the Who?, Whom? crowd.

The police in the video were all middle-aged white men, overweight but with a little muscle underneath, and not too short. That’s a mixed bag in regards to another conversation below, but it’s not the case they’re all midgets and Shaniquas yet.

Dr. Faust says:

All cops are bastards. Don’t care that ACAB is a lefty meme. Conservatards ran that dumb back the blue campaign not realizing that the police do nothing but protect blacks from whites. Without police protection whites would protect themselves.

Kunning Druegger says:

The problem I have with this stance is that the Right is not in a position to be turning folks away I get what you’re saying, and I have written extensively in this specific section about the foolish sheepdog mentality, but it remains plain that we on the Right need them to wake up to what’s happening, not accept that it can’t be any other way. They need to be shamed, not shunned at this point. Down the road, who can say.

jim says:

I, who have the nigh miraculous ability to talk to cops (not recommending that other people try it) have found that not all cops are bastards. Most of them are good people trapped in a horrifyingly evil system.

If the state would let them enforce the law as written, things would be fine.

What I expect of a good cop is not that he will enforce the law as written, but that he will look the other way when I enforce the spirit of Old Testament law. And, what do you know, lots of good cops.

The Cominator says:

Good people don’t volunteer to work in an evil system doing evil things except perhaps if the alternative is starving.

jim says:

It is a high status job with good pay and prospects for dumb people, and normality bias, plus stupidity, makes it hard to perceive the evil until one slowly accommodates to it by small degrees.

As a result of lust and wrath, have committed no end of illegal acts without a stain on my character, and quite rarely had to resort to expensive lawyers. And this is largely a result of good cops quietly evading doing the wrong thing.

Kunning Druegger says:

Com, do you pay your taxes?

clovis says:

Remote passive cooperation in evil, as the Pope says about the
vaccine. That’s what paying taxes is. Being a cop is not so remote or so passive cooperation in evil, but just like a lot of public school teachers got into it with good intentions not knowing what would be required of them, same thing is true of cops. Then you try to tell yourself you’re still doing some good despite all the nonsense because starting your career again in middle age is hard.

Alyosha says:

I am in close contact to a very intelligent military analyst close to Scott Ritter. He knows that Russia has inflicted over 400,000 casualties onto the Ukrainian Military. He also knows that the Ukrainian Army will collapse soon, within 3 weeks, and any alleged gains that they might have made, which are unconfirmed and might not exist at all ie no gains possibly, will be completely reversed and more and only expose Ukrainian soldiers even more and will cause more rapid casualties to Ukrainian soldiers.

Putin will guide us to victory. Z.

jim says:

If they had taken four hundred thousand casualties, would have collapsed already.

It is obvious that they have taken a great many casualties, but that they were able to launch this offensive, indicates fewer than I had thought.

Alyosha says:

Perhaps. All correct maybe. But even the more conservatively estimating Scott Ritter himself I think estimated that Ukraine has suffered over 250,000 casualties, and that was many weeks ago if I remember right. So I could believe his friends estimate that weeks later it’s risen all the more higher and greater.

Karl says:

“Casualties” sometimes includes wounded. One soldier who is wounded and later recovers might can be counted as a casualty although he is fighting again.

Kunning Drueger says:

A casualty is any soldier or force member or operation participant who is rendered combat incapable. A guy who gets obliterated, a guy who gets shot and killed, a guy who gets wounded and sent rearward, a guy who gets unmanned and is sent rearward, a guy whose vehicle gets damaged and he is no longer able to move with his unit, a guy who gets captured, a guy whose unit is unable to hold or move to a position due to infrastructure damage or battlefield conditions; these can all be casualties. If some badass takes 3 hits to the plate and loses a few fingers, but refuses to be taken from his position, he is not a casualty, just as some reddit battalion pussy suddenly realizes parity in warfare is not a lived experience he wishes to entertain and therefore flees is a casualty.

if a whole platoon retreats after losing a single guy, they can be counted as casualties. If an officer fails to check in with a status update, he and his men can be counted as casualties. When counting enemy dead, each documented body part can be counted as an individual casualty. The first thing any serious warfare historian, armchair or otherwise, learns to do is disregard “casualties” as a meaningful term. Must official casualty reports have a section wherein the describe what they consider a casualty and a table or index with a terminological breakdown. Some countries over count both their own and the enemy, others just their own or just the enemy. Media entities inflate and deflate counts at their whim. Generals inflate when they require resupply and deflate when they need job security. Casualty reports are more often noise than signal and have to be interpreted carefully.

