Category: party politics

party politics

A retraction

I predicted that Trump would be arrested and Epsteined. With defeat looming in the Ukraine, the future course becomes even more unpredictable. Looking at those in power as the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive fails underneath them, I have no idea what the future holds, and I doubt that they do either. But we are no longer on the course that we were on a week ago. Putin cured Covid. When …

party politics

He votes, counts for nothing

He who counts, counts for everything. Voting is over. Elections are over. The Republic is over. The time of Republics has passed, for a republic requires a virtuous elite, yet undermines elite virtue. Thus Republics are always short lived, and their endings dreadful. The time has come once again for a King appointed by God, and for an army to march to holy war under the banners of Christ.

party politics

Another one bites the dust.

I don’t usually cover the events of the day, because one loses track of the big picture. The events of the day only reveal their meaning when viewed months, years, decades, or centuries later. With democracy and freedom of speech dead, there is no way to resolve conflicts within the elite except lethal violence. Covering this incident because it is a significant escalation in inter elite violence. ABC news producer …

party politics

A prediction corrected

Shortly after the 2020 election, I predicted that Trump would be arrested within a few months, followed in due course by an ever increasing number of Republicans, and would in due course be Epsteined, executed, or disappeared. It rapidly became apparent that this prediction was on Musk time. The conspirators that stole the election, like the conspirators who murdered Caesar, expected and intended to return to normality by abnormal means. …

party politics

2000 mules

“2000 mules” is an investigation of the everyday routine ordinary fraud that preceded the 2020 election. It does not look at the extraordinary and hastily executed fraud that was performed in the early hours of the morning, when they hastily shut down the counting places, then reopened them at three AM with truckloads of freshly printed Biden Ballots, that, being centrally printed, failed to fill out the down ballot candidates. …


The party of God and Christ

The Republican party is walking dead, in the same way the lamestream media are walking dead. If you look at measures of engagement, the lamestream media have absolutely insignificant engagement compared to the major media figures of the alt right, and major alt media figures who frequently interview major media figures of the alt right. And now the lamestream Republican party is showing similar symptoms. Of course, reactionaries and the …

party politics

End of pretence of democracy rescheduled to 2024

Shortly after the election was stolen, I predicted that Republicans would never win anything ever again, and that Trump would go to prison, soon to be followed by most of the Republican party. But, it seems that I was running on Musk time.   If you want to know what our enemies are up to, listen to what they accuse us of. Social Justice Warriors always project. Hat tip PJ Media: …

party politics

The strange acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse

It looks like Kyle is about to be acquitted, probably on all counts, including the count of carrying a gun while seventeen. Bizarrely, Kyle is being acquitted merely because it is glaringly obvious that he is a hero and straight shooter who was defending himself against vicious savage subhuman trash trying to murder him. Huber and Jump Kick Man attack Gaige Grosskreutz attempts to murder Kyle Why did this extraordinary …

party politics

Elections and voting

Democracy died on 2020-11-04, so I have been paying no attention to elections, electoral integrity laws, and all that. But, due to normalcy bias, lots of people have: In the run up before the 2020-11-03 election, the Democrats massively escalated all their regular routine fraud, sufficient to deal with a massive Trump landslide. But instead of a massive Trump landslide, they got a colossal Trump landslide, so in the early …

party politics

Election fraud hearings

I normally do not comment on current events, because in the long run, they seldom matter. What is important is the long term direction, which can only be seen by looking backwards, usually a very long way backwards. But, today, a crisis point comes that will make a great difference. If Pence carries out his promise to hear the evidence of election fraud, if he is able to carry out …