Category: war


War is coming

The Democrats are openly planning to openly steal the election and launch civil war when the election result is disputed. This is unlikely to be the final decisive conflict that I have long hoped for (the dead body of the Roman Republic continued its death spasms for sixty years after large scale political murders and …


Color Revolution

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends …


War with China

In December Biden proposed that if elected he will go to war with China: “I am not proposing war with China, but …” He proposes to use the air force and navy to prevent China from oppressing dissidents, which presupposes US Navy and air force engaging and defeating the Chinese air force in the South …

party politics

Current news

We in Flight 93. The plane is headed directly to the ground. Trump is in the cockpit fighting the hijackers, but even if he wins, that is no guarantee he can pull the plane out of the dive. I normally don’t pay much attention to the latest political events, nor cover them in this blog, …

party politics

Creeping coup

Doing illegal acts and getting away with it due to state power is a creeping coup. If one side in a struggle for state power can do illegal things, and the other side cannot, the illegal things eventually escalate till the political leadership of side that cannot commit crimes flees the country or goes into …


Politics played for keeps.

The progressives are signaling that if you are white and male very bad things are going to happen to you. The cuckservatives are starting to signal that if you are a Trump supporter, then when term limits remove Trump, or the next massively rigged election removes Trump, very bad things are going to happen to …


Genocide on the way.

White culture and white history is being demonized and erased. Historically, demonizing a group is usually a prelude to attempting to physically exterminate the group, to physically erase them after culturally erasing them. Progressives, or at least some progressives whose superior holiness is such that progressives, and even conservatives, are unable to criticize them, are …


I support the Hong Kong police too!

Hong Kong has never been democratic. It was an island out of time, founded by British pirates and drug smugglers, keeping the early nineteenth century British political system of local rule by the local gentry, and the late eighteenth century early nineteenth century British form of capitalism, derived from Manchesterism and little changed from Manchesterism. …