Alyosha says:

Of course I admit it’s also possible that Ritter’s colleague has overestimated the casaulties and Russian successes and it might even be possible that Scott Ritter has overestimated the casaulties and Russian successes. But also possible that maybe they’re right and have been right.

ArkyShrugger says:

Ritter told Judge Napolitano that Ukraine has lost 60% of its officer corps, and has an army of 700K. Sixty percent of 700K is just over 400K. Maybe someone misheard Ritter and did some math, and came up with Ukraine losses of 400K.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for disconnection to reality*]

jim says:

I am not at all sure what the Ukrainian situation is, but I know what it is not.

Anonymous Fake says:

Look just being able to draft at all with a 1.2 fertility rate is proof of what I’m saying being true. Moribund nations that aren’t dead yet can temporarily create shockingly huge armies because any coup capable leader who could overthrow a tyrant and his draft has already left.

Russia has been wrestling with an implausibly massive opponent that regenerates its military losses absurdly easily, despite falling apart in every other way. It’s doing as much damage as it can to Russia with its dying momentum.

Motivation can create a huge army, and so can a robust population growth, but what we see now is that an extremely low fertility rate can too.

jim says:

I don’t think anyone doubts that you can put together a huge army by conscripting everyone and shooting deserters. And this true, uncontroversial, and boring fact is a horse pulling a wagonload of lies. Which I am going to go right on deleting rather than debating, because debating unresponsive shills wastes far too much space.

Severian says:

Russians abandon izyum completly. lyman under attack and will probably be abandoned soon. Russian command ostencibly doesn’t want to fight a battle with reinforcements arriving by piecemeal. the whole front must have been seriously undermanned.

Only saving grace is they haven’t lost many men by retreating.

Severian says:

In fact as Lyman is abandoned the retreats will probably continue further as it’s an important linchpin in the North of Donbas.
My guess is the decision was taken by the Kremlin overnight and we’re just seeing the unfolding of a large retreat operation to ths Kharkiv region. Basically Kiev lite.

What comes next?

spit roast beef says:

What comes next?


Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Praise Gnon!

S says:

The Russians retreat, form a new line and resume pounding Ukrainian positions with artillery until Ukraine runs out of men. The center of gravity in war is the army.

The only way the NATO advance changes the game is if they manage to break the Russians ability to wage war. This requires a breakthrough into the Russian rear. The speed and depth of the advance is not fast enough to pull that off. Alternatively the Russians aren’t able to reform a line, but I find that unlikely.

To change the course of the war there needs to be a realization, a way to fix things and implementation. It isn’t clear NATO is capable of even the first step given they’ve waited this long expecting Ukraine to produce an offense on their own.

Severian says:

Lyman is being defended and they should be able to hold the Oskil river. So that’s probably going to be the new frontline.

Kunning Druegger says:

Unless NATO is willing to go full bore, the Hohols will not be able to hold a line like that. I have seen further corroboration of JJ’s assertion that many more NATO units are being moved into or toward the conflict, but in my estimation they waited too long; popular sentiment is shifting. Articles starting to appear about how “revolting and disliked” the Ruthenian refugees are. The young men who didn’t stay and fight are starting to show their colors, and there are only so many swastikas that can be tolerated by effeminate Europe before they become cross. I think we will see the biggest changes in Germany first, but I don’t think it will stay contained there. Italians seem to be very tired of bankrolling Zelensky and dealing with the refugees. Spain has already started to resist paying up for Zelensky. I cannot substantiate this, but I am fairly certain France is already coordinating with Putin. Turkey and France are the indicators here; they retain enough sovereignty, for various reasons, to pivot away from the GAE bloc position that has thus far dominated EU politics and response to the SMO, and they stand to gain the most if/when the NATO consensus falls apart. The Baltics will probably be the next conflict area, and it will probably begin once footage and reports of Russian speakers and “””collaborators””” being slaughtered in the reclaimed zones starts to pour out. It’s kind of hilarious, in a sick and twisted way, how the Banderists seem to be ready, willing, and able to make the same mistake the Nazis did; instead of focusing on the war at hand, they will begin slaughtering their version of the Jews, that being Russians and Russian speakers. The question in my mind is, will the NATO forces on the ground collaborate, ignore, or forestall the ethnic cleansing? The precedent is mixed, if we look at the Balkans.

