Tonight, the map will be red. Which the press, to the extent they cover it at all, will denounce as “The red mirage”. Much as Biden’s laptop was Russian disinfo. What happens then? The Democrats have long known there would be a Trump landslide. Their plan was to stall for time, and then run a coup, denouncing Trump’s efforts to prevent them from endlessly manufacturing ballots of unknown provenance and …
Category: politics
The final election
Democracy, and any system where transfers of power are peaceful, such as a Republic, require that the elite play by the rules, for limited stakes, thus require a virtuous elite. We no longer have the necessary conditions for democracy or a Republic, and restoring them would require recreating a virtuous elite, a project that takes generations. As Front Page Magazine observes: If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used …
Yes, but ideas usually do rule
This is a reply to “Ideas never rule“. Ideas never rule, in that it is always a human backside on the throne. Ideas always rule, because no man rules alone, so he has to maintain cooperation over a group of men considerably larger than close kin can supply. Men rule, but how do they rule? Through guns, ideas, and fashion. Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion more powerful …
State of the left singularity
Preamble, to get those not yet darkly enlightened up to speed Leftism is entropy in the apparatus of state. Leftists ally with far against near, in the struggle within the state. The driving force of leftism is a holiness spiral. The state is a synthetic tribe, so the state always has, furtively or openly, a state religion, so leftists struggle for power by endlessly adding new, ever holier, stuff to …
The left vision of the Eschaton
The left want to immanentize the eschaton. How exactly? What will the immanent eschaton be like? This is to them a minor detail that can be dealt with after they have swept away the old order, like the Khmer Rouge plan for revolutionizing and radically increasing rice production. The Khmer Rouge had, unlike our left, a vague glimmering of plan: They would revolutionize and radically increase rice production on the …
Legacy Media report that failure to make sufficient human sacrifices is punished by the wrath of the Gods
The plan for Wu Flu bears a striking resemblance to the plan for a Green New Deal. If sufficient human sacrifices are not made, dire natural disaster will ensue. Now that they have the Wu Flu disaster, seem to have lost interest in the Anthropogenic Catastrophic Climate Change of Doom disaster. Some time ago Iran, noticing that Wu Flu is over, ended their lockdown. The media of course reports Doom. …
Wu Flu is off topic, but the holiness and lies surrounding Wu Flu is on topic. What South Korea did is the application of Germ Theory to control a pandemic. What we are doing is the application of Germ Theory to justify the same agenda as Green New Deal and anti capitalism was proposed to justify. What South Korea did, worked, and did not require the shutdown of society and …
Wu Flu, manufactured crisis, real deaths.
Wu Flu is off topic for this blog. But the corruption of science is on topic. Hostile and treasonous elite conduct is on topic. And we are seeing no end of both in the Wu Flu crisis. The big question is: Is Wu Flu just yet another new flu, worse than most, less bad than some, with a death rate around 0.1% or less, or is it something considerably more …
Trump’s struggle for power.
The president attempting to actually exercise the powers of the presidency is rather like Queen of England attempting to actually rule England. As was revealed in the House impeachment hearings, the permanent government are shocked and outraged that a merely elected politician meddles in running the country, and are disinclined to comply. Trump cannot get anybody senate confirmed, and those few Senate confirmed appointments, who are seldom loyal, have a …
A prediction.
Because of rationalization, prediction is a good test of theories. One can always with sufficient cleverness find a hundred and one explanations of past events that fit your model. Wrong predictions indicate indicate false models, and right predictions indicate true models, but retrodiction is always suspiciously accurate. Correct retrodiction is sometimes valid evidence for the truth of a model when it makes sense out of phenomena that were formerly arbitrary, …