Karl says:

Maybe the mood in Germany will be shifting regarding sanctions, but not regarding Ruthenian refugees. Those on the right see them as deserters and draft dodgers, which is considered much better and more honorable than fighting against Russians. Those on the left never say anything against any refugees.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

What comes next?

I dunno, someone once said that u should be expecting the unexpected or something like that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Defense in depth is a matter of course for a historically fluent commander.

The surest means of knowing where the enemy’s forces are attacking in strength is to ‘feel’ them moving through successive screens of picket lines, which you then flank with sickle cuts of mobile reserves. Such is basic doctrine for the Russian army.

Mister Grumpus says:

This is interesting and very Jimmy when read from the right angle:

Big city hedge fund zillionaires, trying to prep for “the event”, are being forced to rediscover Throne, Altar and Freehold:

“Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system, and asked: ‘How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?'”

In the Guardian no less.

Fake says:

Heck, I would love a “How to become a local warlord” guide with steps for establishing patriarchy for your men and perhaps denying it to your enemies. How to install and “motivate” a pastor to preach trad, jimian Christianity to your group. How to tell your men, “She’s your property to do with as you please. Just remember your Christian duty and don’t bother other men’s property” so they can sire-all-the-children without worrying about her running off or attracting White knights. . How to create the customs of marrying your daughters off before they’re X age or treating a man as alpha while in his house or dueling to maintain honor.

I bet that community would dominate its neighbors like Genghis Kahn’s did and spread to both the oceans in two generations.

Starman says:

@Mister Grumpus quotes from the link:

“Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system, and asked: ‘How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?’”

That merchant will have to learn how to be a warrior. First step, be loyal to your men who are loyal to you. Do what Julius Caesar did at Alesia, not what Trump did on Jan 6th.

Jehu says:

His problem honestly isn’t that hard, because he can use solutions that don’t scale.

There exist a fair number of warrior types that effectively have the code of honor: stays bought. As long as you treat them decently, and in particular, treat their families decently, they’ll let you call the shots for at least a generation. They can at least fake gratitude for that long. What you want are the ones that aren’t exactly neurotypical but who can fake it well enough to have decent looking wives and families. If your connections are something like the CEO mentioned, you just comb through your security force that you already have for your business and find candidates. You don’t need very many if your objective is just to protect your haven, so you can choose the easier psychological profiles.

zero says:

It’s fascinating how few people understand the scope of the cathedral, this dumb Marxist thinks Zuckerberg is going to what? Stop the implosion of the American economy by just like, being a good guy maaaan. If she truly sat down with billionaires asking questions like that its another tally for Jim’s proposition that the “elite” really are that dumb.

S says:

I suspect she is making parts of the story up. While possible, I don’t expect rich people people to do interviews where they talk about how they are trying to figure out how to screw over employees their lives will depend upon.

zero says:

I agree, but this whole European policy of freezing their own subjects to death has me reassessing my assumptions of just how stupid and incompetent people at the top can be. I would expect bezos to know how to handle a security detail but I’m not sure some corrupt party capitalist might not actually be that nuts. Either way it’s always informative to read what the commies are writing, they have so many insane presumptions about the world it’s easy to find out what their religion is

Javier says:

I think I remember this guy. I read an article like this years ago where a tech dude talked to rich people about “the event.”

the stupidity of it all is that the event is obviously going to be wide scale economic collapse due to worthless currency, and without money the western elite loses everything. it won’t be global either, China will likely survive just fine. the rich hidey holes will become very expensive graves for the roaming morlock hordes and eventual caesar

Kunning Druegger says:

This is warriors + priests as it should be:

The GAE has no equivalent.

Kunning Druegger says:

St. Anglin has been down for ~3 days now. Does someone have a link to the new domain, or is he dark completely?

S says:

Works on my end

Kunning Druegger says:


Says it’s been down for 3 days…

Leon says:

The link will not load for me either.

The Cominator says:

wouldn’t for me.

Starman says:

Daily Stormer is working fine for me.

Cloudswrest says:

Me too.

Cloudswrest says:

Last night,YES
This morning, No

jim says:

Works for me. I am, of course accessing it through an overseas vpn

If you cannot see it, likely blocked by your nameservers and/or your ISP.

To fix the ISP problem, use a VPN. If it is your own vpn, point Bind9’s nameservers to yandex. If it is someone else’s vpn, you should be using their nameserver (check with and you have no way of finding out (and should not have any way of finding out) what nameserver their nameserver is using. If they will not let you see daily stormer, your vpn is in the enemy camp, and you need a new vpn.

Possibly your ISP is fine, but you are using evil nameservers. Use Yandex nameservers.

cat /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver 2a02:6b8::feed:0ff
nameserver 2a02:6b8:0:1::feed:0ff

S says:

Update- now it doesn’t work. Worked earlier today.

S says:

And back again.

jim says:

After fixing the problem with your ISP, nameserver, or vpn, report on who was stopping you from accessing thought crimes on the internet.

We need an enemies list.

Daily Stormer is fine. You are blocked by your ISP, DNS, or VPN.

Aidan says:

ISP blocked for me

Mike in Boston says:

Daily Stormer is fine. You are blocked by your ISP, DNS, or VPN.

Querying on a nameserver from a U.S. consumer ISP returns A records for 200 IP addresses, all in the 23.163.176,xxx subnet. Nameservers provided by a European ISP give me the same set of A records.

Trying to connect from that U.S. ISP, all those addresses time out:

$ curl -vvv
* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
* Trying… Timeout
* Trying… Timeout

Trying to connect from a European data center gets me an nginx temporary redirect to an error page:

* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
* Trying…
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
< Server: nginx
< Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2022 03:40:26 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html
< Content-Length: 164
< Connection: keep-alive
< Location:
< alt-svc: h3-23=":443"; ma=86400

A traceroute from the U.S. gets to London before timing out. A traceroute from Europe gets me to Hurricane Electric in the U.S. before timing out.

Could be routing weirdness, could be consequences of an attack on VanWaNet, which is much maligned by Globohomo this week for daring to do business with thought criminals.

jim says:

You should be OK with a vpn outside of Europe or the US. If you are not OK, you know who your enemies are.

That this policy was put in place uniformly delineates the extent of empire.

I always lease servers in places less likely to be compliant with the Global American Empire, but I don’t want to say what those places are.

A2 says:

DS currently not reachable through various european VPN locations but choosing one outside Europe worked for me.

jim says:

I would guess the vpns are not receiving directions. If, however, your vpn location is giving you an IP that is firewalled from daily stormer, you will not be able to get through, and it will not be the vpn’s fault. The same vpn service, giving you an IP in a different location, will likely work fine.

The correct IP is:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=348ms TTL=54
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Looks like nameservice is generally not blocking them. Rather, routing on the internet is blocking them.

Leon says:

I turned off my wifi and was able to access the site. I have tried to access it wifi from multiple locations and been unable to. It must be the wifi provider.

jim says:

The network is provided by multiple levels of ISP and DNS. Your DNS has a DNS and your ISP has an ISP.

To figure out who is blocking you, use ping and traceroute. If DNS related, DIG, to find the DNS that your DNS is using.

Dr. Faust says:

“STEVE BANNON BOMBSHELL: The FBI Conducted 35 Raids Targeting Trump Supporters”

Guy says:

that puts the fake raid on McInnes in a different perspective. something might be up with that

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Maybe McInnes got the Pooch treatment.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Could be the case that he was compromised from the get-go, but who knows?

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

For sure.

TheDividualist says:

Hello Jim!

>They were becoming herders, rather than hunters

Nope, sorry, the 10000 Years Old Explosion book was clear on this: farming came first, as without the lactase mutation using land for herding was less efficient than farming. With the lactase mutation, dairy produced 4x as much calories as meat, so it was efficient. Also, taking other people’s livestock is a whole lot easier than taking grain, so it made more sense to wage wars with neighbors. All these wars for milch cows made our ancestors winners.

Lactase made us winners as it turned us into cattle rustlers so there was a lot of genetic selection for winning small wars.

(That continued into recorded history. The Pale in Ireland was not supposed to stop armies. It was supposed to make it difficult to drive cattle over it.)

Especially when they invented the chariot, that is when they really won, the combination of long-range shooting and mobility, shoot-and-scoot.

My favourite mystery is who the hell are the ancestors of Hungarians. Usually, unless they have a huge number of people, conquerors took the language of the conquered. Think France. And Normanns, twice.

Was there a Finno-Ugric, Uralic speaking population living in the Carphatian Basin? The chronicles are silent on this… everything else about Hungarians is Turkic, the old graveyards look exactly like the ones in Kyrgyzistan.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Agriculture of plants goes way back, yes. Herding of horses came later but arose independently, the pipeline was hunting to herding to riding, in a non-farming population. From bones left, horse meat was vitally important for a long period, overlapping with when we started using them to ride and pull wagons.

Cattle herding goes back farther (but somewhere else, the first horse hunters were hunter-gatherers), and this story I’m fuzzy on but it most likely arose independently as well before later being combined into a package with farmer-only communities. That’s a trend in general, two different communities might have different domesticated plants, or one has plants and one has an animal, and when one small community somewhere put them together into a package they were the ones who took off and expanded, genetically and spatially.

Also, my favorite minor point, lactose tolerance can’t have taken off until after we were already consuming dairy in some form. If one person got the mutation in a population not using dairy, how would they ever know, and what reproductive advantage would they have? It was likely yogurt and khefir rather than raw milk at first, but it took a dairy-consuming herding population for it to take off.

jim says:

Yes. You don’t get lactose tolerance until you have been pastoralists for centuries. Herding first, lactose tolerance later. Gregory Cochran lies on this issue, because he lies on Aryan conquest.

Cloudswrest says:

It would seem obvious to me that, without competition for land, herding is MUCH easier than agriculture. Herding converts grass into food, and on the steppes and great planes there’s infinite grass. And for 18th-19th century great plains, infinite buffalo. Just keep them corralled within a manageable area. Maybe domesticate some for dairy.

jim says:

Because of the harsh environment of the Pontic steppes (hard to survive over winter without stores and equipment) not much competition for land.

EH says:

It’s “Pontic steppe” not “Pontiac steppes”. (Same error is in article.) There are other steppe regions but each one is generally referred to in the singular, though usage differs. But definitely not “Pontiac”, which is a car named after an Indian chief / town in Michigan.

“Pontic” is from the Greek “pontus”, meaning “sea”, specifically the Black Sea, which is immediately to the south of the Pontic steppe.

jim says:


jim says:

> > They were becoming herders, rather than hunters

> Nope, sorry, the 10000 Years Old Explosion book was clear on this: farming came first, as without the lactase mutation using land for herding was less efficient than farming.

Gregory Cochran is too politically correct to give an accurate account of recent human evolution, because the truth is mighty racist.

The truth is Aryan conquest, and he does not want to say that.

TheDividualist says:

I think what Biden and Trump recently said really sped up the countdown to civil war, it might happen before the Biden “administration”, LOL, ends, what do you think, Jim?

Prediction: NOT a race war. Religious holy war.

Those are nasty….

Red says:

2026 still looks like it’s on track. Biden’s probably going to be reinstalled as president in 2024.

Anon says:

Seems pretty conclusive that Izyum has fallen at this point, unless both Russians and Ukranians have been lying/ not telling the truth the past 2 days and been reporting its false fall. Unsettling news given what Big Serge has said about how crucial it is to both sides that they have it/ how its the pivot point to who will be winning bigly this phase.

Red says:

Putin continues to prove to be a weak leader. If you’re going to war then you should really go to war. No half measures. Defending a critical area with limited troops because Putin wanted to keep the number of troops small is just asking to be sucker punched.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

From what I am hearing, it was American/NATO troops that spearheaded the push. Without them, the Russians probably could have held and punished the Ukranians even more. This is a movement of desperation, and the Russians probably were not expecting to have to fight American and NATO units. Putin has to hold back so that he has his army in reserve. Victory typically goes to the commander who can hold his reserves the longest, and the GAE just committed theirs.

Red says:

The problem was the lack of reserves in the Izyum area. Russia rushed them in but they were too far away to arrive in time.

This is just the start of NATO units in the Ukraine. Now that it worked they’ll flood the war zone with them. Weakness triggers ever greater escalation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well, to coin a phrase, them and what army?

Red says:

Any capable NATO units. Then when those units start getting taken apart they’ll escalate again safe in the belief that Putin is too much of a weakling to respond back in kind.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What NATO country has the stomach to take IEW casualties in this day and age? They are already facing a recruiting problem. Once hundreds of NATO boys and girls start coming back in body bags or missing a limb or three, that will only get worse.

Red says:

First the most effective units will be the sort of men the cathedral would love to see dead. See WW1 France for a prime example of this behavior by leftist governments.

Second, when NATO units get destroyed they’ll escalate again eventually landing us at WMD sorts of weapons. If the NATO units had gotten their shit pushed in that might have been the end of the escalation cycle. Weakness begats escalation.

S says:

What ‘WMD sort of weapons’? Short of nuclear weapons, no one gives a shit and they would already be using them.

And if NATO got their shit kicked in, they might have panicked and escalated to prevent from losing because they are unable to admit defeat getting us escalation anyway. Remember NATO units being deployed was an escalation because the Russians shut down the Ukrainian ability to conduct offenses.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think Putin is very hesitant to go up against actual NATO units because he doesn’t feel ready yet. I don’t think it is cowardice, necessarily, but failure to take a plunge can always seem cowardly, and later on, even if it wasn’t (like in 2014 not hitting the AFU; if they had, it would have been the walk-over they expected back in February, but hindsight is 20/20), it is remembered as such.

I believe the lack of readiness is due to his tendency to pursue autarky and multi-polar paradigm. The yellow Chinese are probably the worst ally to have, as they aren’t known for loyalty or determination outside of their Middle Kingdom clay. Chinamen can slaughter chinamen perpetually, but they don’t have a great record going up against others.

Honestly, can anyone here outline a situation wherein NATO would back down? They are building a highway to h*ck with no off-ramps. they want whites and the based of the earth to die so that they can curate a menagerie of drugged out, dependent, room temp IQ proles. So they will throw manly men on the pyre, particularly since these guys seem perfectly willing to do it. And, as their forces get annihilated, they will escalate to the biggest weapons that they can, up to detonating a dirty bomb or worse in Kiev or something. After normie America has swallowed every silly big lie up to this point, why would they think they couldn’t sell that one?

Russia is trying to color within the lines. They seem to believe that if they follow the rules crafted by the NWO, they can shame the adversary into doing the same. It is stunningly, and depressingly, similar to the way law & order conservatives think they can vote harder or constitution better. We always look at the Cathedral Faithful as the greatest asset on their side, the thought leaders and icons that demonstrate the proper holiness dances for people to mimic to have goodness and equality rain down from the skies, but their greatest asset is populations, foreign and domestic, that actually believe in a Rules based Order. Fucking rubes.

S says:

“Honestly, can anyone here outline a situation wherein NATO would back down?”

The same thing that caused Fauci to back down.

“And, as their forces get annihilated, they will escalate to the biggest weapons that they can, up to detonating a dirty bomb or worse in Kiev or something. After normie America has swallowed every silly big lie up to this point, why would they think they couldn’t sell that one?”

Russia has more tactical nuclear weapons. The Russians aren’t going to back down from a nuclear attack so attempting it will kick of WW3.

“Russia is trying to color within the lines.”

It is working for them. Europe is in the midst of an economic collapse, Russia is managing to take on all of NATO on peacetime footing, the price of their exports are going up and the military is getting better at killing.

Stalling for time benefits the Russians because the US is disintegrating faster than them.

Red says:

“Honestly, can anyone here outline a situation wherein NATO would back down?”

The same thing that caused Fauci to back down.

Fauci backed down because the Cathedral humiliated him by cutting off his access to TV interviews.

Russia has more tactical nuclear weapons. The Russians aren’t going to back down from a nuclear attack so attempting it will kick of WW3.

Hitler thought he could gobble up Poland just like he’d gobbled up Austria and Czechoslovakia without France and the UK declaring war on him. Hitler was shocked when they declared war over Poland.

Weakness begats escalation until a war that no one wants happens. Cathderal shills scream that Nuclear war won’t happen because Russia doesn’t have the balls for it. The people warning the Ukraine could lead to nuclear war have mostly shut up because Russia fails to respond to NATO’s provocations.

The shills continue to be right about Russia willingness to retaliate. They’ll be right up until the moment the nukes fly on the path we’re on.

“Russia is trying to color within the lines.”

It is working for them. Europe is in the midst of an economic collapse, Russia is managing to take on all of NATO on peacetime footing, the price of their exports are going up and the military is getting better at killing.

Stalling for time benefits the Russians because the US is disintegrating faster than them.

When stalling for time best not to let the other guy sucker punch you, drag down your pants and fart in your face like NATO’s just did.

S says:

That is the optimal situation for Russia. Fighting NATO in a place where Russia has massive artillery superiority, short supply lines, strong air defenses and a limited front means they can inflict lopsided casualty ratios and bleed NATO dry.

Killing Ukrainian conscripts just ticks down the clock until Ukraine runs out of men. Killing NATO soldiers improves Russia’s position relative to NATO.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One shouldn’t get too caught up in daily vicissitudes that they lose sight of the broader trends in longer time horizons.

Premade highways are very convenient, but the one thing that’s missing from all these discussions is how even huge territorial gains would substantially alter the ultimate strategic balance at play here. You could cover hundreds of miles of ground, and lose, because you were heedlessly throwing your forces into meatgrinders, and you lacked the capacity to sustain such efforts in the first place; at the end of the day, the correlation of forces were simply not pattered in your favor.

Movements into occupied positions are, as a general rule, costly, for some obvious reasons. Hence, there are generally only three things that make assaults pay off; routs, encirclements, and access to strategic targets the enemy cannot afford to lose.

Per late cold war Russian doctrine, the ‘front lines’ consisted mostly of lightly manned picket and reconnaissance units directing fire support onto enemy targets, while larger forces elastically redeploy in response to enemy movements; by all indications the bulk of forces either withdrew in good order or were operationally deep in the first place, mass routing or encirclement is not on the table. And unless the puppet regime can strike all the way to Stalingrad, they aren’t threatening Russian oil refineries, shipping ports, truck factories, or other critical infrastructure either. So you are ultimately left with a situation where the occupational forces have stuck their shiniest dick into a blender with little to no real pay off.

On the other hand, the question of how the GAE can sustain its war effort is very much an open one. Tactically and operationally, they have yet to evince good solutions to the Russian’s reconnaissance-strike complex – who have evidently subscribed to the old Amerikaner precis that it is a lot cheaper to trade the steel in an artillery shell for the iron in a soldier’s blood – which has been chewing their own efforts to mulch. Neither side looks like they have figured everything out, but the important thing for the results of this conflict is that the RF are doing it better than the rest.

And on the more strategic level, the bureaucratization of all levels of occidental society has rendered the GAE a fair-weather friend at best. Its days of being the arsenal of communism are generations past. It is simply not capable of fighting a peer in an industrial conflict anymore. A number of rocket artillery trucks that you could count on your fingers is the literal best it can do. The AFU could move over Izyum; they could move over Luhansk; they could move over the whole Donbass; but all that has been accomplished is buying a few weeks of celebratory preaching in return for a hastening of the end.

Calvin says:

For the record, Jim, this is the sort of behavior I was describing earlier in microcosm:

Iranian man slaps a bitch (presumably someone else’s) for something or the other, half a dozen other men beat him up and pin him against a car. Genes for touching someone else’s woman do not seem advantageous in this sort of environment – he certainly didn’t come off as the alpha. But all the other men acquired alpha cred in the act.

Kunning Druegger says:

What a bunch of whiteknight faggots.

Cloudswrest says:

Robert Zepehr has a new video out where he argues the *recent* Out of Africa theory is untenable. African populations have double digit introgression of an extremely archaic “ghost” population, probably homo erectus, that is not present is non-African populations. It may even be the case the gene flow was in the opposite direction. Cro-Magnons migrated into Africa, bred with homo erectus (pre-dating breeding with Neanderthals), creating modern negros.

As an aside, it would be an interesting (mad scientist) experiment to try to distill, as much as possible, an individual from the ghost population, by selective cross breeding of Africans.

jim says:

The latter is the only thing that makes sense, and the higher African races have legends of such a migration.

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